Re: HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-22 Thread stevenoone

My problem has been resolved, thanks to for providing a
very detailed tutorial even I could follow. If you're having problems,
visit this link first - you'll save yourself loads of time and

However, this didn't get me all the way to my solution.

I had to apply the array_keys() function to filter out the names
from my selected list. If you've implemented the solution from the
link above, and your select list still won't highlight it's default
links selectTag is probably getting an id/name pair where it's only
expecting ids.

$computers,array_keys($selected_computers),array('multiple' =

A final problem I ran into (and this was a ball-buster) is described
in this post (secret 1).

My form would submit without error but never bother to update my join
table with the new data. According to the link above, you can't have
your HABTM multi-select as the top element in your form, or you have
to re-order the array before saving in your controller so that the
results array starts with the controller-specific data and then
finishes with the HATBM data. This is a bug in cakePHP  should be

Hope this helps somebody - sure would've saved me some time if I had
found it earlier.


On Mar 21, 3:41 pm, stevenoone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sure for some people the Cake approach makes perfect sense and I
 don't doubt that this framework, when used by someone who understands
 it well, can dramatically speed development time. Unfortunately
 there's people like myself for whom much of this is new, and it's not
 unreasonable for us to be frustrated by nuances we haven't yet wrapped
 our brains around. Everyone's experience learning this framework is
 going to be unique based on their programming background and
 familiarity with MVC concepts. It's wonderful that individuals are
 volunteering their time to help others get started, but it seems like
 sometimes that help consists of handwaving half-answers and links to
 other semi-related threads.

 Most of us aren't idiots and we wouldn't be posting questions if we
 hadn't tried to come up with the answers ourselves. If you don't want
 to help in this forum - don't. If you're tired of answering the same
 questions, provide good documentation or some well-commented sample
 apps and let us pick through the code. This blame the user for being
 confused attitude in some of these posts and evident in the essay
 linked above doesn't help anybody.

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Re: HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-22 Thread stevenoone

If anyone's interested, here's the bug report that was in the tracker
for the array-order problem.

Hopefully this thread hasn't wasted too much of anyone's time!


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Re: HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-21 Thread stevenoone

I just noticed I don't have foreign keys set up on my
computers_serials table - is this required for cakePHP to understand
HABTM relationships?

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Re: HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-21 Thread stevenoone

Bumping up the debug level, it looks like it's running the correct

SELECT `Computer`.`id`, `Computer`.`employee_id`,
`Computer`.`pc_model_id`, `Computer`.`protection_plan`,
`Computer`.`asset_tag_no`, `Computer`.`profiler_dump` FROM `computers`
AS `Computer` JOIN `computers_serials` ON
`computers_serials`.`serial_id` = '3' AND
`computers_serials`.`computer_id` = `Computer`.`id` WHERE 1 = 1

but I'm not asking for the results correctly. Here's what I'm using in

array('multiple' = 'multiple'))

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Re: HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-21 Thread stevenoone

If I can't get this to work I'm going to have to abandon this
framework. I've been developing dynamic websites for 10 years, but
apparently this is just beyond me. I can't seem to get my multi-select
lists to auto-populate correctly or update changes in the database. To
get the auto-populate values I'm trying this in my serials_controller

$this-set('mycomps',  $this-Serial-query(SELECT computer_id FROM
computers_serials WHERE serial_id = $this-Serial));

and this in my edit.thtml

$mycomps,array('multiple' = 'multiple'));

it isn't working and I don't know why. If i hard-code WHERE serial_id
= 1 in the query it returns this array, but I don't see how to fit
that into my selectTag.

[0] = Array
[computers_serials] = Array
[computer_id] = 2
[1] = Array
[computers_serials] = Array
[computer_id] = 5

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Re: HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-21 Thread stevenoone

I appreciate the response and the link and I understand that it's
frustrating when you feel like you're answering the same question over
and over again. Maybe one of the reasons this HABTM of question is
getting asked so frequently is that nobody's provided a really good,
definitive answer of how this works with clear example code for our
models, views, and controllers. I realize the onus is on us beginners
to educate ourselves, and maybe I'm an idiot who can't type five
letters in a search box, but I'm obviously not the only person who's
running into problems with this.

Thanks for your help.

On Mar 21, 11:44 am, nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi stevenoone, I'm afraid you'll have to forgive my frustration, as
 we've had a lot of problems with this lately, but if you abandon this
 framework out of an inability to enter a search query into the text
 box in the upper right-hand corner of the page, then I can't say I'll
 be sorry to see you go.  This exact question has already been answered
 here more times than I care to count.

 On Mar 21, 2:03 pm, stevenoone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If I can't get this to work I'm going to have to abandon this
  framework. I've been developing dynamic websites for 10 years, but
  apparently this is just beyond me. I can't seem to get my multi-select
  lists to auto-populate correctly or update changes in the database. To
  get the auto-populate values I'm trying this in my serials_controller

  $this-set('mycomps',  $this-Serial-query(SELECT computer_id FROM
  computers_serials WHERE serial_id = $this-Serial));

  and this in my edit.thtml

  $mycomps,array('multiple' = 'multiple'));

  it isn't working and I don't know why. If i hard-code WHERE serial_id
  = 1 in the query it returns this array, but I don't see how to fit
  that into my selectTag.

  [0] = Array
  [computers_serials] = Array
  [computer_id] = 2
  [1] = Array
  [computers_serials] = Array
  [computer_id] = 5

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Looking for real-world example apps

2007-03-20 Thread stevenoone

Can anyone point me to a few complete, well-commented example
applications on CakeForge? I'm basically looking for guidance  best
practices when it comes to developing apps that go beyond the simple
blog tutorial. Personally, I learn better from following real-world
examples than from reading reference documentation (although that's
important too). I'll be happy to post my software serial number
tracker app for others to review and learn from when I've got it to a
working state.

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HABTM not saving multi-select

2007-03-20 Thread stevenoone

I'm trying to set up a relationship where a serial number can be used
on multiple computers and computers can have multiple serial numbers.
I have a computers_serials table with computer_id and serial_id
columns. In my Computers model I have var $hasAndBelongsToMany =
'Serial';  and in my Serials model I have var $hasAndBelongsToMany =
'Computer';. In my Serials controller I'm getting a list of computers
via $this-set('computers',  $this-Serial-Computer-
generateList()); and populating a multi-select in my serials
\edit.thtml with $html-selectTag('Serial/Computer', $computers,
null, array('multiple' = 'multiple')).

My edit view doesn't read the initial selection state of the multi-
select from computers_serials or insert data back into that same table
on save. It also doesn't throw an error. I know I'm missing something
but I can't figure out what. I've seen a lot of discussion about this
in the archives, and I've come to understand that if implemented
correctly, Cake should be able to manage these relationships fairly
automatically. I'd appreciate any help I can get.


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Re: afterFind model problem

2007-03-19 Thread stevenoone


Any ideas?

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Re: Menu element

2007-03-19 Thread stevenoone

I've added this code to my app_controller and changed it to reflect my
data model (my table is called controls instead of categories).
Now I get the following errors on every page:

Notice: Undefined property: AppController::$Control in /Library/
WebServer/Documents/serials/app/app_controller.php on line 48

Fatal error: Call to a member function generateList() on a non-object
in /Library/WebServer/Documents/serials/app/app_controller.php on line

What am I missing?

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Navigation element

2007-03-19 Thread stevenoone

I'm trying to create a dynamic reusable navigation element that I can
call where I need it, including from static pages. My menu items are
stored in a table called controls with columns for name, path, id
and display_order. I'd like to do this the correct cakePHP way instead
of writing a verbose database query  output loop. I'd appreciate any
help I can get. Thanks!

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Re: Navigation element

2007-03-19 Thread stevenoone

I tried this solution and whaddya know: if worked! here's my code.
//invoke menu element
?php echo $this-renderElement('menu'); ?

$controls = $this-requestAction('controls/navindex');
foreach($controls as $control) {
print li;
if ($control['Control']['path'] == $this-here){
print /li;

On Mar 19, 5:19 pm, gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This has come up a lot lately for some reason. I guess because there
 are not enough examples.

 Personally, I would setup and element. Lets calll it /app/views/
 add to this:

 $controls = $this-requestAction('controls/index');
 foreach($controls as $control) {
 //do whatever}

 very simply this asks the controls controller to return the index
 method so you can display the data however you want

 class ContolsController extends AppController {

 function index() {

 $contols = $this-Control-findAll();

 //here is where the requesAction is handled so only the data is
 if(isset($this-params['requested'])) {
 return $controls;

 $this-set('controls', $controls);



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Re: afterFind model problem

2007-03-17 Thread stevenoone

Fixed with this, but my god it's ugly.

class Employee extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Employee';
function afterFind($results)
foreach ($results as $key = $val)
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/employees/') {
} else {
$results[$key]['Employee']['name_ext'] =
$val['Employee']['name'] . ', ' . $val['Employee']['extension'];
return ($results);

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Re: afterFind model problem

2007-03-17 Thread stevenoone

And it just keeps getting worse... help please.

class Employee extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Employee';
function afterFind($results)
foreach ($results as $key = $val)
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/employees/'|$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ==
'/employees/index') {
} else {
   $results[$key]['Employee']['name_ext'] =
   $val['Employee']['name'] . ', ' . $val['Employee']['extension'];
return ($results);

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afterFind model problem

2007-03-16 Thread stevenoone

I'm trying to combine two fields (name  extension) for display in a
computer inventory list. This works when I view my index of computers,
but throws an error when i view the index of employees. I'm using this
code in my employee model:

class Employee extends AppModel {

var $name = 'Employee';
function afterFind($results)
foreach ($results as $key = $val)
$results[$key]['Employee']['name_ext'] =
$val['Employee']['name'] . ', ' . $val['Employee']['extension'];
return ($results);

This is the error I get when I go to http://localhost/employees/
Notice: Undefined index: Employee in C:\wamp\www\app\models
\employee.php on line 11

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