Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Doug Pensinger

Michael wrote:

As utterly despicable and hateable as Bush, Cheyney, and Rumsfeld are, 
there is nothing here to prove anything other than what was said in the 
official story occurred.  I can understand why people love conspiracies, 
I used to be a Roswell Aliens, crop circle, JFK assassination, etc. 
believer.  The problem with conspiracies is that, largely, they are 
doomed to failure.  People hate keeping secrets.  Especially secrets 
that would have such earth-shaking impact.  The number of people that 
would have to be involved in such a conspiracy could not possibly keep 
it a secret for long.  All the leaks in the White house on genuine 
scandals and the leaks about torture of prisoners in Iraq are 
representative of this.  A secret this big simply could not be kept.  
Beyond all that, Bush is too stupid to think up something like this, 
Cheyney's health is too precarious to handle the stress of such a 
conspiracy, and Rumsfeld being the mastermind of such a plot strains 
credibility as he doesn't stand to gain enough from committing such a 
despicable act.

The one possible conspiracy that would require few people to commit and 
would thus be more easily contained; willful negligence.  De-emphasize the 
importance of vigilance against terrorism, ignore reports of terrorist 
activity, basically pretend to be totally incompetent and assume that the 
terrorists will hit eventually and give you your justification for...


Re: MSN: British woman 'marries' dolphin

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Harney

Gary Nunn wrote:

There has to be some good jokes in this somewhere.


Yeah, a male dolphin named "Cindy"... oh the teasing he must get from 
all the other male dolpins.

JERUSALEM - Sharon Tendler met Cindy 15 years ago. She said it was love at
first sight. This week she finally took the plunge and proposed. The lucky
"guy" plunged right back.

In a modest ceremony at Dolphin Reef in the southern Israeli port of Eilat,
Tendler, a 41-year-old British citizen, apparently became the world's first
person to "marry" a dolphin.


Given my past I have the right to joke about a topic like this, but 
can't think of anything witty at the moment, only really bad jokes about 
problems with the in-laws and wedding/honeymoon attire.  I'd say the 
timing of the article arriving on list was quite a fluke though.  :-) 
(Sorry, I can't resist a bad pun)

Michael Harney

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Harney

Dave Land wrote:

On Jan 3, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

The most significant accounts of multiple explosions came from  
inside the WTC.  Those are people who know what explosions sound  
like.  And
unless they thought they were truly significant and not just the  
sort of

popping and snapping that accompanies any hot fire, they wouldn't have
reported them on the radio, especially when all hell was breaking  
Firefighters reporting multiple explosions inside the WTC, many  
floors away

from the impact, seems very strange.

True, and the fact that huge slabs of marble were blown off the walls  
and virtually all of the lobby windows were blown out of the building  
-- I realize that an airplane entering a building will create a huge  
overpressure, but even the FDNY captain on scene couldn't explain the  
lobby damage.

Possible explanation:  A plane traveling at a couple hundred miles per 
hour has a lot of kinetic force behind it.  Such an impact can cause 
powerful vibrations down the building, blowing out windows and causing 
other damage, especially on the ground floor where the vibrations would 
then hit the foundation, having nowhere else to go.

And the huge pools of steel, still molten weeks after the building  
came down. What the hell kept it so hot, hotter than any kerosene  
fire can possibly get?

Possible explanation:  When metal is bent, it gets hot, *very* hot.  If 
the metal were turned molten by the collapse of the building, then was 
buried under tons of rubble and debris, the pressure and insulating 
properties of the rubble could easily keep the metal molten by simple 
virtue of the fact that there is no way for the heat to escape.

And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the tower  
as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at the time they  
happened -- of "there goes another explosion". There are radio  
recordings of lots of firefighters reported "secondary explosions"  
throughout the building at various times, and footage of reporters  
reacting to explosions way after the both planes had hit.

Possible explanation: Serious structural damage to a building can cause 
secondary explosions to occur, particularly if there are natural gas 
lines running through the structure.

Something happened on 9/11 other than the official version, and the  
price has been the real security of the USA.


As utterly despicable and hateable as Bush, Cheyney, and Rumsfeld are, 
there is nothing here to prove anything other than what was said in the 
official story occurred.  I can understand why people love conspiracies, 
I used to be a Roswell Aliens, crop circle, JFK assassination, etc. 
believer.  The problem with conspiracies is that, largely, they are 
doomed to failure.  People hate keeping secrets.  Especially secrets 
that would have such earth-shaking impact.  The number of people that 
would have to be involved in such a conspiracy could not possibly keep 
it a secret for long.  All the leaks in the White house on genuine 
scandals and the leaks about torture of prisoners in Iraq are 
representative of this.  A secret this big simply could not be kept.  
Beyond all that, Bush is too stupid to think up something like this, 
Cheyney's health is too precarious to handle the stress of such a 
conspiracy, and Rumsfeld being the mastermind of such a plot strains 
credibility as he doesn't stand to gain enough from committing such a 
despicable act.

There was a documentary on the Discovery Channel once that explained the 
mechanisms of how and why the WTC buildings colapsed because of the 
airplanes hitting them.  From what I understood, the method chosen for 
building the buildings gave them a structural Achilles heel that made it 
so that if two or more floors were to become structurally unsound, the 
floors below would not be able to survive the impact of the floors above 
it crushing down on them, and basically each floor would fail in turn 
like a row of dominoes.  This description matches the videos of the 
buildings collapsing.  Now I just wish I had watched the whole thing and 
paid closer attention so I could share more details.

Michael Harney

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Dave Land

On Jan 3, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

On 1/3/06, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  If you
hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference in sound.   
Or so
I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad street in DC  
for a


A bomb is just a particular sort of explosion.  If something  

there's a decent chance it'll sound like a bomb.

The most significant accounts of multiple explosions came from  
inside the WTC.  Those are people who know what explosions sound  
like.  And
unless they thought they were truly significant and not just the  
sort of

popping and snapping that accompanies any hot fire, they wouldn't have
reported them on the radio, especially when all hell was breaking  
Firefighters reporting multiple explosions inside the WTC, many  
floors away

from the impact, seems very strange.

True, and the fact that huge slabs of marble were blown off the walls  
and virtually all of the lobby windows were blown out of the building  
-- I realize that an airplane entering a building will create a huge  
overpressure, but even the FDNY captain on scene couldn't explain the  
lobby damage.

And the huge pools of steel, still molten weeks after the building  
came down. What the hell kept it so hot, hotter than any kerosene  
fire can possibly get?

And it's not just that people described the plane hitting the tower  
as "an explosion", it's the reports -- many of them at the time they  
happened -- of "there goes another explosion". There are radio  
recordings of lots of firefighters reported "secondary explosions"  
throughout the building at various times, and footage of reporters  
reacting to explosions way after the both planes had hit.

Something happened on 9/11 other than the official version, and the  
price has been the real security of the USA.



MSN: British woman 'marries' dolphin

2006-01-03 Thread Gary Nunn

There has to be some good jokes in this somewhere.

Video and pictures:

With this herring I thee wed 
British woman 'marries' dolphin, tying the net after 15-year courtship

The Associated Press
Updated: 2:48 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2006

JERUSALEM - Sharon Tendler met Cindy 15 years ago. She said it was love at
first sight. This week she finally took the plunge and proposed. The lucky
"guy" plunged right back.

In a modest ceremony at Dolphin Reef in the southern Israeli port of Eilat,
Tendler, a 41-year-old British citizen, apparently became the world's first
person to "marry" a dolphin.

Dressed in a white dress, a veil and pink flowers in her hair, Tendler got
down on one knee on the dock and gave Cindy a kiss. And a piece of herring.

"It's not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He's the love of my
life," she said Saturday, upon her return to London.

Tendler, who said she imports clothes and promotes rock bands in England,
has visited Israel several times a year since first meeting the dolphin.

When asked in the past if she had a boyfriend, she would always reply, "No.
I'm going to end up with Cindy." On Wednesday, she made it official, sort
of. While she acknowledged the "wedding" had no legal bearing she did say it
reflected her deep feelings toward the bottlenosed, 35-year-old object of
her affection.

"It's not a bad thing. It's just something that we did because I love him,
but not in the way that you love a man. It's just a pure love that I have
for this animal," she said.

While she still kept open the option of "marrying human" at some stage, she
said for now she was strictly a "one-dolphin woman."

She's hardly the jealous type, though.

"He will still play with all the other girls there," she said, of their
prenuptial agreement. "I hope he has a lot of baby dolphins with the other
dolphins. The more dolphins the better."

C 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
C 2006



Brin-l Digest, Vol 260, Issue 2

2006-01-03 Thread jonmann
Don't you think that if Bush and Co had been behind it, their reaction would 
have been less slow, confused and downright incompetent? 

I doubt Bush knew, it was Cheney who took the reins while Bush was genuinely 
stunned and had no idea what to do.
The theory I heard had to so with how large structures are designed to collapse 
with shaped charges. 
Jon Mann

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Nick Arnett
On 1/3/06, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  If you
> hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference in sound.  Or so
> I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad street in DC for a
> year.
> A bomb is just a particular sort of explosion.  If something explodes,
> there's a decent chance it'll sound like a bomb.

The most significant accounts of multiple explosions came from firefighters
inside the WTC.  Those are people who know what explosions sound like.  And
unless they thought they were truly significant and not just the sort of
popping and snapping that accompanies any hot fire, they wouldn't have
reported them on the radio, especially when all hell was breaking loose.
Firefighters reporting multiple explosions inside the WTC, many floors away
from the impact, seems very strange.

Those reports were disturbing... as were the photos of airplane parts at the
Pentagon which couldn't have come from a 757... and the side of the hole in
the Pentagon.

It seems impossible that this could have been pulled off as a conspiracy
without some kind of real leak... but there's plenty in the report to worry

Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Dave Land

On Jan 3, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Richard Baker wrote:

Dave said:

But I'm not really that concerned about being that freaky  
relative: If a group of men with last names like Bush and Cheney  
and Rove in fact murdered 3000 of my fellow Americans to further  
their political aims, then I owe my son and his generation nothing  

Don't you think that if Bush and co had been behind it, their  
reaction would have been less slow, confused and downright  

This is probably the strongest argument against a conspiracy on 9/11  
-- it gives the bunch that sent truckloads of ice to *Maine* in  
response to a hurricane in Louisiana and Mississippi way too much  

Also, I am very leery of conspiracy theorists for some of the same  
reasons that John Horn cited: they give far too much creedance to  
statements of amateurs under stress (as well as professional  
firefighters and the like).

Also, in this particular case, one of the web sites connected with  
this video goes on and on about a supposed laser targeting spot that  
appears on the second tower just as the plane goes in... The spot  
moves slowly to the right and off the building, across the smoke that  
emerges from the side of the building, and onto another building that  
is obviously much closer to the camera than the twin towers. They  
assume that the fact that it moves across the frame of the video and  
intersects with the target building and another building a mile and a  
half away is proof that it is a laser -- what else could move that  
fast, they ask. Well, some piece of floating paper or a bird or just  
about anything else between the Manhattan skyline and the camera. In  
fact, it could only have been a targeting laser if the laser just  
happened to be coincident with the camera.

Anyway, after a good night's sleep, I've decided not to become the  
freaky relative, but I'm going to keep an open mind to the idea that  
we may have been led into a costly and pointless war for reasons that  
have more to do with the desire for a particular group to maintain  
control over this country than the desire for another group to bring  
it down.



Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Richard Baker

Dave said:

But I'm not really that concerned about being that freaky relative:  
If a group of men with last names like Bush and Cheney and Rove in  
fact murdered 3000 of my fellow Americans to further their  
political aims, then I owe my son and his generation nothing less.

Don't you think that if Bush and co had been behind it, their  
reaction would have been less slow, confused and downright incompetent?



Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Julia Thompson

Horn, John wrote:

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Land

I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this 
list, but I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes 
that "it is more likely than not that the government was 
actually behind the attacks" 

I have not had a chance to look at this video yet but I have looked
a several websites that claim the same thing.  They all seem to
hinge on the same thing: comments made under stress at the time of
the attacks.  Things like firefighters saying "it sounded like a
bomb going off" or something like that.  I have two major problems
with this line of reasoning.  One is that eyewitness accounts
especially under times of extreme stress are notoriously unreliable.
Also, people are always making comparisons like the above.  How many
times have you heard someone say a tornado "sounded like a freight
train".  Does that mean that tornados don't exist and it really
*was* a freight train that destroyed their house...?  Or someone
saying that the aftermath of a hurricane looked like a war zone.
Does that mean that it really wasn't a hurricane but a super-secret
battle that happened during that rain storm?  

It's not tornados that don't exist -- freight trains are just carefully 
harnessed tornadoes, is what it is.  :)

(Yes, that's silly.  But that's what occurred to me when I read that.)

So, some firefighters said over the radio that something sounded
like a bomb.  So what?  That's probably what it did sound like.
That doesn't make it a bomb.

And then there's the question, is it a firecracker or a gun?  If you 
hear enough of both, you learn to tell the difference in sound.  Or so 
I've been told by someone who lived on a really bad street in DC for a year.

A bomb is just a particular sort of explosion.  If something explodes, 
there's a decent chance it'll sound like a bomb.


RE: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Horn, John
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Land
> I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this 
> list, but I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes 
> that "it is more likely than not that the government was 
> actually behind the attacks" 

I have not had a chance to look at this video yet but I have looked
a several websites that claim the same thing.  They all seem to
hinge on the same thing: comments made under stress at the time of
the attacks.  Things like firefighters saying "it sounded like a
bomb going off" or something like that.  I have two major problems
with this line of reasoning.  One is that eyewitness accounts
especially under times of extreme stress are notoriously unreliable.
Also, people are always making comparisons like the above.  How many
times have you heard someone say a tornado "sounded like a freight
train".  Does that mean that tornados don't exist and it really
*was* a freight train that destroyed their house...?  Or someone
saying that the aftermath of a hurricane looked like a war zone.
Does that mean that it really wasn't a hurricane but a super-secret
battle that happened during that rain storm?  

So, some firefighters said over the radio that something sounded
like a bomb.  So what?  That's probably what it did sound like.
That doesn't make it a bomb.

I was a huge JFK conspiracy nut when I was younger.  I was
absolutely positive that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and that he
had nothing to do with the assassination.  Now, I think he did.
Could there have been another gunman?  Maybe.  But probably not.

 - jmh

RE: Let's Roll

2006-01-03 Thread Jim Sharkey

Dave Land wrote:
>I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my 
>family who has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I 
>become more and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

It depends.  Have you invested heavily in tinfoil yet?  :)

On a more serious note:  The problem with such a theory is that no
one will take it seriously.  Even with the most concrete proof, with
the barrel of the smoking gun still hot from the discharge, one would
be hard-pressed to convince people of the truth.  Some people won't
believe that anyone would try a lie that big, and others are far too
blinded by partisanship to see it.

Hell, what's the percentage of folks who still think Iraq had 
something to do with 9/11?  More than 40%, even after years of news 
that there's not one shred of credible evidence, I think?  So even if
you had proof, you're going to be a lonely voice in the wilderness.  

I'm not saying you should give up.  You just have to be prepared for 
that is all.


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Re: "Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Max Battcher

Dave Land wrote:
I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my family who 
has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I become more 
and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

I love conspiracies for entertainment value alone.  (My interests lie in 
virtual/synthetic world creation and conspiracies are ripe elements for 
emotional story telling.)  As an apprentice fiction writer, I felt 
played on 9/11.  I didn't have to the words to describe it then, but now 
I think I could list a few things.

But, this is one Conspiracy I'm actually afraid of examining too deeply. 
 Look into the abyss and, well...

--Max Battcher--
"History bleeds for tomorrow / for us to realize and never more follow 
blind" --Machinae Supremacy, Deus Ex Machinae, Title Track



2006-01-03 Thread jonmann
Maybe, my memory is faulty but I recall that the final volume of the Dune 
Chronicles was going to reveal the puppetry and machinations of the Face 
Frank Herbert's epic continues 
Since 1986, millions of readers have longed to know the ending of the 
uncompleted story which began in Heretics of Dune and continued in 
Chapterhouse: Dune. Before his death, Frank Herbert wrote a detailed 
outline for his chronological grand finale, under the working title of 
Dune 7, and placed it along with additional material about Dune in a 
bank safe deposit box. There it remained hidden for ten years, and the 
great Dune chronicles remained unfinished. His son Brian Herbert and 
Kevin J. Anderson have now completed this epic in two volumes, finally 
answering the questions Dune fans have been debating for almost two 
Hunters of Dune is the first of two breathtaking journeys into the 
world of Dune as it remakes itself in a new form after its greatest 
Fleeing from the monstrous Honored Matres -- dark counterparts of the 
Bene Gesserit Sisterhood -- Duncan Idaho, a woman named Sheeana who 
can talk to sandworms, the military genius Bashar Miles Teg, and a 
group of desperate refugees explore the boundaries of the universe. 
Aboard their sophisticated no-ship, they have used long-stored cells 
to resurrect heroes and villains from the past including Paul Muad'dib 
and his love Chani, Lady Jessica, Thufir Hawat, even the traitor 
Doctor Yueh, all in preparation for a final confrontation with a 
mysterious outside Enemy so great it can destroy even the terrible 
Honored Matres. 
And, deep in the hold of their giant ship, the refugees carry the last 
surviving sandworms from devastated Arrakis, as they search the 
universe for a new Dune. 
The authors are currently writing Sandworms of Dune, which will 
complete the story. This grand conclusion brings together the great 
storylines and characters from the time of the Butlerian Jihad to the 
original Dune series and beyond. 


"Let's Roll"

2006-01-03 Thread Dave Land


I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this list, but I  
came across a one-hour documentary that concludes that "it is more  
likely than not that the government was actually behind the attacks"  
on Google Video tonight, and I hope that one or more of you has a  
chance to see it:

With this documentary, and other documents I've seen here and  
elsewhere, I'm increasingly convinced that, while it is true that a  
small group of men brought about the events that "changed the world  
forever" on the day after my birthday four and a quarter years ago,  
they did not have last names like bin Laden and Atta and Al Suqami,  
but Bush and Cheney and Rove.

The words of Flight 93 Hero Todd Beamer are used to chilling effect  
at the end of the documentary, as the narrator calls viewers to join  
with Beamer in voting to stop those who have highjacked our country,  
whatever the cost -- "Let's Roll" to stop those who would destroy  
this nation in order to own it.

I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my family  
who has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I become  
more and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

But I'm not really that concerned about being that freaky relative:  
If a group of men with last names like Bush and Cheney and Rove in  
fact murdered 3000 of my fellow Americans to further their political  
aims, then I owe my son and his generation nothing less.

