Re: pass vars to sub via TK/Button

2003-12-16 Thread Oliver Schaedlich

16.12.2003, R. Joseph Newton wrote:

 There is no decoding happening.  Entry is a Tk widget.  It is not a
 string.  The string contents are a property held in the widget's hash.
 The get method is an accessor function that returns this value.  AFAIK, Tk
 does not use the sort of default properties that you might find in VB,
 where you can assign a Text widget to a string, and the string gets the
 value of that widgets text.  Since Perl stores its references at least
 partly as strings, you get the reference string when you assign or use a
 widget referencxe in string context.

Ah, I can see the light (Faintly. At the other side of the tunnel.
Wait, don't run!). Maybe I should use modules more often.

Thanks a bunch! :)

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pass vars to sub via TK/Button

2003-12-15 Thread Oliver Schaedlich

I'd like to know how to pass variables fetched by TK/entry to a
subroutine by using a Button. The Button/-command line in the
following script is obviously wrong, but should suffice to illustrate
what I want it to do.

I'd be happy if someone could tell me how to do this properly.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Tk;

my $main = MainWindow-new;

my $var1 = $main - Entry( -width = 30 );
$var1 - pack;
my $var2 = $main - Entry( -width = 30 );
$var2 - pack;

$main - Button
( -text = 'Add',
  -command = \add_item($var1, $var2)
#  ^^
) - pack;


sub add_item {
print Added @_\n;

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Re: pass vars to sub via TK/Button

2003-12-15 Thread Oliver Schaedlich

15.12.2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

$mw-Button (-text=run,
 -command= sub {test($rb_val,$bonobo,$oracleid)})
 -place(-x=320,-y=250 ,-width=75);

thanks for your reply.

I tried to adapt to your example:

( -text = 'Add',
  -command = sub { add_item($var1, $var2) }
) - pack;

but the output add_item delivers looks more like hash references
than the content of aforementioned variables:

Added Tk::Entry=HASH(0x1c1956c) Tk::Entry=HASH(0x1c1e3a8)

Is it possible to pass simple variables via Entry/Button in the
first place, and if, how?

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Re: pass vars to sub via TK/Button

2003-12-15 Thread Oliver Schaedlich

15.12.2003, zentara wrote:

 $main - Button
 ( -text = 'Add',
   -command = sub{\add_item($var1,$var2)}
 ) - pack;
 sub add_item {
my $entry1 = $_[0]-get();
my $entry2 = $_[1]-get();

thanks for your reply. I tried this out and it works, though I have no
idea what it actually does and why I have to alter/decode/whatever the
fetched data in the first place. I guess I have to read into get()
a bit.

Thanks a bunch, same goes to Laurent.

Best regards, 

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Re: pass vars to sub via TK/Button

2003-12-15 Thread Oliver Schaedlich

thanks for your reply.

16.12.2003, R. Joseph Newton wrote:

 What does perldoc Tk::Entry tell you?

a) that there is a doc for Entry in the first place - I didn't
   know that, only read the main TK documentation. ^^;

b) Now that I read it, hmm, not much I'm afraid. Either I missed
   the part where it states how the data is encoded or I don't
   know enough about Perl (true, of course) to have it trigger
   something in my brain.

 Try something like this:

  command = [\read_entry_and_print, $entry])-pack;
   my $entry = shift;
   my $response = $entry-get();

It works, thanks. As mentioned in the other mail (which should have
been out to the list by yesterday already) I'll read into get as soon
as possible.

 my $win = MainWindow-new(height = 150, -width = 250);

Hmm, are you sure this works? The window my script creates shrinks to
width and height of the widgets (ActivePerl 5.8 on WinXP if that

Ok, and now breakfast. :)


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Re: looking for help with Net::IRC

2003-04-04 Thread Oliver Schaedlich
Hello Dan,

Thursday, April 3, 2003, 11:04:36 PM, you wrote:
 Net::IRC isn't the best way in the world of creating an IRC bot. I just use
 IO::Socket, and establish  maintain the connection to IRC myself within my
 own source. Personally that's the better option.

thanks for your advice. Since I didn't get one step ahead with
Net::IRC I switched to IO::Socket. Some simple routines already work
though I still do not know how to detect the modes of a channel or its
users. RFC 2810-2812 either do not provide such an option or I just
cannot find it. :)

Best regards,

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looking for help with Net::IRC

2003-04-03 Thread Oliver Schaedlich

I'm trying to put up a simple IRC bot using the Net::IRC module.
Connecting and joining the test channel works quite fine, but I do not
quite understand how to make the bot - for example - realize and react
when its mode is changed. Is there a good tutorial or in depth
documentation covering Net::IRC? Maybe I just do not get the hang
of it, but the accompanying Cpan documentation doesn't help me very

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