Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread RosSoft

Looks promising,

I think that you can avoid $data parameter, it must be accessible in
the helper through $this-params['data']
(because HtmlHelper needs it)

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Re: radio button select

2006-06-12 Thread sicapitan

a thanks!

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread RosSoft

mmm..but I think that  $this-params['data']=$data; is standard, see
first blog tutorial of wiki,
edit() action:

function edit($id=null)
if (empty($this-params['data']))
$this-Post-id = $id;
$this-params['data'] = $this-Post-read();
if ( $this-Post-save($this-params['data']['Post']))
$this-flash('Your post has been updated.','/posts');

In newer versions of cake, $this-data at controller is used instead, I
think that $this-data doesn't work in this case

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread RosSoft

Ok now I'm documented.

If you use $this-params['data']=$data at your controller, then in the
helper is accessible through $this-params['data']

If you use $this-data at  your controller, then in the helper

The correct way is to check where is the data. From HtmlHelper:

function tagValue($fieldName) {
if (isset($this-params['data'][$this-model][$this-field])) {
} elseif(isset($this-data[$this-model][$this-field])) {
return h($this-data[$this-model][$this-field]);
return false;

You can use HtmlHelper in your own helper, and doing
$value=$this-Html-tagValue($fieldName) you will get the correct value

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Re: HasMany relationship and select conditions

2006-06-12 Thread dudus

Is there really nobody who has ever come across this problem?

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread RosSoft

You don't need to pass $data to the helpers: see the blog tutorial edit

function edit($id = null)
if (empty($this-data))
$this-Post-id = $id;
$this-data = $this-Post-read();
if ($this-Post-save($this-data['Post']))
$this-flash('Your post has been updated.','/posts');

You always have $this-data at controller, then in your helper
(including the html helper) you can do

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Re: creating a selectTag from an enum in the model

2006-06-12 Thread naryga

I've been dealing with the same issue.  If you use scaffolding, it
works just fine, producing a very nice select box.  If you use
bake.php, it produces LOT'S of errors.  Shold be consistent.  It seems
like there should be something in the manual about dealing with verious
column types.

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread RosSoft

be careful, you're only using $this-data at helper, but it only works
if you put $this-data in controller. There's two ways at controller to
set the data,

$this-data or $this-params['data']. You must check these two at your
helper for ensure compatibility to all the users (if this is what you

I repeat, use $value=$this-Html-tagValue($fieldName)   for maximum

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Re: HasMany relationship and select conditions

2006-06-12 Thread jeko

It sounds like you should use bindModel in the controller, and set a
variable for the conditions key in the hasMany Instructor array.

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Re: othAuth and default sessions

2006-06-12 Thread jeko

What is CAKE_SECURITY set to in core.php?

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RE: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread Ryan Ginstrom

 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of RosSoft
 I repeat, use $value=$this-Html-tagValue($fieldName)   for maximum

Thanks for the pointer.

I actually ended up copying the HtmlHelper code into FormationHelper and
modifying it, because tagValue was calling h() (AKA htmlspecialchars() ) on
the value, which escapes HTML entities. Since I am using my database to store
HTML text, that's not what I wanted.

But the latest version of my posted code supports both $this-params['data']
and $this-data.


Ryan Ginstrom

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Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's how I solved the problem:


class TestController extends AppController
var $uses = array();
var $layout = 'test';
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript');
var $components = array('Json');

function index()

function getText()
$this-set('text', $this-Json-encode(array('text' = 'Hello
$this-render('json', 'ajax');


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;

html xmlns=;
?php print $html-charsetTag('UTF-8') ?
?php print $javascript-link('prototype') ?

?php echo $content_for_layout ?

pThe text below is retrieved asynchronously from the server:/p
div id=sometext/div

script type=text/javascript
// ![CDATA[

new Ajax.Request('?php echo $html-url('/test/getText'); ?',

function displayText(response, json)
document.getElementById('sometext').innerHTML = json.text;

// ]]

?php header(X-JSON: $text); ?

I'm using the JsonComponent I just added to snippets:

To use JsonComponent you also need the JSON-PHP library JSON.php in
your /vendors directory.

So basically in client-side javascript an Ajax.Request calls the
getText action in TestController, which creates a PHP array of some
text and uses the JsonComponent to encode it in JSON format.  That
action then renders a json view that just sends a X-JSON header with
the JSON text.  Then back on the client-side, the onSuccess handler
gets a 2nd argument that Prototype magically sticks the JSON data in.
You can then use that json object to display the data you got from the

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Re: Problems w/ Cake Tutorials Working.. Getting Fatal Errors

2006-06-12 Thread jeannie109

I tried what you suggested above and only got this line (which I don't
understand) Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VAR in
/ on line

Both the tasks and gallery are tutorials which I did not change the
code at all.  I am just trying to learn CAKE, but haven't learned much
so far and have been terribly frustrated.  I don't know what to try

I tried the URL for gallery that you suggested above, but still got the
same old Fatal Error message, nothing changed.

Thank you so much for trying to help.

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread brandags

I've also been working on a similar form helper. I just uploaded it at:

It extends Cake's Form helper and also takes the validation from the
model (using the advanced validation method - multiple rules per field)
so you don't have to retype the validation messages or which fields are
required, in your view.

It's still a work in progress and requires a few other components (the
advanced validator, and error helper), but maybe we can learn from each
other and get a really good form helper out there.

I'm all for as little typing as possible!

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Problems w/ Graham Bird's Task List Tutorial

2006-06-12 Thread jeannie109

I am having problems trying to place the correct URL that Graham states
in his tutorial for the AJAX task list for done.thml:

If Cake is installed in a subfolder (ie not your server's web root)
then you will need to use $html-url(/tasks/undo/ . $item[id] ); in
the second Ajax.Updater argument. This means the URL is generated by
Cake rather than being hard-coded.

I am too inexperienced to fully understand what the correct URL would
be and where I would place my URL in this code with the correct
characters :

div id=todo_view
p class=file-timeRendered: ?=gmdate('H:i:s', time())? GMT/p
p class=file-nameView: /app/views/tasks/todo.thtml/p


foreach ($data as $row) {

$item = $row['Task'];

if ($item['done'] == 0) {

print 'div class=task id=todo_' . $item['id'] . ' title=' 
$item['id'] . '';
print 'input id=todo_check' . $item['id'] . ' type=checkbox
onClick=new Ajax.Updater(\'tasks_done\',\'/tasks/done/' . $item['id'].
'\', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});new Effect.Fade(\'todo_' .
$item['id'] . '\'); / ';
print 'label for=todo_check_' . $item['id'] . '' . 
. '/label';
print '/div' . \n;



And, if I have CAKE installed here:

What URL would I use so that done.thtml can be found by todo.thtml?

Please help.

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Re: insert id after save?

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

either perform $this-Comment-save($this-data) and then refernece
$this-Comment-id -OR- if you have your associations setup in the
models you can have $this-data['Comment'] and
$this-data['Comment_Association'] all saved via

(that second method probalby isn't what your'e trying to do here with
the comments, but just letting you know that you can save multiple data
models at once)

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Re: How optimize application?

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just stumbled onto this post by chance, and persistModel looks very
interested, but i can't really find it covered in any docs - If you're
using model caching in this fashion, how do you control when/how-often
the model cache gets refreshed?

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Re: updating a record

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

basically you'd want to set $this-data['Model']['user_id'] =
$this-Session-user_id (I forget correct Session syntax at the moment,
but you ge tthe idea) - do this before your
$this-Model-save($this-data) statement in your controller's add or
edit methods

in your Edit method do pretty much what you were saying - before you
load the Model's data into your edit form, when you're querying the
Model to populate, add something like '`Model`.`user_id` =
{$session_user_id}' to your find() statement

take a look at rdBloggery - - it uses a simple
but handy authentication / permissions schema (rdAuth) and answers a
lot of questions like yours

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Re: Problems w/ Cake Tutorials Working.. Getting Fatal Errors

2006-06-12 Thread DJ Spark

  class AppController extends Controller {
//  }  this brace is not necessary
  var $helpers = array('Html','Javascript','Ajax');
} // lacking a curly brace ?

On 6/12/06, jeannie109 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the URL:



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Re: Problems w/ Cake Tutorials Working.. Getting Fatal Errors

2006-06-12 Thread jeannie109

Thank you so much!  Problem solved.

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Errors when using bake.php

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to everyone in advance.

When I am using bake.php- i keep getting these error when it trys to
write out the config info for the db:

php bake.php -app /var/www/si/testapp

Creating file /var/www/si/cake///var/www/si/testapp/config/database.php
br /
fopen(/var/www/si/cake//var/www/si/testapp/config/database.php): failed
to open stream: No such file or directory in
b/var/www/si/cake/cake/scripts/bake.php/b on line b1434/bbr /
Error! Couldn't open //var/www/si/testapp/config/database.php for
br /
main(/var/www/si/cake///var/www/si/testapp/config/database.php): failed
to open stream: No such file or directory in
b/var/www/si/cake/cake/scripts/bake.php/b on line b173/bbr /

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RE: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread Ryan Ginstrom

 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of brandags
 Wait - but don't I still need to send the validation rules, 
 etc. to the
 view? Can you change what parameters are sent to the 
 startup() function?

Well, here is your init function:

function init($validations=null, $data=null)
   $formData = array('validations' = $validations, 'data'=$data);
   $this-controller-set('formData', $formData);

And you are calling it like this:

function beforeFilter()
   $this-Myform-controller = $this;  
   $this-Myform-init($this-User-validate, $this-data);

So you should be able to do this:
// seemed to work with preliminary testing...
function startup( $controller )
   $validations = array() ;
   foreach( $controller-modelNames as $model )
  $validations += $controller-$model-validate ;

   $this-controller = $controller ;
   $this-controller-set( 'formData', array( 
'validations' = $validations,
'data' = $this-controller-data ) ) ;

Ryan Ginstrom

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Re: How optimize application?

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with debug set to zero doesn't CakePHP cache the model views for 24
hours at a time?  So, once you went live it is going to cache the model
for 24 hours at a time.  And if you don't need those models then why
are you making associations for them?

You need to be careful using bindModel all over the place.  Cause then
instead of CakePHP building the association for use later it has to
build it for each request you make.  You can save yourself on the
actual query by using the $recursive parameter.  This will limit the
SQL query to just the model (table) you are working on if set to zero.

Also, Nate if you persist a model this would make the cache files
permanent?  So, only if you made field or association changes in the
tables themselves would you need to clear the TMP\cache\model to have
them rebuilt? (Or call it with the CakePHP clearcache method.

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One application, different views for each virtual host

2006-06-12 Thread Mike52


I want to have one CakePHP application serving several sites. Each site
has its own virtual host.
I want each site to have its own look. I have done this before in
Smarty by simply setting the template directory and the
compiled-template directory. Something like this:

  class AppSmarty extends Smarty  {
function AppSmarty() {// Constructor
  $this-template_dir = 'templates/'   . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
  $this-compile_dir  = 'templates_c/' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

How can I do something similar in Cake?
I know I can explicitly render a particular view in a controller
action. But is there an easier way?

And what about:
- /app/views/pages/home.thtml
- /app/views/layouts/default.thtml.

And is there a caching issue to take into account/?


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Re: How optimize application?

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I gotcha - makes sense; How would you go about clearing the
persistModel cache?

Out of curiousity is there any query caching built in / being built in
to cake?

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread brandags

Wow, that is awesome. Thank you.

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Re: How optimize application?

2006-06-12 Thread nate

Yes, we're working on a very sophisticated query cache system for 2.0.
Right now we just have some basic optimizations, i.e. if the same query
is executed more than once, Cake will return the in-memory result.  You
can disable this on a per-model basis by setting var $cacheQueries =

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Re: One application, different views for each virtual host

2006-06-12 Thread nate

Yeah, there's a variable in Controller called $themeWeb that you can
set, which will automatically pull assets from a different subdirectory
of your webroot.  I'm acutally not too sure on the details.


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What is $this-Post-User-set(....) in rdBloggery

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I studying the rdBloggery.

In a PostsController there is   $this-Post-User-set(...);

Is't Ok for the PostsController call the wiew Post but I don't
anderstand how the Post model call the User model ?

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Re: othAuth and default sessions

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's the default of

define('CAKE_SECURITY', 'high');

are there docs explaining just what each setting means?

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Re: othAuth and default sessions

2006-06-12 Thread jeko

change it to 'medium' then see what happens.

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getting sum of a column for one field

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi all,

last night I came up with a generic function to be able to get the sum
of  the numeric values of certain rows.

I am wondering if there was not an easier solution than mine. Feedback
and improvement would be greatly appreciated :)

so here it is (I put it in app_model.php so it ios available to all
models) :

 * Returns the sum of rows for a given field
 * the function accepts limitation in number or conditions or both
(like findAll)
 * @param mixed $conditions SQL conditions as a string
 * @param mixed $field name of the field that is to be used for the
summing operation
 * @param string $order SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. price DESC or
name ASC)
 * @param int $limit SQL LIMIT clause, for calculating items per page.
 * @param int $page Page number, for accessing paged data
 * @return float the result of the addition

function getSumForField($conditions = null, $field = null, $alias =
null, $order = null, $limit = null, $page = 1) {

$offset = null;

if($conditions == null) $conditions = 1=1;

if ($page  1  $limit != null) {
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$limitClause =  LIMIT  . $limit . , . $offset;
else {
$limitClause = ;

if($order != null) {

$orderClause =  ORDER BY  . $order;

else {

$orderClause = ;


$rs = $this-query(SELECT SUM(` .
$field . `) AS  . 
$alias .
 FROM  .
(SELECT ` . $field . 
` FROM  . $this-table .  AS  .
$this-name .
 WHERE  . $conditions 
$orderClause  . 
$limitClause .)  .
AS `table`);

return $rs[0][0][$alias];



in your controller:

$field = 'items_paid';
$alias = 'total' . Inflector::camelize($field);
$result =
//set the variable to be used in a view
$this-set($alias, $result);

hope this is useful or just good for discussion


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Re: New JavaScript Features

2006-06-12 Thread clenard

Sounds interesting, Thanks for the heads up! :-)

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Re: Errors when using bake.php

2006-06-12 Thread bigdog

Did you setup your database file to connect?

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Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The point of the original post (and my solution) was to send JSON
formatted data back to the client, not just HTML to be inserted in a
div.  Maybe I should've created a less trivial example...

Anyhow my original solution wasn't good, the json.thtml view should be:

?php echo $text; ?

instead of sending X-JSON headers, there appears to be a limit as to
how much data you can stuff in a header.  So then you also need a JSON
decoder on the javascript side (unless you trust your data, then just
do an eval()) - just use the one at

So if you just wanted the controller method called once instead of
repeatedly, is that what AjaxHelper::remoteFunction() method does?
Does it just generate a Prototype Ajax.Request?

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Re: Please help with Ajax controller method

2006-06-12 Thread nate

Personally, I think putting JSON data in the header is a poor solution,
especially when you consider that all Prototype adds is doing the eval(
) for you.  It's better to just embed the data in your own custom JS

And yes, AjaxHelper::remoteFunction is used to generate Ajax.Request
and Ajax.Updater calls.

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Proof of concept: Custom validation using beforeValidate

2006-06-12 Thread ginstrom

I really like the idea of custom validation error messages. For
example, for a password field you could check that the password was
entered the same way twice, contains at least two numbers, no illegal
characters, etc., and give a different error message for each.

I think that validation should live in the model, so error messages
should as well. Thus, I put together a quick proof of concept using
beforeValidate(). Comments/critiques appreciated.

First, in the model, define a beforeValidate function:

function beforeValidate()
   $this-valMessages = array() ;
   $this-valMessages['modelValidationErrors'] = array(
  'username' = 'This username is already taken. Please choose
another' ) ;
   return false ;

Then, in app_controller, the following function:

function validatingSave( $model )
   if ( $model-save( $this-data ) ) return true ;

   $this-Session-setFlash( 'p class=errorSorry, but we cannot
process your form. Please make the changes indicated below, and try
again./p', '' );
   $this-data += $model-valMessages ;
   return false ;

Next, in the controller's edit function, change the save line to this:

if ( $this-validatingSave( $this-Attachment ) )
$this-Session-setFlash( 'p class=successYour profile has been
updated./p', '' );
$this-redirect( /users );

Now in your ErrorHelper, you should have access to
If it's set and the field is set, you can show the custom error message
for that field, or if not, the fallback validation error message from

Does this sound like a good direction to take my validation? Thanks for
any feedback.

Ryan Ginstrom

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