Re: Ordenação do Paginator do Cake1.2

2008-01-20 Thread Joao Jose Pedrini
Na verdade não era isso que estava procurando,

Eu queria algo que me falasse qual é a direção e chave corrente da
paginação... para poder dar aquela informação ao meu usuário de que a página
esta ordenada pelo campo Nome e Descendente.

Achei o seguinte métodos PaginatorHelper::sortDir e PaginatorHelper::sortKey

Acho que era isso que precisava. Mas valeu pela intenção.

2008/1/17 rafael bozzetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Boa tarde João,

 Estava com a mesma dúvida e consegui ordenar de forma crescente e
 No meu controller tenho a função index... ai embaixo.. marcado com ***

function index() {
$this-Blog-recursive = 0;
$this-paginate = array('limit' = 10);

 ***   $this-paginate['order'] = array('' = 'DESC');

$this-set('blogs', $this-paginate());


 2008/1/17 Joao Jose Pedrini [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Estou com uma dúvida com a paginação do Cake 1.2. Estou querendo colocar
  sinalização se é descendente ou ascendente e qual é a atual ordenação
 que a
  página esta exibindo.
  Dei uma olhada na estrutura do sort() porém não consegui uma resposta.
  Alguém já precisou desta funcionalidade e/ou consegue me passar uma
  Joao Jose Pedrini
  Consultor - COP-JR

 Rafael Pereira Bozzetti


Joao Jose Pedrini
Consultor - COP-JR

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Re: Quando ER não resolve na validação

2008-01-20 Thread Joao Jose Pedrini
Seria algo como isso?

2008/1/17 DJ Spark [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  provavelmente, além das regras 'prontas' , voce motnaria suas
 proprias regras...
  usando $this-Modelo-validate();

  A API lista um método 'userdefined()' onde um dos argumentos é uma
 função que fará a validação especial...

  Alguém já usou isso ? tem algum exemplo ?


 2008/1/17 Rodrigo Maia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Olá pessoal, como seria se não desse para fazer uma validação usando
  expressão regular?
  Por exemplo, tornar um campo obrigatório caso um outro campo for
  Ou quando um campo for maior que 200 caracteres.
  Ou se a data preenchida no form for maior que a data atual dar erro
  E assim vai.
  Como ficaria?



Joao Jose Pedrini
Consultor - COP-JR

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Re: Irregularidade da palavra Conta

2008-01-20 Thread Joao Jose Pedrini
Com a tabela Categoria tbm ocorre o mesmo erro.

Mas já sabia que era algo com o inflections.php, não testei a solução do
Bill mas acho que funciona. Com o Ruby on Rails acontece a mesma coisa,
tanto que um grupo brasileiro lançaram um patch (ou plugin, não sei) para
ajustar todas as diferenças para o público brasileiro ( Além do plural
existe outras funcionalidades, como numeração, valores monetários,
traduções, etc.

2008/1/18 Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Tive a mesma dificuldade, com uma tabela Ocorrencias, que virou

 Pra resolver, eu gerei via bake de maneira errada mesmo, como se a tabela
 fosse ocorrencium, depois disto, alterei o inflections.php da seguinte

 $pluralRules = array('/(.*)ia$/i' = '\1ias',
 '/(.*)a$/i' = '\1as'

 $singularRules = array('/(.*)ias$/i' = '\1ia',
 '/(.*)as$/i' = '\1a'

 e alterei os respectivos arquivos gerados de model e controller.

 Veja se resolve algo.



  por essas e outras que eu já crio tudo em inglês mesmo e se
  precisar, manipulo as urls no Routes...
  infelizmente eu não sei o que pode ser  =(
  2008/1/18 Marcus Reis :
  Saudações padeiros!
  Estou com problemas no bake, quando crio o model Lancamento que
  por sua vez pertence ao model Conta, aparece para mim desta forma:
  Bake Model
  Path: /var/www/app/models/
  Possible Models based on your current database: 1. Conta 2.
  Enter a number from the list above, or type in the name of
  another model.
  One moment while the associations are detected. --
  - Please confirm the
  following associations:
  Lancamento belongsTo Departamento? (y/n) [y]  y Lancamento
  belongsTo Contum? (y/n) [y] 
  Veja que ele ao invés de me perguntar:
  Lancamento belongsTo Conta?
  Ele escreve:
  Lancamento belongsTo Contum?
  ja tentei usar o inflections.php para consertar mas nao gera
  efeito algum, parece um bug ou palavra reservada.
  para reproduzir este erro crie um model com o nome Conta (tabela
  contas) e tente associa-lo a algum filho (no meu caso lancamentos
  belongs to contas).
  Note que na listagem inicial dos models disponiveis ele escreve
  Conta corretamente, mas na hora de perguntar sobre as associações
  que ele escreve errado (Contum).
  Estou usando a versao 1.2 beta nova do site (a alpha
  anterior tb ocorre este erro)
  Agradeço a atenção!


Joao Jose Pedrini
Consultor - COP-JR

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Re: Basic Question: Refining Queries

2008-01-20 Thread Chris Wade

Here's what I eventually did:

$userArray = $this-User-find(''.$this-User-id, null, null,
$this-set('data', $userArray);

foreach($userArray['Friends'] as $friend) {
$friendIds[] = $friend['id'];
$friendConditions = array('Profile.user_id' = $friendIds);
$this-set('friends', $this-User-Profile-

This gave me two arrays that I could use to match the friends'
profiles to the users.  It's a bit roundabout but it worked.


On Jan 20, 12:13 am, Chris Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A little more information.

 I've tried the following:

 SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'user1_id' in 'where clause'


 SQL Error: 1109: Unknown table 'Friends' in where clause


 SQL Error: 1109: Unknown table 'users_users' in where clause
 (the table does exist)

 There is no 'Friends' model - it's just the User model attached to
 itself through a HABTM relationship (described in my last post).
 The 'models' chapter of the manual only describes how to query this
 sort of relationship using recursion.  I'm trying to get it to find
 the user's friends directly, but I can't figure out how to get it to
 understand that it needs to look in the join table for the

 Am I missing something obvious?  Do I need to clarify what I'm trying
 to do?

 Thanks again,

 On Jan 19, 1:34 pm, Chris Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ah, Chaining was the word I was looking for, but I was thinking that
  it would give you only the records from the chained models that were
  related to the model of the controller you were in.  Thanks for the

  So, to do something like what I want to do, I would have to say 
  $this-User-Friends-findall([set conditions to find the friends related to

  the user]).

  The 'Friends' relationship is a HABTM relating one user directly to
  another through a table called users_users, which has the fields
  'user1_id' and 'user2_id'.

  In the user model:
  var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Friends' =
   array('className' =
 'joinTable' =
 'associationForeignKey' =
 'order' =
  'created DESC',
 'limit' =
 'finderQuery'   =
 'deleteQuery'   =

  var $hasOne = array('Profile' =
  array('className'  = 'Profile',
'conditions' = '',
'order'  = '',
'dependent'  = true,
'foreignKey' = 'user_id'

  Avatars for each user are contained in the user's profile.  Given this
  relationship, how would you go about writing a query that would grab
  the avatars from the profiles for each of the current user's friends,
  without picking up all of the other relationships (there are several
  not mentioned here)?

  Thanks for the help.


  On Jan 19, 9:32 am, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Chaining isn't bad, but it only gives you a reference for the model,
   it doesn't set any conditions. You have to pass them manually to the

   You can unbind() the models you don't want to get on the findAll and
   set the recursion level that fits your needs. Also it is possible to
   set conditions dinamically on the associations through

   Also if you are using CakePHP 1.2 you can use the bindable behavior
   (thanks Mariano) to control your associations.

   - Dardo Sordi.

   On Jan 18, 2008 10:54 PM, the_woodsman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm not sure I fully understand your problem, but:

 I'd like to figure out how to do something like:
 $this-set('friends', $this-User-Friends-Profiles-findAll());
 This returns every profile in the system, not just those for the
 user's friends.

Your controller isn't tied to usingjust one Model, the $uses array of
the Controller can specify all the models you want:

var $uses=array('Profiles','User');

then you can start all yourqueriesfrom these models, no need to

Re: dAuth v0.3 [Session losing 'salt' variable]

2008-01-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, something is removing items from ( or maybe totally wiping )
your session, and i don't think it's dAuth ;-)
did grep -i session on your project yield anything?
But at least you have an environment where it works. try comparing
php.ini's, apache.conf's , looking up bugs for cake and php ( session
bugs will probably be also in this group), downgrading the php of the
new environment etc ...

good luck!

On Jan 19, 5:33 pm, volve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you very much for getting back to me Dieter!

 The salt is definitely in there before attemptLogin is called as I
 can stick a print_r in Users/login action and I see the salt at the
 top of the page when I load the login form. (But the print_r inside
 attemptLogin shows it as missing when submitting the login form.)

 I spent some time last night setting-up a second development
 environment with PHP5 and... the problem hasn't reappeared... I know
 this doesn't really make sense, but I wanted to share anyway. Maybe
 there's some quirky CakePHP Session handling bug that isn't present in
 PHP5 ? All I did was copy over my previous app directory into this new
 environment and changed database logins.

 I'm still baffled, but at least it's progress (I think). :)

 Thanks again,

 On Jan 19, 6:38 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I basically did a
   fresh install of the v0.3 files from and wanted to
   get them all working as-is before customizing (to make sure there was
   nothing in my project interfering, I grep'd the entire source tree for
   references to 'salt' and only found the new dAuth ones).

  Well, this is weird indeed.  I also used the powers of grep on the
  dauth sources and found out that at only 1 place the salt is written
  into the session, which is in the function newSalt() of the component.
  By grepping on Session i could not find a place where the salt might
  be removed or the session cleared or anything like that.  I suggest
  you also grep on Session in your entire project to find out if
  something else might be interfering.  ( use grep -i to be sure you
  dont miss anything)

  Also make sure that the salt is put in the session before trying to
  read it out ( eg you're not going directly to the attemptLogin logic
  before opening the login page. and make sure you have a salt there
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Re: Dynamic form creation?

2008-01-20 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Jan 20, 9:13 am, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess I'm misunderstanding also, but what was the problem with

 If your using that database, that means model. $form-inputs() dumps inputs
 for all the form fields.

   The situation is more of like allowing the users to create models;
the users define fields, rules/validations, labels, etc

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
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Re: How to test that adatabase table exists ?

2008-01-20 Thread foxmask

nobody to give a suggestion ?

On Jan 18, 9:39 pm, foxmask [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good evening,
 I would like to test if my database table exists or not
 If no,   i will display a message to suggest to install the software
 If yes,  i will Route::connect()  to the main page of the software.

 I digged on the Model::Schema() but i dunno how to use it nor if it's
 the well way to do the trick.

 kind regards.
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Auth 1.2 infinite redirect...

2008-01-20 Thread Ben Wilson

Could somebody clue me into why I'm encountering an infinite
redirection loop? I'm using the latest Beta 1.2 series. My browser
allows cookies. I am following what appears to be a pretty-good
tutorial---and have made my users/groups table comply.[1] The only way
to keep it from looping is to allow '*', which defeats the purpose.

Ben Wilson
Words are the only thing which will last forever Churchill

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Re: Bug in cake beta 1.2 model

2008-01-20 Thread Nina


I tried reporting to trac, but I got a 403 forbidden error when I
tried to create a new ticket (at
I realize now that I need to be registered (I just scanned the page
and looked for the report a bug button and clicked), and I will report
bugs through the proper channels in the future, because I totally get
where you are coming from.



On Jan 17, 10:01 pm, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 16, 2008 10:56 AM, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All

  I found (and fixed) a bug in the model.php file, and I can't report it
  in the trac system, so I thought I'd report it here in case someone
  sees it and can fix it.


 Is that can't or won't report the bug?  It takes no more than 5
 minutes to sign up for an account on trac in order to report a bug.  I
 tell you this because I can say with great certainty that patches
 posted on the mailing list are extremely unlikely to be noticed.

 It's great that you might have found a bug, but PLEASE take the time
 to report it properly through trac.

 Chris Hartjes
 Internet Loudmouth
 Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...
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CakePHP Setup, Need Help Please

2008-01-20 Thread longint

Hi Folks,

Brand spankin' new to PHP  CakePHP.  Coming over from ASP.NET to
explore.  I'm following the Blog tutorial from the Cake site and
here's what happens:

1.) Move it to the webroot.
2.) Checkout localhost and I can see the initial page (with CSS!)
3.) Change my db configuration to connect correctly.
4.) Refresh localhost and the initial page no longer has CSS applied!!

This sounds like a mod_rewrite issue (I guess?).  I went through the
steps of enabling it (or so I think).  But the tutorials I've read say
that if you see CSS it means it's enabled.  So I have no clue why
connecting to the db would disable this.


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Re: Simple Bog tutorial Sorting question

2008-01-20 Thread justradar

$this-set('posts', $this-Post-findAll(null,null,'id DESC'));

that worked beautifully, thanks!

where might i have found this topic in the documentation? i spent
quite a bit of time searching before i posted here .. .but i guess i
was likely searching for the vocabulary ... i mostly looked for
sorting ??

thanks again!


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Displaying error messages fro validation in element

2008-01-20 Thread seb

Hi all bakers

The problem is : I have 2 columns site layout where a mailing list 
subscription block can be seen on all the pages. So I put it into en 

Basically, this is just a form with text input and subscribe button, so 
I have built a mailinglist model and a mailinglist controller with an 
add function, called on subscribing the form.

Of course, model does a validation of the mail entered. If everything 
goes right, I just do a redirect to the main page. BUT if a validation 
problems occurs, controller calls by default a add view. I do not want 
this ! I just want to stay on the same page (like home, products or 
contact) where the user typed his email in the mailing list subscriber 
form and I want to display the validation error message inside the 
mailing list element.

Sounds like I have to re-render the current view (I mean HOME, 
PRODUCTS or CONTACT view) with an updated mailing list element block 
telling hey buddy, your email is wrong !

I struggle with that since 2 days. Any idea ?

Regards to all !

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Re: Auth in 1.2

2008-01-20 Thread b logica

Change back to where you had a blank screen and look in the error log
for any FATAL errors.

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Re: Simple Bog tutorial Sorting question

2008-01-20 Thread justradar

... but i guess i was likely searching for the WRONG vocabulary ...
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Re: CakePHP Setup, Need Help Please

2008-01-20 Thread longint

Ok, disregard my last message.  All set!

On Jan 19, 10:45 pm, longint [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Folks,

 Brand spankin' new to PHP  CakePHP.  Coming over from ASP.NET to
 explore.  I'm following the Blog tutorial from the Cake site and
 here's what happens:

 1.) Move it to the webroot.
 2.) Checkout localhost and I can see the initial page (with CSS!)
 3.) Change my db configuration to connect correctly.
 4.) Refresh localhost and the initial page no longer has CSS applied!!

 This sounds like a mod_rewrite issue (I guess?).  I went through the
 steps of enabling it (or so I think).  But the tutorials I've read say
 that if you see CSS it means it's enabled.  So I have no clue why
 connecting to the db would disable this.


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Parsing error

2008-01-20 Thread mrp

I have the following php script:

I am trying to populate my php string as below:


$query_db_95 = INSERT INTO `node_revisions` (`nid`, `vid`, `uid`,
`title`, `body`, `teaser`, `log`, `timestamp`, `format`) VALUES (451,
451, 1, 'Import model images', '?php\r\n\r\n// Written by Victor Kane
it''s set to true,\r\n// and you get double imports.\r\n$active =
false;\r\n$process_folder = ''import'';\r\n\r\include_once 'includes/;?',  ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ');

$active and $process_folder are php variables. They are brown colored.
I am not getting the green color for these two variables.

It is giving me the parsing error. What can be wrong? Please Help. I
am stuck here.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Parsing error

2008-01-20 Thread b logica

On Jan 20, 2008 5:23 AM, mrp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the following php script:

 I am trying to populate my php string as below:


 $query_db_95 = INSERT INTO `node_revisions` (`nid`, `vid`, `uid`,
 `title`, `body`, `teaser`, `log`, `timestamp`, `format`) VALUES (451,
 451, 1, 'Import model images', '?php\r\n\r\n// Written by Victor Kane
 it''s set to true,\r\n// and you get double imports.\r\n$active =
 false;\r\n$process_folder = ''import'';\r\n\r\include_once 'includes/;?',  ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ');

You might want to consider using heredoc syntax for that body part to
avoid having to add all those returns/newlines. Then just append it
into your SQL string.

You have doubled-up single quotes around the word import. That would
be fine if the desired result was to have a single set of single
quotes around the word *and* this was an SQL script. However, what
you'll end up with is probably not going to work well for you. Change
that part to:

... false;\r\n$process_folder = 'import';\r\n\r\include_once ...

 $active and $process_folder are php variables.

You mean that they are variables in the same context as $query_db_95?
That is, there is a variable named $process_folder set before creating
this SQL string?

$process_folder = 'foo';

$query_db_95 = INSERT INTO ...

// results in:

... r\nfoo = ''import''; ...

In which case, you'll notice that you're missing a dollar sign. You'll
need to add one (escaped):

... false;\r\n\$${process_folder} = 'import';\r\n\r\include_once ...

 They are brown colored.
 I am not getting the green color for these two variables.

You're talking about your syntax highlighting? That's often a pretty
user-specific thing. I'm sure your browns  greens are not the same as
mine ;-)

 It is giving me the parsing error. What can be wrong? Please Help. I
 am stuck here.

$query_db_95 = ...;


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Re: Parsing error

2008-01-20 Thread b logica

On Jan 20, 2008 12:10 PM, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 20, 2008 5:23 AM, mrp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It is giving me the parsing error. What can be wrong? Please Help. I
  am stuck here.

 $query_db_95 = ...;


Whoops! It's early. That won't help until you get past the parse
error, of course. I'm sure the problem lies with your quotes.

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Re: Dynamic form creation?

2008-01-20 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

 I decomposed each form element in form element linked to a model and
 a controller (for example, all forms have a similar
 client_identification part that is linked to the client controller
 and model). Another example is a donation_info form element that is
 linked to the donation model and controller. So it's a not a fully
 customizable dynamic form creator, the form must be assembled out of
 pre defined elements and they can also add some custom fields.

   Many thanks for sharing your ideas. Before starting this thread, I
had 2 ideas:
1. Create model files and DB tables dynamically
2. Keep the form configurations in a DB table and handle them

   I felt that both of the approaches are inefficient/unintelligent
and so posted this question. After googling a lot, I just seem to get
some solutions/works in Django (still not sure) and I'm yet to look at
those closely to see if they're efficient.

   Thanks again for sharing the ideas.

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
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cake 1.1.19: Ability to turn debug info off during ajax - Is it broken?

2008-01-20 Thread keymaster

I use the following code to turn off debug info during ajax calls.

if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax()) {
$db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
$db-fullDebug = false;

It worked flawlessly up to and including cake 1.1.18, but in cake
1.1.19 it no longer works and there is debug info all over the

Anyone else experiencing this?
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Re: 404 Not found on existing controller and action

2008-01-20 Thread Saymons

I think you may have your DEBUG var (/app/config/core.php) set to 0
(production mode), which means that your cache isn't refreshed when
you create new pages etc.
So you should modify it to 1 or higher (development).

Good luck!

On 6 jan, 16:09, Robby Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've put clearing the cache on the top of my list of things to do
 before I go into oh crap mode. :) Seems to solve all kinds of
 problems. I keep meaning to create a small script to do it and then
 call the script from my server start script, among other places.
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Re: Auth in 1.2

2008-01-20 Thread Ben Wilson

On Jan 20, 2008 11:43 AM, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Change back to where you had a blank screen and look in the error log
 for any FATAL errors.

I think I found the problem. I created a site-wide menu element that
is in the default. It calls the action below. Because the action is
not in the 'allow' list, calls to it result in the loop.

$menus = $this-requestAction('menus/getMenus/header');

Ben Wilson
Words are the only thing which will last forever Churchill

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Re: Auth 1.2 infinite redirect...

2008-01-20 Thread Ben Wilson

On Jan 20, 2008 9:11 AM, Ben Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could somebody clue me into why I'm encountering an infinite
 redirection loop? I'm using the latest Beta 1.2 series. My browser
 allows cookies. I am following what appears to be a pretty-good
 tutorial---and have made my users/groups table comply.[1] The only way
 to keep it from looping is to allow '*', which defeats the purpose.


I think I've found the problem. I was using an element to create a
site-wide menu. In that element, a call was made to an action that was
not on the allow list. However, since it occurs on every page,
including /users/login, any attempt to call it resulted in a redirect
to /users/login. This resulted in the infinite loop. The culprit code

   $menus = $this-requestAction('menus/getMenus/header');

The solution was to add the action getMenus to the allow. This
corrected the problem. The solution code follows:


Ben Wilson
Words are the only thing which will last forever Churchill

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Going to CakeFest and need a roomie?

2008-01-20 Thread Chris Hartjes

Want a chance to hurl insults at me as payback for my postings on the
mailing list?  I'll be speaking at CakeFest on how to get the most out
of using the Cake console to speed up development time, and are
looking for a roomie to help keep hotel costs down.  I'm flying in on
Tuesday night and leaving Friday morning.

If you're going to Orlando and need a roomie, let me know.  Make sure
you enjoy late nights, as I'm sure there will be some of those.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Re: cake 1.1.19: Ability to turn debug info off during ajax - Is it broken?

2008-01-20 Thread Peter Lombardo

I had the SQL being dumped even in my ajax calls.  Not sure if this is
what you are looking for but I use the following to disable that.

Configure::write('debug', '0');

Peter Lombardo

On Jan 20, 12:58 pm, keymaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use the following code to turn off debug info during ajax calls.

 if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax()) {
 $db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
 $db-fullDebug = false;


 It worked flawlessly up to and including cake 1.1.18, but in cake
 1.1.19 it no longer works and there is debug info all over the

 Anyone else experiencing this?

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Accessing my returned value from model function

2008-01-20 Thread dmc

i am trying to show a returned value from a model
function shoWonum()
$ret = $this-query(SELECT wonum FROM invoices WHERE id =
$wonum = $ret[0]['wonum'];
return $wonum;

(this SQL stement returns '1' as the returned value - btw)

in my controller i access the function by:

$this-set('baseWonum', $this-Invoice-shoWonum());

in my view i have the value:

$baseWonum - but it is always empty

I am very new to the frame work and am sure i am making a basic
any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you all

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Re: Simple binding question.

2008-01-20 Thread Dardo Sordi Bogado

If A deal has many tickets, and belongs to one item., then why you bind:

$this-Ticket-bindModel(array('belongsTo' = array('Deal'
=array('foreignKey' = 'deal_id';
$this-Ticket-bindModel(array('belongsTo' = array('Item'
=array('foreignKey' = 'deal_id';

Ticket belongsTo Deal, Ticket belongsTo Item ?

On Jan 19, 2008 6:43 PM, phpjoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, there isn't such a key Ticket.item_id
 Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Ticket.item_id' in 'on
 clause' [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 440]

 There's Deal.item_id
 Basically a ticket belongs to a deal. A deal has many tickets, and
 belongs to one item.

 It should be:

 I need to get Item.title for every ticket that I have.
 So my custom SQL query is correct, but I wonder how I could use binds
 to do that.

 That's the custom query I came up with:
 SELECT `Ticket`.`id`, `Deal`.`file`, `Item`.`title` FROM `tickets` AS
 `Ticket` LEFT JOIN `deals` AS `Deal` ON (`Ticket`.`deal_id` =
 `Deal`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `items` AS `Item` ON (`Deal`.`item_id` =
 `Item`.`id`) WHERE `Ticket`.`user_id` = 1
 When I left join 'items' to deal.item_id, it works.

 On Jan 19, 6:40 pm, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You are putting:
  $this-Ticket-bindModel(array('belongsTo' = array('Item' =
  array('foreignKey' = 'deal_id';
  instead of :
  $this-Ticket-bindModel(array('belongsTo' = array('Item' =
  array('foreignKey' = 'item_id';
  it's a copy and paste error.
  - Dardo Sordi.

  On Jan 18, 2008 9:39 PM, phpjoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I wonder how I could make a simple query to work through bind(), and
   not use a custom query.
   I'm binding two models for a model:
   $this-Ticket-bindModel(array('belongsTo' = array('Deal' =
   array('foreignKey' = 'deal_id';
   $this-Ticket-bindModel(array('belongsTo' = array('Item' =
   array('foreignKey' = 'deal_id';
   The resulting query I get is this:
   SELECT `Ticket`.`id`, `Deal`.`file`, `Item`.`title` FROM `tickets` AS
   `Ticket` LEFT JOIN `deals` AS `Deal` ON (`Ticket`.`deal_id` =
   `Deal`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `items` AS `Item` ON (`Ticket`.`deal_id` =
   `Item`.`id`) WHERE `Ticket`.`user_id` = 1
   Now, instead of:
   `Item` ON (`Ticket`.`deal_id` = `Item`.`id`)
   I need:
   `Item` ON (`Deal`.`item_id` = `Item`.`id`)
   Which gives this query:
   SELECT `Ticket`.`id`, `Deal`.`file`, `Item`.`title` FROM `tickets` AS
   `Ticket` LEFT JOIN `deals` AS `Deal` ON (`Ticket`.`deal_id` =
   `Deal`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `items` AS `Item` ON (`Deal`.`item_id` =
   `Item`.`id`) WHERE `Ticket`.`user_id` = 1
   I tried binding item to deal, and CakePHP made 200 queries instead.
   That didn't work too well.
   Any ideas how I could make a slim query with CakePHP, without using

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Re: Caching

2008-01-20 Thread Dardo Sordi Bogado

Try setting, debug level to 0.

On Jan 20, 2008 7:29 PM, Gary Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am relatively new to cakephp but actively involved in 2 reasonably
 sized projects.
 In one project, I really need the caching to work to improve
 However, I am having no luck whatsoever.  I have enabled the cache in
 the config/core.php by uncommenting the
 'Configure::write('Cache.check', true);'.
 I have also added the following to my controller :-
 'var $cacheAction=array('Images/view/'='21600');'

 After initially trying:
 'var $cacheAction=array('view/'='21600');'

 But, nothing is appearing in my cache folder.  I have verified that
 php can write to the folder and it can - no problems at all.  In my
 development environment, I run apache very insecurely (as my user !)
 so that I do not have any permission problems.

 I ran it through the debugger and I can see that the view's _render
 method optionally requires a '$cached' parameter which is not passed
 by the 'render' method, therefore it is defaulting to false, which I
 believe prevents the cache from being written.

 I would really appreciate any help that you can offer on this one.

 Many Thanks



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Re: Accessing my returned value from model function

2008-01-20 Thread b logica

On Jan 20, 2008 3:07 PM, dmc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i am trying to show a returned value from a model
 function shoWonum()
 $ret = $this-query(SELECT wonum FROM invoices WHERE id =
 $wonum = $ret[0]['wonum'];
 return $wonum;

 (this SQL stement returns '1' as the returned value - btw)

 in my controller i access the function by:

 $this-set('baseWonum', $this-Invoice-shoWonum());

 in my view i have the value:

 $baseWonum - but it is always empty

 I am very new to the frame work and am sure i am making a basic
 any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you all



in your model method before the return.

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2008-01-20 Thread Gary Taylor

I am relatively new to cakephp but actively involved in 2 reasonably
sized projects.
In one project, I really need the caching to work to improve
However, I am having no luck whatsoever.  I have enabled the cache in
the config/core.php by uncommenting the
'Configure::write('Cache.check', true);'.
I have also added the following to my controller :-
'var $cacheAction=array('Images/view/'='21600');'

After initially trying:
'var $cacheAction=array('view/'='21600');'

But, nothing is appearing in my cache folder.  I have verified that
php can write to the folder and it can - no problems at all.  In my
development environment, I run apache very insecurely (as my user !)
so that I do not have any permission problems.

I ran it through the debugger and I can see that the view's _render
method optionally requires a '$cached' parameter which is not passed
by the 'render' method, therefore it is defaulting to false, which I
believe prevents the cache from being written.

I would really appreciate any help that you can offer on this one.

Many Thanks


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Simple GROUP BY ?

2008-01-20 Thread cronet


I'm siting here for about 2 hours and get it not work. I need a simple
group by in an association.

This is in my controller:

   array('hasMany' =
'HotelDescriptionTranslation' = array(
'className' =
'foreignKey' = 
'conditions' = $cond1

'HotelDescriptionPhoto' = array(
'className' = 
'foreignKey' = 'hotel_id',
'conditions' =
$hotel = $this-Hotel-findByHotelId($hotel_id);

Results in this query:

SELECT `HotelDescriptionPhoto`.`id`,
`HotelDescriptionPhoto`.`created`, `HotelDescriptionPhoto`.`modified`
FROM `hotel_description_photos` AS `HotelDescriptionPhoto` WHERE
(descriptiontype_id = '5' OR descriptiontype_id = '10') AND
`HotelDescriptionPhoto`.`hotel_id` IN (60160)

But I need a GROUP BY `HotelDescriptionPhoto`.`photo_id` inside the

Is there an easy(?!) way to achieve this? (I would not want to create
a custom query)...


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Re: Can't find any services through AMF plugin

2008-01-20 Thread Grant Cox

Well, I've never used the service browser, but the AMF plugin works
fine from Flex.

Perhaps get on #cake-amf and check that the service browser is
supported - perhaps it uses something that is AMFPHP specific?

On Jan 21, 1:57 am, kiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PHP Version 5.2.4 (Windows, XAMPP)
 AMF Native Support  enabled
 Compiled Version0.9
 CakePHP beta
 AMF plugin from

 I used service browser in amfphp and pointed to my app url after
 setting up AMF plugin following the wiki. Then I got the following

   errorID = 0
   faultCode = Client.Error.MessageSend
   faultDetail = Channel.Connect.Failed error
   faultString = Send failed
   message = faultCode:Client.Error.MessageSend faultString:'Send
 failed' faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error
 NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: '
   name = Error
   rootCause = (Object)#1
 code = NetConnection.Call.BadVersion
 description = 
 details = 
 level = error

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Help getting started...

2008-01-20 Thread Dave Porter

Hi everyone,

I have Apache installed on my machine ( WinXP Pro SP2 )  have a
number of other php based projects running fine.

The test page works, but clearly the .css file is not being found.

I have tested a phpinfo.php file in the root directory and the /app/
views/users/ directory for a tutorial I am working on, and it works
fine in both locations.

I made a cosmetic change to cake.generic.css, but the change is not
being picked up !

css is attempting to find it here:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/css/cake.generic.css /

My default htdocs folder is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

and my folder within this is 'cake11'.

Hope someone can help.

regards, Dave Porter

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Re: Help getting started...

2008-01-20 Thread manish

On Jan 21, 6:23 am, Dave Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have Apache installed on my machine ( WinXP Pro SP2 )  have a
 number of other php based projects running fine.

 The test page works, but clearly the .css file is not being found.

 I have tested a phpinfo.php file in the root directory and the /app/
 views/users/ directory for a tutorial I am working on, and it works
 fine in both locations.

 I made a cosmetic change to cake.generic.css, but the change is not
 being picked up !

 css is attempting to find it here:
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/css/cake.generic.css /

 My default htdocs folder is:
 C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

 and my folder within this is 'cake11'.

 Hope someone can help.

 regards, Dave Porter
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Re: Help getting started...

2008-01-20 Thread Peter Lombardo

Take a look at Section 5 here:

I had the same issue and the above fixed it.  And when I revisited the
issue, it turned out for some reason I was missing an .htaccess in the
root directory.

Peter Lombardo

On Jan 20, 2008 8:23 PM, Dave Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I have Apache installed on my machine ( WinXP Pro SP2 )  have a
 number of other php based projects running fine.

 The test page works, but clearly the .css file is not being found.

 I have tested a phpinfo.php file in the root directory and the /app/
 views/users/ directory for a tutorial I am working on, and it works
 fine in both locations.

 I made a cosmetic change to cake.generic.css, but the change is not
 being picked up !

 css is attempting to find it here:
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/css/cake.generic.css /

 My default htdocs folder is:
 C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

 and my folder within this is 'cake11'.

 Hope someone can help.

 regards, Dave Porter


Peter Lombardo

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Updating Sortable Lists

2008-01-20 Thread Han

I have multiple sortable unordered lists that are generated from
entries in a database.  I'm currently using $ajax-sortable to make
all of these ajax sortable, but I'd like to have the lists update
database entries when things are moved from one list to another.

So I don't want to use serialize, since I don't really care what order
the items are in -- I just want to know the id of the list that it's
in.  Is there a way to identify the parent list of the item that was
just dragged using javascript?


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database.php: $test?

2008-01-20 Thread 703designs

What are good practices for configuring a test database, as defined in
database.php.default's second array? I know that it is unnecessary,
but is it advised to have a test db?
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