Top AKC Agility Berner!

2003-08-14 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki
I just received "the letter" in the mail this week, that Lexi is the Top AKC
Agility Berner again, for 2002.

They determine the recipient, through a calculation of:  Each Double Q
earned during the year is awarded 10 points, and each MACH point represents
one point.  So, your MACH points earned during the year, added to the 10
points per Double Q.  In 2002, Lexi earned 238 MACH points, and 14 Double

This is the 4th year that Lexi has received this honor.

Pat Krause presents the awards to the recipients at the banquet held during
the AKC National agility Championships.  This will also be the 5th straight
year that Lexi and I have qualified for and competed at the AKC National
Agility Championships.

It is such fun to participate at such an event, and truly icing on the cake,
to receive this recognition for being the top Berner during the event!

Pat, I will send you a "brag" check!

Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

Happy 12th Birthday Haley and Winslow!

2003-07-08 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki
I would like to wish a Happy 12th Birthday to my Haley, and her littermate

U-CDX Brighteye Chalet's Haley UD NA OAJ Can CD

Brighteye Willanie Mr. W CDX

Both are thriving, and in great health and great shape!  They got together
in Long Beach for a "pre-birthday" celebration, and we got some nice

What a wonderful blessing to have a 12 year old in excellent shape.  I enjoy
each and every moment that we get together!  They are SUCH fun at this


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

appreciating old age! :>)

2003-06-03 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki
Those that were in attendance at the specialty in Long Beach last month may
have seen our oldest girl Haley.  She performed in Veterans obedience, the
parade of Veterans, and part of our Freestyle demo.

Haley will be 12 years old in July.

I have appreciated every moment we have had together, be it competing,
training, or just "hanging" out together in the house, or on our travels.
But since Friday, I value each moment even more.

Last week, Haley seemed a bit stiff.  She was having trouble with the stairs
etc.  I went in to our regular vet, and had x-rays done of her back etc.
Her hips still look fantastic, and at 12 years of age, the radiologist said
she would still receive an OFA good!  Her back however has quite a bit of
evidence of arthritis, and fusions sights etc.  The x-rays were able to rule
out tumors, or growths, and basically told us what we suspected.  We were
going to start a course of steroids in two days, since she had been on low
doses of Rimadyl, and combining steroids with Rimadyl is not recommended.
Friday however, she took a turn for the worse.  I brought her back in, and
she received a Dexamethasone injection, and was put on Prednisone pills for
a week.  Within 3 hours, she was showing a miraculous improvement.  (I was
told it may take 48 hours to have an affect, but the sooner the better!)  By
the next day, she was trotting, and acting normal.  (This was a dog that
within hours on Friday, went from a little stiff, to unable to get up from
laying down, and unable to walk...)

This morning, we went in to our chiropractor/acupuncture vet, who performed
acupuncture treatment on her back, and told me that this should show some
affect within 72 hours.

I came home, put her in the house and went outside to do some yard work.
When I came in, ALL the dogs, including Haley RAN to me, and she was barking
up a storm!!!

I was told by both traditional and non traditional vets that timing is
somewhat crucial in the use of steroids for inflammation in the back region,
and treating her sooner than later aided her incredible improvement.

So, if your dog seems off, don't wait to evaluate the condition, it may make
a big difference in the amount of improvement you will get to treat the
early symptoms.  Steroid use may have it's downside, but in a senior, when
it offers this incredible assistance, it is well worth it in my book!

And,  APPRECIATE each moment you have with your special dog!  I always did,
but now I glow each time she comes to me for attention!


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

training,others taking dog

2003-05-29 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki
We have a training school, and teach a lot of the classes at the school.  I
often demo/work with someone else's dog.  I don't' believe the students want
to see me working with my own trained dogs.  I NEVER correct someone else's
dog, and never do anything with the dog or puppy that isn't fun for the
puppy/dog.  I think at times it is good for puppies in particular, to work
with other people, as long as they have fun.

Much of what I demo is tricks, and or little agility steps, such as intro's
to front cross footwork, where dog gets a cookie for making a turn in the
right direction etc.

I do ask for permission to work with a dog, but don't get refused, as my
students know that the situation will be a positive one for the dog.

So, it isn't necessarily absolute taboo to allow someone else to work with
your dog.  Make sure you are comfortable with the person who is doing so,
and with the philosophies used.  If you aren't comfortable with the things
an instructor may do with your dog, you may actually not be comfortable with
the techniques used in general.  Make sure that it is a training program you
are happy with deep down.


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

puppy training question

2003-03-25 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki
One thing that can help with the jumping behavior, is to teach sit, and
down.  Also, shake hands etc.  The more behaviors that the puppy can be told
to do, the better.  And, if you are sitting, you can't be jumping etc.

Also, go down to puppies level.  Puppies jump up to gain attention.  If you
are at the level of the puppy, they do not need to jump up to you.

For the biting, continue to offer them a "legal" thing to chew on.  When
they bite you, simply, calmly say no, and then give them something that they
can chew.

This will go away with time.  You don't find adult dogs biting there owners!
So, it is a self limiting behavior, but you may not want him/her to continue
to bit for months!

Be consistent.  No puppy will learn anything overnight.  They need A LOT of
persistent reinforcement.  You have to be patient.  You are dealing with "a

Don't expect over-night results.

And, take LOTS of pictures!  They don't stay little long enough :)


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)


2003-03-10 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

All of our Berners are also happy retrievers.  Haley, at 11 1/2 will still
retrieve enthusiastically.  In her puppy temperament test, she retrieved the
thrown object 5 times, and the evaluator stopped at that point.  (Always
bringing it back happily, not just investigating).

Cassie, our 4 year old will play fetch with a tennis ball for as long as we
allow.  She has never willingly quit, and usually outlasts our Border

It isn't a breed specific game!

Some of ours has been cultivated, but Haley's was totally natural, and
Cassie's retrieve drive is far beyond what has ever been taught.


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

Cassie big brag!!

2002-12-15 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

We went to agility trials in Milwaukee this past weekend.

All of our dogs did well, and we had a great last weekend of the year!

Clark and Cassie ended the weekend yesterday on a high note.  After getting
MXJ leg number 8 and 9 on Thurs. and Fri. and a Double Q, yesterday they got
2nd place in an Excellent B Standard 24" class of about 50 dogs!  They only
lost to Ken Fairchild and his BC!!  (Ken had flown in from the east coast to
judge Thurs. and Fri. and ran his dog Sat.)  So, Cassie got 34 MACH points,
a Double Q, and two MXJ legs all in 3 days!!


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

2 Double Q's in agility!

2002-11-30 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

Clark and I both earned Double Q's today, on our girl Berners, (Both out of
the same mom!!)

to earn a Double Q in agility, you need to qualify in Excellent B standard,
and Excellent B JWW on the same day!

Both did so today!

Brighteye Spinning Galexi CDX MX MXJ and
Brighteye Cascade Myst CDX MX AXJ!!

Both, daughters of:

Brighteye Joszette CDX TD NA!

(Thanks to Louise Wetzel, for allowing the breeding of Sophie, which
produced Joszette!!)

Sophie is still alive and well, and dabbling at agility at 12+ and we hope
the same for her two grand-daughters.  Joszette is still alive and well at

Kris and Clark

Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

going out at night

2002-11-28 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

I have to agree with MaryAnn on this.  Restricting water may just cause a
urinary tract problem. A young puppy is a baby, and frequent potty needs
just goes with the territory.

My theory for my own dogs, and my students, is if the puppy immediately
relieves himself upon being let out, then he needed to go, and you just have
to deal with it until he matures a bit.

If on the other hand, upon getting outside, he starts chasing leaves, and
looking for toys, or twigs, and going potty is an "after thought" then
possibly next time he complains, you attempt to wait him out a little while
before "jumping" to his request.


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

RE: celebrating seniors

2002-11-20 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tracey Conner
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: RE: celebrating seniors

Mi-ja's Solo Singer NDD, BNDD, CGC aka Cricket 9/4/01 (10 yrs., 2 mos.)

Sajan's Vivacious Vicka aka Vicka 2-16-92 (10 yrs, 8 mos)

Talley 9-30-90 (11 yrs, 1 mo.)

Ch. Rainbow La Fraisiere CGC aka "Bogen" - 2-21-92 (10 yrs, 8mos)

CH Degrasso's Harleigh V Legacy-2-18-92 (10yrs, 8mos)

Maine's Nordic Tatoo - 2/23/92 (10yrs,8mos) Ann

Brighteye Chalet's Haley UD OAJ NA UCDX Can.CD 7-9-91(11 yrs 5 months)
Brighteye Wilanie Mr. W. Winslow CDX 7-9-91(11 yrs 5 months)

Ch. Friichnicht Big Deal, CD - Born 9/12/91 -- 11 years, 2 months -- AND

RE: celebrating seniors

2002-11-19 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 8:39 PM
Subject: re: celebrating seniors

>I thought we could do another roll call to celebrate life as well as loss.
> Someone recently asked about how long berners lived.  How many listers
> dogs over 10?  I'll start, and I hope to see many names added!
> >
> > Mi-ja's Solo Singer NDD, BNDD, CGC aka Cricket 9/4/01 (10 yrs., 2 mos.)
> Sajan's Vivacious Vicka aka Vicka 2-16-92 (10 yrs, 8 mos)
> Talley 9-30-90 (11 yrs, 1 mo.)

>Ch. Rainbow La Fraisiere CGC aka "Bogen" - 2-21-92 (10 yrs, 8mos)

>CH Degrasso's Harleigh V Legacy-2-18-92 (10yrs, 8mos)

>Maine's Nordic Tatoo - 2/23/92 (10yrs,8mos) Ann

>U-CDX Brighteye Chalet's Haley UD NA OAJ Can CD 7-9-01 (11 yrs. 5

RE: Berner-L Histio RollCall

2002-11-19 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Deb + Tom Sharlow
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:24 PM
Cc: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Re: Berner-L Histio RollCall

If you're interested, add yours to the List.

Hannibal, 7/29/88 - 5/23/93, loved by Pat Long, Berwyn PA

Toby 6/29/97 - 6/30/00, loved by Sid & Liz Steinweg, Colorado Springs CO

Ria, 2/4/98 - ll/4/02, loved by Mary and Lou Norris, Manassas, VA
Arrow - 2/14/97 - 12/8/98, loved by Carol & Ken Lingley, Ijamsville, MD

Baraka, 7/4/94 - 7/1/01, loved by Debbie Sharlow, Victor  NY

Chalet, 11-27-86 - 2-9-97 loved by Kris and Clark Osojnicki, Stillwater, MN

shipping from Tucson

2002-11-14 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

Does anyone out there have any connections, to ship packages same day out of
Tucson Arizona??

(fresh chilled semen collection)??

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Need someone who has established (known shipper status) prior to 9-11-01, in
order to qualify for same day shipments.

Kris Osojnicki

Stillwater, MN

Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

New Berner UD!!

2002-11-06 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

I would like to congratulate Alison Jaskiewicz, and Kepler (Ledgewood's
Warning Barque) on earning their UD this past weekend!

Alison and Kepler earned this title in just 5 trials!  For leg #3 they were
in a run-off, and had perfect 0 points off heeling for the run-off!!

Way to go Alison and Kepler


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

Congrats 6 month old TD!

2002-11-06 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

I would like to congratulate "Brighteye Shooting Star" (Hayley) and Denise
McClure for earning Haley's TD at 6 months 2 weeks of age.  Denise told me
that they were certified at 4 months, and were just waiting until she turned
6 months to enter a TD test, which she passed with flying colors!

Anyone know of a Berner who earned her TD younger than 6 1/2 months??

Way to go Denise and Hayley!


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley (11), Mara(almost 9), Lexi (6), Cassie (2) & Niko (3) (& Pearle the
Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

AKC agility National championships

2002-11-06 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

We have returned from Houston Texas.  The AKC Nationals were once again a
great experience.  Both Lexi and Kintla ran great, and represented the breed
well. Katie and Kintla has a spectacular run on Sunday's "hybrid" course,
which was kind of a combo standard/JWW.  Lexi ran that course great too.  I
think the Berners liked the large ring, and open conditions!

Lexi and I didn't match last years wonderful 17th place overall finish, but
still had some great runs. If not for a wrong course tunnel in round 2, for
Katie and Kintla, there standings would have been really good!

Having the opportunity to attend such a great event with your Berner is a
wonderful experience.  This was Lexi's and my 4th consecutive appearance.
It is so fun to be around the best of the best!

Next years AKC Nationals are in Long Beach California, early December, and
the qualifications to compete are once again 4 Double Q's, earned between
the last weekend of September 2002 and the last weekend of September 2003.
(Double Q's are earned by qualifying in Excellent B Standard and Excellent B
JWW on the same day, in regular classes. The Preferred classes do not
qualify for the Nationals.  You must have already obtained your AX and AXJ
before earning Double Q's).


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

sitting straight during heel

2002-10-18 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki

Try holding a treat slightly ahead of him, and above.  The placement is
important, because if you have it too high, he will jump.

Idea is, that the treat will "lure" him into the straight sit.  It is fine
if he jumps up a bit, just don't give it to him for jumping, make him sit
first, and then he can have the treat.  Make sure that he is sitting
straight when you offer the reward.

If you shape his behavior, to know that he will get reinforced, for sitting
perky waiting for the treat, it will become an offered behavior.

Happy Heeling!


Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)