Re: Parsing parameters in clojure.core

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
It would be nice if the compiler handled these things with greater
cleverness. In the mean time, some macros might be in order.

I'd also like to add that clojure.core is not generally an exemplar of style. :)


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:
 It's a (drastic) performance improvement.  The magic number of 3
 appears to cover a lot of use cases.  Once you get larger than three,
 it typically is a large number of inputs, i.e. the tail flattens off.

 On Mar 23, 5:00 pm, Thomas wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've been reading through clojure.core to see examples of fine clojure
 style. One thing I've noticed is (what I consider) a weird notation
 when parsing parameters for function. As an example, consider the
 function juxt:

 (defn juxt
   Alpha - name subject to change.
   Takes a set of functions and returns a fn that is the juxtaposition
   of those fns.  The returned fn takes a variable number of args, and
   returns a vector containing the result of applying each fn to the
   args (left-to-right).
   ((juxt a b c) x) = [(a x) (b x) (c x)]
        ([] [(f)])
        ([x] [(f x)])
        ([x y] [(f x y)])
        ([x y z] [(f x y z)])
        ([x y z  args] [(apply f x y z args)])))
 [ rest of juxt is omitted for brevity ]

 I don't understand why there needs to be a case for [x], [x y], [x y
 z] and [x y z  args]. Why not just [args]? And why the magic number
 (three) of variables?


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Re: ANN: labrepl, making Clojure more accessible

2010-03-25 Thread Rob Wolfe

On 25 Mar, 01:16, Mark Engelberg wrote:
 I tried following Rob Wolfe's zip file instructions.  The bin\lein deps
 command seemed to work fine, but when I then invoked bin\repl, I got the
 following error:


 gram Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\;src;test;config;data
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Yeah, there is a bug in repl.bat. This error occurs when there is a
with spaces on class path.
Change this line in repl.bat:
set CLASSPATH=%CPLIB%;%CPCORE%;%CLASSPATH%;src;test;config;data

like this:
set CLASSPATH=%CPLIB%;%CPCORE%;%CLASSPATH%;src;test;config;data

(note quotation marks around %CLASSPATH%)


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Re: Beginning Clojure. Recursion

2010-03-25 Thread Jarkko Oranen

jfr wrote:

 I've just started to play a little bit with clojure to get a feel for
 the language. It seems to be quite interesting (and it's a relief to
 leave my clumsy IDE behind and use Emacs). Concerning immutable data:
 Is the following code ok or should (must) I use transients as
 variables for the loop?

Transients are merely a performance optimisation, and they're designed
so that you can use them just like you would use persistent data
structures. Therefore it's good to always start with purely functional
algorithms. The code you wrote is idiomatic, though it could perhaps
be improved by not looping explicitly and instead using eg. reduce.
It's also fairly straightforward to transform to use transients,
should performance turn out to be suboptimal.

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Re: Can't call public method of non-public class

2010-03-25 Thread atucker
Is this it?

On Mar 23, 8:26 pm, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 As far as I can tell, you're doing nothing wrong and just hitting a
 bug in Clojure.  Which is still in 1.2.0-master...

 On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Konstantin Barskiy 
  I'm trying to reproduce ProcessBuilder example from java documentation
  This is that example:

  ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(myCommand, myArg1,
   MapString, String env = pb.environment();
   env.put(VAR1, myValue);
   env.put(VAR2, env.get(VAR1) + suffix); File(myDir));
   Process p = pb.start();

  I'm typing folowing in clojure repl:

  D:\Users\Konstantinjava -jar clojure.jar
  Clojure 1.1.0
  user= (def pb (new ProcessBuilder [myCommand myArg]))
  user= (def env (.environment pb))
  user= (.put env VAR1, myValue)
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't call public method of non-
  public class: public java.lang.String

  What does this error mean and what i am doing wrong?

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 Mark J. Reed

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Re: Nubie Question

2010-03-25 Thread WoodHacker
I thank all the people who have sent me solutions to my Conj
problem.   Unfortunately, none of them seem to work.

The issue is adding a value to a defined vector - (def savedColors
[black, white])

One solution was given as:  (swap! savedColors conj newcolor)

This produces still the following runtime error:

Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot
be cast to clojure.lang.Atom

Another solution was to make savedColors an atom - (def savedColors
(atom [black, white]))

This produces a new compile error:

Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
from: clojure.lang.Atom

Changing savedColors to a list instead of a vector gets the same
error.   The atom example on the web is for a map.

I'm sure this can be done.   So far I just don't know how.


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Re: Nubie Question

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:52 PM, WoodHacker wrote:
 I thank all the people who have sent me solutions to my Conj
 problem.   Unfortunately, none of them seem to work.

 The issue is adding a value to a defined vector - (def savedColors
 [black, white])

 One solution was given as:  (swap! savedColors conj newcolor)

 This produces still the following runtime error:

 Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0
 java.lang.ClassCastException:     clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot
 be cast to clojure.lang.Atom

 Another solution was to make savedColors an atom - (def savedColors
 (atom [black, white]))

 This produces a new compile error:

 Exception in thread AWT-EventQueue-0
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
 from: clojure.lang.Atom

The def cannot produce that error. You probably mean that it
originates with some reference to savedColors that is expecting a
sequence. You must explicitly dereference savedColors by prefixing it
with @ to get at the contained value:

user (def saved-colors (atom [1, 2]))
user (doseq [x @saved-colors] (println Saved color: x))
Saved color: 1
Saved color: 2


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Re: Named arguments in HEAD and prettier default arguments for :keys destructuring

2010-03-25 Thread Stefan Kamphausen

I've no idea whether this is reasonable but when I read your post
suddenly the following thought appeared...

What if defn would accept either a vector for the parameters or a map?

(defn foo {:dont know :what for}
  ;; ...

I did no deeper thinking on this at all, er, skip the deeper, I
guess. :-)


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Benefit of declarative functional UI in Clojure?

2010-03-25 Thread Sophie
Would a Clojure app benefit sigificantly from a declarative functional
UI along the lines of
Lunascript or FlapJax

The results look quite impressive ... but I don't have much to compare
to in Clojure. I am relatively new to both Clojure and the functional-
reactive programming approach, so looking for some hints on whether it
is worth exploring deeply.


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Re: Can't call public method of non-public class

2010-03-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
That's the one.  But the solution given by the bug reporter doesn't
address the case that came up on this thread, since it's not the class
of the invocant but the types of the parameters that prevent the match
from being found.

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 7:06 AM, atucker wrote:
 Is this it?

 On Mar 23, 8:26 pm, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 As far as I can tell, you're doing nothing wrong and just hitting a
 bug in Clojure.  Which is still in 1.2.0-master...

 On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Konstantin Barskiy 
  I'm trying to reproduce ProcessBuilder example from java documentation
  This is that example:

  ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(myCommand, myArg1,
   MapString, String env = pb.environment();
   env.put(VAR1, myValue);
   env.put(VAR2, env.get(VAR1) + suffix); File(myDir));
   Process p = pb.start();

  I'm typing folowing in clojure repl:

  D:\Users\Konstantinjava -jar clojure.jar
  Clojure 1.1.0
  user= (def pb (new ProcessBuilder [myCommand myArg]))
  user= (def env (.environment pb))
  user= (.put env VAR1, myValue)
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't call public method of non-
  public class: public java.lang.String

  What does this error mean and what i am doing wrong?

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 Mark J. Reed

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Mark J. Reed

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Re: Named arguments in HEAD and prettier default arguments for :keys destructuring

2010-03-25 Thread Laurent PETIT

Interesting. Seems more readable, more DRY, indeed. Especially if this
becomes idiomatic for optional named arguments ...

And the general case could be:

(defn funkymonkey [x y z  {:keys [[a -1] [b -2] [c -3]], d :d, e [:e
-4], :or {b -3, g -6}} [x y z a b c])


Which leads to the question: which default value wins for b ? :)

2010/3/24 Per Vognsen
 Those of you following the clojure repo on GitHub may have noticed this 

 Now you can do things like this:

 user= (defn funkymonkey [x y z  {:keys [a b c]}] [x y z a b c])
 user= (funkymonkey 1 2 3)
 [1 2 3 nil nil nil]
 user= (funkymonkey 1 2 3 :b 5)
 [1 2 3 nil 5 nil]
 user= (funkymonkey 1 2 3 :c 6 :a 4 :b 5)
 [1 2 3 4 5 6]

 Very nice! It feels smoothly integrated with the general destructuring
 infrastructure. You can also supply default values with the :or

 user= (defn funkymonkey [x y z  {:keys [a b c] :or {a -1 b -2 c -3}]
 [x y z a b c])
 user= (funkymonkey 1 2 3)
 [1 2 3 -1 -2 -3]
 user= (funkymonkey 1 2 3 :b 5)
 [1 2 3 -1 5 -3]

 The great thing about :keys is that it cuts down on redundancy: you
 specify a symbol only once and it is dually interpreted as a map
 keyword and a lexically bound symbol. Since :keys already expects a
 flat sequence of symbols rather than arbitrary nested binding forms
 (otherwise this trick of dual interpretation wouldn't work), you could
 further cut down on the redundancy in the above :keys/:or idiom (which
 I expect would become commonplace with named arguments) by letting
 :keys elements optionally be two-element vectors with the second
 element supplying the default value:

 user= (defn funkymonkey [x y z  {:keys [[a -1] [b -2] [c -3]]] [x y z a b 

 What do you think? I hacked this into my local version of core.clj's
 destructure and it feels very natural to me.


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Re: web starting clojure apps without Java code

2010-03-25 Thread Eugen Dück
I fixed a couple of other issues, most of which show only on Windows.
You should see Kanjis now on the right-hand side when drawing.


On Mar 23, 5:30 pm, Zmitro Lapcjonak wrote:
 On Mar 17, 4:56 pm, Eugen Dück wrote:

  The complete jnlp can be found at

  I plan to introduce and document this beta-grade app soon, but if
  there's any Japanese learner out there interested in or in need of
  Kanji handwriting recognition, check it out, but please hold back with
  any bug reports etc. until I have introduced it.

 i started and tryed a little the app.
 it downloaded (something from your site) then i was able to draw.
 i drawed some basic kanji (even those found in
 pressed left button (the right works as undo).
 but observed no reply from the app.
 so, lets wait untill you anonce not-beta state of your app.

 good luck!

 zmitro lapcionak

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Re: Nubie Question

2010-03-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
Right.  Let's make this clear: outside of the Java interoperability
stuff, you cannot change the value of a variable in Clojure.  Ever.
All the data types are immutable; you can only build new values on top
of existing ones, not modify the old ones.

When you conj something onto a vector, it doesn't change that vector;
it returns a new vector.  The new vector reuses the old one's memory
for efficiency, but if you look at the old one it doesn't have the new
member.  It's unchanged.

What can change are references.  So you can make a reference to the
vector, and then build a new vector with the new items, and then
change the reference to point to the new vector.  That's what (swap!)

But you have to have a reference to start with.  Which (atom) gives
you.  But a reference is not the same as a vector; you can't use it
directly when you need a vector, but must dereference it with @.


Clojure 1.1.0
user= (def start-colors [:black :white])
user= (def saved-colors (atom start-colors))
user= start-colors
[:black :white]
user= @saved-colors
[:black :white]
user= (swap! saved-colors conj :red)
[:black :white :red]
user= start-colors
[:black :white]
user= saved-colors
#a...@1d256fa: [:black :white :red]
user= @saved-colors
[:black :white :red]
Mark J. Reed

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Re: Parsing parameters in clojure.core

2010-03-25 Thread Sean Devlin
I agreed with you until I had to go over every single line of the
thing, in order.  It actually reads pretty well from top to bottom.
Then again, some functions are by necessity just plain nasty.

On Mar 25, 2:02 am, Per Vognsen wrote:
 It would be nice if the compiler handled these things with greater
 cleverness. In the mean time, some macros might be in order.

 I'd also like to add that clojure.core is not generally an exemplar of style. 


 On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Sean Devlin 
  It's a (drastic) performance improvement.  The magic number of 3
  appears to cover a lot of use cases.  Once you get larger than three,
  it typically is a large number of inputs, i.e. the tail flattens off.

  On Mar 23, 5:00 pm, Thomas wrote:
  Hi all,

  I've been reading through clojure.core to see examples of fine clojure
  style. One thing I've noticed is (what I consider) a weird notation
  when parsing parameters for function. As an example, consider the
  function juxt:

  (defn juxt
    Alpha - name subject to change.
    Takes a set of functions and returns a fn that is the juxtaposition
    of those fns.  The returned fn takes a variable number of args, and
    returns a vector containing the result of applying each fn to the
    args (left-to-right).
    ((juxt a b c) x) = [(a x) (b x) (c x)]
         ([] [(f)])
         ([x] [(f x)])
         ([x y] [(f x y)])
         ([x y z] [(f x y z)])
         ([x y z  args] [(apply f x y z args)])))
  [ rest of juxt is omitted for brevity ]

  I don't understand why there needs to be a case for [x], [x y], [x y
  z] and [x y z  args]. Why not just [args]? And why the magic number
  (three) of variables?


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database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Scott
Question on best practices on handling SQL database concurrency issues

I am pmapping a evaluation to a long list (which calls a
computationally intense script) from within clojure.  The script
itself is designed to be completely free of concurrency side-effects.
During the evaluation, several calculations are made that are then
written to a SQLite database.  My approach is to test for concurrency
issues on a dual core system prior to moving to a cluster.

What I find is that on occasion there is a database locking issue when
sub-processes try to write to the database at the same time
(java.sql.SQLException: database is locked).  The side effect is that
one of the evaluations is not written to the database (bad, cause it
takes 3min to compute).  I can fix it by catching the exception, and
then calling (Thread/sleep) before trying to rewrite again.  This is
an ugly fix, and I am concerned that this may not scale properly.

What is the best practices to handle such an issue in a concurrent and
scalable way?  Is it as simple as moving to a better database, such as
mySQL?  I could use Threads/Locks and move the db transaction outside
the evaluation loop, or save all transactions and then commit after
all evaluations are done.  I can't help but feel both solns seem like
cheating when working with a conncurrent language such as clojure.

Any Advice?

I am using contrib.sql and java.sql (org.sqlite.JDBC)

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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Joop Kiefte
Isn't programming not all about cheating the computer in doing what you want
it to do? In the book programming clojure you can find an example with locks
as well.

2010/3/25 Scott

 Question on best practices on handling SQL database concurrency issues

 I am pmapping a evaluation to a long list (which calls a
 computationally intense script) from within clojure.  The script
 itself is designed to be completely free of concurrency side-effects.
 During the evaluation, several calculations are made that are then
 written to a SQLite database.  My approach is to test for concurrency
 issues on a dual core system prior to moving to a cluster.

 What I find is that on occasion there is a database locking issue when
 sub-processes try to write to the database at the same time
 (java.sql.SQLException: database is locked).  The side effect is that
 one of the evaluations is not written to the database (bad, cause it
 takes 3min to compute).  I can fix it by catching the exception, and
 then calling (Thread/sleep) before trying to rewrite again.  This is
 an ugly fix, and I am concerned that this may not scale properly.

 What is the best practices to handle such an issue in a concurrent and
 scalable way?  Is it as simple as moving to a better database, such as
 mySQL?  I could use Threads/Locks and move the db transaction outside
 the evaluation loop, or save all transactions and then commit after
 all evaluations are done.  I can't help but feel both solns seem like
 cheating when working with a conncurrent language such as clojure.

 Any Advice?

 I am using contrib.sql and java.sql (org.sqlite.JDBC)

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Communication is essential. So we need decent tools when communication is
lacking, when language capability is hard to acquire...

-  -

Linux-user #496644 ( - first touch of linux in 2004

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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Scott
id prefer best practices if possible

typically, cheating has consequences down the line

On Mar 25, 10:43 am, Joop Kiefte wrote:
 Isn't programming not all about cheating the computer in doing what you want
 it to do? In the book programming clojure you can find an example with locks
 as well.

 2010/3/25 Scott

  Question on best practices on handling SQL database concurrency issues

  I am pmapping a evaluation to a long list (which calls a
  computationally intense script) from within clojure.  The script
  itself is designed to be completely free of concurrency side-effects.
  During the evaluation, several calculations are made that are then
  written to a SQLite database.  My approach is to test for concurrency
  issues on a dual core system prior to moving to a cluster.

  What I find is that on occasion there is a database locking issue when
  sub-processes try to write to the database at the same time
  (java.sql.SQLException: database is locked).  The side effect is that
  one of the evaluations is not written to the database (bad, cause it
  takes 3min to compute).  I can fix it by catching the exception, and
  then calling (Thread/sleep) before trying to rewrite again.  This is
  an ugly fix, and I am concerned that this may not scale properly.

  What is the best practices to handle such an issue in a concurrent and
  scalable way?  Is it as simple as moving to a better database, such as
  mySQL?  I could use Threads/Locks and move the db transaction outside
  the evaluation loop, or save all transactions and then commit after
  all evaluations are done.  I can't help but feel both solns seem like
  cheating when working with a conncurrent language such as clojure.

  Any Advice?

  I am using contrib.sql and java.sql (org.sqlite.JDBC)

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 Communication is essential. So we need decent tools when communication is
 lacking, when language capability is hard to acquire...

 - -

 Linux-user #496644 ( - first touch of linux in 2004

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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
Are the writes commutative? Since you are using pmap, I presume so. In
that case, you could funnel the writes through an agent serving as a


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Scott wrote:
 id prefer best practices if possible

 typically, cheating has consequences down the line

 On Mar 25, 10:43 am, Joop Kiefte wrote:
 Isn't programming not all about cheating the computer in doing what you want
 it to do? In the book programming clojure you can find an example with locks
 as well.

 2010/3/25 Scott

  Question on best practices on handling SQL database concurrency issues

  I am pmapping a evaluation to a long list (which calls a
  computationally intense script) from within clojure.  The script
  itself is designed to be completely free of concurrency side-effects.
  During the evaluation, several calculations are made that are then
  written to a SQLite database.  My approach is to test for concurrency
  issues on a dual core system prior to moving to a cluster.

  What I find is that on occasion there is a database locking issue when
  sub-processes try to write to the database at the same time
  (java.sql.SQLException: database is locked).  The side effect is that
  one of the evaluations is not written to the database (bad, cause it
  takes 3min to compute).  I can fix it by catching the exception, and
  then calling (Thread/sleep) before trying to rewrite again.  This is
  an ugly fix, and I am concerned that this may not scale properly.

  What is the best practices to handle such an issue in a concurrent and
  scalable way?  Is it as simple as moving to a better database, such as
  mySQL?  I could use Threads/Locks and move the db transaction outside
  the evaluation loop, or save all transactions and then commit after
  all evaluations are done.  I can't help but feel both solns seem like
  cheating when working with a conncurrent language such as clojure.

  Any Advice?

  I am using contrib.sql and java.sql (org.sqlite.JDBC)

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 Communication is essential. So we need decent tools when communication is
 lacking, when language capability is hard to acquire...

 - -

 Linux-user #496644 ( - first touch of linux in 2004

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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

maybe you can put finished work packages into a Queue and have a
(different) thread reading them from the queue and writing them to the
database linearly. So the workers don't have to know about the
database and the DB writer doesn't have to care for the computation.
Since you can't write to the database in parallel anyway, you don't
loose anything, no? See java.util.concurrent for different Queue
implementations, as well as CLojure PersistentQueue combined with an
atom and watchers or so. (Although I think j.u.c.ArrayBlockingQueue
looks interesting for this approach)

Disclaimer: I'm not a specialist with this stuff. So take an
appropriate amount of salt for evaluation.


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Re: Beginning Clojure. Recursion

2010-03-25 Thread jfr
Ok, I just looked at frequencies as Miki suggested.
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (get %1 %2 0))) {} [One Two Two
Three Three Three])
would be more like it. Thanks for the infos...

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Re: Beginning Clojure. Recursion

2010-03-25 Thread jfr
Thanks I will take a look at it .Neverless, the idea was to write my
own code ;-)

 You can also use frequencies from c.c.seq-utils (http://


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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Joonas Pulakka
I would suggest using a more concurrency-aware database. I've had luck
with H2 ( It supports mixed local and
remote connections in a thread-safe manner. Additionally it supports
simple clustering, sounds like you could have use for such.

Best Regards,

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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread prhlava
 Is it as simple as moving to a better database, such as

PostgreSQL is considerably better (even than MySQL, which still uses
locks AFAIK)
for anything concurrent. The PostgreSQL is using multiple version
concurrency (MVC)
approach - the same approach the clojure STM is using.

The PostgreSQL might need a bit of tuning (the defaults are very
but after that it usually performs very well. Make sure that you
understand the
PostgreSQL transactions and how they work, but usually - in default
settings, the
readers do not block writers, and readers always see consistent view
of the data
(but this view could be a bit behind in terms of time).

The PostgreSQL mailing list is both, friendly and knowledgeable -
speaking from

Kind regards,


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Re: database management: curing lock issues

2010-03-25 Thread Scott
thanks for your suggestions

two clear options 1) agents and queued transactions 2) MVC enabled
databases (postgresql, h2 (neat project))

Ill try the first option and see how it scales, and worst case move to
the second

Thanks again


On Mar 25, 12:47 pm, prhlava wrote:
  Is it as simple as moving to a better database, such as

 PostgreSQL is considerably better (even than MySQL, which still uses
 locks AFAIK)
 for anything concurrent. The PostgreSQL is using multiple version
 concurrency (MVC)
 approach - the same approach the clojure STM is using.

 The PostgreSQL might need a bit of tuning (the defaults are very
 but after that it usually performs very well. Make sure that you
 understand the
 PostgreSQL transactions and how they work, but usually - in default
 settings, the
 readers do not block writers, and readers always see consistent view
 of the data
 (but this view could be a bit behind in terms of time).

 The PostgreSQL mailing list is both, friendly and knowledgeable -
 speaking from

 Kind regards,


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Re: Clojure/LLVM

2010-03-25 Thread Jeff Heon
I know it's not Clojure, but you can at least scratch the Lisp on the
iP* itch.

Scheme for the iPhone:

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Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick
I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast  
that might be of interest:

Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new  
language, a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at  
existing build tools (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning  
primarily Maven and Ant, although someone will bark if I don't mention  
Gradle, too), and felt a rush of disdain. I'd speculate that this came  
mostly because of XML allergies, but perhaps also in part because when  
one has a hammer as glorious as Clojure, it's hard to not want to use  
it to beat away at every problem in sight.

Read on:

Feedback welcome, either here or in the comments on the post.


- Chas

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Rob Wolfe
Chas Emerick writes:

 I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast
 that might be of interest:

 Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new
 language, a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at
 existing build tools (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning
 primarily Maven and Ant, although someone will bark if I don't mention
 Gradle, too), and felt a rush of disdain. I'd speculate that this came
 mostly because of XML allergies, but perhaps also in part because when
 one has a hammer as glorious as Clojure, it's hard to not want to use
 it to beat away at every problem in sight.

 Read on:

 Feedback welcome, either here or in the comments on the post.

No, XML is not the worst thing (at least for me).
The real problem is here:

Let's suppose that from time to time I'd like to package 
a few class files (e.g. Java subpackage) to jar without repeated 
compilation and without running tests of the whole project?
How to do that with Maven? It should be easy, right?
Are you sure that it is a no-brainer?


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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Brian Carper
On Mar 25, 11:55 am, Chas Emerick wrote:
 I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast  
 that might be of interest:

 Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new  
 language, a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at  
 existing build tools (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning  
 primarily Maven and Ant, although someone will bark if I don't mention  
 Gradle, too), and felt a rush of disdain. I'd speculate that this came  
 mostly because of XML allergies, but perhaps also in part because when  
 one has a hammer as glorious as Clojure, it's hard to not want to use  
 it to beat away at every problem in sight.

Ruby: gem install X
Perl: perl -MCPAN -e shell, then install X

Why does building and installing dependencies have to be harder than
this?  Lein right now tries to fill this niche of being braindead easy
to use, and comes pretty close.  I realize Maven does a lot more than
build and install dependencies, but for some of us, that's all we want
out of life, and it's pretty nice when it's that easy to do so.

My dream tool would be:

1) Platform-agnostic (for us sorry souls stuck on Windows at work)
2) IDE-agnostic (make a Netbeans project is great, but Emacs users
need some love too)
3) Easy to understand and use for the kinds of tasks Lein covers (I
don't want to have to study a Maven book(!) if I can avoid it)
4) Able to handle most or all Clojure and Java libraries I want to
install (I don't want to have to circumvent the build tool and do
things manually if I can help it)
5) Able to easily browse or search for packages in remote
repositories, would be nice

Rubygems and Perl's CPAN can handle those kinds of things, for
example.  If Maven can be those things, I'll have an XML sandwich for
lunch with a smile if necessary.  : )  Maybe it can and the community
just needs to standardize around Maven and provide good documentation
and community support for using it with Clojure.  I just hope the
community standardizes around something; any standard is better than
everyone using a different tool.


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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick

On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Rob Wolfe wrote:

No, XML is not the worst thing (at least for me).
The real problem is here:

I'm not sure what you're referring to there.  :-)

Let's suppose that from time to time I'd like to package
a few class files (e.g. Java subpackage) to jar without repeated
compilation and without running tests of the whole project?
How to do that with Maven? It should be easy, right?
Are you sure that it is a no-brainer?

You can disable all tests in a maven build with the - 
Dmaven.test.skip=true option.

No compilation will occur if no changes have been made to your source  

- Chas

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Mar 25, 2010, at 19:55 , Chas Emerick wrote:

 I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast that 
 might be of interest:
 Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new language, a 
 lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at existing build tools 
 (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning primarily Maven and Ant, 
 although someone will bark if I don't mention Gradle, too), and felt a rush 
 of disdain. I'd speculate that this came mostly because of XML allergies, but 
 perhaps also in part because when one has a hammer as glorious as Clojure, 
 it's hard to not want to use it to beat away at every problem in sight.

I slowly get the feeling that build tools are too much in the focus. Why don't 
we start up with a good shell integration, being able to run clj my script go 
nice and including dependencies in jars and stuff.

Making it easy to work with plain .clj files to include, load, run them would 
get us a huge way ahead and I think kind of freeing us from what I feel as the 
burden of the java world.


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converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Glen Rubin
I am trying to convert a long string of numbers to a number, but get a

My long string of numbers has new line characters in it, so I am
filtering out the newline characters before converting it back to a
string.  Then I try to use Integer. on it but get the above exception.

Code is as follows:
big-num-str is truncated for space's sake, is actually much much

(def big-num-str 37107287533902102798797998220837590246510135740250

(Integer. (apply str (filter #(Character/isDigit %) big-num-str)))

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick


FWIW, I'd claim that maven does deliver on all five points you list.   
Of note is that it absolutely is IDE-agnostic (I used NetBeans in the  
screencast because that's what I use -- you can load up maven-defined  
projects in Eclipse and IntelliJ just as easily).  I'm not an emacs  
user, so I'm unsure what love would mean there, but I'd be surprised  
if there wasn't a maven mode somewhere, etc.

The package browsing/searching story is probably the weakest.  There's 
, which I just found 2 minutes ago.  We have an internal Nexus  
installation (which caches all of the dependencies we've ever  
retrieved, so that our builds won't fail if the 'net is down, maven  
central is down, is down, etc), which provides a  
very nice search interface.

I'm not entirely sure what would be required from clojure-maven-plugin  
(for example) for maven to achieve greater acceptance in the I mentioned, I'm relatively new to maven myself (~ 6  
months in), and I paved the rough spots that I hit, but it's hard to  
speculate because people's workflows and specific requirements are so  
different.  My guess is that once the Clojure-flavored Polyglot Maven  
project becomes fully-baked, it will become the de facto standard, as  
XML allergies really are the biggest deterrent right now IMO.


- Chas

On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Brian Carper wrote:

On Mar 25, 11:55 am, Chas Emerick wrote:

I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast
that might be of interest:

Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new
language, a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at
existing build tools (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning
primarily Maven and Ant, although someone will bark if I don't  
Gradle, too), and felt a rush of disdain. I'd speculate that this  
mostly because of XML allergies, but perhaps also in part because  

one has a hammer as glorious as Clojure, it's hard to not want to use
it to beat away at every problem in sight.

Ruby: gem install X
Perl: perl -MCPAN -e shell, then install X

Why does building and installing dependencies have to be harder than
this?  Lein right now tries to fill this niche of being braindead easy
to use, and comes pretty close.  I realize Maven does a lot more than
build and install dependencies, but for some of us, that's all we want
out of life, and it's pretty nice when it's that easy to do so.

My dream tool would be:

1) Platform-agnostic (for us sorry souls stuck on Windows at work)
2) IDE-agnostic (make a Netbeans project is great, but Emacs users
need some love too)
3) Easy to understand and use for the kinds of tasks Lein covers (I
don't want to have to study a Maven book(!) if I can avoid it)
4) Able to handle most or all Clojure and Java libraries I want to
install (I don't want to have to circumvent the build tool and do
things manually if I can help it)
5) Able to easily browse or search for packages in remote
repositories, would be nice

Rubygems and Perl's CPAN can handle those kinds of things, for
example.  If Maven can be those things, I'll have an XML sandwich for
lunch with a smile if necessary.  : )  Maybe it can and the community
just needs to standardize around Maven and provide good documentation
and community support for using it with Clojure.  I just hope the
community standardizes around something; any standard is better than
everyone using a different tool.


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Re: converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick


You want (java.math.BigInteger. 2342343...).  java.lang.Integer is  
limited to 2^31-1.

- Chas

On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:40 PM, Glen Rubin wrote:

I am trying to convert a long string of numbers to a number, but get a

My long string of numbers has new line characters in it, so I am
filtering out the newline characters before converting it back to a
string.  Then I try to use Integer. on it but get the above exception.

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Re: Help optimizing array-to-integer operation?

2010-03-25 Thread Raph

On Mar 24, 10:57 am, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 8:19 PM, Raph wrote:
  (My opinion, anyway.I think a byte should be 8 bits and I should be able to 
  use all of them.)

 Er, it is, and you can.  A Java byte still gives you all 8 bits' worth
 of 256 different possible values; the interpretation of those values
 is all that differs here.  Whereas C lets you pick between signed and
 unsigned (with the default unfortunately not always well-defined),
 Java gives you no choice but to use the signed interpretation.  But
 you still get to use all 8 bits of the byte; it's just that the
 numbers mapped to [128, 255] in unsigned interpretations map to
 [-128,-1] instead.

Right, should have been more specific. The 0xFF byte doesn't work the
way I expect it to. I have to use ints to get the correct answer.

(bit-or (bit-shift-left (byte 0x01) 16)
(bit-shift-left (byte 0x7F) 8)) = 98048

(bit-or (bit-shift-left (int 0x01) 16)
(bit-shift-left (int 0x7F) 8)) = 98048


(bit-or (bit-shift-left (byte 0x01) 16)
(bit-shift-left (byte 0xFF) 8)) = -256

(bit-or (bit-shift-left (int 0x01) 16)
(bit-shift-left (int 0xFF) 8)) = 130816

So I can't use the bits the way I'd expect.


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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-25 Thread Timothy Pratley
Clojure can be used in so many different ways. I can't think of any
other language where I have so many varied integration options. The
flexibility is confusing and frustrating, but I much prefer its
presence than absence. :) I'm glad I stuck with it.

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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-25 Thread Mark Derricutt
I was thinking it might be interesting to see if we could integrate Bespin
Embedded in labrepl, having a nice web based syntax highlighting editor
thats consistent on platforms could be quite cool.

Pull me down under...

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Stuart Halloway

 You also get this with the labrepl (
 which is free. Plus I am attempting (with a little help from you all) to
 keep the labrepl working with various IDEs.

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Brian Carper wrote:

 Ruby: gem install X
 Perl: perl -MCPAN -e shell, then install X

If you're just installing CPAN module X, then on most installations
all you need to run is this:

   cpan X

You can still go into the interactive shell if you want, usually by
just running cpan with no args.  You don't have to do that to
install a module, but if you need to find a module whose exact name
you don't know, or if a module fails to build and you want to poke
around the build tree, etc, the cpan shell is handy.

And other languages have their own flavors - PHP has PEAR/PECL, while
Python is trying to get there with PyPI, but it's not quite there yet.

The problem with CPAN is that many modules require compiling native
code (C in this case), which means that just running cpan won't work
if you don't have C dev tools installed. You can often get modules
with prebuilt binaries, but the mechanism is platform-dependent.  For
instance, each module is its own apt package for Debian/Ubuntu, while
ActivePerl on Windows uses its own Perl Package Manager (ppm.exe).

Mark J. Reed

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referencing an atom inside a function used for swapping

2010-03-25 Thread strattonbrazil
I have a function that I use for adding a JPanel to a ui atom.  When I
call swap! that ui atom is sent to that function I call with the swap!
on and is dereferenced inside the function so I don't need to call @ui
on it.  However, I want to add listeners to my JPanel that can affect
that atom, but I don't have the actual atom anymore since it's
deferenced when I pass it to swap.  I believe I could just pass it as
another parameter, but that seems like a hack.

(defn swap-function [ui atomWithUiInIt]

  ; add code that on a click or press or something, alter the
atomWithUiInIt atom

Is there better way to handle this?

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Re: referencing an atom inside a function used for swapping

2010-03-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
I would just pass the atom and move the @ inside the function...

On Thursday, March 25, 2010, strattonbrazil wrote:
 I have a function that I use for adding a JPanel to a ui atom.  When I
 call swap! that ui atom is sent to that function I call with the swap!
 on and is dereferenced inside the function so I don't need to call @ui
 on it.  However, I want to add listeners to my JPanel that can affect
 that atom, but I don't have the actual atom anymore since it's
 deferenced when I pass it to swap.  I believe I could just pass it as
 another parameter, but that seems like a hack.

 (defn swap-function [ui atomWithUiInIt]

       ; add code that on a click or press or something, alter the
 atomWithUiInIt atom

 Is there better way to handle this?

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Seth
I am in complete agreement! Clojure continues to hinder itself by not
providing an official executable. java -cp clojure.jar was good enough
for Clojure 0.9, but that's not where it is anymore.

Even simple things like submitting bug reports would be helped by
having a default clj executable. It would avoid a lot of questions
about system configuration when reporting a bug.

So many people and projects have RE-implemented a clj script!


On Mar 25, 5:32 pm, Heinz N. Gies wrote:
 On Mar 25, 2010, at 19:55 , Chas Emerick wrote:

  I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast that 
  might be of interest:

  Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new language, 
  a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at existing build tools 
  (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning primarily Maven and Ant, 
  although someone will bark if I don't mention Gradle, too), and felt a rush 
  of disdain. I'd speculate that this came mostly because of XML allergies, 
  but perhaps also in part because when one has a hammer as glorious as 
  Clojure, it's hard to not want to use it to beat away at every problem in 

 I slowly get the feeling that build tools are too much in the focus. Why 
 don't we start up with a good shell integration, being able to run clj my 
 script go nice and including dependencies in jars and stuff.

 Making it easy to work with plain .clj files to include, load, run them would 
 get us a huge way ahead and I think kind of freeing us from what I feel as 
 the burden of the java world.


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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Mark Derricutt
For whats it worth here - IntelliJ IDEA will automatically add maven
dependencies to you pom.xml file for unknown classes ( in java source, not
the clojure plugin - yet), for example if you type com.cemerick.Foo in
your source, and its an unknown class, the intention dialog gives you
options of create class or search maven, it then gives you a list of
artifacts containing that class for you to add to pom.xml.

Woud be nice having that in the La Clojure plugin as well.

Pull me down under...

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Chas Emerick cemer...@snowtide.comwrote:

 The package browsing/searching story is probably the weakest.  There's, which I just found 2 minutes ago.  We have an
 internal Nexus installation (which caches all of the dependencies we've ever
 retrieved, so that our builds won't fail if the 'net is down, maven central
 is down, is down, etc), which provides a very nice
 search interface.

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Re: converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
Though it might not be the best option here, the Clojure reader is
always ready to serve:

user (type (read-string 123))
user (type (read-string 123123123123123))
user (type (read-string 123123123123123123123123123123123123))

Of course, it might also pose a bit of a security threat:

user (read-string #=(println \I OWN YOU NOW!\))



On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Chas Emerick wrote:

 You want (java.math.BigInteger. 2342343...).  java.lang.Integer is limited
 to 2^31-1.

 - Chas

 On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:40 PM, Glen Rubin wrote:

 I am trying to convert a long string of numbers to a number, but get a

 My long string of numbers has new line characters in it, so I am
 filtering out the newline characters before converting it back to a
 string.  Then I try to use Integer. on it but get the above exception.

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Re: converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Richard Newman

Of course, it might also pose a bit of a security threat:

user (read-string #=(println \I OWN YOU NOW!\))


user= (binding [*read-eval* false]
  (read-string #=(println \I OWN YOU NOW!\)))
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: EvalReader not  
allowed when *read-eval* is false. (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

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Re: converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Mark Engelberg
Another unadvertised function that is useful to be aware of is
clojure.lang.Numbers/reduce which will simplify a number to its most simple
type.  I often find that I want to use some BigInteger function, but then it
is important to turn it back into a typical Clojure number at the end.

For example,

(defn next-prime [n] (clojure.lang.Numbers/reduce (.nextProbablePrime
(BigInteger. (str n)


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Re: converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
In those hills yonder in the lands of Common Lisp, it's usually
considered good practice to blast the entire read table save for what
you need when you deal with untrusted data. Barring that, a better
option might be a more modular reader: read-number, read-symbol, etc.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Richard Newman wrote:
 Of course, it might also pose a bit of a security threat:

 user (read-string #=(println \I OWN YOU NOW!\))


 user= (binding [*read-eval* false]
  (read-string #=(println \I OWN YOU NOW!\)))
 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: EvalReader not allowed when
 *read-eval* is false. (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

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Re: converting long string to number

2010-03-25 Thread Richard Newman

In those hills yonder in the lands of Common Lisp, it's usually
considered good practice to blast the entire read table save for what
you need when you deal with untrusted data. Barring that, a better
option might be a more modular reader: read-number, read-symbol, etc.

Clojure doesn't have a user-programmable reader, so much of the  
readtable shenanigans we use in CL don't apply. But yes, specific  
readers would be neat.

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concurrency and rand-int

2010-03-25 Thread Lee Spector

I'm trying to track down the reason that I sometimes see a lot of concurrency 
in my system (up to 1200% CPU utilization on a dual quadcore mac that also has 
some kind of hyperthreading, allegedly allowing a maximum of 1600% CPU) while 
other times it gets stuck at around 100-200%. My system (a genetic programming 
system) has a *lot* of randomness in it, so it's hard to repeat runs and get a 
firm handle on what's going on. 

But after a bunch of testing I'm beginning to suspect that it might be the 
random number generator itself (clojure-core/rand-int in this case, which calls 
(. Math (random))). This seems at least somewhat plausible to me because I 
guess that the underlying Java random method must be accessing and updating a 
random number generator state, and so this would be a concurrency bottleneck. 
So if I'm in a condition in which lots of concurrent threads are all calling 
rand-int a lot then all of the accesses to the state have to be serialized and 
my concurrency suffers (a lot).

Does this sound plausible to you? If so, is there a straightforward way to 
avoid it? It is not important to me that the random numbers being generated in 
different threads be generated from the same generator or coordinated/seeded in 
any way. I just need lots of numbers that are random enough. I guess I could 
roll my own random number generator(s) and either have a lot of them with 
independent states or maybe even make them stateless (always generating numbers 
by scrambling the clock?). But I would hope there would be something simpler.



Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359,
Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

Check out Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: -

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Re: concurrency and rand-int

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
Clojure calls out to Java's java.lang.Math.Random:

This method is properly synchronized to allow correct use by more
than one thread. However, if many threads need to generate
pseudorandom numbers at a great rate, it may reduce contention for
each thread to have its own pseudorandom-number generator.

Look at java.util.Random for local RNGs. In the long term, it might
make sense for core's rand to refer to a *random-number-generator* var
that defaults to a shared thread-safe RNG but can be rebound per
thread in cases like yours to reduce contention. In the short term,
you can just write your own wrapper functions.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Lee Spector wrote:

 I'm trying to track down the reason that I sometimes see a lot of concurrency 
 in my system (up to 1200% CPU utilization on a dual quadcore mac that also 
 has some kind of hyperthreading, allegedly allowing a maximum of 1600% CPU) 
 while other times it gets stuck at around 100-200%. My system (a genetic 
 programming system) has a *lot* of randomness in it, so it's hard to repeat 
 runs and get a firm handle on what's going on.

 But after a bunch of testing I'm beginning to suspect that it might be the 
 random number generator itself (clojure-core/rand-int in this case, which 
 calls (. Math (random))). This seems at least somewhat plausible to me 
 because I guess that the underlying Java random method must be accessing and 
 updating a random number generator state, and so this would be a concurrency 
 bottleneck. So if I'm in a condition in which lots of concurrent threads are 
 all calling rand-int a lot then all of the accesses to the state have to be 
 serialized and my concurrency suffers (a lot).

 Does this sound plausible to you? If so, is there a straightforward way to 
 avoid it? It is not important to me that the random numbers being generated 
 in different threads be generated from the same generator or 
 coordinated/seeded in any way. I just need lots of numbers that are random 
 enough. I guess I could roll my own random number generator(s) and either 
 have a lot of them with independent states or maybe even make them stateless 
 (always generating numbers by scrambling the clock?). But I would hope there 
 would be something simpler.



 Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
 School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
 893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359,
 Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

 Check out Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: -

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Re: concurrency and rand-int

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick

Hi Lee,

Indeed -- from the docs for Math.random():

This method is properly synchronized to allow correct use by more  
than one thread. However, if many threads need to generate  
pseudorandom numbers at a great rate, it may reduce contention for  
each thread to have its own pseudorandom-number generator.

At its root, java.util.Random uses an AtomicLong to store the last  
dispensed pseduorandom number, so that is the fundamental point of  
contention (all of your threads are blocking on a CAS on a single atom  
in the Math class' Random instance).

You can certainly have a Random instance per-thread -- when you set up  
each thread of execution (in a send to an agent, at the start of the  
fn that you're pmap'ing across a dataset, whatever), just bind a new  
java.util.Random to a var, and have all your code pull random numbers  
from there.

- Chas

On Mar 25, 2010, at 10:35 PM, Lee Spector wrote:

I'm trying to track down the reason that I sometimes see a lot of  
concurrency in my system (up to 1200% CPU utilization on a dual  
quadcore mac that also has some kind of hyperthreading, allegedly  
allowing a maximum of 1600% CPU) while other times it gets stuck at  
around 100-200%. My system (a genetic programming system) has a  
*lot* of randomness in it, so it's hard to repeat runs and get a  
firm handle on what's going on.

But after a bunch of testing I'm beginning to suspect that it might  
be the random number generator itself (clojure-core/rand-int in this  
case, which calls (. Math (random))). This seems at least somewhat  
plausible to me because I guess that the underlying Java random  
method must be accessing and updating a random number generator  
state, and so this would be a concurrency bottleneck. So if I'm in a  
condition in which lots of concurrent threads are all calling rand- 
int a lot then all of the accesses to the state have to be  
serialized and my concurrency suffers (a lot).

Does this sound plausible to you? If so, is there a straightforward  
way to avoid it? It is not important to me that the random numbers  
being generated in different threads be generated from the same  
generator or coordinated/seeded in any way. I just need lots of  
numbers that are random enough. I guess I could roll my own random  
number generator(s) and either have a lot of them with independent  
states or maybe even make them stateless (always generating numbers  
by scrambling the clock?). But I would hope there would be something  



Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359,
Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

Check out Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: -

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Re: referencing an atom inside a function used for swapping

2010-03-25 Thread Josh Stratton
 I would just pass the atom and move the @ inside the function...

But the non-atom is automatically dereferenced and sent to the
respective function when I use swap!  So unless there's another
function to alter atoms, I'm going to have the dereferenced version
there no matter what, right?

 On Thursday, March 25, 2010, strattonbrazil wrote:
 I have a function that I use for adding a JPanel to a ui atom.  When I
 call swap! that ui atom is sent to that function I call with the swap!
 on and is dereferenced inside the function so I don't need to call @ui
 on it.  However, I want to add listeners to my JPanel that can affect
 that atom, but I don't have the actual atom anymore since it's
 deferenced when I pass it to swap.  I believe I could just pass it as
 another parameter, but that seems like a hack.

 (defn swap-function [ui atomWithUiInIt]

       ; add code that on a click or press or something, alter the
 atomWithUiInIt atom

 Is there better way to handle this?

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 Mark J. Reed

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Re: referencing an atom inside a function used for swapping

2010-03-25 Thread Mark J. Reed
Ah, right, this is the function called from swap!.  So move the
listener stuff out of your swap function and into the function that
calls swap! instead?

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:02 PM, Josh Stratton wrote:
 I would just pass the atom and move the @ inside the function...

 But the non-atom is automatically dereferenced and sent to the
 respective function when I use swap!  So unless there's another
 function to alter atoms, I'm going to have the dereferenced version
 there no matter what, right?

 On Thursday, March 25, 2010, strattonbrazil wrote:
 I have a function that I use for adding a JPanel to a ui atom.  When I
 call swap! that ui atom is sent to that function I call with the swap!
 on and is dereferenced inside the function so I don't need to call @ui
 on it.  However, I want to add listeners to my JPanel that can affect
 that atom, but I don't have the actual atom anymore since it's
 deferenced when I pass it to swap.  I believe I could just pass it as
 another parameter, but that seems like a hack.

 (defn swap-function [ui atomWithUiInIt]

       ; add code that on a click or press or something, alter the
 atomWithUiInIt atom

 Is there better way to handle this?

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 Mark J. Reed

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Mark J. Reed

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^C behaviour on Leopard (OS X 10.5.8)?

2010-03-25 Thread Douglas Philips
I've been using clojure 1.1.0 (via MacPorts clojure+rlwrap) and every  
time I type Control-C, it kills closure and dumps me back at my shell.

Is that what is supposed to happen?

Is there some other keystroke I should be using that will interrupt  
clojure and put me back at the clojure top-level?

There is no mention of this made on
or in
should I be looking somewhere else?


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Re: ^C behaviour on Leopard (OS X 10.5.8)?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
Look at clojure.contrib.repl-utils/add-break-thread!:


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Douglas Philips wrote:
 I've been using clojure 1.1.0 (via MacPorts clojure+rlwrap) and every time I
 type Control-C, it kills closure and dumps me back at my shell.

 Is that what is supposed to happen?

 Is there some other keystroke I should be using that will interrupt clojure
 and put me back at the clojure top-level?

 There is no mention of this made on
 or in
 should I be looking somewhere else?


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Re: concurrency and rand-int

2010-03-25 Thread Andrzej
As others have pointed out using per-thread java.util.Random objects
is probably the best way to go in this particular case. However, I'm
curious if the following code could give any speed gain on your

(defn rand-seq [] (repeatedly #(. Math (random

(def rand-seq-ref (ref (rand-seq)))
(nth @rand-seq-ref 100) ;; pre-cache random values; evaluate it every some time
;;btw, how to do it automatically?

(defn next-rand-val []
   (dosync (commute rand-seq-ref next) (first @rand-seq-ref)))

user= (next-random-val)
user= (next-random-val)


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Lee Spector wrote:

 I'm trying to track down the reason that I sometimes see a lot of concurrency 
 in my system (up to 1200% CPU utilization on a dual quadcore mac that also 
 has some kind of hyperthreading, allegedly allowing a maximum of 1600% CPU) 
 while other times it gets stuck at around 100-200%. My system (a genetic 
 programming system) has a *lot* of randomness in it, so it's hard to repeat 
 runs and get a firm handle on what's going on.

 But after a bunch of testing I'm beginning to suspect that it might be the 
 random number generator itself (clojure-core/rand-int in this case, which 
 calls (. Math (random))). This seems at least somewhat plausible to me 
 because I guess that the underlying Java random method must be accessing and 
 updating a random number generator state, and so this would be a concurrency 
 bottleneck. So if I'm in a condition in which lots of concurrent threads are 
 all calling rand-int a lot then all of the accesses to the state have to be 
 serialized and my concurrency suffers (a lot).

 Does this sound plausible to you? If so, is there a straightforward way to 
 avoid it? It is not important to me that the random numbers being generated 
 in different threads be generated from the same generator or 
 coordinated/seeded in any way. I just need lots of numbers that are random 
 enough. I guess I could roll my own random number generator(s) and either 
 have a lot of them with independent states or maybe even make them stateless 
 (always generating numbers by scrambling the clock?). But I would hope there 
 would be something simpler.



 Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
 School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
 893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359,
 Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

 Check out Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: -

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
One of the weirdest things coming to the Java world is to witness what
strange things people take for granted should be in the build tool.
All the example features you mention in your article are convenient,
but I don't see why they belong in the build tool. They should be
completely separate pieces of functionality that you happen to use the
build tool to invoke. Why this obsession with integration and unified


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 1:55 AM, Chas Emerick wrote:
 I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short screencast that
 might be of interest:

 Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new language,
 a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at existing build tools
 (the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning primarily Maven and Ant,
 although someone will bark if I don't mention Gradle, too), and felt a rush
 of disdain. I'd speculate that this came mostly because of XML allergies,
 but perhaps also in part because when one has a hammer as glorious as
 Clojure, it's hard to not want to use it to beat away at every problem in

 Read on:

 Feedback welcome, either here or in the comments on the post.


 - Chas

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Re: ^C behaviour on Leopard (OS X 10.5.8)?

2010-03-25 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2010 Mar 25, at 11:29 PM, Per Vognsen wrote:

Look at clojure.contrib.repl-utils/add-break-thread!:

Nice. Now I have to figure out how to get a clojure rc file! :)


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Re: concurrency and rand-int

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick
I was going to suggest something similar using seque in an atom, but  
in neither case (using an atom or a ref) is the contention going to be  
minimized -- just shifted from the AtomicLong in java.util.Random to  
the now-app-level atom or ref.

- Chas

On Mar 26, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Andrzej wrote:

As others have pointed out using per-thread java.util.Random objects
is probably the best way to go in this particular case. However, I'm
curious if the following code could give any speed gain on your

(defn rand-seq [] (repeatedly #(. Math (random

(def rand-seq-ref (ref (rand-seq)))
(nth @rand-seq-ref 100) ;; pre-cache random values; evaluate it  
every some time

;;btw, how to do it automatically?

(defn next-rand-val []
  (dosync (commute rand-seq-ref next) (first @rand-seq-ref)))

user= (next-random-val)
user= (next-random-val)


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Lee Spector wrote:

I'm trying to track down the reason that I sometimes see a lot of  
concurrency in my system (up to 1200% CPU utilization on a dual  
quadcore mac that also has some kind of hyperthreading, allegedly  
allowing a maximum of 1600% CPU) while other times it gets stuck at  
around 100-200%. My system (a genetic programming system) has a  
*lot* of randomness in it, so it's hard to repeat runs and get a  
firm handle on what's going on.

But after a bunch of testing I'm beginning to suspect that it might  
be the random number generator itself (clojure-core/rand-int in  
this case, which calls (. Math (random))). This seems at least  
somewhat plausible to me because I guess that the underlying Java  
random method must be accessing and updating a random number  
generator state, and so this would be a concurrency bottleneck. So  
if I'm in a condition in which lots of concurrent threads are all  
calling rand-int a lot then all of the accesses to the state have  
to be serialized and my concurrency suffers (a lot).

Does this sound plausible to you? If so, is there a straightforward  
way to avoid it? It is not important to me that the random numbers  
being generated in different threads be generated from the same  
generator or coordinated/seeded in any way. I just need lots of  
numbers that are random enough. I guess I could roll my own  
random number generator(s) and either have a lot of them with  
independent states or maybe even make them stateless (always  
generating numbers by scrambling the clock?). But I would hope  
there would be something simpler.



Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359,
Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

Check out Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: -

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Re: ^C behaviour on Leopard (OS X 10.5.8)?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
You can put a user.clj file in your class path.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Douglas Philips wrote:
 On 2010 Mar 25, at 11:29 PM, Per Vognsen wrote:

 Look at clojure.contrib.repl-utils/add-break-thread!:

 Nice. Now I have to figure out how to get a clojure rc file! :)


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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Chas Emerick
Because they're common processes that are ideally built once, and then  
reused with minor variation.  Library reuse is generally considered to  
be a good thing in software development, so it strikes me as odd that  
many think that such practices should stop at the build's edge, as it  

Truly, maven is often referred to using various terms that are more  
expansive than build tool, as it aims to bring a degree of  
standardization and regularity to a variety of non-programming-related  
tasks associated with building, configuring, deploying, and releasing  
software.  IIRC, even the simple notion of systematized dependency  
management was an alien notion in the JVM world until maven came  
around (which, if I have my timeline right, later inspired ivy due to  
shortcomings in maven v1?).

I guess I would counter with: why would you want to reinvent your  
build/configuration/deployment practices for every project?


- Chas

On Mar 26, 2010, at 12:33 AM, Per Vognsen wrote:

One of the weirdest things coming to the Java world is to witness what
strange things people take for granted should be in the build tool.
All the example features you mention in your article are convenient,
but I don't see why they belong in the build tool. They should be
completely separate pieces of functionality that you happen to use the
build tool to invoke. Why this obsession with integration and unified


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 1:55 AM, Chas Emerick wrote:
I published a blog post earlier today, along with a short  
screencast that

might be of interest:

Like any group of super-smart programmers using a relatively new  
a lot of folks in the Clojure community have looked at existing  
build tools
(the JVM space is the relevant one here, meaning primarily Maven  
and Ant,
although someone will bark if I don't mention Gradle, too), and  
felt a rush
of disdain. I'd speculate that this came mostly because of XML  

but perhaps also in part because when one has a hammer as glorious as
Clojure, it's hard to not want to use it to beat away at every  
problem in


Read on:

Feedback welcome, either here or in the comments on the post.


- Chas

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Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-25 Thread Per Vognsen
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Chas Emerick wrote:
 Because they're common processes that are ideally built once, and then
 reused with minor variation.  Library reuse is generally considered to be a
 good thing in software development, so it strikes me as odd that many think
 that such practices should stop at the build's edge, as it were.

Reuse is great. Integration tends to hamper reuse.

To take one of your examples, if I want to bundle my classes and
dependencies into a Windows installer, I will call a function in a
library (or a command line program in the Unix world) that does that.
That's it. It doesn't need to be part of the build system and
shouldn't be. I can call functions in the build system to supply the
relevant arguments. If the build tool and library is well designed,
the added value of integration in this example should be


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