RE: 404 Trapping in CF

2004-06-15 Thread Aidan Whitehall
Archive: response here, but hopefully this might help.

The following is from go/index.cfm, a file which is a custom 404
handler, allowing us to provide /go/xyz style URLs. Apache and IIS are
different, hence the switch case. Like you, cfdumping the cgi scope when
running on Apache didn't show which CGI variable made available the
actual file the user had requested -- but an Apache mailing list came to
the rescue:-)

// Determine which cgi variable to evaluate, based on the web server (as
they differ).
switch (listFirst(cgi.server_software, /)) {
case Apache: urlRequested = listLast(cgi.request_uri,
case Microsoft-IIS:urlRequested = listLast(cgi.query_string,
/); break;
default: urlRequested = listLast(cgi.query_string,
/); break;

Aidan Whitehall[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macromedia ColdFusion Developer
Fairbanks Environmental+44 (0)1695 51775
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RE: sql question...

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: are grouping on the paymentDate AND selecting it. This will return
all paymentDates instead of the last. 
I didn't have to do something like this yet, but I recall a thread with
some answers not that long ago. It isn't very simple (if you don't want
to make a query for each account).


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 6:40
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: sql question...
 I have these tables:
 accts| that has debtorNumber
 debtors | that has a debtorNumber id field payments | that 
 has an acctId column to relate to accts, which relates down 
 to debtors paymentPlans | that has an id, and a frequency 
 (how often, int 30 - 60 - 90 days), and an acctId
 and I want to get the last payment, the date, and the amount 
 from the payments table, that relate to payment plans, 
 through the planId in the payments table, and relating on up 
 as described above.
 now, im getting multiple records for 1 account, is there no 
 way to do this what im looking for in sql?might it take 
 some cf logic?
 thanks if you can help...
 	distinct a.acctNo, 
 	max(p.paymentDate) as lastPaymentDate, 
 	debtors d
 inner join 
 	accts a on a.debtorNumber = d.debtorNumber left outer join 
 	payments p on p.acctId = a.acctNo
 inner join 
 	paymentPlans pp on pp.acctId = a.acctNo where 
 	dateDiff(dd,dateAdd(d,-pp.frequency,getDate()),p.paymentDate) =
 group by 
 order by 
 r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n
 Visit the next time you want to send 
 a link to a friend.
 its only looks good to those who can see bad as well -anonymous

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RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: see you are using session vars, so I would recommend

But that aside, you have to realize that there is no way of really
blocking more than x attempts to log in on a web app. All methods you
can come up with will rely on cookies to track that and the user can
manipulate those on his machine. If some site tells me I had too many
attempts, I just delete the cookies for that site and happily continue
logging in.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 14 juni 2004 21:36
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in
 Christy, Welcome to the wonderful world of CF, speaking for 
 everyone on the list we hope you enjoy it and will stay and 
 even recruit some friends.
 Regarding you problem, check out
 Christy wrote:
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RE: cfmail problem

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: from has to be a valid email address. So I would check that
(download IsEmail from

cfset siteEmail = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cfif NOT(Len( AND IsEmail(
cfset = variables.siteEmail
cfmail to=#form.CompanyEmail# 
subject=leads #form.CategoryText# Lead

I don't like iif() (it is usually slower than cfif and certainly more


PS prefix your variables !! (I assumed they were form vars, but I
may be wrong)

 -Original Message-
 From: Stevo Vee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 14 juni 2004 17:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: cfmail problem
 Please Help. I am changing some forms and actions on my 
 website. I have a lead subscription website and currently the 
 lead emails that go to my subscribing companies have my 
 websites email as the sent and reply email with the customers 
 in the form.I am changing to have the potential customers 
 as the from and reply email now which I have acomplished. 
 HOWEVER, now if the customer does not have an email the lead 
 gets lost in cyber space. How can I make add a rule that if 
 the customer has no email and only phone that it at least 
 goes to me or my subcribing companies using perhaps my 
 websites email acting as a default?? Below is the current 
 code: Your help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 
 cfmail to=#CompanyEmail# cc=[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 subject=leads #CategoryText# Lead#CategoryText# 
 I have tried the following but it still did not work:
 CFIF trim(Email) EQ  
CFSET Email = my company email
 cfmail to=#CompanyEmail# cc=my company email from=#Email#  
 subject=leads #CategoryText# Lead#CategoryText# cfif 
 CategoryID IS 2Company Name: #FORM.CompanyName#/cfif 
 FROM=#iif(email EQ '',DE('my company email'),email)# 
 Try that too.I didn't test might need to be
 #iif(email EQ '',DE('my company email'),DE(email))# 

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Securing Directories

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Wilson
Archive: am developing a CF App that allows users to login in and view pdf and
excel documents. These documents contain very sensitive information and
I can't allow one user to be able to view another user's documents. I'm
going to use session variables to authenticate users and store a users
files in their own directory. How can I prevent unauthorised access to
these directories.? Anything else I should bare in mind for a project
like this?

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Re: Securing Directories

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Drew
Archive: there Paul
I had to implement something like this a few years back (with CV's
rather than anything else) and the basic outline of how I implemented
it is as follows:
1) All documents are stored ouside of the web root, eg:
c:\Inetpub/docuploads - where all the docs are stored (add sub dirs as req'd)
c:\Inetpub/wwwroot- where the web files are
2) Whenever you need to get a file, you dont serve it directly, you
get coldfusion to return a page that has a
cfcontent file=c:\Inetpub\docuploads\somefile.doc type=application/msword
in it, replacing the somefile.doc for the file that the user is allowed to see

That give you an idea, you can of course add mappings etc 


Mark Drew
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CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Ian Vaughan

Since upgrading to MX 6.1 the following date lines are not working, the
error returning is

Error Executing Database Query. 

[Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 	

This is an example of two of the date lines I am using

cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),


WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

How do you solve this in CF6.1 by using CFQUERYPARAM ? or the to_date
function in Oracle ?
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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: you are using oracle, you should definitely use to_date to store
dates. It is probably using a US date format instead of a european.
Another solution is to pass everything as ISO dates -mm-dd. Most DBs
and apps understand it and you can't mess up months and days. 

WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

Make sure dateformat returns it in the correct format. If you are using
eauropean dates, you may need to use LSDateFormat().

If startdate is in a specific format like dd/mm/ you can do:
WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 11:01
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

 Since upgrading to MX 6.1 the following date lines are not 
 working, the error returning is

 Error Executing Database Query. 
 [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 	

 This is an example of two of the date lines I am using

 cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),


 WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

 How do you solve this in CF6.1 by using CFQUERYPARAM ? or the 
 to_date function in Oracle ?

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SOT: Page Layout Problems

2004-06-15 Thread James Smith
Archive: all,

I have a large CF application running a stock control and invoicing system
for one of my clients.They now wish to use custom stationary to print out
dispatch notes complete with address and returns labels (like the ones
Amazon use).

This is going to require some rather accurate page layout and I an not sure
a web browser is up to the job.

I know I can use (and do use) PDF files, but in this case the number of
pages could vary from 1 to 60 or 70.Opening 70 one page documents is to
cumbersome, opening 1 70 page document is a waste if only one page has
anything on it.

Can anyone suggest another alternative?

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Ian Vaughan

This is the original code, and you are correct its in US Format

cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), mm/dd/)

WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

So change it to 

WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

Is this correct ??? would I have to change the following line

cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), mm/dd/) ???

From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 June 2004 10:37
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

If you are using oracle, you should definitely use to_date to store
dates. It is probably using a US date format instead of a european.
Another solution is to pass everything as ISO dates -mm-dd. Most DBs
and apps understand it and you can't mess up months and days. 

WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

Make sure dateformat returns it in the correct format. If you are using
eauropean dates, you may need to use LSDateFormat().

If startdate is in a specific format like dd/mm/ you can do:
WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 11:01
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

 Since upgrading to MX 6.1 the following date lines are not 
 working, the error returning is

 Error Executing Database Query. 
 [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 

 This is an example of two of the date lines I am using

 cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),


 WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

 How do you solve this in CF6.1 by using CFQUERYPARAM ? or the 
 to_date function in Oracle ?

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: Pascal

 This is the original code, and you are correct its in US Format

 cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), mm/dd/)

 WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

 So change it to 

 WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

 Is this correct ??? 

No, the mask has to matchthe date format so:
WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar 

 would I have to change the following line

 cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), mm/dd/) ???

You don't have to, but you could do
cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), -mm-dd)

WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar 

You can pretty much do what you want as long as the mask in TO_DATE
matches the date format!

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Re: Upload a file via a webservice?

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Monday 14 Jun 2004 23:34 pm, Andrew Spear wrote:
 Does anyone know if it is possible to upload a file in CFMX via a
 webservice (also CFMX)?I've Googled it and it sounds possible, but I
 haven't seen any examples.

I'd think a base 64 encoded string of the file would work fine.
If it's good enough for useNet... :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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Re: XP SP2 IE Changes (was: DHTML drop-down menu)

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Monday 14 Jun 2004 13:50 pm, Burns, John D wrote:
 you can click to allow the pop-ups or whatever.I'm not 100% sure but
 if they block all of that stuff, that will really suck for us web

There is - it appears under the location bat, and has options for 'always 
allow from this site'.

  I believe this announcement says that DHTML menus wont work, and nor
  will flash movies, but perhaps someone else can comment and help me work
  out what it means.

Having tried the RC of the SP, DHTML is fine, Flash is fine - unless you are 
doing something odd/silly of course.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re: subscriber(s): LART your mail administrator

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 01:03 am, Girardeau, Anne wrote:
 Michael alerted me around 12:00 EST today.After receiving his e-mail, I
 contacted our e-mail admin who has since white listed

I just received a further bounce.
Please contact them again :-)

If I wasn't sure it'd be bounced, I'd mail you direct and include the bounce.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re: subscriber(s): LART your mail administrator

2004-06-15 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Archive:, Anne wrote:

 Michael alerted me around 12:00 EST today.After receiving his e-mail, I contacted our e-mail admin who has since white listed

This is NOT a simple white-listing issue. The issue is an all-out 
moronic mail setup which, apart from not being able to 
distinguish between spam and opt-in mailinglists correctly, can 
not keep from-addresses apart from reply-to and return-path 
headers in its internal forwarding labyrinth. All of that 
aggravated by non functioning [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] addresses (postmaster is a mandatory address for 
all domains that operate a mail server) which means I can not 
even tell your mail admin how broken it is.

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RE: sql question...

2004-06-15 Thread Tony Weeg
Archive:, but you have to, its an aggregate query, and if all of the
contents of
the select list, do not reside in the groupy by clause, it bombs :(

so, any other ideas...thanks anyway pascal.


Tony Weeg
sr. web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

Visit the next time you want to send a link to a

-Original Message-
From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:09 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: sql question...

You are grouping on the paymentDate AND selecting it. This will return
all paymentDates instead of the last. 
I didn't have to do something like this yet, but I recall a thread with
some answers not that long ago. It isn't very simple (if you don't want
to make a query for each account).


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 6:40
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: sql question...
 I have these tables:
 accts| that has debtorNumber
 debtors | that has a debtorNumber id field payments | that
 has an acctId column to relate to accts, which relates down 
 to debtors paymentPlans | that has an id, and a frequency 
 (how often, int 30 - 60 - 90 days), and an acctId
 and I want to get the last payment, the date, and the amount
 from the payments table, that relate to payment plans, 
 through the planId in the payments table, and relating on up 
 as described above.
 now, im getting multiple records for 1 account, is there no
 way to do this what im looking for in sql?might it take 
 some cf logic?
 thanks if you can help...
 	distinct a.acctNo, 
 	max(p.paymentDate) as lastPaymentDate, 
 	debtors d
 inner join 
 	accts a on a.debtorNumber = d.debtorNumber left outer join 
 	payments p on p.acctId = a.acctNo
 inner join 
 	paymentPlans pp on pp.acctId = a.acctNo where 
 	dateDiff(dd,dateAdd(d,-pp.frequency,getDate()),p.paymentDate) =
 group by 
 order by 
 r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Visit the next time you want to send
 a link to a friend.
 its only looks good to those who can see bad as well -anonymous

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What sort of a link is this??

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Kear
Archive: client has asked me to try to see whats' wrong with his link that doesn't
work. I'm looking at the page that calls the one that's broken and the
calling URL is: ms=10Membership=1#

in other words, there's no actual CFM file called, apparently.Is this
valid?What file will it be calling?The problem is that some variable
isn't being passed across and I can't see what variables are supposed to be
passed because I don't know what file to go looking at, out of the 400 odd
that are in the site (all unlabelled, uncommented and with a rats nest of
includes and custom tags)

Anyone ever seen a URL like that? 


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia
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RE: What sort of a link is this??

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: If you leave out the file, it will get the default file for that
directory. You probably need index.cfm.

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 13:32
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: What sort of a link is this??
 A client has asked me to try to see whats' wrong with his 
 link that doesn't work. I'm looking at the page that calls 
 the one that's broken and the calling URL is: 

in other words, there's no actual CFM file called, 
 apparently.Is this
 valid?What file will it be calling?The problem is that 
 some variable
 isn't being passed across and I can't see what variables are 
 supposed to be passed because I don't know what file to go 
 looking at, out of the 400 odd that are in the site (all 
 unlabelled, uncommented and with a rats nest of includes and 
 custom tags)

 Anyone ever seen a URL like that? 

 Mike Kear
 AFP Webworks
 Windsor, NSW, Australia


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Re: What sort of a link is this??

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 12:31 pm, Michael Kear wrote:
in other words, there's no actual CFM file called, apparently.Is this
 valid?What file will it be calling?

It's perfectly valid - the webserver will serve up the default index page(s).

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
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RE: sql question...

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: meant that you will need at least 2 queries because of that!!

The only solution I can come up with on short notice is get the acctNo
and maxdate, loop over that query and query for the detail.

I'm sure there must be a better solution (involving less querying).
Maybe you can search for that thread in the archives.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 13:20
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: sql question...
 yeah, but you have to, its an aggregate query, and if all of 
 the contents of the select list, do not reside in the groupy 
 by clause, it bombs :(
 so, any other ideas...thanks anyway pascal.

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Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 12:39 pm, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

Is that really needed at the *top* of _every single post_ ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***
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2004-06-15 Thread Kola Oyedeji
Archive:, it was a joke!

-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 June 2004 16:23
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: FW.

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:55:40 +0100, Kola Oyedeji wrote:
 Its powered by coldfusion ;-)

So when did this become an I can advertise my site because it's
powered by CF list? 
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ATTN: Mike (was Re: subscriber(s): LART your mail administrator)

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 11:35 am, Thomas Chiverton wrote:
 I just received a further bounce.
 Please contact them again :-)

Mike, I seem to get a bounce from the email server for every single 
post I make, can you unsub them again till they actually fix it ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
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only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***
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ot-quick javascript question

2004-06-15 Thread Janine Jakim
Archive: use some _javascript_ validation for one page where users can change account
I want to add a validation that alerts them if the password is less than 6
characters long
I have this but it doesn't work. Here's the chunk I added- any ideas why
this doesn't work? I've tried it 2 different ways
1. like this where the theform.Password.length
2. I set as a var Pass=theform.Password

if (theform.Password.length6){ 
alert(The password must be at least 6 characters
return false;
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RE: ot-quick javascript question

2004-06-15 Thread Katz, Dov B (IT)
Archive: want Password.value


From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ot-quick _javascript_ question

I use some _javascript_ validation for one page where users can change
I want to add a validation that alerts them if the password is less than
characters long
I have this but it doesn't work. Here's the chunk I added- any ideas why
this doesn't work? I've tried it 2 different ways
1. like this where the theform.Password.length
2. I set as a var Pass=theform.Password

if (theform.Password.length6){ 
alert(The password must be at least 6 characters
return false;
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RE: sql question...

2004-06-15 Thread Tony Weeg
Archive:, I can do it, with two queries too :)

just like you said, tryin to get down to one!

thanks, if you can think of anything, let me know.


-Original Message-
From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:52 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: sql question...

I meant that you will need at least 2 queries because of that!!

The only solution I can come up with on short notice is get the acctNo
and maxdate, loop over that query and query for the detail.

I'm sure there must be a better solution (involving less querying).
Maybe you can search for that thread in the archives.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 13:20
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: sql question...
 yeah, but you have to, its an aggregate query, and if all of 
 the contents of the select list, do not reside in the groupy 
 by clause, it bombs :(
 so, any other ideas...thanks anyway pascal.

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RE: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Tony Weeg
Archive: wondering the same thing...

kinda feel like I have to duck my head to read a message ;)


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Archive links at head of posts

On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 12:39 pm, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

Is that really needed at the *top* of _every single post_ ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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RE: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Calvin Ward
Archive: we put it lower? I'm reading from a phone and real estate is precious!

-Original Message-
From:Tony Weeg
Date:6/15/04 8:17 am
Subj:RE: Archive links at head of posts

twas wondering the same thing...

kinda feel like I have to duck my head to read a message ;)


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Archive links at head of posts

On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 12:39 pm, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

Is that really needed at the *top* of _every single post_ ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 13:46 pm, Calvin Ward wrote:
 Can we put it lower? I'm reading from a phone and real estate is precious!

In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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RE: ATTN: Mike (was Re: subscriber(s): LART your mail administrator)

2004-06-15 Thread Girardeau, Anne

That's very strange because I'm receiving posts from the mailing list without problem.If you could send me the bounced message it would be greatly appreciated.Just send it off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to avoid another possible bounce. If it still bounces, let me know.

Thanks so much,

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:09 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ATTN: Mike (was Re: subscriber(s): LART your mail administrator)

On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 11:35 am, Thomas Chiverton wrote:
 I just received a further bounce.
 Please contact them again :-)

Mike, I seem to get a bounce from the email server for every single 
post I make, can you unsub them again till they actually fix it ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Matt Liotta
Archive: a look at the DCMA and see what it has to say about encryption 
devices. One could argue RDS is an encrypted protocol, which opens up a 
whole can of worms thanks to the DCMA. Clearly the correct course of 
action was to contact Macromedia in regard to RDS and they have spoken.


On Jun 15, 2004, at 12:02 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:


Reverse engineering is not a copyright violation if you simply 
 duplicate the
observed behavior of the protocol using something akin to a packet
sniffer--don't look at the Java code.  As for future enhancements to 
Well, they actually crippled it for CFMX by removing timestamps for
individual files so that you can't use DWMX site synchronization with 
Remember, they have to support the applications that exist that use it
(Homesite+, DWMX, CF Studio) so I doubt too much that any third-party
implementation would have too worry about it.  It might not be a 
protocol, but it is a published one--albiet internally.

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 2:38 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

  We have been talking about reverse engineering RDS
   (unless macromedia wants to give us the specs :-D), but
   we are not to sure how great of an idea that is. It is
   on the list though.
 Since support for RDS has been request for He3, I thought I
 would share
 the official response from Macromedia, which is quoted below.

 The RDS API is used as a mechanism for different Macromedia 
 to communicate and, as an internal tool, is subject to change
 from time
 to time as is needed to best serve our customers.  Reverse
 it would not only be a violation of copyright, but would not
 necessarily even work as the protocol continues to evolve with our
 ongoing efforts at improving our product features for customers.


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bypass basic authentication credentials of IIS

2004-06-15 Thread gc deep
Archive: have two applications one having web application security(Cold Fusion)with User Login Details etc and other(ASP) having Basic Authentication turned ON. Both applications are on different web servers.

I would like to provide a link on Cold Fusion Application, with Basic Authentication credentials embedded with link, so that if a user clicks on the link he doesn't get the Basic Authentication box to access ASP application

If someone could provide me the code to implement the same in ColdFusion, that will be great.

Thanks Heaps
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RE: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
Archive: In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Since it appears that Mr. D is still slumbering I'll make a few comments in
defense of the archive link -

First, it's a Godsend for folks like me who don't have the time to trace
back through a thread that has a ton of replies (some threads on this list
and the CF-Community list exceed 100 posts).

Secondly, Mike has been doing some experimenting as of late, this morning
the following link came across on the CF-Community list:

Some more searching turned up a CF-Talk version of it as well, located at

Perhaps the archive link is tied in with the Google testing.

Just my two cents on them, YMMV.


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Re: ot-quick javascript question

2004-06-15 Thread jjakim
Archive: want Password.value
Nope that didn't work. Plus isn't value used differently. I use value to check for nulls/if there's @/. in email addresses, etc
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Re: ot-quick javascript question

2004-06-15 Thread Ray Champagne
Archive: thisForm.password.value.length  6

At 09:10 AM 6/15/2004, you wrote:
 You want Password.value
Nope that didn't work. Plus isn't value used differently. I use value to 
check for nulls/if there's @/. in email addresses, etc

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Douglas.Knudsen
Archive: like Ian is using a DATE type, no need for to_date() then at all.

WHERE startdate = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_date value=#startdate# /

Of course, if using CACHEDWITHIN attribute, then you can't use the cfqueryparam, then u have to use to_date()
WHERE startdate = TO_DATE('#DateFormat(startdate,'-mm-dd')#','-mm-dd')

You could also look at ALLTER SESSION in Oracel to set your default date format and not need to_date at all.


-Original Message-
From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

If you are using oracle, you should definitely use to_date to store
dates. It is probably using a US date format instead of a european.
Another solution is to pass everything as ISO dates -mm-dd. Most DBs
and apps understand it and you can't mess up months and days. 

WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

Make sure dateformat returns it in the correct format. If you are using
eauropean dates, you may need to use LSDateFormat().

If startdate is in a specific format like dd/mm/ you can do:
WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 11:01
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

 Since upgrading to MX 6.1 the following date lines are not 
 working, the error returning is

 Error Executing Database Query. 
 [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 

 This is an example of two of the date lines I am using

 cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),


 WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

 How do you solve this in CF6.1 by using CFQUERYPARAM ? or the 
 to_date function in Oracle ?
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RE: ot-quick javascript question

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: (theform.Password.value.length6){ 
alert(The password must be at least 6 characters long.)
return false;

 -Original Message-
 From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 14:14
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: ot-quick _javascript_ question
 I use some _javascript_ validation for one page where users can 
 change account information.
 I want to add a validation that alerts them if the password 
 is less than 6 characters long I have this but it doesn't 
 work. Here's the chunk I added- any ideas why this doesn't 
 work? I've tried it 2 different ways 1. like this where the 
 theform.Password.length 2. I set as a var Pass=theform.Password
if (theform.Password.length6){ 
 alert(The password must be at least 6 characters
 return false;

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Ian Vaughan
Archive: these letting me down

cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),
cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(createodbcdate(enddate),

I have tried

cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(startdate(), MM-DD-)
cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(enddate(), MM-DD-)

but am recieving 

Entity has incorrect type for being called as a function. 

The symbol you have provided startdate is not the name of a function. 	

From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 June 2004 11:23
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?


 This is the original code, and you are correct its in US Format

 cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), mm/dd/)

 WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

 So change it to 

 WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

 Is this correct ??? 

No, the mask has to matchthe date format so:
WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar 

 would I have to change the following line

 cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), mm/dd/) ???

You don't have to, but you could do
cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), -mm-dd)

WHERE STARTDATE = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar 

You can pretty much do what you want as long as the mask in TO_DATE
matches the date format!


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Re: sql question...

2004-06-15 Thread jjakim
Archive: are getting multiple records because your tables are probably set up as one to many relationships and there is 2/more records being pulled from the table.
For example if an account is hooked to more than 1 payment plan
or the debtor has more than 1 account.These will bring up multiple records because you are not pulling anything unique from those tables.

To test try adding the primary key/unique identifier for the different tables to your query/group by statement.
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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread G
Archive: problem is not necessarily with the link, but it's location.

I'd like to add my vote for putting the link at the bottom of the posts.

- Original Message - 
From: C. Hatton Humphrey 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: Archive links at head of posts

 In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Since it appears that Mr. D is still slumbering I'll make a few comments in
defense of the archive link -

First, it's a Godsend for folks like me who don't have the time to trace
back through a thread that has a ton of replies (some threads on this list
and the CF-Community list exceed 100 posts).

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: am no expert on that, but what date format would be allowed using

My experience is that, due to the different server configs we have in
Europe (and especially Belgium), using to_date was the only safe
alternative when moving an app around (dev, testing, staging, prod). I
usually have no control or access over the client db's (apart from
sending them the scripts to create the schema).


 -Original Message-
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 15:15
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 huh?Looks like Ian is using a DATE type, no need for 
 to_date() then at all.

 WHERE startdate = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_date 
 value=#startdate# /

 Of course, if using CACHEDWITHIN attribute, then you can't 
 use the cfqueryparam, then u have to use to_date() WHERE 
 startdate = 

 You could also look at ALLTER SESSION in Oracel to set your 
 default date format and not need to_date at all.


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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Ray Champagne
Archive: second the motion - it is just awkward, not unhelpful.

lAt 09:30 AM 6/15/2004, you wrote:
The problem is not necessarily with the link, but it's location.

I'd like to add my vote for putting the link at the bottom of the posts.

- Original Message -
From: C. Hatton Humphrey
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: Archive links at head of posts

 In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Since it appears that Mr. D is still slumbering I'll make a few comments in
defense of the archive link -

First, it's a Godsend for folks like me who don't have the time to trace
back through a thread that has a ton of replies (some threads on this list
and the CF-Community list exceed 100 posts).


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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Greg Landers
Archive: also agree ... link should be at the bottom.

- Greg

G wrote:

 The problem is not necessarily with the link, but it's location.

 I'd like to add my vote for putting the link at the bottom of the posts.
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re: CF Flash

2004-06-15 Thread Hoe

How simple would it be to include my application into Flash? Create a Flash GUI and include all my CF code etc.?

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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 13:53 pm, Matt Liotta wrote:
 whole can of worms thanks to the DCMA. Clearly the correct course of
 action was to contact Macromedia in regard to RDS and they have spoken.

IMVHO no-one should be using RDS in any serious sort of an enviroment anyway.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Calvin Ward
Archive: do like the link itself... Just not the location!

-Original Message-
Date:6/15/04 9:31 am
Subj:Re: Archive links at head of posts

The problem is not necessarily with the link, but it's location.

I'd like to add my vote for putting the link at the bottom of the posts.

- Original Message - 
From: C. Hatton Humphrey 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: Archive links at head of posts

 In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Since it appears that Mr. D is still slumbering I'll make a few comments in
defense of the archive link -

First, it's a Godsend for folks like me who don't have the time to trace
back through a thread that has a ton of replies (some threads on this list
and the CF-Community list exceed 100 posts).

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RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread Steve Nelson
Archive: are definitely not the only solution. 

This would make an interesting CF contest. Who ran that CF contest a couple
months ago?

Steve Nelson


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

I see you are using session vars, so I would recommend

But that aside, you have to realize that there is no way of really
blocking more than x attempts to log in on a web app. All methods you
can come up with will rely on cookies to track that and the user can
manipulate those on his machine. If some site tells me I had too many
attempts, I just delete the cookies for that site and happily continue
logging in.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 14 juni 2004 21:36
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in
 Christy, Welcome to the wonderful world of CF, speaking for 
 everyone on the list we hope you enjoy it and will stay and 
 even recruit some friends.
 Regarding you problem, check out
 Christy wrote:

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RE: CF Flash

2004-06-15 Thread Raymond Camden
Archive: is a very open ended question. The short answer is that you just can't
Include cf code inside a Flash application. You can, however, execute CF
code via web services or flash remoting. So, for example, you can populate a
drop down with the result of a web service call that executes CF code.
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RE: CF Flash

2004-06-15 Thread Adkins, Randy
Archive:'t you like it when people post NEW TOPICS using the subject line:

RE: new topic

-Original Message-
From: Hoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: re: CF  Flash


How simple would it be to include my application into Flash? Create a Flash
GUI and include all my CF code etc.?

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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Drew

I have had to use it as I am a remote developer and it is very good in
terms of speed, now, I agree it is not as secure but that can be
overcome surely?

What GOOD alternatives do you suggest?

 IMVHO no-one should be using RDS in any serious sort of an enviroment anyway.

Mark Drew
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Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread G
Archive: is a bit of a tangent to this topic, but I'm curious whether I'm the only person out there who gets annoyed by systems that employ this technique. The system we built at my old company employed this technique, and it drove our clients crazy (which in turn drove us developers crazy). 

The idea, I assume, is that if someone is unsuccessful logging in three times in a row, they must not be a valid user. Its my experience that the VAST majority of the time, the person getting locked out is a valid user who made an innocent mistake trying to login. The 3 strikes and your out schema seems to be a bit outdated, and causes more harm (annoyance) than good.

Just curious what you all thought about this.

From: Steve Nelson 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

Cookies are definitely not the only solution. 

This would make an interesting CF contest. Who ran that CF contest a couple
months ago?

Steve Nelson


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

I see you are using session vars, so I would recommend

But that aside, you have to realize that there is no way of really
blocking more than x attempts to log in on a web app. All methods you
can come up with will rely on cookies to track that and the user can
manipulate those on his machine. If some site tells me I had too many
attempts, I just delete the cookies for that site and happily continue
logging in.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 14 juni 2004 21:36
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in
 Christy, Welcome to the wonderful world of CF, speaking for 
 everyone on the list we hope you enjoy it and will stay and 
 even recruit some friends.
 Regarding you problem, check out
 Christy wrote:

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RE: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
Archive: Message:

It's already in the footer of the message, methinks the issue has something
to do with Google Groups - they apparently clear out the footer of every
message.Makes for an interesting Catch 22 situation in Mr D's part - my
guess is that he wants the archive link to exist in a way that everyone can
see it but since it's below the tear in the existing footer it is getting
chopped off.

I'm also guessing that not many people knew it existed down there already :)


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RE: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Burns, John D
Archive:'s the weird's at the bottom too.I'm not sure why it
also needs to be at the top.Look down by the ads.


-Original Message-
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Archive links at head of posts

I second the motion - it is just awkward, not unhelpful.

lAt 09:30 AM 6/15/2004, you wrote:
The problem is not necessarily with the link, but it's location.

I'd like to add my vote for putting the link at the bottom of the

- Original Message -
From: C. Hatton Humphrey
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: Archive links at head of posts

 In the footer, with all the other stuff, where it should be.

Since it appears that Mr. D is still slumbering I'll make a few
comments in
defense of the archive link -

First, it's a Godsend for folks like me who don't have the time to
back through a thread that has a ton of replies (some threads on
this list
and the CF-Community list exceed 100 posts).


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What do you do with bounced emails?

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Kear
Archive: of you who send out bulk emails from your sites,how do you handle
the inevitable bounced emails/undeliverable/invalid addresses etc? 

I've told my client he should set up a mailbox to use as a 'replyto' and
collect them there, and after he sends out a mailing, open it with his email
client, then remove each one. 

Do the rest of you do this or do you have an automatic way to handle bounced
emails and update your mailing lists?(If so can you share it with me


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 14:47 pm, Mark Drew wrote:

Insecure, for starters.
No revision control.
Copes badly with multiple updates to the same file.
Doesn't support locks.
There was an issue with dates mentioned earlier today too.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
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RE: CF Flash

2004-06-15 Thread Burns, John D
Archive: on how well you made your CF app.Are you using CFCs? Do you
have the ability to do remoting or webservice calls from flash?Do you
know action script?Obviously, it's not just a drag and drop sort of
thing, but it's definitely doable.


-Original Message-
From: Hoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: re: CF  Flash


How simple would it be to include my application into Flash? Create a
Flash GUI and include all my CF code etc.?

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Re: CF Comet FTP Info

2004-06-15 Thread Dain Anderson
Archive: Mike,

Well, still no luck. I really hate bugging you with all of this!

Here's what I have:

User_ID: cfcomet
PW: Great_Dain
Port: 21
Mode: Passive
Remote Folder: /cfcomet

I've tried different case-sensitivity scenarios with the UN/PW, Active 
mode, removed the remote folder, still with no luck :-( I can connect to 
all of my other FTP destinations ok, so I've run out of things to try.

Any way you could just Zip or Rar the site up and send it to me at this 
address? I sure do appreciate anything you can do for me.

Thanks again, and I promise I'll try not to bug you anymore!


Michael Dinowitz wrote:
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RE: What do you do with bounced emails?

2004-06-15 Thread Burns, John D
Archive:'ve been trying to come up with an automated way, but the problem is
figuring out what the bounced email reason is programmatically since
each mail server responds with a different message.One thing you
didn't mention that you may want to look into is the failto option in
cfmail.That works well and gives you the ability to have the bounces
go to a certain address.What you do from there can either be manual,
or if you can narrow it down into a process that runs automatically,
that's even better.The one thing I thought about is, what if, for some
reason there is an smtp problem on your server or some sort of internet
connectivity issue and all of your mail bounces or is set to
undeliverable?Then if it's automated, everyone would get removed from
your list.There's also a severity level in the bounced emails that
might help to read to make sure it's not just a temporary delivery
problem that eventually will get resolved.Very tricky problem.Let me
know if you come up with a good solution.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: What do you do with bounced emails?

Those of you who send out bulk emails from your sites,how do you
the inevitable bounced emails/undeliverable/invalid addresses etc? 

I've told my client he should set up a mailbox to use as a 'replyto' and
collect them there, and after he sends out a mailing, open it with his
email client, then remove each one. 

Do the rest of you do this or do you have an automatic way to handle
bounced emails and update your mailing lists?(If so can you share it
with me


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia
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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 14:53 pm, C. Hatton Humphrey wrote:
 I'm also guessing that not many people knew it existed down there already

I trim the footers off anyway :-)
If it's already down there, another good reason for it not to be at the top.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Ian Vaughan

How would I change the following two lines to make it compatible with mx
6.1? Because it does not like the createodbcdate ???

 cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),
 cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(createodbcdate(enddate),

Sent: 15 June 2004 14:15
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

huh?Looks like Ian is using a DATE type, no need for to_date() then at

WHERE startdate = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_date
value=#startdate# /

Of course, if using CACHEDWITHIN attribute, then you can't use the
cfqueryparam, then u have to use to_date()
WHERE startdate =

You could also look at ALLTER SESSION in Oracel to set your default date
format and not need to_date at all.


-Original Message-
From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

If you are using oracle, you should definitely use to_date to store
dates. It is probably using a US date format instead of a european.
Another solution is to pass everything as ISO dates -mm-dd. Most DBs
and apps understand it and you can't mess up months and days. 

WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

Make sure dateformat returns it in the correct format. If you are using
eauropean dates, you may need to use LSDateFormat().

If startdate is in a specific format like dd/mm/ you can do:
WHERE startdate = TO_DATE(cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 11:01
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

 Since upgrading to MX 6.1 the following date lines are not 
 working, the error returning is

 Error Executing Database Query. 
 [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 

 This is an example of two of the date lines I am using

 cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),


 WHERE startdate = #createodbcdate(formatted_date)#

 How do you solve this in CF6.1 by using CFQUERYPARAM ? or the 
 to_date function in Oracle ?

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Re: bypass basic authentication credentials of IIS

2004-06-15 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Archive: deep wrote:
 I have two applications one having web application security(Cold Fusion)with User Login Details etc and other(ASP) having Basic Authentication turned ON. Both applications are on different web servers.
 I would like to provide a link on Cold Fusion Application, with Basic Authentication credentials embedded with link, so that if a user clicks on the link he doesn't get the Basic Authentication box to access ASP application

Can't be done. IE was so broken MS had to disable the option to 
embed passwords in the URL alltogether to make it look a little 
bit more secure.

On the other hand, Digest Authentication has provisions 
specificaly for this. See RFC 2617.

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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Drew
Archive: do you recomend?

I like it simply because working overa VPN makes it VERY slow and
RDS seems like lightening compared to that


On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 14:56:04 +0100, Thomas Chiverton
 On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 14:47 pm, Mark Drew wrote:
 Insecure, for starters.
 No revision control.
 Copes badly with multiple updates to the same file.
 Doesn't support locks.
 There was an issue with dates mentioned earlier today too.
 Tom Chiverton
 Advanced ColdFusion Programmer
 Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
 BlueFinger Limited
 Underwood Business Park
 Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
 Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
 Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
 Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
 Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG.
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Windows file synchronizer?

2004-06-15 Thread Burns, John D
Archive: have 2 servers that have the same app running on them and people
upload files through the app.The servers are not on the same network,
but are connected via a VPN connection.I originally was looking at
doing FTP across the servers to synchronize the files nightly so that
both servers would have the same files on them, but that was before I
knew there was a VPN connection connecting the servers.Does anyone
know of a good tool that I can schedule synchronizations between 2
computers?Is there anything that comes automatically with Windows?
One server is Win2k3 and the other is Win2k Server.Let me know if you
have any suggestions.Thanks!

John Burns
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
Archive: Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 15:04 pm, Mark Drew wrote:

Logging into the box and using CVS over SSH, myself.

 I like it simply because working overa VPN makes it VERY slow and
 RDS seems like lightening compared to that

Then make the VPN faster :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
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RE: Windows file synchronizer?

2004-06-15 Thread Mark W. Breneman
Archive: use MirrorFolder and we love it.It
also has the ability to zip the contents of the folder for archiving.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Windows file synchronizer?

I have 2 servers that have the same app running on them and people
upload files through the app.The servers are not on the same network,
but are connected via a VPN connection.I originally was looking at
doing FTP across the servers to synchronize the files nightly so that
both servers would have the same files on them, but that was before I
knew there was a VPN connection connecting the servers.Does anyone
know of a good tool that I can schedule synchronizations between 2
computers?Is there anything that comes automatically with Windows?
One server is Win2k3 and the other is Win2k Server.Let me know if you
have any suggestions.Thanks!

John Burns

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RE: What do you do with bounced emails?

2004-06-15 Thread Mark W. Breneman
Archive: have not used this tool yet, but I will be soon.
Boogie tools makes several tools for doing just what you are looking for. 

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: What do you do with bounced emails?

Those of you who send out bulk emails from your sites,how do you handle
the inevitable bounced emails/undeliverable/invalid addresses etc? 

I've told my client he should set up a mailbox to use as a 'replyto' and
collect them there, and after he sends out a mailing, open it with his email
client, then remove each one. 

Do the rest of you do this or do you have an automatic way to handle bounced
emails and update your mailing lists?(If so can you share it with me


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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Simple way to add spaces

2004-06-15 Thread Phillip B
Archive: need to write a fixed length file on a daily basis. and need to find a 
simple way of adding the missing spaces to a string.

The issue I'm having is adding the trailing spaces to the end of each 
field. I can do a len on the string and then subtract it from the amount 
needed but I cant think of a good way to add the missing spaces with out 
doing a loop. I have to do this on 15 fields in 500 + records so I want 
to do it the right way.

There has to be a better way than this.
cfif len(dealer_code) lt 8cfloop index=foo from=1 
to=#Int(8-len(dealer_code))# step=1 /cfloop/cfif

This is one of those rush jobs for a VP and I haven't had the time to 
really think about the right way to do this.


Phillip B.
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RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread Mark W. Breneman
Archive: built something like this into our default admin template that we base
all of our client's admin / content management section off of.I decided
that I did not want to lock the user out after 3 attempts and then force
them to call us. So, I added an extra session var that tracks how many bad
login attempts there have been for that user in the last 10 mins. If they
try to log in a forth time they get a message to the effect of Too many
failed log in attempts, please try again in 10 mins.After 10 mins they
can try three more times.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

This is a bit of a tangent to this topic, but I'm curious whether I'm the
only person out there who gets annoyed by systems that employ this
technique. The system we built at my old company employed this
technique, and it drove our clients crazy (which in turn drove us developers

The idea, I assume, is that if someone is unsuccessful logging in three
times in a row, they must not be a valid user. Its my experience that the
VAST majority of the time, the person getting locked out is a valid user who
made an innocent mistake trying to login. The 3 strikes and your out schema
seems to be a bit outdated, and causes more harm (annoyance) than good.

Just curious what you all thought about this.

From: Steve Nelson 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

Cookies are definitely not the only solution. 

This would make an interesting CF contest. Who ran that CF contest a
months ago?

Steve Nelson


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 3:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

I see you are using session vars, so I would recommend

But that aside, you have to realize that there is no way of really
blocking more than x attempts to log in on a web app. All methods you
can come up with will rely on cookies to track that and the user can
manipulate those on his machine. If some site tells me I had too many
attempts, I just delete the cookies for that site and happily continue
logging in.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 14 juni 2004 21:36
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in
 Christy, Welcome to the wonderful world of CF, speaking for 
 everyone on the list we hope you enjoy it and will stay and 
 even recruit some friends.
 Regarding you problem, check out
 Christy wrote:


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RE: Simple way to add spaces

2004-06-15 Thread Joe Rinehart

LJustify(string, length) is a function made just for this.

#lJustify(dealer_code, 8)#


	-Original Message-
	From: Phillip B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:28 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Simple way to add spaces
	I need to write a fixed length file on a daily basis. and need
to find a 
	simple way of adding the missing spaces to a string.
	The issue I'm having is adding the trailing spaces to the end of
	field. I can do a len on the string and then subtract it from
the amount 
	needed but I cant think of a good way to add the missing spaces
with out 
	doing a loop. I have to do this on 15 fields in 500 + records so
I want 
	to do it the right way.
	There has to be a better way than this.
	cfif len(dealer_code) lt 8cfloop index=foo from=1 
	to=#Int(8-len(dealer_code))# step=1 /cfloop/cfif
	This is one of those rush jobs for a VP and I haven't had the
time to 
	really think about the right way to do this.
	Phillip B. 
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Re: Windows file synchronizer?

2004-06-15 Thread Britney Spears
Archive: use SureSynch. Works great!

On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 10:06:49 -0400, Burns, John D wrote:

I have 2 servers that have the same app running on them and people
upload files through the app.The servers are not on the same network,
but are connected via a VPN connection.I originally was looking at
doing FTP across the servers to synchronize the files nightly so that
both servers would have the same files on them, but that was before I
knew there was a VPN connection connecting the servers.Does anyone
know of a good tool that I can schedule synchronizations between 2
computers?Is there anything that comes automatically with Windows?
One server is Win2k3 and the other is Win2k Server.Let me know if you
have any suggestions.Thanks!
John Burns

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Re: Simple way to add spaces

2004-06-15 Thread Phillip B
Archive: it. Thanks man!

Joe Rinehart wrote:


 LJustify(string, length) is a function made just for this.

 #lJustify(dealer_code, 8)#


 -Original Message-
 From: Phillip B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:28 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Simple way to add spaces

 I need to write a fixed length file on a daily basis. and need
 to find a
 simple way of adding the missing spaces to a string.

 The issue I'm having is adding the trailing spaces to the end of
 field. I can do a len on the string and then subtract it from
 the amount
 needed but I cant think of a good way to add the missing spaces
 with out
 doing a loop. I have to do this on 15 fields in 500 + records so
 I want
 to do it the right way.

 There has to be a better way than this.
 cfif len(dealer_code) lt 8cfloop index=foo from=1
 to=#Int(8-len(dealer_code))# step=1 /cfloop/cfif

 This is one of those rush jobs for a VP and I haven't had the
 time to
 really think about the right way to do this.


 Phillip B.

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Re: image dimensions

2004-06-15 Thread daniel kessler
Archive: it looks very nice, it's difficult to get funds allocated in my environment.
Even so, it really looks like I'm one java function call away from making it work.Just for some reason, this is getting an error:
cfset jFileIn = CreateObject(java,
Error: Object Instantiation Exception.

and so is another java call:
cfset ImageObject = createObject(java,javax.imageio.ImageIO).read(a21.jpg) 
Error: The selected method read was not found.

I have CF 6.1.Is there some reason that these java calls shouldn't work?

 How about an existing custom tag? This one does just about everything 
 and the quality of resized images is excellent: cfx_pwimageproc
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Re: Windows file synchronizer?

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Drew
Archive: must say that I never new Britney Spears was also a coldfusion developer.

now that is amazing!
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Re: Securing Directories

2004-06-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Archive: can I prevent unauthorised access to
these directories.?

Hi, I've solved a similar problem this way:
When you upload the pdf file, rename it .cfm instead of .pdf. This way, you can protect them
from being accessed with an application.cfm because they look like CFM templates.
Save the file name in the database, both the original file name and the name used in the server.

When someone wants to download the file, get the file name in a query, say getDoc,
localName is the name of the file saved in the server, filename is the original file name (.pdf)
restitute the pdf status of the file with:
cfheader name=Content-Disposition value=attachment; filename=#getDoc.filename#
CFCONTENT TYPE=application/octet-stream FILE=#pathDoc##getDoc.localName#

This way, the user will receive the original pdf. With this TYPE, the file will not be opened by the browser,
use another type to declare the file as an acrobat file if you want the file to be opened directly.
REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
(Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
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MX Java Maximum Memory Setting

2004-06-15 Thread Daniel J O'Keefe
Archive: customer of mine set the maximum memory for Java setting to high and the
service does not start. For the life of me, I cannot find the setting in the
registry or in any of the XML files. Anyone know where I can lower this
setting so the service will start?


Dan O'Keefe
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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Drew
Archive: am reading this from a gmail account... the preview of all the
messages is now:

Great... REAL helpful

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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Kenney
Archive: that I think you should implement RDS, but there is an open source
implementation of Flash Remoting for PHP out there.Did MM give its
blessing on that one?Just curious.I'd say skip RDS mainly because of its
shortcomings.How about a web-service interface using CFCs instead?

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 5:53 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

 Take a look at the DCMA and see what it has to say about encryption
 devices. One could argue RDS is an encrypted protocol, which
 opens up a
 whole can of worms thanks to the DCMA. Clearly the correct course of
 action was to contact Macromedia in regard to RDS and they
 have spoken.


 On Jun 15, 2004, at 12:02 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:

 Reverse engineering is not a copyright violation if you simply
  duplicate the
 observed behavior of the protocol using something akin to a packet
 sniffer--don't look at the Java code.  As for future
 enhancements to
 Well, they actually crippled it for CFMX by removing timestamps for
 individual files so that you can't use DWMX site
 synchronization with
 Remember, they have to support the applications that exist
 that use it
 (Homesite+, DWMX, CF Studio) so I doubt too much that any
 implementation would have too worry about it.  It might not be a
 protocol, but it is a published one--albiet internally.
 Paul Kenney
  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 2:38 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
   We have been talking about reverse engineering RDS
    (unless macromedia wants to give us the specs :-D), but
    we are not to sure how great of an idea that is. It is
    on the list though.
  Since support for RDS has been request for He3, I thought I
  would share
  the official response from Macromedia, which is quoted below.
  The RDS API is used as a mechanism for different Macromedia
  to communicate and, as an internal tool, is subject to change
  from time
  to time as is needed to best serve our customers.  Reverse
  it would not only be a violation of copyright, but would not
  necessarily even work as the protocol continues to
 evolve with our
  ongoing efforts at improving our product features for customers.

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Archive: format is startdate in ? 

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 15:59
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

 How would I change the following two lines to make it 
 compatible with mx 6.1? Because it does not like the 
 createodbcdate ???

cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),
cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(createodbcdate(enddate),

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ANNOUNCE: CFUN-04 last day for $269 price TODAY 6/15/04; interviews CF Studio, Jeff Peters, Mont College

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Smith
Archive: $269 price for CFUN expires today midnight EST. In these CFUN-04 interviews, 
Michael Smith talks with Jo Belyea-Doerman on CF Studio Tips, Jeff
Peters about Want to Succeed? Here's the One Thing You Need and Professor 
Melissa Lizmi of Montgomery College about their sponsorship of CFUN-04. But 
first some news.

Conference and training news
* Regular price of $269 expires tommorrow midnight EST 6/15/04 (it costs $299 
after 6/15)
* 515 people are registered for CFUN-04!
* Submit CFDJ panel questions online
* CFUN quote:
I want to come to CFUN-04 to increase my knowledge-base as a Web Application
Developer, thus increasing my value to my employer. I really enjoy learning and
some of my heros will be at the conference speaking. I know that this conference
is a huge value for the buck considering the caliber of speakers you have. This
is probably one of the rare times I could afford to learn from Hal Helms and
Sean Corfield. - Chris Phillips

Now back to the interviews

Michael Smith: Jo I see that you are speaking on CF Studio Tips at CFUN. Why
should someone could to this session?

Jo Belyea-Doerman: Often times as developer's we use tools and not realize the
hidden features that will really make our lives easier.This session is going
to point out many of these gems.As a developer I want to make my life easier
and more productive, I'll show you ways that Studio can do that.

MS: You mean CF Studio can help me code faster! How?
[continued at

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Jeff Peters about his CFUN-04 talk
Want to Succeed? Here's the One Thing You Need. So why should a developer come
to your session Jeff?

Jeff Peters: What, you don't want to succeed?

MS: Of course I want to succeed, but I think your title sounds like one of those
late night infomercials.You're not going to tell people to work smarter, not
harder, or something like that, are you?

JP: No, Michael, I won't do that. We'll actually look at some real-world cases
I've seen in the last few years, and talk about how to do things better.Then
we'll look at what I think is the key to the whole business.

[continued at

Michael Smith: I am interviewing Professor Melissa Lizmi of Montgomery College
about their sponsorship of CFUN-04. Why is MC interested in CFUN-04?

Melissa Lizmi: We want folks to consider Montgomery College (MC) for their
training needs.MC offers high-quality affordable ($333 per course for in-
county students) education in Web programming, Web design, gaming and
simulation, and database systems...just to name a few.

MS: What languages do you support?

ML: We offer classes in [continued at
CFUN is organized by TeraTech who received four CFDJ awards.
If you need ColdFusion project help, mentoring or training
then ask the experts at

Best Consulting - TeraTech
Finalist Training - TeraTech
Finalist Community site - CFConf
Finalist Web Dev Tool - CFXGraphicsServer

This year's conference has 32 nationally known speakers including Charlie
Arehart, Steve Drucker, Raymond Camden, Hal Helms, Michael Smith, Michael Dinowitz,
Simon Horwith and Shlomy Gantz.

CFUN-04 Washington DC area 6/26 - 6/27/04:
* Learn CF MX, Flash and more!
* Network with your peers and top national speakers
* Have fun exploring what is new from Macromedia

* Advanced Topics - for gurus, XML, CFCs, SQL
* MX Integration - Flash, Java, Flex, .Net, Webservices
* Empowered Programming - OO, Fusebox, PM, Testing, Debug
* CF Bootcamp - for beginners in CF and Flash
* Accessibility - making sites that disabled people can use, section 508

Pricing schedule - register today to save!
* Just $199 Early Bird Price from 1/1/04 - 3/31/04
* Ok$269 Regular Price 4/1/04 - 6/15/04
* Opps $299 Late Registration 6/16/03 - 6/25/03
* Onsite $350

Register today

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185Thanks!
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RE: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Raymond Camden
Archive: an FYI, the preview in Outlook is also the same. Definitely something I
vote against as well.
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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread me
Archive: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 08:06:12 -0700, Paul Kenney wrote:

 I'd say skip RDS
 mainly because of its
 shortcomings.How about a web-service interface using
 CFCs instead?

We trying to stear clear of having cfeclipse coders
have to install anything on the server to use it. But
it could be an add on or something... um... nice idea
Paul if you can join 'em out do 'em :)

There are many other alternatives too, and cfeclipse is
geared toward full on coding shops or people with a
love of best practices. Those types often have
versioning software and eclipse has plug-ins for cvs,
and vss (prolly others too)

Nice idea, thanks for the comment

Cheers Paul,

~The cold fusion plug-in for eclipse~ 
~open source xslt IDE~
~open source XML database~
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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Ian Vaughan

From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 June 2004 16:27
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

What format is startdate in ? 

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 15:59
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

 How would I change the following two lines to make it 
 compatible with mx 6.1? Because it does not like the 
 createodbcdate ???

cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),
cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(createodbcdate(enddate),

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QoQ type comparison bug

2004-06-15 Thread Doug James
I am getting the old:
Query Of Queries runtime error.
Unsupported type comparison.

I have a db query then I build a QoQ using 
DateFormat(tmp_Date,mm/dd/) in the QuerySetCell().

I then have a QoQ:
cfquery name=Meeting_Dates dbType=query
select Meeting_Date
 from Possible_Meeting_Dates
 where Meeting_Date = '#DateFormat(now(),mm/dd/)#'
and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date#'
 order by Meeting_Date

The error is tagging the and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date#' 
line. I have tried everything I can think of including cfqueryparam. The 
query1.meeting_date column is a SQL Server smalldatetime column.

Please help!
Thank you.

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RE: QoQ type comparison bug

2004-06-15 Thread Marlon Moyer
You might try 

and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date[1]#'

or assign the query1.meetingdate to a variable first. 

Marlon Moyer, Sr. Internet Developer
American Contractors Insurance Group
phone: 972.687.9445
fax: 972.687.0607

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:01 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: QoQ type comparison bug
 I am getting the old:
 Query Of Queries runtime error.
 Unsupported type comparison.
 I have a db query then I build a QoQ using
 DateFormat(tmp_Date,mm/dd/) in the QuerySetCell().
 I then have a QoQ:
 cfquery name=Meeting_Dates dbType=query
select Meeting_Date
from Possible_Meeting_Dates
where Meeting_Date = '#DateFormat(now(),mm/dd/)#'
 and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date#'
order by Meeting_Date
 The error is tagging the and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date#'
 line. I have tried everything I can think of including cfqueryparam.
 query1.meeting_date column is a SQL Server smalldatetime column.
 Please help!
 Thank you.

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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Dinowitz
I have the link at the top of all posts in the Google and Yahoo groups
archives. I wanted to see how it would look in the normal mail,
especially as GMail 'hides' the footers in almost all cases. I've
removed the top version of the link for normal list mail though it
still exists in the footer of each message.
Note that each link is unique and goes directly to the individual
post, not to the archives in general. I'm sorry for any inconvenience
it may have caused.

side note: I just got back from my youngest sons graduation. Otherwise
I would have seen peoples remarks earlier.
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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Cary Gordon
Wouldn't it be possible to use openSSH as a base to build an improved RDS 
type functionality?

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company
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RE: QoQ type comparison bug

2004-06-15 Thread Steve Nelson
It's probably because it's treating it like a string instead of a datetime
since you used dateformat in the querysetcell. Is tmp_date already a date?
Try removing the dateformat().

Steve Nelson


From: Doug James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:01 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: QoQ type comparison bug

I am getting the old:
Query Of Queries runtime error.
Unsupported type comparison.

I have a db query then I build a QoQ using 
DateFormat(tmp_Date,mm/dd/) in the QuerySetCell().

I then have a QoQ:
cfquery name=Meeting_Dates dbType=query
select Meeting_Date
 from Possible_Meeting_Dates
 where Meeting_Date = '#DateFormat(now(),mm/dd/)#'
and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date#'
 order by Meeting_Date

The error is tagging the and Meeting_Date  '#query1.Meeting_Date#' 
line. I have tried everything I can think of including cfqueryparam. The 
query1.meeting_date column is a SQL Server smalldatetime column.

Please help!
Thank you.


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SQL Max Statement Help

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Leder
Hi All,

Two tables I'm trying to query:
1) Membership table, each with a unique memberID
2) Transaction table, could be many records associated with one member ID
(one-to-many).Has a unique ID (transaction ID, along with memberID
column(for joining) and a paidThru column.

I want to query so that each memberID record will only call the most recent
paidThru.Trouble I'm having is I can't get the SELECT version to work at
all, the WHERE version brings back the correct record count, but I can't
display the PaidThru either as a true column name, nor as an alias.

Any ideas on how to get either one of these to work?

Here's the select statement version: =

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID, T.memberID, T.paidThru, (SELECT
MAX(T.paidThru) FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T) AS paidThru

FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M,
#REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T 

WHERE M.memberID = T. memberID

Here's the WHERE statement version: =

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID 
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M

WHERE EXISTS (SELECT MAX(paidThru) AS paidThruDate, memberID FROM
#REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog WHERE memberID = M.memberID GROUP BY

Thanks, Mark
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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-15 Thread Pascal Peters
Use that format in conjunction with TO_DATE() 

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 17:40
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 June 2004 16:27
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 What format is startdate in ? 
  -Original Message-
  From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 15:59
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
  How would I change the following two lines to make it 
  compatible with mx 6.1? Because it does not like the 
  createodbcdate ???
 cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(createodbcdate(startdate),
 cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(createodbcdate(enddate),

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OT: Language Translation Web Service

2004-06-15 Thread Ketan Patel
Hi All,
I have a project where I need to give a choice to people to translate a HTML
page into different languages. Actually have to carry over that translate
button in footer on every page. Does anybody know about a web service? Which
I can call and translate the page by still keeping them on their own site
instead of taking them to Google or AltaVista translate service. Any
opinions or suggestions are welcomed.Thank you in advance for helping.

Ketan Patel
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RE: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread Matt Robertson
Granted that deleting cookies pretty much zaps session management,

The trick to making this work right, I think, is making it successfully
self-service.A user has to have enough retries to get it thru their
thick skull that they forgot their password (I use 4 strikes).

The lockout has to expire on its own (use session vars and a session
timeout handles this nicely) and the I forgot my password.Help me
link has to be plainly displayed and easy to use -- and also

There's a whole 'nother topic right there.

 Matt Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.

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Re: Archive links at head of posts

2004-06-15 Thread Calvin Ward
Thanks Mike! You're doing a bangup job!

-Original Message-
From:Michael Dinowitz 
Date:6/15/04 12:07 pm
Subj:Re: Archive links at head of posts

I have the link at the top of all posts in the Google and Yahoo groups
archives. I wanted to see how it would look in the normal mail,
especially as GMail 'hides' the footers in almost all cases. I've
removed the top version of the link for normal list mail though it
still exists in the footer of each message.
Note that each link is unique and goes directly to the individual
post, not to the archives in general. I'm sorry for any inconvenience
it may have caused.

side note: I just got back from my youngest sons graduation. Otherwise
I would have seen peoples remarks earlier.
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 17:17 pm, Cary Gordon wrote:
 Wouldn't it be possible to use openSSH as a base to build an improved RDS
 type functionality?

If you are on Linux, you can already mount a remote machines filesystem using 
ssh, using User Land Filesystem:
Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***
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RE: MX Java Maximum Memory Setting

2004-06-15 Thread Dave Carabetta
A customer of mine set the maximum memory for Java setting to high and the
service does not start. For the life of me, I cannot find the setting in 
registry or in any of the XML files. Anyone know where I can lower this
setting so the service will start?

Look for the jvm.config file, located in the /bin directory of your CF 
install. You will see a setting in there like this (this is from one of my 
dev jvm.config files, so it may vary for you):

java.args=-server -Xms256m -Xmx256M

You want to lower the value of the -Xms setting specifically (the minimum 
size of the heap), and if the other value is set, -Xmx (that max size of the 
heap), set that value to the same value as the -Xms setting (really only for 
performance reasons, as the jvm won't have to constantly re-size the heap).

Hope this helps.

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Re: Language Translation Web Service

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Hastings
 I have a project where I need to give a choice to people to translate a
 page into different languages. Actually have to carry over that translate
 button in footer on every page. Does anybody know about a web service?

machine translators? bah humbug. try some of these but they generally suck:
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CFC Oddness

2004-06-15 Thread Deanna Schneider
Okay, so I'm in a Hal Helms class and neither he nor I can figure out this
one. In the following CFC, if you set a variables.address at the
beginning that is the same object type as is used in the init function, the
variables.address supercedes the init setAddress() function. Why? Why? Why?

Note that if you set variables.address to a junk object, it correctly gets
overwritten by the init function. Or, if you set it to a string, it
correctly gets overwritten.

cfcomponent displayname=Cat
cfscript = '';
variables.address = createObject('component',
!--- Init ---
cffunction name=init access=public returntype=Cat output=false
 cfargument name=name required=true type=string
 cfargument name=address required=true type=address
 cfset setName( /
 cfset setAddress(arguments.address) /
 cfreturn this /

!--- Setters ---
cffunction name=setName access=private returntype=void
 cfargument name=name required=true type=string
 cfset /

cffunction name=setAddress access=private returntype=void
 cfargument name=address required=true type=address
 cfset variables.address= arguments.address /

!--- Getters ---
cffunction name=getName access=public returntype=string
 cfreturn /

cffunction name=getAddress access=public returntype=address
 cfreturn variables.address /


Deanna Schneider
UWEX-Cooperative Extension
Interactive Media Developer
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Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread Mark Drew
You are right, deleting cookies just makes it go away, otherwise we
are into the arena of banning ip addresses and with dynamic IP
addresses being used normally that is outta the window!

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Re: SQL Max Statement Help

2004-06-15 Thread G
Hjust off the top of my head Mark (completely untested/unverified), does this return what you want?

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID, max(T.paidThru)
FROM Membership M JOIN Transaction T ON M.memberID = T.memberID
GROUP BY M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Leder 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:15 AM
Subject: SQL Max Statement Help

Hi All,

Two tables I'm trying to query:
1) Membership table, each with a unique memberID
2) Transaction table, could be many records associated with one member ID
(one-to-many).Has a unique ID (transaction ID, along with memberID
column(for joining) and a paidThru column.

I want to query so that each memberID record will only call the most recent
paidThru.Trouble I'm having is I can't get the SELECT version to work at
all, the WHERE version brings back the correct record count, but I can't
display the PaidThru either as a true column name, nor as an alias.

Any ideas on how to get either one of these to work?

Here's the select statement version: =

 SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID, T.memberID, T.paidThru, (SELECT
MAX(T.paidThru) FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T) AS paidThru

 FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M,
#REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T 
 WHERE M.memberID = T. memberID

Here's the WHERE statement version: =

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID 
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M

WHERE EXISTS (SELECT MAX(paidThru) AS paidThruDate, memberID FROM
#REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog WHERE memberID = M.memberID GROUP BY

Thanks, Mark
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-15 Thread Calvin Ward
We should consider defining what it is we are looking for from RDS and then go forth to create that functionality independently...

-Original Message-
From:Thomas Chiverton 
Date:6/15/04 12:24 pm
Subj:Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 17:17 pm, Cary Gordon wrote:
 Wouldn't it be possible to use openSSH as a base to build an improved RDS
 type functionality?

If you are on Linux, you can already mount a remote machines filesystem using 
ssh, using User Land Filesystem:
Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***
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Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-15 Thread Casey C Cook
As log as it just kicks the user off the login screen I wouldnt mind. What 
I really dislike is 3 failed attempts and you have to call a helpdesk or 
send e-mail or whatever to have your account reactivated such that you 
can try to login again.

Casey Cook
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