Re: Split FileName

2003-07-26 Thread Janek Schleicher
Pablo Fischer wrote at Fri, 25 Jul 2003 13:49:55 +:

 I have a string (its an array, the array has the values that $ftp-ls(dir) 
 returns), so $array[1] contains this:
 -rw-r--r--   1 pablopablo   18944 Jul 16 21:14
 What I would like to do is: get the date (Jul 16), the time (12:14) and the 
 FileName,  each one if a different array, like..
 my ($date, $time, $fname) = $array[1];
 I know that I could to it with split, I solved the problem with
 split(   ,$array[1]);

You should also consider to use
my @col = split  , $array[1];
# or
my @col = split /\s+/, $array[1];

Allthough the first method looks very similar to your one,
splitting for one blank is a special case that splits at all whitespaces
doing nearly the same as the second line (but leading whitespaces are

For further details, please read
perldoc -f split

 However I would like to know if I can separeate the original string into 
 columns, so I could access the values like:
 $date = $col[6]+$col[7];

The addition seems to be the wrong opparator, as you want mainly
concatenate the month with the day of month. Use one of the next methods:
my $date = @col[6,7];
my $date = $col[6] $col[7];
my $date = join  , @col[6,7];

 $time = $col[8];
 $fname = $col[9];

However, there would also be a regexp solution:

my ($date, $time, $fname) = 
   $array[1] =~ /(\w\w\w \d?\d) (\d?\d:\d\d) (\S+)$/;

(I don't have the feeling, that the solution is really better, but I find
it always good to know that there are more than one ways to do it)


PS: In any case, I would recommend you to give the variables a better
name. $array[1] is not very self explaining. What about $file_listing[1].

I personally, also found it good not play around with magic numbers like
6, 7, 8, 9 in my source code, unless it is very obviously what they are
doing. In your case it might be an idea to declare some constants that are
use constant MONTH_COL = 6;
use constant DAY_COL   = 7;
use constant TIME_COL  = 8;
use constant FNAME_COL = 9;
Than you can write e.g.:
my $date = @col[MONTH_COL, DAY_COL];
what is much easier to maintain on a long run.

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RE: Thumb-nailing Pic's

2003-07-26 Thread Charles K. Clarkson
Ramon Chavez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Maybe I'm missing something here but, It can be
: done just using HTML, say...
: $h= 250;
: $w= 250;
: print img src=\yourimage.jpg\ width=\$w\ height=\$h\\n;

qq would make much easier to read.

print qq|img src=yourimage.jpg width=$w height=$h\n|;

: Or maybe you're talking about something more
: complex and at this time in the morning I can't
: figure out what is it... ;-)

When creating web pages of photo albums you need
to watch out for dumbnails. They are like thumbnails,
but only the dimensions of the image are changed. If
the image is 250 meg the thumbnail should be much
smaller, but the dumbnail will be the same size. It
would be much better to use an external program to
generate the thumbnails than to generate them
on-the-fly. Then use perl to automatically create the
thumbnail pages.

John cited Randal's article on automating the
process is at:


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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2003-07-26 Thread Franklin, Douglass

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Re: Thumb-nailing Pic's

2003-07-26 Thread zentara
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 07:57:32 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ramon
Chavez) wrote:

Maybe I'm missing something here but, It can be done just using HTML, say...

$h= 250;
$w= 250;

print img src=\yourimage.jpg\ width=\$w\ height=\$h\\n;

Or maybe you're talking about something more complex and at this time in the
morning I can't figure out what is it... ;-)

A problem with your html method is that you still need to download
the original big file to display the thumbnail. One  purpose of
thumbnails is to speed up the download time, so you want real smaller
thumbnail files.

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Re: base-filename without modules

2003-07-26 Thread Steve Grazzini
On Sat, Jul 26, 2003 at 08:24:50AM -0700, Bryan Harris wrote:
 Is there a generally accepted way to get the base of a filename, i.e.
 strip off the multi-letter extension without using any modules?  I've been
 doing something like this:
 $fname = shift;
 $fname =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
 It feels a little hokey, though.  Maybe it's just me.

Sure, that's fine -- but why don't you want to use modules?

File::Basename has been in the core distribution for a long time.


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How to read multiple files in the same time ?

2003-07-26 Thread LI NGOK LAM
How can I do this ? Or could it be done ?

Open some files ( unknown number of files ), depends on users demand.
Then start looking for some desired line ( use regex ). 

I have an array to carry the info of matched data ( from which file, which line ).
while the $#array is 99 and all files would be closed Result is then print to screen.

However, I am trying not to use looping process like :
open all files, then read a line from file A and try matching, 
then read a line from file B and try matching,, 
then read a line from file C and try matching,
until eof of all files or $#result == 99.
and close all file handles...

I hope folks here can understand what I am asking about.
Thanks in advise

\r\n\r\n or \n\n or \r\n or \n... What is the term / name for this?

2003-07-26 Thread LI NGOK LAM

RE: IDE for Perl Development

2003-07-26 Thread Rajesh Dorairajan
Open PERL IDE is a very good PERL dvelopment environment. But it only runs
on Windows. For linux vim or EMACS might be good.


-Original Message-
From: Trevor Morrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: IDE for Perl Development


Is there any type of IDE that I can use for Perl programming (free of
course) that will run both on Windows 2000 and Linux?



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Logfile processing

2003-07-26 Thread Sayeed Mohammed

I am trying to process a log file. The format of log file is something like


The file can be between 100-200MB. The problem is that we don't know the
code numbers in advance.
I want to count the number of times each code entry occurred in the file.
I would like to get the output in this format:

Code#1xxx times
Code#2yyy time
and so on.

Should I make an array of each unique code and count its occurance or is
there a better way to do it?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Kinda Perl

2003-07-26 Thread Paul Archer
Yesterday, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been writing perl along with some other languages, and I have been
 thinking about setting up a server (so that I can play with different
 server OS's and settings without messing anything up on our home network).
 My parents think that it will cost to much in power. I was just wondering
 if anyone knows about how much it is per day to run a computer without a

This might help: I live in South Texas (Houston, to be exact), and run a
Celeron-300 class machine, two dual-processor Celeron-600 class machines,
two monitors, an array of peripherals, and two UPSs (all 24/7 except for the
monitors, which are on about 10 hours a day)--and in the summertime heat my
electric bill (average 10 cents/Kilowatt-hour) is still around $150 a month.
So yes, the machines do eat a bit of electricity, but replace some standard
incandescent bulbs with florescent, and it'll balance out.


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How to pass CODE reference in hash?

2003-07-26 Thread LI NGOK LAM
I hope to design an interface of a function like this (not in OO way) :

sub tell_error
{ print Error for @_ }

sub Check_err
{ my %argv = @_; 


Check_err  ( TYPE = [1, 1, \tell_error('Type')], DATA = [ 1, 2, \tell_error 
('Data')] );

In Check_err, I want tell_error ('Type') runs when ${argv{TYPE}}[0]  
${argv{TYPE}}[1] both == 1
but do nothing if that's not the case... $argv{DATA} also doing the same thing...
What I've wrote make tell_error directly run before I go inside Check_err... Any 
pointers ?
Must I pass in a $scalar code and eval it ?

Thanks in advise.

Re: How to pass CODE reference in hash?

2003-07-26 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

sub tell_error
{ print Error for @_ }

Check_err ( TYPE = [1, 1, \tell_error('Type')], DATA = [ 1, 2,
\tell_error ('Data')] );

You can't take a reference to a function WITH ARGUMENTS.  You must either

  foo = \function


  foo = sub { function(args) }

Since you want to pass arguments, I'd say the second option is what you

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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Re: Regex(?)

2003-07-26 Thread John W. Krahn
Douglass Franklin wrote:
 I'm trying to transform this html table to a colon-delimited flat-file

Why colon separated?  What if one of the fields has a colon?

 database.  This is what I have so far:
 trtd class='bodyblack' width='50%'a
 class='jobrlist'font size='2'ACCOUNTANT
 /font/a/tdtd class='bodyblack' width='40%'$24,701.00
  - $51,971.00
 /tdtd class='bodyblack'INDEFINITE/td/tr
 trtd class='bodyblack'CONTINENTAL U.S., US/td
 /trtd class='bodyblack' colspan='3'nbsp /td/tr
 Database Record (wanted):
 Accountant:$24,701.00 - $51,971.00:INDEFINITE:CONTINENTAL U.S., US
 Regex I have:
 $jobrecord =~ ^(tr)(td class='bodyblack' width='50%')(.+)(nbsp
 However, this doesn't seem to be working.  Please help.

This will work and was tested on the attached page from

use warnings;
use strict;

use HTML::TokeParser;

my $p = HTML::TokeParser-new( 'page1.html' ) or die Cannot open page1.html: $!;

my @data;

while ( my $token = $p-get_token() ) {
my @table;
if ( $token-[ 0 ] eq 'S' and $token-[ 1 ] eq 'center' ) {
$token = $p-get_token();
if ( $token-[ 0 ] eq 'S' and $token-[ 1 ] eq 'table' ) {
$token = $p-get_token();
if ( $token-[ 0 ] eq 'S' and $token-[ 1 ] eq 'tr' ) {
$token = $p-get_token();
if ( $token-[ 0 ] eq 'S' and $token-[ 1 ] eq 'td' ) {
$token = $p-get_token();
if ( $token-[ 0 ] eq 'S' and $token-[ 1 ] eq 'strong' ) {
while ( $token = $p-get_token() ) {
push @table, $token-[ 1 ] if $token-[ 0 ] eq 'T';
if ( $token-[ 0 ] eq 'S' and $token-[ 1 ] eq 'center' ) {
$p-unget_token( $token );
s/nbsp/ /g, s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for @table;
push @data, join ':', @table;
next TABLE;

print $_\n for @data;



use Perl;
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Re: Logfile processing

2003-07-26 Thread John W. Krahn
Sayeed Mohammed wrote:


 I am trying to process a log file. The format of log file is something like
 The file can be between 100-200MB. The problem is that we don't know the
 code numbers in advance.
 I want to count the number of times each code entry occurred in the file.
 I would like to get the output in this format:
 Code#1xxx times
 Code#2yyy time
 and so on.
 Should I make an array of each unique code and count its occurance or is
 there a better way to do it?

Use a hash for the code count:

my %code_count;

while ( LOG ) {
my $code = get_code_number_somehow();
$code_count{ $code }++;

print CodeCount\n;
for my $code ( keys %code_count ) {
printf %-12s%s\n $code, $code_count{ $code };


use Perl;

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Re: Regex(?)

2003-07-26 Thread John W. Krahn
John W. Krahn wrote:
 This will work and was tested on the attached page from

I see that the file didn't get attached.  Here it is:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
titleUSAJOBS Job Result List/title
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
link href=/styles/rosusajobs.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css
script language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
  var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; ia.length; i++)
if (a[i].indexOf(#)!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}

function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
  var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;aia.length(x=a[i])x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;

function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
  var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf(?))0parent.frames.length) {
d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
  if(!(x=d[n])d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!xid.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
  for(i=0;!xd.layersid.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
  if(!x  d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;

function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
  var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; 
   if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; 

function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
  var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
  for (i=0; i(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+.location='+args[i+1]+');
body bgcolor=#FF leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 
table summary=This table contains the U S A Jobs logo with the caption, working for 
America width=600 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
tda href=;img 
src=rosimages/top1_logo.gif alt=USAJOBS logo and link to main page width=223 
height=48 border=0/aimg src=rosimages/top2.gif alt=Working for America, OPM 
logo and link to OPM home page width=377 height=48 border=0 usemap=#Map/td
table width=600 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 
background=rosimages/nav_top_bkgrd.gif bgcolor=#CC summary=This table 
contains navigational links
td width=20 background=rosimages/nav_top_bkgrd.gif bgcolor=#CC 
  div align=centera href=#SkipNavigationBarimg src=rosimages/spacer.gif 
alt=Skip navigation and go to to main section width=1 height=1  
td width=501 align=left valign=middle div align=center 
class=bodyblack a href=;Job 
Search/a #8226; a href=;USAJOBS by 
Email/a #8226; 
a href=;FAQs/a #8226; a 
td width=79 align=left valign=topa href=;img 
src=rosimages/opm_logo.gif alt=OPM logo and link to OPM home page width=79 
height=20 border=0/a/td
map name=Map
   area shape=rect coords=300,2,365,47 href=; alt=link to OPM 
home page

table summary= width=600 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 
td align=left valign=topimg src=rosimages/spacer.gif alt= width=20 
table summary=This table contains links to the three major sections; Search Jobs, 
First Timers Start Here, and Build Your Resume width=600 border=0 cellpadding=0 
cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#CC
  tr align=left valign=top 
td width=20img src=rosimages/spacer.gif alt= width=20 height=28/td
td width=175img src=rosimages/tab_but_srch_on.gif alt=Search Jobs button 
width=175 height=28/td
td width=25img src=rosimages/tab_end_srch_on.gif alt= width=25 
td width=177a href=; 
src=rosimages/tab_but_1st_off.gif alt=First Timers Start Here button 
name=1st_but width=177 height=28 border=0 title=First Timers Start Here 
td width=25img src=rosimages/tab_end_build_off.gif alt= width=25 
td width=178a href=; 
title=Build Your Resume buttonimg src=rosimages/tab_but_build_off.gif alt=Build 
Your Resume button name=build_but width=178 height=28 border=0/a/td
table summary= width=600 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 
  tr align=left valign=top 
td width=20  height=10  img src=rosimages/spacer.gif  
 alt= width=20  height=10/td
td width=1   

Notetab-like Perl editor?

2003-07-26 Thread Zanardi2k3
Questions about editors have been asked many times, but i'm going to be a 
little more specific.

I am in a Windows environment, and i love NotaTab. It is one of the few 
tools that makes me wonder how could i ever have carried on without it. 
Only it doesn't do syntax highlighting. I have searched for add-ons but i 
didn't found anything. It lets you apply Perl script as macros on the 
documents you are editing, but it doesn't syntax highlighting.

I tried others editor with syntax highlighting, but they are very 
different from NoteTab and i didn't like them. 

Does anybody know if there is a way to improve NoteTab with this feature, 
or if there is another editor very similar to NoteTab (i mean 
appeareance, keys shortcuts, and all) but with this feature included?

Thank you for your time.


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Re: Notetab-like Perl editor?

2003-07-26 Thread kurt
This the best text editor I've ever used and I use it exclusively for PERL.
Additionally, it has the features you are interested in

Shareware: $35 a year.

  Web Hosting  Development

- Original Message - 
From: Zanardi2k3 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 6:54 PM
Subject: Notetab-like Perl editor?

 Questions about editors have been asked many times, but i'm going to be a
 little more specific.

 I am in a Windows environment, and i love NotaTab. It is one of the few
 tools that makes me wonder how could i ever have carried on without it.
 Only it doesn't do syntax highlighting. I have searched for add-ons but i
 didn't found anything. It lets you apply Perl script as macros on the
 documents you are editing, but it doesn't syntax highlighting.

 I tried others editor with syntax highlighting, but they are very
 different from NoteTab and i didn't like them.

 Does anybody know if there is a way to improve NoteTab with this feature,
 or if there is another editor very similar to NoteTab (i mean
 appeareance, keys shortcuts, and all) but with this feature included?

 Thank you for your time.


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Save a connection inside an object?

2003-07-26 Thread Pablo Fischer
Hi all!

Im creating a class named DemoDB, the purpouse of this class its to give data. 

For example, I create an object:

$object = new DemoDB;

And I want to retrieve data (the name of the leader), so


Ok, the questions its inside the class. I have this:

sub new {
my $this = shift; #Tomar el objeto de donde viene
my $clase = ref($this) || $this;  #Tomar el nombre de la clase
my $dDB = {};
$dDB-{LINK} = 

bless($dDB, $clase);
   return $dDB;

The big question, is it valid to save the 'link connection', inside 
$dDB-{LINK}?, so I can use it in other methods.

Pablo Fischer Sandoval ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
GPG FingerTip: 3D49 4CB8 8951 F2CA 8131  AF7C D1B9 1FB9 6B11 810C
Firma URL:

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Re: Save a connection inside an object?

2003-07-26 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan
On Jul 26, Pablo Fischer said:

sub new {
my $this = shift; #Tomar el objeto de donde viene
my $clase = ref($this) || $this;  #Tomar el nombre de la clase
my $dDB = {};
$dDB-{LINK} =

bless($dDB, $clase);
   return $dDB;

The big question, is it valid to save the 'link connection', inside
$dDB-{LINK}?, so I can use it in other methods.

Absolutely.  It's perfectly fine to do that.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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Re: Kinda Perl

2003-07-26 Thread Robin Norwood

 I have been writing perl along with some other languages, and I have been thinking 
 about setting up a server (so that I can play with different server OS's and 
 settings without messing anything up on our home network). My parents think that it 
 will cost to much in power. I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much it 
 is per day to run a computer without a monitor.


Most computers today have around a 300 watt power supply - if your
system were running at maximum capacity, all the time (which never,
ever, happens), that's .3 kilowatts.  At $0.10/kilowatt-hour, that's 3
cents per hour - 168 hours in a week is $5.04/wk, approximately 4
weeks in a month gives you $20.16/mo.  Now, your system is never fully
loaded, so the actual cost is going to be much lower.  Not to mention
using various power-saving features, etc.  If I had to guess, I'd say


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone.
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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Case Statement

2003-07-26 Thread Pablo Fischer
Hello Again!

I need to evaluate a lot of conditionals, and of course the use of a lot of 
if's its not the 'right' way, so Im using something like this:

($string == match1)  do {
last CASE;
($string == match2)  do {
last CASE;
and a lot more..

The question, where does the 'default' case starts?. The last 5 years I have 
been programming in C/C++/C#/Php.. C-styles languages, so in Perl, where does 
the 'default' case begins?

Pablo Fischer Sandoval ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
GPG FingerTip: 3D49 4CB8 8951 F2CA 8131  AF7C D1B9 1FB9 6B11 810C
Firma URL:

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Re: perl program

2003-07-26 Thread david
Visu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 above steps to a complex script fo which i got the following error

 /usr/bin/perlcc: did not compile, which can't
 Starting compile
  Walking tree
  Saving methods

not sure what could cause this but from the error message, it's probably a
bug in perlcc. that's why it's experimental. try perlcc with the '-verbose
7' option might tell you what perlcc is having problem.


btw, is this the only error message perlcc splits out?

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