Re: Using $this-set in view doesn't set the var

2011-09-10 Thread WebbedIT
Yip, the api does state Allows a template or element to set a
variable that will be available in a layout or other element, but
maybe this is when the element is being called from the view not the

People are not really supposed to read your layout though, that is set
and should rarely be changed. Plus it's a lot cleaner to only be
echoing $content_for_layout, $menu_for_layout etc. than it is to be
calling all view data from the layout.

However, I am not experienced enough with MVC to give a compelling
argument against it, I just know when something rubs against Cake's
conventions then it;s normally not a good idea.

HTH, Paul.

On Sep 9, 9:18 pm, Xoubaman wrote:

 Someone of the core team answered that Var::set could be used to solve a
 similar issue in a post I here found when searching to my question. Don't
 remember the search subject now :(

 I mean cleaner in the sense of it's more readable one layout with some echo
 $var that another one with some echo $this-element(name, params stuff),
 almost in the application I'm developing. Maybe it's not the most elegant
 way, but, if we should not set vars in the views, why is still a method to
 do it?

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async post cause controller error in 2.0

2011-09-10 Thread luca capra

Hi all,
I'm facing a strangeness in cake 2.0

Using a filter form, which work well on normal post, if (with jquery) 
I bind the form.submit() with something like
/$.post( form.attr('action'), form.serialize(), function(data){ 
$(#restable).html( $(#restable, data).html() ) } );/
which should post the form data and render the returned html 
substituting the #restable inner html. (This was working with 1.3)

in 2.0 I get:

   Missing Controller

*Error: * /Controller/ could not be found.

*Error: * Create the class /Controller/ below in file: 

class Controller extends AppController {


Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: joining strings in model

2011-09-10 Thread the plumpNation
Apologies in advance if this sounds stupid, but have you tried setting
this property in the constructor or it's cake equivalent?

On Sep 9, 4:28 pm, lyba wrote:
 Any suggestions why it is not possible to join strings in a model

         $foo = 'A'.'B';

 this produces error:
 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION
 in .\app\models\event.php on line 7

 A real life scenario:
 I have a model Event that has a self reference and is called under
 different aliases (Event, PreviousEvent, NextEvent).
 I need a virtual name for that model as an extract from the event

 this works:
 public $virtualFields = array('name' = 'LEFT(description, 40)');
 but since model is called under different aliases in one request I get
 Column 'description' in field list is ambiguous

 I thought this would work:
 public $virtualFields = array('name' = 'LEFT('. $this-name .'.description, 

 but then I discovered that joining strings in model does not work at

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Re: ckaephp 2.0 using Configure::read in model construct method

2011-09-10 Thread badben
Thanks for you help but I am not sure that that is correct.

Whilst I by no means pretend to be an expert at the inner workings of 
cakephp, the construct function in UserModel is called as the user model is 
first constructed,

The parent::__construct() function in Model actually initializes the 
behaviours so my theory was that if I change the value of actsAs prior to 
parent::__construct() then I should be able to change the settings of the 

Also if I simply echo the value of configure::read(..) then the correct 
value is printed to the screen showing that the configure values have 
actually been set when the UserModel __construct() function is called.

This at least makes sense to me, whether I am right or not is a completely 
different matter. 

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Re: ClassRegistry::init and Model function availability problem

2011-09-10 Thread Tom Belknap
Bumps. Can anybody help me out with this?

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fopen(.../app/tmp/cache/persistent/cake_core_default_en-us) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

2011-09-10 Thread Tom Belknap
Ok, I have two separate Cake applications, both experiencing this error. And 
in the one case, its a brand-new installation. I quite literally just 
uploaded the files and setup permissions on the tmp directory.

I'm running an Ubuntu Linux server. The other installation has been running 
without incident until last weekend and I'm just getting back to this now. 
My first instinct is to think this is a permissions problem. However, 
looking at the permissions on the tmp directory and its subdirectories, 
they're all set to 777. That being the case, I don't think ownership should 
be a problem, should it?

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Re: joining strings in model

2011-09-10 Thread void
You can use beforeFind Model's callback otherwise Model constructor. I
prefer beforeFind method.

class AppModel extends Model {
public function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds =
null) {
  // Set here virtualFields ($this-virtualFields = X)
$this-virtualFields = array(
  'name' = 'LEFT('. $this-name .'_'.description,
parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
public function beforeFind($queryData) {
  // Set here virtualFields ($this-virtualFields = X)

On 10 Set, 11:02, the plumpNation wrote:
 Apologies in advance if this sounds stupid, but have you tried setting
 this property in the constructor or it's cake equivalent?

 On Sep 9, 4:28 pm, lyba wrote:

  Any suggestions why it is not possible to join strings in a model

          $foo = 'A'.'B';

  this produces error:
  Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION
  in .\app\models\event.php on line 7

  A real life scenario:
  I have a model Event that has a self reference and is called under
  different aliases (Event, PreviousEvent, NextEvent).
  I need a virtual name for that model as an extract from the event

  this works:
  public $virtualFields = array('name' = 'LEFT(description, 40)');
  but since model is called under different aliases in one request I get
  Column 'description' in field list is ambiguous

  I thought this would work:
  public $virtualFields = array('name' = 'LEFT('. $this-name 
  .'.description, 40)');

  but then I discovered that joining strings in model does not work at

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Re: How safe is CakePhps auth component and other ..

2011-09-10 Thread Miloš Vučinić
Thank you very much, you are most kind !

All the best,

On Sep 9, 4:54 pm, Thomas Ploch wrote:
 1.) The Auth component is safe. It uses a salted SHA1 encrypted pw by
 default. It auto-escapes the fields already, so you don't have to bother
 with it. Just use SSL to encrypt the connection to sensitive parts of
 the application to be on the (very) safe side.

 2.) Well, if you use the Apache web server, and you configured it
 correctly to write the access.log file, you got everything you need
 there. (Other web servers have this feature too)

 Kind regards

 Am 09.09.2011 16:44, schrieb Miloš Vučinić:

  I have two questions and I hope someone can help me..

  I am making application which needs to be relatively safe. So here are
  questions I have for you:

  1. I am using auth component from cakephp , but I cannot escape the
  login fields because login component works for itself and I cannot
  edit it's code.. I am wondering is it sql injection safe and are there
  any possible problems with it regarding security ?

  2. I need to log every http request made to my website (so that if
  someone tries to hack the web site that I have info about his IP
  address and what exactly they tried to do). I need exact link which
  was typed and ip address of a computer which made the request. A whole
  http request would be nice but at least these two. Is there any way to
  do this (like a pre build component), or where in my source code
  should I place the code for this .. ?

  Thank you ,
  all the best


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Problem importing Comments Behavior Class in Controller class

2011-09-10 Thread
I was installing the Comments Component from CakeDC (

But I have a strange error with Cakephp 1.3, my Controller refuses to
import my Model Behavior, i dont know if its an error of Inflector
Name to access the correct Behavior Class name but look at this =

in my controller i have:
public $components = array('RequestHandler','Comments.Comments' =
array('userModelClass' =  'User'));

and the cake classes transform into
and the expected name of the behavior:
class Comments.CommentableBehavior

as you can see it adds a dot point before my Behavior Name.

Any recommendations, or ideas are welcome.

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ACL - Access Control List - Lista de Controle de Acesso

2011-09-10 Thread Maicon Pinto
Galera, sei que o espaço aqui é em inglês, mas sei que tem uma galera 
brasileira, que posta aqui. Alguém aqui trabalha com ACL? Estou seguindo o 
exemplo abaixo:

Gostaria de implementar maior restrição à edição de posts, podendo ser 
editado somente por quem criou, ou algum gerente. 

Estou tentando usar o método afterSave() para adicionar permissão no modelo 
line 33: $this-Acl-allow(array('model' = 'User', 'foreign_key' = 
$this-data['Post']['user_id']), $node[0]['Aco']['id']);

Está exibindo este erro:
Undefined property:  Post::$Acl [APP\models\post.php, line 33]

Algum dica?

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Re: Blog Tut help

2011-09-10 Thread
Just use the Helper Html in your Controller.

public $helpers = array('Html','Javascript');

On Sep 9, 9:17 am, Jeremy Williams wrote:
 I did the blog tut on:; and i
 have an error: Notice (8): Undefined property: View::$Html [APP\views
 \posts\index.ctp, line 4]

 basically i am too new to cakephp to understand what this means or how
 to fix it. Here is some other information it gives me, hope it can
 help you help me.

 h1Blog posts/h1

 p?php echo $this-Html-link(Add Post, array('action' =
 'add')); ?/p

 include - APP\views\posts\index.ctp, line 4
 View::_render() - CORE\cake\libs\view\view.php, line 718
 View::render() - CORE\cake\libs\view\view.php, line 417
 Controller::render() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\controller.php, line
 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 243
 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 206
 require - APP\webroot\index.php, line 83
 [main] - CORE\index.php, line 55

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Email component working wrong

2011-09-10 Thread Piotr Chabros

I have a function sending email to all the users, and every email sent
is copied to another email address too:

$this-Email-to = $User['User']['username'];
$this-Email-bcc = array('');

The thing is the email sent to the user is different than the copy. I
have no idea why it happens, the commands are one under another as

Please help,

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Re: Unable to install CakePHP

2011-09-10 Thread saurabh mishra
this all are a problem of mac os this is already running in the win7
 and all old os
On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 2:01 AM, Yves S. Garret

 Ok, now it works.  XAMPP did it.

 On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Chris wrote:

 Why don't you just uninstall those things and run something like WAMP
 which is auto setup or the like? XAMPP is another good one which I
 think is a little easier than WAMP, I'm not sure since I haven't used
 it, and I also THINK it's updated more regularly

 This should solve your issues and afterwards its just a simple copy
 and paste in to the Apache folders.

 On Sep 9, 1:20 pm, Teddy Zeenny wrote:
  Doeshttp://localhost/give the same page ashttp://localhost/index.php?
  On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Yves S. Garret
   Changed all overrides to All (some places where I've read it's a no-no
   do), still nothing.
   On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Sam Sherlock
   I see an
   AllowOveride None
   change this to
   AllowOverride All
   restart apache :)
- S
   On 9 September 2011 16:25, Yves S. Garret 
   I tried the following without success:
   IfModule dir_module
   DirectoryIndex index.php
   IfModule dir_module
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
   The PHP page still worked, but I couldn't get the CakePHP page up.
   On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Sam Sherlock 
   I think your issue is that directory index should be php (your
   was set to html)
   IfModule dir_module
   DirectoryIndex index.php
- S
   On 9 September 2011 14:01, Yves S. Garret 
   Is it possible to make attachments in this mailing list or should
   upload the files somewhere and then throw a link?
   On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Sam Sherlock 
   Your server is not configured correct.
   Is php set? Can you display php info?
   Is mod rewrite setup?
- S
   On 8 Sep 2011 22:36, Yves S. Garret
I'm using Google Chrome, would that be an issue? I doubt it...
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Teddy Zeenny
Yes, simply go to:http://localhost/cake_1_3/
You should see the default CakePHP page which will tell you
 what is
and what's not...
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 9:53 PM, Yves S. Garret
I tried posting this before, but did not see it show up in
list, so I'll try again (maybe I messed something up in the
I managed to get MySQL, Apache and PHP 5 installed on my
 Windows 7
machine. I'm a little lost as to how to install CakePHP.
I did what was described in here:
But how can I get a It works! (or something similar)
Apache indicating that it works? I have the DocumentRoot at:
\www\\public_html and in that directory I have
I can do localhost/index.php (there's a PHP file in
 public_html to
test that Apache works with PHP and it does), but is there
similar for CakePHP?
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Re: 'Site under maintenance' option

2011-09-10 Thread saurabh mishra
can u explain me that what is B plan

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 1:51 AM, Xoubaman wrote:

 Ip ranges is my B plan, but could be a problem with non-tech skilled admin
 users login from dinamic ips.

 I will come to this point later, so thanks for the answers, hope I can find
 a good solution.

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Re: Blog Tut help

2011-09-10 Thread saurabh mishra
there are some defaultness just in place of var we can use varchar

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Sam Sherlock wrote:

 I added the code from prev post to your code below.

 as you add more controllers you'd be better off adding general comps 
 helpers to the app_controller

  - S

 On 9 September 2011 16:21, Jeremy Williams wrote:

 this is my controller.

 class PostsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Posts';

var $helpers = array(

var $components = array('Session');

function index() {
$this-set('posts', $this-Post-find('all'));

function view($id) {
$this-Post-id = $id;
$this-set('post', $this-Post-read());


function add() {
if (!(empty($this-data))) {
if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash('Your post has
 been saved.');
$this-redirect(array('action' =

function delete($id) {
if ($this-Post-delete($id)) {
$this-Session-setFlash('The post with id: ' . $id
 . ' has been
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));
function edit($id = null) {
$this-Post-id = $id;
if (empty($this-data)) {
$this-data = $this-Post-read();
} else {
if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash('Your post has
 been updated.');
$this-redirect(array('action' =


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Why is this better?

2011-09-10 Thread elija
I'm going through the blog tutorial and have found myself wondering

?php echo $this-Html-link($post['Post']['title'],
array('controller' = 'posts', 'action' = 'view', $post['Post']
['id'])); ?

is better than writing an a element?

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CakePHP email component problem

2011-09-10 Thread Piotr Chabros

in my application there is a part of a code responsible of sending an
emails to my users. It is a loop cycling through the whole database of
users and just sending the email. Also when any email is sent, there
is a copy sent to another email addres. The problem is that some of
the users recieve other content in their email than it is in the copy.

The commands are one under another, so I have no idea why this is

if ($TestMode == 'live') {   // if not in test mode
   $this-Email-to = $User['User']['username']; //
username - user's email address
   $this-Email-bcc = array('); // mail to
send a bcc copy
}else{ // if in test mode
   $this-Email-to = array('',
 // Send e-mail to user.
   $this-Email-subject = 'blahblah;
   $this-Email-template = 'my_template';
   $this-Email-sendAs = 'html';

The above code is a part of the loop. But the question is, why some
users are getting another email than it is sent to ? Maybe this problem is of another matter?
Please help!

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Re: How safe is CakePhps auth component and other ..

2011-09-10 Thread Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta

Hi Milos,

SSL is a must... take care of what happen recently to me:



On 09/10/2011 02:36 PM, Miloš Vučinić wrote:

Thank you very much, you are most kind !

All the best,

On Sep 9, 4:54 pm, Thomas  wrote:

1.) The Auth component is safe. It uses a salted SHA1 encrypted pw by
default. It auto-escapes the fields already, so you don't have to bother
with it. Just use SSL to encrypt the connection to sensitive parts of
the application to be on the (very) safe side.

2.) Well, if you use the Apache web server, and you configured it
correctly to write the access.log file, you got everything you need
there. (Other web servers have this feature too)

Kind regards

Am 09.09.2011 16:44, schrieb Miloš Vučinić:

I have two questions and I hope someone can help me..
I am making application which needs to be relatively safe. So here are
questions I have for you:
1. I am using auth component from cakephp , but I cannot escape the
login fields because login component works for itself and I cannot
edit it's code.. I am wondering is it sql injection safe and are there
any possible problems with it regarding security ?
2. I need to log every http request made to my website (so that if
someone tries to hack the web site that I have info about his IP
address and what exactly they tried to do). I need exact link which
was typed and ip address of a computer which made the request. A whole
http request would be nice but at least these two. Is there any way to
do this (like a pre build component), or where in my source code
should I place the code for this .. ?
Thank you ,
all the best

   You don't know where your shadow will fall,
 Ing. Olaf Reitmaier
 Personal Web Page -- --

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ACL Tips

2011-09-10 Thread Almacenamiento Almacenamiento
During this time I researched and analyzed the codes of the tutorials to
fully understand the use of ACL + Auth with different permissions to groups,
a topic with some complexity to my liking yet. I decided to put a couple of
tips for those starting like me and have also some doubts, I hope they serve
for the truth to me took quite able to understand and even I have some
doubts about this. If possible if someone can pass answer the 3 questions
that I put down I could use.
If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

* For models associated with the ACL tables
* This requires the use of the function parentNode () in the model
* This indicates that each time you create a record within the model that
this work will create a record in the table rings. If two models were
related, then take into account whether a record is created in either the
creation of a ring. And in the 2 models should be associated with this
variable by calling Acl

function parentNode()
* Used to be an association between parent model (hasMany) and child
* Used to assign permissions to users and groups.
* Must return null, or the value node ACO / ARO
* Also remember to use the $ this- data, which is receiving value

function bindNode()
* If you use to assign permissions to groups only
* It uses the User model
* You must be assigned as a variable parameter which is equivalent to $
this- data as it receives data.
* The parameter assigned, you can call by:
  $param[$this-alias] o $param['name_model']['associated_field']
  name_model, ej. ['User'] (remember uppercase )
  associated_field, ex. ['group_id'], which has indicated in the Db

*Gets the ACL node of the model used and returns
*It you must set the id of the model, then you can use node ()

*It is used in the model
*Represents the model used
*Do not use if you are representing another model
*You can also use ['name_model']

*It is used in the controller
*This indicates the relationship of father and son beforeFilter () in

$this-Acl-check( $aro, $aco, $action = '*');
*The third parameter is optional and can be changed to permit default value
is *
*Return value boolean (TRUE/FALSE)

*Verify that the user has created a session
*To collect user information
 Ex. $session-read('Auth.User.field');
field can be changed to show a specific field
Yes. Field is not added, to compile all possible information

*It is used in the controller
*Used as a find, to get data from the database of a specific field
For more information:!/es/view/1265/Atributos-de-AuthComponent

*Differences between using parentNode () y bindNode ()
*Unlike content parentNode () parent-child model
*Using the checkhelper () y AccessHelper

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Re: Why is this better?

2011-09-10 Thread Sam Sherlock
its a balance; the code you posted is readable and concise

making links elements generally will add complexity to the simple and common
(and varied task) of adding links

when your link element has the ability to handle the various options it will
be quite complex and the code will be less
readable and also harder to adjust (the code to putput the link is going to
be about the same). Plus it add no real advantage

when you have a generic nature to a block of markup and vary parts within
eg a piece of gallery content that contains a few divs  and a h3 and a link
with and image

 - S

On 10 September 2011 13:12, elija wrote:

 I'm going through the blog tutorial and have found myself wondering

 ?php echo $this-Html-link($post['Post']['title'],
 array('controller' = 'posts', 'action' = 'view', $post['Post']
 ['id'])); ?

 is better than writing an a element?

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