RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed. - Many Thanks

2000-08-25 Thread Michael O Reilly


Here's how it works.
We need two tables. One to record the DateTime that a request began. And
another table which records when requests complete.
For each record in tRequestStart, there may or may not be a record in
tRequestComplete depnding on whether the whole page was received at the
I'm using MsSQL7, stored procedures and ISS. You may need to use SQL
statements in your code if using Access.
You'll need MDAC installed to use ADO.

Table structure (tRequestStart)

iUniqueID int (AutoIncrement) PK
iCrewID int
DTRequestStart DateTime

Table structure (tRequestComplete)

iRequestID int PK (NOTE: Not AutoIncrement)
iCrewID int
DTRequestEnd DateTime

I my case, I pick users for a CFTree, so the CFTREEITEMKEY contains the
At the start of the page the user has requested, use the following CF code
to call a stored procedure.
Change the Datasource name to match yours. You may need to use a CFQUERY
depending on DB

The SQL for the SP is simple 

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_InsertReqStartRecord
@iCrewID int
 INSERT INTO tRequestStart

This creates the time-stamped record and returns the RecordID, which we use
at the end of the page.

If you don't have Remote Scripting,it's a small download from Microsoft's
Web site from

You may also need the latest Windows Scripting engine which you can install
from any IE5 installation.

Now the fairly complex bit. Remote scripting lets you call a function on the
server from the client.
You create a Active Server Page with the function you will to call from the
Client and declare them in a special way.
Getting the Server side working was the hardest part for me.

Here's the final piece of code that runs on the Client. There a two pieces
of JavaScript required. One to enable Remote Scripting and the other to call
the Server Side function.

1) Enable Remote Scripting. This should be place immediately after the
 tag. Note: NOT in the 


I had a lot of problems with paths. The installation of Remote Scripting put
stuff into C:\Inetpub\WWWRoot\_ScriptLibrary which is normally in the root
level of your Web Server. Try to get samples working with this path before
you go copying stuff to other directories, otherwise you'll never figure
what's causing errors (coding or path errors).

2) Call the Exported Server Function. This should be the last line of code
in your page. You know the user recieved th rest of the page if this script

co =
if (co.return_value ==1) {
window.alert("Your Roster Request has been logged.");

Here I'm calling an Exported function called logreq (Javascript is case
sensitive) from an Active Server Page called LogRosterRequest.asp. Again be
careful with paths. I'm passing in The UserID (#CFTREEITEMKEY#) and the
RecordID (#Result#) we got when CF called the stored procedure and created a
record in tRequestStart.

On the server.

Make sure RS.htm, RS.Asp and RSProxy.class exist in

Finally here is the code for LogRosterRequest.asp which exist in the same
directory and the CFM page that get's sent to the Client.

<% Option Explicit %>
<% RSDispatch %>

   var public_description = new MyServerMethods();
   function MyServerMethods()
  this.logreq = Function( 'n1','n2','return addRecord(n1,n2)' );

Function addRecord(crewstr,recstr)
Dim objCmd
Dim objConn
' Data types are converted because they are passed as strings
  addRosterRecord = 0
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB" & _
If (objConn.State = adStateOpen) Then 
  Set objCmd.activeconnection=objconn
  objCmd.CommandText = "sp_InsertReqRecEnd"
  objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@SUCCESS", adInteger,
adParamOutput, 0, 0)
  objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@iCrewID", adInteger,
adParamInput, , CInt(crewstr))
  objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@iRecID", adInteger,
adParamInput, , CInt(recstr))
  objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
  addRosterRecord = ObjCmd("@SUCCESS")
End if
  Set ObjCmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
  Set ObjCmd = Nothing
  Set objConn=Nothing  
End Function

You'll to change the ADO connection string to use your Server, Database and
log in with a valid Username and Password.

This code calls a store procedure which inserts the matching time-stamped
record. Here's the Stored procedure.


Re: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed. - Many Thanks

2000-08-24 Thread Don Vawter

I would be interested in seeing code. Thanks

- Original Message -
From: "Michael O Reilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:50 AM
Subject: RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed. - Many

> Hi all,
> I'd just like to thank everyone who suggested solutions to the problem of
> getting confirmation that a user has received all of a page they have
> requested. The solution may be of use to others.
> Heres how it works 
> When a user requests to see the page I'm interested in logging, I call a
> stored procedure which inserts a userid and datetime into a table
> (t_RequestStart). At the end of the requested page is a small piece of
> Javascript which uses remote scripting to call a function back on the
> server. This function uses ADO to call a similar stored procedure. This
> inserts a record into a separate table (t_RequestEnd) which again stores
> user id and datetime. By ordering records by datetime for a user in both
> tables, we can see the http requests beginning and end times. Where
> t_RequestStart and t_RequestEnd are within say 1 minute of each other, we
> can safely assume that the user has recieved the page.
> If anyone is interested in this code, I'm happy to share it. Microsoft's
> documentation on Remote scripting seems to have some bugs in it. It took
> about 2 hours to get the sample code working, probably because of my
> inexperience with ASP.
> I also seem to be suffering from brain melt from using ASP, CF and
> JavaScript at the same time.
> Regards
> Michael O'Reilly
> TransAer
> --

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed. - Many Thanks

2000-08-24 Thread Michael O Reilly

Hi all,

I'd just like to thank everyone who suggested solutions to the problem of
getting confirmation that a user has received all of a page they have
requested. The solution may be of use to others.

Heres how it works 
When a user requests to see the page I'm interested in logging, I call a
stored procedure which inserts a userid and datetime into a table
(t_RequestStart). At the end of the requested page is a small piece of
Javascript which uses remote scripting to call a function back on the
server. This function uses ADO to call a similar stored procedure. This
inserts a record into a separate table (t_RequestEnd) which again stores the
user id and datetime. By ordering records by datetime for a user in both
tables, we can see the http requests beginning and end times. Where
t_RequestStart and t_RequestEnd are within say 1 minute of each other, we
can safely assume that the user has recieved the page.

If anyone is interested in this code, I'm happy to share it. Microsoft's
documentation on Remote scripting seems to have some bugs in it. It took me
about 2 hours to get the sample code working, probably because of my
inexperience with ASP.
I also seem to be suffering from brain melt from using ASP, CF and
JavaScript at the same time.

Michael O'Reilly

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Peter Theobald

Sounds like you have a people problem, not a technology

At 11:01 AM 8/22/00 +0100, Michael O Reilly wrote:
The point of getting notification that a user
has seen his/her roster page
is in case they decide to go AWOL after seeing they are rostered for a
they may not wish to do. We can therefore say that we know you seen you
rostered for job x and should have reported for duty. In this case, a
the user voluntarily clicks, won't work.

Also a <BODY onUnload=""> solution isn't really
confirming that the whole
page loaded. I need to post some info back to the server near the end of
page without the user knowing. If I set up a form with an action
targetting a hidden frame, some hidden form fields and put some
into the end of the page which submits the form data , the data should
back to the server? I'm wondering if anyone has done this sort of

Michael O'Reilly

-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" eudora="autourl">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 August 2000 10:15
Subject: Re: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

Why not use an "I have read this" button that the user must

An alternative is an onUnload routine in the <BODY> tag... but,
just means it was received, and that the user has moved on.


At 9:41 AM +0100 8/22/00, Michael O Reilly wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
>We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know if staff
>been notified of/looked at their roster.
>I have said that although we can detect that the user has requested a
>it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the browser
>connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy telco
systems so
>connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct 
>I know I could put a JS onload event into the <body> tag which
submits some
>info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of the
>would do the same.

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Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Peter Theobald

No, OnRequestEnd only signifies that the Cold Fusion server
has finished processing the page and is sending it to the user. It does
not tell you that the page made it to the user's browser without network

I think an OnUnload is your only bet.

At 10:55 AM 8/22/00 +0100, Paul Johnston wrote:
Why not use the OnRequestEnd.cfm page (like
application.cfm but at end of
request not start!) and test that this has run.

You can do this by putting an if statement to check which page has
requested by the user, and assuming you have ID's and stuff of
users, you can put in a database that they have received the page when
page is hit.

You can not however without some kind of "I have read this"
button, test
whether they have read it and there is no way you can check if
understood it ;)


> -Original Message-
> From: Michael O Reilly
eudora="autourl">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 22 August 2000 09:42
> Subject: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.
> Hi all,
> I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
> We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know if staff
> been notified of/looked at their roster.
> I have said that although we can detect that the user has
> requested a page,
> it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the
> (people are
> connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy telco
systems so
> connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct
> I know I could put a JS onload event into the  tag
> submits some
> info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of
> page which
> would do the same.
> Archives:" 
> To Unsubscribe visit
> _talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 'unsubscribe' in the body.

To Unsubscribe visit" 
or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body. 

Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
Phone 1.212.545.1232 Fax 1.212.679.8032

To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Dave Watts

> Thanks for the suggestion, I don't really care if they don't
> read the page, so long as I know that they requested the page
> and it all arrived at their browser. If the user stops a slow
> page download, will OnRequestEnd be triggered. I need to verify
> that everything arrived at the browser, which is why I'm
> concentrating on a Client side solution.

If you need to verify that an entire page was received and rendered by the
browser, you'll have to rely on a client-side solution using JavaScript that
returns data to the server. There's simply no other way.

> The point of getting notification that a user has seen his/her
> roster page is in case they decide to go AWOL after seeing they
> are rostered for a job they may not wish to do. We can therefore
> say that we know you seen you were rostered for job x and should
> have reported for duty. In this case, a button the user voluntarily
> clicks, won't work.

I'd argue that this is more a process problem than a programming problem.
Here's what I'd suggest.

1. Log the entry to the roster page, and inform users before entry that they
are responsible for any jobs listed in that roster page - if they can't get
it to display, then it's their responsibility to contact the roster manager
and ensure they're not listed.

2. Put a form on the roster page to allow users to indicate that they did
read the form. Use the ONUNLOAD event of the BODY tag to make it difficult
to leave the page without submitting the form.

3. If a user requested the roster page, but didn't complete the form, log
that information and take the appropriate response. What that response might
be is up to you - maybe an email notification, maybe a phone call from the
roster manager.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Paul Wakefield

Two possibilities:

1. Doesn't CF throw a timeout/abort error if the page is cancelled before
it's finished?
2. (Sneaky one this) use the 'web bug' idea - add an  tag at the end of
the source, after the roster info with the SRC pointing to a CF script that
logs the request and returns an invisible 1x1 gif. No client side scripting
or frames to worry about, your only problem would be people turning off
images in the browser.

Paul Wakefield

Hofstadter's Law - It always takes longer than you think, even if you take
into account Hofstadter's Law.

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael O Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 10:42 AM
> Subject: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.
> Hi all,
> I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
> We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know 
> if staff have
> been notified of/looked at their roster.
> I have said that although we can detect that the user has 
> requested a page,
> it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the 
> browser (people are
> connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy 
> telco systems so
> connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct here.
> I know I could put a JS onload event into the  tag 
> which submits some
> info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of 
> the page which
> would do the same.
> --
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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Michael O Reilly


Thanks for the suggestion, I don't really care if they don't read the page,
so long as I know that they requested the page and it all arrived at their
If the user stops a slow page download, will OnRequestEnd be triggered. I
need to verify that everything arrived at the browser, which is why I'm
concentrating on a Client side solution.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

Why not use the OnRequestEnd.cfm page (like application.cfm but at end of
request not start!) and test that this has run.

You can do this by putting an if statement to check which page has been
requested by the user, and assuming you have ID's and stuff of various
users, you can put in a database that they have received the page when this
page is hit.

You can not however without some kind of "I have read this" button, test
whether they have read it and there is no way you can check if they've
understood it ;)


> -Original Message-
> From: Michael O Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 22 August 2000 09:42
> Subject: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.
> Hi all,
> I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
> We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know if staff have
> been notified of/looked at their roster.
> I have said that although we can detect that the user has
> requested a page,
> it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the browser
> (people are
> connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy telco systems so
> connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct here.
> I know I could put a JS onload event into the  tag which
> submits some
> info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of the
> page which
> would do the same.
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit
> _talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
> 'unsubscribe' in the body.

To Unsubscribe visit or
send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
the body.
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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Paul Johnston

Why not use the OnRequestEnd.cfm page (like application.cfm but at end of
request not start!) and test that this has run.

You can do this by putting an if statement to check which page has been
requested by the user, and assuming you have ID's and stuff of various
users, you can put in a database that they have received the page when this
page is hit.

You can not however without some kind of "I have read this" button, test
whether they have read it and there is no way you can check if they've
understood it ;)


> -Original Message-
> From: Michael O Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 22 August 2000 09:42
> Subject: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.
> Hi all,
> I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
> We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know if staff have
> been notified of/looked at their roster.
> I have said that although we can detect that the user has
> requested a page,
> it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the browser
> (people are
> connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy telco systems so
> connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct here.
> I know I could put a JS onload event into the  tag which
> submits some
> info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of the
> page which
> would do the same.
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit
> _talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
> 'unsubscribe' in the body.

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Wjreichard

Remote scripting will work in any browser that supports java applets, should cover 
99%. Hang on and let me find some resources for you.

Email me and I'll send you what I have. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Willow Gold
To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread DeVoil, Nick

> If we can be reasonably sure the page was viewed, then thats good enough. 

The only way I can see this working is

- use a button or checkbox - this is equivalent to them signing it, like the
license agreements you get in software
- instigate a policy *requiring* people to use the button
- put it *after* the roster information
- design the page so that it would be implausible to say "I didn't see that
part", i.e. make the page nice and compact so that no scrolling is required
- maybe you could force the dimensions of the window to a certain size.


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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Michael O Reilly

I've seen remote scriptin mentioned on the list before. I downloaded stuff
from MSDN, but the docs weren't great and at the time, I couldn't really
think of a use, worth spending a couple of days mucking around with it.
Now I that have, do you know of any resources, sample code that might be of
It's IE dependent isn't it?


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

Could you use remote scripting ... which will execute server script to do 
whatever when the forms OnLoad fires. Remote scripting uses two java applets

that allow a server round trip without ever leaving/updating the original 
client page. Other uses fro remote scripting to populate large combpo boxes 
when actually accessed vice waiting for big initial page download time.

If you can't find or want some detail on remote scripting, give a yell:


Willow Gold

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Michael O Reilly

If we can be reasonably sure the page was viewed, then thats good enough. If
I can go back to my manager and say that this ain't 100% foolproof but it's
as good as your gonna get, then he has no choice but to fly with it.


-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 12:23 PM
Subject: RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

Technically speaking, the onLoad is not supposed to fire until the 
entire page has been loaded...

Some IE browsers (especially on the Mac) violate this, tho.

You could use a script at the end of the page, a meta tag refresh, 
onUnload,, a button...

But, what if they have the browser page hidden or not currently displayed...

...lots of excuses to bail on you:

   the text was too small

   that portion of the pag was off the screen

   I got interrupted and vever got back to it

Sounds like a case of "The dog ate my roster".   You are not going to 
solve this with a program or a script... a company policy and some 
enforced compliance is required.


At 11:01 AM +0100 8/22/00, Michael O Reilly wrote:
>The point of getting notification that a user has seen his/her roster page
>is in case they decide to go AWOL after seeing they are rostered for a job
>they may not wish to do. We can therefore say that we know you seen you
>rostered for job x and should have reported for duty. In this case, a
>the user voluntarily clicks, won't work.
>Also a  solution isn't really confirming that the whole
>page loaded. I need to post some info back to the server near the end of
>page without the user knowing. If I set up a form with an action property
>targetting a hidden frame, some hidden form fields and put some Javascript
>into the end of the page which submits the form data , the data should go
>back to the server? I'm wondering if anyone has done this sort of thing.
>Michael O'Reilly

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Dick Applebaum

Technically speaking, the onLoad is not supposed to fire until the 
entire page has been loaded...

Some IE browsers (especially on the Mac) violate this, tho.

You could use a script at the end of the page, a meta tag refresh, 
onUnload,, a button...

But, what if they have the browser page hidden or not currently displayed...

...lots of excuses to bail on you:

   the text was too small

   that portion of the pag was off the screen

   I got interrupted and vever got back to it

Sounds like a case of "The dog ate my roster".   You are not going to 
solve this with a program or a script... a company policy and some 
enforced compliance is required.


At 11:01 AM +0100 8/22/00, Michael O Reilly wrote:
>The point of getting notification that a user has seen his/her roster page
>is in case they decide to go AWOL after seeing they are rostered for a job
>they may not wish to do. We can therefore say that we know you seen you were
>rostered for job x and should have reported for duty. In this case, a button
>the user voluntarily clicks, won't work.
>Also a  solution isn't really confirming that the whole
>page loaded. I need to post some info back to the server near the end of the
>page without the user knowing. If I set up a form with an action property
>targetting a hidden frame, some hidden form fields and put some Javascript
>into the end of the page which submits the form data , the data should go
>back to the server? I'm wondering if anyone has done this sort of thing.
>Michael O'Reilly
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Re: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Wjreichard

Could you use remote scripting ... which will execute server script to do 
whatever when the forms OnLoad fires. Remote scripting uses two java applets 
that allow a server round trip without ever leaving/updating the original 
client page. Other uses fro remote scripting to populate large combpo boxes 
when actually accessed vice waiting for big initial page download time.

If you can't find or want some detail on remote scripting, give a yell:


Willow Gold
To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Anthony Geoghegan

Hi Michael,

You said:
|I need to post some info back to the server near 
|the end of the
|page without the user knowing. If I set up a form with an 
|action property
|targetting a hidden frame, some hidden form fields and put 
|some Javascript
|into the end of the page which submits the form data , the 
|data should go
|back to the server? I'm wondering if anyone has done this sort 
|of thing.

Check out the vote button on our home page( ), it does just this.
email me off list for the details.

Anthony Geoghegan
Lead Developer
Ireland Film and Television Net
26 South Frederick Street
Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 671 3664
Fax: +353 1 671 0763

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Stewart McGowan


Maybe delaying an action of some sort by a set time at the bottom of the
page (which should be requested last, and therefore executed last) however,
doesn't really solve the problem because the page may not have fully
rendered.plausible deniability.

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RE: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Michael O Reilly

The point of getting notification that a user has seen his/her roster page
is in case they decide to go AWOL after seeing they are rostered for a job
they may not wish to do. We can therefore say that we know you seen you were
rostered for job x and should have reported for duty. In this case, a button
the user voluntarily clicks, won't work.

Also a  solution isn't really confirming that the whole
page loaded. I need to post some info back to the server near the end of the
page without the user knowing. If I set up a form with an action property
targetting a hidden frame, some hidden form fields and put some Javascript
into the end of the page which submits the form data , the data should go
back to the server? I'm wondering if anyone has done this sort of thing.

Michael O'Reilly

-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 August 2000 10:15
Subject: Re: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

Why not use an "I have read this" button that the user must click?

An alternative is an onUnload routine in the  tag... but, yhis 
just means it was received, and that the user has moved on.


At 9:41 AM +0100 8/22/00, Michael O Reilly wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
>We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know if staff have
>been notified of/looked at their roster.
>I have said that although we can detect that the user has requested a page,
>it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the browser (people
>connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy telco systems so
>connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct here.
>I know I could put a JS onload event into the  tag which submits some
>info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of the page
>would do the same.

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Re: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.

2000-08-22 Thread Dick Applebaum

Why not use an "I have read this" button that the user must click?

An alternative is an onUnload routine in the  tag... but, yhis 
just means it was received, and that the user has moved on.


At 9:41 AM +0100 8/22/00, Michael O Reilly wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
>We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know if staff have
>been notified of/looked at their roster.
>I have said that although we can detect that the user has requested a page,
>it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the browser (people are
>connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy telco systems so
>connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct here.
>I know I could put a JS onload event into the  tag which submits some
>info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of the page which
>would do the same.
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