Web Services position

2003-07-17 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE
Hey everyone!

Long-time lurker, but this is my first time posting to cf-talk.  I am sure it won't be 
the last.

I thought I would post this to cf-talk before cf-jobs, since this listserv gets more 
traffic than cf-jobs does.

We have a contract position that's slated to go 12-18 months that's available in 
Nitro, WV for a Web Services project.  We'd like someone who has Java and XML 
experience, as well as CF (of course).  The project will also connect to an Oracle 8i 
database and will use CFMX for J2EE, running on top of JRun, running on a Windows 2000 

PAY RATE:   Don't ask me what the rate is - I have no idea!!!   But I can put you in 
contact with someone who will know...  It should be competitive.

If interested, send me an e-mail off the listserv to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Brian Meloche,
User Group Manager,
West Virginia Macromedia Users Group
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
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100% CPU on CF5 - but patch has already applied!

2003-07-18 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE
Hello all...

I thought I would post this to the list, since my attempts to solve the problem have 

I have run into an old problem.  Well, sort of.  I have the developer version of CF5 
installed on my desktop at work, which is running XP Pro on a 2.8 GHz P4...  and I am 
running into the 100% CPU usage caused by NTconsoleJava.exe - the ColdFusion 
Management Repository Server.

But... here's the problem:  I have applied the patches from Macromedia and deleted the 
logs, as according to:


BUT I STILL HAVE THE PROBLEM!!!  It's still doing it!

Other than disabling the service, is there anything I can do to fix the problem?  Has 
anyone run into this problem AFTER applying the patch?  Is there another patch that I 
can't find?


Brian Meloche,
4th Floor, ITO - 414
(304) 759-0585 x448
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community. 


SQL Syntax Errors with CF and Oracle

2003-07-18 Thread Brian Meloche
How I would deal with it would be to pass this to a variable first, and manipulate as 

The SQL would read:

security IN #PreserveSingleQuotes(Request.GroupNameToSQL)#

>I am having problems with Oracle and this piece of SQL in Coldfusion.  In
>the where clause
>security IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(session.groupname)#)
>part of the sql, if this does not have a value it falls over as Oracle
>interprets this as
>security IN () OR security = 'all' )
>It does not like the () and returns the error ORA-00936: missing expression
>How can I put in logic so if there is no value in (session.groupname) it
>would return as a NULL ??
>security IN (NULL)
>security = 'all'
>Any ideas ??
>FROM itlinks
>WHERE linkarea='#URL.area#'
>security IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(session.groupname)#)
>security = 'all'
>ORDER BY linkid desc
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Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community. 


CFC not a recognized text document in Homesite+

2003-07-18 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE
Has anyone seen where Homesite+ 5.2 doesn't recognize a CFC as a text document?  I 
guess it might be because settings were migrated from CF Studio 5.  Does anyone know 
how to fix this?  It says it's recognized in the Extension Manager, but... 
obviously... it's not.


Brian Meloche,
4th Floor, ITO - 414
(304) 759-0585 x448
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics. 


100% CPU on CF5 - but patch has already applied!

2003-07-18 Thread Brian Meloche
It's not a coding issue.  There wasn't any code running.  This happens on startup.

>Don't take this the wrong way.  
>Have you checked your cf code and any queries that you are running? I have
>had problems of 100% usage and generally it was due to a coding error or
>very poorly written query.  Since it is developer edition, you should know
>which templates are running when it occurs, so I would start there.
>-Original Message-
>Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 11:35 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: 100% CPU on CF5 - but patch has already applied!
>Hello all...
>I thought I would post this to the list, since my attempts to solve the
>problem have failed.
>I have run into an old problem.  Well, sort of.  I have the developer
>version of CF5 installed on my desktop at work, which is running XP Pro on a
>2.8 GHz P4...  and I am running into the 100% CPU usage caused by
>NTconsoleJava.exe - the ColdFusion Management Repository Server.
>But... here's the problem:  I have applied the patches from Macromedia and
>deleted the logs, as according to:
>BUT I STILL HAVE THE PROBLEM!!!  It's still doing it!
>Other than disabling the service, is there anything I can do to fix the
>problem?  Has anyone run into this problem AFTER applying the patch?  Is
>there another patch that I can't find?
>Brian Meloche,
>4th Floor, ITO - 414
>(304) 759-0585 x448
>Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
>130 pounds lost and counting!
Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Get the mailserver that powers this list at 


Tonight is the first meeting for the West Virginia Macromedia Users Group!

2003-07-29 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE

This is just a reminder that tonight is the first meeting of the West Virginia 
Macromedia Users Group (WVMUG).


Kanawha County Public Library
123 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV
3rd Floor - John V. Ray Room (across from the elevator)

Doors open at 6pm.  The meeting will be starting at 6:30 sharp!

If you are interested in web design and development, you will find the group of 
interest to you.

Our speakers tonight are John Cummings of Macromedia and Neil Ross of Automation 
Creations.  Both will be speaking about CFMX.

You can find out more by going to:


There will be pop, water, veggie and cheese/cold cut trays for attendees.

If you are attending tonight's meeting, I would appreciate an e-mail confirming you 
are coming.


Brian Meloche,
4th Floor, ITO - 414
(304) 759-0585 x448
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by CFHosting.com. The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-07-30 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE
I would be interested in hearing opinions on some good CF-based CMSs.  I need to 
develop a short list so that I can evaluate a few systems.

If you could pick one...  which one?  And why?  Any experience with one system or 

We have a CMS here, which is the biggest piece of... well, let's just say that I may 
finally win the battle that this system needs a replacement.  I would upgrade the 
existing system, but I think that will take too many man hours to fix the flaws in the 
system and... right now, I am a one-man development team.

Here are my requirements:

Images and documents stored in Database, but are published to website.
Static pages that can be stored in Database - allow versioning.
DB should act as a STORAGE mechanism and NOT DYNAMIC, in most cases (This is not how 
the existing system works).
Oracle 8i/9i - DB maintenance available OUTSIDE of system (Isn't this an issue with 
CF5 preferred; CFMX Enterprise possible (we'd have to upgrade; there may be COM object 
issues if we do)
EASY TO USE for the USERS!!!  (CMS users have to be able to use the admin, not fight 
with it every time they want to do something.)
Uses stylesheets
I should be able to make CMS and site interface changes, if needed.
Simple URLs!  - e.g. http://www.easynavigate.com/section/page.cfm  (our current 
CMS does not do this and that is the single biggest complaint from the executives)
Relatively easy to customize, if necessary

I can elaborate more if needed.

Here are a list of CF-based systems that I know of...

Ektron - CMS 100/200/300 & eMPower (I am not sure what the differences are between CMS 
300 and eMPower - I didn't find that very clear from their website)
PaperThin - Common Spot Server
NetQuest - NQContent
Systems Alliance - Site Executive
FarCry - Open Source - inspired by Spectra (CFMX based - more of a framework than a 
finished system?)
Spectra - Allaire/Macromedia, now Open Source (framework)
Oasis - RemoteSite Technologies (I couldn't get to their site)
SparkPlug - 13amp.com

There may be others I don't know of...

Are there any open source CMSs that are CF-based that are ready to go, out of the box? 
 For something like FarCry, how quickly can it be configured so that an existing CMS 
can be converted, users, permissions, workflow and content?

I am not really interested right now in hearing from sales people... I want to hear 
from developers that have tried out systems and have an opinion.  

Looking forward to the responses!


Brian Meloche,
4th Floor, ITO - 414
(304) 759-0585 x448
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Get the mailserver that powers this list at 


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-07-31 Thread Brian Meloche
Thanks, Matt.  I will take a look at your website.

It sounds like your solution would require an upgrade to CFMX, which I am not opposed 
to, but it would have to be coordinated with another department, as some of their apps 
may break.  Still, it is something that I want to happen sooner or later.

We do have one CFMX for J2EE license, so it's possible we could test your system out.
Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community. 


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-07-31 Thread Brian Meloche
Dave, thanks for the reply.  CommonSpot and Site Executive seem to be pretty common 
recommendations.  I know both were covered in recent CFDJ articles, as well as a few 
other systems (NQContent and Ektron).  Time to dig out my old issues! :-)

>Most CMSs don't actually store the images themselves in the database, but
>rather just where the images are stored on the filesystem.

True.  Ours stores images on the file system, but documents are stored in the 
database.  Both have led to many problems.  See below.

>> DB should act as a STORAGE mechanism and NOT DYNAMIC, in most 
>> cases (This is not how the existing system works).
>I'm not sure what you mean by this.

I would like the actual content to be static on the web server.  It would be managed 
from the system.  Versions would be stored in the database and published to the server 
via FTP or CFFILE, so that the content would exist statically.

Right now, almost all of the content on the website is served up dynamically from the 
database.  This leads to a complete collapse of the website when the database goes 
down.  This seems pointless, since most of the content doesn't change much.  If the 
content was published statically, but stored in the database for management purposes, 
that would eliminate this problem.  Only dynamic pages would be affected by the 
database going down.

>> Oracle 8i/9i - DB maintenance available OUTSIDE of system 
>> (Isn't this an issue with NQCONTENT?)
>I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, either.

I took a look at NQCONTENT while at Devcon, and read its review in CFDJ.  The problem 
with it, if I remember correctly, is you have to surrender database maintenance to the 
CMS.  In other words, the DBAs and I couldn't use Oracle software, SQLPlus, TOAD or 
SQL Navigator to maintain the database.  It's set up almost like you would use 
PHPMyAdmin to manage a MySQL database online (just an example - I know there are MySQL 
clients - I like MySQLCC, and have had good experiences with it so far).  If anyone's 
used NQCONTENT out there, and can prove/disprove this, I would love to hear from you 
in this thread!

>CommonSpot meets all these requirements, and I think Site Executive does
>too. CommonSpot uses a pretty simple browser-based interface for managing
>content, but you need to run Windows/IE to get the most out of this, I

Windows and IE 6 are the standards here.  There are many versions of Windows in use 
here, but everyone runs IE 6, so this shouldn't be a problem.

>> Relatively easy to customize, if necessary
>CommonSpot is pretty easy to get up and running. However, I think that these
>two goals are opposed, to a certain degree. In general, it seems to me that
>the easier it is to get started, the harder it is to customize. Systems like
>Spectra (and FarCry also, I assume) are very customizable, since they're
>really more like toolsets than applications.

I realize that.  I would like something that would allow both, if possible.  Of 
course, I am a customization wizard :-), so I am not too worried about that.  As long 
as I have access to the source code, that shouldn't be an issue.  My main issue is 
that I want to be able to get the system up and running as quickly as possible, so 
that we don't have to manage two CMSs and two versions of the content for very long.
Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by CFHosting.com. The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-08-01 Thread Brian Meloche
I had a chance to look at AssetNow.  It looks very interesting... the concerns I have 
are no Oracle... and I am not too keen on the splash screen that comes up after you 
log in.  A lot of the users of this system are not computer savvy, so it shouldn't 
overwhelm them.  Otherwise, I like the price a lot and the features look great, too.  
I had never heard of this system until today, but it is one of the ones that's in the 

>Can generate content to static html pages - however not all features are
>support on static pages.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Brian Meloche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 4:51 AM
>Subject: Content Management Systems - a short list...
>> Dave, thanks for the reply.  CommonSpot and Site Executive seem to be
>pretty common recommendations.  I know both were covered in recent CFDJ
>articles, as well as a few other systems (NQContent and Ektron).  Time to
>dig out my old issues! :-)
>> >Most CMSs don't actually store the images themselves in the database, but
>> >rather just where the images are stored on the filesystem.
>> True.  Ours stores images on the file system, but documents are stored in
>the database.  Both have led to many problems.  See below.
>> >> DB should act as a STORAGE mechanism and NOT DYNAMIC, in most
>> >> cases (This is not how the existing system works).
>> >
>> >I'm not sure what you mean by this.
>> I would like the actual content to be static on the web server.  It would
>be managed from the system.  Versions would be stored in the database and
>published to the server via FTP or CFFILE, so that the content would exist
>> Right now, almost all of the content on the website is served up
>dynamically from the database.  This leads to a complete collapse of the
>website when the database goes down.  This seems pointless, since most of
>the content doesn't change much.  If the content was published statically,
>but stored in the database for management purposes, that would eliminate
>this problem.  Only dynamic pages would be affected by the database going
>> >> Oracle 8i/9i - DB maintenance available OUTSIDE of system
>> >> (Isn't this an issue with NQCONTENT?)
>> >
>> >I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, either.
>> I took a look at NQCONTENT while at Devcon, and read its review in CFDJ.
>The problem with it, if I remember correctly, is you have to surrender
>database maintenance to the CMS.  In other words, the DBAs and I couldn't
>use Oracle software, SQLPlus, TOAD or SQL Navigator to maintain the
>database.  It's set up almost like you would use PHPMyAdmin to manage a
>MySQL database online (just an example - I know there are MySQL clients - I
>like MySQLCC, and have had good experiences with it so far).  If anyone's
>used NQCONTENT out there, and can prove/disprove this, I would love to hear
>from you in this thread!
>> >CommonSpot meets all these requirements, and I think Site Executive does
>> >too. CommonSpot uses a pretty simple browser-based interface for managing
>> >content, but you need to run Windows/IE to get the most out of this, I
>> >think.
>> Windows and IE 6 are the standards here.  There are many versions of
>Windows in use here, but everyone runs IE 6, so this shouldn't be a problem.
>> >> Relatively easy to customize, if necessary
>> >
>> >CommonSpot is pretty easy to get up and running. However, I think that
>> >two goals are opposed, to a certain degree. In general, it seems to me
>> >the easier it is to get started, the harder it is to customize. Systems
>> >Spectra (and FarCry also, I assume) are very customizable, since they're
>> >really more like toolsets than applications.
>> I realize that.  I would like something that would allow both, if
>possible.  Of course, I am a customization wizard :-), so I am not too
>worried about that.  As long as I have access to the source code, that
>shouldn't be an issue.  My main issue is that I want to be able to get the
>system up and running as quickly as possible, so that we don't have to
>manage two CMSs and two versions of the content for very long.
Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics. 


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-08-01 Thread Brian Meloche
This looks interesting - but is there any non-shared hosting option?  That's all I saw 
on the site, and that puts it out of the game.  This is not an option for us.

>This product is geared for most small businesses.  It provides the
>flexibility of site updates, enforces business rules, and is completely
>software independent.  It does not require *anything* other than FTP on the
>webserver serving the site to be edited.  
>The current version does not support versioning, but that is in the works.
>- j
>james curran
>technical director
>nylon technology
>-Original Message-
>From: Brian Meloche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:52 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Content Management Systems - a short list...
>Dave, thanks for the reply.  CommonSpot and Site Executive seem to be pretty
>common recommendations.  I know both were covered in recent CFDJ articles,
>as well as a few other systems (NQContent and Ektron).  Time to dig out my
>old issues! :-)
>>Most CMSs don't actually store the images themselves in the database, 
>>but rather just where the images are stored on the filesystem.
>True.  Ours stores images on the file system, but documents are stored in
>the database.  Both have led to many problems.  See below.
>>> DB should act as a STORAGE mechanism and NOT DYNAMIC, in most
>>> cases (This is not how the existing system works).
>>I'm not sure what you mean by this.
>I would like the actual content to be static on the web server.  It would be
>managed from the system.  Versions would be stored in the database and
>published to the server via FTP or CFFILE, so that the content would exist
>Right now, almost all of the content on the website is served up dynamically
>from the database.  This leads to a complete collapse of the website when
>the database goes down.  This seems pointless, since most of the content
>doesn't change much.  If the content was published statically, but stored in
>the database for management purposes, that would eliminate this problem.
>Only dynamic pages would be affected by the database going down.
>>> Oracle 8i/9i - DB maintenance available OUTSIDE of system
>>> (Isn't this an issue with NQCONTENT?)
>>I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, either.
>I took a look at NQCONTENT while at Devcon, and read its review in CFDJ.
>The problem with it, if I remember correctly, is you have to surrender
>database maintenance to the CMS.  In other words, the DBAs and I couldn't
>use Oracle software, SQLPlus, TOAD or SQL Navigator to maintain the
>database.  It's set up almost like you would use PHPMyAdmin to manage a
>MySQL database online (just an example - I know there are MySQL clients - I
>like MySQLCC, and have had good experiences with it so far).  If anyone's
>used NQCONTENT out there, and can prove/disprove this, I would love to hear
>from you in this thread!
>>CommonSpot meets all these requirements, and I think Site Executive 
>>does too. CommonSpot uses a pretty simple browser-based interface for 
>>managing content, but you need to run Windows/IE to get the most out of 
>>this, I think.
>Windows and IE 6 are the standards here.  There are many versions of Windows
>in use here, but everyone runs IE 6, so this shouldn't be a problem.
>>> Relatively easy to customize, if necessary
>>CommonSpot is pretty easy to get up and running. However, I think that 
>>these two goals are opposed, to a certain degree. In general, it seems 
>>to me that the easier it is to get started, the harder it is to 
>>customize. Systems like Spectra (and FarCry also, I assume) are very 
>>customizable, since they're really more like toolsets than 
>I realize that.  I would like something that would allow both, if possible.
>Of course, I am a customization wizard :-), so I am not too worried about
>that.  As long as I have access to the source code, that shouldn't be an
>issue.  My main issue is that I want to be able to get the system up and
>running as quickly as possible, so that we don't have to manage two CMSs and
>two versions of the content for very long.
Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Get the mailserver that powers this list at 


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-08-01 Thread Brian Meloche

There is not a lot of info on your company's solution on the website.  What can you 
tell me about it?  You can contact me on or off list.

>Element, by my company.
>Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
>Member of Team Macromedia (http://www.macromedia.com/go/teammacromedia)
>Blog : www.camdenfamily.com/morpheus/blog
>Yahoo IM : morpheus
>"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Brian Meloche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:52 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: Content Management Systems - a short list...
>> Dave, thanks for the reply.  CommonSpot and Site Executive 
>> seem to be pretty common recommendations.  I know both were 
>> covered in recent CFDJ articles, as well as a few other 
>> systems (NQContent and Ektron).  Time to dig out my old issues! :-)
>> >Most CMSs don't actually store the images themselves in the database,
>> >but rather just where the images are stored on the filesystem.
>> True.  Ours stores images on the file system, but documents 
>> are stored in the database.  Both have led to many problems.  
>> See below.
>> >> DB should act as a STORAGE mechanism and NOT DYNAMIC, in 
>> most cases 
>> >> (This is not how the existing system works).
>> >
>> >I'm not sure what you mean by this.
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FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community. 


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-08-01 Thread Brian Meloche
latively easy to customize, if necessary
>> I can elaborate more if needed.
>> Here are a list of CF-based systems that I know of...
>> Ektron - CMS 100/200/300 & eMPower (I am not sure what the
>> differences are between CMS 300 and eMPower - I didn't
>> find that very clear from their website)
>> PaperThin - Common Spot Server
>> NetQuest - NQContent
>> Systems Alliance - Site Executive
>> FarCry - Open Source - inspired by Spectra (CFMX based -
>> more of a framework than a finished system?)
>> Spectra - Allaire/Macromedia, now Open Source (framework)
>> Oasis - RemoteSite Technologies (I couldn't get to their
>> site)
>> SparkPlug - 13amp.com
>> There may be others I don't know of...
>> Are there any open source CMSs that are CF-based that are
>> ready to go, out of the box?  For something like FarCry,
>> how quickly can it be configured so that an existing CMS
>> can be converted, users, permissions, workflow and
>> content?
>> I am not really interested right now in hearing from sales
>> people... I want to hear from developers that have tried
>> out systems and have an opinion.
>> Looking forward to the responses!
>> Sincerely,
>> Brian Meloche,
>> 4th Floor, ITO - 414
>> CSS
>> (304) 759-0585 x448
>> Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
>> 130 pounds lost and counting!
>> ~~
>> ~~~|
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>> http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
>> Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.
>> cfm?method=subscribe&forumid=4
>> FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq
>> Get the mailserver that powers this list at
>> http://www.coolfusion.com
>>  Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/uns
>>  ubscribe.cfm?user=633.558.4
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FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics. 


An ISP's Dream: Extensions in one sandbox, client code in another

2003-08-04 Thread Brian Meloche
Jason:  This is an increasingly hypothetical scenario.

I agree with Jochem's original statement that he wouldn't want to deal with an ISP 
that has those kinds of restrictions.  I know:  I have one right now, and am about to 
switch to one that doesn't have these restrictions.

I like the threaded model of lessening restrictions based on the sophistication of the 
coders.  The best idea would be to use a CMS that could do simple queries and not 
require any coding knowledge.  You could have a tiered development system that would 
allow different complexities according to skill, but this might be just as difficult 
to manage.

That said, I strongly believe in "learning by doing".  You don't learn until you do 
it.  If you don't give them a chance to do it, they will never learn.
If students don't know SQL, then they probably shouldn't be coding.  That's taught 
right away in the Fast Track course, and in practically any CF book you could find.  
Knowing SQL is the most basic building block of any web development, regardless of 
language, and if you can't do basic SQL, you're going to have a hard time developing 
any web applications.

I agree that these college websites would all have different needs, and it's going to 
be difficult restricting them with custom tags.  It seems to me that you would have 
more trouble with support dealing with the use of those custom tags than having them 
doing it in a more unrestricted fashion.

Besides, if they don't use the proper CFQUERY statements, how the heck are they ever 
going to learn even BASIC best practices?

>Blum, Jason (SAA) wrote:
>> I think I have done a poor job of describing the scenario.  Ben Forta's
>> "Maybe We Should Try a Separation" (CFDJ Vol 4 Issue 10) really got me
>> to thinking: there are so many good reasons for code reuse (faster
>> development time, centralized ("policable") code, easier debugging,
>> etc.)  But getting developers to tie into existing resources is
>> hopeless, particularly when your community of developers comes and goes
>> and is rarely around long enough to really respond to your efforts to
>> get them to reuse codes and build off each others' functionality.
>If they don't want to tie into existing resources and you don't 
>have the authority to order them to do it, it is hopeless. And 
>even if you have the authority but they don't want it, it is 
>probably just as hopeless.
>But from your scenario I get the impression you are not talking 
>about just an ISP. You are talking about a closely connected 
>community that already has ties with eachother. So maybe you 
>should explain a bit more about that community. And what do the 
>developers themselves think about it?
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Slightly OT: Experiences with Contribute?

2003-08-04 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE
This is along the same lines as my Content Management Systems thread...

Have any of you out there had a chance to use Contribute in a real world situation?  I 
am curious to get some feedback on Contribute, and how it compares to a CMS in terms 
of administration requirements and problems users have using Contribute versus a CMS.  
I don't need details on how Contribute works versus a CMS.  I am looking for some 
feedback on maintenance and tech support of Contribute users and setup versus what we 
see now using our CMS, which is a bad system, and in need of an upgrade/replacement.

Has anyone scrapped a CMS for Contribute?  How did it go?

Any Contribute horror stories?

We are considering using Contribute instead of upgrading the CMS or replacing it with 
a new one.  We think that users might find it easier to update content using 
Contribute versus doing it in an upgraded/better CMS.

Thanks in advance.


Brian Meloche,
4th Floor, ITO - 414
(304) 759-0585 x448
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by CFHosting.com. The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


Content Management Systems - a short list...

2003-08-14 Thread Brian Meloche

I am very happy you replied!!!

I have been very interested in FarCry, and have checked out the website several times, 
and even played around in the demo.  I joined the FarCry-dev list as well, and saw 
your e-mail last night about this post.

I wasn't sure if FarCry's open source version came fully featured, even with the demo. 
 It seems that it is.  Other than the support, can you point out what the differences 
are between the purchased version and the open source version?  I have been a little 
unclear about what you don't get in the open source version.

In our piece of sh... CMS, because of security concerns, the CMS exists on a different 
server than the public website.  On the caching issue, what happens in the event of a 
CMS change?  How do you trigger that a new version of a page has been published?  How 
would/do you do it if the website exists on a different server than the CMS?

CFMX shouldn't be a problem.  We just got a new development server TODAY for a new 
project, and we have a new license of CFMX for J2EE and JRun (which I will upgrade to 
MX Enterprise 6.1 as soon as it's installed).  We will have a chance to get the server 
up and running and the content in place in time for January, when we might be ready to 
upgrade the production servers to MX.

As soon as the server's up, FarCry's going on it.  Thanks again.

>>I would be interested in hearing opinions on some good CF-based CMSs.  
>>I need to develop a short list so that I can evaluate a few systems.
>I couldn't help weighing in with some real information about FarCry.  
>It's open source so this is strictly not a sales pitch -- just some 
>healthy evangelising.
>>Here are my requirements:
>>Images and documents stored in Database, but are published to website.
>Permissions, oh yes -- great security model (LDAP, JDBC/ODBC, 
>ActiveDirectory/NT Domain or all at once), use the roles that come 
>with the solution or define your own.  Restrict publishing to one 
>branch or other of the site and more.
>Workflow -- yes. Plus versioning, archiving and rollback.
>Images in the db?  No.  we store an object for each image with 
>captions, and other metadata but the image itself is on the file 
>>Static pages that can be stored in Database - allow versioning.
>>DB should act as a STORAGE mechanism and NOT DYNAMIC, in most cases 
>>(This is not how the existing system works).
>Not sure what you mean by this. FarCry will serve dynamically from the 
>db or you can activate caching which will effectively prevent this.  
>But its not generating flat HTML files.
>>Oracle 8i/9i - DB maintenance available OUTSIDE of system (Isn't this 
>>an issue with NQCONTENT?)
>We support Oracle -- though our installer doesn't install to Oracle 
>you need to import the schema.  This should be added soon (open source 
>effort -- you might lend a hand :)
>>CF5 preferred; CFMX Enterprise possible (we'd have to upgrade; there 
>>may be COM object issues if we do)
>Sorry.  CFMX only.  It's all CFC based.
>>EASY TO USE for the USERS!!!  (CMS users have to be able to use the 
>>admin, not fight with it every time they want to do something.)
>Yep.  Plus there is a great thumping user guide and admin guide you 
>can print out.
>>Uses stylesheets
>>I should be able to make CMS and site interface changes, if needed.
>Hell even have a Breeze presentation on this for FarCry!
>>Simple URLs!  - e.g. http://www.easynavigate.com/section/page.cfm  
>>(our current CMS does not do this and that is the single biggest 
>>complaint from the executives)
>Oh yep.  We have the FriendlyURL servlet integrated as an optional 
>plug-in you just turn it on.  Works magic in Google.
>>Relatively easy to customize, if necessary
>I think the record installation time is within 3minutes.  Sometimes we 
>get bored and race each other :)
>>I can elaborate more if needed.
>Join our busy, busy developers lists:
>>Here are a list of CF-based systems that I know of...
>>FarCry - Open Source - inspired by Spectra (CFMX based - more of a 
>>framework than a finished system?)
>Inspired by Spectra.  Not sure I'd say that.  We have a similar COAPI 
>approach to the treatment of content.  But I like to think peoples 
>experience will be a little more exciting.
>Yep.  It is a totally finished system.  It works straight out of the 
>box.  You can demo the product here (as long as some enterprising 
>person hasn't broken it -- if so, should reset in a couple of hours):
>Yes it is a framework within which you can build and extend -- BUT I 
>stress again, you don't need to do anything to it to get it humming 
>along.  In fact first thing people want to do is just change the look

Server Testing Software...

2003-08-14 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE
Anyone know of/recommend a good server testing software?

Specifically, we need it for the following:

We have an impending domain change coming, and we would like to run 
software/application that could spider the site and find areas where the website 
is/will be broken when the old domain gets turned off, and we need to know if 
everything's working with the new domain.

I would also like to have software that might be able to identify problem areas of the 
site, errors, and other performance issues.


Brian Meloche,
4th Floor, ITO - 414
(304) 759-0585 x448
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5.0 Developer
130 pounds lost and counting!

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
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ColdFusion/w Fusebox position available in Charleston, West Virginia

2003-10-16 Thread BRIAN MELOCHE

CDI, my employer in WV, passed this position onto me today.  NOTE (VERY IMPORTANT):  If anyone from this list applies to this position, make sure they mention that they heard about it from the West Virginia Macromedia Users Group posting on this list.  The position is a contract position at a different state agency as my own, and is based in the Charleston area.  I believe the position is long term, but I have requested some clarification on that.  If anyone has questions, contact me off list. 

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Re: blackstone talk at CFUN

2004-07-02 Thread Brian Meloche
That would be great if it Blackstone had WYSIWYG form controls.

All of the Flash elements can be skinned if I recall correctly.  Is
that correct?

On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 10:46:01 -0400, Ben Forta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We'd love to, but I doubt we'll get to it this time around. Basically,
> Blackstone is leveraging controls created for Flash MX 2004 and Flex, so
> we're somewhat constrained (for now) but the controls available for those
> products. But maybe in the future ...
> --- Ben
>  _
> From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:51 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: blackstone talk at CFUN
> I have a question about these flash generated forms...
> The accordion or tabbed method sounds great for some of the site
> management controls I like to give customers, however, some of the form
> items I use on those tabs are WYSIWYG editors.  Any plans of having
> something like that built into this new cfform control?  
> type="wysiwyg"> or something like that?
> John 
>  _
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Re: I have a new email address! [no more flames please.]

2004-07-12 Thread Brian Meloche
Man... this thread is REALLY making me feel old... Born in '67.

On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 11:34:24 -0400, Doug Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Man, and I used to think I was young being born in (19)77.  At least I
> now know that I'm 1) not a duche bag and 2) some how still can't spell
> to save my life.
> Or did I learn something else?  I can't tell.  Ouch.
> On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 10:49:40 -0400, Ben Doom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > What a douche bag! Incorrect spelling on a business web site? Nice. This
> > > kid was born in 1979, what would you expect?
> >
> > Hey!  I was born in '79, and I kan spel reeel gud!
> >
> > Seriously, being young is not a prerequisite for being a dork.
> >
> > --Ben
> >
> >
> >
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Re: Oracle Developer Edition?

2004-07-13 Thread Brian Meloche
Bryan, do you realize that your CFUG's been delisted?


On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 13:31:55 -0700, Bryan Stevenson
> Oracle Lite according to one of my partners...free dload from Oracle's site.
> Cheers
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> t. 250.920.8830
> -
> Macromedia Associate Partner
> www.macromedia.com
> -
> Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
> Founder & Director
> www.cfug-vancouverisland.com
>  - Original Message -
>  From: Ray Champagne
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 1:17 PM
>  Subject: Oracle Developer Edition?
>  Does anyone know if there is an Oracle Developer Edition that we could use
>  to develop an app in-house, then have it hosted at any Oracle host once done?
>  Oracle licenses are expensive at best, and we don't have the $$$ to fork
>  over for a full-fledged version just for this one contract...
>  Thanks,
>  Ray
>  =
>  Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
>  CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services
>  603.433.9559
>  www.crystalvision.org
>  =
>  The information contained in this transmission (including any attached
>  files) is CONFIDENTIAL and is intended only for the person(s) named
>  above. If you received this transmission in error, please delete it
>  from your system and notify us immediately. If you are not an intended
>  recipient, please note that any use or dissemination of the information
>  contained in this transmission (including any attached files) and the
>  copying, printing, or retransmission of that information is strictly
>  prohibited. You can notify us by return email or by phone at 603.433.9559.
>  Thank you.
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Re: Code mapping software?

2004-07-15 Thread Brian Meloche
Mike, I actually wrote something like that about a year or so ago,
when I had to produce documentation for a content management system
that I inherited that had no documentation.  It didn't handle CFCs (a
CF 5 environment), but it could with minor adjustments.  It did a lot
of it automatically.  I can see if I can find the code.  It ran with
an Access DB (was just running on my local machine).

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:26:45 -0700, Spike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is relatively easy to write in ColdFusion, but it wouldn't necessarily
> be the fastest thing on earth.
> It really depends on what exactly you want to find in the code and what you
> want to do with the results.
> If you're not too fussy you can use the default Microsoft search on windows
> to find stuff in files with a specific extension.
> If you are fussy then chances are that the simplest solution would be to use
> a recursive cfdirectory call, loop over the results, then load and search
> the contents of each file for a specific set of strings such as cfinclude,
> cfinvoke, createObject('component' etc.
> Or did I misunderstand what you were asking?
> Spike
> Stephen Milligan
> Code poet for hire
> http://www.spike.org.uk
> Do you cfeclipse? http://cfeclipse.tigris.org
> >-Original Message-
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Dinowitz
> >Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:02 PM
> >To: CF-Talk
> >Subject: Code mapping software?
> >
> >I'm trying to trace down the includes and CFCs in a large, complex
> >site written by a few different programmers. Is there any software out
> >there that can be pointed to a directory and will map out what
> >includes are used where, what CFCs are called where, etc?
> >If not, does anyone want to write one? ;)
> >--
> >Michael Dinowitz
> >http://www.houseoffusion.com
> >For all your ColdFusion needs
> >
> >
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Re: OT: 3 gmail invites

2004-08-20 Thread Brian Meloche
I have yet to get a chance to invite anyone... if there were
invitations I was able to give out, where would they appear on the
GMail page?  Does it come in an email?

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:44:03 -0500, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I havent gotten any invites yet! Anyone know how they determine who
> gets to invite(usage stats, etc)? or is it just random?
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:08:18 -0400, Adam Haskell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh yeah sorry I frogot to post it was asked for already :( I'll leep
> > my eye out for more invited though :)
> >
> > Adam
> >
> > On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:51:56 +0200, Nando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Adam, if it's still available, i'd like one ...
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > > Nando
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:05 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: Re: OT: 3 gmail invites
> > >
> > > I have 1 available as well.
> > >
> > > On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 19:39:35 +0200, Mark Drew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > You lucky SOB! Mine have dried up like my garden in summer
> > > >
> > > > On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 10:33:26 -0700, Matt Robertson
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > After a long drought I have 3 gmail invites available.  Anyone want one?
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > --Matt Robertson--
> > > > > MSB Designs, Inc.
> > > > > mysecretbase.com
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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Re: OT: 3 gmail invites

2004-08-20 Thread Brian Meloche
That sucks... I have had my account almost two months - no chances to
invite anyone yet.  I don't use it all that much to send mail.

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 13:10:57 -0400, Jim Davis
> I have a feeling it's random I've never used my account beyond setting it up
> but I've gotten two invites so far.
> Jim Davis
> From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 12:44 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: OT: 3 gmail invites
> I havent gotten any invites yet! Anyone know how they determine who
> gets to invite(usage stats, etc)? or is it just random?
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Re: OT: 3 gmail invites

2004-08-20 Thread Brian Meloche
Thanks, Adam.  At least I now know where to look.

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:58:33 -0400, Adam Haskell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Red text under labels that says Invite friend to gmail and on each
> reply it has a link to invite said person to gmail.
> Adam
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:47:20 -0400, Brian Meloche
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have yet to get a chance to invite anyone... if there were
> > invitations I was able to give out, where would they appear on the
> > GMail page?  Does it come in an email?
> >
> > On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:44:03 -0500, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I havent gotten any invites yet! Anyone know how they determine who
> > > gets to invite(usage stats, etc)? or is it just random?
> > >
> > >
> > > On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:08:18 -0400, Adam Haskell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Oh yeah sorry I frogot to post it was asked for already :( I'll leep
> > > > my eye out for more invited though :)
> > > >
> > > > Adam
> > > >
> > > > On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:51:56 +0200, Nando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Adam, if it's still available, i'd like one ...
> > > > >
> > > > > thanks,
> > > > > Nando
> > > > >
> > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:05 PM
> > > > > To: CF-Talk
> > > > > Subject: Re: OT: 3 gmail invites
> > > > >
> > > > > I have 1 available as well.
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 19:39:35 +0200, Mark Drew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > You lucky SOB! Mine have dried up like my garden in summer
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 10:33:26 -0700, Matt Robertson
> > > > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > > After a long drought I have 3 gmail invites available.  Anyone want one?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --
> > > > > > > --Matt Robertson--
> > > > > > > MSB Designs, Inc.
> > > > > > > mysecretbase.com
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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Re: OT: 3 gmail invites

2004-08-20 Thread Brian Meloche
I would be sending out the invites if I ever got any to send out!!! :-(

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:52:54 -0700 (PDT), Michael Haggerty
> While I don't know the actual formula, there is some kind of wierd exponential growth formula at work. The number of gmail invites you get is dependent on when you signed up, the number of invites you send out, and the number of invites people you have invited send out.
> M
> Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a feeling it's random I've never used my account beyond setting it up
> but I've gotten two invites so far.
> Jim Davis
> From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 12:44 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: OT: 3 gmail invites
> I havent gotten any invites yet! Anyone know how they determine who
> gets to invite(usage stats, etc)? or is it just random?
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Alternative to cgi.http_referer - single signon

2004-08-31 Thread Brian Meloche
At the office, we've run into a bit of a snag with a script that a
consultant did for us that authenticates from the URL of a referring
page hosted on a third party site to auto-generate single signon
authentication, so that an account from their site is automatically
generates an account on our system and doesn't require the user to
sign into our system.  This feature is a requirement to our
application by the third party (our client).

In this case, the consultant's code tries to authenticate from
cgi.http_referer.  The problem we're getting is that we're not getting
back a value.

I have looked around the web, on this list and elsewhere, and know
that this is a potential problem both with firewalls and certain
browsers, but I haven't been able to find an alternative.  We NEED an
alternative, and we need it ASAP.

Any suggestions?


Brian Meloche
http://www.clevelandmmug.org (currently partially down)
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Re: ATTN Duke / Durham area CFers

2004-09-02 Thread Brian Meloche

I can't say for sure, but I think TAMMUG may have been one of the
MMUGs that were affected by the web hosting outage at ClickDoug.  The
Cleveland MMUG (which I manage) is one of about two dozen MMUG and
CFUGs affected.  TAMMUG is still listed on macromedia.com as official.

That said, new groups are always welcome.  Cleveland State
University's MMUG was started this month, and their meetings are about
a five minute walk from ours.  The larger the community, the better.

On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 10:30:49 -0400, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Price wrote:
> > Is there something wrong with these groups?
> >
> > Carolina ColdFusion Users Group
> > http://www.ccfug.org/
> This is a cold fusion users group, not a macromedia users group.
> > Trianle Area Macromedia Users Group
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tammug/
> Last I had checked, TAMMUG was dead.  Their web site, www.tammug.org,
> which is now gone, said there were no meetings.
> Even so, we feel like having a Duke-centric group will be good, and we
> hope to share resources with the other groups in the area...
> Some campus-specific computer groups here on campus even meeting during
> the day, which we may consider if we feel like it will improve
> participation.
>  - Rick
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Re: Feedback on this approach to "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC)

2011-02-22 Thread Brian Meloche

I'm late to the thread, but like Eric and Sean have indicated, having all
domains under the same application name is the way to go. We've got a
big multi-tenant application here (several hundred thousand lines of
code) designed that way and it works great. Reinitializing an application is
quick and easy (taking servers out of the farm before doing it, of course) -
seconds, not minutes, and that is for all domains at a time, not for each
one at a time. That's all because of how it's designed.

I was hoping to speak on the same subject at CFObjective, but Sean got
picked to speak over me. :-(

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Matt Robertson wrote:

> Even though my own CMS can handle multiple sites running off of a
> single installation, I don't run it that way.  The points brought up
> about clients wanting individual customizations and portability fit my
> situation.  I understand if you are offering software-as-a-service
> things change, but for me this turned out to be enough of a headache
> that I reverted to separate installs and have never regretted it.  If
> a customer wants an upgrade, they pay me an hour or two individually
> to make that happen.  If they want a specific feature that I don't
> want to fold into the overall codebase, I can do it - and earn the
> money for doing it - without worrying about consequences on 40 other
> web sites on the server.  But thats a business decision and not
> coding.  Mentioned just as food for thought.
> For sites for my own company, where presently we have about 36 up and
> running and will be at around 60 when we are done, we *do* share a
> single codebase.  There are no special mappings.  Each site has an
> Application.cfm that looks like this:
> request.appName="AR_060110_1033";
> request.rootFolder="ARDotCom/";
> request.FQDN="www.mysiteAR.com";
> The common file has some server vars too:
> server.BaseRoot="C:/foo/bar/sites/";
> server.dsn= etc. etc. blah blah
> And thats enough - along with more code in the common
> "Application.cfm" - to set up absolute and relative paths to the files
> I have located in the common-use folder.  Every site has its own
> independent application scope.
> I've opted to set the app name manually so I can reset session and app
> vars if need be... a rare occurrence but its nice to have the option
> available.
> The root of this web site is a root folder in a discrete IIS web site
> and, since CF has no trouble recursing back up beyond a web root
> insofar as physical paths go, the /common/ folder is not accessible
> from the web, but it is from CF.  Very simple to set up.
> --
> --m@Robertson--
> Janitor, The Robertson Team
> mysecretbase.com

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Re: Feedback on this approach to "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC)

2011-02-22 Thread Brian Meloche

In the application scope... but you have a structure, such as:


As I said, it works great for us.

We don't have a "tear off" site structure, and a client can't ask for the
code, since it would be impossible to replicate due to the business we
provide, so I imagine we'd have to tweak things if that were a requirement.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Steve 'Cutter' Blades <
cold.fus...@cutterscrossing.com> wrote:

> I'm curious how this is handled in some cases. A single application
> would have a smaller memory footprint on the server, but I've always
> placed site specific variables in the application scope, keeping
> sessions much smaller and reducing overall memory overhead. Yes,
> reinitializing applications can be a  bear sometimes, but the savings in
> memory overhead in high traffic apps is worth the hardship.
> Steve 'Cutter' Blades
> Adobe Certified Expert
> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
> http://blog.cutterscrossing.com
> Co-Author "Learning Ext JS 3.2" Packt Publishing 2010
> https://www.packtpub.com/learning-ext-js-3-2-for-building-dynamic-desktop-style-user-interfaces/book
> "The best way to predict the future is to help create it"
> On 2/22/2011 1:30 PM, Brian Meloche wrote:
> > I'm late to the thread, but like Eric and Sean have indicated, having all
> > domains under the same application name is the way to go. We've got a
> > big multi-tenant application here (several hundred thousand lines of
> > code) designed that way and it works great. Reinitializing an application
> is
> > quick and easy (taking servers out of the farm before doing it, of
> course) -
> > seconds, not minutes, and that is for all domains at a time, not for each
> > one at a time. That's all because of how it's designed.
> >
> > I was hoping to speak on the same subject at CFObjective, but Sean got
> > picked to speak over me. :-(
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Matt Robertson >wrote:
> >
> >> Even though my own CMS can handle multiple sites running off of a
> >> single installation, I don't run it that way.  The points brought up
> >> about clients wanting individual customizations and portability fit my
> >> situation.  I understand if you are offering software-as-a-service
> >> things change, but for me this turned out to be enough of a headache
> >> that I reverted to separate installs and have never regretted it.  If
> >> a customer wants an upgrade, they pay me an hour or two individually
> >> to make that happen.  If they want a specific feature that I don't
> >> want to fold into the overall codebase, I can do it - and earn the
> >> money for doing it - without worrying about consequences on 40 other
> >> web sites on the server.  But thats a business decision and not
> >> coding.  Mentioned just as food for thought.
> >>
> >> For sites for my own company, where presently we have about 36 up and
> >> running and will be at around 60 when we are done, we *do* share a
> >> single codebase.  There are no special mappings.  Each site has an
> >> Application.cfm that looks like this:
> >>
> >> request.appName="AR_060110_1033";
> >> request.rootFolder="ARDotCom/";
> >> request.FQDN="www.mysiteAR.com";
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> The common file has some server vars too:
> >>
> >> server.BaseRoot="C:/foo/bar/sites/";
> >> server.dsn= etc. etc. blah blah
> >>
> >> And thats enough - along with more code in the common
> >> "Application.cfm" - to set up absolute and relative paths to the files
> >> I have located in the common-use folder.  Every site has its own
> >> independent application scope.
> >>
> >> I've opted to set the app name manually so I can reset session and app
> >> vars if need be... a rare occurrence but its nice to have the option
> >> available.
> >>
> >> The root of this web site is a root folder in a discrete IIS web site
> >> and, since CF has no trouble recursing back up beyond a web root
> >> insofar as physical paths go, the /common/ folder is not accessible
> >> from the web, but it is from CF.  Very simple to set up.
> >>
> >> --
> >> --m@Robertson--
> >> Janitor, The Robertson Team
> >> mysecretbase.com
> >>
> >>
> >

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An extremely disturbing CF bug

2004-10-09 Thread Brian Meloche
I have just run across a very strange bug, one that I have never seen before.


Do a View Source...

How is it possible that I can see my CF code in the View Source?  I
thought that was impossible.

This server is running CFMX 6.1 on a Linux environment.

Any ideas?


Brian Meloche
http://www.clevelandmmug.org (almost back up)
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Re: Anyone ever heard of not allowing FTP?

2005-06-27 Thread Brian Meloche
I have run into FTP being blocked this several times, including where I am 
working now. One unscrupulous developer (someone I used to see post on 
CF-Community a lot, although I haven't seen him on there in some time) 
actually created a honey pot on a public server where I was contracted 
BEFORE I was there, so I can certainly see the I only see the need for 
blocking FTP. Many use network drives to push code, but don't even allow 
VPN, so you have to push code on site.

I usually only see FTP allowed for shared hosting, and certainly no PDS 
turned on anywhere I have worked except for some development environments.

On 6/27/05, John Paul Ashenfelter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/24/05, Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I usually try to disable ftp on the server if I have a choice. FTP is 
> very
> > insecure as all username's and passwords get sent through plain text. 
> > or FTPS is another story, and I usually use FTP over SSH on *NIX boxes 
> and
> > some sort of secure FTP on windows boxes.
> Agreed. Except for commercial shared-hosting services, I hardly ever
> see FTP on production servers. SFTP or FTP over SSH are definitely the
> right choice for security and only slightly more onerous since there
> are plenty of FTP clients that also support SFTP.
> > If he doesn't allow any sort of FTP access then he's being a little too
> > paranoid, and he might as well just turn off the server completely and 
> lock
> > it in a safe if he wants it to be completely secure. There is no such 
> thing
> > as a secure server, and there is always a way to hack in, the only 
> question
> > is how much effort/money it would take to hack into the server, and 
> whether
> > the information there is worth it.
> >
> > I would ask him to set up either secure ftp or ftp over ssh that gives 
> you
> > access to certain directories only (only what needs to be updated).
> >
> > Russ
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 6:16 AM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: OT: Anyone ever heard of not allowing FTP?
> >
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > I just landed a contract and potential full time job at the local 
> community
> > college. They'll be installing CF pretty soon too (WOOHOO)!
> >
> > I had a talk with their server guy, and he informed me that I wouldn't 
> be
> > able to FTP my updates to the site because hackers target education
> > institutions, and he doesn't allow any FTP access. I have to give him my
> > updates on a thumb drive and *he* puts them on the server.
> >
> > Anyone ever heard of something like that? Can a server not be secured 
> enough
> > to allow FTP for the webmaster? Sounds a bit crazy to me.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Will
> >
> >
> >
> >

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OT: User Group Managers' Portal - Speakers Bureau

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Meloche

Some of you may know involved in the user group community may know
that I am one of the people working on the user group managers'

I am collecting names for the speakers' bureau - which will be used to
find speakers for user group meetings (both live and using Breeze),
conferences, and the ability to find and borrow presentations from
speakers that a local person can present.  Many of you that have
spoken at conferences before and Team Macromedia members have been
identified, but I would like to get AUTHORIZATION that we can add your
name to our list... and for those of you that would be willing to
speak/present but may not be Team Macromedia and have not spoken at
conferences, I would like to add you as well.

Note:  Macromedia people can shoot me an email if you are interested,
but all MM speakers will be contacted through Ed Sullivan, as is the
standard policy, and will not appear on the portal.

We're shooting for a portal launch date in time for MAX 2005 (October 16th).

If you are interested in being added to the user group speakers'
bureau, please contact me OFF LIST.  Please give me as much
information as possible, including topics you are willing to present
and languages you are willing to present in (e.g. English, German,
Dutch, etc.).


Brian Meloche
User Group Manager,
Cleveland Macromedia Users Group,
Cleveland ColdFusion Users Group,

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: Installing CFMX 6.1 via Terminal Services

2005-02-28 Thread Brian Meloche
I have now set up 14 servers that way.  No problems at all.

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 15:25:52 -, Gavin Brook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I've done this many times in both server and Jrun configurations, and
> not experience any problems. I was logged in with administrator privileges,
> so ensure you have the same.
> Gavin
> -Original Message-
> From: Sung Woo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 February 2005 14:21
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Installing CFMX 6.1 via Terminal Services
> Has anyone installed CFMX 6.1 via Terminal Services successfully?

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Anything wrong with these JVM settings? Jrun updater? CF 6.1 J2EE

2007-03-14 Thread Brian Meloche
 We upgraded to JVM 1.4.2_13 over the weekend.  Yesterday, we were getting
server timeouts.  We're running MX6.1 J2EE install.

First thing... since there's a similar message thread on JVM settings, I
thought I'd start with that.

JDK path (JAVA_HOME):  C:/j2sdk1.4.2_13

Max Heap Size:  1GB

VM Arguments:  -server -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Xbootclasspath/a:"{
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=28999,suspend=n

We're running MX 6.1 on Dell PowerEdge 2650 servers - Dual Xeon 3.06 GHz
processors - 4GB RAM.  W2000 Advanced SP4.  Page file is 8GB.  Hard Drives
are 30GB SCSI.

We're running SQL Server 2000 SP4 as our DB... on another server, of course.

There are 9 clustered CF servers in a Cisco array.  Each running only one CF
instance and one IIS website.  We do operate multiple sites off a single
code base.  Those web domains are controlled at the array... but they all
hit the same code.  They just behave differently depending on which domain
and what site they belong to.  All 9 servers, with the exception of one
server that had been restarted the previous day, experienced issues.

One final point which may be relevant... I thought we were running JRun 4
Updater 5... but when I looked in JRun Admin, it's showing build 84683.
Wouldn't that indicate Updater 4?  If correct, would updating to Updater 5
or 6 be advisable?

Any thoughts would be helpful...


Brian Meloche
brianmeloche at gmail dot com
User Group Manager,
Cleveland Adobe Users Group,
User Group Manager,
Cleveland ColdFusion Users Group,

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

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Re: Anything wrong with these JVM settings? Jrun updater? CF 6.1 J2EE

2007-03-14 Thread Brian Meloche
Thanks, Brad.

People I have talked have told me no issues going to _13, in fact, they have
recommended it... but that may be under the assumption that we are running
Updater 6, which we aren't.

What's the fallback, here?  Use the time zone updater and go back to the
original JVM, go back to _11 (which I have installed, just in case), or go
ahead and update JRun to Updater 6?

Currently, we're not experiencing issues... it's been temporarily handled
(we've temporarily disabled some functionality not critical to the site that
was taxing the server), but we're looking for a more long term fix.

On 3/14/07, Brad Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It might be worth noting that according to this TechNote, Adobe has only
> tested (and approved) CF up to JVM 1.4.2_11.  My understanding of that
> is you are using a version which technically isn't _known_ to be stable.
> http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=d2ab4470
> Note: ColdFusion MX 6.1 Updater, ColdFusion 7.0.2 and JRun 4 Updater 6
> are the versions that have been tested with Sun JVM 1.4.2_11.
> ~Brad
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Meloche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 11:19 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Anything wrong with these JVM settings? Jrun updater? CF 6.1
> J2EE
> We upgraded to JVM 1.4.2_13 over the weekend.  Yesterday, we were
> getting
> server timeouts.  We're running MX6.1 J2EE install.

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Re: single quotes???

2004-12-22 Thread Brian Meloche
Tony, I am having the exact same problem on an application that we
have just upgraded to MX.  We have never seen this problem in CF5.

On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 10:44:03 -0500, Tony Weeg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> twas what i thought, but the same code, with an insert that has no '
> in the value thats coming from the form, doesnt bomb, so i can single
> that out.
> its the strangest effin thing ive seen :(
> --
> tony
> Tony Weeg
> macromedia certified coldfusion mx developer
> email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
> blog: http://www.revolutionwebdesign.com/blog/
> cool tool: http://www.antiwrap.com

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Re: single quotes???

2004-12-22 Thread Brian Meloche
I was able to get it to work by using a CFQUERYPARAM with
PreserveSingleQuotes around the string, as mentioned in a previous

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 17:31:09 -0400, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Speaking of single quotes, Mike D needs to add a single quote in the title of 
> this site. It says "CF-Talk Todays Thread".
> :)
> Will

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Re: single quotes???

2005-01-26 Thread Brian Meloche
This is an old thread... but I just saw the response and I thought I
would respond anyway...

To my knowledge, we should already have this hotfix applied, as we are
using the latest updater.

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:58:42 -0600, Adam Howitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That approach will get around it but the issue is that you are defeating
> a mechanism designed to protect against SQL injection attacks.  I say
> update your CFMX per the hotfix:
> http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19108
> Brian Meloche wrote:
> >I was able to get it to work by using a CFQUERYPARAM with
> >PreserveSingleQuotes around the string, as mentioned in a previous
> >thread.
> >
> >On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 17:31:09 -0400, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Speaking of single quotes, Mike D needs to add a single quote in the title 
> >>of this site. It says "CF-Talk Todays Thread".
> >>
> >>:)
> >>
> >>Will
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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Re: OT: Free WIKI web services?

2005-02-01 Thread Brian Meloche
If you are not looking to host it yourself, Seedwiki is an option.

Although Seedwiki, technically, has downloadable code, I can say from
personal experience NOT to try to install it and configure it
yourself.  The install files are virtually uninstallable - I gave up
after 2 days, and they haven't been updated since that time.

There are a couple of versions of CFWiki out there on the web, a wiki
written a few years back that SeedWiki is based upon.  Although
functional, it's not as fully functional as a lot of other wikis, and
doesn't offer the password protection you seek.

If that is an issue, and you are hosting yourself, there are many
Wikis out there you could use, but the ones I mentioned are the only
Wikis programmed in the CF world.  Writing a decent one in CF is on my
list of "to dos", but it's low on the list! :-)

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 07:46:30 -0800, Sean Corfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:16:49 -0600, Jake McKee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry for the off-topic post, but
> >
> > Does anyone know of a good, free, and password-protectable WIKI?
> >
> > I might be willing to pay a reasonable amount if I can keep the content
> > private and the service is stable.
> I don't know how 'good' it is but http://www.seedwiki.com/ ought to
> suit your needs.
> --
> Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/
> Team Fusebox -- http://www.fusebox.org/
> Breeze Me! -- http://www.corfield.org/breezeme
> Got Gmail? -- I have 5 invites to give away!
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood

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Re: Moving from CF 5 to MX6 or MX7

2005-02-11 Thread Brian Meloche
We went through a big migration that took us six weeks.  Thankfully,
we planned for that.  We ran into significant problems with
structures, WDDX, null values, and integration components, and
significant query of queries issues.  Thankfully, we did take the
time, and we also went through the application and fixed CF5 problems
that had gotten lost in cyberspace because no one was paying attention
to them.  Our application, that runs differently depending on the
client, now runs better than it used to - faster with less bugs. 
We're slowly putting in CFCs and other MX 6.1 logic.  I think it will
be a while before we go MX 7 though.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 14:31:54 -0500, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wish that was our experience.  We are in the processing
> > of moving from CF5 to CF6.1.  We have 10 applications to
> > migrate.  The code analyzer found few problem; however, we
> > have been changing/testing code for 3 weeks on our MX
> > development box because we ran into so many problems.  I
> > think the main issue is that we run CF on Unix against a
> > Sybase database and there doesn't seem to be alot of
> > people with that setup so we had several bugs with every
> > driver we tried and had to wait for bug fixes from the
> > vendors.  After 3 weeks of changing code, we are about to
> > move to our user acceptance environment.  This has
> > definitely been a painful upgrade with changing named
> > parameters, differences in how NULL is handled,
> > differences in how isDefined works, etc.
> Just FYI (because I'm sure it's nothing you have the ability to
> implement right away) but the onTap framework includes some code for
> executing stored procedures with named parameters that's actually
> simplified in comparison to  ... i.e.
>  data="#form#">
> (form is the default)
> or
> request.tapi.sql.execute("myproc",attributes);
> (attributes is the default)
> it maps the keys in the structure to the names fo the procedure
> parameters and it uses J2EE to accomplish the task, so ... barring the
> usual driver bugs it ought to work with Sybase, although I haven't
> tested the framework with Sybase... thus far just Oracle, MSSQL,
> MSAccess and MySQL.
> s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117
> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
> add features without fixtures with
> the onTap open source framework
> http://macromedia.breezecentral.com/p49777853/
> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=44477&DE=1
> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=45569&DE=1
> http://www.fusiontap.com

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CFConversations 19: The first in a series of frameworks roundtable podcasts is up!!!

2008-10-19 Thread Brian Meloche



Brian Meloche
brianmeloche at gmail dot com
Producer and Host, CFConversations Podcast
Blog: http://www.brianmeloche.com/blog/
Adobe Community Expert:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/coofuushun
Pownce: http://pownce.com/bmeloche
User Group Manager,
Cleveland ColdFusion Users Group,

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CFConversations Podcast - Episode 1 is out!!!

2008-06-16 Thread Brian Meloche
In case you missed it, the first episode of the CFConversations podcast is


It's a roundtable discussion, with Adam Haskell, Rick Mason, Jeff Coughlin,
Aaron West and myself!  I hope you like it!


Brian Meloche
brianmeloche at gmail dot com
Blog:  http://www.brianmeloche.com/blog/
Adobe Community Expert:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/coofuushun
Pownce:  http://pownce.com/bmeloche
User Group Manager,
Cleveland ColdFusion Users Group,
Cleveland Adobe Users Group,

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/subscribe.cfm