simple image gallery

2010-03-16 Thread dilip bakotiya

if you are seeking of a simple image gallery in cake php , below link for

this is image gallery is simple as any guest can upload image
so we can say it is as image hosting script also
and this is made in cake php freamework


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Re: Show text message on Session flash from different element

2010-03-16 Thread tristan_ph

I already solved the problem. You'll have to echo the output of $this-


echo $this-Session-setFlash('auth');

On Mar 16, 12:46 pm, tristan_ph wrote:
 Now, my next problem is how to display the flash message in the auth
 session in login page.

 My login page looks like this:

                 if ($this-Session-check('Message.auth'))
         legend?php __('Login');?/legend
                 echo $form-input('username');
                 echo $form-input('password');
                 //echo $form-input('remember', array('label' = __('Keep me 
 in'), 'type' = 'checkbox'));
         div class=input
                 span?php echo $html-link('Forgot Password?', 

 I have already change the $session-flash('auth') to $this-Session-

 flash('auth'). However, its still not displaying.

 Thanks again.

 On Mar 16, 1:57 am, tristan_ph wrote:

  Hi guys,

  I already solved the problem. It is now replaced by $message variable
  to display the message on custom element from Session::setFlash

  On Mar 16, 1:46 am, tristan_ph wrote: Hi,

   I am actually migrating my project to CakePHP 1.3. Before, I was using
   a custom layout for flash messages. For example.
   $this-Session-setFlash('some message', 'custom');
   Then, I found out that in 1.3 they moved this to elements, so I need
   to move my app/views/layout/custom.ctp to app/views/elements/

   Inside the custom.ctp there were a variable $content_for_layout to
   display the message that you passed to the first argument of
   Session::setFlash() method. When I tried to reload the page an error
   occur says Undefined variable content_for_layout.

   Do you know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function setDate() on a non-object in some_Controller

2010-03-16 Thread John Andersen
Is your model file named word.php in lower case?
Is your controller file named words_controller.php in lower case?

On Mar 15, 8:30 pm, Amish wrote:
 hello, am new to cakephp.
 Would really appreciate if anyone could help me out.

 Am just trying to call a model function from controller, and getting
 the above error.

 My model code is,

 class Word extends AppModel
 var $useTable = false;

 function setDate($date1, $date2) {

 // some code to get the required date out of it

 return $date;


 Controller code is,

 class WordsController extends AppController

 var $name = 'Words';

 function xx(){

 $date = $this-Word-setDate();

 // code doing some math over the fetched date.


 there is no view file, and the model file is named word.php and
 controller file is named words.php

 So, could anyone tell me, why am getting the error for the line, $date
 = $this-Word-setDate();


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Re: Help a noob with a session(?) issue

2010-03-16 Thread
The tmp directories aren't affected, I only upload the controllers/
views/layouts that I've modified. The tmp dirs are still chmoded 777.

On 15 Mar, 14:25, Julian 86 wrote:
 How are you working on the server?? Did you push the new code with a
 ftp programm? Then you override the permissions of the tmp

 On 15 Mrz., 14:19, wrote:

  I keep getting these error messages, they don't show up every time I
  view a page, but every 20th pageview or so. My tmp and session
  directory are set chmod 777. I've tried switching the session engine
  from php to cake's own, but that didn't make a difference. Has anyone
  come across this before, or has an idea of what I can try to fix it?

  Here's the error:

  Warning (2): fopen(/tmp/sess_4bbc6925e4dc2234b2253a5a6d370c27)
  [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/cake/
  libs/file.php, line 156]

  $mode   =       rb
  $force  =       false

  fopen - [internal], line ??
  File::open() - CORE/cake/libs/file.php, line 156
  File::read() - CORE/cake/libs/file.php, line 175
  FileEngine::clear() - CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 225
  FileEngine::gc() - CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 109
  Cache::engine() - CORE/cake/libs/cache.php, line 160
  Cache::config() - CORE/cake/libs/cache.php, line 126
  include - APP/config/core.php, line 238
  Configure::__loadBootstrap() - CORE/cake/libs/configure.php, line 648
  Configure::getInstance() - CORE/cake/libs/configure.php, line 137
  include - CORE/cake/bootstrap.php, line 43
  [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 77

  Warning (2): fopen(/tmp/sess_60bc2ba565993335f0ad0be8d63af1eb)
  [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/cake/
  libs/file.php, line 156]

  Warning (2): fopen(/tmp/sess_ac46f56f90566da28651803e9d8f8997)
  [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/cake/
  libs/file.php, line 156]

  Warning (2): fopen(/tmp/sess_da8afc546b848ea90fd55b7f117c0ab6)
  [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/cake/
  libs/file.php, line 156]

  Warning (2): fopen(/tmp/sess_fc0fe5113eb55f71fc9b1eb20de04999)
  [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/cake/
  libs/file.php, line 156]

  ..and so on, this list continues endlessly (until I press stop in the

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Re: Adding a new counter cache

2010-03-16 Thread WebbedIT
I would also run a SQl query direct on the database using phpMyAdmin
or the CLI

UPDATE model_a SET model_a.model_b_count = (SELECT COUNT(
FROM model_b WHERE model_b.model_a_id =



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Re: Concept of seamless registration

2010-03-16 Thread WebbedIT
@Yura: Dismissing LunarDraco as being 'overly dramatic' when he raises
an extremely important issue shows you're so blinded by how good you
believe your concept to be that you are ignoring the very opinions you
have canvassed from the community.

I am a web developer, host and - despite my best attempts to persuade
people otherwise - systems support provider and it is scary how many
people refuse to heed warnings of phishing attempts via email or have
heeded them so much that they are scared to open an email unless they
are 150% sure that it's safe and they certainly are not happy to click
on links within them.

So to introduce an alternative way to login where you rely on
receiving a link via email which must be clicked on goes back on the
advice that Banks, Ebay, PayPal, Twitter, Facebook etc. now offer
increasing the chance that people will begin to fall for phishing
attempts on other websites.

If you want people to register and login to your site it is for two
reasons, one to provide you with valid contact details of your user
base that you can then monetize in someway (and valid email is a start
- but you really want a name and idea of location too) and two to
provide your users with a fast but secure way of gaining access to
your site on return visits.

Services such as OpenID, Sign in with Twitter and Facebook Connect
have decreased the number of usernames and passwords we need to
remember whilst reducing the login process to a single click in most

Your concept requires the entry of an email address, a login to your
webmail or opening of your email client, a download of the emails,
find the one needed (if it has arrived or not been lost in the SPAM
folder), open it up, then click on the link.  And there is also the
possibility of a wait until I get back home as I do not have access to
webmail or have never remembered my POP3/IMAP password as I always
download email into an email client setup by a family member who knows
more about computers than me.

My verdict, you ARE trying to reinvent the wheel and your concept is
not ensuring that it is as round as it gets.  In fact by introducing
another way to login you are actually muddying the waters even further
than they already are as the sooner the internet universally adopts
one open login process the better as there will then be no confusion
when everyone has one roaming account that they use across the

Is this a reason to not try and find a better way to login? No,
otherwise innovation fails.  But when you do come up with an idea and
ask for opinions and all those opinions say your concept is not an
improvement, maybe you need to go back to the drawing board.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Broken URLs prevent app_controllers beforeFilter from executing

2010-03-16 Thread euromark
matthew, you dont use beforeFilter() to pass variables to the view
especially due to the problem that it is not invoked on errors

use beforeRender() for it! this will always be called - not matter

On 16 Mrz., 06:44, Dr. Loboto wrote:
 I know the only way - create AppError, define there general error()
 method and run callbacks explicitly. In case of missing controller|
 action|view $this-controller variable there will be of class

 If someone know better way - you're welcome.

 On Mar 16, 12:00 am, Matthew Dunham wrote:

  I'm passing variables into my main layout in the beforeFilter() method
  using $this-set in my main app_controller,

  However, if someone visits a broken URL (where you would get a
  missing controller|action|view message, the beforeFilter doesn't run
  so bits of the layout are functioning correctly.

  In debug mode the errors are that the vars are not defined.

  What can I do about this? Is there a better way for cakephp to handle
  errors or do I need to pass the data to the layout in another way?

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Re: Concept of seamless registration

2010-03-16 Thread Yura Linnyk
WebbedIT, I really appreciate your input, thank you.
I'll go discuss it with myself and add your words to the case.

On Mar 16, 11:12 am, WebbedIT wrote:
 @Yura: Dismissing LunarDraco as being 'overly dramatic' when he raises
 an extremely important issue shows you're so blinded by how good you
 believe your concept to be that you are ignoring the very opinions you
 have canvassed from the community.

 I am a web developer, host and - despite my best attempts to persuade
 people otherwise - systems support provider and it is scary how many
 people refuse to heed warnings of phishing attempts via email or have
 heeded them so much that they are scared to open an email unless they
 are 150% sure that it's safe and they certainly are not happy to click
 on links within them.

 So to introduce an alternative way to login where you rely on
 receiving a link via email which must be clicked on goes back on the
 advice that Banks, Ebay, PayPal, Twitter, Facebook etc. now offer
 increasing the chance that people will begin to fall for phishing
 attempts on other websites.

 If you want people to register and login to your site it is for two
 reasons, one to provide you with valid contact details of your user
 base that you can then monetize in someway (and valid email is a start
 - but you really want a name and idea of location too) and two to
 provide your users with a fast but secure way of gaining access to
 your site on return visits.

 Services such as OpenID, Sign in with Twitter and Facebook Connect
 have decreased the number of usernames and passwords we need to
 remember whilst reducing the login process to a single click in most

 Your concept requires the entry of an email address, a login to your
 webmail or opening of your email client, a download of the emails,
 find the one needed (if it has arrived or not been lost in the SPAM
 folder), open it up, then click on the link.  And there is also the
 possibility of a wait until I get back home as I do not have access to
 webmail or have never remembered my POP3/IMAP password as I always
 download email into an email client setup by a family member who knows
 more about computers than me.

 My verdict, you ARE trying to reinvent the wheel and your concept is
 not ensuring that it is as round as it gets.  In fact by introducing
 another way to login you are actually muddying the waters even further
 than they already are as the sooner the internet universally adopts
 one open login process the better as there will then be no confusion
 when everyone has one roaming account that they use across the

 Is this a reason to not try and find a better way to login? No,
 otherwise innovation fails.  But when you do come up with an idea and
 ask for opinions and all those opinions say your concept is not an
 improvement, maybe you need to go back to the drawing board.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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.htaccess, possible helpful info for mac users

2010-03-16 Thread dreamingmind
Yep, I had what appears to be the classic problem getting through the
blog tutorial on my mac running OSX 10.5.8. 404 Not Found errors
rather than proper mapping of the nice url's. Yes, the .htaccess files
were in place. Yes AllowOverride was allowed. Yes the mod_rewrite
module was installed. IN FACT, I could get rewriting to operate in
some test cases.

Gave up and enabled the pretty-url feature (or whatever it's called)
but it's really not so pretty.

Created a VirtualHost for the directory. hmmm... not 100%

Tried everything in all sorts of combinations. The baffling thing was
the home page sometimes could see it's stylesheet, sometimes not.
Sometimes I could actually hit the posts page with cakeblog/index.php/
posts, sometimes not and sometimes with the stylesheet, sometimes not.
The paths showed as correct in the home page and correct when I used
the console!!!

I was not working in my main localhost directory which is in /Library/
WebServer (accessed as http://localhost/), I was in my user local
which is in User/username/Sites/ (http://localhost/~username/).

In this user directory case, it turns out there is a second .conf file
used by apache. My main httpd.conf was in /private/etc/apache2/
httpd.conf. The second user specific one is in /private/etc/apache2/

Setting AllowOverride for my user directories in the main file had no
effect for several. First, the user specific .conf file was set to
None for AllowOverride. Once I found and set the user .conf setting, I
got permission denied errors!

The apache logs were a real help in figuring the final solution. I had
to have an index.html file in my /Users/username/Sites folder before
the server would identify me and properly use my .conf file. Then I
had to add FollowSymLinks to the Options so that the AllowOverride All
could be used.

My main httpd.conf file really didn't end up needing changes, the re-
write module was being loaded already. Here's the username.conf file I

Directory /Users/dondrake/Sites/
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

I've only done the most rudimentary tests so there may be more to the
story. However, useful details for specific setups seems a bit thin so
I figured Add to the pool, even if it's only a drop.

Don Drake

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store session data and form data to database

2010-03-16 Thread stevec
I would like store session data (e.g. login id) and form data to

Anyone know how to do this??

Please help me

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New to CakePHP

2010-03-16 Thread tashi
Hi I am new to cakePHP and i am really interested to learn. But i am
stuck from where to begin! So can any body please send me a CRUD
application build in CakePHP with authentication? If possible the
admin module to manage the application.


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Re: Broken URLs prevent app_controllers beforeFilter from executing

2010-03-16 Thread Matthew Dunham
Putting everything in beforeRender sorted it. I will be sure to read
up no their differences - the appError mentioned by Dr. Loboto.

This was my first post on the group, thanks for making it a successful
one :)

On Mar 16, 10:54 am, euromark wrote:
 matthew, you dont use beforeFilter() to pass variables to the view
 especially due to the problem that it is not invoked on errors

 use beforeRender() for it! this will always be called - not matter

 On 16 Mrz., 06:44, Dr. Loboto wrote:

  I know the only way - create AppError, define there general error()
  method and run callbacks explicitly. In case of missing controller|
  action|view $this-controller variable there will be of class

  If someone know better way - you're welcome.

  On Mar 16, 12:00 am, Matthew Dunham wrote:

   I'm passing variables into my main layout in the beforeFilter() method
   using $this-set in my main app_controller,

   However, if someone visits a broken URL (where you would get a
   missing controller|action|view message, the beforeFilter doesn't run
   so bits of the layout are functioning correctly.

   In debug mode the errors are that the vars are not defined.

   What can I do about this? Is there a better way for cakephp to handle
   errors or do I need to pass the data to the layout in another way?

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Re: store session data and form data to database

2010-03-16 Thread Jeremy Burns
I do this and it works well. Follow these instructions:

Jeremy Burns

On 16 Mar 2010, at 07:11, stevec wrote:

 I would like store session data (e.g. login id) and form data to
 Anyone know how to do this??
 Please help me
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 with their CakePHP related questions.
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Re: New to CakePHP

2010-03-16 Thread John Andersen
You don't want to get your hands dirty with someone elses code!
Best way is to start here:

and when the installation is ready, continue with this:

That will give you a good introduction to CakePHP! Better than a ready-
made application that you yourself had not built and felt with your
own hands and thoughts :)

On Mar 16, 12:20 pm, tashi wrote:
 Hi I am new to cakePHP and i am really interested to learn. But i am
 stuck from where to begin! So can any body please send me a CRUD
 application build in CakePHP with authentication? If possible the
 admin module to manage the application.


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Problema con safe_mode y creacion directorio/subdirectorios

2010-03-16 Thread josulin
Buenas tardes. Tengo un problema de incompatibilidad entre safe_mode y
la creacion de directorios y subdirectorios. Sé que es un problema
propio de php, pero no sé si alguien habrá solucionado el problema en
alguna aplicación cake.

El tema es que tengo que crear una estructura similar a app/tmp/
uploads/directoriogenerico/ dónde los '' serían cada uno de
los directorios que voy a ir creando en tiempo de ejecución (con más
subdirectorios). El directorio  me lo deja crear correctamente,
pero como lo crea con usuario apache, posteriormente no me deja crear
mas subdirectorios por debajo y por ende, no puedo subir los archivos
para almacenarlos en dicho subdirectorio. Creo los directorios/
subdirectorios en una función upload, en la que posteriormente se
suben (se deberían subir) los archivos seleccionados.

¿Alguien ha conseguido solucionar un problema similar en una
aplicación cake? Otra posibilidad que contemplo es tener que cambiar
la programación para utilizar las funciones para ejecutar comandos ftp
desde php, pero antes de hacer el cambio en la programación, me
gustaría plantear la duda.

Muchas gracias y un saludo!

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Re: store session data and form data to database

2010-03-16 Thread stevec
But I want to insert the session data (e.g. login id) and the form of
web page  synchronously  after the user login the webpage.

On 3月16日, 下午7時40分, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I do this and it works well. Follow these 

 Jeremy Burns

 On 16 Mar 2010, at 07:11, stevec wrote:

  I would like store session data (e.g. login id) and form data to

  Anyone know how to do this??

  Please help me

  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organd help others 
  with their CakePHP related questions.

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  CakePHP group.
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Re: Concept of seamless registration

2010-03-16 Thread jacmoe
OpenID is not just for a few people:
If your users have a Google profile, a Twitter, Facebook, MySpace,
Blogger, or a flickr account they can just log into your site.
If they're new members of your site, your OpenID component fetches the
account information from one of these providers.
All your users have to do is paste in their OpenID provider URL (in my
case I paste my Google profile link).

I think it would be hard to find internet people these days without at
least one of the above accounts. :)

But, feel free to reinvent, because that would only teach you to
recognise the amount of effort it takes to create a scalable and
secure system. :)


On Mar 16, 12:06 pm, Yura Linnyk wrote:
 WebbedIT, I really appreciate your input, thank you.
 I'll go discuss it with myself and add your words to the case.

 On Mar 16, 11:12 am, WebbedIT wrote:

  @Yura: Dismissing LunarDraco as being 'overly dramatic' when he raises
  an extremely important issue shows you're so blinded by how good you
  believe your concept to be that you are ignoring the very opinions you
  have canvassed from the community.

  I am a web developer, host and - despite my best attempts to persuade
  people otherwise - systems support provider and it is scary how many
  people refuse to heed warnings of phishing attempts via email or have
  heeded them so much that they are scared to open an email unless they
  are 150% sure that it's safe and they certainly are not happy to click
  on links within them.

  So to introduce an alternative way to login where you rely on
  receiving a link via email which must be clicked on goes back on the
  advice that Banks, Ebay, PayPal, Twitter, Facebook etc. now offer
  increasing the chance that people will begin to fall for phishing
  attempts on other websites.

  If you want people to register and login to your site it is for two
  reasons, one to provide you with valid contact details of your user
  base that you can then monetize in someway (and valid email is a start
  - but you really want a name and idea of location too) and two to
  provide your users with a fast but secure way of gaining access to
  your site on return visits.

  Services such as OpenID, Sign in with Twitter and Facebook Connect
  have decreased the number of usernames and passwords we need to
  remember whilst reducing the login process to a single click in most

  Your concept requires the entry of an email address, a login to your
  webmail or opening of your email client, a download of the emails,
  find the one needed (if it has arrived or not been lost in the SPAM
  folder), open it up, then click on the link.  And there is also the
  possibility of a wait until I get back home as I do not have access to
  webmail or have never remembered my POP3/IMAP password as I always
  download email into an email client setup by a family member who knows
  more about computers than me.

  My verdict, you ARE trying to reinvent the wheel and your concept is
  not ensuring that it is as round as it gets.  In fact by introducing
  another way to login you are actually muddying the waters even further
  than they already are as the sooner the internet universally adopts
  one open login process the better as there will then be no confusion
  when everyone has one roaming account that they use across the

  Is this a reason to not try and find a better way to login? No,
  otherwise innovation fails.  But when you do come up with an idea and
  ask for opinions and all those opinions say your concept is not an
  improvement, maybe you need to go back to the drawing board.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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not working contact grabber in cake

2010-03-16 Thread Hitesh Anjara

I have implemented all contact grabber, but i could not success on

but when i try to submit email and password at that time these all
error occurs,

i had try my best to solved these errors:

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 155

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 155

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 179

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 179

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 182

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 182

No contacts found

so , please help me to solve these errors

Hitesh Anjara

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Re: not working contact grabber in cake

2010-03-16 Thread John Andersen
Please provide more information, so that we may better be able to
assist you!
What does the code look like at lines 155, 179 and 182 in the
baseclass.php file?
Which version of CakePHP are you using?
Which version of PHP are you using?

On Mar 16, 4:18 pm, Hitesh Anjara wrote:

 I have implemented all contact grabber, but i could not success on

 but when i try to submit email and password at that time these all
 error occurs,

 i had try my best to solved these errors:

 Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
 general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 155

 Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
 general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 155

 Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
 general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 179

 Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
 general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 179

 Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
 general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 182

 Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/
 general/hitesh/grabber/baseclass/baseclass.php on line 182

 No contacts found

 so , please help me to solve these errors

 Hitesh Anjara

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Re: store session data and form data to database

2010-03-16 Thread John Andersen
Please provide more information!
What have you tried yourself (show the code that you have written)?
Include which version of CakePHP you are using!
Then maybe we may be able to point you in the right direction :)

On Mar 16, 3:34 pm, stevec wrote:
 But I want to insert the session data (e.g. login id) and the form of
 web page  synchronously  after the user login the webpage.

 On 3月16日, 下午7時40分, Jeremy Burns wrote:

  I do this and it works well. Follow these 

  Jeremy Burns

  On 16 Mar 2010, at 07:11, stevec wrote:

   I would like store session data (e.g. login id) and form data to

   Anyone know how to do this??

   Please help me

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Re: Filter automagic drop down combo box

2010-03-16 Thread Travis

Again, sort of off topic, but if anyone knows of a good cakephp book,
there are a few on amazon

but they have mixed reviews, any opinions?

Thanks again,

On Mar 15, 6:53 pm, Alan Asher wrote:
 Change your

 To say

 Basically findby is a normal sql query and find('list') is a special query
 that returns an array of key value pairs of id and title


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf

 Of Travis
 Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 11:58 AM
 To: CakePHP
 Subject: Filter automagic drop down combo box

 I am working on a farm management app, and have a quick combo box
 automagic question.

 Because fields (a grouping of a crop/acres/harvest yields) vary
 greatly from year to year, I have decided its best to create a new set
 of all fields each year.

 The user needs to be able to create events for a field, when the user
 creates an event such as a chemical (fertilizer/pesticide/etc) event,
 they select the field that it should be added to in a automagic combo
 box. I need to filter the drop down box so that it only shows the
 fields from the current season. below is my controller code:

 function addChemical()
                     $this-Session-setFlash('Event Created');

 It seems to only return the fields in season 2010, but instead of just
 giving me the field name like it did when I put in find('list') it
 populates every field into the drop down which is definitely not what
 I want.

 *Note, for now I am using a hard coded date for testing.

 Also, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good cakephp book?

 Travis Marble

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Re: PHP 5.3 open short tag does't working on cakePHP 1.2.6

2010-03-16 Thread piousbox
Well first off, the grammar of PHP is unambiguous so you should be
able to use a regular expression to convert all the short tags. Here's
a linux command to replace one string with another in all text files
in a folder

grep -rl ‘OLD’ . | xargs sed -i -e ’s/OLD/NEW/’

But you need to modify this to look not only for the opening tag, but
for the matching closing tag to make two replacements:
?= and ;? replace with ?php echo( and );?

So email me if you chose this route, get stuck but really really need
this pattern (because it'll take me some time to write and I don't
want to do it if it won't be used).

Regarding some other people's suggestions, why wouldn't you use short
tags?! Those are awesome, make my views so much cleaner and more
readable, and save me finger pain. I believe cakePHP even has a
shorthand for echo(), which is e(), because ?php echo( is way too
much to write. So, I'll stick with my short tags thank you. Besides, I
control my server and my php.ini.


P.S. Closing tags in PHP files other than views are unnecessary,

On Mar 16, 3:25 am, anak newbie wrote:
 Thanks Jacob!

 I see it

 then i should change all short_open_tags in my many apps and it's
 meaning pain :)


 On Mon, 2010-03-15 at 05:05 -0700, jacmoe wrote:
  I strongly advise not using them!
  They doesn't make the template more clean - it makes it much harder to
  spot the PHP code.

  Allow me to quote from
   The first thing I recommend is using the fully qualified syntax (?php 
   ?) for php tags instead of the short one (? ?). Why?
   Well that's what the CakePHP coding standards recommend you to use, and 
   it makes those statments stand out a little more in
   your html code. But the main reason still is that the short tags syntax 
   can be turned off via php.ini, so using them makes
   your app less portable and could cause raw code output incidents.

  I am not a CakePHP expert, but it sounds right. :)


  On Mar 14, 10:26 pm, Miles J wrote:
   This isn't a problem with CakePHP.

   Short tags are an INI setting within your PHP installation.
   Furthermore short tags are being completely removed or deprecated in
   future PHP versions, so its just best practice to stop using them.

   On Mar 14, 4:38 pm, anak newbie wrote:

Yeap, you're right!

but somehow open_short_tag affect in making template more clean

i see it's support on another framework and i don't talk about comparing
something :D

Just an idea

On Sun, 2010-03-14 at 03:36 -0700, Miles J wrote:
 Its only 6 more characters to write ?php echo


 On Mar 14, 1:47 pm, anak newbie wrote:
  Perhaps someday it's can be fixed without open_short_tags enable.

  IMHO, using open_short_tags giving clear templates code as well .

  On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 14:36 -0800, Miles J wrote:
   That's the only way to fix it. Its an ini setting.

   On Mar 13, 11:07 am, John Andersen 
Please apply the solution you already know about, enable the 
tags in the php.ini file!
There is as far as I know, no other solution ... except for you 
to go
through all your source code and change from the short tag to 
the ?
php tag :)

On Mar 14, 6:36 am, anak newbie wrote:

 Hello all,

 Today i am upgrading my server to PHP 5.3 and see something 

 My cakePHP get ugly and i see that open short tags doesn't 

 like ?=$post['Post']['title']?

 I have many open short tags on everywhere.

 I know solution is to enable open , short tags on php.ini

 My question can it solved without short tags on php.ini ?


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Re: CakeFest IV - America - Help us pick a location!

2010-03-16 Thread piousbox
I live in Chicago and I naturally recommend my city (because I want to
attend). I hope it's beyond doubt that in central US,  Chicago should
be picked over St. Louis, Indianapolis, Detroit, or any other city.
However, I imagine that New York, being a bigger city, would get more
votes. Nothing's wrong with NYC and I wouldn't mind flying out there,
opportunity permitting. Finally, on the other side of the continent I
think the best place is San Francisco, especially if you book the
Moscone center. Miami, as nice as it is, is too far and lacks
developers community (which means everyone would have to fly there).
The most developers in the nation are located in New York and in the
Silicon Valley.

To overview: the strongest city candidates are New York, Chicago, and
San Francisco. I chose Chicago. (For no other reason that I live
there.) And if it takes place in NYC, I may come over on a weekend.
But San Francisco is too far from me.

Hey, if enough people want an event, perhaps you should throw one in
each of the three cities?


On Mar 15, 6:21 pm, Jeffrey Hill wrote:
 New York, or somewhere in Florida if it's this fall/winter (Tampa/

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multiple many to many tables between the same tables cakePHP

2010-03-16 Thread John Tadros
Hello All,

I currently have 2 tables: users  musics
I want to have two different Many To Many relations between them:

users_musics_rating which would store the user's rating for a specific
users_musics_privacy which determines which user should see a specific

how can this be done in cakePHP ? as I found in the documentation many
to many tables are defined by the name of first table_name of second

So how to hanlde that in my case ?

Best Regards

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Re: Data Validation not working

2010-03-16 Thread sooraj francis
actually you havent set the display option to show error in your view file

?php if($form-isFieldError('Inventory.make'))
e($form-error('Inventory.make', null, array('class' = 'message')));

hope this solves your problem

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Re: Kaching: CakePHP Shopping Cart Framework Plugin

2010-03-16 Thread Jamie
Mike - this looks really slick. Awesome work. I'm definitely going to
be incorporating this into a couple of upcoming projects.

On Mar 15, 6:12 pm, Mike wrote:
 If your looking for a shoppingcart plugin for CakePHP that is
 distributed under the MIT License, here you 

 Kachingis tailored for developers that want full control on building
 their online store.  Kachingprovides the store administration and
 lots of features (see project page).  You build the store's look and
 feel interacting with our controllers.

 Hopefully people can find this useful and either contribute features
 back or at least be able to use it as a starting point for their own
 online stores.

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Re: PHP 5.3 open short tag does't working on cakePHP 1.2.6

2010-03-16 Thread Marcelo Andrade
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:38 PM, anak newbie wrote:
 Yeap, you're right!

 but somehow open_short_tag affect in making template more clean

 i see it's support on another framework and i don't talk about comparing
 something :D

 Just an idea

The problem is not only the 6 more chars, but as open short tags are
deprecated (and AFAIK will be removed in php 6), if you insist using
it, you'll face this kind of problem when deploying you application in
other servers.

So, it's recommended to always use ?php echo instead of ?=.


Belem, Amazonia, Brazil

I took the red pill

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Re: PHP 5.3 open short tag does't working on cakePHP 1.2.6

2010-03-16 Thread cricket
On Mar 16, 11:55 am, Marcelo Andrade wrote:

 The problem is not only the 6 more chars, but as open short tags are
 deprecated (and AFAIK will be removed in php 6), if you insist using
 it, you'll face this kind of problem when deploying you application in
 other servers.

This is the first I've heard that they are deprecated. That bites! I
rather prefer them than the alternative. But I agree that they're a
Bad Idea for any code that will not be under one's control.

I don't use ?, btw. Just ?=. I can't imagine why anyone would
use the former, actually.

As for complaints about them making it more difficult to see, the
problem would be fixed with better syntax highlighting. They appear
just fine for me.

For anyone who needs to convert to the ugly, full syntax, do not reach
for regular expressions. That'll be a pain for anything other than the
simplest files. A colleague once did this successfully using the
methods described in the comments here:

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different types of Users

2010-03-16 Thread cricket
I'm just starting on a site that will have several types of users and
am uncertain of the best approach to take. I'd like to hear from
others who have done something similar.

The site will have the following user types:


Admins may or not be Members. Affiliates will not be Admins nor
Members, but the fields for Affiliates and Members are quite similar.
However, they may diverge further down the road.

All should be able to log in, so I plan to, at least, have a users
table with the passwords. But I'd prefer not to have every possible
field stuffed in there and instead use separate models for each type.
This seems like a good fit for role-based authentication, using
Groups, but I think it would make more sense to have separate Member,
Affiliate, and Administrator models.

But, in that case, how should I go about registering what a newly-
logged-in User is? One idea I had was to include model 
association_key fields in the users table, then loading the info as
needed (because it will be stored Auth's session array).

So, how have others approached this? ExtendableBehavior?
InheritableBehavior? PolymorphicBehavior? Something else?

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Re: Problema con safe_mode y creacion directorio/subdirectorios

2010-03-16 Thread andphe

On Mar 16, 8:10 am, josulin wrote:
 ¿Alguien ha conseguido solucionar un problema similar en una
 aplicación cake? Otra posibilidad que contemplo es tener que cambiar
 la programación para utilizar las funciones para ejecutar comandos ftp
 desde php, pero antes de hacer el cambio en la programación, me
 gustaría plantear la duda.

No creo que sea posible pasar por encima del safemode, en caso de
poderse hacer sería un problema de seguridad en PHP, francamente yo le
recomendaría que busque un nuevo proveedor de hosting que no presente
este problema, o que le traslade la duda al soporte técnico.


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Validation issues for Contact form (doesn't use database)

2010-03-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson

I've poured over all the documentation I possibly can, and searched
the newsgroups, and haven't yet found a solution to my problem.

I'm creating a contact form which doesn't use any databases. As the
controller action never calls save(), I don't get any of the nice
automatic validation.

Here are my files:

Contact Model:
Contacts Controller:
/views/contact/index.ctp (main form):

The add() method of my ContactsController will take the data from the
form at index.ctp, and if it all validates, send off an e-mail. The
else clause near the bottom of the add() method attempts to send the
user back to the original form if they made any errors, passing the
array of errors so that they can be displayed near the form fields.

It doesn't look as though $this-redirect() can pass data to a view,
so I'm wondering how I can achieve this. It just seems inefficient to
reproduce the form on the add.ctp view. If this is the only option,
I'll have to go ahead with it, but if anyone can offer a more elegant
solution, I'd be interested to hear of it.

Thanks for having a look. If I get this figured out, I'll be sure to
write an article on my blog so that complete newbies like myself can
figure this out. To me a contact form with validation is extremely
basic, and I didn't figure it would be so hard to get this going. I
have found articles on how to do this, and although the Contact model
has a validation array, the errors aren't automagically popping up on
the form, so I need to do it manually somehow.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Validation issues for Contact form (doesn't use database)

2010-03-16 Thread John Andersen
I would consider the use of an element to hold the contact form. Then
have the contact form presented in both views!
See for the story on
elements :)

Later you may consider using an AJAX solution.

On Mar 16, 9:48 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

 I've poured over all the documentation I possibly can, and searched
 the newsgroups, and haven't yet found a solution to my problem.

 I'm creating a contact form which doesn't use any databases. As the
 controller action never calls save(), I don't get any of the nice
 automatic validation.

 Here are my files:

 Contact Model:
 Contacts Controller:
 /views/contact/index.ctp (main form):

 The add() method of my ContactsController will take the data from the
 form at index.ctp, and if it all validates, send off an e-mail. The
 else clause near the bottom of the add() method attempts to send the
 user back to the original form if they made any errors, passing the
 array of errors so that they can be displayed near the form fields.

 It doesn't look as though $this-redirect() can pass data to a view,
 so I'm wondering how I can achieve this. It just seems inefficient to
 reproduce the form on the add.ctp view. If this is the only option,
 I'll have to go ahead with it, but if anyone can offer a more elegant
 solution, I'd be interested to hear of it.

 Thanks for having a look. If I get this figured out, I'll be sure to
 write an article on my blog so that complete newbies like myself can
 figure this out. To me a contact form with validation is extremely
 basic, and I didn't figure it would be so hard to get this going. I
 have found articles on how to do this, and although the Contact model
 has a validation array, the errors aren't automagically popping up on
 the form, so I need to do it manually somehow.

Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with 
their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: New to CakePHP

2010-03-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson
I accidentally hit reply to author, but for anyone else that visits
this thread:

Be sure to check out the Auth component:

It's dead simple using this to set up authentication. Coupled with the
ACL component, you have an unstoppable force on your hands.

On Mar 16, 6:20 am, tashi wrote:
 Hi I am new to cakePHP and i am really interested to learn. But i am
 stuck from where to begin! So can any body please send me a CRUD
 application build in CakePHP with authentication? If possible the
 admin module to manage the application.


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Re: Validation issues for Contact form (doesn't use database)

2010-03-16 Thread John Andersen
You are welcome! :)

Another idea, which I do sometime use, is to let the index method
process the contact add request.
The way I recognise that the contact add form is the one to process,
is that I name each submit buttons specifically after what they do -
in the contact add form case, it would be named doAddContact.
The name of the submit button can be found as a key in the $this-
params array.

Just an idea, enjoy,

On Mar 16, 10:27 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:
 Ajax is definitely a working solution, but I'm somewhat leary of
 requiring users to have javascript enabled (call me a purist :P)

 An element is definitely a good idea. I'm still wondering if it would
 be possible to pass data as part of a redirect. I've thought of
 writing a function to create this functionality, but I'm not sure if
 it would break the MVC paradigm. Definitely a function I would be
 interested in knowing about, or seeing in future versions of CakePHP.

 Thanks for the suggestion, John.

 On Mar 16, 4:21 pm, John Andersen wrote:

  I would consider the use of an element to hold the contact form. Then
  have the contact form presented in both views!
  See story on
  elements :)

  Later you may consider using an AJAX solution.

  On Mar 16, 9:48 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:


   I've poured over all the documentation I possibly can, and searched
   the newsgroups, and haven't yet found a solution to my problem.

   I'm creating a contact form which doesn't use any databases. As the
   controller action never calls save(), I don't get any of the nice
   automatic validation.

   Here are my files:

   Contact Model:
   Contacts Controller:
   /views/contact/index.ctp (main form):

   The add() method of my ContactsController will take the data from the
   form at index.ctp, and if it all validates, send off an e-mail. The
   else clause near the bottom of the add() method attempts to send the
   user back to the original form if they made any errors, passing the
   array of errors so that they can be displayed near the form fields.

   It doesn't look as though $this-redirect() can pass data to a view,
   so I'm wondering how I can achieve this. It just seems inefficient to
   reproduce the form on the add.ctp view. If this is the only option,
   I'll have to go ahead with it, but if anyone can offer a more elegant
   solution, I'd be interested to hear of it.

   Thanks for having a look. If I get this figured out, I'll be sure to
   write an article on my blog so that complete newbies like myself can
   figure this out. To me a contact form with validation is extremely
   basic, and I didn't figure it would be so hard to get this going. I
   have found articles on how to do this, and although the Contact model
   has a validation array, the errors aren't automagically popping up on
   the form, so I need to do it manually somehow.

Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with 
their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Validation issues for Contact form (doesn't use database)

2010-03-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson
Ajax is definitely a working solution, but I'm somewhat leary of
requiring users to have javascript enabled (call me a purist :P)

An element is definitely a good idea. I'm still wondering if it would
be possible to pass data as part of a redirect. I've thought of
writing a function to create this functionality, but I'm not sure if
it would break the MVC paradigm. Definitely a function I would be
interested in knowing about, or seeing in future versions of CakePHP.

Thanks for the suggestion, John.

On Mar 16, 4:21 pm, John Andersen wrote:
 I would consider the use of an element to hold the contact form. Then
 have the contact form presented in both views!
 See the story on
 elements :)

 Later you may consider using an AJAX solution.

 On Mar 16, 9:48 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:


  I've poured over all the documentation I possibly can, and searched
  the newsgroups, and haven't yet found a solution to my problem.

  I'm creating a contact form which doesn't use any databases. As the
  controller action never calls save(), I don't get any of the nice
  automatic validation.

  Here are my files:

  Contact Model:
  Contacts Controller:
  /views/contact/index.ctp (main form):

  The add() method of my ContactsController will take the data from the
  form at index.ctp, and if it all validates, send off an e-mail. The
  else clause near the bottom of the add() method attempts to send the
  user back to the original form if they made any errors, passing the
  array of errors so that they can be displayed near the form fields.

  It doesn't look as though $this-redirect() can pass data to a view,
  so I'm wondering how I can achieve this. It just seems inefficient to
  reproduce the form on the add.ctp view. If this is the only option,
  I'll have to go ahead with it, but if anyone can offer a more elegant
  solution, I'd be interested to hear of it.

  Thanks for having a look. If I get this figured out, I'll be sure to
  write an article on my blog so that complete newbies like myself can
  figure this out. To me a contact form with validation is extremely
  basic, and I didn't figure it would be so hard to get this going. I
  have found articles on how to do this, and although the Contact model
  has a validation array, the errors aren't automagically popping up on
  the form, so I need to do it manually somehow.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Adding a new counter cache

2010-03-16 Thread Brenda
Thanks everyone. I'll go the SQL route. Just wanted to make sure I
wasn't missing something obvious!


On Mar 16, 4:28 am, WebbedIT wrote:
 I would also run a SQl query direct on the database using phpMyAdmin
 or the CLI

 UPDATE model_a SET model_a.model_b_count = (SELECT COUNT(
 FROM model_b WHERE model_b.model_a_id =



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CakePHP Shindig

2010-03-16 Thread Ma'moon
Hello Cake Bakers :-)
Am planing to build a social application using CakePHP together with apache
project Shindig, i tried to read about the integration between both
CakePHP and Shindig but couldn't really find any on google nor the cook
book, anyone did this before using CakePHP  Shindig? if anyone was
successfully able to build such an application then it would be so kind of
him/her to share his/her knowledge in this matter!

Thanks in advance :-)

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Re: Validation issues for Contact form (doesn't use database)

2010-03-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson
Having the form submit to the index() function worked brilliantly. To
my surprise, this enabled the automagic validation messages!

All I have to do now is style the messages with CSS, and I have the
trickiest part of my project done. I'll be sure to post a link to the
blog post I plan to write on this topic when it's finished. I found
plenty of blogs describing what to do generally, but I find they
assumed a great deal of familiarity with the framework. Since this is
a bit of an odd case, I'd like to create a comprehensive guide.

Thanks a bunch, John.

On Mar 16, 4:32 pm, John Andersen wrote:
 You are welcome! :)

 Another idea, which I do sometime use, is to let the index method
 process the contact add request.
 The way I recognise that the contact add form is the one to process,
 is that I name each submit buttons specifically after what they do -
 in the contact add form case, it would be named doAddContact.
 The name of the submit button can be found as a key in the $this-

 params array.

 Just an idea, enjoy,

 On Mar 16, 10:27 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

  Ajax is definitely a working solution, but I'm somewhat leary of
  requiring users to have javascript enabled (call me a purist :P)

  An element is definitely a good idea. I'm still wondering if it would
  be possible to pass data as part of a redirect. I've thought of
  writing a function to create this functionality, but I'm not sure if
  it would break the MVC paradigm. Definitely a function I would be
  interested in knowing about, or seeing in future versions of CakePHP.

  Thanks for the suggestion, John.

  On Mar 16, 4:21 pm, John Andersen wrote:

   I would consider the use of an element to hold the contact form. Then
   have the contact form presented in both views!
   See on
   elements :)

   Later you may consider using an AJAX solution.

   On Mar 16, 9:48 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:


I've poured over all the documentation I possibly can, and searched
the newsgroups, and haven't yet found a solution to my problem.

I'm creating a contact form which doesn't use any databases. As the
controller action never calls save(), I don't get any of the nice
automatic validation.

Here are my files:

Contact Model:
Contacts Controller:
/views/contact/index.ctp (main form):

The add() method of my ContactsController will take the data from the
form at index.ctp, and if it all validates, send off an e-mail. The
else clause near the bottom of the add() method attempts to send the
user back to the original form if they made any errors, passing the
array of errors so that they can be displayed near the form fields.

It doesn't look as though $this-redirect() can pass data to a view,
so I'm wondering how I can achieve this. It just seems inefficient to
reproduce the form on the add.ctp view. If this is the only option,
I'll have to go ahead with it, but if anyone can offer a more elegant
solution, I'd be interested to hear of it.

Thanks for having a look. If I get this figured out, I'll be sure to
write an article on my blog so that complete newbies like myself can
figure this out. To me a contact form with validation is extremely
basic, and I didn't figure it would be so hard to get this going. I
have found articles on how to do this, and although the Contact model
has a validation array, the errors aren't automagically popping up on
the form, so I need to do it manually somehow.

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Re: Adding a new counter cache

2010-03-16 Thread Brenda
Oh, just for grins, decided to try and automate this. I have a
Configurations controller where I do some admin stuff for the site,
and I added this function:

function counterCheck( )

$counterTemplate =
   UPDATE :atable AS :amodel
   SET :counter = (
   FROM :table AS :model
   WHERE :model.:foreignkey =

$updates = array();

$models = Configure::listObjects('model') ;

foreach ($models as $model) {
$mainTable = Inflector::tableize($model);
if (!empty($this-$model-belongsTo)) {
foreach ($this-$model-belongsTo as $assocModel =
$def) {
if (isset($def['counterCache']) 
$def['counterCache']) {
$assocTable =
$assocClass = $def['className'];
$foreignKey = $def['foreignKey'];
$counter = strtolower($model) . '_count';
$query = String::insert($counterTemplate,
'table' = $mainTable,
'model' = $model,
'atable' = $assocTable,
'amodel' = $assocModel,
'foreignkey' = $foreignKey,
'counter' = $counter
$result = $this-Configuration-query($query);
$affectedRows = $this-Configuration-
$updates[] = array(
'query' = $query,
'affected_rows' = $affectedRows

$this-set('updates', $updates);

} // end function Counter checks

The associated view just dumps the results in a table to display.

Seems to work to update the counters. The affectedRows lets me know
how many rows had their values changed, meaning something went wrong
somewhere in the database. Or, as is more likely the case since I'm
still developing this, I need to update the counters because I'm still
mucking around in the database some.

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HABTM help

2010-03-16 Thread Ode
I am working to build a job board with an admin side for adding jobs
and categories, and a front end for browsing and searching.

On the admin side I have a form for editing/creating jobs.

Each job needs to be able to be assigned to multiple categories. I am
assuming the best way to do this is through an HABTM association of
the jobs and categories tables. So I have created the categories_jobs
table and placed the HABTM associations along with joinTable
properties in each of the jobs and categories models respectively.

The following information is collected from the form: Title,
Description, Location

That information needs to be stored in the jobs table.

Also, I have multiple checkboxes of categories on the form, these come
from the categories table through the HABTM relation.

When I try to save using $this-Job-save($this-data) I get an SQL
error about saving an array.

I need to be able to fill out the job data and then select multiple
categories for the job to be associated with.

Here is my action in the jobs_controller code:

function edit($id=null) {
$this-set('category', $this-Job-Category-find('list'));
$data = $this-editOrCreate($id);
if(!empty($this-data)) {
$this-data['Category']['id'] = (array('category_id'));
$this-User['User']['admin'] = 1;
if($this-Job-saveAll($data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash('The job has been saved');
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash('The Job could not be saved.
Please try again later.');
$categories = $this-Job-Category-find('list');

and here is the view where the data is entered:

?php echo $form-create('Job');?

div class=body

? if($editing): ?
div class=floatRight
?php echo $html-link('Delete Job', 
$form-value('')), null, __('Are you sure you want to delete
this job?', true).' '. $form-value('')); ?

h2Edit Job - ?=$form-value('')?/h2
? else: ?
h2Create New Job/h2

? endif; ?

?=$form-input('name', array('autocomplete'='off','label'='Title',
'style'='width: 175px;'));?
array('autocomplete'='off','label'='Description', 'style'='width:
?=$form-input('location', array('autocomplete'='off',
'label'='Location', 'style'='width: 175px;'));?
?=$form-input('job_id', array('type'='hidden',
$category,'multiple'='checkbox', 'label'='Categories'));?



?php echo $form-end();?

Any help to overcome this problem would be GREATLY appreciated. I am
pretty new at PHP and CakePHP, so if you could be verbose in your
reply I would be grateful.

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Using virtual field with form helper in 1.3

2010-03-16 Thread Maximillian Schwanekamp
How can I get a model virtual field to show up as the option text in a select 
generated by the form helper?  Do I have to manually iterate?

Background...  I have a User model identical to the Book example, with a 
virtual field for name.  Relevant snippet:

var $virtualFields = array(
'name' = CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
var $hasMany = array(
'Post' = array(
'className' = 'Post',
'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
'dependent' = false
...and of course my Post model belongsTo User.

In posts/add.ctp view, I have a simple form:

?php echo $form-create('Post');?
legend?php __('Add Post');?/legend
echo $form-input('user_id');
// ...
?php echo $form-end('Submit');?

Works fine when corresponds to an actual db table, but not when it's 
a virtual field as I have here.  Is it possible to have this show up correctly 
without an actual name field?

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Re: HABTM help

2010-03-16 Thread cricket
It may be a typo, but you're setting a variable $categories, but
referencing $category in the view.

$this-set('categories', $this-Job-Category-find('list'));

And create the checkbox inputs like this:

?= $form-input('Category', array('type' = 'select',
'multiple' = 'checkbox', 'label'='Categories'), $categories); ?

Then you should be able to just use save() in the controller.

On Mar 16, 1:35 pm, Ode wrote:
 I am working to build a job board with an admin side for adding jobs
 and categories, and a front end for browsing and searching.

 On the admin side I have a form for editing/creating jobs.

 Each job needs to be able to be assigned to multiple categories. I am
 assuming the best way to do this is through an HABTM association of
 the jobs and categories tables. So I have created the categories_jobs
 table and placed the HABTM associations along with joinTable
 properties in each of the jobs and categories models respectively.

 The following information is collected from the form: Title,
 Description, Location

 That information needs to be stored in the jobs table.

 Also, I have multiple checkboxes of categories on the form, these come
 from the categories table through the HABTM relation.

 When I try to save using $this-Job-save($this-data) I get an SQL
 error about saving an array.

 I need to be able to fill out the job data and then select multiple
 categories for the job to be associated with.

 Here is my action in the jobs_controller code:

 function edit($id=null) {
         $this-set('category', $this-Job-Category-find('list'));
         $data = $this-editOrCreate($id);
         if(!empty($this-data)) {
             $this-data['Category']['id'] = (array('category_id'));
             $this-User['User']['admin'] = 1;
             if($this-Job-saveAll($data)) {
                 $this-Session-setFlash('The job has been saved');

             } else {
                 $this-Session-setFlash('The Job could not be saved.
 Please try again later.');
         $categories = $this-Job-Category-find('list');

 and here is the view where the data is entered:

 ?php echo $form-create('Job');?

 div class=body

         ? if($editing): ?
                 div class=floatRight
                         ?php echo $html-link('Delete Job', 
 $form-value('')), null, __('Are you sure you want to delete
 this job?', true).' '. $form-value('')); ?

                 h2Edit Job - ?=$form-value('')?/h2
         ? else: ?
                 h2Create New Job/h2

         ? endif; ?

         ?=$form-input('name', array('autocomplete'='off','label'='Title',
 'style'='width: 175px;'));?
 array('autocomplete'='off','label'='Description', 'style'='width:
         ?=$form-input('location', array('autocomplete'='off',
 'label'='Location', 'style'='width: 175px;'));?
         ?=$form-input('job_id', array('type'='hidden',
 $category,'multiple'='checkbox', 'label'='Categories'));?



 ?php echo $form-end();?

 Any help to overcome this problem would be GREATLY appreciated. I am
 pretty new at PHP and CakePHP, so if you could be verbose in your
 reply I would be grateful.

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About Security:cipher and Suhosin patch

2010-03-16 Thread Edgar Valarezo

I was playing with cookies in my CakePHP powered LAMP box with the
Suhosin security patch, and I dicovered (better late than never) than
Suhosin add a srand() call before any rand(), so decrypt any text with
Security:cipher simply doesn't work. Thinking about that, maybe the
use of srand() and rand() in cipher method is wrong because is a hack
of the waited use (no random number but predictable one), so I rewrite
a new cipher method without any random:

function cipher($text, $key = '') {
$key .= Configure::read('Security.cipherSeed');

$out = '';
$textLength = strlen($text);
$keyLength = strlen($key);
$k = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i  $textLength; $i++) {
$seed = md5($key . $key[($k++) % $keyLength]);
$mask = hexdec($seed[6] . $seed[9]); // :)
$out .= chr(ord($text[$i]) ^ $mask);

return $out;

Perhaps it will help to somebody.


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Re: Validation issues for Contact form (doesn't use database)

2010-03-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson
Now here's a tricky extension (still determined to avoid AJAX). When
my form fails, and validation errors pop up, how could I have the page
jump to an anchor link connected to the form? The top section of my
page is somewhat large, so I'd like to avoid excessive scrolling with
an anchor link.

+ 1,000,000 bonus points to anyone who can figure this out

On Mar 16, 5:07 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:
 Having the form submit to the index() function worked brilliantly. To
 my surprise, this enabled the automagic validation messages!

 All I have to do now is style the messages with CSS, and I have the
 trickiest part of my project done. I'll be sure to post a link to the
 blog post I plan to write on this topic when it's finished. I found
 plenty of blogs describing what to do generally, but I find they
 assumed a great deal of familiarity with the framework. Since this is
 a bit of an odd case, I'd like to create a comprehensive guide.

 Thanks a bunch, John.

 On Mar 16, 4:32 pm, John Andersen wrote:

  You are welcome! :)

  Another idea, which I do sometime use, is to let the index method
  process the contact add request.
  The way I recognise that the contact add form is the one to process,
  is that I name each submit buttons specifically after what they do -
  in the contact add form case, it would be named doAddContact.
  The name of the submit button can be found as a key in the $this-

  params array.

  Just an idea, enjoy,

  On Mar 16, 10:27 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

   Ajax is definitely a working solution, but I'm somewhat leary of
   requiring users to have javascript enabled (call me a purist :P)

   An element is definitely a good idea. I'm still wondering if it would
   be possible to pass data as part of a redirect. I've thought of
   writing a function to create this functionality, but I'm not sure if
   it would break the MVC paradigm. Definitely a function I would be
   interested in knowing about, or seeing in future versions of CakePHP.

   Thanks for the suggestion, John.

   On Mar 16, 4:21 pm, John Andersen wrote:

I would consider the use of an element to hold the contact form. Then
have the contact form presented in both views!
elements :)

Later you may consider using an AJAX solution.

On Mar 16, 9:48 pm, Johnny Ferguson wrote:


 I've poured over all the documentation I possibly can, and searched
 the newsgroups, and haven't yet found a solution to my problem.

 I'm creating a contact form which doesn't use any databases. As the
 controller action never calls save(), I don't get any of the nice
 automatic validation.

 Here are my files:

 Contact Model:
 Contacts Controller:
 /views/contact/index.ctp (main form):

 The add() method of my ContactsController will take the data from the
 form at index.ctp, and if it all validates, send off an e-mail. The
 else clause near the bottom of the add() method attempts to send the
 user back to the original form if they made any errors, passing the
 array of errors so that they can be displayed near the form fields.

 It doesn't look as though $this-redirect() can pass data to a view,
 so I'm wondering how I can achieve this. It just seems inefficient to
 reproduce the form on the add.ctp view. If this is the only option,
 I'll have to go ahead with it, but if anyone can offer a more elegant
 solution, I'd be interested to hear of it.

 Thanks for having a look. If I get this figured out, I'll be sure to
 write an article on my blog so that complete newbies like myself can
 figure this out. To me a contact form with validation is extremely
 basic, and I didn't figure it would be so hard to get this going. I
 have found articles on how to do this, and although the Contact model
 has a validation array, the errors aren't automagically popping up on
 the form, so I need to do it manually somehow.

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Re: Problema con safe_mode y creacion directorio/subdirectorios

2010-03-16 Thread Mateo San Román

La solución que creo más adecuada para estos casos es gestionar a los
archivos mediante una aplicación, es decir, simulando virtualmente
los directorios y almacenar estos datos  ya sea en un único directorio
previamente definido o en la base de datos como BLOBs... de esta
manera tu aplicación no tendrá problemas de incompatibilidad,
problemas de seguridad o permisos.

On 16 mar, 08:10, josulin wrote:
 Buenas tardes. Tengo un problema de incompatibilidad entre safe_mode y
 la creacion de directorios y subdirectorios. Sé que es un problema
 propio de php, pero no sé si alguien habrá solucionado el problema en
 alguna aplicación cake.

 El tema es que tengo que crear una estructura similar a app/tmp/
 uploads/directoriogenerico/ dónde los '' serían cada uno de
 los directorios que voy a ir creando en tiempo de ejecución (con más
 subdirectorios). El directorio  me lo deja crear correctamente,
 pero como lo crea con usuario apache, posteriormente no me deja crear
 mas subdirectorios por debajo y por ende, no puedo subir los archivos
 para almacenarlos en dicho subdirectorio. Creo los directorios/
 subdirectorios en una función upload, en la que posteriormente se
 suben (se deberían subir) los archivos seleccionados.

 ¿Alguien ha conseguido solucionar un problema similar en una
 aplicación cake? Otra posibilidad que contemplo es tener que cambiar
 la programación para utilizar las funciones para ejecutar comandos ftp
 desde php, pero antes de hacer el cambio en la programación, me
 gustaría plantear la duda.

 Muchas gracias y un saludo!

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Delete Child Models

2010-03-16 Thread guille1983
is there a cake magic way to delete all children models of a given
model ? I just want to delete childs not the main model.

Let me explain it to you

Model A has many B, C, D -- hasOne E, F,  hasAndBelongsToMany G, H

I want to delete B, C, D, E, F, G, H and keep A

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Re: multiple many to many tables between the same tables cakePHP

2010-03-16 Thread Mateo San Román

Since you are adding attributes to a relation, it will not be a pure
bridge table.
You should create a table called Ratings with an attribute and the
relations to musics and users tables, so it could have a view where
you can add the rating attribute. Same for Privacy table.

On 16 mar, 11:02, John Tadros wrote:
 Hello All,

 I currently have 2 tables: users  musics
 I want to have two different Many To Many relations between them:

 users_musics_rating which would store the user's rating for a specific
 users_musics_privacy which determines which user should see a specific

 how can this be done in cakePHP ? as I found in the documentation many
 to many tables are defined by the name of first table_name of second

 So how to hanlde that in my case ?

 Best Regards

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