[Catalyst] Catalyst-View-TT-Alloy v0.00001

2007-09-21 Thread Carl Franks
I've uploaded a new module to cpan - Catalyst-View-TT-Alloy.

It's essentially a copy of Cat-View-TT (attributed!), but uses
Template::Alloy instead of Template.
It only provides the TT emulation interface - not all the other
interfaces that Template::Alloy provides.

Hope someone else might find it useful too.


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[Catalyst] Re: uri_for() not working under lighttpd fastcgi

2007-09-14 Thread Carl Franks
I discovered that if instead of hitting:
I hit:

... then uri_for() started working as expected.

I added a rewrite rule to my lighttpd config:
url.rewrite = ( "^/amazon$" => "/amazon/" )
and everything is now working again.

I don't know if this is the best solution though.


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[Catalyst] uri_for() not working under lighttpd fastcgi

2007-09-14 Thread Carl Franks
I've got a Cat app working under lighttpd with fastcgi.

The app should be served from the address:

If I create a url with $c->uri_for('/books/search'), then instead of getting:
I get:

I've just transfered the app from an apache/fastcgi server where it
was working correctly, so it must be either the environment or my
lighttpd/fastcgi config, but I've never used lighttpd before, and am

I'm using the following lighttpd config:

fastcgi.server = ( "/amazon" =>
  ( "Amazon" =>
  "check-local" => "disable",
  "bin-path" => "/srv/www/amazon/script/amazon_fastcgi.fcgi",
  "socket" => "/tmp/amazon.socket",
  "max-procs" => 2,

Here is the 'request' key of my dumped $context:

bless( {
  'protocol' => 'HTTP/1.1',
  'headers' => bless( {
'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB;
rv: Gecko/20070718 Fedora/ Firefox/',
'connection' => 'keep-alive',
'keep-alive' => '300',
'cache-control' => 'max-age=0',
'accept' =>
'accept-language' => 'en-gb,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3',
'accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate',
'host' => '',
'accept-charset' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'
  }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
  '_context' => $VAR1,
  'body_parameters' => {},
  'secure' => 0,
  'hostname' => undef,
  'uploads' => {},
  'user' => undef,
  '_body' => 0,
  'method' => 'GET',
  'address' => '',
  'base' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http' ),
  'cookies' => {},
  'match' => '',
  'path' => 'amazon',
  'uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http' ),
  'query_parameters' => {},
  'parameters' => {},
  'action' => 'default',
  'arguments' => [
  'captures' => []
}, 'Catalyst::Request' )

Any pointers?

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Re: [Catalyst] TT and UNICODE: Garbled special characters

2007-09-06 Thread Carl Franks
On 05/09/07, Daniel McBrearty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This talk was great: http://vienna.yapceurope.org/ye2007/talk/552
> > Check out the slides of his talk.
> >
> looks interesting - where *are* the slides? no link from the page :-)

It was front-paged on use.perl.org recently:

* Perl Unicode Tutorial by Juerd Waalboer

(maybe also of note - I haven't viewed it yet)...
* Working around *the* Unicode bug by Juerd Waalboer


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Re: [Catalyst] About output in a browser

2007-08-29 Thread Carl Franks
On 28/08/2007, lanas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
>   In understanding how Catalyst work and how to work with , I'm making
> very simple stuff, like having a model that only returns a directory
> listing.  I found something curious before starting to make a view.
> Every line of the directory listing, obtained with 'ls -l', will be
> chomped if I do not put a print "String !" just before it in the
> model, like this:
> prints chomped lines, which results in unstructured output in the
> browser:
> MyApp01/lib/MyApp01/Model/MyApp01Model.pm
> sub getFiles()
> {
>   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
>   @{$c->stash->{files}} = `ls -l /home/user/`;
> }
> prints neatly, every line of the directory listing on a separate line
> in the browser:
> sub getFiles()
> {
>   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
>   print "getFiles() !";
>   @{$c->stash->{files}} = `ls -l /home/frodo/`;
> }
> 'getFiles()!' will also get printed in the browser, but I presume this
> is OK.
> The output is in the following.  There are no view defined at the
> moment.
> MyApp01/lib/MyApp01/Controller/Root.pm
> sub end : ActionClass('RenderView')
> {
>   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
>   if (defined $c->stash->{files}) {
> $c->response->body( "@{$c->stash->{files}}" )
>   }
> else {
>   $c->response->body("NO DATA !");
> }
> }
> Can someone tell me why the output of the directory listing is not the
> same due to, apparently, the poresence of a print statement ?

Are you setting this anywhere...?

If not, I think if you view the page source in the browser, you'll see
that the linebreaks are there - but the browser is ignoring them
because it's treating it as HTML.

If you change your output line to:
$c->response->body( join "", @{$c->stash->{files}} )

then I think you'll find it looks as you expect.

(Not that I'm recommending this as a solution - I definitely recommend
using a templating View for most common uses).

If you run the "scripts/myapp_test.pl" file from a command line, you
can easily see the exact output that would be sent to your browser.


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Re: [Catalyst] improving usability / doc

2007-08-17 Thread Carl Franks
On 17/08/07, Jonathan Rockway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Sucks" is somewhat hurtful to the many contributers...

> ... (search.cpan.org's navigation sucks).



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Re: [Catalyst] Re: Catalyst Unicode woes ...

2007-08-14 Thread Carl Franks
On 13/08/07, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try $YAML::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = 1?

Thanks, that solved the problem.

>From reading the docs, I had thought that option did the opposite of
what I was wanting, but then obviously I still have a lot to learn
about unicode ;)


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Re: [Catalyst] Re: Catalyst Unicode woes ...

2007-08-13 Thread Carl Franks
Aristotle, thanks for your input - as soon as I saw your name in this
thread, I knew to sit up and take notice :)

It's taken a few hours, but I've figured out what's causing the
specific problems Tobias was having with some parts of the page being

In a nut-shell, it's YAML::Syck's fault!

>From what I can make of the XS in YAML::Syck, it's messing with the utf8 flags.
So even if I pass YAML::Syck::LoadFile() a filehandle opened using the
correct encoding, the data returned is either encoded again or
incorrectly flagged (I'm not sure which).

If I then concatenate a string from YAML::Syck, with a string from a
correctly decoded filehandle, then the portion from YAML::Syck gets
double-encoded by Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::finalize() doing

I've tried using YAML::XS instead of YAML::Syck, but that also
produces the same broken result.

For the moment, I can fix Tobias' problem by making HTML-FormFu
decode() all strings coming from a YAML file - but this is definitely
a temporary hack - I'll open an RT ticket on YAML::Syck and see what
the authors think.


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[Catalyst] OT: Re: Catalyst hosting: the wiki page

2007-08-13 Thread Carl Franks
On 12/08/07, Francesc Romà i Frigolé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Catalyst application with DBIx::Class and TT which uses 5.2MB of space but
> the .cpan directory uses 37M more.

btw, once you've installed everything, you can delete the contents of
the .cpan directory (except the "CPAN" directory, which contains your
config settings).

Likewise, you can delete the contents of any .cpanplus directory,
except the "lib" directory.


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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst Unicode woes ...

2007-08-09 Thread Carl Franks
On 09/08/07, Tobias Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Following up on a conversion I started on the DateTime mailing-list I'd like 
> to
> ask if it is really neccessary to use C::P::Unicode if a site uses
> utf8-encoding?
> I have the problem that up until now everything worked absolutely fine without
> C::P::Unicode, Template::Stash::ForceUTF8, Template::Provider::Encoding or any
> other unicode plugin because I believed that if everything is utf8 you don't
> really have to worry about it that much.
> Now I recently incorporated DateTime::Locale to get a list of localized month
> names. Spitting them out in my templates revealed a  symbol
> instead of all german umlauts. I took a look at DateTime::Locale and 
> everything
> seems to be correct (use utf8 at the top, etc) so this can't be the culprit.
> encode("utf8")-ing the month names makes them look correct. I asked about this
> on the DateTime mailing list and everybody suggested a truckload of plugins to
> incorporate in Catalyst which _ALL_ break everything else on my site except 
> the
> month names which are displayed fine then. It looks like everything gets
> encoded twice when utilizing these plugins.


I tried jrock's advice of adding C::P::Unicode to the Cat app you sent
me a couple days ago - and it does fix the encoding problem.


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Re: [Catalyst] Dept. of Redundancy Dept.

2007-05-30 Thread Carl Franks

On 30/05/07, Marvin Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


...should be written as:
   C<< $c->req->captures->[0] >>

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Re: [Catalyst] Forms: Chapter 1647

2007-05-24 Thread Carl Franks

On 24/05/07, Christopher H. Laco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of the never ending topics for Catalyst seems to be forms: how to
build them, validate them, localize them and generally just live with
them without hating the toolset or wanting to strangle someone.

I don't have a solution for everyone, but I did create a solution for
me. I offer it here as yet another piece of the puzzle for those in need
of another path. Feel free to steal the code as you see fit.

In general, I like FormBuilder for building forms, but I hate its
validation. I like FormValidator::Simples ability to accept yaml profile
configs (ProfileManager::YAML). I hate that it can't also take messages
from yaml, or both in the same shot. And most of all, I hate having to
have at least 3 configs: FB, Profile, Messages) and nothing localizing
everything in the same way. This is a marriage of all three.

The config file format is simple. The root data is FB options. The
fields collection holds FB field config and constraints (FVS options)
and messages (FVS messages)

> ---
> name: form_name
> method: POST
> javascript: 0
> stylesheet: 1
> sticky: 1
> submit: LABEL_CREATE
> fields:
>   - sku:
>   type: text
>   size: 25
>   maxlength: 25
>   constraints:
> - LENGTH, 1, 25
>   messages:
> - NOT_BLANK: "sku may not be blank"
>   - name:
>   type: text
>   size: 25
>   maxlength: 25
>   constraints:
> - LENGTH, 1, 25

If you don't specify a message for a constraint, it defaults to
FIELDNAME_CONSTRAINT. If you don't label a field, it defaults to
LABEL_FIELDNAME. In my case, I use those as keys to a %Lexicon in a I18N
module...they could just as well be real names/messages.

If you won't want to use yaml, you can just pass the same data structure
to parse/new

> {
>name => 'form_name',
>method => 'POST'
>fields => [
>   sku => {
>   type => 'text',
>   constraints => [
>   'NOT_BLANK',
>   'LENGTH, 1, 25'
>   ]
>   }
> }

When the form is validated/rendered, the labels and messages are all
passed to an I18N sub you specify for localization...

The api mostly mimics FB usage:

> my $form = Mango::Form->new({
>   source => 'path/to/some/config.yml',
>   values => $object->get_columns,
>   localizer => sub {MyI18N->localize(@_)},
>   params => $c->request
> });
> $form->field(name => 'someselect', options => [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
> $form->render;
> if ($form->submitted) {
>   my $results = $form->validate;
>   if (!$results->success) {
>   print @{$results->errors};
>   };
> };

The code isn't the greatest under the covers and does some evil , but it
works for me and at least separated my form handling from my controllers
with an API.

You can steal the form code from here:

Here's a real config:

It'll change. It'll evolve. It works for me, for now. Have fun with it
if you need it, or parts of it. :-)

The syntax, the usage, the I18N, it all seems strangely familiar...


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Re: [Catalyst] $c->detach and $c->action

2007-05-18 Thread Carl Franks

On 01/02/07, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1 Feb 2007, at 02:05, Michael Reece wrote:

> is there something like detach that will also set the current
> 'action' to the one being detached to?

Not until 5.80 but there's no reason you can't simply set $c->action
- it -is- an accessor.

I don't see this implemented in current yet.
I've had a go, but don't understand the dispatcher well enough.
If someone could give some pointers as to what it'll entail, I'd be
willing to spend some time and have another go at implementing it.

Also - is the plan that forward() and detach() will do this by
default, or will there be a new method to get this effect?


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Re: [Catalyst] Form Module Dichotomy

2007-03-23 Thread Carl Franks

On 23/03/07, Alejandro Imass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From the comments, my conclusion is that if you already developed with
HTML::Widget it would probably be better to stick with it and wait for
FormFu (or use FormFu from svn), because it's more backward compatible
with legacy HTML::Widget code.

One last thing to keep in mind is though FormFu looks similar to
html-widget, it isn't backwards compatible and html-widget code would
definitely need syntax changes.


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Re: [Catalyst] Form Module Dichotomy

2007-03-23 Thread Carl Franks

On 22/03/07, Doran L. Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am currently developing my first app using C:C:FormBuilder too, having
done previous Catalyst projects with HTML::Widget. I think FormBuilder may
become the de facto way to develop Catalyst apps in the future, especially
seeing there is a DBIx::Class::FormBuilder module on the horizon that will
marry FormBuilder to DBIx::Class like DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget does for

Well, if mts has anything to say about it, it'll be Reaction that
becomes the Cat de-facto ;)

Have I missed something? What's FormFu?

Discussion of FormFu has generally been limited to the html-widget
mailing list so far.
FormFu is similar to html-widget, but tries to get everything right this time ;)
It's main selling points are:
* You can define your forms using external config files (using any
format supported by Config::Any)
* Instead of having a simple idea of 'constraint' - it has several
stages that can process each form field.
Filters -> Constraints -> Inflators -> Validators -> Transformers.
Filters are intended to do basic cleanup of data input, such as
removing trailing whitespace, or removing spaces in a creditcard
Constraints are low-level data validation, such as, is this an
integer, is this in bounds, etc.
Inflators are similar to DBIC's - they expand the input into an object
of some sort, so there's one which creates a DateTime object, and
there's one which turns a file upload into an Imager object.
Validators are for 'business logic' - more complex validation,
possibly relating multiple fields, which will usually require a custom
class created for each check. The only validator written as of yet is
Imager::Size which checks a picture's pixel size is within bounds.
And Transformers are to manipulate the (possible inflated) input data
before using it. The ony transformer written so far is Imager, to edit
Imager objects (scale, crop, etc).
There are also Deflators, so you can pass $field->default($value) an
object and make sure its value is printed properly.
* Instead of using HTML::Element to generate the xhtml, it uses TT
templates. Every project will have it's own copy of the template
files, so you can customise them if you wish.
* It's gotten rid of html-widget's seperate $result object -
simplifying usage greatly.
* Integration with Catalst and DBIx::Class

See `svn log` for more - there's lot's there!
The code is currently available from:

I've started adding some TODO's to the issue tracker:
What would be most helpful though for anyone wishing to help, would be
documentation, as what's there is quite out-of-date.


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Re: [Catalyst] Form Module Dichotomy

2007-03-23 Thread Carl Franks

On 22/03/07, Alejandro Imass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I wrote a complete backend in HTML::Widget a couple of months ago, and
now I'm adding new functionallity to another part of the site. The
question is:

a - Stick with HTML::Widget and wait for FormFu ?
b - use C::C::FormBuilder ?

If you're just adding new functionality to the site, but not
necessarily needing new features - I would suggest sticking with
HTML-Widget, so it's at least consistent throughout the site.

I'm currently using FormFu extensively in several projects, and am
really happy with how simple it is to use, but also how extensible and
powerful it is.
As I've already said though, anything in it is still subject to change
at this point - but once there's been a cpan release every effort will
be made to maintain backward compatability.
I see it being several weeks at the very least before a cpan release.


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Re: [Catalyst] html escaping question

2007-03-21 Thread Carl Franks

On 21/03/07, Mario Minati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Mittwoch 21 März 2007 12:42 schrieb Carl Franks:
> In which case you may be double-escaping.

But how can I circumvent this. Actually it's not a clever question.
Is it usefull to circumvent that.

My current problem:
As the part of my project I am working on at moment deals with companies I
have to deal with "GmbH & Co. KG" which is a quite popular type of company in

If a users types that in a form field everything is fine until it comes to
editing. The string is escaped - of course. But the user is confused when he
sees "GmbH & Co. KG".

Find out which part of your app is double-escaping, and stop it.
If your template has just [% form %] there shouldn't be any problem.

By default, a field with:
   default_value('GmbH & Co')
will render as:
   value="Gmbh & Co"
the user will see the value as:
   GmbH & Co
and when it's submitted, the server will see:
   GmbH & Co

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Re: [Catalyst] html escaping question

2007-03-21 Thread Carl Franks

On 21/03/07, Mario Minati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Mittwoch 21 März 2007 10:38 schrieb Ash Berlin:
> Mario Minati wrote:
> > What is the best/common practice to get text that might containt html
> > escapable characters (e. g. '&', '<') from a form field to catalyst to db
> > and back to form field?
> >
> > At the moment I'm thinking of not doing any html escaping at all and
> > believe in unicode to handle the encoding correctly, but I would ran into
> > problems with ''.
> >
> > So if I escape a string and send it back to the form the content of the
> > textfield is ''. Why is that?
> I'll asume you are using TT since you didn't say otherwise'
> [% '' | html %]

You mean I have to filter every form field that way?
Or do you mean normal text content?


Am I right in thinking you're not using formfu in this particular case?
Because if you are, H::FF::Element::field::_render_value() already
runs all values through H::FF::Util::xml_escape() which escapes the 5
characters & " ' < >
In which case you may be double-escaping.

If your page is xhtml, and your page charset is utf-8, the 5
characters above are all that should need escaped, unicode characters
shouldn't need to be.


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Re: [Catalyst] Help needed with Unicode

2007-03-20 Thread Carl Franks

On 20/03/07, Mario Minati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- text with german umlauts from lexicon style pm files is currupted, it is

Does your .pm file have "use utf8;" ?
It's necessary for when you have UTF-8 in perl source files.


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Re: [Catalyst] assigning vars to $c->stash

2007-03-12 Thread Carl Franks

On 12/03/07, Octavian Rasnita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a $hash hash reference and I want to add all its elements to the
stash. How can I do this? Do I need to use a loop and assign each element
one by one?

I have seen that it is not possible to use $c->stash = $hash;

%{ $c->stash } = ( %{ $c->stash }, %$hash );
would also work, which combines both hashes.

This is very much a perl references problem - not something cat-specific.

See `perldoc perlref` for more info.


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Re: [Catalyst] Performance

2007-03-09 Thread Carl Franks

On 09/03/07, Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/8/07, Jim Spath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> URI is next up at around 14% of time.  Is there anything that can be
> done about this one?

Wherever is reasonably possible, instead of actually using calls to
$c->uri_for() for every item, call it only once and then build the
rest of the URI manually.

By making this kind of changes throughout an entire Catalyst
application I've been able to get 15-20% better performance.

This has been really bugging me, but I haven't had the time to look
into it further.

A URI object is a blessed string.
A blessed uri-escaped string!
So any method that changes a uri, or extracts info from it must be
having to parse the string each time. And I'm sure there must be a lot
unescaping/escaping going on.

The only thing that's optimised for is printing!
I'm sure it the uri components were kept in a blessed hash, and not
combined and escaped until necessary, it would make a difference.

Does anyone have the spare time to consider refactoring URI?


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Re: [Catalyst] L10N + FormBuilder/HTMLWidget

2007-02-19 Thread Carl Franks


On 19/02/07, Christopher H. Laco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is anyone doing complete localization using FormBuilder or HTML::Widget?
I'm stuggling with probably the same things everyone struggles with when
it comes to forms.

FormBuilder is nice when it comes to localizing the messages via
messages.$lang. It totally sucks when it comes to localizing the form
labels themselves. It looks like I either have to manually loop through
teh fields and localize the labels, or use a different .frm config for
each language...which means duplicating major parts of the config.

HTML::Widget seems to be even worse at getting its config from an
external source rather than creating forms in code.

What is the sanest way people have found to do localization without
having to do it in 2-3 different places (code to alter labels,
messages.$lang, etc)?

It seems that forms suck, and form tools really haven't quite gotten
over the hurdle yet in situations like this.

I haven't yet publicised this anywhere than the html-widget list, but
I've been working on a html-widget replacement, named HTML::FormFu.
The main reason I've been quiet is mainly because, of the little
documentation there is, some is now incorrect and most still refers to
html-widget. - So consider the code and test suite the primary
documentation for now.

I've just added L10N to it, using Locale::Maketext, but you can
provide your own L10N object or class if you wish.
At the moment, it only has an en.pm locale file.
To localise labels, comments etc, I would suggest using the same
technique as you would to localise anything else:
   $field->label( $c->loc('name') );
instead of:
To organise the L10N texts, you could either let formfu localise error
messages, etc from it's own locale files and set your own labels using
Or you could merge the contents of formfu's own locale files into your
own, then tell formfu to use Cat's own localize() method. (assuming
you're using the Catalyst-Plugin-I18N).
The catalyst controller has an option for handling this automatically
If you want formfu to use it's own L10N files, you can set the
controller option `localize_from_context` to tell it to get the
language from `$c->languages`.

The formfu code should be considered alpha, as it's still changing to
an extent, but it is working and I'm using it in a few different
projects and enjoying using it.
The code is in svn at:

The Cat controller / actions

DBIx::Class integration (replacement for DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget)

A couple of extra form elements which use the Dojo library:

There's also an application which lets you test different css
stylesheets again forms, to quickly prototype different layouts:

In a very quick summary, I would describe it's main advantages over
html-widget as being:
* uses TT templates, so you can easily change the rendered xhtml on a
per-project basis
* set $field->filename() to override the rendering on a per-field basis
* the old result objects are broken out into seperate result + render
object to allow a backend other than TT to be used
* more seperation of form fields and other non-field 'elements', such
as fieldsets
* load form settings / elements / constraints / filters from config
files, allowing easy setting of global defaults, and allows forms to
be changed without touching code
* cleaner xhtml, more customisable dom id generation, cleaner css classnames
* can set element default values, form-wide, for individual field types, e.g.
   $form->element_defaults({ Textarea => { cols => 20 }, Text => {
size => 20 } });
will automatically pass these defaults when the relevant element type
is created.
And of course, these can be set via a config file.
...well, that's all I can think of off-hand

If you're interested in experimenting with it, you're welcome to ask
questions on the html-widget list.


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Re: [Catalyst] Using C::C::FormBuilder With DBIC

2007-02-18 Thread Carl Franks

On 18/02/07, RA Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have been experimenting with Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder.  I'm
> trying to provide an edit form for objects read from and written to the
> DB via DBIx::Class.  Have FormBuilder automatically load the data from
> DBIC into the form seems pretty easy with something like:
> my $widget = $c->model('MyAppDB::Widget')->find($id);
> my $form = $self->formbuilder;
> $form->values($widget->get_columns);
> However, an elegant way of writing the data back out is not jumping out
> at me.  I know I could manually copy each field out of the $form object
> to my $widget object, but it seems like there should be simple way to do
> it all in one line like I got with the
> "$form->values($widget->get_columns);" above.
> Any suggestions?  What are other folks doing for C::C::FormBuilder and DBIC?

I'm pretty new to this, but this is what I did:

sub edit : Local Form {

   # get data into form pretty much as above, then:

if ( $form->submitted && $form->validate ) {
   $c->stash->{user} = $user;

sub do_edit : Private {
   my ($self, $c) = @_;
   my $form = $self->formbuilder;
   my $fields = $form->field;
   $c->flash->{status_msg} = 'User updated';
   $c->response->redirect( $c->req->base . 'users/view/' .
 $c->stash->{user}->id );

Not sure if it's the 'best' way, but it works. Will be interesting to
see what other suggestions you get.

It might be worth looking at the code for DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget for some ideas

When you're populating the form from the database, would your
correctly set select menus?

Also, (for all browsers that I'm aware of) no value is sent back to
the server for unchecked radioboxes - so it'd be worth checking
whether the "$fb->field" solution handles this properly.
(I don't know, as I've only read the formbuilder docs, I've never used it).


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
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Re: [Catalyst] C::C::FormBuilder question

2007-01-31 Thread Carl Franks

On 30/01/07, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 30 Jan 2007, at 08:48, Carl Franks wrote:
> I was just looking at this last week, as I was using the code as a
> basis for a new controller. I suspect that it's never been tested,
> because as far as I can tell, it incorrectly reads the config from the
> controller object, rather than the application object.

That's what it's supposed to do! This is a feature, not a bug - and
the fact that all the plugin-style ones (HW, DFV etc.) use global
config if frankly a bug in *them* since it makes code re-use much

If you need common defaults, use a controller base class. Works

ok, that's cool.
I still tend to keep all config in a single external config file, so I
hadn't come across that.

Would best practise then be something like this?...

   my $config = $self->config->{'Controller::MyApp'}
   || $c->config->{'Controller::MyApp'}
   || {};


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
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Re: [Catalyst] C::C::FormBuilder question

2007-01-30 Thread Carl Franks

On 29/01/07, Marc Logghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,
I am lost.
In my conf I have:
# configuration of FormBuilder
method_name: form
template_type: Mason
stash_name: form
obj_name: fb
form_suffix: fb
attr_name: Form
form_path: __path_to(forms)__

In the mason template:
<% $form->render %>
 $form => undef

The error I get:
Couldn't render component "/moe/mol_3D_conv_form" - error was "Can't call
method "render" on an undefined value ...
I was convinced that C::C::FormBuilder automagically sets
$c->stash->{}, but it seems not to be the case (btw: calling
$c->stash->{form} gives the same error).
Do you have to assign your fb object manually in the controller ? And if so,
what is the purpose of the 'stash_name' conf setting ??
I am afraid I am missing something teriibly.

I was just looking at this last week, as I was using the code as a
basis for a new controller. I suspect that it's never been tested,
because as far as I can tell, it incorrectly reads the config from the
controller object, rather than the application object.

in sub "new",
should be

and in sub "__setup",
   my $self   = shift;
   my $config = $self->config->{'Controller::FormBuilder'} || {};
should be:
   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
   my $config = $c->config->{'Controller::FormBuilder'} || {};


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Re: [Catalyst] Hair-pulling over YAML config

2007-01-29 Thread Carl Franks

On 29/01/07, Carl Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've just spent an inordinate amount of time debugging a problem which
was actually caused by my Yaml config file not parsing properly.
Catalyst isn't helping much - all it does is skip out the line of debug
that says "[debug] Loaded Config ..." and that's easy to overlook.

I discovered that when the file is loaded in Config::Any, if there's an
error with the parsing it just skips it and doesn't bother to alert

Is there a smart way to test for your config file failing to parse?

I've patched my Config::Any (attached below) so it throws a warning. Not
sure if this would cause problems if it was included in the distributed

I've had the same troubles today too!

How about a Test::YAML, in the same vein as Test::Pod, providing a
all_yaml_files_ok() rountine which accepts a list of files or
directories to check?


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Re: [Catalyst] creating binaries

2007-01-17 Thread Carl Franks

On 17/01/07, Joe Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That is unless you have your in-memory image also encrypted with on the
fly decryption/execution.  I am not aware of any one doing this for any
language.  Though I could be wrong.

I've heard of this being used in pc/console games, but even this can
still be cracked, as it has to be unencrypted at some point during

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(off-topic) Re: [Catalyst] Preferred Ajax framework

2007-01-11 Thread Carl Franks

On 11/01/07, Toby Corkindale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

... Attempts to correct said
documentation by me failed, as you need to sign a disclosure saying your
contributions are owned by the Dojo Foundation (so they can publish a
book later) ...

The CLA ( http://dojotoolkit.org/icla.txt ) grants them a copyright
license for your work.

The work is still owned by you...
"Except for the license granted herein to the Foundation and
recipients of software distributed by the Foundation, You reserve all
right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions."

You could dispute its commercial use...
"the Foundation shall not use Your Contributions in a way that is ...
inconsistent with its nonprofit status"

After I faxed them the CLA they commited my previous submissions, with
no problems.


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Re: [Catalyst] Browser window/tab independent sessions

2007-01-09 Thread Carl Franks

On 08/01/07, Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 23:34 +0200, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> And I think this is what is wanted, because I can't see other needs for
> having 2 separate sessions on the same computer.

Go back and read the original post again.  The problem is with storing
non-global information, like the current search term, in global storage,
i.e. a cookie or something tied to a session ID in a cookie.

If you try opening multiple windows on amazon.com, with separate
searches in each, they will not interfere with each other.  You can page
through each separately, and your search terms are maintained.  This is
true regardless of how you opened the window.  That's what this person
is trying to achieve.

Can you describe how to replicate this behaviour?

I opened the amazon.com link in a new window.
I right-clicked the homepage graphic, and selected "open in new window".
In the first window I did a couple of searches and viewed a couple of books.
In the second window I did a couple of different searches and viewed a
couple of different books.
I couldn't see any "search history" (I wasn't logged in; does that matter?).
When I clicked the "View & edit your browsing history" link in each
window, they both displayed all the books I had viewed in /both/
windows - which as far as I understand, isn't the desired behaviour.


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Re: [Catalyst] HTML to plain text conversion

2007-01-08 Thread Carl Franks

On 08/01/07, Xavier Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Do you know a (catalyst plugin|perl module|external tool) that converts HTML
to plain text? I mean, keeping some formatting (especially lists and
links...), not just stripping HTML tags...

I tried Template::Plugin::HtmlToText that fits well into TT, but the links are
lost. Lists are well rendered, though.

Something like this should work:

   my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new( allow => [qw/ a ul ol li /] );
   my $text = $scrubber->scrub( $html );


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Re: [Catalyst] Browser window/tab independent sessions

2007-01-08 Thread Carl Franks

On 08/01/07, Octavian Rasnita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, it seems that Internet Explorer doesn't work that way.

Here are the steps:
I have opened a window with the main page of the site.
No cookie file was created.
I have logged on.
No cookie file was created, even though it was sent, and the login was
I have opened another window with the same main URL.
It asked again for the username and the password, so the session was not
available to the second window.
I have logged on using another username.
No session file was created but the login was successful this time also.

To see better what's happening, try using a browser plugin that will
let you view current cookies, or use javascript to display the current
IE might not be creating the actual cookie file immediately on each page view.


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Re: [Catalyst] How to use HTML::Widget::Constraint::Date

2006-11-27 Thread Carl Franks

On 27/11/06, Andrew Peebles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michele Beltrame wrote:
> Hello Alejandro!
>> I decided to create my own class in my controller namespace but I
>> think it can be contributed to HTML::Widget::Constraint namespace if
>> anyone here has acces to that.
> I have several constraints as well which I think might be useful, so I
> was interested in creating and "CPANning" a distribution maybe named
> HTML::Widget::MoreConstraints which would collect them all. However, I
> still have to do that as, chatting with Carl and (especially) with
> mst, it seems that we'll be moving away from HTML::Widget soon enough...
> So, I'm waiting some days by the window to see what to do. ;-) If you
> are interested in getting this done, however, please let me know.
> Michele.
What is the up-n-coming alternative to HTML::Widget?

reaction ;)

Well, maybe longer term, yes.
But for now, a replacement is in active development.
See the html-widget mailing list for discussion, and lets move any
further discussion over there.


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Re: [Catalyst] How to use HTML::Widget::Constraint::Date

2006-11-26 Thread Carl Franks

On 26/11/06, Alejandro Imass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


But how do I use this constraint if I have several date fields in my
form? Suppose I have two dates which would mean 6 fields on the form
(per your explanation above). Do I just pass all 6 in order to the
constraint? or am I missing the point entirely?

You would add 2 constraints - something like:

$form->constraint( Date => 'start_year', 'start_month', 'start_day' );
$form->constraint( Date => 'end_year', 'end_month', 'end_day' );

If your data already has the date in a single field, rather than 3,
create a Callback constraint, and base the code on the check in


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Re: [Catalyst] HTML::Widget and Unicode

2006-11-26 Thread Carl Franks

On 26/11/06, Alejandro Imass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


HTML::Widget is translating my UTF-8 characters into presumably ISO
LATIN-1. Can I stop HTML::Widget from doing this? I looked into
enctype but I don't think is for that, and if it is could someone
kindly offer an example? if so (supposing that enctyle is the answer)
what happens to filenames that use Unicode characters in an upload

Can you give an example of what's actually happening and when?

If you're talking about the output of $result->as_xml, the characters
are being HTML-encoded. Upgrade to the latest cpan release of
HTML::Element to fix it.

If that's not the problem, can you post more details to the
HTML::Widget mailing list:


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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst vs Rails vs Django Cook off

2006-11-16 Thread Carl Franks

On 16/11/06, Christopher H. Laco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Carl Franks wrote:
> On 16/11/06, Cory Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 11/16/06, Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On 16/11/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Essentially, according to his test, which doesn't take into account
>> > > ORM performance, Rails & Django knock the socks of Catalyst.
>> > The first thing I noticed was that the content length of the document
>> > served by catalyst was longer than that served by rails.
>> > He doesn't seem to have tried very hard to test "apples for apples"
>> (his words)
>> >
>> > Also see the very good comment by "JayK" as to why it's not a very
>> > good real-world test at all.
>> > http://letsgetdugg.com/view/Catalyst_vs_Rails_vs_Django_Cook_off
>> >
>> > I'm not saying Catalyst's performance couldn't be improved, or that
>> > it's not slower than Rails - just that a bad benchmark is worthless.
>> I agree with all your points Carl. I have not been present in teh IRC
>> for a few days to see any discussions related to this thread.  I'm
> (me either)
>> sure some optimizations were discussed and some things will be
>> implemented because of it.  So with the precondition that I haven't
>> kept up with the state of affairs I'd like to thank victori for
>> spending his time and effort to create _something_.  It's more than
>> his naysayers have to done to show us how fast Catalyst is.  I
>> respectfully suggest that those who criticize his work should use
>> their energies to /improve/ his test rather than merely dismissing it
>> as worthless.  Using his code as a base, couldn't one create a test
>> that was more fair?  Then someone would have a test that shows results
>> that are more 'real' and give potential users more information with
>> which to make a decision.
>> From the off-list discussion I've already had, I know my use of the
> word 'worthless' will haunt me ;)
> If a benchmark reveals something in the framework core which could be
> optimised, then that's great.
> If it helps teach more effective idioms, or highlights something that
> shouldn't be used, then that's great.
> But other than that, I don't think any application benchmark will have
> much worth other than for that specific application.
> If I wanted to serve static pages (as the benchmark did), I wouldn't
> use a framework and then pipe them through TT.
> The reason I use a framework, is because I want to write a big
> application with lots of pages, and have things like sessions, ORM,
> templates.
> I don't see /how/ the benchmark can be improved. Once you start
> getting into something that complicated, all you're testing is the way
> 1 person writes the application in perl compared to how they write it
> in ruby.
> Someone else might use a different session storage-backend, which
> would have different results, and your 'fastest' framework now isn't.
>> Catalyst doesn't have to be the fastest in such a test.  That's
>> probably never been the One True Goal of the core devs.  But providing
>> people with information as to why Catalyst is good (or bad) should be
>> high on the list.
> Carl

/me puts on flame suit.

I agree overall. However...

I think the fact still remains that new end users will see three
frameworks [all of which were destined for serving more than static
pages] where 2 of them serve the static content fast, and one doesn't

Regardless of whether the test is 'real world', and regardless of
whether the frameworks 'were meant to serve more complicated things',
Catalyst is slower in this instance. All things being unequal, if I tell
my boss we have 3 frameworks to choose from, and one is flexible, and
the others are fast, he's going to choose fast every time...even knowing
the testing may be faulty. Yes, I know better. He probably does too. But
that's how the world works.

I always fall on the side of the non majority it seems, and this is
another example. [The list, not you specifically] Stop being defensive
that the test is bogus. It's not.

I agree with everything up to here.

It shows that in one circumstance,
Catalyst is sadly slow. Let's fix that.

Matt has just pointed out that Cat's optimised for large applications
with lots of paths, and for flexible programming.
Only fix it if that doesn't compro

Re: Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst vs Rails vs Django Cook off

2006-11-16 Thread Carl Franks

On 16/11/06, Cory Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/16/06, Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 16/11/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Essentially, according to his test, which doesn't take into account
> > ORM performance, Rails & Django knock the socks of Catalyst.

> The first thing I noticed was that the content length of the document
> served by catalyst was longer than that served by rails.
> He doesn't seem to have tried very hard to test "apples for apples" (his 
> Also see the very good comment by "JayK" as to why it's not a very
> good real-world test at all.
> http://letsgetdugg.com/view/Catalyst_vs_Rails_vs_Django_Cook_off
> I'm not saying Catalyst's performance couldn't be improved, or that
> it's not slower than Rails - just that a bad benchmark is worthless.

I agree with all your points Carl. I have not been present in teh IRC
for a few days to see any discussions related to this thread.  I'm

(me either)

sure some optimizations were discussed and some things will be
implemented because of it.  So with the precondition that I haven't
kept up with the state of affairs I'd like to thank victori for
spending his time and effort to create _something_.  It's more than
his naysayers have to done to show us how fast Catalyst is.  I
respectfully suggest that those who criticize his work should use
their energies to /improve/ his test rather than merely dismissing it
as worthless.  Using his code as a base, couldn't one create a test
that was more fair?  Then someone would have a test that shows results
that are more 'real' and give potential users more information with
which to make a decision.

From the off-list discussion I've already had, I know my use of the

word 'worthless' will haunt me ;)

If a benchmark reveals something in the framework core which could be
optimised, then that's great.
If it helps teach more effective idioms, or highlights something that
shouldn't be used, then that's great.
But other than that, I don't think any application benchmark will have
much worth other than for that specific application.

If I wanted to serve static pages (as the benchmark did), I wouldn't
use a framework and then pipe them through TT.
The reason I use a framework, is because I want to write a big
application with lots of pages, and have things like sessions, ORM,

I don't see /how/ the benchmark can be improved. Once you start
getting into something that complicated, all you're testing is the way
1 person writes the application in perl compared to how they write it
in ruby.
Someone else might use a different session storage-backend, which
would have different results, and your 'fastest' framework now isn't.

Catalyst doesn't have to be the fastest in such a test.  That's
probably never been the One True Goal of the core devs.  But providing
people with information as to why Catalyst is good (or bad) should be
high on the list.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst vs Rails vs Django Cook off

2006-11-16 Thread Carl Franks

On 16/11/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I really don't want to start a bashing session, but I have some
concerns that those much more knowledgeable than me should hopefully
be able to clarify.

Recently, I saw this article via Catalyst Planet: http://

Essentially, according to his test, which doesn't take into account
ORM performance, Rails & Django knock the socks of Catalyst.

In victori's remarks, he calls for a change in Catalyst and points to
the other advantages to to this framework, mostly related to ease of
coding.  While the whole reason I came to Catalyst is because I'm
comfortable with Perl and don't want to learn Ruby, I'm worried that
my Catalyst application won't perform as well when/if my app usage
becomes very significant.  Should I be concerned?

Again, I'm not interesting in hearing about how Rails/Ruby/Django/
Python sucks, but in facts about real performance of Catalyst.

The first thing I noticed was that the content length of the document
served by catalyst was longer than that served by rails.
He doesn't seem to have tried very hard to test "apples for apples" (his words)

Also see the very good comment by "JayK" as to why it's not a very
good real-world test at all.

I'm not saying Catalyst's performance couldn't be improved, or that
it's not slower than Rails - just that a bad benchmark is worthless.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Where should constraints go

2006-11-03 Thread Carl Franks

On 03/11/06, Ian Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Carl Franks wrote:
> I made on very basic start [1] on being able to automatically create
> constraints from the database column types. At the moment it only
> supports mysql, and it's also probably very out-of-sync with the
> current svn trunk - but I'd /really/ like to see it finished, and I
> /really/ don't have any time to work on it, so if you want to take a
> look and do something with it, that'd be great.
> My primary goal was to get it working with HTML::Widget as
> H-W-Constraint-DBIC [2], but there's no reason it couldn't be
> integrated with any other validation package.
> [1]
> http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/branches/DBIx-Class/columns_info_for
> [2]
> Carl
Creating the constraints is not really the problem. Your approach
certainly helps and one that any ORM should include. I can see that it
would take a fair amount of work to cover all bases.

Putting these sort of constraints is the duty of either the database
level (where they naturally go anyway) or perhaps in the business logic

My problem is finding a clean way of getting these constraints out of
the Model and into the View so that I can generate meaningful error
messages without hard-coding them in the templates. By 'clean' I mean
not having to code the Controller to act as the middle-man and just pass
them from the Model to the View.

The purpose of the "columns_info_for" branch code is to mark columns
with such flags as
'data_type', 'size', 'length_in_bytes',
or for integers... 'is_unsigned', 'range_min', 'range_max'

Then you just need to tell the validation/form package which DBIC
column corresponds to the CGI parameter, and the validation/form
package should be smart enough to check the input against the flags
set, and set an appropriate error message if it fails.

So if your 'username' column is varchar(16), DBIC would mark it
data_type => 'varchar',
size => 16,
and if the input is longer than that, then the validation package can
set the message "must be no longer than 16 characters".
The HTML::Widget equivalent would be:
$w->constraint( String => 'username' );
$w->constraint( Length => 'username' )->max( 16 )->message( 'must be...' );

If your 'age' column is the mysql column "unsigned tinyint", then DBIC
would mark it
data_type => 'tinyint',
is_unsigned => 1,
range_min => 0,
range_max => 256.
Again, the validation package can set appropriate error messages if
the input doesn't match those specs.
The HTML::Widget equivalent would be:
$w->constraint( Integer => 'username' )->message( 'must be an integer' );
$w->constraint( Range => 'username' )->min( 0 )->max( 256 )->message( '...' );
Which should be entirely possible to automate.

For example, if a
constraint was put on a DATE field such that it could not be later than
NOW and no earlier than NOW - 20 Days. (for example).

I don't get your example.
Is this 'constraint' something that's defined in the database as a
Stored Procedure or Function?
If so, then no, I don't see any way of automatically getting that
specification into the View, unless you use a database that lets you
use native perl-code functions, and you can use the exact same code in
the View, and you use some sort of mechanism to ensure that the
database function stays in sync with the View.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Where should constraints go

2006-11-03 Thread Carl Franks

On 03/11/06, Ian Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Where should the various constraint values go in my MVC structure? For
example the Model defines the size of each field in (for example) a
username field in the User database table as being 16 characters max.

I am using FormValidator to validate the username field by calling a
validation routine in the Model-User as you can see in the code snippets

In the example of the username, the constraints are in the length (no
more than 16 characters) and in the 'existing' to ensure that a username
is not chosen that already exists.

This seems to make sense to me since it is the Model that knows the
constraints of the database. If I were to do other (business logic) type
constraints then I would probably put in a business logic layer where
these constraints were defined.

The problem is in the View. To give a text error message that 'Must be
between 1 and 16 characters' is hard-coding a constraint directly in the
view which would need to be changed if the database schema changed.

I cannot think of a 'clean' way of getting these database constraints
from the Model into the View.

Anybody else tackled this issue?

I made on very basic start [1] on being able to automatically create
constraints from the database column types. At the moment it only
supports mysql, and it's also probably very out-of-sync with the
current svn trunk - but I'd /really/ like to see it finished, and I
/really/ don't have any time to work on it, so if you want to take a
look and do something with it, that'd be great.
My primary goal was to get it working with HTML::Widget as
H-W-Constraint-DBIC [2], but there's no reason it couldn't be
integrated with any other validation package.

[1] http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/bast/branches/DBIx-Class/columns_info_for


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Re: How to redirect before some code excute

2006-10-26 Thread Carl Franks


Fayland Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lee Standen wrote:
> > It's a subroutine, right?
> >
> > Tried a return?such as:
> >
> > $c->res->redirect('http://www.yahoo.com');
> > return undef;
> Indeed I want to run the 'while' loop in backend. 'return' would not run
> the loop I think.

Why do you want to run the loop in the background?
What purpose will it serve?

If we can learn your motivation, we can try to find you
At Least One Way To Do It.

It's not that unusual to want to send a response before doing
expensive operations, so that the user doesn't have to wait.

Does fork() play well with catalyst? (I've not yet had a need to try it myself)


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] automatic CRUD (was: how to get started?)

2006-08-22 Thread Carl Franks
> fireartist wrote:
> > Many modules, particularly DBI / DBD::SQLite, include C code which
> > needs to be compiled on the target machine.
> Ok, now I realize Catalyst isn't what I'm looking for.
> I need something more lightweight.  I'm doing this for fun in my
> spare time and wanting something I can host on a cheap web hosting
> provider that only supports perl/CGI/PHP and MySQL but doesn't
> allow compiling and installing my own C software.  Or if there's
> nothing that does what I want in perl or PHP, I could pop for a
> slightly more expensive hosting service that would support Python
> or Java or Ruby on Rails, but still not installing new C software.

You can get even very cheap webhosting with SSH included - if you
don't have SSH, then installing anything will be hard.
In my experience, there's very few hosting packages that don't support
C compilation.
Just log in and type `which cc` or `which gcc` to check whether
there's a C compiler.
If there is, then it's very much harder to install XS perl modules,
than it is pure-perl. Either way, you'll need to create your own
library folder, and set CPAN.pm to install there.
To make sure that any Module::Build based modules install properly,
first use CPAN.pm to install ExtUtils::CBuilder, and everything should
go smoothly.

> What I want should be simple: a utility written entirely in Perl
> or PHP that I'd run once to query the schema of an existing MySQL
> database, which would output a set of new scripts (also entirely
> in Perl or PHP) that would let a user perform basic web-based
> CRUD operations on the tables in the database, preferably using a
> nice, simple MVC design.  Then I could customize those scripts as
> needed.  Does such a utility exist?

I think you'll find very few module's authors avoid XS modules - in
which case it's up to you to check the dependencies.
If you search cpan, there are sometimes pure-perl variants of modules,
e.g. DBD::mysqlPP, DBD::PgPP

I recently installed Fedora Core 5, and was pleasantly surprised that
I just had to type

> sudo cpan
cpan> install ExtUtils::CBuilder
cpan> install Catalyst::Runtime
cpan> install Catalyst::Devel
cpan> install Task::Catalyst

and everything installed with no problems.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] how to get started?

2006-08-21 Thread Carl Franks
> I've been trying for days to install Catalyst and haven't gotten
> far.  I've tried both "perl -MCPAN 'install Task::Catalyst'" and
> cat-install and they both fail with many errors in various
> prerequisite modules.  I've tried this on Sun Solaris, NetBSD,
> and Cygwin, and they fail in similar ways on all three.

If you post the error messages you get to this list, I'm sure someone
will be able to help.

Have you made sure CPAN.pm is configured properly?
If you get an error with a prereq module, try restarting CPAN and
installing just that module. Sometimes that works, and if not, at
least the error messages will be clearer.

> Here's my request: would someone please build a greatly expanded
> version of CatInABox that would include all the modules
> referenced in the Catalyst Tutorial and the other Catalyst
> examples, and all their recursive prerequisites, and put it up
> for people to download?
> In fact, please also include any other modules you can think of
> that might naturally be used with Catalyst.  I don't care if
> this turns into 1GB of perl modules (who doesn't have 100GB of
> space these days anyway), but I really don't look forward to
> having things fail again every time I try to add a module from
> CPAN and it requires Tree::Simple or something else that won't
> install for whatever reason.
> My hope: download the archive, extract it, setenv PERL5LIB to
> reference the extracted directory, and then be able to run the
> whole Catalyst Tutorial with no further ado.  Is that so much
> to ask?

Unfortunately, yes.
Many modules, particularly DBI / DBD::SQLite, include C code which
needs to be compiled on the target machine.
If you read the README in CatInABox, you'll see even that includes an
old version of HTML::Parser, as newer versions are XS (C code).

List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Forms and Plugins and Tutorials, oh my!!

2006-08-18 Thread Carl Franks
On 18/08/06, Kevin Monceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 01:48:06PM +0100, Carl Franks wrote:
> > If you're able to help at all with developing these, it'd be most welcome.
> > The first priority is probably rewriting Alien::Dojo, along the lines
> > mentioned in the "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo merger suggestions" email.
> Since I'm asking for such features I certainly should put my money where my
> mouth is.  I'm willing to help in any way I can.  Unfortunately at my
> current skill level I doubt I could be of much help.  I'm very new to
> Catalyst.  I tinkered with perl years ago but not a great deal.  Catalyst
> has rekindled my interest in perl.  So, what can someone with my limited
> skills do to help?

All contributions will help!
Working on HTML-Widget-Dojo might be suitable, and of immediate value to you.

You'd just need a basic controller and template to try it out.
Download the latest dojo and put it in your static directory
Make sure your html has a script tag pointing to the library, for example

If you're testing this through catalyst, you'll probably need to set
static-simple to not ignore any extensions - make sure all the files
in static/dojo/ can be served, including .html files.

Then you can just try adding a widget to a page, with elements from H-W-Dojo.
See if you come across any errors.
Have a look through the dojo library to see if there's any other
widgets you'd like to add to H-W-Dojo.

You can get H-W-Dojo from here using subversion:

Incidentally, I submitted a patch for C-P-Static-Simple that helped
with serving the files, but it hasn't been applied. You might find it


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Forms and Plugins and Tutorials, oh my!!

2006-08-18 Thread Carl Franks
On 18/08/06, Jonas Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 18/08/06, Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If you don't want to manually download the dojo library, it needs
> > Catalyst::Plugin::Dojo which currently uses HTML::Dojo, but will be
> > changed to use Alien::Dojo once that's merged with HTML::Dojo. - see
> > the previous discussion on this list, titled "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo
> > merger suggestions"
> >
> > If you're able to help at all with developing these, it'd be most welcome.
> > The first priority is probably rewriting Alien::Dojo, along the lines
> > mentioned in the "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo merger suggestions" email.
> Hi Carl,
> I would like to help developing these modules. Could you give some
> guidance in what needs to be done.
> I really need HTML::Widget::Dojo for the future versions of InstantCRUD.

At the moment, there's only been 1 release of Alien::Dojo, and it's broken.
The author is happy to hand over maintenance of it.

The message mentioned above is here:
This is Yuval's resonse:
It seems a bit over-engineered to me, but Yuval is the man when it
comes to design, so I bow to him. Unfortunately, I don't have the time
to work on it - it's a minor issue for me, as it's so easy to manually
download the dojo-ajax release from the website.

As HTML-Widget-Dojo stands, I think the latest in subversion worked ok
with dojo v0.3.
Dojo v0.3.1 has since been released, so we need to check whether the
widgets we use have had incompatable changes.
I had posted a few bug reports - I'll need to search for them and see
if they've been addressed.

This thread also mentions a couple of issues that might still be outstanding.

Feel free to ask anything else.
Anything specific to HTML-Widget-Dojo should probably be on the H-W list though.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Forms and Plugins and Tutorials, oh my!!

2006-08-18 Thread Carl Franks
On 18/08/06, Kevin Monceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That would certainly work.  But, imagine if a form plugin took care of the
> dirty work for the developer.  Let's pretend for a moment.  Imagine, if you
> will, that someone integrated the FCKEditor with HTML::Widget.  One might be
> able to create an FCKEditor textarea field by doing something like:
> $w->element('FCKEditor', 'description' )->label('Description')->rows(20)->
> columns(40);

There's work in this direction already with HTML::Widget::Dojo.
Work has currently stalled, partly because dojo seemed to be going
through a lot of changes, and partly because it's slipped down my
priority list.

Currently, HTML::Widget::Dojo provides elements for WYSIWYG textarea,
auto-complete text fields, and a popup date selector.

If you don't want to manually download the dojo library, it needs
Catalyst::Plugin::Dojo which currently uses HTML::Dojo, but will be
changed to use Alien::Dojo once that's merged with HTML::Dojo. - see
the previous discussion on this list, titled "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo
merger suggestions"

If you're able to help at all with developing these, it'd be most welcome.
The first priority is probably rewriting Alien::Dojo, along the lines
mentioned in the "Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo merger suggestions" email.

The svn locations are:


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Planet Catalyst

2006-08-03 Thread Carl Franks
On 03/08/06, John Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just set up Planet Catalyst at
> http://planet.catalystframework.org to aggregate blogs
> about Catalyst .

This is great to see, thanks for putting it together!

> it filters articles on catalyst, dbic,
> dbix(::)?class or html(::)?widget (case insensitive). Let me know if there
> are any other topics of interest that should be included.

I don't know whether you mean you use regexes to match these, in which case:
html::widget is also often written as html-widget or H::W.
Likewise, dbix::class could also be written dbix-class.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] PPM vs CPAN

2006-06-29 Thread Carl Franks
You may want to look into Vanilla / Strawberry perl as an alternative
to ActivePerl.
It includes the mingw (gcc) compiler and nmake, and the perl included
is compiled from scratch with mingw, rather than ms compilers.

The files are here (get the .exe) :

Vanilla Perl is officially experimental because until a few months ago
some of the core modules were a bit flakey on windows, but I use it
full time for development and running catalyst under fastcgi / apache
and have no problems.

The quite recent site http://win32.perl.org has a news item added
today by Adam Kennedy, saying he's hoping to get a new release of
Vanilla Perl and also an initial alpha of Strawberry Perl both out

Strawberry perl in just Vanilla Perl, but with an up-to-date
Bundle::CPAN, and IO / LWP modules - so it's considered a more
realistic 'basic' version, rather than vanilla, which is really
targeted at people wanting to do CPAN testing.

Anyway, as I said, I use Vanilla Perl, and have had very little
trouble getting everything installed using CPAN.pm - no more trouble
than occasionally crops up with other platforms - and the problems
that exist have been getting fixed with-a-vengence these last few
It doesn't come with PPM.pm, but I've written a script that will
download PPM's from Kobes' repository and install them for me - I
think the only modules I need to do that for are DBD::mysql and
Image::Magick. PPM's are just archive files though, so it's easy
enough to extract the files from.

The next distribution will be Chocolate Perl, which will include a lot
more useful modules, including everything that comes with ActivePerl
(including PPM.pm) - hopefully we'll get an alpha of this out this

On 29/06/06, Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, unless it's something absolutely necessary, I'd suggest you
> against deploying it in a Windows server. It's somewhat of a hassle to
> get mod_perl or FastCGI working correctly under Windows, the best I've
> got so far is running Catalyst under Apache::Registry, since mod_perl
> crashes when using PerlModule directives and I can't manage to even
> compile FastCGI and it's related Perl module and the built-in server
> becomes really slow if you need to support IE clients directly
> connecting thanks to the necessary -k switch.

I use a binary fastcgi apache module which I downloaded from the
fastcgi website.
I can't remember whether I had problems compiling FCGI.pm - maybe
that's one of the few I had to get a PPM for. If you use PPM.pm, make
sure you add Randy Kobes' cpan mirror repository.

If anyone has problems with compiling/installing modules on windows,
it'd be really appreciated if you could report the problem on
rt.perl.org, and post a note on the "Compatibility List of Perl
Modules" wiki page, so people know to chase it up.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

[Catalyst] Alien-Dojo / HTML-Dojo merger suggestions

2006-06-14 Thread Carl Franks
message cc'd to Dominique in case you're not still on the cat list.

Further to the discussion a couple of weeks ago, I suggest deprecating
HTML-Dojo (of which I'm the author), and merging it's functionality
into Alien-Dojo, with the following changes.

Backwards compatabilty shouldn't be an issue, as there's only been 1
release of Alien-Dojo, and it's broken as it doesn't include all files
necessary for the dojo JS to work. So I'm pretty sure no-one's using
it ;)

Currently, HTML-Dojo comes with the dojo distro bundled. Alien-Dojo
doesn't include the dojo code at all, it downloads it from the
I suggest Alien-Dojo includes the dojo code, but is capable of
downloading and installing other versions from the internet.
  The Alien-Dojo distro can be updated with each dojo release, meaning
cpan clients will know of the upgrade.
  We'll have a permanent archive of dojo versions on cpan.
  The Alien-Dojo distro number will match the dojo version number,
meaning the `use Alien::Dojo 0.3` idiom to ensure a minimum working
version will work.

Alien-Dojo currently isn't aware of the different dojo "editions"
(customized builds) available. This capability will have to be added.
By default, we should use the "ajax" edition, as that's the prefered
dojo edition.

Alien-Dojo should include all files from the dojo distrobution, not
just the src directory.

Alien-Dojo->new() allows a single argument, interpreted as the minimum
version of dojo required.
I suggest it's changed to be a named argument, to allow for expansion.
Also, with experience of using dojo, I suggest it should instead mean
the *exact* version you want, rather than minimum. (the dojo library
changes a lot between releases).
If you really want a minimum version, you can do `use Alien::Dojo x.x`

Also, rather than dumping the js library directory into perl/site_lib,
I'd rather the library is dumped into a single .pm file such as
HTML-Dojo does.
Like HTML-Dojo, the intended use is that the module is used by
something such as Catalyst-Helper-Dojo to dump the library into an
application directory, and so Alien-Dojo should not be used by general
programs (such as for serving files live).

To handle versions not already installed, I'm thinking it should first
try using CPAN.pm, and if the version/edition isn't available there,
to try downloading the library from the dojo website, building a .pm
from it, and then installing it with ExtUtils::Install.
Does that sound sane?


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] YAML vs. *

2006-06-12 Thread Carl Franks
On 09/06/06, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carl Franks wrote:
> > I think what would make me happy would be to simply have the
> > auto-generated yaml config file have a half-dozen or so lines of
> > comments at the top, containing a brief overview of the syntax and any
> > vital reminders such as "Don't use tabs!"
> I like. And I think with the amount of already-extant documentation using
> YAML, this is probably the lowest-friction answer as well.
> Fancy putting together a quick cheatsheet as a Catalyst::Helper patch?

My initial estimate of "a half dozen or so" lines of comments was
wildly inaccurate.
To keep it readable, it's currently at 30 lines.

Any suggestions of what could be trimmed out?
Different layout suggestions?
(Lines are currently limited to 78 chars)

#   Lines starting with "#" are comments.
#   Indent each new level with an equal number of space characters.
#   Tab characters cannot be used to indent.

#   A plain key/value pair ( ensure there is a space after the ":" )
#key: value

#   An empty value
#key: ''

#   A List ( ensure there is a space after the "-" )
#  - value 1
#  - value 2

#   Nested key/values
#  nested key 1: value
#  nested key 2: value

#   With a single-quoted value, use 2 quotes to represent a literal quote
#key: 'single quote '' with a value'

#   Double-quoted values can contain escaped characters, such as newlines "\n"
#key: "line 1\n line 2"

#   Multiline values start with the ">" character. Line-folding is applied.
#key: >
#  After processing, the linebreak between these 2 lines
#  will be removed.

List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] YAML vs. *

2006-06-09 Thread Carl Franks
Wow, this is a long thread for only 4 hours!

I dislike YAML, but I still prefer it to the other options you suggested.

The main reason I dislike it is everytime I need to add an array to a
cat config file, I need to either find a previous application that had
an array in it's config file, or start up a shell and dump an array,
because I can never remember the syntax.

I think what would make me happy would be to simply have the
auto-generated yaml config file have a half-dozen or so lines of
comments at the top, containing a brief overview of the syntax and any
vital reminders such as "Don't use tabs!"

Good idea?


Catalyst mailing list

Re: [Catalyst] what is the type of $context?

2006-06-09 Thread Carl Franks
On 09/06/06, Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 11:25:40 +0100, Carl Franks wrote:
> > I'd be surprised if there *was* a way to do intropection with perl5.
> WTF? Perl is possibly the most lax and free minded language there is
> WRT inrospection. You can even hack in meta classes if you try hard
> enough.
> What other language lets you poke around the instance's structure,
> know it's class at runtime, and has a hash as a symbol table?

Daniel defined introspection as: "dump a list of all the subs it supports".
As I said, how can there be a *reliable* way of doing that?

I know I've used autoload in the past to provide getter/setters
without having to copy/paste subs - they would never show up in the
symbol table.
Okay, we've now got cool modules such as Class::Accessor::Fast which
are easer to use than autoload, and which do insert the subs into the
symbol table, but there must be a lot of modules out there that still
do it "the old way".

Would using Class::C3 effect the possible methods, or just the order
of method-calls?
Is it not possible that if a class uses something other than plain
@ISA / SUPER, then simply looking at the symbol table for everything
in @ISA may not be correct?

btw, I don't know the proper definition of "introspection" with regard
to programming - if it's broader than I was using it, then sorry for
any confusion.


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