Operation must use an updateable query

2000-09-07 Thread rkeniger

Hi there,

I have a very simple CF app that is using an MS Access 2000 file as the
datasource. The app works fine on my system, but when it is uploaded to the
hosting provider, I get an "Operation must use an updateable query" error on a
page that inserts information from a form.

It's just a straight "insert into.." SQL statement - what could be wrong?

Rob Keniger

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RE: Filemaker on a MAC

2000-09-05 Thread rkeniger

  I'm very interested in finding out if anyone has used a MAC Filemaker
 database to drive a site and if there are any compatibility
 issues with our
 hosting platform (We have NT4 SP5  servers running MIIS4 and
 CF4.5 Ent). Or
 if it just can't be done?

It can be done, but FileMaker is quite different to most databases. Its ODBC
implementation is pretty fragile. Most Mac people who use filemaker as their web
DB platform use BlueWorld Lasso as the application server (it runs on Mac OS and
Windows NT).

 And, is working with a filemake file the same as working sith Access (i.e.
 just upload the file, make the connection and way you go?).

You have to have the Filemaker application running on the server to host
filemaker files. The ODBC driver connects to the app, not the file itself. It
can be a bit of a resource hog and is not suitable for sites that need any kind
of scalability at all. If you have not had much FileMaker experience I'd steer
clear if I were you.

Rob Keniger

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Re: OT: Web Objects Newsgroup

2000-09-01 Thread rkeniger

Sorry about this guys, but does anyone know about a good newsgroup or online
reference for web objects?

This is the best one that I know of:


You will also find some resources at http://www.stepwise.com

Rob Keniger

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Re: Table Row Background colors not showing in Nutscrape

2000-08-24 Thread rkeniger

You need to ensure you write a non-breaking space - "nbsp;" without the quotes
- if you are not displaying content in a cell. This is a Netscape "feature".

Rob Keniger

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Re: Division in Cold Fusion?

2000-08-23 Thread rkeniger

I must be looking at all the wrong stuff... but I want to take 2 values and
divide them.


cfset myval = evaluate(thisval/thatval)

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How much can CF handle?

2000-08-23 Thread rkeniger

I am doing a proposal for a client ATM who has a web site that is currently
getting about 6 page views per second in peak time.
Do you think it will be possible to handle the load with a single CF/HTTP server
running Linux and a separate DB server running MySQL? All images will be stored
on an external server, so the only thing being processed by the CF box is the
pages. It will probably be a fairly decent box, perhaps dual-P3, up to a gig of
RAM, dual ethernet.

I am writing the app to make a lot of use of cfincludes of dynamically-built
static pages and liberal caching.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Rob Keniger

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Re: pop-up windows and cold fusion

2000-08-22 Thread rkeniger

"don't open this window every time", how do I get cold fusion to
not launch the window?

cfif not isdefined('cookie.visited')
cfcookie name="visited" value="yes"

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Re: Create Db table

2000-08-21 Thread rkeniger

Go to http://www.citilink.com/~jgarrick/vbasic/database/jetsql.hmtl

The SQL syntax for creating Access tables is outlined there in detail.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Linux connecting to MySQL

2000-08-16 Thread rkeniger

I am attempting to create a connection in the ODBC page of the CF
administrator to a MySQL database, which exists.

My CF server runs as "nobody".
My MySQL server runs as "mysql".

my database name is "db_test".

need to know the following:

- what user needs to be set up in mySQL
- is that user @% or @localhost
- what username do you put in the username field in CF administrator?

You need to create a MySQL user - these are quite separate to UNIX users and are
internal to MySQL. Use something like this:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_test TO user@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "password"

This gives the user full access to the database from the local system. Replace
localhost with "%" if you want, this allows access from any machine on the
network and is obviously a security risk. Much better to specify a location by
IP address if the CF server is on a different machine.  The ALL PRIVILEGES is a
bit insecure, and you should restrict it before going into production.

You can connect to the database by using the mysql client:  mysql -u root -p

The username you put in CF admin is the same as the one you just set up - it is
the mySQL user, "user" in this case.


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RE: Client v session with remember me

2000-08-16 Thread rkeniger

You could just make sure that if the user clears the check box, their
cookies don't persist after they close their browser, by overwriting the
cookies with non-persistent cookies:

Aha! Very clever. Thanks a lot Dave, I will indeed try this.

Rob Keniger

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RE: 1 or more dsn's - efficiency?

2000-08-16 Thread rkeniger

Books is the main database; should tables be added to this database for
daily quotes and for links
is it better to have separate small databases for daily quotes and links

Definitely better to have it all in one DSN. Making an ODBC connection to a data
source is costly in terms of system resources, so minimise the number of DSNs as
much as possible. There is no problem in having unrelated tables in a database,
this is quite normal.

The other issue here is that many hosting providers will charge you per DSN you
set up so it will cost you three times as much to host your system should you
choose to set up 3 DSNs.

Rob Keniger

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Re: remove white space

2000-08-16 Thread rkeniger

try #replace(string,chr(32),"","ALL")#

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Re: Linux CF Services

2000-08-14 Thread rkeniger

Is it normal for a Linux installation of CF 4.5.1 to start about 5 copies
of cfserver, cfexec, and cfrdsservice?  Is this the equivalent to apache's
child servers?  Where is this configurable?

I've been wondering the same thing - my installation on Linux is also doing
this. Anyone?

Rob Keniger

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RE: Browser / desktop resolution

2000-08-14 Thread rkeniger

I am going to be frank and apologize to everyone for this.  I have been
watching this list for 2 weeks and the mass of amounts of email being sent
on a daily basis is annoying.  There are some really good subjects in some
of them but reading through them all is difficult to say the least.  Maybe I
will just look through the archives if I need anything.  Now, comes my

Jeez. It's a high-volume list. Set your mail filters and get over it.

Rob Keniger

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RE: Need your help desperately...

2000-08-10 Thread rkeniger

"Scott, Andrew" [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Andrea Scott
ANZ eCommerce Centre
* Ph 9273 0693

So which is it? Andrew or Andrea? Or are there multiple personalities all
fighting each other? :-)

Rob Keniger

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Re: Preventing Browsers Cacheing a .cfm file

2000-08-10 Thread rkeniger

Is the a code that will successfully prevent a  .cfm page from being =
cached on a users browser that will work effectively across browsers


You should set up a variable (preferably in  your application.cfm) that sets a
random number and append that to all your URLs, eg:

cfset token="nc=#randrange(1,99)#"

a href="newpage.cfm?#token#"Click here to go to the non-cached page/a

The URL will end up something like:  newpage.cfm?nc=12314. The dummy argument is
ignored by the browser.

This will force the browser to get new pages because all the URLs are different.
I had big caching problems with Mac Internet Explorer 4.5 before implementing

Rob Keniger

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RE: CF, ODBC and 64k data

2000-08-09 Thread rkeniger

With CF 4.0, you will not be able to submit more than 64k. At CF 4.5, you
can do this. You need to go into the ODBC area of the administrator and
enable long text retrieval.

Bear in mind that there is a definite performance penalty in turning this
feature on.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Return Button To Query Results

2000-08-08 Thread rkeniger

If you just want to be able to go back like when you use the "back" button in
the browser, do this:

input type="button" value="Return to search results"  onClick="history.back();"

Note that this will not work if you have a couple of pages after the detail
view, such as an update template etc.

You might think about caching the query - this will prevent database accessing.
Just format your query thus:

cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="#dsn#"

This will cache the query for five minutes.

Rob Keniger

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CFFILE problem on linux

2000-08-06 Thread rkeniger

Hi there,

I'm trying to get CFFILE working on a linux box. ColdFusion is running as a user
called coldfusion which has group write privileges to my HTML directory. If I
log in as the coldfusion user I can create directories and files in the HTML
directory OK.

However, when I try to do a CFFILE ACTION="WRITE" into that same directory I
get a permissions error.

I am not running advanced security.

What is going on?

Rob Keniger

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Re: anchors in IE

2000-08-02 Thread rkeniger

Try putting the achor at the end of the URL, like this:

BODY onLoad=open("viewlist.cfm?role=#roleanchor#","sidebottom")

Rob Keniger

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Re: javascript question

2000-08-02 Thread rkeniger

any idea why this doesn't load  credcard.cfm?

input type="image" src="images/purchase/buynow.gif" border="0"

Yeah, you have to put javascript literal strings inside quotes otherwise
javascript interprets it as a variable. Try this:

input type="image" src="images/purchase/buynow.gif" border="0"

Rob Keniger

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Re: Multiple actions from a Form?

2000-08-01 Thread rkeniger

Try doing this:

form name="theform" method="post"
input type="image" src=".gif" onClick="document.theform.action=file.cfm;
input type="image" src="f.gif" onClick="document.theform.action=file2.cfm;

Rob Keniger

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Cfinclude or caching?

2000-07-26 Thread rkeniger

I have an application that is going to be getting a fair few hits (about 20-30
page views per second in peak time) and I am trying to make the home page as
streamlined as possible. The home page has a "news" section which is to be
updated maybe once or twice a day.

Now, in performance terms would it be better for me to write the news section
out as a static file whenever it's updated and cfinclude it into the page, or
is it better to do a cachedwithin in the query that produces the news item?

 Which is faster, or won't it matter?

Rob Keniger

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Re: Cold Fusion ISP search

2000-07-18 Thread rkeniger

Good luck finding a "shared" server with access to CF Administrator OR
CFFILE!  It's just too big of a security risk.  Sounds like you're looking
for a dedicated server.

If the server admin has correctly configured security sandboxing using CF
Advanced security then CFFILE is fine. Some ISPs will give you a custom app that
sets several CF Administrator settings for your site, eg datasources.

Rob Keniger

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Re: clever list boxes

2000-07-17 Thread rkeniger

1.  Can you make a list box behave this way?  I'm sure I've seen web sites
with list boxes that
 also allow you to type characters into the box.  They could I use an
event to test for a new
 value or something.

What you want is a combo box which is not a standard HTML element. You can do
this with a combination of a SELECT list box and a text input box. I have also
use DHTML to create a pop-up menu attached to a list box.

2.  Another option I guess is to use a normal text field and when they enter
something I can
   check to see if it exists and complete the field for them.

You can't do this with CF - this is client-side and you would need to use
Javascript. Unless you had a very small number of values this would not be
practical to do because you would have to load all the possible values into a
massive javascript array and check them on each keypress - better not to bother.

You would probably crash the browser if you had a big enough list of values.

Welcome to the web's stateless environment - very few data retrieval operations
can be performed in browsers on the fly - almost all Web DB stuff is necessarily
a multiple-screen, request-response paradigm.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Application.cfm... whats that ?

2000-07-14 Thread rkeniger

the cfapplication tag doesn't _have_ to be in the application.cfm file, just
ususally is, because thats where it makes sense to put it.

True enough, but if you know enough CF to use session variables why would you
not know what the application.cfm file is?

Rob Keniger

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Re: Slightly OT: Dumb HTML question

2000-07-13 Thread rkeniger

Hello everyone, I was trying to build a table cell TD with it's own border
(apart from the rest of the table) in Netscape 4.  I tried TD BORDER=1 and
that didn't work, I tried a style sheet and that didn't work either, does
anyone know how to do this?  Thanks!

Give the cell a background color which is the color you want the border to be.
Create a table inside the cell with one row and one column with the same color
as the cells in the outer table. Give this nested table border=0,
cellpadding=whatever and the cellspacing amount is the width of the border you
want. Set the table to 100% width.


Rob Keniger

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Coping with load

2000-07-11 Thread rkeniger

Hi there,

I will be setting up a CF app for a customer who is getting approx 7 million
page views per month. The bulk of the pages that are currently served as static
pages will be served via a CF app connecting to a MySQL datasource on a separate

Will a single CF server (suitably specced up) suffice in this situation or am I
better off looking to clustering?

Rob Keniger

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Re: Force database connections to close....

2000-07-10 Thread rkeniger

 Is there a way to force the database connection to close or to
 release memory as data is dumped to the client..???

 some like connection.close()

 This would really be a powerful feature to have...

If you do a CFQUERY to a table that doesn't exist, the database connection
closes. Don't know if that helps.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Session Management

2000-07-07 Thread rkeniger

Is it possible to terminate a session when a user closes their browser?? Its
easy when a user logs out, or the session times out, it would be nice if you
could also do it when the browser is closed.

Not really, AFAIK. There is no javascript "onQuit" event or similar - although
there is an "onUnload" which is parsed whenever the current page location
changes. I would just consider making the session timeout shorter.

Rob Keniger

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RE: Session Management

2000-07-07 Thread rkeniger

expire the cookie immediately

This won't work if you are using CF's session management because you don't
specifically set cookies - it either uses CFID and CFTOKEN stored as a cookie OR
as a URL argument. The expiration of the cookies is set by ColdFusion and is
tied to the session timeout value.

Many users don't accept cookies so relying on cookies alone to manage state is
not a good idea. You should test for cookie ability at the start of a session
and pass the values as a token on the URLs if cookies are not enabled by
appending something like #application.addtoken# to every URL. More work, but it
gives you fairly bulletproof session management.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Calculate Function on a form?

2000-07-03 Thread rkeniger

I have exactly this setup in a few sites - basically I have a form button that
submits the form back to the same template with the form fields filled with the
new calculated values. You can change the action of a form using javascript like
this: onClick="document.formname.action='thispage.cfm?action=calc';
You make the template check for the action=calc and then do the calculation and
populate the fields. Your other submit button is just a standard submit button.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Create TABLE in MS Access

2000-07-02 Thread rkeniger

This might be a little off topic:  I am wondering if anyone knows how to
specify field properties when using the Create TABLE or Alter TABLE SQL
statements in MS Access.  I am writing some code to create a few tables on
the fly, and it would be very handy to be able to specify things like
"required" and "Allow Zero Length strings", etc... when creating the tables
or altering them.

You should check out Jose's guide to using Jet SQL at

I have a feeling that you can't set field properties such as "allow zero length"
etc using jet SQL - although I may be mistaken.

Rob Keniger

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Re: limiting upload file size

2000-07-02 Thread rkeniger

I want to not upload at all if the file is bigger than 1MB. How can this be

I can't think of a way to do this, but while I was looking around for a solution
I found this page about file upload fields which is quite informative:

I hope this is of some interest.

Rob Keniger

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Re: encrypted code

2000-07-02 Thread rkeniger


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Re: encrypted code

2000-07-02 Thread rkeniger

Might want to ammend that :


(the other link gives a 404)

Just checking you were awake ;-)

Rob Keniger

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Re: Mac File Uploads + extensions

2000-06-28 Thread rkeniger

How are people dealing with files uploaded by AppleMacs. How can you tell
what type of files they are ??

What sort of things are you allowing users to upload? Mac files can be anything
- on the mac they store information about what the file is in a separate "fork"
or file along with the main file. Mac users quite often do not use file
extensions. Many Mac files will be destroyed and unusable when uploading if they
are not first encoded into a binary stream by an application like Aladdin
dropstuff (a mac app).

If the files are data files like word files or images, the files will work OK. I
have an application that allows users to upload jpeg images - in this case I use
CFFILE to generate a file extension as part of the file name. Perhaps you
could force mac users to select the type of file from a list (jpeg, word file,
pdf etc) before allowing them to upload?

If you need more help with this, I have done much work with Macs/CF so just
contact me directly.

Rob Keniger

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Re: Textarea formatting question

2000-06-27 Thread rkeniger

Hi - A quick question - I'm using a few textarea blocks in my form for
users to submit large chunks of data to a memo field in an access
database - this data to be submitted is formatted with blank lines,
tabs, carriage returns, etc. - how do I retain formatting so that when
the user views their information on file (just querying and displaying
in a CFOUTPUT) it's the same as it was when entered?

Try using #paragraphformat(htmleditformat(your_content_here))#. Works for me.

Rob Keniger

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Re: convert caps to small

2000-06-21 Thread rkeniger

  Is there a tag that can instantly convert all the text that im outputting
into all small letters .. Rather than some of them being in capitals ?

Umm, yeah..



Rob Keniger

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Permanent variable storage

2000-06-21 Thread rkeniger

Hi there,

I've got an application where I have several pieces of data that the client
needs to be able to maintain using CF. These are things like the email addresses
that various form output is sent to, the prices for certain products and a bit
of "blurb" for the intro page.

My question is what is the usual method for storing these kinds of "static"
information? The information needs to be able to be changed, but only fairly
infrequently. I can't  use application variables because they will time out or
be erased when the server restarts. Creating a table with a single row to store
a bunch of email address columns seems a bit weird.

I thought about using a text file but it's a bit of a pain.

Any thoughts?

Rob Keniger

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Re: escaping special characters between cfoutput/cfoutput

2000-06-21 Thread rkeniger

This is most likely a stupidly simple question, but I can't seem to find a
solution in the reference books. How can a place a "#" inbetween cfoutput

Yeah, it's pretty easy.

use ## instead of #


Rob Keniger

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Re: Permanent variable storage

2000-06-21 Thread rkeniger

Thanks everyone for the responses.

why do you think application scope is a bad idea? even after server restart
your application will be intended to reinitialize thru application.cfm...

Yes I know, but if the variables need to be changed they must be stored
elsewhere in order for application.cfm to be able to initialise with the current

Just say I have two email addresses, one for contacts and one for registration.

If I have an "update email addresses" page that simply does a cfset
application.contact_address="[EMAIL PROTECTED]", then this variable will be OK
until the server restarts but then it will be erased by whatever the defaults in
application.cfm are. Or at least I think that's the way it works.

I was thinking I could have a table set up wtih four columns, email_id,
contact_address, registration_address and date_created. I could then do an
insert when they change the email address and initialise the application with
whatever the newest email addresses are.

However, I don't need to save the older addresses so the information is
redundant. Should I just have a table with one row that just gets updated? I
know I can do this but I am just wondering if there is an alternative.

Rob Keniger

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