Re: real beginners stuff

2002-08-13 Thread perl-dvd

Sorry I had not read this post before I replied to the other.

You need the permissions on a folder to be readable and executable in order for people 
to read what
is in that folder period (not just execute scripts).  So your folder needs to be 
permissions 755.
Your script must be readable and executable in order for somebody to run your script, 
so again
permissions 755.
3 digit permission assignments:
- first position is the file owners permissions
- second position is the file groups permissions (permissions for everyone in the 
group of the user
who owns the file)
- third position is the permissions for the whole world.

how to get a permission digit:
4 = read
2 = write
1 = execute

Add all of the allowed permissions to get the permission digit
example, 7 allows anything, 6 is read and write, 5 is read and execute.

Directories are kinda strange because you have to be able to execute them in order 
to get a
directory listing.


- Original Message -
From: Jimmy George [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 1:02 AM
Subject: real beginners stuff

Hello World

If I logon to the web via (say) server_a and then start this script in server_b
which has the code in its cgi-bin folder

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw(:standard);
#use strict;
print END_of_file;
Content-type: text/html

headtitleServer Environment/title/head
h2This server is:/h2brbr
Server Name: $ENV{SERVER_NAME}
Port Number: $ENV{SERVER_PORT}
Server Software: $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}

should I get to see the %ENV details of server_a?

I am getting a 500 error. Permissions are set to 711 for the script and
701 for the folder.


Jimmy George

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Re: Problem with the code

2002-08-12 Thread perl-dvd

$self-{_Email} =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/ || $self-{_Email} !~

should be

$self-{_Email} =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/ || $self-{_Email} !~


- Original Message -
From: Soheil Shaghaghi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 1:41 AM
Subject: Problem with the code

Hi everyone,
The following sub checks for bad e-mail address, and reports it:

if (($self-{_Email} =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/ || $self-{_Email}
!~ /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/)) {
$cool = undef;  # No longer cool
$message = $self-{_EmailInvalidMessage};
my $m = MessageText-new(Replacements = \%r, Message = $message);
$self-{_ErrorEmail} = $m-print;

However, the code is rejecting the domains ending with .info, and .name (the
reason is that it has 4 digits after the zero)
Can someone please tell me how to change this code so it works please.

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Re: Post to a second CGI script

2002-07-31 Thread perl-dvd

My recommendation is to write a session file on your server and pass the session 
id around with
the browser variables.  Now whether you use cookies, get or post to pass the session 
id, you don't
have to be passing the actual username.  If you don't want to have the user see the 
session id, put
it in a cookie, and check to see if the cookie was created, if not, then send it via a 
form with
post.  If you want to be really sneaky about it, get your session id, then encrypt the 
id before
giving it to the individual, so if they modify it, the decrypted version of what they 
pass back will
not only not match theirs, but it cant match any one else's session id because it 
likely will not
translate into a valid session id format.

Good Luck,

- Original Message -
From: Jim Lundeen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: begin begin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 6:06 PM
Subject: Post to a second CGI script

Hello All,

I have 2 scripts.  One accepts 3 values LOGIN_USERNAME, LOGIN_PASSWORD
and ACTION from an HTML form.  That script looks in a user table in
MySQL to verify the user.  If valid, it passes them to MENU.CGI with
LOGIN_USERNAME and a unique session number (USN).

Here's the question:  How to I post the LOGIN_USERNAME and USN to the
MENU.CGI script?  I don't want the user carrying the info around in
the Location bar as ?USN=1234LOGIN_USERNAME=somebody -- I want it
to be part of the user's Perl process if you know what I mean, so that
if they hit RELOAD the values are still with them.  Too, I don't want
someone trying to modify the info if it were in the Location bar, so
it needs to be a part of the post.

Any advice would be much appreciated!



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Re: malformed header from script???

2002-07-25 Thread perl-dvd

Looks like your content-type is not being printed soon enough.  You should 
consider placing it
at the very top of your script unless you expect print some other kind of header (like 
a Location).
print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;


- Original Message -
From: webster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 1:10 PM
Subject: malformed header from script???

I'm getting this error:

malformed header from script.  Bad header=EHLO stanislaw

if I turn off use strict, I get the error

Premature end of script headers

my code is posted below, and it runs all the way through because it sends the
email - and the email has

The error codes dont have line numbers with them, so Im not sure where to
look.   Any help??

here is my code. Its purpose is to take information from a form and email it
to someone...try not to laugh at it

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
use XML::Twig;
use Date::Calc qw( System_Clock );
use SendMail;

#---path stuff - you need to set these to values appropriate to your system
my $pathToAssignNum = /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/summer/xml/assignNum.txt;
my $pathToReport_xml = /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/summer/xml/report.xml;
my $genWorkReport_URL =;;

my $query = new CGI;

#---setup SendMail
my $sm = new SendMail();
$sm-To( Jeremy Webster jwebster\ );
$sm-Subject(Work Order);

my $email = $query-param('email');

my $assignName  = $query-param('assName'); #pull in some values from the a/v
my $description = $query-param('description');
#convert newline chars to br so it displays nice on webpage
my $eol = chr(13).chr(10);  #CR/LF
if($description =~ m/$eol/){
$description=~s/$eol/br \//g;

my $commissioner = $query-param('commissioners');
if ($commissioner eq Other) {$commissioner = $query-param('otherComish');}
my $acctExec = $query-param('AcctExec');

my $ddlMonth = $query-param('ddlMonth');
my $ddlDay = $query-param('ddlDay');
my $ddlYear = $query-param('ddlYear');
my $ddlDeadline = $ddlMonth. .$ddlDay., .$ddlYear;

my $aeMonth = $query-param('aeMonth');
my $aeDay = $query-param('aeDay');
my $aeYear = $query-param('aeYear');
my $aeDeadline  = $aeMonth. .$aeDay., .$aeYear;

my $ihMonth = $query-param('ihMonth');
my $ihDay = $query-param('ihDay');
my $ihYear = $query-param('ihYear');
my $ihDeadline  = $ihMonth. .$ihDay., .$ihYear;

my $dimensions  = $query-param('dim');
my $pageCount = $query-param('PageCount');
my $quantity = $query-param('Quantity');
my $sides = $query-param('sides');
my $colorSpecs = $query-param('colorSpec');
my $dicut = $query-param('Dicut');
my $binding = $query-param('BindingSelect');
my $art = $query-param('artSelect');
my $laminate = $query-param('LaminSelect');

my $paper = $query-param('Paper');
my $otherPaper = $query-param('otherPaper');
if($paper eq Other) {$paper = $otherPaper;}

my $envelopes = $query-param('Envelopes');

my $special = ;
$special = $query-param('special');
if($special =~ m/$eol/){
$special=~s/$eol/br \//g;

my $artist = $query-param('artFrom');
my $newGuy = $query-param('otherName');

my @people = $query-param('per');
my $seeList =;
my $person =;;
foreach $person(@people){
if($person eq otherPer){
$seeList .= $newGuy;
$seeList .= $person., ;

my ($year,$month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $doy, $dst);
($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $doy, $dst) = System_Clock();
my $date = $month./.$day./.$year;
my $time = $hour.:.$min.:.$sec;

#check to make sure fields are filled in properly
print $query-header;
print Please fill in the Email field and try again;
die No email entered;

print $query-header;
print Please fill in the Assignment Name field and try again;
die No name entered;

print $query-header;
print Please fill in the description field and try again;
die No description entered;

print $query-header;
print Please fill in a value for the Account Executive and try again;
die No account executive entered;

print $query-header;
print Please fill in values for the dimensions of the project and try
die No dimensions entered;

print $query-header;
print you forgot to choose a value for Dicut.  Please return to form and
choose yes or no;
die No dicut entered;

print $query-header;
print you forgot to specify the Page Count. Please return to form and try
die No page Count entered;

print $query-header;
print you forgot to specify the quantity.  Please return to form try again;
die No quantity entered;

print $query-header;
print you forgot to specify the number of sides.  Please return to form try
die No quantity entered;

print $query-header;
print you 


2002-07-24 Thread perl-dvd

Yes, but it does not exist when there was no referer.  So, for example, if 
somebody just went
strait to, it would not have a referer, but if somebody went to test.html 
which had a link
to, then you would have a referer which would be the url of test.html


- Original Message -
From: Shao-Ju Chao [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:37 AM

I was trying to get referer information from $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} but always got empty
string. Is this env variable supported by apache server (on linux)? Thanks.

Shao-Ju Chao (Bruce)
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2002-07-24 Thread perl-dvd

Well, there you have it Shao-Ju.  Hey, I learned something new today.  Cool.

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:56 AM

 -Original Message-
 From: Shao-Ju Chao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:49 AM
 Subject: Re: HTTP_REFERER
 Thanks. I was setting up some Paypal stuff and want to make 
 sure that the user is
 actually coming from Paypal ( and 
 then come to my web page to
 ativate their account. The return link is on Paypal and 
 when they click the link and
 return, I checked the HTTP_REFERER and expect it to be; but it

Per RFC 2616, clients are not supposed to send a Referer header
in a non-secure request when the referring page used a secure
transfer (https).

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Re: Web tools

2002-07-23 Thread perl-dvd

Well, you could hop on and find yourself a module that will do the ping 
for you, or you
could use a less proper method like the following:

# pretend you got $ipaddress through or something like that
print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;
my $result = `ping -c 1 $ipaddress`;
if ($result =~ /1 packets? received/){
# ping successful
print Ping Successful, Result:\nbr . $result;
} else {
# ping failed
print Ping Failed, Result:\nbr . $result;


- Original Message -
From: Samuel Yip [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 7:01 AM
Subject: Web tools


I am new to perl and would like to use perl to do the following:

1. Prompt the user for a IP address.
2. Ping the IP address from the web server and
3. Print out the result to the user on the browser.

Anyone knows how should I do it ?


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Re: Buffer output?

2002-07-22 Thread perl-dvd

$|=1; is supposed to perl to print to standard out right away instead of buffer 
You see, by default Perl buffers what it is going to print out until the buffer is 
full, then
For some reason, when I use $|=1; It seems that the first output to STDOUT is 
buffered, but once
it prints the initial buffered part, everything after that is printed immediately.


- Original Message -
From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 1:40 AM
Subject: Buffer output?

Hi all,

I've seen the following line in more Perl scripts and even in some Perl
books, but it wasn't very well explained.

$|=1;   ## Don't buffer output

What does it mean to buffer output?
Which is the difference if the  $| is 0 or 1?

Thank you.

Teddy Center:

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Re: regex - problem

2002-07-22 Thread perl-dvd

Did you get the problem fixed?  Yes it was because you did not escape your . when 
you wanted a .
instead of an any character.

..[a-zA-Z]{2,3} will match .abc, but it will also match abcd but \.[a-zA-Z]{2,3} 
will require
that the first character this part of the regular expression matches is a period, not 
an any


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 10:16 AM
Subject: regex - problem


I have this unsignificant problem:  I try to match an email-adress...
works, EXCEPT the very last .com or .de ... it matches .com and .de
but not .d nor .x - ok so far.
but it also matches .dererere - which it shouldn't. I used the {2,3}
but it seems, that the max-count is being ignored.

any ideas? thanks in advance

if (@ARGV != 1){
} else {

if ($ARGV[0] =~
@a = split /@/,$ARGV[0];
print user:   $a[0]\ndomain: $a[1]\n;
print MATCH\n;
print MISMATCH\n;


 alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: formate text sequence

2002-07-17 Thread perl-dvd

Is this what your looking for?
my $input = 'ABCDEFGHI';
my $output = $input;
$output =~ s/(\w{3})/\p\$1\\/p\/g;
print qq^\$input = $input\n^;
print qq^\$output = $output\n^;
To make it 40 characters instead of 3, simply change the 3 to a 40 in the {}'s

Out put from this is 
$input = ABCDEFGHI
$output = pABC/ppDEF/ppGHI/p


- Original Message - 
From: Konrad Foerstner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 9:43 AM
Subject: formate text sequence


does anyone know a function or a module which
i can use to format a text which i get in a string.
i would like to get lines of 40 letters out of the 
string which are surrounded by p and /p; the 
result should be stored in an string.

short example with 3-letter-lines:

$input = 'ABCDEFGHI';

---  $output = 'pABC/ppDEF/ppGHI/p'



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Re: Couple of newbie questions

2002-07-16 Thread perl-dvd

Apache spawns a child for each web connection, while doing this, if a cgi script 
is called, it
pulls a copy of the script into memory, executes it.
Ways to debug:  Yes Apache does have an error log, search your httpd.conf for 
ErrorLog.  That
like specifies where Apache will write any errors including errors returned from perl. 
 If you use
tail -f /var/logs/error_log (of course replace that with where your error log is), you 
will be able
to watch the log incase any errors pop up.  This is very very useful while developing. 
methods tricks are
print STDERR \$var = $var\n;
This way you can get the values of certain variables when ever they are in 
question.  If you
want it to be easier to see and your script is not live, you could even simply print 
your values to
STDOUT (print uses this by default so simply print stuff would do this).  Keep in 
mind, if you
have not printed a content-type before attempting to print some debug to the browser 
client, you
will get an Internal Server Error.  If you are getting an Internal Server Error and 
you know that
you are printing a valid content-type, this means there are probably other errors in 
your script
(usually syntax).  Watch the error log for these.

Good Luck,

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:53 AM
Subject: Couple of newbie questions

Hi All,

I am currently switching to Perl/CGI from the Java servlet world.  I'm
wishing I would have made this switch a long time ago and I have a
couple of questions:

How does perl handle multiple requests.  For example, if 10 users are
logged into your system and they are all trying to use the same script,
how does perl deal with this situation?

What is the best way to test and debug?  I am use to printing to the
console with Java and I'm not sure how I do this with perl.  Does apache
have a log file that I can write to and how to I keep track of when I
want to print the response or print to stdout/log file?


Kerr Wall

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Re: Counting the time with fractions of a second. The solution!

2002-07-15 Thread perl-dvd

Because times is a perl function, not necessarily a var.  Here's what one of my 
perl books has
to say about it:
The times function returns the amount of job time consumed by this program and any 
child processes
of this program.

The syntax for the times function is

@timelist = times

As you can see, times accepts no arguments.  It returns a list consisting of the 
following four
floating-point numbers:
- The user time consumed by this program
- The system time consumed by this program
- The user time consumed by the child processes, if they exist
- The system time consumed by the child processes, if they exist
So there you have it.  When you are calling $begin = (times)[0];  You are calling 
times function
and specifying that you only want to get back the first element of the returned array, 
which happens
to be the user time consumed.


- Original Message -
From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 11:27 AM
Subject: Counting the time with fractions of a second. The solution!

Hi all,

I found the easiest solution (until now)  for calculating how much time a
script runs.
Thank you for other solutions, but they are too complicated.

Here is the code you should use for calculating the time a script runs:

my $start = (times)[0];

#Here goes the script.

my $end = (times)[0];
my $duration = $end - $start;
print The script ran for $duration seconds;

This will print the duration in fractions of a second like 1.012, etc.

This method doesn't require any module.

I've used a more simple method a few months ago, but I don't remember it.

I don't understand why (times)[0], but it works.
I've tried putting $times[0] and if I use it only for finding the start
time, it works, but if I use it for the start and the end time, it doesn't

Can you make some light?

Thank you very much.

Teddy Center:

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Re: Why Premature end of script headers?

2002-07-15 Thread perl-dvd

 Probably your web server is timing out the request and killing your
 script. Web servers don't like to run long-running processes like
 this. Perhaps you can fork off a child and have the child take care
 of it.

Another solution is to have something like the following in your loop:
local $|=1; # print things right away (no buffering)
# $ltime and $ctime should be defined before the loop
$ctime = time();
if ($ltime ne $ctime){
print  . ;
$ltime = $ctime;
Then the browser does not time out because it continually gets information, so it 
simply prints
another period to the browser every one second that it is working.  This can help you 
know its still


- Original Message -
From: Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: Why Premature end of script headers?

 -Original Message-
 From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 8:18 AM
 Subject: Why Premature end of script headers?

 Hi all,

 I've made a little script that takes the lines from a file,
 removes the
 dupplicate lines and prints the result to a new file.
 I've read the original file line by line because it is a big
 file (over 7
 The problem is that after printing almost 10% from the
 original file into
 the new file, the script dies and the only error I get in the
 log file is:

 [Mon Jul 15 14:44:48 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
 script headers:

 I've checked the original file to see if there are  some
 strange characters
 in that line, or in the next one, but I haven't found
 something that might
 cause  that problem.

 Please tell me why is the script dying only after it runs for
 a few minutes,
 and after writing  over 11000 lines, and not from the
 beginning, if there is
 a problem with the script.

 Can you find any problems with my scriptt?

Probably your web server is timing out the request and killing your
script. Web servers don't like to run long-running processes like
this. Perhaps you can fork off a child and have the child take care
of it.

See for a
nice technique on this.

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Re: Why Premature end of script headers?

2002-07-15 Thread perl-dvd

Yes, your right.
It seems to me there has got to be a more efficient way to accomplish what is 
being attempted.
Right now, the solution is making a copy of the file, then checking every line of the 
against every line of the copy.  This method becomes exponentially more processor 
intensive for
additional lines to the file.  Perhaps a recognize would be to loop through the lines, 
give them a
line number, and write them to a copy.  Then sort the copy alphanumerically, then loop 
through the
copy checking one line against the next, and if the next is a duplicate, through it 
away, and
continue checking it against the next until they are not the same.  As soon as their 
not the same,
take the line that is not the same and begin checking it against the next line.  So on 
and so forth.
Because every like line will be right next to each other, you don't have to check each 
line against
every other line, just the ones next to it.  After your done eliminating the 
duplicates, sort the
file again by line number (this only if its necessary to keep them in a certain 
order), and your
done.  Granted this method requires that you find some efficient manner of sorting the 
lines in
large text files, but if somebody knows of something that can do this, viola.


- Original Message -
From: Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: Why Premature end of script headers?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 12:23 PM
 To: 'Octavian Rasnita'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Why Premature end of script headers?

  Probably your web server is timing out the request and killing your
  script. Web servers don't like to run long-running processes like
  this. Perhaps you can fork off a child and have the child take care
  of it.

 Another solution is to have something like the following in your loop:
 local $|=1; # print things right away (no buffering)
 # $ltime and $ctime should be defined before the loop
 $ctime = time();
 if ($ltime ne $ctime){
 print  . ;
 $ltime = $ctime;
 Then the browser does not time out because it continually
 gets information, so it simply prints
 another period to the browser every one second that it is
 working.  This can help you know its still

True. But there are two possible downsides to consider:

1. It ties up a server process for an extended period.
2. The server will kill the CGI script if the client goes away
or the connection is lost.

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Re: Executing cgi from perl script

2002-07-12 Thread perl-dvd

Um, first of all, you probably shouldn't be modifying your cgi script dynamically, 
Lots of room
for error.  What you should be doing instead is perhaps updating a text file that the 
cgi script
will open and use as its Insert content here content.
Next, how is the template.cgi being called?  Is it an include in an html page or 
something?  Are
you opening it with another cgi script?  More information is needed to help you finish 
this problem.


- Original Message -
From: McElwee, Shane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:40 PM
Subject: Executing cgi from perl script


I want to execute a cgi script from a perl script that first updates the cgi
script. The basic code I'm using to open and update the file is:

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
open RESULT, template.cgi;
while (RESULT) {
s/Insert content here/$output/g;
close RESULT;

The cgi file calls the header and footer for the application. When I run it
like this I get a web page with cgi code in the header and footer and the
correct content. How do I execute the cgi file after updating it? I'm on the
right track?



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Re: What is this string type? How to play with?

2002-07-11 Thread perl-dvd

Oops, let me make one small revision to my code:

if (exists($form_vars{$name})) { # if this is the first of this form input name.

should be

if (!exists($form_vars{$name})) { # if this is the first of this form input name.

Sorry about that all.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: What is this string type? How to play with?


 ; has no problem, why you would like to escape( \ )it ?
I know that = and ; don't have a problem, I escape them because I escape every special 
that way I don't have to worry about what I do and don't need to escape.  I know, bad 
habit (old
habits die hard).

 Besides, if you 'next' it if that $variable is not a name=value pair,
 so is that mean this var will throw away ?
This is a safety net incase somebody types in the url with something like this:
You don't try to split on = when there's not an = in there.
Trust me, I've put a lot of thought into this code over the last 2 1/2 years.  I don't 
care for either (but we wont go into that), I wrote my own called which 
I hope to get
up on CPAN one of these days.  It handles both GET and POST as well as command line 
(Along with post [MIME], I also accept files).  It also works on Linux and Windows.  
Its also much
faster than because its strait to the point, the only thing its intended to do 
is retrieve
data and give it in a useable format.

 Hmmm... what is this purpose ? $name is probably going to be a
 var's name, how come it goes with a blank ? and with an assumption
 that the $name is coming as a URI escaped string ?
Well that's exactly what we are doing, unescaping a URI, we just happen to split it 
into name and
value before unescaping it (this is important incase somebody has a %26 in their name 
or value).

 Just hard to imagine how come a request coming with same name.
 Aren't we supposing the later come value with same name will overwrite
 the first one ?
How about this instance:
This is a scenario when you want all of the multiple values with the same name, so you 
need to put
it into an array instead of a scalar.

I knew right from when you mentioned $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} That you were intending to 
write a form
input parser.  Well if you are only going to use get, consider the following:

my @variables = split(/[\\;]/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
my %form_vars;
foreach $variable (@variables) {
next if ($variable !~ /\=/);
my ($name, $value) = split(/\=/, $variable);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
if ($value ne ){ # remove this if statement if you want to keep pairs where the 
name has an
empty value
if (exists($form_vars{$name})) { # if this is the first of this form input 
$form_vars{$name} = $value; # setting the variable the hash with the name 
to the value
} else { # for repeated times in with the same form input name
$form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if (ref($form_vars{$name} ne 
ARRAY)); # make
this an array if this its not one yet
push(@{$form_vars{$name}}, $value); # adding the next element to the list

This essentially gives you a hash with name value pairs for every single value 
names, and an
array ref for every name that has multiple values.  Basically, it gives you anything 
that was sent
(optionally even name empty value sets assuming you remove the if statement around the 
Eventually when I get it on CPAN, it will be a simple as
use Form;
my %input = Form();

Anyway, good luck,

- Original Message -
From: Connie Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: What is this string type? How to play with?

Hi David,

Hehe... Thanks in advice. Anyway what I am looking for is making
those stuff back to what they looks like when they come, that is,  the
$input in your script...

However, may I have some questions about your sample ? =)

 my @variables = split(/[\\;]/, $input);
; has no problem, why you would like to escape( \ )it ?

 next if ($variable !~ /\=/);
= also no problem , why you would like to escape it too ?
Besides, if you 'next' it if that $variable is not a name=value pair,
so is that mean this var will throw away ?

 $name =~ tr/+/ /;
 $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;

Re: What is this string type? How to play with?

2002-07-11 Thread perl-dvd

Sorry, one more oops

$form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if (ref($form_vars{$name} ne ARRAY));

should be

$form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if (ref($form_vars{$name}) ne ARRAY);

Sorry about these, there were a few recommendations I've received, and I had not 
implemented them in
my original copy before writing this post.  So I decided to implement the 
recommendations before I
sent it on to you guys.  couple of typo's.

That should be all of them though.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: What is this string type? How to play with?


 ; has no problem, why you would like to escape( \ )it ?
I know that = and ; don't have a problem, I escape them because I escape every special 
that way I don't have to worry about what I do and don't need to escape.  I know, bad 
habit (old
habits die hard).

 Besides, if you 'next' it if that $variable is not a name=value pair,
 so is that mean this var will throw away ?
This is a safety net incase somebody types in the url with something like this:
You don't try to split on = when there's not an = in there.
Trust me, I've put a lot of thought into this code over the last 2 1/2 years.  I don't 
care for either (but we wont go into that), I wrote my own called which 
I hope to get
up on CPAN one of these days.  It handles both GET and POST as well as command line 
(Along with post [MIME], I also accept files).  It also works on Linux and Windows.  
Its also much
faster than because its strait to the point, the only thing its intended to do 
is retrieve
data and give it in a useable format.

 Hmmm... what is this purpose ? $name is probably going to be a
 var's name, how come it goes with a blank ? and with an assumption
 that the $name is coming as a URI escaped string ?
Well that's exactly what we are doing, unescaping a URI, we just happen to split it 
into name and
value before unescaping it (this is important incase somebody has a %26 in their name 
or value).

 Just hard to imagine how come a request coming with same name.
 Aren't we supposing the later come value with same name will overwrite
 the first one ?
How about this instance:
This is a scenario when you want all of the multiple values with the same name, so you 
need to put
it into an array instead of a scalar.

I knew right from when you mentioned $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} That you were intending to 
write a form
input parser.  Well if you are only going to use get, consider the following:

my @variables = split(/[\\;]/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
my %form_vars;
foreach $variable (@variables) {
next if ($variable !~ /\=/);
my ($name, $value) = split(/\=/, $variable);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
if ($value ne ){ # remove this if statement if you want to keep pairs where the 
name has an
empty value
if (exists($form_vars{$name})) { # if this is the first of this form input 
$form_vars{$name} = $value; # setting the variable the hash with the name 
to the value
} else { # for repeated times in with the same form input name
$form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if (ref($form_vars{$name} ne 
ARRAY)); # make
this an array if this its not one yet
push(@{$form_vars{$name}}, $value); # adding the next element to the list

This essentially gives you a hash with name value pairs for every single value 
names, and an
array ref for every name that has multiple values.  Basically, it gives you anything 
that was sent
(optionally even name empty value sets assuming you remove the if statement around the 
Eventually when I get it on CPAN, it will be a simple as
use Form;
my %input = Form();

Anyway, good luck,

- Original Message -
From: Connie Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: What is this string type? How to play with?

Hi David,

Hehe... Thanks in advice. Anyway what I am looking for is making
those stuff back to what they looks like when they come, that is,  the
$input in your script...

However, may I have some questions about your sample ? =)

 my @variables = split(/[\\;]/, $input);
; has no problem, why you would like to escape( \ )it ?

 next if ($variable !~ /\=/);
= also no problem , why you would 

Re: Username Password Question

2002-07-08 Thread perl-dvd

When you have everything working, and something for security (htaccess), try 
redirecting by, NOT
printing a content-type (text/html or whatever), then print this:
print Location:\n\n;;
The capitalization and space are very important.


- Original Message -
From: zentara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: Username  Password Question

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 08:30:35 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rhen Hernandez) wrote:

hi everyone!

I created a password and username for my website.  My question is how can i direct 
the user to the
homepage or main page of the website.  Right now, the code is set for Permission 
Granted...  I
want to direct the user to the main page of the website after he/she is successful 
completed the

Maybe I'm wrong here, I'm just quickly reading the code,
but I don't think this approach gives you any REAL password

If you do the password check as you describe in your code,
then redirect to a unprotected page, such as

what is to stop someone from bypassing your login page
and entering the destination page directly in thier browser?

You need to either .htaccess protect your destination page,
which makes your logon form a waste of time, or you need
to output your html from the cgi-script that does the password

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2002-07-03 Thread perl-dvd

Thank you for the compliment.  Please do inform me of what should be modified.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 6:18 PM
Subject: Re:

--- Todd Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sub parse_form_input($){
  my $input = shift;
 I told you already.
  my @variables = split(/\/, $input);
 this is wrong!!!
 Todd W.

Yes, it's wrong, but we should say that with a smile on our face :)

I've glanced through the code and I see a few things that warrant attention.  I'll 
comment later
when I have a bit more time.  I do have to say, though, that despite some obvious 
issues, this is
some of the nicest hand-rolled CGI parsing code that I have seen.

Curtis Ovid Poe

Ovid on
Someone asked me how to count to 10 in Perl:
push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A

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Re: Including External Pages

2002-07-03 Thread perl-dvd

The reason I explained how to slurp the file into a variable was so that it could be 
printed anytime
anywhere.  My solution does not force the file contents to be printed right away.  
This is also
useful for if you wish to replace something in the faq before printing it, or adding 
some to the top
and bottom.  In short, it gives the programmer much more control before simply 
printing the file.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: Including External Pages


 open(FH, /usr/www/domain/faq.txt); #  for read,  for write,  for
 append local $/ = undef; # slurp mode (allow for shoving the whole file
 into a scalar)
 my $faq = FH;  # slurp the whole file into this scalar.

open(FH, $file) or die(open $file: $!);
print(FILE);  # print() takes a list. DWIM in action.
close(FH) or die(close $file: $!);

Todd W.

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2002-07-03 Thread perl-dvd

Yes, I could have shorter lines at the cost of the number of lines.  Personally, I 
like taking
things like this:
if ($thisvar eq $thatvar and $thatvar eq $anothervar){
print all three were the same\n;
And making them this:
print all three were the same\n if ($thisvar eq $thatvar and $thatvar eq 
It just seems to me that a lesser number of lines the interpreter has to trudge 
through, the better.
I guess for me, multiple lines are more of a burden than long lines.

There are a few small blurbs of code in that are exact copies, but the two 
sections of code
only have about 5 lines that are exactly the same which are intertwined with others 
that are not.  I
actually spent a few hours looking this up and down attempting to discover if I could 
additional code by putting it in another sub.  I at length came to the conclusion of 
what I
currently have.


- Original Message -
From: Janek Schleicher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 11:46 AM
Subject: Re:

perl-dvd wrote at Wed, 03 Jul 2002 19:22:49 +0200:

 Yes, my lines of code are long.  For this I apologize.  I work on 1600x1200 with 
 doesn't wrap lines unless I ask it to.  You know, if you have the same circumstances 
as I do, it
 sure makes for easy reading (less vertical lines, and all same command on the same 
line and so

I think nearly nobody still works with computers having
problems to show more than 80 characters in a row.
I also think Ovid won't really have such a problem.
But I could imagine he has similar reasons like
me to avoid long lines of code.

Nowadays we print newspapers with very big dimensions.
Why do we still use columns ??
Because we can better read it that way.
And readability is the mose important part of a computer program.

Even without the aspect of readability long lines of code are an alert signal.
It's like having a description of something with long and difficult sentences.
From a teacher's view it's a sign that the pupil still doesn't understand
the problem correctly. And even if he/she does, the next reader won't.

There's nearly always a possibility to reduce the line length.
(The design is improved by it, too).
The trick is like in real language.
Split complex statements (like complex sentences)
in a sequence of simpler ones.
Reduce also doubled code
(Remember: Copying Code is a real crime :-) )


PS: One year ago, I took a bet with my colleagues.
I said, every ugly code could be rewritten
in a normal way with sub sensfull sub routines
in 80 columns, 50 rows (was Java in Perl I would said 25).

Also I could imagine there is such one,
it helped us all to fight against the evil :-)

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2002-07-03 Thread perl-dvd

I did not say that you said this.  I did say that was the tone (or feeling created 
based on what
was said).  I knew you had mentioned the ; vs  thing before.  But at that time, I 
still did not
have a solutions to replace it with.
I understand the frustration of telling somebody something, then being ignored, 
but when I
suggest something should be done differently to somebody, I always present a solution, 
that way they
don't feel like I'm just telling them they cant or shouldn't do it.  The frustrating 
issue was, I
felt you were pouncing on my ambition without any interest in helping.
The suggestion you gave me in this email
 why not use the solution that was already given in message:
I would be happy to take a look at, but I am uncertain how to access this archive. 
 I remove the
emails I get from mailing lists each day, and don't have past records other than 
emails I have sent.
Perhaps you could reply with the proper solution, or give me a url where I could see 
an example.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: Re:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I appreciate your feedback.  The reason I was frustrated with Todd is
because it was strictly
 criticism.  Basically the tone was Your wrong, and you shouldn't be
making your own lib anyway.

you are putting words in my mouth I didnt say you were wrong, I said the
code was wrong. Also, Im sure I have never debated wether or not someone
should make their own library.

in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I mentioned the
spec says '' and ';' are legal for seperating name value pairs. I was
reminding you that I already mentioned it.

 my @variables = split(/\/, $input);
  First, we know that the split is incorrect.  A semi-colon is the new,
  delimiter for form data, beginning with the HTML 4.0 specification.

 Any suggestions on how to do this?  Should I check to see if there are 's
and if not attempt to
 split on ;'s?

why not use the solution that was already given in message:

Todd W.

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Re: Including External Pages

2002-07-03 Thread perl-dvd

Of course, and usually that's the way I do it.  Basically, if you put the local 
statement in a
block, then the scope of the change to the system variable is only effective inside of 
the block.
Just like if you did this:
my $cool = stuff;
print qq^\$cool is still in scope and equals $cool\n^;
print qq^\$cool is no longer in scope so it is undefined, but if you tried to print 
it, you would
get $cool\n^;
The difference is that my makes a new lexical variable, where local will make a copy 
of a current
variable which is already in scope for use inside the block (including system vars and 


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Including External Pages

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The reason I explained how to slurp the file into a variable was so that
it could be printed anytime
 anywhere.  My solution does not force the file contents to be printed
right away.  This is also
 useful for if you wish to replace something in the faq before printing it,
or adding some to the top
 and bottom.  In short, it gives the programmer much more control before
simply printing the file.


You really didnt need to explain yourself in relpy to my post.

Here is a snip from the op's original post:

Kyle Babich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 What would I use to include external pages in my script?  (like if I
 to print the contents of faq.txt or log.cgi in my script)

I was providing the op with an alternative way to get identical results.
Sometimes your solution is better, for the reason that you stated, so that
the info could be filtered.

Sometimes the code I provided is better, for example the file is very large
and it is best to avoid loading the data in to memory.

Sometimes there are other solutions that are better for other reasons.

The point I was trying to make was how print() takes a list of data and not
just a simple scalar, a key concept for new perl programmers to understand.
It probably took me months to understand it. It had nothing to do at all
with your solution.

But since your solution involves turning on slurp mode I do suggest
explaining what that means, and what side effects it could have to the rest
of the code. For instance, if your example is used, and later on in the
program in the same scope I say:

while (OTHER_FH) { # oops!

It is probably going to confuse someone. Again, someone is back in the
newsgroup trying to get help tracking down a very difficult-to-track bug.

Probably every example in the docs that show modification of $/ in action
have the corresponding code wrapped in a block, i.e.

 local $/ = undef();
 $_ = FH

Quick quiz: can anyone explain why?

Todd W.

 - Original Message -
 From: Todd Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 6:19 PM
 Subject: Re: Including External Pages


  open(FH, /usr/www/domain/faq.txt); #  for read,  for write,  for
  append local $/ = undef; # slurp mode (allow for shoving the whole file
  into a scalar)
  my $faq = FH;  # slurp the whole file into this scalar.

 open(FH, $file) or die(open $file: $!);
 print(FILE);  # print() takes a list. DWIM in action.
 close(FH) or die(close $file: $!);

 Todd W.

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2002-07-03 Thread perl-dvd

Duh, I should have thought of that one.
So the only time this would be an issue is if somebody not knowing that ; can be a 
element delimiter
creates an href with a ; in the name or value.  Ok, that solution works for me.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 2:38 PM
Subject: Re:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be happy to take a look at, but I am uncertain how to access this 
archive.  I remove
 emails I get from mailing lists each day, and don't have past records other than 
emails I have
 Perhaps you could reply with the proper solution, or give me a url where I could see 
an example.


Curtis Ovid Poe

Ovid on
Someone asked me how to count to 10 in Perl:
push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A

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Re: winlinux

2002-07-02 Thread perl-dvd

You of course have to pay for the full registration, but you can download the demo and 
try it out
from here:


- Original Message -
To: Martin Pestun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: winlinux

i have only had a quick look on google but it seems that you have to buy
winlinux on CD. the only downloads i could find were for addons. there
appear to be many places to get a 'hacked' version but i won't endorse
that (guilty conscience?).

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Re: Printing the Content-type

2002-07-01 Thread perl-dvd

Look up the wget package for Linux.

or you can try the combination of these:



- Original Message - 
From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 6:25 AM
Subject: Printing the Content-type

Hi all,

I try to make a script for downloading files and I use the following line:

print Location:$path\n\n;

Is it possible to write the Content-type in this line to make the browser to
download the file I want instead of printing it into the browser?

I want to tell that the file is a zip file or something like that.

Thank you.

Teddy Center:

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Re: Help! which are the correct parameters?

2002-07-01 Thread perl-dvd

my $stuff = qq^
here is some stuff
and more stuff to boot
stuff for me
and stuff for you
$stuff =~ s/stuff/money/gs; 
# g says match all occurrences
# s says treat $stuff as a single line


- Original Message - 
From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: Help! which are the correct parameters?

Hi all,

I want to use regular expressions to match all the links from a web page.
I am fighting for a long time but with no results.
I don't know what modifiers I need to use for matching all the links even
though some of them use multiple lines.

I want to also match a link like:

a href=
title=Test link
This is a test only

Without the /m modifyer, my regexp matches only the first link that is on a
single line.
With the /m modifyer, the regexp matches all the links that  don't span on
multiple lines.

But the links that span on multiple lines  can't be matched.

I've tried the following regexp:

$link =~ s/(a href=.*)/a

Thank you for any idea.

Teddy Center:

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Re: Including External Pages

2002-07-01 Thread perl-dvd

open(FH, /usr/www/domain/faq.txt); #  for read,  for write,  for append
local $/ = undef; # slurp mode (allow for shoving the whole file into a scalar)
my $faq = FH;  # slurp the whole file into this scalar.

- Original Message - 
From: Kyle Babich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 3:27 PM
Subject: Including External Pages

What would I use to include external pages in my script?  (like if I wanted
to print the contents of faq.txt or log.cgi in my script)

Is there a way to do the above except to include a php script instead of a
txt file and have both the cgi and php function correctly?

Thank you,

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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-07-01 Thread perl-dvd

Thanks for the reminder, I'll get it up shortly after I get home from work.  About 
Mountain Time.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You make some good points.  I will be leaving in about 10 minutes for a 
vacation, and wont
 back until Monday, so if you wouldn't mind sending an email to the list Monday as a 
reminder, I
 will submit the code then.



Just a reminder regarding posting your alternative to (and thanks to niko for 
reminding me
to remind you :)

Curtis Ovid Poe

Ovid on
Someone asked me how to count to 10 in Perl:
push@A,$_ for reverse q.e...q.n.;for(@A){$_=unpack(q|c|,$_);@a=split//;
shift@a;shift@a if $a[$[]eq$[;$_=join q||,@a};print $_,$/for reverse @A

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2002-07-01 Thread perl-dvd

 Well, I'm a little bit behind 
schedule because the home page for just got erased (long story). 
Anyway, I just setup a backup system on my server now so I'll have a weeks worth 
of daily backup's (ya, I know I should have had this before). But attached 
are the main functions of there are three functions I left out. 
One is Form,another is read_net_input and the last one is 
write_file. By the way, do I have any reason to believe that somebody may 
run off with my code and claim it as their own?
 I was about to just include a 
link to the home page for in this email, but now that its gone I'm not 
going to do that. I'm hoping a buddy of mine has a cached copy. 

 I have yet to implement the file 
size limitations, file upload limitation, and the getwith post 

Soon, I will get the home page back together (I may 
have to rebuild it from scratch), then I'll post that, and you can just download 
the actual lib with all of the functions and the perldoc in it.


sub parse_form_input($){
my $input = shift;
my @variables = split(/\/, $input);

my (%form_vars, %var_count);
foreach $variable (@variables) {
next if ($variable !~ /\=/);
my ($name, $value) = split(/\=/, $variable);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
if ($value ne ){
if (!defined $form_vars{$name}) { # if this is the first of this form 
input name.
$var_count{$name} = 0; # set the count of the array to 0 incase there 
is more than one
$form_vars{$name} = $value; # seting the variable the hash with the 
name to the value
} else { # for repeated times in with the same form input name
$form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if ($var_count{$name} == 0); 
# set the first element to the first input if this is only the second input with this 
$var_count{$name}++; # increase the count of the array for this form 
input name
push(@{$form_vars{$name}}, $value); # adding the next element to the 

sub parse_mform_input($) {
my $input = shift;
my (%form_vars, @name_file, @list, %var_count); 
if( $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/form-data; boundary=(.+)$/ ) {
$boundary = '--'.$1;  # Using MIME to split out the form elements.
@list = split(/$boundary/, $input); # split out each form variable into @list
# this is going to eliminate the first and last element of @list if they are 
not valid.
my $trash = shift(@list) if ($list[0] !~ / name=/); # Through the first 
element away if it is not a valid element
$trash = pop(@list) if ($list[$#list] !~ / name=/); # Through the last element 
away if it is not a valid element

# parsing data whether it be files or just a form.
my $file_count = 0;
foreach $listitem (@list){
my %form_file;
# if it is a file
if ($listitem =~ / name=\(.*)\; filename=\(.*?)\[\r\n]{2}/){ # if the 
data has a filename in it then
$form_file{'name'} = $1; # the contents of the () in the regular 
$form_file{'file_name'} = $2; # the contents of the () in the regular 
next if ($form_file{'file_name'} eq );
$listitem =~ /\r\n\r\n|\n\n/; # running an expression to seperate out 
the content
$form_file{'file_content'} = $'; # rear part
$form_file{'file_name'} =~ s/.+\\([^\\]+)$|.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # strip 
out the directory
$form_file{'file_content'} =~ s/[\r\n]{2}$//;  # the last \r\n was put 
in by Netscape
$form_file{'file_name'} =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]//g; # strip out all 
charicters except - _ . and alpha numaric charicters
$form_file{'file_name'} =~ s/\.\.+/\./g; # replace 2 or more periods 
in a row.
if (length($form_file{'file_name'})  250){ # if the length of the 
file name is longer than 250 charicters
my $extention = substr($form_file{'file_name'}, 0, 10); # get the 
extention (take into account it may be longer than 3 or for charicters)
$form_file{'file_name'} = (substr($form_file{'file_name'}, 0, 
240)) . $extention; # cut the file name down

if ($form_file{'file_name'} ne ) { # if the file name is not empty 
if (length($form_file{'file_content'})  0){ # if the file is 
larger than 0 bytes
# creating a garanteed unique file name
$form_file{'ip_addition'} = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}- if 
$form_file{'random_number1'} = rand(100); # srand is set 
at the 

Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread perl-dvd

The difference is, the efficiency and data structure returns.  Mine came to 
I think 72
times faster when not uploading images, and 2.5 times faster when uploading images.  
I'm not saying is written poorly or anything, I am saying that it is a little bit bloated and 
has a lot of
functionality that is not needed (especially if the only thing you are doing with it 
is receiving

Well personally, I've always used
print Content-type:text/html\n\n;
but somebody told me this was not the spec, so I read through the spec and looked up 
how was
doing it and what I found was
as the \n\n replacement.  I of coarse should have looked a little higher where they 
defined $CRLF,
or at least tested what I had read before posting it, but oh well.  From here on out, 
I'll stick
with what I've known to work instead.

Like I've said before, it doesn't make much sense to make a wrapper for so 
that I can
have things the way I want them, because this is doubling the work necessary.  I'm not 
making my lib
to prove superior, or to say anything like mine is better.  I have simply found a very 
solution for me (quick and in a structure that works well for me).  If others like my 
solution, and
it works well for them too, more power to them.  I will post mine on CPAN, if nobody 
else in the
world feels it is a good solution for them, that's just fine with me.  If people like 
my solution,
but have a few suggestions of how to improve it, I welcome that.

One thing I am open to after posting my lib to CPAN is suggestions.  I'm not 
exactly close
minded here, I'm just the type of person who if I'm not perfectly happy with the way 
something works
(whether programming or in the real world), I determine whether I can fix it, if I can 
I do.
Because this lib puts the received values in a structure that I like to work with, in 
my mind it
fixes things.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

.. snip
 I'm sure I'll get lots of hate mail from die hard's, but my
other choice is to just not

Not trying to post hate mail, just reasoning on the subject.

 post this at all.  What I hope for is several people telling me how to
make it slightly more
 efficient or compatible with other OS's (you see I've only had opportunity
to test it on Linux and
 Win2000, though I've been testing it on Linux for about 2 1/2 years).

Lincoln Stein (the original author of already has (lots of) people
doing this for him, and his module has been maintained for around 10 years.
Its been tested on scores of OS's. Ive read four of his books. There is a
book dedicated to My point is his module has been rigorously
debugged and you are just now here asking people for help debugging yours.

 Its pretty hard to make it more simple than:
 use Form;
 my %input = Form();

But something else has already made it that easy.

Im not knocking your module. Im just explaining why people like us trust
people like Lincoln Stein's module over yours. For example, Ive seen alot of
hand rolled CGI parameter parsers, most of them have a line that says:

@pairs = split(//, $ENV{QUERY_STRING}); # WRONG!!

This works when the user agent uses an  as a delimeter, but some user
agents use ; (a semicolon) which is perfectly valid. program chokes. Then
people are in the newsgroups trying to get others to help track down a very,
VERY difficult-to-track bug. But at the end of the post they say, I dont
want to use! Floors me. Really floors me. And this is just one of
several examples I've seen.

So I know, when I say:

print $q-header();

Its going to get it right.

BTW, I find the source to very easy to read and makes alot of sence.
Ive seen suggestions from you in this thread that are either wrong or wont
even work. (What does this do- print Content-type:
text/html${CRLF}${CRLF};) Which tells us again Mr. Stein has a thorough
understanding of the HTTP protocol, while you stll have a little to learn.

Again, this is NOT a flame. I suggest accepting the constructive criticism

Todd W.

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Re: Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread perl-dvd

You make a very good point fliptop, I did forget the nature of this mailing list.  As 
far as
debating, I will step down in this mailing list.


- Original Message -
From: fliptop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Displaying Problems

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opined:

: threat to our way of life! Down with the troglodytes! :)
:Well, not exactly my point, but ok :)   Just kidding
:I just think there are too many who close their minds to anything but, 
:including potentially
:more efficient customized solutions.

i would guess that, for the purposes of this mailing list, most who
recommend using do so because this list is aimed at beginners, and
they most definitely should be using it to parse query strings.

other available solutions, and the semantics of using them, probably
wouldn't be a good place for a beginner to learn about cgi programming.

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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread perl-dvd

my point stands :)

So out of curiosity, what kind of data structure do you get back with this?  If its as 
I would
imagine, then its very close to my own.

%hash = (
'a_name' = 'value',   # for single name value pairs
'b_name' = [multiple, values, for, this],   # for single name muli-value 
'c_name' = {
 'original_name' = 'filename.jpg',
 'size' = '23554',
 'location' = 
 } # for files

Of coarse I know the image information is not in there the same way.


- Original Message -
From: Scot Robnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Felix Geerinckx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

Picky, picky. :)
You're right, my bad.

use CGI;
my $q = new CGI;
my %params = $q-Vars;


-Original Message-
From: Felix Geerinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: RE: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

on Thu, 27 Jun 2002 02:54:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scot Robnett)

 Its pretty hard to make it more simple than:
 use Form;
 my %input = Form();

  Let me try.

  use CGI;
  %params = $q-Vars;

Try again. Your code throws the following error:

Can't call method Vars on an undefined value ...


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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread perl-dvd

by the way, :) is a smiley, it means I'm joking with you. (reference the last email)

With mine, there is nothing beyond what I described.  The hash structure I gave you 
below, that's
it. takes the input, makes a hash with it, and if you understand how to use a 
hash and
array ref, your set.  Its just a hash, no objects, no functions, just a hash.

So you use:

my %input = Form();

and your done.  All the data is sitting in the hash %input.  You can at that point do 
anything you
want to with it.

Like I say, simple and efficient.

If you decide you want to know what you are getting from the cgi input, simply do 
something to this
foreach $key(keys(%input)){  # loop through all of the hash elements

if (ref($input{$key}) eq ARRAY){  # if this is an array ref

local $ = ', ';  # change the array delimiter to ,  temporarily for 
print qq^\@{\$input{$key}} = (@{$input{$key}})\n^;
# print out the array's values
# (make it easy to see which name in the hash this array belongs to)

} else {  # if its not an array ref

print qq^\$input{$key} = $input{$key}\n^;  # print out the hash element



Anyway, you will be able to get a closer look at it within a months time if you so 


- Original Message -
From: Scot Robnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

I haven't seen the rest of your module, so I'm not so sure that the point
really stands. It might. But, adding one line to initialize the CGI object
is really not that big a deal considering the kind of power you have
associated with that object. How much extra work do I have to do to utilize
the keys and values in your hash vs. the hash?

The data structure you get back from is:

- Called in a scalar context, a tied hash reference.

- Called in a list context, a standard hash
  containing key/value pairs.

- Keys/params with multiple values are returned
  as a packed string separated by \0.

Scot R.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 10:44 AM
To: Scot Robnett; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Felix Geerinckx
Subject: Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

my point stands :)

So out of curiosity, what kind of data structure do you get back with this?
If its as I would
imagine, then its very close to my own.

%hash = (
'a_name' = 'value',   # for single name value pairs
'b_name' = [multiple, values, for, this],   # for single name
muli-value sets
'c_name' = {
 'original_name' = 'filename.jpg',
 'size' = '23554',
 'location' =
 } # for files

Of coarse I know the image information is not in there the same way.


- Original Message -
From: Scot Robnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Felix Geerinckx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

Picky, picky. :)
You're right, my bad.

use CGI;
my $q = new CGI;
my %params = $q-Vars;


-Original Message-
From: Felix Geerinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: RE: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

on Thu, 27 Jun 2002 02:54:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scot Robnett)

 Its pretty hard to make it more simple than:
 use Form;
 my %input = Form();

  Let me try.

  use CGI;
  %params = $q-Vars;

Try again. Your code throws the following error:

Can't call method Vars on an undefined value ...


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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread perl-dvd

That actually has nothing to do with it.  It has everything to do with the strong 
desire to improve
circumstances, be innovative, make the world a better place.  If you want to call me 
arrogant for
trying to improve my surroundings, go right ahead, but your tacking the wrong name on 


- Original Message -
From: John Brooking [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

After all, Hubris is one of St. Larry's Three Cardinal
Virtues! So this seems to me to be a properly Perl-ish

- John

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 minded here, I'm just the type of person who if I'm
 not perfectly happy with the way something works
 (whether programming or in the real world), I
 determine whether I can fix it, if I can I do.

Now it's over, I'm dead, and I haven't done anything that I want; or, I'm still 
alive, and there's
nothing I want to do. - They Might Be Giants,

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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread perl-dvd

No offence taken, I have heard the word hubris before, but I wasn't certain of the 
meaning, so
naturally I looked it up (now that you mention it, I have heard that quote out of the 
Camel book
before).  At first I thought it was a compliment the way you said it and all, but 
after seeing's definition, I wondered.  Well thank you for the compliment.


- Original Message -
From: John Brooking [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

Oh, dear, I was afraid that that message might be
misinterpreted! I thought my humor was evident enough
by the informal language, but I guess I should have
put a smiley on it too.

I didn't mean hubris in a bad sense. The sense I get
from Larry's use of it (from reading the Camel book),
and the sense I meant here, was having enough
self-confidence to believe that you *can* do all the
things you mention, rather than just putting up with
what is handed to you because you're too humble to
think that little old you could do better. It might
tend towards arrogance in some cases, maybe,
especially when unwarranted by the actual talent
behind it, but true arrogance connotes more negative
personality traits, such as not being open to other
points of view or debate, and that's *not* what I

I did assume familiarity with Larry's philosophy of
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris as The Basis of All
Good Software Design, and maybe I shouldn't have. I'd
quote some of this from the Camel book, but I don't
have it with me. I would summarize it as good
programmers don't like write the same thing over and
over, yet if they don't like something they got
elsewhere, they'll write something themselves that
they like better. I suspect he intentionally chose
provocative words to get people's attention, but his
claim that they lead to good software design implies
that far from being bad traits, he thinks that they
are actually good traits, properly applied.

I apologize that my message was taken negatively. I
meant it positively. I support the spirit of your

- John

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That actually has nothing to do with it.  It has
 everything to do with the strong desire to improve
 circumstances, be innovative, make the world a
 better place.  If you want to call me arrogant for
 trying to improve my surroundings, go right ahead,
 but your tacking the wrong name on me.


 - Original Message -
 From: John Brooking [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:57 PM
 Subject: Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:]
 Displaying Problems

 After all, Hubris is one of St. Larry's Three
 Virtues! So this seems to me to be a properly

 - John

Now it's over, I'm dead, and I haven't done anything that I want; or, I'm still 
alive, and there's
nothing I want to do. - They Might Be Giants,

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: Extract numbers from in between parentheses with regex

2002-06-26 Thread perl-dvd

my $var = (801) 555-; # ya, ok so I'm in utah :)

$var =~ /(\(\d+\))/;
# real paren, escape paren, \d = digits,
# + = one or more, escape paren, real paren

my $area_code = $1; # set to what came from between the real parens

but if you are looking to match anything between the parens, you probably want 
something more like

my $var = some text (my comment) and more text;

$var =~ /(\([^\(\)]+\))/;
# real paren, escape paren, [^\(\)] =  any non ( or ),
# + = one or more, escape paren, real paren

my $matched_value = $1; # set to what came from between the real parens


- Original Message -
From: Kristofer Hoch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Extract numbers from in between parentheses with regex

Hi all,
  Please forgive the simple nature of this question. I have never really
used regular expression extensivly.

  Here goes. I am trying to extract a number from in between two
parenthesis. I want the first value I find (from right to left) in a string.
These numbers could be phone number area codes, or comments.

Could someone please help, so that I can shamelessly use it all over the

Thank you

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Re: Displaying Problems

2002-06-25 Thread perl-dvd

Well, I'd start by printing an actual content type instead of depending on 
for that:
print content-type: text/html\n\n;
Second, I would condense your if to this
my $c = param('c');
my $content = $c;
$content = \n if ($c eq h or $c eq eh or $c eq hd or $c eq p or $c eq c or 
$c eq su);
Then I would HIGHLY recommend that you not depend on so heavily.  I would 
suggest you
print out your own html, then you can see exactly what it is displaying and know what 
to change.  If
you wanted to print it all in one clump, you could do it like this.
# the qq^ makes it use ^ as the quote.  Just make sure if you us a ^ inside that you 
escape it (like
this \^ )
print qq^
body bgcolor=#FF
!-- the rest of your html goes in here --

Trust me on this one, it will save you so much headache if you will just print your 
own html.


- Original Message -
From: Kyle Babich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:09 PM
Subject: Displaying Problems

For the following the syntax is correct but when I try to open it
nothing displays, what should I change?

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI::Pretty qw/ :standard /;
$CGI::POST_MAX = 512 * 1024;

print header ( text/html );

my $date = localtime;

my $c = param('c');
my $content = c;

if ($c eq h) {
   $content = qq{\n};
} elsif ($c eq eh) {
   $content = qq{\n};
} elsif ($c eq hd) {
   $content = qq{\n};
} elsif ($c eq p) {
   $content = qq{\n};
} elsif ($c eq c) {
   $content = qq{\n};
} elsif ($c eq su) {
   $content = qq{\n};

my @nav = (Home,E-Mail Hosting,Help

my @loc = (index.cgi?c=h,index.cgi?c=eh,index.cgi?c=hd,index.cgi?

print start_html(
  -title = E-Mail Hosting,
   -head  = Link(
   -rel = stylesheet,
   -type = text/css,
   -href = style.css
   body( -bgcolor = \#FF ),
   -width = 95\%,
   -cellspacing = 0,
   -cellpadding = 0,
   -border = 1,
   -bordercolor = \#00},
td( {-width = 100\%},
-width = 100\%,
-cellspacing = 0,
-cellpadding = 1,
-border = 1,
-bordercolor = \#00
-align = center},
td( {-width = 100\%,
-bgcolor = \#00,
-align = center},
-face = Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman,
-size = 4,
-color = \#FF},

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Re: Displaying Problems

2002-06-25 Thread perl-dvd


 I fail to see how writing code with errors is somehow's fault
No its not.  But I'll tell you one thing, people who depend so heavily on 
generally have a
good understanding of how to use, but have less understanding of what is really 
going on.  Me
personally, I want to know what's really happening.  And once I get to that point, not 
only can I
become more efficient, but I can make better decisions for my own application.  You 
see, just like
sterio-typing can frequently be incorrect (because it uses blanket statements), 
is not the
most efficient and for that matter appropriate for many situations.

 Except that that's not RFC2616-compliant, while's output is
So what exactly is the RFC2616 compliant content type?

You know its funny, but it seems that so many who stick up for so strongly are 
quick to say
that is doing things right and that it does them better, but they seem to 
purposely avoid
giving the actual solution.

It seems to me that our way of life (freedom and prosperity) came about from people 
thinking for
them selves and from innovation, learning and continued drive to improve what was 
given us.
I do a little system admin on the side, and I've come to find that learning the actual 
conf files is
such a boon over simply using the GUI app.  So much understanding has come and it 
takes me to a more
advanced level.  Many times I can discover a problem, or have understanding of the 
problem when coming across things I don't expect.  In my mind programming is the same. 
 I want to
know what's going on, so I can make a wise and educated decision of how to approach it.


- Original Message -
From: Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 8:39 AM
Subject: RE: Displaying Problems

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:26 AM
 To: Kyle Babich; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Displaying Problems

 Well, I'd start by printing an actual content type
 instead of depending on for that:
 print content-type: text/html\n\n;

Except that that's not RFC2616-compliant, while's output is.

Most browsers will accept this, but you still shouldn't generate it.

 Then I would HIGHLY recommend that you not depend on so heavily.  I would suggest you
 print out your own html, then you can see exactly what it is
 displaying and know what to change.

I fail to see how writing code with errors is somehow's fault.

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Re: Displaying Problems

2002-06-25 Thread perl-dvd

Bob, threat to our way of life! Down with the troglodytes! :)
Well, not exactly my point, but ok :)   Just kidding
I just think there are too many who close their minds to anything but, 
including potentially
more efficient customized solutions.


- Original Message -
From: Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: Displaying Problems

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:12 AM
 To: Bob Showalter; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Displaying Problems


 So what exactly is the RFC2616 compliant content type?

cf., section 2.2

 You know its funny, but it seems that so many who stick up
 for so strongly are quick to say
 that is doing things right and that it does them
 better, but they seem to purposely avoid
 giving the actual solution.

See above.

 It seems to me that our way of life (freedom and prosperity)
 came about from people thinking for
 them selves and from innovation, learning and continued drive
 to improve what was given us.
 I do a little system admin on the side, and I've come to find
 that learning the actual conf files is
 such a boon over simply using the GUI app.  So much
 understanding has come and it takes me to a more
 advanced level.  Many times I can discover a problem, or have
 understanding of the underlying
 problem when coming across things I don't expect.  In my mind
 programming is the same.  I want to
 know what's going on, so I can make a wise and educated
 decision of how to approach it. threat to our way of life! Down with the troglodytes! :)

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Re: Displaying Problems

2002-06-25 Thread perl-dvd

That's interesting.
You know, I work with about 5 other perl programmers, most of which do use, 
but none of
them use it for anything other that gathering input from the web.  I have also 
downloaded many
packages from CPAN, I would say a majority of them use, but very rarely do I 
see it used for
anything but gathering data.
I'm not suggesting we shouldn't follow the standard.  I am suggesting that this 
standard will never be enforced, because if it was, I'd be willing to bet, it would 
break a great
percentage of perl scripts out there.  But yes, I agree with you that we should all 
try to follow
the specs pretty closely.
Anyway, personally, I don't use at all, and it would be a real shame if I 
began including
the whole thing just for that.  It would just seem smarter for me to begin using this  
Content-type: text/html${CRLF}${CRLF};  instead.
I created a lib for receiving data from GET, POST or shell.  I will be releasing 
it to CPAN
soon, and expect to get this sort of thing quite a bit.  That is good, because I want 
my lib to be
very efficient and proper.  The reason I wrote my own is because I like my variables 
in a easy to
use structure:
%hash = (
'a_name' = 'value',   # for single name value pairs
'b_name' = [multiple, values, for, this],   # for single name muli-value 
'c_name' = {
 'original_name' = 'filename.jpg',
 'size' = '23554',
 'location' = 
 } # for files
With this structure, I can get to everything very easily.  It didn't make much 
sense to use to gather the data, smush it into a data structure, only to loop through all 
the data and
shove it into another structure.
I'm sure I'll get lots of hate mail from die hard's, but my other choice is 
to just not
post this at all.  What I hope for is several people telling me how to make it 
slightly more
efficient or compatible with other OS's (you see I've only had opportunity to test it 
on Linux and
Win2000, though I've been testing it on Linux for about 2 1/2 years).
Its pretty hard to make it more simple than:
use Form;
my %input = Form();


- Original Message -
From: Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: Displaying Problems

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 12:47 PM
 To: Bob Showalter; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Displaying Problems

 Ok, so here's the deal:

 Some HTTP/1.0 software has interpreted a Content-Type header
 without charset parameter incorrectly
 to mean recipient should guess. Senders wishing to defeat
 this behavior MAY include a charset
 parameter even when the charset is ISO-8859-1 and SHOULD do
 so when it is known that it will not
 confuse the recipient.

 By the way, I did not upper case the MAY and SHOULD, those
 were that way in the doc which means they
 were trying to emphasize them.  I'd have to say that MAY
 doesn't suggest that it is a requirement
 for the content-type to work properly.

This is the relevant paragraph from 2.2 that I was going for:

   HTTP/1.1 defines the sequence CR LF as the end-of-line marker for all
   protocol elements except the entity-body (see appendix 19.3 for
   tolerant applications). The end-of-line marker within an entity-body
   is defined by its associated media type, as described in section 3.7.

Appendix 19.3 (Tolerant Applications) says, in part:

   The line terminator for message-header fields is the sequence CRLF.
   However, we recommend that applications, when parsing such headers,
   recognize a single LF as a line terminator and ignore the leading CR.

But, section 3.7 says:

   When in canonical form, media subtypes of the text type use CRLF as
   the text line break. HTTP relaxes this requirement and allows the
   transport of text media with plain CR or LF alone representing a line
   break when it is done consistently for an entire entity-body. HTTP
   applications MUST accept CRLF, bare CR, and bare LF as being
   representative of a line break in text media received via HTTP. In
   addition, if the text is represented in a character set that does not
   use octets 13 and 10 for CR and LF respectively, as is the case for
   some multi-byte character sets, HTTP allows the use of whatever octet
   sequences are defined by that character set to represent the
   equivalent of CR and LF for line breaks. This flexibility regarding
   line breaks applies only to text media in the entity-body; a bare CR
   or LF MUST NOT be substituted for CRLF within any of the HTTP control
   structures (such as header fields and multipart boundaries).

Note especially the last sentence.

A nit-pick, to be sure. But little things like this cause programs
to break all the time. Like I said, most (maybe 

Re: calling sub based on database list?

2002-06-24 Thread perl-dvd

No, this is quite a simple problem actually.  Here's how.

my $alias = home|htmlBody,Header,homebody,footer;
my ($name, $subs) =  split(/\|/, $alias);
my @subs = split(/\,/, $subs);
foreach $sub(@subs){
my $return_val = {$sub}($pass_in_vars);

So the first part I assume you've got where you pull your strings into vars, but 
don't put the 
on the front of them.  Then what you are doing with {$sub}($pass_in_vars); is you are 
taking the
string htmlBody or whatever and saying I want to execute a sub called whatever 
string is in $sub.
You use the same method as when you are dereferencing say an array ref. For example

my $stuff = [first element, second element, third element];
my @thearray = @{$stuff};

Same technique.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: calling sub based on database list?

Ok, I got sorta a hard questionI think that involves calling randomly changing 
subrutines. What
I'm Trying to do is this.  5 libaries are required into my CGI(PERL) program Each of 
them has their
own set of subrutines.  Now when someone accesses my site they also send a page 
referance eg
main.cgi?page=home  What im trying to get my code to do is take 'home' and then 
start runing
subrutines based on a file entry that can be edited from my admin section of this 
site.  So basicly
the file looks like this.


So it should get the list of subrutined to call but I can not figure out how to call 
them since they
are strings and not hard coded into the code.  Basicly I can get the values and print 
them out but
not call them.  Does anyone have and tips for calling a sub using the name from a 
string?'htmlBody') does not work as one site pointed out. I guess thats for 
something else all
together.  Thanx


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Re: return =1

2002-06-24 Thread perl-dvd

Secondly, by your explanation, I'm not sure whether you know this, but your if 
should be like
my $test = sub_name();
if ($test){
# stuff
if (sub_name()){
# stuff


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: return =1

Hello Octavian,
  You need to say return(0) or return(1), not return = 0 or 1.


- Original Message -
From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 1:33 AM
Subject: return =1

 Hi all,

 If I put at the end of a subroutine a line:
 return = 0;
 return =1;

 How can I check if the return value is true or false?

 I've tried with
 if (subroutine_name) {

 But it always give me the true value.

 Am I missing something, or am I doing something wrong?


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Re: text problem

2002-06-24 Thread perl-dvd

Well, you can use a simple html tag called pre.
open(FILE, /path/file);
local $/ = undef; # slurp mode, pull all data coming in one shot (so it all goes into 
a scalar)
$contents_of_file = FILE;

print qq^
Is that what you are looking for or do you want to actually split up the data into 


- Original Message -
From: Martin Pestun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 6:54 AM
Subject: text problem

Hi everybody

I've got text file on the local machine and Apache too.

What I don't know is how can I display this file like html file using cgi.
The file looks like:

 user 26794 26002  0.00:00
 user  4687  4685  0.00:00 -ksh
 user 15120 15118  0.00:00 -ksh
 user 18918 18821  0.00:00 -ksh
 user 21894 21885  0.00:00 -ksh
 user 26719 26716  0.10:00 -ksh
 user 26795 26719  0.00:00 -ksh

I mean that the result of this cgi program is displayed the same like file

Can you help me?

Martin Pestun

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Re: PERL!! : )

2002-06-21 Thread perl-dvd

You know, I'm a not a Microsoft fan by any means (if you ask people who know me, 
you would
probably get more rash descriptions of how I feel about them).  When it comes to using 
an os as a
client, Windows 2000 is pretty nice.  But when it comes to running a server, I will 
avoid windows at
all costs.  I have two Linux servers, one for my local development, and one for a 
business I'm
starting (, and they are beyond awesome.  I do have a win2k server 
that I have to
run out of necessity.  I've got a Win only chat application for and will 
soon be hosting
the site on that machine too (to cut down on costs since doesn't make 
money), but I
WOULD NEVER TOUCH IIS.  Apache 2.0 for win32 is a boon for any who MUST run a Windows 
machine as a
If I had my choice of servers, Linux rocks my world.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: PERL!! : )


While I agree with Brent (hi, Brent), it doesn't have to be an
all-or-nothing decision.  I've had a lot of success running Perl *with*
ASP.  In fact, I'm finishing a project right now that
 - has to run on IIS
 - has to run under ASP

So what is a self-respecting Perl programmer to do?

Use PerlScript, ActiveState's extension that allows Perl to run as a
full-fledged ASP scripting language. You get all the advantages of ASP,
all the power of Perl, and none of the gut-wrenching inadequacy of
VBScript or soullessness of JavaScript.  I've built very large
applications this way.  It really works.
It's also a great way to introduce Perl to an all-Microsoft shop,
demonstrate Perl's power and maintainability, and start to loosen the
Microsoft death-grip.
--Bill Odom

 Heh, I probably came off a bit too harsh, Micro$oft really does it all
 to themselves...

 - Perl is MUCH more widely used than ASP.
 - Perl is more maintainable (good management buzzword).  I would bet
 the farm that there are more *GOOD* Perl programmers than ASP
 programmers.  I would bet the ASP has more programmers, but most of
 them could not program their way out of a wet paper bag.
 - Perl undoubtably has more modules available than ASP. -
 Does your boss *really* want to run IIS?  What do you want to patch

 Note: If your boss is strictly set on running IIS, RUN, don't walk to
 the nearest exit!When (and I said when) it gets hacked, who is
 going to take the fall???


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2002-06-21 Thread perl-dvd

The template replacement I cant give because I wasn't the one who wrote it, but is my replacement for receiving data.  I wrote it approximately 2 1/2 years ago and 
have been
tweaking and improving it since.
I'll release it to C-PAN within the next month I think, look for it there.  It 
will be called written by David Hicken.


- Original Message -
From: Niko Gunadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Beginners cgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 3:43 AM
Subject: Re:

On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 10:51:14AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
David --

...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
% Personally, I don't.  My development team and I have created a few tools that 
we use which
% extremely quick and easy to use.  I created a CGI input retrieval lib that works on 
both Linux

Sounds pretty slick, even if fairly customized.  Got a pointer to it
for us lookers?  Your var and replacement stuff sounds quite interesting.

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