Re: [ccp4bb] How to determine water number?

2009-08-18 Thread Paul Emsley

AntonioLeung wrote:
I am a novice working on protein structure. When I pick water using 
COOT, too many waters picked, filling in the whole cell.

Too many - hmm. Did you, by any chance, peak-search a difference map 
without first changing the default sigma cut-off to (say) 3.5?


Re: [ccp4bb] imosflm with multiple data sets

2009-08-18 Thread Andrew Leslie
Thanks Frank, Luke forgot to tell me that he had actually implemented 
this !

For those wishing to use this option, the Matrix line has to be 
dragged and dropped on the Sector line of the segment of data that 
you want to assign the matrix to, NOT to the Matrix line of that 

I agree Frank, it is very tedious to have to have to drag past all the 
images, we will change things so that the collapsing the sector still 
leaves the Matrix visible.

While on this topic, Clemens Vonrhein kindly pointed out to me that I 
had not read the original Email carefully enough, in that the second 
sector of data had an oscillation range of 0-180, the same as the first 
sector, but the phi value had been changed by 180 degrees between the 
two runs. Thus, in order to get the matrix from the first sector to 
correctly predict images from the second sector, 180 degrees needs to 
be added to the phi values of each image. This is easily done by 
manually entering the phi values for the first image of the second 
sector, then this will be automatically propagated for all following 


On 18 Aug 2009, at 06:55, Frank von Delft wrote:

Actually, drag-and-drop DOES work, and is *dead* handy!

(But a considerable annoyance:  you HAVE to open the sector to be able 
to click on the matrix line -- and then you have to drag that matrix 
past all the 300 (or whatever) images to get to the next sector.  For 
many images, this really slow.  Better to put matrix and images on 
separate sub-nodes.)

Andrew Leslie wrote:

Dear Tom,

  There is a straightforward way to do what you want. 
It is probably simplest to start by reading in only the images from 
the first segment (0-180). Then do the indexing, cell refinement and 
integration in the usual way.

Then read in the second segment of data. You will notice that in this 
second segment, underneath the Sector name, there is a line starting 
Matrix and this will be Unknown. If you go to the Matrix line of 
the first segment, the matrix will have a name (based on the image 
template).  Double click on the name of the matrix. A popup window 
(Matrix properties) will appear. Click on the save matrix file icon 
(a blue disc) and save the matrix with an appropriate filename.

Now go to the Matrix line of the second segment, double click (on 
Unknown) as before and this time click on the Open matrix file icon 
(a folder) and read in the matrix that you saved from the first 
sector. You can now process the second segment using this matrix.

It would be even nicer if you could drag and drop the matrix, this 
is on our to do list.

Best wishes,


On 17 Aug 2009, at 13:33, Brett, Thomas wrote:

I am an imosflm novice and have a relatively simple question. I have 
a 360 deg data set collected in two swathes of 180 deg (one with 
phi=0 and omega going 0-180 and the second with phi = 180 and omega 
going 0-180). What is the easiest way to process the two datasets 
using a matching orientation matrix (or one rotated by 180 deg as it 
were) so that all the data can be merged together. Is there an easy 
way to do it in imosflm or must one process the two sets separately 
and then manipulate later with pointless before scalling and merging 
everything together?

Thanks in advance.

Tom J. Brett, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8052, 660 S. Euclid
Saint Louis, MO 63110

[ccp4bb] Vacancy for crystallographer at Heptares

2009-08-18 Thread Andrew Leslie
This is posted on behalf of Dr. Fiona Marshall at Heptares. The 
Heptares web site for applications is:

Please respond using the web site or the Email address below, not to me.

Andrew Leslie

Structural Biologist/Crystallographer

Heptares is a new drug discovery company located in Hertfordshire UK, 
working on G protein coupled receptors across a range of therapeutic 
areas.  We are using a unique structure based approach, which 
originated from work at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in 
Cambridge, to characterise this important family of receptors and 
develop novel innovative therapeutics for the treatment of disease.

We have recently established a state of the art laboratory for membrane 
protein crystallography. We are now seeking an enthusiastic and 
motivated scientist with experience in protein crystallisation and 
structure determination to assist Heptares in obtaining novel GPCRs 
structures and ligand co-structures for drug discovery.  This is an 
exceptional opportunity to participate in cutting edge science whilst 
helping to grow an industry-leading drug discovery company.

The successful candidate will work closely with the protein engineering 
and expression team responsible for the generation of pure stabilised 
GPCRs.  In addition the role will include close collaboration with 
medicinal and computational chemists involved in structure based drug 

It is expected that some candidates will have broad experience of 
protein purification through to structure whilst others may wish to 
focus on crystallography.

The role will include some or all of the following depending on the 
•	Develop and optimise protocols for receptor purification with a view 
to crystallisation

•   Develop protocols for crystallisation of novel stabilised GPCRs
•	Set up crystallisation screens and optimise conditions for GPCR 

•   Data collection at synchrotrons (Diamond and ESRF)
•   Structure determination of protein ligand complexes

The successful candidate should have:
•	A PhD or equivalent in biophysics, structural biology or related 
•	At least 5 years experience within a research environment either in 
academia or industry.

•   Experience in protein purification and crystallisation
•   Extensive skills in X-ray macromolecular crystallography
•   Analytical thinking and critical problem solving skills.
•	Experience of working with membrane proteins would be an advantage as 
would experience of working in a drug discovery environment where 
structural studies are used to drive medicinal chemistry

•   Excellent time management skills and an ability to work independently.
•   An interest in G protein coupled receptors and drug discovery.
Further information can be found on our website (
Applications should be sent to

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Protein interactions

2009-08-18 Thread Eugene Krissinel


you may want to try PISA at


On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, protein.chemist protein.chemist wrote:

Hello All,

Can anyone tell me what are the programs used to find out the different
interactions in a protein.
I am talking about both intra and intermolecular interactions.

Thanks in advance.


Re: [ccp4bb] space groups not supported by Refmac5

2009-08-18 Thread Michele Lunelli
Dear Arefeh,

Arp/warp works with standard space groups, therefore you have to reindex P21221 
to P21212. In this
message from Anastassis Perrakis you can find some advice:


Arefeh Seyedarabi wrote:
 I have a question; recently I have encountered a few space groups which are
 not supported by Refmac5. Examples include I2 and P21221. Both these space
 groups have been identified as the best solutions for the two different
 datasets I am working on using Pointless. However, I am faced with
 difficulties in Refmac5, and the program fails to complete when I select
 refinement cycles with Arp-waters...with the message saying 'space group not
 Any suggestions on how this problem could be overcome?

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Protein interactions

2009-08-18 Thread Rotem Sertchook

look in our servers  list for interaction and contact analysis
pay attention to PISA which is very good for intermolecular and PIC  
for intra.

Good luck

On 17 Aug, 2009, at 20:13, protein.chemist protein.chemist wrote:

Hello All,

Can anyone tell me what are the programs used to find out the  
different interactions in a protein.

I am talking about both intra and intermolecular interactions.

Thanks in advance.


Mariah Jones
Department of Biochemistry
University of Florida

Rotem Sertchook, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Unit, Biological Services
Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot 76100, Israel.

Re: [ccp4bb] Scale datasets from different crystals

2009-08-18 Thread Donald Damian Raymond
I tried to scale the two datasets in scala after combining the two  
unmerged datasets with the sort MTZ program, but scala thinks the two  
datasets are from the same crystal. The problem is the unit cell  
constants are not identical. See scala output below.

 * Number of Datasets = 2

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions,  

1 0409
 66.7900   69.4500   80.4500   83.1500   70.4700   61.5600
2 0609
 66.9700   69.5600   80.4500   83.0600   70.6700   61.2900

Then I get this WARNING:

WARNING: output dataset X101/two/JL0609 contains input datasets with  
different wavelengths

 WARNING: output dataset X101/two/JL0609 contains input datasets with  
different cells

 WARNING: output dataset X101/two/JL0609 contains input datasets with  
different Crystal Names

clearly scala is expecting data from the same crystal. Are there any  
programs in ccp4 that I can use to combine these two datasets. I know  
this sort of thing was done a lot before cryoprotection came about.  
Thanks a lot in advance.

Donald Raymond
Department of Biological Chemistry
Janet Smith Lab
University of Michigan

On Aug 17, 2009, at 10:34 PM, Pete Meyer wrote:

If you want to treat the end result as a single dataset, you're  
probably  better off combining unmerged datasets (two different  
batches in scala, or two different scaling sets in scalepack).

As far as I understand it, the data model in the mtz files (project/ 
crystal/dataset/column) isn't really set up to allow combining two  
datasets post-merging; so most likely you'd have to cook up a custom  
procedure (most likely involving some duct tape, or equivalently  
dumping to ascii after scaling, merging overlapping reflections, and  
reconversion to mtz).


Donald Damian Raymond wrote:

Hello all,
	I have incomplete data from two different crystals. Is there a   
program in ccp4 that I can use to merge the two scaled datasets? I   
used CAD and scaleit, but it does not give any scaling statistics  
like  completeness and Rmerge. Any help would be appreciated.


[ccp4bb] 1-2 October: What is a Macromolecular Complex ? meeting at the NKI, Amsterdam

2009-08-18 Thread Anastassis Perrakis

Dear all,

This is a reminder and some news for the meeting:

What is a macromolecular Complex? Shades of Meaning Across Cellular,  
Systems, and Structural Biology

- Registration closes on Monday 7th September at 12:00 noon. No  
exceptions after the deadline.

- There will be eight (8) fellowships for attending the meeting, 500  
Euro (max) each (*)

Best regards on behalf of the organizers,


(*) Only available if your lab is NOT part of the EU programs that  
support the meeting (SPINE-2-Complexes, TEACH-SG, 3D-Repertoire) and  
you really wanted to attend but could not for financial reasons, but  
500 Euro will make it possible for you to join us, please email with a short motivation and research interests,  
10-15 lines max (no attachments please, simple text). Preference will  
be given to people not yet registered, since we might well assume that  
people that already registered had the money already sorted. The  
amount is the MAXimum available per person for ALL expenses, and it  
will be reimbursed after the meeting, *** based on receipts ***!

Re: [ccp4bb] space groups not supported by Refmac5

2009-08-18 Thread Arefeh Seyedarabi
Thank you all very much for your advice. I will reindex my data to P21212 in 
order to use Arp/Warp.

Best regards,


Arefeh Seyedarabi, PhD
Postdoctoral research assistant
School of Biological and Chemical sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End road
E1 4NS
Based at Joseph Priestley Building G.35

020 78828480

[ccp4bb] SOMoRe

2009-08-18 Thread Scott Walsh
Dear CC4BB users,

Does any one know how to get SOMoRe for molecular replacement?  The old link 
and email 
to Diane Jamrog no longer functions.  Also, does any one have a Mac Intel 

Best regards,


Scott T. R. Walsh, Ph.D.
Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology
University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
Rm 3127E CARB II
9600 Gudelsky Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
phone: (240) 314-6478
fax: (240) 314-6255

Re: [ccp4bb] imosflm with multiple data sets

2009-08-18 Thread Andrew Leslie

Hi Hari,

This is slightly different, and was indeed a bug in imosflm version 
1.0.0. In the new version, released last week (1.0.3) this bug is 
fixed, so that if images from multiple sectors are used in indexing, 
the same matrix is defined for all those sectors (ie they will not be 
marked as Unknown.

Best wishes,


On 17 Aug 2009, at 14:53, hari jayaram wrote:

I didnt realize the following:

You read in images from the two wedges  collected with the same
crystal orientation.


Now when you index ,if you say use images from both datasets
mydata_1_###.img use image 1,90
mydata_101_###.img use image 30 , 120

The matrix for the second wedge (mydata_101_###.img)  is still marked 

Isnt this different from the behaviour in the X- mosflm . SHould the
matrixes be the same since the orientation was calculated using images
from both.

Now , If I did not force the second wedge to have the same matrix ,
using the save to file and read from file method you just described ,
does the new imosflm use the last calculated matrix from the running
session or calculate a new matrix ?..I guess I have to check some of
the data I processed with my erroneous assumption to make sure that
the matrixes for the two wedges are the same .

Thanks for clarifying this..

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Andrew wrote:

Dear Tom,

                 There is a straightforward way to do what you want. 
It is
probably simplest to start by reading in only the images from the 
segment (0-180). Then do the indexing, cell refinement and 
integration in

the usual way.

Then read in the second segment of data. You will notice that in this 
segment, underneath the Sector name, there is a line starting 
Matrix and
this will be Unknown. If you go to the Matrix line of the first 
the matrix will have a name (based on the image template).  Double 
click on
the name of the matrix. A popup window (Matrix properties) will 
Click on the save matrix file icon (a blue disc) and save the 
matrix with

an appropriate filename.

Now go to the Matrix line of the second segment, double click (on 
as before and this time click on the Open matrix file icon (a 
folder) and
read in the matrix that you saved from the first sector. You can now 

the second segment using this matrix.

It would be even nicer if you could drag and drop the matrix, this 
is on

our to do list.

Best wishes,


On 17 Aug 2009, at 13:33, Brett, Thomas wrote:

I am an imosflm novice and have a relatively simple question. I have 
a 360
deg data set collected in two swathes of 180 deg (one with phi=0 and 
going 0-180 and the second with phi = 180 and omega going 0-180). 
What is
the easiest way to process the two datasets using a matching 
matrix (or one rotated by 180 deg as it were) so that all the data 
can be

merged together. Is there an easy way to do it in imosflm or must one
process the two sets separately and then manipulate later with 

before scalling and merging everything together?
Thanks in advance.

Tom J. Brett, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8052, 660 S. Euclid
Saint Louis, MO 63110

[ccp4bb] Histogram matching in DM - question

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Grey
Hi everyone,

I am trying to use density modification at rather low resolution (4-5A ) for
an RNA structure. My first time ever with RNA.
I usually use Histogram matching as part of the density modification scheme
in DM. But this method is based on density distribution of protein maps I
Is histogram matching still valid when it comes to RNA or protein/RNA
structures ?

 And a  general question regarding density modification and RNA structure.
Can statistical density modification programs (RESOLVE, Pirate) take into
consideration the chemical composition of the structure ? Shouldn't this
composition affect the expected density distributions ?

My gratitude in advance for your comments and advice,


Re: [ccp4bb] Histogram matching in DM - question

2009-08-18 Thread Poul Nissen

Hi Peter,

Histogram matching works well for RNA structure, but be aware that  
density modification in general can be very tricky at low resolution.  
If by any means you can exploit averaging, e.g. multicrystal averaging  
of non-isomorphous crystals, it will probably be very helpful. It will  
also depend on the source of your phases


On 18/08/2009, at 21.43, Peter Grey wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use density modification at rather low resolution  
(4-5A ) for an RNA structure. My first time ever with RNA.
I usually use Histogram matching as part of the density modification  
scheme in DM. But this method is based on density distribution of  
protein maps I think.
Is histogram matching still valid when it comes to RNA or protein/ 
RNA structures ?

And a  general question regarding density modification and RNA  
structure. Can statistical density modification programs (RESOLVE,  
Pirate) take into consideration the chemical composition of the  
structure ? Shouldn't this composition affect the expected density  
distributions ?

My gratitude in advance for your comments and advice,


Re: [ccp4bb] Histogram matching in DM - question

2009-08-18 Thread Edward A. Berry

Peter Grey wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use density modification at rather low resolution (4-5A ) 
for an RNA structure. My first time ever with RNA.
I usually use Histogram matching as part of the density modification 
scheme in DM. But this method is based on density distribution of 
protein maps I think.
Is histogram matching still valid when it comes to RNA or protein/RNA 
structures ?

I have the same question with respect to metalloproteins.
Presumably the heavier metal atoms make spikes that are completely off the
scale of a normal protein histogram. Is it then a bad idea to use
histogram matching? Do the metals get flattened down to the highest
density expected for protein on every cycle?


[ccp4bb] selenomethionine labeled protein expression in insect cells

2009-08-18 Thread riya doreen
Hi everyone,

I am looking for a method for expressing selenomethionine labeled protein in
insect cells. Can anyone point me to a suitable protocol ?
Additionally, is anyone aware of  companies that may  provide this service
for a fee ?


Re: [ccp4bb] selenomethionine labeled protein expression in insect cells

2009-08-18 Thread Brad Bennett
Hi Riya-
Expression Systems has a protocol for SeMet incorporation (Click on the
Selenomethionine Incorporation pdf file at and they advertise that
they do just about anything you would want to do with insect cells (see, including
expression of recombinant protein in insect cells. I promise that I am not
an employee or a shareholder of this company. Just used their products and I
was looking for a SeMet protocol recently, too, and happen to find theirs
online. You can contact me off the board if you want more details.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:09 PM, riya doreen wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am looking for a method for expressing selenomethionine labeled protein
 in insect cells. Can anyone point me to a suitable protocol ?
 Additionally, is anyone aware of  companies that may  provide this service
 for a fee ?


Re: [ccp4bb] selenomethionine labeled protein expression in insect cells

2009-08-18 Thread Engin Ozkan
We have unsuccessfully used in the past (by that I mean less than 
stellar incorporation) the Gibco/Invitrogen Sf900-SFM w/o Met/Cys media. 
Then we saw Karin Reinisch's paper (Dong et al, Immunity, 2009) and they 
used Expression Systems' ESF921. This protocol works for us.


On 8/18/09 2:49 PM, Brad Bennett wrote:

Hi Riya-
Expression Systems has a protocol for SeMet incorporation (Click on 
the Selenomethionine Incorporation pdf file at and they 
advertise that they do just about anything you would want to do with 
insect cells (see, 
including expression of recombinant protein in insect cells. I promise 
that I am not an employee or a shareholder of this company. Just used 
their products and I was looking for a SeMet protocol recently, too, 
and happen to find theirs online. You can contact me off the board if 
you want more details.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:09 PM, riya doreen wrote:

Hi everyone,
I am looking for a method for expressing selenomethionine labeled
protein in insect cells. Can anyone point me to a suitable
protocol ? Additionally, is anyone aware of  companies that may
 provide this service for a fee ?

Engin Özkan
Post-doctoral Scholar
Laboratory of K. Christopher Garcia
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Dept of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
279 Campus Drive, Beckman Center B173
Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305
ph: (650)-498-7111