Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty

Ok, now I'm a bit further along... I've added the code to my Cake
project, but I'm confused as to which parts I need to change to stop
it conflicting with the 1.2 validation class. I was almost tempted to
simply delete the standard Validation class and overwrite it with this
one, but that would cause other problems down the road, I'm sure.

Can you advise me on which bits I need to rename/change/delete to make
this work correctly?

Thanks! :)

On Feb 7, 11:23 pm, MrTufty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Marcel -

 THAT is exactly the sort of helpful answer I was hoping for. Fantastic
 bit of code, I think I'll be making use of it until such time as the
 Cake core includes something comparable.

 I've bookmarked the page in question, and courtesy of the Foxmarks
 extension for Firefox, I'll check it out first thing tomorrow when I
 get to work :)

 Thanks again - and thanks also to the author of said code :)

 On Feb 7, 9:06 pm, marcelgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm trying to use the new methods of validation from the 1.2 code

  Have a look at the code on this page which works fine with 1.2

  it takes care of 1), 2) and 3) from above (and probably 4 but i didn't

  I've been using it for a while with good results

  be aware of a couple of things if you use this code.

  1) the class name conflicts with the core Validation class.  You'll
  have to rename it if you want to use this code with 1.2

  2) there are some bugs in the code, but they're easily fixed.  I
  pointed one out in my comment and then went on to discover that the
  same error occurs througout the code.

  3) there is an unresolved issue described in comment #5 that the
  author hasn't posted a fix for and I haven't had time to track down on
  my own.

  Despite these few problems, it's a very useful piece of code as it
  resolves the biggest shortcoming of the core Validation class so far,
  which is multiple checks with distinct error messages on the same
  field. Maybe one of the developers could look at incorporating this
  into the core...

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread mcgordon

The problem is in the class name Validation which is the same as the
core class name.  If you rename it the conflict goes away.

You've got to change two things in the code, first the name of the
class in the class definition (file validation.php).  The author's
name is Evan so I renamed his class eValidation:

class eValidation on line 26 of Validation.php

Don't forget to rename the constructor on line 45:

function eValidation($data, $model)

Next you have to change the name of the class where it gets
instantiated.  In app_model.php look for the function invalid_fields
that you added and change this line to include your new class name:

$validation = new eValidation($data, $this);

it should work now.

While we're at it, the other bugs I was talking about occur when the
code passes the field to be validated through the _evaluate function
twice. Look at this function below:

function validatePattern($fieldName, $params)
$pattern = $params['pattern'];
return $this-_evaluate(preg_match($pattern, $this-data[$this-name]
does not match pattern {$pattern}, $fieldName, 

it validates the field against a user-supplied pattern and sends the
result to the _evaluate function where the model-validationErrors are
set.  Good so far.

The following function is a convenience function so that you don't
have to remember the regex for a valid word:

function validateWord($fieldName, $params)
$params['pattern'] = '/^\\w*$/';
return $this-_evaluate(!$this-validatePattern($fieldName, $params),
is not a valid word, $fieldName, $params);

it first runs the field through validatePattern() [which in turn runs
it through _evaluate()] and then sends the inverse of the result
through _evaluate again, resulting in the opposite answer to what
you'd expect.

If we follow the logic, for a given field containing valid data,
validateWord() calls validatePattern() which calles _evaluate() with
true as the first parameter (the regex matched for valid data).
_evaluate() in turn returns true and so validatePattern() also returns

now we run _evaluate again with (!true) as the first parameter.  this
time _evaluate() fails and the error message is set, even though the
field is valid. the problem is with the ! symbol that negates the
first return value. By simply removing the ! the function returns true
as expected and the field validates.

This is true throughout the code wherever a convenience function is
used to alias a more general function. The second time through
_evaluate()  - which is done to allow for custom error messages - the
validation fails.

The following functions need to be changed:

 I was almost tempted to
 simply delete the standard Validation class and overwrite it with this
 one, but that would cause other problems down the road, I'm sure.

Bad Idea Jeans™  ;)

Don't touch the core code unless you're using some kind of versioning
system that will let you merge in the latest updates or you'll never
remember all the places where you made changes. That goes double for
now as they're adding new stuff to the trunk every day.

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty

Thanks again :)

I'm still having a few problems, the ErrorHelper provided uses a
method of the HTML Helper which doesn't appear to exist - it outputs
by using $html-contentTag(), which doesn't work. I've looked through
the HTML Helper itself and it seems to be using output in the format
of $this-output($this-tags['fieldset'], $data1, $data2); etc...

Unfortunately the li tag which I need for displaying the error
messages is not in the var $tags array. I know I could modify the
ErrorHelper's output to put out straight HTML, which would work, but
is there a real Cake-y way to do this?

On Feb 8, 10:23 am, mcgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is in the class name Validation which is the same as the
 core class name.  If you rename it the conflict goes away.

 You've got to change two things in the code, first the name of the
 class in the class definition (file validation.php).  The author's
 name is Evan so I renamed his class eValidation:

 class eValidation on line 26 of Validation.php

 Don't forget to rename the constructor on line 45:

 function eValidation($data, $model)

 Next you have to change the name of the class where it gets
 instantiated.  In app_model.php look for the function invalid_fields
 that you added and change this line to include your new class name:

 $validation = new eValidation($data, $this);

 it should work now.

 While we're at it, the other bugs I was talking about occur when the
 code passes the field to be validated through the _evaluate function
 twice. Look at this function below:

 function validatePattern($fieldName, $params)
 $pattern = $params['pattern'];
 return $this-_evaluate(preg_match($pattern, $this-data[$this-name]
 does not match pattern {$pattern}, $fieldName, 


 it validates the field against a user-supplied pattern and sends the
 result to the _evaluate function where the model-validationErrors are
 set.  Good so far.

 The following function is a convenience function so that you don't
 have to remember the regex for a valid word:

 function validateWord($fieldName, $params)
 $params['pattern'] = '/^\\w*$/';
 return $this-_evaluate(!$this-validatePattern($fieldName, $params),
 is not a valid word, $fieldName, $params);


 it first runs the field through validatePattern() [which in turn runs
 it through _evaluate()] and then sends the inverse of the result
 through _evaluate again, resulting in the opposite answer to what
 you'd expect.

 If we follow the logic, for a given field containing valid data,
 validateWord() calls validatePattern() which calles _evaluate() with
 true as the first parameter (the regex matched for valid data).
 _evaluate() in turn returns true and so validatePattern() also returns

 now we run _evaluate again with (!true) as the first parameter.  this
 time _evaluate() fails and the error message is set, even though the
 field is valid. the problem is with the ! symbol that negates the
 first return value. By simply removing the ! the function returns true
 as expected and the field validates.

 This is true throughout the code wherever a convenience function is
 used to alias a more general function. The second time through
 _evaluate()  - which is done to allow for custom error messages - the
 validation fails.

 The following functions need to be changed:

  I was almost tempted to
  simply delete the standard Validation class and overwrite it with this
  one, but that would cause other problems down the road, I'm sure.

 Bad Idea Jeans™  ;)

 Don't touch the core code unless you're using some kind of versioning
 system that will let you merge in the latest updates or you'll never
 remember all the places where you made changes. That goes double for
 now as they're adding new stuff to the trunk every day.

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread mcgordon

contentTag is deprecated in 1.1 and they've taken it out of 1.2
altogether.  Just stick straight HTML in your helper.  This is what my
modelErrors function looks like:

function modelErrors()
$html = new HtmlHelper;
$models = func_get_args();
$list = '';
foreach ($models as $model)
if ( isset($this-validationErrors[$model]) )
foreach ( $this-validationErrors[$model] as $field = 
$errors )
foreach ( $errors as $error )
$list .= 'li' . $error . '/li' . NL;

$output = '';
if ( !empty($list) )
$output = '
div id=error-report
h4' . __('The following errors need to be 
corrected:', true) .
' . $list . '

return $output;

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty


Thank you Marcel, you've been a star; my code now works as expected
and I can get on with developing the other parts of my system now. I
second the call that this level of functionality should be added to
the core - it's so useful. Potentially in time the current validation
class might be able to do all this, but to be honest I find the syntax
for that fiddly at best.

One last question and then I'll leave you alone - is it expected that
I should only get one error message per field? Ideally I'd like to
have all the possible errors displayed, not just one of them. I
suspect that's something to do with the way the errors array is built

On Feb 8, 11:41 am, mcgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 contentTag is deprecated in 1.1 and they've taken it out of 1.2
 altogether.  Just stick straight HTML in your helper.  This is what my
 modelErrors function looks like:

 function modelErrors()
 $html = new HtmlHelper;
 $models = func_get_args();
 $list = '';
 foreach ($models as $model)
 if ( isset($this-validationErrors[$model]) )
 foreach ( $this-validationErrors[$model] as $field 
 = $errors )
 foreach ( $errors as $error )
 $list .= 'li' . $error . '/li' . 

 $output = '';
 if ( !empty($list) )
 $output = '
 div id=error-report
 h4' . __('The following errors need to be 
 corrected:', true) .
 ' . $list . '

 return $output;


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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread mcgordon

For multiple validation rules on the same field, each failure will
overwrite the existing message with its own message, so in your case,
for usernames, if your validation rules looked like this:

'username' = array(
 'required' = array('message' ='You must choose a username')
,'pattern' = array('pattern' = /^[a-z0-9]+$/, 'letters and
numbers only')
,'length' = array('min' = 5, 'max'=12, 'message'='The username
must be between 5 and 12 characters')
,unique' = array('message'='that username is already in use')

and your user chose Petr as a username, he'd first see the length rule
and when he'd corrected that, he'd get a second error telling him
about the uppercase P. Not ideal, but that's the way it works. Think
about the order in which you want to apply your tests to minimize that
kind of thing.

If you want to show all messages at once, you'd have to hack the
_evaluate routine by concatenating the $params['message']

$this-model-validationErrors[$this-name][$fieldName] .= ' ' .

This will generate a warning if $this-model-validationErrors[$this-
name][$fieldName] is not defined so be sure to test using isset() and
then assign(=) or concatenate(.=) accordingly.

What you can't do is have a separate list item for each error because
of the way that the validationErrors array is designed in the first

A workaround could be to add a unique string separator, something that
you know for sure will never appear in an error message, before you
concatenate and then, in the modelErrors routine, explode() the
combined error message based on your special string and then print out
the single messages as individual list items.  I'll leave that as an
exercise for the reader ;)

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty

I'll take that as a challenge then :)

The workaround would be quite effective, but not ideal as you say...

One thing I considered, although it's probably not optimal, is to
store the messages in another slightly deeper array.

So when assigning the error messages, I'd use:

$this-model-validationErrors[$this-name][][$fieldName] =

Which if I'm thinking correctly about this would produce something
like this:

'User' = array(
0 = array(
'username' = 'You must choose a username'),
1 = array(
'username' = 'Your username is too short. It must be between 4 and 14
2 = array(
'email' = 'Your email address is not valid')


I don't know how effective that would be, and I've not yet developed
any code for it so it could be completely wrong. But I might give it a
try next week (got a weekend away from coding, lucky me).

Thanks Marcel :)

On Feb 8, 12:46 pm, mcgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For multiple validation rules on the same field, each failure will
 overwrite the existing message with its own message, so in your case,
 for usernames, if your validation rules looked like this:

 'username' = array(
  'required' = array('message' ='You must choose a username')
 ,'pattern' = array('pattern' = /^[a-z0-9]+$/, 'letters and
 numbers only')
 ,'length' = array('min' = 5, 'max'=12, 'message'='The username
 must be between 5 and 12 characters')
 ,unique' = array('message'='that username is already in use')

 and your user chose Petr as a username, he'd first see the length rule
 and when he'd corrected that, he'd get a second error telling him
 about the uppercase P. Not ideal, but that's the way it works. Think
 about the order in which you want to apply your tests to minimize that
 kind of thing.

 If you want to show all messages at once, you'd have to hack the
 _evaluate routine by concatenating the $params['message']

 $this-model-validationErrors[$this-name][$fieldName] .= ' ' .

 This will generate a warning if 
 $this-model-validationErrors[$this-name][$fieldName] is not defined so be 
 sure to test using isset() and

 then assign(=) or concatenate(.=) accordingly.

 What you can't do is have a separate list item for each error because
 of the way that the validationErrors array is designed in the first

 A workaround could be to add a unique string separator, something that
 you know for sure will never appear in an error message, before you
 concatenate and then, in the modelErrors routine, explode() the
 combined error message based on your special string and then print out
 the single messages as individual list items.  I'll leave that as an
 exercise for the reader ;)

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread mcgordon

I totally agree that my solution is a hack. The deeper array would
definitely be the way to go for multiple error mesages.  The only
reason I didnt suggest it is that the validationErrors array is part
of the core model class and I dont want to play around with its
structure in case it breaks other things in the long run. If it works
for you, post your code. Id love to see it.

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty

True, I'd not considered that part of the hackiness either. For now,
I've gone ahead and done it.

The solution isn't perfect - other tweaks will need to be made to the
other functions in the Error helper, for instance - but it does appear
to work.

Here's my code:

//error.php - modelErrors() function
function modelErrors()
$html = new HtmlHelper;
$models = func_get_args();
$list = '';
foreach ($models as $model)
if ( isset($this-validationErrors[$model]) )
foreach ( $this-validationErrors[$model] as
$field = $errors )
foreach ( $errors as $error )
foreach( $error as $item )
$list .= 'li' . $item . '/

$output = '';
if ( !empty($list) )
$output = '
div id=error-report
h4' . __('The following errors need
to be corrected:', true)
' . $list . '

return $output;

// validation.php - _evaluate() function
function _evaluate($validation, $messageOnFail, $fieldName = null,
$params = array())
if ($validation)
return true;

if(!preg_match(/does not match pattern/,$messageOnFail))
if (!isset($params['message']))
$params['message'] = Inflector::humanize($fieldName) . 
 . $messageOnFail . .;

if ($params['message'])
= $params['message'];
return false;

Give that a try, and see if it works for you.

One thing you'll notice, and it may not be something that you want:
I've put an extra conditional in there so that any error messages
return from the validatePattern function don't get added to the array.
Reason I did this was because I'm pattern matching the email address,
but the only error I want to see is this is not a valid email - I
don't want to see the other one about it not matching the pattern.
Obviously if you're using patterns directly, this is not the way to

On Feb 8, 1:27 pm, mcgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I totally agree that my solution is a hack. The deeper array would
 definitely be the way to go for multiple error mesages.  The only
 reason I didnt suggest it is that the validationErrors array is part
 of the core model class and I dont want to play around with its
 structure in case it breaks other things in the long run. If it works
 for you, post your code. Id love to see it.

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty

Damn, I didn't pick that one up either. Will bug fix that later on.

A possible modification would be to add an extra parameter to each
function specifying whether or not to output the message - but that
might make things more complicated than they need to be.

When I get this sorted out and working in a way that makes sense to
everyone, I'll post it up somewhere as a complete package to drop in.
And probably stick it up on the Bakery or Trac, if enough people are
interested in seeing it there.

On Feb 8, 2:18 pm, mcgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good catch. I hadn't considered the default messages getting added to
 the array.

 Be careful of validateRequired calling validateNotEmpty. You'll want
 to add a check for that error message as well or you'll see both
 field should not be empty and field is required for the same field.

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-08 Thread MrTufty

Bug fix for the validateRequired / validateNotEmpty:

function _evaluate($validation, $messageOnFail, $fieldName = null,
$params = array())
if ($validation)
return true;

if(!preg_match(/does not match pattern/,$messageOnFail)  !
preg_match(/should not be empty/, $messageOnFail))
if (!isset($params['message']))
$params['message'] = Inflector::humanize($fieldName) . 
 . $messageOnFail . .;

if ($params['message'])
= $params['message'];
return false;

That part at least should be fine, still working on the other chunks
of code.

On Feb 8, 3:14 pm, MrTufty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Damn, I didn't pick that one up either. Will bug fix that later on.

 A possible modification would be to add an extra parameter to each
 function specifying whether or not to output the message - but that
 might make things more complicated than they need to be.

 When I get this sorted out and working in a way that makes sense to
 everyone, I'll post it up somewhere as a complete package to drop in.
 And probably stick it up on the Bakery or Trac, if enough people are
 interested in seeing it there.

 On Feb 8, 2:18 pm, mcgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Good catch. I hadn't considered the default messages getting added to
  the array.

  Be careful of validateRequired calling validateNotEmpty. You'll want
  to add a check for that error message as well or you'll see both
  field should not be empty and field is required for the same field.

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-07 Thread MrTufty

Thanks Tarique, will take a look later on.

I was hoping to avoid having to use anything not in the core code,
purely for stability later on. But if it's required... then that's
what I'll do :)

On Feb 7, 3:55 pm, Dr. Tarique Sani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/7/07, MrTufty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to use the new methods of validation from the 1.2 code

 Oh forgot to add - my code is V1.1


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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-07 Thread marcelgordon

 I'm trying to use the new methods of validation from the 1.2 code

Have a look at the code on this page which works fine with 1.2

it takes care of 1), 2) and 3) from above (and probably 4 but i didn't

I've been using it for a while with good results

be aware of a couple of things if you use this code.

1) the class name conflicts with the core Validation class.  You'll
have to rename it if you want to use this code with 1.2

2) there are some bugs in the code, but they're easily fixed.  I
pointed one out in my comment and then went on to discover that the
same error occurs througout the code.

3) there is an unresolved issue described in comment #5 that the
author hasn't posted a fix for and I haven't had time to track down on
my own.

Despite these few problems, it's a very useful piece of code as it
resolves the biggest shortcoming of the core Validation class so far,
which is multiple checks with distinct error messages on the same
field. Maybe one of the developers could look at incorporating this
into the core...

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Re: More 1.2 validation

2007-02-07 Thread MrTufty

Hi Marcel -

THAT is exactly the sort of helpful answer I was hoping for. Fantastic
bit of code, I think I'll be making use of it until such time as the
Cake core includes something comparable.

I've bookmarked the page in question, and courtesy of the Foxmarks
extension for Firefox, I'll check it out first thing tomorrow when I
get to work :)

Thanks again - and thanks also to the author of said code :)

On Feb 7, 9:06 pm, marcelgordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to use the new methods of validation from the 1.2 code

 Have a look at the code on this page which works fine with 1.2

 it takes care of 1), 2) and 3) from above (and probably 4 but i didn't

 I've been using it for a while with good results

 be aware of a couple of things if you use this code.

 1) the class name conflicts with the core Validation class.  You'll
 have to rename it if you want to use this code with 1.2

 2) there are some bugs in the code, but they're easily fixed.  I
 pointed one out in my comment and then went on to discover that the
 same error occurs througout the code.

 3) there is an unresolved issue described in comment #5 that the
 author hasn't posted a fix for and I haven't had time to track down on
 my own.

 Despite these few problems, it's a very useful piece of code as it
 resolves the biggest shortcoming of the core Validation class so far,
 which is multiple checks with distinct error messages on the same
 field. Maybe one of the developers could look at incorporating this
 into the core...

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