RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-05-05 Thread Jason L. West, Sr.
 I have to disagree with this.  There is a difference between a hobbyist and
a developer.  The hobbyist might not think that the application would need
some sort of structure to it, but a developer who has created a couple of
shopping carts or some other sort of dynamic application would probably
agree with placing a structure in the app and or methodology.  

My belief with Fusebox, MACH-II, and a couple of the other communities out
there that most of the CMFL community are developers and not just hobbyist.
I mean come on, out side of BlueDragon being the only free CFML server, it
would kind of be expensive to be a hobbyist with CFML.

So I would say that you comment is wrong about average CFML developer.

Jason L. West, Sr

Get Firefox!!! 

-Original Message-
From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 17:06
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

well - that's the difference between a CF developer and a Java 
developer.  ALL SITES (let's assume I mean all dynamic sites - ignore 
static things) require Objects according to the average Java developer.  
Even the simple ones.  The average CF Developer probably wouldn't say 
the same.  Yes - a 5 page brochure site should have at least one object 
representing the brochure - probably another representing the person 
looking at it.  That's true whether you use CF or Java.  You know, if 
you dump the session scope in most apps I write, there's nothing but 
objects in it.  That's because I develop CF Apps the same way any other 
J2EE developer would.  Is it overkill?  That depends on who you ask... 
but I tell you what, to get back to the original topic, I'd take a CF 
Developer who's asking for a high salary much more seriously if they 
showed me a code sample and it was built that way.  As a matter of fact, 
at my last job I made more money than any of the java developers!


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Ian Skinner wrote:

I like that the question was build a simple site but this simple site
needed objects, ties and business logic.  Sounds a bit advance for a simple
five page brochure site.

Just an obsveration that one developers simple is anothers too complex
for the job.

Not saying anything about CF vs Java here, just commenting on the question.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!
- Cynthia Dunning

-Original Message-
From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:50 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

Rob wrote:

I disagree with that whole heartedly - I have seen some really bad
java code that was totally wrong (from a methodology perspective).
Methods that are thousands of lines long, classes used in the wrong
place for the wrong thing. It's just as easy to write spaghetti in
java as it is in CF.

Rob - I did say more so.  Believe me, I've seen a lot of bad Java
and I've seen a lot of bad CF code.  However, if you chose 500 CF
Developers at random and asked them to build a simple site and you
picked 500 Java developers at random and asked them to do the same, I'd
bet everything I've got that a larger percentage of the CF applications
would be designed and developed less than perfectly.  Like I said,
that's not the fault of CF it's the fault of the CF developers, BUT the
reason behind it is partly CF's fault because it's easier to develop
things the wrong way.  Java is an Object Oriented language, and most
Java developers will separate their app into objects and tiers.  The
code in their JSP tags, JSP pages, servlets, and Beans may not be great
but at least the code IS encapsulated as such.  With CF Developers it's
more likely you'll end p with a mix of presentation and business logic,
as well as unnecessary or poorly thought-out objects, because though it
allows it, CF doesn't encourage encapsulation or object orientation.


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-05-03 Thread Glenn Saunders
At 09:59 AM 5/2/2005, you wrote:
I did not run the numbers, but my friend who read some of the articles on
them said it came out to a $23 million per year savings to use their
approach. I bet that could easily pay for the maint on a ship, but could not
even imagine what the initial cost of the ship would be.

If everyone just ran businesses with community responsibility in mind, we'd 
all be better off.

I know if I were to ever start a business that employed others it would be 
an insourcing project centered in some rural area where land is 
cheap.  Companies really should try to employ their country's own people 
before seeking the cheapest international alternative.  If it means 
spending a little extra, so be it.  You get good PR and you help the 
overall economy in the process.  There is more to life than profit by any 
means necessary.

It's silly that in this technological day and age that techies should have 
to concentrate themselves into a few uber expensive hubs like Silicon Valley.

Companies should grow some balls and learn how to stick a shovel into some 
sh*t-hole in the middle of nowhere and build a new community from the 
ground up.  Maybe everyone needs the nightlife of a big city or 
something.  I don't.  I know a lot of people would probably love to 
relocate to somewhere cheap like that if they thought the company was going 
to last long enough to set down roots there and keep them employed.  If I 
could build a house for peanuts out in the boonies I could afford to make 
half my salary and still live comfortably.  As it is, I'm probably making 
more than any of you on this list and I don't think I can save enough (as a 
single dad) for a downpayment on a condo here in Culver City.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-05-02 Thread Fred T. Sanders
That's crazy, the cost of running one of those vessels just can't be cost 


On Friday 29 April 2005 16:10, Aaron Rouse wrote:
 Maybe they could put a ship out off the coast near NYC

  On 4/29/05, Kristopher Pilles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You could outsource the spot? Probally cost you 1k per month for a guy
  in India.
  -Original Message-
  From: Daniel Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 3:48 PM
  To: CF-Jobs-Talk
  Subject: RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?
  Like I said earlier, probably most people who work in Manhattan don't
  live in Manhattan - there is easy commute from NJ and surrounding NY
  boros which are a lot more reasonable when it comes to cost of living.
  ecommerce partners, inc.
  Daniel Brown
  ECommerce Partners
  59 Franklin Street
  New York N.Y 10013
  T 212-334-3390
  Directions to our office
  -Original Message-
  From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 3:43 PM
  To: CF-Jobs-Talk
  Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?
  I'm MIDish level(2 years in offices + 3 years as hobby/consulting) and
  50k would not get me to move to NY heck depending on benifits I may not
  even consider telecommuting for 50k. I would think 50k in NY for
  midlevel sounds rather low but maybe I am off...I would expect atleast
  55k maybe more depending on cost of living in neihboring cities I looked
  at Cost of living in Manhatten and its saying I would have to expect
  atleast $70k to consider..
  A friend of mine was a manager at Best Buy (mid level store) in Ohio and
  made 45k + bonuses which ussually got him to 50k by the end of the year.
  However if you figured his hourly wage it was pretty low b/c he ussually
  averaged 50-55 hours /week.
  Adam H
  On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF
developers went?
I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
(PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your
area before you start demanding higher salary)
~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
~open source xslt IDE~
   Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr? I don't think that is
  near true.
   I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds for
  $8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn so
  much more than that.


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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-05-01 Thread Glenn Saunders
At 05:32 AM 4/30/2005, you wrote:
I don't know that I agree with this...I know plenty of Java developers
that haven't done a spot of GUI programing...doesn't mean they
couldn't learn it to get the job done but you could easily have a mid
level java architect that hasn't ever made a GUI.

Yes, but they could one day do that if the job required it, and all they'd 
need to know are more APIs.  They wouldn't have to learn a whole new 
language like CF programmers would.

So that automatically makes them more versatile.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-30 Thread Glenn Saunders
CF is a web application language.  It's not a language you can write 
multithreaded GUI applications in the way you can in Java or .NET.  It's 
not a general purpose desktop application language.

So if you know Java or .NET, presumably you can do more varied kinds of 
work like more robust back end processing applications or in-house GUI 
tools or shrinkwrapped software.

CF developers write for the web and that's that.  I have written backend 
services in CF and it's really not its strong point, believe me.

At 12:50 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
Thats an easy one CF is simple and not [as] is, rather
has the ability to be much more complex, powerful and robust, not to
say Coldfusion is not powerful infact it is, very powerful, but
limitations are much more easily hit in CF than in Java, or .NET for
those .NET lovers.  But thats my 2 cents :)

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-30 Thread Adam Haskell
Nicely put; I agree. Most of the coders in my environment could care
less if cfif #bob# EQ Glenn is bad code (simplistic example but
gives an idea). And yes in our workplace CF has definetely taken the
2nd class rate. It is very frustrating having programers that have not
only ever heard of getters and setters but want to have a training
session on how to use themYou set then you get...this is also a
product of still being stuck in the 90's with CF5, not that the 90's
were bad mind you!  Code reivews are sparse if at all. I was just
helping a co-worker with a problem the other day and noticed while he
was using cfqueryparam in Where clause he was not in the INSERT
statementwhy? no one ever told him to use them there and the
examples he saw were for select statements. So his code will go into
production wrong then the next person will come along use his codebase
as examples and viola the bad coding proliferates. This  is the case
in any programming language, or any learned practice, but it tends to
be very wide spread in CF for the exact reasons you mentioned.

Adam H

On 4/30/05, Glenn Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 01:49 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
 I also think part of this is that there isn't enough supervision in places
 that use CF so that bad habits predominate.
 For instance, rarely have I ever interviewed someone who didn't write code
 like this:
 CFSET a = #b#
 CFSET a = #b#
 Obviously, CF is part of the problem for being so forgiving, but there is a
 lack of a serious engineering mindset in the CF world.  The people who are
 employing coders who write the above don't care because the applications
 still work.  They don't care how elegant the codebase is or whether it's a
 Rube Golberg device as long as it works.  So nobody forces them to
 change.  They spin their wheels for a couple years until they get layed off
 or something and they walk into a job interview with 2-3 years of CF listed
 on their resume and they are still chock full of bad coding habits!!
 The CF culture brings in people from non-engineering backgrounds, ex Flash
 animators, designers who are doing double-duty.  People who cracked open
 the Forta book and learned enough to get by on the job and don't
 necessarily have the drive to improve their code because their passions
 really lie elsewhere.  And that's how this culture evolved.  That's why CF
 coders are treated like 2nd class citizens.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-30 Thread Adam Haskell
 So if you know Java or .NET, presumably you can do more varied kinds of
 work like more robust back end processing applications or in-house GUI
 tools or shrinkwrapped software.

I don't know that I agree with this...I know plenty of Java developers
that haven't done a spot of GUI programing...doesn't mean they
couldn't learn it to get the job done but you could easily have a mid
level java architect that hasn't ever made a GUI.

Adam H 

On 4/30/05, Glenn Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CF is a web application language.  It's not a language you can write
 multithreaded GUI applications in the way you can in Java or .NET.  It's
 not a general purpose desktop application language.
 So if you know Java or .NET, presumably you can do more varied kinds of
 work like more robust back end processing applications or in-house GUI
 tools or shrinkwrapped software.
 CF developers write for the web and that's that.  I have written backend
 services in CF and it's really not its strong point, believe me.
 At 12:50 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
 Thats an easy one CF is simple and not [as] is, rather
 has the ability to be much more complex, powerful and robust, not to
 say Coldfusion is not powerful infact it is, very powerful, but
 limitations are much more easily hit in CF than in Java, or .NET for
 those .NET lovers.  But thats my 2 cents :)

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-30 Thread Douglas Knudsen
ditto from me. I have been doing CF for over 5 years now in my company and 
every team I have been on has absolutely no code review, code standards, 
versioning, etc. I've struggled constantly to get them employedwait 
until I'm in charge! LOL! I recently had to 'mentor' two noobs in CF. 
Neither of them knows what an object is let alone a CFC or getters/setters. 
And yes, they require actual training to scribble down 'SELECT * FROM table' 
it seems. 

One thing I have noticed is that since CF is considered a RAD tool, we tend 
to get projects that are short-lived, small, mediocre complexity, etc. And 
the business, or customers, want results yesterday. All these combine into 
fast written ugly code. In my company the big enterprise type projects go to 
the J2EE world.


On 4/30/05, Adam Haskell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nicely put; I agree. Most of the coders in my environment could care
 less if cfif #bob# EQ Glenn is bad code (simplistic example but
 gives an idea). And yes in our workplace CF has definetely taken the
 2nd class rate. It is very frustrating having programers that have not
 only ever heard of getters and setters but want to have a training
 session on how to use themYou set then you get...this is also a
 product of still being stuck in the 90's with CF5, not that the 90's
 were bad mind you! Code reivews are sparse if at all. I was just
 helping a co-worker with a problem the other day and noticed while he
 was using cfqueryparam in Where clause he was not in the INSERT
 statementwhy? no one ever told him to use them there and the
 examples he saw were for select statements. So his code will go into
 production wrong then the next person will come along use his codebase
 as examples and viola the bad coding proliferates. This is the case
 in any programming language, or any learned practice, but it tends to
 be very wide spread in CF for the exact reasons you mentioned.
 Adam H
 On 4/30/05, Glenn Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 01:49 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
  I also think part of this is that there isn't enough supervision in 
  that use CF so that bad habits predominate.
  For instance, rarely have I ever interviewed someone who didn't write 
  like this:
  CFSET a = #b#
  CFSET a = #b#
  Obviously, CF is part of the problem for being so forgiving, but there 
 is a
  lack of a serious engineering mindset in the CF world. The people who 
  employing coders who write the above don't care because the applications
  still work. They don't care how elegant the codebase is or whether it's 
  Rube Golberg device as long as it works. So nobody forces them to
  change. They spin their wheels for a couple years until they get layed 
  or something and they walk into a job interview with 2-3 years of CF 
  on their resume and they are still chock full of bad coding habits!!
  The CF culture brings in people from non-engineering backgrounds, ex 
  animators, designers who are doing double-duty. People who cracked open
  the Forta book and learned enough to get by on the job and don't
  necessarily have the drive to improve their code because their passions
  really lie elsewhere. And that's how this culture evolved. That's why CF
  coders are treated like 2nd class citizens.

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-30 Thread Douglas Knudsen
On 4/29/05, Jeffry Houser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think I mentioned this before on this list, but...
 Ben Forta mentioned (at Powered by Detroit) that one of the biggest
 recruiting firms in the US doesn't put CF in the job description when
 looking for CF Developers. They look for Java Developers. ( This is all
 paraphrased, of course ).
 But, these are enterprise level companies who use Java in the backend and
 CF for front end stuff / middleware. The reasoning for this is similar to
 what Simon said below. CF Developer's write bad code.
 I think the reason for this is that many CF Developers are not
 programmers by trade. They do what it takes to get the job done, without
 thought to maintenance, re-use, structure, etc.. I'm working on one app
 now, which has (for example)... templates with ~2,500 lines of code, only
 one line of documentation (which says begin and offers no more
 explanation) and very long lines (for example, an if statement with 5 else
 conditions written out on a single line ). Formatted w/ an eye for
 readability I'm sure the template would double in size.

That and 50+ queries in one CF page, some of which are repeated. Worst code 
I have ever seen bar none.


At 04:10 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
 at the risk of being publicly yelled at, I'll also say that in my
 experience, the quality of work of most CF Developers isn't deserving of
 a high salary. That's not to say that there aren't Java developers who
 write poor code, but Java pretty much forces you to use good coding
 techniques moreso than CF. CF makes it easy to write bad code.
 That's not a bad thing, unless people choose to take the easy route and
 write bad code (whch many do). There's no reason why a CF developer
 that's building complex enterprise applications shouldn't be earning as
 much as a java developer building complex enterprise applications,
 provided they're both competent. To be honest, most Java developers are
 more competent with specific parts of java rather than all of java -
 there are too many APIs and core classes to master all of them. An
 expert CF Developer is really worth more than an expert java
 developer in my opinion because they have complete mastery of their
 environment as opposed to mastery of part and competence in the rest.
 Just an observation I've had (and I've worked with A LOT of Java
 Simon Horwith
 CIO, AboutWeb -
 Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
 Member of Team Macromedia
 Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
 Blog -
 Daniel Kang wrote:
  If the CF developer does all thing (database design, application
  design, coding, testing, etc), how much is he/she going to be paid in,
  let's say, downtown NY? Are we understood that 50K in downtown NY is
  for CF developers who are doing only coding???
  On 4/29/05, Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  they don't always get paid less but more often than not, they do. This
  is probably because the majority of the tasks performed by CF 
  are the kinds of things that don't require you to be a competent
  architect, programmer, or even tester.
  Simon Horwith
  CIO, AboutWeb -
  Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
  Member of Team Macromedia
  Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
  Blog -
  Daniel Kang wrote:
  The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
  others?? Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!
  On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
  developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
  living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF 
  I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
  restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
  developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
  (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your 
  before you start demanding higher salary)
  ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
  ~open source xslt IDE~

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
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Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Daniel Brown
I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web development 
company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now have 2 positions 
for mid-level developers that have been open for months.

Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying for 
this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions someone walks 
through the door who is at about the right level they want to be paid the earth 
- if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior developers 
(which seem to be easier to find too!).

All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k salary 
really too little to expect to be able to find someone appropriate?

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Jerry Johnson
$45-50K is right for a mid-level CF developer in the woods of Eastern
Connecticut. I must assume that the cost of living is a little higher in

Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:50 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now
have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for

Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying
for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions
someone walks through the door who is at about the right level they want
to be paid the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a
very senior developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).

All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k
salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Kristopher Pilles
If you offered my 50k to telecommute I would give my notice today. (1
office visit a week would be fine by me)


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:50 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now
have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for

Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying
for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions
someone walks through the door who is at about the right level they want
to be paid the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a
very senior developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).

All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k
salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Counts on many things. For me with a wife and 3 kids, I pay about 33% or so. 
That means around 34k after taxes but various deductions can reduce the 
burden to 5% or less. That's on a 1099, which is a contractors agreement. A 
W2 (employee) allows you to reduce your tax burden past 0% and actually get 
money back which is why I always try for a W2 if I can.

 maybe that's a little bit offtopic, but how much is left from $50k after
 paying taxes? Sorry I don't live in the US.


 Daniel Brown wrote:
 I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web 
 development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now 
 have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for months.

 Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying 
 for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions 
 someone walks through the door who is at about the right level they want 
 to be paid the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a 
 very senior developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).

 All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k 
 salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone 


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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Daniel Kang
Also, this (,,id=96196,00.html)
will give you an idea.


On 4/29/05, Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Counts on many things. For me with a wife and 3 kids, I pay about 33% or so.
 That means around 34k after taxes but various deductions can reduce the
 burden to 5% or less. That's on a 1099, which is a contractors agreement. A
 W2 (employee) allows you to reduce your tax burden past 0% and actually get
 money back which is why I always try for a W2 if I can.
  maybe that's a little bit offtopic, but how much is left from $50k after
  paying taxes? Sorry I don't live in the US.
  Daniel Brown wrote:
  I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
  development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now
  have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for months.
  Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying
  for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions
  someone walks through the door who is at about the right level they want
  to be paid the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a
  very senior developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k
  salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Viktors Rotanovs
Thanks Michael and Daniel!

Daniel Kang wrote:
 Also, this (,,id=96196,00.html)
 will give you an idea.
 On 4/29/05, Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Counts on many things. For me with a wife and 3 kids, I pay about 33% or so.
That means around 34k after taxes but various deductions can reduce the
burden to 5% or less. That's on a 1099, which is a contractors agreement. A
W2 (employee) allows you to reduce your tax burden past 0% and actually get
money back which is why I always try for a W2 if I can.

maybe that's a little bit offtopic, but how much is left from $50k after
paying taxes? Sorry I don't live in the US.


Daniel Brown wrote:

I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now
have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for months.

Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying
for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions
someone walks through the door who is at about the right level they want
to be paid the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a
very senior developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).

All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k
salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone


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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Jacob
50K a year in Southern California would get you nowhere...

-Original Message-
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 10:54 AM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

LOLone could argue the converse of that, too.  Where are all the 
jobs for the mid-level developers?  Seriously, this is the first one I 
have seen in a while.  Being a mid-level developer myself, I keep an eye 
out for them, somewhat.  I am happy where I am at, but it never hurts to 
look over the fence to the other side!

Let me ask a question - is $50K a good salary for a NYC job?  In other 
words, could one live comfortably with that salary in that region?  I'd 
take that salary in a heartbeat here in New Hampshire, but I'm sure that 
our living expenses are much lower that in NY.


Daniel Brown wrote:
 I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now
have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for months.
 Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying
for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions someone
walks through the door who is at about the right level they want to be paid
the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
 All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k
salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone appropriate?

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Jacob
$11.93 in Southern California after...

Federal Income Tax
State Income Tax
Sales Tax
Property Tax
Gas Tax
Soc Security Tax
Medicare Tax

-Original Message-
From: Viktors Rotanovs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 11:09 AM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?


maybe that's a little bit offtopic, but how much is left from $50k after 
paying taxes? Sorry I don't live in the US.


Daniel Brown wrote:
 I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we now
have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for months.
 Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have applying
for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions someone
walks through the door who is at about the right level they want to be paid
the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
 All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a $50k
salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone appropriate?

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Aaron Rouse
I was curious about that as well. Right now I am doing 1099 and making my 
quartly payments. I figure about 35% of my income towards taxes. When I look 
at my paychecks I feel like a rich man, too bad once I pay taxes(on my own) 
and deal with medical and so on, I am not really clearing a ton of money. :(

On 4/29/05, Jeffry Houser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I budget 40% of all my income for taxes. Basically, 33% to the
 government plus an additional 7% (I think that is the employers portion
 of Social Security).
 Michael, I'm very curious as to what type of deductions you are taking as
 a W2 employee that eliminates your tax burden, vs what you are taking as a
 contractor. Do you just mean as a W2 they take out money each paycheck,
 whereas w/ a 1099 you have to pay quarterly (on your own)?

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Exactly. W2 has the taxes on income taken out by the employer while a 1099 
expects you to do it. My last 'contract' was supposed to be a W2 but they 
1099ed me instead. As for reducing the burden, I've got children who go to 
private school, a wife who does not work outside the house (Fusion Authority 
is not a paying job), a business (House of Fusion) that makes almost no 
money a year while having expenses (the machines, software, etc.) and 
various work related equipment.
A W2 employee can't take transportation or business meals as an expense but 
a 1099 person can. A person with a small business (such as me) can take 
certain business related expenses for hardware, software, books, 
conferences, etc.
It's all a game between the government, a company and a person. 
Unfortunately I'm losing it. :(

  Michael, I'm very curious as to what type of deductions you are taking as
 a W2 employee that eliminates your tax burden, vs what you are taking as a
 contractor.  Do you just mean as a W2 they take out money each paycheck,
 whereas w/ a 1099 you have to pay quarterly (on your own)?

 At 02:15 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
Counts on many things. For me with a wife and 3 kids, I pay about 33% or 
That means around 34k after taxes but various deductions can reduce the
burden to 5% or less. That's on a 1099, which is a contractors agreement. 
W2 (employee) allows you to reduce your tax burden past 0% and actually 
money back which is why I always try for a W2 if I can.

  maybe that's a little bit offtopic, but how much is left from $50k 
  paying taxes? Sorry I don't live in the US.
  Daniel Brown wrote:
  I manage a small (getting smaller!) team of CF developers for a web
  development company in downtown NY specialising in ecommerce, and we 
  have 2 positions for mid-level developers that have been open for 
  Where have all the CF developers gone?  The only people I have 
  for this position have almost no experience.  On the rare occassions
  someone walks through the door who is at about the right level they 
  to be paid the earth - if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire 
  very senior developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience.  Is a 
  salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone


Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Daniel Brown
Dude, that's in new zealand, presumably in New Zealand dollars, which are worth 
alot less than US dollars.

As far as I can tell the average salary for a fast food manager in NY is 

  Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is 
 anywhere near true
 Salaries vary, but fast food managers usually earn between $25,000 
 $50,000 per year, according to experience and the type of business
 they work in. Many people are self-employed.
 On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
   developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
   A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost 
   living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF 
   I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast 
   restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
   developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
   (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your 
   before you start demanding higher salary)
   ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
   ~open source xslt IDE~
  I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds 
 for $8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn 
 so much more than that.

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Kristopher Pilles
My cousin is a manager for Checkers here in NY and he pulls about 75k
per year

-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 3:28 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

 Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is 
 anywhere near true

Salaries vary, but fast food managers usually earn between $25,000 and
$50,000 per year, according to experience and the type of business they
work in. Many people are self-employed.


On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
  developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of 
  living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF 
  developers went?
  I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food 
  restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior 
  developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
  (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your 
  area before you start demanding higher salary)
  ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
  ~open source xslt IDE~
 I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds for 
 $8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn so 
 much more than that.

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Rob
BAH! I suck

But really, check out Carl's Jr. Managers - when I got my first CF job
(50K) my dad was berly making more than me at like 65K (that was quite
a while ago too)

On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dude, that's in new zealand, presumably in New Zealand dollars, which are 
 worth alot less than US dollars.
 As far as I can tell the average salary for a fast food manager in NY is 
   Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is
  anywhere near true
  Salaries vary, but fast food managers usually earn between $25,000
  $50,000 per year, according to experience and the type of business
  they work in. Many people are self-employed.
  On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost
living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF
I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast
restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
(PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your
before you start demanding higher salary)
~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
~open source xslt IDE~
   I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds
  for $8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn
  so much more than that.

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Rob
And I cant spell to boot...

But really, check out Carl's Jr. Managers - when I got my first CF job
(50K) my dad was *barely* making more than me at like 65K (that was
quite a while ago too)

On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BAH! I suck

 On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dude, that's in new zealand, presumably in New Zealand dollars, which are 
  worth alot less than US dollars.
  As far as I can tell the average salary for a fast food manager in NY is 
Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is
   anywhere near true
   Salaries vary, but fast food managers usually earn between $25,000
   $50,000 per year, according to experience and the type of business
   they work in. Many people are self-employed.
   On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
 developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).

 A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost
 living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF

 I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast
 restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
 developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.

 (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your
 before you start demanding higher salary)

 ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
 ~open source xslt IDE~
I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds
   for $8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn
   so much more than that.

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Adam Haskell
I'm MIDish level(2 years in offices + 3 years as hobby/consulting) and
50k would not get me to move to NY heck depending on benifits I may
not even consider telecommuting for 50k. I would think 50k in NY
for midlevel sounds rather low but maybe I am off...I would expect
atleast 55k maybe more depending on cost of living in neihboring
cities I looked at Cost of living in Manhatten and its saying I would
have to expect atleast $70k to consider..

A friend of mine was a manager at Best Buy (mid level store) in Ohio
and made 45k + bonuses which ussually got him to 50k by the end of the
year. However if you figured his hourly wage it was pretty low b/c he
ussually averaged 50-55 hours /week.

Adam H 

On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
  developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
  living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers
  I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
  restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
  developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
  (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
  before you start demanding higher salary)
  ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
  ~open source xslt IDE~
 Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is anywhere 
 near true.
 I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds for $8/hr, 
 although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn so much more than 

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Rob
Ah yeah I see - I am in California and that's median... Cal = 40K 

On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dude, that's in new zealand, presumably in New Zealand dollars, which are 
 worth alot less than US dollars.
 As far as I can tell the average salary for a fast food manager in NY is 
   Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is
  anywhere near true

~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~ 
~open source xslt IDE~

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Daniel Kang
The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!


On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior developers 
  (which seem to be easier to find too!).
 A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
 living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers
 I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
 restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
 developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
 (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
 before you start demanding higher salary)
 ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
 ~open source xslt IDE~

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Daniel Brown
Like I said earlier, probably most people who work in Manhattan don't live
in Manhattan - there is easy commute from NJ and surrounding NY boros which
are a lot more reasonable when it comes to cost of living.

ecommerce partners, inc.
Daniel Brown
ECommerce Partners 
59 Franklin Street 
New York N.Y 10013 
T 212-334-3390   
Directions to our office

-Original Message-
From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 3:43 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

I'm MIDish level(2 years in offices + 3 years as hobby/consulting) and
50k would not get me to move to NY heck depending on benifits I may
not even consider telecommuting for 50k. I would think 50k in NY
for midlevel sounds rather low but maybe I am off...I would expect
atleast 55k maybe more depending on cost of living in neihboring
cities I looked at Cost of living in Manhatten and its saying I would
have to expect atleast $70k to consider..

A friend of mine was a manager at Best Buy (mid level store) in Ohio
and made 45k + bonuses which ussually got him to 50k by the end of the
year. However if you figured his hourly wage it was pretty low b/c he
ussually averaged 50-55 hours /week.

Adam H 

On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
  developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
  living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers
  I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
  restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
  developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
  (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
  before you start demanding higher salary)
  ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
  ~open source xslt IDE~
 Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is anywhere
near true.
 I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds for
$8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn so much
more than that.

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Adam Haskell
Thats an easy one CF is simple and not [as] is, rather 
has the ability to be much more complex, powerful and robust, not to
say Coldfusion is not powerful infact it is, very powerful, but
limitations are much more easily hit in CF than in Java, or .NET for
those .NET lovers.  But thats my 2 cents :)

Adam H

On 4/29/05, Daniel Kang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
 others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!

Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Simon Horwith
they don't always get paid less but more often than not, they do.  This 
is probably because the majority of the tasks performed by CF Developers 
are the kinds of things that don't require you to be a competent 
architect, programmer, or even tester.


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Daniel Kang wrote:

The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!


On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior developers 
(which seem to be easier to find too!).

A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers

I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.

(PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
before you start demanding higher salary)

~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
~open source xslt IDE~

Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support 
efficiency by 100%

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Daniel Kang
If the CF developer does all thing (database design, application
design, coding, testing, etc), how much is he/she going to be paid in,
let's say, downtown NY?  Are we understood that 50K in downtown NY is
for CF developers who are doing only coding???


On 4/29/05, Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 they don't always get paid less but more often than not, they do.  This
 is probably because the majority of the tasks performed by CF Developers
 are the kinds of things that don't require you to be a competent
 architect, programmer, or even tester.
 Simon Horwith
 CIO, AboutWeb -
 Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
 Member of Team Macromedia
 Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
 Blog -
 Daniel Kang wrote:
 The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
 others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!
 On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior developers 
 (which seem to be easier to find too!).
 A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
 living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers
 I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
 restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
 developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
 (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
 before you start demanding higher salary)
 ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
 ~open source xslt IDE~

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Kristopher Pilles
You could outsource the spot? Probally cost you 1k per month for a guy
in India.

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 3:48 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

Like I said earlier, probably most people who work in Manhattan don't
live in Manhattan - there is easy commute from NJ and surrounding NY
boros which are a lot more reasonable when it comes to cost of living.

ecommerce partners, inc.
Daniel Brown
ECommerce Partners 
59 Franklin Street 
New York N.Y 10013 
T 212-334-3390   
Directions to our office

-Original Message-
From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 3:43 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

I'm MIDish level(2 years in offices + 3 years as hobby/consulting) and
50k would not get me to move to NY heck depending on benifits I may not
even consider telecommuting for 50k. I would think 50k in NY for
midlevel sounds rather low but maybe I am off...I would expect atleast
55k maybe more depending on cost of living in neihboring cities I looked
at Cost of living in Manhatten and its saying I would have to expect
atleast $70k to consider..

A friend of mine was a manager at Best Buy (mid level store) in Ohio and
made 45k + bonuses which ussually got him to 50k by the end of the year.
However if you figured his hourly wage it was pretty low b/c he ussually
averaged 50-55 hours /week.

Adam H 

On 4/29/05, Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
  developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
  A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of 
  living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF 
  developers went?
  I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food 
  restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior 
  developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
  (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your 
  area before you start demanding higher salary)
  ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
  ~open source xslt IDE~
 Fast food managers earn more than $60k/yr?  I don't think that is 
near true.
 I used to know someone who worked assistance manager at Mcdonalds for
$8/hr, although that was a couple years ago, I doubt managers earn so
much more than that.

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Simon Horwith
at the risk of being publicly yelled at, I'll also say that in my 
experience, the quality of work of most CF Developers isn't deserving of 
a high salary.  That's not to say that there aren't Java developers who 
write poor code, but Java pretty much forces you to use good coding 
techniques moreso than CF.  CF makes it easy to write bad code.  
That's not a bad thing, unless people choose to take the easy route and 
write bad code (whch many do).  There's no reason why a CF developer 
that's building complex enterprise applications shouldn't be earning as 
much as a java developer building complex enterprise applications, 
provided they're both competent.  To be honest, most Java developers are 
more competent with specific parts of java rather than all of java - 
there are too many APIs and core classes to master all of them.  An 
expert CF Developer is really worth more than an expert java 
developer in my opinion because they have complete mastery of their 
environment as opposed to mastery of part and competence in the rest.  
Just an observation I've had (and I've worked with A LOT of Java 


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Daniel Kang wrote:

If the CF developer does all thing (database design, application
design, coding, testing, etc), how much is he/she going to be paid in,
let's say, downtown NY?  Are we understood that 50K in downtown NY is
for CF developers who are doing only coding???


On 4/29/05, Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

they don't always get paid less but more often than not, they do.  This
is probably because the majority of the tasks performed by CF Developers
are the kinds of things that don't require you to be a competent
architect, programmer, or even tester.


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Daniel Kang wrote:

The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!


On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior developers 
(which seem to be easier to find too!).


A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers

I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.

(PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
before you start demanding higher salary)

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~open source xslt IDE~


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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Aaron Rouse
Perhaps what you think is mid-level, others think is jr level? What does a 
Jr level CF person get in that area?
 I once applied for a Sr level full time job here with this company I am at 
now as a contractor. They never posted the pay range, I just assumed it 
wouldbe around what everyone else pays. When I got the job offer it was 
unbelieveably low, below 50k but I do not recall the exact number. I 
remember at the time thinking I could make more money being a manager at the 
WalMart near my home once factoring in less driving and so on. After seeing 
some of the projects the person they hired put out, they really should not 
have been looking for a Sr level person and most certainly did not hire 
someone who is at that level.

 In a message dated 4/29/2005 1:49:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 All we want are 2 solid developers with 2-3 years experience. Is a $50k
 salary really too little to expect to be able to find someone appropriate?

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Michael Dinowitz
As I've seen a LOT of CF code in my life, I have to agree. CF is too easy. 
It allows someone to get away with murder and it'll still work. That's why 
I'm really happy for the push in the CF world towards OO. Not that it should 
be followed religiously, but just learning it will force people to rethink 
their code. I'm also happy that I'm stuck on limited hardware. Too often 
people are on quad gigahertz machines with gigabytes of ram. This allows 
them to write poor code and not worry about performance or cleanliness. I'm 
on a 650mhz with 640 meg of ram. House of Fusion HAS to be written tight. I 
think everyone should be forced to write at least one project on inferior 
hardware just to force them to think of what they're doing. I think everyone 
should be FORCED to read a book on coding methodologies and design at least 
once a year. I think everyone should be FORCED to put their code up for 
review so others can pick it apart. Make the developer want to do it the 
best they can.

 at the risk of being publicly yelled at, I'll also say that in my
 experience, the quality of work of most CF Developers isn't deserving of
 a high salary.  That's not to say that there aren't Java developers who
 write poor code, but Java pretty much forces you to use good coding
 techniques moreso than CF.  CF makes it easy to write bad code.
 That's not a bad thing, unless people choose to take the easy route and
 write bad code (whch many do).  There's no reason why a CF developer
 that's building complex enterprise applications shouldn't be earning as
 much as a java developer building complex enterprise applications,
 provided they're both competent.  To be honest, most Java developers are
 more competent with specific parts of java rather than all of java -
 there are too many APIs and core classes to master all of them.  An
 expert CF Developer is really worth more than an expert java
 developer in my opinion because they have complete mastery of their
 environment as opposed to mastery of part and competence in the rest.
 Just an observation I've had (and I've worked with A LOT of Java


 Simon Horwith
 CIO, AboutWeb -
 Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
 Member of Team Macromedia
 Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
 Blog -

 Daniel Kang wrote:

If the CF developer does all thing (database design, application
design, coding, testing, etc), how much is he/she going to be paid in,
let's say, downtown NY?  Are we understood that 50K in downtown NY is
for CF developers who are doing only coding???


On 4/29/05, Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

they don't always get paid less but more often than not, they do.  This
is probably because the majority of the tasks performed by CF Developers
are the kinds of things that don't require you to be a competent
architect, programmer, or even tester.


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Daniel Kang wrote:

The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!


On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior 
developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).

A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers

I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.

(PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
before you start demanding higher salary)

~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
~open source xslt IDE~


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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Simon Horwith
well - that's the difference between a CF developer and a Java 
developer.  ALL SITES (let's assume I mean all dynamic sites - ignore 
static things) require Objects according to the average Java developer.  
Even the simple ones.  The average CF Developer probably wouldn't say 
the same.  Yes - a 5 page brochure site should have at least one object 
representing the brochure - probably another representing the person 
looking at it.  That's true whether you use CF or Java.  You know, if 
you dump the session scope in most apps I write, there's nothing but 
objects in it.  That's because I develop CF Apps the same way any other 
J2EE developer would.  Is it overkill?  That depends on who you ask... 
but I tell you what, to get back to the original topic, I'd take a CF 
Developer who's asking for a high salary much more seriously if they 
showed me a code sample and it was built that way.  As a matter of fact, 
at my last job I made more money than any of the java developers!


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Ian Skinner wrote:

I like that the question was build a simple site but this simple site needed 
objects, ties and business logic.  Sounds a bit advance for a simple five page 
brochure site.

Just an obsveration that one developers simple is anothers too complex for 
the job.

Not saying anything about CF vs Java here, just commenting on the question.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!
- Cynthia Dunning

-Original Message-
From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:50 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

Rob wrote:

I disagree with that whole heartedly - I have seen some really bad
java code that was totally wrong (from a methodology perspective).
Methods that are thousands of lines long, classes used in the wrong
place for the wrong thing. It's just as easy to write spaghetti in
java as it is in CF.

Rob - I did say more so.  Believe me, I've seen a lot of bad Java Code
and I've seen a lot of bad CF code.  However, if you chose 500 CF
Developers at random and asked them to build a simple site and you
picked 500 Java developers at random and asked them to do the same, I'd
bet everything I've got that a larger percentage of the CF applications
would be designed and developed less than perfectly.  Like I said,
that's not the fault of CF it's the fault of the CF developers, BUT the
reason behind it is partly CF's fault because it's easier to develop
things the wrong way.  Java is an Object Oriented language, and most
Java developers will separate their app into objects and tiers.  The
code in their JSP tags, JSP pages, servlets, and Beans may not be great
but at least the code IS encapsulated as such.  With CF Developers it's
more likely you'll end p with a mix of presentation and business logic,
as well as unnecessary or poorly thought-out objects, because though it
allows it, CF doesn't encourage encapsulation or object orientation.


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Simon Horwith
yes, a CF Developer would build the site quicker, but there's no reason 
not to build a simple site in Java if Java is what your company uses.  
As for full blown tiered architecture I disagreee with you (I think - 
it depends on what you mean, really).  A simple site that needs two 
objects - a brochure and a user, and has a couple views of pages showing 
brochure information should most likely be represented this way (to me - 
and remember, I am a bit of a purist when it comes to architecture):

In Java:
two Beans (not EJBs in something simple like this)
JSP Custom tags that talk to the beans and generate UI for pages and for 
Bean data
JSP files that call the JSP tags

In CF:
two CFCs
CFM Custom Tags that talk to the CFCs and generate UIs for pages and for 
CFC data
CFM files that call the CF Tags

Do you really see much difference betweeen the two?  Hardly.  This is 
how I develop everything for the most part.  The last project I was on, 
I spent a great deal of my time advising a team of Java developers on 
architecture even though it was them who had to actually build it... 
because architecture isn't concerned with the inner workings... the way 
you design and model software should be the same whether it's going to 
be implemented in CF or Java.  Obviously, Java does have one building 
construct for which there is no good equivellant in CFML, which is a 
servlet.  There are sticky implementation issues when something's been 
modelled for implementation with servlets but is going to be implemented 
in CFML.  Because the CF Server is a servlet pool of sorts, the easiest 
way to do that is to create the direcories required and a cfm (which 
then calls a tag which talks to CFCs) or to do the same but use SES 
URLs. If it's a servlet filter, CFMX 7's application framework 
fortunately lets you achieve the results you're looking for.  It all 
depends on what the servlets are intended to do but like I said, these 
are stickier to implement.  Fortunately, more often than not in my 
experience servlets aren't a requirement unless used for filtering 
requests and responses.


Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Daniel Brown wrote:

For a simple site JAVA and a full blown tiered architecture are total

I bet everything I've got that the CF developers would develop the simple
site in a lot less time ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 4:50 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

Rob wrote:

I disagree with that whole heartedly - I have seen some really bad
java code that was totally wrong (from a methodology perspective).
Methods that are thousands of lines long, classes used in the wrong
place for the wrong thing. It's just as easy to write spaghetti in
java as it is in CF.

Rob - I did say more so.  Believe me, I've seen a lot of bad Java Code 
and I've seen a lot of bad CF code.  However, if you chose 500 CF 
Developers at random and asked them to build a simple site and you 
picked 500 Java developers at random and asked them to do the same, I'd 
bet everything I've got that a larger percentage of the CF applications 
would be designed and developed less than perfectly.  Like I said, 
that's not the fault of CF it's the fault of the CF developers, BUT the 
reason behind it is partly CF's fault because it's easier to develop 
things the wrong way.  Java is an Object Oriented language, and most 
Java developers will separate their app into objects and tiers.  The 
code in their JSP tags, JSP pages, servlets, and Beans may not be great 
but at least the code IS encapsulated as such.  With CF Developers it's 
more likely you'll end p with a mix of presentation and business logic, 
as well as unnecessary or poorly thought-out objects, because though it 
allows it, CF doesn't encourage encapsulation or object orientation.




Simon Horwith
CIO, AboutWeb -
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Blog -

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Maybe, maybe not. Yes there is some minor (very minor) overhead when 
instantiating an object and passing data (by reference) to it but not much 
more so than using a custom tag or UDF. If you know what your doing and 
cache the objects than this overhead is pretty much gone and all your left 
with is clean, organized code.
The main drawback with OO is that people either don't know what they're 
doing or they are following it strictly to the OO letter rather than 
adapting the best of it to CF.

 Isn't one of the drawbacks of OO architecture that it tends to use more
 resources?  Isn't it true that people are willing to make that sacrifice 
 make more manageable code?

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

2005-04-29 Thread Jeffry Houser
  I have not heard any comparisons between OO and Procedural programming in 
terms of performance.  But, that said I would not expect the amount of 
resources needed to differ greatly between well-organized procedural code 
vs well organized OO code.  However, most of the CF code out there is just 
a whole lot of mish-mash.

  Considering that any given application spends most of its life in 
maintenance mode, I think anything you can do to ease maintenance would 
be of high importance.

At 05:05 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:
Isn't one of the drawbacks of OO architecture that it tends to use more
resources?  Isn't it true that people are willing to make that sacrifice to
make more manageable code?

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 4:51 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Where are all the mid-level CF developers?

As I've seen a LOT of CF code in my life, I have to agree. CF is too easy.
It allows someone to get away with murder and it'll still work. That's why
I'm really happy for the push in the CF world towards OO. Not that it should

be followed religiously, but just learning it will force people to rethink
their code. I'm also happy that I'm stuck on limited hardware. Too often
people are on quad gigahertz machines with gigabytes of ram. This allows
them to write poor code and not worry about performance or cleanliness. I'm
on a 650mhz with 640 meg of ram. House of Fusion HAS to be written tight. I
think everyone should be forced to write at least one project on inferior
hardware just to force them to think of what they're doing. I think everyone

should be FORCED to read a book on coding methodologies and design at least
once a year. I think everyone should be FORCED to put their code up for
review so others can pick it apart. Make the developer want to do it the
best they can.

  at the risk of being publicly yelled at, I'll also say that in my
  experience, the quality of work of most CF Developers isn't deserving of
  a high salary.  That's not to say that there aren't Java developers who
  write poor code, but Java pretty much forces you to use good coding
  techniques moreso than CF.  CF makes it easy to write bad code.
  That's not a bad thing, unless people choose to take the easy route and
  write bad code (whch many do).  There's no reason why a CF developer
  that's building complex enterprise applications shouldn't be earning as
  much as a java developer building complex enterprise applications,
  provided they're both competent.  To be honest, most Java developers are
  more competent with specific parts of java rather than all of java -
  there are too many APIs and core classes to master all of them.  An
  expert CF Developer is really worth more than an expert java
  developer in my opinion because they have complete mastery of their
  environment as opposed to mastery of part and competence in the rest.
  Just an observation I've had (and I've worked with A LOT of Java
  Simon Horwith
  CIO, AboutWeb -
  Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
  Member of Team Macromedia
  Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
  Blog -
  Daniel Kang wrote:
 If the CF developer does all thing (database design, application
 design, coding, testing, etc), how much is he/she going to be paid in,
 let's say, downtown NY?  Are we understood that 50K in downtown NY is
 for CF developers who are doing only coding???
 On 4/29/05, Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 they don't always get paid less but more often than not, they do.  This
 is probably because the majority of the tasks performed by CF Developers
 are the kinds of things that don't require you to be a competent
 architect, programmer, or even tester.
 Simon Horwith
 CIO, AboutWeb -
 Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
 Member of Team Macromedia
 Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
 Blog -
 Daniel Kang wrote:
 The fundamental question is why CF developers get paid less than
 others??   Perhaps, I need to switch to the Java arena!
 On 4/29/05, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if I wanted to pay $60-70k I could easily hire a very senior
 developers (which seem to be easier to find too!).
 A mid level J2EE developer makes 100K+ easy in SF where the cost of
 living is less than in NY... where do you think all the CF developers
 I am a senior developer and I find 60K rather insulting - Fast food
 restaurant managers make more than that. If you can get a senior
 developer for 60K I'd say grab him/her.
 (PS not to start an up roar - look at the cost of living in your area
 before you start demanding higher salary)
 ~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
 ~open source xslt IDE~