Tribute to Ranger and to Jim

2002-11-16 Thread Susan Wankner
Dear Jim,
Words cannot express how sad I feel upon hearing of your loss of Ranger last 
week.  Ranger was the first Berner to whom I was officially introduced and 
invited to touch!  I will never forget meeting him at the 1996 National 
Specialty in San Mateo.  I was captivated by his gentle nature, his keen 
intelligence, his enthusiasm to perform for you(& us), his incredibly soft 
coat, and his obvious happiness!
Hearing this news, I feel like it's the end of an era.  I'll never forget 
how indebted our family is to you for really introducing us to this Berner 
world, opening the doors for us to actually bring our very own Berner into 
our household and lives.  We will never forget you and we will never forget 
your Ranger.
Susan Wankner and family... and of course Donner

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Our server was down

2002-11-16 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
If anyone sent us a e-mail today, please resend as our server was having
problems so mail may have been returned.

Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Boomer,Bell & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: BERNER At Rockville Md Garage Collapse

2002-11-16 Thread Laurie Montoya
I just happened to catch our local news tonight , and they showed the
collapse site with the rescue dogs. It was an Aussie , I'm fairly certain
:-). The dog didn't have a tail , but I would've made the same assumption if
I hadn't been looking for a berner ! And the dog WAS with the search team.
Sadly , they didn't find the last person alive.  Laurie Montoya  S.
Central PA.

>I just saw CNN footage on the Rockville MD garage collapse.  In that
>footage, the cameraman/woman caught what looked to be a Berner running
>through the building debris as if he/she had been in a car an escaped in
>terror.  Does anyone know about this?
>Nancy Melone

Re: Where to go for preliminary X-rays?

2002-11-16 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
What do you mean that his rear is "unstable" -- what does that look like? Is
he limping? It might help if we better understood your concerns :)

Also, have you spoken with his breeder?

Mary-Ann Bowman

Where to go for preliminary X-rays?

2002-11-16 Thread JSTELMAK
Fellow L'ers:

I have an 8 month old boy who I would like to get X-rayed since his rear 
appears a bit unstable.  I have an appointment on Tuesday with his regular 

Should I keep this appointment or do you think I should make an appointment 
with an Orthopedist?  Should I get a recommendation for an orthopedist from 
OFA?  I don't know how much experience my Vet has with X-raying hips/elbows, 
etc. and I would be disappointed if the X-rays indicate a problem due to 
improper positioning on her part.

Thank you for your opinion.


Julene Stelmak
Manhattan Beach, CA

Innova and HD/ED claims

2002-11-16 Thread jesse & shelley gonzales
I'm way behind in reading the List but I wanted to come to the defense of
diet, and especially Innova.  Living in the SF Bay Area, Innova was an
easily obtained dog food as it was manufactured there.  I fed my first
Berner on it and she was GDC excellent with clear elbows.  We moved to
Montana and it was very costly to have it shipped to us but I continued with
it.  When her daughter was born and ready for kibble, I fed her Innova.  She
too was GDC excellent, elbows clear.  I only stopped feeding Innova when it
became too rich for their digestion...for a time I mixed it with California
Natural and had good results, but shipping the food in became too cost
prohibitive.  My point is that my girl's pedigrees have consistently
produced dogs with excellent/good orthopedics.  I highly doubt that Innova
has anything to do with HD/ED, unless one over feeds/over exercises their

Shelley Gonzales
Bigfork, MT

Re: re; Bloemart's

2002-11-16 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
Don't know a thing about that kennel -- never heard of it. But please -- a
dog is more than how it looks!! Orthopedics, eye conditions, cancer, genetic
disease, temperament and so on -- the art of dog breeding is bringing
together the total package, and not just breeding for good looking dogs.

Mary-Ann Bowman

Re: Vicky and Major/Boy Problems

2002-11-16 Thread Janice Parky

> Vicky , you WOULD bring up this subject !!!   Sheesh , blushingly
> , Laurie Montoya

Oh, come on.  Laurie, BLUSHING??  Sorry, can't picture that one.


re; Bloemart's

2002-11-16 Thread mtndog

I recently saw one of their puppies at the International show last weekend,
and was envious at the quality of this puppy. He was VERY nice, well bred,
with good structure and outstanding temperment.

If this is what "backyard breeders" are producing, then bring them's a damned sight better than what I have seen coming from
"reputable" kennels!!

Judy Arneson-Johnson
Kielerstar BMD (since 1984)
Endicott, WA

Re: Vicky and Major/Boy Problems

2002-11-16 Thread Laurie Montoya
Um , this is hard to describe without sounding , uh, cough , never mind. I
grew up on a horse farm and we bred racehorses , therefore had a stud horse.
I handled the stud for breeding and subsequently had to "clean him up"
afterward. Well , he got "stuck" one day , and couldn't get it all back
where it belonged. Cough. I got my hands on both sides of the sheath and
pulled GENTLY outward and back at the same time and everything slid into
place by itself. Thank goodness !! I imagine you'd do the same for a dog ???
Vicky , you WOULD bring up this subject !!!   Sheesh , blushingly yours
, Laurie Montoya

>And, exactly what, pray tell, does one do if all's NOT tucked back in
>Cessi (rolling eyes) and Tucker (stop looking at me that way!)
>>Don't be surprised if your boy has a pained expression on his face or even
>>lets out a 'yip' when he retracts, it can be bit uncomfortable.  A good
>>walk will help things return to normal more readily... then as Rose said,
>>check to be sure that all's tucked back in place.

Moses' progress (osteosarcoma, leg removal)

2002-11-16 Thread Lisa D Allen
I am hoping that Moses' confidence in his ability to move about on three 
legs will increase with each day and that he will not rush about so much; of 
course, maybe this is just his way and makes it easier for him to ambulate.
He is sad and anxious from time to time, to be expected.  Too, at times he 
seems to get stuck, not knowing whether to move back or to move ahead.  At 
these times, I guide him with a leash or just verbally encourage him.  He 
likes to relax on the couch and I help him onto it by supporting his 
I was instructed to remove his pain patch today and did so, but, he does not 
seem to be experiencing pain related to the surgery.  His arthritis medicine 
helps to sustain his mobility.
I have a special harness for him and a sling to assist him, if he requires 
Too, I have a group of new cyberfriends as there is a VERY active 
yahoogroups devoted solely to canine bone cancer and the experiences of dogs 
from all over the world in dealing with such, along with their dedicated and 
compassionate humans.
Lisa Allen

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re: cold feet about breeding (long)

2002-11-16 Thread LEKesner
Hi Karen,

I can fully understand your worries about breeding - but as the old saying 
goes, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen :-)  As you know, 
every whelping carries with it the possibility of disaster for the bitch, and 
for the whelps.  And even a bitch who has a great record for free-whelping, 
and comes from a line of free-whelpers, can run into trouble.  I think, 
looking back, I could easily have stopped after my first litter - 24 hours in 
the process, 5 live, 4 stillborn pups Then they got parvo at 5 weeks and 
I lost one and the others come though OK, but were only 9 lbs at 8 weeks

But to answer your informal survey question - I have bred 26 litters.  Number 
27 is in the oven.  This 26 litters is from 8 different bitches, and none of 
them had a *planned* c-section.  Although looking back, my first bitch was a 
terribly long whelper, who came from a line of long whelpers, and had I known 
better, I might not have chosen to breed her.  I would certainly gone in for 
the pups rather than let the last of them be stillborn - first litter as 
above, second and third litters both 3 live pups, followed by a still born 
many many hours later.  And the third litter resulted in the bitch developing 
an infection, being spayed when pups were 10 days old, and then eventually 
bleeding out and dying when they were 23 days old.  This was in the '70's, 
and this type of whelping record was not uncommon then.

After that :-( I began including the family history of whelping on my list of 
criteria for any bitch I purchased.  I have had a total of 6 sections out of 
the 26 litters:  3 times a puppy was well and truly stuck, gumming up the 
works.  One time the bitch, well into labor,  presented with a lot of green 
gunk *prior* to the presentation of any puppies - this to me is emergency 
time - and the surgery resulted in 7 live puppies, one of whom was the one 
clearly in distress, and surely would not have made it without assistance - 
he is now a svelte 120# fellow.  Rather than wait to see what happens - 
something too often counseled by a vet - I insisted on getting them out.  
(Get to know your vet!  If s/he understands than *you* do know your dogs, and 
when you tell her what you want, you mean it, whelping difficulties can be 
more effectively handled.  Ask you vet how s/he feels about all this sort of 
stuff ahead of time, come to some agreement on what the plan is to be, as in 
the heat of the moment, stress can affect your reasoning)

The other two sections (2 different bitches) were for one puppy that we 
determined on xray to be way up in there, and not having any immediate plan 
to come out, that I elected to go in and get out, which to my surprise  - 6 
hours after the previously naturally delivered last pup - was a squirming, 
noisy, and very much alive love muffin;  and in the other instance, produced 
two live pups.  From their condition, and the work it took to get those two 
going, we went in with, according to the vet, about 15 or 20 minutes to spare 
- if we wanted them alive.  They are both large, healthy, and very active 
adults now.

I think, Karen, that the one thing I have finally learned over all these 
years, is what my threshold is before I call in the specialists. I am a fan 
of the free-breeding, free-whelping bitch, but not at the expense of her 
health.  And I would rather get her in for some help getting out a puppy, 
then let things go on for so long that she either (a) exhausted and hours 
after, finally gets out a dead pup or two, or (b) retains the pup until 
infection develops, making surgery more of a risk because of her condition, 
and the pup is already going to be dead anyway.

>From breeding generations of my own dogs, I know which bitch can go to sleep 
for a few hours, then wake up and continue whelping live pups.  And which one 
needs to get them out no more than an hour apart and if she stops for two 
hours, then there will be no more live ones  My personal rule of thumb 
with the less than speedy ones, is to wait 2 hours after the birth of a pup, 
then, if the bitch is showing no signs at all of active labor, I use the 
oxytocin.  Wait another hour, and use oxytocin again.  If no pup arrives 
within the next hour, I call the vet and go in.  If, on the other hand, there 
is straining and world-class contractions for one hour, and no puppy 
arriving, we go immediately in to the vet.  Getting this kind of information 
from the breeder of your bitch, about her dam, granddam, and siblings, can 
help you formulate your strategy - but then you have to wait to see what 
happens.  That's where the gallon of coffee, and the wise counsel of a 
breeder-friend, not necessarily a Berner breeder, can help you get through 
the night :-)  And if you're sitting next to the whelping box alone, then 
keep the phone handy - there is a network of breeders out there, all of whom 
say, and mean it, "call me anytime, call in the middle of the night, an

Re: Bloat Question

2002-11-16 Thread Eileen Morgan
To the best of my knowledge, Purdue's study is the only large scale
prospective study--ie, not looking at dogs which have already bloated and
going backwards from there. The initial idea of the raised dish was based on
an educated guess about what might contribute to bloat; it was not based on
research. Personally, I'm with Purdue on this. All my college prof pals in
the sciences who have looked at the study parameters for me have said it is
an excellent study.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

- Original Message -
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Hi All,
> I have been reviewing the Purdue Study (which was given on the Berner-l a
> while back), in which the Raised Dish was considered a risk factor. Have
> of you seen studies on Bloat Risk Factors done by other Veterinary
> If so, please let me know. Sara Steele

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dog show training

2002-11-16 Thread Beverly Arnold

Is there anyone in the Georgia-Fl area who shows, that would be willing to
give me some
instruction/help getting started?  My breeder in the Northeast, she is
helpful but far away. We are going to conformation classes here in
Gainesville (FL) but it would be nice if someone could take us under their
wing for a bit.  I cannot afford to hire a handler, I got Han because I
wanted to learn to show myself, but I really could use a mentor.  

Beverly Arnold and Han (Mom, where did you hide the remote controls this


Stud Books

2002-11-16 Thread renee d tiano
I'd like to give the yearly stud book as Christmas gifts this year.  Can
someone let me know how I can get them.

Renee Tiano

Bloat Question

2002-11-16 Thread steeles
Hi All,
I have been reviewing the Purdue Study (which was given on the Berner-l a long
while back), in which the Raised Dish was considered a risk factor. Have any
of you seen studies on Bloat Risk Factors done by other Veterinary institutions?
If so, please let me know. Sara Steele

Re: BERNER At Rockville Md Garage Collapse

2002-11-16 Thread Bernersrit
In a message dated 11/16/2002 11:07:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< I just saw CNN footage on the Rockville MD garage collapse.  In that
 footage, the cameraman/woman caught what looked to be a Berner running
 through the building debris as if he/she had been in a car an escaped in
 terror.  Does anyone know about this?
 Nancy Melone >>

I haven't seen any of the tv coverage, but from the story in the Washington 
Post is appears this was an unfinished parking garage, so no one would have 
been parking there as yet.  They did have rescue dogs working last night 
trying to locate the one missing construction worker.

You can read the Washington Post story at

Carol Lingley
Ijamsville, MD (about 40 mins north of Rockville)

RE: BERNER At Rockville Md Garage Collapse

2002-11-16 Thread Nancy Melone
I just saw CNN footage on the Rockville MD garage collapse.  In that
footage, the cameraman/woman caught what looked to be a Berner running
through the building debris as if he/she had been in a car an escaped in
terror.  Does anyone know about this?
Nancy Melone

testing HTML, please ignore this

2002-11-16 Thread Brnrmom
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shedding and suppliments.

2002-11-16 Thread Jennifer Delannoy


Our lab (male)was shedding so much and I noticed is skin was dark.   I
thought it was his thyroid and had it checked it was within normal range.
I'd have it checked out anyway. My vet charged me $13.50 for the test.

If ya think Berner hair is bad, have a crack at Lab hair. It's the worst.
Try getting it out of fleece, or out of the material on the sofa he just
walked  As least Berner hair is like tumble

Good luck with your dog.


BMDCA question; staying in touch

2002-11-16 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
I have a question. Why don't people, especially breeders, join the BMDCA? It
seems to me that if one is involved in a breed, s/he should belong to the
national breed club. Although by no means a measure of quality, I think it
is certainly one of those minimum standards that PPO's ought to inquire
about when looking for a puppy. And for a PPO, it is a wonderful entry into
the world of berners.

Staying in touch with puppy owners -- the first step is being very explicit
about the expectations before placing a puppy. I spell things out to the
potential owners -- what the contact looks like, how often I want to hear
from them, what they can expect from me, and my rationale for maintaining
contact. I let them know that not everyone wants that kind of relationship
with a breeder, and while that is perfectly acceptable it is not how I do
things. Any good relationship starts with clearly articulated expectations.

After the puppies go home, I maintain e-mail contact with the owners. I do
not rely on them to write to me, but will initiate contact by asking about
the puppy. I send out group e-mails with news and photos so that all owners
from a litter have a sense of what is happening with the other puppies from
the litter. I also make it a point to plan show trips to locations where I
have puppies placed so that I can see them. In addition to all this, I mail
a questionnaire each year and from those returned questionnaires, prepare an
annual report that I send to each owner and the owners of the male who sired
the litter. I am working on my second annual report now.

I try hard to be helpful and supportive to my puppy owners, without being
intrusive. Finally, I do not have so many puppies that I cannot track them
and care about each one -- and I never will because it is very important to
me to maintain those connections. In addition, it is very important to me
that I am able to maintain accurate information about what we are
producing -- and that is not possible unless one collects data from the
owners. I am aware of what it takes for me to breed in a way that supports
my sense of purpose and integrity, and producing so many puppies that I
cannot track them properly would not be congruent with what I want to
accomplish or my personal ethics.

Those are just some thoughts on how I maintain contact.

Mary-Ann Bowman
Emma, Abra, Maize and the ten-pack

Re: Rimadyl vs Etogesic

2002-11-16 Thread CDOGSUN
I used Etogesic for a long time on a berner with doggie MS. It was so much better for 
her than the Rimadyl. I had no side effects and it worked well. I liked the once a day 
dosing. I liked it and had good success with it.


What constitutes "rich"?

2002-11-16 Thread HenochNJ
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RE: hello and giant stuffed berners

2002-11-16 Thread Nancy Melone
Rumor has it one will be offered at Joye Neff's Raffle.
Nancy Melone

-Original Message-
From: brandy marazzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 5:27 AM
Subject: hello and giant stuffed berners

Hello all,
  I'm somewhat new to the list and mostly just a quiet participator.  I am
the proud mom of a almost three year old berner boy.  He is the greatest and
fills all my days with smiles. He's also a pro at the between the legs move
to get his hind end scratched, I love explaining that one to company,
especially the shorter people who nearly fall over when he trys his butt
scratching moves!!
  I'm a little behind in this request but I hope not too late. Does anyone
have access to a large stuffed berner that were at Costco's. The one here in
Cleveland, OH is not carrying them.  They have recently opened, so I'm not
sure if that's why they don't have them.  They do have giant Old English
Sheepdogs but no berners.  If anyone can help I would appreciate it!!
Brandy and Bucca, berner lap dog extraordinaire

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sorry, please ignore last post!!

2002-11-16 Thread Brnrmom
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still HTML??

2002-11-16 Thread Brnrmom
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Philly Dog Show

2002-11-16 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
All of you in the Greater Philadelphia region, do yourselves a big favor
and stop in the Fort Washington Convention Center sometime this weekend!
The Philly dog show takes place today and tomorrow, 38 Berners entered
today, 31 tomorrow. They show at 9:15 this morning, and 11:30 tomorrow.
But it's a benched show - which means all of the exhibitors will be
there all day both days! 

... and some great shopping!!

Pat Long (& Luther)
I'll be there!
Berwyn PA

Looking for a Flint River distributor on the list.

2002-11-16 Thread Jennifer Delannoy

I thought I saw a few times an email for Flint River under someone's
signature.  If anyone is on the list please contact me.

Thanks and have a berneiful day! lol

Chaplin now 5 month

New Mom needs help.

2002-11-16 Thread Jennifer Delannoy
Hello Maria,

I emailed you privately as well.   If you are taking him to Ringwood Vet,
they have a great Rep. See if they have office hours on Sat.   If not you
can call Greenwood Lake Animal Hospital.  They are in on Sat.

What did your breeder suggest you feed him? Have you changed his food since
he came home?  Maybe it's too rich for him.

I have just learned recently  (having a 9 and 10 yr old sons)  that I need
to re-baby proof the house.  As Chaplin (our pup) got bigger he was stealing
off the counters, and other naughty puppy stuff.  It was my fault. It's been
a long time since I had a puppy or a baby/toddler in my life.  Chaplin never
hurt himself, but could have since he needs supervision.

Don't worry about the puppy classes. He's so young.  Get him feeling better
then worry about that later.

Hope he feels better,
