Re: Low-tech asychronous call to ColdFusion

2006-07-21 Thread Brandon Harper
On 7/20/06, dcooper @ macromedia. com dcooper @ macromedia. com
 FYI, just doing some testing on these tags (cfthread and cfjoin) and I hope 
 to have them posted on my blog today or tomorow.  They'l require CF7, but 
 Standard Edition is fine (Enterprise not required).

Awesome Damon-- this is something I've needed/wanted for quite some
time.  The applications I work with depend on multiple calls to slow,
3rd party resources.  Being able to thread these calls and have their
results returned (without depending on shared scopes) is going to make
my life a whole lot better as a developer.  Looking forward to it!

- Brandon


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Re: Statistical computations in CF?

2006-06-29 Thread Brandon Harper
On 6/28/06, powell @ nauticom. net powell @ nauticom. net
 I'm working on an app that pulls together a client's data for a given period 
 of time, and
 produces a forecast for what future data might look like.


I work a lot (on and off) with predictive algorithms, scoring and
ranking of data, etc.  In my experience there really isn't a cookbook
for this sort of thing-- you basically need to get to know the data
you're working with very intimately, determine what data changes
should cause changes in your predictions, etc, and come-up with valid
algorithms on your own (while hopefully utilizing some sort of
statistics and math background).

I don't know that you'll really find any common library to do what
you're looking for, though I'm sure you'll find a lot of 3rd party
tools to be beneficial depending on the complexity of what you're
working on.

I didn't really answer your question, but hopefully this is at least a
little helpful?


- Brandon


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CFScript Quick Reference Guide?

2006-01-23 Thread Brandon Harper
Some time ago I had a PDF which was a quick reference to CFScript.  It
was basically a quick and dirty two page overview which showed the
various control structures available in CFScript.   I've not needed it
in quite a long time and don't seem to have it around any longer. 
That said, I was curious to see if anyone knows what document I'm
talking about and happens to have a copy or knows where I can get it

A Java programmer I work with is working on integrating something in
Java to CF and keeps asking me control structure questions about
CFScript.  I've googled for the last 15 minutes without any luck
finding it unfortunately.  Any help would be appreciated.


- Brandon


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Re: CFScript Quick Reference Guide?

2006-01-23 Thread Brandon Harper
On 1/23/06, Charlie Griefer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 any specific questions that we can take a shot at tho?

I know CFScript just fine so I don't have any questions about it, I
was just looking for an old Quick Start guide that I used to have--
but thanks. :)

I finally found it.. I've posted it here in case someone else would like it:

Unfortunately my VOIP router at home locks-up every so often and today
is one of those days, so I'm unable to upload it to my server at home
at the moment.. sorry.


- Brandon


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Re: Anyone use AbleCommerce, CFMX version?

2006-01-16 Thread Brandon Harper
On 1/16/06, Mary Jo Sminkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I notice that (they're an up and coming luxury luggage maker) is
 using some kind of Fusebox app, anyone know exactly what store they're
 using, or is it built internally?

 Hhm, that's certainly not a typical Fusebox application, and not any software 
 that I've run across. Looks home-grown to me. You could always email them and 
 see if they'd tell you for sure.

Judging by both the industry and what the URL's look like, most likely
that site is done at  Actually I would say with a high
degree of certainty that it's an ebags site after doing a dig of both




- Brandon


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JRun Clustering Behavior?

2005-04-12 Thread Brandon Harper
I've been setting-up/testing a simple JRun cluster with instances of
ColdFusion MX 7.0 and one thing which does not seem to be documented
well about JRun is what events signal adding/dropping instances from a
cluster, what errors it can or can't recover from by switching to
another instance in the cluster, etc.  If someone could pass on a link
about this that I haven't been able to find, that would be great. 
Otherwise I have a laundry list of questions below...

Here is the setup I'm using (all are Windows 2003 servers):

1 Web server connected to 1 JRun Cluster

JRun Cluster contains 2 servers

Each JRun Server contains 2 instances of a given application, so there
are basically 4 instances in the cluster total.

No load balancing between the web server and the JRun servers or any
of that sort of stuff yet, it's just a basic cluster I'm setting-up
for a product beta.

Here are my specific questions (that is, if there isn't anywhere I can
read about this stuff)...

1.  Other than stopping an instance, what events/exceptions would
trigger a JRun application instance to be dropped from the cluster?

2.  What events does using the JRun drivers pointing to a cluster (as
in not using a load balancer) help catch gracefully?  So far it looks
like only when an instance has stopped. For instance I've got several
cannot connect to JRun errors when I've intentionally made a server
busy.  I haven't tried shutting down a server completely then trying
it out yet-- does it catch that?

3.  How does an instance which has been restarted or otherwise dropped
from the cluster make it's way back into the cluster?  I've tried a
lot of scenarios with this in particular, and can't figure it out.  It
just seems to eventually reappear, but it takes a very long time for
that to happen.

Mostly I'm just trying to get a good feel for how well or not this
scenario works so that I can troubleshoot potential problems with it
in the future.  I'd greatly appreciate any advice or any useful links
you could send my way.  I've read tons and tons of stuff about
clustering in JRun, but nothing specifically about how JRun clustering
behaves/reacts in different scenarios.


- Brandon


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Re: JRun Clustering Behavior?

2005-04-12 Thread Brandon Harper
Thanks for the reply Simon.  It was behaving illogically when running
through various tests which is why it wasn't making much sense to me. 
For example, if I stopped one particular instance, it would not end-up
back in the cluster for quite a long time, but would eventually at
random find it's way back in, however the other instances would behave
as you said below.

I ended-up reinstalling the web server connectors and now it seems to
be behaving as one would expect it to.


- Brandon

On Apr 12, 2005 12:19 PM, Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 JRun has a cluster manager service.  When a server is offline or stops
 responding to requests, it's dropped from the cluster.  If you attempt
 to access something in the session scope and the server is unable to
 access the session, it fails over to the other cluster member... but
 only if you have fail over turned on (which you should). For the most
 part, nothing much short of a crash, stop, or restart will remove an
 instance from the cluster as far as I know.  This is one of the reasons
 you balance the instances.  When it is restarted or started for the
 first time, the cluster manager adds it to the cluster for you.


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Re: CF/programming experience from the list?

2005-03-07 Thread Brandon Harper
On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 16:14:02 -0400, Will The Game [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just wanted to try and gauge where I'm at right now in terms of programming

Sorry for the late bump, but I just came across this thread.

I was reading and writing at age three and had my first exposure to
computers at that age when I was in preschool (a Ti 99).  My parents
bought me one of those (my dad had been using Digital computers since
the late 70's at that time).. then an Apple IIe when I was in First
Grade.  Finally in 3rd Grade I started teaching myself AppleBasic..
moved to a hand-me-down IBM 286 AT in 5th Grade and continued doing
BASIC as well as batch files.  Around age 10 or 11 I wrote a
completely menu driven system to uncompress applications at runtime
and then recompressed changed application data when an application
ended on my 286 because my 20 MB hard drive was too small.

I kept messing around in BASIC, batching, and Logo until early High
School when I started to play around in Turbo C++ and a language
similar to C++ called Synapps. I mostly wrote, uhh, well, innocent
viruses that propagated through my High School's network but would
clean themselves up and disappear after a couple of days.  Mostly they
just did really innocent things like disable the mouse input for about
30 seconds every 45 minutes and give error messages like Computer is
halting to let mouse cool, please standby.  I think I had more fun
writing the code to install and propagate the virus then clean
itself-up and disappear than anything else (it was very stealthy and
cool for the time period, IMHO); I've never really been malicious, but
I did find people's reactions rather humorous.  :)  I also setup a BBS
for the High School and eventually helped setup a proxy with 2 modems
which served as an access point to the net for the school.  I grew-up
in a VERY rural area, so all things considered it was pretty advanced
at the time.

Once the web came around and I found messing around in Mosaic much
more impressive that Gopher and BBS's, I got really interested in
HTML, graphics, etc. which was my entry into the web and playing with
HTML in late 94 or so.  I'd also done a lot of sketching and so forth
growing-up, so getting my hands on a copy of Photoshop really
fascinated me.

In 1997 I started getting fascinated with Unix, Linux and FreeBSD
after graduating High School and spending too much time messing around
on IRC.  I started college, but left after a semester because the
whole internet thing was too lucrative, and I didn't feel like I was
learning much.  I didn't really get back into programming again until
I started playing around with ColdFusion in 1998 or so when I was a
Graphic Designer at a small web company.  By 2000 I was working as a
full-time CF Developer.

From 2000 until now I've played around in Java, Python, and PHP for
the most part, not to mention ColdFusion.  I also started going to
college on and off again.. lately I've been going very regularly and
have learned C, Assembly, UML, I start a Java class tomorrow, and C++
in a couple of months, etc.  I should graduate before too long with a
CS Degree and am about 90% sure I'll be doing grad school as well
provided my GPA stays up and I can get accepted.  Post grad school I
see myself working towards a Software Architect type role or perhaps
some sort of RD, but that's still quite a ways off.

I somewhat regret messing around so long and taking so long to do my
undergrad, but at the same time I really appreciate what I'm learning
and have a much better understanding of what it takes to be a good
software developer, as well as have a good bearing on what I want to
do with my career.  In the beginning of the web career I really
struggled in deciding which way to go because I could make a living
doing graphic design, or sys admin, or programming, but realized I
enjoy writing software the most of the three.  I mean I find myself
reading books like The Art of Unix Programming and Code Complete
for fun.. yikes!  And honestly it was the joy of programming in CFMX
that really sealed the deal for me on wanting to really focus on being
a software developer.

So that's the long answer... the short being I've been programming for
around 18 years, and doing ColdFusion for almost 7 years.

- Brandon


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Re: Limitations of CFMX 7.0 Developer Version Gateways?

2005-02-10 Thread Brandon Harper
 Double-check the JVM version that CF is using (SYSTEM INFORMATION in
 the top nav of the CF Admin). A colleague same this behavior on a
 system that had the 1.4.0 JVM.

Thanks Sean.  I'd actually tried another JVM as well just in case--
the default one which came with JRun (I did the multiserver install),
as well as 1.4.2_06, but forgot to mention that.

This morning I reinstalled CFMX 7 as the time limited Enterprise
version rather than the Developer version and it seemed to clear up
the problem.  Previously it appeared that the Damon Cooper's gateway
example would just sort of hang after 10 calls to the gateway, and now
it runs all 100.

So now I'm curious as to what way the gateways are limited in the
Developer's version so I'll know to look out for that gotcha in the
future.  As an initial guess, it looks like you're limited to 10
gateway calls per server request?


- Brandon


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Limitations of CFMX 7.0 Developer Version Gateways?

2005-02-09 Thread Brandon Harper
I'm currently working with the CFML asynch gateway in CFMX 7.0 using
the Developer edition and I seem to be having various problems with
events not running.   Essentially I'll fire off about 5 events, and
only 2 of them ever complete even though they are queued successfully.
 Nothing shows-up in any of the JRun or CF logs, so it doesn't quite
make sense.

I also tried Damon Cooper's demo file app and it doesn't work
correctly either-- it seems to die after about 10 threads or so.  I've
played around with the various settings available via the CF Admin as
well as the jrun.xml file just in case, and nothing seems to change

I was wondering if someone from MM could comment on the limitations of
the event gateway in the Developer version of CFMX 7.0 as I couldn't
find any documentation for it?  I suppose I'll probably try installing
the Enterprise trial tomorrow to test out this particular
functionality, but it would be good to know what the limitations are
in the Developer's edition.


- Brandon


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Re: SQL Server Deadlock timed out queries while Enterprise Manager is Open

2004-12-19 Thread Brandon Harper
Your problem is not a CFMX problem, it's an Enterprise Manager
problem.  Our DBA's at work got us out of the habit of using that and
now we only use the Query Analyzer to look at and change data.  IIRC,
Enterprise Manager locks the rows which are open in the display pane
(so that you can edit them).

- Brandon

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:59:56 -0800, Brook Davies
 We recently added a second server to our CFMX application and are running
 now in this 2 server clustered environment. In the past we have always been
 able to open SQl Server enterprise manager and view/edit data at the
 database level. However, when we do this now, it looks like the CFMX
 database requests on BOTH servers start to get queued. When we close the
 table in the enterprise manager, the queued requests complete.
 In the CFADMIN we do NOT have a limit on the number of simultaneous DB
 connections. Is this a setting within SQl Server somewhere?

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Re: Apache and CF

2004-06-30 Thread Brandon Harper
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 13:03:15 -0400, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While you can't read the IIS metabase directly very easily, IIS isn't prone
 to having people screw up the httpd.conf file with typos, either. In
 addition, it's very easy to see what's going on in the IIS management

This is a pretty easy problem to work around (though these are the
paths for FreeBSD):
$cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak
$ee httpd.conf (edit file here with your editor of choice)
$/usr/local/sbin/apachectl configtest
(if it fails, you can revert to the backup, or compare them... also
configtest will give you verbose output as to where/why it failed)
$/usr/local/sbin/apachectl restart

There are a few different web/GUI based ways out there of mucking
around in httpd.conf as well if it's too scary for someone.

- Brandon

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Re: Blackstone @ CF-FUN '04

2004-06-29 Thread Brandon Harper

You might want to check out REALbasic, it seems to have most all of
what you are looking for:

I've never used it myself, but one of my friends at IBM uses it to
write cross platform utilities.

Hopefully that's of some help.

- Brandon

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Re: OT: Measure Application Bandwidth

2004-06-25 Thread Brandon Harper
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:47:49 -0500, Chris McGrath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am in search of a tool that will allow me to measure how much
 bandwidth an application uses per user(average).

The tools that comes to mind to keep track of this sort of stuff are
either web stats, or something which actually tracks the bandwidth
used on your network and you can do the calculations yourself.

Here are a couple of free packages which might get you started down
that path (both of which I've used and like)



Not sure if either of those are quite what you're looking for, but
it's a start I suppose...

- Brandon
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Re: OT: Measure Application Bandwidth

2004-06-25 Thread Brandon Harper

Ahh, so you want something on the client side.Check out NetStat Live
by AnalogX:

- Brandon

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 11:23:08 -0500, Chris McGrath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's an http based coldfusion application. Basically what I am looking
 for is something I can put on a users machine and track how much
 bandwidth they use while they use the application.
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  Chris McGrath wrote:
   I am in search of a tool that will allow me to measure how much
   bandwidth an application uses per user(average).
  What sort of application? If you mean a HTTP based application
  just get it from your webserver logfiles. If you mean something
  else, please elaborate.

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Re: Apache, CF5 and CFMX Question

2004-06-05 Thread Brandon Harper
 I am trying to set up a local dev server that is running Virtual Hosts.
 I would like some of the virtual hosts to run on CF 5 and another to
 run on CFMX, has anyone achieved this?


I've never tried that myself, but it seems like a pretty novel idea.

I'm curious, if you reverse the order of the VirtualHosts in the 
httpd.conf file, does anything change?(I.E., CFMX works but CF5 doesn't?)

- Brandon

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Re: Securing CF Apps against SQL Injection Cross Site Scripting

2004-05-14 Thread Brandon Harper
I'm jumping a little late into this discussion, but I see a couple of
things which haven't been discussed.

I think you need to do protection against XSS and SQL Injection in
multiple layers.

1.) Web Server / Application Server Layer
2.) Pre-Application Execution
3.) Post User Input / Pre Query


On IIS you can use the Microsoft tool URLScan for this, or the Aqtronix
Web Knight.I believe this capability is built into IIS 6 on Win2K3,
but I haven't used it yet to know for sure.

For Apache, you should check into mod_security.I was pretty happy when
this was released, and use it on my site.


I essentially wrote a custom app which checks various scopes for various
RegEx's related to XSS and SQL Injection which are ran from
Application.cfm, as well as the detection of buffer overflow
attempts, etc.If something is violated, we get an e-mail with the
details about it, and the user is redirected gracefully.


Make sure you scrub all user input, including checking the Len(Trim)) of
each parameter to make sure it's not too long.Never trust anything which
is coming in via form, url, cookie, or client variables (such as
CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT.And as others have mentioned, proper granular
security on databases.

This is a bit on the anal side, but the software I work with requires it.

Note that pretty much all of these solutions assume you have a decent
grasp of writing RegEx's, as well as know how the various exploits can be


- Brandon
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Resolved: Re:CFMX and Fedora

2003-11-30 Thread Brandon Harper
 Of course, this tells me nothing. 
 I tried recompiling the connector several times, once when I initially encountered the problem, once early this morning, and also about an hour ago. After the third recompile, ColdFusion started working.
 The only thing I have noticed that seems odd about the system right now is that sendmail takes almost 10 minutes to start since installing ColdFusion.

Something to check for the Sendmail problem... make sure you can 
actually do nslookups from the DNS servers which you have in 

I'm used to FreeBSD now so I'm not sure if that is the correct path. If 
you can't find that file, use the command 'locate resolv.conf' as root 
to find it.

- Brandon

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Re: Strangeness in DWMX with circuits.xml.cfm files

2003-07-16 Thread Brandon Harper

Here is the test case.  I had a couple of other co-workers try it-- one
with DWMX Fusedocs installed, and one without, and they weren't able to
repeat the problem unfortunately.

1.) Create a new file.. I /think/ you should be able to name it anything,
but I happen to be using a FB4 file named circuits.xml.cfm.  I've saved
this file on its own, as well as into VSS, and the same problem happens
each time.

2.) Copy and paste the below content into it:

circuit access=internal


3.) Save the file

4.) Close the file

5.) Reopen in DWMX or anything else (preferred) and see if the file now
looks like this:



One other thing I have noticed-- it seems to save fusebox.xml.cfm files
correctly which have a structure like this (related to the word

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
circuit /

Hopefully that's of some help.


- Brandon



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Strangeness in DWMX with circuits.xml.cfm files

2003-07-15 Thread Brandon Harper
(x-posted to the forums)

I'm currently working on a project in Fusebox 4 using Dreamweaver MX 6.1,
and it seems to be stripping the word circuits out of any
circuits.xml.cfm file.  I haven't really altered the config of DWMX very
much, other than adding Fusedocs to it (which I suspect could be part of
the problem?)

For instance, a file which looks like this:

circuit access=internal


Will end-up looking like this when I reopen it:



Has anyone else came across this problem or have any ideas on how to fix
that behavior?  Meanwhile, I guess I'll just use CF Studio.  


- Brandon 



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CFMX Running on FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE

2003-06-27 Thread Brandon Harper
Hash: SHA1

For the 2-5 people in the ColdFusion community that might actually be
interested...  :)

I finally got a chance to play with installing CFMX on FreeBSD again,
and have it up and running!  I'm pretty excited-- this is something I've
wanted to have working for a long time-- my favorite web dev language
running on my favorite OS.

I wish I had a beefier box to try it out on-- I don't think the Celeron
466 with 256 MB of RAM its on will really be a good testament to its
performance, but it's what I have.  I'm running a few sample Fusebox 3
apps that don't really do any queries or anything special, and they are
taking around 2.3 seconds per page to run (and yes, I realize they have
to compile on the first load).  Anyone ran CFMX on a Windows box with
similar hardware?  I'm curious about the difference in performance since
FreeBSD is a pretty Java unfriendly platform, but it's getting better.

Anyhow, I still have a lot of stuff to finish configuring before I can
give much of a review on it.  I'll document the process and post it
somewhere once I'm farther along than just having the CF Administrator
and some demo code working... its actually pretty easy, just needed 4-5
extra hours to play and some hardware to get to try it out again.  I
must mention-- thanks to Macromedia for documenting the OSX install
which helped me with this one.

You can find a couple of screen shots here (though you'll probably kill
my server.. its getting ready to be replaced shortly):

- - Brandon

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2003-01-31 Thread Brandon Harper
 Has anyone been able to get CFMX and FreeBSD working together? 

I got it working on CFMX RC1 last Spring or so with FreeBSD 4.5.  Keep
in mind that working means in standalone mode only and that Verity will
probably never work.  I didn't try to setup an ODBC connection.

 If so, have you experienced problems with this setup? Solutions?

After I finally got it setup, I realized the same flaw as when I got
JRun 2 running on FreeBSD.  Its kind of pointless to do because there
are no connectors to get it to work with Apache.  It's a fun project I
guess, but without being able to do much with the standalone webserver
such as multihoming, its not of any use to me.

Here are some very rough notes of my install if you're curious:

They are by no means thorough since I decided it was sort of a waste of
time to go back and document it properly, but perhaps it will be of some
help.  It was really pretty easy.

- Brandon

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CFMX Error Template

2002-12-20 Thread Brandon Harper
Just thought I'd pass along an interesting difference I found in CFMX
today with error templates since I finally have it in a production
setting.  Its probably already been covered somewhere, but it can't hurt
to share.

If multihoming on a server, you will want to create a virtual directory
in the CF Administrator to somewhere that your error templates are
located.  Otherwise they will not work as you would expect them to.  If
your error template depends on anything from a cfapplication tag or
something else such as that in Application.cfm/OnRequestEnd.cfm AND the
error handler is not in the same directory as those files, you'll need
to cfinclude them manually.  They are not ran during the error handler
request if they reside in a different directory (such as if they further
up the directory tree.. normally they would be ran).  Be sure to wrap
the include(s) in cftrycfcatch tags (obviously).

Secondly, if a page cannot be compiled because of something like a
syntax error, it will not use the error template and will dump a regular
error message to anyone who hits that page.  So if you're depending on
some sort of mechanism in your error template to log/report errors,
please make sure to check the application log for errors in pages that
can't be compiled (of course you should already be checking it

Hopefully someone will find this useful.

- Brandon


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RE: CF Instant Messaging

2002-12-17 Thread Brandon Harper
An option besides those old tags is PresenceWorks ( ).  I've worked enough with it enough to
get something basic working in CF 5, then another project came along and
I haven't gotten back to it yet.  Perhaps I'll be able to write it as a
CFC by the time it's a priority again and open source it at CFLib or
something along those lines.  I don't remember what the service cost of
PresenceWorks is offhand, but its very reasonable.  The support is very
good as well-- when I had some questions I ended-up talking to the
person who wrote their Java API.

I think combining PresenceWorks with the open source work which has
already been done to figure out the AIM/ICQ (they both use the same
login servers now.. rumor is they are working to merge protocols,
finally!), MSN, and Yahoo protocols, I suppose you could eventually roll
something together.  However it seems like a pretty big PITA and
potentially maintenance heavy item if its not core to you or your
clients business.

- Brandon


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Typos in Method selection Exception Error

2002-12-10 Thread Brandon Harper
I wasn't sure where to submit this, but I know there are Macromedia
types on the list and its past my bedtime.

There are typos in this error message in CFMX (updated with the Updater

Error Occurred While Processing Request  
Method selection Exception.  
An exception occurred during method selection process for Method
CreateContext The cause of this exception was that either there are no
methods with the the specified method name and argument types, or the
method CreateContext is overloaded with arguments types that Coldfusion
can't decipher reliablly. Use javacast function to reduce ambiguity.  

reliablly should be reliably
There are repeated the's  in the text either there are no methods
with the the specified method name and argument types


- Brandon


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RE: RE :set email timezone?

2002-06-26 Thread Brandon Harper

 mind to tell me how to check the zone please? thanks

I don't know if there is a command line way (doubtful...), but double
click on the clock in the System Tray, and click on the time zone tab.

As far as synching time, there is no reason to install unnecessary
software.  Just setup a script that runs this command once a week from
the command line:

net time /

(If you have a server farm, set up an internal server with NTP and let
everything update off of it instead of a public NTP server)

BTW-- if you run the above command and suddenly the time is definitely
off compared to what the local time is, then the time zone is set wrong
on that machine.

- Brandon



RE: Hacking a shared SQL server

2002-06-07 Thread Brandon Harper

 granted that that is true. however doesn't CF or any other programming
 language do the same thing. and if the way your getting at 
 the data is by
 using form and url parameter, then it's very easy for me to 
 do from the
 website and not even bother to try hack the database. using 
 client variables
 and session variables make this a little harder but not 

I was just thinking about this issue today myself since I'm currently
working on something that involves the privacy issues of a lot of users.
My initial thought was to do something such as just using Encrypt() and
Decrypt() to put all variables encoded into one long form/url string.
Though on a page with a lot of links, that would be way too CPU
intensive, and its just a hack job around a good security plan (though I
can see its usefulness as just one small part of a plan-- I tend to
encrypt any somewhat sensitive or easily altered data in
Client/Cookie/Session scopes for instance).  

The solution would be to make a role based security scheme to take care
of that problem.  In theory, it shouldn't matter if someone is manually
entering in ID's of things via Form/URL strings which they want to see
so long as you are checking their permission level to that specific

 Also if
 you're the type of person that likes to use integers for primary keys
 instead of unique identifiers, then I can see you getting at 
 anything in the
 database from a stored procedure. 

As others have said, you could probably just use GUID's if you are that
worried.  The additional layer of security would negate the minute added
CPU time needed to generate GUID's if the application needed the
additional security.  Again, if you are controlling / checking access to
records (essentially treating all data from forms and URL's as if it
were a virus), it shouldn't be a problem to begin with.  One of the
other things I could think of being bad about using plain incrementing
integers is that unless you start at a random point of assigning ID's,
people could perhaps get a general idea of how many records for that
type of data exist in the database.

Random ID's (a la Access) are very problematic if you ever need to
'upsize' data to a different database server or environment (i.e. I
could see how they could be a pain for clustering and/or replication).
Or maybe just the recent experience of upsizing a replicated Access DB
pool w/ random ID's to SQL Server has left a bad taste in my mouth.  :)

- Brandon



RE: FreeBSD and Java = CFMX???

2002-05-25 Thread Brandon Harper

 You have to be realistic and have a little business savvy. 

Concur.  I've seen maybe 3-4 people mention they were interested in
seeing it on FreeBSD? 

So I'm curious, has anyone been able to get the Linux version of CFMX
running on FreeBSD 4.5?  Believe it or not, I once had JRun running on a
FreeBSD 3.4 box a couple of years back just to see if I could get it up
and running.  It was slow and it crashed a little too often, but it
worked at least.  I do remember seeing something about CFMX on FreeBSD
in the beta forums, but I don't remember coming across anyone claiming
to have of gotten it working.

Anyhow, one of the projects I'm planning on pursuing over the weekend is
trying to get CFMX working on 4.5 with Linux emulation.  If it runs
reasonably, I could certainly justify purchasing a copy of it to use on
my personal server so long as the final version still work on it.  I'm
in the process of throwing some hardware together to try it out since I
don't have anything newer than a firewall/NAT box running 4.3 around,
and I really don't want to do a buildworld on my personal server to
upgrade it since its pretty customized at this point.

I don't think I could swallow having to move back to Linux or Win2K on
my personal server, unfortunately.  I hope I can get it to work.
Otherwise I'm stuck with PHP for now.

- Brandon



RE: mySQL vs. Access

2002-05-21 Thread Brandon Harper

 mySQL, hands down.  With the right GUI front end you also have an easy
 and very powerful environment to work in.  The free/donationware
 mySQLFront ( is my favorite.

Thanks for the tip-- this is definitely the best Windoze MySQL front-end
I've used.  I've been using MyCC for close to a year, and its super
quirky.  I've been using it with in combination with phpMyAdmin to get
past its shortcomings.  I just used the Export Tables tool in
MySQL-Front to move data from one database to another, and it worked
flawlessly.  If you didn't know it already, phpMyAdmin is an awesome
web-based front-end for MySQL.

I love the command line, but its just not a sufficient tool for managing
a database.  (I use MySQL on Linux and FreeBSD)

As far as MySQL vs. Access, it will certainly take more time to
configure and learn MySQL, but you'll be glad you did in the long run.
Downloading the above GUI will make it very simple to work with once you
get it setup.  IMHO, if you need a book, the best MySQL book is MySQL by
Paul DuBois.  Personally, I think anyone having problems with Access
that can't afford MS SQL Server should really consider moving to MySQL.

- Brandon



RE: apache 2 - windows

2002-05-17 Thread Brandon Harper

 I vaguely remember this being discussed a while back and 
 can't find the thread in the archives but...
Has anyone built a coldfusion module to load with the new 
 apache windows version ?

What version of ColdFusion are you looking to get the shared object for?

I'm not sure what the differences are in the Preview Release and Release
Candidate versions of CFMX, but CFMX RC 1 does have an SO for Apache 2.x
on windoze.

- Brandon

