Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-19 Thread Daniel
I found the answer was to pass in the "time()" to the image link so
forcing IE to reload the image (instead of using its cache.)

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread jeremyharris
Just saw you made the 'inline' flag false which will place it in the header 
for ya.

Good luck finding the IE issue!

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread Daniel
Well I had a look for the problem in IE8 and I didn't find an answer.
Also I looked on Google and didn't find any good suggestions.  I
tried: $this->disableCache();

On Jan 17, 7:28 pm, jeremyharris  wrote:
> Also, I suggest you include jquery in the head tag assuming you use it
> elsewhere.

Do you mean "" ?
... it's in the header.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread jeremyharris
IE8 has developer tools that you can use to inspect and make sure that your 
scripts are working and that your ajax call (again, network tab) goes 

Also, I suggest you include jquery in the head tag assuming you use it 

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread Daniel
Great I am getting somewhere now.  I found out that I needed to
download jquery and put it in my js folder.  OK then I linked to it in
my view using:
Html->script('jquery', false); ?>

Now for some funny reason it works just fine in Google Chrome, but not
in Internet Explorer 8.  In IE8 nothing atall happens when I click to
reload the captcha.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread jeremyharris
All the Js helper code does is define the javascript, yes. If your entire 
page is truly reloading then the javascript isn't being executed, simple as 
that. Make sure your buffer outputs in the , that JS is turned on, 
and that your ajax request is successful (check the network tab on Chrome's 
developer tools). Also check for javascript errors in the console that may 
be breaking JS.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread Daniel
On Jan 17, 4:31 pm, jeremyharris  wrote:
> When you say the captcha is displayed on its own, do you mean when you
> click the link the entire page is replaced with just the captcha?


> If this
> is the case, then it sounds like the ajax is not firing. If it is firing
> (check with firebug), then the script will only replace anything in the
> #captchaID div. FYI if you do it this way anyone with JS turned off will be
> directed to the link (/users/reload_captcha) and will just see the captcha
> and not the whole form.
> So, check to make sure the ajax is firing using Firebug and see what the
> response is. If it is firing, then I'm not sure what to tell you - the
> script clearly states that it will just replace your #captchaID div with
> the contents from /users/reload_captcha

OK, I don't have Firebug but I do have Google Chrome.  If I put a
break point on the javascript
in Chrome e.g. on the line following "//

Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread jeremyharris
When you say the captcha is displayed on its own, do you mean when you 
click the link the entire page is replaced with just the captcha? If this 
is the case, then it sounds like the ajax is not firing. If it is firing 
(check with firebug), then the script will only replace anything in the 
#captchaID div. FYI if you do it this way anyone with JS turned off will be 
directed to the link (/users/reload_captcha) and will just see the captcha 
and not the whole form.

So, check to make sure the ajax is firing using Firebug and see what the 
response is. If it is firing, then I'm not sure what to tell you - the 
script clearly states that it will just replace your #captchaID div with 
the contents from /users/reload_captcha

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread Daniel
On Jan 17, 2:55 pm, jeremyharris  wrote:
> Yes. And as you can see from that code, he updates only the captcha area,
> not the whole form itself, as I suggested 2 posts ago. Your reply even said
> that the code I gave you "just causes the captcha to be redrawn on its
> own." And that should be fine, ...

No because the form is lost, just the captcha is visible on its own,
there is nothing else in the browser.

I discovered one problem with my view code and that is that I did not
write out the javascript.  I added the following line and now I get
the javacript in my source:

Js->writeBuffer(); ?>

This causes the following code to be outputted:

Unfortunately I still get the same problem where the captcha is
displayed on its own.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread jeremyharris
Yes. And as you can see from that code, he updates only the captcha area, 
not the whole form itself, as I suggested 2 posts ago. Your reply even said 
that the code I gave you "just causes the captcha to be redrawn on its 
own." And that should be fine, assuming the captcha system you are using 
uses the session to store the correct answer and to check it.

/uses/add -> captcha is stored, view is echoed and captcha drawn
user clicks reload
/users/reload_captcha -> captcha is stored, view is returned and overwrites 
contents of #captchaID
user clicks submit
/users/add -> checks captcha validity

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-17 Thread Daniel
Take a look at this page:
There is a captcha there.  Looking at the source he has used some kind
of JS / AJAX event for updating the captcha:

Can not read this code? Reload.

Do you know how to achieve this?

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread jeremyharris
Then it sounds like your only option is to submit the form so it saves the 
data. The issue you might have with this is that "reloading the captcha" 
means actually submitting the form, which means validation errors will show 
up as well as reloading the captcha.

If that's what you want, check out JsHelper::submit() instead of link. This 
will POST the data to /users/add and thus keep the data intact and "reload" 
the captcha. 

The last solution I gave you just reloaded the captcha element itself, 
which I thought was sufficient depending on how your captcha is kept. I 
guess not.

Other than that, check out the captcha's api to see if it has a reload 
javascript api included.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread Daniel
On Jan 16, 5:45 pm, jeremyharris  wrote:
> Try something like this:
>                 Js->link('Can not read this code?
> Reload.', *array('action' => 'captcha')*,
> array('update'=>'*#captchaID*')); ?>

If clicked then this just causes the captcha to be redrawn on it's own
without the add.ctp form.

I get the same result if I run the following:
Js->link('Can not read this code? Reload.',
'reload_captcha', array('update'=>'captchaID')); ?>

...with the reload_captcha function as follows:
function reload_captcha() {
$this->viewPath = 'Elements'.DS;

... and I have reload_captcha.ctp in the elements folder.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread jeremyharris
You should probably just reset the captcha element then. If you're 
reloading the entire /users/add view which of course will kill the data, 
seeing as your JS request is just a GET and not a POST.

Try something like this:
>url(array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'captcha'), 
true), array('style'=>'','vspace'=>2)); ?> 
Js->link('Can not read this code? 
Reload.', *array('action' => 'captcha')*, 
array('update'=>'*#captchaID*')); ?> 
Form->input('code'); ?> 


This should make a request to /users/captcha and update the captcha div, 
leaving everything else untouched. Also make sure to pass a proper CSS 
selector to 'update'.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread Daniel
But as I am going through the JS link, the data will not be submitted.
I am using the form helper right in my add.ctp:


Session->flash('auth'); ?>
echo $this->Form->input('password');
echo $this->Form->input('password_confirmation', array('type' =>
echo $this->Form->input('email');

>url(array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'captcha'),
true), array('style'=>'','vspace'=>2)); ?>

Js->link('Can not read this code? Reload.', 
array('update'=>'captchaID')); ?>
Form->input('code'); ?>

Form->end(__('Submit', true));?>

How do I manually tell the input field to use the data?

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread jeremyharris
When you submit data it is stored in $this->request->data (or $this->data 
in 1.3). Assuming this data is not overwritten, it is then passed to the 
view. The form helper sees this and automatically populates the fields. 

If you're not using the form helper, you will need to manually tell your 
input field to use the data if it is defined.

You can check to see if the data is persisted by debugging the data that is 
passed to the view.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread Daniel
I googled "cakephp data persistent" and did not find any straight
forward answer...
so how do you keep the data persistent?

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread jeremyharris
Remember that using the 'update' key will take the content that Js link 
fetches and place it into the specified selector (in your case, captchaID). 
If the data is not persisted in the controller, it will be lost.

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Re: Captcha reload problem

2012-01-16 Thread Daniel
I can now get it to reload the captcha, but the problem is that the
users data is lost:

Js->link('Can not read this code? Reload.', 'add',
array('update'=>'captchaID')); ?>

... in other words it is like refreshing the page.  How can I retain
the users data on the form?

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-04-04 Thread Miles J

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-04-04 Thread iraj23

Please someone help me 
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-10 Thread iraj23

noone can not help me ?
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-07 Thread iraj23

just someone tell me is it possible or not (see SAME captcha image on every

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-06 Thread iraj23

tnx Smelly Eddie
i must tell again i am not the site administrator and just a visitor of some
sites that used the captcha and i need for those sites see SAME captcha
image on every load 

tnx again
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-05 Thread Smelly Eddie


That seems pretty silly.  There is not much benefit of using the same
captcha image on every load.  The point of captcha images is to be
dynamic, ensuring a warm body is on the other end of the request.

If you just want to use the same image, for the same action, and the
same user (like validation failed the first time, etc) there are ways
to do that. (perhaps by using session and checking for existence of

Anyway I have a great disdain for captcha images cause they tend to be
a pain.  Have you considered using logical questions to prevent bots?

Asking if ice is cold, if rain is wet, or 5 * 3, etc.

For one of my client's site I just created a table full of random
questions like that, used in conjunction with session variables. might
be worth a look.

(it also uses some logic to determine whether it should load a new
question, or reuse the existing one, if nothing else this portion may
be helpful to you.)

On Mar 5, 6:39 am, iraj23  wrote:
> yes i want to see SAME captcha image on every load
> --
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-05 Thread iraj23

yes i want to see SAME captcha image on every load 

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-05 Thread Dr. Loboto

I don't understand you. You want to see SAME captcha image on every
load or DIFFERENT?

On Mar 5, 1:53 pm, iraj23  wrote:
> someone help me
> i need this problem
> how can i do this problem
> i want  when i reload the image i see again the similar captcha again and
> again
> --
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-04 Thread iraj23

someone help me 
i need this problem 
how can i do this problem
i want  when i reload the image i see again the similar captcha again and

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-03 Thread iraj23

lots of thanks for your reply Dr. Loboto
i saw over the internet that we can  do this with IE7 and Java (blocking
CAPTCHA with IE 7)
but i did not find it 
now i need it 
i want block 1 captcha that means when i reload the image i see again the
similar captcha again and again
i want this for visiting sites not for administrator (i am vistior)

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-03 Thread Dr. Loboto

Add any random URL param to captcha image request. Different URL is
the only 100% bullet-proof method to force IE make new request always.

On Mar 3, 12:16 am, iraj23  wrote:
> Hi
> i need this problem that means i want when i reload image(captcha) i will
> see the similar image
> i want reload only one captcha when i push the reload image
> anyone can help me ?
> --
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> context:
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2009-03-02 Thread iraj23

i need this problem that means i want when i reload image(captcha) i will
see the similar image
i want reload only one captcha when i push the reload image
anyone can help me ?

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2008-06-16 Thread Ketan Shah

Well, My strongest (and I feel the correct) guess is that IE is
"caching" the image. So a refresh request is not happening.
You could try the following.

1) Set a 'back-dating' expires header for your captcha image. Also you
could ask the browser not the cache by setting the appropriate header!


2) Change the url for the captcha image for every refresh. Could be
done with JavaScript but for a complete page reload the method might
not work

Hope it helps!


On Jun 16, 3:14 am, Crazy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've implemented the captcha component that was published on the
> bakery 
> here:
> Everything work fine, untill I want to reload the image. It works just
> fine in firefox, but when I try it in IE7 it doesn't refresh. To be
> more exact, it gives back the same image.
> I think it's something with caching or the sessions, but don't know
> where to start trying to solve it.
> Any help/hints are appreciated

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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2008-06-16 Thread cakeFreak

Do you load your captcha with ajax?

IE7 catches ajax get requests!!


On 16 Giu, 00:48, bingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Its difficult to say what the problem is without having access to code
> or webpage. However, I have compiled a list of issues that can cause
> IE7 to break but not firefox. Here is a link to my blog that discuss
> all these 
> issues
> Regards,
> On Jun 15, 6:14 pm, Crazy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've implemented the captcha component that was published on the
> > bakery 
> > here:
> > Everything work fine, untill I want to reload the image. It works just
> > fine in firefox, but when I try it in IE7 it doesn't refresh. To be
> > more exact, it gives back the same image.
> > I think it's something with caching or the sessions, but don't know
> > where to start trying to solve it.
> > Any help/hints are appreciated
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Re: Captcha reload problem, works in ff not in IE

2008-06-15 Thread bingo

Its difficult to say what the problem is without having access to code
or webpage. However, I have compiled a list of issues that can cause
IE7 to break but not firefox. Here is a link to my blog that discuss
all these issues


On Jun 15, 6:14 pm, Crazy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've implemented the captcha component that was published on the
> bakery 
> here:
> Everything work fine, untill I want to reload the image. It works just
> fine in firefox, but when I try it in IE7 it doesn't refresh. To be
> more exact, it gives back the same image.
> I think it's something with caching or the sessions, but don't know
> where to start trying to solve it.
> Any help/hints are appreciated
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