Re: Flushing output buffer under mod_perl

2006-07-16 Thread Todd W

Ibrahim Dawud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Since mod_perl wraps my entire code into a handler subroutine behind
 the scenes, I figured out how to access the apache API from a normal
 cgi script. Hence, the following example appears to be working under

snip /

 With my more complicated example (listed below), I get mixed results.
 Sometimes it works, sometimes I get segmentation faults, and sometimes
 I get the following error in my Apache error_log which I don't

 $r-rflush can't be called before the response phase at
 /html/perl/ line 107

 The complete code is as follows:

snip /

 sub newstatus {
my ($s) = @_;

 print EOT ;
 script language=JavaScript1.2!--



Ick. It looks to me like this should work. Since the only thing you are 
using the Apache request object for is to flush the buffer, you might want 
to try Apache-request-rflush instead of holding a reference to the object. 
Though if what you have is breaking, it probably won't work.

I suggest taking this to the mod_perl mailing list, I'm sure they would want 
to know about it.

Make sure you give them system and environment info...

Todd W.

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Re: htaccess question

2006-03-06 Thread Todd W

Bill Stephenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Aug 17, 2005, at 11:03 AM, zentara wrote:

  On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 16:29:54 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill
  On Aug 12, 2005, at 2:06 AM, David Dorward wrote:

snip /

  How do I point this at a  perl cgi script to process the logon?
  If I'm understanding your question correctly...
  The server is going to automatically process the login with a popup,
  beyond the control of any cgi script. So you are NOT going to bypass
  server's auth mechanism, and replace it with a Perl script.

 Ok, I thought maybe the AuthType might have a way to use a perl
 script to process logons, but it really doesn't matter now, the client
 has decided not to try and fight this issue (big sigh of relief), which
 I tried to point out was actually an interface issue, and go with what
 works. But if it was possible it would be interesting to play with ;)

With mod_perl you can override the default apache handler that handles Basic
auth. mod_perl lets you override _any_ phase of the request cycle. It
effectively turns your web server in to an application server. For an
example of how to do basic auth in mod_perl, see
For more information on mod_perl, see


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Re: changing action with appended key/value pairs in a POST

2005-08-30 Thread Todd W

Scott R. Godin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a multi-stage cgi I'm currently working on, and as I progress thru
 stages (the form uses POST not GET for reasons of data-size) I was hoping
to be
 able to simply add ?step=confirm or ?step=finish to the form action
 ( -action=$htmlform{action}?step=confirm, ... )

 However it's not working, and I'm getting the distinct impression that
when the
 action is a POST, ignores anything WRT the uri request line...

 Is this true?

You could refer to the docs, specifically the part about mixing POST
and URL parameters:

if ($q-url_param('step') eq 'confirm' ) {

or put the step parameter in a hidden field in the html form:

input type=hidden name=step value=confirm /

You may also want to check out CGI::Application, it makes quick work of what
you are trying to do.

Todd W.

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Re: quote problem and mysql

2005-08-04 Thread Todd W
Andrew Kennard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Hi all

snip /

my $Vals;
for ( my $i=1;$i=32;$i++ ) {
chop $Vals;


$vals = join(', ', ('?') x 32 );

Ideally, you should have your data in an array, then:

my $sql = INSERT INTO table VALUES (${ \join(', ', map('?', @data)) });
$dbh-do( $sql, undef, @data );

Todd W.

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Re: How to plug memory leak?

2005-07-13 Thread Todd W

Zentara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 21:46:52 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Siegfried
 Heintze) wrote:

What about the memory used by threads? Do I have to join with a thread to
recover its memory?

snip /

 To destroy a thread, you must make sure you make the thread goes to the
 end of it's code block, then join it.

snip /

Compliment: This is some of the most beautiful code I've seen on p.b.cgi.


But I have a question about the code down in the main thread below:

 sub work{
   if($shash{'die'} == 1){ goto END };

   if ( $shash{'go'} == 1 ){

 foreach my $num (1..100){
$shash{'data'} = $num;
select(undef,undef,undef, .1);

if($shash{'go'} == 0){last}
if($shash{'die'} == 1){ goto END };

   $shash{'go'} = 0; #turn off self before returning
 { sleep 1 }

What if the thread is sleeping when the code gets right...

 To destroy the thread from main,
 $shash{'die'} = 1;
### HERE ###

Didnt you say:

 When you make a thread, you pass it a subroutine to run. The thread WILL
 NOT join unless the thread goes to the end of that subroutine.

Agian, beautifuly simple code. Thanks,

Todd W. 

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Re: image manipulation (scaling)

2005-03-23 Thread Todd W

Ingo Weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Hi all,

I need have my CGI scale images on the server, and I was wondering
whether there is a standard perl module that can do that (and possibly
other image manipulation tasks). I am looking for one that:

- is easy to understand and use
- is likely to be already installed on the server or so well known that
my hosting provider is likely to agree to install it for me.

If by scaling you mean making thumbnails, I once did this simple CGI
program that lets the user upload a jpeg file, uses Image::GD::Thumbnail to
resize the image, then sends it back to the user:

use warnings;
use strict;

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
use CGI; my $q = CGI-new();

use GD;
use Image::GD::Thumbnail;

if ( $q-param ) {
  my $fh = $q-upload('theImage');

  # Load your source image
  my $srcImage = GD::Image-newFromJpeg( $fh );

  # Create the thumbnail from it, where the biggest side is 50 px
  my($thumb,$x,$y) = Image::GD::Thumbnail::create($srcImage,

  print $q-header(-type = 'image/jpeg');
  binmode( STDOUT );
  print $thumb-jpeg;

} else {
  print $q-header(-type = 'text/html');
  print $q-start_html( -title = 'jp(e)g to thumbnail converter' );
  print $q-h1( 'jp(e)g to thumbnail converter' );
  print $q-br( { width = '75%' } );
  print $q-div( 'jp(e)g to thumbnail converter' );
  print $q-div( 'nbsp;' );
  print $q-div( 'Enter A jp(e)g File Name: ' );
  print $q-start_multipart_form();
  print $q-div(
'Size in pixels you wish the longest side to be: ',
  -name = 'theSize',
  -size = 3,
  -default  = '100',
  -override = 1,
  print $q-div( 'nbsp;' );
  print $q-div( $q-filefield('theImage', '', 50) );
  print $q-div( 'nbsp;' );
  print $q-table(
  $q-td( $q-submit ),
  $q-td( $q-reset  )
  print $q-endform;
  print $q-end_html;

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Re: What exactly does $| = 1; do?

2004-12-16 Thread Todd W

Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have seen in a few scripts now, including some of the articles that Mr.
 Schwartz has written. I have read it does something with the buffers but
 a more technical level what is that?


Along with the other explinations, consider an example:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trwww]$ perl
use warnings;
use strict;

foreach my $i ( 1 .. 5 ) {
  print($i, '...');
  sleep( 1 );
print( \n );

$| = 1;
sleep( 1 );

foreach my $i ( 1 .. 5 ) {
  print($i, '...');
  sleep( 1 );
print( \n );

The first line is all printed out at once. The second line prints '1...'
then waits a second then prints '2...' and so on.

Todd W.

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Re: Storing Form Data without submitting it.

2003-11-26 Thread Todd W.

Wiggins D Anconia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Hi everybody,
  I'  m not sure this is the right list to ask this kind of question but
 I don't know where else. We are using html forms to insert and update
 news articles (texts) stored in a mysql database. Ever so often one of
 our journalists forgets to press the submit button or his computer
 crashes and everything written so far is lost. Is it possible to built
 something like an autosave function that submits the form data
 automatically every couple of minutes and updates the database entry?
  Any hint's where to look up these kind of things?

 It is sort of the right place :-)... Because this is a client side
 action (at least what triggers it) you are probably going to want to
 look to javascript. I believe you can setup timers in javascript that
 will trigger actions, that will be the hard part, the easy part is the
 action that is triggered is just a standard submit of the form, then the
 server side script would just store the info and reprint the form with
 the fields filled in the same, which I am assuming you can do.

 As a suggestion I would add (at least) two features,

 1) a clock that displays a form element that is continually updated
 with the number of seconds left until the next save (as you will have to
 reload the page and there is nothing your journalist will hate more than
 being in the middle of a great thought and having his page reload on
 him) which brings me to...

 2) have a reset clock button, so that if the user *is* paying
 attention they can reset it so that the refresh doesn't happen...

 Which brings me to not refreshing since I know you will ask.
 Presumably the javascript could build a request and submit it in a
 separate object (possibly in a popup window) which would provide all of
 the data from the form, the response would be that the form data has
 been saved and then wait a second or two and close the window
 automatically, then theoretically you wouldn't have to refresh the page.
 But now we are getting much more into the Javascript land where I am not
 nearly as strong.

Overkill at this point, but you can set up and RPC server on the web server
and use a javascript RPC client to send the data to the server.

I use RPC::XML as the server (Apache::RPC::Server) and jsolait as the

The initialization JavaScript looks like:

// rpc server endpoint
var rpcAddr = '';
// stores rpc server connection
  var xmlrpc = importModule(jsolait.xmlrpc);
  rpcServer = new xmlrpc.ServerProxy(rpcAddr, new Array(), true);
  reportRpcError( e );

and then you can say stuff like:

// calls rename method on rpc server
try {
  rv = rpcServer.favorites.rename( activeNode.type,,
newValue );
  reportRpcError( e );

rename() is a perl subroutine compiled into the web server when it is
started. Your call would look something like:

rv = rpcServer.contentManager.updateArticle( articleID, articleBody );

What happens here is the RPC client formats the function call into XML, then
uses a http library that comes with your browser to make a http request to
the RPC server. The server reads the XML sent in the reqest, and calls the
perl function with the arguments specified. The return value of the function
is formatted as XML by the server and sent back to the client. The client
reads the XML response and converts the return value to a JavaScript

This does away with things like the page reloading pointed out in another
reply. The RPC call to the server is totally transparent to the user.

The browser must support DOM level 2. IE 6, NN 7.1 and firebird all work

If you would like to see an example of RPC in action check out:

Like I said, a bit of overkill for what you mentioned, but if you implement
something like this then you can do things like build batch article updating
and so fourth in a snap. If you know ahead of time that you will want to
interface with the same data in two different ways ( for example, from both
a command line program and a CGI program ), then RPC or SOAP is the way to

Todd W.

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2003-11-20 Thread Todd W.

Colin Johnstone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thank You for answering my post. Im only a perl newbie, I read something
 that gave me the idea that this would be handled by cgi thats why I posted

 So what your saying is:- by virtue of the fact that a user has been
 authenticated, if they try to access a protected page. Then the server
 will decide whether to serve that page or not. All we have to do is use
.htaccess files and/or entries in


Right. Your web server knows that the page that was requested is a simple
document as opposed to a CGI application. It also knows that this document
has no way of validating the credentials submitted via basic authentication,
so the server does the verification for you.

The REMOTE_USER variable is used to identify the person/request who has
received verification. With static documents the server simply sends the
document to the http client. The REMOTE_USER environment variable is no use
to your web page so it isnt even set. But with CGI programs, you can use the
REMOTE_USER variable to find out who logged in and do things like record
click trails and have online shopping carts. Note this is not how _I_ would
do it, but it is a perfectly viable method.

Todd W.

 Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12/11/2003 11:52 PM

 To: Colin Johnstone/Australia/Contr/[EMAIL PROTECTED],

 Colin Johnstone wrote:
  Gidday All,
  We are running AIX on an IBM HTTP server with IHS.
  We are serving static HTML pages. Some of these pages are to
  be protected.

 OK. That's the job of the web server, so you need to configure it to
 those pages. With Apache, you use .htaccess files and/or entries in
 httpd.conf. I assume IHS has something similar.

  I assume I place the restricted pages in a particular
  directory and then
  protect that directory.
  Once authenticated a user should be able to view protected
  pages without
  logging in again for the duration of the session.

 Right. Under basic authentication, the browser caches the credentials and
 supplies them automatically for any 401 responses.

 What does this have to do with Perl?

  I understand that once a user is authenticated their (userId) email
  address will be stored in the environment variable
  REMOTE_USER for access
  by cgi-scripts.

 The environment variables are set by the web server prior to invoking the
 CGI script.

  Now what I don't understand is how from a static HTML page
  can I check
  this REMOTE_USER variable automatically. Of course the first
  time they
  visit a page in the protected directory they will be prompted
  for their
  username and password, but then what?

 You don't check it from static pages. The web server checks the
 authentication credentials (from the HTTP request, not the environment),
 either serves or doesn't serve the static page.

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Re: HTML headers with

2003-09-24 Thread Todd W.

David Gilden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Having some issues with

 Here is my PERL:

 # Start HTML OUT
 print header;
 print start_html( -title = $title );
 print qq|meta http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache\n|;

 and here is the output:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
 !DOCTYPE html
 PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;
 html xmlns=; lang=en-US
xml:lang=en-USheadtitleJake#39;s Guestbook entries  0 - 10/title
 /headbodymeta http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache

First you print the output of the start_html() method, and then a html tag
named 'meta'. Its doing exactly what you told it to.

 How do I move the Pragam inside the head and it also  looks like I have
two doctype definitions.
 Thanks for any suggestions.

You do not have two doctype definitions. Read the specs on dtds.

As far as the meta tag, try reading the documentation:

perldoc -m CGI

heres an excerpt:

  print $query-start_html(-title='Secrets of the Pyramids',
-author='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
-meta={'keywords'='pharaoh secret mummy',
'copyright'='copyright 1996 King Tut'},

After running this your next question will be how to create a http-equiv
meta tag. Again, read the docs.

Todd W.

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Re: Help wanted regading approch for displaying live scores

2003-09-23 Thread Todd W.

Parvez Mohamed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I am building a application in which i need to
 display live stock market prices with out the user
 presing the refresh button. Its similer to live game

snip /

 i need to refresh only some fields not the whole page
 I can use floating frames for this but i dont think
 its good solution

First you set up an RPC server to get the stock quotes. I like RPC::XML.
Then you use an RPC client in the browser to fetch quotes and update fields
in the html document using DHTML. I just did a web project that uses an RPC
client in the browser:

Todd W.

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online favorites project

2003-09-22 Thread Todd W.
xposted to: perl.beginners, perl.beginners.cgi

I've wrote a web based program to store favorites online. I work on quite a
few computers each week between home, work, and school and its something
I've wanted for awhile. The program is account based so others can use it.
It is free to use. The home page is at:

It works on IE 6 and NN 7.1. It should work on any Gecko 1.4 based browser.
Technically, it should work on anything that supports DOM Level 2, cookies,
and JavaScript. If you find it useful, please tell your friends about it.
You can get support at the link below.

It is free software. I have a stack of features I want to add to it. I would
like to invite other developers to work on it with me. The server side logic
is written in mod_perl. The pages are generated with Template::Toolkit. The
menu is generated with XSLT. The DHTML does alot of DOM work, and the menu
options talk to the server using RPC. The server uses RPC::XML, and the
client uses jsolait.

The idea is simple, so even beginners could contribute. User and developer
questions/suggestions can be posted at:

Thanks eveyone,

Todd W.

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Re: Still Not sure if I agree with myself.

2003-09-14 Thread Todd W.

Drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 On Friday, Sep 12, 2003, at 18:54 US/Pacific, Todd W. wrote:
  I dont think you can call that a closure yet. You would have to be
  subroutines that refer to lexical variables outside of the subroutine
  something along those lines:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] trwww]$ perl
  my $dog = 'spot';
  sub dogsName {
my $pooch = $dog;
return(my dog is $pooch);

 Mea Kulpa! What Was I Thinking? I just did the

 perldoc -q closure

 but. hum...

 package Foo::Bar
 use base qw/Foo/;

 Would seem to meet the minimum requirement, since
 the 'use base' there deals with the @ISA for that
 package name space...

The block is still not a closure, because @ISA must be a package global for
the inhertance mechanism to work its magic.

use base qw/Foo/;

is semantically the same as:

our(@ISA) = qw/Foo/;

As a matter of fact, declaring @ISA as a lexical will effectively disable
inheritance for a given module:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trwww]$ perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI;

  package Foo;
  our(@ISA) = qw/CGI/;

# inerited class method
print Foo-escapeHTML('foobar'), \n;

and then:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trwww]$ perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI;

  package Foo;
  my(@ISA) = qw/CGI/;

print Foo-escapeHTML('foobar'), \n;
Can't locate object method escapeHTML via package Foo at - line 10.

Beacuse of @ISA being lexically declared, it can't inherit from other
modules. And remember, for a logical scope to be called a closure, you have
to be dealing with lexical values.

 But I think the part that scares me is that

 my $action = {
 doDaemon = sub { . },

 would get us into the same 'space'?

Not if you declare $action to have its own file or block scope. You would
have to define an accessor to access $action.

 I'm not sure I really want to actually create YA_CGI_AppServer,
 although, I fear that I am in dire meandering towards that sort
 of 'can one create a general enough solution'

 Since, well, uh, one of my doodles is about passing in a
 reference to an object, and such things ... Since the basic
 'shell' of a CGI script still looks like:
snip CGI parser example /
 make_header_and_send($page_type, $page);

 so that of course yearns to be in a module, rather than
 as something one would cut and paste into each new CGI script...

 But looking at your diagramme, I think I can see why you
 are pointing towards a YA_CGI_AppServer

If you have a reuseable component that dispatches other components you can
call it an application server, for some definitions of an application

Todd W.

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Re: Still Not sure if I agree with myself.

2003-09-12 Thread Todd W.

Drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

This discussion goes along with the one you are having with fliptop.

 One of my first question is - why the 'closure' eg:

 package FOO;

 Or is that simply to make 'clear' that outside of
 the Closure it is still package 'main'???

I dont think you can call that a closure yet. You would have to be defining
subroutines that refer to lexical variables outside of the subroutine or
something along those lines:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] trwww]$ perl
my $dog = 'spot';
sub dogsName {
  my $pooch = $dog;
  return(my dog is $pooch);

print dogsName(), \n;
print Share your dog '$dog' with me\n;
my dog is spot
Share your dog '' with me

Only the sub dogsName() knows the value of $dog. NOW the braces are a
closure for the lexical. Before that they just made up a block. The last
line of code above explodes with strict.

So, when you do your:

 package FOO;

And you define lexicals in there, only functions internal to the block have
access to the lexical. If you put each class in its own file, you get the
same behavior because files have thier own scope.

In OO terms, this is called 'private static members'

snip /

 Which leads me to my second set of question,

 as a general habit I tend to make 'private-ish' methods
 with the _ prefix such as

 sub _some_private_method {  }

 is there some 'general access' mechanism by which one can
 ask for the LIST of all methods that an 'object' CanDo???
 Or should one have a 'register_of_parser_methods' approach
 that one can query?

I followed your link ( that I affectionately snipped ), but it was a couple
days ago.

If your hell-bent on writing YA_CGI_AppServer, then check out how the
currently existing ones handle dispatching. CGI::Application is an excellent
example and easy to follow because its simple. There are others, too.

I like to write my own application server components because it is fun to
see one evolve from an empty text file to set of directories worthy of CVS:

But sometimes its funner to pretend everything is a jigsaw puzzle. Making
CGI::Application, CGI::Session, Class::DBI, and Template::Toolkit work
together transparently has been interesting. Perhaps one day it will be done

Todd W.

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Re: form submission DoS

2003-09-10 Thread Todd W.

Kevin Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 [a little OT in a general way...]

 This was sent to another list today and I am wondering what the answer

The following data was submitted from the Frequently Asked Questions
snip /

 My thought is to add some simple field validity checking to the
 script. Not perfect, but would at least stop the mail (until the bad guy
 writes a cleverer script). But what about the submission process? How to
 stop someone from scripting 2,000+ form submissions? (If at all)

If its your ( Apache ) server, or you have a friendly sysadmin, you can use
Apache::SpeedLimit. It blocks calls from a client if they start getting
greedy with your services.

Todd W.

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Re: passing an argument to a subroutine

2003-09-05 Thread Todd W.

B. Fongo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 An argument passed to a subroutine returns wrong value.

 Code example:

 @x = (1..5);
 $x = @x;

here, $x gets the number of elements in @x

 showValue ($x);   # or showValue (\$x);

 sub showValue {

   my $forwarded = @_;

$forwarded gets the number of elements in @_

   print $forwarded;  # print ${$forwarded};


 In both cases, the script prints out 1.
 What is going on here?

What do you expect to happen? What _is_ happening is exactly what is
supposed to.

Todd W.

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Re: cookies with CGI and IE7

2003-08-04 Thread Todd W.

Andrew Brosnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Anyone having trouble setting or retrieving cookies with and IE7?

 I'm doing:
 my $cookie = $q-cookie( -name= 'session',
  -value   = $session,
  -expires = '3h',
 print $q-header( -cookie = $cookie);

 I got some feedback that the cookie wasn't working in IE7.

I've never heard of IE7. I just checked the internet explorer home page and
it has a big 'ol 6 right in the top middle of the page.

Todd W.

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Re: debugger

2003-08-03 Thread Todd W.

Awarsd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 my web host does not offer a perl debugger and told me to use

 use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
 Is that it, how should i print the errors??

When you have a question about a module, please read the module's
documentation before posting here:

You are looking for the sections labeled:




Todd W.

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Re: Mail::Send question

2003-08-03 Thread Todd W.

Camilo Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Definitely avoid this if possible, there are numerous mail message
  modules, one of them is bound to provide what you need.

 Why is sendmail held in such low regard by this group?

Most on this list will agree sendmail is one of the Internet's first killer
apps. But because interfacing directly with the sendmail binary can be
confusing and bug prone there are modules on the CPAN that use sendmail as
the transport mechanism. These modules abstract sendmail's intricacies from
the user, providing a simple API to send mail. Therefore, modules are the
preferred way to send mail from a perl program.

Todd W.

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Re: AS400 and Comsoft

2003-08-01 Thread Todd W.

Dennis Stout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Somebody is not using a very friendly mailinglist client.  It's pretending
 this is a newsgroup, which is tricking things up...

Are you talking about me? I'm the one that replied to your op.

I have outlook express account that points to There is
software that emails list members all of my posts to the news server, and
this software also takes all emails sent to the list and posts them to the
news server. So, all of the lists on are mailing lists AND

  Sure its possible. Just go to CPAN, install the interfaces to each type
  storage system, and then in your program connect to each data source.
  said you will be connecting to 3 data sources, so you will have 3
  representing each connection.

 3?  I don't know math very well but..

You will be connecting to x data sources, so you will have x objects
reperesenting each connection. Better? It's your project, not mine.

  There are already interfaces to the most common SQL databases. Theres
also a
  perl LDAP interface. You may have to build your own interfaces for the
  Comsoft and AS/400 applications if you must access them with perl. The
  you do this is by creating perl wrappers to the C api that comes with
  data stores.

 I don't know how to program in C.  Maybe now is a good time to learn,
since my
 deadline is hte 22nd of August :)

So many jokes... so little time ;0)

  I would create a custom object that stores each object as a property.
  will make managing the connection objects easier.

 If it were up to me, I would be investing heavily in Vaseline corporation
 because I know exactly where this new ticket system is going to end up

The mind reels.

Todd W.

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Re: AS/400 and Comsoft systems

2003-07-30 Thread Todd W.

Dennis Stout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Heyuck Heyuck.

 So I'm told I need to write a simple database to handle ticketing
 for customers when they call.

 Now I'm told I have to make it talk to 2 more SQL servers, an Oracle
 an LDAP server, a Comsoft system, and an AS/400.

 Is this possible with Perl or am I needing to find a solution deeper
 then a CGI script?

Sure its possible. Just go to CPAN, install the interfaces to each type of
storage system, and then in your program connect to each data source. You
said you will be connecting to 3 data sources, so you will have 3 objects
representing each connection.

There are already interfaces to the most common SQL databases. Theres also a
perl LDAP interface. You may have to build your own interfaces for the
Comsoft and AS/400 applications if you must access them with perl. The way
you do this is by creating perl wrappers to the C api that comes with your
data stores.

see: perldoc perlxstut

I would create a custom object that stores each object as a property. This
will make managing the connection objects easier.

Todd W.

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Re: return(bless $rant, $class) || Fwd: PHP vs Perl

2003-07-28 Thread Todd W.

Drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 So you will forgive me if I do not opt to jump onto the
 new band wagon that 'all developers' should wax their
 surfBoards, because foo is the Next Big Wave that will
 solve all problems end to end, as I will counter, your
 counter to my counter below...

Remember, I am of the this AND that philosophy, so you can walk, run, dirt
bike, or staddle two bandwagons at the same time if you like, and, as long
as you get where you are going, I will agree that it was done correctly.

 { not that I am being merely contrarian... }

you? nah!!! =0)

  p4: given that hacking in perl does not require MVC as
  a design pattern, but one can learn the hard way to support it
  We have AxKit, but I wouldnt like to call it the canonical perl

 I so love the fact that slowly but surely the One True Perl Orthodoxy
 is finally being able to create the canonical perl yourPhraseHere.


I meant canonical as in the ususal way one accomplishes something rather
than the perl god's doctrine on how to accomplish something As we perlers
know, when we ask the gods how to do something, they start uttering, as if
in tounges, timtoady!, something we perl diciples understand as, theres
more than one way to do it.

Also, I hope youre reading, as qoted that, I WOULDN'T like to call it the
canonical perl MVC pattern...

  MVC pattern. Most familiar with it probably would though.
  ASP.NET has MVC with its code behind concept.
  Im not aware of any other MVC based platforms right off.

Todd W

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Re: return(bless $rant, $class) || Fwd: PHP vs Perl

2003-07-27 Thread Todd W.

Drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Todd either Paused for more MountainDew or had a Moment:
  Those last two paragraphs were total rant,  and I probably
  have no idea what I'm talking about, but they are getting posted
  anyway ;0)

 I would like be so totally opposed to your
 position if it were not for most of the dark horror
 of where I so totally agree with you

 But First off - COOL RANT!

I was hoping that _some_ day I could string a few sentences together as well
as you do =0) Unfortunately, I dont think I have accomplished it yet!!!

 p0: let us not confused science, technology and VOODOO.
 Computer Science is wonderful for providing a theoretical
 intellectual underpinning to hashing algorithms, while
 a specific instance of that as a technology of course
 is perl's 'hash' data structure, the actual 'coolness'
 of course lies in using it in strange and arcane ways
 that border on Voodoo.

 bless this ref...

I agree, as long as you agree that the more one understands the CS theory,
the less voodoo there is in the implementation.

 p2: I am very nervous that folks are noticing that
 at present PHP is not supportive of MVC as a design
 pattern - and that may be a limiting factor - but as
 you have also noted, given the gaggelation of globulated
 together 'stuff' - eg: ASP+HTML+SQL - this means that
 there are still great employment opportunities refactoring
 that stuff into maintainable code. So we should support
 the spread of PHP without MVC as a basis for more work
 refactoring the code???

 return unless defined( $ref );

I think that most languages are supportive of MVC as a design pattern, but
each language's advocates and tutorial designers are not. All intro
tutorials are rightfully simple and stratightforward example usages of a
technology. But as we have been discussing, most developers, it seems, take
this as the end-all be-all of app development technology, declare themselves
proficient, and consider the tutorial reason enough to add to the expert
column on one's resume. This leads right to the next comment:

 p4: given that hacking in perl does not require MVC as
 a design pattern, but one can learn the hard way to support it

We have AxKit, but I wouldnt like to call it the canonical perl MVC pattern.
Most familiar with it probably would though. ASP.NET has MVC with its code
behind concept.

Im not aware of any other MVC based platforms right off.

Todd W.

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Re: How to run script Perl automatically???

2003-03-26 Thread Todd W

Lielie Meimei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hello...Would u help me to solve thi prob:

 How to run a perl script automatic when web server
 start running ???

 Because i want to run a perl script without run it
 manually in konsole..

This is not the easiest thing in the workd to do, but luckily perl makes
hard things possible. If you are using a mod_perl enabled apache, there is a
step-by-step guideline of several different scenarios for starting programs
from an apache process:

Todd W.

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Re: Trying to block out BGCOLOR

2003-03-25 Thread Todd W

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm making something, and need to block out BGCOLOR attribute. The problem
 is, the BGCOLOR could be with or without quotation marks. This is the code

 $article =~ s/ bgcolor=(?)(.*?)(?)//gi

Here is how I would do it, using SAX with a helper module called

package Skip::BGCOLOR;

use strict;
use XML::SAX::Base;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
@ISA = qw/XML::SAX::Base/;

sub start_element {
  my($self, $el) = @_;

  for my $property ( keys %{ $el-{Attributes} } ) {
if ($property =~ /BGCOLOR$/i ) {
  delete( ${ $el-{Attributes} }{$property} );

  $self-SUPER::start_element( $el ); # forward the element downstream

sub xml_decl { }

package main;
use strict;

use XML::SAX::Machines qw/:all/;

my($pipeline) = Pipeline(
'Skip::BGCOLOR' =

$pipeline-parse_string( join('', DATA) );


titleNo BGCOLORs/title
  body bgcolor=red
h1 bgcolor=whiteNo BGCOLORs/h1
hr width=75% /
div BGCOLOR=blueNo BGCOLORs/div

Much cleaner and it guarantees to not fudge up your markup.

Todd W.

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Re: strange results

2003-03-04 Thread Todd W

Zentara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:07:26 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Todd Wade) wrote:

 Zentara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  You might want to try assigning a variable name to param(quantity)
  first, before you set up the table. I don't know why, but sometimes
  the scripts don't like it any other way. I've run into this type of
  thing before, and just take the easy way out, and assign a variable.
 This is not true at all.

 Well what ever the reason is, it has worked that way sometimes for me.
 When you start deeply nesting and quoting in tables and here documents,
 Perl will sometimes fail to interpolate unless you force the value into
 a variable.  I guess I havn't learned the trick yet.

Sorry, not true at all. There really is no trick. Interpolating is
interpolating is interpolating.

When you start ?deeply nesting? and quoting in tables and here documents,
perl will never fail to interpolate unless you don't understand the syntax
and semantics of injecting values into literals.

Perhaps you could post an example, because I am very curious. But taking an
educated guess at the problem you are having, I would say you are talking
about getting's param() function to return in a string.

my( $string ) = you ordered $q-param('quantity') foobars\n;

The quoting mechanism knows nothing about evaluating expressions. That's
what concatenation is for:

my( $string ) = you ordered  . $q-param('quantity') .  foobars\n;

Todd W.

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Re: php like behavior for my perl CGI

2003-02-24 Thread Todd W
f'ups rearranged

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wadet]$ perl
  sub box {
return('img src=p.gif height='.$_[0].' width='.$_[1].'');
  print eot;
  tdimg src=p.gif height=5 width=10/td
  tdimg src=p.gif height=7 width=10/td
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wadet]$ perldoc perlref

Peter Kappus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Aha!  This is exactly the kind of solution I was looking for.  I guess
 I'm doing here is passing a reference to a subroutine call?  \box(5,10)
 then turning it into a scalar?  ${}

Almost. In most contexts in perl, a { } construct is a BLOCK, and all code
in between the braces will be evaluated. So for our example, we call box
then return a reference to box()'s return value.

if a reference logically follows a $ in an interpolated string, the the
reference will be dereferenced.

Hence the desired results.

If (for some reason) we were passing a reference to the subroutine, it (
may ) look like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wadet]$ perl
sub box {
  return('img src=p.gif height='.$_[0][0].' width='.$_[0][1].'');
print eot;
td${\box( [5,10] )}/td
td${\box( [7,10] )}/td
tdimg src=p.gif height=5 width=10/td
tdimg src=p.gif height=7 width=10/td

and if you want to go OO:

package My::Img;

sub new {
  my($class, %params) = @_;
  return( bless( { %params }, $class ) );

sub box {
  my($self) = shift();
  return('img src=p.gif height='.$self-{height}.'

package main;

print eot;
td${\ My::Img-new(height =5, width = 10)-box() }/td
td${\ My::Img-new(height =10, width = 5)-box() }/td
tdimg src=p.gif height=5 width=10/td
tdimg src=p.gif height=10 width=5/td

but thats just silly ;0)

dont forget:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wadet]$ perldoc perlref

and for a real good time, check out

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wadet]$ perldoc perllol

 Quite ingenious.  While I'm sure I'll regret it later (and curse your good
 name as I'm wishing I'd taken the time to learn Mason or HTML::Template)
 this seems like a great quick fix for the time being.  And it never hurts
 learn a few new tricks!

Unfortunately theres nothing there I came up with on my own, and yes, new
tricks are always good for the 'ol grab bag =0).


Todd W.

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Re: php like behavior for my perl CGI

2003-02-19 Thread Todd W

Peter Kappus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thanks to all who have responded to my rather vague request.  Indeed, I
 should clarify a bit what I'm looking for.

 Because I'm extremely lazy, I'd like to use certain formatting shortcuts
 my HTML.  In a given document, I might have 15 different spacer gifs of
 different sizes to aid in precise formatting that would look something

 img src=spacer.gif height=50 width=10/

no offense, but when I see blank gifs, I see anti-lazy...

 In PHP, or ASP, for example, I would write a spacer(height,width)
 and call it in my block of HTML like so:


 which would create and send the image tag for me.
 I'd like, in perl, to do the following:

 table border=0

 Ideally, I would overload the print function so that it would search for
 statements between ?? delimeters and execute them.
 Of course, I could also say:

 my $spacer1=spacer(10,50);
 my $spacer2=spacer(50,100);

 TDsome stuff/TD

 but it seems like there should be an easier way with fewer keystrokes and
 fewer intermediate variables.

Well, you can save yourself a bundle of keystrokes and use a templating
system and cascading stylesheets, but heres a quick fix:

[wadet@ecg-redhat wadet]$ perl
sub box {
  return('img src=p.gif height='.$_[0].' width='.$_[1].'');
print eot;
tdimg src=p.gif height=5 width=10/td
tdimg src=p.gif height=7 width=10/td


[wadet@ecg-redhat wadet]$ perldoc perlref

 Perhaps, my dream is completely quixotic, but so far, it seems like the
 of thing that must be very easy if only I knew the right trick...

You need to understand references and the underlying semantics of computer
data structures. Set theory dosent hurt either. Then you dont even have to
think about it. Like breathing.

Also the
 only real benefit I've seen of PHP over perl-cgi is the ease with which
 can mix HTML and code (Naturally, most web architects will jump at the
 opportunity to tell you why this is a very bad idea but it often makes
 easier for small projects)

Ive never had a project stay small for long.

 I hope this clarifies things a bit.  If not..I guess I'll just need to do
 few extra keystrokes :)

 Many thanks!

no prob,

Todd W.

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Re: Confusion on @array vs $array[] vs $array

2002-12-20 Thread Todd W

Fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 at 13:49, kevin christopher opined:

 kc:Hope this doesn't further belabor the issue, but just to put my
 kc:two cents in, Perl syntactic rules for prefixing $, @, % are
 kc:very consistent, IMHO: You just need to keep in mind the types of
 kc:the values/data types ultimately being expressed, and it should
 kc:become clearer. $ always prefixes scalars or references, @
 kc:always prefixes lists, and % always prefixes associative arrays
 kc:(a.k.a hashes).
 kc:@array is a list
 kc:$array[n] is a scalar/reference
 kc:%hash is a hash
 kc:$hash{'key'} is a scalar/reference
 kc:@$ref dereferences a reference to an array, accessing the array In
 kc:this case, print $ref; would give you a reference scalar,
 kc:something like ARRAY(0x4E3FB1C); print @$ref; would output the
 kc:actual array list.
 kc:Also try @hash{keys %hash}, which returns a list of the hash's

 i hope everyone realizes that all this will be changed in perl 6.  here's
 a snippet from a slideshow by damian conway from the summer 2001:

 Access through...Perl 5  Perl 6
 Array variable $foo[$idx]  @foo[$idx]
 Array slice@foo[@idxs] @foo[@idxs]
 Hash variable  $foo{$key}  %foo{$key}
 Hash slice @foo{@keys} %foo{@keys}
 Scalar variable$foo$foo
 Array reference$foo-[$idx]$foo.[$n]
 Hash reference $foo-{$key}$foo.{$key}
 Code reference $foo-(@args)   $foo.(@args)

The dereferencing isnt going to be _that_ bad. Since a .[, .{, or .( after a
string preceeded by a $ implies dereferencing, the . can be dispensed.

From Exgenesis 2:

Here's a handy conversion table:
Access through...   Perl 5  Perl 6
=   ==  ==
Scalar variable $foo$foo
Array variable  $foo[$n]@foo[$n]
Hash variable   $foo{$k}%foo{$k}
Array reference $foo-[$n]  $foo[$n] (or $foo.[$n])
Hash reference  $foo-{$k}  $foo{$k} (or $foo.{$k})
Code reference  $foo-(@a)  $foo(@a) (or $foo.(@a))
Array slice @foo[@ns]   @foo[@ns]
Hash slice  @foo{@ks}   %foo{@ks}beautiful =0)

Todd W.

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Re: Perl 6 (was: Re: Confusion on @array vs $array[] vs $array)

2002-12-20 Thread Todd W

Fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 [reply cc'd to list]

 On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 at 06:23, Rob Richardson opined:

 RR:What is the advantage of these changes?
 RR:When is Perl 6 due out?
 RR:Do those links you provided describe all the differences we will see in
 RR:Perl 6?

 i'm no authority on perl 6, so i can't answer any of your questions.  to
 keep up with what's happening, your best bet is to subscribe to one of the
 perl 6 mailing lists.  you may want to start here:

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Re: Perl 6 (was: Re: Confusion on @array vs $array[] vs $array)

2002-12-20 Thread Todd W

Fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 [reply cc'd to list]

 On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 at 06:23, Rob Richardson opined:

 RR:What is the advantage of these changes?
 RR:When is Perl 6 due out?
 RR:Do those links you provided describe all the differences we will see in
 RR:Perl 6?

 i'm no authority on perl 6, so i can't answer any of your questions.  to
 keep up with what's happening, your best bet is to subscribe to one of the
 perl 6 mailing lists.  you may want to start here:

Im no authority on perl 6 either, but if I wanted to dive in to in perl 6,
Id start at:

specifically the apocalypses and the exgenesises (sp?). Theres enough
reading there to keep you busy until a release version =0).

Todd W.

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Re: GD Graphs

2002-12-13 Thread Todd W

Mikeblezien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I am going to be working on a project, that will be utilizing the
 module to create various graph reports. I was hoping that someone could
point me
 to some good documentation or working examples of the uses of this
module... of
 course I've been to CPAN, but was hoping to find more working examples of
it's use.

 If you've used this module, would appreciate if you can direct me to some
 docs and examples,... or if some one can recomend a better method of
 and working with graphs and Perl.

I just borrowed a book from the library called:

Programming Web Graphics With Perl  GNU Software / Shawn P. Wallace

that was a pretty exciting read. Re-reading it this weekend.

Todd W.

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Re: perl cgi security

2002-10-31 Thread Todd W

Jim Lundeen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 nothing that will work on Linux box?

perlcc works... see below.

 Admin-Stress wrote:

  Nice, but that will produce .exe, executable file for Windows :(
  --- David Simcik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   See perl2exe.exe for details on converting scripts into executables.

[trwww@devel_rh public_html]$ cat index.cgi
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;

print header();
print start_html();

print h1('Hello Dynamic CGI Linux');
print div('Hello Dynamic CGI Linux!!!');
print div('I am:', `id -un`);

print end_html();[trwww@devel_rh public_html]$ perlcc -o index.plx index.cgi
[trwww@devel_rh public_html]$ ls -l
total 1704
snip /
-rwx--1 trwwwtrwww 219 Apr 14  2002 index.cgi
-rwxrwxr-x1 trwwwtrwww 1707157 Oct 31 15:48 index.plx
snip /
[trwww@devel_rh public_html]$ ./index.plx
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns=; lang=en-US
titleUntitled Document/title
h1Hello Dynamic CGI Linux/h1
divHello Dynamic CGI Linux!!!/div
divI am: trwww/div


Todd W.

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