Re: Render ho/ho

2008-01-07 Thread Enchy

I am not trying to get the $id in the view, but in the email

On Jan 4, 6:09 pm, Robby Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe I mistook the question, but couldn't you just do this in your

 $this-controller-set('emailID', $id);

 ... and then be able to refer to $emailID in the rendered view?

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Render ho/ho

2008-01-04 Thread Enchy


I am trying to figure out howto change this:

Into this:

I would like to render a page with an action attached to it.
But I get this:

You are seeing this error because the view for
OperatorsController::email/19() could not be found.

If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/

Fatal: Confirm you have created the file : /usr/www/users/devserver/

Is it possible?

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No Html Tables

2007-05-23 Thread Enchy


I looked at and they dont use any tables in their html.
I would like to do the same with my site but with cakephp
Cakephp has this for tables:
 echo $html-

Do they have  a function for div rows like this or do I have to do it


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Re: Why do I have to define this?

2007-05-19 Thread Enchy

Thank you very much, Im still new to baking the cake and this is
making it much simpler

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Deleting from multiple not happening

2007-05-19 Thread Enchy

Hi, I am in a bit of a  pickle , I have to finish this today and I
have no idea why its not working

I have a students table and then a tracking table.
The tracking table  stores the ids of the student being tracked and
the person tracking the student.

When a stdent gets deleted I also want the entries in tracking

Are these models correct?

class Student extends AppModel
var $name = 'Student';
var $useTable = 'Students';

 var $hasmany = array(
'Tracking' =
array('className' = 'Tracking',
'foreignKey' = 'uid',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'dependent' = 'true',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''




class Tracking extends AppModel
var $name = 'Tracking';
var $useTable = 'Tracking';

 var $belongsTo = array(
'Student' =
array('className' = 'Student',
'foreignKey' = 'id',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'counterCache' = ''



Thanks in advance

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Re: Deleting from multiple not happening

2007-05-19 Thread Enchy

Oops  'dependent' = 'true',
that shoud be  'dependent' = true,

Its still not working though.

What do I need in my Controller?

 var $name = 'Students';
var $uses = array('Student', 'Tracking');
   function delete($id)


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Printing Variable in thtml

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy


I have looked in the htmlhelper api and cant find anything for this.

echo   $html-input('Order/dateoforder', array('size' = '53')

Htmlhelper just echos form elements I just want echo the value of
Order/dateoforder onscreen.
How do I do this, I looked in the API but cant find it.


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Want to add sum to sql

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy

  var $belongsTo = array( 'Orderitem' =
 array('className' = 'Orderitem',
   'conditions'= '',
   'order' = 'item ASC',
   'limit' = '',
   'foreignKey'= 'id',
   'dependent' = true,
   'exclusive' = false,
   'finderQuery'   = ' '


Hi I cant find this anywhere.  how do you add a custom query after
SELECT statement.
I just want to add SUM()price as totalprice

  'finderQuery'   = 'SELECT item,price,quantity,SUM(price) as
oidPrice FROM Orderitems '
I tried this but it just executes it without the finder.   How do you
include finder into this?

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Re: Want to add sum to sql

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy


i endend up creating a  really quick and dirty helper

 function _gettotal ($oid)

$total = '';
$sql = SELECT price,quantity FROM Orderitems where oid='$oid';

$rst= mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rst))

$total += $row['quantity']*$row['price'];


//$total = $this-Orderitems-findBySql(SELECT SUM(price) as total
FROM Orderitems where oid='$oid' );

return $total;


Can someone help me tidy it up with cakephp style coding please.
that uncommented line does not work.

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Re: Printing Variable in thtml

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy

Thanks alot.

  ?php echo $data['0'['Order']['dateoforder']; ?

I had to ad a ['0']

On May 18, 2:53 pm, Jon Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have looked in the htmlhelper api and cant find anything for this.

  echo   $html-input('Order/dateoforder', array('size' = '53')

  Htmlhelper just echos form elements I just want echo the value of
  Order/dateoforder onscreen.
  How do I do this, I looked in the API but cant find it.

 assuming you've set the data to the view in your controller like so:

 $this-set('data', $this-data);

 this will give you a variable $data in your view, so you can get to
 dateoforder like so:

 ?php echo $data['Order']['dateoforder']; ?

 on a side note, to help you with rapid prototyping with Scaffolding or
 using the Bake functionality, you might want to follow database naming
 conventions more, by using _ underscores in table names/field names,
 like so:

 date_of_order rather than dateoforder

 this would mean when using scaffolding, Cake will be able to make the
 field name into a human readable name, eg: Date of order, it can't do
 that without the underscores.




 jon bennett
 t: +44 (0) 1225 341 039 w:
 iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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Re: Want to add sum to sql

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy

I actually do need this in my model cause I need to sort it by total
in the column, so findall is of no use.
I need this in my main sql query.  I have seen a guy ask this same
question in 2006 and never got a reply.

On May 18, 2:56 pm, Sliv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How to use sql functions in 

 On May 18, 8:45 am, Enchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

var $belongsTo = array( 'Orderitem' =
   array('className' = 'Orderitem',
 'conditions'= '',
 'order' = 'item ASC',
 'limit' = '',
 'foreignKey'= 'id',
 'dependent' = true,
 'exclusive' = false,
 'finderQuery'   = ' '


  Hi I cant find this anywhere.  how do you add a custom query after
  SELECT statement.
  I just want to add SUM()price as totalprice

'finderQuery'   = 'SELECT item,price,quantity,SUM(price) as
  oidPrice FROM Orderitems '
  I tried this but it just executes it without the finder.   How do you
  include finder into this?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: Want to add sum to sql

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy

Ugh Sliv that is why Im asking what do I use instead of Findall in
Where do I read up on what functions to use in a helper because the
cakephp functions are not working.

On May 18, 3:16 pm, Sliv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cakephp style coding would be to not grab data from your db using php
 mysql functions in a view helper...I'd recommend reading up on the
 manual and some basic tutorials about cake, mvc, etc.

 On May 18, 9:13 am, Enchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  i endend up creating a  really quick and dirty helper

   function _gettotal ($oid)

  $total = '';
  $sql = SELECT price,quantity FROM Orderitems where oid='$oid';

  $rst= mysql_query($sql) or die($sql.mysql_error());

  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rst))

  $total += $row['quantity']*$row['price'];


  //$total = $this-Orderitems-findBySql(SELECT SUM(price) as total
  FROM Orderitems where oid='$oid' );

  return $total;


  Can someone help me tidy it up with cakephp style coding please.
  that uncommented line does not work.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Why do I have to define this?

2007-05-18 Thread Enchy

$this-set('telephone',$this-Order-findBySql(SELECT tel FROM
suppliers WHERE id='$id'));

echo $telephone[0][suppliers][tel];

When I do this it moans that I have to define suppliers and tel

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Re: money_format?

2007-05-17 Thread Enchy

R.number_format($output['Order']['total'], 2, '.', ' ')

On May 17, 5:36 pm, Enchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 money_format doesnt work when I run it in CakePHP
 Is there any alternative I can use?


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Quick Dum Question

2007-05-15 Thread Enchy

What do I change to this to get sname in my while loop?

class Order extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Order';

var $belongsTo = array('Customer' =
 array('className' = 'Customer',
   'conditions'= '',
   'order' = 'name ASC',
   'limit' = '',
   'foreignKey'= 'customer_id',
   'dependent' = true,
   'exclusive' = false,
   'finderQuery'   = ''
  'Supplier' =
 array('className' = 'Supplier',
   'conditions'= '',
   'order' = 'sname ASC',
   'limit' = '',
   'foreignKey'= 'supplier_id',
   'dependent' = true,
   'exclusive' = false,
   'finderQuery'   = ''



 function index() {

list($order,$limit,$page) = $this-Pagination-
init($criteria); // Added
$data = $this-Order-findAll($criteria, NULL, $order, $limit,
$page); // Extra parameters added

$pagination-setPaging($paging); // Initialize the pagination
$th = array (
$pagination-sortBy(' ')
); // Generate the pagination sort links
echo $html-tableHeaders($th); // Create the table headers with sort
links if desired

foreach ($data as $output)
$tr = array (

$html-link($output['Order']['ordernum'], /Orders/Edit/
$html-link(Delete, /Orders/Delete/{$output['Order']
['id']},null,'Are you sure?')

echo $html-

I tried playing around with findall but Im not sure how to print it by
output and orderby?


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Delete function dont work after specifying Database

2007-05-08 Thread Enchy


I had to specify my Database for my one app in Cake because it had
uppercase letters
Now all my other apps work and are exactly the same.
When I want to delete something with this particular app I get a error
saying that the controller is missing which is not.  Has anybody had
this same problem?


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Fancy File Delete

2007-05-08 Thread Enchy


I have made a table called files.  its for a uploader .
You upload the files and details about the files get stored in

The name of file gets stored in column name in files table
The files are stored in a directory called files

I would like to know what I add to this function to delete the file.
Is there a built in function in cakephp for this or should I just use

  function delete($id)



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Passing variables in URl

2007-05-07 Thread Enchy


New to this.

How do you pass variables in the URL in cakephp

Is this how you do it?

and how do you print it in thml files
? echo $name; ?


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Re: Passing variables in URl

2007-05-07 Thread Enchy

Oh nvm I discovered the set function.

But now I have another problem , it blurts out an error if I dont send
a variable.
Does anybody have solution for this?


On May 7, 3:54 pm, Enchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 New to this.

 How do you pass variables in the URL in cakephp

 Is this how you do it?

 and how do you print it in thml files
 ? echo $name; ?


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HOwto check session in thtml

2007-05-03 Thread Enchy


New to this .  HOw do I check session in thtml
 if (!$this-Session-check('User'))
That does not work.

I am putting this at the top of default.thml  for a logout button.


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Re: Sessions not carying over?

2007-05-02 Thread Enchy

Ok this is my login page:

When I redirect to:
I can print the session onscreen, so this means its working.

But the moment I goto
/admin/   The root of the site then the session does not appear.

Anybody got a solution for this?

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Re: Sessions not carying over?

2007-05-02 Thread Enchy

I finally got it working.  Cakephp was deleting my session everytime I
went to login page somehow.
I dont have delete session in the controller

class UsersController extends AppController
  var $name = 'Users';
var $scaffold;

 function index() {

function login()

   $error = false;

$success = false;

   if (!empty($this-data))

 $someone = $this-User-findByUsername($this-

if(md5($this-data['User']['password']) ==
$success = true;

 $this-Session-write('User', $someone['User']);
return true;

$this-Session-setFlash(Login Failed);


  $this-set('error', $error);

function logout()
$this-Session-setFlash('Logged out');
return true;


Does Cakephp preload functions or something?

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Capital Letters in Database Tables

2007-05-01 Thread Enchy


I see that CAkephp only works with tables that are name in lowercase.
I have existing table Students and I really dont want to rename , how
can I use These tables in Cake?


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Re: Capital Letters in Database Tables

2007-05-01 Thread Enchy

Thank you , very new to cake, and couldn't find it through search.

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Sessions not carying over?

2007-05-01 Thread Enchy


I have created to controllers and they use two different tables each.
These two controllers are basically copies of each other.
I logged in and it goes to the first controller but when I go to
second controller it says im not logged in anymore.

Im using phpgacl:

[code]  var $gacl = array(
'get' = array (
'type' = 'callback',
'value' = '_getUser'
'denied' = array (
'type' = 'redirect',
'value' = '/users/login'


var $name = 'Students'; // for PHP4 installs
var $components = array
('Pagination','Mailer','PhpGacl','Session'); // Added
//var $components = array ('Pagination','Mailer'); // Added

var $helpers = array('Pagination'); // Added

  function _getUser()
if ($this-Session-check('User'))
return $this-Session-read('User');

return false;
} [/code]

I even tried $this-Session-check('User') on second controller but
still doesn't register that session
What could cause this to happen?

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Re: Sessions not carying over?

2007-05-01 Thread Enchy

Ok here is my problem.

This is my login controller:

 $this-Session-write('User', $someone['User']);

  $test = $this-Session-check('User');
 $this-Session-setFlash(bs $test);

return true;

This flash  bs 1

Here is where I redirect
  function index() {
$test = $this-Session-check('User');
 $this-Session-setFlash(bs $test);

this bs 

So it does not keep the session when I redirect

I call this in my components
var $components = array
('Pagination','Mailer','PhpGacl','Session'); // Added

Is it maybe cause Im going down a directory? $this-redirect('../');

Im new to cakephp and would just like this simple login form to work.
I can do this in 5 minutes without capkephp.


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Re: SWFupload

2007-04-23 Thread Enchy

Got it work thanks

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2007-04-22 Thread Enchy


I need some help with SWFupload for cakephp.
Installed it here
The bottom form is a normal straightforward uploader.
When you upload something with that it works and you can see results.
The top one is the fancy flash uploader but it pretends to be working
but when I View results there is nothing.  I really don't know what
todo or look for.  Also don't know how I can debug this thing.

Please help.


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Re: PHPmailer

2007-03-27 Thread Enchy


Thanks for advise , I know I have to brush up on my OOP even though I
been programming PHP for over 5 years I still battle with it.

I am actually following the tutorial I found at cakephp and thats
directly copied out.

Im calling in Cakephp like this:

 var $components = array ('Pagination','Mailer'); // Added

Ok Im getting it to work now. The tutorial was not correct.

Thanks for comments

On Mar 26, 4:38 pm, Brian Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You won't need to use $this- when calling it from a controller.

 You'll probably need to do something like:

 $mailer = new Mailer;
 $mailer-AddAddress('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

 I suggest brushing up on PHP OOP techniques. The book PHP 5 Objects,
 Patterns, and Practice by Zandstra is a great way to familiarize
 yourself with this sort of thing. I promise it will make your life a
 lot easier when you attempt to develop programs in CakePHP.

 On 3/26/07, Daniel Pape [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is $this-Mailer an instance of class.phpmailer??

  2007/3/26,Enchy[EMAIL PROTECTED]:


   I installed phpmailer

   Calling it like the tutorial says:

   And then error:
   Call to undefined function: addaddress() in /usr/www/users/struts/cake/
   app/controllers/hunters_controller.php on line 37

   line 37:
   $this-Mailer-AddAddress('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

   I can't figure out why.  I coppied phpmailer to vendors??
   Also tried copying it to both vendors directories.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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2007-03-26 Thread Enchy


I installed phpmailer

Calling it like the tutorial says:

And then error:
Call to undefined function: addaddress() in /usr/www/users/struts/cake/
app/controllers/hunters_controller.php on line 37

line 37:
 $this-Mailer-AddAddress('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

I can't figure out why.  I coppied phpmailer to vendors??
Also tried copying it to both vendors directories.

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