Re: Best ways to find projects

2009-04-02 Thread Ravi Gehlot

You are welcome.


Anirudh Apsingekar wrote:
 Ravi and Everyone,

 Thanks for all the inputs and knowledge sharing.I really liked the way people 
 express their views here even i am one of those like other people out there 
 in Sales and Business Development.I always love to meet new people and 
 understand what every one is talking which helps in me in the growth of my 

 to be honest i joined browse this to find some new opportunities or projects 
 after seeing this discussion i felt that's not all i want to build my network 
 which gives me more knowledge. I follow one thing Knowledge is the prime 
 factor and working honestly with commitment after all this, money flows by 
 its own means.

 Evoke Technologies. 


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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-19 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Aaron Rouse wrote:
 Or even themselves for the long run but in the shortrun it will make the
 stock holders happy.

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Jeffry Houser wrote:

 RobG wrote:
 I like Ravi's positive outlook, but I have to somewhat disagree and say
 that there are lots of companies that will, without hesitation, do
 what's best for them, regardless of how loyal you've been or how hard
 you've worked.
  If it is a publicly traded company, it is illegal (in the US) to do
 anything else.  The only responsibility the company has is to its
 shareholders.  It is not uncommon for companies to change or do things
 that are not in the best interests of their employees, partners, or

 Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur
 Adobe Community Expert:  | Phone: 203-379-0773
 Easy to use Interface Components for Flex Developers
 Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust



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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-16 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Hello Jeffry,

I hear that a lotI believe that there is good and bad 
everywhere. In my opinion, if you are really good and you do your job 
honestly, no matter who you are (native or foreigner), that you will get 
paid fairly and you will not be treated as servants (not sure about 
other countries). Be it a foreigner or a native, it does not really 
matter anymore. It may have mattered in the past but not anymore. I do 
not believe that foreigners are taking away the jobs natives can do (I 
refer to computer related jobs). I believe that natives are choosing the 
best work force for their current needs.

Do I think that it is somewhat harder for foreigners than it is for 
natives? Yes. I do think that it is but this is a country of 
opportunity. The kind of opportunity that you will never find elsewhere. 
So I would take any hardness that I find here for a chance to better myself.

H1B Visas are HARDLY being issued (so I hear). Its almost unheard of 
these days. Either you come here on a student visa (I-20 co-op program) 
or you better have a Green Card. H1B Visas can cost a LOT of money to 
companies and it is ONLY worth in exceptional cases. I heard about a 
company that brought this Chinese dude that was phenomenal. He could do 
virtually anything you can imagine. He was one of a kind 
programmer...very smart...later got admitted at MIT and today if I am 
not mistaken he works for NASA. The company sponsored his Green Card and 
everything. Only those kind of people are getting H1B Visas these days 
(so I heard). It is very selective these days.

My sister is a Canadian citizen and she was telling me about Canadian 
immigration laws the other day. She told me that in order for anyone to 
enter Canada that they need to be qualified. The Canadians have a score 
system. You need to have a certain score in order to enter Canada. So 
for example, if you have a bachelors degree you automatically get more 
points. If you have a valid work history then that also counts towards 
your score. This way only the qualified people get in. What I love about 
Canada is that once they filtered everyone, they make it easy for you to 
get the Canadian citizenship. Forget about this bullshit of Green Card. 
There are no talks about foreigners being servants in Canadians (so I 
hear). I just think that we should implement some type of score system 
or qualification measurement so to only let those who are qualified 
into the country. Indeed, make it easy for newcomers to get their Green 

woww...OK! I gotta work carried away...anyways...cya

Jeffry Houser wrote:
  Personally I'd rather have smart people being brought into this country 
 than them being sent elsewhere.  I believe having intelligent people 
 here it is a good long-term strategy for making this country better; no 
 matter where they were born. 

  I understand that many of the criticisms of such programs, such as H1B 
 Visa, is that companies are bringing in foreigners to jobs that native 
 USA-residents are qualified to do; and the workers brought in are 
 treated as indenture servants. I do not know enough about said programs 
 to tell whether that is a valid concern of a bunch of FUD. 


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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-16 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Hello Rob,

I agree with you. Companies will always do whats best for them no matter 
what. This is the nature of capitalism. One should never take anything 
for granted especially in this ever changing field of work.


RobG wrote:
 I like Ravi's positive outlook, but I have to somewhat disagree and say 
 that there are lots of companies that will, without hesitation, do 
 what's best for them, regardless of how loyal you've been or how hard 
 you've worked.  It's up to you to keep your eyes open, so if you see it 
 happening, you can react accordingly.

 A few years ago, I had taken a remote job with a company out of San 
 Diego.  They were a computer hardware/software reseller similar to CDW 
 (but it was NOT CDW).  I was one of four developers, only one of which 
 worked on-site.  The company flew us all out and we had a great time for 
 the week meeting each other, going over systems, making plans, etc, etc, 
 etc, while listening to the CEO and his right-hand-man make promises for 
 the future.

 A few months later, my job got cut because they decided to cut one of 
 the four developer positions and outsource that position to CHINA.  They 
 could get TEN chinese developers for what they were paying me (which 
 wasn't much to begin with).

 When I spoke to the CEO's right-hand-man about this, and the promises 
 made while we were all in San Diego, he said, hey, it's business.  Nice.

 I've kept in touch with some of the people there, and as we all figured, 
 the outsourcing came back to bite them in the ass, and I've even seen 
 them advertise for developers on cf-jobs.

 So I guess the bottom line is this... NEVER take anybody's word unless 
 it's in writing, and even then, doubt it.



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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-16 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Hello Aaron,

You are right. There are outsourced jobs in Brazil as there are their 
own created jobs. This is what I meant to say. I also know of a 
Brazilian guy that has been working for a company in the US while living 
in Brazil. But he tells me that his job is somewhat vulnerable. Usually 
companies prefer to have work force on-site.


Aaron Rouse wrote:
 From what I gathered last week it is not just within their boarders.  Like I
 mentioned someone here is already looking into outsourcing work to an outfit
 out of Brazil.  About 7 years ago I worked on a project here that was with a
 Brazilian.  Shared an office with him for about a year before he moved back
 and he has been working remotely from there ever since.

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Ravi Gehlot wrote:

 Hello Aaron,

 Right. I read that on the Washington Post the other day. I heard that
 Brazil has had an increase in tech jobs and more people are employed
 there these days. However, their jobs are not so much outsourced jobs
 from other countries but jobs created  within their boundaries. Not sure
 how that's working though. Brazil is investing big bucks on education.
 They are creating more private schools than they ever created before
 which is good. Hopefully in years to come there will be more qualified
 Brazilians and more research coming from there.

 I have lived and worked in Brazil, Portugal, Canada and US. I have never
 experienced a market as aggressive as the US market. You work a lot here
 and you stress a lot. They take the milk out of you here. There is
 nothing like a laid back job in the US but we get remunerated and we
 learn a lot. The more the demand, the more one works and researches.
 Indeed, you become a better employee you are always going something here.




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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-13 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Just my $0.02 cents...I think that recruiters do help one get a job. 
Yes, most recruiters are all about business but who is not? They try to 
get you in and if they can not then they go on to the next one. This is 
just the nature of their business. They gotta make it work and in order 
to make it work they have to move fast and find the right candidate for 
the right position.

That's fine. However, what I do not agree with is the fact that most of 
these recruiters are extremely friendly at first and then it all changes 
afterwards. I have heard this from most programmers. This is not just 
coming from me. Also, if they can not get you the job that they have 
been trying to then they also vanish without a trace (this does not 
apply to all recruiters). They don't even send you an e-mail to say 
go look for a new opportunity. I mean, it only takes 5 seconds 
right? I took 1 week of my time to talk to you and you do not have 5 
seconds to say...Hey, it did not work but maybe next time?

AlsoI had one recruiter call me every 2 weeks to have me rely 
information about the company hiring procedures. He wanted to know if 
anyone was being hired directly by the company instead of his recruiting 
company. SoI try not to be on either side..I am neutral. But come to me to ask me questions but when I go to you to ask you 
questions you just ignore me? What kind of recruiter-to-programmer 
relationship is that?

This is not an attack on recruiters. My experience with recruiting 
companies is OK. Will I work with recruiters in the future. YES. 
Everybody is entitled to making mistakes right? I am sure they also have 
a lot to tell about programmers too.

This is just my $0.02 cents,

Jerry Johnson wrote:
 I was (mostly) kidding.

 But many programmers and tech types do not realize how _hard_ placement folk
 work to get someone into a job.

 It seems like free money when you see how much they added to your
 contracting rate, or how much you hear they get paid per permanent
 placement, but believe it or not it is a difficult job.

 You _need_ to divorce personal feelings for each client from the equation.
 It is easy to get paralyzed with I _need_ a job this week, or I lose my
 house (my children are sick, my mother-in-law lives with us, etc), but you
 cannot let it get to you. You need to be able to take 30 rejections in
 stride, and swing just as hard, with as much patience and professionalism as
 you did on the first. And you need to be able to

 In the glory days of the dot com era it was an easy job. (pick one resume at
 random from column a, match with one job opening from column b, profit!)

 But companies (for the most part) are much smarter in their hiring. and tech
 staff are much more skittish after bad experiences. So matchmaking is
 important if you want any follow on placements.

 The skillset that makes a good recruiter, in my opinion, are very specific.
 As Rob mentions below, they need to leave the tech staff feeling decent
 (even if turned down), need to leave the company feeling good (whether you
 place a person or not, you still want them to keep your card for next time.
 Because there will be a next time). You need for your recruiting company to
 feel you are contributing. And you need to feel pretty good about what you
 are doing (and how you are doing it) or the smudges on your soul get
 overwhelming and over time very obvious to others.

 I don't have the right skills, but I respect the skills in others and can
 recognize people that do have it all when I meet them.

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Rich Baker wrote:

 Wow... Probably should have exercised better judgment than in sending
 that email to the whole group... - To each his own

 Richard E. Baker | TEAM Information Services



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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-13 Thread Ravi Gehlot

Correct. There are good recruiters as there are bad ones. There are good 
and bad everywhere. So it is important to work with someone that you 
trust. Every programmer must do their own research.


Scott Stewart wrote:
 I've worked with both, if I do go down this road I know who I don't want to
 be and that the guy who recruits by attrition. I've been the recipient of
 the fishing email and phone calls dozens of times, and it's never panned

 Someone with horribly broken English calls about a job half way across the
 country and my first response is are they considering telecommuters, the
 answer is usually no, or what?.

 My next question is is your client willing to contract a relocation company
 to move myself and my wife and buy our house. The answer again is usually
 no, and then they ask if I'm willing to rent an apartment wherever the job
 is, my answer is always no, because by this point, their asking me to take a
 financial loss to work for their client.

 On the other hand there are a handful of recruiters with whom I have had
 very very successful relationships with, and one in particular who has
 become a pretty good friend.. why, because they're honest stand up people
 who look at prospective employment candidates as something more than just an
 email address or a means to fulfill US State Department guidelines, to bring
 in H1B Visas candidates.

 Scott Stewart
 ColdFusion Developer
 4405 Oakshyre Way
 Raleigh, NC 27616
 (h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835

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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-13 Thread Ravi Gehlot


There is no problem with H1B Visas. I have no clue why Scott 
mentioned it. Who cares...


Qasim Rasheed wrote:
 What's wrong with H1B visa if used appropriately. I came to this country
 based on that facility and have been able to become a permanent citizen.

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Ravi Gehlot wrote:

 Correct. There are good recruiters as there are bad ones. There are good
 and bad everywhere. So it is important to work with someone that you
 trust. Every programmer must do their own research.


 Scott Stewart wrote:
 I've worked with both, if I do go down this road I know who I don't want
 be and that the guy who recruits by attrition. I've been the recipient of
 the fishing email and phone calls dozens of times, and it's never panned

 Someone with horribly broken English calls about a job half way across
 country and my first response is are they considering telecommuters,
 answer is usually no, or what?.

 My next question is is your client willing to contract a relocation
 to move myself and my wife and buy our house. The answer again is
 no, and then they ask if I'm willing to rent an apartment wherever the
 is, my answer is always no, because by this point, their asking me to
 take a
 financial loss to work for their client.

 On the other hand there are a handful of recruiters with whom I have had
 very very successful relationships with, and one in particular who has
 become a pretty good friend.. why, because they're honest stand up people
 who look at prospective employment candidates as something more than just
 email address or a means to fulfill US State Department guidelines, to
 in H1B Visas candidates.

 Scott Stewart
 ColdFusion Developer
 4405 Oakshyre Way
 Raleigh, NC 27616
 (h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835



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Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical Recruiting..

2009-03-13 Thread Ravi Gehlot


I have always been a Green Card holder so I am not familiar with other 
visas. I can't give you a formed opinion on this onesorry


Scott Stewart wrote:

 I mentioned it because the way that I understand the program to work is that
 you have to provide proof to the State Department that you attempted to hire
 a citizen for the position. All that's required is a stack of resumes, and
 someone to say that they weren't right for the job. 

 I feel like many of the fishnet recruiters are collecting resumes for the
 sole purpose of providing that proof. IE: there is no intent to actually
 attempt to hire a citizen for the position.

 I could be wrong about how the program works, but this is how it was
 explained to me a few years ago.

 Scott Stewart
 ColdFusion Developer
 4405 Oakshyre Way
 Raleigh, NC 27616
 (h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835

 -Original Message-
 From: Ravi Gehlot [] 
 Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 4:42 PM
 To: cf-jobs-talk
 Subject: Re: Thinking of a career change.. how does one get into Technical


 There is no problem with H1B Visas. I have no clue why Scott 
 mentioned it. Who cares...


 Qasim Rasheed wrote:
 What's wrong with H1B visa if used appropriately. I came to this country
 based on that facility and have been able to become a permanent citizen.

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Ravi Gehlot wrote:

 Correct. There are good recruiters as there are bad ones. There are good
 and bad everywhere. So it is important to work with someone that you
 trust. Every programmer must do their own research.


 Scott Stewart wrote:
 I've worked with both, if I do go down this road I know who I don't want
 be and that the guy who recruits by attrition. I've been the recipient
 the fishing email and phone calls dozens of times, and it's never panned

 Someone with horribly broken English calls about a job half way across
 country and my first response is are they considering telecommuters,
 answer is usually no, or what?.

 My next question is is your client willing to contract a relocation
 to move myself and my wife and buy our house. The answer again is
 no, and then they ask if I'm willing to rent an apartment wherever the
 is, my answer is always no, because by this point, their asking me to
 take a
 financial loss to work for their client.

 On the other hand there are a handful of recruiters with whom I have had
 very very successful relationships with, and one in particular who has
 become a pretty good friend.. why, because they're honest stand up
 who look at prospective employment candidates as something more than
 email address or a means to fulfill US State Department guidelines, to
 in H1B Visas candidates.

 Scott Stewart
 ColdFusion Developer
 4405 Oakshyre Way
 Raleigh, NC 27616
 (h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835



Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: Best ways to find projects

2008-12-23 Thread Ravi Gehlot
I have experienced the same here especially with IT. But since I like 
programming more, I kind of drifted away from the whole IT scene. But 
you are correct, word of the mouth is also a good selling point. Great 
you mentioned it.


Jacob wrote:
 Word of mouth...

 I been in IT for 14 years now. 100% of my side jobs are word of mouth.
 Sometimes, I have to turn down side jobs because I have too many.  People
 start mentioning my name to other people and it snowballs from there

 -Original Message-
 From: Jenny [] 
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:59 PM
 To: cf-jobs-talk
 Subject: Best ways to find projects

 Having seen replies as expected regarding on line project sites, I'd be
 interested in hearing about everyone's most popular/successful way of
 finding projects.

 I currently get some work through my web site, but
 not nearly as much as i would like to see.  Traffic to my site has also
 reduced considerably since the economic downturn, so I need to find other
 routes to landing projects.

 I'd also very much appreciate any feedback on the web site.

 Thanks in advance,



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We Do Three Types of Jobs Here…

2008-12-23 Thread Ravi Gehlot
At times, I get requests from people wanting me to build websites for 
them. Such websites range from a simple layout, in css without any 
server side scripting, to complex websites like those of social 
networks. These same people want the work to be done in an unbelievably 
short amount of time and with little to no budget. So I kept thinking on 
how to approach these people and explain this would cost time and money 
to deliver quality work. In turn, the old saying “A picture is worth a 
thousand words” comes to mind and this picture surely explains my 
feelings towards this situation.

Check it out:


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Re: We Do Three Types of Jobs Here...

2008-12-23 Thread Ravi Gehlot

I wasn't able to find the presentation but I did find the notes of a 
who attended it. Here are his notes from the presentation Changing the 
Games by Helms.

- Concentrating only on your rates = commoditizing yourself, at least 
without adding value and/or establishing relationships
- Acquiring a new customer costs 6 times as much as keeping one
- put the best interests of clients first, even if it isn't in your 
immediate best interests
- message you put out is the types of clients you will attract (ie., if 
you say you build what is wanted and are cheap, those are the types of 
clients you will get)
- build a portfolio before going off on own, take on jobs you have no 
problem referring future clients too
- look deeper when responding to potential clients, keep their interests 
at heart
- keep up to date on competition across the client's industry to see if 
there are other ideas that may be applicable to a client's needs or 
other things the competitors do not have
- get as much information about a client as you can before meeting with them
- remember that to a business person, software is expensive and risky. 
ideally, you need to develop a process and/or methodology that helps to 
mitigate the risk
- Great comment from the audience: customers want programs done good, 
cheap, and quick and that most can only achieve two of the three
- help to define the risk about the project, make the customer realize 
what could go wrong. it makes you stand out and differentiates yourself 
from others
- goal is to be not just a commodity developer or coder, but become 
someone they can rely on that has their interests in heart


Vicky wrote:
 Hal Helms  Clark Valberg gave a good preso at ColdFusion United called
 Changing the Game.  It was about how to win more profitable work.  The
 materials may still be on the CF United 2008 website, if not on Hal's own
 site/blog.  It was very interesting and worthwhile.

 On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Ravi Gehlot wrote:

 At times, I get requests from people wanting me to build websites for
 them. Such websites range from a simple layout, in css without any
 server side scripting, to complex websites like those of social
 networks. These same people want the work to be done in an unbelievably
 short amount of time and with little to no budget. So I kept thinking on
 how to approach these people and explain this would cost time and money
 to deliver quality work. In turn, the old saying A picture is worth a
 thousand words comes to mind and this picture surely explains my
 feelings towards this situation.

 Check it out:


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Re: CF Job Market

2008-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hello Adam,

I couldn't agree more with you.


Adam Reynolds wrote:
 Or better still learn Flex/Air. Look at upcoming technologies where the 
 number of skilled individuals is low.

 Don't go down the I'll learn Java route because honestly you need 3+ 
 years commercial experience.

 Ravi Gehlot wrote:

 As we all know the economy is not doing so well. It does not matter 
 how much one can say that it is unfair to blame the economy (as I have 
 heard) but there have been many job cuts. Many programmers are out of 
 their jobs because either companies are afraid to expand or just don't 
 have the money to hire more work force. So there are fewer jobs and 
 there will be even more cuts as the next president tries to fix this 
 mess that the current president left (lets not get into politics here). 
 I will give you an example, about 2 to 3 years ago, I used to search for 
 CF jobs on and I would often get impressed with the amount 
 of available positions that that search used to return. It felt like 
 employers were seeking candidates at all times and everywhere. If you 
 try to do a search now, you will not get many jobs. You try to contact 
 the fewer ones left and they are already interviewing 3 to 5 other 
 candidates for that spot.
 Here is what I recommend you. Do not get stuck with just one 
 language. Regardless of its popularity, try to learn another skill. For 
 instance, for as much as people complain that PHP is nothing but a mess, 
 it is the one that offers the most jobs. If you know PHP really well 
 chances are that you will find a job somewhere or even an outsourced 
 position (Yes, people also outsource jobs to the U.S.).
 I am have been trying to learn Ruby and PHP. Why not?

 Always remember: Don't let others say you can't do just because they 
 can't do it

 Good Luck,
 Ravi Gehlot.

 Hi all,

 My job will be ending sometime next year due to a merger.  I'm a Senior
 level CF Developer with 10+ years experience.  I am wondering what the job
 market is looking like out there for us senior type CF developers with the
 economy the way it is here in the US.

 What I'm concerned about most that I see is more job descriptions asking 
 mid-level and junior developers, and lower salaries for those as well.  I'm
 wondering if I might have trouble finding a job when the time comes because
 my salary demands would be too high and/or the employer would rather pay
 someone a lower salary for less experience, thinking they are getting the
 same efficiency.

 Please share whatever your thoughts are on this topic.  I think this thread
 will be useful for anyone visiting it in the next 12-18 months, so let's
 really try to provide some good 'intel', if you will on the 'near future' 


 Dave Phillips 


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Re: Best ways to find projects

2008-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot
There are many ways to attract potential clients/projects. But 
freelancing has its drawbacks as you might already know. I prefer a job 
over freelancing because I get benefits and a steady pay. But back to 
your question, in order for you to get more clients/projects you need to 
build your presence on the Internet. It was a great idea of yours to 
start your own business website. That's a great start but it will not 
attract people(clients/projects) if it is not being advertised somehow. 
So try to market your name or your business name (Fast Track Online). 
For instance, your name(Jenny Gavin-Wear) is very powerful. Try to build 
a BLOG and give people what they want. They want quality articles that 
they can learn a bunch from. Try to get a domain name after your name 
and build a BLOG. Thats where you will post articles and people will 
read about it. If you can do that, you can build traffic. If you can 
build traffic that trusts your information, you can build prospects that 
may hire you later on. Take for instance my BLOG at . I have been getting about 500 visits daily 
just because I wrote 1 good article on SVN. My BLOG has only been around 
for 3 weeks and it is already getting some attention. Yesterday, I had a 
guy from France pay me $200 dollars to step up SVN for him. While, $200 
dollars is not a lot of money, if more people ask me to do the same then 
it will great. So blogging is one way to draw more projects/client. 
However, bear in mind, put your heart into your blog.  I mean, do it 
with attention to detail not just to try to make money. Do it because 
you can have fun with it too. My BLOG is sort of diary where I keep 
everything I have been looking at lately. Try to get on Social News 
networks like Digg, DZone, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit. Also try to 
get on Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and 
Hi5. You will network with people that share yours interests and they 
may need your services in the future.
Another way to draw more prospects is to try to rank well on the 
search engines. This falls back on Search Optimization Techniques but 
being able to be found on search engines is not enough. More and more 
people are not reading text. What they is to experience and try your 
services. So for Fast Track Online, you should try to build demo sites 
and stuff that you have been doing. People will want to go back there to 
test a feature you have done. Not to read the text. The text is good for 
search engines to find you.

Good Luck,
Ravi Gehlot

Jenny wrote:
 Having seen replies as expected regarding on line project sites, I'd be
 interested in hearing about everyone's most popular/successful way of
 finding projects.

 I currently get some work through my web site, but
 not nearly as much as i would like to see.  Traffic to my site has also
 reduced considerably since the economic downturn, so I need to find other
 routes to landing projects.

 I'd also very much appreciate any feedback on the web site.

 Thanks in advance,



Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: On line project site

2008-12-22 Thread Ravi Gehlot

True. I heard about as well. I think has more 
long-term projects with better opportunities for pay. But I was heard 
that it is hard to get work there.


Dave Phillips wrote: was good for me a few years ago.  Some clients post projects
 looking for US only coders and therefore are willing to pay a normal hourly
 range.  I picked up a client that I kept for about 2 years until she stopped
 doing the business.


 -Original Message-
 From: C. Hatton Humphrey [] 
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 8:02 PM
 To: cf-jobs-talk
 Subject: Re: On line project site

 I got one project on Rent-a-Coder that was less than encouraging.
 Maybe it was my lack of experience in managing client expectations at
 the time or maybe it was what this particular client had dealt with
 (and gotten away with) in the past but I ended up terminating the
 project before completion.


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Re: CF Job Market

2008-12-21 Thread Ravi Gehlot

As we all know the economy is not doing so well. It does not matter 
how much one can say that it is unfair to blame the economy (as I have 
heard) but there have been many job cuts. Many programmers are out of 
their jobs because either companies are afraid to expand or just don't 
have the money to hire more work force. So there are fewer jobs and 
there will be even more cuts as the next president tries to fix this 
mess that the current president left (lets not get into politics here). 
I will give you an example, about 2 to 3 years ago, I used to search for 
CF jobs on and I would often get impressed with the amount 
of available positions that that search used to return. It felt like 
employers were seeking candidates at all times and everywhere. If you 
try to do a search now, you will not get many jobs. You try to contact 
the fewer ones left and they are already interviewing 3 to 5 other 
candidates for that spot.
Here is what I recommend you. Do not get stuck with just one 
language. Regardless of its popularity, try to learn another skill. For 
instance, for as much as people complain that PHP is nothing but a mess, 
it is the one that offers the most jobs. If you know PHP really well 
chances are that you will find a job somewhere or even an outsourced 
position (Yes, people also outsource jobs to the U.S.).
I am have been trying to learn Ruby and PHP. Why not?

Always remember: Don't let others say you can't do just because they 
can't do it

Good Luck,
Ravi Gehlot.

 Hi all,

 My job will be ending sometime next year due to a merger.  I'm a Senior
 level CF Developer with 10+ years experience.  I am wondering what the job
 market is looking like out there for us senior type CF developers with the
 economy the way it is here in the US.

 What I'm concerned about most that I see is more job descriptions asking for
 mid-level and junior developers, and lower salaries for those as well.  I'm
 wondering if I might have trouble finding a job when the time comes because
 my salary demands would be too high and/or the employer would rather pay
 someone a lower salary for less experience, thinking they are getting the
 same efficiency.

 Please share whatever your thoughts are on this topic.  I think this thread
 will be useful for anyone visiting it in the next 12-18 months, so let's
 really try to provide some good 'intel', if you will on the 'near future' CF


 Dave Phillips 

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Re: CTO Opportunity

2008-09-26 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Just my $0.02 cents.


The problem begins when you try to find a job while still on a job.
If your boss finds out that you are indeed on the look out for a new
opportunity then it may sparkle misunderstandings and misconceptions. I
had a friend once that did really well on his project and he had gotten
bonuses and all the good stuff. The contract was at its final stage and
he needed to make more money because his wife was pregnant with twins.
It so happens that he sent an e-mail to a mailing list of which his boss
was also a subscriber. The e-mail had information about his skills, a
link for his resume and that he was looking for a new opportunity to
make more money. His resume was open to the public.. His boss called him
5 minutes after he sent that e-mail and cursed him to death saying that
it was unethical to say that my friend was not well paid after all the
bonuses and everything. It sparkled so much trouble that he got out of
the company. 
Indeed, my friend had done his job well. The project had been 95%
delivered and he was looking for a better opportunity. With his wife
pregnant, it was a perfect time to look for a new chance to make more
money. Instead, because of a misunderstanding with having his public
resume open to the public, he ended in a bad situation. His boss later
told him that it will be harder to find programmers because people may
think that he does not pay well. Whih in part, is true. 

Just my $0.02 cents,

On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 14:56 -0500, Aaron Rouse wrote:

 What is so wrong with having publicly viewable resumes?  I come across
 people's personal websites all the time that have that.  I could
 understand how maybe having them viewable to lord and everyone else
 and containing perhaps a home address might be a mistake.
 On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Phillip M. Vector
  I know and I'm sorry Adam. I meant that as a private message to you as well.
  As for permissions, you can set your document to only be readable by
  certain people. He can put in the email of the person who he wants to
  see it and block out everyone else.
  Heh.. Yes, I do see the irony of not cutting and pasting your email when
  you forgot as well. Again, I'm sorry.
  Levi Wallach wrote:
  It's pretty obvious this was a goof on Adam's part by just hitting reply 
  rather than copying in the original sender's email address.  This happens 
  to everyone and there's no reason to call attention to it - I'm sure Adam 
  is already embarrassed and perhaps a little concerned that his current 
  employer might see the message.  I don't understand what you  mean by 
  permissions.  It has nothing to do with permissions, just a mistake that 
  all of us make from time to time, to varying degrees of consequence...
  From: Phillip M. Vector [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 3:42 PM
  To: cf-jobs-talk
  Subject: Re: CTO Opportunity
  Perhaps putting your resume online for all to see isn't the smartest
  idea. Was this intended as a reply to the person?
  If so, I'd recommend you check out the permissions setting.

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Re: Junior to Intermediate CF Developer (Greater Toronto Area)

2008-09-26 Thread Ravi Gehlot
Hi Virginia,

I have lived in the United States for about 9 years and I am a green
card holder. How hard would it be to sponsor a VISA to work in Canada?

Thanks, R.G.

On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 14:23 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am working with a client in the Greater Toronto Area that is looking for 
 a Junior or Intermediate Coldfusion 8 developer (CF 7 is alright as well) 
 with solid Oracle 9i or 10g experience. Minimum 2 years experience. 
 Other desirables:
 This company designs webpgages and applications for SMBs and first tier 
 healthcare companies.  If you like working in a small environment (team 
 size is approximately 10), multi-task, and would like the opportunity to 
 grow your skills, then please contact me.  This position is full time and 
 will pay up to 60K, however, depending on how strong one is, they are 
 willing to pay more. 
 They want to hire the selected candidate by the end of next week (Oct 
 Contact information:
 w: 416-225-5599 x 297
 c: 416-432-2807
 Virginia Davidson
 Professional Placement Consultant
 Manpower Professional
 4950 Yonge Street, Suite 706
 Toronto, Ontario
 M2N 6K1
 T: 416-225-5599 x297
 F: 416-225-9096 
 C: 416-432-2807
 This e-mail and its attachments may contain Manpower Inc. proprietary 
 information, which is PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, or subject to COPYRIGHT 
 belonging to Manpower Inc.  This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the 
 individual or entity to which it is addressed.  If you are not the intended 
 recipient of this e-mail, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering 
 this e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any 
 dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to the 
 contents of and attachments to this e-mail is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and may be 
 UNLAWFUL.  If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the 
 sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this 
 e-mail and any printout.  Thank you.
 This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
 For more information please visit 

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2008-07-03 Thread [BWW] Ravi Gehlot
I am not sure what Mr. Vincent is trying to accomplish by sending these kind
of e-mails but I can talk for my own experience. I have worked with
recruiting companys like Robert Half Technology, Signature Consulting,
TekSystems, AppleOne among others and all I have to say to the recruiters is
THANK YOU. They went out of their way to help me get a job. Besides they
were patient enough to help me get my resume right. They even spoke in my
behalf to work a deal and they sure did their job well.

Up to this day I have good friends in the recruiting business. People that
take me not only as a professional but also as a collegue and partner. If
someone had a bad experience with recruiting companys then fine. There is
always 2 sides of a coin but do not come on a mailing list saying all kind
of nonsense about people that actually tried to help you out when you needed
the most.

You never know.

Thanks, RG.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Andrea Skinner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As most of the professional users of this site know, there are always 2
 sides to every story.  This site is to be used for professionals looking
 work.  As many of you have seen, this is not the first negative post from
 this individual.  Slanderous comments posted are definitely considered
 negative by future employees and candidates seeking new opportunities.
 should be taken in account by the individual posting the negative comments
 that are only half-truths.  Aptude has been in business for many years and
 the individuals that own and operate the company have several years of
 industry experience.

 - Original Message -
 From: Vincent Cannady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: CF-Jobs-Talk
 Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 12:05 PM
 Subject: re:Watchout for this job FLASH ARCHITECT POSITION IN TX

  That was the whole point Scott,
  To tell the truth to people who might not take the time to email or even
  read this message.
  I am a man of courage and honor. I don't lie or hide behind my woman's
  So if a company does not want me because I told the truth about a bad
  experience with another company who was soliciting my fellow IT
  Professionals then I do not want to work for them.
  Since there are no shortage of work and the fact that I usually do not
  contracts of this site anyway because of things just like this, I don't
  to worry about work.
  And hey if you dragged your family 600 Miles and 10 hours of driving for
  company that did not set up the interview right then maybe you would not
  care if some other fly by the seat of their pants company decides you
  not what they want then that is just fine.
  I have enough telecommute work that I don't have to apply to any of these
  contracts unless I know the employer, had a friend who worked for them,
  the recruiter is from a company like TekSystems, Matrix, RHT, or Yoh IT .
  These are companies big enough that mistakes don't cost ME $500 and if
  do make them THEY PAY FOR IT not me!!!
  Thanks for the Input Scott but I knew what I was doing when I posted my
  horror story. Beside if it is bad enough to post about then it is bad
  to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, So help me God(hand on
  -Original Message-
  From: cf-jobs-talk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 12:00 PM
  To: cf-jobs-talk
  Subject: ColdFusion Jobs Talk (CF-Jobs-Talk): Digest every 2 hours
  ColdFusion Jobs Talk (CF-Jobs-Talk)  03-Jul-08
  In this issue:
  Watchout for this job FLASH ARCHITECT POSITION IN TX
  Watchout for this job FLASH ARCHITECT POSITION IN TX


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Re: Senior CF Developer - Designer Available Now

2008-07-01 Thread [BWW] Ravi Gehlot
   Can you please post any future FLEX and ColdFusion jobs also at: .

Thanks, RG.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Stephen Hoskins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am seeking a FT telecommute position as ColdFusion Developer.  Having 10
 years of programming experience, I am capable of entry into any phase of a
 project, whether it be from conception through QA or from QA through launch,
 as well as various aspects of work including: migrations, schema
 development/enhancement, code revision, documentation, graphical design and
 user-interface framework.

 I have experience as Lead Designer, Lead Developer and Project Manager. I
 hold a BFA and have worked with all formats of multimedia. Scripting I have
 used: ColdFusion, HTML, DHTML, Java, Javascript, SQL, Actionscript 3, ASP,
 ASP.NET, C# and probably a few more over the years... I
 am adept with Adobe Creative Suite products, hand coding, Eclipse, Server
 set-up, Access, SQL Server, some Oracle.

 I have created e-commerce solutions, goverment intranet and public sites
 and marketing websites and online systems.

 Having telecommuted for the past few years and would prefer to telecommute,
 travel is fine.

 Please find resume and contact information at 

 Stephen Hoskins


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Re: freelance web developer

2008-05-17 Thread [BWW] Ravi Gehlot

I am interested in your job position but first I would like to know what the
compensation is then we could talk further. I am available for 20 hours a
week. Can you send me a job description in more details?

I have been programming in ColdFusion for almost 3 years now. I feel pretty
comfortable working with HTML, CSS, ColdFusion, Fusebox, JavaScript and also
XML. Will wait on your response to send you my resume.


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 3:49 PM, site mgt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Looking for a  U.S. based freelance CF programmer to work offsite for an
 e-commerce company by telecommuting. Individual must be able to contribute
 at least 20 hours a week.

 Developer should have experience working with CF8 thru CF5. Developer must
 feel comfortable working with legacy code.

 Knowledge of procedural and OO programming is a plus. Developer should have
 strong MSSQL skills. Experience with payment gateways such as Google
 checkout and PayFlow Pro is also a plus.
 Knowledge of XML and SQL 2005 is helpful as well. Looking for someone who
 will document their work and be able to work with a team of programmers if
 necessary. Must understand the concept of developing sustainable
 applications that can be maintained by other individuals if necessary. If
 you know how to build applications that scale and perform well under load
 your services are needed.

 Development environment need to be CF ECLIPSE and Subversion for version

 Please reply with your credentials


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Re: freelance web developer

2008-05-17 Thread [BWW] Ravi Gehlot
Hey Phillip,

   Please accept my apologizes. I made a mistake. Should have e-mailed
that person not the list.


On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Phillip M. Vector 

 Hey Ravi... Few things..

 1) You are responding on the talk list.. Not the Jobs list..
 2) Emails like this should be sent directly to the client.
 3) Asking for the rate of pay before giving your resume is... tacky IMHO.

 [BWW] Ravi Gehlot wrote:
  I am interested in your job position but first I would like to know what
  compensation is then we could talk further. I am available for 20 hours a
  week. Can you send me a job description in more details?
  I have been programming in ColdFusion for almost 3 years now. I feel
  comfortable working with HTML, CSS, ColdFusion, Fusebox, JavaScript and
  XML. Will wait on your response to send you my resume.
  On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 3:49 PM, site mgt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Looking for a  U.S. based freelance CF programmer to work offsite for an
  e-commerce company by telecommuting. Individual must be able to
  at least 20 hours a week.
  Developer should have experience working with CF8 thru CF5. Developer
  feel comfortable working with legacy code.
  Knowledge of procedural and OO programming is a plus. Developer should
  strong MSSQL skills. Experience with payment gateways such as Google
  checkout and PayFlow Pro is also a plus.
  Knowledge of XML and SQL 2005 is helpful as well. Looking for someone
  will document their work and be able to work with a team of programmers
  necessary. Must understand the concept of developing sustainable
  applications that can be maintained by other individuals if necessary.
  you know how to build applications that scale and perform well under
  your services are needed.
  Development environment need to be CF ECLIPSE and Subversion for version
  Please reply with your credentials


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