Re: Security Component and AJAX

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Westin

Each time you make an ajax request you invalidate the existing
security token. To use SecurityComponent and Ajax you would have to
send the latest token with each form (and make sure you get a new one
back from the server on each ajax request). And that is what in part
amounts to SecurityComponent and Ajax being incompatible. It is just
too much javascript-tangle.

On Jun 3, 5:34 pm, "Dave Maharaj ::"
> You might be onto something there.
> Initial profile page loads with a "edit" button by the users profile section
> to update  part of the profileclick edit loads the form into a
> div"submit" saves the form via a second Ajax request...success: jQuery
> effects form fades out...updated selections fade in the users profile.
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Westin []
> Sent: June-03-09 9:09 AM
> To: CakePHP
> Subject: Re: Security Component and AJAX
> Hi, I'm just buttin in with a quick question. Something for you to check.
> There is no other ajax request after the page loads and before the form is
> posted? If so then this will also cause problems for SecurityComponent since
> the token will be old.
> /Martin
> On Jun 3, 7:20 am, Miles J  wrote:
> > At /joesmith/update/systems/, if you can debug the data you should be
> > able to save it. What exactly happens, a white page?
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what if I want to change the ($this->Auth->User())'s info.

2009-06-03 Thread Rimoe

after user login in, I want to change the value of user's array ( the return
of ($this->Auth->User())),

How can I do it?
If you know, please tell me.

Thank you


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Re: LOGIN question

2009-06-03 Thread John Andersen

I suggest that you turn of autoRedirect on login, as described in and then use something
like the following:

[code example]
if ( !$this->Auth->user() ) {
   // The user is not logged in, so try with the email as the
   $this->Auth->fields['username'] = 'email';

   if ( $this->Auth->login() == false ) {
  // Not logged in, so report errors!
[/code example]


On Jun 4, 7:54 am, lakers fan  wrote:
> Hello,
>      I have a login screen with username and password. I want to either use 
> my username or email address in the username field. I tried setting the Auth 
> fields as listed below but its not working.
> $this->Auth->fields = array('username'=>array('username', 
> 'email_address'),'password'=>'password');
> The warning that i get is:
> Warning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty 
> [CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 845]
> Code | ContextWarning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty 
> [CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 313]
> Is there any other way of doing this??
> Thanks,
> Bharani
> _
> Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Get 25 GB of free online 
> storage.
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LOGIN question

2009-06-03 Thread lakers fan


 I have a login screen with username and password. I want to either use my 
username or email address in the username field. I tried setting the Auth 
fields as listed below but its not working.


$this->Auth->fields = array('username'=>array('username', 


The warning that i get is:

Warning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty 
[CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 845]

Code | ContextWarning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty 
[CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 313]


Is there any other way of doing this??




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Creating an uploader component

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

I just finished creating a straight forward uploader component, and im
looking for features and additions. Heres what it currently does.

- Uploads files to app/webroot/files/ (can specify subfolders)
- Logs errors to be displayed to the user
- Support for wide range of filetypes/mimes (image, archive, text,
audio, video, application)
- Security checking for valid post uploading
- Images can be resized to certain dimensions (option to overwrite/
save original)
- Validation for types, extensions, size
- Sets all ini properties required for uploading

Im open to suggestions.
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AJAX and Cake 1.2 -- keeps returning HTML?

2009-06-03 Thread rocket

I keep getting HTML in my AJAX callbacks in Cake 1.2. Does anyone know
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Re: A better way? Grouping controllers and views

2009-06-03 Thread double07

Thnaks for the feedback Mark & Martin, I'll have a look at these
options over the next couple of days and see how they work out.
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$content_for_layout Question

2009-06-03 Thread

Good Night,

How can I change the variable "$content_for_layout" depending on a

Like if I use and IF and ELSE. For IF the "$content_for_layout" would
have a value and for ELSE, there would be a different value.

How could I do that?


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Proxy server

2009-06-03 Thread Fred

I am having trouble with sessions and a proxy server. My site uses
Auth and ACL and it works fine in all my testing. However, now someone
with Microsoft Proxy server is using it and the sessions are getting
mixed up - when one user logs in they sometimes get another users info
(i.e. the sessions are confused). They claim this doesn't happen on
other web sites and if they change the computers to point through
separate proxy servers (rather than using their array of proxies) it
works fine.

Any ideas what could cause this or how to diagnosis this since I
cannot replicate it?


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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread timtrice

To keep markup separate from php.  I'm fixing to hire a designer to
completely redo a website I have and I had decided it'd be much easier
to just redo the views and what-not as opposed to letting him get in
there and potentially jacking tihngs up.  I had thought about taking
the Smarty route but I still wasn't comfortable with the language even
though he was.  He has a good XSL background though and I've been
wanting to convert all of my websites that way for a while now

On Jun 3, 9:20 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Why exactly are you going to use xsl?
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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

Why exactly are you going to use xsl?
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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread timtrice

That doesn't work, either.  To be honest with you, I'm kind of
disappointed there isn't much support to be able to do this.  Or maybe
I'm just missing it.  But I've searched Google and even posted on
other forums for solutions and have not gotten any responses.  It's
almost as if it's impossible.  I'm almost tempted to just write a
"hook" and insert it into the View.php file and just go from
there...make a library available for use.  I hate to do that but I
would much prefer to use XSL/XML over mixing PHP with HTML.  I'll keep
looking and if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Thanks Miles for your help.  If you do decide to help tackle it please
let me know.

On Jun 3, 6:53 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> The helper beforeRender()/etc does not catch the output. Take a look
> at the methods _render() and renderLayout. They both call
> _triggerHelpers() which call the helpers beforeRender()/etc, but dont
> catch the data.
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Re: Displaying an image from Blob field

2009-06-03 Thread brian

You have to send the correct headers before echoing the data. Have a
look at this recent article at the Bakery about doing something

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Jon  wrote:
> Hi, I searched through the archives and didn't find a solution to this
> problem I'm encountering so hopefully someone here will know what it
> is.  I'm trying to get the contents (image) of a MySQL blob field and
> output it.  However, it won't display properly.
> I have modified my code so that it just echos the data that it
> retrieves from the database:
> function download($id = null) {
>        Configure::write('debug', 0);
>        if ($id != null) {
>                $pic = $this->Schoolpicture->findById($id);
>                echo $pic['Schoolpicture']['content'];
>        }
>        exit();
> }
> This produces the result shown here (for picture 6):
> I also have another test script that bypasses all the CakePHP
> structure.  It just retrieves the data and outputs it:
>  error_reporting(E_ALL);
> $my_table  = 'schoolpictures';
> $my_server = '';
> $my_user   = '';
> $my_pwd    = '';
> $my_name   = '';
> $my_link   = mysql_connect($my_server, $my_user, $my_pwd)
>  or exit('Could not connect (' . mysql_errno() . '): ' . mysql_error
> ());
> $my = mysql_select_db($my_name, $my_link)
>  or exit('Could not select database (' . mysql_errno() . '): ' .
> mysql_error());
> $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT content FROM $my_table
> where id=6"));
> print $row['content'];
> ?>
> You'll see that the result (for the same image 6) found at the
> following link looks quite different:
> If you do a view source, the first link has some whitespace before the
> data whereas this one does not.  Also, it looks like the data is
> encoded differently.  If I add the proper header (Content-type: image/
> gif), test.php will display my image properly.  I suspect that the
> whitespace and/or the different encoding is the source of the problem,
> but I have no idea what could be causing that.
> Thanks for reading this long post and for any insight that you might
> be able to provide on this issue!
> >

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Pull data from several models / depths of recursion into a single controller and view

2009-06-03 Thread

Hi there,

I'm another new cakePHP user trying to wrap my brain around this
system.  My apologies if this is already addressed elsewhere, but I
just cannot figure this out:

To teach myself Cake, I'm building a listing/review site.  As of right
now, I have a
  - User, which hasMany 'Review', 'Listing', and 'ProfileImage'
  - Review, which belongsTo 'User' and 'Listing'
  - Listing, which hasMany 'Review' , belongsTo 'User', and
hasAndBelongsToMany 'Tag' and 'ListingImage'

Right now, I am trying to craft the view for the 'view' action for my
ListingsController.  That is, I'm trying to build the page that
displays a single listing.  Right now, it looks like this:

function view($id = null)
$this->helpers[] = 'Format';
$this->Listing->id = $id;
$this->layout = 'two-column';
$this->set('listing', $this->Listing->read());
$this->set('reviews', $this->Listing->Review-

which already feels a bit less elegant than I think it can be.  But
this allows me to display the information stored in the listings table
(name, address, etc.), one of the 'ListingImages' stored for the
listing, all of the reviews for that listing, and the names of the
users that wrote those reviews.

This brings me to my question: what is the best way to display the
user's picture next to their name?  Do I attempt to set the recursion
depth higher for one (or some combination) of the model(s)?  That gets
to pulling a lot of extra data.  Do I try to create extra queries?
How should they be structured so as to keep in line with cake's MVC

Let me know if I am leaving out any critical information, or if you
have any clarifying questions.  The problem is probably (hopefully)
black and white to a more experienced cake developer, so please
forgive my naiveness.  I appreciate any ideas you have.  Thanks!

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Displaying an image from Blob field

2009-06-03 Thread Jon

Hi, I searched through the archives and didn't find a solution to this
problem I'm encountering so hopefully someone here will know what it
is.  I'm trying to get the contents (image) of a MySQL blob field and
output it.  However, it won't display properly.

I have modified my code so that it just echos the data that it
retrieves from the database:

function download($id = null) {
Configure::write('debug', 0);
if ($id != null) {
$pic = $this->Schoolpicture->findById($id);
echo $pic['Schoolpicture']['content'];

This produces the result shown here (for picture 6):

I also have another test script that bypasses all the CakePHP
structure.  It just retrieves the data and outputs it:

You'll see that the result (for the same image 6) found at the
following link looks quite different:

If you do a view source, the first link has some whitespace before the
data whereas this one does not.  Also, it looks like the data is
encoded differently.  If I add the proper header (Content-type: image/
gif), test.php will display my image properly.  I suspect that the
whitespace and/or the different encoding is the source of the problem,
but I have no idea what could be causing that.

Thanks for reading this long post and for any insight that you might
be able to provide on this issue!

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saving a view to .htm file

2009-06-03 Thread qwanta

I am drawing a blank on this one, any help appreciated. Basically my
view is a calibration record that also needs to be saved in a folder
for backup purposes. Is it possible to save the view as an htm file,
just as if you selected "Save Page As" in Firefox?
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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

The helper beforeRender()/etc does not catch the output. Take a look
at the methods _render() and renderLayout. They both call
_triggerHelpers() which call the helpers beforeRender()/etc, but dont
catch the data.
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Re: A good helper for cake 1.2 for Datepicker?

2009-06-03 Thread Franco Tampieri
Urg, I tryed the datepicker that you suggest me, but doesn't do the right

There is an jquery implementation? Can someone give me a tip or a help ora
alink for a tutorial? I seracherd in google but I didn't find something that
satisfy my problem.

Best regards

Franco Tampieri

Franco Tampieri Details:  - Linux User #286282 - FSF Member #5827
GNU/Linux: Hardened / Embedded / H.A. Cluster / System Integrator
Certification: ECDL / LPIC 1 - Acquiring Certification: Cisco CCNA / LPIC 2

2009/6/3 Franco Tampieri 

> Thank you Cake_backer I'm a your follower :D
> Best Regards
> Franco Tampieri
> 2009/6/3 cake_baker 
>> here is the  links maybe help you
>> On Jun 3, 7:03 am, "Dr.Dran"  wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > Does anyone know if there is a good tutorial or helper to have the
>> > datepicker function implemented in cake?
>> > I see in the backery but the tutorial is for cake 1.1
>> >
>> > Best Regards
>> >
>> > Franco Tampieri
>> >>
> --
> Franco Tampieri Details:  - Linux User #286282 - FSF Member #5827
> GNU/Linux: Hardened / Embedded / H.A. Cluster / System Integrator
> Certification: ECDL / LPIC 1 - Acquiring Certification: Cisco CCNA / LPIC 2

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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread timtrice

I should reclarify my directory structure...

.../.../index.ctp (xml file)

On Jun 3, 4:21 pm, timtrice  wrote:
> I don't understand why if I'm writing a helper I can't catch the
> action's view file contents from the beforeLayout method or even
> beforeRender.  Isn't that part of the purpose???  Unfortunately I'm
> not finding much on the internet, either.
> On Jun 3, 2:52 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> > Yeah this is a very complicated setup, its intriguing me to write
> > something for it, let me think about it more and ill get back to you.
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Re: form Clear

2009-06-03 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Dave Maharaj ::
> Is there a helper for a button to clear a form?
> I have button('Reset', array('type' => 'reset' , 'name' =>
> 'Reset' , 'id' => 'button' , 'value' => 'Reset')); ?> which creates the
> button but clicking it does nothing.
> Am i missing something?

I think the form helper can't be used to create a reset
button.  I didn't found a $form->reset() method in it :-(
Maybe we should create a ticket for enhancement?

You should do it with plain regular html anyway.

Best regards.

Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

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Re: Security Risk - Need some opinions

2009-06-03 Thread DanielMedia

False alarm on the Google ads. Turns out you can pretty much run any
kind of ad you want on your site via the query string. For example my
site is a web development blog but if I pass a querystring like this:

Car related ads show up. I always thought it was more based on the
page content but I guess the query string is given more weight.

Anyhow, I learned something new today. Make sure allow_url_fopen and
allow_url_include are disabled in your php.ini. It might prevent you
some headaches.
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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread timtrice

I don't understand why if I'm writing a helper I can't catch the
action's view file contents from the beforeLayout method or even
beforeRender.  Isn't that part of the purpose???  Unfortunately I'm
not finding much on the internet, either.

On Jun 3, 2:52 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Yeah this is a very complicated setup, its intriguing me to write
> something for it, let me think about it more and ill get back to you.
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread dflow


On Jun 3, 10:43 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Whats the filename of your controller?
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread dflow


Missing Controller

Error: ItemsController could not be found.

Error: Create the class ItemsController below in file: app\controllers

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

On Jun 3, 1:57 pm, persianshadow  wrote:
> please paste whole error text and address bar text .
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread dflow


On Jun 3, 10:43 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Whats the filename of your controller?
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

Whats the filename of your controller?
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread dflow


Missing Controller

Error: ItemsController could not be found.

Error: Create the class ItemsController below in file: app\controllers

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

On Jun 3, 1:57 pm, persianshadow  wrote:
> please paste whole error text and address bar text .
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Re: Security Risk - Need some opinions

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

You should post a trac ticket of this anyways for the team to see.
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Re: Security Risk - Need some opinions

2009-06-03 Thread DanielMedia

I've been doing some more research on this. First off, you should
probably make sure that allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include are
disabled in both the php.ini file and the http.conf file in apache.
This will protect you from someone executing code that gets included
via a url.

In regard to the google ads, it seems that you can still easily change
the ads that show up via the query stirng. Very weird.

For example:[DOCUMENT_ROOT]=

Nothing malicious in that "m.txt" file but it still causes Google to
display incorrect or foreign ads.
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Re: Accessing variable in pass array, routing

2009-06-03 Thread jake1729

@Miles J

When I am viewing a project, there is a link to "Add New Risk".  When
the user clicks the link, the ID of the project from which they
clicked "Add New Risk" must be passed to the risk controller.

project_id is a foreign key in the Risks table.

Rather than the user seeing a dropdown and selecting the project, I
want the system to automatically set the project (remember that "Add
New Risk" link is the view of a specific project with a specific ID).

On Jun 3, 12:48 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> To pass the variables as an action argument, do it like so:
> Router::connect('/risks/add/:project_id', array('controller' =>
> 'risks', 'action' => 'add'), array('project_id' => '[0-9]+', 'pass' =>
> array('project_id')));
> link('Project', array('controller' => 'risks',
> 'action' => 'add', 'project_id' => $id)); ?>
> Why are you setting up a route if the controller/action will be the
> same, remove the route and just do:
> link('Project', array('controller' => 'risks',
> 'action' => 'add', $id)); ?>
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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

Yeah this is a very complicated setup, its intriguing me to write
something for it, let me think about it more and ill get back to you.
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Re: Accessing variable in pass array, routing

2009-06-03 Thread Miles J

To pass the variables as an action argument, do it like so:

Router::connect('/risks/add/:project_id', array('controller' =>
'risks', 'action' => 'add'), array('project_id' => '[0-9]+', 'pass' =>

link('Project', array('controller' => 'risks',
'action' => 'add', 'project_id' => $id)); ?>

Why are you setting up a route if the controller/action will be the
same, remove the route and just do:

link('Project', array('controller' => 'risks',
'action' => 'add', $id)); ?>
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Re: Accessing variable in pass array, routing

2009-06-03 Thread jake1729

I made both of these changes, but no change.  Also, using pr
($project_id) in the controller does not display anything (because
project_id is null???)


I modified my routes to the following, but no change.

 'controller' => 'risks',
 'action' => 'add'
 'project_id' => '[0-9]+',
 'pass' => array('project_id')

On Jun 3, 11:38 am, brian  wrote:
> I'm not positive about it, but I think you need to add a regexp:
> Router::connect(
>         '/risks/add/:project_id',
>         array(
>                 'controller' => 'risks',
>                 'action' => 'add'
>         ),
>         array(
>                 'project_id' => '[0-9]+',
>                 'pass' => array('project_id')
>         )
> );
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:15 PM, jake1729  wrote:
> > I have been struggling with this for about 3 weeks.  A variable is not
> > being created in the pass array.  I need the value of "project_id" to
> > be included when creating a new risk.  The Risks table must have a
> > value for project_id.
> > Please, what am I doing wrong here?
> > ==
> > CONTROLLER (RisksController)
> >        function add($project_id = null) {
> >          if (!empty($this->data)) {
> >                        $this->Risk->create();
> >                        $this->data['Risk']['project_id'] = $project_id;
> >            if ($this->Risk->save($this->data)) {
> >                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk has 
> > been saved', true));
> >                                $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
> >                        } else {
> >                                debug($this->params);
> >                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk could not be
> > saved. Please, try again.', true));
> >                        }
> >                }
> >                $projects = $this->Risk->Project->find('list');
> >                $riskcategories = $this->Risk->Riskcategory->find('list');
> >                $this->set(compact('projects', 'riskcategories'));
> >        }
> > ==
> > ROUTE (routes.php)
> > Router::connect(
> >         '/risks/add/:project_id',
> >         array(
> >                 'controller' => 'risks',
> >                 'action' => 'add'
> >         ),
> >         array(
> >                 'pass' => array('project_id')
> >         )
> >  )
> > ==
> > VIEW (creates link with project_id value; inside of projects view.ctp)
> > link(__('Add New Risk', true), array
> > ('controller'=> 'risks', 'action'=>'add', 'project_id' => $project
> > ['Project']['id'])); ?> 
> > ==
> > URL (being passed to risks add action.  The "1" below is the passed
> > project_id, whichI need to pass to the database when adding new risk)
> >http://localhost/PBSRG/cake_1_2/risks/add/1
> > ==
> > DEBUG (debug($this->params);  in the add action in risks_controller)
> > Array
> > (
> >    [pass] => Array
> >        (
> >        )
> >    ...
> > }
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2009-06-03 Thread black bear theory


I'm working on a project where I have a number of Parties that are
coming to an Event. A party contains some information including how
many people are with that party. An event can only handle a certain
number of people.

I know I can use countCache to find out the n of parties, but I'd like
to be able to increment that count not based on the number of parties
assigned to that event, but by the cumulative number of people in
those parties.

I have tried to find information about countQuery but have found pages
saying only that it exists, but not how to use it.

Anyone have any information they can share?

Thanks, BBT

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form Clear

2009-06-03 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Is there a helper for a button to clear a form?
I have button('Reset', array('type' => 'reset' , 'name' =>
'Reset' , 'id' => 'button' , 'value' => 'Reset')); ?> which creates the
button but clicking it does nothing.
Am i missing something?

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Re: Please Please Help - Non conventional CakePHP ACL Setup...

2009-06-03 Thread brian

If your models/tables don't follow Cake's conventions, you're going to
cause yourself more trouble than it's worth. Given that Cake's ACL is
already a bear to work with, I strongly suggest you get the other
stuff in order first.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Jenski  wrote:
> Its not the model's I'm having problems with...
> it's the setting up of ACL - any ideas?
> On Jun 3, 7:17 pm, brian  wrote:
>> You should clean up your table schema, first to get them in line with
>> Cake's conventions. It'll save you lots of headaches down the road.
>> CREATE TABLE staffs (
>>  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>>  department_id int(11) default NULL,
>>  logon_code char(10) NOT NULL,
>>  forename char(50) NOT NULL,
>>  surname char(50) NOT NULL,
>>  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
>> ) ;
>> CREATE TABLE managers (
>>  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>>  logon_code varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>>  department_id int(11) default NULL,
>>  SystemAdmin tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
>>  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
>> ) ;
>> CREATE TABLE departments (
>>  id int(11) default NULL,
>>  sect_id varchar(50) default NULL,
>>  subsect_id varchar(50) default NULL,
>>  sect_name varchar(50) default NULL,
>>  sect_abbr varchar(50) default NULL,
>>  subsect_name varchar(50) default NULL,
>>  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
>> ) ;
>> - all table names are lowercase, plural forms of the model
>> - all PK are 'id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment'
>> - all FK are singular table name + '_id' (eg. department_id)
>> If departments.sect_id is a FK to another table, it should be
>> section_id and the table named sections (assuming thatsect is short
>> for section).
>> I guess staffs isn't the greatest name. Maybe members would be better.
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Jenski  wrote:
>> > I have a database setup like this (I know it isnt the best setup but
>> > its out of my power to change it :-(
>> > Basically there are 3 levels of users
>> > - Admin
>> > - Managers
>> > - Staff
>> > Few notes:
>> > -Each member of staff belongs to department
>> > -If the Staffs logon_code appears in the manager table they are a
>> > Manager, otherwise they are a member of staff
>> > -If the staffs logon_code appears in the manager table and SystemAdmin
>> > is set to 1, they are Admin
>> > How on earth do I go about setting ACL/Auth for this? Any ideas?
>> > CREATE TABLE `tblStaff` (
>> >  `StaffID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>> >  `dept_id` varchar(5) default NULL,
>> >  `logon_code` char(10) NOT NULL,
>> >  `forename` char(50) NOT NULL,
>> >  `surname` char(50) NOT NULL,
>> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`StaffID`),
>> > ) ;
>> > CREATE TABLE `tblManager` (
>> >  `ManagerID` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>> >  `logon_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>> >  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
>> >  `SystemAdmin` tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
>> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`ManagerID`)
>> > ) ;
>> > CREATE TABLE `tblDepartment` (
>> >  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
>> >  `sect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
>> >  `subsect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
>> >  `sect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
>> >  `sect_abbr` varchar(50) default NULL,
>> >  `subsect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
>> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`dept_id`)
>> > ) ;
> >

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Re: Accessing variable in pass array, routing

2009-06-03 Thread brian

I'm not positive about it, but I think you need to add a regexp:

'controller' => 'risks',
'action' => 'add'
'project_id' => '[0-9]+',
'pass' => array('project_id')

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:15 PM, jake1729  wrote:
> I have been struggling with this for about 3 weeks.  A variable is not
> being created in the pass array.  I need the value of "project_id" to
> be included when creating a new risk.  The Risks table must have a
> value for project_id.
> Please, what am I doing wrong here?
> ==
> CONTROLLER (RisksController)
>        function add($project_id = null) {
>          if (!empty($this->data)) {
>                        $this->Risk->create();
>                        $this->data['Risk']['project_id'] = $project_id;
>            if ($this->Risk->save($this->data)) {
>                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk has been 
> saved', true));
>                                $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
>                        } else {
>                                debug($this->params);
>                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk could not be
> saved. Please, try again.', true));
>                        }
>                }
>                $projects = $this->Risk->Project->find('list');
>                $riskcategories = $this->Risk->Riskcategory->find('list');
>                $this->set(compact('projects', 'riskcategories'));
>        }
> ==
> ROUTE (routes.php)
> Router::connect(
>         '/risks/add/:project_id',
>         array(
>                 'controller' => 'risks',
>                 'action' => 'add'
>         ),
>         array(
>                 'pass' => array('project_id')
>         )
>  )
> ==
> VIEW (creates link with project_id value; inside of projects view.ctp)
> link(__('Add New Risk', true), array
> ('controller'=> 'risks', 'action'=>'add', 'project_id' => $project
> ['Project']['id'])); ?> 
> ==
> URL (being passed to risks add action.  The "1" below is the passed
> project_id, whichI need to pass to the database when adding new risk)
> http://localhost/PBSRG/cake_1_2/risks/add/1
> ==
> DEBUG (debug($this->params);  in the add action in risks_controller)
> Array
> (
>    [pass] => Array
>        (
>        )
>    ...
> }
> >

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Re: generatetreelist and conditions

2009-06-03 Thread brian

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:20 AM, Toutankharton  wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm trying to select all of my projects belonging to a client, but I
> fail to use generatetreelist and conditions.
> I tried :
> $this->Project->generatetreelist(null, array('Project.client_id' =>
> '3'), null, null, '...');

array('Project.client_id' => '3'),

> since the second parameters seems to be the conditions in the doc... I
> got this errror :
> Warning (2): array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null
> given [CORE/cake/libs/set.php, line 972]
> don't ask why, but I tried :
> $this->Project->generatetreelist(array('Project.client_id' => '3'),
> null, null, null, '...');
> and it works, but i have all my projects at the same level :
> Array
> (
>    [32] => Project 1
>    [44] => Subproject 2
>    [11] => Project 2
> )
> where i should have
> Array
> (
>    [32] => 'Project 1'
>    [11] => 'Project 2'
>    [44] => '...Subproject 2'
> )

Because you have null where the '...' should be.

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Re: HtmlHelper Div

2009-06-03 Thread brian

label('', 'Date');
echo $form->dateTime('Book.release_date','DMY','NONE);

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:49 AM, bokerao  wrote:
> Hi Guys... I'm making a form and need to put an own css div, so I did
> this:
> echo $html->div('input text');
> echo $form->label('', 'Date');
> echo $form->dateTime('Book.release_date','DMY','NONE);
> So Cake create the div class but it doesn't close the tag...
> So what can I do in this case?
> Thanks
> >

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Re: Please Please Help - Non conventional CakePHP ACL Setup...

2009-06-03 Thread Jenski

Its not the model's I'm having problems with...
it's the setting up of ACL - any ideas?

On Jun 3, 7:17 pm, brian  wrote:
> You should clean up your table schema, first to get them in line with
> Cake's conventions. It'll save you lots of headaches down the road.
> CREATE TABLE staffs (
>  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>  department_id int(11) default NULL,
>  logon_code char(10) NOT NULL,
>  forename char(50) NOT NULL,
>  surname char(50) NOT NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
> ) ;
> CREATE TABLE managers (
>  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>  logon_code varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>  department_id int(11) default NULL,
>  SystemAdmin tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
> ) ;
> CREATE TABLE departments (
>  id int(11) default NULL,
>  sect_id varchar(50) default NULL,
>  subsect_id varchar(50) default NULL,
>  sect_name varchar(50) default NULL,
>  sect_abbr varchar(50) default NULL,
>  subsect_name varchar(50) default NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (id)
> ) ;
> - all table names are lowercase, plural forms of the model
> - all PK are 'id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment'
> - all FK are singular table name + '_id' (eg. department_id)
> If departments.sect_id is a FK to another table, it should be
> section_id and the table named sections (assuming thatsect is short
> for section).
> I guess staffs isn't the greatest name. Maybe members would be better.
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Jenski  wrote:
> > I have a database setup like this (I know it isnt the best setup but
> > its out of my power to change it :-(
> > Basically there are 3 levels of users
> > - Admin
> > - Managers
> > - Staff
> > Few notes:
> > -Each member of staff belongs to department
> > -If the Staffs logon_code appears in the manager table they are a
> > Manager, otherwise they are a member of staff
> > -If the staffs logon_code appears in the manager table and SystemAdmin
> > is set to 1, they are Admin
> > How on earth do I go about setting ACL/Auth for this? Any ideas?
> > CREATE TABLE `tblStaff` (
> >  `StaffID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >  `dept_id` varchar(5) default NULL,
> >  `logon_code` char(10) NOT NULL,
> >  `forename` char(50) NOT NULL,
> >  `surname` char(50) NOT NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`StaffID`),
> > ) ;
> > CREATE TABLE `tblManager` (
> >  `ManagerID` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
> >  `logon_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
> >  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
> >  `SystemAdmin` tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`ManagerID`)
> > ) ;
> > CREATE TABLE `tblDepartment` (
> >  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
> >  `sect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
> >  `subsect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
> >  `sect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
> >  `sect_abbr` varchar(50) default NULL,
> >  `subsect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
> >  PRIMARY KEY  (`dept_id`)
> > ) ;
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Re: Extracting numeric data and then add one

2009-06-03 Thread brian

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 5:32 AM, liaogz82  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need help in cakePHP.
> I am using this framework in my area of work. I have successfully
> migrated from the old database that uses an auto increment field as
> the primary key to one that uses uuid as the primary key.
> unfortunately the users request the old ID to be remain in place so
> that they can identify, as UUID is too long and unreadable.
> I am trying my very best to figure out how to do the implementation of
> the auto increment in cakePHP, that is to use the codes below:
>            $newId = $this->Subscription->find('list',
>                array(
>                    'fields'=>'Subscription.scp_id',
>                    'order'=>'Subscription.scp_id desc',
>                    'limit'=> 1
>                )
>            );
>            $newId2 = Set::extract($newId,'{0}.Subscription.scp_id');
>            $this->data['Subscription']['scp_id'] = $newId2+1;

If you're using 'list', I think that should be:
$newId2 = Set::extract($newId,'Subscription.{0}.scp_id');

$newId = Set::extract(
'order'=>'Subscription.scp_id desc',
'limit'=> 1

$this->data['Subscription']['scp_id'] = $newId+1;

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Re: Please Please Help - Non conventional CakePHP ACL Setup...

2009-06-03 Thread brian

You should clean up your table schema, first to get them in line with
Cake's conventions. It'll save you lots of headaches down the road.

 id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 department_id int(11) default NULL,
 logon_code char(10) NOT NULL,
 forename char(50) NOT NULL,
 surname char(50) NOT NULL,
) ;

CREATE TABLE managers (
 id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 logon_code varchar(15) NOT NULL,
 department_id int(11) default NULL,
 SystemAdmin tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
) ;

CREATE TABLE departments (
 id int(11) default NULL,
 sect_id varchar(50) default NULL,
 subsect_id varchar(50) default NULL,
 sect_name varchar(50) default NULL,
 sect_abbr varchar(50) default NULL,
 subsect_name varchar(50) default NULL,
) ;

- all table names are lowercase, plural forms of the model

- all PK are 'id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment'

- all FK are singular table name + '_id' (eg. department_id)

If departments.sect_id is a FK to another table, it should be
section_id and the table named sections (assuming thatsect is short
for section).

I guess staffs isn't the greatest name. Maybe members would be better.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Jenski  wrote:
> I have a database setup like this (I know it isnt the best setup but
> its out of my power to change it :-(
> Basically there are 3 levels of users
> - Admin
> - Managers
> - Staff
> Few notes:
> -Each member of staff belongs to department
> -If the Staffs logon_code appears in the manager table they are a
> Manager, otherwise they are a member of staff
> -If the staffs logon_code appears in the manager table and SystemAdmin
> is set to 1, they are Admin
> How on earth do I go about setting ACL/Auth for this? Any ideas?
> CREATE TABLE `tblStaff` (
>  `StaffID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>  `dept_id` varchar(5) default NULL,
>  `logon_code` char(10) NOT NULL,
>  `forename` char(50) NOT NULL,
>  `surname` char(50) NOT NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (`StaffID`),
> ) ;
> CREATE TABLE `tblManager` (
>  `ManagerID` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>  `logon_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
>  `SystemAdmin` tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (`ManagerID`)
> ) ;
> CREATE TABLE `tblDepartment` (
>  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
>  `sect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
>  `subsect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
>  `sect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
>  `sect_abbr` varchar(50) default NULL,
>  `subsect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (`dept_id`)
> ) ;
> >

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Re: On Tickets & The Core Team: Why some tickets get tagged as 'wontfix' or 'invalid'

2009-06-03 Thread michaelc

Excellent post, and thank you for the explanation.  I now understand
better how the 80-20 rules applies in the case of a framework the size
and complexity of Cake.

On Jun 3, 10:43 am, jperras  wrote:
> (for context, please read the comments for ticket 
> #5145: I chose continue this
> discussion in the google group because it is a more appropriate venue
> for this type of discourse).
> First, let me state that neither myself or *anyone* on the CakePHP
> core team gets their jollies from closing tickets as 'wontfix' or
> 'invalid'. We all appreciate the time & effort that is spent in
> writing a ticket, and are grateful that people are attempting to make
> CakePHP a better framework.
> Alright, I'm going to take the time to explain the reasoning behind
> the 'wontfix' tag that was attributed to 
> ticket
> and perhaps offer some insight in the thought processes that go on
> behind the scenes that are not usually explained, for the simple
> reason that writing a small novella for each ticket would consume all
> the free time that any of us has.
> First, you must note that CakePHP is an ''opinionated'' framework; we
> enforce certain conventions and (what we consider to be) best
> practices. This also translates to any code that is included in the
> core; if we believe that certain enhancements/features would go
> against accepted best-practices of development, then it has no place
> in the official codebase. Being conscious of the limitations of the
> real world, however, we have endeavoured to allow users of the
> framework to customize & extend the base functionality to accommodate
> a wide variety of edge case uses, an example of which is the topic of
> this ticket: Validation rules. The rules that are provided in the core
> are present for one of two reasons: 1) the rule is quite common and
> used in many different applications (e.g. notEmpty, numeric) or 2) the
> implementation of the rule is quite complex, and we feel it best to
> provide that functionality so that people need not re-invent the wheel
> (e.g. credit cards, date and time). The alphanumeric+ whitespace
> +whitelist_of_valid_characters rule which you have proposed does not
> fall within either of the above two categories.
> It is not a rule which many people require, simply because if you are
> allowing non alphanumeric characters, you need to either provide a
> whitelist or a blacklist of additional characters. Neither of these
> options is maintainable in the long-term; you will be eternally adding
> characters to your (white|black)list to comply with varying & changing
> requirements from your application.
> However, I do understand that the real-world sometimes does not
> coincide with the ivory tower that comprises best practices of
> software design & implementation patterns. This is where the
> extensibility of the framework comes into play. The above validation
> rule that you both desire can be very easily implemented in a variety
> of places: 1) in a model, for domain-specific validation that need not
> be available to the rest of your application. 2) at the AppModel
> level, so that all your models in a given application may use it. 3)
> In a behavior, so that you can pick & choose which models will have
> the custom validation rules available to them. In addition, this also
> allows you to make the rules portable; you could even package it up in
> a plugin along with some test cases, thus utilizing the full extent of
> CakePHP's extensibility.
> Furthermore, every line of code that is added to the CakePHP codebase
> is a line of code that the core team needs to maintain. What might
> seem like a simple validation rule addition actually encompasses the
> validation rule itself, a new test case with at least a dozen new
> assertions, possible modification of bake templates for models to
> include the new validation rule, integration tests for the new
> validation rule and its interaction with the FormHelper, in addition
> to whatever new functionality gets added in future versions. As a
> result, what seems like a simple addition of a few lines of code
> snowballs into several hundred lines and countless hours of work. Thus
> you can imagine why we shy away from adding new 'features' that
> introduce infinitesimally new functionality, especially when such
> functionality is actually best implemented with your own application
> logic in mind. This is not to say that we never plan on adding new and
> awesome things to CakePHP; you need only visit the development branch
> for 1.3 on see for
> yourself.
> Given all that I've said, however, I still realize that sometimes
> certain problems need dirty solutions. To this end, I've written a
> simple example of how you would create an alphanumeric
> +whitelist_of_valid_characters rule:
> // in either your app_model.php or a model class
>     public fu

Re: Custom methods for Aro and Aco models?

2009-06-03 Thread etipaced

Looks like it's a bad idea to create "handmade" models named Aro and
Aco. When I change the model names (still referencing the default Cake
tables aros and acos, though), then I'm able to get the expected
results from my custom methods and properties. I chose AclRequester
and AclControlled as my model names. The only downside (so far), is
that I lose the AclNode functionality. So I'm manually bundling that
in my own custom behavior.

On Jun 3, 6:34 am, etipaced  wrote:
> In an attempt to utilize my own ACL system, I have 3 models which I
> created:
> - Aro
> - Aco
> - AclPermission
> Each of these correlates with the default Cake ACL tables (aros, acos,
> aros_acos, respectively). Now I'm trying to write some custom methods
> in these models but having no luck. When attempting to access my
> custom method through a controller model chain (NOT AuthComponent), I
> get the following error:
> "1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
> corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
> near 'getAros' at line 1"
> In other words, even though I have a method named "getAros()", I can't
> call it. I'm happy to provide code if anyone is interested. I'm just
> wondering if maybe I should call my Aro and Aco models different
> names. I'm guessing they are "automatically built-in" and Cake is
> disallowing me to customize their methods.
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Re: A better way? Grouping controllers and views

2009-06-03 Thread mark_story

There are a number of ways to solve this.  You can use inheritance, or
parameters, and setup routes for the parameters.

Venue1NewsController extends NewsController



I don't think copy+paste is the right solution though.


On Jun 2, 9:40 pm, double07  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm working on a project at the moment which has a main site then sub
> sites for venue franchises. The venue sub sites are effectively the
> same as the main site but the news items etc are filtered to be only
> for that particular venue.
> The way I have this setup at the moment is as follows (I'll use news
> as an example):
> -Just a standard news model
> -a main controller for news news_controller.php
> -a sub controller for each venue i.e. venue1_news_controller.php -
> this is the same as the normal news controller except it has a
> condition to filter only news items for 'venue1'
> -normal news views
> -a venue1 sub folder in news containing slightly different views
> (mainly to add a hidden venue id field when adding news so when a
> venue1 editor can only add news for venue1) - accessed in the venue1
> news controller via changing the view path
> -Then I have routes setup ie: Router::connect('/venue1/news/:action/
> *', array('controller' => 'venue1_news'));
> Now this all works perfectly fine. However, what concerns me is the
> amount of times I'm effectively repeating things which are - bar a few
> small differences - doing essentially the same thing. Also, if I have
> to make changes to the news controller I effectively have to update
> each sub controller too.
> I'm just wondering if this is the best way to go about things? Is
> there a better way where I could have only one news controller/set of
> views but somehow add the conditions for the venues on the fly or
> something?
> Thanks.
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Re: cake start problem

2009-06-03 Thread paulinthought

Unless you have some special reason to change the directory structure
Id say the best thing to begin with is to just extract cake and put
the cake folder into your root folder. Then change the name of the
cake folder to the name of your site and now your application should
be accessible at localhost/site/

On Jun 3, 2:30 pm, gakkou  wrote:
> hi! i am new to cakephp and obviously i have some perhaps typical
> problems.
> my directory structure:
> C:/.../upp/cake/
> C:/.../upp/app_upp/
> C:/.../upp/public_html/upp/
> localhost is set on C:/.../upp/public_html/upp/
> I set path
> > define('APP_DIR', 'app_upp');
> > define('ROOT', 'C:/.../upp/');
> > define('WEBROOT_DIR', '../public_html/upp');
> > define('WWW_ROOT', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . DS);
> And it's still the same, it just doesn't work ;/
> error on localhost:
> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare config() (previously declared in C:\www
> \upp\cake\basics.php:60) in C:\www\upp\cake\basics.php on line 77
> what should I do now? please help smile.gif
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Re: Accessing variable in pass array, routing

2009-06-03 Thread paulinthought


If I understand you properly, the url 
does not correctly pass $project_id into the controllereven though it
appears in the url.
Try link(__('Add New Risk', true), array
('controller'=> 'risks', 'action'=>'add', $project
['Project']['id'])); ?> 
without the 'project_id' =>
Also use pr($project_id); in your controller to check the value is
there. Hope that helps.

On Jun 3, 6:15 pm, jake1729  wrote:
> I have been struggling with this for about 3 weeks.  A variable is not
> being created in the pass array.  I need the value of "project_id" to
> be included when creating a new risk.  The Risks table must have a
> value for project_id.
> Please, what am I doing wrong here?
> ==
> CONTROLLER (RisksController)
>         function add($project_id = null) {
>           if (!empty($this->data)) {
>                         $this->Risk->create();
>                         $this->data['Risk']['project_id'] = $project_id;
>             if ($this->Risk->save($this->data)) {
>                                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk has 
> been saved', true));
>                                 $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
>                         } else {
>                                 debug($this->params);
>                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk could not be
> saved. Please, try again.', true));
>                         }
>                 }
>                 $projects = $this->Risk->Project->find('list');
>                 $riskcategories = $this->Risk->Riskcategory->find('list');
>                 $this->set(compact('projects', 'riskcategories'));
>         }
> ==
> ROUTE (routes.php)
> Router::connect(
>          '/risks/add/:project_id',
>          array(
>                  'controller' => 'risks',
>                  'action' => 'add'
>          ),
>          array(
>                  'pass' => array('project_id')
>          )
>  )
> ==
> VIEW (creates link with project_id value; inside of projects view.ctp)
> link(__('Add New Risk', true), array
> ('controller'=> 'risks', 'action'=>'add', 'project_id' => $project
> ['Project']['id'])); ?> 
> ==
> URL (being passed to risks add action.  The "1" below is the passed
> project_id, whichI need to pass to the database when adding new risk)
> http://localhost/PBSRG/cake_1_2/risks/add/1
> ==
> DEBUG (debug($this->params);  in the add action in risks_controller)
> Array
> (
>     [pass] => Array
>         (
>         )
>     ...
> }
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On Tickets & The Core Team: Why some tickets get tagged as 'wontfix' or 'invalid'

2009-06-03 Thread jperras

(for context, please read the comments for ticket #5145: . I chose continue this
discussion in the google group because it is a more appropriate venue
for this type of discourse).

First, let me state that neither myself or *anyone* on the CakePHP
core team gets their jollies from closing tickets as 'wontfix' or
'invalid'. We all appreciate the time & effort that is spent in
writing a ticket, and are grateful that people are attempting to make
CakePHP a better framework.

Alright, I'm going to take the time to explain the reasoning behind
the 'wontfix' tag that was attributed to ticket
and perhaps offer some insight in the thought processes that go on
behind the scenes that are not usually explained, for the simple
reason that writing a small novella for each ticket would consume all
the free time that any of us has.

First, you must note that CakePHP is an ''opinionated'' framework; we
enforce certain conventions and (what we consider to be) best
practices. This also translates to any code that is included in the
core; if we believe that certain enhancements/features would go
against accepted best-practices of development, then it has no place
in the official codebase. Being conscious of the limitations of the
real world, however, we have endeavoured to allow users of the
framework to customize & extend the base functionality to accommodate
a wide variety of edge case uses, an example of which is the topic of
this ticket: Validation rules. The rules that are provided in the core
are present for one of two reasons: 1) the rule is quite common and
used in many different applications (e.g. notEmpty, numeric) or 2) the
implementation of the rule is quite complex, and we feel it best to
provide that functionality so that people need not re-invent the wheel
(e.g. credit cards, date and time). The alphanumeric+ whitespace
+whitelist_of_valid_characters rule which you have proposed does not
fall within either of the above two categories.

It is not a rule which many people require, simply because if you are
allowing non alphanumeric characters, you need to either provide a
whitelist or a blacklist of additional characters. Neither of these
options is maintainable in the long-term; you will be eternally adding
characters to your (white|black)list to comply with varying & changing
requirements from your application.

However, I do understand that the real-world sometimes does not
coincide with the ivory tower that comprises best practices of
software design & implementation patterns. This is where the
extensibility of the framework comes into play. The above validation
rule that you both desire can be very easily implemented in a variety
of places: 1) in a model, for domain-specific validation that need not
be available to the rest of your application. 2) at the AppModel
level, so that all your models in a given application may use it. 3)
In a behavior, so that you can pick & choose which models will have
the custom validation rules available to them. In addition, this also
allows you to make the rules portable; you could even package it up in
a plugin along with some test cases, thus utilizing the full extent of
CakePHP's extensibility.

Furthermore, every line of code that is added to the CakePHP codebase
is a line of code that the core team needs to maintain. What might
seem like a simple validation rule addition actually encompasses the
validation rule itself, a new test case with at least a dozen new
assertions, possible modification of bake templates for models to
include the new validation rule, integration tests for the new
validation rule and its interaction with the FormHelper, in addition
to whatever new functionality gets added in future versions. As a
result, what seems like a simple addition of a few lines of code
snowballs into several hundred lines and countless hours of work. Thus
you can imagine why we shy away from adding new 'features' that
introduce infinitesimally new functionality, especially when such
functionality is actually best implemented with your own application
logic in mind. This is not to say that we never plan on adding new and
awesome things to CakePHP; you need only visit the development branch
for 1.3 on to see for

Given all that I've said, however, I still realize that sometimes
certain problems need dirty solutions. To this end, I've written a
simple example of how you would create an alphanumeric
+whitelist_of_valid_characters rule:

// in either your app_model.php or a model class
public function alnumWhitelist($data, $whitelist = array()) {
$data = array_values($data);
$check = $data[0];
$whitelist = implode($whitelist);
$rule = "/^[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Lt}\p{Lu}\p{Nd}{$whitelist}]+

return preg_match($rule, $check);

// in your model validation rules
 public $validate = array(

Accessing variable in pass array, routing

2009-06-03 Thread jake1729

I have been struggling with this for about 3 weeks.  A variable is not
being created in the pass array.  I need the value of "project_id" to
be included when creating a new risk.  The Risks table must have a
value for project_id.

Please, what am I doing wrong here?

CONTROLLER (RisksController)

function add($project_id = null) {
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
$this->data['Risk']['project_id'] = $project_id;
if ($this->Risk->save($this->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk has been 
saved', true));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The Risk could not be
saved. Please, try again.', true));
$projects = $this->Risk->Project->find('list');
$riskcategories = $this->Risk->Riskcategory->find('list');
$this->set(compact('projects', 'riskcategories'));

ROUTE (routes.php)

 'controller' => 'risks',
 'action' => 'add'
 'pass' => array('project_id')

VIEW (creates link with project_id value; inside of projects view.ctp)

link(__('Add New Risk', true), array
('controller'=> 'risks', 'action'=>'add', 'project_id' => $project
['Project']['id'])); ?> 

URL (being passed to risks add action.  The "1" below is the passed
project_id, whichI need to pass to the database when adding new risk)


DEBUG (debug($this->params);  in the add action in risks_controller)

[pass] => Array
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Re: SELECT IN in WHERE clause

2009-06-03 Thread AD7six

On Jun 3, 2:00 pm, John Andersen  wrote:
> @JStein
> You missed the OR part in the condition!
> @Havanna
> The condition should be:
> ... $conditions = array('OR' => array('' =>
> $saZipCodes)) ...

That OR has no functional meaning (or what? there's only 1 array key
within it) - take a look at the sql with the extra array and without
it. the only difference will be an extra set of brackets.


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Re: I need conceptual help transferring my existing data

2009-06-03 Thread brian

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Ian R  wrote:
> On Jun 2, 7:45 pm, brian  wrote:
>> Model::create() doesn't actually create a new DB record, it just sets
>> up the model instance. You have to use save() for that.
>> What i've done in the past when moving an existing project to Cake is
>> to create a (non-cake) script that simply moves the data from one
>> database to the other, the latter DB being designed according to Cake
>> conventions.
>  Ha!  Well, that had been my original plan, and then I thought "oh,
> this is probably really easy the Cake way, and a good learning
> experience".  Well, maybe I'll go running back.  Thanks, Brian, and if
> anybody has any other thoughts, I'd be pleased to hear them!

That was what I had thought, also. Though one would have to select the
original data using query(), given the tables are unlikely to follow
Cake's conventions.

That wouldn't be such a big deal except that I also never did figure
out how to select from 2 separate DBs. Of course, I could have just
copied the old DB tables to the new, then added the Cake tables to it
and create methods to copy the data between them. But I had a few old
tables that had exactly the name I need to satisfy Cake conventions.
And then I'd still have to go in and clean out the old tables. So, in
the end, it seemed *much* simpler to just write an old-school script
to take care of this.

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RE: Security Component and AJAX

2009-06-03 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

You might be onto something there.

Initial profile page loads with a "edit" button by the users profile section
to update  part of the profileclick edit loads the form into a
div"submit" saves the form via a second Ajax request...success: jQuery
effects form fades out...updated selections fade in the users profile.


-Original Message-
From: Martin Westin [] 
Sent: June-03-09 9:09 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Security Component and AJAX

Hi, I'm just buttin in with a quick question. Something for you to check.

There is no other ajax request after the page loads and before the form is
posted? If so then this will also cause problems for SecurityComponent since
the token will be old.


On Jun 3, 7:20 am, Miles J  wrote:
> At /joesmith/update/systems/, if you can debug the data you should be 
> able to save it. What exactly happens, a white page?

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HtmlHelper Div

2009-06-03 Thread bokerao

Hi Guys... I'm making a form and need to put an own css div, so I did

echo $html->div('input text');
echo $form->label('', 'Date');
echo $form->dateTime('Book.release_date','DMY','NONE);

So Cake create the div class but it doesn't close the tag...

So what can I do in this case?


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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread persianshadow

please copy/paste whole error text and address bar text there.

On Jun 3, 3:21 pm, dflow  wrote:
> yes same error! :(
> On Jun 3, 2:47 am, Miles J  wrote:
> > What about going to
> > /items/index
> > Or another action?

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cake start problem

2009-06-03 Thread gakkou

hi! i am new to cakephp and obviously i have some perhaps typical

my directory structure:


localhost is set on C:/.../upp/public_html/upp/

I set path

> define('APP_DIR', 'app_upp');
> define('ROOT', 'C:/.../upp/');
> define('WEBROOT_DIR', '../public_html/upp');
> define('WWW_ROOT', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . DS);

And it's still the same, it just doesn't work ;/

error on localhost:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare config() (previously declared in C:\www
\upp\cake\basics.php:60) in C:\www\upp\cake\basics.php on line 77

what should I do now? please help smile.gif

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Re: Can i display an Auth Message Error please ?

2009-06-03 Thread Lalit

yes u can just use the flash method
i m giving the syntax
   $this->controller->flash('Sorry! You don\'t have the
rights to access this page','Page for redirection',time in secends to
hold the screen);

On Jun 3, 1:32 pm, Xanax  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My problem is quite simple : i've setup auth and ACL in my application
> everything seems to work fine unless one thing :
> When a user try to launch a forbidden (for him) controllers/actions,
> it' just redirect him to another page autorized for him. I would just
> like to have an explicit message error like "You don't have access to
> this page. Please click here for being redirected..."
> Here are my Auth parameters for information :
>       $this->Auth->actionPath = 'controleurs/';
>       $this->Auth->userModel = 'User';
>       $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'login', 'password' =>
> 'password');
>       $this->Auth->loginAction = '/users/login';
>       $this->Auth->loginRedirect = '/users/index';
>       $this->Auth->loginError = "Identifiant ou mot de passe
> incorrects.";
>       $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = '/planifications/index_users';
>       $this->Auth->authError = "Vous n'avez pas accès à cette page.";
>       $this->Auth->autoRedirect = true;
>       $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions';
> As you can see i've setup properly the "$this->Auth->authError"
> property.
> Thank you very much for any help, have a good day!

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Re: Can i display an Auth Message Error please ?

2009-06-03 Thread Lalit Chauhan
create a method in ur component something like this
 function checkActionRight($action)

 if((int)$rightCategoryId>0 && (int)$optionId>0)
 return true;
   $this->controller->flash('Sorry! You don\'t have the rights
to access this page.',
   return false;

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Martin Westin wrote:

> Do you output auth messages in your layout?
> They have their own "name":
> $session->flash('auth');
> I have done something like this in my layout a few times:
> if (is_array($messages = $session->read('Message'))) {
>foreach (array_keys($messages) as $key) {
> }
> It will output any and all messages in the session.
> On Jun 3, 10:32 am, Xanax  wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > My problem is quite simple : i've setup auth and ACL in my application
> > everything seems to work fine unless one thing :
> >
> > When a user try to launch a forbidden (for him) controllers/actions,
> > it' just redirect him to another page autorized for him. I would just
> > like to have an explicit message error like "You don't have access to
> > this page. Please click here for being redirected..."
> >
> > Here are my Auth parameters for information :
> >
> >   $this->Auth->actionPath = 'controleurs/';
> >   $this->Auth->userModel = 'User';
> >   $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'login', 'password' =>
> > 'password');
> >   $this->Auth->loginAction = '/users/login';
> >   $this->Auth->loginRedirect = '/users/index';
> >   $this->Auth->loginError = "Identifiant ou mot de passe
> > incorrects.";
> >   $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = '/planifications/index_users';
> >   $this->Auth->authError = "Vous n'avez pas accès à cette page.";
> >   $this->Auth->autoRedirect = true;
> >   $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions';
> >
> > As you can see i've setup properly the "$this->Auth->authError"
> > property.
> >
> > Thank you very much for any help, have a good day!
> >

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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread persianshadow

please paste whole error text and address bar text .

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Re: A good helper for cake 1.2 for Datepicker?

2009-06-03 Thread Franco Tampieri
Thank you Cake_backer I'm a your follower :D

Best Regards

Franco Tampieri

2009/6/3 cake_baker 

> here is the  links maybe help you
> On Jun 3, 7:03 am, "Dr.Dran"  wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Does anyone know if there is a good tutorial or helper to have the
> > datepicker function implemented in cake?
> > I see in the backery but the tutorial is for cake 1.1
> >
> > Best Regards
> >
> > Franco Tampieri
> >


Franco Tampieri Details:  - Linux User #286282 - FSF Member #5827
GNU/Linux: Hardened / Embedded / H.A. Cluster / System Integrator
Certification: ECDL / LPIC 1 - Acquiring Certification: Cisco CCNA / LPIC 2

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Re: A good helper for cake 1.2 for Datepicker?

2009-06-03 Thread cake_baker

here is the  links maybe help you

On Jun 3, 7:03 am, "Dr.Dran"  wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone know if there is a good tutorial or helper to have the
> datepicker function implemented in cake?
> I see in the backery but the tutorial is for cake 1.1
> Best Regards
> Franco Tampieri
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RE: Security Component and AJAX

2009-06-03 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

Two different sets of data..

First is with Security component added in app_controller

When I debug 

debug($this->data); right before the save
$this->User->save($this->data, true,

[_Token] => Array
[key] => f653941fc718b276cf8f28b41f5bb1b3a812047c
[fields] =>

[System] => Array
[System] => Array
[0] => 13
[1] => 1
[2] => 9
[3] => 8
[4] => 7
[5] => 6
[6] => 11
[7] => 5
[8] => 4
[9] => 12
[10] => 2
[11] => 14



Debug the save its self and I get

Just the number 1and nothing saves

Remove security component and debug the same save and I get

[System] => Array
[System] => Array
[0] => 13
[1] => 7
[2] => 6
[3] => 11
[4] => 5
[5] => 4
[6] => 12
[7] => 2
[8] => 14



And the save returns number 1 
app/controllers/users_controller.php (line 236)


Which is debug($this->User->save($this->data, true,

-Original Message-
From: Miles J [] 
Sent: June-03-09 2:50 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Security Component and AJAX

At /joesmith/update/systems/, if you can debug the data you should be able
to save it. What exactly happens, a white page?

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A good helper for cake 1.2 for Datepicker?

2009-06-03 Thread Dr.Dran


Does anyone know if there is a good tutorial or helper to have the
datepicker function implemented in cake?
I see in the backery but the tutorial is for cake 1.1

Best Regards

Franco Tampieri
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Belongs to Hasmany

2009-06-03 Thread cake_baker

hey i'm working on comment box so need help

var $belongsTo = array(
'User' => array(
'className' => 'User',
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''
'Recipe' => array(
'className' => 'Recipe',
'foreignKey' => 'recipe_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => ''

what i wannna do is have user login before using the comment then

and comment on the recipe they are viewing

so what you guys think

function add() {
if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->Comment->save($this->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The Comment has 
been saved', true));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The Comment could 
not be saved.
Please, try again.', true));

$this->set(compact('users', 'recipes'));

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Re: Auth Session question

2009-06-03 Thread cake_baker

it worked thanks

On Jun 2, 10:37 am, brian  wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 1:20 PM, cake_baker  wrote:
> > ok here is the full the details
> > i'm using a star rating plugin that need in the Session
> > define('RATING_SESSION_USER_ID', '');
> This defines the session key? You can get Auth's session info using
> $this->Session->read('') so, in this case, ''
> should work for your define().
> I've never used the plugin, so if this doesn't work, maybe you should
> re-send your query with "Star rating" somewhere in the subject line.
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Custom methods for Aro and Aco models?

2009-06-03 Thread etipaced

In an attempt to utilize my own ACL system, I have 3 models which I
- Aro
- Aco
- AclPermission

Each of these correlates with the default Cake ACL tables (aros, acos,
aros_acos, respectively). Now I'm trying to write some custom methods
in these models but having no luck. When attempting to access my
custom method through a controller model chain (NOT AuthComponent), I
get the following error:

"1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'getAros' at line 1"

In other words, even though I have a method named "getAros()", I can't
call it. I'm happy to provide code if anyone is interested. I'm just
wondering if maybe I should call my Aro and Aco models different
names. I'm guessing they are "automatically built-in" and Cake is
disallowing me to customize their methods.
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread dflow

yes same error! :(

On Jun 3, 2:47 am, Miles J  wrote:
> What about going to
> /items/index
> Or another action?
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Re: cakephp setup - Missing Controller error

2009-06-03 Thread dflow

yes same error! :(

On Jun 3, 2:47 am, Miles J  wrote:
> What about going to
> /items/index
> Or another action?
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generatetreelist and conditions

2009-06-03 Thread Toutankharton

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to select all of my projects belonging to a client, but I
fail to use generatetreelist and conditions.

I tried :

$this->Project->generatetreelist(null, array('Project.client_id' =>
'3'), null, null, '...');

since the second parameters seems to be the conditions in the doc... I
got this errror :

Warning (2): array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null
given [CORE/cake/libs/set.php, line 972]

don't ask why, but I tried :

$this->Project->generatetreelist(array('Project.client_id' => '3'),
null, null, null, '...');

and it works, but i have all my projects at the same level :

[32] => Project 1
[44] => Subproject 2
[11] => Project 2

where i should have

[32] => 'Project 1'
[11] => 'Project 2'
[44] => '...Subproject 2'

any ideas ?

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Re: Can i display an Auth Message Error please ?

2009-06-03 Thread Xanax

Thank you very much, i've just add :


and it works now

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Re: SELECT IN in WHERE clause

2009-06-03 Thread John Andersen

You missed the OR part in the condition!

The condition should be:

... $conditions = array('OR' => array('' =>
$saZipCodes)) ...


On Jun 1, 11:13 pm, havanna  wrote:
> Dear Jonathan,
> thank you, for your answer. I thought first I wan't to ask in the
> google group. But I think also it's an error in CakePHP.
> Trust me, I'm the last one, who want to make things complicated. If I
> use the Array directly, I the following error:
> SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'
> This is the pr( ) output of the array:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => 48531
>     [1] => 48529
>     [2] => 48527
> )
> I tried also to pack it in a deep array like Modell.field - but this
> will got the same error message
> SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'
> Regards Thomas
> On 1 Jun., 21:46, jstein  wrote:
> > On Jun 1, 7:25 pm, havanna  wrote:
> > > But if I use this one like
> > > $conditions = array('OR' => array('' => array
> > > ($svZipCodes)));
> > Try to print the array: debug($conditions);
> > You are telling cake, that the zip field should equal one string with
> > your imploded zip codes.
> > You are actually complicating things much more than needed. Simply use
> > the array directly:
> > $conditions = array('' => $saZipCodes);
> >   Regards
> >     Jonathan
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Re: HABTM question - keeping associated records in a specific order

2009-06-03 Thread Hiero

Had an informative discussion on this at Stack Overflow:

On Jun 1, 9:31 pm, Hiero  wrote:
> I have a HasAndBelongsToMany association setup on Videos and Bins: A
> Bin can store n references to Videos, and Videos can belong to n Bins.
> I need to be able to manually set and store the display order of the
> Videos within a particular Bin (so the client can have his Videos in a
> particular order within the Bin.) My initial thought is to create a
> field in Bin that stores an array of Video IDs in the order they need
> to appear. Is this the most efficient way to handle this?
> If so, when I then get the HABTM query result, what is the cleanest/
> most efficient way to re-order the returned query to match the sorted
> array of ID's?
> Or is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do without
> using HABTM associations?
> Thanks in advance -
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Re: Security Component and AJAX

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Westin

Hi, I'm just buttin in with a quick question. Something for you to

There is no other ajax request after the page loads and before the
form is posted? If so then this will also cause problems for
SecurityComponent since the token will be old.


On Jun 3, 7:20 am, Miles J  wrote:
> At /joesmith/update/systems/, if you can debug the data you should be
> able to save it. What exactly happens, a white page?
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Re: A better way? Grouping controllers and views

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Westin

My 2¢

If you are pretty happy with the setup and it works for you there is a
quick way to minimize code-duplication. Your sub controllers should
extend the main news controller. (you will have to add a App::import()
at the top of these files so that news controller can be found) THen
you can probably tweak your code to read site-specific stuff from
class attributes you have set and possible one or two overridden

If you can to mote to a single controller, that should be possible
too. Your route could add a named parameter that the controller can
read and understand which sub-site it is in. Custom data for that site
can them be loaded from a statis lookup table (array) in the class or
from a database table. You could probably even just get away with
using the parameter the rout sets directly as the foldername for views
and site "id" for storing news. But it all depends in exactly how they


On Jun 3, 3:40 am, double07  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm working on a project at the moment which has a main site then sub
> sites for venue franchises. The venue sub sites are effectively the
> same as the main site but the news items etc are filtered to be only
> for that particular venue.
> The way I have this setup at the moment is as follows (I'll use news
> as an example):
> -Just a standard news model
> -a main controller for news news_controller.php
> -a sub controller for each venue i.e. venue1_news_controller.php -
> this is the same as the normal news controller except it has a
> condition to filter only news items for 'venue1'
> -normal news views
> -a venue1 sub folder in news containing slightly different views
> (mainly to add a hidden venue id field when adding news so when a
> venue1 editor can only add news for venue1) - accessed in the venue1
> news controller via changing the view path
> -Then I have routes setup ie: Router::connect('/venue1/news/:action/
> *', array('controller' => 'venue1_news'));
> Now this all works perfectly fine. However, what concerns me is the
> amount of times I'm effectively repeating things which are - bar a few
> small differences - doing essentially the same thing. Also, if I have
> to make changes to the news controller I effectively have to update
> each sub controller too.
> I'm just wondering if this is the best way to go about things? Is
> there a better way where I could have only one news controller/set of
> views but somehow add the conditions for the venues on the fly or
> something?
> Thanks.
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Re: How setting path for only one layout

2009-06-03 Thread delocalizer

Hi Petr, I'm not sure what you're asking here... if you just want to
change the layout for an action's view, then set the $layout variable
in the controller like: $this->layout = 'layoutname' where you have
'layoutname.ctp' in /app/views/layouts. Or are you saying that you
want the controller to render a view to a layout defined on a user's
machine? Because if you think about it that's just not remotely
possible - all the php action happens on the server before anything
gets sent to client (browser). How would the server know what is on a

, 4:40 am, Petr Vytlačil  wrote:
>  function beforeRender(){
>             if($this->params['controller']=='frontends'){
>                  // This do nothing
>                  $viewPaths = array(CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH .'\shared
> items\views');
>                  // This do nothing
>                  define('LAYOUTS','C:'.DS.'Program
> Files'.DS.'VertrigoServ'.DS.'www'.DS.'projekty'.DS.'klientpenzion'.DS.'app'.DS.'view'.DS);
>             }
>     }
> please help, how i can set directory for layout, thx.
> On 2 čvn, 13:50, Petr Vytlačil  wrote:
> > Hi I develop simple CMS, but it will be multisite system.
> > One core (controller, admin, frontend views, models)
> > User: (frontend layout, css, images)
> > Pleas is any idea how I can chagne path for on layout in any action in
> > controller?
> > Path must be in some adr for example: /root/cake/layout/frontend.ctp
> > THX
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Re: Extracting numeric data and then add one

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Westin

Can you try using the MAX() SQL-function?
You could just do a custom query on the database returning just the
number of the maximum value in that column. It should be reasonably
fast if you have the column indexed.

Then you do the +1 thing.

On Jun 3, 11:50 am, liaogz82  wrote:
> Oh yes by the way, the above codes generate this error:
> Column 'scp_id' cannot be null
> Means there is no value in $newId2
> On Jun 3, 5:32 pm, liaogz82  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I need help in cakePHP.
> > I am using this framework in my area of work. I have successfully
> > migrated from the old database that uses an auto increment field as
> > the primary key to one that uses uuid as the primary key.
> > unfortunately the users request the old ID to be remain in place so
> > that they can identify, as UUID is too long and unreadable.
> > I am trying my very best to figure out how to do the implementation of
> > the auto increment in cakePHP, that is to use the codes below:
> >             $newId = $this->Subscription->find('list',
> >                 array(
> >                     'fields'=>'Subscription.scp_id',
> >                     'order'=>'Subscription.scp_id desc',
> >                     'limit'=> 1
> >                 )
> >             );
> >             $newId2 = Set::extract($newId,'{0}.Subscription.scp_id');
> >             $this->data['Subscription']['scp_id'] = $newId2+1;
> > the idea is to extract the latest rolling number in scp_id field and
> > then add 1 to it to become the new identifyable id for the system
> > users, unfortunately the system keeps giving errors. is there a way
> > out?
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Re: Can i display an Auth Message Error please ?

2009-06-03 Thread Martin Westin

Do you output auth messages in your layout?
They have their own "name":

I have done something like this in my layout a few times:
if (is_array($messages = $session->read('Message'))) {
foreach (array_keys($messages) as $key) {

It will output any and all messages in the session.

On Jun 3, 10:32 am, Xanax  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My problem is quite simple : i've setup auth and ACL in my application
> everything seems to work fine unless one thing :
> When a user try to launch a forbidden (for him) controllers/actions,
> it' just redirect him to another page autorized for him. I would just
> like to have an explicit message error like "You don't have access to
> this page. Please click here for being redirected..."
> Here are my Auth parameters for information :
>       $this->Auth->actionPath = 'controleurs/';
>       $this->Auth->userModel = 'User';
>       $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'login', 'password' =>
> 'password');
>       $this->Auth->loginAction = '/users/login';
>       $this->Auth->loginRedirect = '/users/index';
>       $this->Auth->loginError = "Identifiant ou mot de passe
> incorrects.";
>       $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = '/planifications/index_users';
>       $this->Auth->authError = "Vous n'avez pas accès à cette page.";
>       $this->Auth->autoRedirect = true;
>       $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions';
> As you can see i've setup properly the "$this->Auth->authError"
> property.
> Thank you very much for any help, have a good day!
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Re: How setting path for only one layout

2009-06-03 Thread andy



On Jun 2, 1:40 pm, Petr Vytlačil  wrote:
>  function beforeRender(){
>             if($this->params['controller']=='frontends'){
>                  // This do nothing
>                  $viewPaths = array(CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH .'\shared
> items\views');
>                  // This do nothing
>                  define('LAYOUTS','C:'.DS.'Program
> Files'.DS.'VertrigoServ'.DS.'www'.DS.'projekty'.DS.'klientpenzion'.DS.'app'.DS.'view'.DS);
>             }
>     }
> please help, how i can set directory for layout, thx.
> On 2 čvn, 13:50, Petr Vytlačil  wrote:
> > Hi I develop simple CMS, but it will be multisite system.
> > One core (controller, admin, frontend views, models)
> > User: (frontend layout, css, images)
> > Pleas is any idea how I can chagne path for on layout in any action in
> > controller?
> > Path must be in some adr for example: /root/cake/layout/frontend.ctp
> > THX
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Re: getNumRows()

2009-06-03 Thread PaulMan

I'm looking for the number of rows in Catalog not Product.


On May 29, 8:32 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Why would it be 3, if the rows are 100?
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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread timtrice

I tried that but I can't pull the XML out of the action's view file.
I can do it programmatically (file_get_contents) but I need to catch
it in Cake's variables (whichever one it is).  How do I access that?

On Jun 2, 10:24 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> You could write your own view class to get this done. Base it off the
> cake/libs/view/view.php
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Please Please Help - Non conventional CakePHP ACL Setup...

2009-06-03 Thread Jenski

I have a database setup like this (I know it isnt the best setup but
its out of my power to change it :-(

Basically there are 3 levels of users
- Admin
- Managers
- Staff

Few notes:
-Each member of staff belongs to department
-If the Staffs logon_code appears in the manager table they are a
Manager, otherwise they are a member of staff
-If the staffs logon_code appears in the manager table and SystemAdmin
is set to 1, they are Admin

How on earth do I go about setting ACL/Auth for this? Any ideas?

CREATE TABLE `tblStaff` (
  `StaffID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `dept_id` varchar(5) default NULL,
  `logon_code` char(10) NOT NULL,
  `forename` char(50) NOT NULL,
  `surname` char(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`StaffID`),
) ;

CREATE TABLE `tblManager` (
  `ManagerID` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `logon_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
  `SystemAdmin` tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`ManagerID`)
) ;

CREATE TABLE `tblDepartment` (
  `dept_id` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
  `sect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `subsect_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `sect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `sect_abbr` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `subsect_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`dept_id`)
) ;
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Re: Extracting numeric data and then add one

2009-06-03 Thread liaogz82

Oh yes by the way, the above codes generate this error:
Column 'scp_id' cannot be null

Means there is no value in $newId2

On Jun 3, 5:32 pm, liaogz82  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need help in cakePHP.
> I am using this framework in my area of work. I have successfully
> migrated from the old database that uses an auto increment field as
> the primary key to one that uses uuid as the primary key.
> unfortunately the users request the old ID to be remain in place so
> that they can identify, as UUID is too long and unreadable.
> I am trying my very best to figure out how to do the implementation of
> the auto increment in cakePHP, that is to use the codes below:
>             $newId = $this->Subscription->find('list',
>                 array(
>                     'fields'=>'Subscription.scp_id',
>                     'order'=>'Subscription.scp_id desc',
>                     'limit'=> 1
>                 )
>             );
>             $newId2 = Set::extract($newId,'{0}.Subscription.scp_id');
>             $this->data['Subscription']['scp_id'] = $newId2+1;
> the idea is to extract the latest rolling number in scp_id field and
> then add 1 to it to become the new identifyable id for the system
> users, unfortunately the system keeps giving errors. is there a way
> out?
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Re: Using MySQL's DAYNAME in find

2009-06-03 Thread toby1kenobi

Thanks for the replies, and apologies for not responding sooner -
busy! I'm going to try your suggestions out later today though, I'll
report back here.

theChrisWalker wrote:
> If you add an alias to the field list you can do this (I think, again
> not tested...)
> $this->paginate['fields'] = am( $this->paginate['fields'], array
> ( 'DAYNAME(Model.field) as `day`' ) );
> $this->paginate['conditions'] = am( $this->paginate['conditions'],
> array('`day`'=>'Monday' ) );
> but as Martin says, the SQL produced and the SQL you where hoping for
> would be very helpful.
> Chris.
> On Jun 2, 3:10 pm, Martin Westin  wrote:
> > You don't post any mysql error or what the query looked like (it
> > usually tells you what is wrong).
> > A shot in the dark but it could be this simple: array('((DAYNAME
> > (Model.field)))' => 'Monday');
> >
> > On Jun 2, 12:46 pm, toby1kenobi  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi there,
> >
> > >   Is it possible to use MySQL's DAYNAME function in the where clause
> > > of a call to 'find'? i.e. something a bit like:
> >
> > > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array('DAYNAME(Model.field)' =>
> > > 'Monday');
> >
> > >   The above doesn't work (which is what I was expecting) but I haven't
> > > managed to find an equivalent syntax that does.
> >
> > >   I'm wondering if I should pursue another route? I could put
> > > something in afterFind, and test that I'm in the appropriate action as
> > > detailed in this useful post, would that be the best approach?
> >
> > >
> >
> > >   As ever, any help is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > > Toby
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Extracting numeric data and then add one

2009-06-03 Thread liaogz82

Hi all,

I need help in cakePHP.

I am using this framework in my area of work. I have successfully
migrated from the old database that uses an auto increment field as
the primary key to one that uses uuid as the primary key.
unfortunately the users request the old ID to be remain in place so
that they can identify, as UUID is too long and unreadable.

I am trying my very best to figure out how to do the implementation of
the auto increment in cakePHP, that is to use the codes below:

$newId = $this->Subscription->find('list',
'order'=>'Subscription.scp_id desc',
'limit'=> 1
$newId2 = Set::extract($newId,'{0}.Subscription.scp_id');
$this->data['Subscription']['scp_id'] = $newId2+1;

the idea is to extract the latest rolling number in scp_id field and
then add 1 to it to become the new identifyable id for the system
users, unfortunately the system keeps giving errors. is there a way
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Re: Using MySQL's DAYNAME in find

2009-06-03 Thread theChrisWalker

If you add an alias to the field list you can do this (I think, again
not tested...)

$this->paginate['fields'] = am( $this->paginate['fields'], array
( 'DAYNAME(Model.field) as `day`' ) );
$this->paginate['conditions'] = am( $this->paginate['conditions'],
array('`day`'=>'Monday' ) );

but as Martin says, the SQL produced and the SQL you where hoping for
would be very helpful.


On Jun 2, 3:10 pm, Martin Westin  wrote:
> You don't post any mysql error or what the query looked like (it
> usually tells you what is wrong).
> A shot in the dark but it could be this simple: array('((DAYNAME
> (Model.field)))' => 'Monday');
> On Jun 2, 12:46 pm, toby1kenobi  wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >   Is it possible to use MySQL's DAYNAME function in the where clause
> > of a call to 'find'? i.e. something a bit like:
> > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array('DAYNAME(Model.field)' =>
> > 'Monday');
> >   The above doesn't work (which is what I was expecting) but I haven't
> > managed to find an equivalent syntax that does.
> >   I'm wondering if I should pursue another route? I could put
> > something in afterFind, and test that I'm in the appropriate action as
> > detailed in this useful post, would that be the best approach?
> >
> >   As ever, any help is greatly appreciated.
> > Toby
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Re: SELECT IN in WHERE clause

2009-06-03 Thread jstein

On Jun 1, 10:13 pm, havanna  wrote:

> SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'

Try to post your code - and a debug print of $conditions.



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Can i display an Auth Message Error please ?

2009-06-03 Thread Xanax

Hi everyone,

My problem is quite simple : i've setup auth and ACL in my application
everything seems to work fine unless one thing :

When a user try to launch a forbidden (for him) controllers/actions,
it' just redirect him to another page autorized for him. I would just
like to have an explicit message error like "You don't have access to
this page. Please click here for being redirected..."

Here are my Auth parameters for information :

  $this->Auth->actionPath = 'controleurs/';
  $this->Auth->userModel = 'User';
  $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'login', 'password' =>
  $this->Auth->loginAction = '/users/login';
  $this->Auth->loginRedirect = '/users/index';
  $this->Auth->loginError = "Identifiant ou mot de passe
  $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = '/planifications/index_users';
  $this->Auth->authError = "Vous n'avez pas accès à cette page.";
  $this->Auth->autoRedirect = true;
  $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions';

As you can see i've setup properly the "$this->Auth->authError"

Thank you very much for any help, have a good day!
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Question on Set::combine

2009-06-03 Thread harpax

Hi everyone,

I got a simple question on the combine function. I want to simplify an
array like for example a groups array:

[0] => Array
[UserGroup] => Array
[id] => 1
[parent_id] =>
[lft] => 1
[rgt] => 2
[name] => admin


[1] => Array
[UserGroup] => Array
[id] => 2
[parent_id] =>
[lft] => 3
[rgt] => 8
[name] => User


to work with ACL, and need something like this:

[0] => Array
[alias] => admin

[1] => Array
[alias] => User

When trying to use Set::combine for this I have two problems:
+ I cannot pass a static key ('alias')
+ for the group key (3rd parameter) I cannot pass only '{n}'

Any advices? Maybe another function that I overlooked so far?


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Re: Using XSL - Should I write Component, Helper or Library?

2009-06-03 Thread Flipflops

Perhaps you could create an element or helper to act as  a kind of sub
view - you move the code that normally be in the view (i.e. looping
through data, building tables etc.) and then return this into a
variable in your view rather than just echoing it.  You could then do
what you wanted with it, pre layout.

You can obviously choose which layout (or none at all) to use in the
controller - is it possible to set the layout from the view too?

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