Re: How to Capture Field Name with Two Input Variables

2010-10-23 Thread enigment

Go with Form[outcome_  i], not Evaluate or
'#form.outcome##form._ac_id#'. It's just way cleaner.


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Does ORM scale?

2010-10-22 Thread enigment

Just starting to look at the CF ORM stuff, pretty nice API, Hibernate
underneath, all good.

But as I understand it, ORM queries return arrays of cfc objects,
and I'm concerned about performance at scale. On a gut level, I'd
rather be able to get a native CF query, which I could deal with in
straight CF as usual, or through an IBO if I wanted object-like
behavior for that whole collection.


- Is it possible to have CF ORM return a query, when I want it to?

- What's people's experience with this stuff at scale, meaning large
result sets, more than departmental traffic etc? Are there any largish
sites doing that?


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Re: Does ORM scale?

2010-10-22 Thread enigment

Not so much thinking about transactions, or avoiding straight queries
with stored procs, more about returning large result sets as native
queries rather than collections of cfc objects.

One possibility of course is to use ORM for single/composite record
detail, and native cf queries for search/list etc. That would be
looking at result lists as a reporting function, where you'd use
different (non-ORM) techniques.

Really just wondering if people are using ORM at scale, if they're
running into performance/memory issues, and how they're being dealt
with if so.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Russ Michaels wrote:

 Well if you are doing A LOT of database transactions then you have to
 consider the additional processing time and memory required by creating all
 those objects.
 Instantiating objects is nowhere near as much of a bottleneck as it used to
 be, so it depends on your application and requirements.
 It is a trade off at the end of the day, ORM increases productivity and
 reduces complexity but at the same time you lose flexibility and control and
 of course performance.
 If performance and scalability if your big concern for your database then
 you should perhaps be looking at using stored procedures, I don't know how
 hibernate copes with these, if at all but as the SQL and logic is in the SP,
 I can't see benefit to using ORM to call the SP anyway.

 Russ Michaels

 FREE CFML hosting for developers

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Re: Does ORM scale?

2010-10-22 Thread enigment

Thanks Joe, that's pretty much where I was headed too, with the
possible/probable exception of using something IBO-like to leverage
objects while iterating over a query. I grew up w SQL, never wanted
something to just make it go away, but clearly life should be
domain-object-centric, not db-centric.

Still haven't heard from anyone actually in production with a
large-scale ORM app yet. Maybe there just aren't any out there, around
a year after CF 9.0. Or maybe they don't read this list, at least this
quickly. We'll see...


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:

 The rule of thumb we (myself, Brian Kotek, Marc Esher, and Scott
 Stroz) are using on our first large CF ORM project is:

 1.  If a service is working with changing data, use ORM.
 2.  If an operation largely works with one item (e.g. a form or detail
 page), use ORM.
 3.  If we're going to show a list of things, especially across tables,
 get off our butts and write a decent SELECT statement to return a

 The common argument against using a select/vanilla query is What it
 the getters in my objects model formatting/custom logic?  Our
 response to that is to factor that logic into a helper class that is
 a) used by the object and b) used where the query is cfoutput'd.


 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:44 AM, enigment wrote:

 Just starting to look at the CF ORM stuff, pretty nice API, Hibernate
 underneath, all good.

 But as I understand it, ORM queries return arrays of cfc objects,
 and I'm concerned about performance at scale. On a gut level, I'd
 rather be able to get a native CF query, which I could deal with in
 straight CF as usual, or through an IBO if I wanted object-like
 behavior for that whole collection.


 - Is it possible to have CF ORM return a query, when I want it to?

 - What's people's experience with this stuff at scale, meaning large
 result sets, more than departmental traffic etc? Are there any largish
 sites doing that?



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Re: CF (8.0.0) performance vs PHP (5)

2010-10-18 Thread enigment

+1,000,000 for Jame's theory about string concatenation. CF is very
inefficient at this. Doesn't amtter much for small stuff and a few
repeats, but for bulk, a Java buffer is the way to go.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 4:04 AM, Jochem van Dieten wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Bryn Parrott wrote:
 When I code this algorithm and execute in PHP 5 it runs in 7 seconds (give 
 or take);
 When I code and excecute it in CF 8.0.0, it runs in around 74 seconds.

 Sonme might suggest this is difficult since I have deliberately not posted 
 the code;

 Indeed. So I'll be just as obscure and limit myself to the words fake
 fsync in PHP and wait for the code.


 Jochem van Dieten


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Subversion Software

2010-10-14 Thread enigment

+1 VisualSVN


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Re: Looping over Query that's contained in a structure.

2010-10-14 Thread enigment

The spellchecker in IntelliJ IDEA is camel-case aware, so it
highlights things like this. Not just for that reason, I'm very happy
with it.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: jQuery and cfcontent

2010-10-13 Thread enigment

+1 for Dan's approach.


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:

 On Tuesday, October 12, 2010, Dave Watts wrote:

 You can't prompt the user to download a file if you're invoking the
 URL with standard jQuery AJAX calls. You have to basically just fetch
 the URL into a new or blank window.

 I'd recommend posting to an iframe. You can even build the iframe
 dynamically if you want, it doesn't have to be visible on the page.
 I've used this technique in the past with great success.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CF Site not load - only show HTTP header

2010-10-12 Thread enigment

Is it the gzip encoding maybe? Can you turn that off on the server to try it?


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:

 Are they using any sort of proxy? Perhaps an ad blocker?


 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Sebastian Powell wrote:


 I have a user who cannot view my coldfusion website, we have large number of 
 users on the site that are not experiencing the issue and i can't replicate 
 the issue.

 When this particular user browses the site they just see the following 
 message (seems to be HTTP header) and the site does not load.

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 13:31:33 GMT 
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 
 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Accept-Encoding 
 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 

 Any ideas what may be causing this issue? or how i can debug? I am leaning 
 towards a web server issue rather than coldfusion, but not sure. any 
 thoughts are appreciated.

 Note: have advised user do the following so far:
 * check site on different browsers - same issue
 * tried clearing browser cache - same issue


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Re: cfssetting showdebugoutput

2010-10-10 Thread enigment

Using cfsetting showdebugoutput=false does actually disable debug
output. Any chance there's another call to it somewhere else with a
different setting?

Are you actually seeing debug output in the requests that fail, even
with that code? Or you're not, but debug output being on in
administrator but off on the page still breaks things? If that's the
case, I'd suggest diffing the working HTML with the busted HTML, and
seeing what's different. I'ts unlikely that that combination outputs
something toxic to the page, but I suppose it's theoretically
possible. That'd tell you what's different, and maybe point you
towards a solution.


On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 10:29 PM, fun and learning wrote:

 Hi All -

 I am using jqgrid to display some data. This works when I turn off the 
 Request Debugging Output in Coldfusion Administrator. I do not have access to 
 Administrator page at my work. Using cfsetting showdebugoutput = false also 
 does not help. Is there a way I can disable request debugging output through 
 my code?

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Re: cfssetting showdebugoutput

2010-10-10 Thread enigment

I'm pretty certain that no, false, and 0 all have the same effect.


On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Reed Powell wrote:

 You want cfsetting showdebugoutput=No not false. It will stop any debug 
 output, just as if you removed your IP address from the list in cf admin.  It 
 will not have any effect on error output, etc.


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Re: What version-/source control are you using (if any)?

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

At work we use AccuRev, which is expensive, and flawed, but on the
whole really great. It has a stream inheritance model that means
changes in an earlier release stream automatically flow to later
releases unless there are changes to the same file there already. Also
has integrated issue tracking, good change tracking, decent merging (I
hear great things about the Mercurial and Git merge process, no
experience so I can't compare).

For personal stuff I use Visual SVN Server now, used to use manually
installed and configured SVN. Visual SVN is amazingly quick and simple
to get running, and just works.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Andrew Scott wrote:

 It also depends on your SDLC, and workflow for releases as well.

 I use SVN Externals for common code across applications as well, and the one
 thing that I do is have only a stable release structure in SVN for any

 This means that a developer can code, make changes to all the heart's
 content. And until you have gone through your testing, staging and release
 flow. It will not be affected by other projects, not until you merge the
 changes into your release folder in SVN.

 Andrew Scott

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Christensen []
 Sent: Wednesday, 6 October 2010 8:29 PM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: What version-/source control are you using (if any)?

 It's a really good question, and one that I have no real good answer for.

 I think if you are used to working on a common set of files, you do things
 little bit differently than when you have your own copy.

 We rarely have the issue of people leaving broken files, not in the least
 because your colleagues will be on you in about 2 seconds.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

Say I have an array of values, arbitrary length, that I want to pass
as the arguments to a method.

For example, with this:
  positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42]; // this varies, may be any length
I want to make this call:
  SomeComponent.someMethod('foo', 'bar', 42);

Is there a positional equivalent to argumentCollection, or some other
language construct that I don't know about to do this? If the
arguments were in a structure, I could pass it as the
argumentCollection, but I don't know how to do this by position in a
clean way.

Only thing I thought of is a switch statement with some finite number
of cases, each of which calls the method with a specific number of
arguments, like this (partial):
   case 2:
  SomeComponent.someMethod(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2]);
   case 3:
  SomeComponent.someMethod(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2],

Any thoughts? Thanks,


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

Thanks for chiming in Michael.

Using ArrayToList would pass all three values as a single string. I'm
looking for a generic way to pass each array element as an individual
argument, regardless of how many there are. Take another look at the
examples I gave.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but would some variation of this
 work for you?


 Of course you may need to qualify the list etc if you are passing strings,
 but I think that suits your example.

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:54 AM, enigment wrote:

 Say I have an array of values, arbitrary length, that I want to pass
 as the arguments to a method.

 For example, with this:
  positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42]; // this varies, may be any length
 I want to make this call:
  SomeComponent.someMethod('foo', 'bar', 42);

 Is there a positional equivalent to argumentCollection, or some other
 language construct that I don't know about to do this? If the
 arguments were in a structure, I could pass it as the
 argumentCollection, but I don't know how to do this by position in a
 clean way.

 Only thing I thought of is a switch statement with some finite number
 of cases, each of which calls the method with a specific number of
 arguments, like this (partial):
   case 2:
      SomeComponent.someMethod(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2]);
   case 3:
      SomeComponent.someMethod(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2],

 Any thoughts? Thanks,



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Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

@Michael: What I'm looking for is the positional equivalent of
argumentCollection. If it wasn't for that, you'd think the same about
passing a structure of arguments -- any object you pass will be
treated as a single argument. But argumentCollection trumps that. I
even tried a structure with keys 1, 2, 3, and passing that as
argumentCollection (unnamed arguments appear inside the function as 1,
2, and 3 if you dump arguments), no joy.

@Jason: Clearly, calling a method three times, each time with one
argument, is very different than calling it once with all three. Say
they're search fields, lastName, FirstName, ZIP; you want the search
to run with all three of them in place, not separately for each one.
(Not sure why you went with an iterator rather than just indexing over
the array, but it doesn't matter, not what I need to do.)

Thanks for the ideas though. This just may not be possible.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Jason Durham wrote:

 Whoops.. read the rest of the email below.

 var I = positionalArgs.iterator();
 var arg = ;

 while( i.hasNext() ) {
        arg =;

 That will call someMethod() for each array value.  You could use a For loop
 with i LTE arrayLen(positionalArg) if you don't want to use iterator().

 -Original Message-
 From: enigment []
 Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:48 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Positional argument collection

 Thanks for chiming in Michael.

 Using ArrayToList would pass all three values as a single string. I'm
 looking for a generic way to pass each array element as an individual
 argument, regardless of how many there are. Take another look at the
 examples I gave.


 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but would some variation of
 this work for you?


 Of course you may need to qualify the list etc if you are passing
 strings, but I think that suits your example.

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:54 AM, enigment wrote:

 Say I have an array of values, arbitrary length, that I want to pass
 as the arguments to a method.

 For example, with this:
  positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42]; // this varies, may be any
 length I want to make this call:
  SomeComponent.someMethod('foo', 'bar', 42);

 Is there a positional equivalent to argumentCollection, or some other
 language construct that I don't know about to do this? If the
 arguments were in a structure, I could pass it as the
 argumentCollection, but I don't know how to do this by position in a
 clean way.

 Only thing I thought of is a switch statement with some finite number
 of cases, each of which calls the method with a specific number of
 arguments, like this (partial):
   case 2:
      SomeComponent.someMethod(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2]);
   case 3:
      SomeComponent.someMethod(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2],

 Any thoughts? Thanks,



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

It's unusual for a method to take an array of its arguments, rather
than individual ones. Situation is something like a dispatcher; the
methods already have defined arguments, say,
widgetCategory, widgetID). It'd be pretty weird for it to take an
array containing those three arguments. The layer I'm talking about
wants to call that, but only has an array of argument values, in

Not to be cranky, but while there's room for debate on why I want to
do this, this isn't that conversation. If there's no more elegant
approach than the switch strategy I mentioned, I'll probably ditch
this entire route. I first wanted to check if anyone could think of a
way to accomplish this in the CFML language, out of curiosity and to
maybe learn something that might be useful some day, as well to get it
done -- there's lots of smart and experienced folks out there. I
didn't mean to discuss whether it's worth doing.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Michael Grant wrote:


 Why don't you just pass in the array?

 cfset positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42] /
 cfset myFunction(positionalArgs) /
 cffunction name=myFunction
 cfargument name=positionalArgs type=array
 cfloop from=1 to=#arraylen(positionalArgs)# index=x
  cfdump var=#x#: #positionalArgs[x]#br /

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:38 PM, enigment wrote:

 @Michael: What I'm looking for is the positional equivalent of
 argumentCollection. If it wasn't for that, you'd think the same about
 passing a structure of arguments -- any object you pass will be
 treated as a single argument. But argumentCollection trumps that. I
 even tried a structure with keys 1, 2, 3, and passing that as
 argumentCollection (unnamed arguments appear inside the function as 1,
 2, and 3 if you dump arguments), no joy.

 @Jason: Clearly, calling a method three times, each time with one
 argument, is very different than calling it once with all three. Say
 they're search fields, lastName, FirstName, ZIP; you want the search
 to run with all three of them in place, not separately for each one.
 (Not sure why you went with an iterator rather than just indexing over
 the array, but it doesn't matter, not what I need to do.)

 Thanks for the ideas though. This just may not be possible.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

Imagine an SES URL processor somewhat analogous to what Django
provides, with a regex match that captures specific segments of the
incoming URL and passes them to the requested method. Yes I know about
ColdCourse, and the related ColdBox plugin etc, I was just thinking
about alternate approaches.

So yes, maybe it's unusual, but not irrational, or due to lack of
structure in my code.

Please, can we not debate my motivation any more? If there are any
actual answers to the original question, I'd be interested in hearing
them, but frankly I doubt it. I've been doing CF for quite a while,
and didn't know of one, so I thought I'd ask around, but this keeps
focusing on larger issues. That's a Good Thing in many cases, but
actually not here. I'm asking if there's a language feature I'm not
aware of to accomplish this, nothing more.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 It's also pretty unusual to not have any idea how many arguments you are
 passing into a method. There are many more elegant approaches to your switch
 suggestion. The primary one being writing code that has structure and passes
 in the expected amount of arguments each time. Another one would be that
 since you know how many arguments you are expecting in the method perhaps
 write a function to loop over and pad your array with null values if they
 aren't defined. Then your call to the method can always pass in the expected
 amount of arguments.

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:13 PM, enigment wrote:

 It's unusual for a method to take an array of its arguments, rather
 than individual ones. Situation is something like a dispatcher; the
 methods already have defined arguments, say,
 widgetCategory, widgetID). It'd be pretty weird for it to take an
 array containing those three arguments. The layer I'm talking about
 wants to call that, but only has an array of argument values, in

 Not to be cranky, but while there's room for debate on why I want to
 do this, this isn't that conversation. If there's no more elegant
 approach than the switch strategy I mentioned, I'll probably ditch
 this entire route. I first wanted to check if anyone could think of a
 way to accomplish this in the CFML language, out of curiosity and to
 maybe learn something that might be useful some day, as well to get it
 done -- there's lots of smart and experienced folks out there. I
 didn't mean to discuss whether it's worth doing.


 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
  Why don't you just pass in the array?
  cfset positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42] /
  cfset myFunction(positionalArgs) /
  cffunction name=myFunction
  cfargument name=positionalArgs type=array
  cfloop from=1 to=#arraylen(positionalArgs)# index=x
   cfdump var=#x#: #positionalArgs[x]#br /
  On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:38 PM, enigment wrote:
  @Michael: What I'm looking for is the positional equivalent of
  argumentCollection. If it wasn't for that, you'd think the same about
  passing a structure of arguments -- any object you pass will be
  treated as a single argument. But argumentCollection trumps that. I
  even tried a structure with keys 1, 2, 3, and passing that as
  argumentCollection (unnamed arguments appear inside the function as 1,
  2, and 3 if you dump arguments), no joy.
  @Jason: Clearly, calling a method three times, each time with one
  argument, is very different than calling it once with all three. Say
  they're search fields, lastName, FirstName, ZIP; you want the search
  to run with all three of them in place, not separately for each one.
  (Not sure why you went with an iterator rather than just indexing over
  the array, but it doesn't matter, not what I need to do.)
  Thanks for the ideas though. This just may not be possible.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

Missing the point. The method already exists and has other callers,
who pass separate arguments by name or position. I'm not redesigning
its API to take an array of arguments. I want to generically pass in a
set of ordered arguments to it.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 I gave you a perfectly viable, easy to implement solution.

 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:55 PM, enigment wrote:

 Imagine an SES URL processor somewhat analogous to what Django
 provides, with a regex match that captures specific segments of the
 incoming URL and passes them to the requested method. Yes I know about
 ColdCourse, and the related ColdBox plugin etc, I was just thinking
 about alternate approaches.

 So yes, maybe it's unusual, but not irrational, or due to lack of
 structure in my code.

 Please, can we not debate my motivation any more? If there are any
 actual answers to the original question, I'd be interested in hearing
 them, but frankly I doubt it. I've been doing CF for quite a while,
 and didn't know of one, so I thought I'd ask around, but this keeps
 focusing on larger issues. That's a Good Thing in many cases, but
 actually not here. I'm asking if there's a language feature I'm not
 aware of to accomplish this, nothing more.


 On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
  It's also pretty unusual to not have any idea how many arguments you are
  passing into a method. There are many more elegant approaches to your
  suggestion. The primary one being writing code that has structure and
  in the expected amount of arguments each time. Another one would be that
  since you know how many arguments you are expecting in the method perhaps
  write a function to loop over and pad your array with null values if they
  aren't defined. Then your call to the method can always pass in the
  amount of arguments.
  On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:13 PM, enigment wrote:
  It's unusual for a method to take an array of its arguments, rather
  than individual ones. Situation is something like a dispatcher; the
  methods already have defined arguments, say,
  widgetCategory, widgetID). It'd be pretty weird for it to take an
  array containing those three arguments. The layer I'm talking about
  wants to call that, but only has an array of argument values, in
  Not to be cranky, but while there's room for debate on why I want to
  do this, this isn't that conversation. If there's no more elegant
  approach than the switch strategy I mentioned, I'll probably ditch
  this entire route. I first wanted to check if anyone could think of a
  way to accomplish this in the CFML language, out of curiosity and to
  maybe learn something that might be useful some day, as well to get it
  done -- there's lots of smart and experienced folks out there. I
  didn't mean to discuss whether it's worth doing.
  On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
   Why don't you just pass in the array?
   cfset positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42] /
   cfset myFunction(positionalArgs) /
   cffunction name=myFunction
   cfargument name=positionalArgs type=array
   cfloop from=1 to=#arraylen(positionalArgs)# index=x
    cfdump var=#x#: #positionalArgs[x]#br /
   On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:38 PM, enigment wrote:
   @Michael: What I'm looking for is the positional equivalent of
   argumentCollection. If it wasn't for that, you'd think the same about
   passing a structure of arguments -- any object you pass will be
   treated as a single argument. But argumentCollection trumps that. I
   even tried a structure with keys 1, 2, 3, and passing that as
   argumentCollection (unnamed arguments appear inside the function as
   2, and 3 if you dump arguments), no joy.
   @Jason: Clearly, calling a method three times, each time with one
   argument, is very different than calling it once with all three. Say
   they're search fields, lastName, FirstName, ZIP; you want the search
   to run with all three of them in place, not separately for each one.
   (Not sure why you went with an iterator rather than just indexing
   the array, but it doesn't matter, not what I need to do.)
   Thanks for the ideas though. This just may not be possible.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

Hmmm, not sure what you mean by build a method call to the original
method, and write the values positionally by iterating through the
array. Do you mean write it out to disk or VFS? I'd thought of that,
but wasn't super fond of the idea, since unless I'm missing something,
you'd have to do that for every supported number of arguments for
every publicly accessible method in the app.

Or maybe I'm just not on your wavelength here.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Missing the point. The method already exists and has other callers,
 who pass separate arguments by name or position. I'm not redesigning
 its API to take an array of arguments. I want to generically pass in a
 set of ordered arguments to it.

 How about writing a new method that takes two arguments: the name of
 the method you want it to call and an array of arguments. This method
 could then build a method call to the original method, and write the
 values positionally by iterating through the array. Presumably, you'd
 plop this method in a utility CFC, rather than in the original CFCs.
 Or, you could add it to the superclass so that it's present through
 your class hierarchy.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

 Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
 GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

You're right, I did misread your last post, sorry. But it's still not
super practical as a generic SES-URL-to-method-call dispatcher, unless
I'm still not getting what you mean. You'd need to inspect each method
before you called it to find out how many args it takes, pad the array
out that far, and then you'd still need a switch statement to call the
method with that specific number of arguments. Keying the switch
statement of the actual number of captured URL segments seems simpler
and less overhead.

In other words, whether the variable number of items in the array is
the number of arguments for each individual method, or the number of
URL segments actually captured, the problem of how to generically call
a method with a variable number of arguments remains. Unless you want
to find out the maximum number of arguments passed by *any* method,
and always use that, but by that time I'd think this was too clunky to

Is there some other way you're thinking of to make the actual call?


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

 Re-read my last post. If you know that the method will accept x number of
 arguments. And your array may have anywhere from 1 to x possible values then
 write a function to pad your array with (x - arraylen) null values.

 Like this:

 cfset positionalArgs = ['foo', 'bar', 42]

 cfset positionalArgs = padMyArray(positionalArgs,10) /

 cfset myFunction(positionalArgs[1], positionalArgs[2], positionalArgs[3],
 positionalArgs[4], positionalArgs[5], positionalArgs[6], positionalArgs[7],
 positionalArgs[8], positionalArgs[9], positionalArgs[10] )

 cffunction name=padMyArray
 cfargument name=arrIN type=array required=true
  cfargument name=arrLen type=numeric required=true

 cfloop from=#arraylen(arrIN)# to=#arrlen# index=x
 cfset ArrayAppend(arrIN,)
  cfreturn arrIN /

 cffunction name=myFunction
 cfargument name=arg1 required=false default=not defined
  cfargument name=arg2 required=false default=not defined
 cfargument name=arg3 required=false default=not defined
  cfargument name=arg4 required=false default=not defined
 cfargument name=arg5 required=false default=not defined
  cfargument name=arg6 required=false default=not defined
 cfargument name=arg7 required=false default=not defined
  cfargument name=arg8 required=false default=not defined
 cfargument name=arg9 required=false default=not defined
  cfargument name=arg10 required=false default=not defined
  cfdump var=arg1: #arg1#
 cfdump var=arg2: #arg2#
  cfdump var=arg3: #arg3#
 cfdump var=arg4: #arg4#
  cfdump var=arg5: #arg5#
 cfdump var=arg6: #arg6#
  cfdump var=arg7: #arg7#
 cfdump var=arg8: #arg8#
  cfdump var=arg9: #arg9#
 cfdump var=arg10: #arg10#

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Re: Positional argument collection

2010-10-06 Thread enigment

No, actually not, unless I missed it. Evaluate is against my religion,
but I might make an exception if there isn't any other way and I care
enough. It's an odd language feature to work around,
argumentCollection (args by name) exists, but there's no positional



On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Hmmm, not sure what you mean by build a method call to the original
 method, and write the values positionally by iterating through the
 array. Do you mean write it out to disk or VFS? I'd thought of that,
 but wasn't super fond of the idea, since unless I'm missing something,
 you'd have to do that for every supported number of arguments for
 every publicly accessible method in the app.

 No, I didn't mean on disk or VFS, I meant just writing a string of
 code and executing it using Evaluate. There might be a more elegant
 approach, but that should work. I haven't really read the rest of the
 thread that closely, so I'm not sure if someone has basically proposed
 the same thing or not.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

 Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
 GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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Re: How to point to a Directory?

2010-10-04 Thread enigment

You might be best off just having them type it in, and complain if it
doesn't exist. These are users at a high enough level that they're
configuring things, yes? Maybe the simplest solutions is the best.


On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 7:47 PM, William Seiter wrote:

 AIR is not the only method, but you can't get it done with just html. You 
 will need A java applet or flash or air or some other program that can talk 
 to the system as well as your app.

 William Seiter

 On Oct 4, 2010, at 4:39 PM, Gonzo Rock wrote:

 Well the purpose is to capture and store the Directory as part of a
 configuration routine. Then days in the future other users of the
 application will trigger it to process some datafiles... but
 coldfusion needs to know where those datafiles are located.  The
 current user has no idea where they are stored... they just want the
 files in the directory processed.

 Currently during the configuration session we can capture it by making
 them point to a file in the directory and then stripping the actual
 file name from the network path they navigated down... however how to
 do this when there is NO file in the directory for them to use while
 configuring the Directory Location for future use... that is the
 problem... which Dave suggests can only be solved using AIR :-(

 On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:

 also u do not need to remember the path as this is the default behaviour of
 windows. When you open a browse window it always takes you to the last
 location you used.

 On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 12:15 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Using input type=file works great to let a user point to a file...
 but how do you let the user browse and point to a Directory?

 I am trying to figure out how to let a user browse to a particular
 directory location on their network and then capture that location for
 future use.  In this instance the application will always look in this
 location for files that it needs to process for the user.

 There's nothing built into HTML to capture a directory path. Also,
 browsers won't let you store a directory path for later use, for
 security reasons - the user always has to choose the file directly.

 Adobe AIR is a nice alternative here. Downloadable applications can do
 all sorts of things that browsers won't allow.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

 Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
 GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite


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Re: 3 layers of validation?

2010-09-23 Thread enigment


- You *always* need server side validation, because as mentioned,
client validation may not always run, and also so you can make an API
available beyond browser front ends.

- If that's true, I prefer to stay DRY and write validation in only
one place, so that means on the server not the client. To work with
that, you probably want to establish infrastructure and conventions to
communicate server-side bus rule failures back to the client for
presentation to the user. For example, our ajax layer includes the
ability to specify mappings of back-end method arguments to a
friendly name you can say to the user (Last name is required, not
last_name), and a list of DOM IDs that should get highlighted in the
UI if the data for that argument is invalid.


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Rick Root wrote:

 Database validation probably comes into play in a couple ways.

 #1 - datatypes and constraints (including things like foreign keys)
 provide some level of database validation.
 #2 - if you're using stored procedures to perform actions, stored
 procedures can sometimes have business logic validation in them as

 Of course we all use database validation like #1.  Although I've
 written a few stored procedures, I've neve really put any validation
 in them.

 Server validation protects you against a number of things that client
 validation absolutely cannot do.

  - bugs in client side validation
  - hackers/spambots who aren't using the web client that you built and
 try to post things directly to your server side scripts, cfcs, etc.



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Re: removing chr(10), chr(13), chr(9), chr(12)

2010-08-23 Thread enigment

You might want to replace runs of consecutive unacceptable whitespace
characters with a single space. Otherwise, two sentences that used to
have CRs and/or LFs between them will be jammed against each other,
with no space at all between them.


On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 12:10 AM, Matthew Smith wrote:

 That got it.  Thank you so much.

 On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Wil Genovese wrote:

 This is what I use to remove all control characters from a string. Which
 includes linefeed chr(10) and carriage return chr(13).


 Wil Genovese
 Sr. Web Application Developer/
 Systems Administrator

 Wil Genovese Consulting

 On Aug 22, 2010, at 8:58 PM, Justin Scott wrote:

  Thank you for the help.  It seems I am still
  missing the line feed somehow.
  In the replaceList() put a comma between char 13 and 10 so it will catch
  them individually instead of only when they're together (and add another
  comma to the second attribute as well).  Sometimes text will only have a
  line break (10) without the carriage return (13).


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Re: HTMLEditFormat() broken in CF9?

2010-08-15 Thread enigment

Thanks for checking this, good to know. I think the project I'm
working on right now can't be sure the 9.0 isn't in play, so I'll just
use my own ReplaceList equivalent.

Thanks again,

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Aaron Neff wrote:

 Hi Dave,

 I believe this was bug #82039, which has been fixed in CF 9.0.1.

 I ran your code in CF8, CF9, and CF9.0.1. Result in CF8 and CF9.0.1 was the 

 -Aaron Neff

 It looks to me that in CF9, HTMLEditFormat no longer escapes text
 that's already escaped.


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Re: (ot) Site issue with Safari 5.01 on Mac

2010-08-15 Thread enigment

Hi Rock,

Looks fine in Safari 5.1 on my wife's macbook, Mac OS X 10.5.8, Can't
speak to the details since she's actually using it, but it wasn't like
that mostly-empty screenshot.


On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Rick Root wrote:

 Hi all,

 We've got a user saying that their site is scred up on Safari 5.01 on
 Mac ... I don't have a Mac so I can't really test but it looks fine in
 every browser I can test on Windows, including Safari 5.01

 Here's the URL

 Here's a screenshot of what he sees:

 Anyone got any suggestions?



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