installation in subdirectory

2006-08-07 Thread half_brick

Sorry about this basic question. I just seem to be getting conflicting
reports, and am having trouble getting it working on a domain on which
I only have FTP upload.
If I'm setting up a cake project in a directory on a host. ie:
should it be sufficient to just dump the app, cake, vendors etc into
the projectfolder?
I'm assuming URLs would then look like
What configuration changes, if any, would I need to make?
Let me know if you need clarification.

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Re: requestAction won't stay in div

2006-08-07 Thread half_brick

That was just a typo, my point still stands

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Re: installation in subdirectory

2006-08-07 Thread gmwebs

Hi Toby,

Do you perhaps have access to the folder above your html (www on my
host) directory on the host? For instance, on my host I have the
following kind of setup...

myAccount - mydomain1
  - mydomain2
  - CakePHPLibs
  - ssl
  - myCakeApp
  - www - mysubfolder1
   - mysubfolder2
   - mysubfolder3
   - myCakeAppWebRoot

I then setup the index.php in the myCakeAppWebRoot folder to reference
that setup. It took me a while to understand exactly how to set this
file up, but if you need any help then I can tell you what I did.

At lease this way no public user has access to my application files,
nor to my CakePHPLibs folder. If you dumped them all in the same folder
off your html directory, then public users will have access to all
those files.



half_brick wrote:

 Sorry about this basic question. I just seem to be getting conflicting
 reports, and am having trouble getting it working on a domain on which
 I only have FTP upload.
 If I'm setting up a cake project in a directory on a host. ie:
 should it be sufficient to just dump the app, cake, vendors etc into
 the projectfolder?
 I'm assuming URLs would then look like
 What configuration changes, if any, would I need to make?
 Let me know if you need clarification.

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Re: installation in subdirectory

2006-08-07 Thread half_brick

Hi Graham,
Do you have multiple cake apps set up this way?
Are each of your sites accessed by
If that's the way you set it up what did you have to do?
Was it just a case of editing the first few lines in the index.php file
in the webroot folder?

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Re: installation in subdirectory

2006-08-07 Thread gmwebs

Hi Toby,

I only have the one app setup at the moment, but this will apply to
additional apps as well. I altered the following lines in the index.php
file in the webroot (myCakeAppWebRoot) folder...

if (!defined('ROOT')) {
 //You should also use the DS define to seperate your 
if (!defined('APP_DIR')) {
 define('APP_DIR', 'myCakeApp');
 * This only needs to be changed if the cake installed libs are located
 * outside of the distributed directory structure.
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
 //You should also use the DS define to seperate your 

I left in my host root folders for you to reference, just changed them
a bit...



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Where would you put common functions?

2006-08-07 Thread Hanzgroove


I'm relatively new to CakePHP and I was wondering if someone could give
me some advice on where to put common snippets of code. For example,
I have a simple function that determines the file extension of a given
file. I want to be able to access this function from a model, component
or view. Where would I put these types of utility functions so that
it will be available throughout every part of the application?

I'd appreciate any help.


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Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 83886080 bytes exhausted at (null):0 (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in dbo_mysql.php

2006-08-07 Thread D Smith

Hi All:

I am facing memory exhausted problem in my application.

The file use to pick up around 600 records from one table and
runs a for loop.Under this for loop there is another loop runs
for 120 times.

In simple php applications these queries use to work fine.
But in cake its giving a problem.

I don't know, How to handle it in cake.
Is there any method in cake to free mysql memory not in use?

Can anyone help me in this regard?

Thanks in advance,


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views controlling layouts

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Quinn

On 8/3/06, lorenzo wrote:

 Mark Quinn ha scritto:

 My current problem is how to get a view to set a variable that is
 available in the layout. From everything i've read. this should be
 easy, but i'm just not getting any loving.

 I baked a trivial example:

 my layout contains
 pmy favourite cheese is ?= $cheese ?/p

  my view contains
$this-controller-set( 'cheese', 'cheddar' );
$cheese = 'brie';

 put this in your controller:

I understand that variables are _usually_ set in the controller. As an
experienced RoR developer, I am used to being able to have a VIEW set
a variable that is used by the LAYOUT. This makes complete sense to
seperate code logic and presentation. A trivial example is that the
controller programmer doesn't care what the title of a page is - that
is the call of the page designer/html person (yes, localisation etc,
may change this - but this is just a simple example).

A better example may be when the designer/html person wants the layout
to include a different element for certain pages/views. Why have two
layouts, solely in order to replace one element with a different one?
Wouldn't it be nice if the view could dictate which element it needed?

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Re: HABTM with 3 tables

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Quinn

i recommend you have a look at DHH's keynote at railsconf this year,
where he describes a way of further embracing CRUD and viewing
relationships as CRUDable things in their own right.

e.g. think of the user-group relationship as a CRUDable Membership
model. suddenly the world becomes a much simpler place.

Obviously, it doesn't make sense to seperate out all relationships as
models, but in many cases, applications evolve such that we start
needing to store metadata about what was once a simple relationship
(e.g.  when did that user join the group? who added them? at what
date does the membership expire?)

Video (embedded)

Slides (PDF)


 Hey henthoca,

 Thanks for your posts, I pretty much understand your explanations and
 I'll let you know how I get on.


 henthoca wrote:

  Whoops, I forgot to mention that each other model should have a hasMany
  relation with the JoinModel, and the JoinModel should belongTo each of
  the other three models.  I think I might have implied that, but better
  to explicitly come out and say it.
  I think this method would ideally allow for an n-way join table, not
  limited to 2 like the HABTM relations are.
  henthoca wrote:
   I had ran into this situation a while back, trying to figure out how to
   do a three-way join table.  I believe gwoo helped me figure out that it
   was best to create an extra model that belonged to the other three
   models, instead of trying to do crazy HABTM join querys.
   My three models were Resources (rooms), Users and Groups (permissions).
Each user has a certain set of permissions per resource. Eg, User A is
   an Teacher for Room A and a Student for Room B.  Then I made an extra
   model ( I named mine GroupsResourcesUser ) to store just the primary
   id's of each of the other three tables, and set all of those as the
   primary key in my new table.
   This method lets you pick one side and see which other sides it has,
   like pick a User and see for which Projects the User has each Role, or
   pick a Project to see which Users have each Role for that Project, or
   pick a Role to see which Users have that Role for each Project.
   For example, finding the Project-Role combinations for a particular
   (maybe logged in) user, I'd set $this-User-recursive = 3; and just
   use $this-User-findById($id); to get the data.  It'll be in the form,
   $data['JoinModelName']['TargetModel1'] etc, so you should be able to
   capture the relationships that way.
   It seems to work well enough for me. LMK if I need to explain it better


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Re: views controlling layouts

2006-08-07 Thread ByteDoc

The line that has to be drawn here is not easy to see, I hope I can
make my opinion clear without using too much words (long explanations
are more confusing than helpful).

A view should not be able to set any kind of data whatsoever - because
it is a _view_.
I would tackle your described problem in a way that the controller has
to make sure that the called view gets access to all the required data.
The controller knows/determines which view to use, as such it also has
to ensure the availability of the required data.

If you have two layouts, with just one element replaced, than why do
you have to pass two different sets of data to the view? Controller
serves all the data (or access to it), view uses the data as required.

To conclude - of course the view should dictate what element it needs -
it already does by using it. But for expanding that do not look from
the view side and what the view can set - look at how the data source
can grow to satisfy different views.

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Re: Where would you put common functions?

2006-08-07 Thread Hanzgroove

Let me make sure I understand what you're saying.

In this particular case I should create a model called File that has
a method called getExtension().

In my controller I can then use the method by declaring uses('File').

and calling:

$ext = $File-getExtension($myFile);

Is that what you were getting at?

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Re: requestAction won't stay in div

2006-08-07 Thread kumas

?php $this-requestAction('foo/bar'); ?
would echo the foo/bar action to the output automatically so you don't
need to echo(print) it. And also because of that you are not able to
treat it like a string variable.

But if you use the function like this:
?php echo $this-requestAction('foo/bar', array('return')); ?
Then you can do this:
?php echo 'foo'.$this-requestAction('foo/bar',
array('return')).'bar'; ?

I hope it's clear.

half_brick yazdi:
 Just a heads up for any n00bs (I'm a recovering one myself)
 If you're using requestAction, it doesn't work in quite the same way as
 renderElement for example:
 echo 'div'.$this-renderElement('foo', $params).'/div';
 will spit the rendered element nicely into the div
 echo 'div'.$requestAction('foo/bar').'/div';
 will not.
 to make it work you must do:
 echo 'div';
 echo $this-requestAction('foo/bar');
 echo '/div';

 I wasted half an hour on this, just thought I'd try to save others the

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Re: creating and viewing an image database

2006-08-07 Thread JP

Cheers, thats great,
in fact I recycled some code from a tutorial on the cake wiki
( to do what i wanted
fairly sucessfully.
I have another question regarding the safety of letting users upload
content to my database, as it seems a fairly risky business if you get
it wrong!
Firstly i check if the uploaded file exists and is a photo with
 if ($file = $this-params['form']['userfile'])
 if ((is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) and ($filedetails =

Then I get the filestype to store in 'ext' by
$filename = $file['name'];
if (($pos = strrpos($filename, .)) === FALSE) {
} else {
$this-data['Picture']['ext'] = substr($filename, $pos + 1);
I then validate 'ext' in Picture.php using regex
so that upload into the databse will be prevented before
It is a bit of a belt and braces approach, but is it safe?
would a non-picture file be able to still be uploaded to the temp
directory, and will it be able to execute if it was mailicous?
when should i read the file content into the database, and when would a
malicous piece of code be executed if it was uploaded sucessfully?
would it be when the image was viewed again?
Sorry for all the questions!

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Re: views controlling layouts

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Quinn

On 8/7/06, ByteDoc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The line that has to be drawn here is not easy to see, I hope I can
 make my opinion clear without using too much words (long explanations
 are more confusing than helpful).

 A view should not be able to set any kind of data whatsoever - because
 it is a _view_.

To me, this is where your argument breaks down. A view is only part of
the picture.

A view *and a layout* *and perhaps some elements* is the _view_

To say a view cannot set data is shortsighted. Perhaps a better way to
think of this is to think of passing data instead of setting data.

A view passes data into its helpers which in turn generate html on
behalf of the view.
A view passes data into its elements for the same reason.
Why should a view not be able to pass data to its layout, which in
turn generates html on behalf of the view. - it strikes me as odd that
people would want to seperate this case.

I wholely agree that views should not be allowed to set any data other
than in these circumstances.

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A problem with upload and refresh of image.

2006-08-07 Thread alepane

I have a database table where save the image's name.
I have to implement the edit function, and I try to do with this code :

$file = $_FILES['immagine'];
$imgpath = WWW_ROOT.img/;
$msg =;
if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'],$imgpath.$file['name'])) {
   $msg = File uploaded.;
} else {
   $msg = Error in uploading of file.;
$this-data['Lavoro']['immagine'] = $file['name'];
if ($this-Lavoro-save($this-data['Lavoro'])) {
   $this-flash($msg.'Refresh done.','/lavori');

But in the debug code cakephp never change the immagine field.
How I can do ?
Thanks !

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Re: Where would you put common functions?

2006-08-07 Thread Jon Bennett

 $ext = $File-getExtension($myFile);

 Is that what you were getting at?

kinda, though I would have thought that this kind of functionality
would be better suited to a Component. Then it's not tied to an
applications structure, and can be reused easily.

check out the page on the manual




jon bennett
t: +44 (0) 1225 341 039 w:
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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Re: A problem with upload and refresh of image.

2006-08-07 Thread alepane

Ok, now go all. I have wrong the use of a field ...

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Re: views controlling layouts

2006-08-07 Thread nate

@ByteDoc: Mark is correct.  The chief concern of MVC is separating view
and controller logic, and secondarily, separating controller and model
logic.  This says nothing of preventing templates and layouts (view and
view) from sharing data.  In fact, I would argue that embedding view
data in the controller violates DRY and tier separation almost as much
as does putting business logic in the view.

@Mark: We'll be adding a set() method in the View class to allow this.
If you check out
you can see that there are a few properties of the View class which are
available in templates, elements, and layouts (i.e. $pageTitle [when
rendering templates, elements or layouts, View is available as $this).

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migrating to cake

2006-08-07 Thread yeahyeah

i'm interested in migrating a site over to cake a few apps at the time,
what would the best strategy to do this? my idea now is to make a /c/
subdirectory that handles the cakified pages, while my old apps all run
as usual in the root web directory.

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Re: Comment in Simple User Authentication example is wrong

2006-08-07 Thread ebourqui

Thanks for submitting. Every time I went to submit, it told me I didn't
have permission, and I couldn't find where to register. Went to look
right now, and found the register link immediately.

Thanks again.

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Re: Routes with variables

2006-08-07 Thread Jonathan Snook

I've got something similar in the app I build. You'd need to set up all
items off of /shop/ to go through a single action. Then, take that
action, and have it route to internal functions.

function processAction($param1, $param2=null)
$this-_products($param1, $param2);
  }else {

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Re: Two CakePHP Newbie Qs

2006-08-07 Thread anarchitect

Sorry, i am late on this one: the other day i have wondered: what is so
bad about having slugs as primary keys? i might be running against some
database practices that they should rather be numbers. But it is rather
trivial to make slugs unique, as well.

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Re: selected items in HABTM multiple select

2006-08-07 Thread Jon Bennett

 Any thoughts ??

how about adding this function to your app_controller.php

function getSelectedItems ($data)
$return = array();
foreach ($data as $row)
$return[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
return $return;

then you can use:

$this-set('selected_categories', $this-getSelectedItems




jon bennett
t: +44 (0) 1225 341 039 w:
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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Re: Scaffolding on cake_1.1.6.3264 allowing add and delete but server dropped reply on others

2006-08-07 Thread BakeryBoy

Bump. I cross-checked this url database by installing CodeIgniter and
trying out the scaffolding feature there. While not quite as mature as
Cake seems to be, the CodeIgniter scaffolding code worked perfectly
with the database for all operations. It also works properly with

I don't know what this means in terms of figuring out where Cake is
going wrong in accessing the MySQL tables in scaffolding but I thought
it might interest Cake devs that a similar project (CodeIgniter) was
able to work with the database I set up without any errors.

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Using Subversion for both site and cake

2006-08-07 Thread Shutter


I've set up subversion/TortoiseSVN on windows for the site I'm working
on, and I've come to like using the latest svn version of Cake since it
containes the latest fixes. Right now I've just been checking out
Cake's SVN builds from time to time and copying that to my working copy
of the site, but that doesn't allow me to make any changes to the cake
core files when necessary. (I know you're not supposed to change cake
core files generally and that extending appcontroller/appmodel is
better, but I've needed to make a few changes sometimes to the helpers,
which tickets are already submitted for)

Would there be a way to set my subversion up such that I can use it to
merge the latest Cake version with my local website repository? Such
that the latest version I retrieved from Cake's SVN could be merged
with my local site in case I made changes to my local copy of cake's
core files?

Or rather, what's the best way to keep it all up-to-date without losing
my modifications?



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Re: Using Subversion for both site and cake

2006-08-07 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)

On Aug 7, 2006, at 12:38 PM, Shutter wrote:


 I've set up subversion/TortoiseSVN on windows for the site I'm working
 on, and I've come to like using the latest svn version of Cake  
 since it
 containes the latest fixes. Right now I've just been checking out
 Cake's SVN builds from time to time and copying that to my working  
 of the site, but that doesn't allow me to make any changes to the cake
 core files when necessary. (I know you're not supposed to change cake
 core files generally and that extending appcontroller/appmodel is
 better, but I've needed to make a few changes sometimes to the  
 which tickets are already submitted for)

Make copies of those core helpers, modify them, and place them in / 

 Would there be a way to set my subversion up such that I can use it to
 merge the latest Cake version with my local website repository? Such
 that the latest version I retrieved from Cake's SVN could be merged
 with my local site in case I made changes to my local copy of cake's
 core files?

 Or rather, what's the best way to keep it all up-to-date without  
 my modifications?

By following best practices advice and never modifying core  
files. :o) Keep the CakePHP libs as an SVN working copy (so you can  
update whenever you want), and keep your own apps (including your  
modified helpers) in other repositories as  you see fit.

You'll always run into problems by modifying core files. The  
libraries are structured in such a way that it's extensible - check  
to see how to make those extensions first.

-- John

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Re: Using Subversion for both site and cake

2006-08-07 Thread Shutter

Thanks John. I'm still learning my way around, and that's sound advice.

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Re: Using Subversion for both site and cake

2006-08-07 Thread Martin Wood

 Would there be a way to set my subversion up such that I can use it to
 merge the latest Cake version with my local website repository? Such
 that the latest version I retrieved from Cake's SVN could be merged
 with my local site in case I made changes to my local copy of cake's
 core files?
 Or rather, what's the best way to keep it all up-to-date without losing
 my modifications?

if you are editing the files in your working copy and are doing an svn update 
then you'll keep your changes. If there have been changes to the files you have 
changed then 2 things can happen depending on if the changes conflict.

1. no conflict, svn merges the remote changes into your local copy

2. there are conflicts, svn tells you and you can resolve the conflicts by hand.

its the beauty of using revision control.



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Can you find out the last controller/action?

2006-08-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there any way to find out the controller/action that a user was at
prior to the current controller/action?  Say you wanted to redirect a
user back to the page they came from - how would you find out that

I'd prefer not to have to keep any sort of history, or last page, in a
session.  Just wondering if the last controller/action comes for free
in CakePHP.

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Re: selected items in HABTM multiple select

2006-08-07 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

You're definitely right. thanks a lot. I should think about it every
time I see something recurrent in my code.

Jon Bennett wrote:

Any thoughts ??

how about adding this function to your app_controller.php

function getSelectedItems ($data)
		$return = array();
		foreach ($data as $row)
			$return[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
		return $return;

then you can use:

$this-set('selected_categories', $this-getSelectedItems




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Re: Can you find out the last controller/action?

2006-08-07 Thread Chris Lamb


On Mon, 7 Aug 2006 12:58:17 -0700
John Zimmerman [gmail] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This won't work all the time and can't be completely trusted, but you
 can write a function to deal with different scenarios based on the
 contents of $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].

Cake already has such a function, $this-redirect($this-referer()),
but--as you mention--it won't work if people turn it off.



 Chris Lamb, Cambridgeshire, UK WWW:
  Q. Why is top posting bad? GPG: 0x634F9A20
  A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion

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problem in FormHelper, 1.1.7 release

2006-08-07 Thread iceaxe

Howdy all,

I didn't see an open ticket for this issue, and in my newness I haven't
figured out how to submit a proper bug report.

If someone can point me in the right direction, I'll be happy to put in
a ticket and I'll even fix the problem.  (It's an easy one.)

This applies to the release. (And maybe earlier versions)

In the FormHelper class (file cake/libs/view/helpers/form.php) the
TAG_FIELDSET constant has a typo resulting in a fieldset tag that is
not closed.

- snip 

 * Tag template for a fieldset with a legend tag inside.
define('TAG_FIELDSET', 'fieldsetlegend%s/legend%s/label');

- /snip 

The closing tag for the fieldset is missing, having instead a /label
closing tag.

Proposed change:

 * Tag template for a fieldset with a legend tag inside.
define('TAG_FIELDSET', 'fieldsetlegend%s/legend%s/fieldset');

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Re: Where would you put common functions?

2006-08-07 Thread Hanzgroove

That'll do it. Thanks a lot.

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Re: problem in FormHelper, 1.1.7 release

2006-08-07 Thread Armando Sosa


I don't see the point for a fieldset helper method. Sorry for the offtopic.

On 8/7/06, iceaxe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Howdy all,

 I didn't see an open ticket for this issue, and in my newness I haven't
 figured out how to submit a proper bug report.

 If someone can point me in the right direction, I'll be happy to put in
 a ticket and I'll even fix the problem.  (It's an easy one.)

 This applies to the release. (And maybe earlier versions)

 In the FormHelper class (file cake/libs/view/helpers/form.php) the
 TAG_FIELDSET constant has a typo resulting in a fieldset tag that is
 not closed.

 - snip 

  * Tag template for a fieldset with a legend tag inside.
 define('TAG_FIELDSET', 'fieldsetlegend%s/legend%s/label');

 - /snip 

 The closing tag for the fieldset is missing, having instead a /label
 closing tag.

 Proposed change:
  * Tag template for a fieldset with a legend tag inside.
 define('TAG_FIELDSET', 'fieldsetlegend%s/legend%s/fieldset');


Armando Sosa

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