Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-27 Thread Hank Lenzi
This is embarassing. ;-) Thanks

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Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-27 Thread Hank Lenzi
Ooops my bad, there's a typo in '(.toString sb1)' which sould be 'sb'.
It doesn't change anything, it still won't work, only Laurent's version 

user> (defn pt%% [file]
(let [afr (FileReader. file)
 bfr (BufferedReader. afr)]
   (loop [x (.read bfr)
  sb (StringBuilder.)]
 (if (not (= x -1))
 (.toString sb)
 (recur  (.append sb (char x)) (.read bfr))

user> (pt%% ribs)

Which makes no sense to me...
-- Hank

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Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-27 Thread Hank Lenzi
Hi --
Thanks so much, Laurent!
I was actually kind of close (you told me not to peep, so I didn't hehe).

(defn pt30 [file]
(def ^:dynamic *asb* (StringBuilder.))
(let [afr (FileReader. file) 
 bfr (BufferedReader. afr)]
   (loop [x (.read bfr)
  *asb* (StringBuilder.)]
 (when (not (= x -1))
 (recur (.read bfr) (.append *asb* (java.lang.Character/toChars 

with  (def ribs "/path/to/ribs.txt")

which looks similar. But, for some reason, the *asb* variable didn't 
populate with rib advertisements:

user> (pt30 ribs)
user> *asb*
#object[java.lang.StringBuilder 0x29f4eb0c ""]

When I convert this practically to the same you did,
user> (defn pt34 [file]
(let [afr (FileReader. file) 
 bfr (BufferedReader. afr)]
   (loop [x (.read bfr)
  sb (StringBuilder.)]
 (if (not (= x -1))
 (.toString sb1)
   (recur (.read bfr) (.append sb (char x)))
user> (pt34 ribs)
I still get no beef (err, ribs). Doesn't print anything either. 

Weird. Just weird.

-- Hank

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Re: What is this notation? "-a"

2021-12-27 Thread Hank Lenzi

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Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-26 Thread Hank Lenzi
Hi --
Thanks for taking the time to help me.
As far as I understand the examples, loop has this template:

loop [binding]
 (recur (binding)))
And in 'recur' the loop is re-executed with new bindings.

There was indeed an issue with the 'recur' outside 'when'. Thanks for 
pointing that out.
I corrected that in the version below.

I also changed to a smaller file (UTF-8 encoded in Linux), called 
'ribs.txt', with the following content:

source/txt on  master [!?] 
❯ cat ribs.txt
Try my delicious pork-chop ribs!

source/txt on  master [!?] 
❯ cat ribs.hexdump 
: 54 72 79 20 6d 79 20 64 65 6c 69 63 69 6f 75 73  Try my delicious
0010: 20 70 6f 72 6b 2d 63 68 6f 70 20 72 69 62 73 21   pork-chop ribs!
0020: 0a   .

(defn pt8 [file]
   (let [afr (FileReader. file); instances of FileReader, BufferedReader, 
 bfr (BufferedReader. afr)
 ct (StringBuilder.)
 this-list (list afr bfr ct)]
 ; (apply println this-list)
 ; put recur INSIDE THE WHEN
 (loop [val (.read bfr)]
   (when (not (= val -1))
 (.append ct (Character/toChars (.read bfr)))
   (recur [val (.read bfr)])))
; when finished...
(.toString ct)))

I think this fixed the 'recur', because it does rebinding to a new call to 
However, the errors remains.

user> (pt8 ribs)
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at java.lang.Character/toChars 
Not a valid Unicode code point: 0x

The file used is sufficiently small so that we can walk the bytes using 

jshell> FileReader afr = new FileReader("/home/hank/source/txt/ribs.txt/")
afr ==>

jshell> BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader(afr)
bfr ==>

jshell> StringBuilder ct = new StringBuilder()
ct ==> 

FileReader reads 2 bytes per character so, to get to the end, of the first 
hexdump line, let's walk 32 bytes:

jshell> for (int i=0; i < 31; i++) {
   ...> if ((value = != -1) { ct.append((char) value); }
   ...> i++;
   ...> }

jshell> ct
ct ==> Try my delicious

: 54 72 79 20 6d 79 20 64 65 6c 69 63 69 6f 75 73  Try my delicious
  T  r  y  SP m  y  SP d  e  l  i  c  i  o  u  s  (< YOU ARE 

: 54 72 79 20 6d 79 20 64 65 6c 69 63 69 6f 75 73  Try my delicious
0010: 20 70 6f 72 6b 2d 63 68 6f 70 20 72 69 62 73 21   pork-chop ribs!
0020: 0a   .

Now we iterate 31 more bytes, stopping short of the last character:
jshell> for (int i=0; i < 30; i++) {
   ...> if ((value = != -1) { ct.append((char) value); }
   ...> i++;
   ...> }

jshell> ct
ct ==> Try my delicious pork-chop ribs

: 54 72 79 20 6d 79 20 64 65 6c 69 63 69 6f 75 73  Try my delicious
0010: 20 70 6f 72 6b 2d 63 68 6f 70 20 72 69 62 73 21   pork-chop ribs!
^ we stopped here  

We just advance one more:

jshell> if ((value = != -1) { ct.append((char) value); }

jshell> ct
ct ==> Try my delicious pork-chop ribs!

And one more time, to see if it borks:
jshell> if ((value = != -1) { ct.append((char) value); }

jshell> ct
ct ==> Try my delicious pork-chop ribs!

Nope, everything looks fine. Now where does that '0xFFF" come from?!
-- Hank

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Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-26 Thread Hank Lenzi
2021-12-25, 21:11:46 UTC-3, LaurentJ wrote:

Your loop/recur usage is wrong, your error may be because your loop has no 
halting condition."

Hi Laurent --
I actually took inspiration from one of the sources you posted:
(import '(javax.sound.sampled AudioSystem AudioFormat$Encoding))

(let [mp3-file ( "tryout.mp3")
  audio-in (AudioSystem/getAudioInputStream mp3-file)
  audio-decoded-in (AudioSystem/getAudioInputStream 
AudioFormat$Encoding/PCM_SIGNED audio-in)
  buffer (make-array Byte/TYPE 1024)]
  (loop []
(let [size (.read audio-decoded-in buffer)]
  (when (> size 0)
;do something with PCM data

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Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-26 Thread Hank Lenzi
Thanks, Harold.
You see, that was an exercise in Java interop - I know about slurp, but I 
was trying to understand what was going on there.
-- Hank

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Re: Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-25 Thread Hank Lenzi
Thank for the answers.
Trying to recur with '(recur (.read bfr))' resulted in a:
Syntax error (UnsupportedOperationException) compiling recur at 
(*cider-repl ~:localhost:41097(clj)*:237:9).
Can only recur from tail position
So I changed the code (see below). 

And now it complains that a previous form that was working '(.append 
etc..') doesn't and the same error remains. 

user> (pt5 myfile)
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at java.lang.Character/toChars 
Not a valid Unicode code point: 0x

(defn pt5 [file]
   (let [afr (FileReader. file); instances of FileReader, BufferedReader, 
 bfr (BufferedReader. afr)
 ct (StringBuilder.)
 this-list (list afr bfr ct)]
 ; (apply println this-list)
 (loop [val (.read bfr)]
   (when (not (= val -1))
 (.append ct (Character/toChars (.read bfr
   (recur val))
; when finished...
(.toString ct)))

Harder then it seemed at first sight...
-- Hank

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What is this notation? "-a"

2021-12-25 Thread Hank Lenzi
Hello --

Sometimes I see a notation that uses a prefix "-", as in:

user> (def -a (atom []))

Is there a special meaning/convention regarding this use of a hyphen prefix?
-- Hank

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Pesky java interop bug with 0xFFFFFFF error in BuferredReader

2021-12-25 Thread Hank Lenzi
inns inga konkre
0180: 7461 2064 6566 696e 6974 696f 6e65 7220  ta definitioner 
0190: 70c3 a520 6465 6e6e 6120 6772 7570 702c  p.. denna grupp,
01a0: 206f 6368 2068 656c 6c65 7220 696e 6765   och heller inge
01b0: 6e20 6769 7665 6e20 6176 6772 c3a4 6e73  n given avgr..ns
01c0: 6e69 6e67 2061 7620 6465 6e2e 2041 7474  ning av den. Att
01d0: 2064 6520 6669 6e6e 732c 2072 c3a5 6465   de finns,
01e0: 7220 6465 7420 656d 656c 6c65 7274 6964  r det emellertid
01f0: 2069 6e67 656e 2074 7665 6b61 6e20 6f6d   ingen tvekan om
0200: 2c20 7661 726b 656e 2070 c3a5 2073 6a75  , varken p.. sju
0210: 6b68 7573 656e 7320 616b 7574 6d6f 7474  khusens akutmott
0220: 6167 6e69 6e67 6172 2065 6c6c 6572 2069  agningar eller i
0230: 2066 c3b6 7273 c3a4 6b72 696e 6773 6272
0240: 616e 7363 6865 6e0a  anschen.

Any ideas?
-- Hank

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Re: ANN: Pulsar 0.2.0 Released

2013-09-28 Thread Hank
Ok I just discovered there's a separate Google Group for this so I'll be 
re-posting there:!forum/quasar-pulsar-user

Anyone wanting to reply, please don't reply to this here, reply in the 
other group instead.

On Friday, September 27, 2013 8:38:28 PM UTC+10, Hank wrote:

 Hi Ron,

 Different concern from the above so another post. :) Do you think Pulsar 
 can help make Oz-style dataflow 
  reality on the JVM? As discussed in the popular Concepts, 
 Techniques  Models of Programming, 
 e.g. chapter 4.5 See the Ozma effort on bringing this to the 
 JVM yes I know the talk is about 
 Scala but Clojure would equally benefit 
 from such an extension -- the key takeaway being that a lack of lightweight 
 threads on the JVM doesn't make this feasible just yet.

 -- hank

 On Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:49:55 AM UTC+10, pron wrote:

 Featuring: distributed actors, supervisors, fiber-blocking IO, and an 
 implementation of core.async.
 Read the announcement 

 Imagine running an entire Ring handler inside a go-block...

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Re: ANN: Pulsar 0.2.0 Released

2013-09-27 Thread Hank
Hi Ron,

Does this have any chance of running on Android at all? There is no java 
agent on Android's VM Dalvik so the byte code instrumentation would have 
to be plugged in elsewhere. Clojure on Android already involves byte code 
manipulation as JVM byte code generated by Clojure's compiler has to be 
passed through a second step called Dex to turn it into Dalvik byte code. 
Currently this is done by (a) AOT-compiling the Clojure application as much 
as possible and doing the Dex as part of your build process and (b) using 
custom class loader that instruments byte code generated at runtime through 

If only application generated byte code has to be instrumented in order for 
Pulsar to work, then Pulsar's instrumentation could be plugged into the 
same places one step before the Dex step. However you can't reach byte code 
from system classes/the run time library this way. Does Pulsar need to 
instrument system classes/the runtime library to do its thing?

-- hank

On Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:49:55 AM UTC+10, pron wrote:

 Featuring: distributed actors, supervisors, fiber-blocking IO, and an 
 implementation of core.async.
 Read the announcement 

 Imagine running an entire Ring handler inside a go-block...

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Re: ANN: Pulsar 0.2.0 Released

2013-09-27 Thread Hank
Hi Ron,

Different concern from the above so another post. :) Do you think Pulsar 
can help make Oz-style dataflow 
 reality on the JVM? As discussed in the popular Concepts, 
Techniques  Models of Programming, 
e.g. chapter 4.5 See the Ozma effort on bringing this to the 
JVM yes I know the talk is about 
Scala but Clojure would equally benefit 
from such an extension -- the key takeaway being that a lack of lightweight 
threads on the JVM doesn't make this feasible just yet.

-- hank

On Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:49:55 AM UTC+10, pron wrote:

 Featuring: distributed actors, supervisors, fiber-blocking IO, and an 
 implementation of core.async.
 Read the announcement 

 Imagine running an entire Ring handler inside a go-block...

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Re: [ANN] Javelin, spreadsheet-like FRP for ClojureScript

2013-04-22 Thread Hank
Hi Alan,

Only saw your answer now, somehow Google groups didn't notify me. Thanks 
for clarifying.

-- hank

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Re: [ANN] Javelin, spreadsheet-like FRP for ClojureScript

2013-03-24 Thread Hank
Hi Alan,

I'm looking forward to viewing your Clojure/West talk as soon as it comes 
out on video. In the meantime, I don't think javelin qualifies as 
functional reactive. It is just reactive. State like this:
place-oriented computing vs. the value-oriented computing that FP is aiming 

The functional qualifier would require that producers output some immutable 
data structure that consumers read. This is important for concurrency, so 
that each producing/consuming task can run in separate thread and be 
scheduled at will, decoupled from any other task. This is a Hard Problem 
(tm). Infinite sequences are a popular data structure for decoupling 
consumers from producers, but naive implementations lead to uncontrolled 
resource usage esp. when it gets more complicated with higher order 

In the JavaScript world, Elm tries to tackle this. They have the right 
goals but not yet the right implementation if I understand correctly. E.g. 
see this 

On a meta note, I am glad every time FRP comes up in Clojure circles. The 
reactive space is populated by naive implementations that don't scale and 
fail at concurrency on the one side, and academic Haskell-types that 
conjure up unimplementable pie-in-the-sky schemes on the other side. The 
hope is that Clojure folks are ambitious enough to produce something that 
scales in complexity and performance while having plenty real-world 
scenarios to test their schemes against at their disposal.

-- hank

On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:33:56 PM UTC+11, Alan Dipert wrote:

 Hi all,
 We recently released a ClojureScript library for FRP called Javelin. 
  Links of interest: 

 * Release announcement:
 * Demos (more on the way):
 * GitHub project:

 In a nutshell, Javelin is an abstract spreadsheet that encourages working 
 with concrete values instead of abstract event streams a la FRP.  It 
 supports discrete propagation, which most FRP implementations provide as 
 the event stream, via the ability to toggle cells between 
 discrete/continuous propagation modes.  Cell mutation semantics are those 
 of ClojureScript atoms.

 We have ported Javelin's core to a ref-based Clojure implementation 
 capable of parallel propagation and hope to release it soon.  Among other 
 things, our hope is to use it to process Prismatic graph [1] -compatible 
 workflows reactively.  If you are using graph or flow [2] and are 
 interested in reactive processing, and wouldn't mind helping us with 
 performance testing, drop me a line. 

 Thanks for giving Javelin a look! I look forward to your feedback and 



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Re: exception in 'map' mutates result to nil -- bug?

2012-12-03 Thread Hank
I opened a bug report, let's see what the pros have to say on this:

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Re: exception in 'map' mutates result to nil -- bug?

2012-12-03 Thread Hank
Ah thanks many times. I saw 457 when I searched the issue list before opening a 
new one but it wasn't clear to me they were related. I shall use your patch in 
my private fork.

On Tuesday, 4 December 2012 01:06:03 UTC+11, Christophe Grand  wrote:
 This behavior has the same source as CLJ-457. Applying my patch for CL-457, I 
 user=  (def mapped (map (fn [_] (throw (Exception.))) [1 2 3]))
 user= mapped
 Exception   user/fn--1 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
 (user= mapped
 RuntimeException Recursive seq realization  clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval 
 (user= mapped
 RuntimeException Recursive seq realization  clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval 
 lazy: (#Exception java.lang.Exception
 lazy, again: (#RuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException: Recursive seq 
 for the other example.
 So the error message may be more generic.
 On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Hank wrote:
 I opened a bug report, let's see what the pros have to say on this:
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exception in 'map' mutates result to nil -- bug?

2012-12-02 Thread Hank
I'm mapping a function that throws an exception over a collection:

= (def mapped (map (fn [_] (throw (Exception.))) [1 2 3]))

'map' is lazy so we're not expecting to see the exception until we're 
trying to access the result:
= mapped
Exception   user/fn--709 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

All good, let's do that again:
= mapped

Whoops! Is this by design? Why? Where does that empty sequence come from?

'map' is really just calling the lazy-seq macro but doing this with lazy 
seq works just fine:
= (def lazy (lazy-seq (throw (Exception.
= lazy
Exception   user/fn--733 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
= lazy
Exception   user/fn--733 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

Same exception over and over again as it should be. I stared at the 
implementations of 'map' and lazy-seq/LazySeq for some hours but I really 
can't see it.

-- hank

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Re: exception in 'map' mutates result to nil -- bug?

2012-12-02 Thread Hank
I've got this narrowed down to what seems an interaction issue between 
macros and closures in lazy-seq. Run this code:

(defn gen-lazy []
  (let [coll [1 2 3]]
  (when-let [s (seq coll)]
(throw (Exception.))

(def lazy (gen-lazy))

  (println lazy: lazy)
  (catch Exception ex
(println ex))

  (println lazy, again: lazy)
  (catch Exception ex
(println ex))

... and explain to me what you see there. The first time, exception, the 
second time, empty list.

Now if you either a) remove the let statement and put the sequence [1 2 3] 
directly into where it says coll then it works = same exception in both 

(defn gen-lazy []
(when-let [s (seq [1 2 3])]
  (throw (Exception.))

Or if you take out the when-let macro it works, too:

(defn gen-lazy []
  (let [coll [1 2 3]]
  (seq coll)
  (throw (Exception.))

Only the combination of closure + when-let macro breaks thigs. I know 
clojure does some funky things to closures in lazy-seq (see ... perform 
closed-over local clearing on the tail call of their body on this page:, this is related to the undocumented :once keyword 
on function calls. Maybe that interferes with macros? Or maybe I'm barking 
up the wrong tree.

-- hank

On Monday, 3 December 2012 00:58:08 UTC+11, Hank wrote:

 I'm mapping a function that throws an exception over a collection:

 = (def mapped (map (fn [_] (throw (Exception.))) [1 2 3]))

 'map' is lazy so we're not expecting to see the exception until we're 
 trying to access the result:
 = mapped
 Exception   user/fn--709 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

 All good, let's do that again:
 = mapped

 Whoops! Is this by design? Why? Where does that empty sequence come from?

 'map' is really just calling the lazy-seq macro but doing this with lazy 
 seq works just fine:
 = (def lazy (lazy-seq (throw (Exception.
 = lazy
 Exception   user/fn--733 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
 = lazy
 Exception   user/fn--733 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

 Same exception over and over again as it should be. I stared at the 
 implementations of 'map' and lazy-seq/LazySeq for some hours but I really 
 can't see it.

 -- hank

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Re: exception in 'map' mutates result to nil -- bug?

2012-12-02 Thread Hank
Julian, see my other post, it has nothing to do with map per se.

Apart from philosophical questions, the reason I need this to consistently 
raise an exception, is that I want to interrupt the map evaluation when it 
is slow, throwing an InteruptedException. I then want to recommence 
evaluation later. rinse, repeat. I can't recommence it if the sequence has 
been 'closed' with a final nil. Sounds like a fair use case?

On Monday, 3 December 2012 16:35:39 UTC+11, julianrz wrote:

 Hmm.. I think you are raising both a technical and a philosophical issue - 
 what exactly should a higher-order function return when some application of 
 the supplied function throws exception... The behaviors could be:
 1) throw
 2) return null
 3) return an empty collection (do not continue after 1st failure)
 4) same, but continue through all failures
 5) return collection with valid applications only
 What is good behavior? We should have as little uncertainly as possible... 
 I have to admit my first thought is 'just don't allow it to throw, return 
 null instead'. This would allow to still collect results (where it does not 
 throw), and they will be at the matching index locations...

 Now the technicality. The map code I see for 1.4 is trying to append 
 result of all invocations to a buffer upfront. And each time it will fail, 
 and the buffer will be empty, hence empty result Source is a chunked 
 collection and there is only one chunk, it will be done immediately, and 
 not on subsequent calls - laziness has not started yet  

 Please contrast it with mapv, which results in a vector, not sequence
 user= (def mapped (mapv (fn [_] (throw (Exception.))) [1 2 3]))
 Exception   user/fn--1 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
 user= mapped
 #Unbound Unbound: #'user/mapped

 Now the lazy-seq example - maybe the difference in behavior can be 
 explained by the fact that lazy-seq caches the result of body evaluation 
 and will keep returning it. Since there is an exception during each 
 evaluation, the caching does not quite happen, and it is re-evaluated?

 Should the behavior be the same in all 3 cases? I think so, at least for 
 consistency (unsure it can be achieved, though). But throwing in function 
 passed to map  really is something you should not do, and I would recommend 
 to change map function to return a null or throw -- to let you know that 
 your code can cause odd behavior. BTW I am not aware of any clojure book 
 that alerts you to that. 

 Also, maybe the implementation of map function should catch your exception 
 internally and produce a null, and return a sequence of nulls?


 On Sunday, December 2, 2012 5:58:08 AM UTC-8, Hank wrote:

 I'm mapping a function that throws an exception over a collection:

 = (def mapped (map (fn [_] (throw (Exception.))) [1 2 3]))

 'map' is lazy so we're not expecting to see the exception until we're 
 trying to access the result:
 = mapped
 Exception   user/fn--709 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

 All good, let's do that again:
 = mapped

 Whoops! Is this by design? Why? Where does that empty sequence come from?

 'map' is really just calling the lazy-seq macro but doing this with lazy 
 seq works just fine:
 = (def lazy (lazy-seq (throw (Exception.
 = lazy
 Exception   user/fn--733 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
 = lazy
 Exception   user/fn--733 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

 Same exception over and over again as it should be. I stared at the 
 implementations of 'map' and lazy-seq/LazySeq for some hours but I really 
 can't see it.

 -- hank

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explicit progression-of-time constructs? (wikipedia)

2012-11-18 Thread Hank
According to Wikipedia, Clojure provides explicit progression-of-time 

Anyone any clue which constructs are meant by that? The term doesn't even 
resolve on Google outside the Clojure context.

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Re: datomic has been announced

2012-03-05 Thread Hank
From watching the presentation, it seems to include (but not be limited 
to!) the some of the good parts of Prevayler and CouchDB, so anyone 
familiar with those will find the Datomic concept familiar, too.

Prevayler ( was announced on Slashdot in 2003 (!) and 
they basically made the point that RAM had gotten cheap enough to keep most 
working data in RAM that you could have your data just be POJOs and run 
your queries on in RAM using some in-language query mechanism that runs on 
the object graph. Near the start of the above presentation Rich talks about 
hardware and architectures have changed substantially which is what this 
is talking about. BTW, even back then before NoSQL became a meme this 
unmasked some of the SQL fanbois who saw their consulting revenues in 
jeopardy. :)
Prevayler asks you to express all your changes to the object graph in 
transactions reified as Java objects, there called 'commands' from what I 
remember, and pass them through this bottleneck that serializes them to 
disk. This is similar to the transactor that Datomic seems to have. On 
the disk side of things, Prevayler would use a logging and snapshot 
combination that was a known design pattern before ( but popularized by 

CouchDB exists since 2005 or so and offers the following concepts similar 
to Datomic: Replication across peers, except CouchDB also persists to disk 
on peers. The receive queue of transactions that can be filtered and 
reactive, no polling application design that Datomic offers its peers is 
similar to the CouchDB _changes stream of updates. CouchDB can filter 
_changes server-side to reduce load on the network, not sure Datomic can do 
that. CouchDB also implements the add facts, don't change data in place 
idea by keeping revisions of the data structures.

All in all very exciting to see this confluence of ideas.

-- hank

On Tuesday, 6 March 2012 05:46:12 UTC+11, kovasb wrote:

 Since not everyone reads twitter or hacker news,
 has been updated with an unveiling of Rich's new project.

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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-10-03 Thread Hank
Thanks for writing, I think this here sums it up nicely:

 Maybe all of this is possible. After all an human can do it manually.

I have a background in machine learning/artificial intelligence ...
and yes I can see those things come in handy here.

 But I see it as more a research topic than engineering topic. With low
 probability of sucess.

Well, some people are enticed by research and high risk. :)

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producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank

I'd like to check the interest in the community for a comprehensive
Clojure library/framework/whathaveyou that helps produce Java/Python/
Ruby/... a.k.a. Blub ( code, i.e.
instead of writing a Clojure program that e.g. produces web pages,
writing a Clojure program that produces a Blub program that produces
web pages. A Blub program in idiomatic, maintainable, efficient Blub
code that is.

This is obviously to enable cooperation on shared domain
knowledge/business logic across communities with mixed Clojure/Blub
language preferences that I expect will continue to exist for decades.
Full cooperation would then also require the framework to produce
Clojure code that embodies functionality embodied in Blub code. I'd
expect that bit to be harder to realize but also more valuable, as it
would allow drawing not only on the body of work done in Blub for
reasons of preference but also on legacy code from the dark ages when
there was no Clojure.

I'm asking this especially in light of the upcoming Clojure Conj where
there would be an opportunity to discuss this complex subject in a
high bandwidth :) kind of way.

Searching this group I haven't found much along those lines other than
isolated problems being tackled -- the question here rather being:
What's the furthest the the envelope can be pushed in terms of co-
opting the Blub world?


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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
Mauve has more RAM? :)

On Sep 29, 9:46 pm, David Nolen wrote:


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Re: Using Clojure to Generate Java Source?

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
There isn't an easy solution right now but I think it's worth the
effort producing something there. You might want to join the
discussion over here:

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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
On Sep 30, 8:35 am, Nicolas wrote:
 Clojure has native interoperability with JVM  CLR.

Right, this is machine interop. What about people interop? How can a
Clojure programmer interoperate with a Ruby programmer? Can I chuck
some Clojure code into Google translate (
and out comes Ruby code or vice versa? That would be nice.

 And from my understanding, I see no
 other language that bring such support you ask for. This is not a
 feature that clojure lack.

That's right, if your idea of a lacking feature is one that other
langauges have and therefore Clojure should have, too, this isn't the
case here. It is a feature that's lacking just because it would be

 Maybe its me, but I do not see it as a a top priority for clojure

That's why I posted this, to find out what the need is, how many
Clojure programmers live in inhomogeneous programming environments?
Someone just posted something like that a few hours later (http://
18b13c222163dda0), though I was more thinking of the open source
communities out there and the vast amounts of code they produce, they
are easier to observe and interact with since stuff doesn't happen
behind closed doors like in the corporate world.

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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
No. Maintanable and idiomatic code weren't its goals, efficient maybe.
If it did in fact produce maintainable and idiomatic code that would
be an accidental byproduct. Does it?

The ClojureScript compiler was also, from what I understand, designed
to produce small programs, i.e. one web page's worth of JavaScript
code. I wouldn't assume that this easily scales up especially
maintainability wise.

On Sep 30, 9:45 am, David Nolen wrote:
 Have you actually looked at the ClojureScript compiler? In what way is
 its design unsuitable for what you're proposing?


 On Sep 29, 9:11 am, Hank wrote:

  Mauve has more RAM? :)

  On Sep 29, 9:46 pm, David Nolen wrote:



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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
Just replying to my own post here:

Something like Linj ( /
and the corresponding Jnil go into the right direction.

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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
Thanks, but from what I can see, they enable machine interop, not
people interop. Instead of cross-platform, can you do cross-community?

On Sep 30, 10:00 am, Raoul Duke wrote:

 it ain't Clojure so this might be irrelevant to you, but some
 interesting cross-platform languages are: (a)www.haxe.orgwhich is
 mature, and (b) Shen is still


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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
 I think the major obstacle is likely to be the difference in idioms.
 Any substantial idiomatic piece of Clojure is going to be almost
 impossible to automatically translate to _idiomatic_ code in another
 high-level language that uses different idioms.

That could very well turn out to be the case. In the spectrum between
fully manual and fully automated I can picture scenarios like:
- Mostly manual but with some automatic assistance from the IDE: E.g.
the way Eclipse assists you in coding Java, when you press Ctrl+Space.
It doesn't automatically write code for you but it can narrow down the
choice as to what to type next.
- Most automatic but with some manual assistance from the coder: E.g.
annotate the Clojure code with hints about the idioms to translate to
in the target language. Right now in Clojure we use annotations
like :exposes-methods that aren't strictly for the Clojure
functionality itself but for Java interop. So there could be
annotations like :use-design-pattern-x that dictate the choice of
idiom/design pattern in the compilation to the target language.

 You'd also probably
 have to introduce a number of coding conventions to constrain your
 Clojure code in order to avoid holes in the translation.

It's probably a question of how unwieldy the produced code is allowed
to get. If you express the goal of maintainability in terms of some
metric like lines of code or whatever then I can see hard limits being
reached. If you don't put a limit on that then I don't see any danger
of holes.

 Some questions:
 * How do you translate Clojure functions in namespaces spread across
 multiple files into a Java class?

Those are very good questions and I'd have to think about it. Maybe
I'll start a wiki somewhere so we can start collecting translation
recipes. Generally, if the answer isn't obvious from staring at the
Clojure code, it helps to think about the problems in terms of the
bigger picture, i.e. the business logic/domain knowledge, and then
translate to Blub in the head. E.g. I want to cache generated web
pages on the disk, how would I do this in Java?

 * How would code that uses STM translate to a Blub without it?

I like this one in particular. People have written concurrent code
before STM. I do it in my job every day. :) How did that work with
explicit locks again??

 * How idiomatic would Blub code be when Clojure uses immutable data by 

A good source for this is the O'Reilly book Functional Programming in
Java. There you can see how idioms from one language can be applied
to another. I think Java code that uses a lot of immutable data, i.e.
final variables all around, would still be accepted by the Java
community. The produced code could even leave out the final keyword
in order to not cause too much clutter but still not modify the
variables. It violates the principle of least authority but I see that
in real-world code everywhere.

 I think it's a fascinating problem to try to solve for any given
 target Blub but I'm not sure how practical it would be, i.e., how
 readable the generated Blub code would be to an average Blub

The problem may have to be solved first in order to judge the value of
the solution. My day-to-day experience and my guts tell me it's worth
it. :D

You weren't going to the Conj by any chance, were you?

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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
Addendum: Just as an example, for this here ...

 Would it even be idiomatic Java to always have classes full of only
 static methods?

... the Java-ists have an idiom (design pattern) called singleton.
They're not static methods but once-instance classes.

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Re: producing Blub code and vv.

2011-09-29 Thread Hank
On Sep 30, 2:58 pm, Sean Corfield wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Hank wrote:
  Would it even be idiomatic Java to always have classes full of only
  static methods?
  ... the Java-ists have an idiom (design pattern) called singleton.
  They're not static methods but once-instance classes.

 Doesn't that kind of prove my point? :)

Uh not sure. Let's argue about it in person in November.

 And, after all, isn't the Singleton design pattern only a workaround
 for the fact that languages like Java don't have a built-in construct
 for creating a memoized global variable? :)

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Re: The API docs are gone!

2009-06-27 Thread hank williams

If Rich wants to keep his stuff there because it meets his needs and
he is fully aware of what they do and how they do it then all of this
is irrelevant.

In any case security risk is really a overblown term for even the
worst case scenario of what could happen to documentation pages. If
you are scared of what might happen, you are free to use a language
with more secure documentation pages. Seesh.


On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Four of wrote:

 On Jun 27, 6:32 pm, J. McConnell wrote:
 On Jun 27, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Four of Seventeen
  Regardless, it's a security problem that someone other than Rich was
  able to bring down for tens of minutes last night at the
  push of a button.

 No, it's not, whatsoever.

 Yes, it is. It's Rich's site. If someone else is able to substitute
 arbitrary replacement content for the pages he wrote, that's a huge
 security vulnerability, no matter who can do it and why. It goes
 beyond being able to take down someone else's site without cause;
 whoever it is can put words in Rich's mouth too. What if he'd changed
 the pages not to an obviously bogus message but to a subtly-altered
 version of the Clojure pages, perhaps full of errors or snide asides
 aimed at Common Lisp or at Java or something? Clearly, whoever did
 this had the capability.

 We're not talking a simple case of the ISP goes down, the page simply
 becomes unreachable for a while, which would be unpleasant but not
 very avoidable or worse than a denial of service if done
 intentionally. Here we're talking keeping the server up but changing
 what it serves for various URLs. That's a whole different kettle of
 fish entirely.

 For starters, the server was still capable of serving HTML over the
 net, and so there was no reason for it not to continue serving the
 CORRECT HTML. Unlike if it was actually, genuinely down.

 Furthermore, there's this quiet-substitution thing. Whoever did this
 could replace the Clojure site with a mockery of itself, as described.
 Or add a 1x1 iframe that tries to hack browsers and install malware.
 With Rich's reputation, and Clojure's, on the line instead of the
 reputation of the actual responsible party.

 If the HTML content displayed at is NOT in fact 100%
 controlled by Rich, and for some reason he can't fix that, then he
 should change the site's name to make this clear. That will help
 protect his own reputation in the event of something like the above
 happening. As things stand, since it just says it's, Rich
 is implicitly assuming full responsibility for everything that appears
 under that domain name. While apparently, at least for the time being,
 NOT having full control over what appears there. And that's a
 dangerous position to be in.



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Re: Oracle and Clojure

2009-04-20 Thread hank williams

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Sean Devlin wrote:

 Okay, I'm willing to bet this crowd has already seen this:

 Any thoughts on how this affects Clojure?

No effect.


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Re: Clojure + Terracotta = Yeah, Baby!

2009-02-28 Thread hank williams

   Writing a TIM is definitely the way to go, It's a place to hide the glue
 until both Terracotta and Clojure catches up with each other.

uhhh what is a TIM?



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building a class or jar file from clojure

2009-02-09 Thread hank williams
How does one make a standard clojure based class file or jar file without
embedding clojure source files.



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Re: Distributed Clojure

2009-01-30 Thread hank williams
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Greg Harman wrote:


 I have looked at TC in the past, and took another look today at your
 suggestion. Terracotta certainly seems to have promise feature-wise,
 but I have to admit it's a heavier solution than I had been thinking
 of, and there are probably all sorts of gotchas (and reviewing old
 threads on the topic, a few are hinted at) when it comes to
 distributing some of Clojure's concurrency data structures in the
 shared-memory approach.

Of course until someone tries we won't know where the limitations are for
sure. But my thought is that even if terracotta turns out not to be ideal as
a mechanism to implement everything, as I see it, the terracotta feature set
(or hazelcast) is critical to anything like this, and I can't see
re-engineering all that work because you need/want certain things that may
need to be done outside it. Regarding it being heavier, my feeling is that
for what is really needed, it really is a heavy problem.



 I hadn't heard of Hadoop before, but at first glance it's exactly what
 I'm looking for. (Thanks!) The problem I am working on is a processing
 pipeline for massive data sets, and that seems to be the advertised
 use case for Hadoop.

 On Jan 29, 7:14 pm, Kevin Downey wrote:
  have you looked at the available java frameworks like hadoop? there is
  also some kind of java interface to erlang
  instead of reinventing the wheel again...
  On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 6:15 AM, Greg Harman wrote:
   One of Clojure's big selling points (obviously) is the support for
   concurrent programming. However, the performance gains you get with
   this concurrency hits a scalability wall once you're fully utilizing
   all the cores available in your server. The next step, of course, is
   to add additional servers.
   So, I've been mulling over the idea of putting together a framework
   for distributed applications. I think it should deal with issues such
   * Locating, assessing, and registering CPUs
   * Division of large jobs into smaller sub-jobs
   * Dispatching of jobs, including optimization planning (send more jobs
   to faster CPUs)
   * Failure recovery
   * Seamless code integration (so that this can be retrofit as an
   optimization) both horizontally and vertically
 * Horizontal = take one time-consuming task and parallelize it
 * Vertical = take two sequential tasks and pipeline them across
   different servers
   Is anybody already working on something similar? Is this already on
   the Clojure language roadmap as something to be added after 1.0?
   Any design advice or feature requests if I were to put something like
   this together?
  And what is good, Phaedrus,
  And what is not good—
  Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?


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Re: Distributed Clojure

2009-01-29 Thread hank williams
As has been discussed on this list before, it seems to me the basis for this
should be terracotta, which handles much (most?) of the heavy lifiting
required for this kind of task. Have you looked at it?

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Greg Harman wrote:

 One of Clojure's big selling points (obviously) is the support for
 concurrent programming. However, the performance gains you get with
 this concurrency hits a scalability wall once you're fully utilizing
 all the cores available in your server. The next step, of course, is
 to add additional servers.

 So, I've been mulling over the idea of putting together a framework
 for distributed applications. I think it should deal with issues such

 * Locating, assessing, and registering CPUs
 * Division of large jobs into smaller sub-jobs
 * Dispatching of jobs, including optimization planning (send more jobs
 to faster CPUs)
 * Failure recovery
 * Seamless code integration (so that this can be retrofit as an
 optimization) both horizontally and vertically
   * Horizontal = take one time-consuming task and parallelize it
   * Vertical = take two sequential tasks and pipeline them across
 different servers

 Is anybody already working on something similar? Is this already on
 the Clojure language roadmap as something to be added after 1.0?

 Any design advice or feature requests if I were to put something like
 this together?



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Re: Multi-CPU on Mac Not Exploited?

2009-01-27 Thread hank williams

hmm... I'm confused. From the numbers in your example it looks like
server has an advantage by a factor of about 2x. But in your text you
say that the client version has an advantage with complicated code.
What am I missing? Does one JVM have the advantage in one situation
and one in others?


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:20 PM, dreish wrote:

 java -server is not the default on Macs. It makes a huge difference
 for Clojure.

 % java -jar clojure.jar
 user= (time (reduce #(+ %1 %2 (if (odd? %1) -1 0)) (range 1000)))
 Elapsed time: 11793.18 msecs

 % java -server -jar clojure.jar
 user= (time (reduce #(+ %1 %2 (if (odd? %1) -1 0)) (range 1000)))
 Elapsed time: 6757.651 msecs

 The rough rule I've noticed is that the more complicated the Clojure
 code, the bigger the advantage -client has over -server.

 On Jan 27, 3:04 am, Keith Bennett wrote:
 All -

 I tried testing the code at see what the
 benefit of multicore processing would be.  To my surprise, the my-pmap
 function took *more* time, not less, than the map function.

 Whereas the times listed in the article were approximately 3.1 and 1.7
 seconds, on my MacBookPro 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo laptop, my times
 were 14.9 and 15.1 seconds.

 What is the correct interpretation of these results?  Does one need
 more than 2 CPU's to see a benefit?  Or is the Mac JVM only using one
 CPU instead of two?  Or...?

 ...and is there something wrong with my setup that both took so long?

 Thanks for any enlightenment.

 - Keith Bennett


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