RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Mosh Teitelbaum
Novak wrote:
   As long as we're using petty reasons I'll add my 2 cents.  I can't
   stand the fact that an advanced editor like DWMX doesn't allow me
   to mark a COLUMN of text.  Cheaper editors like UltraEdit allow this
   and have done so for many, may versions.

Mosh Teitelbaum wrote:
  Just out of curiosity... why would you need to be able to block out
  text for CF coding?  I can understand for languages like ASM or Fortran
  where columnar coding is syntactical or customary, but CF?

Novak wrote:
 The real question is... why not? :-)  Why should a standard freeware or
 shareware text editor have this feature but a product as high
 priced as DWMX not have it?

Just a guess (based my own, personal experience); because the
shareware/freeware versions are either intended to be all purpose, all
language programming IDEs or because they will throw in every feature they
can think of in the hopes that just one more person will find that feature
interesting/useful and therefore buy the product.  CF Studio and DWMX are (I
would venture to guess) not intended for programming languages other than
Cold Fusion and CF-related languages (HTML, XML, JS, CSS, etc.).  It is
specialized for its core set of languages.

 Many of the projects I work on involve editing more than just .cfm files.
 But even with .cfm files there are several times when I'm in code view and
 want to remove a column of text or insert a column of text.

So, I'm not trying to be annoying here, I'm just generally curious; what
possible reason could you have that, in a Cold Fusion application (which is
generally indented, not columnar), you need to cut  paste columns.  Unless
you're using CF to generate ASM code 8^).

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 625-9191
Fax: (301) 933-3651

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

Going off topic (PHP DWMX) (was: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Sean A Corfield
On Thursday, Oct 17, 2002, at 21:19 US/Pacific, Dave Watts wrote:
 In Design View ...
 I'm sorry, but I have an irrational mortal fear of Design View.

SOT: but I like the fact that for PHP Design View handles situations 
where you include header and footer files and it actually renders the 
finished page including styles (from the included header). My page 
looks like:

? include('header.php'); ?
pBlah blah blah. Simple formatted HTML text./p
? include('footer.php'); ?

header.php has htmlhead.../headbody...
footer.php has .../body/html

And I can edit the simple formatted HTML text in place.

ObCF: Of course, DWMX can't do this for CF since cfinclude... pulls 
in a file based on various server mappings etc etc. But you do have 
Live Data View...

Sean A Corfield --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Matt Liotta
I don't see how my editorial could have slanted anything from this
thread since the editorial was written and published long before this
thread started.

Matt Liotta
President  CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
888-408-0900 x901

 -Original Message-
 From: Gyrus [mailto:gyrus;]
 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:25 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
 - Original Message -
 From: Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  This thread is quite interesting in light of some of the comments I
  received since writing an editorial entitled, Macromedia's
 Seems like a slanted representation, of this list at least. I'm quite
 in the DWMX is a jack of both trades and master of neither / yay
 Homesite+ camp, but loads of people here seem to be doing pretty well
 arguing against this with good experiences of DWMX. Maybe you should
 used that I word: I think..., rather than, this is what the lists
 like ;-)
 Interesting to read the comments from non CF-Talk people, though.
 PGP key available
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica
 Exactly how I feel.  It's good for some things, not so good for others.  I
 recommend learning the ins and outs of it now, so you won't be playing
 catch-up with the rest of us once it is a worthy alternative to cfstudio
 for all daily use.  I use CFStudio and DW... and will continue to do so
 until one or the other has ALL the features I'm looking for.

Same here, I even use CF Studio to write DW's extensions :-)))

Anyway, the day DW would be finally be a perfect alternative to CF
Studio/Homesite, I will always have a need for a lighting fast, generic,
text-only editor, not necessarily a CF-oriented tool, something like
Ultraedit or EditPlus should do the job

Massimo Foti
Team Macromedia Volunteer for Dreamweaver

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica
 But ... the discussion is not over yet. If any of you will be at DevCon
 (you all will be, right?) we'll be having an open forum Tuesday evening
 where you'll be able to share your ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc.
 pertaining to CF development environments - and you are encouraged to
 share it all - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I can't promise any
 particular outcome, but I can promise that in attendance will be
 individuals who are thinking this all through and so this will be your
 chance to talk to the right people directly.

 I hope to see you all there!

I am not coming to DevCon :-(

Anyway, in my opinion MM should keep developing Homesite, add to it a few of
the former CF Studio features (query builder to mention just one) and keep
selling it at a separate product.

This should make everyone happy (including me, since I use DW but can't live
without Homesite/CF studio)

Massimo Foti
Team Macromedia Volunteer for Dreamweaver

Get the mailserver that powers this list at

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica
 Now, in Dreamweaver, whenever you start it in Homesite style, there's a
 narrow arrow there on the line between the leftmost panels and the working
 editor window. If you click on that arrow, it 'hides' your left panels
 groups and leaves you with your Insert menu and your properties panels
 below. (Note, this is a lot like CF Studio's F-9 keystroke, in that it
 that left work space and retains the important top and bottom work areas).
 If you click on the arrow again, it expands it back. Okay, I'm *aware* of
 to hide panels. This isn't what I'm looking for. F4 hides ALL the panels.
 even scoured the customize keystroke thingy, and I just couldn't find out
 what collapsing that little line between the left and right was *called*
 even assign it to anything.

 I know it's petty, but damn, it's *so* irritating. Any idea what the hell
 I'm talking about? Any way to assign a keystroke to simulating the effect
 clicking on that line?

You can write a small extension to hide/show a custom set of panels and
assign a keyboardshortcut to it. I am not saying it's a piece of cake, the
code is almost trivial, but it require a basic understanding of the API.
Anyway, it's doable.

In case you want to give it a try, check Help  Extending DW and feel free
to contact me if you get stuck, I can't answer very fast to emails these
days, but I will answer

Massimo Foti
Team Macromedia Volunteer for Dreamweaver

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica
  Dreamweaver to me lacks too many of the core functions
  I fell in love with in Studio, like being able to run
  a Find/Replace on a selection of text.

 That bugs the heck out of me too. However, that brings up a noteworthy
 point. (At least, I think it's noteworthy.)

A fellow Italian CF TMM wrote an extension for this:

It's under Dreamweaver area and it's called RegExp Search  Replace

I know you would like to have this out of the box, but the extension is
pretty useful

Massimo Foti
Team Macromedia Volunteer for Dreamweaver

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Dave Watts
 My biggest complaint is speed, I actually never dug deep into 
 it because it was too slow unless I closed out all the other 
 applications I am normally using when developing.  I just 
 find it odd that in computers all with at least 512mb of ram 
 and all well over 600mhz in cpu, that I can't multitask 
 without major slow downs when using DWMX.

You might find this configuration tip useful:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Get the mailserver that powers this list at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Dave Watts
 Most developers I know don't use half the features of 
 ColdFusion Studio (I can't remember the last time I 
 click something in the tabs). So a move to DW is totally 
 nonsensical. Most developers, at least the good ones, 
 don't need or want designer tools.

These seem to be pretty broad statements. I'd have a hard time saying that I
know what most developers want or need.

 I do not feel like I'm in the minority by saying, skip 
 the upgrade to DW and just get the tag updater for 
 Studio 5.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, if you prefer CF Studio to
Dreamweaver MX. You'd be a fool to do otherwise, just because MM wants you
to buy their latest shiny new toy. On the other hand, you'd also be a fool
if you just listened to everyone complain about how bad DWMX is, without
evaluating it for yourself.

 So the question becomes: what point is there to upgrading?  
 There is none.

There are certainly some people who prefer Dreamweaver MX to CF Studio. They
may not be especially vocal on this list, they may be a minority, but there
are some out there.

 And perhaps, I'm being a bit critical, but I cannot figure 
 out why developers are defending DWMX.

Well, from my perspective, I can't figure out why developers here are
attacking DWMX. It's not like MM is coming to your house and forcing you to
buy it at gunpoint. No one's going to pry your copy of CF Studio 5 from your
hard drive. What I've objected to, on this list, is the rabid the sky is
falling reaction that many people seem to have about the very existence of
Dreamweaver MX. To summarize, here's what people are saying:

1. Dreamweaver MX sucks.

I'll leave this open to debate. I certainly have my own complaints about it,
but frankly, the more I use it, the more comfortable I become with it, and I
find myself using Studio less and less. There are a number of things that I
think Dreamweaver MX does for me better than Studio. Is it perfect? No, far
from it. Do I think that, two or three revisions down the road, it'll be a
really good editor? Yes, I do - and I don't think the same is true for CF
Studio, which really hasn't changed that significantly over its last two

2. MM is abandoning CF Studio and Homesite.

This doesn't seem to actually be the case, since there's a new version of CF
Studio, relabeled Homesite+. MM might not be marketing it, but it's there.
MM might abandon it in the future, but who knows what will happen in the
future anyway? I think that the long-term goal for MM is to replace CF
Studio with Dreamweaver MX, but they won't be able to do that successfully
until they make it good enough for everyone to want to use, and at that
point, well, everyone will want to use it.

This reminds me very much of the history of Visual Studio, as I've commented
here more than once. It started out being, well, not very good, and no one
liked it. Now, everyone who uses it generally likes it a lot. Does that mean
that those people should have embraced the first, not-so-good version? No,
but it does indicate that we could do with a bit less pessimism about the

3. You can't buy Homesite+ without buying DWMX.

Big deal. You pay the same price (or less) buying the two together as you
paid last year for CF Studio by itself.

4. Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer, not a designer!

Just because DWMX has functionality that's useful for designers doesn't mean
that it can't be made into a good editor for coders. That should be a lot
easier to accomplish than making CF Studio into a good environment for

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread cf-talk
Hi Mosh,

Generally speaking it's just a force of habit and what I've gotten used to
over the years.  Even in my old text based editor (called QEdit) I was able
to both insert and delete a column of text.  [To me] it's like someone
coming into my office one day and telling me I can't use Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, and
Ctrl-V... that from now on I'll have to highlight the text, right click,
select cut/copy/paste.  The same thing (roughly) applies to what I'm talking
about.  Here's a quick example... let's say I'm creating a quick and dirty
html form.

input type=hidden name=field_a value= size=15 maxlength=15
input type=hidden name=field_b value= size=15 maxlength=15
input type=hidden name=field_c value= size=15 maxlength=15
input type=hidden name=field_d value= size=15 maxlength=15

In DWMX I'd either have to insert the elements or I'd have to write it out
once, and copy it three more times.  In UltraEdit all I do is highlight a
column 4 rows deep and start typing input type=hidden...

BUT... silly me... as you can see I made a mistake... I really ment for
those fields to be text... not hidden.  In DWMX I have to manually
change the hidden to text.  Using UltraEdit I just mark the column, hit
delete, and type in text.  All four rows get changed.

This is somewhat of a poor example but it really applies to just about any
time you have lines of code that are similar to each other. CFSET
statements, IMG tags, tables... almost anything where you have similar lines
of code.  Another quick example:

input class=mainInput type=text name=field_a value= size=15
input class=mainInput type=text name=field_b value= size=15
input class=mainInput type=text name=field_c value= size=15
input class=mainInput type=text name=field_d value= size=15

If I want to change mainInput to a different class name I can either 1)
Use the design mode, highlight the elements I want to change, and pick a new
style (yuck)... or... 2) Just change them in code view with cut/paste
(better)...  3) Use search/replace to do it (not good either because you
might replace something you didn't want to)

In UltraEdit I just highlight the block of text, hit delete, and type over

Then of course there's the whole issue of indenting your code.  I don't want
to have to highlight my block of code and then select the menu option (or
memorize a hotkey) to indent the code.  I want to simply highlight a column
and hit the space bar a few times.

It's not like the lack of this feature is a complete deal breaker or
anything like that.  I do own a copy of DWMX and use it.  But it's just a
feature I have grown accustomed to and use a lot.  Just like cut/copy/paste.
More often than not I find myself using a DOS window, UltraEdit (along with
it's built in FTP support), and a browser for previewing.  It just loads
things faster and seems more efficient when it comes to editing code.

In any case... I'm sure this thread is now waaay off topic.  If you want to
know more about UltraEdit you can download a free trial from
(I think).


- Original Message -
From: Mosh Teitelbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

 Novak wrote:
As long as we're using petty reasons I'll add my 2 cents.  I can't
stand the fact that an advanced editor like DWMX doesn't allow me
to mark a COLUMN of text.  Cheaper editors like UltraEdit allow this
and have done so for many, may versions.

 Mosh Teitelbaum wrote:
   Just out of curiosity... why would you need to be able to block out
   text for CF coding?  I can understand for languages like ASM or
   where columnar coding is syntactical or customary, but CF?

 Novak wrote:
  The real question is... why not? :-)  Why should a standard freeware or
  shareware text editor have this feature but a product as high
  priced as DWMX not have it?

 Just a guess (based my own, personal experience); because the
 shareware/freeware versions are either intended to be all purpose, all
 language programming IDEs or because they will throw in every feature they
 can think of in the hopes that just one more person will find that feature
 interesting/useful and therefore buy the product.  CF Studio and DWMX are
 would venture to guess) not intended for programming languages other than
 Cold Fusion and CF-related languages (HTML, XML, JS, CSS, etc.).  It is
 specialized for its core set of languages.

  Many of the projects I work on involve editing more than just .cfm
  But even with .cfm files there are several times when I'm in code view
  want to remove a column of text or insert a column of text.

 So, I'm not trying to be annoying here, I'm just generally curious; what
 possible reason could you have that, in a Cold Fusion application (which
 generally indented, not columnar), you need to cut  paste columns.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Michael Wilson

Realistically it only take 2-3 minutes to set up a site in DWMX... If it
takes you up to 5 minutes per site def you could still do it in 1 day.
Besides, why not just set up the sites as you need to over time? I had
the same feeling as most when I started using DWMX, but now, I use it

I don't have the time to spend defining the ~60
active sites that we service.

Best regards,
Mike Wilson

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Michael Wilson

I agree with you about the selection find/replace option, however; can
you provide an example of the horrendous code code you mentioned. I
have yet to see anything totally crazy in this area during my usage of
DWMX. It would be beneficial to know where DWMX fails in the coding


Mike Wilson

-Original Message-

Dreamweaver to me lacks too many of the core functions I fell in love
with in Studio, like being able to run a Find/Replace on a selection of
text. It's the lack of these simple functions that makes dreamweaver a
pain. (Not too mention the horrendous code it generates) 

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Gyrus
- Original Message -
From: Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I don't see how my editorial could have slanted anything from this
 thread since the editorial was written and published long before this
 thread started.

You talked about this thread; I mentioned this list. This same debate
has occurred before (presumably what you were referring to in the article),
and I recall it being the same close-to-equal division between anti-DWMX,
pro-DWMX, half-and-half.

PGP key available

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Thomas Chiverton
 I agree with you about the selection find/replace option, however; can
 you provide an example of the horrendous code code you mentioned. I
 have yet to see anything totally crazy in this area during my usage of
 DWMX. It would be beneficial to know where DWMX fails in the coding

Randomly deciding to URL encode half my template.

That was in ASP though.

Tom Chiverton
You don't have to be a mad scientist to believe in ColdFusion


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resources for the community.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread todd

Well, I for one miss CFStudio, but I'm not going back.  I think if 
Macromedia took the time to listen to the communities they'll find ways to 
make DWMX better.

I know, I for one miss the following:
* F9 (which is now F4 that only works if the insert panel is open and 
available).  I submitted this via wishlist as a bug.

* Keyboard Mapped Snipplets - Being able to hit Cntrl Q to spit out a 
generic cfquery statement was such a huge timesaver.  I submitted this via 
wishlist as an enhancement.

* Half the current keyboard commands don't work.  If I try to map to 
ColdFusion Comment, it doesn't work in developer mode, it only works in 
design/wysiwyg mode.  Submitted to wishlist as a bug.

*  Realize that if majority of us are going to be forced to work in DWMX 
we'd like the option of disabling that visual mode and not even having to 
deal with it (hell, don't even load it up in the background, I don't want 
or need it.  I want an IDE that'll help me type CF code faster and I want 
my help files, that's all I ask for).  Have not submitted.

* Consider reworking that window that shows you the files.  Make the 
folders a different color from the file icons.  I have to say that I like 
the File/Folder explorer in CFStudio better.  It'd be nice if this were an 
option.  If you have a lot of folders, you'll see a lot of horizontal 
scrolling. Have not submitted.

* I have an issue with WinXP / DWMX.  I find if I'm in WinXp's crayola 
mode, that if I minimize the program, the DWMX screws up.  If you need a 
screenshot, let me know.

I know I like the following:

* The IDE interface is fine, I'm glad that it looks like the rest of the 
Studio MX applications.

* CFC code/panel is kind of neat.  Make sure the server is setup correctly 
tho as there is a dependency.

* The sites manager thing is helpful to me.

* At first, I didn't like the help files seperated from the IDE.  Now, I'm 
getting used to the alt-tabbing and don't mind it.  It'd be nice if the 
help file could also retrieve the livedoc info (if the user asked for that 

I am finding that as a developer, I really only use _1_ panel the most.  
That's the files panel in which I have access to Site  Assets and I moved 
Snipplets there.  I'd also use Application, but so far I haven't needed 
to.  All the other panels are closed / removed.  Call me a minimalist.



Todd Rafferty ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - |
Team Macromedia Volunteer for ColdFusion   |  |   - webRat (Moderator)| - webRat (Back-end Moderator)   |
   Speakeasy DSL -|

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Huynh Weiming
I would suggest that DW have a Coldfusion Studio mode. When you switch to that mode DW
becomes a dedicated Coldfusion IDE and then we can switch back to DW mode for 
This way we have the best of both worlds.  DW is a pretty good product but I think it's
trying to do too much.

Ben Forta wrote:


 All valid points.

 And one more to consider, HomeSite/Studio is written in Delphi - the
 only MM product to be written in that language. That's why there was no
 Mac version (something lots of folks asked for back in Allaire days).
 It's hard to cost-justify keeping a team of Delphi developers to
 maintain one product - especially one that sells only a fraction of what
 DW sells.

 Trust me, this was not an easy decision, but it was a responsible one.
 In case anyone was unaware, these are tough times - there is something
 to be said for fiscal responsibility.

 But ... the discussion is not over yet. If any of you will be at DevCon
 (you all will be, right?) we'll be having an open forum Tuesday evening
 where you'll be able to share your ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc.
 pertaining to CF development environments - and you are encouraged to
 share it all - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I can't promise any
 particular outcome, but I can promise that in attendance will be
 individuals who are thinking this all through and so this will be your
 chance to talk to the right people directly.

 I hope to see you all there!

 --- Ben

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts;]
 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 12:57 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

  Why the heck would they kill CF Studio? What good,
  logical reason could they possibly come up with as
  a reason to discontinue something that is so widely

 Maybe it's not as widely used/loved as you think. I suspect that
 Macromedia has a better idea of how many people are using it than I do,
 since they keep count of the products they sell.

 However, even assuming it's the most popular editor since Tina Brown,
 there are still good reasons for MM to kill CF Studio. One good reason
 is that they have a bunch of different IDEs, and there are obvious
 benefits to building one really good IDE from all of them. This is the
 approach used by Microsoft with Visual Studio, which started out as a
 bunch of separate tools, each with its own quirks. The latest version of
 Visual Studio is very impressive; it did take MS a couple of versions to
 get where they are, and some of those versions weren't so hot.

 But in any case, CF Studio isn't dead yet. It's simply been renamed
 Homesite+. It'll probably be around for some time to come. The fact
 that it comes in a box labeled Dreamweaver MX doesn't change that.

  Its not that we cant use dreamweaver, its just that
  as coders, developers, and designers most of us, I
  would assume, don't want all the extra crap that DWMX
  has, and just want the IDE that CFStudio Provided.

 I don't know about that. There's a lot of extra crap in DWMX that's
 more interesting to me than it would be for the typical user of
 Dreamweaver 4 - interfaces for web services and components, properties
 dialogs, automatic management of file path attributes when you move a
 file, etc. There's a lot that DWMX is missing, and there are quite a few
 things that I don't like, but I think that one or two versions from now,
 it's going to be quite a nice editor.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 voice: (202) 797-5496
 fax: (202) 797-5444

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Joshua Miller
Not directly related to CF-Programming, but I recently wrote a long
configuration file for Jedit that I needed the ability to copy a column
of text and paste it into a column of text like:


Where I wrote all the left column attributes (to the left of ~~), then
copied them using Jedit's column select feature and pasted the text to
the right of the first column - thus making my work that much faster.

I know that's not a typical day in the life of a CF-Developer, but it
sure is a handy feature sometimes.

Joshua Miller

-Original Message-
From: Mosh Teitelbaum [mailto:mosh.teitelbaum;] 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 1:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

Novak wrote:
   As long as we're using petty reasons I'll add my 2 cents.  I 
   can't stand the fact that an advanced editor like DWMX doesn't 
   allow me to mark a COLUMN of text.  Cheaper editors like UltraEdit

   allow this and have done so for many, may versions.

Mosh Teitelbaum wrote:
  Just out of curiosity... why would you need to be able to block out
  text for CF coding?  I can understand for languages like ASM or 
  Fortran where columnar coding is syntactical or customary, but CF?

Novak wrote:
 The real question is... why not? :-)  Why should a standard freeware 
 or shareware text editor have this feature but a product as high 
 priced as DWMX not have it?

Just a guess (based my own, personal experience); because the
shareware/freeware versions are either intended to be all purpose, all
language programming IDEs or because they will throw in every feature
they can think of in the hopes that just one more person will find that
feature interesting/useful and therefore buy the product.  CF Studio and
DWMX are (I would venture to guess) not intended for programming
languages other than Cold Fusion and CF-related languages (HTML, XML,
JS, CSS, etc.).  It is specialized for its core set of languages.

 Many of the projects I work on involve editing more than just .cfm 
 files. But even with .cfm files there are several times when I'm in 
 code view and want to remove a column of text or insert a column of 

So, I'm not trying to be annoying here, I'm just generally curious; what
possible reason could you have that, in a Cold Fusion application (which
is generally indented, not columnar), you need to cut  paste columns.
Unless you're using CF to generate ASM code 8^).

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 625-9191
Fax: (301) 933-3651

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Joshua Miller
Ok, this will be my last comment on this thread since Michael asked that
it be moved. I don't subscribe to community, so I'll say my last piece.

HomeSite+ is NOT an upgrade to Studio nor is it a new version. Saying
that we still get it cheaper than Studio ticks me off because it's
actually more of a downgrade - it should be cheaper. UI customization
features removed, Query Builder removed and CFMX syntax didn't ship with
the product - you have to download and install that yourself. It's not
an upgrade, it's a sidegrade to comply with a lost lawsuit. Ok, it IS a
new version in that it was released after CF Studio 5 and that the
features aren't identical, but it has fewer features - that's not
something I typically pay money for.

I'm not the purchasing person, so I don't know if we got a Subscription
or if we bought a copy of Studio 5 so close to the release date that we
got DWMX for free, but if we got a subscription I think we've been
somewhat cheated. DWMX is by almost everyone's definition not a complete
or totally useful product as even the DWMX proponents say they still use
Studio half the time, and HomeSite is a downgrade. I don't see why
people keep pushing HomeSite+ as an upgrade insisting that everyone
should be happy because it's cheaper than Studio. It does less than
Studio and has no new features. It has features new to HomeSite - but
HomeSite was $99 standalone before DWMX.


Joshua Miller

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts;] 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:13 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

 Most developers I know don't use half the features of
 ColdFusion Studio (I can't remember the last time I 
 click something in the tabs). So a move to DW is totally 
 nonsensical. Most developers, at least the good ones, 
 don't need or want designer tools.

These seem to be pretty broad statements. I'd have a hard time saying
that I know what most developers want or need.

 I do not feel like I'm in the minority by saying, skip
 the upgrade to DW and just get the tag updater for 
 Studio 5.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, if you prefer CF Studio to
Dreamweaver MX. You'd be a fool to do otherwise, just because MM wants
you to buy their latest shiny new toy. On the other hand, you'd also be
a fool if you just listened to everyone complain about how bad DWMX is,
without evaluating it for yourself.

 So the question becomes: what point is there to upgrading?
 There is none.

There are certainly some people who prefer Dreamweaver MX to CF Studio.
They may not be especially vocal on this list, they may be a minority,
but there are some out there.

 And perhaps, I'm being a bit critical, but I cannot figure
 out why developers are defending DWMX.

Well, from my perspective, I can't figure out why developers here are
attacking DWMX. It's not like MM is coming to your house and forcing you
to buy it at gunpoint. No one's going to pry your copy of CF Studio 5
from your hard drive. What I've objected to, on this list, is the rabid
the sky is falling reaction that many people seem to have about the
very existence of Dreamweaver MX. To summarize, here's what people are

1. Dreamweaver MX sucks.

I'll leave this open to debate. I certainly have my own complaints about
it, but frankly, the more I use it, the more comfortable I become with
it, and I find myself using Studio less and less. There are a number of
things that I think Dreamweaver MX does for me better than Studio. Is it
perfect? No, far from it. Do I think that, two or three revisions down
the road, it'll be a really good editor? Yes, I do - and I don't think
the same is true for CF Studio, which really hasn't changed that
significantly over its last two versions.

2. MM is abandoning CF Studio and Homesite.

This doesn't seem to actually be the case, since there's a new version
of CF Studio, relabeled Homesite+. MM might not be marketing it, but
it's there. MM might abandon it in the future, but who knows what will
happen in the future anyway? I think that the long-term goal for MM is
to replace CF Studio with Dreamweaver MX, but they won't be able to do
that successfully until they make it good enough for everyone to want to
use, and at that point, well, everyone will want to use it.

This reminds me very much of the history of Visual Studio, as I've
commented here more than once. It started out being, well, not very
good, and no one liked it. Now, everyone who uses it generally likes it
a lot. Does that mean that those people should have embraced the first,
not-so-good version? No, but it does indicate that we could do with a
bit less pessimism about the future.

3. You can't buy Homesite+ without buying DWMX.

Big deal. You pay the same price (or less) buying the two together as
you paid last year for CF Studio by itself.

4. Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer, not a designer!

Just because DWMX has functionality that's useful 

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Mosh Teitelbaum
OK, I'll accept that 8^).

I usually use macros to accomplish the same thing.  Unfortunately, Studio (I
haven't tried DWMX, so I can't speak to it) doesn't provide support for
macros.  You know... I'm off to the wish list to submit that as a feature

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 625-9191
Fax: (301) 933-3651

 -Original Message-
 From: Joshua Miller [mailto:josh;]
 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:59 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

 Not directly related to CF-Programming, but I recently wrote a long
 configuration file for Jedit that I needed the ability to copy a column
 of text and paste it into a column of text like:


 Where I wrote all the left column attributes (to the left of ~~), then
 copied them using Jedit's column select feature and pasted the text to
 the right of the first column - thus making my work that much faster.

 I know that's not a typical day in the life of a CF-Developer, but it
 sure is a handy feature sometimes.

 Joshua Miller

 -Original Message-
 From: Mosh Teitelbaum [mailto:mosh.teitelbaum;]
 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 1:16 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

 Novak wrote:
As long as we're using petty reasons I'll add my 2 cents.  I
can't stand the fact that an advanced editor like DWMX doesn't
allow me to mark a COLUMN of text.  Cheaper editors like UltraEdit

allow this and have done so for many, may versions.

 Mosh Teitelbaum wrote:
   Just out of curiosity... why would you need to be able to block out
   text for CF coding?  I can understand for languages like ASM or
   Fortran where columnar coding is syntactical or customary, but CF?

 Novak wrote:
  The real question is... why not? :-)  Why should a standard freeware
  or shareware text editor have this feature but a product as high
  priced as DWMX not have it?

 Just a guess (based my own, personal experience); because the
 shareware/freeware versions are either intended to be all purpose, all
 language programming IDEs or because they will throw in every feature
 they can think of in the hopes that just one more person will find that
 feature interesting/useful and therefore buy the product.  CF Studio and
 DWMX are (I would venture to guess) not intended for programming
 languages other than Cold Fusion and CF-related languages (HTML, XML,
 JS, CSS, etc.).  It is specialized for its core set of languages.

  Many of the projects I work on involve editing more than just .cfm
  files. But even with .cfm files there are several times when I'm in
  code view and want to remove a column of text or insert a column of

 So, I'm not trying to be annoying here, I'm just generally curious; what
 possible reason could you have that, in a Cold Fusion application (which
 is generally indented, not columnar), you need to cut  paste columns.
 Unless you're using CF to generate ASM code 8^).

 Mosh Teitelbaum
 evoch, LLC
 Tel: (301) 625-9191
 Fax: (301) 933-3651

Get the mailserver that powers this list at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Li Chunshen \(Don\)
Last word on CF Studio, yes, Homesite's functionality
is very much similar to that of CF Studio.  Probably
Macromedia's rationale for merging CF Studio and
Homesite into one was to have a broader user community
for this tool, however, I think a lot of us who love
CF Studio really miss it, and I agree with another
CFer that it would have been nice if MM had lent its
ears, at this point, probably it would be easier to
move forward with what's out there.

Don Li
(a long long time CFer since version .9?)

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Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Mike Townend
Michael has actually said in an admin post that OT posts that deal with Macromedia's 
relationship to the community should be moved to the CF-Partners list, which is what 
that list was created for.

Judith Dinowitz
Mistress of the House
House of Fusion
Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller



| -Original Message-
| From: Rob Rohan [mailto:rob;] 
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:05 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| There is an open source project that is making a CF Studio 
| clone based on the JEdit program. I don't have the link, but 
| it was posted on the list a couple days ago.
| Why not just support that project? Send them money, or help 
| write it. MM stopped making Studio for a reason, and they 
| probably wont easily start the project back up.
| I like studio too, but with Dreamweaver in (((Studio mode))) 
| - I cant really see a huge difference.
| I code in VI anyway.
| -Original Message-
| From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:info;]
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:43 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| I'm not opposed to the idea, although at the moment I don't 
| have any cash to put toward it. If it gains steam I'd be 
| likely to offer my time.
|  Ok everyone.. Time to put your $ where your mouth is.  (er.. fingers
|  are) ...
|  Do you REALLY want to keep Studio alive, beyond MM's 
| lifespan for it? 
|  If so, then how about this?
|  - We create a coalition of individuals/companies that 
| can raise some 
|  funding.
|  - We propose a purchase/licensing of the product/code from MM.
|  - We create a company that will code/patch/maintain and sell it.
|  If we do this as a massive joint-venture, we may find that there is 
|  true support in the market space, and take the headaches away from 
|  MM.. simply giving them a percentage -- making sure it is always 
|  compatible with MM's product line.
|  I would be willing to help establish the company base and provide 
|  direction for the venture.
|  Thoughts?
| S. Isaac Dealey
| Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
Again, I don't think that MM is purposely forcing us out of Studio and
into DWMX.  Look at this thread more closely, and you'll see that
Homesite+ is really the same thing (for all intents and purposes) and
Dreamweaver/Ultra-Dev certainly has some of the features you might want.

| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:usr1;] 
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:07 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| I think prefer CF Studio over Dreamweaver, when it comes to writing 
| Coldfusion Codes.  Let's start a movement :)
| Agree 100%, CF Studio was so much better than 
| dreamweaver(with d). dreamweaver is more for designers while 
| developers don't need all that load for programming. I would 
| love to see CF Studio continued.
| I hate to see Allaire gone to a company that doesn't 
| understand the needs of the users and push to us that bloated 
| loaded dreamweaver while we need something else.
| Marius Burz
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
Have you tried DW/Ultra-Dev?

| -Original Message-
| From: Adrocknaphobia Jones [mailto:adrocknatalk;] 

| Dreamweaver to me lacks too many of the core functions I fell 
| in love with in Studio, like being able to run a Find/Replace 
| on a selection of text. It's the lack of these simple 
| functions that makes dreamweaver a pain. (Not too mention the 
| horrendous code it generates) Now don't get me wrong 
| Dreamweaver MX is leaps beyond it previous versions, but I 
| shouldn't have to wait for service packs to make the product 
| I paid for better.

Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
Not sure I understand your response here Dave.  Can you elaborate?  Even
off-list would be fine.  Just cuz I'm deciding if I want to get
Homesite+, I'm interested.  I have Studio 5.. So I'm not sure there's a
reason to get Homesite+.

| -Original Message-
| From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts;] 
|  Is there any reason I should try it if it is the same
|  as CFS5?
| Nope. Not unless you want to also try DWMX.

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Dave Watts
 HomeSite+ is NOT an upgrade to Studio nor is it a new 
 version. Saying that we still get it cheaper than Studio 
 ticks me off because it's actually more of a downgrade 
 - it should be cheaper. UI customization features removed, 
 Query Builder removed and CFMX syntax didn't ship with
 the product - you have to download and install that 
 yourself. It's not an upgrade, it's a sidegrade to comply 
 with a lost lawsuit. Ok, it IS a new version in that it 
 was released after CF Studio 5 and that the features 
 aren't identical, but it has fewer features - that's not
 something I typically pay money for.

If you're happy with CF Studio, I wouldn't suggest upgrading to Homesite+
just because it's available. If you don't have CF Studio, and would like to
have it, Homesite+ is, in essence, CF Studio 5. If you're hiring new
developers, and want them to have something like CF Studio to use, you can
buy the Dreamweaver MX/Homesite+ bundle and install Homesite+. That's all.

The Query Builder in Homesite+ is identical to that in CF Studio 5, as far
as I can tell.

Even if you could still buy CF Studio, I suspect that MM would have to
remove the UI customization features in that, to comply with the lawsuit.

It seems like you feel that we all want you to use Homesite+ or Dreamweaver
MX. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Nobody cares what you (or me,
or anybody else) use for your editor. Personally, I'd like to see everyone
using vi - color coding is for wusses! I was simply responding to the common
complaints about Dreamweaver MX, by pointing out that they don't hold much

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
WOW!  Really??  That's amazing.

So, let me make sure I understand (and I'm truly curious.. I'm not being
a smart-a$$ or facetious)...

Even with all the other features that DWMX has -- the ones that would
make you use it ...all day long... -- you have decided not to do so
because it doesn't automatically put in the height/width on an image
that is inserted via drag-n-drop?

| -Original Message-
| From: Tony Weeg [mailto:tony;] 

| I would use DWMX all day long, I have a fast machine, thank 
| GOD, if they would put the functionality of dragging and 
| dropping an image from the 
| directory tree on the left to the page I am working on, on 
| the righti know I can do this, but DWMX doesn't add the 
| height / width parameters to the image tag.  this is a huge 
| pain, and for that reason, I FLAME THE HELL out of DWMX 
| whenever I can.
| I know it seems like a petty reason, but its large enough for 
| me to not use it!

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
Sure.. But don't all ventures of decent magnitude?

Hey.. I'm not proposing a magic bullet.  I'm just asking all of those
who *truly believe* that studio is an endangered beast, and who *truly*
don't want that to happen, to put their feelings to the test and decide
if they would *really* like to take it upon themselves to continue on
the market space.

It's not likely to happen.  However, it shakes those out who are just
screaming to be screaming, separating them from those who really do
think there is a reason to continue this process.

Just my .02...

| -Original Message-
| From: Eric Dawson [mailto:cftalk;] 
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 1:25 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| - coalition == cooperative licensing? (anyone with a checkbook)
| - Who's going to manage this 'company' ?? == management is paid.
| model makes sense to me.
| $x to manage and develop product
| n install base
| licence = $x/n
| it could get more complicated.
| e
| From: Angel Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:34:28 -0400
| It would never work.
|   - Who decides who's on the 'coalition'?
|   - Won't even get into whether MM would or 
| wouldn't...thought about the legal fees involved in 'handing 
| over' source code?
|   - Who's going to manage this 'company' ??
| -Gel
| -Original Message-
| From: Lee Fuller [mailto:leelistnew;]
| Ok everyone.. Time to put your $ where your mouth is.  (er.. fingers
| are) ...
| Do you REALLY want to keep Studio alive, beyond MM's lifespan 
| for it? If so, then how about this?
|   - We create a coalition of individuals/companies that 
| can raise some funding.
|   - We propose a purchase/licensing of the product/code from MM.
|   - We create a company that will code/patch/maintain and sell it.
| If we do this as a massive joint-venture, we may find that 
| there is true support in the market space, and take the 
| headaches away from MM.. simply giving them a percentage -- 
| making sure it is always compatible with MM's product line.
| I would be willing to help establish the company base and 
| provide direction for the venture.
| Thoughts?
| Lee
Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller

| -Original Message-
| From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:info;] 
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 2:41 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
|  HEY!  Don't steal my numbering schema!
|  ;)

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
Hm... pondering the possibility of publishing a calendar of current and
former Mistresses of the House of Fusion.



 Judith Dinowitz
 Mistress of the House

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.

Sorry! (WAS: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!)

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
ACK!  Sorry Michael, I didn't see the request to move until after I
answered my previous emails.

Consider it dead from my end.


| -Original Message-
| From: Joshua Miller [mailto:josh;] 
| Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 8:18 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| Ok, this will be my last comment on this thread since Michael 
| asked that it be moved. I don't subscribe to community, so 
| I'll say my last piece.
| HomeSite+ is NOT an upgrade to Studio nor is it a new version. Saying
| that we still get it cheaper than Studio ticks me off because 
| it's actually more of a downgrade - it should be cheaper. UI 
| customization features removed, Query Builder removed and 
| CFMX syntax didn't ship with the product - you have to 
| download and install that yourself. It's not an upgrade, it's 
| a sidegrade to comply with a lost lawsuit. Ok, it IS a new 
| version in that it was released after CF Studio 5 and that 
| the features aren't identical, but it has fewer features - 
| that's not something I typically pay money for.
| I'm not the purchasing person, so I don't know if we got a 
| Subscription or if we bought a copy of Studio 5 so close to 
| the release date that we got DWMX for free, but if we got a 
| subscription I think we've been somewhat cheated. DWMX is by 
| almost everyone's definition not a complete or totally useful 
| product as even the DWMX proponents say they still use Studio 
| half the time, and HomeSite is a downgrade. I don't see why 
| people keep pushing HomeSite+ as an upgrade insisting that 
| everyone should be happy because it's cheaper than Studio. It 
| does less than Studio and has no new features. It has 
| features new to HomeSite - but HomeSite was $99 standalone 
| before DWMX.
| Thanks,
| Joshua Miller
| -Original Message-
| From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts;] 
| Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:13 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
|  Most developers I know don't use half the features of ColdFusion 
|  Studio (I can't remember the last time I click something in 
| the tabs). 
|  So a move to DW is totally nonsensical. Most developers, at 
| least the 
|  good ones, don't need or want designer tools.
| These seem to be pretty broad statements. I'd have a hard 
| time saying that I know what most developers want or need.
|  I do not feel like I'm in the minority by saying, skip
|  the upgrade to DW and just get the tag updater for
|  Studio 5.
| There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, if you prefer CF 
| Studio to Dreamweaver MX. You'd be a fool to do otherwise, 
| just because MM wants you to buy their latest shiny new toy. 
| On the other hand, you'd also be a fool if you just listened 
| to everyone complain about how bad DWMX is, without 
| evaluating it for yourself.
|  So the question becomes: what point is there to upgrading? There is 
|  none.
| There are certainly some people who prefer Dreamweaver MX to 
| CF Studio. They may not be especially vocal on this list, 
| they may be a minority, but there are some out there.
|  And perhaps, I'm being a bit critical, but I cannot figure out why 
|  developers are defending DWMX.
| Well, from my perspective, I can't figure out why developers 
| here are attacking DWMX. It's not like MM is coming to your 
| house and forcing you to buy it at gunpoint. No one's going 
| to pry your copy of CF Studio 5 from your hard drive. What 
| I've objected to, on this list, is the rabid the sky is 
| falling reaction that many people seem to have about the 
| very existence of Dreamweaver MX. To summarize, here's what people are
| saying:
| 1. Dreamweaver MX sucks.
| I'll leave this open to debate. I certainly have my own 
| complaints about it, but frankly, the more I use it, the more 
| comfortable I become with it, and I find myself using Studio 
| less and less. There are a number of things that I think 
| Dreamweaver MX does for me better than Studio. Is it perfect? 
| No, far from it. Do I think that, two or three revisions down 
| the road, it'll be a really good editor? Yes, I do - and I 
| don't think the same is true for CF Studio, which really 
| hasn't changed that significantly over its last two versions.
| 2. MM is abandoning CF Studio and Homesite.
| This doesn't seem to actually be the case, since there's a 
| new version of CF Studio, relabeled Homesite+. MM might not 
| be marketing it, but it's there. MM might abandon it in the 
| future, but who knows what will happen in the future anyway? 
| I think that the long-term goal for MM is to replace CF 
| Studio with Dreamweaver MX, but they won't be able to do that 
| successfully until they make it good enough for everyone to 
| want to use, and at that point, well, everyone will want to use it.
| This reminds me very much of the history 

RE: DWMX Speed... (Was: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!)

2002-10-18 Thread Lee Fuller
We turned this off long ago, Dave.  However the the speed is still quite

Just fyi...

| -Original Message-
| From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts;] 
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:20 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
|  My biggest complaint is speed, I actually never dug deep into
|  it because it was too slow unless I closed out all the other 
|  applications I am normally using when developing.  I just 
|  find it odd that in computers all with at least 512mb of ram 
|  and all well over 600mhz in cpu, that I can't multitask 
|  without major slow downs when using DWMX.
| You might find this configuration tip useful: 
| Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
| voice: (202) 797-5496
| fax: (202) 797-5444
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Homesite+/Studio: Calculating Image Dimensions (was Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!)

2002-10-18 Thread charlie griefer
Homesite+ does not do this either, but as i understand it, it's a bug and 
not a 'feature' :) 

which segues me into...can anybody offer any insight as to whether or not a 
patch will be released any time in the near future?  Like Tony, I really do 
find this annoying (altho it's not stopping me from using Homesite+ over the 
nightmare that is DWMX ;) 


Lee Fuller writes: 

 WOW!  Really??  That's amazing. 
 So, let me make sure I understand (and I'm truly curious.. I'm not being
 a smart-a$$ or facetious)... 
 Even with all the other features that DWMX has -- the ones that would
 make you use it ...all day long... -- you have decided not to do so
 because it doesn't automatically put in the height/width on an image
 that is inserted via drag-n-drop? 
 | -Original Message-
 | From: Tony Weeg [mailto:tony;]  
 | I would use DWMX all day long, I have a fast machine, thank 
 | GOD, if they would put the functionality of dragging and 
 | dropping an image from the 
 | directory tree on the left to the page I am working on, on 
 | the righti know I can do this, but DWMX doesn't add the 
 | height / width parameters to the image tag.  this is a huge 
 | pain, and for that reason, I FLAME THE HELL out of DWMX 
 | whenever I can.
 | I know it seems like a petty reason, but its large enough for 
 | me to not use it! 
Get the mailserver that powers this list at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Costas Piliotis
Nicely written Dave.

Thing is though, the problem mostly is that Macromedia isn't really
listening.  They SHOULD care about we use as an editor.  I'm glad you are a
proponent of vi.  But the majority of ppl in this discussion group seem to
feel that cf studio is the best tool for building cf driven apps.  

Heck, I think half the people would be a heck of a lot quieter if they
copied the source for Homesite+, called it CF Studio MX, and then charged
more for it.  Betcha most people wouldn't even notice.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts;] 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

 HomeSite+ is NOT an upgrade to Studio nor is it a new
 version. Saying that we still get it cheaper than Studio
 ticks me off because it's actually more of a downgrade 
 - it should be cheaper. UI customization features removed, 
 Query Builder removed and CFMX syntax didn't ship with
 the product - you have to download and install that 
 yourself. It's not an upgrade, it's a sidegrade to comply 
 with a lost lawsuit. Ok, it IS a new version in that it 
 was released after CF Studio 5 and that the features 
 aren't identical, but it has fewer features - that's not
 something I typically pay money for.

If you're happy with CF Studio, I wouldn't suggest upgrading to Homesite+
just because it's available. If you don't have CF Studio, and would like to
have it, Homesite+ is, in essence, CF Studio 5. If you're hiring new
developers, and want them to have something like CF Studio to use, you can
buy the Dreamweaver MX/Homesite+ bundle and install Homesite+. That's all.

The Query Builder in Homesite+ is identical to that in CF Studio 5, as far
as I can tell.

Even if you could still buy CF Studio, I suspect that MM would have to
remove the UI customization features in that, to comply with the lawsuit.

It seems like you feel that we all want you to use Homesite+ or Dreamweaver
MX. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Nobody cares what you (or me,
or anybody else) use for your editor. Personally, I'd like to see everyone
using vi - color coding is for wusses! I was simply responding to the common
complaints about Dreamweaver MX, by pointing out that they don't hold much

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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Lighten up! (was RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!)

2002-10-18 Thread todd
Personally, I'd like to see everyone using vi - color coding is for 
wusses! -Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

I love this quote! LOL!



Todd Rafferty ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - |
Team Macromedia Volunteer for ColdFusion   |  |   - webRat (Moderator)| - webRat (Back-end Moderator)   |
   Speakeasy DSL -|

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RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Rob Rohan
People fear change. They'll get over it.

It's an just an IDE. Perhaps because I've used so many IDEs/editors in my
short career that I am immune.  I like studio, but studio is not that cool -
and it's features are not rare.

It freezes, sometimes truncates files, and causes GPFs just like other

I really can believe people are bummed out because the GUI doesn't provide
an auto height and width screen. Get over it. Work through it. If you can't
write CF code without certain features of an IDE then perhaps you need a
book, not an editor.

I miss Windows3.11's stability, should we start a petition to have Microsoft
start redeveloping it?

-Original Message-
From: Lee Fuller [mailto:leelistnew;]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

Sure.. But don't all ventures of decent magnitude?

Hey.. I'm not proposing a magic bullet.  I'm just asking all of those
who *truly believe* that studio is an endangered beast, and who *truly*
don't want that to happen, to put their feelings to the test and decide
if they would *really* like to take it upon themselves to continue on
the market space.

It's not likely to happen.  However, it shakes those out who are just
screaming to be screaming, separating them from those who really do
think there is a reason to continue this process.

Just my .02...

| -Original Message-
| From: Eric Dawson [mailto:cftalk;]
| Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 1:25 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| - coalition == cooperative licensing? (anyone with a checkbook)
| - Who's going to manage this 'company' ?? == management is paid.
| model makes sense to me.
| $x to manage and develop product
| n install base
| licence = $x/n
| it could get more complicated.
| e
| From: Angel Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:34:28 -0400
| It would never work.
|   - Who decides who's on the 'coalition'?
|   - Won't even get into whether MM would or
| wouldn't...thought about the legal fees involved in 'handing
| over' source code?
|   - Who's going to manage this 'company' ??
| -Gel
| -Original Message-
| From: Lee Fuller [mailto:leelistnew;]
| Ok everyone.. Time to put your $ where your mouth is.  (er.. fingers
| are) ...
| Do you REALLY want to keep Studio alive, beyond MM's lifespan
| for it? If so, then how about this?
|   - We create a coalition of individuals/companies that
| can raise some funding.
|   - We propose a purchase/licensing of the product/code from MM.
|   - We create a company that will code/patch/maintain and sell it.
| If we do this as a massive joint-venture, we may find that
| there is true support in the market space, and take the
| headaches away from MM.. simply giving them a percentage --
| making sure it is always compatible with MM's product line.
| I would be willing to help establish the company base and
| provide direction for the venture.
| Thoughts?
| Lee

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Deeds, Dave
 Now, in Dreamweaver, whenever you start it in Homesite 
 style, there's a
 narrow arrow there on the line between the leftmost panels 
 and the working
 editor window. If you click on that arrow, it 'hides' your left panels
 groups and leaves you with your Insert menu and your properties panels
 below. (Note, this is a lot like CF Studio's F-9 keystroke, 
 in that it hides
 that left work space and retains the important top and bottom 
 work areas).
 If you click on the arrow again, it expands it back. Okay, 
 I'm *aware* of F4
 to hide panels. This isn't what I'm looking for. F4 hides ALL 
 the panels. I
 even scoured the customize keystroke thingy, and I just 
 couldn't find out
 what collapsing that little line between the left and right 
 was *called* to
 even assign it to anything.
 I know it's petty, but damn, it's *so* irritating. Any idea 
 what the hell
 I'm talking about? Any way to assign a keystroke to 
 simulating the effect of
 clicking on that line?

 Only if you can assign multiple commands (and I don;t know if this can be
done) to a single key stroke. F4 turns off all panels, cmd+F2 (ctrl+F2)
turns on the Insert Panel.

Now if that can be done with one key-stroke that would be cool. 

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Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Sean A Corfield
On Friday, Oct 18, 2002, at 11:59 US/Pacific, Rob Rohan wrote:
 I miss Windows3.11's stability, should we start a petition to have 
 Microsoft start redeveloping it?

Microsoft cancelled WfWG??? I'm bummed... I loved that OS...

(c'mon, it's Friday!)

SOAP is not so much a means of transmitting data
  but a mechanism for calling COM objects over the Web.
-- not Microsoft (surprisingly!)

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Re: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Sean A Corfield
On Friday, Oct 18, 2002, at 10:12 US/Pacific, Costas Piliotis wrote:
 Thing is though, the problem mostly is that Macromedia isn't really
 listening.  They SHOULD care about we use as an editor.

Yes, they really are listening. And they really care. Believe me. If 
they weren't / didn't, then there wouldn't be half as much discussion 
going on internally about how deal with all the concerns expressed 
here! This stuff takes up a bunch of our time because - shock, horror - 
we actually want happy customers!

Look, Vern deals with this list because it's his job. He's the 
Community Manager. I deal with this list because it's interesting (when 
it's on-topic!) and I'm passionate about CF as a customer: I use it 
day-in, day-out. Go read my personal website and see what I say about 
CF. Compare it to what I wrote about BroadVision when I worked with 
that all day, when I was actually doing work *for* BroadVision. I got 
into trouble for that but my website is my honest opinion and my 
employer has no say in what I post there (well, assuming I don't 
violate confidentiality etc). I also got into trouble for being 
uncomplimentary - in print and on my website - about the C++ Standards 
Committee while I was an active member (heck, I think I might even have 
been J16 Secretary at the time).

There's other Macromedians here on this list too for whom this is not 
part of their job - they're here because they care about CF and the 

 But the majority of ppl in this discussion group seem to
 feel that cf studio is the best tool for building cf driven apps.

There's certainly a lot of vocal support for it :)

Personally, I don't like CF Studio. I installed it and after a few days 
I uninstalled it and went back to UltraDev. Before I joined Macromedia, 
I tried HomeSite for writing BroadVision pages... didn't really like it 
much, although some folks on my team back then loved it. Personal 
preferences! I'm on a Mac now and I use a combination of DWMX, vi and 
jEdit. I look around at my team today and some are diehard CF Studio 
users, others are diehard DWMX users and most are agnostic (although 
I'm not the only vi fan here).

Is DWMX perfect? No, of course not. I've filed some wishlist requests 
and I know my team has too. Is CFS perfect? No, it's not. Have any of 
my team filed wishlist requests for CFS? I don't know... very probably, 
knowing how fussy some of them are!

 Heck, I think half the people would be a heck of a lot quieter if they
 copied the source for Homesite+, called it CF Studio MX, and then 
 more for it.  Betcha most people wouldn't even notice.

I really wish we had done this... Selling HomeSite+ as ColdFusion 
Studio MX at $499 alongside Dreamweaver MX at $399...

Tell me it's Friday... Please!
-- me

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RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!

2002-10-18 Thread Ken Wilson
I really wish we had done this... Selling HomeSite+ as ColdFusion
Studio MX at $499 alongside Dreamweaver MX at $399...

Yeah, but then we'd bitch and moan about it not including all the latest
CFMX toys that DWMX offers rather than just wishing we could have the
pre-Adobe-settlement CF Studio features.  :)


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