Re: PHP Code in Database

2012-08-11 Thread djogo
A safer alternative to eval() would be to store in the database the object 
name, the method and the arguments, so you can use call_user_func().

I highly recommend you to whitelists the allowed calls (that is, make a 
list of possible objects and methods that can be called).

I had a similar need once, but I stored code in XML. If you allow users to 
input code that will be run, you're allowing them to mysql_query('DROP 
DATABASE BLABLA'); to say the least. 

Take care!


On Friday, August 10, 2012 5:20:36 AM UTC-3, Sanjeev Divekar wrote:


 I am developing CMS which need to execute some php code e.g. ?php echo 
 $this-element('helpbox'); ? which is stored in database.

 I tried 
 file_put_contents ('tempfile.tmp',$this-fetch('content'));
 in layout which works

 but any better Idea?


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Re: Custom model association column

2012-02-25 Thread djogo
Hello all,

Your suggestions would work, however I`m trying to get a shortcut here
= eliminating the Subject.

is there any way that we could specify a join condition, like

'hasMany' = array(
 'model' = 'Contents',
 'join' = 'Contents.subject_id = HospitalAdmission.subject_id'



On Feb 22, 6:16 am, Stephen Speakman
 Something i need to bear in mind when mapping my models, no joining
 between two connections.

 Could you not find a behaviour to create a temporary table as a very
 last resort?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 21 Feb 2012, at 21:37, jeremyharris wrote:

  Does Containable not work?

  $this-HospitalAdmission-find('all', array(
    'contain' = array(
      'Subject' = array(
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Re: Am I Violating MVC?

2011-05-20 Thread djogo

 What does '3' mean? Let's go and look in the code - oops, I don't know how 

not only this. Suppose you need to add the #4 record - or maybe change
something on the #3.

the array datasource is, IMO, the right answer for this problem. It
allows to keep the data where it belongs, in the M of MVC. however, as
jeremy pointed out, if your data is going to live outside cakephp,
problems arise.

Sometimes, for this kind of problem, I use varchar keys, so instead of
having autoincremental ids, I have readable things. InnoDB is ok with
that, and performance in a 500Mb database is good. Don't mentioning
the code - it's SO much better to write

$data = $this-Model-find('all', array( 'conditions' =
array( 'type_id' = 'unconfirmed' ) ) );

than 'type_id' = 1.

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Re: Am I Violating MVC?

2011-05-19 Thread djogo
I think it depends whether you store this value in the database or

If you do, the right thing is to create a table and then accessing it
by a model. For a very good reason, in big projects you don't want to
lose time thinking is it a table or a array within a controller? in
which controller is it?.

Also, if this value is used in the database, later you may want to
write a single query to retrieve this data, and run this query on the
console (or a backup script, e.g.) and suddenly you realized that that
tied you to cakephp.

If you think that's the best solution (to keep this data as an array),
the ideal solution (in my mind) would be to have a Model which access
this array instead of a database table. If you only need it for drop
boxes, maybe this:


class Gender // extends nothing
  var $data = array( 'M' = 'Male', 'F' = 'Female' );

  function find($type,$opt=null)
if ( $type='list' ) return $data;
throw new exception( find('$type') in bogus model isn't supported
- maybe it's time to use a real table. );


I know, it's ugly, but what's the upside of all this coding? All data
in accessible by models, and you didn't wrote a lot of database tables
that will never change.

I would love proper support of virtual models that access data on a
CSV, static array, etc.


On 18 maio, 15:46, Jason Mitchell wrote:
 I have in a controller an array containing data used on the view to populate
 a drop down. I put it on the controller, so the array could be used by
 multiple views associated with that controller (create, edit). Additionally,
 it means that if I do ever have to change it, I just have to change it once
 (yup, lazy).

 Because the data is relatively static, and is used in only isolated
 instances, it didn't seem to be worth the effort of creating a model for
 that data, and establishing a relationship between models. And, putting it
 on the controller, worked.

 Admittedly, I'm new to MVC, but this really doesn't seem to jive definition.
 Am I doing something wrong?  If so, how would one but this on the model,
 short of some sort of association with another model?

 J. Mitchell

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Re: conversion of mysql query to cakephp query

2010-11-27 Thread djogo
Miles, that would require SELECTing the value of balance beforehand.

I [1] thought that

$model-save( array('id'='1','balance'='-!balance+5') );

would work, but it didn't in my cake1.3.3


On 26 nov, 23:29, Miles J wrote:
 $this-id = 1;
 $this-save(array('balance' = $balance - 5));

 On Nov 26, 12:58 am, Vivi Vivi wrote:

  On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Biplab Subedi wrote:
   Help me in converting this mysql query to cakephp query

   $query=UPDATE tbl_user SET balance=(balance-5) WHERE  id='1;

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Re: CakePHP high CPU utilization

2010-10-24 Thread djogo
its hard to say... you might check which processes the CPUs are
running. I'm not familiar with sar, but top and ps let you know which
are the processes consuming most CPU/memory.

if it's httpd, then you're right, cakephp is consuming all those cpu
cycles. alas, you may check for invalid redirections - I once had this
faulty app that kept on redirecting endlessly to the same page, and it
went just like your machine did.

i'm running 10 cakephp apps on production level (~30.000 hits/day)
since the days of cake 1.1 and, except for the above, never had any
problem like yours.


On 23 out, 14:49, airween wrote:
 Hello Cake Users,

 I'm new in Cake - exactly I'm not a Cake user/developer, I'm a system

 System is a LAMP enviroment, hardware is a HP DL380, with two CPU,
 every CPU has 2 cores.

 I've a site since few weeks ago - since then the CPU utilization isn't
 above 100%, but usually over 200%.

 I've created a controller, which does nothing: it contains just a
 simple index() method, which's empty. Also I configured the routes,
 and when I get the URL:


 the default layout rendered, which has a header and a footer.

 I tested this controller on an another HW, which has 8 core; the
 client was ab (apache benchmark), and until the test I've monitored
 the system:

 sar -P ALL 1 1000

 (client: ab -n 100 -c 100  http://mysite/foo)

 Until the test sar reported this values:

 19.27.17        CPU     %user     %nice   %system   %iowait
 %steal     %idle
 19.27.18        all     88,38      0,00     10,88      0,00
 0,00      0,75
 19.27.18          0     89,00      0,00      9,00      0,00
 0,00      2,00
 19.27.18          1     83,00      0,00     17,00      0,00
 0,00      0,00
 19.27.18          2     91,00      0,00      9,00      0,00
 0,00      0,00
 19.27.18          3     90,00      0,00     10,00      0,00
 0,00      0,00
 19.27.18          4     90,10      0,00      9,90      0,00
 0,00      0,00
 19.27.18          5     86,87      0,00     13,13      0,00
 0,00      0,00
 19.27.18          6     91,00      0,00      9,00      0,00
 0,00      0,00
 19.27.18          7     87,00      0,00     10,00      0,00
 0,00      3,00

 When test has finished, the %user has gone 0,00, and %idle about 99,9%

 On that machine another MVC frameworks and another sites (CMS's)
 (which uses Codeigniter, Drupal...) I _can't_ create this effect.

 I don't use .htaccess.

 Cake version is 1.2.8, I downloaded it today.

 What could be the problem?

 Thank you:


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Re: Countries, States and Cities: Which relations i'm dealing with?

2010-08-25 Thread djogo
I'd put capital_id fields on tables contry and state. I don't like
having a field that is 0 most of the time.

Or, if you want to model countries like the netherlands or south
africa, that have administrative, legislative and financial (i guess)
capitais in different cities , you should have a country_capitals


On 24 ago, 22:03, cricket wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:57 PM, DerBjörn wrote:
  Thanks j,

  for your example and your suggestions.
  I think I will go with the tinyint. What about the idea to use
  is_state_capital and is_capital? Wouldnt this solve the problem?

 This looks like it's getting really complicated for nothing. These
 tinyint columns seem like a bad hack. As I mentioned earlier, you can
 do this simply with virtual models, NationalCapital and StateCapital.
 Each would use classname City.

  Can a city be capital of a country and not of its state? I dont think
  so. Can it? cause then one tinyint with 1 as state capital and 2 as
  capital of country would be enough. and an unique key(state_id,

 Of course it can. Ottawa is a good example. Toronto is the Ontario
 provincial capital.

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Re: Performance Problems using remote database

2010-08-13 Thread djogo
jmn2k1, sometimes even the network routing messes with database access
speed... We had a problem in which every request passed by the
firewall, even to our own servers! The firewall couldn't handle the
traffic, therefore everything (internet and intranet access) was so

On Aug 13, 11:17 am, jmn2k1 wrote:
 Not necessarily your case but once I had a similar problem, it turns
 out I was using a hostname for the database server that need to do a
 DNS checkout and hence slow the app down. If you're using the ip then
 this is not the case.

 On Aug 12, 10:14 am, Thiago Elias wrote:

  Hey Guys..

  Thanks everyone for the answers.. I'll try them all here today, and I'll
  post the results soon as possible..

  2010/8/12 djogo

   Hi Thiago,

   I would try to replicate the entire system (lampp + your app +
   database) in other server and check whether the slowness is due to
   the server or not. You may also replicate a legacy PHP app, as you
   call it, to check if it works well too. This replicated server will
   allow you to test other experiments without jeopardizing your real
   production data.

   If the performance in the replicated server is equivalent to your
   original one, check if its something in the cakephp lib. Create a
   controller that doesn't use any models at all. If it's also slow, than
   the problem is something about your cake, or its configuration. If
   it's not, then it's probably your database.

   Then you can start thinking about database optimization. Is all
   queries slow? Try a simple SELECT 1 FROM DUAL in the legacy PHP and
   in cakePHP. how many milisseconds each one takes (test both on the
   browser)? Is AppController-beforeFilter doing something that may be
   slowing down your queries?

   Turn debug to 2 and for each query that it reports, check how much
   time is it taking (it's right beside the query name). Try to run the
   same query on the database directly and check if the timing is

   When my apps turn slow, I always think of the DB. Sometimes, it's just
   a matter of creating the right indexes - for instance, if you run
   SELECT marafo_id, count(*) from naosei group by marafo_id, it'll be
   really slow when you have lots (100K) of rows and the grouped column
   is not indexed. A simple CREATE INDEX index_naosei_marafo_id ON
   naosei (marafo_id); would solve this problem.

   Well, keep us all informed about these results. I'm very interested
   because every once in a while I (and may I add, everybody =]) run into
   this kind of problem too.


   On 11 ago, 22:29, Thiago Elias wrote:
Hi All,

Since two or three months ago (more or less), I'm experiencing some
involving CakePHP.

In the past, our application was using a local database connection, and
performance was really nice and acceptable. Some months ago, we had to
migrate the application to another server, separating the Data and the

After this change, I've lost performance in my cake App. Each request
around 10 ~ 15 seconds, and before, was 2 ~ 3,5 secs.
The interesting thing is: The other legacy PHP Apps are 100% fast, and
other cakeAPPs are fast too, but the difference is: My main cake app 
one that lost performance) have 80 innoDB Tables and 20 views. (used to
to another databases).

I'm using CakePHP 1.2.7, PHP 5.2. And in the Database Server, MySQL
Our network infrastructure is really fast, and ping response between
is really nice.

Does anyone knows why I'm losing performance just in this App when
to a remote server ?! I'm using CakePHP Debug, and ~85% of the time 
the request is lost in the CORE, and not in the app. (The core is the
of the other cakeApps..)

Please help-me (and sorry for my bad english).

Thiago Elias

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Re: Performance Problems using remote database

2010-08-12 Thread djogo
Hi Thiago,

I would try to replicate the entire system (lampp + your app +
database) in other server and check whether the slowness is due to
the server or not. You may also replicate a legacy PHP app, as you
call it, to check if it works well too. This replicated server will
allow you to test other experiments without jeopardizing your real
production data.

If the performance in the replicated server is equivalent to your
original one, check if its something in the cakephp lib. Create a
controller that doesn't use any models at all. If it's also slow, than
the problem is something about your cake, or its configuration. If
it's not, then it's probably your database.

Then you can start thinking about database optimization. Is all
queries slow? Try a simple SELECT 1 FROM DUAL in the legacy PHP and
in cakePHP. how many milisseconds each one takes (test both on the
browser)? Is AppController-beforeFilter doing something that may be
slowing down your queries?

Turn debug to 2 and for each query that it reports, check how much
time is it taking (it's right beside the query name). Try to run the
same query on the database directly and check if the timing is

When my apps turn slow, I always think of the DB. Sometimes, it's just
a matter of creating the right indexes - for instance, if you run
SELECT marafo_id, count(*) from naosei group by marafo_id, it'll be
really slow when you have lots (100K) of rows and the grouped column
is not indexed. A simple CREATE INDEX index_naosei_marafo_id ON
naosei (marafo_id); would solve this problem.

Well, keep us all informed about these results. I'm very interested
because every once in a while I (and may I add, everybody =]) run into
this kind of problem too.


On 11 ago, 22:29, Thiago Elias wrote:
 Hi All,

 Since two or three months ago (more or less), I'm experiencing some problems
 involving CakePHP.

 In the past, our application was using a local database connection, and
 performance was really nice and acceptable. Some months ago, we had to
 migrate the application to another server, separating the Data and the Apps.

 After this change, I've lost performance in my cake App. Each request takes
 around 10 ~ 15 seconds, and before, was 2 ~ 3,5 secs.
 The interesting thing is: The other legacy PHP Apps are 100% fast, and even
 other cakeAPPs are fast too, but the difference is: My main cake app (the
 one that lost performance) have 80 innoDB Tables and 20 views. (used to link
 to another databases).

 I'm using CakePHP 1.2.7, PHP 5.2. And in the Database Server, MySQL Server
 Our network infrastructure is really fast, and ping response between servers
 is really nice.

 Does anyone knows why I'm losing performance just in this App when connected
 to a remote server ?! I'm using CakePHP Debug, and ~85% of the time spent in
 the request is lost in the CORE, and not in the app. (The core is the same
 of the other cakeApps..)

 Please help-me (and sorry for my bad english).

 Thiago Elias

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Re: cake 1.3.2 wants to be too smart

2010-07-17 Thread djogo
Cricket, that was what you meant?

If so, yeah, that would do it, with just a tweak on beforeSave. Good

AD7six, I solved my problem by, alas, giving it up and writing
everything on beforeSave. I'll check if it has been already ticketed
and maybe write a patch to try and solve this problem.

However, I think it's a MySQL issue. I don't have any idea if this
discussion applies to other DBs like postgreSQL, Firebird, as I don't
have much knowledge of these.

On 17 jul, 12:26, AD7six wrote:
 On Jul 16, 6:08 pm, djogo wrote:

  yeah, it's so stupidly easy to do it in MySQL, it's a shame that I
  have to write any code at all in beforeSave() to accomplish the same


  Maybe the model could have a no-mess-field-list, or fields that will
  be left alone when saving or updating.

 If you're writing any code at all to fix this issue it should be in a
 test case and patch. Cake's goal is to not repeat code/process-logic
 that includes not doing something in php which you're already doing/
 capable of doing in the DB layer (and it's just a consequence of
 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not being understood correctly). If you already
 ticketed this please link to it from this thread.


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Re: cake 1.3.2 wants to be too smart

2010-07-16 Thread djogo
yeah, it's so stupidly easy to do it in MySQL, it's a shame that I
have to write any code at all in beforeSave() to accomplish the same


Maybe the model could have a no-mess-field-list, or fields that will
be left alone when saving or updating.

On 15 jul, 03:30, Grzegorz Pawlik wrote:
 Ofcourse I could, but I don't like to repeat myself. If I have this
 functionality in DB - I don't want to implement it in my scipts.

 This is not about that I can not continue because of that cake behavior. I
 can get a simple workaround working. This is more about concepts, principles
 behind cake and undocumented(?) behaviors.

 On 15 July 2010 06:33, Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit wrote:
  I don't know if this would work for you and your set up, but could you
  populate and set the timestamp from within Cake using the date() function
  instead of relying on the database?

  Jeremy Burns
  Class Outfit

  On 15 Jul 2010, at 05:26, djogo wrote:

   Yes, this kind of suck. I wanted to have both created_at and
   updated_at fields, which I remember being trivial at mysql, but cake
   doesnt allow you to:

   - have two or more timestamp fields
   - name your timestamp field whatever you want

   On 13 jul, 04:11, Grzegorz Pawlik wrote:
   That's not what I'm asking about. Lets say I NEED to use TIMESTAMP and
   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value, and in that case cakePHP

   On Jul 13, 7:04 am, Walther wrote:

   I've never seen that problem before...

   Cake offers the same functionality, it is well documented in every
   book. Basically you crater a field called created or updated as a
   datetime, default null and cake will populate it automatically.

   On Jul 12, 5:02 pm, Grzegorz Pawlik wrote:

   just switching from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2 got me into trouble, when I have
   field specified as:

     `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

   and don't supply any value for that field in array I try to save ,
   neither a key in
   1.3.0 it's working as desired - I get current timestamp in that field,
   1.3.2 tries looks that's it not null field, and read default value
   (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ant unfortunatelly polupulates this array with
   that pair of key/val:
   which is basically stupid for two reasons, I think:
   1. It tries to duplicate database mechanisms which are working just
   fine (when no value - use default value, no need to to that:
   if no value, check what's default value defined in database and
   explicitly save data with that value)
   2. It makes CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not working

   is there a way to turn that behavior off?

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 Grzegorz Pawlik
 695 146 983

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Re: cake 1.3.2 wants to be too smart

2010-07-14 Thread djogo

Yes, this kind of suck. I wanted to have both created_at and
updated_at fields, which I remember being trivial at mysql, but cake
doesnt allow you to:

- have two or more timestamp fields
- name your timestamp field whatever you want

On 13 jul, 04:11, Grzegorz Pawlik wrote:
 That's not what I'm asking about. Lets say I NEED to use TIMESTAMP and
 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value, and in that case cakePHP

 On Jul 13, 7:04 am, Walther wrote:

  I've never seen that problem before...

  Cake offers the same functionality, it is well documented in every
  book. Basically you crater a field called created or updated as a
  datetime, default null and cake will populate it automatically.

  On Jul 12, 5:02 pm, Grzegorz Pawlik wrote:

   just switching from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2 got me into trouble, when I have
   field specified as:

     `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

   and don't supply any value for that field in array I try to save ,
   neither a key in
   1.3.0 it's working as desired - I get current timestamp in that field,
   1.3.2 tries looks that's it not null field, and read default value
   (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ant unfortunatelly polupulates this array with
   that pair of key/val:
   which is basically stupid for two reasons, I think:
   1. It tries to duplicate database mechanisms which are working just
   fine (when no value - use default value, no need to to that:
   if no value, check what's default value defined in database and
   explicitly save data with that value)
   2. It makes CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not working

   is there a way to turn that behavior off?

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Re: Change __() default behavior

2010-03-23 Thread djogo

I asked the same thing some time ago, in this thread (couldn't find
googlegroups link, sorry)

Somebody said it was in the developer's plans, but still...

I thought about creating ___(), but it's a lot of keystrokes. Also,
I'm not sure whether the string extraction script would work that way,
and that's one of the good things about _() or __().

Is it possible to undefine __() [ or maybe _() ] and redefine it in
boostrap.php (pun intended) ? I think it would be better.

On Mar 23, 12:52 am, xtraorange wrote:
 Thanks!  :)

 (I liked boostrap.php better, but I followed what you were
 saying.  :P)

 On Mar 22, 10:23 pm, nurvzy wrote:

  Whops... boostrap.php = bootstrap.php

  Just incase you were confused. lol


  On Mar 22, 9:21 pm, nurvzy wrote:

   Put it in app/config/boostrap.php

   You'll have access to it throughout your app.

   On Mar 22, 8:06 pm, xtraorange wrote:

That's actually exactly what I was just thinking of doing, lol.

The only thing I can't find... where am I supposed to place a function
that I want available both on the control and view levels?

On Mar 22, 8:59 pm, Gonzalo Servat wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:44 PM, xtraorange 
  Howdy all,

  This should be a quick one:
  Is there any way, without editing the cake core (so that upgrades 
  easy), to switch the default behavior of __() from by default 
  to by default returning?  I find that 99% of the time, I don't want 
  to echo, and it's annoying to add the true parameter in there every
  single time.

 What about creating a new function like ___() that calls __() with 
 the true


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Re: disabling cache when a user is logged

2010-02-01 Thread djogo
Euromark, I think that __construct is the first thing that runs in Any
class, so sessions are avaliable in all methods.

I thought of using it at bootstrap, but there the session is

On 31 jan, 20:29, euromark wrote:
 this will never work
 the session is initialized in __construct() of the app controller
 therefore not available until beforeFilter() in any controller

 the session will not be present at that time yet
 or am i mistaken?

 On 31 Jan., 22:09, majna wrote: dirty way (not tested)
  in app/config/bootstrap.php

  check if user is logged in, like:

  if (isset($_SESSION['User']['id])) {
     Configure::write('Cache.check', false);


  On Jan 31, 11:32 am, Lorenzo Bettini wrote:


   in my AppController I've enabled cache for view and index actions and
   they work fine.

   Now, I'd like to disable cache when a user is logged, since in that case
   additional information are shown that must not be cached.

   Thus I added the method

           function beforeRender() {
                   if ($this-is_logged_user()) {
                           // disable cache when the user is logged, since 
   some information
                           // must NOT be cached, e.g., private papers
                           $this-cacheAction = array();

   where is_logged_user is a function that checks whether a user is logged.

   This works in the sense that no cache is used when a user is browsing
   the site.  However, if the user visits an action page which has already
   been cached then he will get the cached page, which I want to avoid as
   well...  is there a way to avoid this?

   I've also tried with $this-disableCache() but that does not work.

   The only solution I see is to clear the cache, but I'd want to avoid 

   thanks in advance

   Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino

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Re: how to call Model1-find(all) from Model2 Controller

2010-01-20 Thread djogo
Yes, but, why is uses evil? The post simply says dont use it, and
not explains why, or when it's adviseable to.

I presume,by the post title, that that's because it's slow. How slow?


On 19 jan, 04:47, Walther wrote:
 Never use $uses unless you really really really have too. See 

 Rather use $this-loadModel or ClassRegistry::init

 On Jan 18, 12:34 pm, djogo wrote:

  Class usercontroller extends appcontroller
     Var $uses=array( 'Users','Projects');


  Then you can use


  On 17 jan, 08:10, codef0rmer wrote:

   thx guys. Finally, it worked :)
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Re: how to execute this query with cakephp

2010-01-18 Thread djogo
When you run a query like this, you're violating MVC practise. I'd

$x = $model-find()

To keep things were they're supposed to be, otherwise sometimes
queries are at the model, sometimes at controller, next thing you know
you're writing stored procedures; and that's a nightmare. Of course,
sometimes you need speed, so I'd
Write a method like wyrihaximus did.

On 18 jan, 07:55, WyriHaximus wrote:
 Afaik not thats why I wrote this function for in my appModel a while

 On Jan 18, 2:52 am, Saleh Souzanchi wrote:

  Is there another way?

  On Jan 18, 4:46 am, Jon Bennett wrote:

how to execute this query with cakephp :

update table_name set hit = hit+1

   $this-Table-query('update table set hit = hit+1);


   jon bennett
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Re: how to call Model1-find(all) from Model2 Controller

2010-01-18 Thread djogo
Class usercontroller extends appcontroller
   Var $uses=array( 'Users','Projects');

Then you can use


On 17 jan, 08:10, codef0rmer wrote:
 thx guys. Finally, it worked :)
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Re: Default __() parameters causes problems

2009-12-18 Thread djogo
That's good news indeed.

In which version this feature is planned to be in?

I guess I'll just use a patched version of cake 1.2.5 until this
version comes out.

On Dec 17, 10:45 pm, euromark wrote:
 nice to hear that
 especially as it is used in controllers, components etc too
 and there the echo default is not that much used :)

 On 17 Dez., 19:47, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut

  I have plans to change the __*() functions to return by default it has not
  been implemented yet

  * @author Larry E. Masters
  * @var string $userName
  * @param string $realName
  * @returns string aka PhpNut
  * @access  public

  On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM, euromark 

   i do agree that this is one of the few remaining inconsistencies
   remaining in cake1.2/1.3
   all other functions return by default
   e.g. in 1.3 the flash() messages now are returned by default, although
   scripts/css are inline by default (and therefore echod too).

   returning should be the default value in most cases
   but i dont think in the __() case this is going to happen :)
   at least it doesnt look like it

   using the ___() function might be a very neat way of fixing it for
   you, though
   the overhead is minimal

   you should then use the second param though!
   function ___($a, $return = true) { return __($a, $return); }
   to be more flexible

   On 17 Dez., 18:39, djogo wrote:
Our previous, cake1.1, code was internationalized using php's gettext
library and the function _().

Cake1.2 now uses __(), which is great, because doesn't require us to
compile .po files anymore.

However, the default behaviour of __() is to echo the translated
string, instead of returning it, therefore I'm having a lot of heavy
work going from _( $a )  to __( $a, true ). I have a regexp for
translating _() to __(), but I couldn't figure out how to insert the
,end parameter in the end of the call.

I though to create a patch in the __() function to change the default
value, but I don't want to have my own version of cakephp.

Or, I may create

function ___($a) { return __($a,true); }

I _really_ think cakephp designers should make the second parameters
true by default, to turn the transition easy. However, I need my code
functioning in CAKE 1.2. Do anybody have some tip?

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Re: Default __() parameters causes problems

2009-12-18 Thread djogo
Yes we're getting issues. Specially when we use __ and sprintf
combined, as in

?= sprintf( __( Username: %s), $username ) ?

In cake1.2 it renders:

djogo Username:%s

Speaking of that, I would like to post a (perl) script I used to
change _(..)  to __(..). It would be improved, adding (or removing) a
,true) to the end of the call.


open H, $ARGV[0] or die cant open $ARGV[0]\n;
open I, $ARGV[0].mod;

print I;

close I;
close H;

rename( $ARGV[0], $ARGV[0].bak );
rename( $ARGV[0].mod, $ARGV[0] );

On Dec 18, 2:04 pm, euromark wrote:
 the switching process will be causing quite a few new bugs i
 imagine :)
 at least without really good regexp substitutions

 On 18 Dez., 16:43, djogo wrote:

  That's good news indeed.

  In which version this feature is planned to be in?

  I guess I'll just use a patched version of cake 1.2.5 until this
  version comes out.

  On Dec 17, 10:45 pm, euromark wrote:

   nice to hear that
   especially as it is used in controllers, components etc too
   and there the echo default is not that much used :)

   On 17 Dez., 19:47, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut

I have plans to change the __*() functions to return by default it has 
been implemented yet

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM, euromark 

 i do agree that this is one of the few remaining inconsistencies
 remaining in cake1.2/1.3
 all other functions return by default
 e.g. in 1.3 the flash() messages now are returned by default, although
 scripts/css are inline by default (and therefore echod too).

 returning should be the default value in most cases
 but i dont think in the __() case this is going to happen :)
 at least it doesnt look like it

 using the ___() function might be a very neat way of fixing it for
 you, though
 the overhead is minimal

 you should then use the second param though!
 function ___($a, $return = true) { return __($a, $return); }
 to be more flexible

 On 17 Dez., 18:39, djogo wrote:
  Our previous, cake1.1, code was internationalized using php's 
  library and the function _().

  Cake1.2 now uses __(), which is great, because doesn't require us to
  compile .po files anymore.

  However, the default behaviour of __() is to echo the translated
  string, instead of returning it, therefore I'm having a lot of heavy
  work going from _( $a )  to __( $a, true ). I have a regexp for
  translating _() to __(), but I couldn't figure out how to insert the
  ,end parameter in the end of the call.

  I though to create a patch in the __() function to change the 
  value, but I don't want to have my own version of cakephp.

  Or, I may create

  function ___($a) { return __($a,true); }

  I _really_ think cakephp designers should make the second parameters
  true by default, to turn the transition easy. However, I need my 
  functioning in CAKE 1.2. Do anybody have some tip?

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Default __() parameters causes problems

2009-12-17 Thread djogo
Our previous, cake1.1, code was internationalized using php's gettext
library and the function _().

Cake1.2 now uses __(), which is great, because doesn't require us to
compile .po files anymore.

However, the default behaviour of __() is to echo the translated
string, instead of returning it, therefore I'm having a lot of heavy
work going from _( $a )  to __( $a, true ). I have a regexp for
translating _() to __(), but I couldn't figure out how to insert the
,end parameter in the end of the call.

I though to create a patch in the __() function to change the default
value, but I don't want to have my own version of cakephp.

Or, I may create

function ___($a) { return __($a,true); }

I _really_ think cakephp designers should make the second parameters
true by default, to turn the transition easy. However, I need my code
functioning in CAKE 1.2. Do anybody have some tip?

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Re: autocomplete with id and value

2009-12-12 Thread djogo

I added some attributes to the li tag, so the callback function
would access them.

For instance

li my_id=33is it a hack?/li

Then i use getAttribute to access it.

I made a lot of this to replace huge select boxes, but if you ask me,
I'd advise otherwise, because on production with a lousy network, the
autocomplete is so slow and unresponsive. Users actually asked for the
select boxes back!


On 11 dez, 20:51, paulinthought wrote:
 I have autocomplete working fine, it passes the value of the selected
 field back to the controller once I post it but I can't guarantee the
 values in my list will be unique so I need to identify each with an id
 and pas that back to the controller also.  I've found some samples
 which involve putting the id and the value into the display list.
 There must be a more elegant way to do this!
 Can anyone help?

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Re: How to use 1 controller in another controller?

2009-10-10 Thread djogo

Either your controller is doing a model`s job (eg. preprocessing some
data prior to insert/update), a component`s job, or what you really
need is to redirect the browser to /posts_controller/add/.

try this: look at the code at posts-add, extract the portion that you
need to be run in both controllers, and put it in a new method of the
Posts (I guess) model, like myAdd, which calls the regular save
method. Then you call myAdd directly from the controllers you`re
talking about.

On Oct 9, 4:06 pm, mscdex wrote:
 On Oct 9, 1:27 pm, Aivaras wrote:


  App::import('Controller', 'PostsController');
  $this-Posts = new PostsController();


 I would strongly recommend you re-think how you're going about this.
 However, if worst comes to worst and you cannot for some reason re-
 structure your application, you could use 
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Re: Just curious question

2009-09-27 Thread djogo

You shouldn't pull BLOB or whatever large data you got. It's better if
you keep it in a separate table.

If you have fields that are empty in many records, I also advocate
that it's good practice to keep another table for them - even if the
relationship is 1:1.

This way you alway retrieve the desired data.

On Sep 26, 8:11 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 Yeah that looks like a nifty approach,

 Will give that a shot! Thanks

 I am just cleaning up my app I have been playing round with over the last
 few months so as I learn to make things better and evolve I see functions I
 have made where some grab 3 fields, some grab all, other 10 or so.

 So there is a mess of functions grabbing specific data, all data, little
 data so was just wondering how other people do it. But you idea would allow
 me to use the same function and grab what I need / don’t need.

 I think I may expand on your idea and create it where you can choose to
 'keep' or 'remove' fields rather than having to type 20 names to keep only
 type out the few you don’t need or what not and use something like
 array_diff_key or array_intersect_key to keep or remove based on
 $this-myFields = array('field_one, 'field_two', 'and_some_other');


 -Original Message-
 From: teknoid []
 Sent: September-26-09 6:29 PM
 To: CakePHP
 Subject: Re: Just curious question

 ... haven't tested, but something like this should work:

 In the model:
 $this-myFields = array('field_one, 'field_two', 'and_some_other');

 public function modifyRequiredFields($additionalFields) {
 array_push($this-myFields, $additionalFields);

  return $this-myFields;

 In the controller:
 $this-ModelName-find('all', array('fields' = $this-ModelName-
 modifyRequiredFields(array('i_also_need_this', 'and_this'));

 ... or ...

 if it's a standard find()

 $this-ModelName-find('all', array('fields' = $this-ModelName-

 On Sep 26, 3:14 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
  Just wondering if anyone has an opinion or fact about this.

  When pulling model data, keep it simple so Users controller getting
  straight info from Users database.
  Users table has 15 fields.

  You may only need 5 fields data and in another case you may need all
  15 fields.

  Is it best to specify the fields you need always?
  I guess the size of the data in the fields will make a difference.
  I am just thinking in regards to my app where i need a few fields,
  then i need all fields does it take more time to process a detailed
  request when you specify each individual field when you need info from
  10 fields as opposed to *just and get them all.

  What is best practise? Or in this case its more of a try both and see
  what works best for each app?


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Re: Variable substitution

2009-09-17 Thread djogo

Hi ,

What do you mean by that?

On Sep 16, 1:06 pm, euromark (munich)
 in this case it is a neccessary abstraction of the DB structure

 On 16 Sep., 13:36, djogo wrote:

  Yeah, String::insert is more like what I'm looking for.

  However, what I really wanted to see is something that allows me to
  substitute something model-like. Let`s say

  $a = $this-Article-findById(88);
  $u = $this-User-findById(21);
  $m = $this-MessageTemplate-findById( 45 );
  $this-MessageComponent-send( $u, $m, $a );

  so MessageComponent::send is receiving three arrays from models, so $a
  could be like

  $a['Article']['name'] = ''
  $a['Author'][0]['name'] = 'dfajodsijo'
  $a['Author'][1]['name'] = 'dskpfokp'

  And in my message template, I could just say Hello, :$u['User']
  ['name'], here is the article $a['Article']['name'] wrote by $a
  ['Author'][0]['name'] and $a['Author'][1]['name'] that the proper
  values would fall into places. And my messages placeholders would not
  have to follow a different nomenclature than it is done in the models.

  In order to use String::insert, I'd need to map things first, like

  array( ':username'=$u['User']['name'], ':articlename' =$a['Article']
  ['name'] ).

  And I think it's an unnecessary step. What do you think?


  On Sep 16, 12:06 am, Dr. Loboto wrote:

   As all above said, you need placeholders and nothing more. Check
   to get nice wrap around boring str_replace.

   On Sep 15, 8:09 pm, djogo wrote:

All messages, emails, and receipts that my system sends are stored in
a database table. This way, system administrators are able to
customize these messages without having to interact with programmers.

Therefore, I need generic placeholders. I could write a hundred substr
(), for each message type needs different variables (lost password
email needs user info, project submission receipt needs project data,
and there you go)

That's why I wanted to perform var subst in a variable contents.I
don't need code evaluation (bad practice, as pointed outra).


On Sep 14, 9:49 pm, euromark (munich)

 thats what bbcode, placeholders etc. and sprintf(), replace functions
 etc. are for

 On 14 Sep., 20:11, brian wrote:

  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 8:06 AM, djogo 

   That's exactly the point, I want it to be in a database column, 
   allow the end-user to edit it. Therefore, $test would keep a 
   document with tags ?=?.

   I want to get it, perform variable substitution, and then e-mail 
   or save it in another database column, but I just don't want to
   display it.

  What do you mean by allow the end-user to edit it? What, exactly,
  are you trying to do? There's surely a better way, whatever it is.
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Re: Variable substitution

2009-09-16 Thread djogo

Yeah, String::insert is more like what I'm looking for.

However, what I really wanted to see is something that allows me to
substitute something model-like. Let`s say

$a = $this-Article-findById(88);
$u = $this-User-findById(21);
$m = $this-MessageTemplate-findById( 45 );
$this-MessageComponent-send( $u, $m, $a );

so MessageComponent::send is receiving three arrays from models, so $a
could be like

$a['Article']['name'] = ''
$a['Author'][0]['name'] = 'dfajodsijo'
$a['Author'][1]['name'] = 'dskpfokp'

And in my message template, I could just say Hello, :$u['User']
['name'], here is the article $a['Article']['name'] wrote by $a
['Author'][0]['name'] and $a['Author'][1]['name'] that the proper
values would fall into places. And my messages placeholders would not
have to follow a different nomenclature than it is done in the models.

In order to use String::insert, I'd need to map things first, like

array( ':username'=$u['User']['name'], ':articlename' =$a['Article']
['name'] ).

And I think it's an unnecessary step. What do you think?


On Sep 16, 12:06 am, Dr. Loboto wrote:
 As all above said, you need placeholders and nothing more. Check
 to get nice wrap around boring str_replace.

 On Sep 15, 8:09 pm, djogo wrote:

  All messages, emails, and receipts that my system sends are stored in
  a database table. This way, system administrators are able to
  customize these messages without having to interact with programmers.

  Therefore, I need generic placeholders. I could write a hundred substr
  (), for each message type needs different variables (lost password
  email needs user info, project submission receipt needs project data,
  and there you go)

  That's why I wanted to perform var subst in a variable contents.I
  don't need code evaluation (bad practice, as pointed outra).


  On Sep 14, 9:49 pm, euromark (munich)

   thats what bbcode, placeholders etc. and sprintf(), replace functions
   etc. are for

   On 14 Sep., 20:11, brian wrote:

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 8:06 AM, djogo wrote:

 That's exactly the point, I want it to be in a database column, and
 allow the end-user to edit it. Therefore, $test would keep a HTML/RTF
 document with tags ?=?.

 I want to get it, perform variable substitution, and then e-mail it,
 or save it in another database column, but I just don't want to
 display it.

What do you mean by allow the end-user to edit it? What, exactly,
are you trying to do? There's surely a better way, whatever it is.
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Re: Variable substitution

2009-09-15 Thread djogo

All messages, emails, and receipts that my system sends are stored in
a database table. This way, system administrators are able to
customize these messages without having to interact with programmers.

Therefore, I need generic placeholders. I could write a hundred substr
(), for each message type needs different variables (lost password
email needs user info, project submission receipt needs project data,
and there you go)

That's why I wanted to perform var subst in a variable contents.I
don't need code evaluation (bad practice, as pointed outra).


On Sep 14, 9:49 pm, euromark (munich)
 thats what bbcode, placeholders etc. and sprintf(), replace functions
 etc. are for

 On 14 Sep., 20:11, brian wrote:

  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 8:06 AM, djogo wrote:

   That's exactly the point, I want it to be in a database column, and
   allow the end-user to edit it. Therefore, $test would keep a HTML/RTF
   document with tags ?=?.

   I want to get it, perform variable substitution, and then e-mail it,
   or save it in another database column, but I just don't want to
   display it.

  What do you mean by allow the end-user to edit it? What, exactly,
  are you trying to do? There's surely a better way, whatever it is.
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Re: Variable substitution

2009-09-14 Thread djogo

That's exactly the point, I want it to be in a database column, and
allow the end-user to edit it. Therefore, $test would keep a HTML/RTF
document with tags ?=?.

I want to get it, perform variable substitution, and then e-mail it,
or save it in another database column, but I just don't want to
display it.


On Sep 13, 12:43 pm, brian wrote:
 This is a bit confusing. Why are you setting the variable $test in the
 first place? Just put:

 pHello, b?=$destinatary[Person][name]?/b

 ... in your view.

 On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 9:33 AM, djogo wrote:

  Hello all,

  The topic on Smarty remembered me of one issue I got.

  Suppose I have a string like this:

  $test = 'pHello, b?=$destinatary[Person][name]?/b';

  and I have a variable called $destinatary defined somewhere, and I
  wish to substitute the substring (contained in $test)


  for the appropriated value that is into the variable $destinatary

  Is there any class on cakephp to do it? Yeah, I'm currently using
  Smarty for that, it allows me to perform variable substitution not
  only in view files, but also in strings.

  And I feel that doing something like

  eval( \$return = \$test\;  );

  is awfully dangerous, as $test actually comes from database, which is
  set by the end-user.

  The only way I though of doing that on Cakephp is by actually writing
  the $test contents into a view and rendering it, but it's lame.

  Thanks in advance
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Variable substitution

2009-09-12 Thread djogo

Hello all,

The topic on Smarty remembered me of one issue I got.

Suppose I have a string like this:

$test = 'pHello, b?=$destinatary[Person][name]?/b';

and I have a variable called $destinatary defined somewhere, and I
wish to substitute the substring (contained in $test)


for the appropriated value that is into the variable $destinatary

Is there any class on cakephp to do it? Yeah, I'm currently using
Smarty for that, it allows me to perform variable substitution not
only in view files, but also in strings.

And I feel that doing something like

eval( \$return = \$test\;  );

is awfully dangerous, as $test actually comes from database, which is
set by the end-user.

The only way I though of doing that on Cakephp is by actually writing
the $test contents into a view and rendering it, but it's lame.

Thanks in advance
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Re: How to use a helper in Controller or Model?

2009-09-08 Thread djogo

Sometimes people (think they) need formatted data to come out from a
model, like date or time.

However, if you follow MVC, that must be done at view level. That's
where all localization and internacionalization should be done.

Same applies to a controller needing to access other controller. You
should redirect instead of importing and calling the class.


On Sep 7, 10:11 pm, euromark (munich)
 you should point out that you would need to create the object prior to
 using it
 for all those who are not so familiar with that

 App::import('Helper', 'Html');
 $this-Common = new CommonHelper();
 $foo = $this-Common-do();

 sometimes this is not neccessary
 if the helper function does something on its own (without refering to
 other class vars or functions)
 you can access them statically

 $foo = CommonHelper::foo();

 On 7 Sep., 21:35, Fahad wrote:

  I wouldn't suggest you use a helper in your controller. but you can do
  it by importing your desired library.

  in your controller:
  App::import('Helper', 'Html');

  On Sep 7, 5:14 pm, cogitovn wrote:

   Hi all,
   I'm a newbie in cakePHP.
   As I know, helper is a part of View. So, how to use a helper in Controller
   or Model?
   For example, I want to Html helper, Xml Helper in a controller, in order 
   call some methods such as, html-url(), xml-serialize()
   Please help me on detail.
   Thank you!
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Re: InnoDB vs. MyISAM, does CakePHP care?

2009-08-15 Thread djogo


In my experience, cake doesn't care. For 2 years or so I have (in my
work) myISAM tables for development, and when my code goes to
production, tables are converted to InnoDB and FKs properly created.
Never got any problem.

If you ask me, I'd say that FKs are nice because it keeps data
integrity no matter which way you update it. But in cake, FKs errors
are not properly treated, you get a nice red message or nothing
(depends on debug level). Cake data validation's way to go, but then
you got two places to update (database and models). It would be nice
if bake detects FKs automatically.

On Aug 14, 6:09 pm, JamesF wrote:
 no i just want to alter my current mysql database to use innodb
 without affecting the model relationships. it is a trivial thing to
 change the storage engine but I am not sure of the results.

 On Aug 14, 5:07 pm, anders als wrote:

  So, you want Cake to use MyISAM syntax for an InnoDB driven sql
  I think this is possible doing some configurations inside of the
  database related core files

  On 14 Aug., 22:26, JamesF wrote:

   Whnn I first set up the current app I am using, I chose InnoDB tables
   for almost any Model that i thought would be related. My thinking was
   that Cake wouldn't understand the foreign key relationships and it
   would lead to database integrity problems.

   I am assuming that Cake doesn't care which storage engine I use in the
   case of simple model relationships. I am not using transactions or row
   level locking currently, and more often then not, the CASCADE effect
   of InnoDB tables has made some of my data go bye-bye.

   I appreciate that InnoDB prevents me from inserting data with
   incorrect id's and fk id's but it also deletes child data when i don't
   want it to (unless i use RESTRICT or SET NULL on that fk).

   So the crux of my question is this, can I maintain my current app
   functionality while converting back to MyISAM tables, considering I do
   not use any advanced InnoDB features? Will Cake still handle my table
   relationships correctly when I am following proper naming conventions
   for foreign keys and table names?
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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-29 Thread djogo

Hello Yannis

Your system must have the specified locale installed, or else the
setlocale function won't work. You can check whether it's working or
not by doing this:

$l = 'es_ES';
echo trying to set locale to $l...;
$x = setlocale( LC_ALL, $l );
echo  $x ? locale successfully setbr : couldn't set localebr;

In linux, you can check the installed locales by typing, in the

# locale -a

or by listing the contents from /usr/share/locale/locale.alias
(ubuntu) (Don't know how to do it on Windows ou OSX, sorry). The $l
variable in the example above should be _exactly_ as listed in the
command above, or else setlocale will fail.

Hope that helps,


On Jul 29, 7:34 am, Yannis wrote:
 Thank you guys,

 Djogo, what exactly do you mean here??

  - check if the locale is installed in your system. sometimes it's
  lang.encoding, like pt_BR.UTF-8 instead of pt_BR

 Where do I check that?

 On Jul 28, 2:33 pm, djogo wrote:


  I spent many time trying to figure out how to make i18n work... I'm
  not following this topic realtime, but I'd like to post some tips that
  would really had helped me back then:

  - always use utf-8, no matter what's the language you're i18ng
  - check if the locale is installed in your system. sometimes it's
  lang.encoding, like pt_BR.UTF-8 instead of pt_BR
  - do not use non-ascii (?) characters in the source code messages.
  like, _(Tá certo) won't work with gettext. You'll probably want to
  use _(Ta certo)
  - for that reason, if your main language is not english or something
  that doesn't use non-ascii characters, you'll need to translate it
  if you want to display the correct words
  - it's frustrating to try to change the .mo files real-time, as you'll
  need to reload apache (or whatever) everytime. the reason is that
  apache likes to keep .mo files cached, and won't reload it unless you
  shut it down and start it again.

  that's all I remember for now. hope it helps. fell free to contact me


  On Jul 28, 5:37 am, leop wrote:

   I can't see what is causing the problem, but it is a warning rather
   than an error. It seems to indicate that the code executed okay, but
   the headers had already been sent. If you have copied  pasted the
   code, you may have picked up a space after the ? in p28n.php (I see
   by swiping the code that there is one in my fragment).


   On Jul 28, 7:29 am, Yannis wrote:

Hi leop,

Thanks for the code. I've used it but I get the following error:
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at .../config/routes.php:49) [CORE/cake/libs/
controller/components/cookie.php, line 364]

If that rings any bell?!?!

Looks like the line that is causing this is the p28n.php:
$this-change(($this-Cookie-read('lang') ? $this-Cookie-read
('lang') : 'eng'));

Have you had that?
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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-28 Thread djogo


I spent many time trying to figure out how to make i18n work... I'm
not following this topic realtime, but I'd like to post some tips that
would really had helped me back then:

- always use utf-8, no matter what's the language you're i18ng
- check if the locale is installed in your system. sometimes it's
lang.encoding, like pt_BR.UTF-8 instead of pt_BR
- do not use non-ascii (?) characters in the source code messages.
like, _(Tá certo) won't work with gettext. You'll probably want to
use _(Ta certo)
- for that reason, if your main language is not english or something
that doesn't use non-ascii characters, you'll need to translate it
if you want to display the correct words
- it's frustrating to try to change the .mo files real-time, as you'll
need to reload apache (or whatever) everytime. the reason is that
apache likes to keep .mo files cached, and won't reload it unless you
shut it down and start it again.

that's all I remember for now. hope it helps. fell free to contact me


On Jul 28, 5:37 am, leop wrote:
 I can't see what is causing the problem, but it is a warning rather
 than an error. It seems to indicate that the code executed okay, but
 the headers had already been sent. If you have copied  pasted the
 code, you may have picked up a space after the ? in p28n.php (I see
 by swiping the code that there is one in my fragment).


 On Jul 28, 7:29 am, Yannis wrote:

  Hi leop,

  Thanks for the code. I've used it but I get the following error:
  Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
  by (output started at .../config/routes.php:49) [CORE/cake/libs/
  controller/components/cookie.php, line 364]

  If that rings any bell?!?!

  Looks like the line that is causing this is the p28n.php:
  $this-change(($this-Cookie-read('lang') ? $this-Cookie-read
  ('lang') : 'eng'));

  Have you had that?

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