Re: How many class files do YOU have?

2004-04-09 Thread Brandon Purcell
If you have that many CFM's then the reason you are getting OutOfMemory errors is due to the fact that you are running out of space in the permanent generation of the Java Heap. I won't get into specifics with JVM tuning. I have some info on my blog but to fix this bump up the -XX:MaxPermSize value in your jvm.config to 192 or 256 it should get rid of the problem. Also load testing has found that you can uncheck the value save class files in the admin and still get the same performance without storing the class files to disk. They will be compiled on first hit and loaded into memory. With the slick new compiler in 6.1 it is very efficient, in fact more efficient than having to sort through 6000 class files to load the appropriate file.

Hope that helps
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Re: CF cluster setup... is there a howto somewhere?

2004-04-07 Thread Brandon Purcell
There is an updated version of the article Jeremy suggested at (using CFMX 6.1 enterprise with the J2EE install)

This article covers how Hardware can be used as well

I also have another article on multiple instances if you want to use that model as well.

Frank D and I are working on another article using Microsoft NLB. I can say after using it though it does not gain you alot beyond clustering the front end.

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Re: RIA options, Flex Flash and others.

2004-04-07 Thread Brandon Purcell

The Flash examples you mention run fine on my machine and I do not notice any significant sluggishness. On slower machines I do see some issues but I think the comparisons you are drawing are not exactly fair. The XUL examples I have seen are not exactly visually stunning. Also, currently XUL is very limited on what browsers it can be ran on.

I reviewed several of the examples at and they are all pretty simple UI's. Although they are more responsive they do not look anything like the examples that Flex provides. 

If you look at how the flash player has changed over the last few versions you will see that performance has improved and the actionscript language has continued to evolve as well. Performance enhancements are high on the priority list for the Flash player and performance issues are not being ignored.


There have been several threads lately, about RIAs and PIAs -- 
discussing Flex, Flash, XUL, Neuromancer (_javascript_ Remoting), desktop 
applications and XUL.

I for one was/am critical of the Flash RIA as not being good enough -- 
resulting in a heavy or sticky feel to the UI.

I realize the advantages of Flash, especially its consistency and 
ubiquity -- I only wish it were more usable and more programmable.
Flex (at some cost) appears to address the programmability issue.
Also, there are hints that the next CFMX will include some Flash 
programming capabilities.

That's all well and good, if Flash can deliver acceptable performance 
-- if it can't then I will look elsewhere for RIA solutions.

I like MACR, Their products are good to excellent, their people are 
great -- I have had no negative experiences with either.

That said, Flash still disappoints me -- I would like to see it 
succeed.I would like to be able to use it.

But there is something very wrong.

Several days ago I mentioned that the Flex code explorer contained one 
of the slowest menu trees I'd ever seen.

This is one of the apps that MACR uses to showcase the FlexFlash RIA.

It just isn't fast enough to be usable, especially when you consider 
the amount of client resources it consumes to attain poor UI 
performance.My particular criticism is with the expanding and 
collapsing of the folders -- where only client-side RIA processing is 

Two days ago I learned about XUL.

XUL looks like a possible RIA solution  that too, has been discussed 
in other threads.

To prove to myself that the Flash Tree example was, indeed a poor 
performer, I decided to write a comparable tree menu in XUL.All I 
really did was create (part of) the tree. Selecting an 
item/document/leaf nodedoesn't do anything.I nested the folders 3 
levels deep and duplicated the Component Library outer node enough 
times to get a tree larger than the code explorer. This is enough to 
compare expand/collapse with the Flash tree.

Here it is.You need a current Mozilla or FireFox browser tto render 

Put this up, side-by-side with the Flex Code Explorer at:

Expand enoughfolders on each to get the window scrolling.Then 
expand/collapse the top node.

Why is Flash so slow?



P.S.Display source and you will see the entire XUL program.

P.P.S.The XUL page may be slow to download -- The site is on my 
development machine which is quite busy -- JRUN/CFMX/MySQL, 
VirtualPC/WIN XP, 2 streamers, lots of browser windows  a few desktop 
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Re:JRun with ColdFusion

2004-01-26 Thread Brandon Purcell
ColdFusion MX 6.1 shipped after the JRun 4 Updater 2 release so it is a later build.

The build number for JRun that ships with CFMX 6.1 is 63824
The build number for JRun Updater 2 is 61650

You can always find the build # by going to JRun4/bin and typing jrun -info
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Re:cgi.path_info doesn't work in MX ?

2004-01-26 Thread Brandon Purcell
It should be there, I have been using cgi.path_info in a lot of my CF applications.What webserver are you using?

 I've just found out that cgi.path_info return empty string in MX, 
 whereas it works in CF5. I've the application just migrated to MX and 
 I don't want to change all the scripts which use cgi.path_info to cgi.
 script_name, although I know cgi.script_name give the same function. 
 I've too many scripts to work on.
 Is anyone out there has the same problem and know how to solve 
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Re:How do you clear cache in CFMX?

2004-01-23 Thread Brandon Purcell
I understand your frustation. Currenlty the only way to refresh is as Dave explains. It is difficult to hit ever page with it off though and restarting isn't a good option either.Look for this feature in the next release.It will probably be just a switch in the CF Admin to flush the current template cache and it will get rebuilt as pages are invoked.

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Re:CFCACHE parts of pages without cfhttp

2004-01-08 Thread Brandon Purcell
Be careful when using the filesystem make sure you do not store hundreds of files in a single directory.I found that the listing and searching through files can kill performance.I recommend creating subdirectories and breaking up the cached files.

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Re:CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Brandon Purcell

There are two ways you can accomplish this. You can copy the cfusion-ear directory to another instance of JRun or you can rerun the installer and buildwar file.

For the first approach just copy /server/cfusion/cfusion-ear. 

You can also create a new instace of JRun. Then rerun the installer and create a war file.Then follow the steps in my article steps 8 and 9 if you do not want to cluster.I will look into writing a step by step doc on this and posting it is as a technote.

Brandon Purcell

No, i only have one Instance of CFMX. I am looking for the proper docs
to deploy a second instance of CFMX and change setting etc.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 4:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

 I wasnt able to find any clear documentation of the correct setup
 for Multiple Instances of CFMX on JRun.

 I installed CFMX Enterprise with Full JRun Version running.
 Can someone point me any docs on how to add the Second Instance of CFMX
 pointing to the same Web Root.
 It would be nice to debug which instance processed the request as well.

Do you have 2 instances installed already, and you're just looking for
on how to share the doc root? Or are you asking how to install a second
instance *and* set up the shared doc root.

For sharing the doc root, the most concise instruction set is this:

I've done this a lot, so if this doesn't fully answer your question, let
know and I'm glad to help you out. It can be confusing.


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Re:CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Brandon Purcell

Do you get an error when you try to access the admin? When you go into the JMC under J2EE apps do you see CF deployed on the new JRun instance.Check the JRun4/logs to see if you see any issues with the CF deploy.

 You may want to try the second approach if you still have problems with the first since it would give you a fresh start with the cfusion.war.

Brandon Purcell
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Load Testing Tools

2003-09-02 Thread Brandon Purcell
Here are a few that may be helpful

If you want something simple and inexpensive. Try Microsoft Web Application Stress 
tool.  OpenSTA is a little more robust but a little more difficult to work with.
Brandon Purcell

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HELP -- CFMX Very High Queued Requests/Hanging

2003-03-10 Thread Brandon Purcell
Drop me an email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  What is the URL of the forums posting?  Have 
you taken a thread dump when the server hangs? Are there any errors in /runtime/logs?

Brandon Purcell
Sr Product Support Engineer
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CFMX (Session State Replication)

2003-02-05 Thread Brandon Purcell

With CFMX Standalone both Enterprise and Professional session replication is not 
possible.  This is an issue with the underlying objects that represent the data in 
CFMX.  In order for session replication to work the objects need to be serializable.  
In the first release of CFMX for J2EE this was still a problem. In the last release 
(CFMX for J2EE Phase II) changes were made to make all session data serializable.  
They also had to make changes to the CFMX classloader so this required a bit of work.  
If the underlying application server supports session replication then CFMX for J2EE 
Phase II will replicate session data as well.  I am in the middle of completing an 
article for the DevCenter that illustrates how to configure this on JRun.  Look for it 
in the middle of the month of Feb. For a lead in you can read my article about 
multiple instances

Let me know if you have any questions

Brandon Purcell
This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


Where to put CFMX? - remoting and IIS

2003-01-27 Thread Brandon Purcell

It should not matter where you install CFMX, flash remoting requests are handled by 
the ISAPI filter then passed on to CFMX.

So the configuration you need to check is in IIS.  Make sure that the ISAPI filter is 
installed at the global level and the /JRunScripts virtual directory is added at each 
site.  Then try the URL


You can set verbose=true in the jrun.ini file to see what is happening

Brandon Purcell
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