Inline logic vs CFC vs SP

2012-10-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm drafting our first set of code standards, and I'm running into a 
philosophical debate which I'd like to open up to the community.  

Some would say our standard should be to place all queries and as much 
execution logic as possible into CFCs.  The advantages of this are:  most of 
your business logic is centralized; if you have to make major changes (like the 
time we had to copy most of an app's functionality over but change a large 
percentage of the schema references) it's easy to find most of the relevant 
code; and, you can often make major changes to an application without pushing 
more than one or two files to production.

Others argue that code only belongs in a CFC if we can expect that code to be 
reused.  So, if a piece of functionality is extremely specific, and therefore 
not likely to be called elsewhere, then why take the extra step of abstracting 
to an object.  The pet peeve illustrated here is a submit handler page that 
contains nothing but a call to a CFC, which apparently annoys when business 
logic is expected on the handler page.

Still others would have us put most logic in stored procedures (which produces 
the sub-debate of whether it's redundant to call a CFC that calls a stored 
procedure).  First, I have to note that we are on Oracle, and personally I 
don't find it nearly as easy to debug stored procedures in Oracle as it is in 
SQL Server.  Second, I have heard that performance improvement is minimal, and 
security differences aren't noteworthy provided that you're using cfqueryparam. 
 Third, we would lose database portability (there has been talk of moving to 
SQL Server, which powers our SharePoint site; of course, there have also been 
rumblings of moving us to .Net in which case there's no particular advantage 
either way to storing business logic in the database layer versus the 
application layer).

Then there are a couple of folks pushing for frameworks, but I don't think 
we're quite ready for that yet.

So...inline code if reusability is unlikely?  Everything in CFCs?  Forget CFCs, 
go to stored procedures?  Some rationale for when to use what?  Very interested 
in hearing your opinions!  Thanks. 

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CF 10 and Sharepoint

2012-07-03 Thread Shannon Rhodes

We are upgrading our apps to CF10, and have an opportunity to rebuild our 
primary application (even in a diff language if we so choose).  We also use 
Sharepoint 2010 for our intranet.  The app in question involves a lot of 
document workflow (uploads/approvals), and the request has been made to (1) 
auto-generate documents based on other known information, (2) provide redlining 
and version histories.  That sounds like Sharepoint.  I don't think it's 
realistic to try to fit the entire app into Sharepoint, since my impression of 
Sharepoint is that it works great for what it was built for but woe to those 
daring to customize much (and personally I dislike the interface and find a lot 
of the functionality counterintuitive).

Has anyone attempted to integrate Sharepoint functionality into your CF app? I 
understand the cfsharepoint tag does allow you to manipulate Sharepoint lists, 
but would that include providing document versioning and editing?  Does 
Sharepoint even handle approval/rejection of documents?  Is there a point at 
which it no longer makes sense to keep the app in CF if I have to make heavy 
use of Sharepoint...should we at least look seriously at moving to ASP.Net 
instead?  Interested in those who have walked the path.  Thanks! 

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Re: Is CF slower than Java?

2012-06-12 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks for the great analysis! He took out the speed issue comment. 

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Is CF slower than Java?

2012-06-11 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm giving feedback on a colleague's paper containing the following line:

Cold Fusion is written in JAVA which means, generally, that a ColdFusion 
program will run slower than a program written directly in JAVA.  If speed 
of the application were the primary consideration, PHP or JAVA is the clear 

Now maybe I'm just used to hearing ColdFusion marketed as leveraging Java's 
speed; I suppose it makes sense that any extra layer is going to cost something 
in performance.  A measurable difference, though?  And since CF compiles to 
Java, and native Java would have to be compiled, isn't it possible that running 
CF is effectively identical to running Java?

I can't find any proof of this assertion one way or the other.  Does anyone 
know the answer?


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StructDelete inside cfc

2012-01-06 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm trying to process dynamic form fields in a function.  The first thing I 
need is to grab a value that I need for saving the data to the right user.  If 
for some reason the value isn't there, I want to halt processing; else I want 
to remove the value from the structure so I can loop over the rest of the form 
scope and insert all numeric values.  For some reason, it errors at the 
StructDelete line. This is CF8 if that matters.

Error:  Invalid CFML construct found on line 144 at column 68.  
ColdFusion was looking at the following text:

The CFML compiler was processing:

A cfset tag beginning on line 140, column 10.
Beginning of function:

cffunction name=processSurvey returntype=boolean output=false 
hint=Takes the form structure and processes the completed form.  Returns 
boolean indicating whether insert was successful
cfargument name=FormStucture required=yes type=struct/
cfset var processSuccess = false /
cfset var RKeyExists = false /
cfset var insertText = false /
cfset var qrySurveyInfo =  /
cfset var recipient_id = arguments.FormStructure.recipient_id /

!--- saved to local var, delete from struct; error if it isn't there 
cfset RKeyExists = StructDelete(arguments.FormStructure, 
recipient_id, true)

cfif StructIsEmpty(arguments.FormStructure) or NOT RKeyExists

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Re: DirectoryExists sometimes returning incorrect value

2011-12-07 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Very unlikely, the directory definitely exists, since it's our main repository 
for documents...we aren't creating it all the time, it's just a best practice 
that we're checking for existence.

Could this same code be run concurrently by two threads/users?  One thread
could be int he process of creating the Dir when another does it's
dirExists() check.  You may want to toss a named lock around it to make
sure only one process is messing with the directory at once.  I'd use
hash(dirpath) as the name of the lock to make it a clean unique URL with no
special characters..


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Shannon Rhodes shan...@rhodesedge.comwrote:


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Re: DirectoryExists sometimes returning incorrect value

2011-12-07 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I understand and agree with your style preferences, but neither complaint with 
legacy code would cause issues.

Since DirectoryExists returns a true/false, you don't need the IS No 
part of the statement.  Also, DirectoryExists expects you to pass it a 
variable, so you don't need the quotes and pound signs around 

cfif NOT DirectoryExists(variables.dirpath)
cfdirectory action=CREATE directory=#variables.dirpath#


On 12/6/2011 1:56 PM, Shann

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Re: DirectoryExists sometimes returning incorrect value

2011-12-07 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I honestly don't know; it's coming from the global variable for all of our 
applications. I guess I always assumed it had to do with mappings or something, 
since we can't have a relative path here.  I can definitely strip it out and 
see if that solves the problem.

  The specified directory attribute value
 What is the double \\ for?
 Sometimes it is taken as equivalent as one single \, but some other 
 time it may not.
 This could explain why DirectoryExists says it doesn't but it is found 
 when being created.

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DirectoryExists sometimes returning incorrect value

2011-12-06 Thread Shannon Rhodes

This appears to happen randomly, making it difficult to replicate.  Code will 
error that looks like this:

cfif DirectoryExists(#variables.dirpath#) IS Nocfdirectory 
action=CREATE directory=#variables.dirpath#/cfif

The error looks like this:

The specified directory attribute value
could not be created
The most likely cause of this error is that (above) already exists on your file 
system.  The exception occurred during a cfdirectory action = 'CREATE'.

The directory definitely exists and most of the time the code works.  What can 
I look at to discover why DirectoryExists would return No when it should be yes?

Thanks in advance! 

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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-26 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks seems to have magically resolved itself after some server 
maintenance this weekend.  I appeciate the help! 

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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-24 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Right.  It can't find it.  That's my problem:  ColdFusion is supposed to create 
it automatically:

ColdFusion automatically creates a WSDL file for any component referenced as a 
web service. For example, if you have a component named echo.cfc in your web 
root directory, you can view its corresponding WSDL file by requesting the 
component as follows: http://localhost/echo.cfc?wsdl;

So folks, does anyone know what to do when ColdFusion fails to create the WSDL??

If you can't take the WSDL URL for your web service and load it in a browser
ON the server, CF can't load it either.

The 404 from your CFHTTP call is a good indication that CF simply can't find

Bobby Hartsfield

Why would there be an issue resolving the domain?  CFM files work fine from
the same directory when called via url.  Is there some other step to making
a web service available that I'm missing here? 

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WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm testing publishing my first web service.  The CFC works fine---I can call 
any of the functions and dump the results to the screen.  Everything I read 
online when researching how to turn this into a web service can be summarized 
as ColdFusion makes it easy---just make your method access remote, then call 
the cfc?wsdl and it will automatically create the WSDL file for you.  Well, I 
don't know if this is unsupported in CF7 or what, but I get a 404 error if I 
try calling http://mydomain/mycfc.cfc?wsdl (actually, if I try to invoke as a 
web service, I get a stub error, but if I plug it into cfhttp I can see the 
page not found error returning).

Where do I go from here?  My guess is it's just not generating the WSDL for me, 
but I don't know why or what to do about it.  Thanks in advance! 

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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Shannon Rhodes shan...@rhodesedge.comwrote:

I'm over 50% positive this happens with useing OnRequest in applicatiton.cfc

I can't remember the work around for this off top of head since I don't do
internal WSDL calls often but believe it is due to how Application.cfc deals
whith these request.

If you can move your OnRequest logic to OnRequestStart and comment out
OnRequest it might do the trick. 

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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

No, same as the cfhttp call...but the cfc is there and functional as a normal 
object invocation.

Can your server resolve http://mydomain/ ?

Try to open the WSDL URL from a browser on the machine that is running CF.

Bobby Hartsfield

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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks but it's not onrequest, this is the entire application.cfc:

hint=Handle the application.

!--- Set up the application. ---
cfset THIS.Name = WebServiceApp /


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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Why would there be an issue resolving the domain?  CFM files work fine from the 
same directory when called via url.  Is there some other step to making a web 
service available that I'm missing here? 

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Re: WSDL 404 Error

2011-09-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Yes access is remote.  The only reason why I did any object invocation on the 
cfc was to test it.  I'm merely excluding the possibility of error in the cfc 
itself.  But that does me no good---it needs to be a web service.  That's my 
dead end, you call the web service and get a 404.  Can anyone tell me how to 
publish a web service with ColdFusion?  And confirm that the WSDL should be 
created automatically in CF7 when ?wsdl is added at the end of the url? 

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Application Variable Randomly Resetting

2011-08-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

This is too bizarre for me to make heads or tails of it.

Randomly, on production, we're getting a hard error because the application 
variable for our datasource is referring to the name of the QA dsn (which isn't 
defined on production) instead of the production dsn.  It happened to me 
today...a hard error was buried in the nav area, and when I looked at the line 
number it referenced, it had the exact same variable name at the error line as 
it had in all the queries above it.  It was as though it randomly changed what 
the variable resolved to after many successful queries above it (the rest of 
the page rendered just fine).  When I clicked away and clicked back, the hard 
error was mysteriously gone.

We've searched the entire production codebase for a reference to the QA DSN; 
nada.  QA isn't even hosted on the same server.  Any ideas where to look from 
here?  Thanks! 

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Committing Line by Line Changes?

2011-07-27 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I've been charged with choosing versioning software for our team, and I'd like 
to recommend Subversion but there's a developer who wants a feature that I'm 
not sure Subversion (or other versioning tools) can accommodate:  partial 
commits.  For example, you may be working on a project where you've touched a 
lot of code that is not ready for check-in, but then a high priority change 
comes across your desk that requires you to make an unrelated change to one of 
these files and check it in.  He wants to be able to pick and choose which 
lines of a changed file get checked in.  Is that possible with any versioning 

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Emailing a file to an application

2011-07-27 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I was asked today if there's a way to use ColdFusion to basically email a 
document to an application rather than users having to save attachments to 
their systems and then upload to a CF application from there.

So you'd email a file from, say, Outlook, with an identifying number in the 
subject line, and then automatically upload the attachment and otherwise run 
business logic to associate the file to the correct ID in the application 
(authenticating based on user's email address).  It's easy enough to use CF to 
upload a file and run business logic, but I'm stuck on the idea of how it's 
going to parse out this information in the first place.  I'm guessing you'd set 
up an email account to receive such files, then run a task to periodically comb 
through this account's inbox and somehow read the subject lines, from 
addresses, point to the attachment for upload, then archive the message.  
Anyone done anything like this or have any idea how you'd approach it?  Thanks. 

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Re: Committing Line by Line Changes?

2011-07-27 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Yeah, what Dave said...I'm talking about committing part of a file, not part of 
a project. 

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Re: Committing Line by Line Changes?

2011-07-27 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Great info, thanks for the fast replies! 

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Re: Emailing a file to an application

2011-07-27 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Fantastic, thanks! 

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Concantenate vs Pound Signs within Quotes

2011-01-03 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Is it merely a stylistic difference between

cfset myvar = What do you think of #this#? /


cfset myvar = What do you think of   this  ? /

Or is there a speed advantage to the latter which cancels out any increased 
readability in the former?


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Re: Concantenate vs Pound Signs within Quotes

2011-01-03 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks guys, that's about what I expected.  As a stylistic difference, I would 
not advocate changing existing code to eliminate pound signs, whereas there are 
those who argue the speed advantage of moving to concantenation only.  While I 
like concantenation, I see no problem with choosing ease of editing/readability 
sometimes if the speed difference is not perceptable. 

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Re: CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

2010-07-20 Thread Shannon Rhodes

It's been a long time since I've done this so this may not be useful, but isn't 
the returned packet a Javascript array?  At least it was when I used to use 
cfwddx, so it was just a matter of normal array manipulation. 

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Re: Extracting part of a string

2010-07-20 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Does this help? 

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Re: CF Query to WDDX to Javascript. Possible?

2010-07-20 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Sorry, meant as per John's suggestion cfwddx action = wddx2js, not the packet 

 No, WDDX is XML, not Javascript; it always has been.
 WSS4CF - WS-Security framework for CF
 On 20 July 2010 21:13, Shannon Rhodes wrote:
  It's been a long time since I've done this so this may not be useful, 
 but isn't the returned packet a Javascript array?  At least it was 
 when I used to use cfwddx, so it was just a matter of normal array 

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Re: Need Advice on Processing After a Page Has Been Rendered

2010-07-19 Thread Shannon Rhodes


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2010-07-16 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Not sure if I'm understanding the question, but any cursors in your stored 
procedure would be a return type, i.e. you wouldn't be looping over it within 
the proc (unless it was looped/closed for related business logic).  By the time 
you call the proc from CF, CF is just saving the result set for you, and then 
you have to do something else to loop over the result set.  cfstoredprod 
doesn't have to close a cursor because it doesn't open one or loop over one. 

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Re: Turning off try/catch

2010-07-15 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Just to follow up...

-Mark, thanks for the LogBox info, I checked it out and it says it requires 
Railo and Open BlueDragon, so it's not for us but might work great for someone 

-Brad, thanks for letting me know about the exception info you were seeing in 
debugging.  I don't see this, but I've sent a request to have them turn on 
enable robust exception info, under the assumption that it's off on dev and 
the reason why I'm not getting all the great info you're seeing in your 
debugging (guessing, but that would be great!), since we're on the same server 
version as you.

-Andrew, thanks much for the big picture approach!  You are correct, this is a 
larger question than my I wanna see my hard errors on dev problem.  Your 
solution is by far the most robust, and well worth the time given that it would 
improve the architecture of all of our applications for both production and 
development purposes.  I think my initial reaction was egad, I barely have 
enough time for this project as it is, I don't want to open this whole can of 
worms about exception handling generally.  But, that doesn't make the solution 
any less correct!  If we give this a little thought, there is good reason to 
implement several of the different handling options you suggested.

To be perfectly honest, I think we tend to be lazy about our error handling; 
let cferror pick it up, email us the error, and post a standard error message 
to the user.  Indeed, even as a user I can find it confusing that my data 
wasn't saved but I didn't receive an error message (as is the case where error 
handling triggers a database transaction rollback but does nothing else). 

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Re: How to interpret log files?

2010-07-14 Thread Shannon Rhodes

About a dozen developers were making all manner of changes.  Do the logs tell 
us nothing?  There's no documentation at all on what the log messages mean?  At 
least some kind of list of normal/expected actions? 

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Re: Turning off try/catch

2010-07-14 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks all, taking the global find/replace w/catch handler suggestion.  
Still...would be a nice admin option!  Agreed that it would be awesome to have 
admin level options for cfdump as well, hint hint CF...considering that so far 
I haven't found an upgrade in CF9 that changes my work life in the least. 

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Re: Oracle Stored Procedure Help

2010-07-14 Thread Shannon Rhodes

It might be easier for you to troubleshoot this in Toad or some other Oracle 
editor, to get the stored procedure working correctly before trying to call it 
from CF.  Otherwise, it can be confusing for you as to which end is causing the 
problem (like sometimes I can verify code in Toad but there's a permissions 
issue causing it to tank in CF).

Having said that, you know this is a problem with the proc, not with the call 
from CF, so you might want to google some resources for how to write Oracle 
stored procedures that return cursors.  Mine typically have input parameters 
followed by one output parameter, a cursor, declared like so:

   (input params)


  OPEN p_cursor FOR
 (your query here)
END procName

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Re: How to interpret log files?

2010-07-14 Thread Shannon Rhodes

We are attempting to interpret the event log.  Seems like the logs are just a 
guessing game without documentation. 

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How to interpret log files?

2010-07-13 Thread Shannon Rhodes

My boss sent us a snapshot of an event log after a 503 error shut down dev, and 
asked us if anyone could figure out what it meant.  I spent some time searching 
online for some kind of guide to log messages, but I can't find anything at 
all.  At very least, it would be nice to know what kind of log messages are 
normal/expected so that problem events will jump out a bit more.

As far as a common sense reading, it looks like a pretty normal initialization 
of services, then it gets to No JDBC data sources have been configured for 
this server.  I researched this error and discovered it was benign.  The next 
9 entries are all user x destroy entries (where x is some kind of servlet).  

I can't provide an explanation for what this means, though it seems vague 
enough that perhaps the log files will not be able to tell us why CF needed to 
be restarted...a shame, because on development, it very well could be a code 

Thanks for any hints anyone can throw my way! 

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Re: Extract an URL Variable name?

2010-07-13 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I did something like this relatively recently, with the added requirement that 
both the variable name and the value be encrypted (fun, eh).  On top of that, 
there was a handler page that I had to ensure was continuing to attach all of 
my url vars to the url for cflocation.  I'll give you my code snippets here and 
hopefully you can mine something useful out of them:

Handler page looping through variables to attach url scope to cflocation url:

cfset myhomepage = this is my link
cfset urlscope =  /

cfloop collection=#url# item=key
cfif decrypt(key,application.EncryptSeed,CFMX_COMPAT, 'Hex') EQ 
linkfrom!--- var lets me know it's coming from an email; reroute ---
cfset myhomepage = different page here

!--- append any url variables ---
cfloop collection=#url# item=key
cfset urlscope = urlscope  #key#=#url[key]# /

cfif len(urlscope)
!--- then swap out the first  for a ? and append to our link ---
cfset urlscope = REReplace(urlscope, , ?) /
cfset myhomepage = myhomepage  urlscope /

cflocation addtoken=no url=#myhomepage#

Then on a given page where I needed to know if an ID had been passed in

cfloop collection=#url# item=key
cfif decrypt(key,application.EncryptSeed,CFMX_COMPAT, 'Hex') 
EQ project_id
cfset request.project_id = 
decrypt(url[key],application.EncryptSeed,CFMX_COMPAT, 'Hex') /

 If I'm passing an URL Variable - with the variable name itself being 
 dynamic, what's the best was to extract the variable name (not the 
 value) on the receiving page?
 As in:
 for: index.cfm?somevar=somevalue
 I need to return somevar on the receiving page as a value.
 or for: index.cfm?bigdog=bruto
 I need to return bigdog on the receiving page as a value.
 The receiving page won't know what the variable is in advance...
 Did that make any sense at all?
 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
 signature database 5263 (20100708) __
 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: Turning off try/catch

2010-07-13 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks all, great suggestions.  I especially like the find/replace option, 
since I don't have access to the administrator and log files here.

Andrew, this is a dev site that I fully expect to error dozens of times, my 
main task being clean-up.  It costs time and aggravation when these errors are 
handled so I have to detect the issue as a logical error rather than as a hard 
error.  This is a new site based on an old site where about half the object 
references are now directed to a new schema, resulting in database errors.  So 
yes, this is an example of a situation where hard errors to the screen are more 
efficient than gracefully degrading errors and having them quietly sent to 

I heartily endorse proper use of try/catch in production environments, but dev 
is a different beast.

 Is there any global way to turn off try/catch handling?  I believe 
 I've heard of this for VB but I don't think I've come across it for CF.
 My issue is that I'm creating a new version of a site based on an 
 existing codebase, and I have to update the schema references and some 
 other cleanup.  It's a lot easier to fix a hard error than to 
 notice/track down logical errors (i.e. did the item I just saved not 
 show up because it wasn't saved or because the query to display is 
 It's clunky to go around commenting out try/catch blocks. 

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Re: Oracle Stored Procedure Help

2010-07-13 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm not completely clear if you're asking about how to write the proc or how to 
call the proc.  You call the proc via ColdFusion like so:

cfstoredproc procedure= 
cfprocparam dbvarname=in_varNameinProc 
cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=theValue type=in
cfprocresult name = 

Put in the procedure name, prefix the schema name and the package name if 

DSN, user, pass, all normal from your cfquery experience.  cfprocresult is the 
same as the name attribute in cfquery, i.e. the name you'll use to reference 
your result set.

cfprocparam, you'll have one of these for each input variable, in order as they 
appear in the stored proc; the dbvarname is the name in the stored proc, the 
cfsqltype is the data type, then of course you reference the value you are 
passing in.

If you're also needing to know how to write a stored proc in Oracle, that's 
probably beyond the scope of this list, but suffice it to say you need to 
ensure that the proc returns a cursor (result set).  You mentioned an issue 
whenever you have more than one row of data...shot in the dark, but maybe your 
problem is related to the issue here:  That one was a 
stickler for me when I moved from SQL Server, which is much more forgiving of 
these things.


 I have never used stored procedures before but have been working on 
 some code where they might be helpful to use with CFSTOREPROC instead 
 of CFQUERY since I am dealing with a ton of records.  Can anyone 
 provide an example of a simple stored procedure which will return a 
 set of data with more than 1 row? I got one to work when I am just 
 getting 1 row of data but am getting errors when my stored procedure 
 has more than 1 row.  Thanks 

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Turning off try/catch

2010-06-29 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Is there any global way to turn off try/catch handling?  I believe I've heard 
of this for VB but I don't think I've come across it for CF.

My issue is that I'm creating a new version of a site based on an existing 
codebase, and I have to update the schema references and some other cleanup.  
It's a lot easier to fix a hard error than to notice/track down logical errors 
(i.e. did the item I just saved not show up because it wasn't saved or because 
the query to display is wrong).

It's clunky to go around commenting out try/catch blocks. 

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Re: Turning off try/catch

2010-06-29 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks Eric, I do hope they consider with debugging in general, which 
can be IP specific in the administrator.  I can see many uses for this, and as 
I mentioned...other languages have acknowledged the usefulness of turning off 
error handlers for the purposes of development/debugging.

My point in this case is that I'm purposely going to introduce tons of database 
errors and I want to see them so I can correct them (trust me, without getting 
into the gory details, swatting flies is the best approach here), but the catch 
blocks throughout the code are handling my errors so I have to dig deeper to 
see them.  Since this is development, it's much more useful to eyeball a hard 
error and decide on a case by case basis if it needs to be fixed or if it's an 
example of an error that should be left alone to be handled by a catch block 

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Re: Which code reuse method?

2010-05-13 Thread Shannon Rhodes

snipCustom tag is just that:  a bit of code that can be called in a single 
that's all.  Nothing 'overkill' about it to implement for a simple 
computation.  cf_getMyLink relativePath=/path/to/mytemplate.cfm 
environment=development / seems fairly straightforward./snip

I somewhat disagree.  The easiest way to deal with a straightforward code 
snippet that takes no input parameters is a simple cfinclude.  I can copy/paste 
the code directly from the page for which it was originally written, and then 
done.  With a custom tag, there is a tiny bit extra to consider (scope issues 
are different, handling the lack of an end tag).  It's not that it's a big 
deal, I'm just wondering what the advantage would be.  In this case, the 
advantage may well be simply the need to demonstrate code reuse to other 
developers who may use includes inappropriately---that is a compelling case.

snipIf that is the case, I would recommend making it a custom tag and sticking
it in the custom tags folder in the CF admin.That way it is avalible to
everyone with out having to deal with mappings and all that./snip

I'm unclear here...developers do not have access to the Administrator (only 
management), so I guess I'd need to make the case that they need to create a 
custom tags folder for us?

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Which code reuse method?

2010-05-11 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm probably overthinking this, but I have a really simple snippet of code that 
I want to make easily available to other developers in-house.  It takes no 
input variables; all it does is figure out the correct link to reporting 
services based on the server environment (dev/QA/prod).

Given the simplicity, should this just be an include?  Or at most a UDF (though 
I fail to see the point there, since you have to include those too, and I'm not 
taking input parameters).  Definitely a custom tag or a cfc seem like overkill.

However, my secondary concern is that we do not have a process for sharing code 
in-house so I could see whatever method I choose turning into a sort of default 
method of code reuse (even when not appropriate).  Also, I'm thinking if I'm 
really going to approach this properly I need to request a mapping to a folder 
above the web root rather than simply throwing in a new folder and calling it 
cfincludes.  Mappings always turn into a PITA around here, but I want to do 
this right.

Advice for getting this team moving in the right direction (noting I am not in 
management here)?  Thanks! 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Which code reuse method?

2010-05-11 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Great tips, thanks all! 

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Join on subquery fails from CF

2010-04-14 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I'm trying to join on a subquery using Oracle 9i; the join is successful if I 
run it in the Toad editor (even if I take the CF debugging code and run it in 
Toad), but for some reason I get a table does not exist error if the same 
query is run from cfquery.  I can't even begin to imagine why that would be the 
case; to my knowledge cfquery just passes the SQL to Oracle.  I'm willing to 
rewrite the query with a workaround, but I can't think of another way to do it.

Basically, I have an action table in which an item may have been submitted 
multiple times before finally being approved.  I need to retrieve only the most 
recent submit date.  I need this date both in my SELECT statement and as a 
WHERE clause filter.  I was trying to solve this by joining on a correlated 
subquery that selected the max date from my action table.  Any other ideas for 
how to achieve this?  Thanks! 

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Re: Join on subquery fails from CF

2010-04-14 Thread Shannon Rhodes

So obvious I completely missed it!  Thanks to you both...someone switched the 
dev dsn to point at QA, doh.  All is well, thanks much! 

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Re: Best Way to Handle Multiple Related Selects?

2009-11-30 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Thanks for the suggestions, all.  I ended up simply handling it with WDDX and 
old-fashioned Javascript.  I was pretty disappointed that CF's new bind options 
proved to be a poor solution for more advanced needs, but in this case my lists 
are of reasonable length so AJAX is probably overkill anyway. 

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Best Way to Handle Multiple Related Selects?

2009-11-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes

I’m trying to get four related selects to work---basically, you can change 
any one of the selects and it will reload the other 3 based on your selection.

I tried, and abandoned, the cfselect binding approach because I was unhappy 
with the number of changes I had to make to my CFCs in order to accommodate 
maintaining a blank “Select…” at the top of each select box and also 
pre-selecting options if loaded in edit mode (the changes felt like a hack and 
rendered the functions un-usable by other pages).  

So I’m now trying to use cfajaxproxy, calling a function on change of any 
select which reloads the other selects for me (creating a separate proxy 
instance for each and and using a different function for every 
setCallbackHandler).  However, the asynchronous nature of the calls got me in 
the end:  some selects would not reload correctly because the values they are 
dependent on (i.e. the other selects’ values) had not changed before being 
used for another select’s query.  

For example, I have CIO chosen in select one, Applications Development in 
select two, and the third list has the ColdFusion team and the Java team.  I 
change CIO to CFO and now the CFC that queries the options for the third select 
is looking for all teams that fall under the CFO *and* applications 
development---no such thing, so no options (whereas what I wanted was all teams 
under the CFO).  I need the directorate level to reload (i.e. the current value 
goes back to nothing selected) BEFORE I attempt to load the third select.

So I thought the solution would involve use of setSyncMode() but this has not 
solved my problem so far.  I had trouble finding usage examples, so possibly 
that’s the problem and/or maybe I need to also run setAsyncMode() after my 
problematic callback function is completed?

I can’t believe that what I’m trying to do is so unique.  I’m sure 
someone out there has an elegant solution to share.   Many thanks!

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Session Variables Erroneously Timing Out

2004-01-02 Thread Shannon Rhodes
I'm stumped and I hope someone can help me.I have a user login application set up which has been working fine.Now, out of the blue, the session variable I use to test whether the user is logged in seems to be either resetting itself or timing out rapidly.The result is that I can log in and see the main menu, but then when I click any other link I'm getting redirected back to the login page.This used to work fine, so I would assume that maybe it's just me...I did just download a new firewall so who knows.But, I had the same problem about a month ago on another site---same user login code I've been using forever, and testing was infuriating because sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't, or it would work fine for me but not for someone else; in that case, I thought maybe it was an MX thing since I had just upgraded, but the site causing me my current problems is still on 5.0.I did a Google search and I see other people posting similar problems with session variables sometimes timing out for no apparent reason, but no one seemed to post a solution.Any ideas?Thanks! 
Shannon Rhodes
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Scheduled Tasks

2003-11-19 Thread Shannon Rhodes
I have a scheduled task set up to check the database to see if we have any mass mailings pending to go out at that time, then cfmail is used to handle the mailing, and finally the database is updated so the mailing is marked as sent.My question is how do I handle potential problems...I'm not terribly worried about the database going down because the mailing will still be considered unsent and will go out the next time the task is executed.But, suppose the mail server is down, will a try/catch block handle that, even though it's not a programming problem?Will cfmail error if there is a mail server problem, and if so how do you handle a situation where maybe half of your mail went out prior to the server going down?The to emails are read from an uploaded text file so it's not like there's an easy way to flag the database at the point of failure.And what if it's a scheduler error---how would I ever know the emails weren't going out, other than to make sure I always have them cc the sender?Thanks in advance for any advice.

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XML and Quark

2003-11-01 Thread Shannon Rhodes
I don't know if this is an option for you, but we have several publications that have to go both online and into Quark, and this is solved by maintaining the information in a database then using CF to write out a text file with the appropriate QuarkXpress tags.The desktop publishing person just downloads a text file and flows it into Quark.If that would work, it would be easy to also use CF to write the XML version.

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Follow-up: Dynamic Nav and evaluate()

2003-10-25 Thread Shannon Rhodes
I just want to thank you guys for nudging me in the right direction on this
navigation issue.I also thought I'd follow up for the benefit of anyone
else building CF navigation.

Tom Kitta
That is quite complex navigation you got there. Do your navigation links
change so much? How about using a database to populate your navigation or
XML based menus?

You were right, Tom, I switched to a database solution and the logic was
MUCH simpler.I guess I originally started out storing everything in arrays
because I didn't think I'd be storing a lot of information, I figured the
information would change infrequently, and I didn't count on the need to
create relationships between the various pieces of information.It made
infinitely more sense to have database tables for primary, secondary, and
tertiary nav.

Barney Boisvert
You can pretty much remove all your evaluate() calls and replace with struct
references if you're on CFMX.I'm not sure about the scope of all your
variables, so I can't give you specific solutions, but here are some ideas
to get you started.

is the same as this

is the same as this (assuming the variable name stored in 'thissection' is
in the 'variables' scope)

Wow, you completely blew my mind with this one!I knew that
structures/arrays were supposed to be the solution to the evaluate()
problem, but I thought that meant having to actually create the structures
each time I needed them, which turned out to be impossibly painful at times.
When I plugged in your code, it worked like a charm.I didn't realize that
all scopes are structures now.This is fantastic, and the code runs much

Thanks guys!

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Dynamic Nav and evaluate()

2003-10-23 Thread Shannon Rhodes
I'm building dynamic site navigation and I'm concerned about processing
speed.I'm trying to break a bad habit by eliminating my use of evaluate(),
but I just can't seem to figure out how to work around it.

Here's what I have:
*Variables are initialized in globals.cfm, called from application.cfm;
among these are a series of two-dimensional arrays for each major section
(primary nav) of the site.These arrays contain the primary section's
sub-navigation, i.e. the absolute link and the display label.I also have a
separate array which keeps track of which directories should be considered
part of which section.Another array defines the primary (left) nav
links/labels.The _javascript_ text is also created, for the rollovers.

*In application.cfm, I figure out the directory I'm currently in, and then
figure out which section that directory belongs to.Then I set any
variables specific to that section (for example, META tags).

*I build the left-nav by looping through my primary nav array, checking each
time to see if the current index is the section that I'm currently in (so I
know whether or not to loop through the sub-nav).

*The sub-nav is where I get stuck.I have to use a dynamic variable to
figure out which array to call based on the section I'm in (Request.ARNav
 Request.SubNav).Next thing you know, I'm using evaluate() like crazy:

cfif cgi.script_name does not contain
a href="">
##8594; #evaluate(#ThisSection#[LinkDetail][2])#

It works, but it's ugly and I haven't tested download time yet (it's fine on
my dsl but who knows on dial-up), but I'm really afraid that between this
and all the image files for our new design, and all the various sections of
my site that depend on dynamic content, I'm going to be looking at a slooow
site.I'm starting to think that maybe this is one of those cases where I
should have stopped trying to code everything and just created a cfinclude
nav file for each separate section of the site with the sub-nav hard-coded
in, but then I wouldn't have the luxury of formatting my current page's nav
option differently, which provides a nice visual rep of where you are.Any
thoughts/advice?Sorry for the long post.Thanks!

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Re: trimming question

2003-09-25 Thread Shannon Rhodes
Yeah, something's up, I'm supposed to be on digest.
- Original Message - 
From: Kunal Pewekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: trimming question

 errrhow did i suddenly start getting these email again ? im sure i
 unregistered long back. and infact stopped getting the email until 1 hour

 any changes made on the server side or soemthing ?

 Original Message Follows
 Subject: Re: trimming question
 Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 10:40:33 -0600 (MDT)

 yes, exactly

   At 23:57 24/09/2003 -0600, you wrote:
  what would be the proper way to trim this up?
  cfset Dealer = #ReReplace(form.Dealer,[^]*,,ALL)#
   Trim in what sense? Looks like a fairly sound regex to strip markup
   tags.  Are you wanting to control whitespace as well?
   PGP key available

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Design Structure and cfinclude

2003-09-20 Thread Shannon Rhodes
I want to thank everyone for your interesting perspectives on this.
Definitely I was planning on using external js and css files for the
standard stuff, but I was also looking for the flexibility to throw in an
individual function or style on a page when they are not likely to be needed
elsewhere, so as not to bloat those external files needlessly.  Sounds to me
like the solution is to dictate such things by section rather than by page.

So, here is what I have done, for anyone who is interested:
1. In Application.cfm I test for the existence of my dsn variable and if it
is not defined I include my globals.cfm file which initializes all of my
universal variables.  Then I test to see what section of the site I'm in.
I'm using cfset thisDirectory = GetToken(cgi.path_info, 1, /) which I
hope works in the long run (I only care about the top level directory), then
I loop through a 2-dim array in which the first element is the section title
and the second element is a list of the directories that I want to be
considered part of that section.  When thisDirectory is found in that list,
I set Request.SubNav equal to the value of the first element, i.e. the
navigational section in which this page belongs.  I use cfswitch to include
a different file for each section of the site, in which
cfparam is used to set a default Request.PageTitle, Request.METADescription,
and request.METAKeywords, and a section-specific css and js file name is
2.  Each page will carry
cfset Request.PageTitle = My Specific Page Title if I Want to Override the
Default (optional; I'm not using Verity because, for whatever reason, the
collections are constantly going down and the host's response is just to
restart every time I complain)
cfinclude template=../includes/design/header.cfm (required; would prefer
to use mappings rather than a relative link, but when I tried on the test
site it brought down CF on my live site!)
3. header.cfm tests to see whether url.print is defined; if so, a
print-friendly header is included, otherwise defaultheader.cfm is included
(yeah, I guess I could also use a custom tag, I'm thinking about whether it
offers a significant advantage)
4.  defaultheader.cfm uses #Request.PageTitle# in the title area, plus
#Request.METAKeywords# and #Request.METADescription# where appropriate, and
includes the css and js files for this section.  nav.cfm is included, in
which I loop over my navigation based on the value of  Request.SubNav (I
have a 2-dim array containing url and link title for each sub-section's
navigation, as well as one for main level nav.  This allows me to pull up
the sub-nav for the section I'm in, and pull this section's nav to the top;
admittedly, this might be overcomplicating matters a bit when a static nav
at this point would probably be just as easy to update).  Finally, the image
containing the name of the sub-section as the heading for content is called.
5.  Lastly, OnRequestEnd.cfm has cfinclude
template=includes/design/footer.cfm which tests for url.print and
delivers an appropriate footer based on this.  The advantage is that I don't
have to include a footer on each individual page; the disadvantage is that I
can't use cflocation (since it doesn't call OnRequestEnd.cfm).

[Naturally, other code snippets are also available for include, such as
cfinclude template=../includes/design/BackToTop.cfm which will put a
formatted back to top link at the bottom of long pages; too bad there's no
way to programmatically figure the length of a page and include it

The only part I'm still hesitant about is the navigation.  I really do
wonder if I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be.

Thanks everyone! This was my first post and I'm impressed by the
friendliness and helpfulness of each of you.


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Design Structure and cfinclude

2003-09-19 Thread Shannon Rhodes
We all know that cfinclude is perfect for design headers and footers, but
now that I'm actually redesigning my site to take advantage of this, I'm
running into some perplexing problems.  (Please don't suggest FuseBox,
that's way overkill for this site and I don't have the time for it).

My initial thought was: set up an Application.cfm and OnRequestEnd.cfm in
each major section, which would call a header/footer for that section.  I
would be able to pass a url variable to request a print-friendly version
instead, or to request no display at all (for action only templates).
Global variables would be cfparam'ed, and one page title and set of meta
tags would be defined per section.  Voila, new pages can be content-only
without even a cfinclude line---everything would be called by the section's

As I'm getting into this, I'm finding that I don't like the loss of
page-specific flexibility.  I'm told that dynamically generated meta tags
often are missed by search engines, for example, and I don't have a way to
override the standard section page title for pages that really ought to have
their own title.  I'm also stuck with defining all CSS and JS in one long
file, even if some style definitions and JS functions are only needed on one
page, because I've made the header of my document standardized.  Seems to me
I'm adding all kinds of unnecessary download time.  Plus, my section
specific Application.cfm idea kind of forces me to model my directories
after my site navigation, when I'd actually prefer to avoid a lot of third
level directories and keep pages logically grouped instead (after all,
navigation sometimes changes over time anyway, but who wants to move
directories around).

I think I need a balance between letting CF templates do it all for me,
and the tedious work of writing in each page information that is probably
the same 80% of the time in a given section.

Can anyone suggest a best practices approach to using cfinclude for design
elements?  Should I hard code in most of the head area of documents, so I
can put in page-level titles, meta tags, and page-specific styles 
JavaScript, followed by a cfinclude containing the remainder of the head
with links to the master style sheet, and any design code that will not
change, followed by another include for section-specific design images?  Any
suggestions are appreciated!


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Subject: RE: Form question

2001-08-03 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Here's a tip if you end up considering the option of converting your Word
form to HTML.  To remove those nasty Office-specific tags, you can download
this HTML clean-up:

Yes, you'll still have a little clean-up because it's still abusing CSS
somewhat, but it makes the HTML much more palatable.

Of course, if you have Acrobat I'd go with Susan's suggestion about the PDF.
Question for Susan:  I attempted to do just what you suggested (created an
Acrobat form containing a button with the action to submit to a CF page as
well as to print).  I ended up giving up on the idea because its behavior
seemed too erratic.  I had to add security so no one could copy or alter the
text (legal mumbo jumbo) and with the form secured I could press the submit
button all day and nothing was going to happen (though it would still
print).  If I took off the security, it would sometimes submit but mostly
just print.  If I took off the print option, it would submit but it wouldn't
e-mail the contents as I'd set it up with CFMAIL (same way I've done a
million times with HTML forms), and probably related to that was the problem
that it would choke if the person didn't include an e-mail address (though
it was not a required field and no other field had that problem).  Also,
when my CF page appeared upon submit, my address bar displayed a path on the
c:\ drive (probably to Acrobat Reader) so I don't know if that will cause
end user confusion or not.  I gave up, thinking this is too crazy, but I'll
persevere if you say PDF submissions do in fact work with CF.  (I'm not even
going to TRY populating the PDF form from the database!!!).

Oh, and thanks everybody for your great answers to my question yesterday
(just got them on Digest).

Shannon Rhodes


Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 15:13:26 -0500
From: Susan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've done a lot of converting Word docs to .pdf and building the form
functionality into the .pdf.  You can add a button (and code it NOT to show
on the form if it is printed) that will call a .cfm and do whatever: write
to the database, etc.  You can also fill the .pdf form automatically from a
database.  Is that too clungy for you?  I've used it very successfully for
an app that required a lot of mathematical calculations based on a few
inputs; the .pdf does all the math, and then the results are written to the
db.  It takes some time to get the form the way you want, but it looks like
the users' paper they were used to, and you can build a good deal of
functionality into it via java.

-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:31 AM

Well you could save the word doc as HTML, then open the document up and add
the HTML for the fields. BE WARNED, Microsoft HTML is nasty to work in...
all kinds of crazy things going on.

-Original Message-
From: Braver, Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 1:06 PM

But I'm being asked to convert an existing paper-style MS Word document to
a web form where info can be captured and emailed.

My question is: is there a way to overlay form elements onto an existing
doc saved as HTML without doing the form over from scratch?


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Question: Creating a primary key field

2001-08-01 Thread Shannon Rhodes

Is it possible to query which was the last ID number created (autonumber
field in Access) for the purpose of adding 1 to explicitly state the new ID
number for a newly created record?

The reason why I ask is that I'm having trouble inserting my new info into
two separate tables because I need the newly created ID number for table A
to be inserted into table B.  If I can't guess what the number will be,
I'm stuck trying to take the user through a second page where I insert into
table A then turn around and query the new record to insert the new field
into table B.  That leaves me with the problem of what to do if the user
abandons the application on the second page, leaving no new record created
in table B.

This may sound like screwy application design (and maybe it is, I'm still
pretty new at this), but the problem is that table A contains contact
information, while table B contains all other information (class
registration, payment methods, etc), and they have a one-to-one relationship
because I may need to change which person the info is associated with (it's
possible that a person will register and pay for a class, but a co-worker
will attend in their place).  I can't make the classID a primary key in
table B either (the person could decide to switch classes) so I just have an
autonumber as a primary key.  Argh!  All suggestions welcomed.

