Array Problem

2002-01-15 Thread maureen

Hello! I hope someone can help me.  

I am working on the following code, written to accomplish these tasks:

1)Accept username and password from an HTML page
2)Open a text file and store the username and passwords listed there in
an array
3)Compare the username and password in the array to the username and
password entered on the HTML page.
4)If username and password match, direct the user to another web page.
5) If username and password do not match or fields are left blank on the
HTML form, direct user to an error page.

Currently, the array seems to only be picking up the last name listed in
the text file.  

Would you please take a look at my code to help me see what I have done

Thanks, Maureen

require ""; 
#process incoming form data  
#open the database in read-only mode  
open(FILE,"pwdata.txt") || die "Can't find database\n"; 
#store database contents in an array and close file  
@indata = ;  
foreach $i (@indata)   
#remove hard return character from each record  
#split fields on pipe character   
#assign a variable name to each of the fields  
($username,$password) = split(/\|/,$i);
#check for blank form fields  
if ($in{'username'}eq"" || $in{'password'}eq"")  
#set content type 

#check for proper password  
if ($username!=~/$in{'username'}/) 
#invalid password--create error message and exit  
print &PrintHeader; 
print <<"PrintTag";  
Authorization Required  
You do not have authorization to enter this website. Please click";>here
to return to the WWWS web site.
If you feel you have received this message in error, please return to
login screen and try to enter your username and password again.  

#check for existence of lock file  
if (-e "lock.fil")   
#lock file exists! print message & shut down   
print &PrintHeader;
print <<"PrintTag";
File in use  
Try again!  
The database is in use. Please try again later.  
#everything is okay. Create lock file.  
open(LOCK_FILE, ">lock.fil"); 
#open, append record, and close database  
open(FILE,">>data.txt") || die "Can't find database\n";  
print FILE
#close lock file  
#delete lock file  
#print database contents  
print "Location:\n\n";;

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Re: Param problem

2002-01-15 Thread Curtis Poe

--- Håkan Edman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a script that generates a HTML page with input fields. The amount
> of fields depends of an ascii database. This means that I don't know how
> many
> fields I have to work with. I tried the following code but I don't get
> any
> data in $title and $path. I get the correct amount of entrys but it
> looks like:
> 0||
> 1||
> 2||
> And so on.
>open (EDITERA, ">$DATABASE")   || die "Can't open $DATABASE!\n";
>   foreach $h (@num) {
>  $title= param('linkname$E');
>  $path = param('path$E');
>  print EDITERA "$E|$title|$path\n";
>  $E++;
>close (EDITERA);
> Is there some easy way to get this to work?
> regards
> Håkan


It's easy to get this to work, but you have some problems here.  Consider the 
following three
lines of code:

$title= param('linkname$E');
$path = param('path$E');
print EDITERA "$E|$title|$path\n";

The reason that $title and $path are not getting any data is because variables will not
interpolate in single quotes.  You need to change those to double quotes:

$title= param("linkname$E");
$path = param("path$E");

However, you then print this data directly to your text file without checking what is 
in the data.
 What happens if someone sends a newline?  What happens if someone sends data with a 
pipe in it? 
The pipe alone will cause subsequent reading of the database to be off because it will 
appear to
have extra delimited fields.  There are other dangers here, but lets assume, for the 
sake of
argument, that the title and path can only be letters, underscores, whitespace, 
digits, dots and
forward slashes.  Further, let's assume that the title can not be more than 30 
characters and the
path cannot be more than 100.  We can create some regular expressions to untaint your 
data very

$_title   = param("linkname$E");
$_path= param("path$E");
my ( $title ) = ( $_title =~ !^([\s\w\d./]{1,30})! );
my ( $path )  = ( $_path  =~ !^([\s\w\d./]{1,100})! );
print EDITERA "$E|$title|$path\n";

You'll probably need to modify the regular expressions to fit your needs, but this is 
much safer
and bug-free than what you are currently doing.

Hope this help.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

"Ovid" on
Someone asked me how to count to 10 in Perl:
push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A

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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread Roger C Haslock

I was watching this correspondance earlier, and wondering why you are not
using fetchrow_hashref. I now wonder why you get all the rows of data
bundled into a single array. Does your interface have now way of returning
data one row at a time?

A simple solution to your problem would go along the lines of

my $rows ='';
while (@data) # is the array empty yet?
my $row = "\n";# just to layout the HTML for readability
for (0..$#columns)
my $element = shift @data;
$row .= td( $element )
$rows .= Tr($row)

print table({-border=>'1', -align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},
Tr({-align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},

- Roger -

- Original Message -
From: "Gerry Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: Tables in CGI

> Thanks for your suggestions. I went back and tried some of them with no
> I'm afraid. Here's my code as it is now:
> print table({-border=>'1', -align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},
> Tr({-align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},
> [
> th(\@columns),
> td(\@data)
> ]
> )
> )
> I tried using map as suggested by Briac Pilpré, but that gave the same
> Here's an example of what the arrays could contain from a PostgreSQL table
> called "Components" (stored as "text" within the DB):
> @columns:
> Subtype
> Type
> Components
> @data:
> Celeron 766
> Computer
> Lots of stuff
> Pentium 2
> Computer
> More Stuff
> ...
> ...
> I've checked the contents of each array (by printing them to the browser)
> they seem correct.
> Here I want a table 3 columns across and "x" rows down, but what I get is
> columns across, and @data scpread out across one row. Another table may
> require 5 columns across. Problem is I don't know how to code the correct
> using
> Thanks,
> Gerry.
> --
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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread Gerry Jones

Thanks for your suggestions. I went back and tried some of them with no luck 
I'm afraid. Here's my code as it is now:

print table({-border=>'1', -align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},
Tr({-align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},

I tried using map as suggested by Briac Pilpré, but that gave the same output.

Here's an example of what the arrays could contain from a PostgreSQL table 
called "Components" (stored as "text" within the DB):


Celeron 766
Lots of stuff
Pentium 2
More Stuff

I've checked the contents of each array (by printing them to the browser) and 
they seem correct.

Here I want a table 3 columns across and "x" rows down, but what I get is 3 
columns across, and @data scpread out across one row. Another table may 
require 5 columns across. Problem is I don't know how to code the correct way 



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execute an bash-script

2002-01-15 Thread Olav Rogall

Hallo beginners-cgi,

  i want to execute a bash-script from a perl-cgi-script.

  if a special perl-script is executed in my cgi-bin, i want to
  receive a winpopup-message on my workstation.
  i tried this with exec(), but the parameter $popup worries my apache ,-)
  if i call the script from the commandline, the popup-message is
  sent. why not from my perl-cgi-script?

  here i go ;-)
   perl-script ===

  $popup = "Sample popup-message";
  exec ('/usr/local/myperl/smb-popup',$popup);
  === perl-script ===

  === smb-popup ===

  echo "$1" | smbclient -M testhost -U myserver
  === smb-popup ===



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Param problem

2002-01-15 Thread Håkan Edman


I have a script that generates a HTML page with input fields. The amount
of fields depends of an ascii database. This means that I don't know how
fields I have to work with. I tried the following code but I don't get
data in $title and $path. I get the correct amount of entrys but it
looks like:
And so on.


   open (EDITERA, ">$DATABASE")   || die "Can't open $DATABASE!\n";
  foreach $h (@num) {
 $title= param('linkname$E');
 $path = param('path$E');
 print EDITERA "$E|$title|$path\n";

   close (EDITERA);

Is there some easy way to get this to work?


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Re: Installing Net:SMTP module on Linux 7.1

2002-01-15 Thread fliptop

Thomas Smidt wrote:

> I'm a very new beginner to both Perl and Linux, but to get a specific program 

> to run ( I need to install the Net::STMP Perl Module on Linux 7.1.   

> I have downloaded the .tar.gz file but need either a good descriptive web site 

> or someone to walk me through installing the module.  I have a limited 

i use to install all my perl stuff on redhat.  you can get it 
from here:

here's the procedure.  as root, copy and your gzipped source 
file to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

run makerpm, then build your rpm like this, substituting your file in 
for source_code:

% ./ --specs --source source_code.tgz
% cd ../SPECS/
% rpm -ba -v source_code.spec
% cd ../RPMS/i386/
% rpm -Uvvh perl-source_code.i386.rpm

note that if you are missing any perl modules required for the one 
you're installing, you'll be told so during the 1st step.  also note 
that makerpm will prepend a 'perl-' to the source_code name when it 
creates the .i386.rpm.

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Re: tables in cgi for briac pilpre'

2002-01-15 Thread Briac Pilpré

Nafiseh Saberi wrote (in perl.beginners):
> hi.
> hope you be fine.
> i reply this question,also.
> (tables in cgi)
> do you know what is the difference between my answer
> and yours,or what is the advantages ??

 Your answer is probably faster than mine in execution time since you
 don't have to call CGI methods to print a HTML table. However, using to create HTML, is in my opinion, a safeguard against HTML
 inconstencies. I think also makes the code more readable, as it is 100%
 perl and not a mix between perl and HTML. And an added bonus is that outputs by default (generally) valid XHTML.

 Of course, if you want to make really complex things in HTML,
 can be limitating. But in these case, I'll probably use a proper
 Templating tool (like HTML::Template, or better, Template Toolkit or
 HTML::Mason, all available on CPAN)

 I hope all of this makes sense!

> I think..your mail have problem and returned.

 Yes, my mail is 'spam armored', you have to remove the capital words
 'NO' and 'SPAM' from my address.


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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread Francesco Scaglioni

I am not a perl expert by a very very long way but I remeber solving
something like this once by outputting a separate  as I iteratred
over the results from a query.
Hope it helps

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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread Briac Pilpré

In article <02011510194302.01235@gandalf>, Gerry Jones wrote:
> To recap: I don't need help with DBI or querying DB's, but with printing the 
> results into a table. I have two arrays: "@columns" (contains the column 
> names from the queried table), and "@data" (contains every row from that 
> table). I tried to adapt the code in Lincoln Stein's book, but all I got was 
> a table with the column headings and the first row was filled with the 
> "@data" array.

Here's how I would probably do it using 'pure'
I assume that @data is an array of arrays, each sub-array being a row.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:html);

my @columns = qw( FooBar Baz   Quux   );
my @datas =([qw(  Eenie  Meenie   )],
[qw(  Barney FredWilma)],
[qw(  Just   Another Perl  Hacker )],

print start_html('CGI Table'), table(
{ -border => 1 },
Tr( [
map {td($_)} @datas,
), end_html();


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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread Gerry Jones

I've deleted the snippet of code I had to display the table since it didn't 
work. I've tried other methods and they didn't work either. I've seen people 
using "map" too, but I don't know much about using it. 

What I meant by consistent was to use Stein's throughout my code.

To recap: I don't need help with DBI or querying DB's, but with printing the 
results into a table. I have two arrays: "@columns" (contains the column 
names from the queried table), and "@data" (contains every row from that 
table). I tried to adapt the code in Lincoln Stein's book, but all I got was 
a table with the column headings and the first row was filled with the 
"@data" array.

Nafiseh Saberi has the right idea, but I would like to do it in "pure"



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Re: Tables in CGI

2002-01-15 Thread nafiseh saberi

hope you be fine.
I am working like you..:)
test it...

my $sql_main = "SELECT name,famil FROM $main_table where famil='$USERNAME'
ORDER BY  name";

  $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_main)
and print "View Users \n"
or  die print "Cannot prepare sql statement:  $sql_main
$DBI:: errstr";

  my $rc = $sth->execute
or  die print "Cannot execute sql statement:  $sql_main 

   print "";
   print "\n";
   print "\n";

# Field name headings (one would only print one set of headings)
   @name = @{$sth->{'NAME'}};
   foreach my $head (@name) {  print "$head\n"; }
print "Account\n";
while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array)

print "\n";
foreach my $field (@row) {
 print "$field\n";

print "\n";

   print "\n";
   print "\n Number of rows returned: ", $sth->rows, "\n";
 Have a nice day

Sincerely yours Nafiseh Saberi

The amount of beauty required to
   launch one ship.

< I appreciate your sugesstions >

- Original Message -
From: "Gerry Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CGI Beginners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 19:51 PM
Subject: Tables in CGI

> I've been tormented by a very small problem. I'm trying to display the
> results of a database query using CGI. What I've done is create
> to return the names of the table columns and another to return the data,
> of which are stored in seperate arrays. So I have my data, but the table
> doesn't come out right. The problem is the arrays can be of different
> and I'm finding it really difficult to code a dynamic table using CGI. I
> could do it in pure HTML easily, but that's not the point: I'm trying to
> my code consistent. I've searched the 'net but the solutions I found
> work.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gerry.
> --
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