Re: [ccp4bb] MAD data process problem

2012-05-30 Thread Qixu Cai
Thank you very much for your reply.

In my own understanding,

We collect the peak dataset, because of the large F'', and we can get
strong anomalous signal.

We collect the edge dataset, because of the large F', and combined with the
remote dataset, we can use the method just like SIR to get some information
about the phase.

so I think for peak dataset, anomalous processing is necessary, and for
edge and remote dataset, anomalous processing is not necessary.

Is my understanding correct?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best wish,

Qixu Cai

2012/5/29 Tim Gruene

 Hash: SHA1

 Dear Qixu Cai,

 MAD phasing is based on the comparison of Bijvoet-pairs, i.e. I(hkl)
 with I(-h-k-l), both within one data set and between data sets.
 Therefore you might get better results if your integration program does
 not assume Friedel-pairs to have identical intensities, even though
 the difference is probably only marginal (integration programs do not
 merge data).
 So it is safest click on 'anomalous' for all data sets involved .


 On 05/29/12 11:11, Qixu Cai wrote:
  Dear all,
  Sorry for the question from MAD beginner.
  When we process the MAD datasets, including the peak-data,
  edge-data and remote-data, which datasets need to be process with
  I know peak-data obviously need data processing with anomalous, but
  what about edge-data and remote-data when we want to use MAD
  Thank you very much!
  Best wishes,
  Qixu Cai

 - --
 - --
 Dr Tim Gruene
 Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
 Tammannstr. 4
 D-37077 Goettingen

 GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [ccp4bb] MAD data process problem

2012-05-30 Thread Laurent Maveyraud


you are right, the peak dataset corresponds to the highest f'' value. 
However, this does not mean that f'' is null for the other 
wavelengthes... you still have significant anomalous signal at the edge 
and for the high energy remote wavelength... this will help your 
phasing, so use it !

As Tim mentionned it : process all wavelength with anomalous switched on !


Le 30/05/2012 07:59, Qixu Cai a écrit :

Thank you very much for your reply.

In my own understanding,

We collect the peak dataset, because of the large F'', and we can get
strong anomalous signal.

We collect the edge dataset, because of the large F', and combined with
the remote dataset, we can use the method just like SIR to get some
information about the phase.

so I think for peak dataset, anomalous processing is necessary, and for
edge and remote dataset, anomalous processing is not necessary.

Is my understanding correct?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best wish,

Qixu Cai

2012/5/29 Tim Gruene

Hash: SHA1

Dear Qixu Cai,

MAD phasing is based on the comparison of Bijvoet-pairs, i.e. I(hkl)
with I(-h-k-l), both within one data set and between data sets.
Therefore you might get better results if your integration program does
not assume Friedel-pairs to have identical intensities, even though
the difference is probably only marginal (integration programs do not
merge data).
So it is safest click on 'anomalous' for all data sets involved .


On 05/29/12 11:11, Qixu Cai wrote:
  Dear all,
  Sorry for the question from MAD beginner.
  When we process the MAD datasets, including the peak-data,
  edge-data and remote-data, which datasets need to be process with
  I know peak-data obviously need data processing with anomalous, but
  what about edge-data and remote-data when we want to use MAD
  Thank you very much!
  Best wishes,
  Qixu Cai

- --
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Laurent Maveyraud laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
PICT  --  Plateforme  Intégrée  de  Criblage  de  Toulouse
Département BiologieStructurale   et   Biophysique
BP 64182  -  205 rte de Narbonne  -  31077 TOULOUSE FRANCE
Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435   Fax : +33 (0)561 175 994

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD data process problem

2012-05-30 Thread Jrh
Dear Qixu Cai,
The following paper should be informative for your query:-
Best wishes,
Prof John R Helliwell DSc 

On 29 May 2012, at 10:11, Qixu Cai wrote:

 Dear all,
 Sorry for the question from MAD beginner.
 When we process the MAD datasets, including the peak-data, edge-data and 
 remote-data, which datasets need to be process with anomalous?
 I know peak-data obviously need data processing with anomalous, but what 
 about edge-data and remote-data when we want to use MAD method?
 Thank you very much!
 Best wishes,
 Qixu Cai

[ccp4bb] MAD data process problem

2012-05-29 Thread Qixu Cai

Dear all,

Sorry for the question from MAD beginner.

When we process the MAD datasets, including the peak-data, edge-data and 
remote-data, which datasets need to be process with anomalous?

I know peak-data obviously need data processing with anomalous, but what 
about edge-data and remote-data when we want to use MAD method?

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

Qixu Cai

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD data process problem

2012-05-29 Thread Laurent Maveyraud


when processing MAD data, all wavelength should be processed without 
enforcing the Friedel's law... If you look at your fluorescence 
spectrum, you will see that you have anomalous signal for the peak 
(obviously) for the high energy remote and even forh the inflexion point.

For example, in the case of Se-MAD :
peak : f'=-6,  f''-8
inflexion : f'=-11, f''= 4
high remote : f'= -4, f''= 4

the low energy remote is the one with the weakest anamalous signal, 
close to 0 in the case of Se...

hope this helps


Le 29/05/2012 11:11, Qixu Cai a écrit :

Dear all,

Sorry for the question from MAD beginner.

When we process the MAD datasets, including the peak-data, edge-data and
remote-data, which datasets need to be process with anomalous?

I know peak-data obviously need data processing with anomalous, but what
about edge-data and remote-data when we want to use MAD method?

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

Qixu Cai

Laurent Maveyraud laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
PICT  --  Plateforme  Intégrée  de  Criblage  de  Toulouse
Département BiologieStructurale   et   Biophysique
BP 64182  -  205 rte de Narbonne  -  31077 TOULOUSE FRANCE
Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435   Fax : +33 (0)561 175 994

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD data process problem

2012-05-29 Thread Tim Gruene
Hash: SHA1

Dear Qixu Cai,

MAD phasing is based on the comparison of Bijvoet-pairs, i.e. I(hkl)
with I(-h-k-l), both within one data set and between data sets.
Therefore you might get better results if your integration program does
not assume Friedel-pairs to have identical intensities, even though
the difference is probably only marginal (integration programs do not
merge data).
So it is safest click on 'anomalous' for all data sets involved .


On 05/29/12 11:11, Qixu Cai wrote:
 Dear all,
 Sorry for the question from MAD beginner.
 When we process the MAD datasets, including the peak-data,
 edge-data and remote-data, which datasets need to be process with
 I know peak-data obviously need data processing with anomalous, but
 what about edge-data and remote-data when we want to use MAD
 Thank you very much!
 Best wishes,
 Qixu Cai

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-29 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi Peter

You are right: the location of the prism experiment is most likely the
study at Woolsthorpe, e.g. see .  Newton was admitted
to Trinity College in 1661 as a 'sizar' (a paid part-time student
employed by the College) but was forced to return to Woolsthorpe (the
family home) in August 1665 (
to continue studying privately, because the University closed
temporarily as a precaution against the Great Plague ('Black Death')
which was spreading outwards from the initial outbreak in this country
in the London Docklands during the summer of that year.  He returned
to Trinity in 1667 as a Fellow of the College.

So I should have been more precise and said that Newton performed the
prism experiment during the time that he was associated with Trinity
(it's not clear what the nature of his association with Trinity was
during the 2 years he spent doing experiments at Woolsthorpe).


-- Ian

On 28 January 2012 09:35, Peter Moody wrote:
 If you visit Isaac Newton's old home at Woolsthorpe (near here) you will see
 a conflicting claim for location of the classic prism experiment. You will
 also find an apple tree in the garden, but that is another story..


 PS this is my special ccp4bb email account, it doesn't always get the
 attention it deserves.

 On 19 January 2012 17:50, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.

 The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
 is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
 Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
 split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
 of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
 wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
 dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
 index with respect to the wavelength.

 Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
 wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
 be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
  It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
 or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
 average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
 concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
 dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
 that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
 governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
 optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
 (meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
 wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
 the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
 (the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).

 So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
 dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
 only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
 However having two different meanings for the same word can get
 confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.

 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


 -- Ian

 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
  Can I be dogmatic about this ?
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science
  254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
  Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta
  (1994). D50, 11-16
  I don't see where the problem lies:
  a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using
  anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
  a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
  picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one
  One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive
  from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of 

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-29 Thread Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.)
For the history buffs and crystallographers needing some RR and chill-out,
an interesting historic fiction read about the era of Newton and Leibnitz
and the foundation of the Royal Society is the Baroque cycle by Neil
Cryptonomicon, although written before, picks up a descendent of a character
from  the Cycle, and can be considered imho the 4th book
All together ~ 2400 pages. Cheap on Amazon 3rd party. Book a long vacation. 
Best, BR

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Ian
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

Hi Peter

You are right: the location of the prism experiment is most likely the study
at Woolsthorpe, e.g. see .  Newton was admitted to
Trinity College in 1661 as a 'sizar' (a paid part-time student employed by
the College) but was forced to return to Woolsthorpe (the family home) in
August 1665 (
to continue studying privately, because the University closed temporarily as
a precaution against the Great Plague ('Black Death') which was spreading
outwards from the initial outbreak in this country in the London Docklands
during the summer of that year.  He returned to Trinity in 1667 as a Fellow
of the College.

So I should have been more precise and said that Newton performed the prism
experiment during the time that he was associated with Trinity (it's not
clear what the nature of his association with Trinity was during the 2 years
he spent doing experiments at Woolsthorpe).


-- Ian

On 28 January 2012 09:35, Peter Moody wrote:
 If you visit Isaac Newton's old home at Woolsthorpe (near here) you 
 will see a conflicting claim for location of the classic prism 
 experiment. You will also find an apple tree in the garden, but that is
another story..


 PS this is my special ccp4bb email account, it doesn't always get the 
 attention it deserves.

 On 19 January 2012 17:50, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.

 The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history 
 is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at 
 Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being 
 split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This 
 is of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with 
 wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical 
 dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive 
 index with respect to the wavelength.

 Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang 
 wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it 
 can be determined by very careful and precise interferometric
  It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous 
 or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the 
 average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is 
 concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous 
 dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is 
 that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship') 
 governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing 
 optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
 (meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the 
 wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, 
 because the real part of the refractive index is what describes 
 dispersion (the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).

 So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength 
 dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it 
 only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
 However having two different meanings for the same word can get 
 confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.

 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it 
 stemmed from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some 
 time around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on 
 his MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength 
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a 
 misnomer for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD 
 acronym and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term 
 starting with D and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you 
 look at the literature from then on Wayne at least consistently 
 called it multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


 -- Ian

 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
  Can I be dogmatic about this ?
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-28 Thread Peter Moody
If you visit Isaac Newton's old home at Woolsthorpe (near here) you will
see a conflicting claim for location of the classic prism experiment. You
will also find an apple tree in the garden, but that is another story..


PS this is my special ccp4bb email account, it doesn't always get the
attention it deserves.

On 19 January 2012 17:50, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.

 The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
 is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
 Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
 split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
 of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
 wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
 dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
 index with respect to the wavelength.

 Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
 wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
 be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
  It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
 or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
 average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
 concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
 dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
 that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
 governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
 optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
 (meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
 wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
 the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
 (the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).

 So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
 dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
 only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
 However having two different meanings for the same word can get
 confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.

 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


 -- Ian

 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
  Can I be dogmatic about this ?
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science
  254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
  Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
  (1994). D50, 11-16
  I don't see where the problem lies:
  a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using
  anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
  a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
  picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one
  One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive
  from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things
  SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
  If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
  collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
  signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
  signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not
 make it
  a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals,
  of the time way down in the noise.
  Phil Jeffrey
  On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
  Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
  considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have
  Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a
  atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?
  Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
  dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for
  ) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the differences (independent

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-28 Thread Colin Nave
Good description from Ian complemented by an amusing aside from Peter.

One small point. Ian says
The answer is that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig 
governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
optical dispersion,

Analogous implies the phenomena are separate. In fact one can derive the 
refractive indices from the atomic scattering factors. See for example
Particularly equation 1.


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Peter 
Sent: 28 January 2012 09:35
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

If you visit Isaac Newton's old home at Woolsthorpe (near here) you will see a 
conflicting claim for location of the classic prism experiment. You will also 
find an apple tree in the garden, but that is another story..


PS this is my special ccp4bb email account, it doesn't always get the attention 
it deserves.
On 19 January 2012 17:50, Ian Tickle wrote:
Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.

The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
index with respect to the wavelength.

Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
 It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
(meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
(the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).

So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
However having two different meanings for the same word can get
confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.

So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


-- Ian

On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16


 I don't see where the problem lies:

 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing

 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.

 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.

 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-21 Thread Jrh
Dear Colleagues,
The real issue is the 'anomalous' word introduced as an X-ray scattering theory 
correction, which was not anomalous but the actual physical situation of 
resonance scattering.  Thus the most recent of the Anomalous Scattering 
conferences was correctly called REXS2011. Ie Resonant Elastic X-ray 

The 1975 Anomalous Scattering Conference book incidentally has the Hoppe and 
Jakubowski Ni and Co K alpha two wavelength study either side of the Fe K edge 
for phase determination of the erythrocruorin protein, in turn based on the 
Okaya and Pepinsky 1956 formalism. These are MAD but 'simply' not synchrotron.

Francis Crick's autobiography 'What Mad Pursuit' will give you a further link 
to MAD, based on weak ie small intensity changes.

Just to also mention I regularly refer to the 'Hendrickson Se-met MAD' method. 

The history is interesting. Keith Hodgson is a must mention name, as is 
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory.

A most recent wrinkle in nomenclature in this area is the use in chemical 
crystallography by some of Resonant scattering for off resonance ie in 
determining the hand of organics. At present I see no way around correcting 
such mentions but with the unfortunate term:- 
Off-resonance resonance scattering Flack parameter determination of the hand.


Prof John R Helliwell DSc 

On 19 Jan 2012, at 17:50, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.
 The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
 is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
 Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
 split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
 of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
 wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
 dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
 index with respect to the wavelength.
 Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
 wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
 be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
 It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
 or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
 average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
 concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
 dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
 that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
 governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
 optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
 (meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
 wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
 the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
 (the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).
 So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
 dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
 only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
 However having two different meanings for the same word can get
 confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16
 I don't see where the problem lies:
 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.
 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at 

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-20 Thread Vellieux Frederic
For those of you interested, the reply to Tassos' question can be found 

as well as here, http://www.*ccp4* (a ps file).

McLaughlin, Terry and Zelinka. And yes, I'm over 40 ! I have also dealt 
with LCF files...


Anastassis Perrakis wrote:

A, yes, inventor's names. Anyone reading who is less than 40 and knows what MTZ 
stands for?


My favorite technique remains SADDAM - a side product of Gerard's War On Error, 
that never did catch-up with the masses - experimentally or as an acronym.


On 19 Jan 2012, at 21:51, Petr Leiman wrote:

It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, etc.) by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely simultaneously eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements. 

Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps conferences 
where these methods were presented for the first time would insist on using 
their names as part of the method's name...


On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:

On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:

So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein 
crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard 
to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term 
dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers, 
one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration

with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.

WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt. 
Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from 
anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.


JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata, 
KO Hodgson, HC Freeman. 
Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction - 
crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers. 
SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.

WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley. 
Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength 
anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation. 

AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.

On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term 
anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their 
diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other

characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
periodic table.




-- Ian

On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:

Can I be dogmatic about this ?

Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58

Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
(1994). D50, 11-16


I don't see where the problem lies:

a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing

a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.

One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.

If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
of the time way down in the noise.

Phil Jeffrey

On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have 

[ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread James Holton

As a self-declared MAD Scientist I suppose I should chime in.

The acronym MAD has indeed appeared by several different names in the 
literature.  Here is the Google vote:
multiwavelength anomalous diffraction - 16500 articles in Google 
Scholar (including Yang et. al. (1990))

multiwavelength anomalous dispersion - 6890 articles
multiple anomalous dispersion - 3250 articles
multiple anomalous diffraction - 956 articles
multiple anomalous difference - 3 articles

Clearly, there are thousands of publications that have gotten this 
wrong, but which thousands is uncertain.  I fully understand that 
Google Scholar is not the final authority on ... anything, and popular 
vote is not always the best way to settle scientific naming conventions 
either.  For example, I am still calling Pluto a planet.  I am also 
never going to call San Francisco's Candlestick Park by any of its new 
names (3COM Park, Monster Park, and now back to Candlestick!).  And the 
Artist Formerly Known as Prince was always Prince to me.  The reason 
for my personal inertia about name changes is that I need to hear a 
scientifically compelling reason for them.  Why do I care?  Because the 
scientific literature is supposed to be archival, and as a scholar who 
often finds himself going through this archive trying to find the 
original reference for various things, I find “nomenclature drift” 
endlessly infuriating.
Then again, the name given by the originating author is not always the 
best name either.  Nobody calls Patterson maps an F-square synthesis 
(as Patterson did).

Oh, and although many lemmings do drown in big rivers and even the 
ocean, their legendary periodic mass suicide runs have been greatly 
exaggerated.  A few years back, the Disney film crew who made the White 
Wilderness documentary admitted that the little guys did need some 
encouragement for the really good shots they wanted.

So, it would appear that even lemmings have some sense in their tiny 
little heads?  Do we?  Does anyone have a scientifically compelling 
reason to call MAD something other than multiwavelength anomalous 

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 January 2012, Soisson, Stephen M wrote:

But if we were to follow that convention we would have been stuck with 
Multi-wavelength Resonant Diffraction Experimental Results, or, quite simply, 

You could switch that to Multiple Energy Resonant Diffraction Experiment
but I don't think that would help any.

As to anomalous - the term comes from the behaviour of the derivative
 delta_(optical index) / delta_(wavelength)
This term is positive nearly everywhere, but is anomalously negative
at the absorption edge.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Jacob 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Merging data collected at two different wavelength

This begs the question* whether you want the lemmings to understand
you. One theory of language, gotten more or less from Strunk and
White's Elements of Style, is that the most important feature of
language is its transparency to the underlying thoughts. Bad language
breaks the transparency, reminds you that you are reading and not
simply thinking the thoughts of the author, who should also usually be
invisible. Bad writing calls attention to itself and to the author,
whereas good writing guides the thoughts of the reader unnoticeably.
For Strunk and White, it seems that all rules of writing follow this
principle, and it seems to be the right way to think about language.
So, conventions, even when somewhat inaccurate, are important in that
they are often more transparent, and the reader does not get stuck on

Anyway, a case in point of lemmings is that once Wayne Hendrickson
himself suggested that the term anomalous be decommissioned in favor
of resonant. I don't hear any non-lemmings jumping on that


*Is this the right use of beg the question?

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Phoebe Rice wrote:

 Can I be dogmatic about this ?

I wish you could, but I don't think so, because even though those
sources call it that, others don't. I agree with your thinking, but
usage is usage.

 And 10,000 lemmings can't be wrong?

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Ian Tickle
Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.

The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
index with respect to the wavelength.

Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
 It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
(meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
(the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).

So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
However having two different meanings for the same word can get
confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.

So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


-- Ian

On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16


 I don't see where the problem lies:

 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing

 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.

 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.

 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
 of the time way down in the noise.

 Phil Jeffrey

 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have intrinsic
 Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a heavy
 atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?

 Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
 dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for each
 ) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the differences (independent of
 source) the important bit anyway?


 Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
 215 UCB
 University of Colorado at Boulder

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Mark J van Raaij
So, with the combined votes of Hendrickson, Blundell, Tickle and Google, can we 
safely call it Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction from now on and call 
all other names wrong?

On 19 Jan 2012, at 18:50, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.
 The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
 is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
 Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
 split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
 of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
 wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
 dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
 index with respect to the wavelength.
 Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
 wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
 be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
 It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
 or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
 average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
 concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
 dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
 that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
 governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
 optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
 (meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
 wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
 the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
 (the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).
 So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
 dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
 only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
 However having two different meanings for the same word can get
 confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16
 I don't see where the problem lies:
 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.
 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
 of the time way down in the noise.
 Phil Jeffrey
 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have intrinsic
 Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a heavy
 atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?
 Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
 dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for each
 ) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the differences (independent of
 source) the important bit anyway?
 Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
 215 UCB
 University of Colorado at Boulder

[ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Marcus Winter
... or just call it 'MAD', and you're bound to be correct !!

Everything is in the eye of the beholder, after all. 


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Mark J 
van Raaij
Sent: 19 January 2012 17:59
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

So, with the combined votes of Hendrickson, Blundell, Tickle and Google, can we 
safely call it Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction from now on and call 
all other names wrong?

On 19 Jan 2012, at 18:50, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Perhaps I could chime in with a bit of history as I understand it.
 The term 'dispersion' in optics, as everyone who knows their history
 is aware of, refers to the classic experiment by Sir Isaac Newton at
 Trinity College here in Cambridge where he observed white light being
 split up ('dispersed') into its component colours by a prism.  This is
 of course due to the variation in refractive index of glass with
 wavelength, so then we arrive at the usual definition of optical
 dispersion as dn/dlambda, i.e. the first derivative of the refractive
 index with respect to the wavelength.
 Now the refractive index of an average crystal at around 1 Ang
 wavelength differs by about 1 part in a million from 1, however it can
 be determined by very careful and precise interferometric experiments.
 It's safe to say therefore that the dispersion of X-rays (anomalous
 or otherwise) has no measurable effect whatsoever as far as the
 average X-ray diffraction experiment (SAD, MAD or otherwise) is
 concerned.  The question then is how did the term 'anomalous
 dispersion' get to be applied to X-ray diffraction?  The answer is
 that it turns out that the equation ('Kramer-Kronig relationship')
 governing X-ray scattering is completely analogous to that governing
 optical dispersion, so it's legitimate to use the term 'dispersive'
 (meaning 'analogous to dispersion') for the real part of the
 wavelength-dependent component of the X-ray scattering factor, because
 the real part of the refractive index is what describes dispersion
 (the imaginary part in both cases describes absorption).
 So then from 'dispersive' to 'dispersion' to describe the wavelength
 dependence of X-ray scattering is only a short step, even though it
 only behaves _like_ dispersion in its dependence on wavelength.
 However having two different meanings for the same word can get
 confusing and clearly should be avoided if at all possible.
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16
 I don't see where the problem lies:
 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.
 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
 of the time way down in the noise.
 Phil Jeffrey
 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have intrinsic
 Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a heavy
 atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?
 Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Ethan Merritt
On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein 
crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard 
to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term 
dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers, 
one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.

WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt. 
Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from 
anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.

JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata, 
KO Hodgson, HC Freeman. 
Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction - 
crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers. 
SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.

WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley. 
Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength 
anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation. 
AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.

On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term 
anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their 
diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
periodic table.


 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
  Can I be dogmatic about this ?
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
  254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
  Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
  (1994). D50, 11-16
  I don't see where the problem lies:
  a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
  anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
  a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
  picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.
  One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
  from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
  SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
  If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
  collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
  signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
  signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
  a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
  of the time way down in the noise.
  Phil Jeffrey
  On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
  Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
  considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have intrinsic
  Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a 
  atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?
  Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
  dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for each
  ) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the differences (independent of
  source) the important bit anyway?
  Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
  215 UCB
  University of Colorado at Boulder

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Petr Leiman
It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, etc.) 
by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely simultaneously 
eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements. 

Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps conferences 
where these methods were presented for the first time would insist on using 
their names as part of the method's name...


On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:

 On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
 The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein 
 crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard 
 to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term 
 dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers, 
 one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
 with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.
 WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt. 
 Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from 
 anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.
 JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata, 
 KO Hodgson, HC Freeman. 
 Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction - 
 crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers. 
 SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.
 WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley. 
 Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength 
 anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation. 
 AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.
 On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term 
 anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their 
 diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
 characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
 periodic table.
 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16
 I don't see where the problem lies:
 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.
 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
 of the time way down in the noise.
 Phil Jeffrey
 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have intrinsic
 Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a 
 atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?
 Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
 dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for each
 ) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the differences (independent of
 source) the important bit anyway?
 Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
 215 UCB
 University of Colorado at Boulder

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Anastassis Perrakis
A, yes, inventor's names. Anyone reading who is less than 40 and knows what MTZ 
stands for?


My favorite technique remains SADDAM - a side product of Gerard's War On Error, 
that never did catch-up with the masses - experimentally or as an acronym.


On 19 Jan 2012, at 21:51, Petr Leiman wrote:

 It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, etc.) 
 by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely simultaneously 
 eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements. 
 Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps conferences 
 where these methods were presented for the first time would insist on using 
 their names as part of the method's name...
 On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:
 On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
 The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein 
 crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard 
 to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term 
 dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers, 
 one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
 with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.
 WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt. 
 Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from 
 anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.
 JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata, 
 KO Hodgson, HC Freeman. 
 Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction - 
 crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers. 
 SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.
 WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley. 
 Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength 
 anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation. 
 AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.
 On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term 
 anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their 
 diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
 characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
 periodic table.
 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16
 I don't see where the problem lies:
 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one 
 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make 
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, 
 of the time way down in the noise.
 Phil Jeffrey
 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have 
 Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a 
 atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?
 Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
 dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for 
 ) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the 

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Dale Tronrud

   How many names do you propose to use to describe SIRAS?

   If someone wrote in their paper the Rossmann method was used to
solve this structure what method would come to mind?

Dale Tronrud

On 1/19/2012 12:51 PM, Petr Leiman wrote:

It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, etc.) 
by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely simultaneously 
eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements.

Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps conferences 
where these methods were presented for the first time would insist on using 
their names as part of the method's name...


On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:

On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:

So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein
crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard
to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term
dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers,
one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.

WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt.
Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from
anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.

JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata,
KO Hodgson, HC Freeman.
Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction -
crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers.
SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.

WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley.
Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength
anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation.
AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.

On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term
anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their
diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
periodic table.



-- Ian

On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil  wrote:

Can I be dogmatic about this ?

Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58

Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
(1994). D50, 11-16


I don't see where the problem lies:

a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing

a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one has.

One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive signals
from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things that
SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.

If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make it
a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, most
of the time way down in the noise.

Phil Jeffrey

On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have intrinsic
Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a heavy
atom?  Or the MAD+native scenario (SHARP) ?

Instead of using MAD/SAD nomenclature I favor explicitly stating whether
dispersive/anomalous/isomorphous differences (and what heavy atoms for each
) were used in phasing.   Aren't analyzing the differences (independent of
source) the important bit anyway?


Francis E. Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Petr Leiman
On Jan 19, 2012, at 10:05 PM, Dale Tronrud wrote:
   If someone wrote in their paper the Rossmann method was used to
 solve this structure what method would come to mind?

The American method of course! Place the crystal in the beam, allow the 
autoindexing routine to find the crystal orientation (here the American method 
stops however), then continue to process the data. Then take a sphere, do MR, 
and phase extend using NCS and solvent flattening.

My previous message, as well as this one, was intended to be a joke (kind of).



P.S. Dale, I am sorry you are likely to receive this message twice...

 Dale Tronrud
 On 1/19/2012 12:51 PM, Petr Leiman wrote:
 It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, 
 etc.) by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely 
 simultaneously eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements.
 Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps 
 conferences where these methods were presented for the first time would 
 insist on using their names as part of the method's name...
 On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:
 On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
 The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein
 crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard
 to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term
 dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers,
 one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
 with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.
 WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt.
 Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from
 anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.
 JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata,
 KO Hodgson, HC Freeman.
 Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction -
 crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers.
 SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.
 WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley.
 Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength
 anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation.
 AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.
 On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term
 anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their
 diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
 characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
 periodic table.
 -- Ian
 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil  wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings
 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16
 I don't see where the problem lies:
 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing
 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one 
 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive 
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things 
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.
 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make 
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, 
 of the time way down in the noise.
 Phil Jeffrey
 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:
 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Lawrence Shapiro
I never weigh in, so I don't know if I'll get in trouble here...

How would we distinguish MAD (to now be called The Hendrickson
Method) from SAD (The Hendrickson Method - remeber crambin?
Nature, 1981)?

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
 A, yes, inventor's names. Anyone reading who is less than 40 and knows what 
 MTZ stands for?


 My favorite technique remains SADDAM - a side product of Gerard's War On 
 Error, that never did catch-up with the masses - experimentally or as an 


 On 19 Jan 2012, at 21:51, Petr Leiman wrote:

 It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, 
 etc.) by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely 
 simultaneously eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements.

 Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps 
 conferences where these methods were presented for the first time would 
 insist on using their names as part of the method's name...


 On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:

 On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


 The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein
 crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard
 to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term
 dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers,
 one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
 with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.

 WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt.
 Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from
 anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.

 JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata,
 KO Hodgson, HC Freeman.
 Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction -
 crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers.
 SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.

 WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley.
 Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength
 anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation.
 AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.

 On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term
 anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their
 diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
 characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
 periodic table.



 -- Ian

 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16


 I don't see where the problem lies:

 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing

 a MAD experiment is a multiple wavelength version of SAD.  Hopefully one
 picks an appropriate range of wavelengths for whatever complex case one 

 One can have SAD and MAD datasets that exploit anomalous/dispersive 
 from multiple difference sources.  This after all is one of the things 
 SHARP is particularly good at accommodating.

 If you're not using the anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing, you're
 collecting native data.  After all C,N,O,S etc all have a small anomalous
 signal at all wavelengths, and metalloproteins usually have even larger
 signals so the mere presence of a theoretical d difference does not make 
 a SAD dataset.  ALL datasets contain some anomalous/dispersive signals, 
 of the time way down in the noise.

 Phil Jeffrey

 On 1/18/12 12:48 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

 Using the terms 'MAD' and 'SAD' have always been confusing to me when
 considering more complex phasing cases.  What happens if you have 
 Zn's, collect a 3wvl experiment and then derivatize it with SeMet or a 

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear Petr and other contributors to this thread,

 I think it is never easy to call a method by that of its inventor, as
there are usually many more than one inventor of the total know-how that
gets incorporated into the finished product that people end up using. Names
such as those of James Phillips, Roger Fourme and Richard Kahn, spring to
mind when it comes to the early histories of the MAD and SAD methods.

 In my opinion, thought and effort would be much better spent revisiting
these methods from the point of view of applying them better (e.g by
providing better protocols on beamlines to optimise the signal-to-noise
ratio of anomalous and dispersive differences) rather than deconstructing
acronyms and launching popularity contests for putative single inventors.
The latter is a profound misunderstanding of how methods appear and are
developed, and this kind of personality cult is best left to cheap TV
entertainment :-) - a baseline above which this BB surely wishes to remain.

 With best wishes,

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 09:31:33PM +, Petr Leiman wrote:
 On Jan 19, 2012, at 10:05 PM, Dale Tronrud wrote:
If someone wrote in their paper the Rossmann method was used to
  solve this structure what method would come to mind?
 The American method of course! Place the crystal in the beam, allow the 
 autoindexing routine to find the crystal orientation (here the American 
 method stops however), then continue to process the data. Then take a sphere, 
 do MR, and phase extend using NCS and solvent flattening.
 My previous message, as well as this one, was intended to be a joke (kind of).
 P.S. Dale, I am sorry you are likely to receive this message twice...
  Dale Tronrud
  On 1/19/2012 12:51 PM, Petr Leiman wrote:
  It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, 
  etc.) by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely 
  simultaneously eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements.
  Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps 
  conferences where these methods were presented for the first time would 
  insist on using their names as part of the method's name...
  On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:
  On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
  So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
  from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
  around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
  MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
  anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
  for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
  and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
  and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
  literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
  multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.
  The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein
  crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard
  to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term
  dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers,
  one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
  with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.
  WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt.
  Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from
  anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.
  JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata,
  KO Hodgson, HC Freeman.
  Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction -
  crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers.
  SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.
  WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley.
  Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength
  anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation.
  AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.
  On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term
  anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their
  diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
  characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
  periodic table.
  -- Ian
  On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil  wrote:
  Can I be dogmatic about this ?
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science 
  254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58
  Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

2012-01-19 Thread mjvdwoerd

 With the starting remark that Wayne is larger than life in my mind, we could 
call SAD the Teeter Method? I think it has a very nice ring to it and perhaps 
Wayne would approve.

I learned something new today. Until now I thought that of course it is called 
dispersion. That is because in the late 1980s I started studying MAD and used 
it as topic for my PhD qualifier (which was not allowed to be the same topic as 
one's dissertation). So I read every paper I could get my hands on (this was 
before internet and electronic access to journals, yes it once was that way, 
hard to believe these days). I worried a lot at the time about how it works 
exactly, not what it is (was) called. It is probably the case that 
crystallography itself isn't intuitive for someone who has never done it and to 
add MAD (or SAD) to it...  

I shall try to  practice diffraction from now on. It seems scientifically 




-Original Message-
From: Lawrence Shapiro
Sent: Thu, Jan 19, 2012 2:48 pm
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] MAD

I never weigh in, so I don't know if I'll get in trouble here...

How would we distinguish MAD (to now be called The Hendrickson
Method) from SAD (The Hendrickson Method - remeber crambin?
Nature, 1981)?

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
 A, yes, inventor's names. Anyone reading who is less than 40 and knows what 
MTZ stands for?


 My favorite technique remains SADDAM - a side product of Gerard's War On 
Error, that never did catch-up with the masses - experimentally or as an 


 On 19 Jan 2012, at 21:51, Petr Leiman wrote:

 It would be so much more convenient to call these techniques (MAD, SAD, 
by their inventor's name. This would simplify things immensely simultaneously 
eliminating CCP4BB MADisagreements.

 Although in our days of copyrights wars, the journals and perhaps 
where these methods were presented for the first time would insist on using 
their names as part of the method's name...


 On Jan 19, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Ethan Merritt wrote:

 On Thursday, 19 January 2012, Ian Tickle wrote:
 So what does this have to do with the MAD acronym?  I think it stemmed
 from a visit by Wayne Hendrickson to Birkbeck in London some time
 around 1990: he was invited by Tom Blundell to give a lecture on his
 MAD experiments.  At that time Wayne called it multi-wavelength
 anomalous dispersion.  Tom pointed out that this was really a misnomer
 for the reasons I've elucidated above.  Wayne liked the MAD acronym
 and wanted to keep it so he needed a replacement term starting with D
 and diffraction was the obvious choice, and if you look at the
 literature from then on Wayne at least consistently called it
 multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction.


 The change-over from dispersion to diffraction in MAD protein
 crystallography happened a couple of years earlier, at least with regard
 to work being done at SSRL.  I think the last paper using the term
 dispersion was the 1988 Lamprey hemoglobin paper.  The next two papers,
 one a collaboration  with Wayne's group and the other a collaboration
 with Hans Freeman's group, used the term diffraction.

 WA Hendrickson, JL Smith, RP Phizackerley, EA Merritt.
 Crystallographic structure-analysis of lamprey hemoglobin from
 anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radiation.

 JM Guss, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley, B Hedman, M Murata,
 KO Hodgson, HC Freeman.
 Phase determination by multiple-wavelength X-ray-diffraction -
 crystal-structure of a basic blue copper protein from cucumbers.
 SCIENCE, 241(4867):806–811, AUG 12 1988.

 WA Hendrickson, A Pahler, JL Smith, Y Satow, EA Merritt, RP Phizackerley.
 Crystal structure of core streptavidin determined from multiwavelength
 anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation.
 AMERICA, 86(7):2190–2194, APR 1989.

 On the other hand, David and Lilo Templeton continued to use the term
 anomalous dispersion for at least another decade, describing their
 diffraction experiments exploring polarization effects and other
 characteristics of near-edge X-ray scattering by elements all over the
 periodic table.



 -- Ian

 On 18 January 2012 18:23, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
 Can I be dogmatic about this ?

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction from Hendrickson (1991) Science Vol.
 254 no. 5028 pp. 51-58

 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) from the CCP4 proceedings

 Multi-wavelength anomalous-diffraction (MAD) from Terwilliger Acta Cryst.
 (1994). D50, 11-16


 I don't see where the problem lies:

 a SAD experiment is a single wavelength experiment where you are using the
 anomalous/dispersive signals for phasing

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-17 Thread James Holton

Use the scan.

And yes, don't fry your crystal doing it. The best way to do this is put 
the fluorescence detector as close to the sample as you can and then 
optimize the count rate by attenuating the beam. However, some beamlines 
are set up to hit your crystal with full beam and then back off the 
fluorescence detector to the other side of the room where it can bask in 
the warm sunny glow of your precious crystal. On beamlines like this, 
you must use a sacrificial crystal to do your absorption scan. 
Obviously, I am not a fan of the latter method, but it really does 
depend on what beamline you are going to use. Ask your beamline 
scientist about this!

Note: technically, a MAD scan is not a fluorescence scan, it is an 
absorption scan. You are measuring absorption and using fluorescence as 
a tally. A fluorescence scan would have the fluorescent photon energy on 
the x-axis.

Unfortunately, methods of doing absorption scans are not the only thing 
that differs from beamline to beamline and wavelength calibration is 
notoriously difficult to do with an accuracy of five decimal places (1 
eV in 12 keV). Personally, I calibrate on copper metal, since it is very 
stable and well understood, and the absolute Bragg angle I see from 
silicon powder gives me a consistent wavelength. Some beamlines 
calibrate on SeMet, but the problem with SeMet is that the actual energy 
of the edge is NOT the canonical Se edge found in the literature (it 
is about 1 eV higher). SeMet is also relatively toxic, expensive and 
tends to oxidize, shifting the peak. Probably the best example of the 
shifting edge of Se I know of is figure 1 in Sarret et. al. (2005) 
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(5), 2331–2337. This paper 
contains spectra for nine Se-containing reference compound, a 
substantial fraction of the total that are known.

Because of all this, I have been pushing the use of dandruff shampoo as 
an internationally recognized, inexpensive and particularly rad-hard 
selenium reference. Selsun Blue(R) (and the extra strength variety of 
Head  Shoulders(R)) is 1% selenium sulfide, and gives a nice clear 
spectrum with a sharp white line. What remains is to calibrate this 
stuff against some NIST-traceable Standard Reference Material.

So, my advice is to ask your beamline scientist, and don't forget to 
pack shampoo.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Jerry McCully wrote:

Dear All:

Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength that 
has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly 
different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence 
scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should we 
trust the scanning results?

Thanks a lot for your comments.

All the best,

Jerry McCully

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[ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Jerry McCully

Dear All:

 Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

 We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength that has 
been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly different ( may 
be 50 ev) in different papers.

 I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence scanning 
and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

  When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should we trust 
the scanning results?

  Thanks a lot for your comments.

   All the best,

Jerry McCully


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Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Jacob Keller
I think scans are better than theory, and there can also be white lines which 
are often dramatically higher than predicted. Just make sure that you do not 
roast your best crystal when you do your scan!


Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.491.2438
cel: 773.608.9185

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jerry McCully 
  Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:15 PM
  Subject: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

  Dear All:

   Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

   We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength that 
has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly different ( 
may be 50 ev) in different papers.

   I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence scanning 
and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should we 
trust the scanning results?

Thanks a lot for your comments.

 All the best,

  Jerry McCully

  Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See how. 

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Phil Jeffrey
Always take the scan results ahead of the typical values unless they are 
obviously wrong.  Only use the predicted values if the scan is broken 
or too weak (e.g. very small crystals) and in that case I'd be tempted 
to add 10-20 eV to the typical peak wavelength to make sure you 
weren't actually collecting the inflection point since they are 
typically very close in SeMet.

In my NSLS X29-dominated data collections, I find I end up using 
something like this for non-oxidized SeMet:

Peak: 12664 eV, 0.9790 Angstrom   (usually in range 12662-12664)
Infl: 12662 eV, 0.9792 Angstrom   (usually in range 12660-12662)
I also typically use high energy remote: 12860 eV, 0.964 Angstrom

give or take a few eV.  This tends to translate well between the 
relatively small number of beamlines that I personally end up using. 
But I always prefer to take the results from the Chooch analysis of the 
scan from the actual crystal.

Cheers (and good luck)
Phil Jeffrey

Jerry McCully wrote:

Dear All:

 Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

 We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength 
that has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly 
different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

 I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence 
scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

  When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should 
we trust the scanning results?

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Engin Ozkan
Just checking my oxidized Se-Met experiments, I have 12658 to 12661 eV 
for my peak energies, and 3 eV lower for the inflection.
As others have said, do the fluorescence scan. Use your experimentally 
determined values.


On 7/16/09 11:54 AM, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
Always take the scan results ahead of the typical values unless they 
are obviously wrong.  Only use the predicted values if the scan is 
broken or too weak (e.g. very small crystals) and in that case I'd be 
tempted to add 10-20 eV to the typical peak wavelength to make sure 
you weren't actually collecting the inflection point since they are 
typically very close in SeMet.

In my NSLS X29-dominated data collections, I find I end up using 
something like this for non-oxidized SeMet:

Peak: 12664 eV, 0.9790 Angstrom   (usually in range 12662-12664)
Infl: 12662 eV, 0.9792 Angstrom   (usually in range 12660-12662)
I also typically use high energy remote: 12860 eV, 0.964 Angstrom

give or take a few eV.  This tends to translate well between the 
relatively small number of beamlines that I personally end up using. 
But I always prefer to take the results from the Chooch analysis of 
the scan from the actual crystal.

Cheers (and good luck)
Phil Jeffrey

Jerry McCully wrote:

Dear All:

 Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

 We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength 
that has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are 
slightly different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

 I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence 
scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

  When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? 
Should we trust the scanning results?

Engin Özkan
Post-doctoral Scholar
Laboratory of K. Christopher Garcia
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Dept of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
279 Campus Drive, Beckman Center B173
Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305
ph: (650)-498-7111

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread artem
I second Phil's opinion - it is better to scan and be sure - as long as
the scan results are not hideously abnormal. If you cannot scan for
whatever reason but are sure that the X-ray optical system is properly
calibrated - then use Phil's numbers below :)


 Always take the scan results ahead of the typical values unless they are
 obviously wrong.  Only use the predicted values if the scan is broken
 or too weak (e.g. very small crystals) and in that case I'd be tempted
 to add 10-20 eV to the typical peak wavelength to make sure you
 weren't actually collecting the inflection point since they are
 typically very close in SeMet.

 In my NSLS X29-dominated data collections, I find I end up using
 something like this for non-oxidized SeMet:

 Peak: 12664 eV, 0.9790 Angstrom   (usually in range 12662-12664)
 Infl: 12662 eV, 0.9792 Angstrom   (usually in range 12660-12662)
 I also typically use high energy remote: 12860 eV, 0.964 Angstrom

 give or take a few eV.  This tends to translate well between the
 relatively small number of beamlines that I personally end up using.
 But I always prefer to take the results from the Chooch analysis of the
 scan from the actual crystal.

 Cheers (and good luck)
 Phil Jeffrey

 Jerry McCully wrote:
 Dear All:

  Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

  We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength
 that has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly
 different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

  I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence
 scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

   When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should
 we trust the scanning results?

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Ethan Merritt
On Thursday 16 July 2009 10:15:51 Jerry McCully wrote:
 Dear All:
  Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.
  We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength that 
 has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly different 
 ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.
  I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence scanning 
 and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.
   When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should we 
 trust the scanning results?

Yes. You should definitely trust the scanning results over any literature value.

Let's leave aside for the moment that people may deliberately choose to 
collect data at 50-100 eV above the peak, and consider only the question
of how accurately we can determine what beamline setting corresponds to 
where the peak is.

A fluorescence scan tells you that the fluorescence peak was observed when
the monochromator motor readout was N steps (where each step is typically
less than 0.001 degree).  This is reproducible over the short term, as you
should be able to confirm by running the scan again.  The nominal energy
readout comes from converting the steps to degrees, and then converting the
Bragg angle in degrees to an acceptance energy in eV.  
But these conversion assume a known setting at 0 motor steps, and if
this zero point  is off by even 0.001 degree that shifts the nominal
energy readout near the Se edge by roughly 5 eV as I recall (depends
on the monochromator crystal being used). 

The calibration of the beamline optics is always going to be imperfect, 
and is subject to minor drift over the course of time.  You can ask your
friendly neighborhood beamline support people to explain what factors are
the most likely to affect calibration of their particular beamline. 
The usual culprits include heat load on the monochromator or upstream mirrors,
and tunable steering of the stored particles in the ring.
Not that you can do much about any of this, other than to scan again before
collecting your next data set :-)

Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Jürgen Bosch
On a different note,it seems as if SeMet is not a regular experiment  
in your lab. So I would recommend not to burn your crystals and rather  
sacrifice the resolution versus loosing your SeMet anomalous signal  
after couple of degrees into the data collection. It would also be  
wise to run Mosflm STRATEGY ANOMALOUS to figure out where you should  
start collecting your data.

Good luck,

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Jerry McCully wrote:

Dear All:

 Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

 We checked the literature to try to find out the peak  
wavelength that has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But  
they are slightly different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

 I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence  
scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

  When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use?  
Should we trust the scanning results?

  Thanks a lot for your comments.

   All the best,

Jerry McCully

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Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength

2009-07-16 Thread Sanishvili, Ruslan
My 2 cents: 

Cent #1 But they are slightly different ( may be 50 ev) in different
papers. This statement itself contains the answer - always scan, but it
was already suggested by many. I'd like to get to slightly different
issue here. No oxidation or any other interaction in protein crystals
moves the Se edge 50 ev from its theoretical value. It is obvious that
in that particular experiment the monochromator was not calibrated
properly. Ethan already touched on this but I wanted to emphasize again:
when a scan identifies the edge to be way out of reasonable, the
beamline support staff should be asked to check the monochromator
calibration before publishing such exotic results.

On our beamlines at GM/CA-CAT at APS, we do calibration at the start of
each user group. It's easy, fast, and Se edges from sample to sample,
project to project, user to user, are remarkably stable.


Cent #2 Often orientation of your sample crystal has far greater effect
on the way your scan as well as f' and f curves look than oxidation or
other issues in the protein molecule. Check out Bricogne's publications
few years back.





Ruslan Sanishvili (Nukri), Ph.D.

Biosciences Division, ANL
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439

Tel: (630)252-0665
Fax: (630)252-0667 

From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
Jerry McCully
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:16 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength


Dear All:

 Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

 We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength
that has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly
different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

 I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence
scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

  When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should
we trust the scanning results?

  Thanks a lot for your comments.

   All the best,

Jerry McCully


Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail(r). See how.

Re: [ccp4bb] Re :Re: [ccp4bb] MAD phasing

2009-05-26 Thread Eleanor Dodson
You need to try both P61 22 and P6522 with the Se sites changed fron 
x,y,z to -x,-y,-z. The anom differences can be explained by either 
solution. But maybe these programs automatically check both hands?

Eleanor Dodson

Ethayathulla Abdulsamath wrote:
hi BertThank you for your reply. Your are right about the values for your Pattersons and NatFourier, but the systematic absences and pointless suggested me to be P6122 and according to mathews coeff i get nbsp; 1 molecule with Vm=nbsp; 2.06 solvent=nbsp; 40.42. My protein has two SeMet sites so i searched for two sites. I have just pasted few reflections which showed me P61. then based on pointless i tried P6122nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.8nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -0.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 6nbsp;nbsp; 427.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 33.6nbsp;nbsp; 399.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 30.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 14.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 4.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 4.8nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -4.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 6.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 10.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 6.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -2.1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 10nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.2nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 11nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -3.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 9.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -2.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 8.4nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 12nbsp;nbsp; 201.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 19.1nbsp;nbsp; 198.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 19.8nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 13nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 22.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 9.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 9.9nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 14nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 10.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 8.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 15nbsp;nbsp; -21.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.1nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 16nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -1.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 10.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 18nbsp; 6649.0nbsp;nbsp; 474.7nbsp; 6423.4nbsp;nbsp; 460.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 19nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -4.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 16.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -8.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 15.1nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 20nbsp;nbsp; -44.1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 17.0nbsp;nbsp; -16.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 16.7nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 21nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 34.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 20.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 61.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 18.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 22nbsp;nbsp; -16.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.5nbsp;nbsp; -15.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 15.9nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 23nbsp;nbsp; -46.2nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 18.7nbsp;nbsp; -35.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 18.2nbsp;pointless resultsBest Solutionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; space group P 61 2 2nbsp;nbsp; Reindex operator:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; [h,k,l]nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; Laue group probability:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.000nbsp;nbsp; Systematic absence probability:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.963nbsp;nbsp; Total probability:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.963nbsp;nbsp; Space group confidence:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.949nbsp;nbsp; Laue group confidencenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.000thank youEthayathullaOn Thu, 21 May 2009 19:44:27 -0400 Bert Van Den Berg  wrote  Re: [ccp4bb] MAD phasing  Hi,My guess is that you don’t have the right space group. The values for your Pattersons and NatFourier are way too low, especially the NatFourier you would like to be at least 2-3 or so. In your assigned space group, do you have a reasonable value for nbsp;the matthews coefficient? Is there NCS? Are you finding the expected number of Se sites?  Again, I would try to investigate alternative SGs.Also it would be a good idea to take the sites and refine them with SHARP.Good luck, Bert  On 5/21/09 6:38 PM, Ethayathulla Abdulsamath  wrote:helloI am have a MAD dataset collected upto 2.3A but anomalous signal is upto 3.5A. The dataset is in P6 and based on pointless and absences it is P6122. Overall Rlin/rsym is (0.07/ 0.06). the overall redundancy is 10. I have two Se peaks, i used solve/resolve to find those peaks. I used datasets from 3.5 to 20A to find peaks i got two good peaks of occ (1.4 amp; 0.92). I did analyze_solve and refined those peaks. Then i tried resolve to autobuild and phasing but it didnt work. The r-factor FC vs FP is 0.40 and FOM 0.6, although

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD phasing

2009-05-22 Thread Ho-Leung Ng
You need to try alternative space groups, such as P6522, which has the
same extinctions and merging statistics as P6122.

What do the maps look like coming out of SOLVE/RESOLVE?

UC Berkeley

[ccp4bb] MAD phasing

2009-05-21 Thread Ethayathulla Abdulsamath
helloI am have a MAD dataset collected upto 2.3A but anomalous signal is upto 
3.5A. The dataset is in P6 and based on pointless and absences it is P6122. 
Overall Rlin/rsym is (0.07/ 0.06). the overall redundancy is 10. I have two Se 
peaks, i used solve/resolve to find those peaks. I used datasets from 3.5 to 
20A to find peaks i got two good peaks of occ (1.4 amp; 0.92). I did 
analyze_solve and refined those peaks. Then i tried resolve to autobuild and 
phasing but it didnt work. The r-factor FC vs FP is 0.40 and FOM 0.6, although 
the results looks promising i couldnt find proper phasing using phenix, 
resolve.autobuild.nbsp; i tried phenix.autosol also but it didnt work. how can 
i check the peaks are real.nbsp; can anybody suggest me how do I proceed 
further and what r the mistakes i am doing..Thank you EthayathullaFROM 
SOLVEnbsp; Sitenbsp;nbsp;nbsp; xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
ynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; znbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
 p;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Bnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -- PEAKnbsp; 
HEIGHT --nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1nbsp;nbsp; 0.386nbsp;nbsp; 0.986nbsp;nbsp; 
0.050nbsp;nbsp; 1.449nbsp; 
23.82nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2nbsp;nbsp; 0.623nbsp;nbsp; 0.997nbsp;nbsp; 
0.046nbsp;nbsp; 0.921nbsp; 
22.11nbsp;Summary of scoring for this 
 -- over many solutions--nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -- this solution 
SDnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; VALUEnbsp;nbsp;nbs!
 p;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Z-SCOREnbsp;Pattersons:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
0.279nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.299nbsp;Cross-validation 
41.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 14.1nbsp;NatFourier 
3.93nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.521nbsp;Mean figure of 
53.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.48nbsp;Correction for 
 -10.5nbsp;Overall Z-score 
PRIOR:nbsp; 0.39nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
MAP:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.61nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
*nbsp;*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; NOTE: The fract!
 ion from prior will be roughly proportional tonbsp; *nbsp;nbsp;nbs
p;  Overall average CC:nbsp;nbsp; 0.5423778nbsp;Results of wilson scaling of 
model Fc to Fo :nbsp;Scale on I to apply to Fc =nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
1.934nbsp;B-value to apply to Fc=nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
1.971nbsp;Overall R-factor for FC vs FP: 0.404 
fornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3288 reflectionsnbsp;Leaving 
outnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1nbsp; 
reflections with FC=0 and correcting R-factor tonbsp; 0.4036375nbsp; 
fromnbsp;nbsp; 0.4035717nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; as onlynbsp;nbsp; 
99.96960nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; % of the reflections are oknbsp;Writing 
overall R-factornbsp;nbsp; 0.4036375nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; to 

Department of Biophysics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar
New Delhi-110029

[ccp4bb] Re :Re: [ccp4bb] MAD phasing

2009-05-21 Thread Ethayathulla Abdulsamath
hi BertThank you for your reply. Your are right about the values for your 
Pattersons and NatFourier, but the systematic absences and pointless suggested 
me to be P6122 and according to mathews coeff i get nbsp; 1 molecule with 
Vm=nbsp; 2.06 solvent=nbsp; 40.42. My protein has two SeMet sites so i 
searched for two sites. I have just pasted few reflections which showed me P61. 
then based on pointless i tried P6122nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 
3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
1.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.8nbsp;nbsp; 
0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
0.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
1.1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 
5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
-0.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 3.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 
6nbsp;nbsp; 427.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 33.6nbsp;nbsp; 399.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
30.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
14.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
4.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 4.8nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 
8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 5.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
-4.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 6.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 
9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 10.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 6.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
-2.1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 
10nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
7.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 7.2nbsp;nbsp; 
0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 11nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -3.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
9.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -2.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 8.4nbsp;nbsp; 
0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 12nbsp;nbsp; 201.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 19.1nbsp;nbsp; 
198.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 19.8nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 
13nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 22.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 9.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
12.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 9.9nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 
14nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 10.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
0.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 8.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 
15nbsp;nbsp; -21.0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
1.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.1nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 
16nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -1.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
10.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.3nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 18nbsp; 
6649.0nbsp;nbsp; 474.7nbsp; 6423.4nbsp;nbsp; 460.5nbsp;nbsp; 
0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 19nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -4.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
16.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -8.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 15.1nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 
0nbsp; 20nbsp;nbsp; -44.1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 17.0nbsp;nbsp; 
-16.3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 16.7nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 
21nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 34.6nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 20.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
61.8nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 18.5nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 22nbsp;nbsp; 
-16.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 12.5nbsp;nbsp; -15.4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
15.9nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp;nbsp; 0nbsp; 23nbsp;nbsp; -46.2nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
18.7nbsp;nbsp; -35.9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 18.2nbsp;pointless resultsBest 
Solutionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; space group P 61 2 2nbsp;nbsp; Reindex 
 nbsp;nbsp; Laue group 
 1.000nbsp;nbsp; Systematic absence probability:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
0.963nbsp;nbsp; Total 
 0.963nbsp;nbsp; Space group 
 0.949nbsp;nbsp; Laue group 
 1.000thank youEthayathullaOn Thu, 21 May 2009 19:44:27 -0400 Bert Van Den 
Berg  wrote  Re: [ccp4bb] MAD phasing  Hi,My guess is that you 
don’t have the right space group. The values for your Pattersons and NatFourier 
are way too low, especially the NatFourier you would like to be at least 2-3 or 
so. In your assigned space group, do you have a reasonable value for nbsp;the 
matthews coefficient? Is there NCS? Are you finding the expected number of Se 
sites?  Again, I would try to investigate alternative SGs.Also it would be 
a good idea to take the sites and refine them with SHARP.Good luck, Bert
  On 5/21/09 6:38 PM, Ethayathulla Abdulsamath  wrote:helloI am have 
a MAD dataset collected upto 2.3A but anomalous signal is upto 3.5A. The 
dataset is in P6 and based on pointless and absences it is P6122. Overall 
Rlin/rsym is (0.07/ 0.06). the overall redundancy is 10. I have two Se peaks, i 
used solve/resolve to find those peaks. I used datasets from 3.5 to 20A to find 
peaks i got two good peaks of occ (1.4 amp; 0.92). I did analyze_solve and 
refined those peaks. Then i tried resolve to autobuild and phasing but it didnt 
work. The r-factor FC vs FP is 0.40 and FOM 0.6, although the results looks 
promising i couldnt find proper phasing using phenix, resolve.autobuild. 
nbsp;i tried phenix.autosol also but it didnt work. how can i check the peaks 
are real. nbsp;can

[ccp4bb] Re :Re: [ccp4bb] MAD phasing

2009-05-21 Thread Ethayathulla Abdulsamath
hello peteri tried phenix.autosol. It gave me following results.nbsp; but the 
analyses says that my data pseudo translational symmetry, I have pasted it. Do 
phenix handle pseudotranslation. Need suggestion on thisSolution # 1nbsp; 
BAYES-CC: 15.3 +/- 27.3 Dataset #1nbsp;nbsp; SG: P 61 2 2nbsp;nbsp; FOM: 
0.4Score type:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; SKEWnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
CORR_RMSRaw scores:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
0.04nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.67100x EST OF CC:nbsp;nbsp; 
18.93nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 15.24nbsp; Refined heavy atom sites 
(fractional): xyznbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
0.865nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.471nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.070 
xyznbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.099nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
0.513nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 0.070 Twinning and intensity statistics 
summary (acentric data):Statistics independent of twin lawsnbsp; - 
lt;I^2gt;/lt;Igt;^2 : 2.545nbsp; - lt;Fgt;^2/lt;F^2gt; : 0.718nbsp; - 
lt;|E^2-1|gt;nbsp;nbsp; : 0.852nbsp; - lt;|L|gt!
 ;, lt;L^2gt;: 0.530, 0.370nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Multivariate 
Z score L-test: 4.008nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The multivariate Z 
score is a quality measure of the givennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
spread in intensities. Good to reasonable data are 
expectednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; to have a Z score lower than 
3.5.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Large values can indicate twinning, 
but small values do notnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; necessarily exclude 
it.Statistics depending on twin 
Operatornbsp; | type | R obs. | Britton alpha | H alpha | ML alpha 
|--| h,-h-k,-l 
|nbsp;nbsp; Mnbsp; | 0.032nbsp; | 
0.455nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; | 0.470nbsp;nbsp; | 
 nbsp; - Largest peak heightnbsp;nbsp; : 61.921nbsp;nbsp; (correspo
nding p value : 1.218e-05)The analyses of the Patterson function reveals a 
significant off-origin peak that is 61.92 % of the origin peak, indicating 
pseudo translational symmetry. The chance of finding a peak of this or larger 
height by random in a structure without pseudo translational symmetry is equal 
to the 1.2181e-05. The detected tranlational NCS is most likely also 
responsible for the elevated intensity ratio. See the relevant section of the 
logfile for more details. The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity 
statistics Show more centric character than is expected for acentric data. This 
behavoir might be explained by the presence of the detected pseudo 
 youEthayathullaOn Thu, 21 May 2009 16:34:28 -0700 Peter Zwart  wrote  Did you 
check for twinning?Why don't you try to use phenix.autosol alone?P
2009/5/21 Ethayathulla Abdulsamath :  gt; hello  gt;  gt; !
 I am have a MAD dataset collected upto 2.3A but anomalous signal is upto  gt; 
3.5A. The dataset is in P6 and based on pointless and absences it is P6122.  
gt; Overall Rlin/rsym is (0.07/ 0.06). the overall redundancy is 10. I have 
two  gt; Se peaks, i used solve/resolve to find those peaks. I used datasets 
from 3.5  gt; to 20A to find peaks i got two good peaks of occ (1.4 amp; 
0.92). I did  gt; analyze_solve and refined those peaks. Then i tried resolve 
to autobuild and  gt; phasing but it didnt work. The r-factor FC vs FP is 0.40 
and FOM 0.6,  gt; although the results looks promising i couldnt find proper 
phasing using  gt; phenix, resolve.autobuild.nbsp; i tried phenix.autosol 
also but it didnt work.  gt; how can i check the peaks are real.nbsp; can 
anybody suggest me how do I proceed  gt; further and what r the mistakes i am 
doing..  gt;  gt; Thank you  gt; Ethayathulla  gt; FROM SOLVE  gt; nbsp; 
Sitenbsp;nbsp;nbsp; xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;!
 nbsp; ynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; znbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
nbsp;nbsp; occnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Bnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 
-- PEAKnbsp; HEIGHT --  gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 1nbsp;nbsp; 
0.386nbsp;nbsp; 0.986nbsp;nbsp; 0.050nbsp;nbsp; 1.449nbsp; 
23.82  gt; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 2nbsp;nbsp; 0.623nbsp;nbsp; 
0.997nbsp;nbsp; 0.046nbsp;nbsp; 0.921nbsp; 
22.11  gt; nbsp;Summary of scoring for this solution:  gt; 
 -- over many solutions--nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; -- this solution --  gt; 
 MEANnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; SDnbsp;nbsp;nbsp!
 ;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; VALUE  gt; Z-SCORE  gt; 

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD screen pattern

2007-07-20 Thread Kornelius Zeth
The probably more elegant way is to perform ESI-MS of the

Best wishes


On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:22:27 +0800
 劉家欣(OZ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear all:
 A dataset of Sel-Met crystal was collected in synchotron.
 However, I am not sure whether the sel-Met is incoperated
 in the protein. The screen pattern is decribed as below.
 Anybady had the  experiences about this?
 Best wish

 Kornelius Zeth
 Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
 Dept. Protein Evolution
 Spemannstr. 35
 72076 Tuebingen, Germany
 Tel -49 7071 601 323
 Fax -49 7071 601 349

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD and twinning

2007-04-25 Thread George M. Sheldrick
XPREP may well be the only program that can read a .sca file, detwin it as 
you suggest, and write another .sca file directly.

Since it is a MAD experiment and the true space group is probably P31 or 
P32, you must be careful to check that the different wavelengths have been 
indexed consistently. Even if you get the same twin fraction for each 
wavelength independently and the merging R-index is not too bad, they 
could still be indexed inconsistently!


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, Jordi Benach wrote:

  I just got a MAD dataset (~2.5A) of a crystal that so far seems to
 belong to P31 or P32 space group and that also scales pretty well
 in P3121 or P3221. According to the UCLA twinning server, the
 P31/P32 crystal is merohedrally twinned with a twinning fraction of
 0.33 and following a twinning operation h,-h-k,-l. CNS gives a
 twinning fraction of 0.42.
  Although we have solved twinned crystals in the lab with similar
 twinning fractions/resolution in the past using SOLVE or BnP/SHELX,
 only realizing that the crystal was twinned during refinement when
 the R values wouldn't go down.
  In this P31/P32 case, however, I can't solve the twinned data with
 any program, or at least I can't get interpretable electron density
 maps. Any ideas, clues? Is there a way to get a program that will
 detwin raw intensity data (like *.sca files directly from

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD and twinning

2007-04-24 Thread Petrus H Zwart
 So one obvious questions: was your crystal fully bathed in the beam ?
 If not: would be interesting to try having a look at the unmerged 
 data...Well, easier to suggest than to do...

I recall being frowned upon by my former  supervisor (a small molecule 
crystallographer) for having crystals larger than the beam and for looking at 

In any case, xtriage will detwin data with anomalous signal properly. download 
the latest version from (either cci_apps or the latest 
phenix development release)

Note that according to Dauter (sorry, i forgot the reference), finding a 
substructure in twinned data is usually not a problem (given reasonable data). 
Improvement on  the density modification according to Dauter can be obtained by 
performing density modification on detwinned data.



[ccp4bb] MAD/SAD data collection strategy

2007-02-15 Thread Sebastiano Pasqualato

Hi all,
I'm looking for some advices on some general hints on how to carry 
out a MAD/SAD data collection.
We had SeMet crystals that diffracted to ca. 3.5 Angs, with anomalous 
signal only at ca. 5-5.5 Angs, with diffraction decaying on brilliant 
beamlines (ID29 or ID23 at the ESRF) in a matter of ca. 300 
degrees... Needless to say, that was not sufficient to solve the structure...
We do have improved the crystals that look now nicer and bigger, and 
have some beamtime next weeks both at BM16 and ID29 at the ESRF.
Assumed that we do see diffraction higher that 3 Angs, what would 
people suggest?
Collecting first at the high energy remote for a SAD experiment and 
then going for peak and inflection point, or rather going for the 
peak first, then remote and ip?
I personally would avoid the continuous switch of wavelengths, but I 
know there are some fans of this technique, either...

Let the gurus talk!
Any advice is obviously highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Sebastiano and Claudio

Sebastiano Pasqualato, PhD
Istituto FIRC di Oncologia Molecolare
via Adamello, 16
20139 Milano

tel +39 02 574 303 325
fax +39 02 574 303 310

Re: [ccp4bb] MAD/SAD data collection strategy

2007-02-15 Thread Frank von Delft
Hi Sebastiano, think of it this way:  it's not your crystals that decay
within 300 degrees, it's you who let them decay that quickly, by not
attenuating the beam sufficiently.  
But now that you know approximately how long they survive (which won't
change just because the crystal is bigger, I think), you should figure out
how much to attenuate the beam so you can get all the degrees you need.
RESIST THE URGE TO BURN FOR RESOLUTION.  If your crystal dies, your
resolution is useless.
If you have enough Se atoms, SAD may be enough to phase, but my rule of
thumb is, the fewer Se atoms or the worse the resolution, the more you need
to consider getting at least a second wavelength.  (Don't stress about the
3rd, not with your crystal dying.)
I'd do them sequentially, because if it dies halfway through the second
dataset, at least you still have one complete first dataset to do something
with maybe.  And you want the first to be the one most likely to work as
SAD, so I'd do the peak, and then remote (which gets biggest delta-f' from
Hope that helps.  Above all:  DO NOT KILL YOUR CRYSTAL.


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sebastiano Pasqualato
Sent: 15 February 2007 14:01
Subject: [ccp4bb] MAD/SAD data collection strategy

Hi all,
I'm looking for some advices on some general hints on how to carry out a
MAD/SAD data collection.
We had SeMet crystals that diffracted to ca. 3.5 Angs, with anomalous signal
only at ca. 5-5.5 Angs, with diffraction decaying on brilliant beamlines
(ID29 or ID23 at the ESRF) in a matter of ca. 300 degrees... Needless to
say, that was not sufficient to solve the structure...
We do have improved the crystals that look now nicer and bigger, and have
some beamtime next weeks both at BM16 and ID29 at the ESRF.
Assumed that we do see diffraction higher that 3 Angs, what would people
Collecting first at the high energy remote for a SAD experiment and then
going for peak and inflection point, or rather going for the peak first,
then remote and ip?
I personally would avoid the continuous switch of wavelengths, but I know
there are some fans of this technique, either...
Let the gurus talk!
Any advice is obviously highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Sebastiano and Claudio

Sebastiano Pasqualato, PhD
Istituto FIRC di Oncologia Molecolare
via Adamello, 16
20139 Milano

tel +39 02 574 303 325
fax +39 02 574 303 310