Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-27 Thread Matt Ebb
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Daniel Salazar -

> In 2.5 since the inclusion of the "trusted source"
> option this has done nothing but cause problems everywhere

As I was mentioning with Daniel on IRC, I completely agree. These
'security' additions have always caused me more trouble than benefit
and I have had the same experiences at my studio in the past. For

* People loading up files, animating and keying not knowing that
python constraints etc had decided to switch themselves off, meaning
that when they were enabled again, the animation was screwed

* Problems with render nodes on farms not enabling drivers/constraints
that you only notice once you get a several hour long render back from
the farm

This stuff is unnecessary in a studio environment, and costs money
directly in wasted time. To paraphrase what I said in IRC, the problem
is that this system is trying to solve a problem that a) hasn't
existed and b) doesn't actually solve anyway, while at the same time
it causing considerable trouble for people who are actually using
blender - the cost/benefit equation is way out of whack. There are
security risks for any kind of unverified file that you download - it
could be a python tool that you download, or for example look at the
amount of people who blindly download builds from which
could contain anything, or any other files from the internet either.

But now we have this current situation designed to satisfy theoretical
concerns by people who may not have to deal with the practical
consequences. It won't really stop people from getting into trouble,
but instead *stops your own work in your own files from functioning*.
This is very frustrating and I think something has to change here.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-27 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Matt Ebb wrote:
> This stuff is unnecessary in a studio environment, 

Agreed. The primary target user-base for the security issue are new &
inexperienced users who *will* download material online and install it
without thinking about the consequences because they are simply unaware
of them. Much like an email virus is targeted at the relatively computer

I fully accept that there should be an option to turn this thing off
completely and have that stick. I have similar "ignore this warning from
now on" options in most the applications I put together.

> But now we have this current situation designed to satisfy theoretical
> concerns by people who may not have to deal with the practical
> consequences. 

This is as theoretical a concern as macro virii which were ignored up
until they did alot of damage to alot of poeple. I accept that Blender
is a small target and that studios want the capability of controlling
any & all security features affecting them (through being able to turn
off any & all limitations should they desire to). I do not accept the
fact that security is a theoretical problem or that only studios need to
deal with consequences.

> It won't really stop people from getting into trouble,
> but instead *stops your own work in your own files from functioning*.
> This is very frustrating and I think something has to change here

On this, however, I agree 100%. The current "solution" to the problem is
a half-assed solution at best and a hindrance almost all the time. This
is not a fault of the developers really, but simply a consequence of
Python lacking any real concept of process security. Basically, in
choosing to use Python you have to accept the fact that you'll be using
*all* of it, security holes and all. It is one of the /cons/ that go
with the /pros/ of Python as an "embedded language" which, as the Python
core team keep telling us, is not what it was designed for.

I think a half-baked solution is worse than no solution at all. With no
solution, the problem is more likely to be revisited when there is time
and/or a possible answer. A half-baked solution does little to resolve
the problem and, by it's very existence, hampers the need to put some
real security options into the application. Hacks have a nasty habit of
staying in a project for a long time, flawed and cumbersome as they may
be, because they get "most of the job done". With security, you either
get the job done properly or not at all, because half-solutions are


Benjamin Tolputt
Analyst Programmer

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-27 Thread Matt Ebb
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Benjamin Tolputt
> Matt Ebb wrote:
>> This stuff is unnecessary in a studio environment,
> Agreed. The primary target user-base for the security issue are new &
> inexperienced users who *will* download material online and install it
> without thinking about the consequences because they are simply unaware
> of them.
> I fully accept that there should be an option to turn this thing off
> completely and have that stick. I have similar "ignore this warning from
> now on" options in most the applications I put together.

This is the problem though really - it's not always enough to say
'change the defaults and save the preferences' because inevitably
problems still occur. For example some situations in which this caused
issues included:

* An animator taking some work home to do over the weekend to meet a deadline
* Sending files to another studio who was helping us out with rendering
* Bringing in and adding in borrowed machines to the render farm (like
artists laptops) to help with last-minute rendering power

In these situations, it was a matter of quickly installing blender and
getting it going, often not by blender experts. It's not as if it was
a strictly controlled 'software roll-out' environment - indeed most
studios that use Blender (small ones) probably don't have that kind of
organised IT infrastructure like you might have in a large

Sure, one can say "oh it's your fault for not enabling the options"
but that brings me back to the original point - regardless of whether
you want to blame the user or not, the existence of this 'security'
does cause real practical problems. Especially in cases like I
described above where you're tired and stressed meeting a deadline and
the last thing on your mind is going to disable some stupid security
preference and saving default preferences.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-27 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
For the record, I am in no-way criticising the developers or what they
did in trying to plug the security hole. The issue is that Python has no
concept of (nor do their core development team wish to address) process
security when used as an embedded language. Python is a language
designed to be "extended" not "embedded".  Most features have been
designed with that lack of limitation in mind, leading to the variety of
"exploits" one can use on Blender.

Given the axiom of using standard Python for the scripting language of
Blender, there are no good solutions. If the Python developers
can't/won't address the issue - the best Blender developer is not left
with viable options - only unviable ones.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-27 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Matt Ebb wrote:
> Sure, one can say "oh it's your fault for not enabling the options"
> but that brings me back to the original point - regardless of whether
> you want to blame the user or not, the existence of this 'security'
> does cause real practical problems. Especially in cases like I
> described above where you're tired and stressed meeting a deadline and
> the last thing on your mind is going to disable some stupid security
> preference and saving default preferences.

Well, first thing to note is that I think that the current
implementation is not really a solution and needs to be turfed. There is
no way of knowing if someone has tampered with a file on a website, so a
malicious user need only hack the web-site of someone putting up, say, a
useful base rig that was verified in the past as "secure". It is trivial
to then link Python code into every file then saved by Blender. Given
the fact Python is the problem - I don't see a solution with it as the
scripting foundation of Blender as things stand currently.

That said, I find the idea that one doesn't want to flick one extra
switch on initial setup a relatively weak reason not to include
security. There is always going to be a trade-off with security - it is
/built-in/ to the whole model of limiting what can be done so as not to
compromise/hurt yourself. And not allowing it to be set as the default
basically makes it useless (because those most vulnerable will not even
know to look for it to turn on).

I know & understand your position on this (I've lost count of how many
time a missing password or command line flag has meant an overnight data
processing run has come out bad); but that doesn't mean I agree with
your position that some small hassle ONCE on install outweighs security

Our disagreement is all superfluous though because I think the current
security option is worse than none. It both provides an illusion of
security AND causes all the hassles (& more?) a real solution would entail.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Campbell Barton
added -Y option to enable script execution, this means render nodes
don't need to have .B25.blend's

  ./blender.bin -b -Y myblend.blend -a

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:00 AM, Daniel Salazar -
>  I have a history of lost work and time with this so called security
> features where blender decides to turn off drivers and ignore script links
> and so on and you don't notice it until you have worked on a faulty
> rig/scene for a long time or you have rendered some heavy frames and have to
> do it all over again. In 2.5 since the inclusion of the "trusted source"
> option this has done nothing but cause problems everywhere from teaching to
> every day jobs; students load rigs that don't work and naturally they do not
> know the difference, lost time with clients that in order to review a rig
> had to turn on the load py scripts option and they didn't knew about it so
> we all loose time, etc.
>  Today I sent a render to the farm and when it finished the character was
> all wrong.. so I spent a long time changing the .B25.blend files on all 17
> machines (boot with X session, change preference, reboot again). After all
> this I launch the render again and when it finished the problem is still
> there. It so happens that rendering from command line ignores the .B25.blend
> file... so not good. I had to export animation as MDD point cache and import
> back as RVKs in order to workaround the missing drivers
>  So my point of view here is: stop playing around with my scene *please*,
> it's hard enough to get things working for blender to decide to break some
> random part. And this is the point of view of someone with 8 years of using
> blender almost every day, imagine someone new trying to figure out this
> problems?
> cheers
> Daniel Salazar
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

- Campbell
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Daniel Salazar -
So the scenario here as I see it is: people who don't know about this
leave the loading of scripts off (and are safe from the evil blender
hackers out there), next people start having the problems related to
this setting and due to it being unusable in production they find out
how to disable it everywhere and then they are right where everything
started, except from time to time someone forgets to set the flag on
and gets a nice headache while wondering why this feature exists in
the first place

Daniel Salazar

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 2:04 AM, Campbell Barton  wrote:
> added -Y option to enable script execution, this means render nodes
> don't need to have .B25.blend's
> eg.
>  ./blender.bin -b -Y myblend.blend -a
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:00 AM, Daniel Salazar -
>  wrote:
>>  I have a history of lost work and time with this so called security
>> features where blender decides to turn off drivers and ignore script links
>> and so on and you don't notice it until you have worked on a faulty
>> rig/scene for a long time or you have rendered some heavy frames and have to
>> do it all over again. In 2.5 since the inclusion of the "trusted source"
>> option this has done nothing but cause problems everywhere from teaching to
>> every day jobs; students load rigs that don't work and naturally they do not
>> know the difference, lost time with clients that in order to review a rig
>> had to turn on the load py scripts option and they didn't knew about it so
>> we all loose time, etc.
>>  Today I sent a render to the farm and when it finished the character was
>> all wrong.. so I spent a long time changing the .B25.blend files on all 17
>> machines (boot with X session, change preference, reboot again). After all
>> this I launch the render again and when it finished the problem is still
>> there. It so happens that rendering from command line ignores the .B25.blend
>> file... so not good. I had to export animation as MDD point cache and import
>> back as RVKs in order to workaround the missing drivers
>>  So my point of view here is: stop playing around with my scene *please*,
>> it's hard enough to get things working for blender to decide to break some
>> random part. And this is the point of view of someone with 8 years of using
>> blender almost every day, imagine someone new trying to figure out this
>> problems?
>> cheers
>> Daniel Salazar
>> ___
>> Bf-committers mailing list
> --
> - Campbell
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Remo Pini

To me - as a person coming from the IT security field - there seems to be an 
interesting conundrum:

At some point in the past, someone made the choice of using Python as the 
pervasive scripting language in Blender. We've all heard through various emails 
on how it is basically NOT possible to lock down Python to be secure (as well 
as being outside of the scope of actual language development according to the 
Python gurus, so it will never happen). At the same time, tons of stuff depends 
on Python being "fully" enabled, so shutting it off is not really an option as 

From my experience, if an option needs to be turned on/off most of the time for 
things to work, it will be left at the most convenient setting always, so there 
really is no value in having the option in the first place.

From what I have read so far, the only "real" solution would be to move to a 
truly "sandboxable"/embeddable scripting language such as LUA, which is not 
going to happen or to keep running with the existing model of trusting 
everybody not to screw around with Python scripts.

All other solution that I have seen place an unmanageable burden on the user 
and usually require a central controlling entity (i.e. signed vs. unsigned code 
having access to restricted functions such as I/O).

We should keep this in perspective though. Most other 3D packages currently 
allow "dangerous" scripting too, so we don't really behave any worse by 
allowing scripts in the current setting than any other solution. Which is not 
to say that we shouldn't try to be "better" than the other packages on the long 

Ultimately, I would suggest to abandon Python for a truly embedded scripting 
solution (i.e. LUA), but that would be a massive change with a huge impact... 
maybe worth a thought for Blender 3.0.



> So the scenario here as I see it is: people who don't know about this
> leave the loading of scripts off (and are safe from the evil blender
> hackers out there), next people start having the problems related to
> this setting and due to it being unusable in production they find out
> how to disable it everywhere and then they are right where everything
> started, except from time to time someone forgets to set the flag on
> and gets a nice headache while wondering why this feature exists in
> the first place
> > added -Y option to enable script execution, this means render nodes
> > don't need to have .B25.blend's
> >
> > eg.
> >  ./blender.bin -b -Y myblend.blend -a
> >
> >>  I have a history of lost work and time with this so called security
> >> features where blender decides to turn off drivers and ignore script links
> >> and so on and you don't notice it until you have worked on a faulty
> >> rig/scene for a long time or you have rendered some heavy frames and have 
> >> to
> >> do it all over again. In 2.5 since the inclusion of the "trusted source"
> >> option this has done nothing but cause problems everywhere from teaching to
> >> every day jobs; students load rigs that don't work and naturally they do 
> >> not
> >> know the difference, lost time with clients that in order to review a rig
> >> had to turn on the load py scripts option and they didn't knew about it so
> >> we all loose time, etc.
> >>
> >>  Today I sent a render to the farm and when it finished the character was
> >> all wrong.. so I spent a long time changing the .B25.blend files on all 17
> >> machines (boot with X session, change preference, reboot again). After all
> >> this I launch the render again and when it finished the problem is still
> >> there. It so happens that rendering from command line ignores the 
> >> .B25.blend
> >> file... so not good. I had to export animation as MDD point cache and 
> >> import
> >> back as RVKs in order to workaround the missing drivers
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  So my point of view here is: stop playing around with my scene *please*,
> >> it's hard enough to get things working for blender to decide to break some
> >> random part. And this is the point of view of someone with 8 years of using
> >> blender almost every day, imagine someone new trying to figure out this
> >> problems?
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Daniel Salazar - wrote:
> So the scenario here as I see it is: people who don't know about this
> leave the loading of scripts off (and are safe from the evil blender
> hackers out there), next people start having the problems related to
> this setting and due to it being unusable in production they find out
> how to disable it everywhere and then they are right where everything
> started, except from time to time someone forgets to set the flag on
> and gets a nice headache while wondering why this feature exists in
> the first place

One could say the same about ActiveX plugins and a wide variety of other
security holes.

I hate to repeat myself but security is ALWAYS a trade-off. Logins
require remembering passwords, file systems have permissions restricting
access to files/directories, etc. In a perfect world one wouldn't need
to trade-off security against usability; but we live in the real world
and such trade-offs happen (& are accepted) all the time.

I think the core development team needs to decide whether security will
or will not be in Blender 2.5/2.6 because statements like the above are
creeping back into the "we don't need security" territory which I
thought was resolved. Either there is an accepted need/requirement for
security & it is included *or* the task of implementing security is
classified as unwanted/unimplementable at this time and it is removed.

It would be good to know where things stand because instead of "There is
a bug in the security code - fix the bug"; we seem to be getting "There
is a bug in the security feature - get rid of security".
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread horace grant
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Remo Pini  wrote:
> Hm...
> To me - as a person coming from the IT security field - there seems to be an 
> interesting conundrum:
> At some point in the past, someone made the choice of using Python as the 
> pervasive scripting language in Blender. We've all heard through various 
> emails on how it is basically NOT possible to lock down Python to be secure 
> (as well as being outside of the scope of actual language development 
> according to the Python gurus, so it will never happen). At the same time, 
> tons of stuff depends on Python being "fully" enabled, so shutting it off is 
> not really an option as well.
> From my experience, if an option needs to be turned on/off most of the time 
> for things to work, it will be left at the most convenient setting always, so 
> there really is no value in having the option in the first place.
> From what I have read so far, the only "real" solution would be to move to a 
> truly "sandboxable"/embeddable scripting language such as LUA, which is not 
> going to happen or to keep running with the existing model of trusting 
> everybody not to screw around with Python scripts.
> All other solution that I have seen place an unmanageable burden on the user 
> and usually require a central controlling entity (i.e. signed vs. unsigned 
> code having access to restricted functions such as I/O).
> We should keep this in perspective though. Most other 3D packages currently 
> allow "dangerous" scripting too, so we don't really behave any worse by 
> allowing scripts in the current setting than any other solution. Which is not 
> to say that we shouldn't try to be "better" than the other packages on the 
> long run...
> Ultimately, I would suggest to abandon Python for a truly embedded scripting 
> solution (i.e. LUA), but that would be a massive change with a huge impact... 
> maybe worth a thought for Blender 3.0.

no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is pypy
which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api compatible
at the moment.

in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible) it
should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit compiler.

> Cheers
> Remo
>> So the scenario here as I see it is: people who don't know about this
>> leave the loading of scripts off (and are safe from the evil blender
>> hackers out there), next people start having the problems related to
>> this setting and due to it being unusable in production they find out
>> how to disable it everywhere and then they are right where everything
>> started, except from time to time someone forgets to set the flag on
>> and gets a nice headache while wondering why this feature exists in
>> the first place
>> > added -Y option to enable script execution, this means render nodes
>> > don't need to have .B25.blend's
>> >
>> > eg.
>> >  ./blender.bin -b -Y myblend.blend -a
>> >
>> >>  I have a history of lost work and time with this so called security
>> >> features where blender decides to turn off drivers and ignore script links
>> >> and so on and you don't notice it until you have worked on a faulty
>> >> rig/scene for a long time or you have rendered some heavy frames and have 
>> >> to
>> >> do it all over again. In 2.5 since the inclusion of the "trusted source"
>> >> option this has done nothing but cause problems everywhere from teaching 
>> >> to
>> >> every day jobs; students load rigs that don't work and naturally they do 
>> >> not
>> >> know the difference, lost time with clients that in order to review a rig
>> >> had to turn on the load py scripts option and they didn't knew about it so
>> >> we all loose time, etc.
>> >>
>> >>  Today I sent a render to the farm and when it finished the character was
>> >> all wrong.. so I spent a long time changing the .B25.blend files on all 17
>> >> machines (boot with X session, change preference, reboot again). After all
>> >> this I launch the render again and when it finished the problem is still
>> >> there. It so happens that rendering from command line ignores the 
>> >> .B25.blend
>> >> file... so not good. I had to export animation as MDD point cache and 
>> >> import
>> >> back as RVKs in order to workaround the missing drivers
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>  So my point of view here is: stop playing around with my scene *please*,
>> >> it's hard enough to get things working for blender to decide to break some
>> >> random part. And this is the point of view of someone with 8 years of 
>> >> using
>> >> blender almost every day, imagine someone new trying to figure out this
>> >> problems?
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
horace grant wrote:
> no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is pypy
> which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api compatible
> at the moment.
> in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible) it
> should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
> benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit compiler.

Whether Python is or isn't a nicer language depends on your point of
view, so I won't debate that.

However, the "sand-boxing" as presented in PyPy is very crude and will
do nothing to fix the issues with Python in Blender. The major problem
with Python in Blender is not that it can access files "in general" (as
that is a REQUIREMENT of import / export scripts for example) but that I
can access EVERYTHING Python can from every execution context. That is,
I might only want Python to have access to other elements in the scene
(say for a rig or controlling a particle simulation) but, so long as
Python can access files (which, as I said, is *required*) everything
executing Python code can.

In Lua, AngelScript, Falcon, TinyScheme, etc it is possible to only
expose to the execution context that which you want it to have access
to. If you don't want it to read/write files - don't give it the
necessary modules/functions. This is not possible in Python (everything
is accessible everywhere) and the sand-boxing in PyPy is an "all or
nothing" affair. Either you can access the file system or you cannot. No
way to only restrict access in only some scripts (say those included in
the untrusted .blend file) and not others (those installed by the
end-user in the .blender/scripts directory). Not to mention the
performance issues with the method PyPy users (dual processes - with all
"sand-boxed" data needing to be marshalled between the Blender/Python
process and it's sand-boxed proxy).

Sorry, Python is designed in such a way as to make securing it an
unlikely scenario.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread horace grant
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Benjamin Tolputt
> horace grant wrote:
>> no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is pypy
>> which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api compatible
>> at the moment.
>> in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible) it
>> should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
>> benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit compiler.
> Whether Python is or isn't a nicer language depends on your point of
> view, so I won't debate that.

yes, you are right, but i (and i am sure many others too) would really
pity if python got removed from blender. if that really needs to
happen then it would be better in my opinion to use the language
agnostic mono instead of something like lua. i think mono has
sandboxing features too.

> However, the "sand-boxing" as presented in PyPy is very crude and will
> do nothing to fix the issues with Python in Blender. The major problem
> with Python in Blender is not that it can access files "in general" (as
> that is a REQUIREMENT of import / export scripts for example) but that I
> can access EVERYTHING Python can from every execution context. That is,
> I might only want Python to have access to other elements in the scene
> (say for a rig or controlling a particle simulation) but, so long as
> Python can access files (which, as I said, is *required*) everything
> executing Python code can.
> In Lua, AngelScript, Falcon, TinyScheme, etc it is possible to only
> expose to the execution context that which you want it to have access
> to. If you don't want it to read/write files - don't give it the
> necessary modules/functions. This is not possible in Python (everything
> is accessible everywhere) and the sand-boxing in PyPy is an "all or
> nothing" affair. Either you can access the file system or you cannot. No
> way to only restrict access in only some scripts (say those included in
> the untrusted .blend file) and not others (those installed by the
> end-user in the .blender/scripts directory). Not to mention the
> performance issues with the method PyPy users (dual processes - with all
> "sand-boxed" data needing to be marshalled between the Blender/Python
> process and it's sand-boxed proxy).
> Sorry, Python is designed in such a way as to make securing it an
> unlikely scenario.

maybe blender developers could contact the pypy developers and discuss
this whole thing? i am sure a solution can be found. pypy still is in
development and nothing is final.

> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Remo Pini
I probably should have said "replace Python with some other scripting
language". LUA was just an example and this really shouldn't end up
being a discussion about what other language this should be but rather
on what the overall course of action should/will be. I'm sure that there
are many option, LUA just came to my mind first, because I use it in
World of Warcraft *grin* and they have exactly the same issues (secure
vs. insecure script, context related rights, ...).



> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:bf-committers-
>] On Behalf Of horace grant
> Sent: Mittwoch, 28. April 2010 4:57
> To: bf-blender developers
> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Benjamin Tolputt
>  wrote:
> > horace grant wrote:
> >> no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is
> >> which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api
> >> at the moment.
> >>
> >>
> modules-with.html
> >>
> >> in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible)
> it
> >> should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
> >> benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit
> compiler.
> >>
> >
> > Whether Python is or isn't a nicer language depends on your point of
> > view, so I won't debate that.
> yes, you are right, but i (and i am sure many others too) would really
> pity if python got removed from blender. if that really needs to
> happen then it would be better in my opinion to use the language
> agnostic mono instead of something like lua. i think mono has
> sandboxing features too.
> >
> > However, the "sand-boxing" as presented in PyPy is very crude and
> will
> > do nothing to fix the issues with Python in Blender. The major
> problem
> > with Python in Blender is not that it can access files "in general"
> (as
> > that is a REQUIREMENT of import / export scripts for example) but
> that I
> > can access EVERYTHING Python can from every execution context. That
> is,
> > I might only want Python to have access to other elements in the
> scene
> > (say for a rig or controlling a particle simulation) but, so long as
> > Python can access files (which, as I said, is *required*) everything
> > executing Python code can.
> >
> > In Lua, AngelScript, Falcon, TinyScheme, etc it is possible to only
> > expose to the execution context that which you want it to have
> > to. If you don't want it to read/write files - don't give it the
> > necessary modules/functions. This is not possible in Python
> (everything
> > is accessible everywhere) and the sand-boxing in PyPy is an "all or
> > nothing" affair. Either you can access the file system or you
> No
> > way to only restrict access in only some scripts (say those included
> in
> > the untrusted .blend file) and not others (those installed by the
> > end-user in the .blender/scripts directory). Not to mention the
> > performance issues with the method PyPy users (dual processes - with
> all
> > "sand-boxed" data needing to be marshalled between the
> > process and it's sand-boxed proxy).
> >
> > Sorry, Python is designed in such a way as to make securing it an
> > unlikely scenario.
> maybe blender developers could contact the pypy developers and discuss
> this whole thing? i am sure a solution can be found. pypy still is in
> development and nothing is final.
> > ___
> > Bf-committers mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Nery Chucuy
2010/4/28 Remo Pini 

> I probably should have said "replace Python with some other scripting
> language". LUA was just an example and this really shouldn't end up
> being a discussion about what other language this should be but rather
> on what the overall course of action should/will be. I'm sure that there
> are many option, LUA just came to my mind first, because I use it in
> World of Warcraft *grin* and they have exactly the same issues (secure
> vs. insecure script, context related rights, ...).
In this case I would say: how many problems have come up related to
security? and you're talking on changing Python because of that. I know it
might be something we need to discuss for the future but for now it's not a
big problem as far as I know. As someone said, if somebody wants to
dirty-hack something, he/she will find the way, that doesn't mean we won't
care on security but we cannot make it 100% secure as well.

I don't really think that we are moving from Python any time soon. Python
has been doing a great job and is deeply embedded in Blender. I think
talking on this is not even fair with all the great job as for example
ideasman has been doing the last years with the Python API.

I would suggest then to be focused on a Python solution.



> Cheers
> Remo
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:bf-committers-
> >] On Behalf Of horace grant
> > Sent: Mittwoch, 28. April 2010 4:57
> > To: bf-blender developers
> > Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Benjamin Tolputt
> >  wrote:
> > > horace grant wrote:
> > >> no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is
> pypy
> > >> which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api
> compatible
> > >> at the moment.
> > >>
> > >>
> > modules-with.html
> > >>
> > >> in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible)
> > it
> > >> should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
> > >> benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit
> > compiler.
> > >>
> > >
> > > Whether Python is or isn't a nicer language depends on your point of
> > > view, so I won't debate that.
> >
> >
> >
> > yes, you are right, but i (and i am sure many others too) would really
> > pity if python got removed from blender. if that really needs to
> > happen then it would be better in my opinion to use the language
> > agnostic mono instead of something like lua. i think mono has
> > sandboxing features too.
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > However, the "sand-boxing" as presented in PyPy is very crude and
> > will
> > > do nothing to fix the issues with Python in Blender. The major
> > problem
> > > with Python in Blender is not that it can access files "in general"
> > (as
> > > that is a REQUIREMENT of import / export scripts for example) but
> > that I
> > > can access EVERYTHING Python can from every execution context. That
> > is,
> > > I might only want Python to have access to other elements in the
> > scene
> > > (say for a rig or controlling a particle simulation) but, so long as
> > > Python can access files (which, as I said, is *required*) everything
> > > executing Python code can.
> > >
> > > In Lua, AngelScript, Falcon, TinyScheme, etc it is possible to only
> > > expose to the execution context that which you want it to have
> access
> > > to. If you don't want it to read/write files - don't give it the
> > > necessary modules/functions. This is not possible in Python
> > (everything
> > > is accessible everywhere) and the sand-boxing in PyPy is an "all or
> > > nothing" affair. Either you can access the file system or you
> cannot.
> > No
> > > way to only restrict access in only some scripts (say those included
> > in
> > > the untrusted .blend file) and not others (those installed by the
> > > end-user in the .blender/scripts directory). Not to mention the
> > > performance issues with the method PyPy users (dual processes - with
> > all
> > > "sand-boxed" data needing to be marshalled between the
> Blender/Python
> > > process and it's sand-boxed proxy).
> > >

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread malefico
What ?! how come the discussion started with "current blender defaults are
getting in the way with production" which I totally agree and switched to
"Let's replace Python with something else" ???

I'm sure there must be a clever way to solve this or maybe this "security



> 2010/4/28 Remo Pini 
>> I probably should have said "replace Python with some other scripting
>> language". LUA was just an example and this really shouldn't end up
>> being a discussion about what other language this should be but rather
>> on what the overall course of action should/will be. I'm sure that there
>> are many option, LUA just came to my mind first, because I use it in
>> World of Warcraft *grin* and they have exactly the same issues (secure
>> vs. insecure script, context related rights, ...).
> In this case I would say: how many problems have come up related to
> security? and you're talking on changing Python because of that. I know it
> might be something we need to discuss for the future but for now it's not
> a
> big problem as far as I know. As someone said, if somebody wants to
> dirty-hack something, he/she will find the way, that doesn't mean we won't
> care on security but we cannot make it 100% secure as well.
> I don't really think that we are moving from Python any time soon. Python
> has been doing a great job and is deeply embedded in Blender. I think
> talking on this is not even fair with all the great job as for example
> ideasman has been doing the last years with the Python API.
> I would suggest then to be focused on a Python solution.
> regards,
> -idesisnery
>> Cheers
>> Remo
>> > -Original Message-----
>> > From: [mailto:bf-committers-
>> >] On Behalf Of horace grant
>> > Sent: Mittwoch, 28. April 2010 4:57
>> > To: bf-blender developers
>> > Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
>> >
>> > On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Benjamin Tolputt
>> >  wrote:
>> > > horace grant wrote:
>> > >> no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is
>> pypy
>> > >> which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api
>> compatible
>> > >> at the moment.
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > modules-with.html
>> > >>
>> > >> in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible)
>> > it
>> > >> should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
>> > >> benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit
>> > compiler.
>> > >>
>> > >
>> > > Whether Python is or isn't a nicer language depends on your point of
>> > > view, so I won't debate that.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > yes, you are right, but i (and i am sure many others too) would really
>> > pity if python got removed from blender. if that really needs to
>> > happen then it would be better in my opinion to use the language
>> > agnostic mono instead of something like lua. i think mono has
>> > sandboxing features too.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> > > However, the "sand-boxing" as presented in PyPy is very crude and
>> > will
>> > > do nothing to fix the issues with Python in Blender. The major
>> > problem
>> > > with Python in Blender is not that it can access files "in general"
>> > (as
>> > > that is a REQUIREMENT of import / export scripts for example) but
>> > that I
>> > > can access EVERYTHING Python can from every execution context. That
>> > is,
>> > > I might only want Python to have access to other elements in the
>> > scene
>> > > (say for a rig or controlling a particle simulation) but, so long as
>> > > Python can access files (which, as I said, is *required*) everything
>> > > executing Python code can.
>> > >
>> > > In Lua, AngelScript, Falcon, TinyScheme, etc it is possible to only
>> > > expose to the execution context that which you want it to have
>> access
>> > > to. If you don't want it to read/write files - don't give it the
>> > > necessary modules/functions. This is not possi

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Bassam Kurdali
Dropping support for Python is going to be hard to accept for many.
-it is extremely useful and rich
-very easy/user friendly language
-closest to 'industry standard' for scripting languages, common in other
cg packages
-heavily and well integrated into blender 2.5
-ppl have invested lots of effort learning it
-ppl have invested lots of effort migrating to the new api
-Campbell is solving the security vs. usability issues, people who want
to run 'secure but less capable' will be able to, most people in
production settings will be running 'more capable but less secure' ,
however, these people aren't usually running outside files.

On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 13:31 -0300, wrote:
> What ?! how come the discussion started with "current blender defaults are
> getting in the way with production" which I totally agree and switched to
> "Let's replace Python with something else" ???
> I'm sure there must be a clever way to solve this or maybe this "security
> problem"
> Regards
> malefico.
> > 2010/4/28 Remo Pini 
> >
> >> I probably should have said "replace Python with some other scripting
> >> language". LUA was just an example and this really shouldn't end up
> >> being a discussion about what other language this should be but rather
> >> on what the overall course of action should/will be. I'm sure that there
> >> are many option, LUA just came to my mind first, because I use it in
> >> World of Warcraft *grin* and they have exactly the same issues (secure
> >> vs. insecure script, context related rights, ...).
> >>
> >>
> > In this case I would say: how many problems have come up related to
> > security? and you're talking on changing Python because of that. I know it
> > might be something we need to discuss for the future but for now it's not
> > a
> > big problem as far as I know. As someone said, if somebody wants to
> > dirty-hack something, he/she will find the way, that doesn't mean we won't
> > care on security but we cannot make it 100% secure as well.
> >
> > I don't really think that we are moving from Python any time soon. Python
> > has been doing a great job and is deeply embedded in Blender. I think
> > talking on this is not even fair with all the great job as for example
> > ideasman has been doing the last years with the Python API.
> >
> > I would suggest then to be focused on a Python solution.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > -idesisnery
> >
> >
> >
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >> Remo
> >>
> >> > -Original Message-
> >> > From: [mailto:bf-committers-
> >> >] On Behalf Of horace grant
> >> > Sent: Mittwoch, 28. April 2010 4:57
> >> > To: bf-blender developers
> >> > Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> >> >
> >> > On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Benjamin Tolputt
> >> >  wrote:
> >> > > horace grant wrote:
> >> > >> no need for lua. python is the much nicer language. :p there is
> >> pypy
> >> > >> which supports sandboxing and which also gets cpython api
> >> compatible
> >> > >> at the moment.
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > modules-with.html
> >> > >>
> >> > >> in 2 years or so (once pypy is more mature and python 3 compatible)
> >> > it
> >> > >> should be no big problem to replace cpython with pypy. as another
> >> > >> benefit pypy will be much faster than cpython due to its jit
> >> > compiler.
> >> > >>
> >> > >
> >> > > Whether Python is or isn't a nicer language depends on your point of
> >> > > view, so I won't debate that.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > yes, you are right, but i (and i am sure many others too) would really
> >> > pity if python got removed from blender. if that really needs to
> >> > happen then it would be better in my opinion to use the language
> >> > agnostic mono instead of something like lua. i think mono has
> >> > sandboxing features too.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > However, the "sand-bo

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Raul Fernandez Hernandez
I hope I'm wrong and is something I have missed from the "Security"
discussion but is leading to dangerous thougths Dropping python?!?!?!

Python support has being one of the best steps Blender has ever made, even
before the industry standard packages start considering python (when each
one implement their own scripting language leading to a migration chaos
among them)
 I think dropping python is not an option, is a suicide ;) and is
definatelly more harming than all the possible threats that is suppose to

-1 ad infinitum :)

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Makslane Rodrigues

I'm looking the Blender as a game creator, not just a 3D tool.A game creator 
tool must be secure.

Just my 2 cents
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Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread horace grant
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Makslane Rodrigues
> I'm looking the Blender as a game creator, not just a 3D tool.A game creator 
> tool must be secure.

why must a game creator be secure? for the webplugin security of
course would be important but for standalone games it doesn't matter
at all. the blender game engine isn't more insecure than any other
game engine.

... and it doesn't look like there ever will be a working webplugin
again for blender. the future on the web isn't plugins anyway but more
likely stuff like webgl...

> Just my 2 cents
> Makslane
> _
> Mude seu visual  no Messenger e divirta-se com seus amigos online. Clique e 
> veja como
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Matt Ebb
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:31 AM,   wrote:
> What ?! how come the discussion started with "current blender defaults are
> getting in the way with production" which I totally agree and switched to
> "Let's replace Python with something else" ???

Yes, this is getting silly, and I think is representative of the problem.

I can see two major perspectives here: a) those from an IT background,
where security is very important and security is often a number one
priority and b) those who use blender in production, where having a
functional 3d application is a number one priority.

The fact that people are even suggesting to drop Python is an example
of this - placing security in the sense of protecting some contingent
of users from themselves, as having higher importance than the pain of
completely re-doing Blender's main scripting language which is working
very well, that hundreds if not thousands of users depend on, have
spent years learning, and which is the standard language of the 3D
industry. It just shows how wide the disconnect is. Clearly I don't
think this mindset should be driving a discussion that has clear,
practical and costly implications for the people that are actually
using Blender.

The very big problem now is that Blender is not functional by default
- very important parts of it do not work after you install it. Your
own files *don't work*. This is a very stupid situation to be in, and
needs to be changed.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Charles Wardlaw
> The very big problem now is that Blender is not functional by default
> - very important parts of it do not work after you install it. Your
> own files *don't work*. This is a very stupid situation to be in, and
> needs to be changed.

Well said.
~ C

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Makslane Rodrigues

Sorry, I mean network games must use a secure game engine.

> Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 23:28:53 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Makslane Rodrigues
>  wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking the Blender as a game creator, not just a 3D tool.A game 
> > creator tool must be secure.
> why must a game creator be secure? for the webplugin security of
> course would be important but for standalone games it doesn't matter
> at all. the blender game engine isn't more insecure than any other
> game engine.
> ... and it doesn't look like there ever will be a working webplugin
> again for blender. the future on the web isn't plugins anyway but more
> likely stuff like webgl...
> >
> > Just my 2 cents
> > Makslane
> > _
> > Mude seu visual  no Messenger e divirta-se com seus amigos online. Clique e 
> > veja como
> >
> > ___
> > Bf-committers mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
O Internet Explorer 8 te dá dicas de como navegar mais seguro. Clique para ler 
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Tom M
My suggestion is that for those who are deeply concerned about the
security issue is to investigate how to switch to using pypy as an

It is fully sandboxable etc.  Those who need 'security over usability'
can have it.  It looks like performance is approaching CPython for
many cases and once all of the modules are ported over it can be
investigated as a default.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Ruslan Merkulov
Blender isn't the only 3d app to use python as embedded language. I
wonder how Maya and Houdini deal with these kinds of problems? And not
only 3d packages encounter such issues - Google App Engine for example
restricts usage of some python modules.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Charles Wardlaw
> Blender isn't the only 3d app to use python as embedded language. I
> wonder how Maya and Houdini deal with these kinds of problems? And not
> only 3d packages encounter such issues - Google App Engine for example
> restricts usage of some python modules.

The simple answer is: they don't. If Maya tried to add security settings to 
files you can bet your own child the uproar would be heard into space, and 
they'd roll back the change pretty quickly.

The same goes for all other packages I've used which implement Python.
~ C

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread joe
Why do we need these "security" features anyway? It's not like there
aren't tons of exploits that could be taken advantage off anyway.
Blender is a producton 3d app, not a web browser.


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:09 AM, Charles Wardlaw
>> Blender isn't the only 3d app to use python as embedded language. I
>> wonder how Maya and Houdini deal with these kinds of problems? And not
>> only 3d packages encounter such issues - Google App Engine for example
>> restricts usage of some python modules.
> The simple answer is: they don't. If Maya tried to add security settings to 
> files you can bet your own child the uproar would be heard into space, and 
> they'd roll back the change pretty quickly.
> The same goes for all other packages I've used which implement Python.
> ~ C
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Ruslan Merkulov
joe, I believe, it's possible write a blender python script that will
read your private data and send it to author's email and do all sorts
of other evil stuff. And if you have "Auto-run scripts" turned, all it
takes is a download a blend file, run it and that's it.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 4:21 AM, joe  wrote:
> Why do we need these "security" features anyway? It's not like there
> aren't tons of exploits that could be taken advantage off anyway.
> Blender is a producton 3d app, not a web browser.
> Joe
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:09 AM, Charles Wardlaw
>  wrote:
>>> Blender isn't the only 3d app to use python as embedded language. I
>>> wonder how Maya and Houdini deal with these kinds of problems? And not
>>> only 3d packages encounter such issues - Google App Engine for example
>>> restricts usage of some python modules.
>> The simple answer is: they don't. If Maya tried to add security settings to 
>> files you can bet your own child the uproar would be heard into space, and 
>> they'd roll back the change pretty quickly.
>> The same goes for all other packages I've used which implement Python.
>> ~ C
>> ___
>> Bf-committers mailing list
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Charles Wardlaw wrote:
> The simple answer is: they don't. If Maya tried to add security settings to 
> files you can bet your own child the uproar would be heard into space, and 
> they'd roll back the change pretty quickly.

According to the Maya documentation, there is a check-box that allows
you to disable the execution of "script nodes" when opening the file.
This would indeed be a "security measure" available and there has been
no uproar on it that I've heard of.

> The same goes for all other packages I've used which implement Python.

See my earlier email on HOW Python is used in these applications as
compared to Blender. Maya indeed uses Python in it's expressions(with
the explicit capability of turning them off on open) like Blender does.
The other "heavy hitter" applications do not. Their  use of Python is in
the construction of plugins from script - not in the embedding of Python
in expressions used in rigs.

joe wrote:
> Why do we need these "security" features anyway? It's not like there
> aren't tons of exploits that could be taken advantage off anyway.
> Blender is a producton 3d app, not a web browser.

Because Blender is a free modelling, animation, rendering application
made available to all people wanting to get their hands dirty in 3D
graphics. It is not just production studios that use it, but tens of
thousands of people that wish they could be in graphics production. Some
of them are working realistically towards that goal (training themselves
and putting together better & more complex scenes/animations) and some
are just playing at the shallow end of the pool playing with rigs and
scripts they download online (alot like the Renderosity crowd of Poser
users). Overall though, a fair proportion of these users (that
significantly outnumber professional users) will have no concept if what
a production environment IS, let alone any security implications therein.

Provided Blender continues to get more popular (and I don't see any
reason why not, I've got pro artists hanging out for the "easier to use
Blender 2.5"); this means more & more casual users. As this casual user
base grows, it becomes a more inviting target for malware authors.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Sorry if this is a repost - I sent this hours ago and it never turned up
in my inbox (unlike others I sent more recently). Ignore this if the
mailing list already has a copy.

Note that I am replying to all of last night's posts - Matt's is just
the last in the list & he hits most bases I want to cover.

Matt Ebb wrote:
>> What ?! how come the discussion started with "current blender defaults are
>> getting in the way with production" which I totally agree and switched to
>> "Let's replace Python with something else" ???
> Yes, this is getting silly, and I think is representative of the problem.

To answer the first question, the reason "replacing Python" comes up in
the security context is because the source of the security problem is
Python's inability to restrict access to built-in functionality
depending on context. To fix this security hole (and there is no debate
now it IS a security hole) the effort can be spent on one of two things:

* Fixing Python so it can have it's functionality limited as & when
* Remove Python from Blender & replacing it with an alternate
  scripting solution.

Regardless of whether people like the choices or not - that is the
reality of the situation. Either Python changes or Blender does, but for
security to be obtained you cannot have both. The only way out of making
this problematic choice (in the end) is to ignore security completely.

The concept that debate is silly because some people don't like the fact
the choices have been limited by prior decisions in Blender's history
is, quite frankly, *insulting*. Security is ALWAYS a trade-off,
especially when it comes to being able to run arbitrary script embedded
in a "document" or scene file.

Look at Word macros and the worms that resulted from that. No-one argues
that the macros were useful, anymore than people argued the usefulness
of ActiveX web add-ons or the fact that not having a password is easier
than having to enter one all the time. Regardless of how skilled &
intelligent people are in their area of expertise, a good majority of
them are unaware and simply don't care about security implications until
such time as it wipes their hard-drive or kills their Internet
connection due to spam activity overload. This does not make it any less
important a subject for consideration. Seat belts too are a pain until
the one time they save your life.

> I can see two major perspectives here: a) those from an IT background,
> where security is very important and security is often a number one
> priority and b) those who use blender in production, where having a
> functional 3d application is a number one priority.

This is a false choice that unfairly maligns those on the side of
security as "theoretical IT types" as opposed to the "practical Blender
users". A more accurate description, without generalising the reasons
WHY people are for/against security is simply that there are those that
desire security in Blender and those that don't particularly care. Those
that want security consider the trade-offs involved (some more drastic
than others) whereas those that don't particularly care see ANY
trade-off as a negative.

That said, a trade-off that results in unworkable files ALL THE TIME as
is being suggested by Matt is not a viable one. Especially given the
fact that the security issue is not resolved because to make use of any
reasonably complex rig nowadays, you need to enable Blender. Meaning
that to even try out that cool rig from Artist X's website, you need to
disable security... which defeats the purpose of having it in the first
place. I cannot think of ANY rig that needs access to my hard-drive to
work yet almost EVERY rig worth downloading and looking at requires
scripted expressions which, in turn, gives it access to my hard drive.
The all or nothing approach is not a reasonable trade-off, even for this
"IT background" end-user who wants security.

> The fact that people are even suggesting to drop Python is an example
> of this - placing security in the sense of protecting some contingent
> of users from themselves, as having higher importance than the pain of
> completely re-doing Blender's main scripting language which is working
> very well, that hundreds if not thousands of users depend on, have
> spent years learning, and which is the standard language of the 3D
> industry. It just shows how wide the disconnect is. Clearly I don't
> think this mindset should be driving a discussion that has clear,
> practical and costly implications for the people that are actually
> using Blender.

Quite frankly, being the best open-source / free 3D modelling, rigging,
animation, etc program available (and yes, I really do think that - the
other open-source/free apps don't come near EVERYTHING Blender can do...
even if Wings is much nicer to model in *grin*) means that the
"contingent of users" needing protection not from themselves but from
malicious developers who count on thei

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Martin Poirier

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:

> From: Benjamin Tolputt 
> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> To: "bf-blender developers" 
> Received: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 8:31 PM
> Charles Wardlaw wrote:
> > The simple answer is: they don't. If Maya tried to add
> security settings to files you can bet your own child the
> uproar would be heard into space, and they'd roll back the
> change pretty quickly.
> >   
> According to the Maya documentation, there is a check-box
> that allows
> you to disable the execution of "script nodes" when opening
> the file.
> This would indeed be a "security measure" available and
> there has been
> no uproar on it that I've heard of.

Because it's off by default, which is the opposite of the current state in 

You can bet whatever you want that if this was ever turned on by default, 
autodesk would do the fastest turn around time on a feature ever seen and bring 
it back off.

Moreover, if that only concerns script nodes, my educated guess is that it 
leaves gaping holes (security theater anyone?).

In any case, Blender already has an option to turn on "thrust" when opening 


Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread amrphoto1
Hey Guys,

Thoughts on security issues.

Why can't the devs with the know how, or the ones that desire the challenge and 
the kudos, take some time and hard code the "most worthy" script functionality 
into Blender?  

Many of the scripts seem to fill in the gaping holes in Blender's functionality 
as compared  to the paid programs, anyhow. Python is the common language, that 
many humans can dabble in and provide prototypical solutions to new functions, 
but can't the devs who are competent in C take this functionality and 
incorporate it directly into Blender?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Tolputt 
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 11:45:20 
To: Benjamin Tolputt; bf-blender 
Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

Sorry if this is a repost - I sent this hours ago and it never turned up
in my inbox (unlike others I sent more recently). Ignore this if the
mailing list already has a copy.

Note that I am replying to all of last night's posts - Matt's is just
the last in the list & he hits most bases I want to cover.

Matt Ebb wrote:
>> What ?! how come the discussion started with "current blender defaults are
>> getting in the way with production" which I totally agree and switched to
>> "Let's replace Python with something else" ???
> Yes, this is getting silly, and I think is representative of the problem.

To answer the first question, the reason "replacing Python" comes up in
the security context is because the source of the security problem is
Python's inability to restrict access to built-in functionality
depending on context. To fix this security hole (and there is no debate
now it IS a security hole) the effort can be spent on one of two things:

* Fixing Python so it can have it's functionality limited as & when
* Remove Python from Blender & replacing it with an alternate
  scripting solution.

Regardless of whether people like the choices or not - that is the
reality of the situation. Either Python changes or Blender does, but for
security to be obtained you cannot have both. The only way out of making
this problematic choice (in the end) is to ignore security completely.

The concept that debate is silly because some people don't like the fact
the choices have been limited by prior decisions in Blender's history
is, quite frankly, *insulting*. Security is ALWAYS a trade-off,
especially when it comes to being able to run arbitrary script embedded
in a "document" or scene file.

Look at Word macros and the worms that resulted from that. No-one argues
that the macros were useful, anymore than people argued the usefulness
of ActiveX web add-ons or the fact that not having a password is easier
than having to enter one all the time. Regardless of how skilled &
intelligent people are in their area of expertise, a good majority of
them are unaware and simply don't care about security implications until
such time as it wipes their hard-drive or kills their Internet
connection due to spam activity overload. This does not make it any less
important a subject for consideration. Seat belts too are a pain until
the one time they save your life.

> I can see two major perspectives here: a) those from an IT background,
> where security is very important and security is often a number one
> priority and b) those who use blender in production, where having a
> functional 3d application is a number one priority.

This is a false choice that unfairly maligns those on the side of
security as "theoretical IT types" as opposed to the "practical Blender
users". A more accurate description, without generalising the reasons
WHY people are for/against security is simply that there are those that
desire security in Blender and those that don't particularly care. Those
that want security consider the trade-offs involved (some more drastic
than others) whereas those that don't particularly care see ANY
trade-off as a negative.

That said, a trade-off that results in unworkable files ALL THE TIME as
is being suggested by Matt is not a viable one. Especially given the
fact that the security issue is not resolved because to make use of any
reasonably complex rig nowadays, you need to enable Blender. Meaning
that to even try out that cool rig from Artist X's website, you need to
disable security... which defeats the purpose of having it in the first
place. I cannot think of ANY rig that needs access to my hard-drive to
work yet almost EVERY rig worth downloading and looking at requires
scripted expressions which, in turn, gives it access to my hard drive.
The all or nothing approach is not a reasonable trade-off, even for this
"IT background" end-user who wants security.

> The fact 

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Charles Wardlaw
> According to the Maya documentation, there is a check-box that allows
> you to disable the execution of "script nodes" when opening the file.
> This would indeed be a "security measure" available and there has been
> no uproar on it that I've heard of.

It's actually not a security measure, although I can see why it could  
be viewed as such.

That feature is in there because sometimes Maya can save out files it  
cannot read back in, and often the only way to get at your data in  
order to salvage some of it is to disable scripts and expressions. I'm  
using that feature at work to debug some inherited assets because when  
I load them up straight Maya likes to hang.

But there's a difference between that and what Blender's currently  
doing: that "security" feature is opt-in. Blender's is not, but in my  
opinion should be.

And as an aside, that feature in Maya can be gotten around with  
deferred execution and a hack in a Maya ASCII file. Again: not  
security, but a debugging tool.

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the simple solution of  
disallowing automatic scripts and scripted constraints from accessing  
the os and sys modules (perhaps limiting imports to only bpy). It'd be  
easy enough to implement as a security measure by just scanning the  
code or executing the code in a space where those modules were never  
importable, but wouldn't break rigs.

~ C
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Martin Poirier

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, Charles Wardlaw  wrote:

> I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the simple solution
> of  
> disallowing automatic scripts and scripted constraints from
> accessing  
> the os and sys modules (perhaps limiting imports to only
> bpy).

That's because it doesn't work. Anybody that really wants to get around such a 
block can (and get access to all file read and write functionality).

One of the only safe way to sandbox CPython would be to wrap the whole low 
level Clib and event that most likely would leave some holes (beside being a 
mammoth task).


Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread §ĥřïñïďĥï Ŗäö
Hey Guys,
Well  I only saw a few snippets of this thread and didn't wanna read it
completely since the discussion was going pointless with "lets replace
python with some other scripting language" . Replacing or restricting sounds
completely lame when the whole industry is moving towards python to harness
its capabilities :)  . +1 for Matt Ebb`s points . Also if security is a
concern to many non-production or casual artists then blender developers can
provide an option in blender command line which can disable the so called
"security" so it doesn't hamper the real production. TDs in production can
then make a shell script or batch file that starts blender with that option
turned on so it doesn`t cause problems and distribute it in their studio .
Its still irritating to do so many stunts in a studio to get it working as
excepted . I would rather like to dump that security feature if its a
problem :/ . One more idea is to have it disabled by default like maya and
other 3d apps and have a tick box in splash screen with bold text "enable
security" , . My 2 cents ;)


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Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Charles Wardlaw wrote:
> But there's a difference between that and what Blender's currently  
> doing: that "security" feature is opt-in. Blender's is not, but in my  
> opinion should be.

Again I come back to the user-base of the applications in question. How
many people do you know outside the graphics industry that have Maya
installed at home? How many of them have it installed (& hence licensed)
on multiple machines? I happen to know, right out of my personal
experience, three people that have Blender installed because they wanted
to play around - a legal secretary, an arborist, and a housewife who
wants to make 3D web-comics (but isn't quite there with the skills yet).

I believe that these casual users would make up a significant majority
of the downloads of Blender from the primary website. I have no real
statistics to back it up, of course, no-one does to the contrary either.
Ton could probably tell us how many downloads in total there are and,
even assuming everyone downloads it twice for some leeway, I don't think
the number of professional users would add up to 20% of that figure.

These casual users don't even KNOW what the option would mean and they
are the most likely ones to need it. They are not going to "opt-in" to
something they don't understand.

That said, these people are going to be just as frustrated when they
come across the limitations of the opt-in solution as Matt Ebb & Co are.
They'll download something off the web because it looks cool and either
will disable the option to get it to work (compromising their system) or
get ticked off that it doesn't work (which is likely for any armature
more complex than a basic reverse foot rig).

> I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the simple solution of  
> disallowing automatic scripts and scripted constraints from accessing  
> the os and sys modules (perhaps limiting imports to only bpy). It'd be  
> easy enough to implement as a security measure by just scanning the  
> code or executing the code in a space where those modules were never  
> importable, but wouldn't break rigs.

Because it is not possible. Look at the last security mailing frenzy on
this list and I think it was Campbell that showed a few ways around what
you suggest. As I have mentioned a couple of times now, Python is
designed to allow access to everything from everywhere. If it wasn't an
explicit desire when putting together the language, it sure as daylight
is a standard feature now and removing it is likely to cause some big

Python does not allow a single virtual machine to allow some parts of
code to run in a secure, module-limited subset of the execution context
(as would be needed to limit rig expressions to secure subsets) whilst
allowing other blocks of code to run relatively unsecured (like that
required for import / export plugins). It is a language limitation not
shared by many other languages, such as Lua, TinyScheme, Falcon &
others. The issue is a language limitation which would require major
changes to the Python VM code (and alot of testing of the Python
modules) to implement... whilst forever needing maintenance by Blender
developers as the Python development team has already stated they are
not interested in such sandboxing.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Harley Acheson

Sorry, but I couldn’t resist weighing into this debate because I feel I have a 
unique perspective on this security issue. I am a Blender noob, a long-time 
developer (25 years but very little with C), but I spend my days as a network 
administrator for a large-ish network (650 users, 700 computers). So you would 
naturally think that I would be in the “theoretical IT types” in favor of high 
in Blender. 

But I am not. In fact the only feature I would need is the temporary ability to 
an autoexecuting blend without it doing so. Otherwise, I wish for no other 
preferences, or nannying. 

Yes, it is easy to make a python script that steals passwords or deletes your 
files, just 
as it is easy to do so in any programming language. The danger potentially 
lurking in 
an evil blend file is the same as in any program you could download from the 

There isn’t any comparison to Word and Excel macro viruses or other types of 
Blend files just don’t have the same audience, or the ability to quickly 
propagate. You 
either need fast self-replication or very fast and wide direct distributions in 
order keep 
it from self-limiting and to isolate the writer of the threat from getting 

Seriously… try to imagine a scenario where you could cause mischief in some way 
an autoexecuting Blend that would be long-lasting and leaves you anonymous, and 
therefore out of jail. Blend file just aren’t traded and shared the way the 
Word files are. 
We’ve had the ability to run scripts on load for years and this threat has yet 
to surface. 

At my very secure network my uses cannot do anything (with python or anything 
that could wreck the computer they are using because they don’t run with the 
necessary to do such damage. They are also unable to damage any files but their 
and if they manage that they can just restore them themselves from a snapshot 
from a few 
hours earlier. Or they can have me restore their files from a backup. 

So for me this isn’t a “security hole”, but just what any program can 
potentially do. You 
have the weigh the risks and deal with all the possibilities. My users are much 
more likely 
to accidentally delete files themselves than have something else do it for 

Just my two cents. 

Harley Acheson 

Virtual Dogsbody 
Info Tech Department 
Shawnigan Lake School 

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-28 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Harley Acheson wrote:
> I am a Blender noob, a long-time developer (25 years but very little with C), 
> but I spend my days as a network administrator for a large-ish network (650 
> users, 700 computers). So you would naturally think that I would be in the 
> “theoretical IT types” in favor of high security in Blender.
> ...
> At my very secure network my uses cannot do anything (with python or anything 
> else) 
> that could wreck the computer they are using because they don’t run with the 
> privileges 
> necessary to do such damage. They are also unable to damage any files but 
> their own, 
> and if they manage that they can just restore them themselves from a snapshot 
> from a few 
> hours earlier. Or they can have me restore their files from a backup. 

Actually, from that I would think you'd be one of those calling for
Blender to have an option on installation to ignore security. After all,
you are in a network situation someone with knowledge of security has
put time & effort into locking down machines & their capabilities.
You've obviously got a decent backup system in place and would be
knowledgeable in the risks / exploits you'd need to guard the network

In fact, aside from the fact I am a developer (HelpDesk & network admin
was not my thing), you are very similar to myself in what I know & how I
would go about securing my own computing resources. The environment you
describe sounds like a well regulated production studio network too:
highly networked, strict & frequent backups, and with user accounts
designed to be as fool proof as the sys-admin guy can make them.

This is the PERFECT environment for allowing unfettered control over
Python as damage will be restricted and the worst that can happen is
files the user has access to will be sent out into the Internet to be
picked up by whoever compromised their system.

Unfortunately, most people downloading and playing with Blender will NOT
be in such an environment. They'll be user tinkering around with Blender
in an unsecured network, without backups, with a file system fully
accessible to a compromised Blender installation, and (most importantly)
without the knowledge there might be a danger in opening scene file they
downloaded from the web.

> Yes, it is easy to make a python script that steals passwords or deletes your 
> files, just 
> as it is easy to do so in any programming language. The danger potentially 
> lurking in 
> an evil blend file is the same as in any program you could download from the 
> internet. 

While stealing your passwords and deleting your files is bad, the most
common use of malware at the moment is in the creation of nodes in a
bot-net. These are usually just outlets for spam and participants in
DDOS attacks. You might also lose passwords and/or have your files
deleted, but the commercial success of hacking machines for this purpose
is limited,.

Bot-nets on the other hand are profitable for the criminal organisations
that "sponsor" such malware development. A bot-net can send out millions
of emails from Nigerian Royalty, phallic herbal pharmacies, and banks
seeking verification of your username & password. These ARE profitable
enterprises, as is the use of bot-nets to blackmail gambiling sites &
the like with the threat if DDOS attacks (backed up by taking them
offline for an hour or so first).

Also, in the minds of most end-users "opening" a document (or .blend)
they got off the web is very different to "running" a program they
downloaded. This is reinforced by the fact that one is asked whether
they want to open a file or save it (in Chrome & FireFox) for documents
and only given the choice of saving the file if it has a recognised
application extension. And, for the most part, applications that allow
opening files that might give unauthorised access to the users computer
tend to pop-up a warning of such ("This files has macros which may do X,
Y, & Z. Do you wish to enable them when loading? Yes. No"). Leading me

> There isn’t any comparison to Word and Excel macro viruses or other types of 
> threat. 
> Blend files just don’t have the same audience, or the ability to quickly 
> propagate. You 
> either need fast self-replication or very fast and wide direct distributions 
> in order keep 
> it from self-limiting and to isolate the writer of the threat from getting 
> caught. 
> Seriously… try to imagine a scenario where you could cause mischief in some 
> way with 
> an autoexecuting Blend that would be long-lasting and leaves you anonymous, 
> and 
> therefore out of jail. Blend file just aren’t traded and shared the way the 
> Word files are. 
> We’ve had the ability to run scripts on load for years and this threat has 
> yet to surface.

Yes, Word & Excel documents are more popular. No debating that... but
claiming that because someone hasn't exploited a security hole yet means
it is not likely to happen is something I find VERY surprising coming
from a network admin. 

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Ruslan Merkulov
There are couple of things that can be done to improve the situation:

1) Include a warning message in the splash screen in bold letters
about downloading and opening random .blends and scripts from the
2) Create some sort of official content and scripts repository for
Blender with some sort of approving scheme. Maybe create an add-on for
Blender to download and install content approved by community and/or

So, it boils down to a) educating users about security awareness, b)
creating a network of trust and incidentally making finding and
installing safe content easier.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Benjamin Tolputt
> Harley Acheson wrote:
>> I am a Blender noob, a long-time developer (25 years but very little with C),
>> but I spend my days as a network administrator for a large-ish network (650
>> users, 700 computers). So you would naturally think that I would be in the
>> “theoretical IT types” in favor of high security in Blender.
>> ...
>> At my very secure network my uses cannot do anything (with python or 
>> anything else)
>> that could wreck the computer they are using because they don’t run with the 
>> privileges
>> necessary to do such damage. They are also unable to damage any files but 
>> their own,
>> and if they manage that they can just restore them themselves from a 
>> snapshot from a few
>> hours earlier. Or they can have me restore their files from a backup.
> Actually, from that I would think you'd be one of those calling for
> Blender to have an option on installation to ignore security. After all,
> you are in a network situation someone with knowledge of security has
> put time & effort into locking down machines & their capabilities.
> You've obviously got a decent backup system in place and would be
> knowledgeable in the risks / exploits you'd need to guard the network
> against.
> In fact, aside from the fact I am a developer (HelpDesk & network admin
> was not my thing), you are very similar to myself in what I know & how I
> would go about securing my own computing resources. The environment you
> describe sounds like a well regulated production studio network too:
> highly networked, strict & frequent backups, and with user accounts
> designed to be as fool proof as the sys-admin guy can make them.
> This is the PERFECT environment for allowing unfettered control over
> Python as damage will be restricted and the worst that can happen is
> files the user has access to will be sent out into the Internet to be
> picked up by whoever compromised their system.
> Unfortunately, most people downloading and playing with Blender will NOT
> be in such an environment. They'll be user tinkering around with Blender
> in an unsecured network, without backups, with a file system fully
> accessible to a compromised Blender installation, and (most importantly)
> without the knowledge there might be a danger in opening scene file they
> downloaded from the web.
>> Yes, it is easy to make a python script that steals passwords or deletes 
>> your files, just
>> as it is easy to do so in any programming language. The danger potentially 
>> lurking in
>> an evil blend file is the same as in any program you could download from the 
>> internet.
> While stealing your passwords and deleting your files is bad, the most
> common use of malware at the moment is in the creation of nodes in a
> bot-net. These are usually just outlets for spam and participants in
> DDOS attacks. You might also lose passwords and/or have your files
> deleted, but the commercial success of hacking machines for this purpose
> is limited,.
> Bot-nets on the other hand are profitable for the criminal organisations
> that "sponsor" such malware development. A bot-net can send out millions
> of emails from Nigerian Royalty, phallic herbal pharmacies, and banks
> seeking verification of your username & password. These ARE profitable
> enterprises, as is the use of bot-nets to blackmail gambiling sites &
> the like with the threat if DDOS attacks (backed up by taking them
> offline for an hour or so first).
> Also, in the minds of most end-users "opening" a document (or .blend)
> they got off the web is very different to "running" a program they
> downloaded. This is reinforced by the fact that one is asked whether
> they want to open a file or save it (in Chrome & FireFox) for documents
> and only given the choice of saving the file if it has a recognised
> application extension. And, for the most part, applications that allow
> opening files that might give unauthorised access to the users computer
> tend to pop-up a warning of such ("This files has macros which may do X,
> Y, & Z. Do you wish to enable them when loading? Yes. No"). Leading me
> into...
>> There isn’t any comparison to Word and Excel macro viruses or other types of 
>> threat.
>> Blend files just don’t have the same audience, or the ability to quickly 
>> propagate. You
>> either need fast self-replica

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Tony Mullen
Hi all,

Maybe somebody's mentioned this, but one compromise could be to add an
option at installation time to select for "Heightened security (some
functionality disabled)". This could be "recommended for first-time users"
but not set as the default.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Charles Wardlaw
> Python does not allow a single virtual machine to allow some parts of
> code to run in a secure, module-limited subset of the execution context
> (as would be needed to limit rig expressions to secure subsets) whilst
> allowing other blocks of code to run relatively unsecured (like that
> required for import / export plugins). It is a language limitation not
> shared by many other languages, such as Lua, TinyScheme, Falcon &
> others. The issue is a language limitation which would require major
> changes to the Python VM code (and alot of testing of the Python
> modules) to implement... whilst forever needing maintenance by Blender
> developers as the Python development team has already stated they are
> not interested in such sandboxing.

So you're telling me I can't modify sys.path to remove the standard Python 
libraries?  I'm not talking about a safe and secure sandboxed VM-- I mean 
literally remove the functionality.  It's just a zip file or a folder or 
whatever, and there's no reason you can't block access to os and sys by not 
letting the interpreter see them.  I can hear the argument about importers and 
exporters not working, but you could follow Tony's suggestion about popping up 
a message that says "This can't be used because of security features" and then 
allow the user to make a choice about what they want to do.

There are ways around any security system.  The arguments for this kind of 
stuff seem to be about protecting the retired grandfathers and soccer moms.  
Those kind of first-time users don't need OBJ import.  Or if people really care 
about security, move importers and exporters and geometry shaders that write 
PTC files and anything else requiring disk access into C code to get around 
that limitation.  os and sys are nice to have for certain kinds of directory 
walking, but they're not necessary for the majority of Blender's functionality.

The other option is code introspection-- It's simple enough to read through 
text and see what's imported before it's even fed to the interpreter.  There's 
no reason that autoloaded scripts couldn't be inspected at file open for 
dangerous items.

I don't think any of the arguments for this security hold water.  Sure, there 
will eventually be .blend viruses, and they'll be scanned for by programs like 
Avast and filtered out of mail messages and a few users are going to get 
bitten, badly.  But the one thing nobody is saying is that since Blender's open 
source, it doesn't matter whether or not the user downloads a bad .blend.  
Users who are likely to get hurt by such problems are just as likely to 
download a "special custom build with extra functionality!" which has even 
worse stuff bundled inside.  There's already a community notion that if you 
want to try out the latest and greatest, you go to graphicall.  Who makes those 
builds?  How do I know people aren't hacking the C code to steal my password?  
And if those builds are safe, then the builds at by the 
guy who's been a part of the community for a long time must also be safe, right?

I say leave up a message on the download page or put it in the installer that 
Python is not secure and that by running Blender people may be opening 
themselves up to attack, or pop up a message if being run interactively.  Not 
that I've ever heard of such attacks on users of embedded Python.

~ C

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread horace grant
> *Mono*:
> On the suggestion of Mono, this is a no-go before it even get's to the
> starting block. The components needed to make Mono run are quite large
> in size and not guaranteed to be on every machine. Currently Blender
> runs just fine by distributing the required Python dependencies along
> with it (though it locates existing installations just fine as well).
> Doing the same for Mono would blow out the download size of the default
> Python by a large factor.

i don't think that's true. the unity webplayer comes with mono and
mono doesn't take more than 4mb there (and this includes the languages
boo and unityscript). python 3.1 takes 2.7mb.

i have also read on miguel de icaza's blog that mono's moonlight
profile is even smaller and contains all of the important stuff. he
recommended it to the unity developers.

> *PyPy as a solution:*
> The problem with PyPy is that, like the current situation, it is an all
> or nothing approach. PyPy will give you the choice of allowing Blender
> to access your file system (a requirement for import/export scripts) or
> will lock it down. Recall that the problem with Python isn't that it can
> allow access to the hard-drive, but that either EVERY Python script &
> expression can do it or none of them can. Rigs don't need access to the
> network, file systems, operating system features etc; but if we give it
> to the import/export scripts - we give it to the rigs. Python's all or
> nothing problem is based on the language design & modules developed
> around it, not the virtual machine used to execute the code (which is
> all PyPy is attempting to change).

couldn't you run 2 separate pythons? but that would be the worst case.
i really would contact the pypy developers first and get their opinion
about it. i follow their mailing list a bit and there seem to be a lot
of experiments going on with their sandbox. probably i am wrong but to
me it seemed like some people tryed to enable/disable certain features
just like it would be needed for blender.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Thomas Dinges
Again a discussion that turned into a real mess.

I don't see the point really. The best security is still your brain and 
not a button which says "make my computer secure" or whatever.
You are downloading lots of different file types every day. Just don't 
load files from sources you don't trust. It's as simple as that.

It's a general problem in the computer world. The danger is here, 
everywhere. Even the OS itself can kill all your data and do crazy 
things. There is no 100% security. Make backups on CDs, DVDs, this is 
the way.
The user should start to think and become aware of computers advantages 
and disatvantages, including security issues. There is no "make my 
Computer and data secure" button, neither in the OS nor an application. 
And there won't be any!


Am 29.04.2010 02:41, schrieb Ruslan Merkulov:
> joe, I believe, it's possible write a blender python script that will
> read your private data and send it to author's email and do all sorts
> of other evil stuff. And if you have "Auto-run scripts" turned, all it
> takes is a download a blend file, run it and that's it.
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 4:21 AM, joe  wrote:
>> Why do we need these "security" features anyway? It's not like there
>> aren't tons of exploits that could be taken advantage off anyway.
>> Blender is a producton 3d app, not a web browser.
>> Joe
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Martin Poirier

--- On Thu, 4/29/10, Charles Wardlaw  wrote:

> So you're telling me I can't modify sys.path to remove the
> standard Python libraries?

File access is part of builtins, you can remove that.
Even if you try, there's a million of sneaky ways to get it back, like the 

[t for t in type(1).__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if hasattr(t, 
"write")][0]("/path/to/file", "w").write("my payload")

> I'm not talking about a
> safe and secure sandboxed VM-- I mean literally remove the
> functionality.  It's just a zip file or a folder or
> whatever, and there's no reason you can't block access to os
> and sys by not letting the interpreter see them.

os and sys are not required for file access.

Moreover, depending on the platform, they can be built into the interpreter 
(not external modules).

> The other option is code introspection-- It's simple enough
> to read through text and see what's imported before it's
> even fed to the interpreter.  There's no reason that
> autoloaded scripts couldn't be inspected at file open for
> dangerous items.

Good luck with that.

Even with an import hook, it's possible to go around such a measure.

> I say leave up a message on the download page or put it in
> the installer that Python is not secure and that by running
> Blender people may be opening themselves up to attack, or
> pop up a message if being run interactively.  Not that
> I've ever heard of such attacks on users of embedded
> Python.

Sometimes it's not malicious. It could just be a poorly written script that 
craps files all over your HD if not run in a certain way.


Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Charles Wardlaw wrote:
> So you're telling me I can't modify sys.path to remove the standard Python 
> libraries?  I'm not talking about a safe and secure sandboxed VM-- I mean 
> literally remove the functionality.  It's just a zip file or a folder or 
> whatever, and there's no reason you can't block access to os and sys by not 
> letting the interpreter see them.  I can hear the argument about importers 
> and exporters not working, but you could follow Tony's suggestion about 
> popping up a message that says "This can't be used because of security 
> features" and then allow the user to make a choice about what they want to do.

Actually, you answer your own question. You cannot remove the os & sys
modules without it affecting other parts of Python. Not only the
importser/exporters but other modules built into Python also refer to
these module and they would crash. Removing these modules would require
testing all other modules for correct behaviour.

And it is not just these modules that would be useful to a malware
author. there is subprocess, socket, threading, email, io, platform,
shutil, and many more that could be used to get access to resources that
are not required for rigging/animation purposes in Blender. And this is
ignoring the built-in functions that don't require the loading of
modules... like the open() function which allows the creation of &/or
reading of files so long as you know a valid path. Once you've gone to
all that effort of hacking Python to be... well, not Python - why stick
with the language?

I think the biggest problem is that everyone is looking for an "easy
answer" and there simply isn't one.

> There are ways around any security system.  The arguments for this kind of 
> stuff seem to be about protecting the retired grandfathers and soccer moms.

This I can agree with you on, the user-base we're looking to help are
the soccer moms, retired grandfathers, legal secretaries, and tree

> Those kind of first-time users don't need OBJ import.

...and then you lose me entirely. Sorry, but until such time as ".blend"
is a standard file format, how exactly do you expect people to fill a
basic scene? If it's open content, it is almost invariably available in
an OBJ format. Collada is picking up speed, but it is not there yet.
Hell, The web-comic artist-to-be I talked about in an earlier email gets
a majority of her art from Poser props exported as, you guessed it, OBJ

> Or if people really care about security, move importers and exporters and 
> geometry shaders that write PTC files and anything else requiring disk access 
> into C code to get around that limitation.  os and sys are nice to have for 
> certain kinds of directory walking, but they're not necessary for the 
> majority of Blender's functionality.

This is indeed a possibility, but given that the general environment
here seems adverse to anything resembling a large amount of effort to
securing Blender (a viable & understandable position); I think this is
another "non-starter" solution. Especially when there is no "greasy
wheel needing a kick". We're already facing outright hostility to the
effort required for a basic "on/off" solution to the problem from core
developers. I don't think it is a long bow to draw expecting the "moving
all standard import/export plugins to C" idea to be tossed aside almost

> The other option is code introspection-- It's simple enough to read through 
> text and see what's imported before it's even fed to the interpreter.  
> There's no reason that autoloaded scripts couldn't be inspected at file open 
> for dangerous items.

OK, have you actually read Campbell's emails to the list on this? It is
*trivial* to hide the real intent of Python code, /especially/ from
automated code introspection functionality. Virii make it through the
filters designed by multi-million dollar companies *dedicated* to this
task. It took Campbell not even a day after reading how two research
papers suggested securing Python to find away around it; even if it
takes your average malware author four times the amount of time to get
around our open-source filter - he'll have it done in under a week tops.

> I don't think any of the arguments for this security hold water.  Sure, there 
> will eventually be .blend viruses, and they'll be scanned for by programs 
> like Avast and filtered out of mail messages and a few users are going to get 
> bitten, badly.  But the one thing nobody is saying is that since Blender's 
> open source, it doesn't matter whether or not the user downloads a bad 
> .blend.  Users who are likely to get hurt by such problems are just as likely 
> to download a "special custom build with extra functionality!" which has even 
> worse stuff bundled inside.  There's already a community notion that if you 
> want to try out the latest and greatest, you go to graphicall.  Who makes 
> those builds?  How do I know people aren't hacking the C co

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread (Ry)akiotakis (An)tonis
I have to say this to lighten the situation:

I guess the end result is that windows is crap, if you need security use linux!

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Charles Wardlaw
> File access is part of builtins, you can remove that.
> Even if you try, there's a million of sneaky ways to get it back, like the 
> following:
> [t for t in type(1).__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if hasattr(t, 
> "write")][0]("/path/to/file", "w").write("my payload")

There're ways around any security measure; even UBISoft's "uncrackable" DRM for 
their games was cracked this weekend.

> os and sys are not required for file access.

Bad example, but I hope the point was still made.

> Moreover, depending on the platform, they can be built into the interpreter 
> (not external modules).

Aren't all 2.5 versions using an internal Python3.1 distribution that BF 
controls?  If folks are serious about this, external python in official builds 
can be disallowed and the internal Python stack can be nerfed.

> Good luck with that.
> Even with an import hook, it's possible to go around such a measure.

Sure, but again, people could get around most of the suggestions that have come 
up in this thread.  Trying to catch the broadest attempts at security breaches 
is all anyone can really be tasked with.  At some point someone is going to 
find a way around the security, and there will be issues.  It's unavoidable.

> Sometimes it's not malicious. It could just be a poorly written script that 
> craps files all over your HD if not run in a certain way.

Which is a very good point, and adds validity to the notion of a central 
"trusted scripts" repository.  Having a trusted scripts / rigs place online 
that new users are pointed towards (instead of long BlenderArtists threads) 
would go much further to solving these issues than adding security layers to 
the software and inconveniencing long-time power users IMO.

Then again, it needs someone to manage it.
~ C

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Raul Fernandez Hernandez
Is time to end up this security discussion: paperware is very beautiful
but never leave the planification phase.
  The pro-security team could work on a prototype that could shut up the
rest of us that think this discussion is getting in the way, meanwhile,
the rest of us could continue improving blender.

regards  farsthary

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Charles Wardlaw
> And it is not just these modules that would be useful to a malware
> author. there is subprocess, socket, threading, email, io, platform,
> shutil, and many more that could be used to get access to resources that
> are not required for rigging/animation purposes in Blender. And this is
> ignoring the built-in functions that don't require the loading of
> modules... like the open() function which allows the creation of &/or
> reading of files so long as you know a valid path. Once you've gone to
> all that effort of hacking Python to be... well, not Python - why stick
> with the language?

No answer for you.  But if people aren't willing to remove that functionality, 
or limit it globally in the internal interpreter, then there's no way to lock 
things down.

> I think the biggest problem is that everyone is looking for an "easy
> answer" and there simply isn't one.


> ...and then you lose me entirely. Sorry, but until such time as ".blend"
> is a standard file format, how exactly do you expect people to fill a
> basic scene? If it's open content, it is almost invariably available in
> an OBJ format. Collada is picking up speed, but it is not there yet.
> Hell, The web-comic artist-to-be I talked about in an earlier email gets
> a majority of her art from Poser props exported as, you guessed it, OBJ
> files.

I think there's a difference between users who want inter-program operation and 
users who want to do everything inside one software package.  Most of the 
hobbyist Blender users I know (most, not all) do EVERYTHING inside Blender and 
never round-trip to external software.  The web-comic artist you spoke of would 
not be an entry-level user in my opinion; by the time he's ready to do stuff 
like that he's also ready to make the decision to unlock the additional 
functionality and drop the security barrier.  But until that point, while he's 
learning the software and getting to grips with what's possible?  No, I don't 
think he needs an interchange format.

> This is indeed a possibility, but given that the general environment
> here seems adverse to anything resembling a large amount of effort to
> securing Blender (a viable & understandable position); I think this is
> another "non-starter" solution. Especially when there is no "greasy
> wheel needing a kick". We're already facing outright hostility to the
> effort required for a basic "on/off" solution to the problem from core
> developers. I don't think it is a long bow to draw expecting the "moving
> all standard import/export plugins to C" idea to be tossed aside almost
> immediately.

Agreed, but if the people interested in security aren't interested in writing 
C-language "trusted operators" to lock down the system then they must not be 
that interested in security, right?

> OK, have you actually read Campbell's emails to the list on this? It is
> *trivial* to hide the real intent of Python code, /especially/ from
> automated code introspection functionality. Virii make it through the
> filters designed by multi-million dollar companies *dedicated* to this
> task. It took Campbell not even a day after reading how two research
> papers suggested securing Python to find away around it; even if it
> takes your average malware author four times the amount of time to get
> around our open-source filter - he'll have it done in under a week tops.

Yes, I did read Campbell's mails.  But ANYTHING that's done security-wise can 
be cracked! It's not about trying to lock down the system 100% perfectly -- the 
only system that's locked down is the one that's unplugged and locked away from 
humans.  And Blender is worse off from the get-go because all discussion about 
security in it is done on an open forum, and the code is easily perused for 

I was trying to suggest that a compromise might be reached where a bit of 
introspection were done.  As exploits are discovered you could update the 
exploit list in Blender to recognize new code strings.  No, it won't catch 
everything, but nothing will.  Anyway, retracted.

> Again, back to dismissing the problem through characterising anyone not
> skilled in computer technology as an idiot. Opening a file in Photoshop
> or GIMP does not make make one vulnerable to exploits. Neither does
> opening a file in MyPaint, WinAmp, Google SketchUp, or Wings (reading
> across a row of shortcuts on my desktop). Opening a potentially
> dangerous file in OpenOffice (next row of shortcut icons) explicitly
> asks me whether I wish to enable the possibly dangerous scripts. This is
> standard behaviour for applications where you view or edit something.
> Most applications are built to cater for the fact that end-users
> differentiate between "running a program" and "opening a document".
> Trying to ignore this does not change the fact.

I'm doing nothing of the sort.  I myself have been tired and downloaded the 
wrong thing from the wrong site and ended up with a bricked XP machine more 
than once.  I also once

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Raul Fernandez Hernandez wrote:
> Is time to end up this security discussion: paperware is very beautiful
> but never leave the planification phase.
>   The pro-security team could work on a prototype that could shut up the
> rest of us that think this discussion is getting in the way, meanwhile,
> the rest of us could continue improving blender.

Are you speaking for the Blender development team or just yourself?
Serious question as I'd like to know if the opinion that adding security
is not part of "improving Blender" is shared at the top level. After
all, if Ton (for example) doesn't want there to be a security option -
there simply isn't going to be one as it will never get into trunk.

There is no point makling a prototype if the end-result is already
predetermined as "we don't want it".
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Charles Wardlaw wrote:
> No answer for you.  But if people aren't willing to remove that 
> functionality, or limit it globally in the internal interpreter, then there's 
> no way to lock things down.

Agreed 100%. The issue, as I keep repeating, is that the ideal solution
is that the scripts needing access to file systems, network, etc can get
it and those that don't (such as rig constraints and the like) do not.
Python, by design, makes this impossible. Other language options do not.

> I think there's a difference between users who want inter-program operation 
> and users who want to do everything inside one software package.  Most of the 
> hobbyist Blender users I know (most, not all) do EVERYTHING inside Blender 
> and never round-trip to external software.  The web-comic artist you spoke of 
> would not be an entry-level user in my opinion; by the time he's ready to do 
> stuff like that he's also ready to make the decision to unlock the additional 
> functionality and drop the security barrier.  But until that point, while 
> he's learning the software and getting to grips with what's possible?  No, I 
> don't think he needs an interchange format.

Actually, I've worked with HER to get her at least familiar with the
Blender interface and *trust me* she is an entry-level user. Knowing
that she can get a prop out of Poser by following a set of steps (she
does not understand) does not mean she knows what a rig script is and/or
how it can be abused to compromise her computer. Hell, she would
probably think I was being dirty using the term "compromise your
computer". We shouldn't confuse being able to import a file (or other
simple operations) with understanding how things work.

> Agreed, but if the people interested in security aren't interested in writing 
> C-language "trusted operators" to lock down the system then they must not be 
> that interested in security, right?

Agreed. But said code needs to be accepted by the core development team.
If they hold the view that the operators should stay in Python for "easy
modification" (or any other reason really); any effort put into making
them C-code is just going to wasted isn't it?

> Yes, I did read Campbell's mails.  But ANYTHING that's done security-wise can 
> be cracked! It's not about trying to lock down the system 100% perfectly -- 
> the only system that's locked down is the one that's unplugged and locked 
> away from humans.  And Blender is worse off from the get-go because all 
> discussion about security in it is done on an open forum, and the code is 
> easily perused for holes.

False claim there. A wide variety or studies have shown that opening
security code up for public inspection leads to quicker resolution of
problems and/or finding out if a solution is going to fail "by design"
(as opposed to simply a bug in the implementation).

> I was trying to suggest that a compromise might be reached where a bit of 
> introspection were done.  As exploits are discovered you could update the 
> exploit list in Blender to recognize new code strings.  No, it won't catch 
> everything, but nothing will.  Anyway, retracted.

I can see where you are coming from, but it is not a feasible solution.
The line quoted by Martin is a basic version of getting around it. I
cold base64 encode a string then use eval, I could make a round about
function to do it, etc. The issue isn't the WAY it is being done - it is
that the functionality is allowed at all in a Python constraint.

> I can't speak to the paint programs but I know that buffer exploits have 
> allowed code to be executed from within MP3 files in the past.  No scripting 
> there, but they were a security risk.  And Winamp can play WMA, right?  Those 
> can contain all kinds of crap that gets run through the Windows Media layer 
> and can install software, pop up IE windows, etc.  How many home users who 
> think in terms of documents, not programs or formats, can differentiate 
> between WMA and mp3 when the icons are similar?  I've known a lot of people 
> who asked me to help them figure out why WMA files wouldn't play on their MP3 
> player.

Buffer overruns are a BUG. The current security issues are a result of
mismatched design. Blender developers want to run Python in it's
rigs/constraints. Python developers want the namespace browsing features
(that are a foundational element of their language) and they want to
keep unsecure functions (like the file open() function) as a part of the
raw, always available functionality offered by their runtime. If Blender
wants to add security, one of these two must give.

The issue is a result of "design" not "implementation". Like DRM, the
requirement of client-side access to resources post decryption conflicts
with the desire for the publisher to stop people from playing the game
without their authorisation. One side has to give and, by dint of the
fact the client has to be able to play the game, the publisher's desire

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Raul Fernandez Hernandez

> Raul Fernandez Hernandez wrote:
>> Is time to end up this security discussion: paperware is very beautiful
>> but never leave the planification phase.
>>   The pro-security team could work on a prototype that could shut up the
>> rest of us that think this discussion is getting in the way, meanwhile,
>> the rest of us could continue improving blender.
> Are you speaking for the Blender development team or just yourself?
> Serious question as I'd like to know if the opinion that adding security
> is not part of "improving Blender" is shared at the top level. After
> all, if Ton (for example) doesn't want there to be a security option -
> there simply isn't going to be one as it will never get into trunk.
> There is no point makling a prototype if the end-result is already
> predetermined as "we don't want it".

 Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of discrimination , I think the
fact that english is not my way of thinking could lead to this. I was
speaking for myself , splitting in pro-security and the rest is very
natural when a discussion arise, is nothing bad,  and when I was
referring to "the rest of us could continue improving blender" I didn't
mean that working in security was not improving blender, I mean: "the
rest of us could continue working in their projects in blender".
  I think a working patch or prototype is way better than a long
discussion that sometimes get out of its path, nothing more.

 Cheers  Farsthary

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Michael Judd
Hi guys,
Is this the list of options?

1. Work with the python team to implement the desired security features 
into the python trunk.
2. Create a "secure" python fork and implement the desired security 
features into it.
3. Maintain a trusted/certified/signed repository of scripts and warn 
users when loading untrusted scripts.
4. Dump python and use something else.
5. Stick with the status quo.

(1 or 2) and/or 3 make the most sense to me.
3 by itself seems the least amount of work and seems totally acceptable.
Not that I'll be contributing anything other than my opinion. ;)

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Martin Poirier
0. Keep current features, switch from default on to default off.


--- On Thu, 4/29/10, Michael Judd  wrote:

> From: Michael Judd 
> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> To: "bf-blender developers" 
> Received: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 1:55 PM
> Hi guys,
> Is this the list of options?
> 1. Work with the python team to implement the desired
> security features 
> into the python trunk.
> 2. Create a "secure" python fork and implement the desired
> security 
> features into it.
> 3. Maintain a trusted/certified/signed repository of
> scripts and warn 
> users when loading untrusted scripts.
> 4. Dump python and use something else.
> 5. Stick with the status quo.
> (1 or 2) and/or 3 make the most sense to me.
> 3 by itself seems the least amount of work and seems
> totally acceptable.
> Not that I'll be contributing anything other than my
> opinion. ;)
> Cheers!
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Michael Judd
6. Create a "secured blender" version of the installer (for platforms 
that support it) that creates a locked down blender user for executing 
7. Provide a downloadable virtual machine (VMWare/Virtual Box/etc.) image.

Martin Poirier wrote:
> 0. Keep current features, switch from default on to default off.
> Martin
> --- On Thu, 4/29/10, Michael Judd  wrote:
>> From: Michael Judd 
>> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
>> To: "bf-blender developers" 
>> Received: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 1:55 PM
>> Hi guys,
>> Is this the list of options?
>> 1. Work with the python team to implement the desired
>> security features 
>> into the python trunk.
>> 2. Create a "secure" python fork and implement the desired
>> security 
>> features into it.
>> 3. Maintain a trusted/certified/signed repository of
>> scripts and warn 
>> users when loading untrusted scripts.
>> 4. Dump python and use something else.
>> 5. Stick with the status quo.
>> (1 or 2) and/or 3 make the most sense to me.
>> 3 by itself seems the least amount of work and seems
>> totally acceptable.
>> Not that I'll be contributing anything other than my
>> opinion. ;)
>> Cheers!
>> ___
>> Bf-committers mailing list
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Michael Judd
853 New Cleveland Rd
Gumdale, Qld 4154

Phone: +61 (0)7 32452864

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Michael Fox
Ok it seems we are getting nowhere fast on this, so to address the
original issue, have it off by default as that is what seems to be
causing the most troubles, yet keep it there for those who need it (ie
paranoid IT people :) ), 

as in a studio you will mainly be using internal scripts for like rigs
and such not much from the external world

also to show the danger to new users put a warning on the download page
in nice red letters at the top

all of this is done until a suitable option is available, and dropping
python all together is certainly not a viable alternative

now can this argument please end?

Michael Fox 
Developer and user of Blender3d

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Raul Fernandez Hernandez wrote:
>  Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of discrimination , I think the
> fact that english is not my way of thinking could lead to this. I was
> speaking for myself , splitting in pro-security and the rest is very
> natural when a discussion arise, is nothing bad,  and when I was
> referring to "the rest of us could continue improving blender" I didn't
> mean that working in security was not improving blender, I mean: "the
> rest of us could continue working in their projects in blender".

OK, I apologise for misinterpreting you. The lack of clarity as to what
will or will not be accepted by core development perhaps makes me read
too much into the posts by main developers :)

>   I think a working patch or prototype is way better than a long
> discussion that sometimes get out of its path, nothing more.

The issue I have is that I (or someone else) could put ALOT of work into
fixing this without it being accepted into core because they are not
interested in what it takes. Security is not like a new operator or
constraint. Like the UI refactor - it will affect almost everything in
Blender in some way. The amount of work needed even for a basic
prototype is substantial.

To use a recent example, how do you think a developer would have felt if
they put together the Blender 2.5 UI refactor prototype if they knew Ton
was against it? I know I wouldn't have bothered. Not because I don't
think it is a great feature, but by the very fact it touches almost
everything (like security will); it would be impossible to keep up with
Blender development through patching a local installation.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Martin Poirier wrote:
> 0. Keep current features, switch from default on to default off.

In which case you may as well not have the feature at all. The people
most vulnerable to a malware attack from ANY vector are those that would
not know to turn security on.

Not to mention the fact that security of an "on/off" variety pretty much
hoses any chance of decent rigs whilst having security enabled. As I've
mentioned, it's like disabling macros in Office and it not allowing you
to use bold fonts and paragraph spacing. Sure you can get around it, but
it is not what one would consider a "good solution"
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Martin Poirier
There's still very little doubt that this will be the solution that is going to 
be adopted (in the short to mid term at least).


--- On Thu, 4/29/10, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:

> From: Benjamin Tolputt 
> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
> To: "bf-blender developers" 
> Received: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 7:46 PM
> Martin Poirier wrote:
> > 0. Keep current features, switch from default on to
> default off.
> >   
> In which case you may as well not have the feature at all.
> The people
> most vulnerable to a malware attack from ANY vector are
> those that would
> not know to turn security on.
> Not to mention the fact that security of an "on/off"
> variety pretty much
> hoses any chance of decent rigs whilst having security
> enabled. As I've
> mentioned, it's like disabling macros in Office and it not
> allowing you
> to use bold fonts and paragraph spacing. Sure you can get
> around it, but
> it is not what one would consider a "good solution"
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Michael Fox wrote:
> Ok it seems we are getting nowhere fast on this, so to address the
> original issue, have it off by default as that is what seems to be
> causing the most troubles, yet keep it there for those who need it (ie
> paranoid IT people :) ), 

To be honest, I think the reason it is not getting anywhere is two-fold.
Firstly, the "default off" /solution/ that is proposed is *not* a
solution. It's like making entering a password optional. Unless it is by
default *on*, the people most vulnerable to an attack are going to be
those that don't turn it on.

> as in a studio you will mainly be using internal scripts for like rigs
> and such not much from the external world

OK, and when rigs do come in from the outside world, like in the recent
Durian townsfolk sprint, we *know* that those most experienced in
Blender will check them for malicious scripts and/or only open them on
machines locked out of the network, right? We still haven't got an
answer on that. I think that is pretty telling.

> also to show the danger to new users put a warning on the download page
> in nice red letters at the top
> all of this is done until a suitable option is available, and dropping
> python all together is certainly not a viable alternative

Warning, I am happy to have. Without cooperation from the Python
development team though, keeping Python is not a viable alternative
either. Something might come out of PyPy (currently they still have "all
or nothing" security, not context-by-context restriction) which will
make this all moot.

> now can this argument please end?

I'm simply replying to emails on the subject. It's not like this has
been going for a week and debate on controversial subjects like this are
not going to be solved by asking people to "just agree". Should one of
the core devs ask me to stop mailing on the subject, I will of course do
so - it is, after all, their opinion on the matter I am trying to ascertain!

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Martin Poirier wrote:
> There's still very little doubt that this will be the solution that is going 
> to be adopted (in the short to mid term at least).

That doesn't mean I shouldn't disagree with it ;) Apathy results in poor
solutions because people give up trying to convince people of the right
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread horace grant

Embed tinypy

* Objective: sandbox tinypy and then (as in lunatic python) build
a python module that uses tinypy for safe execution of “unknown” code

it's just an idea at the moment and not implemented but this sounds
interesting. :) tinypy could be used for drivers in the long term.

in the short to mid term there doesn't seem to be an easy and secure
solution but in the long term all the "this is impossible with python"
seems to be wrong to me. to me it looks like in 2-3 years the whole
situation will look different (pypy, tinypy,...) and there will be
feasible solutions.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:09 AM, Martin Poirier  wrote:
> There's still very little doubt that this will be the solution that is going 
> to be adopted (in the short to mid term at least).
> Martin
> --- On Thu, 4/29/10, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:
>> From: Benjamin Tolputt 
>> Subject: Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way
>> To: "bf-blender developers" 
>> Received: Thursday, April 29, 2010, 7:46 PM
>> Martin Poirier wrote:
>> > 0. Keep current features, switch from default on to
>> default off.
>> >
>> In which case you may as well not have the feature at all.
>> The people
>> most vulnerable to a malware attack from ANY vector are
>> those that would
>> not know to turn security on.
>> Not to mention the fact that security of an "on/off"
>> variety pretty much
>> hoses any chance of decent rigs whilst having security
>> enabled. As I've
>> mentioned, it's like disabling macros in Office and it not
>> allowing you
>> to use bold fonts and paragraph spacing. Sure you can get
>> around it, but
>> it is not what one would consider a "good solution"
>> ___
>> Bf-committers mailing list
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Ken Hughes
Apathy can also result in people giving up trying to convince others of 
the wrong solutions.  It's a double-edge sword.

Benjamin Tolputt wrote:
> Martin Poirier wrote:
>> There's still very little doubt that this will be the solution that is going 
>> to be adopted (in the short to mid term at least).
> That doesn't mean I shouldn't disagree with it ;) Apathy results in poor
> solutions because people give up trying to convince people of the right
> ones.
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Ken Hughes
Of course the "this is impossible with python" can be wrong in the long 
term; who know what direction python will evolve in the next 2-3 years. 
But trying to find a python solution right now, with what we have, is 

I have to agree with what someone posted earlier: if someone is 
convinced this (a secure solution) can be done with the existing Python 
3.1, they need to code up a proof-of-concept to shut up everyone who 
says it can't be done. Otherwise everyone is just filling up a useful 
mailing list with spam.

horace grant wrote:
> """
> Embed tinypy
> * Objective: sandbox tinypy and then (as in lunatic python) build
> a python module that uses tinypy for safe execution of “unknown” code
> """
> it's just an idea at the moment and not implemented but this sounds
> interesting. :) tinypy could be used for drivers in the long term.
> in the short to mid term there doesn't seem to be an easy and secure
> solution but in the long term all the "this is impossible with python"
> seems to be wrong to me. to me it looks like in 2-3 years the whole
> situation will look different (pypy, tinypy,...) and there will be
> feasible solutions.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Ken Hughes
I didn't mean that to come across as a personal attack, Benjamin.  I'm 
just pointing out that just because someone has an idea, that doesn't 
mean it's the right idea.

Ken Hughes wrote:
> Apathy can also result in people giving up trying to convince others of 
> the wrong solutions.  It's a double-edge sword.
> Benjamin Tolputt wrote:
>> Martin Poirier wrote:
>>> There's still very little doubt that this will be the solution that is 
>>> going to be adopted (in the short to mid term at least).
>> That doesn't mean I shouldn't disagree with it ;) Apathy results in poor
>> solutions because people give up trying to convince people of the right
>> ones.
>> ___
>> Bf-committers mailing list
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Ken Hughes wrote:
> I didn't mean that to come across as a personal attack, Benjamin.  I'm 
> just pointing out that just because someone has an idea, that doesn't 
> mean it's the right idea.
> Ken Hughes wrote:
>> Apathy can also result in people giving up trying to convince others of 
>> the wrong solutions.  It's a double-edge sword.

Don't worry mate, I got your meaning, even if it didn't quite read that
way the first time :)

I honestly think the debate is going to fizzle out regardless, because
the real decision makers are remaining silent. No solution we come up
with, regardless of what we think about, is going to make it into
Blender without the core Blender developer's say so. Regardless of the
animation/motivation of all sides on this debate, the only concrete
thing to have come out of it is Campbell adding a switch to the network
render. That's it.

It's better than the "default security to off" I am arguing against, but
everyone agrees it is not really "a fix". Until there is an official
position on the matter, ALL sides of the debate are just shouting into
the wind. Sad but true.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
horace grant wrote:
> """
> Embed tinypy
> * Objective: sandbox tinypy and then (as in lunatic python) build
> a python module that uses tinypy for safe execution of “unknown” code
> """

Not a bad idea, though not standard Python. Honestly, if the core
Blender developers are willing to relax their "no non-standard Python"
stance, it could possibly work. It WOULD require every object in the
scene having two "representations", the standard Python object & a
TinyPy version. So there will be a hit in memory & code complexity...
but it is not "bad by design", which is a step up.

My claims about Python being unusable have been based on the fact that
Blender devs have stated opposition to using anything but standard
Python with standard Python API's. PyPy somewhat fit this bill (for
future implementation) as it's stated goal is 1-to-1 compatibility with
CPython. Unless this limitation on what Python can be used is removed -
my position is still the same.

I can actually see their reason behind this too. After all, who is going
to fix a bug when a snippet of code syntax/semantics works in an
import/export plugin bt fails in the driver due to a TinyPy bug?
Whenever Python upgrades, they'd need to wait for TinyPy to catch up on
the changes. And heaven forbid the situation where the TinyPy developers
throw in the towel and the maintenance (and upgrades) are left to the
Blender team. There is a very valid reason for wanting all the scripting
to use a standard library supported by a mature, large, and established

> it's just an idea at the moment and not implemented but this sounds
> interesting. :) tinypy could be used for drivers in the long term.

Exactly, the only thing TinyPy would need access to is other elements in
the scene. The same could be said of ANY other embedded language
solution as well, but there is a large benefit to keeping the same
language syntax & semantics throughout.

> in the short to mid term there doesn't seem to be an easy and secure
> solution but in the long term all the "this is impossible with python"
> seems to be wrong to me. to me it looks like in 2-3 years the whole
> situation will look different (pypy, tinypy,...) and there will be
> feasible solutions.

Mate, the problem is present now. We need to look at solutions *now* not
at some years distant time in the future. Can you imagine the lack of
advancement in Blender if developers thought "It's too hard now, someone
else will have implemented a library we can use in two years time, then
we'll look at it"? Advancement comes from those unsatisfied with the
status quo and do something about it in the present.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Roger Wickes
8. Worry about it when something actually happens
and you have a real case to confront, rather than hyperbole.

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Roger Wickes wrote:
> 8. Worry about it when something actually happens
> and you have a real case to confront, rather than hyperbole

This is insulting. The developers have already acknowledged this is an
issue. That is why there is the default on security in Blender now.
Waiting for someone to be compromised when the problem is *known* is
callous and irresponsible.

Saying that we delay a solution until we have time to look into it
properly is practical. Saying we shouldn't do anything until someone is
hurt by it is lazy and unethical.

"Yeah, we knew there was a problem with the brakes. But we thought we'd
worry about it when something actually happened and had a real case to
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Ken Hughes wrote:
> Of course the "this is impossible with python" can be wrong in the long 
> term; who know what direction python will evolve in the next 2-3 years. 
> But trying to find a python solution right now, with what we have, is 
> impossible.

Bingo. Glad I'm not the only one saying this. We may not agree on the
final solution (or that we choose to not have one), but I'm glad that
the technical realities are being agreed on. The most frustrating thing
in any debate isn't being disagree with on the final answer, it is
having to correct people on the facts that make up the debate foundation.

Case in point - it is impossible with current versions of Python to
secure the loading/rendering of a Blender scene whilst also allowing
Python to be embedded in said scene (in constraints, rigs, etc). This is
a *fact* given current implementations of Python.

> I have to agree with what someone posted earlier: if someone is 
> convinced this (a secure solution) can be done with the existing Python 
> 3.1, they need to code up a proof-of-concept to shut up everyone who 
> says it can't be done. Otherwise everyone is just filling up a useful 
> mailing list with spam.

Another good point. I've been browsing the code whilst the debate has
"raged" and the amount of work to move Blender to any other language is
phenomenal! If a solution using the standard Python library can be found
- I'd be VERY happy to use it. I am not saying Python is bad - it is a
very good, mature, and flexible language/platform. It's a little "heavy"
for embedding in my projects (and there are thread locking issues); but
I use it all the time for data processing tasks. That said, it is *by
design* unable to be secured in the way Blender requires if one is going
to allow Python expressions in a scene file.

I doubt anyone is going to want to look at replacing Python unless there
is some nod from the core developers as to it being allowed
consideration for trunk. However, a patch to Blender that allows it to
be secured whilst still using Python would likely be accepted without
much hassle at all. It would be a "bug fix" as compared to an
application-wide refactor.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Michael Judd
That was covered by 5.
People concerned about malicious scripts already have options to run 
scripts from the wild in a secure fashion now using a virtual machine or 
a locked down user on a decent OS.
People not concerned about security have probably already been pwned anyway.
5 is a valid choice.

Roger Wickes wrote:
> 8. Worry about it when something actually happens
> and you have a real case to confront, rather than hyperbole.
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Michael Judd wrote:
> People concerned about malicious scripts already have options to run 
> scripts from the wild in a secure fashion now using a virtual machine or 
> a locked down user on a decent OS.

And as I said before, it is the people that don't know to be concerned
that need this the most. Anyone likely to be using your "locked down
decent OS" and/or has the skills to setup a virtual machine (ignoring
the performance problems that entails) is unlikely to be downloading
unsecure scene of the Internet. Remember, even a concientious user who
scans the .blend file with an anti-virus is going to still be compromised.

> People not concerned about security have probably already been pwned anyway.

People in the graphics industry probably already have Max or Maya, so we
shouldn't bother making Blender better.
Businesses needing Unix probably already have contracts with IBM, so we
shouldn't bother making Linux better
People growing up in underprivileged areas are likely to never amount to
anything, so we shouldn't bother helping them better themselves.

What a wonderful world that would be, eh?
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Martin Poirier

--- On Thu, 4/29/10, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:

> I honestly think the debate is going to fizzle out
> regardless, because
> the real decision makers are remaining silent.

The topic was reopened following a conversation between "decision makers" on 
IRC. Both of which as well as others have participated in the discussion that 

To be honest, the decision was pretty much already taken, people just didn't 


Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Martin Poirier wrote:
> The topic was reopened following a conversation between "decision makers" on 
> IRC. Both of which as well as others have participated in the discussion that 
> followed. 
> To be honest, the decision was pretty much already taken, people just didn't 
> noticed.

Would you be so kind as to let us know what that decision was? After
all, not all of us are able to participate in the IRC chats.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Campbell Barton
Best bring this up next meeting and come to some consensus. I wasn't
in IRC for the decision either :)
However I'm going away this weekend, can make it for the next one
though (May 9th).

Don't thinik this is urgent, can wait a week or two, would rather this
be a meeting topic so we can formalize what is done, rather then some
devs agreeing on IRC.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Benjamin Tolputt
> Martin Poirier wrote:
>> The topic was reopened following a conversation between "decision makers" on 
>> IRC. Both of which as well as others have participated in the discussion 
>> that followed.
>> To be honest, the decision was pretty much already taken, people just didn't 
>> noticed.
> Would you be so kind as to let us know what that decision was? After
> all, not all of us are able to participate in the IRC chats.
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

- Campbell
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Michael Judd
Benjamin Tolputt wrote:
> People in the graphics industry probably already have Max or Maya, so we
> shouldn't bother making Blender better.
> Businesses needing Unix probably already have contracts with IBM, so we
> shouldn't bother making Linux better
> People growing up in underprivileged areas are likely to never amount to
> anything, so we shouldn't bother helping them better themselves.
> What a wonderful world that would be, eh?
That's one way of looking at it.
I guess some people look at the 1000's of man years of effort that go 
into creating anti-virus and anti-malware applications for Windows and 
think of it as a valiant struggle to make the world a better place.
Some people no doubt look at it as a total waste of time when there are 
freely available, virus and malware free options to running Windows in 
the first place.
Obviously someone putting the effort in to increasing security in python 
and blender would be great.
But if no-one is willing to expend the effort, the consequences aren't 
that dire. There are freely available alternatives.
A warning popup at installation time or on the download web page could 
educate people about the dangers and their options.
Though I'm sure all those Windows users that download and run blender 
with administrator privileges will appreciate your efforts to protect 
them when they feel compelled to load untrusted blend files (as I no 
doubt have done myself in the past).

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-29 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Campbell Barton wrote:
> Best bring this up next meeting and come to some consensus. I wasn't
> in IRC for the decision either :)

Interesting to note :)

> However I'm going away this weekend, can make it for the next one
> though (May 9th).

Is this a meeting that would be open to other participants? I assume
that there are meetings the general public do not attend, but being on
IRC - this would be something interested parties can speak at?

> Don't think this is urgent, can wait a week or two, would rather this
> be a meeting topic so we can formalize what is done, rather then some
> devs agreeing on IRC.

This is not that urgent, no. Any immediate changes would still wait for
the official Blender 2.5/2.6 release before getting into the hands of
the public, and that is some time away. Any non-immediate changes (on
the wild, off-chance something drastic is accepted as worth looking
into) will need to wait until after said release. In any case, I doubt
two weeks are going to matter much either way. Two to three years on the
other hand might be asking too much ;)
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Luke Frisken
I wonder how Sketchup deals with this issue with their embedded ruby...

On 4/30/10, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:
> Campbell Barton wrote:
>> Best bring this up next meeting and come to some consensus. I wasn't
>> in IRC for the decision either :)
> Interesting to note :)
>> However I'm going away this weekend, can make it for the next one
>> though (May 9th).
> Is this a meeting that would be open to other participants? I assume
> that there are meetings the general public do not attend, but being on
> IRC - this would be something interested parties can speak at?
>> Don't think this is urgent, can wait a week or two, would rather this
>> be a meeting topic so we can formalize what is done, rather then some
>> devs agreeing on IRC.
> This is not that urgent, no. Any immediate changes would still wait for
> the official Blender 2.5/2.6 release before getting into the hands of
> the public, and that is some time away. Any non-immediate changes (on
> the wild, off-chance something drastic is accepted as worth looking
> into) will need to wait until after said release. In any case, I doubt
> two weeks are going to matter much either way. Two to three years on the
> other hand might be asking too much ;)
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

>From Luke
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Roger Wickes
I'm sorry Ben, I did not mean to offend. "Do Nothing" is always an option,
and I was alerted that option 5 already covered it. While I grant you that it is
a possibility that something may happen, I was trying to say this thread 
was like trying to design a building when you don't have a customer,
don't know what magnitude earthquakes it has to withstand, what the
outside temperature range is, whether it has to be airtight, what gravity
is, and all those other unknowns. We could just as easily be sitting here 
debating the best building solution when one guy is talking about a building
in California, another in Finland, and another on the Moon. One guy says
we should use Concrete (Lua), another Glass (pypy), and so on.

No thread yet that I have seen has identified any specific python call 
that should be blocked or filtered. The "Do Nothing until it happens" 
approach is the most efficient way to apply sparse and volunteer 
labor to "long tails" - events that have not happened but could but have a very
low probability of happening. I think we need a real-world case or practical 
detailed requirements and use cases.


Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Ton Roosendaal
Hi all,

As a reminder: IRC meetings are open for everyone. We report on  
progress, define actions and planning, and make decisions when needed.  
Meetings are not meant for discussions, for that this list or any time  
outside meetings is better suited.

Decisions are 'in consensis' by default, or at least should be  
supported by the active maintainers of this part of the code.

A solution for this issue would be to appoint a small team to look  
into this issue, and come with a proposal. This team should consist of  
active developers/contributors/documentors, and be at least  
representative for the code or module maintainers. Everyone here has  
had a chance to reflect opinions and that's loud and clearly heard  
already. Next step is just accepting a roadmap how to progress, and  
move on. :)


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation
Blender Institute   Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam   The Netherlands

On 30 Apr, 2010, at 8:29, Benjamin Tolputt wrote:

> Campbell Barton wrote:
>> Best bring this up next meeting and come to some consensus. I wasn't
>> in IRC for the decision either :)
> Interesting to note :)
>> However I'm going away this weekend, can make it for the next one
>> though (May 9th).
> Is this a meeting that would be open to other participants? I assume
> that there are meetings the general public do not attend, but being on
> IRC - this would be something interested parties can speak at?
>> Don't think this is urgent, can wait a week or two, would rather this
>> be a meeting topic so we can formalize what is done, rather then some
>> devs agreeing on IRC.
> This is not that urgent, no. Any immediate changes would still wait  
> for
> the official Blender 2.5/2.6 release before getting into the hands of
> the public, and that is some time away. Any non-immediate changes (on
> the wild, off-chance something drastic is accepted as worth looking
> into) will need to wait until after said release. In any case, I doubt
> two weeks are going to matter much either way. Two to three years on  
> the
> other hand might be asking too much ;)
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Jason Wilkins
Sorry if this discussion is considered closed, but I wanted to read
everything before chiming in.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:

> However, the "sand-boxing" as presented in PyPy is very crude and will
> do nothing to fix the issues with Python in Blender.

I think this is incorrect.  The way PyPy is implemented presents a possible
solution.  Depending on the maturity of PyPy this may be ways off, so I'm
just throwing this out to be considered.

PyPy is a meta-circular interpreter, what that boils down to is the fact
that you can implement a python interpreter in the language with a small
amount of python code.

But, you don't have to implement a perfect python interpreter, you can
change it a little, for example, you could inspect every function before it
is dispatched and make sure it is on a white list.

It seems to me a possible solution is to implement a python interpreter (in
PyPy) that has a white list of functions that are allowable in certain
contexts within Blender.

The whole idea behind a meta-circular interpreter is that you can implement
the language easily in itself, and then hack your implementation to change
the language itself to your needs.

Also, maybe this doesn't depend on PyPy, but maybe it is possible to write a
meta-circular interpreter in the standard python distribution (I'm not a
python programmer, but I know how I'd do this in Scheme :).
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread jonathan d p ferguson


I have commented extensively about the present Blender Security Model. See:

I helped Leif to write up his GSOC proposal for a Security model that is 
abstracted away from interpreter/ API implementation constraints, which the 
current discussion seems mired in. PyPy, Lua, et al are not the root of the 
problem, and any such implementation would be necessarily constrained. 

The root of the problem is well articulated in the idea of Trust. Happily there 
are well proven ways to represent trust algorithmically. These ways are well 
established and adopted by the Free Software community at large. I plead with 
you all to learn about GnuPG, and the Web Of Trust (see above messages, 
including extensive citations to which you are invited to read).

Ton, and Tom, please include me in the list of contributors for the Blender 
Security working group. 


have a day.yad

On Apr 30, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Ton Roosendaal wrote:

> Hi all,
> As a reminder: IRC meetings are open for everyone. We report on  
> progress, define actions and planning, and make decisions when needed.  
> Meetings are not meant for discussions, for that this list or any time  
> outside meetings is better suited.
> Decisions are 'in consensis' by default, or at least should be  
> supported by the active maintainers of this part of the code.
> A solution for this issue would be to appoint a small team to look  
> into this issue, and come with a proposal. This team should consist of  
> active developers/contributors/documentors, and be at least  
> representative for the code or module maintainers. Everyone here has  
> had a chance to reflect opinions and that's loud and clearly heard  
> already. Next step is just accepting a roadmap how to progress, and  
> move on. :)
> -Ton-
> Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation
> Blender Institute   Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam   The Netherlands
> On 30 Apr, 2010, at 8:29, Benjamin Tolputt wrote:
>> Campbell Barton wrote:
>>> Best bring this up next meeting and come to some consensus. I wasn't
>>> in IRC for the decision either :)
>> Interesting to note :)
>>> However I'm going away this weekend, can make it for the next one
>>> though (May 9th).
>> Is this a meeting that would be open to other participants? I assume
>> that there are meetings the general public do not attend, but being on
>> IRC - this would be something interested parties can speak at?
>>> Don't think this is urgent, can wait a week or two, would rather this
>>> be a meeting topic so we can formalize what is done, rather then some
>>> devs agreeing on IRC.
>> This is not that urgent, no. Any immediate changes would still wait  
>> for
>> the official Blender 2.5/2.6 release before getting into the hands of
>> the public, and that is some time away. Any non-immediate changes (on
>> the wild, off-chance something drastic is accepted as worth looking
>> into) will need to wait until after said release. In any case, I doubt
>> two weeks are going to matter much either way. Two to three years on  
>> the
>> other hand might be asking too much ;)
>> ___
>> Bf-committers mailing list
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Jason Wilkins wrote:
> I think this is incorrect.  The way PyPy is implemented presents a possible
> solution.  Depending on the maturity of PyPy this may be ways off, so I'm
> just throwing this out to be considered.
> PyPy is a meta-circular interpreter, what that boils down to is the fact
> that you can implement a python interpreter in the language with a small
> amount of python code.

I am not against an embedded Python interpreter at all. In fact, if you
look at my recent comments I'm kind of leaning that way. It is not the
"concept" I think will not work, but the "current PyPy implementation"
which is unworkable.

The current sandbox implementation of PyPy is a crude "all or nothing"
mechanism. Which works well for running Python where you want the same
permissions throughout the application. This is not the case in Blender
where plugins need access to the network & file system but the scene
itself does not.

On the other hand, extracting a Python interpreter that only allows the
calling of white-listed functions and limits the namespace to the data
within the scene only (i.e. I cannot find restricted modules/data by
browsing the namespace) from PyPy or another program is not a terrible idea.

I believe that resistance to this idea is based around the very valid
question of "Who is going to maintain this subset interpreter?". What
happens when PyPy makes an incompatible change or the standard Python
distro moves ahead of PyPy and there is a mismatch between the syntax
semantic used in scripts & scene drivers? These are all valid concerns
for a "graphics application project" without a huge pool of "Python
engine coders" available.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Ruslan Merkulov
I believe that security is 10% technical and 90% social problem, so
"web of trust" + educating users on security issues seems to be most
logical solution and requires the least amount of changes in Blender's
and third party plugins' code. It seems to work for Mozilla Firefox,
for example, which is another OSS project that has a rich plugin
infrastructure. And it's killing two birds with one stone: both
security and usability.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Jason Wilkins
On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Benjamin Tolputt  wrote:

> I believe that resistance to this idea is based around the very valid
> question of "Who is going to maintain this subset interpreter?".

I understand this and is why I need to look and see just how simple it is to
write a python interpreter in pypy.  If pypy really is a "meta-circular
interpreter" it should be a small amount of code to maintain.  For example,
a Scheme interpreter, written in Scheme is tiny.  Most people probably think
of how difficult it is to write a python interpreter in C and think it would
be a ton of code but it could actually be very simple if written in PyPy.  I
won't say much more until I actually find the time to look at it though.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Ruslan Merkulov 

> I believe that security is 10% technical and 90% social problem, so
> "web of trust" + educating users on security issues seems to be most
> logical solution

I totally agree with this.  However, the 10% still needs to be done and I
think that part of that 10% is at least declaring that rigs should not be
able read files and connect to the internet unless the user really wants
them to.

That's my 2 cents :)
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Tom M

there is already a sandbox version of pypy.

As regards web of trust and GPG, there is python GnuPG

Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Ruslan Merkulov wrote:
> I believe that security is 10% technical and 90% social problem, so
> "web of trust" + educating users on security issues seems to be most
> logical solution and requires the least amount of changes in Blender's
> and third party plugins' code. It seems to work for Mozilla Firefox,
> for example, which is another OSS project that has a rich plugin
> infrastructure. And it's killing two birds with one stone: both
> security and usability.

You are ignoring the difference between DOCUMENT and PLUGIN. Yes,
Mozilla relies on the user to trust the owner of the plugins they
install. But any documents opened in the browser are secured from wiping
your hard-drive.

This is the concept alot of people get confused about. No-one I know is
saying that the plugins & external scripts need to be secure. They NEED
access to sensitive resources (network, file system, etc)  to do their
job. It is the fact that scripts within the blend file for the scene, or
"document", have access to the same level of functionality.

Any document that can be opened in FireFox and read/write files on your
hard-drive is rightly classified as exposing a bug in the software.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Benjamin Tolputt
Tom M wrote:
> there is already a sandbox version of pypy.

The sandbox described in that page is not exactly what he is talking
about. That is a Python-wide sandbox that shunts all sensitive
functionality (file access, sockets, OS operations, etc) to an external
EXE file that then handles them.

What I think Jason is talking about is building a subset of Python using
PyPy that simply does not provide access to these modules AT ALL. This
would be an ideal solution if it can be implemented in a reasonably
maintainable manner.
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-04-30 Thread Jason W.
I think the complaint was that as is pypy was all or nothing  
sandboxing.  I was proposing writing a pypy hosted interpreter that  
had the specific features required.  Too bad I have other fish to fry  
or I'd build a prototype

On Apr 30, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Tom M  wrote:

> Jason,
> there is already a sandbox version of pypy.
> As regards web of trust and GPG, there is python GnuPG
> LetterRip
> ___
> Bf-committers mailing list
Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-05-01 Thread jsplifer
As a subscriber to this list and long time blender user I thought I  
would add my opinion.

I for one welcome the check box to dissable running python scripts on  
open and the trusted source
override in the open blend file dialog box.

With my setting set to OFF, not to run python scripts on launch, I  
simply remember to override when loading certain files. Simple and Safe

I do use blender in a production environment. I do help many blender  
users through out the day often times download blend files from  
stangers. So again, I really like current implementation and had NO  
PROBLEM  adapting to new workflow.



Bf-committers mailing list

Re: [Bf-committers] "Security" gets in the way

2010-05-01 Thread horace grant
something else came to my mind. the problem of the OP was that rigs
didn't work anymore and he at first had no idea why, which did cost
him a lot of time...

what about keeping the global security setting just like it is at the
moment but instead of simply ignoring drivers when the setting is OFF,
displaying some warning popup "warning: drivers not evaluated due to
security settings!" if drivers get found in the blend file. wouldn't
this clear everything up and be an ok solution in the meantime until
there is a useable python sandbox project?
Bf-committers mailing list