RE: Comparing Arrays

2002-07-24 Thread Merritt Krakowitzer

> > In the "quick and dirty" category, you can do something like this:
> >
> > (I'm trying to remember off the top of my head)
> >
> > ##
> >
> > my $result = ArrayCmp(\@array1,\@array2);
> > #pass two array references
> >
> > sub ArrayCmp{
> >   my($ref1,$ref2) = @_;
> >   my %tmp = ();
> >   if(@{$ref1} != @{$ref2}){
> > return 0;
> > #if arrays are not same length,
> > #then skip the rest
> >   }
> >   foreach(@{$ref1}){
> > $tmp{$_} = 1;
> > #create a temporary hash with the elements
> > #as keys
> >   }
> >   foreach(@{$ref2}){
> > return 0 unless $tmp{$_};
> > #fail if there is not a key with each
> > #element of the second array
> >   }
> >   return 1;
> >   #if we make it this far, they're equal
> > }
> But what if the @$ref1 contains an element not in @$ref2?
> I just found out I can shorten my one-liner to:
>@foo==@bar && "@{{map {$_, $_} @foo}}{@bar}" eq "@bar"

Thanks, this was perfect for my situation, the arrays contain file listing
in directories,
so there cant be duplicates. Well unless u have a file like "foo" and "foo "
but thats highly unlikely i think.

I was hoping you could explain your one liner to me from what i can tell, it
be giving an error about being unable to coerce an array to a hash, but it
seems to
work fine, it's driving me nuts :)


> But mine has a similar defect:
>qw(foo foo bar) is considered equal to qw(foo bar bar)
> Rats! That's why to stick with proven modules!
> >
> > #
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Bob Showalter
> > To: 'Merritt Krakowitzer'; Beginners
> > Sent: 7/23/02 5:49 AM
> > Subject: RE: Comparing Arrays
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Merritt Krakowitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:48 AM
> > > To: Beginners
> > > Subject: Comparing Arrays
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > I would like to know how to compare 2 arrays.
> > >
> > > I have 2 arrays and I would like to compare the contents of
> > the data.
> > > It doesn't matter in which order the data is stored so long
> > > as its the same.
> > > So comparing the bellow should read true, but if they didn't
> > > match it would
> > > be false.
> > >
> > > my @foo = qw(
> > > foo bar cat dog
> > > );
> > > my @bar = qw(
> > >dog cat foo bar
> > > );
> > >
> > > Hope that made some sense.
> > > I managed to find a module for comparing arrays but I would
> > > prefer not to
> > > do it that way.
> >
> > Well, they are equal without regard to order if the following is true:
> >
> >   @foo==@bar && join($", @{{map {$_, $_} @foo}}{@bar}) eq "@bar"
> >
> > But the module approach is probably the way to go. :~)
> >
> > --
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> >
> --
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Re: Hi, newbie question

2002-07-24 Thread Marco Antonio Valenzuela Escárcega

On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 14:41, Desmond Lee wrote:
> Hi guys
> I'm trying to read a file, but it's just one massive line. I think that the 
> ^M  is suppose to be an indication that that's wehre teh newline is suppose 
> to be. I've tried to replace ^M with a newline by executing something that i 
> found on the web:
> perl -pi.bak -e 's/\^M/\n/g' moby_threads_install.txt

perl -pi.bak -e 's/\r/\n/g' moby_threads_install.txt

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Re: Please help with Database issue

2002-07-24 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From: Wiggins d'Anconia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > Could you ask them if they would install (or have already installed)
> > DBI and DBD::CSV or DBD::File? You could then convert your database
> > to flat files or CSVs on your side (by a Perl script that would just
> > connect the Access via DBD::ODBC, the CSVs/Files, and would copy all
> > tables), upload the files and use them as a database.
> > 
> > Even better option might be DBD::SQLite. That's a "whole" SQL 
> > compatible database in Perl module. It is quicker than 
> > DBD::CSV/DBD::File and the whole database is just one file, just
> > like Access.
> >
> With respect to asking them to install those various modules, if my
> understanding is correct, even if you can't get htem to install the
> modules you should be able to install them into your personal file
> space and call them from there, though there may be compilation issues
> (of the modules themselves that is), and manipulation of @INC, etc. I
> defer to the "elders" on this matter, though it worked for me when my
> hosting provider wouldn't install Email::Valid (granted this is a much
> simpler module).

Yes you could do this. I do not think though you will be able to 
compile them ON the server. Therefore you need access to a computer 
with the same OS and perl.

On that computer you may then compile the module:

cd temp/the-module-x.y
perl Makefile.PL
make test

and then copy the directories and files from ./blib/arch and 
../blib/lib to the server, to a directory that's not accessible via 

All modules may go to the same directory. Just make sure you copy the 
directory structure. The fact that ./blib/arch and ./blib/lib may 
contain the same subdirectories and even .exists files is OK.

If you then need to use on of the modules you installed yourself then 

use lib '/path/to/the/directory/where/you/uploaded/it';

on top of your script and you should be done.

If the server is using Windows and you do not have a compiler, just 
download the PPM distribution, unpack it to get the blib directory 
and then continue at explained above. 

The modules in the ActiveState repository may be found at
There you can download ZIPs that contain a .ppd and a .tar.gz. You 
have to extract the .tar.gz and then unpack that one.

If you need something from my repository (like the DBD::SQLite for 
example) you just download the *-PPM.tar.gz from

HTH, Jenda
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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RE: Comparing Arrays

2002-07-24 Thread Bob Showalter

> -Original Message-
> From: Merritt Krakowitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 4:19 AM
> To: Bob Showalter; 'Timothy Johnson'; 'Beginners '
> Subject: RE: Comparing Arrays
> > I just found out I can shorten my one-liner to:
> >
> >@foo==@bar && "@{{map {$_, $_} @foo}}{@bar}" eq "@bar"
> Thanks, this was perfect for my situation, the arrays contain 
> file listing
> in directories,
> so there cant be duplicates. Well unless u have a file like 
> "foo" and "foo "
> but thats highly unlikely i think.
> I was hoping you could explain your one liner to me from what 
> i can tell, it
> *should*
> be giving an error about being unable to coerce an array to a 
> hash, but it
> seems to
> work fine, it's driving me nuts :)

OK, here's how it works.

   @foo==@bar && "@{{map {$_, $_} @foo}}{@bar}" eq "@bar"
 Part A  Part B

Part A checks that the length of the two arrays is the same.
The use of "==" causes the two operands to be evaulated in
scalar context. Since an array name in scalar context evaluates
to the number of elements in the array, we are comparing the
lengths of the arrays.

Part B checks that @foo contains each of the elements in @bar.
Let's break it down:

   map {$_, $_} @foo

map() constructs a list by evaluating the block repeatedly for
each element in the input array, @foo. The block is evaulated in
list context, so can return multiple values. Inside the block, $_
is aliased to the current value from @foo being processed. So
the block {$_, $_} returns a pair of values for each input value.
If @foo contains qw(foo bar baz), then the output of map will be
qw(foo foo bar bar baz baz).

   { map {$_, $_} @foo }

The braces here are an anonymous hash constructor. This turns the
list into a reference to a hash. So, if @foo was qw(foo bar baz),
we now have a hash that looks like foo=>'foo', bar=>'bar', baz=>'baz'

   @{{map {$_, $_} @foo}}{@bar}

This is a hash slice operation. The basic format is:


The hashref is the anonymous hash created above. The list is the list
of values from @bar. The hash slice returns a list of *values* from the
hash which correspond to the *keys* named in the second list (i.e. @bar).

Since the hash values and hash keys are the same (from the map()
operation), and are just the entries from @foo, the result of the 
hash slice is a list of @foo entries matching each @bar entry, and
in the order they appear in @bar. Now, if @bar contains an entry 
NOT found in the hash, the slice operation will return undef in 
that position in the list.

For example, if @foo is qw(foo bar baz) and @bar is qw(baz qux foo),
the hash slice will return the list 'baz', undef, 'foo'.

Now the trick is to just compare these two lists.

   "@{{map {$_, $_} @foo}}{@bar}" eq "@bar"

By enclosing the arrays in double quotes, I'm taking advantage of
Perl's variable interpolation. When an array appears in double
quotes, its elements are concatenated, with elements separated by
the value of $" (by default, a space). So, in the example above,
this expands to:

   "baz  foo" eq "baz qux foo"

(The undef in the second position expands to a zero-length string)

Since these strings aren't equal, the two arrays aren't equal.

Part A (checking the length of the arrays) is done to make sure
@foo doesn't have "extra" elements not in @bar. The hash slicing
business would not detect that.

There may be other defects in this besides the duplicate issue I

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Re: How to expand Unix command in echo statement?

2002-07-24 Thread drieux

On Tuesday, July 23, 2002, at 03:43 , kent ho wrote:

> Please help. I want to expand the "date" command in the echo command:
> Ex:
> $log="/tmp/ito.log"
> `echo Warning: some text > $log`
> I need to expand the "date" command somewhere in this echo command, please
> show me how.

why go outside of perl to invoke the 'write to stdout'  of 'echo'
and then redirect it to a file???

in the shell the command would have looked like

echo "Warning: `date` some text" > $log

hence you would want something like:

[jeeves:~] drieux% perl -e 'my $word_up = `echo -n "Warning \`date\` some 
print "<< $word_up>>\n";'

as others have noted you may wish to look at doing
this IN perl with perl's time functions

cf: perldoc localtime

you may also want to think in terms of a 'log_me'
function that knows how to hide that



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please help with CPAN

2002-07-24 Thread Dinakar Desai


I have an account on linux box but I am not root.
I would like to install some module like Bioperl in my own directory 
using CPAN.
Is it possible to do this. if so, what do I configure to install in my 
own directory or what is command?
Please help me with CPAN.

I tried the documents about CPAN, I might have missed it.

Thank you.


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PM installation problem

2002-07-24 Thread Connie Chan

I 've just downloaded a "Imager" module, however, that's a .tar.gz file
and I am using Win Me. After I extract the file, there are quite sort of
files and dirs. So... how can I install it to my Perl lib or site/lib ?


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That seems interesting ? but I don't know why ?

2002-07-24 Thread Connie Chan

In normal case, when we want to swap 2 var, 
, say $x and $y, we do in this way :

$z = $x; $x = $y; $y = $z;  # Swapped

today, I suddenly found a code like this :

$x ^= $y ; $y ^= $x ; $x ^= $y; # Swapped

It works !! but how that works ?
Could anybody tell me ?


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C Beginners List? question, sorry,...

2002-07-24 Thread david

please forgive this su*perl*flu*ous question.

This board is a great resource to try, ask, study and learn. Does anyone here 
know if there is such a board (a 'high' volume, daily archive, not just 
google groups/usenet) for the C Language and 'new' users in particular. 

I know, depending on who you ask C is "dead" but it still runs *nix. Thank you  

(running GNU Compiler (gcc-2.95) in particular)

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threads in perl

2002-07-24 Thread rohana

Hello All,

I want to execute same perl procedure with different parameters at 
the almost same time in a perl program indefendantly. (next process 
should be started without waiting for the end of previous one)  The 
procedure is located in .pm file. How can I use thread in perl to get 
my work done?


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trouble comparing dates from two different modules

2002-07-24 Thread Ian Zapczynski

Hello all,

I am using add_delta_workdays() from Date::Calendar to determine whether
yesterday was or was not a business day.  In order to do this, I am
trying to compare it with a date output from Add_Delta_Days from

What I'd *like* to do is stringify the output from both of these
functions, as they both return objects.  Is this possible?   If I do
something like:

($year,$month,$day) = Today();
$yesterday = Add_Delta_Days($year,$month,$day, -1);

$cal = Date::Calendar->new( $Profiles->{'US'} );
($prev_business_day,$rest) = $cal->add_delta_workdays($year,$month,$day,

I can print out the contents of $yesterday and $prev_business_day and
seemingly get stringified output, but if I try to do something like:

if ($yesterday ne $prev_business_day) {


I get "Date::Calc::_not_equal_date_time_(): can't compare a date and a
delta vector at"

So my question is either  1)  Can I stringify an object or  2)  What is
the best way to perform the comparison I am trying to perform?

Thanks much in advance.


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Re: That seems interesting ? but I don't know why ?

2002-07-24 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Jul 25, Connie Chan said:

>In normal case, when we want to swap 2 var,
>, say $x and $y, we do in this way :
>$z = $x; $x = $y; $y = $z;  # Swapped

Perl allows you to do

  ($x, $y) = ($y, $x);

>$x ^= $y ; $y ^= $x ; $x ^= $y; # Swapped
>It works !! but how that works ?

Because of the way XOR works.  A XOR (A XOR B) = B

Here's a less tricky example:

  $x = 10;
  $y = 13;

  $x = $x + $y;  # 10 + 13 = 23
  $y = $x - $y;  # 23 - 13 = 10
  $x = $x - $y;  # 23 - 10 = 13

And then with XOR:

  $x = 10;  # 1010
  $y = 13;  # 1101

  $x = $x ^ $y;  # 1010 ^ 1101 = 0111
  $y = $x ^ $y;  # 1101 ^ 0111 = 1010
  $x = $x ^ $y;  # 0111 ^ 1010 = 1101

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
 what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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RE: threads in perl

2002-07-24 Thread Akens, Anthony

perldoc thread

This turned up a library on how to thread processes in perl.

Seemed fairly straightforward.  (though it did say it was 
experimental, so there may be a better module out there?)


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:57 AM
Subject: threads in perl

Hello All,

I want to execute same perl procedure with different parameters at 
the almost same time in a perl program indefendantly. (next process 
should be started without waiting for the end of previous one)  The 
procedure is located in .pm file. How can I use thread in perl to get 
my work done?


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RE: That seems interesting ? but I don't know why ?

2002-07-24 Thread Bob Showalter

> -Original Message-
> From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 12:08 PM
> Subject: That seems interesting ? but I don't know why ?
> In normal case, when we want to swap 2 var, 
> , say $x and $y, we do in this way :
> $z = $x; $x = $y; $y = $z;  # Swapped

Nah, that's the C way. See below...

> today, I suddenly found a code like this :
> $x ^= $y ; $y ^= $x ; $x ^= $y; # Swapped
> It works !! but how that works ?
> Could anybody tell me ?

Well, it only works for integers. It's because of the way ^ 
(bitwise xor) works. Given x=0 and y=1, for instance:

   x = x ^ yy = y ^ x   x = x ^ y
   x = 0 ^ 1y = 1 ^ 1   x = 1 ^ 0
   x = 1y = 0   x = 1

So, now x=1 and y=0. You can prove this for any combination of 
x and y in the range 0..1 (1 bit). The ^ performs the operation 
on each bit of a larger integer.

But the "Perl way" to swap any given $x and $y is:

   ($x, $y) = ($y, $x);

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RE: PM installation problem

2002-07-24 Thread Akens, Anthony

If you're using activestate perl on your windows box, just use ppm.

Just type ppm to enter the package manager, then 

install package:name

and it does the work for you.


-Original Message-
From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: PM installation problem

I 've just downloaded a "Imager" module, however, that's a .tar.gz file
and I am using Win Me. After I extract the file, there are quite sort of
files and dirs. So... how can I install it to my Perl lib or site/lib ?


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Re: C Beginners List? question, sorry,...

2002-07-24 Thread Francis Henry

hi david:



david wrote:

> please forgive this su*perl*flu*ous question.
> This board is a great resource to try, ask, study and learn. Does anyone here
> know if there is such a board (a 'high' volume, daily archive, not just
> google groups/usenet) for the C Language and 'new' users in particular.
> I know, depending on who you ask C is "dead" but it still runs *nix. Thank you
> (running GNU Compiler (gcc-2.95) in particular)
> --
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trouble comparing dates from two different modules

2002-07-24 Thread Ian Zapczynski

Hello all,

I am using add_delta_workdays() from Date::Calendar to determine whether
yesterday was or was not a business day.  In order to do this, I am
trying to compare it with a date output from Add_Delta_Days from

What I'd *like* to do is stringify the output from both of these
functions, as they both return objects.  Is this possible?   If I do
something like:

($year,$month,$day) = Today();
$yesterday = Add_Delta_Days($year,$month,$day, -1);

$cal = Date::Calendar->new( $Profiles->{'US'} );
($prev_business_day,$rest) = $cal->add_delta_workdays($year,$month,$day,

I can print out the contents of $yesterday and $prev_business_day and
seemingly get stringified output, but if I try to do something like:

if ($yesterday ne $prev_business_day) {


I get "Date::Calc::_not_equal_date_time_(): can't compare a date and a
delta vector at"

So my question is either  1)  Can I stringify an object or  2)  What is
the best way to perform the comparison I am trying to perform?

Thanks much in advance.


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RE: C Beginners List? question, sorry,...

2002-07-24 Thread Kipp, James

just got to yahoo and yahoo groups and sign up for it. C is very much alive

> -Original Message-
> From: david [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:53 AM
> Subject: C Beginners List? question, sorry,...
> please forgive this su*perl*flu*ous question.
> This board is a great resource to try, ask, study and learn. 
> Does anyone here 
> know if there is such a board (a 'high' volume, daily 
> archive, not just 
> google groups/usenet) for the C Language and 'new' users in 
> particular. 
> I know, depending on who you ask C is "dead" but it still 
> runs *nix. Thank you  
> (running GNU Compiler (gcc-2.95) in particular)
> -- 
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Re: PM installation problem

2002-07-24 Thread Connie Chan

Thanks a lot =) but this method don't work for me...
because the cpan server ( I guess ) don't carry this module..
so, both ppm and ppm3 not work. So have to download it by
myself, but ... dunno how to install. Any else further advise ?


- Original Message - 
From: "Akens, Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: RE: PM installation problem

If you're using activestate perl on your windows box, just use ppm.

Just type ppm to enter the package manager, then 

install package:name

and it does the work for you.


-Original Message-
From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: PM installation problem

I 've just downloaded a "Imager" module, however, that's a .tar.gz file
and I am using Win Me. After I extract the file, there are quite sort of
files and dirs. So... how can I install it to my Perl lib or site/lib ?


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Re: That seems interesting ? but I don't know why ?

2002-07-24 Thread Michael Lamertz

Warning:  lots of 0 and 1 ahead.  Typos are lurking...

On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 12:08:09AM +0800, Connie Chan wrote:
> In normal case, when we want to swap 2 var, 
> , say $x and $y, we do in this way :
> $z = $x; $x = $y; $y = $z;  # Swapped
> today, I suddenly found a code like this :
> $x ^= $y ; $y ^= $x ; $x ^= $y; # Swapped
> It works !! but how that works ?
> Could anybody tell me ?

XORing a variable twice with the same value restores its original value:

$a = 0x55
$b = 0xff

$a xor $b xor $b gives the old $a 
0x55 xor 0xff xor 0xff is a no-op.

Now, letst do one xor and store this in $a.  No information is lost and
$a now documents the differences between $a_old and $b.

Note that the order in an xor operation is interchangable

$a xor $b  <=> $b xor $a

So, by doing the xor again, but not storing it in $a and recovering the
initial state, but storing it in $b, we've assigned the initial $a to

Now, $a still contains the initial differences between the two and $b
contains the initial $a.

Remember, the XORs are interchangeble.  We have the initial $a and the
differences, which must result in the initial $b when XORed.

Assigning the result to $a finishes the swap.

0.  $a = 0x55   => 01010101 binary
$b = 0xff   =>  binary

1.  $a 01010101
XOR $b 
Is 10101010 which goes into $a (These are the differences)

2.  $a 10101010
XOR $b 
Is 01010101 which goes into $b ($b now contains $a_initial)

3.  $a 10101010
XOR $b 
Is 01010101 which then goes into $a ($a now contains $b_initial)


Try different numbers like 0x55 vs 0xaa or 0x33 vs 0xaa...

It's an old trick from the Assembler times.  XOR was 1cycle op and the
whole thing only needed 2 registers.  The alternative would have been a
3rd register or a memory/stack operation.

Drieux might provide us with some benchmarks about which one's faster
these days... ;-)

Well, then let's give that Java-Wussie a beating... (me)

Michael Lamertz|  +49 221 445420 / +49 171 6900 310
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Re: trouble comparing dates from two different modules

2002-07-24 Thread drieux

On Wednesday, July 24, 2002, at 09:05 , Ian Zapczynski wrote:
> What I'd *like* to do is stringify the output from both of these
> functions, as they both return objects.  Is this possible?   If I do
> something like:
> ($year,$month,$day) = Today();
> $yesterday = Add_Delta_Days($year,$month,$day, -1);
> $cal = Date::Calendar->new( $Profiles->{'US'} );
> ($prev_business_day,$rest) = $cal->add_delta_workdays($year,$month,$day,
> -1);
> I can print out the contents of $yesterday and $prev_business_day and
> seemingly get stringified output, but if I try to do something like:
> if ($yesterday ne $prev_business_day) {
> }
> I get "Date::Calc::_not_equal_date_time_(): can't compare a date and a
> delta vector at"

A strategy you may want to play is to
use the


and see if you can 'dig into' the "object" a bit...
to find what they really 'share' in common that
you can compare with.

Your basic 'strategy' seems reasonable - since
if you can get to the 'julian date' then you
can have your numerical compare...


[jeeves:~] drieux% cal -j
  July 2002
   S   M  Tu   W  Th   F   S
 182 183 184 185 186 187
188 189 190 191 192 193 194
195 196 197 198 199 200 201
202 203 204 205 206 207 208
209 210 211 212

[jeeves:~] drieux%

for some strange reason - people talk about the 'string'

july 4th

rather than

185 + $leapyear

The problem of course is that this year for some
Julian Day 186 was a 'banking holiday' and/or 'half day'
for others it was just another 'Hawaiian T-shirt Friday'



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Fw: Checking if a file is downloading

2002-07-24 Thread Connie Chan

> Content-type: application/octet-stream 
> Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=$file 

This seems IE way, if I don't remember it wrongly, 
this does not work at NS

Anyway, how about this ?

$| = 1;

my $file = 'yourfile.ext';

print "Content-type: application/(your file type)\r\n\r\n";

open FH, $file;
binmode(FH); binmode(STDOUT);
until (eof FH) { read (FH, my $buf, 1) ; print $buf }
close (FH);

unlink ($file);

Code not tested, try it if you would like to =)


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another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread nkuipers

Hello all,

My hash keys look something like this:

>1234 x5

So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.

What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:

>1 x
>2 x
>3 x
>n x

This is what I have in my script at the moment:

my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }

This gives

>1 x
>10 x
>100 x
>1000 x
>1001 x


Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for me with code and 
all unless you really want to.  Sorry if this is a dumb question.



"I think for my lunch tomorrow I'll make a tuna and pickle triangle bunwich."

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread David . Wagner

If you want ascending numeric then <=> vs cmp ( ascii ) and you have

Wags ;)

-Original Message-
From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:39
Subject: another sort question (flame away)

Hello all,

My hash keys look something like this:

>1234 x5

So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.

What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:

>1 x
>2 x
>3 x
>n x

This is what I have in my script at the moment:

my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }

This gives

>1 x
>10 x
>100 x
>1000 x
>1001 x


Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for me with code
all unless you really want to.  Sorry if this is a dumb question.



"I think for my lunch tomorrow I'll make a tuna and pickle triangle

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Nikola Janceski

not a dumb question... I actually have the same problem.
I have version numbers that look like this:


and it sorts it wrong with cmp and <=>

soo.. I had to come up with my own sort subroutine

here is very generic one that breaks up the elements by \w (word types
that I made and works like a champion.

to use it:
use strict;
use warnings;

my @sorted = sort { wordtype() } @your_array;

# for reverse
my @sorted = sort { wordtype($b, $a) } @your_array;

sub wordtype {
#  Inputs:  $a, $b (not required)
#  Globals: $a $b
#  Subs called: NONE
#  Purpose: sort \w chars in groups
#   numerically if numbers
#  Returns: sort ordering (1,0,-1)
my ($a, $b);
if(exists $_[0]){
$a = $_[0];
} else {
no strict 'refs';
$a = ${caller()."::a"};
if(exists $_[1]){
$b = $_[1];
} else {
no strict 'refs';
$b = ${caller()."::b"};

my @first = split /\W/, $a;
my @second = split /\W/, $b;

for(my $n = 0; $n <= $#first; $n++){
if($first[$n] =~ /^\d+$/ && $second[$n] =~ /^\d+$/){
return $first[$n] <=> $second[$n] if $first[$n] <=>
} else {
return $first[$n] cmp $second[$n] if $first[$n] cmp
return 0;
} ## END wordtype

> -Original Message-
> From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:39 PM
> Subject: another sort question (flame away)
> Hello all,
> My hash keys look something like this:
> >1234 x5
> So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.
> What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:
> >1 x
> >2 x
> >3 x
> ..
> ..
> ..
> >n x
> This is what I have in my script at the moment:
> my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
> my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
> for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }
> This gives
> >1 x
> >10 x
> >100 x
> >1000 x
> >1001 x
> etc.
> Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for 
> me with code and 
> all unless you really want to.  Sorry if this is a dumb question.
> cheers,
> nathanael
> "I think for my lunch tomorrow I'll make a tuna and pickle 
> triangle bunwich."
> -- 
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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Bob Showalter

> -Original Message-
> From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:39 PM
> Subject: another sort question (flame away)
> Hello all,
> My hash keys look something like this:
> >1234 x5
> So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.
> What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:
> >1 x
> >2 x
> >3 x
> ..
> ..
> ..
> >n x
> This is what I have in my script at the moment:
> my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
> my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
> for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }
> This gives
> >1 x
> >10 x
> >100 x
> >1000 x
> >1001 x
> etc.
> Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for 
> me with code and 
> all unless you really want to.  

<=> should probably still work, because when evaluating a string
as a number, Perl will evaluate up to the first character that
doesn't look like part of a number. so "1234 x5" evalutates as
the number 1234 (stops at the space char).

If the number you want to sort by is not at the beginning of the
string (leading blanks are OK), you have to write a more elaborate
comparison routine.

Have you tried just using <=>? If it doesn't work for you, post
a specific example that illustrates the problem.

> Sorry if this is a dumb question.

Nah, it's a good question. Anyway, we get spanked if we even look
sideways at somebody (speaking as one who's been spanked) :~)

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Janek Schleicher

Nikola Janceski wrote at Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:45:54 +0200:

> not a dumb question... I actually have the same problem. I have version numbers that 
>look like
> this:
> V1.2.3
> V1.2.20
> V1.2.23
> and it sorts it wrong with cmp and <=>
> soo.. I had to come up with my own sort subroutine

For that special purpose it wouldn't be necessary.
from the CPAN could it do, too.


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Re: threads in perl

2002-07-24 Thread Janek Schleicher

rohana wrote at Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:57:17 +0200:

> I want to execute same perl procedure with different parameters at the almost same 
>time in a perl
> program indefendantly. (next process should be started without waiting for the end 
>of previous
> one)  The procedure is located in .pm file. How can I use thread in perl to get my 
>work done?

It's easy when you have perl 5.8.0 installed.

Then a simple
perldoc threads
will help you.

use threads;

$| = 1;

threads->create(sub {while (1) { print "1"; sleep 1 } });
threads->create(sub {while (1) { print "2"; sleep 1 } });

while ("don't stop the main loop") {
sleep (1);

shows behaviour of threads.

Best Wishes,

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Nikola Janceski

yeah.. but that's not all I use it for 

> -Original Message-
> From: Janek Schleicher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:22 PM
> Subject: RE: another sort question (flame away)
> Nikola Janceski wrote at Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:45:54 +0200:
> > not a dumb question... I actually have the same problem. I 
> have version numbers that look like
> > this:
> > 
> > V1.2.3
> > V1.2.20
> > V1.2.23
> > 
> > and it sorts it wrong with cmp and <=>
> > 
> > soo.. I had to come up with my own sort subroutine
> For that special purpose it wouldn't be necessary.
> Sort::Versions
> from the CPAN could it do, too.
> Greetings,
> Janek
> -- 
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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread nkuipers

Bob wrote:

<=> should probably still work, because when evaluating a string
as a number, Perl will evaluate up to the first character that
doesn't look like part of a number. so "1234 x5" evalutates as
the number 1234 (stops at the space char).

I didn't know that.  What I did after reading this was change the keys from

>somenumber xsomenumber


somenumber xsomenumber

and used <=> rather than cmp.  Then when printing I simply prefixed each key 
with >.  So, it works, and thank you kindly, Bob.  However, the following 
(example) is thrown to the screen for every key sorted:

Argument "1315 x320" isn't numeric in sort at myxmlparser line 55,  line 

Is there a way to mask these messages?  Would trapping it in an eval be what 
the doctor ordered?

Thanks to everyone, and I will take a look at that Sort::Versions module Janek 
recommended also.



"I think for my lunch tomorrow I'll make a tuna and pickle triangle bunwich."

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread nkuipers

>Would trapping it an eval be what the doctor ordered?

To answer my own question, no, it would not.

#use warnings;

would be better.


Hope y'all got a good chuckle out of it anyway.

"I think for my lunch tomorrow I'll make a tuna and pickle triangle bunwich."

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Mark Anderson

>From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Would trapping it an eval be what the doctor ordered?
>To answer my own question, no, it would not.
>#use warnings;
>would be better.

It would probably be best to use 
no warnings;
before the sort line in your script and
use warnings; 
on the following line.

You can also check out
perldoc warnings
for more information.


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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Bob Showalter

> -Original Message-
> From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:03 PM
> Subject: RE: another sort question (flame away)
> >Would trapping it an eval be what the doctor ordered?
> To answer my own question, no, it would not.
> #use warnings;
> would be better.

Or, for fine-grain control:

  no warnings 'numeric';   # disable warning until end of block
  @foo = sort { $a <=> $b } @foo;

perldoc perllexwarn

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread Nikola Janceski

or just use my subroutine =P

> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Showalter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:11 PM
> To: 'nkuipers'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: another sort question (flame away)
> > -Original Message-
> > From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:03 PM
> > Subject: RE: another sort question (flame away)
> > 
> > 
> > >Would trapping it an eval be what the doctor ordered?
> > 
> > To answer my own question, no, it would not.
> > 
> > #use warnings;
> > 
> > would be better.
> Or, for fine-grain control:
>   no warnings 'numeric';   # disable warning until end of block
>   @foo = sort { $a <=> $b } @foo;
> perldoc perllexwarn
> -- 
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Re: threads in perl

2002-07-24 Thread Chas Owens

On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 02:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello All,
> I want to execute same perl procedure with different parameters at 
> the almost same time in a perl program indefendantly. (next process 
> should be started without waiting for the end of previous one)  The 
> procedure is located in .pm file. How can I use thread in perl to get 
> my work done?
> regards
> Rohana.

You need to question whether or not you need threads.  You can achieve
much the same result with fork.  If your subroutine does things without
needing to modify variables in the main script then fork is probably a
better solution.  Read perldoc -f fork for more info.
Today is Setting Orange the 59th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3168
Keep the Lasagna flying!

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RE: threads in perl

2002-07-24 Thread Nikola Janceski

It is possible to change vars in the main script with fork if you use
But be forewarned it's gets pretty cumbersome when you have 2+ processes
sharing vars.

> -Original Message-
> From: Chas Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:29 PM
> Subject: Re: threads in perl
> On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 02:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > 
> > I want to execute same perl procedure with different parameters at 
> > the almost same time in a perl program indefendantly. (next process 
> > should be started without waiting for the end of previous one)  The 
> > procedure is located in .pm file. How can I use thread in 
> perl to get 
> > my work done?
> > 
> > regards
> > Rohana.
> You need to question whether or not you need threads.  You can achieve
> much the same result with fork.  If your subroutine does 
> things without
> needing to modify variables in the main script then fork is probably a
> better solution.  Read perldoc -f fork for more info.
> -- 
> Today is Setting Orange the 59th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3168
> Keep the Lasagna flying!
> Missile Address: 33:48:3.521N  84:23:34.786W
> -- 
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Using Cwd; in practice how have you used...

2002-07-24 Thread McCormick, Rob E

I read (ok, skimmed...)  the results from perldoc -m cwd.  I don't
understand cwd (current working directory).  My questions apply to this
general scenario:

In practice, I'd like to work with my .pl or .plx files in say, /myhome/bin/

Suppose I want to do some looping on some files in /data/path/files, or even
on NT


Would use Cwd; even be necessary?
What are some scenarios you've used in the past?

If all files to be looped over are in, say, /data/path/files is it used to
declare in pseudocode:


The docs note: It is recommended that cwd (or another *cwd() function) is
used in all code to ensure portability.

Rob McCormick

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RE: PM installation problem

2002-07-24 Thread Timothy Johnson

Do you have a C compiler?

-Original Message-
From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: PM installation problem

Thanks a lot =) but this method don't work for me...
because the cpan server ( I guess ) don't carry this module..
so, both ppm and ppm3 not work. So have to download it by
myself, but ... dunno how to install. Any else further advise ?


- Original Message - 
From: "Akens, Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: RE: PM installation problem

If you're using activestate perl on your windows box, just use ppm.

Just type ppm to enter the package manager, then 

install package:name

and it does the work for you.


-Original Message-
From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: PM installation problem

I 've just downloaded a "Imager" module, however, that's a .tar.gz file
and I am using Win Me. After I extract the file, there are quite sort of
files and dirs. So... how can I install it to my Perl lib or site/lib ?


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Re: That seems interesting ? but I don't know why ?

2002-07-24 Thread John W. Krahn

Bob Showalter wrote:
> Well, it only works for integers. It's because of the way ^
> (bitwise xor) works. Given x=0 and y=1, for instance:
>x = x ^ yy = y ^ x   x = x ^ y
>x = 0 ^ 1y = 1 ^ 1   x = 1 ^ 0
>x = 1y = 0   x = 1

Actually in perl it works with strings as well.  :-)

$ perl -le'
$x = "abcde"; $y = "fgh";
print "\$x = $x  \$y = $y";
$x ^= $y;
$y ^= $x;
$x ^= $y;
print "\$x = $x  \$y = $y";
$x = abcde  $y = fgh
$x = fgh  $y = abcde

use Perl;

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Re: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread John W. Krahn

Nkuipers wrote:
> Hello all,


> My hash keys look something like this:
> >1234 x5
> So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.
> What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:
> >1 x
> >2 x
> >3 x
> ..
> ..
> ..
> >n x
> This is what I have in my script at the moment:
> my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
> my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
> for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }
> This gives
> >1 x
> >10 x
> >100 x
> >1000 x
> >1001 x
> etc.
> Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for me with code and
> all unless you really want to.  Sorry if this is a dumb question.

This should work, assuming the digits at the start of the key are no
longer then 10.

my @sorted = map { /\0(.+)/ }
 map { sprintf "%010d%s\0%s", /(\d+)(.+)/, $_ }
 keys %final_list;

print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" for @sorted;

use Perl;

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RE: another sort question (flame away)

2002-07-24 Thread David . Wagner

This should not matter what the size is but would expect a number at
the beginning:

foreach my $MyKey (sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} 
  map{[ $_, /^(\d+)/ ]} 
  keys %final_list) {
   printf "%-s\n", $MyKey->[0];

Wags ;)
-Original Message-
From: John W. Krahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 13:54
Subject: Re: another sort question (flame away)

Nkuipers wrote:
> Hello all,


> My hash keys look something like this:
> >1234 x5
> So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.
> What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:
> >1 x
> >2 x
> >3 x
> ..
> ..
> ..
> >n x
> This is what I have in my script at the moment:
> my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
> my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
> for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }
> This gives
> >1 x
> >10 x
> >100 x
> >1000 x
> >1001 x
> etc.
> Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for me with code
> all unless you really want to.  Sorry if this is a dumb question.

This should work, assuming the digits at the start of the key are no
longer then 10.

my @sorted = map { /\0(.+)/ }
 map { sprintf "%010d%s\0%s", /(\d+)(.+)/, $_ }
 keys %final_list;

print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" for @sorted;

use Perl;

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Re: Using Cwd; in practice how have you used...

2002-07-24 Thread Sudarshan Raghavan

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, McCormick, Rob E wrote:

> I read (ok, skimmed...)  the results from perldoc -m cwd.  I don't
> understand cwd (current working directory).  My questions apply to this
> general scenario:
> In practice, I'd like to work with my .pl or .plx files in say, /myhome/bin/
> Suppose I want to do some looping on some files in /data/path/files, or even
> on NT

You can do this by using the glob operator (perldoc -f glob), opendir, 
readdir, closedir (perldoc -f opendir, perldoc -f readdir, perldoc -f 
closedir). If you want to traverse /data/path/files recursively you can
use File::Find (perldoc File::Find)

$dir is the directory that you want to loop through. Run both the glob and
opendir, readdir, closedir examples, you will notice the different form of

# glob
while (<$dir/*>) {
print "$_\n";

# opendir, readdir, closedir
opendir(DIRHNDL, $dir) or
die "Cannot open $dir : $!\n";
while (my $file = readdir(DIRHNDL)) {
print "$file\n";

# File::Find
find (sub { print "$File::Find::name\n" }, $dir);

> \\hostname\d$\inetpub\wwwroot\virtualdir
> Would use Cwd; even be necessary?

For just looping through the files in a directory no, but depends
on what you are trying to do.

> What are some scenarios you've used in the past?
> Why?

When you are changing directories (perldoc -f chdir) in your program a 
lot, can be used to get your current working directory. There 
was a thread in this list about pushd and popd that had an example of 
Cwd's use. 

> If all files to be looped over are in, say, /data/path/files is it used to
> declare in pseudocode:
> <>
> The docs note: It is recommended that cwd (or another *cwd() function) is
> used in all code to ensure portability.
> Rob
> --
> Rob McCormick

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del files

2002-07-24 Thread Javeed SAR

I want to  delete files.

I am not able to delete , what is the wrong thing I am doing here.
I am able to see the file in @privates

I am getting following output:

0 deleted
Attempting to delete M:\jav_test\train\k k k.mkelem.mkelem

@privates =`cleartool lsprivate  -tag jav_test -other`;
#print "@privates";
#print "Enter a  pattern:";
#my $pattern =<>;
#chomp $pattern;
foreach (@privates)
print "\nAttempting to delete $_\n";
 $delo=unlink @private;  
print "\n $delo deleted";