Re: read/write to command line opened as a file

2015-04-20 Thread Shlomi Fish
Hi all,

On Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:02:22 -0500
Andy Bach  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Frank K.  wrote:
> > Would someone suggest a solution which would allow me to “open” a
> > read/write session to a command line??
> perlfaq8.pod
>How can I open a pipe both to and from a command?
>The IPC::Open2 module (part of the standard perl distribution) is an
> easy-to-use approach that internally uses pipe(), fork(), and exec() to do
> the job.
>Make sure you read the deadlock warnings in its documentation,
> though (see IPC::Open2).  See "Bidirectional Communication with Another
> Process" in perlipc
>and "Bidirectional Communication with Yourself" in perlipc
>You may also use the IPC::Open3 module (part of the standard perl
> distribution), but be warned that it has a different order of arguments
> from IPC::Open2
>(see IPC::Open3).

In addition to IPC::Open2 and IPC::Open3 (which may not work too well,
especially on Windows) there are also:



* - nothing definite here, but I
remember the Windows' Console API.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish - The FSF Announces New Versions of the GPL

He says “One and one and one is three”.
Got to be good‐looking ’cause he’s so hard to see.
— The Beatles, “Come Together”

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Re: read/write to command line opened as a file

2015-04-20 Thread Andy Bach
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Frank K.  wrote:

> Would someone suggest a solution which would allow me to “open” a
> read/write session to a command line??

   How can I open a pipe both to and from a command?
   The IPC::Open2 module (part of the standard perl distribution) is an
easy-to-use approach that internally uses pipe(), fork(), and exec() to do
the job.
   Make sure you read the deadlock warnings in its documentation,
though (see IPC::Open2).  See "Bidirectional Communication with Another
Process" in perlipc
   and "Bidirectional Communication with Yourself" in perlipc

   You may also use the IPC::Open3 module (part of the standard perl
distribution), but be warned that it has a different order of arguments
from IPC::Open2
   (see IPC::Open3).



Andy Bach,
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

read/write to command line opened as a file

2015-04-20 Thread Frank K.
Ok, I am trying to do something I initially thought would be fairly easy to
do but am running into lots of trouble.


I have a db2 instance running on a Windows 2k8r2 Enterprise server, using
ActivePerl V5.8..


I wanted to open a file handle in read/write mode to run cmd.exe.. I then
need to write several commands to the handle and read the output of each


Would someone suggest a solution which would allow me to "open" a read/write
session to a command line??


Thanks in advance.. flk k

Windows Command-Line Arguments; Secrets or Stitching Them Together

2013-01-11 Thread Brandon McCaig

I've been writing more and more utilities in Perl and using them
both in Windows and GNU/Linux. Since I'm so used to UNIX shells
and terminals, cmd.exe obviously leaves much to be desired, but I
don't care for Cygwin or MSYS environments. They each have their
own strengths and weaknesses and none of them are fully usable.

So anyway I've been using PyCmd as a wrapper around cmd.exe. It
basically adds sensible tab completion and history recall. One
thing that it doesn't do is consider .pl files (or extensionless
files with a shebang, naturally) executable in Windows. So you
can't tab complete these programs. The Windows shell itself seems
to associate .pl with Strawberry Perl and it does seem to work
via the PATH environment variable. There's just no tab
completion. So what I usually do (and it looks like
ExtUtils::MakeMaker does too) is wrap the Perl programs in a .bat
or .cmd script.

The problem then is obviously preserving arguments with
whitespace or special characters when passing them onward to the
Perl program. In e.g., bash you can just do "$@" and it will
expand to quoted arguments, correctly passing them on, but no
such mechanism exists for cmd.exe that I am aware of. %* is
substituted for the command line arguments, but they aren't
quoted or escaped so they are not preserved. You could hard-code
up to 9 arguments with "%1" "%2" ... "%n", but then you'll be
passing always 9 arguments, whether there are 3 or 12.

So I'm curious what other Perl users do when they're stuck in
Windows (or similar platforms with sub-par shells). Does anybody
have any tricks that work well, or know of any existing CPAN
modules to make this easier?

The other day I found myself having trouble with a simple little
program that "sanitizes" file names by removing whitespace and
certain special characters (things that are inconvenient from the
command shell). It just processes @ARGV, but I'd find myself
passing it things like "foo\bar baz.txt". Naturally, the wrapper
.cmd program would pass that on as "foo\bar" "baz.txt" and the
Perl program wouldn't work. For this particular case I decided to
write some code to try to "guess" what was originally meant and
stitch the arguments back together.

For my amusement I'll include the WIP module that it resulted in
for your code review and criticism. I just hacked it together
over a couple of days in a few hours. It basically does a few
things: it tries to guess when something is a file path and
stitch it back together, it tries to preserve options as
individual arguments, and it tries to simulate single-quoting and
join arguments based on single-quote wrappers.

So if it finds an argument that looks like a filename with an
extension then it will join it with previous arguments to form a
full path. ('foo', 'bar', 'baz.txt') will become 'foo bar

If it finds anything that begins with a '-' then it considers it
an option and leaves it on its own. ('foo', '-bar', 'baz.txt')
will not be modified because '-bar' is preserved as a lone

If an argument begins with a single-quote then it considers it a
single-quoted argument and joins it with subsequent arguments
until it finds an argument that ends with a single-quote. So
("foo", "'bar", "baz'", "bak.txt") will become ('foo', 'bar baz',

As a special rule, if it finds ++ then it stops guessing and
considers the subsequent arguments to be correct as is.

Take a look and let me know what you think about it. And keep an
eye out for velociraptors[1].

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# h4x: Attempt to stitch arguments with spaces in them back together.
# Obviously will result in a lot of false positives.
package GuessArgs;

use v5.016;
use strict;
use utf8;
use version;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = version->declare('0.0.1');

use Data::Dumper;
use File::Glob qw/:bsd_glob/;

my $debug = 0;

my $main = sub {
$debug = 1;
say Dumper \@ARGV;

$main->() unless caller();

# Attempts to stich arguments back together for platforms^H that
# 'struggle' to preserve arguments with whitespace.
sub guess_args($) {
my ($orig_args) = @_;
return @$orig_args unless $debug || $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my @args;
my $arg;
my $literal = 0;
my $quoted = 0;

my $append_arg = sub {
if(defined $arg) {
$arg .= ' ' . $_;
} else {
$arg = $_;

my $flush_arg = sub {
if(defined $arg) {
push @args, $arg;
undef $arg;

for (@$orig_args) {
# h4x: ++ is used to terminate guessing and proc

Re: Regex behavior in command line

2012-06-07 Thread Jon Forsyth
I overlooked the missing single quotes, Thanks!


Re: Regex behavior in command line

2012-06-01 Thread Rob Dixon

On 31/05/2012 18:23, Jon Forsyth wrote:

I'm using the following line in Terminal, on OSX Lion, but I can't seem to
match parentheses '()':

perl -n -e 'print if(/\\(Submit\\)/)' visits/admin_add.ctp

I tried with one backslash in front of each '(' ')' as well to no avail.
  If I remove the '\'s and '()' the match is printed like so:


My purpose is to make sure I'm matching the correct lines including the
'()', then to alter the code to perform a search and replace on the
matches).   Something like:

perl -p -i.bak -e 's/PATTERN/REPLACE/g' INPUT

Hi Jon

Backslashes within a single-quoted command-line string don't need
escaping, so a single backslash before each parenthesis is correct.

But from your output it seems you have omitted the single-quotes around
'Submit' from your pattern, and that is why it isn't matching.

With a conflict of single quotes and backslashes it is probably better
if you write a short program than try to get it working on the command
line, but

  perl -n -e 'print if(/\(\'Submit\'\)/)' visits/admin_add.ctp
  perl -n -e "print if(/\\('Submit'\\)/)" visits/admin_add.ctp

are the correct forms for use on the command-line.



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Re: Regex behavior in command line

2012-05-31 Thread Shawn H Corey

On 12-05-31 01:23 PM, Jon Forsyth wrote:


I'm using the following line in Terminal, on OSX Lion, but I can't seem to
match parentheses '()':

perl -n -e 'print if(/\\(Submit\\)/)' visits/admin_add.ctp

I tried with one backslash in front of each '(' ')' as well to no avail.
  If I remove the '\'s and '()' the match is printed like so:


My purpose is to make sure I'm matching the correct lines including the
'()', then to alter the code to perform a search and replace on the
matches).   Something like:

perl -p -i.bak -e 's/PATTERN/REPLACE/g' INPUT


Mine works with one backslash:

$ perl -n -e 'print"\t$_" if(/\(Submit\)/)'
This is a test Submit will not repeat
This is a test (Submit) will repeat
This is a test (Submit) will repeat

Just my 0.0002 million dollars worth,

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as it is about coding.

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Regex behavior in command line

2012-05-31 Thread Jon Forsyth

I'm using the following line in Terminal, on OSX Lion, but I can't seem to
match parentheses '()':

perl -n -e 'print if(/\\(Submit\\)/)' visits/admin_add.ctp

I tried with one backslash in front of each '(' ')' as well to no avail.
 If I remove the '\'s and '()' the match is printed like so:


My purpose is to make sure I'm matching the correct lines including the
'()', then to alter the code to perform a search and replace on the
matches).   Something like:

perl -p -i.bak -e 's/PATTERN/REPLACE/g' INPUT



Re: read from command line

2012-03-03 Thread lina

Thanks for both of you.

Your guys are great.

Best regards,

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Re: read from command line

2012-03-03 Thread Ken Slater
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 9:08 AM, lina  wrote:
> $ perl try.tex
> Bareword "filename" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 
> 8.
> Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
> #!/usr/bin/env perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $filename = $ARGV[0] ;

You used 'filename', not '$filename'
'filename' is a bareword - not a perl variable, or a string.

> open FILE, "<", filename or die $!;
> my @line =  ;

You just read the entire file into the @line array.
If that is your intent, you need to loop on @lines.
Otherwise, if you wish to read the file line by line, omit the line
   my @line = ;

> while () {
>        print $_;
> }
> I tried mf $filename =  also not work.
> Thanks ahead for any suggestions,
> Best regards,

HTH, Ken

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Re: read from command line

2012-03-03 Thread Steve Bertrand

On 2012-03-03 09:08, lina wrote:

$ perl try.tex
Bareword "filename" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 8.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;


my $filename = $ARGV[0] ;

open FILE, "<", filename or die $!;

You're trying to read from a bareword 'filename', and not $filename :)

Some would say to rewrite that open statement like this:

open my $file, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!";

my @line =  ;

That sucks in the entire file into @line all at once, so remove it.

while () {
print $_;

the while() block should be rewritten as such:

while ( my $line = <$file> ){
print $line;


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read from command line

2012-03-03 Thread lina
$ perl try.tex
Bareword "filename" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 8.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $filename = $ARGV[0] ;

open FILE, "<", filename or die $!;

my @line =  ;

while () {
print $_;

I tried mf $filename =  also not work.

Thanks ahead for any suggestions,

Best regards,

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Re: Command line perl to stat a file

2012-02-12 Thread Dr.Ruud

On 2012-02-11 20:33, Harry Putnam wrote:

Kevin Spencer  writes:

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Harry Putnam  wrote:

But these command line attempts fail:

(all on one line)
  perl  -e 'my ($seven, $nine) =
(stat('./SweetwatterPk-016.jpg'))[7, 9];
print "$seven and $nine"'

  syntax error at -e line 1, near "stat(."
  Search pattern not terminated at -e line 1.

It's the use of single quotes inside your stat() command.  You've
already opened a single quote after your perl -e statement.  Try
switching the inner single quotes to double quotes and you'll no
longer get the syntax error.

Thanks, and yes that works now.

At least I was kinda sorta on the right track there.  But I should
have thought to try double quotes.

Then there is q and qq.


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Re: Command line perl to stat a file

2012-02-11 Thread Harry Putnam
Kevin Spencer  writes:

> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Harry Putnam  wrote:
>> But these command line attempts fail:
>> (all on one line)
>>  perl  -e 'my ($seven, $nine) =
>>    (stat('./SweetwatterPk-016.jpg'))[7, 9];
>>        print "$seven and $nine"'
>> output:
>>  syntax error at -e line 1, near "stat(."
>>  Search pattern not terminated at -e line 1.
> It's the use of single quotes inside your stat() command.  You've
> already opened a single quote after your perl -e statement.  Try
> switching the inner single quotes to double quotes and you'll no
> longer get the syntax error.

Thanks, and yes that works now.  

At least I was kinda sorta on the right track there.  But I should
have thought to try double quotes.

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Re: Command line perl to stat a file

2012-02-11 Thread Harry Putnam
Rob Dixon  writes:

> Something like this perhaps?
>   perl -e "print join ' and ', (stat shift)[7,9]" ./SweetwaterPk-016.jpg

Nice... yes  Thanks

> But I would think the modification time (stat 9) wouldn't be of much
> use without formatting it.

In this case it was just for a quick command line way to visually
compare epochal dates.  So epochal is what is desired.

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Re: Command line perl to stat a file

2012-02-10 Thread Kevin Spencer
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Harry Putnam  wrote:
> But these command line attempts fail:
> (all on one line)
>  perl  -e 'my ($seven, $nine) =
>    (stat('./SweetwatterPk-016.jpg'))[7, 9];
>        print "$seven and $nine"'
> output:
>  syntax error at -e line 1, near "stat(."
>  Search pattern not terminated at -e line 1.

It's the use of single quotes inside your stat() command.  You've
already opened a single quote after your perl -e statement.  Try
switching the inner single quotes to double quotes and you'll no
longer get the syntax error.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Command line perl to stat a file

2012-02-10 Thread Rob Dixon

On 10/02/2012 17:52, Harry Putnam wrote:

This script:

--- 8<  snip -- 8<  snip -- 8

Something like this perhaps?

  perl -e "print join ' and ', (stat shift)[7,9]" ./SweetwaterPk-016.jpg

But I would think the modification time (stat 9) wouldn't be of much
use without formatting it.



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Command line perl to stat a file

2012-02-10 Thread Harry Putnam
This script:

--- 8< snip -- 8< snip -- 8

Re: perl as command line

2011-05-27 Thread Ireneusz Pluta

W dniu 2011-05-24 06:11, vishesh kumar pisze:

Hi Members,

   I am a linux system admin. I want to use perl as a command line like sed
and awk.

generally, you might be interested in

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Re: perl as command line

2011-05-26 Thread vishesh kumar
Thanks Jim
  Now i understood completely. Very good explanation.

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Jim Gibson  wrote:

> At 10:28 AM +0530 5/27/11, vishesh kumar wrote:
>> Hi Jim
> You should address all of your questions to the list as a whole. That way
> you will get smarter people than me helping you.
>  echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+\.[\d.]+).*/$1/'
>> Giving desired result, but i wonder what is use of ? in this expression
> Did you try it without the question mark? If you do, you will see the
> affect of "greedy" quantifiers. Without the question mark, the first '.*'
> matches the longest string. This means that you won't get the full IP
> address, just the minimal part at its rear end that matches the
> '\d+\.[\d.]+' part, which could be '1.1' for example. With the '?', the
> initial '.*' matches only the part of the string before the first digit, and
> the whole IP address is matched and captured.


Re: perl as command line

2011-05-26 Thread Jim Gibson

At 10:28 AM +0530 5/27/11, vishesh kumar wrote:

Hi Jim

You should address all of your questions to the list as a whole. That 
way you will get smarter people than me helping you.

echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+\.[\d.]+).*/$1/'

Giving desired result, but i wonder what is use of ? in this expression

Did you try it without the question mark? If you do, you will see the 
affect of "greedy" quantifiers. Without the question mark, the first 
'.*' matches the longest string. This means that you won't get the 
full IP address, just the minimal part at its rear end that matches 
the '\d+\.[\d.]+' part, which could be '1.1' for example. With the 
'?', the initial '.*' matches only the part of the string before the 
first digit, and the whole IP address is matched and captured.

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Re: perl as command line

2011-05-26 Thread vishesh kumar
Hi Jim

echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+\.[\d.]+).*/$1/'

Giving desired result, but i wonder what is use of ? in this expression

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Jim Gibson  wrote:

> At 9:41 AM +0530 5/24/11, vishesh kumar wrote:
>> Hi Members,
>>  I am a linux system admin. I want to use perl as a command line like sed
>> and awk.
>> For example suppose , i need to extract IP Addr from a string or file
>> using
>> regrex
>> i mean
>>  str="hello ip is and data is xxx"
>> And i want ip addr only using Regex
>>  echo $str | perl -pe  ??
> Try this:
>  echo $str  | perl -pe 's/[^\d.]//g'
> If your line has other numbers, this will get the first contiguous set:
>  echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?([\d.]+).*/$1/'
> This will make sure there is at least one dot in the substring extracted:
> echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+\.[\d.]+).*/$1/'


Re: perl as command line

2011-05-24 Thread vishesh kumar
Thanks Jim
  Your suggestion working great !!!

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Jim Gibson  wrote:

> echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+\.[\d.]+).*/$1/'


Re: perl as command line

2011-05-24 Thread Shlomi Fish
Hi Vishesh,

On Tuesday 24 May 2011 07:11:45 vishesh kumar wrote:
> Hi Members,
>   I am a linux system admin. I want to use perl as a command line like sed
> and awk.
> For example suppose , i need to extract IP Addr from a string or file using
> regrex
> i mean
>   str="hello ip is and data is xxx"
> And i want ip addr only using Regex
>  echo $str | perl -pe  ??

Please see:

namely .


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
First stop for Perl beginners -

"I'm not straight - I'm Israeli."

Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

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Re: perl as command line

2011-05-23 Thread Jim Gibson

At 9:41 AM +0530 5/24/11, vishesh kumar wrote:

Hi Members,

  I am a linux system admin. I want to use perl as a command line like sed
and awk.
For example suppose , i need to extract IP Addr from a string or file using
i mean
  str="hello ip is and data is xxx"
And i want ip addr only using Regex
 echo $str | perl -pe  ??

Try this:

  echo $str  | perl -pe 's/[^\d.]//g'

If your line has other numbers, this will get the first contiguous set:

  echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?([\d.]+).*/$1/'

This will make sure there is at least one dot in the substring extracted:

echo $str | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+\.[\d.]+).*/$1/'

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perl as command line

2011-05-23 Thread vishesh kumar
Hi Members,

  I am a linux system admin. I want to use perl as a command line like sed
and awk.
For example suppose , i need to extract IP Addr from a string or file using
i mean
  str="hello ip is and data is xxx"
And i want ip addr only using Regex
 echo $str | perl -pe  ??

Please guide me,


Re: Some explanation please -- iterating thru command line arguments

2010-07-23 Thread newbie01 perl
Hi Brandon,

Thanks ... using the cat and pipe looks "cleaner" ... I will try that one
... thanks

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 4:53 AM, Brandon McCaig  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 1:17 PM, newbie01 perl 
> wrote:
> > Does $_ contains the following values on each iteration?
> >
> >
> > -r
> > -s
> > "$subject_line TEST EMAIL"
> >
> > <
> > /tmp/test_email.txt
> Just to clarify the end of the command line:
> -r ${MAILFROM} \
>-s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL" \
> < /tmp/test_email.txt
> The '< /tmp/test_email.txt' part is not extra arguments passed to the
> script. That is a file redirection operator in the shell[1], used to
> write the file to the script's standard input stream. The script
> accepts an option -f to specify the file to retrieve the message data
> from, but if none is specified then it defaults to - which is
> basically an alias for STDIN.[2]
> The same thing can be accomplished with a pipe:
> cat /tmp/test_email.txt | -r ${MAILFROM} \
>-s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL"
> So the script wouldn't see arguments equal to '<' or
> '/tmp/test_email.txt'. The shell will handle those for it automatically.
> [1]
> [2] perldoc -f open
> --
> Brandon McCaig 
> V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. Vg qbrfa'g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.
> Castopulence Software <> <

Re: Some explanation please -- iterating thru command line arguments

2010-07-22 Thread Brandon McCaig
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 1:17 PM, newbie01 perl  wrote:
> Does $_ contains the following values on each iteration?
> -r
> -s
> "$subject_line TEST EMAIL"
> <
> /tmp/test_email.txt

Just to clarify the end of the command line: -r ${MAILFROM} \
-s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL" \ < /tmp/test_email.txt

The '< /tmp/test_email.txt' part is not extra arguments passed to the
script. That is a file redirection operator in the shell[1], used to
write the file to the script's standard input stream. The script
accepts an option -f to specify the file to retrieve the message data
from, but if none is specified then it defaults to - which is
basically an alias for STDIN.[2]

The same thing can be accomplished with a pipe:

cat /tmp/test_email.txt | -r ${MAILFROM} \
-s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL"

So the script wouldn't see arguments equal to '<' or
'/tmp/test_email.txt'. The shell will handle those for it automatically.

[2] perldoc -f open

Brandon McCaig 
V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. Vg qbrfa'g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.
Castopulence Software <> 

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Re: Some explanation please -- iterating thru command line arguments

2010-07-21 Thread John W. Krahn

newbie01 perl wrote:

Hi all especially Perl teachers if anyone is ... :-)

I just want to know if someone can provide some explanation on how does the
argument iterator sub-routine below work. The Perl script is called from a
UNIX Korn script as below: -r ${MAILFROM} -s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL"<  /tmp/test_email.txt

The Perl script is working and SMTP mail is working. Am just trying to
understand how the getval sub-routine is parsing the command line arguments.
the getval subroutine is as below.


sub getval {
 my $refVal = '';
 foreach $var(@ARGV) {
 if ($refVal ne '') {
 $$refVal = $var;
 $refVal = '';
 else {
 $_ = $var;
 if (/-r/ ) {
 elsif (/-f/) {
 elsif (/-s/) {
 else {
 @toUser = split(/[\;,]/,$var);



The portion that am confused at is at the following lines:

$$refVal = $var;


$_ = $var;
if (/-r/ ) {

When @ARGV is at the '-r' element the $refVal=\$fromUser assigns a 
reference from $fromUser to the variable $refVal and then the next time 
through the loop when @ARGV is the element just past '-r' $fromUser is 
dereferenced through $$refVal and is assigned the current element of @ARGV.

You are probably better off just using Getopt::Std

Does "if (/-r/ )" means "ignore" all command line that begins with a hyphen
but reference by value the next command line argument after them?

In this case "if (/-r/ )" is just short for "if ($var =~ /-r/ )" but for 
some "cute" reason the programmer decided to use $_ instead of $var.

Also, /-r/ matches the string '-r' *anywhere* in $_, not just at the 
beginning.  It would more properly be written as "if (/\A-r\z/ )" or 
even "if ( $_ eq '-r' )".

Does $_ contains the following values on each iteration?
"$subject_line TEST EMAIL"

Any "explanation" on this will be very much appreciated. Am going nuts
trying to understand how the iteration functions although am glad it is

Thanks in advance.

=== source code below:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use warnings;
use strict;

use Net::SMTP;
use FileHandle;

# global variables
my $fromUser = $ENV{USER};
my @toUser = {};

This is assigning a hash reference to the first element of @toUser which 
makes little sense.

my $smtpSvr = '';
my $subject = '';
my $dataFile = '';
#$mailBody = '';
sub getval {
 my $refVal = '';
 foreach $var(@ARGV) {
 if ($refVal ne '') {
 $$refVal = $var;
 $refVal = '';
 else {
 $_ = $var;
 if (/-r/ ) {
 elsif (/-f/) {
 elsif (/-s/) {
 else {
 @toUser = split(/[\;,]/,$var);


# main

This is passing the array @ARGV to the @_ array inside the subroutine 
but you don't use the @_ array inside the subroutine so why do it?

if (@toUser ne {}) {

That statement is useless and doesn't do what the programmer seems to 
think it is doing.  An array in scalar context will return the number of 
elements in the array, which at this point is 1.  So '1' will be 
compared to the textual representation of an anonymous hash which is 
something like 'HASH(0x9ec8818)' and the two will *never* be equal.

Even if the programmer just compared the first element of @toUser to an 
anonymous hash they would *never* be equal.

What the programmer should have done is define the array without any 

my @toUser;

And then test the a

Re: Some explanation please -- iterating thru command line arguments

2010-07-21 Thread Jim Gibson
On 7/21/10 Wed  Jul 21, 2010  10:17 AM, "newbie01 perl"

> Hi all especially Perl teachers if anyone is ... :-)
> I just want to know if someone can provide some explanation on how does the
> argument iterator sub-routine below work. The Perl script is called from a
> UNIX Korn script as below:
> -r ${MAILFROM} -s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL"
> < /tmp/test_email.txt
> The Perl script is working and SMTP mail is working. Am just trying to
> understand how the getval sub-routine is parsing the command line arguments.
> the getval subroutine is as below.
> =
> sub getval {
> my $refVal = '';
> foreach $var(@ARGV) {
> if ($refVal ne '') {
> $$refVal = $var;
> $refVal = '';
> }
> else {
> $_ = $var;
> if (/-r/ ) {
> $refVal=\$fromUser;
> }
> elsif (/-f/) {
> $refVal=\$dataFile;
> }
> elsif (/-s/) {
> $refVal=\$subject;
> }
> else {
> @toUser = split(/[\;,]/,$var);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> =
> The portion that am confused at is at the following lines:
> $$refVal = $var;

That line assigns (copies) the contents of the $var variable to the location
referenced by the $refVal pointer. This will be either $fromUser, $dataFile,
or $subject, depending upon the option entered (-r, -f, or -s,

> and
> $_ = $var;
> if (/-r/ ) {
> $refVal=\$fromUser;
> }

The above lines copy the contents of $var to $_, tests if $_ contains the
string '-r', and, if it does, sets $refVal to 'refer' to $fromUser.

A better form would be to test $var directly:

if( $var =~ /-r/ ) {
  $refVal = \$fromUser;

> Does $_ contains the following values on each iteration?

$var, and hence $_ (since it is a copy of $var), will contain the elements
of the @ARGV array, one per iteration of the foreach loop.

If you use the GetOptions module, you can replace the getval subroutine with
something like this (untested):

use Getopt::Long;

'r=s' => \$fromUser,
'f=s' => \$dataFile,
's=s' => \$subject
push(@toUser, split/[;,]/) for @ARGV;

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Some explanation please -- iterating thru command line arguments

2010-07-21 Thread newbie01 perl
Hi all especially Perl teachers if anyone is ... :-)

I just want to know if someone can provide some explanation on how does the
argument iterator sub-routine below work. The Perl script is called from a
UNIX Korn script as below: -r ${MAILFROM} -s "$subject_line TEST EMAIL" < /tmp/test_email.txt

The Perl script is working and SMTP mail is working. Am just trying to
understand how the getval sub-routine is parsing the command line arguments.
the getval subroutine is as below.


sub getval {
my $refVal = '';
foreach $var(@ARGV) {
if ($refVal ne '') {
$$refVal = $var;
$refVal = '';
else {
$_ = $var;
if (/-r/ ) {
elsif (/-f/) {
elsif (/-s/) {
else {
@toUser = split(/[\;,]/,$var);



The portion that am confused at is at the following lines:

$$refVal = $var;


$_ = $var;
if (/-r/ ) {

Does "if (/-r/ )" means "ignore" all command line that begins with a hyphen
but reference by value the next command line argument after them?

Does $_ contains the following values on each iteration?
"$subject_line TEST EMAIL"

Any "explanation" on this will be very much appreciated. Am going nuts
trying to understand how the iteration functions although am glad it is

Thanks in advance.

=== source code below:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::SMTP;
use FileHandle;

# global variables
my $fromUser = $ENV{USER};
my @toUser = {};
my $smtpSvr = '';
my $subject = '';
my $dataFile = '';
#$mailBody = '';
sub getval {
my $refVal = '';
foreach $var(@ARGV) {
if ($refVal ne '') {
$$refVal = $var;
$refVal = '';
else {
$_ = $var;
if (/-r/ ) {
elsif (/-f/) {
elsif (/-s/) {
else {
@toUser = split(/[\;,]/,$var);


# main
if (@toUser ne {}) {

if ($dataFile eq '') {
$dataFile = '-';
open(my $inFile, "< $dataFile");
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtpSvr);
if ($subject ne '') {
while (<$inFile>) {
if (/^\.$/) {
else {


Re: passing command-line arg containing '@'

2009-12-10 Thread Alan Haggai Alavi
>I need to pass an command-line arg that is a string which contains the '@'.  
Is there any way to do this and also 'tell' Perl not to interpret this as 
other than a '@' character?


Perl would not do anything with command-line arguments unless you tell it 
otherwise. Check if you are using the EXPR form of eval to modify the argument 

perl -MData::Dumper -le 'print Dumper \...@argv' @this @should @work

$VAR1 = [

Alan Haggai Alavi.
The difference makes the difference.

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Re: passing command-line arg containing '@'

2009-12-09 Thread Jim Gibson
On 12/9/09 Wed  Dec 9, 2009  6:01 PM, "Tony Esposito"

> I need to pass an command-line arg that is a string which contains the '@'.
> Is there any way to do this and also 'tell' Perl not to interpret this as
> other than a '@' character?

The '@' character is only special in Perl source code statements.
Command-line arguments are data. Your shell will put the command-line
argument containing a '@' character into one of the elements of the @ARGV
array. You can use that value as it is:

% perl -e 'print qq(@ARGV\n);' a...@a b...@b c...@c
a...@a b...@b c...@c

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passing command-line arg containing '@'

2009-12-09 Thread Tony Esposito
I need to pass an command-line arg that is a string which contains the '@'.  Is 
there any way to do this and also 'tell' Perl not to interpret this as other 
than a '@' character?


Re: __DATA__ in command line

2009-11-05 Thread 兰花仙子
OK thank you both, I got it.

2009/11/6 Shawn H Corey :
> 兰花仙子 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> doesn't one-liner Perl command support __DATA__ handler?
>> Just found this:
>> # perl -e 'while(){ print }
>>> __DATA__
>>> abc
>>> 123
>>> def
>>> '
>> run without any output.
> $ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'while(){ print }
>>> __DATA__
>>> abc
>>> '
> while (defined($_ = )) {
>print $_;
> }
> __DATA__
> -e syntax OK
> With the -e option, perl reads whatever follows as the script.  The
> parser, however, stops reading when it reaches a line with __DATA__ or
> __END__.  It ignores the rest.  So when it runs, it thinks there nothing
> after the __DATA__.
> --
> Just my 0.0002 million dollars worth,
>  Shawn
> Programming is as much about organization and communication
> as it is about coding.
> I like Perl; it's the only language where you can bless your
> thingy.

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Re: __DATA__ in command line

2009-11-05 Thread Shawn H Corey
兰花仙子 wrote:
> Hello,
> doesn't one-liner Perl command support __DATA__ handler?
> Just found this:
> # perl -e 'while(){ print }
>> __DATA__
>> abc
>> 123
>> def
>> '
> run without any output.

$ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'while(){ print }
>> __DATA__
>> abc
>> '
while (defined($_ = )) {
print $_;
-e syntax OK

With the -e option, perl reads whatever follows as the script.  The
parser, however, stops reading when it reaches a line with __DATA__ or
__END__.  It ignores the rest.  So when it runs, it thinks there nothing
after the __DATA__.

Just my 0.0002 million dollars worth,

Programming is as much about organization and communication
as it is about coding.

I like Perl; it's the only language where you can bless your

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Re: __DATA__ in command line

2009-11-05 Thread John W. Krahn

À¼»¨ÏÉ×Ó wrote:



doesn't one-liner Perl command support __DATA__ handler?

No.  It only works in an actual file located on a real file system.

Just found this:

# perl -e 'while(){ print }


run without any output.

You could always do it like this:

perl -e'
my $data = <;

The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.   -- Damian Conway

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__DATA__ in command line

2009-11-05 Thread 兰花仙子

doesn't one-liner Perl command support __DATA__ handler?
Just found this:

# perl -e 'while(){ print }
> __DATA__
> abc
> 123
> def
> '

run without any output.

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Re: command line perldoc and Padre, the Perl IDE

2009-09-10 Thread Chas. Owens
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 13:54, Gabor Szabo  wrote:
> There is the new  perlopref  document by Chas. Owens who is also on
> this list. That's great. Thanks Chas!  That will be able to explain
> certain expressions such as &&.
> I am sure he will be happy to get some help from you.
> See

Due to being sick on Tuesday, I was able to get enough time to mostly
finish the first draft of it.  There are a few operators that were not
listed in the Operator Precedence and Associativity section of perlop
that need to be added (like the filetest operators).

What is really needed now is a critical reading by two groups of
people: Perl Beginners and Perl Gurus.  The first to see if the
document is complete enough and written in such a way that it is clear
what each operator does, and the second to catch any mistakes I may
have inadvertently slipped in (there was a nasty one in the
description of && where I described the operator completely

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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command line perldoc and Padre, the Perl IDE

2009-09-10 Thread Gabor Szabo
perldoc has all sorts of problems, it is hard to use to people who
don't yet know how to use it and it does not give you a useful
answer to many questions.

It gives you a correct answer, it is just not very useful to beginners.

tryperldoc -f open

It has a long explanation on all kinds of cases while the beginner
 - IMHO - wants a simple example on how to open a file.
Later s/he might want to read more but first s/he wants to get the job done.

In addition you have to understand when to use -f , when -q and there
is no way to get information on $. or on the any of the words 'while', 'for',
'and' or '&&'.  Even does not yet find these.

You can install Pod::Perldoc 3.15 (but of course a beginner first needs to
learn how to install a module which is not trivial) and then you can use the
new meaning of the -v option:

perldoc -v '$.'

and I think on windows it needs to be

perldoc -v "$."

but of course most of the windows people will freak out if they need to
use the command line and I don't blame them. I hate to use the Windows
command shell as well.

That's an improvement but it still does not give you an answer on the
words and expressions I mentioned above.

There is the new  perlopref  document by Chas. Owens who is also on
this list. That's great. Thanks Chas!  That will be able to explain
certain expressions such as &&.

I am sure he will be happy to get some help from you.

In Padre we try to hide all that complexity under one key
(currently F2) so you already get explanation on things like
$. or &&

It still does not know what is !! but I am sure it will learn.

I am also hoping to have the ability to get help on things like


Explaining that it is an element of @_
even if the user highlighted the $_ part only.

I would like to see an explanation on   $VERSION  or just $somevar
and I guess it should also understand constructs such
as $$_ and be able to explain them.

It would be great if people on this list could help us either by trying
Padre and telling us what is still missing or by writing some
documentations or by implementing the code that understands the

Padre can be found on and you can talk to the
Padre developers either via #padre on or on our mailing list
(See )


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Re: Getting STDIN filename from command line

2009-05-21 Thread Chas. Owens
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:44, Tony Esposito  wrote:
> Hello,
> Given the command line:
> perl myperl.plx < myfile.txt
> is there anyway from within the Perl script to capture the redirected STDIN 
> filename (i.e., myfile.txt)?
> OS:      WinXP SPSP3
> Perl:     5.8.8 for Win32 from ActiveState

No, because the shell is piping the data to the program.  Even if you
could try you would run into problems with something like this

perl -pe 'print' <(cat *.pl)

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Getting STDIN filename from command line

2009-05-21 Thread Tony Esposito

Given the command line:

perl myperl.plx < myfile.txt

is there anyway from within the Perl script to capture the redirected STDIN 
filename (i.e., myfile.txt)?

OS:      WinXP SPSP3
Perl:     5.8.8 for Win32 from ActiveState



Re: One liner to generate truly random passwords from command line

2008-11-28 Thread Chas. Owens
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 22:21, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chas. Owens wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:28, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> snip
>>> perl -le'@chars = 33 .. 126; print map chr $chars[ rand @chars ], 1 .. 8'
>> snip
>> Perl Golf time:
>> perl -le'print map chr+(33..126)[rand 94],1..8'
> $ perl -le'print map chr+(33..126)[rand 94],1..8'
> Warning: Use of "chr" without parentheses is ambiguous at -e line 1.

Yeah, I found it odd that it threw that warning without warnings
turned on, but it still works; I wonder if that is a bug.  Adding the
parenthesis (and dropping the + since it is no longer needed to
prevent (33..126) from looking like the arguments to chr) only adds
one more character:

perl -le'print map chr((33..126)[rand 94]),1..8'

Also, the more confusing variant:

perl -le'print+map+chr((33..126)[rand 94]),1..8'

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: One liner to generate truly random passwords from command line

2008-11-28 Thread John W. Krahn

Chas. Owens wrote:

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:28, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

perl -le'@chars = 33 .. 126; print map chr $chars[ rand @chars ], 1 .. 8'


Perl Golf time:

perl -le'print map chr+(33..126)[rand 94],1..8'

$ perl -le'print map chr+(33..126)[rand 94],1..8'
Warning: Use of "chr" without parentheses is ambiguous at -e line 1.

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order.-- Larry Wall

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Re: One liner to generate truly random passwords from command line

2008-11-28 Thread Chas. Owens
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:28, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> perl -le'@chars = 33 .. 126; print map chr $chars[ rand @chars ], 1 .. 8'

Perl Golf time:

perl -le'print map chr+(33..126)[rand 94],1..8'

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: One liner to generate truly random passwords from command line

2008-11-28 Thread Chas. Owens
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 15:04, Yimin Rong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wget -q -O - "
> num=8&min=33&max=126&col=8&base=16&format=plain&rnd=new" | perl -ne
> 'foreach (split(/\t/, $_)) {print chr(hex($_));} print "\n"'
> wget reads web pages
> generates random numbers using atmospheric noise
> perl splits the input into tokens and converts

Except you have transmitted your random number in cleartext over the
net.  As an attacker, I could be sniffing for http traffic (say with a
proxy installed at your ISP) going/coming from  Once I had
that traffic I could try the random numbers in them (after conversion
with your algorithm) as passwords on your system.

Also, really random strings are hard to remember, which means you will
write it down.  Now it is susceptible to theft or search warrant.

A much better solution is to use a passphrase made out of random words
from a dict file.  An eight charcter random password made up of a-z,
A-Z, 0-9, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, and ) gives you a search space of
72^8 (roughly 10^14) passwords.  A three word passphrase from a dict
file with 234,936 words (OS X's /usr/share/dict/words) gives you a
search space of 234,936^3 (roughly 10^16) and an average search space
of around 26^30 (10^42) (if they don't know you are using a
passphrase.  Which would you rather remember "abear Laotian
semimembranous" (I am imagining a Laotian bear that stuff is passing
through) or "WeIBHfKk"?  If you bump the number of words in the
passphrase up to four you get a password that is stronger than an
eleven character password: "hlWVSm0nm8" vs "freakery hoary inflexive
Solomonic" (a wise but inflexible old man who gets up to strange

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: One liner to generate truly random passwords from command line

2008-11-28 Thread John W. Krahn

Yimin Rong wrote:

wget -q -O - "
num=8&min=33&max=126&col=8&base=16&format=plain&rnd=new" | perl -ne
'foreach (split(/\t/, $_)) {print chr(hex($_));} print "\n"'

You can simplify the perl part to:

perl -lane'print map chr hex, @F'

Or just using perl:

perl -MLWP::Simple -le'print map chr hex, split " ", get 

And if you're not connected to the Net:

perl -le'@chars = 33 .. 126; print map chr $chars[ rand @chars ], 1 .. 8'

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order.-- Larry Wall

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One liner to generate truly random passwords from command line

2008-11-28 Thread Yimin Rong
wget -q -O - "
num=8&min=33&max=126&col=8&base=16&format=plain&rnd=new" | perl -ne
'foreach (split(/\t/, $_)) {print chr(hex($_));} print "\n"'

wget reads web pages generates random numbers using atmospheric noise
perl splits the input into tokens and converts


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Re: Unix command-line tools to edit SharePoint site?

2008-07-11 Thread ericjhahn

And here is the createEnvelope function:

# Functions listed below are internal to the creation of the custom
SOAP requests.
sub createEnvelope  {

  my $action = shift;
  my $namesp = shift;
  my $params = shift;

  my $soap = '
  $soap .= '<' . $action . ' xmlns="' . $namesp . '">';
  $soap .= parseParams($params);
  $soap .= '';

  return $soap;
}  # end createEnvelope()

sub parseParams {

  my $params = shift;
  my $plist = '';

  while (my ($key, $value) = each(%{$params})) {
$plist .= '<' . $key . '>' . $value . '';
  return $plist;
}  # end parseParams()

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Re: Unix command-line tools to edit SharePoint site?

2008-06-13 Thread Rob Dixon
Jack Trinh (jtrinh) wrote:
> Thanks


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Re: Unix command-line tools to edit SharePoint site?

2008-06-13 Thread Jack Trinh (jtrinh)

 -Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, June 13, 2008 05:15 PM Pacific Standard Time
Subject:Re: Unix command-line tools to edit SharePoint site?


I just completed a project had to figure out how to create SharePoint
calendar events from Perl.  This was quite a chore, as MS's SOAP
interface does not adhere to open standards.  As such, I had to create
my own custom SOAP requests that contained MS's CAML query language.
See the example below, and feel free to contact me, ericjhahn [at]
gmail [dot] com, if you have any other problems / questions.

# the GUID can be accessed from the GetListCollection and looks like
use Data::Dumper;   #  this is an excellent utility for printing
hashes etc.
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use strict;

my $site = '/sites/';
my %fields = (
   Title => 'My New Event',
   Location => 'The Warehouse',
   Description => 'Stock some stuff',
   EventDate => '2008-06-13 09:45:45',
   EndDate => '2008-06-13 10:15:45',
my $eventID = createCalendarEvent($guid, $site, \%fields);

sub createCalendarEvent {

  my $listGUID = shift;
  my $site = shift;
  my $fields = shift;
  my $batch = '

  while (my ($key, $value) = each (%{$fields})) {
$batch .= '' . $value . '';

  $batch .= '

  my %parameters = ("listName" => $listGUID,  # calendar list
"updates" => $batch

  my $soap = createEnvelope("UpdateListItems",

  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive => 1);
# the only authentication i could get to work was through the URL  (we
have basic auth on the sharepoint site)
  my $request = new HTTP::Request(POST => 'http://:@' . $site . '/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx');

  $request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
  $request->header(SOAPAction => '"

  my $response = $ua->request($request);

# parsing to return the event ID so that we can store it and access
this event later
  if($response->code == 200) {
my $id = $response->as_string;
$id = substr($id, index($id, "ows_ID"));
$id =~ s/^.*ows_ID="//;
$id =~ s/".*$//;
return $id;
  else {
return 0;
}  # end createCalendarEvent()

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Re: Unix command-line tools to edit SharePoint site?

2008-06-13 Thread ericjhahn

I just completed a project had to figure out how to create SharePoint
calendar events from Perl.  This was quite a chore, as MS's SOAP
interface does not adhere to open standards.  As such, I had to create
my own custom SOAP requests that contained MS's CAML query language.
See the example below, and feel free to contact me, ericjhahn [at]
gmail [dot] com, if you have any other problems / questions.

# the GUID can be accessed from the GetListCollection and looks like
use Data::Dumper;   #  this is an excellent utility for printing
hashes etc.
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use strict;

my $site = '/sites/';
my %fields = (
   Title => 'My New Event',
   Location => 'The Warehouse',
   Description => 'Stock some stuff',
   EventDate => '2008-06-13 09:45:45',
   EndDate => '2008-06-13 10:15:45',
my $eventID = createCalendarEvent($guid, $site, \%fields);

sub createCalendarEvent {

  my $listGUID = shift;
  my $site = shift;
  my $fields = shift;
  my $batch = '

  while (my ($key, $value) = each (%{$fields})) {
$batch .= '' . $value . '';

  $batch .= '

  my %parameters = ("listName" => $listGUID,  # calendar list
"updates" => $batch

  my $soap = createEnvelope("UpdateListItems",

  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(keep_alive => 1);
# the only authentication i could get to work was through the URL  (we
have basic auth on the sharepoint site)
  my $request = new HTTP::Request(POST => 'http://:@' . $site . '/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx');

  $request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
  $request->header(SOAPAction => '"

  my $response = $ua->request($request);

# parsing to return the event ID so that we can store it and access
this event later
  if($response->code == 200) {
my $id = $response->as_string;
$id = substr($id, index($id, "ows_ID"));
$id =~ s/^.*ows_ID="//;
$id =~ s/".*$//;
return $id;
  else {
return 0;
}  # end createCalendarEvent()

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Unix command-line tools to edit SharePoint site?

2008-05-24 Thread Kelly Jones
I begrudgingly use a Windows SharePoint server at a customer's request.

I'd like to automate (command-line) updating and creating documents,
lists, etc.

Is there a Unix tool that does this?

I know SharePoint has an "API", which basically spoofs the GET/POST
calls that your browser would make(?).

Has anyone written a Unix command-line tool (or Perl module, etc) that
abstracts this?

We're just a Bunch Of Regular Guys, a collective group that's trying
to understand and assimilate technology. We feel that resistance to
new ideas and technology is unwise and ultimately futile.

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Re: How to command line perl mail client for Microsoft exhange?

2008-04-23 Thread Chas. Owens
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:07 AM, Siegfried Heintze (Aditi)
> I started installing Mail::Sender, Mail::Send and Mail::Util and discovered 
> it is prompting me for a default SMTP server as part of the installation 
> server. Well I go to outlook and view my account settings and discover that 
> I'm connect to an exchange server. Is that what I specify for my SMTP server?

IIRC, Exchange acts like an ESMTP server when contacted on the normal
SMTP port.  You can test this by telneting to the Exchage server on
port 25 (telnet exchangeservername 25 in cmd.exe).  You can also try
just putting the name of the Exchange server in where it expects the
SMTP server.  You may need to configure the Exchange server to allow
this feature.

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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How to command line perl mail client for Microsoft exhange?

2008-04-23 Thread Siegfried Heintze (Aditi)
I started installing Mail::Sender, Mail::Send and Mail::Util and discovered it 
is prompting me for a default SMTP server as part of the installation server. 
Well I go to outlook and view my account settings and discover that I'm connect 
to an exchange server. Is that what I specify for my SMTP server?


Re: Using perl variable in command line

2008-02-21 Thread yitzle
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Yoyoyo Yoyoyoyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But the commands do still run in the command line, is there anyway to throw
> a perl variable in there?

Yes. You did it correctly. Look at the code I posted.
> my $y = `echo $x`;

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Re: Using perl variable in command line

2008-02-21 Thread Yoyoyo Yoyoyoyo
But the commands do still run in the command line, is there anyway to throw a 
perl variable in there?

yitzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Perl captures the output from backticks so 
nothing gets printed to the screen.

my $x = "efg";
my $y = `echo $x`;
print $y;

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Re: Using perl variable in command line

2008-02-21 Thread yitzle
Perl captures the output from backticks so nothing gets printed to the screen.

my $x = "efg";
my $y = `echo $x`;
print $y;

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Using perl variable in command line

2008-02-21 Thread Yoyoyo Yoyoyoyo
Hi all,

I am having trouble representing a perl variable when using back ticks to run 
commands from the unix command line.  A simple example would be:

$X = $ARGV[0];
`echo $X`;

This does not work (neither does `echo \$X`;).  Is there anyway to represent a 
perl variable when using the backticks?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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Re: order of command line switch?

2008-02-13 Thread Chas. Owens
On Feb 13, 2008 2:57 PM, ciwei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> so why the order of  -n -e switch make the differience?
> this is perl 5.8.4.
> Thanks

This is true in all versions of Perl.  It is becuase you are allowed
to have more than one -e option:

perl -e 'print "read ";' -e 'print "the ";' -e 'print "fine ";' -e
'print "manual\n";'

 If you look at the syntax in perlrun* you will see that -e must be
followed by a string.  The letter n is being used as the string, so
you program looks like this:



and it is being passed "print if /SUNW/" in $ARGV[0].  A constant is a
valid Perl program (n is a bareword, so it is being treated as "n" by
the parser), but it doesn't do anything.  You can see this more
clearly by turning off barewords with the strict** pragma:

perl -Mstrict -en 'print if /SUNW/'
Bareword "n" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at -e line 1.
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

* perldoc perlrun or
** perldoc strict or

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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Re: order of command line switch?

2008-02-13 Thread Kashif Salman
On Feb 13, 2008 11:57 AM, ciwei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hostA>ls
> SUNWjassVRTSVRTSicsco   VRTSvcs
> emc SUNWmlibVRTSalloc   VRTSjre VRTSvlicVRTSvxvm
> hostA>ls  | perl -en 'print if /SUNW/'
> return nothing , while
> hostA>ls  | perl -ne 'print if /SUNW/'
> SUNWits
> SUNWjass
> SUNWmlib
> SUNWrtvc
> so why the order of  -n -e switch make the differience?
> this is perl 5.8.4.
> Thanks
> --
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I think the code between single quotes is like a parameter to -e
switch so it has to be -ne 'code' instead of -en 'code'

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order of command line switch?

2008-02-13 Thread ciwei
emc SUNWmlibVRTSalloc   VRTSjre VRTSvlicVRTSvxvm

hostA>ls  | perl -en 'print if /SUNW/'

return nothing , while

hostA>ls  | perl -ne 'print if /SUNW/'

so why the order of  -n -e switch make the differience?
this is perl 5.8.4.

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Re: Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Bobby
On Thursday 31 January 2008 20:40:13 Chas. Owens wrote:

> > How do I automate the install of a bunch of modules. Is it enough to just
> > install the tarballs, or will there be dependencies that I have to trace
> > down first? If so what is the best way to do that?

> You automate it by using the CPAN module or the cpan command.  That is
> what they do.  There will undoubtly be dependencies and you will have
> to chase them down yourself; usually after the perl Makefile.PL step
> fails.

Those installs will be done from disk, not the Internet.

So are those messages listed as warnings right after where it usually says all 



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Re: Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Chas. Owens
On Jan 31, 2008 8:32 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, thank you, but that part is old hat. What I'm looking for is if anything
> is different when I simply install the tarballs?

You have to do everything yourself.

> How do I automate the install of a bunch of modules. Is it enough to just
> install the tarballs, or will there be dependencies that I have to trace down
> first? If so what is the best way to do that?

You automate it by using the CPAN module or the cpan command.  That is
what they do.  There will undoubtly be dependencies and you will have
to chase them down yourself; usually after the perl Makefile.PL step

> I did notice during install that it said something like All OK. Then on one it
> gave a warning saying that some other module was needed.

If you are not using cpan then you need to pay very close attention to
all messages given to you by the install process.

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Re: Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Bobby
On Thursday 31 January 2008 20:15:22 Chas. Owens wrote:
> On Jan 31, 2008 7:44 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thursday 31 January 2008 17:45:53 Chas. Owens wrote:
> > > On Jan 31, 2008 3:01 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > snip
> > >
> > > > This will be done only on brand new Slackware 12 installs which does
> > > > not have CPAN.
> > >
> > > snip
> > >
> > > That doesn't sound right.  Are you certain you have Perl installed?
> > > CPAN is part of Core Perl and should be there if Perl is installed.
> > > Try
> >
> > Sorry, yes that part is installed. What I meant is it does not have the
> > .cpan directory and as such has not been initialized to use the online
> > repository.
> snip
> That directory is created by running cpan or perl -MCPAN -e shell.
> Just run it, accept the defaults, and choose some repositories.

Yes, thank you, but that part is old hat. What I'm looking for is if anything 
is different when I simply install the tarballs? 

How do I automate the install of a bunch of modules. Is it enough to just 
install the tarballs, or will there be dependencies that I have to trace down 
first? If so what is the best way to do that?

I did notice during install that it said something like All OK. Then on one it 
gave a warning saying that some other module was needed. 



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Re: Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Chas. Owens
On Jan 31, 2008 7:44 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 31 January 2008 17:45:53 Chas. Owens wrote:
> > On Jan 31, 2008 3:01 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > snip
> >
> > > This will be done only on brand new Slackware 12 installs which does not
> > > have CPAN.
> >
> > snip
> >
> > That doesn't sound right.  Are you certain you have Perl installed?
> > CPAN is part of Core Perl and should be there if Perl is installed.
> > Try
> Sorry, yes that part is installed. What I meant is it does not have the .cpan
> directory and as such has not been initialized to use the online repository.

That directory is created by running cpan or perl -MCPAN -e shell.
Just run it, accept the defaults, and choose some repositories.

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Re: Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Bobby
On Thursday 31 January 2008 17:45:53 Chas. Owens wrote:
> On Jan 31, 2008 3:01 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> snip
> > This will be done only on brand new Slackware 12 installs which does not
> > have CPAN.
> snip
> That doesn't sound right.  Are you certain you have Perl installed?
> CPAN is part of Core Perl and should be there if Perl is installed.
> Try

Sorry, yes that part is installed. What I meant is it does not have the .cpan 
directory and as such has not been initialized to use the online repository.



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Re: Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Chas. Owens
On Jan 31, 2008 3:01 PM, Bobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This will be done only on brand new Slackware 12 installs which does not have

That doesn't sound right.  Are you certain you have Perl installed?
CPAN is part of Core Perl and should be there if Perl is installed.

perl -MCPAN -e shell



If those don't work then you most likely don't have Perl installed (I
just check the package
and it does in fact have the cpan command and the CPAN module).

If you really don't have CPAN, well, your system is hosed and it is
unlikely that the following will work, but it is how you install
modules by hand:

tar xvfz modulename.tgz
cd modulename
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Stop if you get an error at any step.  If you are installing in a
different directory than the default you can pass
PREFIX=/path/to/install to perl Makefile.PL.

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Command line installing perl modules

2008-01-31 Thread Bobby

I'm trying to figure out how to install perl modules from command line (to 
automate the install process). CPAN allowed me to d/l direct which results in 
tarballs. Are there any caveats to watch out for when installing them this 

This will be done only on brand new Slackware 12 installs which does not have 

I was thinking of copying .cpan but it's probably not even needed, and might 
introduce incompatibility issues. The important part is to get a cookie 
cutter system that can be done over and over.



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Re: cpan command line

2007-09-28 Thread Paul Lalli
On Sep 28, 12:32 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bobby) wrote:
> On Friday 28 September 2007 12:26:08 Paul Lalli wrote:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bobby) wrote:
> > > > > What is the command to tell cpan to accept the default/suggested
> > > > > values?
> > When you run the cpan set up command, it will ask you if you're "ready
> > for manual configuration".  Say no.  That will cause it to use the
> > default values.

> Thanks, though I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing.

You're right, we weren't. :-)

> When installing modules it sometimes ask if you want additional modules as
> well. At that point I need it not to ask that but just go ahead and do what
> it thinks is best.

Start up your cpan shell, and type:
o conf prerequisites_policy follow
o conf commit

That will tell cpan to go ahead and just download whatever modules it
needs in order to install the module you're trying to install.

Paul Lalli

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Re: cpan command line

2007-09-28 Thread Bobby
On Friday 28 September 2007 12:26:08 Paul Lalli wrote:
> On Sep 28, 9:26 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bobby) wrote:
> > On Friday 28 September 2007 06:01:31 Srinivas wrote:
> > > just hit "Enter"
> > >
> > > -srini
> > >
> > > Bobby wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > What is the command to tell cpan to accept the default/suggested
> > > > values?
> >
> > No. Command line option so you don't have to be there and press Enter.
> When you run the cpan set up command, it will ask you if you're "ready
> for manual configuration".  Say no.  That will cause it to use the
> default values.
> Paul Lalli

Thanks, though I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing.

When installing modules it sometimes ask if you want additional modules as 
well. At that point I need it not to ask that but just go ahead and do what 
it thinks is best.



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Re: cpan command line

2007-09-28 Thread Paul Lalli
On Sep 28, 9:26 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bobby) wrote:
> On Friday 28 September 2007 06:01:31 Srinivas wrote:
> > just hit "Enter"
> > -srini
> > Bobby wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > What is the command to tell cpan to accept the default/suggested values?
> No. Command line option so you don't have to be there and press Enter.

When you run the cpan set up command, it will ask you if you're "ready
for manual configuration".  Say no.  That will cause it to use the
default values.

Paul Lalli

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Re: cpan command line

2007-09-28 Thread Bobby
On Friday 28 September 2007 06:01:31 Srinivas wrote:
> just hit "Enter"
> -srini
> Bobby wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > What is the command to tell cpan to accept the default/suggested values?

No. Command line option so you don't have to be there and press Enter.



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Re: cpan command line

2007-09-28 Thread Srinivas

just hit "Enter"


Bobby wrote:


What is the command to tell cpan to accept the default/suggested values?


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cpan command line

2007-09-27 Thread Bobby

What is the command to tell cpan to accept the default/suggested values?



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Re: running cgi off the command line works, but running on the browser fails with a 500 error

2007-09-27 Thread Paul Lalli
On Sep 27, 11:59 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pat Rice) wrote:
> Hi all
> Error 500 error is the follwoing
> [Thu Sep 27 16:26:56 2007] [error] [client] Prototype mismatch:
> sub main::head: none vs ($) at /var/www/cgi-bin/srHandler4.cgi line 7
> [Thu Sep 27 16:26:57 2007] [error] [client] [Thu Sep 27
> 16:26:57 2007] srHandler4.cgi: Error 500 
> on
> a
> t /var/www/cgi-bin/srHandler4.cgi line 25.
> The problem is with line 7 and 25
> line 7 -- shown below is prety simple
> 5  adding the bits from
> 6 use warnings;
> 7 use LWP::Simple;
> Line 25 -- shown below, is just a simple getstore, this works when run from
> the command line, but when run form the webserver, I get above error
> message, I've tried the usual 500 error messages, just wondering if anyone
> has any ideas ???

Always read the documentation for the modules you're using.

Paul Lalli

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Re: running cgi off the command line works, but running on the browser fails with a 500 error

2007-09-27 Thread Tom Phoenix
On 9/27/07, Pat Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Line 25 -- shown below, is just a simple getstore, this works when run from
> the command line, but when run form the webserver, I get above error
> message, I've tried the usual 500 error messages, just wondering if anyone
> has any ideas ???

A "500 error message" is pretty nearly useless; what you want is the
dying words from your program, which are probably in your server's
error log.

But I'd guess from the nature of your problem that you might have a
different version of Perl on the webserver than you used for testing
on the command line. Or, you didn't use the -w switch when you tested
your program on the command line.

>   1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>   2 use CGI qw(:standard);
>   3 use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
>   4 use strict;
>   5  adding the bits from
>   6 use warnings;
>   7 use LWP::Simple;

I suspect that LWP::Simple is trying to import a subroutine named
head(), but you already got one from the CGI module. If that's the
case, you can tell either one of the modules that you don't want it to
import head(), and that should solve your problem.


--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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running cgi off the command line works, but running on the browser fails with a 500 error

2007-09-27 Thread Pat Rice
Hi all
Error 500 error is the follwoing

[Thu Sep 27 16:26:56 2007] [error] [client] Prototype mismatch:
sub main::head: none vs ($) at /var/www/cgi-bin/srHandler4.cgi line 7
[Thu Sep 27 16:26:57 2007] [error] [client] [Thu Sep 27
16:26:57 2007] srHandler4.cgi: Error 500 on
t /var/www/cgi-bin/srHandler4.cgi line 25.

The problem is with line 7 and 25

line 7 -- shown below is prety simple
5  adding the bits from
6 use warnings;
7 use LWP::Simple;

Line 25 -- shown below, is just a simple getstore, this works when run from
the command line, but when run form the webserver, I get above error
message, I've tried the usual 500 error messages, just wondering if anyone
has any ideas ???

 21 my $url  = "$variable_name";;
 22 #print "\n This is the web site that I'm trying to got to : $url";
 23 my $file = 'testPseweb2.html';
 24 my $status = getstore($url, $file);
 25 die "Error $status on $url" unless is_success($status);
I've been stuck on this for a while and I'm starting to wonder. I'm
attaching script below

  1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  2 use CGI qw(:standard);
  3 use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
  4 use strict;
  5  adding the bits from
  6 use warnings;
  7 use LWP::Simple;
  9 ## setting up the variables for the form
 10 my $query;
 11 my $p;

# chaged this for trouble shooting
 12 #my $variable_name = param("srNumber");
 13 my $variable_name = 194951021;
 17 ### adding
 18 #here I take the number form the form and try to pull down page
 19 # This fails with 500 error, but testing it through a browser it
 20 # Hence the resion for the print statment
 21 my $url  = "$variable_name";;
 22 #print "\n This is the web site that I'm trying to got to : $url";
 23 my $file = 'testPseweb2.html';
 24 my $status = getstore($url, $file);
 25 die "Error $status on $url" unless is_success($status);
 31 ### this part parses the file pulled down from lwp, and pick out
what I want
 32 my $img;
 33 my $src;
 34 my $alt;
 35 my $a;
 36 my $href;
 37 my $href2;
 38 my $msup;
 39 my $msupdir;
 40 my $substrMsup;
 43 open(IN, "<$file") || die "Can't open $file: $!";
 44 while () {
 45 my @array_of_data = ;
 47 foreach my $line (@array_of_data)
 48 {
 50 chomp($line);
 52 if ($line =~ /vm-support/i)
 53 {
 55 Now do something in this if statment
 56 Split The file, and pick out the
correct word for time and date.
 57 ##I'm picking out what I want out of the web page
 58 ($img, $src, $alt, $a, $href) = split (' ', $line);
 59 ($href2, $msup, $msupdir) = split ('"', $href);
 60 ($substrMsup) = split ('/', $msup);
 61 }
 62 }
 63 }
 64 close(IN);
 66 print header;
 67 print start_html("Thank You");
 68 print h2("Thank You");
 70 #print "variable name:  $variable_name";
 71 #print "vm-support: $substrMsup";
 72 print end_html;

Re: Command line usage [solved]

2007-06-22 Thread Brad Baxter
On Jun 18, 5:54 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
> >- Original Message 
> >From: Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:47:05 PM
> >Subject: Re: Command line usage
> >On Jun 18, 10:50 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
> >> I think I'm out of luck with this OS;) Your suggestion for creating a 
> >> backup
> >> file gave the same result: no error, no change in the files. The output of
> >> 'perl -le"print for @ARGV" *'  is * and the other is *.*. Funny though that
> >> sed *does* work.
> >Ah.  Well there's your problem.  The command line interpreter you're
> >running doesn't expand wildcards.  That's why Perl wasn't giving you
> >any errors - it had nothing to do because there was no file named "*"
> >that it could find...   You'll have to expand the wildcard from within
> >Perl.
> >perl -pi.bkp -e"BEGIN { @ARGV = glob($ARGV[0]); }  s/old/new/;" *
> >Hope this helps,
> >Paul Lalli
> Thank you all for your responses. Paul's suggestion above is the winner. The 
> command works, creates a neat backup file and does what it's told. I'll be 
> checking the docs to see *why* it works:)

Normally your command line interpreter would expand "*" into a list of
files, and perl would store them in @ARGV, e.g.,

$ARGV[0] = "a.txt";
$ARGV[1] = "b.txt";
$ARGV[2] = "c.txt";

Instead, yours is not expanding, but simply passing "*" unchanged, but
perl still stores it in @ARGV, which looks like

$ARGV[0] = "*";

So in the BEGIN block (which executes before the -p flag starts
reading files), Paul's code passes $ARGV[0] to the glob() function,
which is perl's way of expanding "*" into a list of files.  Assigning
that output to @ARGV (overwriting $ARGV[0] in the process) yields,

$ARGV[0] = "a.txt";
$ARGV[1] = "b.txt";
$ARGV[2] = "c.txt";



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Re: Command line usage

2007-06-19 Thread Fetter
##I have files read into $output_dir

if ($output_dir =~ "_Modified")
$allfile2 = $output_dir;  #set allfile2 equal to output_dir to 
output_dir untouched
$_ = $allfile2; #set input string equal to allfile2 for
s/_Modified//;  #replace _Modified with nothing 
anywhere it
appears in the string
#$_ now equals the filename without the 
$allfile2 = $_; #set allfile2 equal to $_
rename ($output_dir, $allfile2);#rename the "_Modified" 
with the new filenames
#warn $allfile2;#shows what allfile2 currently contains

Hope this helps!

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Re: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Dr.Ruud
Rob Dixon schreef:

>   perl -e "print qq($_\n) foreach <*>"

which as good as identical to

perl -wle "print for <*>"

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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Re: Command line usage [solved]

2007-06-18 Thread John Degen
>- Original Message 
>From: Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:47:05 PM
>Subject: Re: Command line usage
>On Jun 18, 10:50 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
>> I think I'm out of luck with this OS;) Your suggestion for creating a backup
>> file gave the same result: no error, no change in the files. The output of
>> 'perl -le"print for @ARGV" *'  is * and the other is *.*. Funny though that
>> sed *does* work.
>Ah.  Well there's your problem.  The command line interpreter you're
>running doesn't expand wildcards.  That's why Perl wasn't giving you
>any errors - it had nothing to do because there was no file named "*"
>that it could find...   You'll have to expand the wildcard from within
>perl -pi.bkp -e"BEGIN { @ARGV = glob($ARGV[0]); }  s/old/new/;" *
>Hope this helps,
>Paul Lalli

Thank you all for your responses. Paul's suggestion above is the winner. The 
command works, creates a neat backup file and does what it's told. I'll be 
checking the docs to see *why* it works:)

Best regards,

John Degen

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Re: Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lalli
On Jun 18, 10:50 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:

> I think I'm out of luck with this OS;) Your suggestion for creating a backup
> file gave the same result: no error, no change in the files. The output of
> 'perl -le"print for @ARGV" *'  is * and the other is *.*. Funny though that
> sed *does* work.

Ah.  Well there's your problem.  The command line interpreter you're
running doesn't expand wildcards.  That's why Perl wasn't giving you
any errors - it had nothing to do because there was no file named "*"
that it could find...   You'll have to expand the wildcard from within

perl -pi.bkp -e"BEGIN { @ARGV = glob($ARGV[0]); }  s/old/new/;" *

Hope this helps,
Paul Lalli

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Re: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Rob Dixon

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Rob Dixon wrote:

John Degen wrote:

I'm using Perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState on Windows XP. I'm trying to
accomplish a search and replace in a number of files in the same
directory from the command line (cmd.exe). The problem is that the
command perl -i -e "s/old/new/" * fails silently, i.e. no changes
take place. My question is: does * indicate all files in the current
directory (this did work in the Windows version of sed I tried)? I
cannot find this in the docs or using Google. Or am I making another

Hi John

Three problems here that I can see:

- Perl won't do an in-place edit successfully on a Windows system. You
 have to specify a name for the old file to be renamed to.

- It is the command shell on Unix systems that expands the wildcard
 into a list of filenames. On Windows your program sees just the single
 argument '*'.

- You have written no code to process the arguments passed. You program
 is simply


 which will just try to replace 'old' with 'new' in an uninitialised $_
 variable (try perl -w -i -e "s/old/new/" * to see the evidence).

I suggest you use something like

 perl -w -i.bak -p -e "s/old/new/"

but I haven't tested this as you already have a directory set up ready to
try it on :)

A program in command line that works might be too long under Windows, 
but if it is necessary it could be made sending the list of files to the 
program with a pipe, like:

dir /b | perl -e "print ;"

This command prints the list of filenames on the console, and the dos 
command dir accepts wildcards, then the perl program could do anything 
with those files, like opening them, modifying

(Please bottom-post your replies so that extended threads remain
comprehensible. Thank you.)

That is unnecessary. Just

 perl -e "print qq($_\n) foreach <*>"

will do the same thing.


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Re: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita
A program in command line that works might be too long under Windows, but if 
it is necessary it could be made sending the list of files to the program 
with a pipe, like:

dir /b | perl -e "print ;"

This command prints the list of filenames on the console, and the dos 
command dir accepts wildcards, then the perl program could do anything with 
those files, like opening them, modifying


- Original Message - 
From: "Rob Dixon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc: "John Degen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

John Degen wrote:

I'm using Perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState on Windows XP. I'm trying to
accomplish a search and replace in a number of files in the same
directory from the command line (cmd.exe). The problem is that the
command perl -i -e "s/old/new/" * fails silently, i.e. no changes
take place. My question is: does * indicate all files in the current
directory (this did work in the Windows version of sed I tried)? I
cannot find this in the docs or using Google. Or am I making another

Hi John

Three problems here that I can see:

- Perl won't do an in-place edit successfully on a Windows system. You
 have to specify a name for the old file to be renamed to.

- It is the command shell on Unix systems that expands the wildcard
 into a list of filenames. On Windows your program sees just the single
 argument '*'.

- You have written no code to process the arguments passed. You program
 is simply


 which will just try to replace 'old' with 'new' in an uninitialised $_
 variable (try perl -w -i -e "s/old/new/" * to see the evidence).

I suggest you use something like

 perl -w -i.bak -p -e "s/old/new/"

but I haven't tested this as you already have a directory set up ready to
try it on :)



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Re: Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread John Degen

Sane sicut lux seipsam, & tenebras manifestat, sic veritas norma sui, & falsi 
est. -- Spinoza
>- Original Message 
>From: Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 3:56:04 PM
>Subject: Re: Command line usage
>On Jun 18, 8:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
>> Thanks for your speedy reply Bob. I tried your suggestion, but the same 
>> outcome: the command fails without any complaints. BTW, the files didn't 
>> have extensions. They are three test files (plain text) containing 
>> respectively "love, live and luve". The actual command that I tried was perl 
>> -i -e "s/ve/ver/" *.*
>> Any other ideas I might try?
>Windows has never let me replace files inline - that is, you can't not
>give an extension for the -i option.  You have to provide it with an
>extension so that the original files are saved as backups.  (However,
>it's always given me an error when I've tried - not sure why you're
>not getting one).
>perl -i.bkp -e"s/ve/ver/" *.*
>You can also run a quick test to determine what * and *.* mean in
>Windows by something like this:
>perl -le"print for @ARGV" *
>perl -le"print for @ARGV" *.*
>Paul Lalli

Thanks Paul,

I think I'm out of luck with this OS;) Your suggestion for creating a backup 
file gave the same result: no error, no change in the files. The output of 
'perl -le"print for @ARGV" *'  is * and the other is *.*. Funny though that sed 
*does* work.

Best regards,

John Degen
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Re: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Rob Dixon

John Degen wrote:

I'm using Perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState on Windows XP. I'm trying to
accomplish a search and replace in a number of files in the same
directory from the command line (cmd.exe). The problem is that the
command perl -i -e "s/old/new/" * fails silently, i.e. no changes
take place. My question is: does * indicate all files in the current
directory (this did work in the Windows version of sed I tried)? I
cannot find this in the docs or using Google. Or am I making another

Hi John

Three problems here that I can see:

- Perl won't do an in-place edit successfully on a Windows system. You
 have to specify a name for the old file to be renamed to.

- It is the command shell on Unix systems that expands the wildcard
 into a list of filenames. On Windows your program sees just the single
 argument '*'.

- You have written no code to process the arguments passed. You program
 is simply


 which will just try to replace 'old' with 'new' in an uninitialised $_
 variable (try perl -w -i -e "s/old/new/" * to see the evidence).

I suggest you use something like

 perl -w -i.bak -p -e "s/old/new/"

but I haven't tested this as you already have a directory set up ready to
try it on :)



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Re: Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lalli
On Jun 18, 8:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
> Thanks for your speedy reply Bob. I tried your suggestion, but the same 
> outcome: the command fails without any complaints. BTW, the files didn't have 
> extensions. They are three test files (plain text) containing respectively 
> "love, live and luve". The actual command that I tried was perl -i -e 
> "s/ve/ver/" *.*
> Any other ideas I might try?

Windows has never let me replace files inline - that is, you can't not
give an extension for the -i option.  You have to provide it with an
extension so that the original files are saved as backups.  (However,
it's always given me an error when I've tried - not sure why you're
not getting one).

perl -i.bkp -e"s/ve/ver/" *.*

You can also run a quick test to determine what * and *.* mean in
Windows by something like this:

perl -le"print for @ARGV" *
perl -le"print for @ARGV" *.*

Paul Lalli

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Re: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread John Degen
Thanks for your speedy reply Bob. I tried your suggestion, but the same 
outcome: the command fails without any complaints. BTW, the files didn't have 
extensions. They are three test files (plain text) containing respectively 
"love, live and luve". The actual command that I tried was perl -i -e 
"s/ve/ver/" *.*
Any other ideas I might try?



- Original Message 
From: Bob McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Degen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 2:31:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

Windows uses file extensions for a variety of reasons, so it expects the
period in file names. In most cases, the file spec "*" will only return
files with no extension, such as "README". Have you tried "*.*" instead?

Bob McConnell

> -Original Message-
> From: John Degen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 8:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage
> Hello,
> I'm using Perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState on Windows XP. I'm 
> trying to accomplish a search and replace in a number of 
> files in the same directory from the command line (cmd.exe). 
> The problem is that the command perl -i -e "s/old/new/" * 
> fails silently, i.e. no changes take place. My question is: 
> does * indicate all files in the current directory (this did 
> work in the Windows version of sed I tried)? I cannot find 
> this in the docs or using Google. Or am I making another mistake?
> Thank you for your time.
> John Degen 
> -- 
> Sane sicut lux seipsam, & tenebras manifestat, sic veritas 
> norma sui, & falsi est. -- Spinoza
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RE: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread Bob McConnell
Windows uses file extensions for a variety of reasons, so it expects the
period in file names. In most cases, the file spec "*" will only return
files with no extension, such as "README". Have you tried "*.*" instead?

Bob McConnell

> -Original Message-
> From: John Degen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 8:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage
> Hello,
> I'm using Perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState on Windows XP. I'm 
> trying to accomplish a search and replace in a number of 
> files in the same directory from the command line (cmd.exe). 
> The problem is that the command perl -i -e "s/old/new/" * 
> fails silently, i.e. no changes take place. My question is: 
> does * indicate all files in the current directory (this did 
> work in the Windows version of sed I tried)? I cannot find 
> this in the docs or using Google. Or am I making another mistake?
> Thank you for your time.
> John Degen 
> -- 
> Sane sicut lux seipsam, & tenebras manifestat, sic veritas 
> norma sui, & falsi est. -- Spinoza
> __
> __
> Get your own web address.  
> Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
> -- 
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[Perl 5.8.8 on WinXP] Command line usage

2007-06-18 Thread John Degen

I'm using Perl 5.8.8 from ActiveState on Windows XP. I'm trying to accomplish a 
search and replace in a number of files in the same directory from the command 
line (cmd.exe). The problem is that the command perl -i -e "s/old/new/" * fails 
silently, i.e. no changes take place. My question is: does * indicate all files 
in the current directory (this did work in the Windows version of sed I tried)? 
I cannot find this in the docs or using Google. Or am I making another mistake?

Thank you for your time.

John Degen 

Sane sicut lux seipsam, & tenebras manifestat, sic veritas norma sui, & falsi 
est. -- Spinoza


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Re: Detecting whether a script was called via CGI or the command line

2007-05-04 Thread Xavier Noria

On May 4, 2007, at 2:44 PM, Nigel Peck wrote:

Within the script I want to know where it was executed from; CGI or  
command line/cron job. I'm currently checking @ARGV to do this i.e.  
if there is data in @ARGV then it was called from the command line,  
but obviously this means there must be command line arguments and  
I'm also not sure whether there could sometimes be arguments in  
@ARGV when called through CGI?

Is there a better way to check?

The proper way would be

  use constant RUNNING_AS_CGI => exists $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE};

-- fxn

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Detecting whether a script was called via CGI or the command line

2007-05-04 Thread Nigel Peck


I have a script which is usually run through CGI, but I want to set it 
up to be executed by a cron job each day too.

Within the script I want to know where it was executed from; CGI or 
command line/cron job. I'm currently checking @ARGV to do this i.e. if 
there is data in @ARGV then it was called from the command line, but 
obviously this means there must be command line arguments and I'm also 
not sure whether there could sometimes be arguments in @ARGV when called 
through CGI?

Is there a better way to check?



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Re: Win32 script cannot read command line argument.

2007-05-02 Thread Vladimir Lemberg

Hi David,

Thanks a lot! It works -)
My association was "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" "%1"


- Original Message - 
From: "Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO" 

To: "Vladimir Lemberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: Win32 script cannot read command line argument.

-Original Message-
From: Vladimir Lemberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 14:01
Subject: Win32 script cannot read command line argument.

Hi All,

My script is unable to read argument when I'm executing it
as: .
However, when I'm running it as: perl  -
it works fine.

I did associate perl scripts with Perl as explained in
All my scripts, which doesnt require any arguments works file.

Your folder assocation looks like:

"C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" "%1" %*
If like this, then should be working. Been using this for what
seems like forever.

I have WinXP with Service Pack 2.

All appriciate any help to resolve it.


 Wags ;)
David R Wagner
Senior Programmer Analyst
FedEx Freight
1.408.323.4225x2224 TEL
1.408.323.4449   FAX

This message contains information that is confidential and proprietary to 
FedEx Freight or its affiliates.  It is intended only for the recipient 
named and for the express  purpose(s) described therein.  Any other use is 


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RE: Win32 script cannot read command line argument.

2007-05-02 Thread Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO

> -Original Message-
> From: Vladimir Lemberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 14:01
> To:
> Subject: Win32 script cannot read command line argument.
> Hi All,
> My script is unable to read argument when I'm executing it 
> as: .
> However, when I'm running it as: perl  - 
> it works fine.
> I did associate perl scripts with Perl as explained in 
> ActivePerl-Winfaq4.htm
> All my scripts, which doesnt require any arguments works file. 
Your folder assocation looks like:

"C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" "%1" %*
If like this, then should be working. Been using this for what
seems like forever.
> I have WinXP with Service Pack 2. 
> All appriciate any help to resolve it.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir

  Wags ;)
David R Wagner
Senior Programmer Analyst
FedEx Freight
1.408.323.4225x2224 TEL
1.408.323.4449   FAX 

This message contains information that is confidential and proprietary to FedEx 
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Win32 script cannot read command line argument.

2007-05-02 Thread Vladimir Lemberg
Hi All,

My script is unable to read argument when I'm executing it as: 
However, when I'm running it as: perl  - it works fine.
I did associate perl scripts with Perl as explained in ActivePerl-Winfaq4.htm
All my scripts, which doesnt require any arguments works file. 
I have WinXP with Service Pack 2. 
All appriciate any help to resolve it.

Re: Command line fed to Perl was Re: File::Find again

2007-03-26 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From:   Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It's a different case here ie not a var, instead it's a command line that's 
> entered into a shell, such command line being passed to Perl.  And the 
> command needs to make it to Perl without getting altered before it gets to 
> Perl.
> -s "\.properties$"
> In that part of the command line, in this case the $ happens to also be a 
> bash 
> shell meta (or possibly interpreted) character.
> In this context, I was alledging that perhaps the quotes (on that command 
> line) tell the bash shell to keep it literal (do not interpret the special 
> character $).
> But, I don't know much.  I guess there's even a way to run a Perl script 
> without going through a shell in order to run the Perl script.  If so, I 
> don't know how to do it.

Sorry, I was not paying attention to the thread so I may be off. If 
you mean from within another script you may use the multiple 
parameter form of system():

system( $^X, $path_to_script, $param1, $param2, $param3);

This way the shell is not involved in any way. Though of course it 
also means that you can't specify any redirection or anything like 
that this way.

When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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Command line fed to Perl was Re: File::Find again

2007-03-26 Thread Alan
On Monday 26 March 2007 07:32, Dave Gray wrote:
> On 3/25/07, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 25 March 2007 18:14, Matt Herzog wrote:
> > > This is all I needed. I swear I had " /($searchstring)/; " in there at
> > > some point before . . .  so if I pass it
> > >
> > > -s "\.properties$"
> > >
> > > at the command line, it works as expetcted. Nice.
> >
> > That might be a shell thing?
> >
> > In Linux bash shell those quotes (I think) tell the shell to not
> > interpret anything inside the quotes.
> bash quotes work like perl quotes:
>  echo "$PS1"
>  echo '$PS1'

It's a different case here ie not a var, instead it's a command line that's 
entered into a shell, such command line being passed to Perl.  And the 
command needs to make it to Perl without getting altered before it gets to 

-s "\.properties$"

In that part of the command line, in this case the $ happens to also be a bash 
shell meta (or possibly interpreted) character.

In this context, I was alledging that perhaps the quotes (on that command 
line) tell the bash shell to keep it literal (do not interpret the special 
character $).

But, I don't know much.  I guess there's even a way to run a Perl script 
without going through a shell in order to run the Perl script.  If so, I 
don't know how to do it.


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Re: Multiple character command line switch

2007-03-12 Thread yitzle

You can access the command line parameters directly without any module
with @ARGV.
Not sure if this helps.

myScript -f1  -f2 

Something like this might work:
for ( $i = 0; $i < [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 1; $i += 2 ) {
 hash{"AGV[$i]"} = AGV[$i + 1];
print "FIle 1: $hash{'-f'}";

On 3/13/07, brajesh agrawal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I was trying to write a script. I wanted to use multiple characters in
command line switches.
For example
myScript -f1  -f2 

now getopt or getopts allows only for single character switches (please
correct me if its not true).
Is there any module which will allow my to have multiple character switches.


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Re: Multiple character command line switch

2007-03-12 Thread Jeff Pang

>Hi all,
>I was trying to write a script. I wanted to use multiple characters in
>command line switches.
>For example
>myScript -f1  -f2 
>now getopt or getopts allows only for single character switches (please
>correct me if its not true).
>Is there any module which will allow my to have multiple character switches.

May you take a look at Getopt::Long?


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