Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-12 Thread Doug Bezona
I suggest experimenting with a few to see what best supports your needs.
Folks have already given a lot of great suggestions.

What I found, as I am working on a VERY AJAX intensive app right now, is
that all of the libraries have strengths and weaknesses, and you may run
into a "deal breaker" weakness, or a "must have" strength with a particular
library that will help shape your decision.

I do highly suggest playing the the various Ajax stuff in the CF8 beta -
it's pretty compelling, and will greatly minimize the amount of JavaScript
you need to write. If its capabilities fit your needs, it is probably the
easiest path.

One very interesting alternative I didn't see mentioned is the Google Web
Toolkit. ( It uses a very unique approach
- it's basically a set of Java libraries that generates JavaScript code. You
write the UI/Ajax stuff in Java, compile it, and include the resulting
JavaScript in your page.

The advantage of writing in Java rather than JS directly is that Java is a
much more sane language than JavaScript, and there are far far better Java
development tools available than there are JS ones. It's much easier to
debug, unit test, etc.

You don't have to be a Java guru by any means. I got very far with a fairly
rudimentary understanding of Java.

In addition, there is a very nice (though commercial) Eclipse plug-in, GWT
Designer (,  that lets
you visually build out the UI.

I ended up not using GWT only because I had a couple of very specific
requirements that I couldn't do cleanly enough - namely adding widgets to
certain other widgets - but the latest release candidate solves that.

Just some food for thought.

On 6/9/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> most
> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax
> or
> mxAjax?
> Brook

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-11 Thread Dinner
On 6/11/07, Andy Matthews wrote:
> FYI, while jQuery doesn't do this out of the box, there is a plugin to manage 
> the back
> button.

Sweet! Gotta have that back button handled, neh!

Are you using the plugin?  Does it use a hidden iframe, or another method?

I like the fact that the stuff is sorta "baked in" with dojo... from
the beginning
it was meant to be robust, which is a different philosophy than the small but
pluggable- "better" or "worse" depends on the scale of the app, somewhat.

I wasn't aware of the Accessibility aspect of dojo, which I think is HUGE (it
sorta peeves me that Accessibility takes a back seat in so many places,
which is ironic, as I've put it in the back seat of 90% of what I've done.).
Thanks, Sandra!  You'd think a fan would know that! =-P

Another exciting aspect is the Internationalization stuff- again, not so much
a plugin (but you can exclude it) as a concept-  It's important to the library
as a whole, you know?  I dig that.

Themes are slowly making their way out the door...

It's just really, really, robust.  Tests for just about everything, etc..

Part of the deal, I guess, is the bit about using ORMs vs. knowing SQL.
It's "a good thing" to know SQL, even tho it can be startlingly easy to
slap together a site now without knowing any.  It's still awful hard to do
some stuff via ORM alone, tho, so...  same applies to JS, in a manner.

There has just been a /ton/ of thought (and debate, etc.) put into dojo,
with things in mind that I think a lot of the other libraries are just now
sorta getting to the point of needing/thinking about.

It's always tougher when you didn't foresee something getting "so big",
if you read me.  Script scope separation, for instance.  Does "your lib"
handle script separation? (<--question directed toward potential library
pickers, not Andy specifically. :).

Does "your library" have ways to specify events are connected just once?
Does "your library" have a robust event system?  Will "your library" grow
with your needs, to the point of off-line accessibility?  Comet?
And do it pretty cohesively?

Do all your plugins play nice with each other?  Do /you/ (the end user)
have to verify that when you add plugin X, it doesn't mess up plugin Y?
*   *   *

With such an nice, open subject, I figured I'd throw these questions/
considerations out there, keep the good info flowing, etc..

And it's a slight battle of the libraries, which I think is good, no? =]

PS- dojo's api seems clear enough to me.  I don't have any problems with
the source, at least.  Pretty easy to see what does what, etc..

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-11 Thread Christopher Jordan
My suggestion for you would be jQuery. Its community is very friendly, 
excited to welcome new comers, and growing all the time.

Also, since what you asked for was an 'Ajax library', I would suggest 
Rob Gonda's AjaxCFC. It can be used alone (he incorporates a javascript 
library called DWR), or you can use the new jQuery branch that Rob has 

With the addition of AjaxCFC to jQuery you have the option of using 
jQuery's in-built ajax calls or Rob's AjaxCFC which can make 
asynchronous calls directly to a CFC (something that jQuery's in-built 
ajax doesn't do well).

I'd also like to add that jQuery partnered with Jack Slocum's Ext project.

You can read details on that here 


Andy Matthews wrote:
> Quite a few of the people on this list use jQuery.
> Several people use Dojo, or Scriptaculous, or Prototype. There's also
> moo.fx, Dom-ext, Ext-js and more.
> I'd use jQuery though.
> :)
> -Original Message-
> From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 6:54 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: AJAX Libraries
> Hello,
> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There most
> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax or
> mxAjax?  
> Brook

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 & 
Flex 2
Free Trial


RE: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-11 Thread Andy Matthews
FYI, while jQuery doesn't do this out of the box, there is a plugin to manage 
the back button. 

-Original Message-
From: Dinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 9:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries

Dojo kicks freaking arse.  It roxerz on so many levels, I can't contemplate any 
other library.

If you really want to do some heavy AJAX, I'd go Dojo.

If you're looking for a bit of flash, heck, they're all good.  'prolly use what 
James sugged, since it ties with CF.

I wonder tho... have any libraries 'sides dojo tackled the back button, and 
"normal" pages that just get "AJAX"ed, like Dojo does?

Two Powerful Features which I can't live without.

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The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


RE: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-11 Thread Andy Matthews
I'm shocked that list doesn't contain jQuery. 

-Original Message-
From: [Sunshine Tech Solutions] Ravi Gehlot
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries


Check this out:


Andrew Scott wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has 
>> an integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? 
>> There most be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had 
>> success with cfajax or mxAjax?
>> Brook

CF 8 – Scorpio beta now available, 
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RE: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-11 Thread Andy Matthews
Quite a few of the people on this list use jQuery.

Several people use Dojo, or Scriptaculous, or Prototype. There's also
moo.fx, Dom-ext, Ext-js and more.

I'd use jQuery though.


-Original Message-
From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 6:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: AJAX Libraries



Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There most
be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax or




Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-11 Thread Ariel Jakobovits
YUI also has a good Custom Event framework and one very important parameter 
built into all of their event handling functions that you will discover is 

But just to add, I thought their widgets were poor. Ext has the nicest ones but 
hardest to work with. Dojo's API looks sloppy. MooTools has beautiful examples 
and simple code. And I don't know much about Prototype except that I didn't 
choose it.

This is what I was doing before I decided to move to Flex.


- Original Message 
From: blists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 9:34:37 PM
Subject: RE: AJAX Libraries

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, I will start to check them out.
Is the yahoo stuff what yahoo used to make yahoo mail, because I have found
the new yahoo mail to be very solid and a very cool RIA app. So if it uses
the same lib, then that might be interesting to me. 

I'm gonna check them all out :)


-Original Message-
From: Ariel Jakobovits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 10, 2007 3:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries

Just like to throw in that unlike the other toolkits, jQuery is a unique and
expressive language to use for adding your own javascript functionality to
webpages with very little coding. It teaches you the DOM structure very well
and will hone your CSS/XPath skills. Discovering it was like writing my
first Lisp program, except that I ended up doing lots of things with my
javascript capabilities.

I think jQuery's strength lies in its ability to target and modify specific
DOM elements. Conversely, I think its weakness is that you give up on a lot
of its power when using other people's plugins. I believe there are lots of
plugins because it is easy for people to create their own functionality, not
so much because the community at large is asking for them. Dojo has
pre-built widgets you are encouraged to use, Ext even more, and a
developer's strength is based in his/her ability to use the existing
widgets. As a jQuery programmer, you want to be good at adding the
functionalities yourself on the fly as you decide to add them.

- Original Message 
From: Michael E. Carluen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:25:43 PM
Subject: RE: AJAX Libraries


One thing that I like about jQuery is the growing number of community
developed plugins and extensions. It seems like one is added everyday.

Also it also good to know that the list of recognizable brands have deployed
sites on it.

Finally, it is also good to find reputable CF gurus (or even novice to
intermediate to advance CFers) being quite visible in its already active
community. As in, don't hesitate to ask anything CF-related.

Hth you... and good luck on your search and on your decision.  Again it'll
all just boil down to your personal preference of features you are looking
for, as others have indicated.  The 3 points I stated above was personally
important to me at the time I was deciding.

> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 5:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a
> few
> before cfajax and mxAjax.
> Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.
> Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
> Yahoo's ajax library yui.
> For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit
> On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> > integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> > most
> > be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> cfajax
> > or
> > mxAjax?
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
JQuery is not unique in this regard.

"This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions." 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Ariel Jakobovits
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sun Jun 10 23:08:57 2007
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries

Just like to throw in that unlike the other toolkits, jQuery is a unique and
expressive language to use for adding your own javascript functionality to
webpages with very little coding. It teaches you the DOM structure very well
and will hone your CSS/XPath skills. Discovering it was like writing my
first Lisp program, except that I ended up doing lots of things with my
javascript capabilities.

I think jQuery's strength lies in its ability to target and modify specific
DOM elements. Conversely, I think its weakness is that you give up on a lot
of its power when using other people's plugins. I believe there are lots of
plugins because it is easy for people to create their own functionality, not
so much because the community at large is asking for them. Dojo has
pre-built widgets you are encouraged to use, Ext even more, and a
developer's strength is based in his/her ability to use the existing
widgets. As a jQuery programmer, you want to be good at adding the
functionalities yourself on the fly as you decide to add them.

- Original Message 
From: Michael E. Carluen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:25:43 PM
Subject: RE: AJAX Libraries


One thing that I like about jQuery is the growing number of community
developed plugins and extensions. It seems like one is added everyday.

Also it also good to know that the list of recognizable brands have deployed
sites on it.

Finally, it is also good to find reputable CF gurus (or even novice to
intermediate to advance CFers) being quite visible in its already active
community. As in, don't hesitate to ask anything CF-related.

Hth you... and good luck on your search and on your decision.  Again it'll
all just boil down to your personal preference of features you are looking
for, as others have indicated.  The 3 points I stated above was personally
important to me at the time I was deciding.

> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 5:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a
> few
> before cfajax and mxAjax.
> Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.
> Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
> Yahoo's ajax library yui.
> For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit
> On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> > integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> > most
> > be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> cfajax
> > or
> > mxAjax?
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Andrew Scott
I would say so, but I don't use yahoo mail so it would be just a guess on my
part. But as also mentioned the new Ajax UI features of Coldfusion 8 is all
based on YUI.

On 6/11/07, blists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, I will start to check them out.
> Is the yahoo stuff what yahoo used to make yahoo mail, because I have
> found
> the new yahoo mail to be very solid and a very cool RIA app. So if it uses
> the same lib, then that might be interesting to me.
> I'm gonna check them all out :)
> Brook
> -Original Message-
> From: Ariel Jakobovits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: June 10, 2007 3:09 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> Just like to throw in that unlike the other toolkits, jQuery is a unique
> and
> expressive language to use for adding your own javascript functionality to
> webpages with very little coding. It teaches you the DOM structure very
> well
> and will hone your CSS/XPath skills. Discovering it was like writing my
> first Lisp program, except that I ended up doing lots of things with my
> javascript capabilities.
> I think jQuery's strength lies in its ability to target and modify
> specific
> DOM elements. Conversely, I think its weakness is that you give up on a
> lot
> of its power when using other people's plugins. I believe there are lots
> of
> plugins because it is easy for people to create their own functionality,
> not
> so much because the community at large is asking for them. Dojo has
> pre-built widgets you are encouraged to use, Ext even more, and a
> developer's strength is based in his/her ability to use the existing
> widgets. As a jQuery programmer, you want to be good at adding the
> functionalities yourself on the fly as you decide to add them.
> - Original Message 
> From: Michael E. Carluen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: CF-Talk 
> Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:25:43 PM
> Subject: RE: AJAX Libraries
> Brook,
> One thing that I like about jQuery is the growing number of community
> developed plugins and extensions. It seems like one is added everyday.
> Also it also good to know that the list of recognizable brands have
> deployed
> sites on it.
> Finally, it is also good to find reputable CF gurus (or even novice to
> intermediate to advance CFers) being quite visible in its already active
> community. As in, don't hesitate to ask anything CF-related.
> he-jQuery-Ajax-Library
> Hth you... and good luck on your search and on your decision.  Again it'll
> all just boil down to your personal preference of features you are looking
> for, as others have indicated.  The 3 points I stated above was personally
> important to me at the time I was deciding.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 5:57 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> >
> > I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a
> > few
> > before cfajax and mxAjax.
> >
> > Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.
> >
> > Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
> > Yahoo's ajax library yui.
> >
> > For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has
> an
> > > integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for?
> There
> > > most
> > > be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> > cfajax
> > > or
> > > mxAjax?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Brook
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 & 
Flex 2
Free Trial


RE: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread blists
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, I will start to check them out.
Is the yahoo stuff what yahoo used to make yahoo mail, because I have found
the new yahoo mail to be very solid and a very cool RIA app. So if it uses
the same lib, then that might be interesting to me. 

I'm gonna check them all out :)


-Original Message-
From: Ariel Jakobovits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 10, 2007 3:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries

Just like to throw in that unlike the other toolkits, jQuery is a unique and
expressive language to use for adding your own javascript functionality to
webpages with very little coding. It teaches you the DOM structure very well
and will hone your CSS/XPath skills. Discovering it was like writing my
first Lisp program, except that I ended up doing lots of things with my
javascript capabilities.

I think jQuery's strength lies in its ability to target and modify specific
DOM elements. Conversely, I think its weakness is that you give up on a lot
of its power when using other people's plugins. I believe there are lots of
plugins because it is easy for people to create their own functionality, not
so much because the community at large is asking for them. Dojo has
pre-built widgets you are encouraged to use, Ext even more, and a
developer's strength is based in his/her ability to use the existing
widgets. As a jQuery programmer, you want to be good at adding the
functionalities yourself on the fly as you decide to add them.

- Original Message 
From: Michael E. Carluen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:25:43 PM
Subject: RE: AJAX Libraries


One thing that I like about jQuery is the growing number of community
developed plugins and extensions. It seems like one is added everyday.

Also it also good to know that the list of recognizable brands have deployed
sites on it.

Finally, it is also good to find reputable CF gurus (or even novice to
intermediate to advance CFers) being quite visible in its already active
community. As in, don't hesitate to ask anything CF-related.

Hth you... and good luck on your search and on your decision.  Again it'll
all just boil down to your personal preference of features you are looking
for, as others have indicated.  The 3 points I stated above was personally
important to me at the time I was deciding.

> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 5:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a
> few
> before cfajax and mxAjax.
> Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.
> Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
> Yahoo's ajax library yui.
> For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit
> On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> > integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> > most
> > be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> cfajax
> > or
> > mxAjax?
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Ariel Jakobovits
Just like to throw in that unlike the other toolkits, jQuery is a unique and 
expressive language to use for adding your own javascript functionality to 
webpages with very little coding. It teaches you the DOM structure very well 
and will hone your CSS/XPath skills. Discovering it was like writing my first 
Lisp program, except that I ended up doing lots of things with my javascript 

I think jQuery's strength lies in its ability to target and modify specific DOM 
elements. Conversely, I think its weakness is that you give up on a lot of its 
power when using other people's plugins. I believe there are lots of plugins 
because it is easy for people to create their own functionality, not so much 
because the community at large is asking for them. Dojo has pre-built widgets 
you are encouraged to use, Ext even more, and a developer's strength is based 
in his/her ability to use the existing widgets. As a jQuery programmer, you 
want to be good at adding the functionalities yourself on the fly as you decide 
to add them.

- Original Message 
From: Michael E. Carluen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:25:43 PM
Subject: RE: AJAX Libraries


One thing that I like about jQuery is the growing number of community
developed plugins and extensions. It seems like one is added everyday.

Also it also good to know that the list of recognizable brands have deployed
sites on it.

Finally, it is also good to find reputable CF gurus (or even novice to
intermediate to advance CFers) being quite visible in its already active
community. As in, don't hesitate to ask anything CF-related.

Hth you... and good luck on your search and on your decision.  Again it'll
all just boil down to your personal preference of features you are looking
for, as others have indicated.  The 3 points I stated above was personally
important to me at the time I was deciding.

> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 5:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a
> few
> before cfajax and mxAjax.
> Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.
> Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
> Yahoo's ajax library yui.
> For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit
> On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> > integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> > most
> > be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> cfajax
> > or
> > mxAjax?
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


RE: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Sandra Clark
Just and FYI, DoJo has MAJOR accessibility features built in and is designed to 
work with the ARIA (Accessibile Rich Internet Applications) standard

Firefox 2 is mostly ARIA compliant.  Firefox 3 will be entirely ARIA compliant. 

Jaws 7 is partially ARIA compliant.  

Sandra Clark
Training and Consulting  in CSS and Accessibility
Team Fusebox

-Original Message-
From: Dinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 3:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries

On 6/10/07 Neil (RX) wrote:
> What's wrong with your keyboard?  Seems to have poste in "nonsense street
> mode"


Whoops!  It's the latest language for FCKEditor... musta left it on... amazing
how it integrates with gmail, neh?

Translated, the gist is that dojo has some built-in stuff for handling a
couple of the more troublesome aspects of "AJAX"; the back button,
bookmarks, and, I know they can all do this, but: you can design so
that the "super-dooper web 2.0" app works with javascript turned off

Heck, it's all just JS, but I've had good cross-browser results with dojo,
and the tag-based option makes it freakishly easy for even non js, non
cf, all-I-know-is-html types to pick up and whip out great stuff with.

Obviously a fan-boi, but I've wanked with quite a bit of them and I'm
just enamored with dojo, it's AOP, and the breadth of things covered.

All optionally included, lazy loaded, etc., etc., etc.. just great stuff.
(There is some crazy development happening, too. Amazing things!)

Freakishly cool, especially as you start doing AOP, RIA, etc..

Not un-biased, but not un-experienced either, so- eh- there it is.

D and d, sitting in a tree, K I S S i n g!

-ps if you're curious, get dojo, and take a look in the tests/ directory.
Tons of great stuff.  I'm sad most the old demos are missing from
the new dojo site... it's silly... not for me, but for noobs, fer sure...

ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe®
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Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Dinner
On 6/10/07 Neil (RX) wrote:
> What's wrong with your keyboard?  Seems to have poste in "nonsense street
> mode"


Whoops!  It's the latest language for FCKEditor... musta left it on... amazing
how it integrates with gmail, neh?

Translated, the gist is that dojo has some built-in stuff for handling a
couple of the more troublesome aspects of "AJAX"; the back button,
bookmarks, and, I know they can all do this, but: you can design so
that the "super-dooper web 2.0" app works with javascript turned off

Heck, it's all just JS, but I've had good cross-browser results with dojo,
and the tag-based option makes it freakishly easy for even non js, non
cf, all-I-know-is-html types to pick up and whip out great stuff with.

Obviously a fan-boi, but I've wanked with quite a bit of them and I'm
just enamored with dojo, it's AOP, and the breadth of things covered.

All optionally included, lazy loaded, etc., etc., etc.. just great stuff.
(There is some crazy development happening, too. Amazing things!)

Freakishly cool, especially as you start doing AOP, RIA, etc..

Not un-biased, but not un-experienced either, so- eh- there it is.

D and d, sitting in a tree, K I S S i n g!

-ps if you're curious, get dojo, and take a look in the tests/ directory.
Tons of great stuff.  I'm sad most the old demos are missing from
the new dojo site... it's silly... not for me, but for noobs, fer sure...

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
Build sales & marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


RE: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Michael E. Carluen

One thing that I like about jQuery is the growing number of community
developed plugins and extensions. It seems like one is added everyday.

Also it also good to know that the list of recognizable brands have deployed
sites on it.

Finally, it is also good to find reputable CF gurus (or even novice to
intermediate to advance CFers) being quite visible in its already active
community. As in, don't hesitate to ask anything CF-related.

Hth you... and good luck on your search and on your decision.  Again it'll
all just boil down to your personal preference of features you are looking
for, as others have indicated.  The 3 points I stated above was personally
important to me at the time I was deciding.

> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 5:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries
> I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a
> few
> before cfajax and mxAjax.
> Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.
> Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
> Yahoo's ajax library yui.
> For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit
> On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> > integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> > most
> > be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> cfajax
> > or
> > mxAjax?
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

CF 8 – Scorpio beta now available, 
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Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Andrew Scott

No flames here, and the point is that each have their own quirks and

So to Brook +1 for it is really up to what you need, and or looking to

On 6/10/07, James Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Having worked with a few, I'm pretty certain that there is no "best"
> framework (though I'm sure some fanboys will flame me for this).
> If you simply want a way to have JavaScript <-> CF conversations easily
> and without a lot of coding, I think any of them will work.
> My personal lightweight favorite is mootools (
> because it is very small and super easy to use/learn, but YUI,
> Prototype/Scriptaculous and Dojo are much more feature complete and are
> excellent frameworks as well.
> Good luck

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread James Wolfe
Having worked with a few, I'm pretty certain that there is no "best" framework 
(though I'm sure some fanboys will flame me for this).

If you simply want a way to have JavaScript <-> CF conversations easily and 
without a lot of coding, I think any of them will work. 

My personal lightweight favorite is mootools ( 
because it is very small and super easy to use/learn, but YUI, 
Prototype/Scriptaculous and Dojo are much more feature complete and are 
excellent frameworks as well.

Good luck

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 & 
Flex 2
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Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)

There are lots out their and trying to say one is better and it is hard to
see through the crap as everyone has their own views and preferences hence
why I will not preach, only suggest/advocate.

Personally I like and use / Prototype but it can be bloat
for simple needs. I also can't talk highly enough of Backbase, a cracking
offering but unfortunately costs a lot and geared toward people building
practically 100% Ajax RIA.

All of the frameworks aside, think of your potential etc.  If you do not
know or want to know any JS beyond what the the frameworks offer then go
with one which is easy to get up to speed (JSMX is no doubt the simplest
IMO).  If you want or envisage building applications and having to do more
complex JS interactions then you know who you are and you could effectively
use any - unless you want ColdFusion interop already in place as then your
choice is further refined.



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-Original Message-
From: [Sunshine Tech Solutions] Ravi Gehlot
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sun Jun 10 06:48:43 2007
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries


Check this out:


Andrew Scott wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
>> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
>> most
>> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax
>> or
>> mxAjax?
>> Brook

ColdFusion 8 beta – Build next generation applications today.
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Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-10 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
What's wrong with your keyboard?  Seems to have poste in "nonsense street


"This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
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that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
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received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
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communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions." 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Dinner
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sun Jun 10 03:31:58 2007
Subject: Re: AJAX Libraries

Dojo kicks freaking arse.  It roxerz on so many levels, I can't contemplate
other library.

If you really want to do some heavy AJAX, I'd go Dojo.

If you're looking for a bit of flash, heck, they're all good.  'prolly
use what James
sugged, since it ties with CF.

I wonder tho... have any libraries 'sides dojo tackled the back button, and
"normal" pages that just get "AJAX"ed, like Dojo does?

Two Powerful Features which I can't live without.

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7 & 
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread [Sunshine Tech Solutions] Ravi Gehlot
ops...this was for bad!

Andrew Scott wrote:
> why me? I do not care, I use dojo.
> On 6/10/07, [Sunshine Tech Solutions] Ravi Gehlot <
>> Andrew,
>>Check this out:
>> Ravi.
>> Andrew Scott wrote:

 Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
 integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
 be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
>> cfajax



Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
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Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread Andrew Scott
why me? I do not care, I use dojo.

On 6/10/07, [Sunshine Tech Solutions] Ravi Gehlot <
> Andrew,
>Check this out:
> Ravi.
> Andrew Scott wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> >> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> >> most
> >> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with
> cfajax
> >> or
> >> mxAjax?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Brook
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread [Sunshine Tech Solutions] Ravi Gehlot

Check this out:


Andrew Scott wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
>> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
>> most
>> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax
>> or
>> mxAjax?
>> Brook

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread James Holmes
Has anyone written the server-side parts to interface with YUI for CF 7?

On 6/10/07, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CF8 is more based an Yahoo's YUI, so that would be more the choice rather
> than mxAjax..
> On 6/10/07, Dinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Dojo kicks freaking arse.  It roxerz on so many levels, I can't
> > contemplate any
> > other library.
> >
> > If you really want to do some heavy AJAX, I'd go Dojo.
> >
> > If you're looking for a bit of flash, heck, they're all good.  'prolly
> > use what James
> > sugged, since it ties with CF.
> >
> > I wonder tho... have any libraries 'sides dojo tackled the back button,
> > and
> > "normal" pages that just get "AJAX"ed, like Dojo does?
> >
> > Two Powerful Features which I can't live without.

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread Andrew Scott
CF8 is more based an Yahoo's YUI, so that would be more the choice rather
than mxAjax..

On 6/10/07, Dinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dojo kicks freaking arse.  It roxerz on so many levels, I can't
> contemplate any
> other library.
> If you really want to do some heavy AJAX, I'd go Dojo.
> If you're looking for a bit of flash, heck, they're all good.  'prolly
> use what James
> sugged, since it ties with CF.
> I wonder tho... have any libraries 'sides dojo tackled the back button,
> and
> "normal" pages that just get "AJAX"ed, like Dojo does?
> Two Powerful Features which I can't live without.

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread Dinner
Dojo kicks freaking arse.  It roxerz on so many levels, I can't contemplate any
other library.

If you really want to do some heavy AJAX, I'd go Dojo.

If you're looking for a bit of flash, heck, they're all good.  'prolly
use what James
sugged, since it ties with CF.

I wonder tho... have any libraries 'sides dojo tackled the back button, and
"normal" pages that just get "AJAX"ed, like Dojo does?

Two Powerful Features which I can't live without.

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
Build sales & marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread James Holmes
IF you deploy mxAjax you can use the same AJAX controls as those
deployed into CF 8, the ExtJS library, because mxAjax is built on
Prototype and Scriptaculous and ExtJS has an interface for this combo:

CFAjax has been replaced by mxAjax, so I'd leave that one.

On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There most
> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax or
> mxAjax?

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity.


Re: AJAX Libraries

2007-06-09 Thread Andrew Scott
I would look at such libraries as Yahoos, googles, spry, Dojo to name a few
before cfajax and mxAjax.

Even jQuery would be on my list to look at.

Anyway, its up to you what your looking for. CF8 has intergration into
Yahoo's ajax library yui.

For one of the best resources for Ajax, visit

On 6/10/07, Brook Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have suggestions on an ajax library? I read that CF8 has an
> integrated AJAX 'gateway',  but is that really worth waiting for? There
> most
> be some good AJAX libraries out there. Has anyone had success with cfajax
> or
> mxAjax?
> Brook

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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