RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Polaski
Once you get an SSL cert installed, there is very little that can gowrong. I suppose you could get a corrupted file of something, but ifthat happens you'll most likely have bigger problems that will need afull system restore to fix. I think the only kind of support most serveradmins would need is installation support. Unless you're in a hurry,with email support, google, and this list you should be fine. If you are in a hurry, you can grab a test certificate from VeriSignthat's good for a week. When VeriSign calls to ask why you didn't buy acert from them, be sure to tell them that you found another vendor thatcharges far less. (I'm hoping that enough people will stop paying suchexorbitant prices that they will drop the cost to something reasonable.) Jeff PolaskiRGS Webmaster"I've never seen an abominable snowman, I'm hoping not to see one, I'm also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one. "-  The Abominable Snowman , by Ogden Nash -Original Message-From: Dan Phillips ( [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 1:39 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit How is there support? I know Geotrust is M-F 9-5 I've never had a problem with Geotrust support, they are quick torespond and always have the right answer but I know that something willhappen on a weekend or at 3am and I'll be hating life. Dan Phillipswww.CFXHosting.com1-866-239-4678[EMAIL PROTECTED]-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:37 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitJeffrey Polaski wrote:>Also, I'd ditch VeriSign, and go with a GeoTrust cert from> We've been using them for about six months and>haven't had a single problem. I've been using and recommending myself.  This morning Idumped them after setting up a Comodo reseller account  Rackshack recently lowered its price to US$29.  However one thingunstated is the renewal cert is full price:  US$119 at present (its beensteadily going UP).  If you try to renew via Rackshack's US$29 formGeotrust will convert the submission to a US$119 renewal.Add to that Rackshack recently started sending annoying renewal noticesevery couple of weeks to the billing contact (me) and the admin contact(the client).  This morning I found four notices in my inbox that eachclaimed a certain cert had expired "7 days ago" (none have expired yet).So I dumped them for InstantSSL.  I have a reseller account that lets meinstantly issue certs, priced at about $42 each.  Over 2 yearsInstantSSL is US$84 and Geotrust is US$148.If you read various charts these certs have better ubiquity thanGeotrust (which needs IE5.01+ and isn't recognized by Opera), although Inever heard any complaints in the roughly 1 1/2 years I used them.Just some Friday OT; sorry :-)-Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc.   _  [Todays_  
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Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Novak wrote:>Hold the horses there buddy... :)I know, I know... I figured it out.  Suddenly remembered skimming over some nonsense about installing 3 certs in the original email from Comodo.  That was at home, so rushed back and had it all fixed in a jiffy.  I'm pretty pleased overall with their whole process; pricing, ubiquity etc.Now I'm back at the office and its T-Minus 7 minutes to a shot or three of Rumplemintz.Woo hoo,- Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Polaski
I did have trouble with's support, but they just referredme to Geotrust, who was able to help. It was a problem with IIS onWin2k, where you couldn't install renewal certificates. The solutionended up being some foolishness where you had to create a duplicatesite, turn it off, install the approved cert, delete the site, and theninstall cert on the running site. It was due to a very oddimplementation of the key manager by MS. Anyways, I got it running.  Next time we renew, I'll be sure to take a look at InstantSSL. Thanksfor the tip! Jeff PolaskiRGS Webmaster"I've never seen an abominable snowman, I'm hoping not to see one, I'm also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one. "-  The Abominable Snowman , by Ogden Nash -Original Message-From: Dan Phillips ( [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 1:39 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit How is there support? I know Geotrust is M-F 9-5 I've never had a problem with Geotrust support, they are quick torespond and always have the right answer but I know that something willhappen on a weekend or at 3am and I'll be hating life. Dan Phillipswww.CFXHosting.com1-866-239-4678[EMAIL PROTECTED]-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:37 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitJeffrey Polaski wrote:>Also, I'd ditch VeriSign, and go with a GeoTrust cert from> We've been using them for about six months and>haven't had a single problem. I've been using and recommending myself.  This morning Idumped them after setting up a Comodo reseller account  Rackshack recently lowered its price to US$29.  However one thingunstated is the renewal cert is full price:  US$119 at present (its beensteadily going UP).  If you try to renew via Rackshack's US$29 formGeotrust will convert the submission to a US$119 renewal.Add to that Rackshack recently started sending annoying renewal noticesevery couple of weeks to the billing contact (me) and the admin contact(the client).  This morning I found four notices in my inbox that eachclaimed a certain cert had expired "7 days ago" (none have expired yet).So I dumped them for InstantSSL.  I have a reseller account that lets meinstantly issue certs, priced at about $42 each.  Over 2 yearsInstantSSL is US$84 and Geotrust is US$148.If you read various charts these certs have better ubiquity thanGeotrust (which needs IE5.01+ and isn't recognized by Opera), although Inever heard any complaints in the roughly 1 1/2 years I used them.Just some Friday OT; sorry :-)-Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc.   _  [Todays_  
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Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread cf-talk
Hold the horses there buddy... :)I thought the same thing too... but I actually called them and they pointedme to the correct place on their website.  I actually went and READ theinstructions... novel idea huh? ;-)Long story short... you need to install another certificate of theirs... itdoesn't come preinstalled on Windows or with IIS.  Once you do that yourcert will work perfectly fine and everyone's browser will work fine as well.Check out:  https://www.sslprotection.comIt's the domain I installed the certificate on.Finally... it's kinda hard for you to get "screwed" when they offer a 30 daymoney back guarantee.Give their tech support a call or look on their website for installationinstructions for your web server.  If you still can't find it, let me knowand I'll see if I still have the link kicking around here somewhere.Their cert DOES work though... Once I followed their instructions I had noproblems with it and couldn't be happier.-Novak- Original Message - From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 3:23 PMSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit> Hold the phone.>> I just checked the installation.  Earlier it was showing a problem cuz theeffective time hadn't occurred yet (not uncommon).  NOW its saying that thecertificate authority is untrusted by IE.>> Its not, as its now 'Comodo Class 3' instead of the chained Baltimore itwas formerly.  *Nobody* recognizes this CA.>> None of Comodo's sales stuff indicates this is happening.  Same with their'''' site.>> You and I both may have been screwed out of some cash here, as itspossible Comodo has just gone down the tubes.  I have a call in to them andI suggest you do the same, asap.  I may be calling my credit card companyhere shortly.>> Bah.>>> --> --->  Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]>  MSB Designs, Inc.> --->> --> 
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread cfhelp
I was about to post a disregard last post until I check your last post outmy self. Hehe... Give a guy a heart attack!I'm about a 6 pack in, that's  a good warm up. Got my buds on the way and the Iron Maiden on the CD player. 9 more hours to go! Up the Irons! Rick-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 6:14 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit Ignore my earlier post about the cert being untrusted.  My server didn'thave the root certs in place (Comodo is chained) and I just learned thehard way, once again, that RTFM isn't just for the other guy.  Puttingin the root certs took about 2 minutes.Interesting how Geotrust's touts Comodo as being chained toBaltimore, when in fact they have been chained to GTE Cyber Trust forawhile now.Beer Thirty indeed.  I still have an hour to go.  Boo hoo.--Matt---Original Message-From: cfhelp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:00 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitSorry...I am all behind Instant SSL I just missed the part about you being areseller.We have been talking about joining the reseller program it looks reallynice. I have passed a few emails back and forth wanting a full turn keysolution for our clients. So they can fill out one form on our site andgetan SSL, Merchant Account, Credit Card Gateway and all the works withouthaving to get each separate. They said no problem that they would workwithus.I think they have a great setup much better than Versign/Thwat.Well its Beer Thirty!Rick-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:51 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitRick wrote:>I just got a new one today ($49 from InstantSSL) and it's going to be 2>days.Thats cuz you don't have a reseller account.  If you do themindividuallylike that you get stuck with manual verification, and pay the fullretailprice.  Since I charge an installation fee to the client this discountisonly a minor issue, but more money is always better than less.As a reseller they assume you have already verified the recipient isgenuineas part of your ongoing business relationship.  You can issue instantlyviaa special account area you get to with a login.You have to fund the reseller account with at least US$200.  The certpricesare then deducted from this 'deposit'.  When the money runs out, you putmore in (any amount).  -Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc. <> -  __  
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Ignore my earlier post about the cert being untrusted.  My server didn'thave the root certs in place (Comodo is chained) and I just learned thehard way, once again, that RTFM isn't just for the other guy.  Puttingin the root certs took about 2 minutes. Interesting how Geotrust's touts Comodo as being chained toBaltimore, when in fact they have been chained to GTE Cyber Trust forawhile now. Beer Thirty indeed.  I still have an hour to go.  Boo hoo. --Matt---Original Message-From: cfhelp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:00 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitSorry...I am all behind Instant SSL I just missed the part about you being areseller.We have been talking about joining the reseller program it looks reallynice. I have passed a few emails back and forth wanting a full turn keysolution for our clients. So they can fill out one form on our site andgetan SSL, Merchant Account, Credit Card Gateway and all the works withouthaving to get each separate. They said no problem that they would workwithus.I think they have a great setup much better than Versign/Thwat.Well its Beer Thirty!Rick-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:51 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitRick wrote:>I just got a new one today ($49 from InstantSSL) and it's going to be 2>days.Thats cuz you don't have a reseller account.  If you do themindividuallylike that you get stuck with manual verification, and pay the fullretailprice.  Since I charge an installation fee to the client this discountisonly a minor issue, but more money is always better than less.As a reseller they assume you have already verified the recipient isgenuineas part of your ongoing business relationship.  You can issue instantlyviaa special account area you get to with a login.You have to fund the reseller account with at least US$200.  The certpricesare then deducted from this 'deposit'.  When the money runs out, you putmore in (any amount).  -Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc.  _  
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread cfhelp
Sorry...I am all behind Instant SSL I just missed the part about you being areseller.We have been talking about joining the reseller program it looks reallynice. I have passed a few emails back and forth wanting a full turn keysolution for our clients. So they can fill out one form on our site and getan SSL, Merchant Account, Credit Card Gateway and all the works withouthaving to get each separate. They said no problem that they would work withus.I think they have a great setup much better than Versign/Thwat.Well its Beer Thirty!Rick-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:51 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitRick wrote:>I just got a new one today ($49 from InstantSSL) and it's going to be 2>days.Thats cuz you don't have a reseller account.  If you do them individuallylike that you get stuck with manual verification, and pay the full retailprice.  Since I charge an installation fee to the client this discount isonly a minor issue, but more money is always better than less.As a reseller they assume you have already verified the recipient is genuineas part of your ongoing business relationship.  You can issue instantly viaa special account area you get to with a login.You have to fund the reseller account with at least US$200.  The cert pricesare then deducted from this 'deposit'.  When the money runs out, you putmore in (any amount).  -Matt Robertson,[EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Hold the phone.  I just checked the installation.  Earlier it was showing a problem cuz the effective time hadn't occurred yet (not uncommon).  NOW its saying that the certificate authority is untrusted by IE.Its not, as its now 'Comodo Class 3' instead of the chained Baltimore it was formerly.  *Nobody* recognizes this CA.None of Comodo's sales stuff indicates this is happening.  Same with their '''' site.You and I both may have been screwed out of some cash here, as its possible Comodo has just gone down the tubes.  I have a call in to them and I suggest you do the same, asap.  I may be calling my credit card company here shortly.Bah.- Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Rick wrote:>I just got a new one today ($49 from InstantSSL) and it's going to be 2>days.Thats cuz you don't have a reseller account.  If you do them individually like that you get stuck with manual verification, and pay the full retail price.  Since I charge an installation fee to the client this discount is only a minor issue, but more money is always better than less.As a reseller they assume you have already verified the recipient is genuine as part of your ongoing business relationship.  You can issue instantly via a special account area you get to with a login.You have to fund the reseller account with at least US$200.  The cert prices are then deducted from this 'deposit'.  When the money runs out, you put more in (any amount).  - Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread cfhelp
> Issuance was also a bit faster than Geotrust, although we're talking 1-2minutes instead of 5-10.  Either way its good. I just got a new one today ($49 from InstantSSL) and it's going to be 2days. Rick -Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:21 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit Dan Phillips wrote:>How is there support? I know Geotrust is M-F 9-5 Personally, I never needed to ask for support from Geotrust.  One thing Iwas always happy about was their hands-off, goof-proof issuance mechanism.InstantSSL has two support levels.  The basic level you get for no cost isemail support.  The email response speed I got when I signed up was nearlyinstant.  Issuance was also a bit faster than Geotrust, although we'retalking 1-2 minutes instead of 5-10.  Either way its good.For $19.95 you get a dedicated phone rep.  They are staffed 24/7 and yourrep's shift is on in your time zone.  But the rep I spoke to was annoyinglyhi-pressure.  Had 3 follow-up calls trying to get me to sign up right thissecond.This morning I was able to renew Geotrust certs directly to InstantSSL, sono downtime messing with killing the old cert, generating a 'new' certrequest etc.  Brainless and fast.  No support needed.-Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc. <> -  _  
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Dan Phillips wrote:>How is there support? I know Geotrust is M-F 9-5 Personally, I never needed to ask for support from Geotrust.  One thing I was always happy about was their hands-off, goof-proof issuance mechanism.InstantSSL has two support levels.  The basic level you get for no cost is email support.  The email response speed I got when I signed up was nearly instant.  Issuance was also a bit faster than Geotrust, although we're talking 1-2 minutes instead of 5-10.  Either way its good.For $19.95 you get a dedicated phone rep.  They are staffed 24/7 and your rep's shift is on in your time zone.  But the rep I spoke to was annoyingly hi-pressure.  Had 3 follow-up calls trying to get me to sign up right this second.This morning I was able to renew Geotrust certs directly to InstantSSL, so no downtime messing with killing the old cert, generating a 'new' cert request etc.  Brainless and fast.  No support needed.- Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Dan Phillips \(\)
How is there support? I know Geotrust is M-F 9-5  I've never had a problem with Geotrust support, they are quick torespond and always have the right answer but I know that something willhappen on a weekend or at 3am and I'll be hating life.  Dan Phillipswww.CFXHosting.com1-866-239-4678[EMAIL PROTECTED]-Original Message-From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 4:37 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitJeffrey Polaski wrote:>Also, I'd ditch VeriSign, and go with a GeoTrust cert from> We've been using them for about six months and>haven't had a single problem. I've been using and recommending myself.  This morning Idumped them after setting up a Comodo reseller account  Rackshack recently lowered its price to US$29.  However one thingunstated is the renewal cert is full price:  US$119 at present (its beensteadily going UP).  If you try to renew via Rackshack's US$29 formGeotrust will convert the submission to a US$119 renewal.Add to that Rackshack recently started sending annoying renewal noticesevery couple of weeks to the billing contact (me) and the admin contact(the client).  This morning I found four notices in my inbox that eachclaimed a certain cert had expired "7 days ago" (none have expired yet).So I dumped them for InstantSSL.  I have a reseller account that lets meinstantly issue certs, priced at about $42 each.  Over 2 yearsInstantSSL is US$84 and Geotrust is US$148.If you read various charts these certs have better ubiquity thanGeotrust (which needs IE5.01+ and isn't recognized by Opera), although Inever heard any complaints in the roughly 1 1/2 years I used them.Just some Friday OT; sorry :-)-Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]MSB Designs, Inc.   _  [Todays  
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Matt Robertson
Jeffrey Polaski wrote:>Also, I'd ditch VeriSign, and go with a GeoTrust cert from> We've been using them for about six months and>haven't had a single problem. I've been using and recommending myself.  This morning I dumped them after setting up a Comodo reseller account at  Rackshack recently lowered its price to US$29.  However one thing unstated is the renewal cert is full price:  US$119 at present (its been steadily going UP).  If you try to renew via Rackshack's US$29 form Geotrust will convert the submission to a US$119 renewal.Add to that Rackshack recently started sending annoying renewal notices every couple of weeks to the billing contact (me) and the admin contact (the client).  This morning I found four notices in my inbox that each claimed a certain cert had expired "7 days ago" (none have expired yet).So I dumped them for InstantSSL.  I have a reseller account that lets me instantly issue certs, priced at about $42 each.  Over 2 years InstantSSL is US$84 and Geotrust is US$148.If you read various charts these certs have better ubiquity than Geotrust (which needs IE5.01+ and isn't recognized by Opera), although I never heard any complaints in the roughly 1 1/2 years I used them.Just some Friday OT; sorry :-)- Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] MSB Designs, Inc.
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-26 Thread Jeffrey Polaski
I just wanted to pitch in my USD $0.02...In the grand scheme of things it seems that the _least_ of the problemsto worry about is someone decrypting your SSL traffic. I could be wrong,but if I was trying to get someone's "secret info", be it credit card,or social security, I would mount an attack on the operating system, orthe database on the computer that held the info. The only way someoneeven gets an opportunity to crack SSL is to be able to sniff the packetsas they travel "over the wire." You'd have to be pretty motivated toeven sort through the packets. Then they'd have to get the right pagetransaction, and then spend at least a week with fairly powerfulcomputers to decrypt that one page. If the transaction was on adifferent page, they'd have to start all over again. Also, there are many targets that are an order of magnitude easier tocrack, and have a much greater payoff than sniffing and decryptingpackets. I haven't heard of a single case of someone getting their infostolen from having a 40 bit key cracked. (If anyone has, let me know!) I'm not saying that SSL encryption isn't important (it is!), but I amsaying that, if money is an issue, 128-bit encryption is an overkill forweb transactions. Also, I'd ditch VeriSign, and go with a GeoTrust cert from We've been using them for about six months andhaven't had a single problem. (Sorry for the late response--my wife and I had a baby and I've beenaway for a while, and I wanted to say something about setting securitypriorities. I hope it was helpful...)Jeff PolaskiRGS Webmaster"I've never seen an abominable snowman, I'm hoping not to see one, I'm also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one. " 	-  The Abominable Snowman , by Ogden Nash-Original Message-From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PMTo: CF-TalkSubject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bitI'm on the verisign site and I have the optionof getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?Thanks,Dave Fafard
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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-08 Thread Matt Robertson
Oops.  I had my original post backwards, sort of.  Geotrust is the one
with ubiquity issues. IE 5.01+, NN4.51+, no Opera.

They're still the cheapest and the easiest to implement.  I have some
mid-size clients using them without trouble.

 Matt Robertson   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.


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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-08 Thread Matt Robertson
Unless things have changed recently, the InstantSSL/Comodo certificates
*do* have compatibility issues.  To be fair they are not very big, but
could be serious if you have to ensure broad compatibility across a lot
of customers.  Read their compatiblity fine print carefully.

''Instant''SSL also told me they require manual authentication, so
there's nothing genuinely instant about them.  A GeoTrust cert takes
maybe 10 minutes total to install, start to finish.

If you go to you can buy your US$159 Geotrust
certificate for US$29 (twenty nine... That's not a misprint).

Which, for me at least, torpedoes any reason to use any competitor,
barring client specs to the contrary.

 Matt Robertson   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

Well, I checked here:

got name brand I guess..
no difference in compatibility going with
geotrust or instantssl ?

Dave Fafard

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Garza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 7:43 PM
Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

> $500 More???  Check out
> You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
> bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...
> Who are you buying from?
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
> of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.
> Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.
> What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?
> Thanks,
> Dave Fafard


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Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-07 Thread David Fafard

thanks Novak.
I'll give it  a 30 day look.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

> I had no problems at all with Instantssl's certificate...
> Worked fine in MSIE, Netscape, and Opera...
> They have a 30 day money back guarantee I believe... so you really don't
> have anything to worry about.
> -Novak
> - Original Message -
> From: "David Fafard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:22 PM
> Subject: Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> > Well, I checked here:
> >
> >
> > got name brand I guess..
> > no difference in compatibility going with
> > geotrust or instantssl ?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave Fafard
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -
> > From: "Jeff Garza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 7:43 PM
> > Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> >
> >
> > > $500 More???  Check out
> > >
> > >
> > > You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
> > > bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...
> > >
> > > Who are you buying from?
> > >
> > > Jeff
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
> > > of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.
> > >
> > > Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.
> > >
> > > What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave Fafard
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-07 Thread cf-talk
I had no problems at all with Instantssl's certificate...

Worked fine in MSIE, Netscape, and Opera...

They have a 30 day money back guarantee I believe... so you really don't
have anything to worry about.


- Original Message - 
From: "David Fafard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

> Well, I checked here:
> got name brand I guess..
> no difference in compatibility going with
> geotrust or instantssl ?
> Thanks,
> Dave Fafard
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jeff Garza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 7:43 PM
> Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> > $500 More???  Check out
> >
> >
> > You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
> > bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...
> >
> > Who are you buying from?
> >
> > Jeff
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> >
> >
> > I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
> > of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.
> >
> > Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.
> >
> > What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave Fafard
> >
> >
> >

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Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-07 Thread David Fafard
Well, I checked here:

got name brand I guess..
no difference in compatibility going with
geotrust or instantssl ?

Dave Fafard

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Garza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 7:43 PM
Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

> $500 More???  Check out
> You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
> bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...
> Who are you buying from?
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
> of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.
> Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.
> What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?
> Thanks,
> Dave Fafard

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Re: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-07 Thread cf-talk
I've done as well.  Cheap and it works just fine.


- Original Message - 
From: "cfhelp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

> $49.00
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Garza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:44 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> $500 More???  Check out
> You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
> bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...
> Who are you buying from?
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit
> I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
> of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.
> Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.
> What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?
> Thanks,
> Dave Fafard

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resources for the community.

RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-07 Thread cfhelp



-Original Message-
From: Jeff Garza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

$500 More???  Check out

You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...

Who are you buying from?


-Original Message-
From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.

Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.

What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?

Dave Fafard


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RE: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

2003-09-07 Thread Jeff Garza
$500 More???  Check out

You can get a 128 bit server cert for $159 for 1 year.  Thawte has 128
bit web server certs for $199 per year or $350 for two years...

Who are you buying from?


-Original Message-
From: David Fafard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SSL Cert 40 bit or 128 bit

I'm on the verisign site and I have the option
of getting a 40 bit or 128 bit.

Of course the 128 bit is 500.00 more.

What do folks usually get? the 128 bit?

Dave Fafard


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resources for the community.