No bark collar

2002-10-18 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
Our Citronella spray collar came today. Well now,, it does work as Our male
loves to bark at the cows along the fence in the pasture next to us.
It was very funny as he was trotting up and down the fence but no barking.
I went out this evening to kennel him and he always dances & barks as he
knows he is getting his Jubilee Wafers. These are his most favorite of all

Tonight there was no BARK BARK just a weak little woof !!

 I took the collar off and will put it back on in the AM.


Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Boomer,Bell & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: OCD and your Berner

2002-10-18 Thread Eileen Morgan
While I have not dealt with OCD in dogs, my very large horse developed OCD
in his hind stifle at five yrs old during a sudden late growth spurt. He was
lame for about 1 1/2 yrs, in spite of various therapy attempts (adequan,
legend). After six months of fooling around with it I tossed him in the
pasture and ignored him for a year. He has now been sound and back to work
for 11 months.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re: OCD and your Berner

2002-10-18 Thread Dee Devor
I have an 8 month old Bernese Mt. Dog named Wally.  When he was appox. 6
months he developed a limp and was xrayed.  He was diagnosed with OCD by his
vet and I also took him and his xray to an Orthopedic Surgeon.   The OCD was
confirmed.  We were told to rest him for 2 months (lease walk and crate).
We leash walk him and keep him a calm as possible.  He outgrew his crate and
has a lovely sunroom to call his with a cozy bumber bed.  Anyway, the hope
is rest will cure Wally and that surgery will not be necessary.  The surgeon
thinks that opens the door for arthritis moreso than what can possibly
develop without surgery.   Does anyone have any experience with this
situation.  Wally's breeder has not had any experience with the condition
and feels as though Wally injured himself (which is possible).  Either way,
he has OCD and I would like more information.

Thanks - DeeDevor
- Original Message -
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 1:01 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4073

> BERNER-L Digest 4073
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Re: blue eyed pup (long)
> by "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) Blue Eyes and Registries
> by "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Subject: Re: leash training
> by "A. Sufi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) Re: Dog show schedules
> by "Pat Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) berner for a hospital visit in Virginia
> by Hugh Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) Now I lay me down to sleep?
> by "Maria Crifasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Re: berner for a hospital visit in Virginia
>   8) Re: Dog show schedules
> by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) Re: Blue Eyes and Registries
>  10) Re: Subject: Re: leash training
> by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  11) Transportation Help Needed
> by "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  12) Re: Leash training.
> by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  13) leash laws and adequate Berner exercise
> by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) Cabana Crates
> by RM Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) Off topic - Invasion of Earth Stars!
> by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  16) Re: Subject: Re: leash training
> by "A. Sufi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) RE: Leash training
> by catherine green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  18) Re: blue eyed pup
> by "Pamela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  19) Re: blue eyed pup and change
> by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  20) Update on Porter
> by Jennifer Martyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  21) Re: Update on Porter
> by "Tracey Conner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  22) Leash Training
>  23) Re: blue eyed pup and change
> by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  24) Re: blue eyed pup and change
> by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Canine acne update

2002-10-18 Thread JSTELMAK
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sitting straight during heel

2002-10-18 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

Try holding a treat slightly ahead of him, and above.  The placement is
important, because if you have it too high, he will jump.

Idea is, that the treat will "lure" him into the straight sit.  It is fine
if he jumps up a bit, just don't give it to him for jumping, make him sit
first, and then he can have the treat.  Make sure that he is sitting
straight when you offer the reward.

If you shape his behavior, to know that he will get reinforced, for sitting
perky waiting for the treat, it will become an offered behavior.

Happy Heeling!


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

Need help with a straight sit

2002-10-18 Thread Cheryl Otis
I am having a bit of a challenge getting my boy Tanner
to sit straight when stopping during a heel. While
heeling I give him the sit command one step before I
stop and he stops and sits, only problem is he flops
over onto his left hip so he is sitting at almost a 45
degree angle and facing my side. I have tried reaching
behind him and holding his rump in place as he sits
but it only works once, next time I try he knows what
I'm going to do and starts bouncing around getting all
 flustered and jumpy. He will sit nice and straight
when facing me for a treat or comming when called. It
is only during a heel that he flops over to the left. 
If I try heeling with a barrier to his left so he is
forced to sit straight he pulls back and sits behind
me or rushes in front and swings around to face me.
Any help would be appreciated, it has been a couple of
years since I trained Tessa and I can't remember
having this problem with her.

Cheryl, Tessa & Tanner

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Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Berner sighting-Giant Eagle commercial

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
I don't know how many states have a Giant Eagle grocery store, but last
night during CSI, there was a commercial for Giant Eagle featuring [for just
a sec] a beautiful berner. The husband was carring in armloads of groceries
and had to step over the berner laying on the porch.

Anyone we "know"?


Re: Adequate Berner Exercise!

2002-10-18 Thread Bernd Guenter
The website of the BMDC of Switzerland (KBS) has a special section on
the exercise needs of Berners.
The bottom line is (in bold print and followed by three exclamation
marks): A minimum of two hours every day (rain or shine, and off the
dog's own property).

Bernd Günter

Re: Adequate Berner Exercise!

2002-10-18 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
> Interesting points. I remember when I first got Caesar and asked for
> advice, I got LOTS of conflicting answers. Some people would say they
> need a lot of exercise, others said they gave their pups as much exercise
> possible. But what you say makes senseactivity keeps us ALL young!

It also depends on your specific dog. My dog with hip displaysia needed lots
of slow, developing type low impact exercise. Long, slow walks kept him in
good shape--encouraging sprinting and sharp turns in romping was not a good
way to exercise with him. My slow-growing, heavy boned Newfie is not
appropriate for as hard of a workout at as young an age as my smaller,
faster growing, more agile dogs. You should pay attention to the critter in
front of you--the lines, the kinds of growth they tend to experience, what
condition their bones and joints are in, etc.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re: Adequate Berner Exercise!

2002-10-18 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > One thing to consider on the exercize thread is that if you have only one
> dog you might have to "prompt" more exercize time than if you have two
> that play together a lot.

At my house, evening times are playtimes for the dogs--with two Pyrs, a
Newf, and a Berner, when they get romping and wrestling the furniture flies,
the light fixtures shake, and the rugs slide (yep, they have no stick, but
when 400+ lbs of dogs are swirling around, well). When all four get going we
have the infamous "double stuffed oreo in a blender" effect.

And yes, in spite of some space issues, Cassie the Rescue/Pretend Foster Pyr
is settling in well.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Re: Umbilical hernia and reaction to suture material

2002-10-18 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: "Sylvia Katvala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Anyone else's dog had problems with the suture material?

Lliira the Pyr girl had an allergic reaction to her spay sutures. It was
yucky but not gawdawful.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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Version: 6.0.393 / Virus Database: 223 - Release Date: 9/30/2002

Re: Umbilical hernia and reaction to suture material

2002-10-18 Thread Sylvia Katvala
Now I wonder if I have some unusual health issues with mine.
When Caolan got neutered, had the umbilical hernia repaired. His was over 1
inch in diameter when he was over a year old. Surgery went fine, watched it,
but he developed a reaction to the suture material. It was a oozing and
nasty looking. After the stitches that was deeper inside him, dissolved
and/or worked themselves outward, he was fine again. My tummy learned to not
react to violently to seeing it.

Anyone else's dog had problems with the suture material?

Sylvia Katvala with Neala
Tucson, AZ


2002-10-18 Thread Pippa Antonio
Hello everyone,

This week has been a worrying one for us with a very happy

One of my Berner boys, Toby, developped a lump on his back
leg and it grew quickly. Our vet did a fine needle
aspiration on it and said it looked "suspicious." Well we
had it removed and sent away for examination and it turns
out it was benign..a cutaneous histiocytoma..

And suffice to say Toby is healing well, he had a check up
today and goes back next week for his stitches to be

Hugs to all your "babies."
Pippa Antonio, Col, Toby and Ulysses in Washington D.C.

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Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Re: Adequate Berner Exercise!

2002-10-18 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
"Some people would say they didn't need a lot of exercise, others said they
gave their pups as much exercise as possible."

Hi All,

One thing to consider on the exercize thread is that if you have only one
dog you might have to "prompt" more exercize time than if you have two dogs
that play together a lot.
I know my guys "prompt" each other with play behavior. One bows down & jumps
back and forth initiating a game of run, jump, and chase.
This stirs them all up.
But one dog alone, without prompting may be inclined to be less active.
If you have a enclosed yard two or more dogs playing together can really
burn some energy! : )
So, maybe one dog families can set up regular "playdates" in alternating
yards.  :  )

Remember to limit playtime with young and growing puppies puppies, and make
sure that interaction is with a dog that is of a comparable size so that the
chance of injury is lessened.



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners

Re: Adequate Berner Exercise!

2002-10-18 Thread Fasttrackresumes
In a message dated 10/17/02 4:40:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< es, they are beautiful dogs Yes, they are
 also beautiful temperament. But they are working dogs! Bred specially all
 those years ago to pull milk carts!!! To stay healthy they need to stay fit! 

Interesting points. I remember when I first got Caesar and asked for walking 
advice, I got LOTS of conflicting answers. Some people would say they didn't 
need a lot of exercise, others said they gave their pups as much exercise as 
possible. But what you say makes senseactivity keeps us ALL young!

Kim and Caesar

Re: Scared of the leash

2002-10-18 Thread Marjie

You've gotten some very excellent advice.  I'd add one more piece.  Once my pups

are used to the leash (actually, I do it from day 1)  I keep a line on my pup at

all times she is not in the crate or xpen.  The line is just a light cord the
size of a shoelace and about 4 ft long, with no knots or loops.  (Remember a pup

must be under supervision at all times.)

The line allows me to implant in the puppy brain that when I call she is obliged

to come.  So, when she is playing with a toy or playmate and I call her,  I can
entice with a treat and apply slight pressure to make sure she responds.  Call
happily and trot backwards.   Make sure you give another treat when she returns
to you.  I do this (like Mary-Ann) a zillion times a day.

Puppy brains are little sponges.  They learn anything you teach them--or that
they teach themselves.  Which one would you choose :-) ?

Dunbar  VCD2 (CDX, OA, OAJ, TD) DD, JHD, CGC
Ch. Sterling, CD, TDInc., CGC  Valentine, TDInc., CGC
Steamer (the Toller, just a pup)

RE: Umbilical hernia

2002-10-18 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Anne,
Surgical corrections of umbilical hernias are not generally considered
major abdominal surgery:-) I've had a few tidied up over the years and they
were stitched and healed very nicely with no swelling or unsightly
scarring. With today's anaesthesias there is very little risk to the
otherwise healthy patient. As with any procedure  it is always advisable to
have pre-surgical screening done.


Dale didn't realize he had undergone fairly major abdominal surgery

RE: blue eyed pup (long)

2002-10-18 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Audrey,
Just to add to Sherry's post:-) If your puppy was born and sold in Canada
as a purebred the breeder must by law provide you with a Canadian Kennel
Club Registration. It is the responsibility of the Canadian breeder to pay
for and supply this official document to you within six months from date of

If your puppy was purchased from a resident of the US then the application
for registration will be given to you to complete and you will have to pay
and send it in for the official AKC registration.


a plea for Labmed....PS

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
You can read the thoughts of the president of Labmed on page 7 of the BEHAF
guestbook [just so you don't have to scroll through all] It is from Jim

Also please consider forwarding this plea to anyone you know who has a Lab.
Let's help them if we can.

visit BEHAF
visit Labmed

Re: Puppy pictures

2002-10-18 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
This is our (N) litter and we are going to go with the theme of Native
American's with Tribes for names.
I know the URL was wrong, but it works now. Enjoy the photos/

Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Boomer,Bell & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: BERNER-L digest 4074

2002-10-18 Thread Sandie Hawkins
I've been in contact with a member of the Three Rivers BMDC to see if
someone can go visit.

Vilma received an email from the shelter stating that this was one of a
litter brought in from "a male show Berner and female Chow".  The other
puppies were adopted.

Sandie Hawkins

Re: BERNER-L digest 4074

2002-10-18 Thread Cherterra
re: puppy in WV.   
   Puppy is listed as a berner mix.  no age given.  Puppy behind is beagle.anyone 
in the area wish to check him out?  He is in Marion County.

A plea for Labmed-please read

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
Dear fellow bernerlovers,

I am sending out a plea to all to consider supporting Labmed
and here is the reason why.

When we first started BEHAF in Jan of 1999, Labmed was the organization that
helped us get started. They helped us with ideas for funding, helped us with
tax-exempt status, and were very supportive. Everyone I spoke with there did
nothing but help and offer their best wishes.

Now, today,I was saddened to go to their website and see that they are
currently unable to accept apps because of a lack of funding. Now they are a
bit different than BEHAF, in that they offer funding for rescue labs.

I beg those bernerlovers who also own Labs, or who just care about an
organization that would care so much about helping another breed that wanted
to start up a fund, that they would take time out of their busy days to help
us. And support BEHAF 100%. You can read the note from the Labmed president
if you go to the guestbook at BEHAF .

I just can't say enough positive things about them.

I have never dealt with another organization that was so willing to help
another breed.and give so much advice and support.

Please take a moment to visit the site  ,read their success
stories and decide for yourselves. I am sending them a check today. They are
lovely people.

Thank you all for your consideration. I know we have so many berner causes
that need our help, but these people helped BEHAF become an entity. As a
result of their caring, BEHAF helped many berners and their families. As a
result of that BEHAF was able to help BARC [when they began] because of the
many things that we had learned.

Most sincerely

Cathi DeSantis
co-founder of BEHAF
visit BEHAF
visti Labmed

Re: Scared of the leash--puppy training

2002-10-18 Thread Brnrmom
I think you are basically doing all the right things to get your 4 mo old 
puppy used to the leash, you just have to be persistant.  Dont rush her. What 
you describe is a totally normal part of the puppy learning process. 

Try using a very lightweight thin 4 ft or 6 ft leash on her at first (sized 
like for a toy Poodle) w/ a very  small clasp so she doesnt feel much. Let 
her drag this around the house/yard when you are watching her for several 
days. Just put it on when she wakes up and comes out of her crate and is 
raring to go! Simply leave it on her and ignore her, she will eventually get 
tired of waiting for you to take it off and forget about it and start doing 
her puppy business. She will start moving eventually! 

When she is comfortable w/ this for several days (or has chewed it to 
pieces!), then you can start to pick up the other end .now YOU follow HER 
at first for a day or two. Then when you are startng to coax her to come walk 
in your direction, you should lure her forward w/ your voice, a favorite toy, 
and/or a special tasty treat! Food works best usually. Make sure she is 
hungry and put a little tasty and smelly treat under her nose, let her have a 
lick or a small bite, then lure her forward slowly (use something like your 
leftover chicken or salmon from last night, freeze dried liver, sharp cheese, 
hot dog slices sprinkled w/ garlic powder -- dont try to use a lousy dry 
crunchy dog biscuit) giving her a piece for every single step at first, dont 
expect her to go 50 feet the first time. Do NOT pull her on the leash, you 
will only get what is called "opposition reflex" and she will simply pull 

I would continue to use a buckle collar as you have been, you do not need a 
harness for a dog who is going to weigh 70-90 lbs one day (unless you 
actually want to train her to pull like for pulling a cart someday.)

Good luck, just be patient and persistant. She will do fine! Takelotsa 
pictures, she wont stay this little and cute for long! (soon she will be big 
and beautiful instead!)

Vilma Briggs 
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
and rescue Berners: Charm (Thirdtym's A Charm CGC) and Willow

Re: Scared of the leash

2002-10-18 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
Good for you for trying different approaches. I would skip the tugging
method because that will likely just cause her to resist, which is not quite
the approach you want.  Your goal is to make the leash something wonderful,
so it needs to be paired up with something she loves -- how about food?

The first thing I would do is to feed the puppy on leash. I would put the
leash on the puppy in another room but close enough that she knows it is
mealtime. Then I would go through the usual activities associated with
meals, including putting the bowl down -- I bet she moves with the leash on
for that :) After she is done eating, I would take the leash off. I would do
this for a couple of days, making a big thing about the leash going on. I
would also start putting the leash on, giving a treat, and taking it off
about a zillion times a day -- no movement at all, just conditioning that
the leash being put on is a cookie/good thing. After a couple of days, I
would ask her to take a step or two with the leash on by luring her with
food -- treat and off goes the leash -- a zillion times a day :)

Once puppy understands that the leash is a really good thing, she will look
forward to it and you can actually begin to teach leash manners -- good

Mary-Ann Bowman
Emma, CDX, DD, CGC, retired
Abra, VCD 1 (NA, NAJ, TD, CD), OA, CDX, DD, CGC and still Miserably Pregnant
Maize, TD, CD, NA -- still the baby for another day or two

Scared of the leash

2002-10-18 Thread Greg Clark
I'm having trouble training my 4 month old BMD on a
leash.  Under normal circumstances she has been a
blessing for a puppy.  She says out of trouble for the
most part and she loves to lay beside me.   However
when its time to try to train her on her leash she
becomes difficult.  She lets me put the leash on no
problem... then when I try to get her to move, she
doesn't.  She will sit there and try not to move.  She
resists any type of movement.   What am I doing wrong?
 These are the steps I have taken thus far

Getting down on my knees and praising her to come to
me while gently pulling on the leash.  She will
sometimes come but most of the times just refuse.

I've tried letting her run free in the house with the
leash attached.  She will just sit there until the
leash is off.

I tried playing with her outside (running around the
yard) while I was holding the leash.  This has been
the best method so far.   She will try to bite the
leash while we run around.  But there are times where
she will just stop and sayno thanks.   I really
want her to enjoy being on the leash and not scared. 
And I certainly dont want to pull so hard that it
hurts her.
I have been using just a normal collar,  should I try
a harness instead? 

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Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Skunk help

2002-10-18 Thread K Adams
Poor Farley was blasted right between the eyes the other night. (That kitty
wasn't very nice , Mom)  Now the skin just below his nose is raw and
blistered.  Any suggestions that might help, and that won't hurt him if he
licks it off? Thanks so much.  This list always comes through!
Kim & Farley
Seville, OH

Re: Can someone check this BernerMix out?

2002-10-18 Thread BernerHug
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Cabana Crates

2002-10-18 Thread KMTWHITT
I just love my Cabana crates.  They are so easy to set up and transport.  I've only 
had one problem so far and it was my own fault.  The model I have has the support 
running the length of the crate, front to back, on the outside edges of the bottom and 
top.  Because my dogs like to "arrange" their beds when I put them in the crate, I 
found if I put the bed under the crate, they are protected from the hard floor, but 
can't bunch the bed all up in the back of their crate where I have to crawl in to 
"rearrange".  On one occassion, I used too big of a bed, causing an unstable surface 
and poor Alli "capsized" in it.  The crate was big enough where she was comfortable 
laying down while it was on it's side and she came out no worse for wear.  I do know 
some people have said they can't use this style of crate as their puppies would chew 
right through them.  Also, some shows have restrictions on using these crates in the 
grooming area because some dogs have gone right through them in attempts to get at 
another dog.

Good luck with your new puppy!

Karen Thoubboron
Maibock Kennel
Pittsfield, MA

> With a new puppy coming soon I decided to go ahead and order a new "Cabana" style 
>crate. I have admired them for quite sometime. Does anyone have any bad experiences 
>to report with using this style of crate with their Berner? 

Leash Training

2002-10-18 Thread imbrich
I'm willing to take the chance of being flamed here but I have been using a prong 
collar with Gus since he was about 8 months old. I have MS and sometimes I have a 
power shortage in my arms and legs.  Since Gus has always been big, powerful and 
exuberant, I had trouble controlling him.  He would yank and nearly pull me over. That 
led to fewer walks and less exercise for us both.  The prong collar worked right from 
the start.  I never use it for a correction, it is just there if I need it (which I 
almost never do anymore) I can be the benevolent alpha dog because he is the one who 
causes himself discomfort when he pulls against the collar. After 4 months, walking is 
a complete pleasure  because he walks nicely at my side on a totally loose lead.  He 
does not leave my side unless I release him but if I need to control him, the prong 
collar gives me that ability.  We walk 3 miles a day and today he behaved flawlessly 
when coming upon deer, wild turkeys and a carriage drawn by 2 horses.  For us, the 
prong collar is a "just in case" thing that has allowed us a great deal of freedom.
Betsy Rich  

Thank You to All

2002-10-18 Thread Kelly
I would like to thank everyone who responded. We have found the puppy a way
to his new home. Thanks again for being so caring and generous in your
willingness to help :o)

Kelly Weir and Hope

ways to help

2002-10-18 Thread Amy Kessler
Hello Berner L'ers

I wanted to remind all of you about the wonderful fund raiser that is
running through the month of October.
Tracy Werner, a new BARC Mom, is offering 10% of all online sales for the
month to be donated to BARC. She has great stuff from Planet Dog, Canine
Cooler, Prozyme, Missing Link, Animals Apawthecary, Wellness, Sojourner
farms, Dr. Harvey's,  and much much more. Wagstaff is a retail Internet
Store that carries only all natural and eco-friendly food and products for
dogs and cats. Please visit A Natural Pet Market at
or give Tracy a call at 630-725-1277.

This is a wonderful way to help the BARC dogs AND spice up the life of your
favorite pooch!

Amy R. Kessler
LionHeart Bernese
BARC, Inc.
PO Box 472892
Aurora, Co 80047

found an article about mast cell tumors

2002-10-18 Thread Lisa D Allen
From time to time, a question concerning mast cell cancer is posed on the 
list.  I was looking through some various health articles that I had saved 
yesterday and came across an article from the October 1998 "Your Dog" from 
Let me preface by stating that a diagnosis of mast cell tumor need not spell 
disaster; my Jorda had one removed from her foot at age four years and lived 
to the age of thirteen years two weeks two days.
The article points out that the tissue must be examined microscopically for 
a histologic grade for the tumor and its location and whether it has spread 
must be considered.
MCTs can occur internally but are more often found in the skin of a dog's 
trunk, hind limbs, or extremities.  They are more often, but not solely, 
found in dogs over eight years of age.
A pathologist will examine a biopsied growth to determine how closely the 
sample cells resemble normal mast cells; depending on how normal, somewhat 
abnormal, or very abnormal the cells look, the tumor is graded one or two or 
three.  This reflects the prognosis; a grade one tumor (mast cells are well 
differentiated) has the best prognosis and grade three (mast cells are 
poorly differentiated) has the worst.  Tumor grade also indicates whether 
tumor likely to spread to places such as lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bone 
marrow, or blood.
Treatment is determined by tumor grade and location.  If a 
well-differentiated (grade one) tumor is located where it can be completely 
surgically removed, dog may require no additional treatment.  If grade two 
tumor has infiltrated surrounding tissue or tumor is where vet. cannnot be 
certain every cancer cell removed, vet. may recommend radiation as well as 
surgery to reduce chance of recurrence.  If tumor is grade three, which is 
likely to have spread, treatment may include chemotherapy and radiation and 
prednisone(corticosteroid) may be used
to keep patient more comfortable.
Lisa Allen

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Can someone check this BernerMix out?

2002-10-18 Thread Sandie Hawkins

I don't know right off where Fairmont, WV is located.  Notice that they
refer to the puppy in the front laying down which you can't see well.  I
don't know what the story is on the one sitting up or why they don't mention
that puppy.

Sandie Hawkins

Re: Update on Porter

2002-10-18 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 10/16/2002 9:59:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Also, could raw weiners be the cause of the salmonella?


The public health services in the US have done several 'campaigns' over the 
past few years to get parents to thoroughly cook hotdogs.  Seems a lot of 
people would grab a dog from the fridge and hand it to Junior...sort of a 
substitute pacifier.

-Sherri Venditti

RE: leash walking

2002-10-18 Thread Scott & Betsy
Currently I walk my berner, collie mix and lab mix on a leash.  We go about
2 miles.  It doesn't feel like enough exercise to me because when we get
they are still getting into trouble.  When squirrel and chipmunk season is
we will go back to off leash.  That's great, there is nothing like the
pounding of
feet running past you in a field.  When we get home, they sleep.  This is
But until all those killer chipmunks and squirrels gather everything they
for the winter, I'm stuck at the end of three leashes.  I usually carry
treats for
emergency recalls.  But there is something about a chipmunks at this time of
year.  The dogs become possessed.

Betsy, Pete, Amanda and Remy
Hopkinton MA


2002-10-18 Thread Cheryl Otis
Lucky for us this list does not accept attachments!

Cheryl, Tessa & Tanner

Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More


2002-10-18 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
There is a new kind of raffle on the horizon!!   I am now collecting Berner 
items for this raffle ~ all of the prizes that I receive are going to be 
combined into one HUGE MEGA Raffle.  It's a raffle that EVERYONE can 
contribute towards and support,  because you can choose which organization 
(BARC ~ OR ~ LOC) will get your money!!   If you don't choose who the money 
goes to, then your money will be split equally between the two 

Now you might ask, "What is the Challenge part of the subject line above." 
Well, that's easy.  The Challenge means that we're going to see which 
organization can raise the most money with this raffle.   This is a raffle 
that is for EVERYONE - you can all support either the Berner Auction Rescue 
Coalition or Light One Candle.   Both groups NEED to have money to carry 
out their missions. Actually, their missions are quite similar - they both 
want to help Berners - if the public is educated about how to purchase a 
berner puppy from a responsible breeder instead of from backyard breeders 
or pet stores, then we will be spreading the word effectively.   If our 
lobbying efforts are successful and they continue to be funded, then the 
puppy mills will find themselves under scrutinty and it will curtail some 
of their activity.   BARC would LOVE to go out of business because our 
educational and lobbying efforts have worked.

Now, here is what you need to do to help this raffle be a HUGE success:

(1)  Send me an e-mail telling me what Berner item you are going to donate 
to our MEGA Raffle

(2)  Mail the item to me so I can photograph it and send it to Karen Pickel 
for our Raffle Website

(3)  Start saving your $$ Money $$ so when I launch the raffle you can send 
me a nice check for raffle tickets - don't forget to tell me who you want 
your money to go towards in the Challenge!!

The Raffle will start around mid November and will run until the end of the 
year.  I think that it's best to not try to send prizes to people with the 
holiday rush at the post office, so that's why it's running until the end 
of the year.   And, besides, if any of you get some money as a gift for the 
holidays, you can always spend some of it on the BARC LOC Challenge Raffle.

I already have a lot of raffle items that have been donated by the BARC 
supporters for the we need some really good items to be 
donated by the LOC supporters.   Let's make this a raffle we will always 

You all knew that I couldn't go very long without a Raffle on the "L"!!! 

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Now I lay me down to sleep?

2002-10-18 Thread Dino Candelaria
Oh I love this, 
Though not as poetic, this is what my husband says to me each morning. 8-)

Dino and the Bedhog Blackcoral Berner Bunch

>>> "Maria Crifasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/16/02 01:02PM >>>
  Now I lay me down to sleep

and hope there's room for my two feet.

  Covers grabbed and held so tight

as pounding paws pierce through the night.

  To the bed my Berners race --

one furry rump splats by my face.

  The other covers me with care

and shuts off my supply of air.

  Here I lie wedged in my bed


There's no place else I'd be instead.

Maria Crifasi (Daisy and The Budman)

Look,my beautiful girl friend

2002-10-18 Thread denise

Re: Subject: Re: leash training

2002-10-18 Thread Fasttrackresumes
In a message dated 10/16/2002 3:32:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< "SO, this debate about "free range berners", combined with my recent
 experiences (& expenses)has taught me that some berners are probably very
 happy receiving their
 exercise on the leash (hello, Zeus), while others seek more freedom of
 movement." >>

It is definitely a combination of things - dog temperment, amount of 
training, frequency of off-leash walks, control and the overall bond between 
owner and dog. Whatever decision one makes, I'm sure it's the best one - only 
us owners know our big boys and girls best! 

Re: Leash Training

2002-10-18 Thread Fasttrackresumes
In a message dated 10/16/2002 10:33:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< She loves to fly through the woods and jump over
 things, run in and out of the water or leaping through tall grass. I love
 seeing her enjoy it so much.  I don't think anything beats a good run for an
 energetic working dog. I don't mind that it tires her out too :o) When she's
 tired we go home. Sometimes she just wants to sniff everything more then run
 and that's fine too.  She loves both. I think just letting a dog sniff if
 they want is something that dogs love to do too. >>

Kathy - Running off leash is a wonderful way for your dog to get exercise 
(helps when they are trained too...) You're right, it is not the same as 
romping through the yard. Though Caesar is slowing a bit in his decision to 
walk, when we get to the park, you'd never know that he was so stubborn the 
day before on just a neighborhood walk! Nothing better than letting a dog 
just "be a dog," and having a great hike with your best buddy!!! 

Kim and Caesar (champion hiker)

Re: BERNER-L digest 4073

2002-10-18 Thread Darrell McGuire
Please take us off of your B.M.D. mailing list as we will be 
traveling over seas and only checking our e-mails every couple 
of weeks and you send so much my mailbox fills up fast and then 
nobody can send us anything until we cear it. Catch you back in 
spring when we'll be picking up our new pup. Thanx Darrell 

 On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List 

>   BERNER-L Digest 4073
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Re: blue eyed pup (long)
>   by "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) Blue Eyes and Registries
>   by "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Subject: Re: leash training
>   by "A. Sufi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) Re: Dog show schedules
>   by "Pat Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) berner for a hospital visit in Virginia
>   by Hugh Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) Now I lay me down to sleep?
>   by "Maria Crifasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Re: berner for a hospital visit in Virginia
>   8) Re: Dog show schedules
>   by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" 
>   9) Re: Blue Eyes and Registries
>  10) Re: Subject: Re: leash training
>   by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" 
>  11) Transportation Help Needed
>   by "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  12) Re: Leash training.
>   by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  13) leash laws and adequate Berner exercise 
>   by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) Cabana Crates
>   by RM Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) Off topic - Invasion of Earth Stars!
>   by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  16) Re: Subject: Re: leash training
>   by "A. Sufi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) RE: Leash training
>   by catherine green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  18) Re: blue eyed pup
>   by "Pamela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  19) Re: blue eyed pup and change
>   by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  20) Update on Porter
>   by Jennifer Martyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  21) Re: Update on Porter
>   by "Tracey Conner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  22) Leash Training
>  23) Re: blue eyed pup and change
>   by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" 
>  24) Re: blue eyed pup and change
>   by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" 
> Message-ID: <005101c27542$29300760$70244c3f@e5awa>
> From: "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: blue eyed pup (long)
> Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 14:30:52 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hi,
> You can (and, in fact, must) register your dog with all the 
> registriesAKC, CKC, UKC, SKC, ASCA, USDAA, NADAC and show 
your dog in
> all the performance (obedience, tracking, carting, agility) 
activities you
> want to. You do not need to be in any registry to do Pet 
Therapy. For
> therapy work, you should enlist in one of the therapy 
organizations, like
> TDI (Therapy Dogs International), so that you are protected 
by insurance
> when you go to a hospital, school, or nursing home. To get 
hooked up with
> TDI, you need to take the CGC/TDI test.
> The Registries I listed are:
> AKC   American Kennel Club
> CKC  Canadian Kennel Club
> UKC United Kennel Club
> SKC States Kennel Club
> ASCA Australian Shepherd Club of America (non-Aussies can 
register for
> Performance activities at ASCA)
> USDAA United States Dog Agility Association
> NADAC North American Dog Agility Council
> These are all legitimate registries and, once registered, you 
can earn lots
> of titles!
> Get those blue eyes out there and go for it!
> sara steele
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:52 AM
> Subject: Re: blue eyed pup (long)
> > Hi Audrey,
> >
> > Here are answers to your questions, hope it helps you sort 
things out.
> >
> > > 1.  I was wondering if I purchase a blue eyed berner 
could I still
> compete
> > >  in carting and obedience?
> >
> > Absolutely! ...and tracking and agility and therapy work...
> >
> > >  2.  Is this pup not able to be registered?
> >
> > Provided the pup's parents are registered with a recognized 
registry and
> the
> > breeder completes the registration process, a blue-eyed pup 
certainly CAN
> be
> > registered.  Since you're in Canada, I assume you'd want to 
register with
> the
> > CKC (Canadian Kennel Club).
> >
> > ***WARNING!!!***
> > There is a registry used by puppy millers and brokers that 
also calls
> itself
> > (not conincidentally) the CKC (to stand for Continental 
Kennel Club).
> > Another registry used by commercial producers & brokers is 
APRI.  When you
> > talk with a 

BEHAF Raffle items have been mailed.....

2002-10-18 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
All of the Raffle items that I had for the BEHAF Raffle have been mailed. 
I also mailed the last of the Specialty Bags to those who had made 
donations of $50 or more.  I had enough bags that everyone who donated over 
$50 got one!  Actually I mailed them all on Monday morning - the other 
customers at the post office just loved me!!  NOT

Thank goodness the postmaster took pity on me when I drove up to the post 
office and he and another worker helped me unpack the entire back seat of 
the car and the trunk, which was also stuffed tightly with items.  He even 
had one of the workers start to weigh and put the postage on the packages 
before the post office opened!!   I was there by 7:45 a.m. and I didn't 
leave the post office until almost 9 a.m. - so I was late for work, but it 
was a good job done!!!

I have heard from two people that they have already received their items 
from the raffle!!   Please let me know when your items arrive if you won 
something.  There were a few items that are being mailed by the donors of 
those items - please let me know when you get those, too.

Thank you all again for being so supportive of BEHAF by donating items for 
the raffle and by sending in your checks to support BEHAF.  I know that the 
Board of Directors of BEHAF are most grateful to all of you!!

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Bernese Speciality 2003

2002-10-18 Thread dawsonl
Hi everyone,
I'm definitely coming!!!
We have received our airline tickets.
We will be visiting my husband's sister who lives in California.
Doing the Disneyland tourist thing.
I will have two full days at "Berneseland" the main confirmation days.
Please look out for the shy Aussie and say hello!
(Darcy and Krista "What do you mean we cant come too??)

Re: Puppy Pictures

2002-10-18 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
Well, I finally got some pictures of the litter on our WebPages. "URL listed


Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Boomer,Bell & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

NO Berner sighting

2002-10-18 Thread swissmiss
We just returned from a 10 day visit to my homeland, Switzerland.  Just like
our visit this past March we traveled from one end to the other, spent time
in the Bernese Oberland, walked thru farm lands past farm houses with dogs,
but NOT A SINGLE BERNER anywhere, both in March and now.We looked high
and low as we needed a Berner fix.What's wrong with this picture??

I know we should have gone to Lenzburg on September 29 for the Berner show.
Unfortunately, due to our daughters schedule,  we could not leave before the
beginning of October.  I was hoping to go there as we would have had the
opportunity to meet our Digby's breeder and no doubt would have met some
nice Berner people and some great Berners.

We are happy to be home again with our two boys.   Our Donzi has now been
with us exactly one year and we are thankful for having been chosen to adopt
him.   He is a big,  lovable, silly goof,  typical 2 year old, full of
Elisabeth, Digby, CGC, TDI and Donzi

Re: Adequate Berner Exercise!

2002-10-18 Thread jean cheesman
>I just took my dogs to an animal physical therapist for an evaluation
(she is a a human physical therapist who went back to get a Master's
Degree in Animal Physical Therapy, does dogs and horses.) She told both
me and our other club member who was there earlier in the day that she
is amazed that she sees so many "WEAK Berners"this results in
numerous muscle and ligament injuries when the dogs are not in good

Thank you Vilma for this post and Pat for forwarding this on!

Am sure that this stems from what I came up against when I was looking for
my first Berner Pup, the idea that these dogs do not need a lot of exercise,
and pups need kid glove treatment!. Read all the books and gathered as much
information as possible and found this everywhere I searched!

Now at this time I had my first ever BMD adoptee, Tinka, aged six/seven, my
first introduction to the breed. She came to me having spent six months in
quarantine and her previous owners felt they could not look after her and
she was now an "old dog!" Oh, yes! Long story behind this but Tinks came to
me and could barely make it the walk to Regents Park. I lived in London then
and was a mile up hill walk! My then 17 yr old, GSD/Lab-X, Merlin, would
wait for her patiently! He was used to seven/eight miles a day! A year
later, Tinks was doing the miles! All her limps and weaknesses had gone, she
had built up those muscles! She lived to a few weeks short of her 14th
birthday! No problems!

Cannot understand the attitude, these are not just designer, pretty dogs,
stay by your side and look cute. Yes, they are beautiful dogs Yes, they are
also beautiful temperament. But they are working dogs! Bred specially all
those years ago to pull milk carts!!! To stay healthy they need to stay fit!

When I see my eight year old Sunny chasing around those woods with younger
Sim and Barney (and another long story here with recent adoptee Barney who
when he arrived was so overweight and at four years an old man!) my heart

We did onleash walk later today and at a fast pace down to the village and
back! Only three miles but we set a pace! Hmm! Go for it Sunny, you're in
charge!!. We all had a ball! (Thankfully, not too much traffic on the road!)
Combing Barney tonight, he is developing real hard muscle now! Front leg he
had limped on and dragged, now he is picking it up and keeping apace! And so
much happier!

Not just Berners! Any owner of any dog should be prepared to provide
adequate exercise! Just worries me so much when you see Berner Puppy info
that warns against exercising these dogs! Does not make sense to me! Please
do not let this breed turn into Designer Dogs that pose wonderfully for
friends to admire at the local coffee shop and be written off at six/seven!

Biggest Berner Hugs,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Gang

Re: Update on Porter

2002-10-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 10/17/02 4:49:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< YES!!!
 The public health services in the US have done several 'campaigns' over the 
 past few years to get parents to thoroughly cook hotdogs.  Seems a lot of 
 people would grab a dog from the fridge and hand it to Junior...sort of a 
 substitute pacifier. >>

Most of the time, the problem in uncooked hotdogs (which, by the way, have 
been cooked prior to packaging) is not Salmonella but Listeria monocytogenes. 
 Listeria is the "bug" that caused the most recent recall of chicken & turkey 
deli meats in the Midwest.  Most healthy adults won't have adverse effects 
but those with compromised immune systems and the very young or old can be 
quite ill from Listeria.  Salmonella is more often found in raw meat, eggs, 
raw chicken and in the feces of the infected animals.

Anne Copeland
Microbiologist in a former life 

Re: Cabana Crates

2002-10-18 Thread Peggy Ford-Smith
I have two Cabana Crates from Doggone Good that I love.  I use them for
obedience matches, agility camp (carrying them from one seminar site to
another), in hotel rooms and when I want to keep the dogs separated at
agility trials.  They are light, easy to set up and easy to clean. They also
stack easily in hotel rooms (without the dogs in them of course :->). I
still perfer an Xpen at most agility trials though.  An Xpen gives the dogs
the ability to roam around and offers the best air circulation. I also use a
wire crate at home where I don't need to move it around all the time.  I
think there would be a slight possibility that a dog could eventually chew
or scratch its way out if left unattended for long periods of time.

Doggone Good makes nice crate pads that fit in the crate and a great
carrying bag that holds two crates.  The only bad thing about Cabana Crates
is the  price, they are not cheap. (By the way, I have no affiliation with
Doggone Good other than giving them half my paycheck on a regular basis!!!)
Their website is and the cabana crates are currently on

Good luck

Peggy, Maddy and Niska
Petaluma CA

- Original Message -
From: "RM Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: Cabana Crates

> Hi All,
> With a new puppy coming soon I decided to go ahead and order a new
> "Cabana" style crate.  I have admired them for quite sometime.  Does
> anyone have any bad experiences to report with using this style of crate
> with their Berner?  Is there anything I need to look out for in
> particular?  The Cabana crates have always seemed to offer better
> airflow to me, than the regular airline type of crate.  I've always
> hauled my airline crates to shows & matches but they are heavy and hard
> for me to move.   I'm hoping this is much easier for my back!  Also, if
> anyone else is interested in these, it seems like most of the sites I
> searched today were offering sales right now - due to a new and improved
> style about to come out.  I figured the old (on sale) style would work
> just fine for me!
> Thanks,
> Ruth Johnson
> Anchorage, Alaska
> Ch. Sunshine's Tundra Terra CGC, CD & (2 legs in Open!)
> & missing my Trig 11/97 - 6/02

Carting in Vermont

2002-10-18 Thread Vicky Whitney
Here's a message on the Carting List that I am reprinting, with permission.  
Perhaps people in the Vermont area will be interested in contacting and 
getting together with Suzanne -- kind of a big commute for me.

Vicky Whitney
Bozeman, Montana

To all the carting people in the Vermont area,  What if we organize a get 
together at my farm ?  I have an indoor riding ring and it would be 
perfect to teach each other about carting and share ideas, cart designs, 
do a demo
for beginners etc. We could make a weekend of it.
Suzannne in Brandon, VT

Original Message Follows
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4073
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 00:01:09 CDT

			BERNER-L Digest 4073

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: blue eyed pup (long)
	by "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Blue Eyes and Registries
	by "Sara Steele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Subject: Re: leash training
	by "A. Sufi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) Re: Dog show schedules
	by "Pat Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) berner for a hospital visit in Virginia
	by Hugh Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Now I lay me down to sleep?
	by "Maria Crifasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) Re: berner for a hospital visit in Virginia
  8) Re: Dog show schedules
	by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) Re: Blue Eyes and Registries
 10) Re: Subject: Re: leash training
	by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) Transportation Help Needed
	by "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) Re: Leash training.
	by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) leash laws and adequate Berner exercise
	by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Cabana Crates
	by RM Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) Off topic - Invasion of Earth Stars!
	by "jean cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) Re: Subject: Re: leash training
	by "A. Sufi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 17) RE: Leash training
	by catherine green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) Re: blue eyed pup
	by "Pamela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) Re: blue eyed pup and change
	by "Mary-Ann Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) Update on Porter
	by Jennifer Martyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 21) Re: Update on Porter
	by "Tracey Conner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 22) Leash Training
 23) Re: blue eyed pup and change
	by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 24) Re: blue eyed pup and change
	by "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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