3rd Annual BRBMDC Picnic and Mountain Hike THIS Saturday 9-13

2003-09-09 Thread mzebley

The Third Annual Blue Ridge BMD Club's Picnic and Mountain 
Hike will be THIS Saturday, September 13 (sorry for the late 
notice), from ~ 11am until ???.  Come as early or stay as late as 
you like.  Assuming we don't get rained on like in previous years, 
we should be there until at least 3pm. Forecast is for partly cloudy 
with only 10% chance of rain and a high of 75 - so should be 
wonderful weather for us.   
The picnic will be on the Parkway near Blowing Rock and 
Boone, NC - at the Price Park Picnic area at mile marker 296.4.  
It's a beautiful area.  We plan to try to get the same spot we've 
used in the past, which has a large open field (anyone want to 
bring some carts?), several picnic tables, a stream with beach, and 
is the starting point for a nice hiking trail.  The stream separates us 
from the rest of the picnic area - you'll have to cross a little wooden 
bridge to get to the area. Since it's first come, we may not be able 
to get that spot, but if not, there's several other areas that are 
nearly as nice.  We'll be heading up early Saturday morning to 
stake our claim.  
Non- club-members are welcome, as are the dogs (even non-
berners).  Please bring your own lunch and drinks, and remember 
water for the dogs, though there are restrooms where water can be 
obtained.  Per Parkway regulations, all dogs must be on a 6 foot 
leash or under physical restraint at all times (though that doesn't 
seem to be enforced on the trails), and pet owners are responsible 
for cleaning up after their pets, so bring baggies. 
For further information, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Also, if you are thinking about coming and email me ahead of time, 
I can give you a phone number where you can reach us at the 
picnic grounds, in case you are having difficulties finding us.  We 
look forward to seeing everyone!!  


So, now for directions: 
If coming from the east, take I-40 to US-421 and go north.  
Stay on 421 (heading west) until you reach the Blue Ridge 
Parkway - a little over 70 miles from I-40.  This entrance onto the 
Parkway may be closed by construction - if so, stay on 421 until it 
merges with 221, then follow that to the Parkway.  In either case, 
take the Parkway south until you get to the picnic area - it'll be on 
the right hand side. 
If coming from the west, take I-40 east to US-70 east.  Follow 
this to US-221 north.  221 first crosses the Parkway at Linville 
Falls.  You can get on the Parkway north there, or continue on 221 
to join the Parkway near Grandfather Mountain.  Take the Parkway 
north to the picnic area, which will be on the left from this direction. 
If coming from the south, take US-321 north (can be reached 
from I-85 in Gastonia) through Hickory and up past Blowing Rock.  
Just north of Blowing Rock, 321 crosses the Parkway.  Get on the 
Parkway and head south until you come to the picnic area on the 
If coming from the north, take I-77 to US-421, and follow the 
directions from the east.  

Re:lapto vaccine

2003-08-21 Thread mzebley
Leptospirosis is a disease that is not caused by a virus, unlike 
most of our problems.  It is caused by a type of bacteria.  There 
are many different strains, only a few of which actually cause 
disease.  Unfortunately, all my vet books are in storage, so this is 
coming from memory, and may be sketchy on some details.  
There are 5 strains that are the main causes of disease. (I'm 
not even going to attempt to recall what the different strains are 
called. G)  Most vaccines only have 2 of those strains, and the 
strains are NOT cross-protective - which means even if you have 
immunity to one, that immunity will not protect you against a 
different strain.  The new Fort Dodge lepto vaccine is the only one I 
know of that protects against 4 of those 5 pathogenic strains - the 
5th I believe is really only seen somewhere overseas, like Asia or 
Now the older lepto vaccines were definitely prone to causing 
vaccine reactions.  That was our biggest cause of reactions.  At 
the time we were using it, we had not seen or heard of a lepto case 
in the area in years, so I decided we would just drop that from our 
vaccine protocol.  Lo and behold, our reaction incidence dropped.
Since then, we have actually had about a half dozen cases 
seen in at the specialty practice about an hour away.  Not only can 
leptospirosis be very serious in dogs (several of the dogs infected 
wound up with permanent liver or kidney damage, and at least 1 
died), but it is also zoonotic, meaning that people can get it too.  
At least one technician involved with treating these cases became 
ill, and quite a few of the other staff had to be tested or treated.
Lepto affects the kidneys and/or liver, primarily.  It is passed 
through contaminated urine.  Contaminated urine that is either 
swallowed (know that sounds gross, but I'm thinking of our dogs 
drinking from puddles) or absorbed into the body thorugh mucus 
membranes or an open cut or wound.  Since a lot of us would wipe 
up where our dogs have peed without wearing gloves and not think 
twice about it, this is a potential source of infection.
Since lepto is serious, can be passed to humans, and had 
been definitively diagnosed nearby, we decided to again begin 
vaccinating for it.  Fortunately, we have a new vaccine (the one I 
mentioned before - made by Fort Dodge) that does cover the 
strains usually seen in the US.  In addition, the Fort Dodge rep told 
me that they've done something different with the new vaccine so 
that they are seeing fewer reactions.  Now, I don't know about all 
that, but I can say that I have not seen ANY reactions since we 
switched just under a year ago - and while I'm not doing a lot in my 
private practice, we do vaccinate a LOT of dogs at the shelter, none 
of whom have had a problem.
One thing we do that probably helps that is that we do not give 
very young or very little puppies the lepto portion of the vaccine.  
Puppies must be at least 10 weeks before we will include lepto, 
and small breed dogs more like 14 weeks.  We do not give it 
separately, but that does not seem to have been an issue for us.
Anyway, I would advise checking to see what brand of vaccine 
your vet is using.  If it is not the Fort Dodge lepto, I would be much 
less inclined to use it.  (And I don't have any stock in Ft. Dodge, 
just like their vaccines. G) Then check around to see if lepto is 
being seen in the area.  You can check with your local health 
department for human cases, and either the state vet or a nearby 
specialty vet practice to see if any animal cases have been seen.  
If they are not seeing it, and you are not traveling out of the area 
with your dog, I would probably not give it - but be aware that the 
dog is not protected against it.  On the other hand, if there have 
been cases, or if you travel, then I would give it, provided it's the 
Fort Dodge version.  Both of my dogs are now vaccinated against 
it. Plus, I have vaccinated at least a dozen berners with the Fort 
Dodge vaccine that includes lepto, including several puppies, none 
of which had any adverse reactions to it.
I hope this helps you.  If you have further questions, feel free to 
post me.  


On 20 Aug 03, at 0:01, MARK  LISA DUVALL [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 I had a question about the lepto vaccine...I know
 there was some discussion a while back but can't seen
 to find anything on it. 
 I am not sure if I want to give this shot to my 13 wk.
 bmd girl. I have heard of bad reactions to this and
 also that there are new strains that the vaccine don't
 cover. On the other hand the lepto virus itself sounds
 so bad that I'm scared not to give it. I am curious to
 know if anyone has had any bad reactions to the
 vaccine. I live in Maryland and I'm not sure if it's
 prevalent in my area?? My vet suggests it but also
 said he has had a few dogs over the years who have had
 bad reactions to it. 

Blue Ridge BMDC trip to Kings Dominion

2003-08-14 Thread mzebley

This Saturday (August 16), the Blue Ridge Bernese Mountain 
Dog Club is giving the dogs a break from the August heat, and 
meeting without them at the Kings Dominion amusement park 20 
miles north of Richmond, VA.  Any other berner lovers near enough 
to join us would be most welcome.  We are planning on meeting 
under the Eiffel Tower at 11 am.  Just show up, or email me 
before Friday night and I'll give you a couple of numbers to track us 
down with in case you miss the meeting.


Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

Re: puppy feeding

2003-03-30 Thread mzebley
I'm way behind on my email, so apologize that this response is 
so tardy.
Mark, and all - yes, most research on pet foods is done or at 
least financed by the pet food manufacturers.  The reasons for this 
were well explained in another post.  However, something to bear in 
mind is that, at least with the big names in the vet industry (though 
in some fancier circles, they are considered 4 letter words) like 
Iams and Science Diet, the research they do usually results in 
them changing THEIR forumulas.  I would be much more 
concerned if all their research tended to prove that their formulas 
and diets were best.  But the opposite is what tends to happen - 
they either do or finance research into a particular problem and 
when that research shows that their formulas are not the most 
appropriate, they change their diet to reflect the new knowledge.  
The large breed formulas came about as a result of research into 
the causes of developmental orthopedic problems.  Those studies 
showed that higher energy levels (read fat and carbs, NOT protein) 
were actually more closely associated with increased orthopedic 
problems, as were inappropriate calcium:phosphorus ratios.  So, 
they developed their large breed formulas to address these 
Interestingly enough, a few years ago I attended one of the big 
veterinary conferences and had the opportunity to speak with a 
veterinary nutritionist - in other words, a vet that's a specialist in 
nutrition.  I asked him about the common breeder's preference to 
switch large breed puppies to adult foods, and some even wean 
directly onto adult foods.  He said that this was completely 
reasonable and justified before the large breed puppy foods were 
available - the regular puppy foods were just too rich for the large 
breeds and encouraged them to grow too rapidly, thus increasing 
their risk of orthopedic problems.  Now, however, it was not 
necessary, or even advised - the large breed formulas are better 
suited than adult formulas because the puppy will be able to get a 
better level of nutrition in a food that is designed for them.  A puppy 
may not be physically able to eat enough of a less nutrient dense 
food to meet his needs, and if he does eat enough to meet some 
needs (like protein and calories), then he may actually wind up 
getting too much of other things, like calcium.
Just something to think about.  A lot of people view the larger 
pet food manufacturers as some evil entity whose only purpose is 
to take our money and who care nothing for the well-being of their 
dogs.  But, if the dogs (and cats) did not, in general, do well on 
these foods, who would keep buying them or recommending them 
to others?  Certainly, not all dogs will do well on every diet, nor is 
every diet right for any dog.  But the research does show general 
trends.  Personally, while there ARE certain brands I try to steer 
my clients away from due to their complete lack of quality, other 
than that I merely recommend that they really research their 
choices.  Most are willing to trust my judgment (and don't want to 
do the research themselves G), so ask what I feed my dogs and 
go from there.


On 9 Mar 03, at 11:16, Mark Mohapp wrote:

 However, one of my concerns however lies in the
 fact that the pet food industry wants to accommodate the consumer and
 some times it gets rather trendy. In reviewing research about large breed formulas I 
 have found that
 most of the research was conducted by the manufacturers of dog food
 and pet food industry.  
Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

Re: Revolution

2003-03-30 Thread mzebley
Another belated response.  I'm not particularly enamored of 
Revolution.  I have heard, and seen myself, that it is very effective 
on ear mites and sarcoptic mange, but that seems to be about it - 
at least consisently.  I have heard complaints from a lot of vets that 
it did not work as well as promoted.
But my biggest issue with it is that it is absorbed systemically, 
 The rep came by and tried to sell me on it while I was about 7 
months pregnant.  As he was explaining how it is absorbed to kill 
the heartworms, then secreted to kill the fleas and ticks, then 
reabsorbed, over and over, I looked at him and asked does that 
mean that if I handle my dog, I can absorb it too.  After looking 
at my very big belly, with a lot of uhs, he admitted that yes, it 
would be absorbed by anyone handling the dog.  Now, while there 
are some things chemicals I do use regularly, I try to limit what 
goes into my dogs as much as possible, so if I can control fleas 
and ticks without systemic involvement, I'm going to.  Throw in that 
now we are not just talking the dog, but my baby, or any other 
animals in the house that might have prolonged contact with the 
dog, plus the fact that many vets I knew were still seeing intestinal 
and external parasites while the pets were on Revolution - nope, 
not gonna trust my heartworm protection to a product like that.  I 
do recommend it for sarcoptic mange, especially on collies and 
other herding breeds that can't do the ivermectin, and for nasty 
cases of ear mites that don't respond well to other treatments.  But 
that's about it.  I stick with Heartgard Plus and Frontline.


On 19 Mar 03, at 10:29, Molly Bass wrote:

 Ok - with all the talk about Biospot, etc - what are people's opinions
 on Revolution? My vets are recommending it to help with the flea
 problem that got out of hand in my absence this fall. I only have a
 few here and there in the house but one dog appears highly allergic so
 the all natural methods I have been using need to be beefed up. I
 cannot find a flea on her but I have seen them on the other dogs and
 the cat so I know they are here, even if only a few of them...
 Also I live in the country and they pick them up from the wild animals
 that cross through my land... Any opinions? Suggestions? Thanks! Molly
 and the gang + 3 squirts Charlottesville, VA

Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

Re: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-30 Thread mzebley

On 23 Mar 03, at 10:19, catherine green wrote:

 1 --- Do you live in
 a) city
 b) suburbs
 c) country
 d) on Planet Berner
The country, though I'd prefer planet berner G

 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
On the floor next to the bed, though they often start the night in 
bed with us.

 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
The favorite toy varies, but rawhides always win.

 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
Tyra - her ability to fit through holes in the fence that a rat couldn't 
get through.  
Orry - his official job as cat herder!

 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
 has won)
 a) conformation - yes, past tense
 b) obedience trials - not yet but working on it
 c) drafting trials - ditto
 d) agility - yes, but not competing
 e) therapy work - only unofficially
 f) tracking - Tyra did some, but none now
 g) training classes - yes, as often as we can
 h) digging to China - yes, as often as they can get away with it
 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
Tyra - routinely escaping from the fence (though, knock on wood, 
she hasn't done so in nearly a year) and giving Mom heart failure.
Orry - eating Dad's pager, wallet (twice) and worst of all, his brand 
new, expensive cell phone.
Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

Re: Looking for a roomie!

2003-03-30 Thread mzebley
Anyone else looking for roommates?  Andrew and I are coming 
to the Specialty, without the dogs - we even have our plane tickets 
in hand (thank goodness for frequent flyer miles G).  However, 
we are on the waiting list for the host hotel, and were hoping to get 
in there.  Unfortunately, at this point it is not looking very 
promising, so we are scrambling to make other arrangements, 
though we would really prefer to be in the center of all the action.  If 
anyone has an extra bed and wouldn't mind sharing with a couple, 
please let us know.   And, since this plea is probably grasping at 
straws, I'd also appreciate it if someone could point me in the right 
direction of the info on overflow hotels.  Thanks, and we can't wait 
to see everyone we know, and meet some new friends as well.


On 22 Mar 03, at 8:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If there is a female planning on attending the Specialty next month
 and does not have space at the host hotel, I am looking for a room
 mate for the week.  I am not bringing a dog.  If you are interested,
 drop me a note and we'll see what we can work out. I have the room
 from Tues. until the following Mon. morning.
 Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.)  Gypsy
 TDI/CGC(Rescue Cavalier,2 yrs.) BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec. NE
 ILL   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ty's memorial page:
 http://www.geocities.com/workingyorkie/ty.html Gypsy's

Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

Your password

2003-03-16 Thread mzebley
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Digest 4102

2003-03-01 Thread mzebley
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Blue Ridge BMDC Winter Walk postponed till Sunday

2003-02-21 Thread mzebley

The current weather forecast is calling for rain Saturday 
morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon.  However, Sunday's 
forecast is partly cloudy with the high in the 50s.  While our dogs 
might not mind the rain, most of us people would.  So, rather than 
getting spending our walk cold and wet, we are postponing the 
walk until Sunday.  All other details will remain the same.  We 
apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, but hope that 
most of you will still be able to make it.


PS Some of you may get several copies of this.  I'm sorry about 
cluttering your inbox like that, but wanted to make sure that no one 
who wanted info about the walk was left out - Didn't want anyone 
showing up there in the rain on Saturday.  See you all on Sunday.

Note:  You have received this email because you are a current or 
former member of this club, and/or you have emailed a club 
member re: puppies, rescue, or general information about Bernese 
Mountain Dogs.  If you have questions or no longer wish to receive 
emails regarding this club's activities, please respond to 
Please feel free to pass this notice on to anyone who might be 
interested!! Thanks for your cooperation!   

blue ridge winter walk map

2003-02-20 Thread mzebley
directions map is 

hope to see you all there.

Melissa Zebley

Blue Ridge BMDC's Winter Walk - Feb 22 in Blowing Rock, NC

2003-02-18 Thread mzebley

 Just an update and reminder for any Carolina, Virginia or 
Tennesse berner-Lers - the Blue Ridge BMDC's 2nd Annual Winter 
Walk is this Saturday, February 22.  We will be hiking around 
Bass Lake - an easy, approximately 1 mile carriage and horse trail. 
 As of Sunday, there were still about 4 inches of snow on the 
ground there, but some parts were pretty mushy.  We strongly 
recommend wearing boots or other water resistant shoes.
  We will be meeting at 11 am at the Bass Lake Access parking 
lot (directions below).  Bring snacks or a lunch, drinks for 
yourselves and water for your dogs - the lake is there but it was
mostly frozen when we checked this weekend.
   The forecast is currently calling for thunderstorms on 
Saturday. If  it does rain, our rain date is going to be the following 
day - Sunday, February 23.  

 Directions to Bass Lake Access, Blowing Rock, NC:
Take I-40 to Hickory, NC (30 minutes west of Statesville; 1 hour 
east of Asheville).  Get off at Exit 123 onto Hwy 321, going north 
towards Boone.  Go through Lenoir and up the mountain to Blowing 
Rock.  Just as you enter Blowing Rock, take Business 321 to the 
left.  Follow that through town (make sure to stop at Killian's for the 
most awesome ice cream on your way back home!) to Hwy 221 
and go left.  You will go approximately 6/10 of a mile and turn right -
 the lake access road is just past Cone Rd., which is on the left, 
and just before the horse loading area on the right.  You should see 
a sign that states Notice:  Loading and unloading horses at parking
area is prohibited.  Proceed to the parking lot and look for a group
of big hairy tri-colored dogs.

   We are trying to get a map with directions up online.  If and 
when we do, we will post the URL.  Otherwise, if you have any 
questions, you can email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   You can 
also email me for a number to call for a weather check (to see if we 
are a go for Saturday or postponing until Sunday) or to contact us if 
you need help or further directions while enroute.  I will not be back 
on line before Friday night, so will not be able to respond until then.


Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

Blue Ridge BMD Club Calendar of Events for 2003

2003-02-02 Thread mzebley
	For those berner-lers within range of the Carolina/Virginia area,  the Blue Ridge BMD Club has a fairly active year planned.  We  have something planned for nearly every month, and all over our  club's territory.  Here is a brief overview of the events planned for  the year.  If anyone is interested in one, please let me know and I'll  make sure you get further details.

February 22 - Saturday -  Second Annual BRBMDC Winter near  Blowing  Rock, NC   

March 22 - Tailgate Party at the dog show in Raleigh, NC 

April 22-27- National Specialty in Long Beach, CA. 
We may hold a "Specialty Party" in the Raleigh area if we  have enough interest.

May 25 - Sunday - "Christmas in May" Meeting with a Chinese  auction and, agility and drafting equipment to try out at Hagan- Stone Park in Pleasant Garden, NC,  just outside of Greensboro.   We may also hold a Fun Match.  Plus, since that is Memorial Day  weekend, and Hagan-Stone has camping facilities (trailers, RVs  and tents), we may arrange a Berner Camping Weekend if there is  enough interest.  

June/July - We are planning a Saturday seminar with Dr. Jane  Barber (board certified in repro and board eligible in behavior)  speaking on behavior and breeding issues.  The seminar will be in  the Charlotte, NC area.  

August 16 - Saturday - People Day at Kings Dominon near  Richmond, VA

September 13 - Saturday - Third Annual Mountain Hike and Picnic   along the Blue Ridge Parkway in western NC 

October 18 - Saturday - Halloween Party and Potluck Lunch in  either Apex or Gardner, NC. 

November 8 - Saturday - Beach Walk 

December 6 - Saturday -  Annual Meeting in Winston-Salem, NC  on Saturday, December 6.  


Melissa Zebley   
Blue Ridge Bernese Mountain Dog Club   

Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com

RE: Random thoughts, Stevie and BEHAF

2003-01-31 Thread mzebley
Actually, I'm working on that.  When Donna wrote about Hugo's 
difficulties, I remembered an apparatus that our local referral 
surgeon (who does a lot of neck and back surgeries) used for his 
neuro patients.  I've mentioned it to Donna, and am trying to get 
more info on it.  Right now, he and I are playing phone tag, but 
hopefully I'll have better luck on Monday.  I have at least 
determined that they made it themselves, so I may be able to get 
plans or something of the sort.  If so, this info will be available not 
only for Hugo, but for any other berner in similar straits.


On 31 Jan 03, at 10:43, Pat Long wrote:

 You raise an excellent idea, but maybe it should be phrased a bit
 differently. Perhaps BEHAF could help finance a set of wheels. We
 could set up a special friends fund for Hugo!
 The people who make up BEHAF don't have any resources that we don't
 have, so it wouldn't be up to them to locate specialized care or
 equipment. But, if you can find some wheels that Hugo could use, or if
 someone else knows where those can be acquired - we could sure find a
 way for all of us to donate so that BEHAF can fund the purchase!
 Pat Long, a babysat shedding Gabby ( non-shedding Luther)
 Berwyn PA
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Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage: http://www.behaf.com