perl.beginners.cgi Weekly list FAQ posting

2004-08-09 Thread casey
beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners-cgi mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?
Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?
Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and wait for a response. Once you
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find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
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  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?
Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


To unsubscribe from the digest, send an email to:


  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?
Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?
This document will be emailed to the list once a month, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?
Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?
Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who do I complain to?
Complaints can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?
Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?
Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl/CGI beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?
Feb 04, 2004

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners-cgi' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?
A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly
atmosphere. The topic of the list is, of course, CGI with Perl.

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?
* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Non Perl/CGI questions or issues
* Lemurs

  2.3 - Are there any rules?
Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.

* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun

  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?
Basically, if it has to do with Perl/CGI , then it is allowed. If your
question has nothing at all to do with Perl/CGI, it will likely be

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?
Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?
We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?
Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

perldoc perldoc

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

3 - Other Resources
  3.1 - What other websites may be useful to a beginner ?
* -
* Perl Home Page -
* PerlMonks -
* Perldoc -
* Perl Archives -
* NMS Archive -
* Unofficial Perl Beginners' Site -

  3.2 - What resources may be harmful to a beginner?
Beware of Perl4-like code-- You might find some script archives and
unauthorized mirrors with old Perl4 versions of Selena Sol and Matt
Wright scripts. Don't use those scripts. They are outdated and may even
in some cases 

Filtering CGI Variables

2004-08-09 Thread Bill Stephenson
Hi all,
I need some help. I have name/value parameters coming in from a web 
form that look something like this (blank lines added for clarity):

d1=something 1
d2=something 2
d4=something 3
d6=something 4
I want to remove the groups of data that look like q3-p3 and q5-p5 
(where q,d, and p are all empty, t will always have data) then 
re-number the groups that contain data in in at least one of the 
q,d, or p variables, then save them to a file that looks 
something like this:

d1=something 1
d2=something 2
d3=something 3
d4=something 4
I'm having trouble with the logic that will accomplish this. It doesn't 
seem like it should be very hard to do, but I just can't seem to say it 
in perl.

Below is a script that I've been playing with that does output what I 
want, but it's pretty clunky and probably not very efficient. There 
must be a better way.

Bill Stephenson
# start code below #
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser');
# Create a new CGI Object for the form input
my $Q = new CGI;
# This represents how the app will receive data from the browser...
#print this
$Q-param('firstname' ,Bill);
$Q-param('lastname' , Stephenson);
#print this
$Q-param('q1' ,);
$Q-param('t1' , Y);
$Q-param('d1' , 12);
$Q-param('p1' , 12);
#print this
$Q-param('q2' , 13);
$Q-param('t2' , Y);
$Q-param('d2' , );
$Q-param('p2' , 13);
#print this
$Q-param('q3' , 16);
$Q-param('t3' , Y);
$Q-param('d3' , 16);
$Q-param('p3' , );
#do NOT print this
$Q-param('q4' , );
$Q-param('t4' , Y);
$Q-param('d4' , );
$Q-param('p4' , );
#print this
$Q-param('q5' , 15);
$Q-param('t5' , Y);
$Q-param('d5' , 15);
$Q-param('p5' , 15);
#do NOT print this
$Q-param('q6' , );
$Q-param('t6' , Y);
$Q-param('d6' , );
$Q-param('p6' , );
#print this
$Q-param('q7' , 22);
$Q-param('t7' , Y);
$Q-param('d7' , );
$Q-param('p7' , 22);
#do NOT print this
$Q-param('q8' , );
$Q-param('t8' , Y);
$Q-param('d8' , );
$Q-param('p8' , );
#print this
$Q-param('q9' , );
$Q-param('t9' , Y);
$Q-param('d9' , 1000);
$Q-param('p9' , 1000);
#do NOT print this
$Q-param('q10' , );
$Q-param('t10' , Y);
$Q-param('d10' , );
$Q-param('p10' , );
#print this
$Q-param('send_email' , yes);
$Q-param('doc_number' , 55);
# This is what we want to print...
# q1=
# t1=Y
# d1=12
# p1=12
# q2=13
# t2=Y
# d2=
# p2=13
# q3=16
# t3=Y
# d3=16
# p3=
# q4=15
# t4=Y
# d4=15
# p4=15
# q5=22
# t5=Y
# d5=
# p5=22
# q6=
# t6=Y
# d6=1000
# p6=1000
# firstname=Bill
# lastname=Stephenson
# send_email=yes
# doc_number=55
# put all the invoice parameters names
# into an array...
my @invoice_info = $Q-param;
# Declare some variables
my $line_counter=1;
my $row_counter=1;
my $total_rows=10;
# first we print the numbered rows that contain some data...
 while ($line_counter  $total_rows) {
my $quantity=$Q-param(q$line_counter);
my $tax=$Q-param(t$line_counter);
my $description=$Q-param(d$line_counter);
my $unit_price=$Q-param(p$line_counter);
	if ($quantity eq$description eq   $unit_price 
eq ) {
	   # do nothing

 else {
 print q$row_counter=$quantity\n;
 print t$row_counter=$tax\n;
 print d$row_counter=$description\n;
 print p$row_counter=$unit_price\n;
   } # end while loop
# reset the line counter...
# Then we get all the other parameters that are not numbered rows of 

foreach my $invoice_item (@invoice_info) {

 my $value = $Q-param($invoice_item);

if ($invoice_item eq q$line_counter) {



if ($invoice_item eq t$line_counter) {



if ($invoice_item eq d$line_counter) {



RE: Filtering CGI Variables

2004-08-09 Thread Bob Showalter
Bill Stephenson wrote:
 Hi all,
 I need some help. I have name/value parameters coming in from a web
 form that look something like this (blank lines added for clarity):
   d1=something 1
   d2=something 2
   d4=something 3
   d6=something 4
 I want to remove the groups of data that look like q3-p3 and q5-p5
 (where q,d, and p are all empty, t will always have data) then
 re-number the groups that contain data in in at least one of the
 q,d, or p variables, then save them to a file that looks
 something like this:
   d1=something 1
   d2=something 2
   d3=something 3
   d4=something 4
 I'm having trouble with the logic that will accomplish this. It
 doesn't seem like it should be very hard to do, but I just can't seem
 to say it in perl.

[snip code]

Here's the approach I would take (not tested!)

  my %data;
  for (param()) {   # loop through all parameters
  if (/^([qtdp])(\d+)$/) {
  my $prefix = $1;
  my $num = $2;
  $data{$num}{prefix} = param($_);

Basically, this inverts the data so you have a hash like:

 '1' = { q = 1, t = 1, d = 'something 1', p = 3.45 },
 '2' = { q = '', t = 2, d = 'something 2', p = 1.90 },
 ... and so on

Now, let's find the groups that have something in q, d, or p:

  my @groups = grep @data{$_}{qw/q d p/} =~ /\S/, sort { $a = $b } keys

Now you can write those groups out, renumbering as you go:

  my $n = 0;
  for my $g (@groups) {
  print $_$n $g-{$_}\n for qw/q t d p/;

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Perl oneliner to delete lines from a file

2004-08-09 Thread Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
I want to write a command line perl 'script'  to delete one or more 
lines from a file , by line number

for eg in sed I can do the same in two steps 
  cat FILENAME | sed -e '1,10d' FILENAME.TMP

The above mechanism has a  lot of pitfalls , like maintaining
permissions , making sure FILENAME.TMP  does not already exist etc.
That is why I want to do it with perl -i  
but I dont want to write a full script for this , because  I am going to
run it on remote machines ( automated ) , and I cant ftp the script

Any suggestions

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2004-08-09 Thread Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz

$a = [
'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
'sn'   = 'Jensen',
'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
   'inetOrgPerson' ],

I have this arrary structure, how should I read it?  For example how do I 
acces to inetOrgPerson' value or Jesen value?



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2004-08-09 Thread Tim Johnson

Are you sure you want that top level to be an anonymous array instead of
a hash?  This would make more sense (see below for how to access the
values).  Note the {} brackets instead of the [] brackets.


my $a = {'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 
'Barbs Jensen'],
   'sn'   =  'Jensen',
 'mail' =  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
 'objectclass' = ['top',
   'inetOrgPerson' ],

print $a-{objectclass}-[3].\n; #inetOrgPerson
print $a-{sn}.\n; #Jensen


-Original Message-
From: Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 5:50 PM


$a = [
'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
'sn'   = 'Jensen',
'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
   'inetOrgPerson' ],

I have this arrary structure, how should I read it?  For example how do
acces to inetOrgPerson' value or Jesen value?

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2004-08-09 Thread Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
This seems to be the result of a Net::LDAP search. I would suggest you
better read the perldoc for the module , there are methods to directly
give you the cn, sn etc from the entry. 

That way even if you upgrade the module and if the structure of the
object changes you wont have to change any of your code. Anyway If you
*really* want to use messy calls to the object directly you could do

To make it look less confusing you could just remove one level of a
reference like 

my %hash = @{$a};
now access the elements at will 

$sn = $hash{sn}# If you are sure there can only be one sn 

if(ref($hash{cn}) eq 'ARRAY') { 
   @listof_cn = @{$hash{cn}};
} else { 
  $cn = $hash{cn};


On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 06:19, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
 $a = [
 'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
 'sn'   = 'Jensen',
 'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
 'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
'inetOrgPerson' ],
 I have this arrary structure, how should I read it?  For example how do I 
 acces to inetOrgPerson' value or Jesen value?

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Out of Topic :-Any perl training institutes in Bangalore

2004-08-09 Thread Anand . V
Hi All,

I am new to perl. I would like to know if any one of you, aware of any
training institutes in bangalore for perl training.

I am also learning on my own, especially this group has been highly helpfull
for beginners like me, but keeping in view of  vastness of perl and limited
time that we have for automation, i am enquiring about this.

Thanks in Advance


Re: Perl oneliner to delete lines from a file

2004-08-09 Thread Jose Alves de Castro
On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 07:34, Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:
 I want to write a command line perl 'script'  to delete one or more 
 lines from a file , by line number

Hi :-)

If I understand correctly, you want to delete lines X to Y from a file,

perl -i -ne 'print unless 1..10' file

that should do the trick :-)

The explanation follows:

-i = in-place edit (you apparently already know what this does
-n = for all lines, apply script
-e = evaluate the following script

print unless 1..10

Well... the '..' operator has been explained every other mail on this
list :-| Basically, this one returns true if you're between lines 1 and
10 (inclusive), which means those lines won't get printed, but all
others will.



PS: If you'd like a more detailed explanation of the .. operator or
something else, just say it :-) I'm just not explaining it because
you've probably already read about it here... :-)

 for eg in sed I can do the same in two steps 
   cat FILENAME | sed -e '1,10d' FILENAME.TMP
 The above mechanism has a  lot of pitfalls , like maintaining
 permissions , making sure FILENAME.TMP  does not already exist etc.
 That is why I want to do it with perl -i  
 but I dont want to write a full script for this , because  I am going to
 run it on remote machines ( automated ) , and I cant ftp the script
 Any suggestions
José Alves de Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What is this doing: eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -T -w -S $0 ${1+$@}' if 0;

2004-08-09 Thread Jose Alves de Castro
On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 04:06, JupiterHost.Net wrote:
 I found this code in a script right after the she-bang line:
 eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -T -w -S $0 ${1+$@}'
  if 0; # not running under some shell
 What is it doing?


From `perldoc perlrun`, under -S :

Typically this is used to emulate #! startup on platforms that
don't support #!.  This example works on many platforms that have
a shell compatible with Bourne shell:

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -wS $0 ${1+$@}'
if $running_under_some_shell;

[ ... etc ... ]

It goes on, so you have a more detailed explanation there...

The line you have is similar enough to that one.

 Its like its executing itself again, but why?
 What the heck is: ${1+$@} ??
 Wouldn't the eval never get done because of the if 0; ??

Right. Probably your system supports #!, right? :-)

 So why eval a piece of code that willnever be eval'ed ?

I guess the line is still there for some reason... I can think of
several possibilities :-|

 Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net
José Alves de Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What is this doing: eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -T -w -S $0 ${1+$@}' if 0;

2004-08-09 Thread JupiterHost.Net
Jose Alves de Castro wrote:
On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 04:06, JupiterHost.Net wrote:
I found this code in a script right after the she-bang line:
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -T -w -S $0 ${1+$@}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
What is it doing?

From `perldoc perlrun`, under -S :
Hello Jose,
Right on, you'd think I'd check perldoc first, every now and then I get 
dumb ;p

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File Size Calculator

2004-08-09 Thread SilverFox
Hi all, I'm trying to writing a script that will allow a user to enter a 
number and that number will be converted into KB,MB or GB depending on the 
size of the number. Can someone point me in the right direction?

user enter: 59443
Script will output: 58M


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Re: File Size Calculator

2004-08-09 Thread David Dorward
On 9 Aug 2004, at 14:34, SilverFox wrote:
Hi all, I'm trying to writing a script that will allow a user to enter 
number and that number will be converted into KB,MB or GB depending on 
size of the number. Can someone point me in the right direction?
What have you got so far? Where are you stuck? Getting user input 
(where from)? Working out which order of magnitude the number is? 
Converting between kilo and mega et al? Showing the output?

Show us some code.
David Dorward
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Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Singh, Harjit
I am trying to write a script that would be able to read a file.  The
file is broken into number of segments and each segment starts with a
similar string pattern of following type:  2.2.x.y.z: followed with
white space, where x, y, z numbers change throughout the file. The
segment further has number of things that I am looking for.  I want to
be able to capture the segment value in addition to other things in a
specific segment.  What is the best approach to be able to make this
possible?  I have tried number of things but have not been able to
capture the right regular expression to capture the information.  I
would appreciate if any one can send in their response...
Harjit Singh

Re: File Size Calculator

2004-08-09 Thread Jose Alves de Castro
On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 14:53, David Dorward wrote:
 On 9 Aug 2004, at 14:34, SilverFox wrote:
  Hi all, I'm trying to writing a script that will allow a user to enter 
  number and that number will be converted into KB,MB or GB depending on 
  size of the number. Can someone point me in the right direction?
 What have you got so far? Where are you stuck? Getting user input 
 (where from)? Working out which order of magnitude the number is?

I wouldn't do that (the part of finding the order of magnitude)... I
would probably keep on doing calculations while the numbers was greater
then 1024... and in the end, when it was, the right letter to append
would be based on the amount of calculations done...

I remember reading something about this on use.Perl ... it was a while
ago, and I'm not sure whether it ever got into a module, but the guy had
written some wonderful code to do this :-)

 Converting between kilo and mega et al? Showing the output?
 Show us some code.
 David Dorward
José Alves de Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread James Edward Gray II
On Aug 9, 2004, at 9:05 AM, Singh, Harjit wrote:
I am trying to write a script that would be able to read a file.  The
file is broken into number of segments and each segment starts with a
similar string pattern of following type:  2.2.x.y.z: followed with
white space, where x, y, z numbers change throughout the file. The
segment further has number of things that I am looking for.  I want to
be able to capture the segment value in addition to other things in a
specific segment.  What is the best approach to be able to make this
possible?  I have tried number of things but have not been able to
capture the right regular expression to capture the information.  I
would appreciate if any one can send in their response...
Show us a few lines of data, please, and the expressions you have 
tried.  We'll walk you through why they aren't working and give some 

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Re: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Harjit Singh wrote:
I am trying to write a script that would be able to read a file.
Are you? I don't see any code.
verbal file description snipped
What is the best approach to be able to make this possible?
I have no idea. But the best approach when seeking help here is to
post a small but complete program, including sample data, that people
can easily copy and run, and that illustrates the problem you are
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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RE: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Marcos . Rebelo

 -Original Message-
 From: Singh, Harjit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:05 PM
 Subject: Trying To write a script
 I am trying to write a script that would be able to read a file.  The
 file is broken into number of segments and each segment starts with a
 similar string pattern of following type:  2.2.x.y.z: followed with
 white space, where x, y, z numbers change throughout the file. The
 segment further has number of things that I am looking for.  I want to
 be able to capture the segment value in addition to other things in a
 specific segment.  What is the best approach to be able to make this
 possible?  I have tried number of things but have not been able to
 capture the right regular expression to capture the information.  I
 would appreciate if any one can send in their response...
 Harjit Singh

Can you send a file example.

Don't considering the file size. 

use Data::Dumper; 
my @file = split(/(2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+) /, $fileText); 
my %blocks = @file; 

In blocks you would find the keys read to be parsed and the values as being
the rest.

One real example cloud help.


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Re: File Size Calculator

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, SilverFox wrote:
user enter: 59443
Script will output: 58M
I know this isn't getting into the spirit of things, but have you 
considered simply using the `units` program?

% units
500 units, 54 prefixes
You have: 59443 bytes
You want: megabytes
* 0.056689262
/ 17.640025
You have: 59443 bytes
You want: kilobytes
* 59.443
/ 0.016822839
You have: ^C
% units bytes kilobytes
   * 0.001
/ 1000
% units bytes megabytes
* 9.5367432e-07
/ 1048576
The nice thing about `units` -- in this context -- is that it lets the 
user pick the conversion units they want to work with, and also gives 
hints for converting both to  from the alternate measurement scale.

Of course, working this into a larger program that does other things 
might be annoying -- in which case your way is better -- but if all you 
want is the conversions, this is a solved problem :-)

Chris Devers
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2004-08-09 Thread Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
yes, I'm pretty sure.  

And  Ramprasad is write, it's a LDAP-Perl scructure.   I need to construct 
this structure on fly when executin a script.  So I wish first how to access.

So, lets tell  I want to add another element.

After doing: 
my %hash = @{$a};

I do:   $hash{'initials'} = S; ???

If I heed an array shoul I do: $hash{'telephone'}=['',''];

and because it's a anonymous reference $a var is update automatly?

Merci beacoupe


El Lun 09 Ago 2004 03:32, Tim Johnson escribió:
 Are you sure you want that top level to be an anonymous array instead of
 a hash?  This would make more sense (see below for how to access the
 values).  Note the {} brackets instead of the [] brackets.


 my $a = {'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen',
 'Barbs Jensen'],
  'sn'   =  'Jensen',
  'mail' =  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  'objectclass' = ['top',
'inetOrgPerson' ],

 print $a-{objectclass}-[3].\n; #inetOrgPerson
 print $a-{sn}.\n; #Jensen


 -Original Message-
 From: Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 5:50 PM


 $a = [
 'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
 'sn'   = 'Jensen',
 'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
 'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
'inetOrgPerson' ],

 I have this arrary structure, how should I read it?  For example how do
 acces to inetOrgPerson' value or Jesen value?

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Re: question

2004-08-09 Thread DBSMITH
well yes I thought I tried that, but maybe I type something wrong b/c I am 
not seeing what I remember.  Yours works!


Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

Gunnar Hjalmarsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/04/2004 06:12 PM

Subject:Re: question

 Is the last unless statement saying break out of the loop only
 when @a is read completely through?

In effect: Yes.

 I also have a formatting question.  The output is printing a '
 after a newline

A wild guess would be that it's because the ' is printed after the
printing of a \n. ;-)  Have you tried:

 print join ($or_string, @output), $tick, \n;

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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2004-08-09 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
And Ramprasad is write, it's a LDAP-Perl scructure.  I need to 
construct this structure on fly when executin a script.  So I wish 
first how to access.

So, lets tell  I want to add another element.
After doing:
my %hash = @{$a};
Did you try a `perldoc Net::LDAP` yet?
use Net::LDAP;
$ldap = Net::LDAP-new( '' ) or die $@;
$mesg = $ldap-bind ;# an anonymous bind
$mesg = $ldap-search( # perform a search
   base   = c=US,
   filter = ((sn=Barr) (o=Texas Instruments))
$mesg-code  die $mesg-error;
foreach $entry ($mesg-entries) { $entry-dump; }
$mesg = $ldap-unbind;   # take down session
$ldap = Net::LDAP-new( '' );
# bind to a directory with dn and password
$mesg = $ldap-bind( 'cn=root, o=University of Michigan, c=us',
 password = 'secret'
$result = $ldap-add( 'cn=Barbara Jensen, o=University of Michigan, c=US',
  attr = [
'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
'sn'   = 'Jensen',
'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
  'inetOrgPerson' ],
$result-code  warn failed to add entry: , $result-error ;
$mesg = $ldap-unbind;  # take down session
Can you not add an entry this way?

Chris Devers
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2004-08-09 Thread Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Yes I do,  I need array not to be hard-coded 

El Lun 09 Ago 2004 10:05, Chris Devers escribió:
 On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
  And Ramprasad is write, it's a LDAP-Perl scructure.  I need to
  construct this structure on fly when executin a script.  So I wish
  first how to access.
  So, lets tell  I want to add another element.
  After doing:
  my %hash = @{$a};

 Did you try a `perldoc Net::LDAP` yet?

  use Net::LDAP;

  $ldap = Net::LDAP-new( '' ) or die $@;

  $mesg = $ldap-bind ;# an anonymous bind

  $mesg = $ldap-search( # perform a search
 base   = c=US,
 filter = ((sn=Barr) (o=Texas Instruments))

  $mesg-code  die $mesg-error;

  foreach $entry ($mesg-entries) { $entry-dump; }

  $mesg = $ldap-unbind;   # take down session

  $ldap = Net::LDAP-new( '' );

  # bind to a directory with dn and password
  $mesg = $ldap-bind( 'cn=root, o=University of Michigan, c=us',
   password = 'secret'

  $result = $ldap-add( 'cn=Barbara Jensen, o=University of Michigan,
 c=US', attr = [
  'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
  'sn'   = 'Jensen',
  'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
'inetOrgPerson' ],

  $result-code  warn failed to add entry: , $result-error ;
  $mesg = $ldap-unbind;  # take down session

 Can you not add an entry this way?

 Chris Devers

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Re: Assignment for Perl Class- hurting my brain

2004-08-09 Thread James Edward Gray II
(Let's keep our discussion on the list, for all to help and learn.)
On Aug 8, 2004, at 11:08 PM, William Paoli wrote:
The field format of the file is structured like
Car Number:Driver Name:Sponsor:Owner:Crew
Chief:Car Make:Mini Biography:Team Name

I couldn't tell, are you struggling with this part?

Yes actually I think I am. Am I on the right track
sub load_data_file {
open FILE, winstoncup_2002_drivers.txt;
@driver_info = FILE;
This slurps the entire file into the array.  I assume that would be a 
lot of drivers.  Don't you just want to walk through them one at a 
time?  A typical line-by-line read in Perl looks something like:

while (my $line = FILE) {
# work with $line here...
	while (@driver_info) {
That says, While there are elements in the array driver_info...  You 
aren't removing any elements below though, meaning it will always be 
true and thus probably an infinite loop.  Again, I think you meant to 
deal with the file line-by-line.

$obj = $Car_Number,
$Driver_Name,$Sponsor,$Owner,$Chief,$Car,$Bio,$Team =
split /:/;
split /:/ is just short for split /:/, $_, but I don't see you setting 
$_ anywhere.  I doubt that's doing what you expect.

The assignment is another issue.  I don't know what you're trying with 
$obj =, but I doubt you're getting what you expect there.  As for the 
rest, use parens around your lists, so you can see they are lists:

($list, $of, $some, @vars) = split ... ;
Hopefully that gives you some new things to think about.
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Re: Assignment for Perl Class- hurting my brain

2004-08-09 Thread Christopher J. Bottaro
William Paoli wrote:
 $obj = {Title} =; #Is this initilizing the

 I dont know why I am just not getting this stuff.
 Please help me.

your syntax is wrong, thats all.  so your assignment is make some kinda
rudimentary database lookup program thingie?  your program reads the file,
then accepts some kind of input to lookup info that was in the file?

honestly, i don't really know what the prof wants with this attributes
thing.  it seems to kinda confuse things for no reason, but whatever.

sub new {
my $self = {};
$self-{TITLE} = 'whatever title';
bless( $self );
return $self;

i don't know the specs for your project, but my constructor would probably
look like this:

sub new {
my ($caller, $filename) = @_;
my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class);
$self-{TITLE} = 'My Title!';
$self-{FILENAME} = $filename;
parse_file($filename); # dunno, this might be $self-parse_file($filename)
return $self;

its kinda hard to help without knowing exactly how much you know about

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2004-08-09 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
Yes I do,  I need array not to be hard-coded
So don't hard-code it then.
Just modify the update command the library provides so that it does what 
you need it to do.

Manually poking at the data structure that a library uses internally is 
a BAD idea; it breaks the whole point of using object-oriented methods.

So. You want to change how you do an update. So take this --
 $result = $ldap-add( 'cn=Barbara Jensen, o=University of Michigan, c=US', attr 
= [
 'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'],
 'sn'   = 'Jensen',
 'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
 'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
   'inetOrgPerson' ],
 $result-code  warn failed to add entry: , $result-error ;
And edit the fields you need to have added.
  $result = $ldap-add(
  'cn'   = ['George Kaplan', 'Roger Thornhill'],
  'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  $result-code  warn failed to add entry: , $result-error;
  $result = $ldap-add( 'cn' = [$name, $nick], 'mail' = $mail );
  $result-code  warn failed to add $name/$mail: , $result-error;
In what way isn't this working for you?
If you try to poke at the data structure Net::LDAP is using without 
going through the $ldap-add() method provided, you're probably going to 
regret it in the long run, when -- as inevitably happens -- some random 
update changes how things are stored but not the API and your code that 
depended on the old storage mechanism falls apart with the new one. If 
on the other hand you just use the normal API, you should be safe.

Chris Devers
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Re: iterate over the fields of a struct?

2004-08-09 Thread Christopher J. Bottaro
Randy W. Sims wrote:
 If you're using version 5.8 or later you can use restricted hashes. See
 `perldoc Hash::Util`

heh, that was exactly what i'm looking for, thanks.  ugh, now i gotta
rewrite 3 days worth of code with restricted hashes instead of
Class::Struct ...=/

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2004-08-09 Thread Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
You are wrong,

I need some more flexible, 

I dont know what attributes will be added, that's why I need array be coded on 
fly,with somthin like this

$result = $ldap-add( 'cn=Barbara Jensen, o=University of Michigan,
 c=US', attr =$attrs);

so $attrs array is formed on user commands



El Lun 09 Ago 2004 10:35, Chris Devers escribió:
 On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
  Yes I do,  I need array not to be hard-coded

 So don't hard-code it then.

 Just modify the update command the library provides so that it does what
 you need it to do.

 Manually poking at the data structure that a library uses internally is
 a BAD idea; it breaks the whole point of using object-oriented methods.

 So. You want to change how you do an update. So take this --

   $result = $ldap-add( 'cn=Barbara Jensen, o=University of Michigan,
  c=US', attr = [ 'cn'   = ['Barbara Jensen', 'Barbs Jensen'], 'sn'   =
   'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
   'objectclass' = ['top', 'person',
 'inetOrgPerson' ],
   $result-code  warn failed to add entry: , $result-error ;

 And edit the fields you need to have added.

$result = $ldap-add(
'cn'   = ['George Kaplan', 'Roger Thornhill'],
'mail' = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
$result-code  warn failed to add entry: , $result-error;

$result = $ldap-add( 'cn' = [$name, $nick], 'mail' = $mail );
$result-code  warn failed to add $name/$mail: , $result-error;

 In what way isn't this working for you?

 If you try to poke at the data structure Net::LDAP is using without
 going through the $ldap-add() method provided, you're probably going to
 regret it in the long run, when -- as inevitably happens -- some random
 update changes how things are stored but not the API and your code that
 depended on the old storage mechanism falls apart with the new one. If
 on the other hand you just use the normal API, you should be safe.

 Chris Devers

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perl.beginners Weekly list FAQ posting

2004-08-09 Thread casey
beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners mailing list

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Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who do I complain to?
You can send complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?
Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?
Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
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are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
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  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?
Feb 04, 2004

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners' list.
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A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly

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  2.3 - Are there any rules?
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  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?
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  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
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It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
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perldoc perldoc

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  2.8 Is this a high traffic list?
YES! You have been warned! If you don't want to get ~100 emails per day
from this list, consider subscribing to the digest.

  2.9 Other tips before posting to the list


2004-08-09 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
You are wrong,
I see.
Good luck figuring it out then!

Chris Devers
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regex problem

2004-08-09 Thread DBSMITH
All I am getting the error from my if statement:

^* matches null string many times in regex; marked by -- HERE in m/^* -- 
HERE Orig/ at .

I am trying to get everything except *Orig in this output :

*Orig Vol: 1703FBBDED58D4AD (E00117), Seq #: 000114 in TLU: st_9840_acs_0, 
media: STK 984e
 Orig Vol: 0303E68522777483 (E00486), Seq #: 000800 in TLU: st_9840_acs_0, 
media: STK 984e

07/12/2004 18:13:17 Rotation ID:4A03CC27.A30DEE72.0200.0E0B8707, 5 
 Media duplication is not enabled.

*Orig Vol: 4A03CC27A30DEE72 (E00632), Seq #: 000273 in TLU: st_9840_acs_0, 
media: STK 984e

Here is my code:
foreach ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist) {
if ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist !~ \^\*Orig) {
print $_;

*NOTE the variable $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has the Orig strings in it.
Does foreach read line by line?
Do I even need the foreach statement?

thank you!

Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

RE: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Singh, Harjit
The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.  The code seems to
have failed and need a advise on it..

$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;

while (INFO)

 if ($test = ~ /2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+){

 print  $test \n  ; }}

close (INFO);

It would be a great help if some feedback could be provided...


-Original Message-
From: Singh, Harjit 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:23 PM
To: 'Gunnar Hjalmarsson'
Subject: RE: Trying To write a script

The file is of the following format:

--- XXX
 This is test of test
 for use by Sunny: 1 
 as stated in YY
Note 2: This function consolidates a number of former sections from
 for use by Sunny: 2
 as discussed in


The file shows two items start with 2.2.* and additional detail
underneath it such as Sunny: 1 for or Sunny: 2 for
I want to be able to break the file capturing its item number along with
number for Sunny: for each of the listed item number.  The item number
always starts in the beginning of line.  See if this helps you in
deciding a code.  


-Original Message-
From: Gunnar Hjalmarsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: Trying To write a script

Harjit Singh wrote:
 I am trying to write a script that would be able to read a file.

Are you? I don't see any code.

verbal file description snipped

 What is the best approach to be able to make this possible?

I have no idea. But the best approach when seeking help here is to
post a small but complete program, including sample data, that people
can easily copy and run, and that illustrates the problem you are

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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Re: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread James Edward Gray II
On Aug 9, 2004, at 3:36 PM, Singh, Harjit wrote:
The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.  The code seems to
have failed and need a advise on it..
$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;
open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;
while (INFO)
 if ($test = ~ /2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+){
In a Regular Expression, one or more digits is spelled:
Hope that helps.
 print  $test \n  ; }}
close (INFO);
It would be a great help if some feedback could be provided...

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Re: regex problem

2004-08-09 Thread Gunnar Hjalmarsson
All I am getting the error from my if statement:
^* matches null string many times in regex; marked by
-- HERE in m/^* -- HERE Orig/ at .
I am trying to get everything except *Orig in this output :
samlpe data snipped
Here is my code:
foreach ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist) {
if ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist !~ \^\*Orig) {
print $_;
- The ^ character shall not be escaped when marking the beginning of a 

- You need to tell Perl that you want to use the m// operator, either like
or by using straight slashes:
But why use a regex at all?
print unless substr($_, 0, 5) eq '*Orig';
*NOTE the variable $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has the Orig strings in it.
Does foreach read line by line?
Not unless you tell Perl so:
foreach ( split /\n/, $EDM_nonactive_tapelist ) {
print $_\n unless substr($_, 0, 5) eq '*Orig';
Do I even need the foreach statement?
print map $_\n, grep { substr($_, 0, 5) ne '*Orig' }
  $EDM_nonactive_tapelist =~ /(.+)/mg;
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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Re: regex problem

2004-08-09 Thread DBSMITH
I am still getting the same error with your suggestion.  Does foreach read 
line by line?  Do I need the foreach? 

Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

08/09/2004 03:56 PM

Subject:Re: regex problem

perhaps you meant ^\* ... rather than \^\* ...

the later will trap things beginning with ^* ...

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: regex problem

 All I am getting the error from my if statement:

 ^* matches null string many times in regex; marked by -- HERE in m/^* 
 HERE Orig/ at .

 I am trying to get everything except *Orig in this output :

 *Orig Vol: 1703FBBDED58D4AD (E00117), Seq #: 000114 in TLU: 
 media: STK 984e
  Orig Vol: 0303E68522777483 (E00486), Seq #: 000800 in TLU: 
 media: STK 984e

 07/12/2004 18:13:17 Rotation ID:4A03CC27.A30DEE72.0200.0E0B8707, 5
  Media duplication is not enabled.

 *Orig Vol: 4A03CC27A30DEE72 (E00632), Seq #: 000273 in TLU: 
 media: STK 984e

 Here is my code:

 foreach ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist) {
 if ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist !~ \^\*Orig) {
 print $_;

 *NOTE the variable $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has the Orig strings in it.
 Does foreach read line by line?
 Do I even need the foreach statement?

 thank you!

 Derek B. Smith
 OhioHealth IT
 UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

RE: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Singh, Harjit
I made the change but still did not fix my problem..

-Original Message-
From: James Edward Gray II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:41 PM
To: Singh, Harjit
Cc: Perl Beginners
Subject: Re: Trying To write a script

On Aug 9, 2004, at 3:36 PM, Singh, Harjit wrote:

 The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
 detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.  The code seems to
 have failed and need a advise on it..

 $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

 open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;

 while (INFO)

  if ($test = ~ /2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+){

In a Regular Expression, one or more digits is spelled:


Hope that helps.


  print  $test \n  ; }}

 close (INFO);

 It would be a great help if some feedback could be provided...

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Re: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Randy W. Sims
Singh, Harjit wrote:
The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.  The code seems to
have failed and need a advise on it..
A couple of suggestions/corrections:
use strict;
use warnings;
$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;
open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;
while (INFO)
This assigns each line in turn to the special variable $_
 if ($test = ~ /2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+){
so, matching against $test, which is undefined, does nothing. Also, the 
regular expression should not be in quotes. What you want to do is match 
the regular expression againg $_ and capture the data you want using the 
regular expression capture operator (). Using your above expression that 
would be something like:

if ( $_ =~ /2\.2\.(/d+)\.(/d+)\.(/d+)/ ){
or since the $_ variable is implied, it can be shortened to:
if ( /2\.2\.(/d+)\.(/d+)\.(/d+)/ ){
 print  $test \n  ; }}
Using the above captures, your results will now be in the variables $1, 
$2,  $3.

close (INFO);
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RE: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Singh, Harjit
The code is still not working with the modifications that you listed
earlier.  The code does not have any compilation errors but does not
show the results for the variables $1, $2 and $3.  I was wandering if
you could think of something else that is causing the problem.


$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;

while (INFO)

 if (/2\.2\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)

 print  $1,$2, $3 ; }}

close (INFO);


-Original Message-
From: Randy W. Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:57 PM
To: Singh, Harjit
Subject: Re: Trying To write a script

Singh, Harjit wrote:
 The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
 detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.  The code seems to
 have failed and need a advise on it..

A couple of suggestions/corrections:


use strict;
use warnings;

 $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;
 open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;
 while (INFO)

This assigns each line in turn to the special variable $_

  if ($test = ~ /2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+){

so, matching against $test, which is undefined, does nothing. Also, the 
regular expression should not be in quotes. What you want to do is match

the regular expression againg $_ and capture the data you want using the

regular expression capture operator (). Using your above expression that

would be something like:

if ( $_ =~ /2\.2\.(/d+)\.(/d+)\.(/d+)/ ){

or since the $_ variable is implied, it can be shortened to:

if ( /2\.2\.(/d+)\.(/d+)\.(/d+)/ ){

  print  $test \n  ; }}

Using the above captures, your results will now be in the variables $1, 
$2,  $3.

 close (INFO);

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Re: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Randy W. Sims
Singh, Harjit wrote:
The code is still not working with the modifications that you listed
earlier.  The code does not have any compilation errors but does not
show the results for the variables $1, $2 and $3.  I was wandering if
you could think of something else that is causing the problem.

You forgot:
use strict;
use warnings;
$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;
my $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;
open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;
Your die message uses a different variable ($file vs $file1). And you 
probably meant $! vs $1 to display the error message.

open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file1: $!;
while (INFO)
 if (/2\.2\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
 print  $1,$2, $3 ; }}
close (INFO);
Despite the problems mentioned above, I'm not sure why it didn't work 
for you. Your code works as is for me with a dummy.txt file of, eg.
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RE: regex problem

2004-08-09 Thread Charles K. Clarkson

: All I am getting the error from my if statement:
: ^* matches null string many times in regex; marked by --
: HERE in m/^* --
: HERE Orig/ at .
: I am trying to get everything except *Orig in this output :
: *Orig Vol: 1703FBBDED58D4AD (E00117), Seq #: 000114 in TLU:
: st_9840_acs_0, media: STK 984e
:  Orig Vol: 0303E68522777483 (E00486), Seq #: 000800 in TLU:
: st_9840_acs_0, media: STK 984e
: 07/12/2004 18:13:17 Rotation
: ID:4A03CC27.A30DEE72.0200.0E0B8707, 5
: backups
:  Media duplication is not enabled.
: *Orig Vol: 4A03CC27A30DEE72 (E00632), Seq #: 000273 in TLU:
: st_9840_acs_0, media: STK 984e
: Here is my code:
: foreach ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist) {
: if ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist !~ \^\*Orig) {
: print $_;
: }
: }
: *NOTE the variable $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has the Orig strings
: in it. Does foreach read line by line?

No. 'foreach' as used above aliases $_ to each element
of a list of scalars one item at a time. The function does
not know the concept of line.

You have provided a list of one scalar -
$EDM_nonactive_tapelist. The loop will process
$EDM_nonactive_tapelist once and place it's value in $_.
Any changes to $_ will also change $EDM_nonactive_tapelist.

Assuming $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has a list of strings
separated by newlines (\n), a list of those strings
might be expressed as this.

foreach my $srting ( split /\n/, $EDM_nonactive_tapelist ) {
print $srting\n if /^\*Orig/;

   In this example we have taken each string and placed it
in a scalar variable named $string. $string is tested and
printed if that test is true. The 'split' splits each
string at the newline and discard that character.

: Do I even need the foreach statement?

I'm not sure. has the Orig strings in it is not a
precise statement for a computer programmer.

Question: How did this list of strings get into a
  single scalar?


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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RE: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Singh, Harjit
I tried the following code as you mentioned but still seem to be failing
to do any print on the screen.  The code is as follows:

   use strict;
use warnings;

#  $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

my $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

#Your die message uses a different variable ($file vs $file1). And you 
# probably meant $! vs $1 to display the error message.

open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file1: $!;

 while (INFO)
  if (/2\.2\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
  print  $1,$2, $3 ; }}
 close (INFO);


-Original Message-
From: Randy W. Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 5:27 PM
To: Singh, Harjit
Subject: Re: Trying To write a script

Singh, Harjit wrote:
 The code is still not working with the modifications that you listed
 earlier.  The code does not have any compilation errors but does not
 show the results for the variables $1, $2 and $3.  I was wandering if
 you could think of something else that is causing the problem.

You forgot:

use strict;
use warnings;

 $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

my $file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

 open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;
Your die message uses a different variable ($file vs $file1). And you 
probably meant $! vs $1 to display the error message.

open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file1: $!;

 while (INFO)
  if (/2\.2\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
  print  $1,$2, $3 ; }}
 close (INFO);

Despite the problems mentioned above, I'm not sure why it didn't work 
for you. Your code works as is for me with a dummy.txt file of, eg.

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RE: regex problem

2004-08-09 Thread DBSMITH
it is a system app call that  populates the $EDM_nonactive_tapelist
I am not sure what you meanI'm not sure. has the Orig strings in it is not a
precise statement for a computer programmer.

the variable $EDM_nonactive_tapelist which is a file with the Orig strings in it !

the foreach with the split did work!


Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

Charles K. Clarkson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/09/2004 05:41 PM

Subject:RE: regex problem


: All I am getting the error from my if statement:
: ^* matches null string many times in regex; marked by --
: HERE in m/^* --
: HERE Orig/ at .
: I am trying to get everything except *Orig in this output :
: *Orig Vol: 1703FBBDED58D4AD (E00117), Seq #: 000114 in TLU:
: st_9840_acs_0, media: STK 984e
:  Orig Vol: 0303E68522777483 (E00486), Seq #: 000800 in TLU:
: st_9840_acs_0, media: STK 984e
: 07/12/2004 18:13:17 Rotation
: ID:4A03CC27.A30DEE72.0200.0E0B8707, 5
: backups
:  Media duplication is not enabled.
: *Orig Vol: 4A03CC27A30DEE72 (E00632), Seq #: 000273 in TLU:
: st_9840_acs_0, media: STK 984e
: Here is my code:
: foreach ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist) {
: if ($EDM_nonactive_tapelist !~ \^\*Orig) {
: print $_;
: }
: }
: *NOTE the variable $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has the Orig strings
: in it. Does foreach read line by line?

No. 'foreach' as used above aliases $_ to each element
of a list of scalars one item at a time. The function does
not know the concept of line.

You have provided a list of one scalar -
$EDM_nonactive_tapelist. The loop will process
$EDM_nonactive_tapelist once and place it's value in $_.
Any changes to $_ will also change $EDM_nonactive_tapelist.

Assuming $EDM_nonactive_tapelist has a list of strings
separated by newlines (\n), a list of those strings
might be expressed as this.

foreach my $srting ( split /\n/, $EDM_nonactive_tapelist ) {
print $srting\n if /^\*Orig/;

   In this example we have taken each string and placed it
in a scalar variable named $string. $string is tested and
printed if that test is true. The 'split' splits each
string at the newline and discard that character.

: Do I even need the foreach statement?

I'm not sure. has the Orig strings in it is not a
precise statement for a computer programmer.

Question: How did this list of strings get into a
  single scalar?


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

Re: Trying To write a script

2004-08-09 Thread Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Harjit Singh wrote:
The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.
Did you send email to my [EMAIL PROTECTED] address? If the message in
the user part of the address isn't sufficient, I can tell you that I
never received your message. ;-)
The code seems to have failed and need a advise on it..
Where is
use strict;
use warnings;
$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;
my $file1 = 'C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt';
open (INFO,  $file1 ) or die Can't open $file: $1;
while (INFO)
I don't think it's a good approach to read the file line by line. I
would slurp it into a scalar variable.
$_ = do { local $/; INFO };
 if ($test = ~ /2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+){
What on earth is that??
- When and how was $test populated?
- The =~ operator does not include any space.
- You haven't even learned the most basics about Perl regular
expressions, have you? Please start studying
perldoc perlrequick
The file is of the following format:
--- XXX
 This is test of test
 for use by Sunny: 1
 as stated in YY
Note 2: This function consolidates a number of former sections from 3.2.4.
 for use by Sunny: 2
 as discussed in
The file shows two items start with 2.2.* and additional detail
underneath it such as Sunny: 1 for or Sunny: 2 for I want to be able to break the file capturing its item
number along with number for Sunny: for each of the listed item
number.  The item number always starts in the beginning of line.
Assuming you have slurped the file into the $_ variable, you should be 
able to build a regex and do something like this:

print Segment: $1 - Sunny: $2\n while /$re/g;
But first you must of course learn how to write a regex...  Besides
the suggested docs above, you may want to check out the qr// operator
in perldoc perlop.
Good luck!
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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RE: regex problem

2004-08-09 Thread Charles K. Clarkson

: it is a system app call that populates the
: $EDM_nonactive_tapelist I am not sure what you mean
: I'm not sure. has the Orig strings in it is not a
: precise statement for a computer programmer.

I meant that has the Orig strings in it does not
tell us how the strings are represented. It does not
precisely define how the data is structured.

That statement does not accurately describe the
data. Here are two examples of strings listed in a
scalar. In both cases I could describe each of these
examples as a scalar variable with strings in it.

$baz = [
[ 'foo' ],
[ 'bar' ],

$baz = foo\nbar\n;

As computer programmers, we have to describe
data precisely. If you are uncertain how to describe
a structure try printing it with DATA::Dumper.

: the foreach with the split did work!

Great. I'm glad I could help.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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Net::FTP Help !

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Federico
Hi Guys and Gals ,
 I'm new to perl ... Here is my problem .. 
I'm connecting fine to the remote computer and logging in fine .. what I
want to do is  a get all files from the remote directory . Here is is a
snippet of the code 
or die cannot change working directory , $ftp-message;

# show current directory

@all_files = $ftp-ls();

print @all_files;

foreach $file(@all_files) {

or die cannot get file, $ftp-message;


The problem is that the remote directory has a subdirectory in it so the
array reads it in @all_files = $ftp-ls; so when I go to do a
$ftp-get($file) it reads the subdirectory name into it as well so it
bombs out saying it cannot find file BLAH BLAH ... is there a way to
read the directory without the subdirectory in there .. just the files I
want to get .


Hope this is clear ..







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Re: Net::FTP Help !

2004-08-09 Thread Wiggins d Anconia
 Hi Guys and Gals ,
  I'm new to perl ... Here is my problem .. 
 I'm connecting fine to the remote computer and logging in fine .. what I
 want to do is  a get all files from the remote directory . Here is is a
 snippet of the code 
 or die cannot change working directory , $ftp-message;
 # show current directory
 @all_files = $ftp-ls();
 print @all_files;
 foreach $file(@all_files) {
 or die cannot get file, $ftp-message;
 The problem is that the remote directory has a subdirectory in it so the
 array reads it in @all_files = $ftp-ls; so when I go to do a
 $ftp-get($file) it reads the subdirectory name into it as well so it
 bombs out saying it cannot find file BLAH BLAH ... is there a way to
 read the directory without the subdirectory in there .. just the files I
 want to get .
 Hope this is clear ..

You can use the 'dir' method to get a long listing, which should include
the permissions string. Then you can step through the list and pull only
those files that don't start with a 'd'.  This requires more parsing and
is less precise but is the only way I know to do it. I thought someone
was writing an extension that did this automatically but don't know if
it has made its way to CPAN.

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