Re: [ccp4bb] Charge flipping.

2010-05-25 Thread John R Helliwell
Dear Francis,
I am very interested in your work with this.
In the paper :-
A. Mukherjee, J.R. Helliwell and P. Main 'The use of MULTAN to locate the
positions of anomalous scatterers'.  (1989) Acta Cryst. *A45*, 715-718.
you will see that missing centric reflections was not limiting. However, the
more dilute the anomalous scatterers versus the protein atoms led to the
practical consequence of increasing the number of required iterations to a
successful answer.
That said the potential effect of missing centric data and the influence of
random and systematic errors on the charge flipping may of course be
Best wishes,
Prof John R helliwell

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Francis E Reyes

 Hi all

 I've been playing around with charge flipping for macromolecular
 substructure determination with pretty promising results. I'm particularly
 attracted to the fact that it solves structures in P1, with no space group
 assumptions and curious how it would handle some of the pseudosymmetry cases
 I've come into in my time.

  I'd like to know if anyone's had experience with this method, and open up
 the discussion with the following questions:

 As the algorithm starts with completely random phases and charge flips  the
 map in P1, what is the importance of measuring (good or any) anomalous
 signal at all (for the sole purpose of finding the heavy atoms)? At first
 pass  it would seem that just as long as you have an incorporated heavy atom
 and the density of that region is greater than delta, that this alone would
 be sufficient for locating the position of the heavy atom.  In other words
 just as long as your heavy atom is sufficiently higher in contrast than your
 protein/rna it would be a good enough criteria.

 In the above regime, would the importance of measuring anomalous data be
 more important for substructure refinement (via phaser, mlphare, sharp,

 Now to a more specific question for those who've had experience (or maybe
 the authors are subscribed here):

 Orthorhombic C2221 using SUPERFLIP heavy atoms are found with great
 peakiness (before noise suppression: peakiness = 5, after noise suppression
 peakiness 25, good separation of heavy atom peaks from noise peaks in
 resulting pdb). Yet the space group check via the sym operators is rather
 poor (overall agreement  close to 100).  My interpretation is that the heavy
 atoms are found, but the space group is wrong?



 Francis Reyes M.Sc.
 215 UCB
 University of Colorado at Boulder

 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 67BA8D5D

 8AE2 F2F4 90F7 9640 28BC  686F 78FD 6669 67BA 8D5D

Professor John R Helliwell DSc

Re: [ccp4bb] Can CCP4 print the sigma level of the electron density at each residue or atom center?

2010-05-25 Thread Eleanor Dodson
If you ask for Real space R factor from overlapmap it gives you the mean 
density for eaxch residue main chain and side chain, or mean density at 
atom centre.  It is rather confusedly labelled Fobs(mc) etc.

You could convert this to sigma level by just dividing the values.


The Hailiang Zhang wrote:


Phenix.model_vs_data offers a great function which prints out the sigma
level of the electron density at each residue or atom center. This is very
useful comparing the relative density between two maps at the given
region, however, it is running a little bit slow. I am just wondering
whether some CCP4 subroutines also provides the similar function (didn't
find in overlapmap). Thanks a lot!

Best Regards, Hailiang

Re: [ccp4bb] Finding best model for molecular replacement

2010-05-25 Thread Eleanor Dodson

Some afterthoughts:
Of course avoid the common MR problems - assigning wrong SG, saturating 
low resolution data etc etc..

1) Any sequence search tool might have told you there was only a poor 
match available. 23% is very marginal for MR and with that degree of 
similarity you are very wise to start searching for exptl phase methods.
However it is sometimes possible to get an MR solution which can at 
least be helpful as a guide while you build your model into the dexptlly 
phased map!

BALBES does a very good job at analysing likely models - could your 
sequence suggestr a multimer? are there domains which fit well? etc etc.

Then there are the other methods which can give answers - aligning 
multiple models, doing homology modelling etc. But even if you found a 
reasonable solution rebuilding and refinement can be difficult - much 
easier to have some exptl phases to guide that..


Ashley Buckle wrote:

This is generally a good idea, but removal of residues is a subjective process, 
and a little trial and error.  If your sequence searching finds multiple search 
models you can superimpose them and systematically remove the poorer fitting 
regions based upon RMSD.  We have built a server for this at
Also see the paper:

This can generate A LOT of search models, so you need a way of testing them all, 
and possibly varying other parameters (eg in PHASER varying RMSD, space groups to 
test, clashes).  This can generate 100 runs, so best to be able to use a 
compute cluster, and some way of queing the jobs (eg MrBump, BALBES etc.  Another 
solution is here:

hope that helps

On 25/05/2010, at 2:52 AM, Jürgen Bosch wrote:

You've also applied BRAIN 2.0 ?

I mean looked at homologous structures, superimposed them and decided which 
parts are to be removed ?
Never trust programs :-) There could be a flexible alpha helix which if you 
removed it would have given you in all programs a solution.

it's Monday,


On May 24, 2010, at 10:24 AM, Paul Lindblom wrote:

The last molrep job just finished and it found only an odd solution. So I think 
I will try to get my phases elsewhere. But I am somewhat astonished that there 
are still enough cases you can't solve by MR.

Thanks to all who replied. Here is a list of servers/programs to find a MR 



use the OCA browser for FASTA searches of the PDB

Modeller or Rosetta (both also available as web servers)

ensemble of many proteins with Phaser

FFAS server maintained by the Godzik lab

generate some models using the Phyre server   ( )  and feed the best .pdbs into Mr Bump.

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

Associate Professor Ashley M Buckle
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Faculty of Medicine 
Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800

iChat/AIM: blindcaptaincat
skype: ashley.buckle
Tel: (613) 9902 9313 (office)
Fax : (613) 9905 4699
mobile: 0430 913031

Re: [ccp4bb] Alignment software

2010-05-25 Thread Luc BONNEFOND
Hy Mohd,

There was recently a nice review about all the alignment software available. 
You might find one you like in there.

Visualization of multiple alignments, phylogenies and gene family evolution.

By the way there's also a review on structures visualization software in the 
same supplement issue about visualizing biological data, that might interest 
other readers form that list as well.

Visualization of macromolecular structures.



Luc Bonnefond, PhD.

Division of Structure Biology
Department of Basic Medical Sciences,
Institute of Medical Science,
The University of Tokyo

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: calculate the real space R factor using OVERLAPMAP

2010-05-25 Thread Ian Tickle
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Frank von Delft wrote:
 Hi Ian, I read with great interest.  But got stumped here:

 - how you compute sigma(rho)?

 See my reply to George Sheldrick's post.

 I think your reply did not make it out to the BB, certainly neither to my
 inbox nor to the archive.  Do you think you could post it again?

Hi Frank, my apologies, I failed to spot that my reply wasn't being
copied to the BB, here it is:

I just use the EXTENDS program (I modified Phil Evans' original EXTEND
program), which gets an initial estimate as the RMS difference density
of the map from FFT (i.e. either an a.u. or a complete cell) as you
say, then makes a correction for outliers ( 3 sigma), replacing the
RMSD value in the map header with the estimated standard uncertainty
(i.e. sigma).  This is not perfect in terms of outlier rejection: to
do it rigorously takes significantly more CPU time (i.e. more than a
few seconds), and I wanted to keep map calculation fast (since we do a
lot of it!), but it's probably good enough.

 By the way, I'm afraid you're wrong with this statement:

 Note that I'm not proposing anything new, this is all explained in
 standard statistics textbooks (Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics
 by Stuart  Ord is probably the best).  In fact this is exactly my
 point: why re-invent the wheel (and likely end up with a square one!)
 when the appropriate statistics is all there in the textbooks and has
 been for ~ 80 years?

 Any time someone spots that an old technique is relevant in a new context,
 that is something new.  And since you bemoan that this is not being used,
 that by definition makes it a new context :)

I'm happy to go along with that!

 So I'll be bugging Paul to put this in coot, e.g. for sidechain fitting.

I think he already got the message!


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Alignment software

2010-05-25 Thread Salameh, Mohd A., Ph.D.
Thank you all for very helpful suggestions, I used the software STRAP,
Espript is also user friendly and effective. Many recommended ALINE, but
unfortunately I had troubles with the download. Thanks again, Mohd

Re: [ccp4bb] Finding best model for molecular replacement

2010-05-25 Thread Christine Zardecki

Dear Paul,

A few options may be of interest:

RCSB PDB Sequence Searching:
Paste your sequence into the sequence search box at:
(also available from Advanced Search and from the Sequence Search of  
the left hand menu).

Sequence search results are ordered by e-value.  Note, the sequence  
alignment on the results page comes from the BLAST output file. BLAST  
uses the sequence from SEQRES and the sequence numbering always  
starts at 1. The sequence numbers of the residues in the ATOM records  
may be different.

To see which part of an aligned sequence is actually present in a  
structure, go to the Structure Summary page for an entry and click on  
the Sequence tab.

PSI Structural Genomics Knowledgebase:
Paste your sequence into the search box at
This search will return any related structures, models, targets,  
protocols, and materials.

MRBUMP (CCP4: Supported Program):
For a given target sequence, automated discovery of chains, domains  
and multimers that are possible templates for molecular replacement  
search models

RCSB Protein Data Bank

On 05/23/10 15:23, Paul Lindblom wrote:

Hi everybody,

I just crystallized a new project protein. How can I find a  
possible model for using molecular replacement? I have the  
sequence of my protein. Is it enough to make a sequence search in  
the pdb? Or is there another approach I can use?

Thanks a lot,


Re: [ccp4bb] Alignment software

2010-05-25 Thread Sebastiano Pasqualato
Hi there,
I remember a friend of mine showing me Aline, and it looked very nice.
However, I can't make it work on my MacBook Pro (Mac OS X 10.6.3).
With respect to the instruction I found on the website, I had to change the 
export lines to be added to the .bashrc in order not to get error messages.
That's how I added the path info:

export ALINEHOME='/sw64/share/xtal/aline_011208'

however, I still get an error while trying to run aline:

s...@host005:~ aline
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /sw64/lib/perl5 
/sw64/lib/perl5/darwin /Library/Perl/Updates/5.10.0 
/System/Library/Perl/5.10.0 /Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level 
/Library/Perl/5.10.0 /Network/Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level 
/Network/Library/Perl/5.10.0 /Network/Library/Perl 
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.10.0 .) at 
/sw64/share/xtal/aline_011208/bin/aline line 37.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /sw64/share/xtal/aline_011208/bin/aline 
line 37.

I even tried with the 

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Tk'

command, as suggested by the website, but nothing changed.

Any idea of what's wrong here?
Thanks a lot for the tips,

On May 25, 2010, at 5:47 AM, Charlie Bond wrote:

 Hi Victor,
 Thanks for recommending ALINE.
 It is not exactly true that development has stopped. It is just glacially 
 slow as funding for such utilities is not easily obtained!
 Recommendations for improvements (to improve that potential) are 
 well-received and a keen user can write their own plug-ins to achieve new 
 Victor Alves wrote:
 Hi Mohd
 You can also check: ALINE (An Extensible WYSIWYG Protein Sequence Alignment 
 Editor for Publication Quality Figures)
 It’s quite nice and has a lot of potential, although unfortunately it seems 
 that development of the software as stopped  :-(
 Victor Alves
   *From:* CCP4 bulletin board [] *On Behalf Of 
 *Salameh, Mohd A., Ph.D.
 *Sent:* sexta-feira, 21 de Maio de 2010 16:11
 *Subject:* [ccp4bb] Alignment software
 Dear All,
 I’m trying to prepare an alignment figure of 2 proteins that highlight 
 conserved and similar residues and probably secondary structures; I will 
 greatly appreciate it if anybody can recommend a software that I can use. 
 Thanks, Mohd
 Charlie Bond
 Professorial Fellow
 University of Western Australia
 School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences
 35 Stirling Highway
 Crawley WA 6009
 +61 8 6488 4406

Sebastiano Pasqualato, PhD
Dipartimento di Oncologia Sperimentale
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
via Adamello, 16
20139 - Milano

tel +39 02 9437 5094
fax +39 02 9437 5990

Re: [ccp4bb] UPPSALA: ERROR --- Serious FRCSYM error

2010-05-25 Thread Edward A. Berry

Hailiang Zhang wrote:


When I run UPPSALA rsfit, there are lots of ERROR --- Serious FRCSYM
error. These atoms/residues are generally around the protein surface, so
I guess the reason is the mask were out of the unit cell. Is there any way
to avoid this?

I've seen that error in averaging/expanding. As you suggest it
seems to be the voxel is on the edge, and one more layer
beyond the exact asymmetric unit needs to be added.
In my case it could be fixed with ccp4 mapmask,
something like

(for GRID   280 340 456)
mapmask MAPIN MAPOUT  END-extend
xyzlim 0 280 0 340 0 114

here this is exactly one asymmetric unit (P212121)-
If you still get fracsym's add one layer to each dimension until
it behaves?

Re: [ccp4bb] Alignment software

2010-05-25 Thread Roger Dodd
Hi there,

I just got this working a couple of days ago under Mac OS X 10.6.3. I
manually compiled and installed Perl-Tk from CPAN. Steps taken:

1. Download and ungzip / untar:
newer -503 version didn't work)
2. Change into the directory
3. Execute perl Makefile.PL
4. make
5. make test
6. sudo make install

Hopefully that should get things working.



On 25 May 2010 17:50, Sebastiano Pasqualato wrote:

 Hi there,
 I remember a friend of mine showing me Aline, and it looked very nice.
 However, I can't make it work on my MacBook Pro (Mac OS X 10.6.3).
 With respect to the instruction I found on the website, I had to change the
 export lines to be added to the .bashrc in order not to get error messages.
 That's how I added the path info:

 export ALINEHOME='/sw64/share/xtal/aline_011208'

 however, I still get an error while trying to run aline:

 s...@host005:~ aline
 Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /sw64/lib/perl5
 /sw64/lib/perl5/darwin /Library/Perl/Updates/5.10.0
 /System/Library/Perl/5.10.0 /Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level
 /Library/Perl/5.10.0 /Network/Library/Perl/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level
 /Network/Library/Perl/5.10.0 /Network/Library/Perl
 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.10.0 .) at
 /sw64/share/xtal/aline_011208/bin/aline line 37.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /sw64/share/xtal/aline_011208/bin/aline line 37.

 I even tried with the

 perl -MCPAN -e 'install Tk'

 command, as suggested by the website, but nothing changed.

 Any idea of what's wrong here?
 Thanks a lot for the tips,

 On May 25, 2010, at 5:47 AM, Charlie Bond wrote:

  Hi Victor,
  Thanks for recommending ALINE.
  It is not exactly true that development has stopped. It is just glacially
 slow as funding for such utilities is not easily obtained!
  Recommendations for improvements (to improve that potential) are
 well-received and a keen user can write their own plug-ins to achieve new
  Victor Alves wrote:
  Hi Mohd
  You can also check: ALINE (An Extensible WYSIWYG Protein Sequence
 Alignment Editor for Publication Quality Figures)
  It’s quite nice and has a lot of potential, although unfortunately it
 seems that development of the software as stopped  :-(
  Victor Alves
*From:* CCP4 bulletin board [] *On Behalf
 Of *Salameh, Mohd A., Ph.D.
  *Sent:* sexta-feira, 21 de Maio de 2010 16:11
  *Subject:* [ccp4bb] Alignment software
  Dear All,
  I’m trying to prepare an alignment figure of 2 proteins that highlight
 conserved and similar residues and probably secondary structures; I will
 greatly appreciate it if anybody can recommend a software that I can use.
 Thanks, Mohd
  Charlie Bond
  Professorial Fellow
  University of Western Australia
  School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences
  35 Stirling Highway
  Crawley WA 6009
  +61 8 6488 4406

 Sebastiano Pasqualato, PhD
 IFOM-IEO Campus
 Dipartimento di Oncologia Sperimentale
 Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
 via Adamello, 16
 20139 - Milano

 tel +39 02 9437 5094
 fax +39 02 9437 5990

Roger B. Dodd, PhD.
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
Hills Road

[ccp4bb] Structure Based Sequence Alignment

2010-05-25 Thread Muhammed bashir Khan
Dear All;

Can some body tell me a website for structure based sequence alignment,
which can also pin point the similar and identical residues in different



Muhammad Bashir Khan
Department for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry
Max F. Perutz Laboratories
University of Vienna
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
A-1030 Vienna

Phone: +43(1)427752224
Fax: +43(1)42779522

[ccp4bb] how to read the ascii map converted by MAPTONA4 and MAPEXCHANGE

2010-05-25 Thread Hailiang Zhang

I wanted to convert a binary ccp4 map file to a readable format so that I
can retrieve the electron density at each real space grid point. Just
tried MAPTONA4 and MAPEXCHANGE, but the resulting ascii file are not
readable, and I didn't find any documentataion about how to read them.
Could somebody give me any hint? Thanks a lot!

Best Regards, Hailiang

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure Based Sequence Alignment

2010-05-25 Thread Jürgen Bosch

or maybe what you are searching for is Consurf ?


On May 25, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Muhammed bashir Khan wrote:

 Dear All;
 Can some body tell me a website for structure based sequence alignment,
 which can also pin point the similar and identical residues in different
 Muhammad Bashir Khan
 Department for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry
 Max F. Perutz Laboratories
 University of Vienna
 Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
 A-1030 Vienna
 Phone: +43(1)427752224
 Fax: +43(1)42779522

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure Based Sequence Alignment

2010-05-25 Thread Jim Fairman
I would also recommend STRAP if you haven't tried it (

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Jürgen Bosch wrote:

 or maybe what you are searching for is Consurf ?


 On May 25, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Muhammed bashir Khan wrote:

 Dear All;

 Can some body tell me a website for structure based sequence alignment,
 which can also pin point the similar and identical residues in different



 Muhammad Bashir Khan
 Department for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry
 Max F. Perutz Laboratories
 University of Vienna
 Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
 A-1030 Vienna

 Phone: +43(1)427752224
 Fax: +43(1)42779522

 Jürgen Bosch
 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
 Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
 Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
 615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
 Baltimore, MD 21205
 Phone: +1-410-614-4742
 Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
 Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

Jim Fairman, Ph D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
National Institutes of Health - NIDDK
Cell: 1-865-748-8672
Lab: 1-301-594-9229

Re: [ccp4bb] how to read the ascii map converted by MAPTONA4 and MAPEXCHANGE

2010-05-25 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi, those formats are not intended to be readable other than by the
format exchange programs, and I would strongly advise against trying!

Instead, pretty well all programs read a CCP4 binary map directly and
do whatever they need to with the map array in memory.  The
documentation for the Fortran API is in your $CDOC/maplib.doc and for
the C++ API at (among others) .

If you're really desperate you could probably hack it with the output
from mapdump, though again that format was designed only for printing
(in the days of the dim  distant past when we contoured map sections
by hand!), not for machine processing.


-- Ian

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Hailiang Zhang wrote:

 I wanted to convert a binary ccp4 map file to a readable format so that I
 can retrieve the electron density at each real space grid point. Just
 tried MAPTONA4 and MAPEXCHANGE, but the resulting ascii file are not
 readable, and I didn't find any documentataion about how to read them.
 Could somebody give me any hint? Thanks a lot!

 Best Regards, Hailiang

[ccp4bb] Catalytic residues in active sites

2010-05-25 Thread Clayton, Gina Martyn

Hi there

I wonder if anyone can recommend a good review/paper describing crystal
structures that show high energy residues in active sites. By that I
mean residues that may be in a strained conformation and rotate between
conformations, such that  they may even switch into unfavoured
ramachandran regions during their activity, but that the strained high
energy state is relevant to the enzyme activity?

If I get enough responses I will list them and post them back up.

Thanks so much in advance


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Re: [ccp4bb] Structure Based Sequence Alignment

2010-05-25 Thread Ashley Buckle

On 26/05/2010, at 6:53 AM, Jürgen Bosch wrote:

We have built a web server for this at


or maybe what you are searching for is Consurf ?


On May 25, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Muhammed bashir Khan wrote:

Dear All;

Can some body tell me a website for structure based sequence  
which can also pin point the similar and identical residues in  




Muhammad Bashir Khan
Department for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry
Max F. Perutz Laboratories
University of Vienna
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
A-1030 Vienna

Phone: +43(1)427752224
Fax: +43(1)42779522

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

Re: [ccp4bb] Is it possible for the Tris buffer to strip the Zn ions from the Zinc Finger motif of a protein?

2010-05-25 Thread Guenter Fritz
Dear Heng,
Tris forms only a very weak complex with Zn2+. It is unlikely that the
problem arises from Tris. It might be simply that the complex
dissociates in the presence of high imidazol when you elute the complex
from the nickel column. Imidazol is a pretty good Zn2+ coordinating
molecule. DTT in higher concentrations (1 mM should be now problem for a
zinc finger) can also strip of a Zn2+; it is a high affinity bidental

 Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 11:17:41 +0800
 Subject: [ccp4bb]

 Dear all,

 Recently, I am working on a complex which includes two protein
 subunits. The interaction was based on the Zinc Finger motif of one
 protein. I co-purified the complex by nickel affinity column with one
 protein bearing a C terminal His tag and the other without any
 affinity tags. However, the complex was disassociated when applied to
 size exclusion chromatography. The buffer I use for SEC is 20mM
 Tris-HCl, 150mM NaCl, 1mM DTT, 5% Glycerol, pH 7.5, whearas the buffer
 I use for nickel affinity column is 50mM Na2HPO4, 10mM KH2PO4, 137mM
 NaCl, 2.7mM KCl, 10% Glycerol, pH7.4. So I am wondering is it possible
 for the Tris buffer to strip the Zn ions from the Zinc Finger motif of
 one protein that leads to the destruction of the complex?

 I will be very appreciated if anyone has some experience in such case
 and would like to share with me!



 Institute of Biophysics,
 Chinese Academy of Sciences,
 Beijing 100101, China

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 Priv.Doz.Dr. Guenter Fritz
 Fachbereich Biologie
 Sektion Naturwissenschaften
 Universitaet Konstanz

 Universitaetsstrasse 10
 Postfach M665
 D-78457 Konstanz


 Phone Office: +49-(0)7531 88 3205 
 Phone Lab   : +49-(0)7531 88 3733
 Fax:  +49-(0)7531 88 2966

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure Based Sequence Alignment

2010-05-25 Thread Ashley Buckle
Sorry, the link was broken (problem with tomcat not restarting properly):  Use

On 26/05/2010, at 8:08 AM, Dhirendra K Simanshu wrote:

 It seems the link (the one you send) is not working!
 Can you resend the correct link!
 On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Ashley Buckle wrote:
 On 26/05/2010, at 6:53 AM, Jürgen Bosch wrote:
 We have built a web server for this at
 or maybe what you are searching for is Consurf ?
 On May 25, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Muhammed bashir Khan wrote:
 Dear All;
 Can some body tell me a website for structure based sequence alignment,
 which can also pin point the similar and identical residues in different
 Muhammad Bashir Khan
 Department for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry
 Max F. Perutz Laboratories
 University of Vienna
 Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
 A-1030 Vienna
 Phone: +43(1)427752224
 Fax: +43(1)42779522
 Jürgen Bosch
 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
 Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
 Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
 615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
 Baltimore, MD 21205
 Phone: +1-410-614-4742
 Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
 Fax:  +1-410-955-3655
 Dhirendra K Simanshu
 Research Scholar
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
 New York, NY, USA

Associate Professor Ashley M Buckle
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Faculty of Medicine 
Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800
iChat/AIM: blindcaptaincat
skype: ashley.buckle
Tel: (613) 9902 9313 (office)
Fax : (613) 9905 4699
mobile: 0430 913031

[ccp4bb] How large should the real space correlation coefficient be?

2010-05-25 Thread Hailiang Zhang

Have seen the real-space correlation used widely judging the map quality.
Generally or empirically, in order to say an map (area) has good
quality, how large should the real space correlation coefficient be? Say,
is 0.8 good enough on a residue base? Any references about this will be
greatly appreciated!


Best Regards, Hailiang

Re: [ccp4bb] How large should the real space correlation coefficient be?

2010-05-25 Thread Ethan Merritt
On Tuesday 25 May 2010, Hailiang Zhang wrote:
 Have seen the real-space correlation used widely judging the map quality.
 Generally or empirically, in order to say an map (area) has good
 quality, how large should the real space correlation coefficient be?

I do not think that the real space correlation coefficient is a measure
of map quality per se.  You could have an excellent experimental map
but a lousy model and hence a poor correlation coefficient.


 is 0.8 good enough on a residue base? Any references about this will be
 greatly appreciated!
 Best Regards, Hailiang

[ccp4bb] How to calculate real-space CC by section?

2010-05-25 Thread Hailiang Zhang

I am working on a real space correlation on a specif protein section using
CCP4 OVERLAPMAP. I am using the following scripts, not sure whether it is
good or not (didn't find in OVERLAPMAP documentation).

overlapmap   \
   mapin1 ${PDB}\
   mapin2 ${PDB}\
   mapin3 ${PDB} \

There is no error message, but the results make no difference no matter
how I change $START and $END. I am not sure whether the above script is

By the way, more importantly to me, if corr sect works at all, will it
print out a single CC value by integrating over the WHOLE region define by
the section range?


Best Regards, Hailiang