Re: [ccp4bb] Docking model

2014-01-16 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Thomas,

maybe you can try to use AMBER programs.
I think these programs  allow you to use different forcefield to minimise the 
energy of your model.

Hope to Help


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Thomas RORET 
Envoyé : jeudi 16 janvier 2014 15:32
Objet : [ccp4bb] Docking model

I made one docking model of a protein complex by NMR and another one by
I wanted to knowwhich software to useto minimize the energy (close
contacts, H bonds, ...)
best regards,

Thomas RORET
BioMod Team
Tel. 00 333 83 68 47 89
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
BP 70239
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein Purification Problem

2014-01-30 Thread FOOS Nicolas
hello Andy,

i have different questions about your problem :

Is the hetero-dimer co-expressed ? Or the two partners are express separately ?
Have you controlled "where" are you proteins after the lysis, because if you 
have many of your proteins in the pellet, it's not a good sign for the folding 
If this is the case, you have different solution : change the growing 
conditions, change the buffer for the lysis step...
If you have a low amount of protein in the first step of your purification 
process, you have to control at each step which one is the more limiting. 
Because, it's maybe not really necessary to do two affinity column. You can try 
different condition for the purification and increase the separation. This may 
allow you to skip one step and go directly to the size exclusion column.
Sometimes the problems with the desalting column is the high speed of the 
variation. This high speed is potential source of osmotic stress for the 
Need you really to reduce the amount of salt ?
If it's absolutely required, you can try to do by dialysis, but by multiple 
Another question, as soon as you can, control the good state of your protein ( 
for example with Circular dichroisme or DLS).

Hope to help you.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Anindito Sen 
Envoyé : jeudi 30 janvier 2014 14:17
Objet : [ccp4bb] Protein Purification Problem

Dear All,

This may be slightly off-the-track question but your feedback will be very much 
appreciated. The situation is-

I obtain a very low amount of the protein of my interest (a hetro-dimer) from 
the construct I am using (only 8% of the total amount of protein obtained is 
the protein of my interest).  After 2 column purifications (Ni-NTA and St) the 
concentration of the protein is around 0.24 mg/ml (volume- ~1.0 ml)  from a 
litre of bacterial culture and in ~300 mM NaCl present in the elution  buffer.

To reduce the high amount of salt I have I use a desalting column which, 
further lowers the protein concentration significantly.

I need atleast 1.0mg/ml of protein concentration and to the amount of ~200 
microlts for further experiments.

As the last resort I try to use high amount of bacterial culture (~6lts) to 
scale up the yield and use centricon to concentrate the protein at various 
stages.  I am partially successful to obtain 0.56mg/ml of protein concentration 
and up to  50 microlts of it.

Another problem is that the protein is  notoriously  prone to  aggregation (> 
1.5 mg/ml), so dialysis for ~ 2 hrs or so to reduce the high salt concentration 
has failed miserably.

Please do send your feedback.

Thanks and Best Wishes


Dr. Anindito Sen (Ph.D)
Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy
Graduate School of Medicine
University of Tokyo
Tel & fax: +81-3-5841-3339

Re: [ccp4bb] Determining concentration of membrane protein

2014-02-14 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Raji, 

i the kit i used for this purpose was from Pierce it's call Protein BCA RAC 
assay.  BCA : for the colorimetric  parts, en ad the RAC is for Reducing agent 
compatibility. This RAC is also efficient with detergent. (according my 
But you if you use at the same time detergent and Reducing Agent, it's 

If you use this one, it could be costless to buy the microplate oriented kit. 
(you can use also without microplate and you have more experiment in the same 

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Ho Leung Ng 
Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 01:58
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Determining concentration of membrane protein

Hi Raji,

 There are also some proprietary stains such as the "660 nm" (can't they 
think of a better product name?) stain from Pierce that are detergent 
compatible. I used this briefly with success when comparing against Abs 280 nm.


Ho Leung Ng
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Date:Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:06:12 -0500
From:Raji Edayathumangalam>>
Subject: Determining concentration of membrane protein

Dear CC4BBers,

I am trying to figure out what is the best way to determine the protein
concentration of my membrane protein. My purified membrane protein is in
20mM Tris pH 7, 150mM NaCl and 0.02% DDM (CMC of DDM=0.0076%).

After reading the friendly manuals and searching online, I've learned that
detergents interferes with assays like Bradford but can't find good
descriptions of what works best. For now, I am trying to estimate
concentration from absorbance at 280nm and using molar extinction
coefficients based on aromatic amino acids, but again suspect detergent
interference. I would like to know what other folks working on membrane
proteins are doing.

Thanks very much.

Re: [ccp4bb] Determining concentration of membrane protein

2014-02-14 Thread FOOS Nicolas
The problem is that if you put detergent or reducing agent in Bradford or BCA, 
the reaction is complet also without protein. You can't determine the color 
gradient because every tubes are blue or purple.

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Niks 
Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 07:45
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Determining concentration of membrane protein

Dear All,
May be a stupid question. But if we take buffer with detergent as control 
(Blank), would not the difference in ODs using any of the methods used e.g. 
Bradford assay, gives protein concentration?


On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Roger Rowlett>> wrote:
Your basic choices for protein assays are:

  1.  Alkaline copper methods (e.g., Biuret and micro-biuret)
  2.  alkaline copper + molybdate methods (e.g., Lowry, BCA assays)
  3.  Hydrophobic dye methods (e.g. Bradford)
  4.  UV methods (e.g., A280, A230, A210, etc.)

Method 1 is least sensitive to amino acid composition, but is also has highest 
detection limits. Thiols interfere. Method 2 is very idiosyncratic with amino 
acid composition, and also subject to interference by thiols. Method 3 is not 
usable in detergent solutions. Method 4 has many inteferences as most 
everything absorbs in the far UV region.

If you have some special protein cofactors, metals, chromophores, etc. these 
can be exploited for better measurements. For ecample metalloproteins are easy 
to quantify by ICP-OES or TXRF if they are reasonably pure.


Roger S. Rowlett
Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935

On 2/13/2014 10:06 AM, Raji Edayathumangalam wrote:
Dear CC4BBers,

I am trying to figure out what is the best way to determine the protein 
concentration of my membrane protein. My purified membrane protein is in 20mM 
Tris pH 7, 150mM NaCl and 0.02% DDM (CMC of DDM=0.0076%).

After reading the friendly manuals and searching online, I've learned that 
detergents interferes with assays like Bradford but can't find good 
descriptions of what works best. For now, I am trying to estimate concentration 
from absorbance at 280nm and using molar extinction coefficients based on 
aromatic amino acids, but again suspect detergent interference. I would like to 
know what other folks working on membrane proteins are doing.

Thanks very much.

Raji Edayathumangalam
Instructor in Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Research Associate, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Visiting Research Scholar, Brandeis University

"The most difficult phase of  life is not when No one understands you;It is 
when you don't understand yourself"

Re: [ccp4bb] KD of dimerization, off topic

2014-02-14 Thread FOOS Nicolas
I agree with Dave, and i suggest one more method to estimate Kd,
The intrinsic fluorescence of proteins thanks to the aromatic chain side.
Maybe it's also possible to have an estimation with native gels if you use prot 
A concentration as fixed and B protein concentration as variable. I am not sure.

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de David Briggs 
Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 09:13
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] KD of dimerization, off topic

Hi Careina,

I'm not sure you can assume that the ratio of monomer and dimer will stay 
constant through the column - as you say, the protein is diluted during the 
run, the ratio will change, unless you have a super tight dimer - which clearly 
you do not. Also, as the mass and the molar extinction coefficient will both 
double in the dimer, the relationship between absorbance and concentration will 
be unchanged.

Typically, such these sorts of questions are answered (at least me) by 
equilibrium analytical centrifugation.



On 14 Feb 2014 08:03, "Careina Edgooms">> wrote:
Dear CCP4 board

I have a protein that exists in equilibrium between monomer and dimer and I'm 
trying to calculate KD using size exclusion. The problem is that the column 
dilutes my sample so that if I put 20 uM on to the column, I only recover 0.5 
uM in dimer fraction and 2 uM in monomer fraction. I am getting confused as to 
how to plot my KDs. Do I not regard my initial concentrations at all and work 
only with the final concentrations that come off the column?
I would plot [monomer] squared vs [dimer] and I will assume that the ratio of 
monomer to dimer will stay constant as the protein passes through the column. 
(also I would calculate [dimer] using 2x monomer extinction coefficient)

Does this seem a reasonable way to calculate KDs and reasonable argument? Also 
I am looking for good references for calculating Kds when dealing with 
Thanks and sorry for off topic question

Re: [ccp4bb] Add an atom in Coot

2014-03-18 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Remi,

you place the pointer (pink cube) at the place where you want put the atom. 
After you click on Place atom at pointer (yellow square with blue cross).



De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Remie 
Fawaz-Touma []
Envoyé : mardi 18 mars 2014 16:14
Objet : [ccp4bb] Add an atom in Coot

Can anyone give directions on how to add an atom in coot??

Thank you very much,


Re: [ccp4bb] Add an atom in Coot

2014-03-18 Thread FOOS Nicolas
You can place the pointer by clicking the central-button of the PC-PS/2 mousse. 
And you can also turn your model with the left button for that, you place the 
pointer for example at one place according X-Y plan, you turn by 90 along Y 
axe, you replace the pointer at the right place and again 90 along Y, you 
replace and it should be good.

Finnaly, you have to turn your model in different position and replace the 
pointer at the right place.

De : Edward A. Berry []
Envoyé : mardi 18 mars 2014 17:50
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Add an atom in Coot

Neat! How do you control the depth (front of slab to back of slab)?

FOOS Nicolas wrote:
> Hi Remi,
> you place the pointer (pink cube) at the place where you want put the atom. 
> After you click on Place atom at pointer (yellow square with blue cross).
> Nicolas
> De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Remie 
> Fawaz-Touma []
> Envoyé : mardi 18 mars 2014 16:14
> Objet : [ccp4bb] Add an atom in Coot
> Can anyone give directions on how to add an atom in coot??
> Thank you very much,
> Remie

Re: [ccp4bb] Xia2 / XDS issues

2014-05-19 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Antony,

Have you try to use the option - parralel 1, to see what hapen. Maybe it's 
problem with the parallelism option. If you try this option you force to use 
only one core and i think you decrease your need in memory. If this solution 
help, you probably have to check the xdsInput parameters controled by xia2 if 
it's possible (i have not try at this time) .

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Antony Oliver 
Envoyé : lundi 19 mai 2014 14:37
Objet : [ccp4bb] Xia2 / XDS issues

Dear CCP4-ers.

I am (trying) to use Xia2 (svn/Build 4599) to process some diffraction data.

However, I am coming across the following issue, which I don’t seem to be able 
to solve...

 Integrating SWEEP1 
Status: error "[XDS] cannot allocate memory”

I have checked XDS, and I have the correct (64-bit version installed: VERSION 
January 10, 2014  BUILT=20140307).
I also have set the parameter KMP_STACKSIZE to 8m, in my .bash_profile as 
indicated in the XDS setup instructions.
I am running OS X Mavericks (10.9.3) / XQuartz 2.7.6.
I also have 16 GB of RAM installed.

Any help / suggestions would be very much appreciated.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr Antony W Oliver
Senior Research Fellow
CR-UK DNA Repair Enzymes Group
Genome Damage and Stability Centre
Science Park Road
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RQ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

tel (office): +44 (0)1273 678349
tel (lab): +44 (0)1273 677512
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: [ccp4bb] data processing with XDS

2014-05-19 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Almudena,

you can also try mosflm as said Harry.

And you can try different setting in the XDS.INP, you can try to reduce the 
STRONG_PIXEL (because you said spots are weak) number or/and 
MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIXELS_IN_A_SPOT (if the spot are small).


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Almudena Ponce 
Salvatierra []
Envoyé : lundi 19 mai 2014 18:18
Objet : [ccp4bb] data processing with XDS

Dear all,

I am looking for some suggestions here. I have lately collected some datasets 
but the spots are very very weak... it is very difficult to process them. At 
times it looks like XDS is stalled or at times it just says that it can not 
interpret the lattice parameters... also while running integrate I have such a 
message after each range of images:

 LAST CORRECTION SHIFT WAS   9.1E-03 (should be <  1.0E-03)

I guess this is not good at all. And I wonder what to do? Is there any info 
that I can get out from these data at all? or rather not?

I wonder if the problem is to find the spots, I have tried with HKL2000 and it 
can't even find enough of them for indexing.

Any ideas are welcome.

Best wishes,


Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen

Re: [ccp4bb] solvent flattening with resolve - phenix

2014-06-05 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Almudena,

i think your problems com from the Flag in your input.mtz . You have to check 
if your mtz has the correct column name. And you have to designate the one 
which correspond to PHIB.
It depend from which programm com your input.mtz .

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Almudena Ponce 
Salvatierra []
Envoyé : jeudi 5 juin 2014 11:43
Objet : [ccp4bb] solvent flattening with resolve - phenix

Dear all,

I am trying to get a sharper map with RESOLVE in Phenix and I provide the .mtz 
or high resolution data as well as the mtz corresponding to experimental data. 
However I get the following message, and I don't really know how to fix it even 
though it looks quite silly. Might be that today I am not inspired, :-P

Please identify the column 'PHIB' in your input data file.
You can specify all columns to use in 'input_labels' like this:
where you have to put something in each of these 8 spots
(use None for missing ones).  You currently have:
FP SIGFP None FOM hltofom.ABCD.A hltofom.ABCD.B hltofom.ABCD.C hltofom.ABCD.D
Possibilities are...
FC_ALL_LS PHIC_ALL_LS hltofom.ABCD.A hltofom.ABCD.B hltofom.ABCD.C 
hltofom.ABCD.D None

Any suggestions?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best wishes, from sunny Göttingen!


Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen

Re: [ccp4bb] Buried surface area calculation..

2014-07-02 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Gajana,

you can use . PISA ((Krissinel and Henrick, 2007)  (EMBL server)
and NACCESS (Hubbard and Thornton, 1993). (not for windows i think).

Hope to help


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Gajanan Arbade 
Envoyé : mardi 1 juillet 2014 20:49
Objet : [ccp4bb] Buried surface area calculation..

Am working with some DNA binding proteins. If  I want to calculate the buried 
surface area, which software tools should i use? Suggest me some windows based 
programs to solve my purpose.

Thank you & Regards,
Gajanan K Arbade
Research Scholar
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT)
Pune Maharashtra, India
Pin Code-411025
Contact No. Lab.+ 91-20-24304377
Mob: 08698198016

Re: [ccp4bb] How to transfer non-frozen crystals with less disturbance?

2014-07-02 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Meisam,

i don't know exactly what you need to do after the transfert, but if you want 
collect without frozen, maybe you can try to use capillar.
Maybe can you mount your crystall in capillar before the travel ?

It's simple suggestion, i never did that.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Meisam Nosrati 
Envoyé : mercredi 2 juillet 2014 22:17
Objet : [ccp4bb] How to transfer non-frozen crystals with less disturbance?

Dear CCP4ers

I need to transfer some crystals mainly in sitting drops to the site of data 
collection without freezing them.

I do not know what is the best solution to secure the boxes in their place to 
minimize the disturbance.

I am using the 24 well VDX plates with 10-80 microliter sitting drops. I have 
one or two hanging drop boxes as well with 10 microliter size drops.

If you have any experience about this matter, I greatly appreciate, if you 
share it with me.


Meisam Nosrati

Re: [ccp4bb] Naccess

2014-07-09 Thread FOOS Nicolas

i cited this program with :
Hubbard, S.J., and Thornton, J.M. (1993). NACCESS (Computer Program, Department 
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University College London.").

I am not absolutly certain that's th best way.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Armando Albert 
Envoyé : mercredi 9 juillet 2014 17:02
Objet : [ccp4bb] Naccess

Dear all,
Does anyone know how to properly cite Naccess for calculation of solvent 
accessible area (

Re: [ccp4bb] ITC with heterogeneous protein

2014-07-18 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Sajid,

one first problem in your study is how-to adress if the deltaH mesured is 
caused by the ligand interaction, or by the modification of dimer-monomer 
You have to well caracterise your system dimer-monomer. One other problem is 
about the accessibility of the interaction site. If it's different between 
monomer and dimer, you have to know the ratio between these two state, to 
managed the proportion of "active" protein.

Is it possible to separate the dimer from monomer ? Is this equilibrium 
concentration dependant ? In this case, you can try to execute your ITC 
experiment in low protein concentration. Or try to find condition in wich you 
can assume that you have large majority of dimer in your sample.

To my mind it's difficult to start without more information. You can also try 
to titrate the protein with itself. If dimer/monomer is concentration 
dependent, you can try to titrate protein with itself. This can give you some 
information about the thermodynamics of the dimer/monomer formation. 

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de sajid akthar 
Envoyé : vendredi 18 juillet 2014 11:24
Objet : [ccp4bb] ITC with heterogeneous protein

Dear All,

This is an off-topic question. I have protein solution of heterogeneous 
(contains both monomer and dimer). I want to perform ITC with this protein. I 
doubt whether this heterogeneity will interfere the binding study.

Any advice please.

Thank you


Re: [ccp4bb] ITC with heterogeneous protein

2014-07-18 Thread FOOS Nicolas
it depend of what you expected as information :
In this case your measure is resulting from ligand binding AND dimerization 
(except if all the protein is already dimerized). I am not sur to understand, 
do you know how many binding sites exists on one monomer ?
You should be able to determine the stoechiometry ligand/protein, but it's not 
necessarily the same between monomer and dimer. Is the ligand "trigger" for 
dimerization ? Or the dimerization appear in all case upon the concentration is 
sufficient ?

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Ramesh V 
Envoyé : vendredi 18 juillet 2014 14:42
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] ITC with heterogeneous protein

I have a similar case, where in there are multiple binding sites on the protein 
for the ligand and ligand induces dimerization.So it is not helpful even if I 
separate the monomer and dimer.
If I titrate the dimer with ligand, the stoichiometry will completely change? 
Any suggestions will be helpful.

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 12:46 PM, David Briggs>> wrote:

Hi Sajid,

*Assuming* you have one site per monomer (rather than, say, one site per 
dimer), and *assuming* each binding event is completely independent ( I.e no 
co-operativity), you might just get away with running the experiment with the 
heterogeneous material.

However, you might not be able to confidently make these assumptions, so imho 
it would be preferable to separate the monomer and dimer by SEC prior to ITC. 
If this is not possible, then pay close attention to the fit when you run the 
heterogeneous experiment. Poor fit to a one site model may indicate that these 
assumptions are invalid. Can you obtain stoichiometry information from a 
different technique? This might be very helpful.



Dr David C Briggs PhD

On 18 Jul 2014 10:25, "sajid akthar">> wrote:
Dear All,

This is an off-topic question. I have protein solution of heterogeneous 
(contains both monomer and dimer). I want to perform ITC with this protein. I 
doubt whether this heterogeneity will interfere the binding study.

Any advice please.

Thank you


Re: [ccp4bb] Problem in molecular replacement

2014-07-24 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Yang,

you should try different search model, for example :
1) DNA only,

1) DNA
2) protein


etc... You can also try to find a partial solution and keep this solution to 
place the other molecules with another round of MR.

Be careful if you use only DNA, if the density doesn't show clear proteic 
shape, you could have a false positive (a bit like with alpha helix for coil 

One tips, sometimes the DNA could be organised in "infinite Helix" in the 
crystal, you can try to use DNA 2 times longer than you expect especially if 
your DNA molecules has over-hang.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de dusky dew 
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 13:50
Objet : [ccp4bb] Problem in molecular replacement

I am trying to solve the structure of a protein DNA complex with molecular 
replacement. The resolution in about 2.5 angstrom.  The spacegroup is P21. The 
search model has about 50% identity and is a dimer of a dimer. The problem is 
the unit cell is huge and so the number of molecules in asu becomes 4 or 3. I 
am not finding any solution with phaser/molrep.
Please suggest.
Yang zhang

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem in molecular replacement

2014-07-24 Thread FOOS Nicolas
You can use molrep or phaser as you prefer with DNA.
To do that, you can edit you pdb file by hand with your favorit text editor 
(vim, emacs...)
And you can cure your pdb file with Edit PDB File in ccp4 coordinate Utilities

De : dusky dew []
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 14:46
À : FOOS Nicolas
Objet : Re: Problem in molecular replacement

How do I use DNA as search model? Can I use it in molrep or phaser?

On Thursday, July 24, 2014, FOOS Nicolas>> 
> Dear Yang,
> you should try different search model, for example :
> 1) DNA only,
> 1) DNA
> 2) protein
> 1)DNA+Prot
> etc... You can also try to find a partial solution and keep this solution to 
> place the other molecules with another round of MR.
> Be careful if you use only DNA, if the density doesn't show clear proteic 
> shape, you could have a false positive (a bit like with alpha helix for coil 
> structure)
> One tips, sometimes the DNA could be organised in "infinite Helix" in the 
> crystal, you can try to use DNA 2 times longer than you expect especially if 
> your DNA molecules has over-hang.
> Nicolas
> De : CCP4 bulletin board 
> [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>] de la part de dusky dew 
> [<>]
> Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 13:50
> Objet : [ccp4bb] Problem in molecular replacement
> I am trying to solve the structure of a protein DNA complex with molecular 
> replacement. The resolution in about 2.5 angstrom.  The spacegroup is P21. 
> The search model has about 50% identity and is a dimer of a dimer. The 
> problem is the unit cell is huge and so the number of molecules in asu 
> becomes 4 or 3. I am not finding any solution with phaser/molrep.
> Please suggest.
> Thanks
> Yang zhang

Re: [ccp4bb] Protein-DNA structure solution

2014-07-31 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Sasha, 

i try to answer one by one your question :

1) Not sur to understand what you mean by "validate DNA constraints", if it's 
about the geometry parameters liken angle bond length, you have to use 
Moleprobity for example.

2) Fitting DNA in density, you can use coot, it's exactly the same spirit as 
protein building. You have to be careful of the possible "special" case like 
hoogsteen bases pair, or fliping base, but out of that, most of the DNA 
building is comparable with protein.

3) The kind of parameters, is the same as for protein. But, you have to be 
carefull that refmac "understand" well that you pdb file contain DNA. I do not 
use Refmac, but i think with the right library for restraint (the same as ccp4 
or coot) it should be OK.
If it's possible, sometimes it could be good to use TLS group for DNA 

4) I think it's always good to use up-to-date version of the programm. You can 
use the ccp4 method to install all the programm at the same time. But if it's 
timpossible for you, i can't rememeber which version it was, but i worked with 
DNA protein structure 5 years ago, and it was already more or less good.

Hope to help.

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Sasha Pausch 
Envoyé : mercredi 30 juillet 2014 19:45
Objet : [ccp4bb] Protein-DNA structure solution

Hello CCP4bb

I am solving a 3.2A resolution crystal data for a protein DNA complex.
I would like to know-
1) How to validate the DNA constraints in the crystal structure?
2) How to fit DNA into density? How different it is from protein fitting into 
3) What kind of parameters to consider for refining DNA in Refmac for a 
Protein-DNA complex?
4) Which versions of refmac and COOT support DNA refining and model building?

Thank you in advance,

Sasha Pausch

Re: [ccp4bb] calculation of the orientation angles between helices

2014-09-17 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Gajanan,

i never try Qhelix, but i use Chimera to do that. It's possible to mesure 
angle, distance etc between helix.

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Gajanan Arbade 
Envoyé : mercredi 17 septembre 2014 09:31
Objet : [ccp4bb] calculation of the orientation angles between helices

 I am using Qhelix, for the calculation of the orientation angles between 
helices. when am running the demo its working,but when am uploading my pdb file 
it is not working, can someone help me to resolve the problem.suggest me the 
other softwares for the same.

Thank you.


Gajanan K Arbade
Research Scholar
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT)
Pune Maharashtra, India
Pin Code-411025
Contact No. Lab.+ 91-20-24304377
 Mob: 08698198016

Re: [ccp4bb] How to separate BSA present in Thrombin

2014-10-08 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Manjalu,

In my opinion, one way is to use iEX column. Depending of the Pi of you protein 
and the one of the BSA, if they are sufficiently different, Ion exchange is on 
possible way.
To separate your protein from BSA, you have to give us more information about 
your protein if it's possible.



De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Manjula Ramu 
Envoyé : mercredi 8 octobre 2014 15:27
Objet : [ccp4bb] How to separate BSA present in Thrombin

Hi all,

My protein size is nearly the same size of BSA and it has His tag. If I have to 
cleave the tag I have to use Thrombin which is having huge amount of BSA in it. 
Now how will I separate this BSA from my protein.

Thanks and Regards,
Manjula R
Research Scholar
Department of Biophysics
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
Bengaluru-29, Karnataka
Mobile no:+91-9538553356

Re: [ccp4bb] water at the same exactly position

2014-10-29 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Lu,

one simple solution is to remove the water molecules with text editor for 
example. It depend of how-many times you have multiply water molecules and if 
your model have several or more water molecules.
In coot you can remove it graphically, but according to my knowledge not 
automatically, and it maybe time consuming.

Hope to help

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de luzuok 
Envoyé : mercredi 29 octobre 2014 13:08
Objet : [ccp4bb] water at the same exactly position

Dear all,
I found that there are some water molecules in my pdb that share the same 
position. This maybe cause by merging molecules in coot. It seems that I have 
mereged water molecules into my protein for more than one time.
Does anyone tell me how to fix this problem?

Best regards!
Lu Zuokun


Re: [ccp4bb] Protein precipitating at higher concentration!!

2015-01-09 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Ivan,

according to my experience, if you remove at the same time GuHCl and Triton, 
you have huge risk of precipitation if the protein is not properly folded.
In my opinion, you have to do something like re-folding. It seems that your 
protein could be solubilized from inclusion-body. In the same case, the first 
thing that i will do :
I start with the same protocol as you do, but after the TALON, i will dialysis 
gently the sample against the same buffer without the GuHCL but with Triton. 
Maybe you ca try to change the pH. Tris-HCl is a good strating point, but maybe 
you a to refine this. Phosphate buffer (7.5) helped me sometimes. What is the 
Pi of your protein ?

Hope to help you.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de CHAVAS Leonard 
Envoyé : vendredi 9 janvier 2015 01:41
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Protein precipitating at higher concentration!!

Hi Ivan

this will not be an answer to your question, but did you consider not 
concentrating 'too much' your sample? It happened few times to me that the 
protein was precipitating when concentrating for SEC because of the presence of 
other impurities. Trying the good old AS precipitation helped a bit, but wasn't 
really the magical solution as I was losing a bit of the protein of interest as 
well. The solution was to concentrate only slightly the sample, and pass it 
though multiple (at the time it was quite a lot actually) runs of SEC. I ended 
up with again a lot of pure sample to concentrate, however, this sample was 
pure enough and did not precipitate.

Other than that, I guess playing with the salt concentration might help keeping 
things stable... or not. I know people also tried the addition of glycerol or 
EG, but I don't have personal experience in that and cannot really comment if 
it is working well or not.

Cheers, Leo

> On Jan 9, 2015, at 9:00 AM, xaravich ivan  wrote:
> Hi Xtallographers,
> I have been able to purify a protein that was initially going into inclusion 
> bodies from the excellent suggestions that I got here.
> So my lysis buffer has 0.5M Guanidium Hydrochoride, 2% TritonX-100, 500mM 
> NaCl, 5% Glycerol in 20 mM Tris-HCL pH 8.0
> The problem is that the protein is first purified as a SUMO-fusion protein 
> which is further proteolysed and passed through the Talon resin to get the 
> final SUMO-Free construct.
> However as I have around 250mM Imidazole (pH elution did not work) from the 
> elution of the first round, I have to dialyse the sample to get rid of the 
> imidazole so that I can use the proteolysed sample again on the column.
> All these I do in a buffer that does not have GuHCL or Triton. However I have 
> kept the NaCl concentration same (0.5 M).
> I start to see white insoluble precipitate right from the dialysis step. If I 
> spin the precipitate out, I still have a lot of protein to go to the next 
> step of proteolysis. The problem is that when I finally want to concentrate 
> the protein to run the SEC step, all my protein starts precipitating starting 
> from 5mg/ml to all the way to 25-30 mg/ml.
> Are there some smart ways to keep the protein soluble at higher 
> concentrations, assuming that I do not have to remove them before setting up 
> trays?
> Should I keep on using Guanidium Hcl and Triton for all the steps all the way 
> into the SEC column.
> Have people got any good results using  5% Acetronitrile, 50mM Arginine or 
> DTT? (used for NMR samples)
> Any help in this regard will be very helpful.
> The protein is an engineered bacterial transcription factor. (not a membrane 
> protein)
> Thanks in advance as always,
> ivan

Re: [ccp4bb] merge weak anomalous signal from multiple datasets

2015-03-02 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Charles,

I have some differents suggestions, maybe it could be a good idea to reconsider 
the criteria for keep or discard data : Diederichs, K., et P. A. Karplus. « 
Better Models by Discarding Data? ». Acta Crystallographica Section D: 
Biological Crystallography 69, nᵒ 7 (1 juillet 2013): 1215‑22. 

This paper is about the quality of the final model with or without discarded 
data. But in my opinion, it maybe usefull to adopt a similar point of view 
about the anomalous data. What i mean is that 
if the anomalous signal seems to be weaker, it's not necessarly worth to find 
the "good" substructure. If the signal that you measured, is well measured, 
with a good error estimation it maybe lower in terms of signal / noise but more 
You didn't precise if your datasets were collected on only one crystal or with 
differents crystals. In function of that, you have to tak in count differents 
effects. Radiation damage, non-isomorphism...
One last point, depending of how you process your data, you have to keep in 
mind the over-scaling effect. If you use aimless directyl without options, if 
your data are already scaled (for example de XDS_ASCII.HKL), you may have some 

I hope to help. In my opinion, if you have to discard data, you have to do that 
not only based on "qualitativ criterias", but based on reliable criteria, cell 
parameters, B-factor, Bad correlation between data set from differents crystals.
Finnaly, even if it's seems that the anomalous signal is low, you have to try 
to find heavy atoms sites.

De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Thanh Nguyen 
Envoyé : lundi 2 mars 2015 10:24
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] merge weak anomalous signal from multiple datasets

Hi Charles,

Actually I also tried the method of Q. Liu et al and got one structure solved 
after merging 3 different datasets. The only thing different in my case is the 
Se-SAD phasing instead of Br. But the signal was also weak due to the disorder 
of incorporated Se in the protein crystals (I supposed so, because I used only 
50% of Se-Met during the culture). So in my case, first I processed the data by 
XDS and made some resolution limitation according to the I/sigma and CCanom. I 
also did some limitation on the number of images because SCALA can only process 
not more than 10.000 images (remove the bad images according to the I/sigma and 
B-factor). And in fact, I did some combination between cut datasets and non-cut 
datasets and found that the cut datasets really gave me better merged datasets 
as some noises were removed and the resolution was limited, of course you also 
lose some information. But in our case, improving the weak anomalous signal to 
just enough for solving something is more important than losing some 
information of noise, so we need to be compromised. And any way, for facing 
with the weak anomalous signal issue, we usually collected such a high 
abundance of datasets, so losing some information of data is not the problem.

Hope you will be able to solve it.
Thanh Nguyen

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 5:19 AM, Andreas Förster>> wrote:
Hi Charles,

I don't know what multiscale does.  Probably the right thing.  If the anomalous 
signal is weaker after scaling of multiple datasets, non-isomorphism might be 
at fault.  Try Blend to scale your datasets. Blend is part of ccp4 and gives 
good graphical diagnostic feedback.


On 01/03/2015 4:20, CPMAS Chen wrote:
Dear CCP4 users,

Recently, I got some datasets with weak anomalous Br signal. I tried to
merge them according to  Q. Liu et al Science 336, p1033 (2012). I am
using the script multiscale@SSRL. The merged dataset has WEAKER
anomalous signals.

Liu et al used SCALA for scaling and merging while multiscale@SSRL using
AIMLESS. Should this cause such a difference? The SCALA@SSRL has a
limitation on the number of frames it can process. So I cannot directly
check if this caused the difference.

Any suggestions?





Charles Chen

Research Associate

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Department of Anesthesiology



Nguyen Hong Thanh, Ph.D. student
Lab 20B. Macromolecular Structures Department
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC
C/ Darwin 3, Campus de Cantoblanco
28049, Madrid, Spain

Genetic Engineering Laboratory
Institute of BioTechnology
Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology
18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

Re: [ccp4bb] Hi

2015-05-26 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Vijay,

Have you try to use superpose in ccp4 ? In superpose it's possible to select 
exactly what you want (atoms, residues...) .
In your case if you use only the atoms or the nucleotids that you want to be 
superpose, it could be ok.

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de vijay srivastava 
Envoyé : mardi 26 mai 2015 14:41
Objet : [ccp4bb] Hi

Dear All,

I want to superpose the nucleotide form one GTPase on to the nucleotide of 
other GTPase in order to study
the interaction in the nucleotide binding pocket. I tried to superpose but it 
is superposing on the basis of secondary structure as a
result both the nucleotides from two structutres are not properly aligned.  I 
want to superpose both  the nucleotide, so that I will get the matrix, which I 
want to apply on my desired strcuture and study the interacting residues.
Do any one have the align program with you or any other program which can solve 
this problem.

waiting for your kind response


Re: [ccp4bb] Hi

2015-05-26 Thread FOOS Nicolas
I am not absolutly certain to understand the steps that you followed.
But if it doesn't work with the nucleotid as "reference" and "target", maybe if 
you face two GTPase, you can find some conserve
residues in the binding pocket. In this cas, you can use these residues as ref. 
and target. 

To be more helpful, i think we need more information about the output message 
givent by superpose. I assume that it take correctly all the pdb files in count 
but it was not able to superpose, am i right ?

One other solution is to use one of the solution descibed here :
or here :
Or maybe directly in the chimera soft (tools =>structure comparison) (it's not 
as good as lsqkab (superpose)).



De : vijay srivastava []
Envoyé : mardi 26 mai 2015 14:56
À : FOOS Nicolas
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Hi

Dear Nicolas,

I ahd tried in superpose but it is not alligning and simultaenousli I had given 
only the pdb
containing only the nucleotide but both of them dosen't work.



On Tuesday, 26 May 2015 6:22 PM, FOOS Nicolas 

Dear Vijay,

Have you try to use superpose in ccp4 ? In superpose it's possible to select 
exactly what you want (atoms, residues...) .
In your case if you use only the atoms or the nucleotids that you want to be 
superpose, it could be ok.

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>] 
de la part de vijay srivastava 
Envoyé : mardi 26 mai 2015 14:41
Objet : [ccp4bb] Hi

Dear All,

I want to superpose the nucleotide form one GTPase on to the nucleotide of 
other GTPase in order to study
the interaction in the nucleotide binding pocket. I tried to superpose but it 
is superposing on the basis of secondary structure as a
result both the nucleotides from two structutres are not properly aligned.  I 
want to superpose both  the nucleotide, so that I will get the matrix, which I 
want to apply on my desired strcuture and study the interacting residues.
Do any one have the align program with you or any other program which can solve 
this problem.

waiting for your kind response


Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 not working with OSX Yosemite version 10.10.3

2015-05-28 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Saleem,

in my own experience with the yosemite update, after the update, i have had to 
do that :

1) Xcode via apple store (itunes) you have to create or use you apple ID etc... 
2) Install XQuartz :
3) Install ccp4 :

In my case it was sufficient for ccp4, ADXV and some other.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de saleem raza 
Envoyé : jeudi 28 mai 2015 14:33
Objet : [ccp4bb] CCP4 not working with OSX Yosemite version 10.10.3


I recently updated the OSX on my IMAC to OSX Yosemite version 10.10.3.

Since then I am unable to open CCP4. I have tried to reinstall the CCP4 but 
still the problem is there. Anyone have any information how to fix this issue.

I have attached the screen shot of error message.


Re: [ccp4bb] anomalous phasing with HySS - phaser - Autobuild

2015-06-26 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Almudena,

I have some questions to help you, how many molecules are presents in the ASU ?
If more than one, maybe you can try to find NCS in the substructure. To perform 
that it could be necessary to increase (more than 20) the radius of NCS 
research parameters.
You can try to find NCS with sitcom. Or by hand. If you can use NCS to average 
density during the solvent flatening steps, it could help.

If you haven't NCS in your substructure. After phenix and solvent flattening 
step, is the map interpretable ?
Is phaser keeping all the sites fund by HySS ? or it find less sites ?
Can you see "nice" density, continue, protein shape ? or is it more or less a 
lot of blob random ?
You can try to select only the best sites found by HySS, maybe some are not 
well determined.
HySS locate 127 but how many is it suposed to find ?

One last thing, for the autobuild programm it's not the same to work with 
dataset at 1.8 A of res compare with one at 3 A. And you must not expect the 
same level of quality.
And if you look the model build, are you able to continue manually, correct 
some clearly wrong chain? 

In other word be as sure as possible that the initial phases that you give to 
autobuild programm are not to far from the good one. 

Hope to help you.

I am not very familiar with HySS that's why i don't go deeper for this parts. 
But you can try shelx which is parts of CCP4 or via HKL2map.
And compare the sites obtain with these from HySS.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Almudena Ponce 
Salvatierra []
Envoyé : vendredi 26 juin 2015 12:32
Objet : [ccp4bb] anomalous phasing with HySS - phaser - Autobuild

Hi all,

I have SeMet data for which HySs locates 127 Selenium atoms with a CC of 0.31, 
which I think is decent.

Then I run Phaser to generate the first maps, and it gives a score of 25 and 
LLG of 190 or so...

The next step would be running Autobuild, however, the first models I realize 
it is building have R work and R free between 50 and 55%. So I guess it is just 
some random stuff there.

If the result from HySS and Phaser looks more or less good, why does AutoBuild 
show these numbers?? Any idea of what I could do to improve so?

Any ideas are welcome.

Best wishes,


Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen

Re: [ccp4bb] Interesting DNA contamination

2015-06-30 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Hi Chiara,

according to my own experience, interaction between protein and DNA can be 
strong enough to "protect" DNA from DNAse action. 
To explain why with protease only the band disappeared, i need to know if the 
gel was run for long time, and if it's concentrate or not. Because if the DNA 
fragment is short, it passed trough the gel and you see nothing after.
The band that you see when you run without protease, maybe don't reflect the 
actual size of the putativ DNA fragment, but the "size" of the complex 
protein+DNA, in this case mostly the protein size.

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Chiara Rapisarda 
Envoyé : lundi 29 juin 2015 10:48
Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Interesting DNA contamination


I found that my protein bound ethidium bromide in an agarose gel. I tested that 
by treating my protein with protease and DNAse in two different tubes and 
running a gel. The band in the agarose gel disappeared only when the
protein was treated with protease. It is worth trying.
I hope that helps,



You already got good suggestions on how to handle DNA contamination in protein 

Let me point out briefly that you haven't demonstrated yet that your 
contamination is DNA.

I had the same observation when purifying UvsX. A very persistent and strong 
contamination in all my preps at ~500kb. To test weather it was DNA or RNA I 
boiled the protein 30 minutes and incubated it with DNAase and RNAse and result 
was the same. I concluded it was neither RNA nor DNA and continued as if 
nothing had happened.

This publication is reporting the same observation:

Formosa and Alberts (1986) "Purification and characterization of the T4 
bacteriophage uvsX protein." J Biol Chem. 1986 May 5;261(13):6107-18.

If you ever find out what it is that runs like 500kb DNA on Agarose, please let 
me know.


Date:Sat, 27 Jun 2015 04:39:45 +0100
From:Stefan Gajewski>>
Subject: Re: Interesting DNA contamination


I meant to say 0.5kb, not 500kb

sorry for that.


Date:Sat, 27 Jun 2015 16:52:06 +
From:"Rose, Peter">>
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellows in Big Data/Structural Bioinformatics at 
University of California, San Diego

Summary: We are looking for two highly motivated post-docs as part of our new 
project “Compressive Structural Bioinformatics” funded by the US National 
Institutes of Health (NIH) Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative.

The Challenge: To enable efficient research on the rapidly growing number of 3D 
molecular structures of ever increasing size and complexity. Develop highly 
scalable 3D structural search, analysis, workflow, data-exchange, and 
visualization tools.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in structural bioinformatics, structural biology, 
bioinformatics, computational biology or chemistry, computer science, or 
related discipline. Experience with scientific software development as 
demonstrated by publications or participation in open source software projects. 
Experience with several programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, C++, 
or Python, and software development tools. Strong skills in applied mathematics 
and algorithm design are required. Experience with distributed parallel 
computing or 3D visualization applications are a plus. Excellent interpersonal, 
written, and oral presentation skills are essential.

Note, this position is reviewed annually on the basis of performance and can be 
renewed for a maximum of three years.

Our Environment:

The Structural Bioinformatics Group 
( at the San 
Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) ( 
is involved in research and development activities centered around 3D 
structures of proteins and nucleic acids, the integration of structural data 
with other domains such as Medicine, Genomics, Biology, Drug Discovery, and the 
development of scalable solution to Big Data problems in Structural 
Bioinformatics. Our group leads the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) west-coast 
operations. The RCSB PDB ( represents 
the preeminent source of experimentally determined macromolecular structure 
information for research and teaching in biology, biological chemistry, and 
medicine. With over 300,000 unique users from over 160 countries around the 
world, the RCSB PDB is one of the leading worldwide Biological Databases. Our 
group is involved in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Big Data to 
Knowledge (BD2K) initiative.

As an Organized Research Unit of UC San Diego, SDSC is a world leader in 
data-intensive computing and cyber infrastructure, providing resources, 
services, and expertise to the national res

Re: [ccp4bb] Ambiguous metal ion at active site.

2015-07-09 Thread FOOS Nicolas
Dear Dilip,

it's difficult to exactly analyse the coordination of your metal in 2D. But, my 
suggestion is :
Try another metal like Zn, which maybe is a contamination (from the plastic of 
eppendorf for example). Zn has more electron than Mg maybe that's the reason 
why it's still "green".
I suggest that you calculate anomalous difference map, maybe it could help, 
depending of the wavelenght used for data-collection.
And you can also try this phenix.refine which has an algorithm to build solvent.

Hope to help.


De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Dilip Kumar 
Envoyé : jeudi 9 juillet 2015 11:35
Objet : [ccp4bb] Ambiguous metal ion at active site.

Dear All

I have solved a structure of a metal-ion dependent exonuclease enzyme. In 
homologous structures, two or three Manganese ions are present at catalytic 
center. However, I have used 2 mM MgCl2 in protein purification buffer. I tried 
to fit both of these metal ions at catalytic center but in both cases it still 
shows green density (Sigma level ~ 7) in difference map and low b-factor (<10) 
for these metal ions. For better understanding I have attached the screenshot 
of metal ions with difference map on. Please suggest me the possible reasons or 
methods to validate the presence of any other metal ions at catalytic center.

Thanks in advance.

Dilip Kumar
Research Associate
Chemical and Systems Biology Unit
CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology