Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-13 Thread Bastien
Hi Ryan,

Ryan Spangler writes:

 I'll have an official announcement once it is ready to be released,
 but until then I welcome any feedback.

I don't have time to test experimental stuff right now but I'm very
much looking forward to reading your announcement!

Thanks to tacking this.



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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-13 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Marshall,

Sure. Clojure implements locals clearing, which means that the compiler
will set local variables to null when it knows that the value of those
variables won't be used any more. This allows the garbage collector to
reclaim any values that those variables were pointing to, which is
particularly important in the case of large lazy sequences, which cache the
values they return to ensure that the same sequence always returns the same

What you'll see if this option is not set is that the majority of local
variables (and of course, always the one you actually want to look at),
especially further up the stack frames, will be set to null even if your
code doesn't do so. This can be very confusing and/or frustrating when

*compiler-options* is a dynamic var that controls various compiler options,
although I believe disabling locals clearing is the only one at present.
You control locals clearing by setting the value of
:disable-locals-clearing in this map to true. There are various ways to do
this - you could set it explicitly in the REPL, or you can set the system
property clojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing to the value you would
like it to be set to. You can see the code that does this
and if you're really interested the whole change is
You would set this system property in your JVM args, so if you're running
an app from the command line using java ... then just add
-Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true to your command line, or
you can add it to your jvm-opts in leiningen as shown elsewhere in this

However note that the code I linked to above is actually in the main
function of the compiler (I was wrong in my previous message, it's not
clojure.main) so this system property will only apply when AOTing your
code, not running it normally. In that case you'll have to do something

(set! *compiler-options* {:disable-locals-clearing true})


(binding [*compiler-options* (assoc *compiler-options*
:disable-locals-clearing true)]
  ... your code here ...)

somewhere right near the start of your code (I'm not on a dev machine so I
haven't tested those, but that's the idea). The problem here is that you'll
have to ensure that this variable is set before the code you're interested
in is compiled! i.e. before its namespace is require'd, in the majority of
cases. This is not too much of a problem in the REPL when you can always
re-evaluate a namespace to recompile it, but it's a PITA in an application.
In Cursive I actually do it in Java before I bootstrap Clojure.

IMO this whole process is a fairly confusing which is unfortunate - I think
a few changes would have made it much easier to work with, but that's how
it currently works. Let me know if you have any more questions!


On 13 November 2013 18:52, Mars0i wrote:

 Sorry to keep replying to my own posts with corrections: Rereading
 previous posts, I think I understand now that Colin's comments about
 retaining locals were intended to be relevant only to possible future
 facilities (which would go beyond my current knowledge).  But I'm still
 curious about where the -Dblahblah goes, etc.  Thanks.

 On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:15:11 PM UTC-6, Mars0i wrote:

 Colin (or anyone), for a Clojure newbie, could you spell out what you're
 saying about *compiler-options* and -Dblahblah a little bit further?  I
 think you're saying that if *compiler-options* is set to
 :disable-locals-clearing , then values of local variables are available,
 somehow.  Can I see them from the lein REPL, somehow?  If not, what do I
 get from :disable-locals-clearing ?

 It also sounds as if the only way to set *compiler-options* to
 :disable-locals-clearing is to use 
 .  Where would I put that in a Leiningen project file?  After :jvm-opts or
 :javac-options?  Somewhere else?  (I experimented with both, and with
 trying to set *command-options* in various ways, but I'm not what effect I
 should see.)


 (Also, another big +1 for Lee's original comments, and thanks for all of
 the debugger suggestions from others.  Locals are especially important when
 there's no state.  I just recently started rewriting a Common Lisp
 application.  The code had gotten too convoluted; parts of it are very old,
 with many layers of accretions.  I've been doing the rewrite in Clojure as
 my first Clojure project.  I'm seriously wondering at this moment, though,
 whether I should stop and do the rewrite in CL instead, despite several
 advantages of Clojure for me.  Being able to easily look at any data
 structure at any time in the CL version of this application has been
 absolutely crucial in the past.)

 On Friday, November 8, 2013 11:13:01 PM UTC-6, Colin Fleming wrote:

Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-13 Thread Mars0i
Thanks Colin!  Wow--that's extremely helpful.  The concepts are very clear 
now, and I now understand that it's a map *compiler-options* is supposed to 
be set to.  What I was trying before wasn't right.

No matter what I do, I am not seeing an effect on the value of 
*compiler-options* from the command line option.  Tried
   :jvm-opts [-Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true]
in a Leiningen project.clj, both with and without compiling to class files 
ahead of time.  Tried it starting Clojure with a java command line from the 

I can't set the value of *compiler-options* with set!, but I'm able to set 
*compiler-options* with binding, and see that it's bound to 
{:disable-locals-clearing true} inside the binding form (of course).

I'm still not clear on what effect this should have.  I can refer to a 
local variable inside its scope, but that's nothing special.  Is 
:disable-locals-clearing = true supposed to allow me to be able to 
reference a local outside of its scope?  (A bad thing in general, but good, 
sometimes, for debugging?)  For example, if I compile this:

(defn yo [n] 
  (if (= n 15) 
(throw (Exception. (format Yow!))) 
(if (= n 0) 
  (yo (dec n)

with *compiler-options* set to {:disable-locals-clearing true}, is there a 
way to see, after the exception is thrown, that n had the value 15?



On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:45:27 AM UTC-6, Colin Fleming wrote:

 Hi Marshall,

 Sure. Clojure implements locals clearing, which means that the compiler 
 will set local variables to null when it knows that the value of those 
 variables won't be used any more. This allows the garbage collector to 
 reclaim any values that those variables were pointing to, which is 
 particularly important in the case of large lazy sequences, which cache the 
 values they return to ensure that the same sequence always returns the same 

 What you'll see if this option is not set is that the majority of local 
 variables (and of course, always the one you actually want to look at), 
 especially further up the stack frames, will be set to null even if your 
 code doesn't do so. This can be very confusing and/or frustrating when 

 *compiler-options* is a dynamic var that controls various compiler 
 options, although I believe disabling locals clearing is the only one at 
 present. You control locals clearing by setting the value of 
 :disable-locals-clearing in this map to true. There are various ways to do 
 this - you could set it explicitly in the REPL, or you can set the system 
 property clojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing to the value you would 
 like it to be set to. You can see the code that does this 
 and if you're really interested the whole change is 
 You would set this system property in your JVM args, so if you're running 
 an app from the command line using java ... then just add 
 -Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true to your command line, or 
 you can add it to your jvm-opts in leiningen as shown elsewhere in this 

 However note that the code I linked to above is actually in the main 
 function of the compiler (I was wrong in my previous message, it's not 
 clojure.main) so this system property will only apply when AOTing your 
 code, not running it normally. In that case you'll have to do something 

 (set! *compiler-options* {:disable-locals-clearing true})


 (binding [*compiler-options* (assoc *compiler-options* 
 :disable-locals-clearing true)]
   ... your code here ...)

 somewhere right near the start of your code (I'm not on a dev machine so I 
 haven't tested those, but that's the idea). The problem here is that you'll 
 have to ensure that this variable is set before the code you're interested 
 in is compiled! i.e. before its namespace is require'd, in the majority of 
 cases. This is not too much of a problem in the REPL when you can always 
 re-evaluate a namespace to recompile it, but it's a PITA in an application. 
 In Cursive I actually do it in Java before I bootstrap Clojure.

 IMO this whole process is a fairly confusing which is unfortunate - I 
 think a few changes would have made it much easier to work with, but that's 
 how it currently works. Let me know if you have any more questions!


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-13 Thread Colin Fleming
Hi Marshall,

You'll only see a difference due to locals clearing if you're stepping with
a debugger and looking at locals in your local stack frame or in the frames
above it. In your example, the ability to pause when an exception is thrown
is a capability your debugger provides. Cursive does provide this (although
I need to test it thoroughly, most of the functionality is provided by
IntelliJ and I haven't tested it all with Clojure yet), I'm not sure about
other debuggers. So if your debugger provides that capability, when you
pause on the thrown exception, if you didn't have locals clearing disabled
when that code was compiled you'll see the value of n as null since the
compiler has inferred that the value is never used in the branch you took
(the branch throwing the exception) and has nulled it out. If you had
locals clearing disabled when that code was compiled, then you will
correctly see the value of n as 15, yes.


On 14 November 2013 08:53, Mars0i wrote:

 Thanks Colin!  Wow--that's extremely helpful.  The concepts are very clear
 now, and I now understand that it's a map *compiler-options* is supposed to
 be set to.  What I was trying before wasn't right.

 No matter what I do, I am not seeing an effect on the value of
 *compiler-options* from the command line option.  Tried
:jvm-opts [-Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true]
 in a Leiningen project.clj, both with and without compiling to class files
 ahead of time.  Tried it starting Clojure with a java command line from the

 I can't set the value of *compiler-options* with set!, but I'm able to set
 *compiler-options* with binding, and see that it's bound to
 {:disable-locals-clearing true} inside the binding form (of course).

 I'm still not clear on what effect this should have.  I can refer to a
 local variable inside its scope, but that's nothing special.  Is
 :disable-locals-clearing = true supposed to allow me to be able to
 reference a local outside of its scope?  (A bad thing in general, but good,
 sometimes, for debugging?)  For example, if I compile this:

 (defn yo [n]
   (if (= n 15)
 (throw (Exception. (format Yow!)))
 (if (= n 0)
   (yo (dec n)

 with *compiler-options* set to {:disable-locals-clearing true}, is there a
 way to see, after the exception is thrown, that n had the value 15?



 On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:45:27 AM UTC-6, Colin Fleming wrote:

 Hi Marshall,

 Sure. Clojure implements locals clearing, which means that the compiler
 will set local variables to null when it knows that the value of those
 variables won't be used any more. This allows the garbage collector to
 reclaim any values that those variables were pointing to, which is
 particularly important in the case of large lazy sequences, which cache the
 values they return to ensure that the same sequence always returns the same

 What you'll see if this option is not set is that the majority of local
 variables (and of course, always the one you actually want to look at),
 especially further up the stack frames, will be set to null even if your
 code doesn't do so. This can be very confusing and/or frustrating when

 *compiler-options* is a dynamic var that controls various compiler
 options, although I believe disabling locals clearing is the only one at
 present. You control locals clearing by setting the value of
 :disable-locals-clearing in this map to true. There are various ways to do
 this - you could set it explicitly in the REPL, or you can set the system
 property clojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing to the value you
 would like it to be set to. You can see the code that does this 
 and if you're really interested the whole change is 
 You would set this system property in your JVM args, so if you're running
 an app from the command line using java ... then just add
 -Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true to your command line, or
 you can add it to your jvm-opts in leiningen as shown elsewhere in this

 However note that the code I linked to above is actually in the main
 function of the compiler (I was wrong in my previous message, it's not
 clojure.main) so this system property will only apply when AOTing your
 code, not running it normally. In that case you'll have to do something

 (set! *compiler-options* {:disable-locals-clearing true})


 (binding [*compiler-options* (assoc *compiler-options*
 :disable-locals-clearing true)]
   ... your code here ...)

 somewhere right near the start of your code (I'm not on a dev machine so
 I haven't tested those, but that's the idea). The problem here is that
 you'll have to ensure that this variable is set before the code you're
 interested in is compiled! i.e. 

Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-13 Thread Mars0i

Got it--this setting is relevant to use of a debugger.  I was trying to see 
something from vanilla and Leiningen repls.  Thank you for taking so much 
time to explain.  (My current debugger is (print (format ...)).  Have to 


On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 5:16:27 PM UTC-6, Colin Fleming wrote:

 Hi Marshall,

 You'll only see a difference due to locals clearing if you're stepping 
 with a debugger and looking at locals in your local stack frame or in the 
 frames above it. In your example, the ability to pause when an exception is 
 thrown is a capability your debugger provides. Cursive does provide this 
 (although I need to test it thoroughly, most of the functionality is 
 provided by IntelliJ and I haven't tested it all with Clojure yet), I'm not 
 sure about other debuggers. So if your debugger provides that capability, 
 when you pause on the thrown exception, if you didn't have locals clearing 
 disabled when that code was compiled you'll see the value of n as null 
 since the compiler has inferred that the value is never used in the branch 
 you took (the branch throwing the exception) and has nulled it out. If you 
 had locals clearing disabled when that code was compiled, then you will 
 correctly see the value of n as 15, yes.


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-13 Thread Daniel
I would imagine that cinc could side-step any jvm-imposed limitations on 
developing a reference debugger for clojure.

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-12 Thread Ryan Spangler
 Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial. 
 Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with 
the rest of us :-)

I have started a project that does this:  a browser based debugger that 
breaks on exceptions (it attaches to a dt_socket port):

I should have locals displaying this week sometime (you can currently get 
their value, it just doesn't show them to you by default yet).  I am 
planning on adding breakpoints, stepping and source viewing.

Just started this... looking for feedback!

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:16:17 AM UTC-8, Bastien Guerry wrote:

 I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through 
 debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.) 

 Is there anything similar for Clojure? 

 For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure 
 expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing 
 a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at 
 any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer. 

 (I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what 
 I describe above.) 

 Thanks for any hints/pointers, 


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-12 Thread Lee Spector

Very excited by this. Thanks also to Justin for the pointer.

From my perspective a particularly nice additional would be to provide minimal 
instructions on how to get this running for people who don't know (or 
necessarily want to have to know) what a dt_socket is.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Ryan Spangler wrote:

  Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial. 
  Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with the 
  rest of us :-)
 I have started a project that does this:  a browser based debugger that 
 breaks on exceptions (it attaches to a dt_socket port):
 I should have locals displaying this week sometime (you can currently get 
 their value, it just doesn't show them to you by default yet).  I am planning 
 on adding breakpoints, stepping and source viewing.
 Just started this... looking for feedback!

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-12 Thread Mars0i
Colin (or anyone), for a Clojure newbie, could you spell out what you're 
saying about *compiler-options* and -Dblahblah a little bit further?  I 
think you're saying that if *compiler-options* is set to 
:disable-locals-clearing , then values of local variables are available, 
somehow.  Can I see them from the lein REPL, somehow?  If not, what do I 
get from :disable-locals-clearing ?  

It also sounds as if the only way to set *compiler-options* to 
:disable-locals-clearing is to use 
-Dclojure.compile.disable-locals-clearing=true .  Where would I put that in 
a Leiningen project file?  After :jvm-opts or :javac-options?  Somewhere 
else?  (I experimented with both, and with trying to set *command-options* 
in various ways, but I'm not what effect I should see.)


(Also, another big +1 for Lee's original comments, and thanks for all of 
the debugger suggestions from others.  Locals are especially important when 
there's no state.  I just recently started rewriting a Common Lisp 
application.  The code had gotten too convoluted; parts of it are very old, 
with many layers of accretions.  I've been doing the rewrite in Clojure as 
my first Clojure project.  I'm seriously wondering at this moment, though, 
whether I should stop and do the rewrite in CL instead, despite several 
advantages of Clojure for me.  Being able to easily look at any data 
structure at any time in the CL version of this application has been 
absolutely crucial in the past.)

On Friday, November 8, 2013 11:13:01 PM UTC-6, Colin Fleming wrote:

 One quick clarification about 
 -Dclojure.compile.disable-locals-clearing=true which bit me - this is 
 actually read in clojure.main, which uses it to initialise the 
 *compiler-options* var. This means that if you start your app in any other 
 way (I'm not sure if lein duplicates the clojure.main functionality) 
 setting this system property doesn't do anything.

 On 8 November 2013 10:22, Alex Miller 

 I believe the locals are actually *not* available because they are 
 proactively cleared to help GC.  

 Setting the *compiler-options* var with :disable-locals-clearing can turn 
 that off. Which is probably what you often want in dev, but is not the 
 default.  You can also set this via command line with 

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:32:29 AM UTC-6, Lee wrote:

 I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of 
 Common Lisping back in the day. 

 I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common 
 Lisp, that debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and 
 helpful in that world are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily 
 tied to particular IDEs or tool chains in other language ecosystems. 

 Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like steppers 
 or the ability to set break points is the ability just to see the values of 
 locals when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so obviously 
 doable (for decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so 
 complicated to do in Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can do 
 it at all. 

 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop 
 REPL in which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots 
 of other fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are 
 probably useful in some situations, but just being able to see the locals 
 is, in my experience, the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE 
 you're using or if you're running it from a command line or whatever -- 
 it's part of the language and easy to access no matter how you write and 
 run your code. And my guess is that every Common Lisper takes advantage of 
 this frequently. Different implementations/environments provide different 
 modes of access to this information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs 
 you can have interactive access to it using interaction conventions that 
 seemed like a good idea in the 1970s :-), but there's always some way to 
 get the information. 

 By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I 
 saw and was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic applause 
 from the crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but 
 my understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an 
 Emacs-based tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO). 

 When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or 
 from Eclipse/CCW (or I think from any other way that I might run it) I get 
 (or can easily get) a backtrace that shows the function call stack at the 
 time of the error... which is good, but surely (?) the locals are also 
 available when the backtrace is produced and I really also want to see 
 those. The ability to browse and navigate this information dynamically, as 
 in a Common Lisp break loop, is cool but I 

Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-12 Thread Mars0i
On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:15:11 PM UTC-6, Mars0i wrote:

 ...  I'm seriously wondering at this moment, though, whether I should stop 
 and do the rewrite in CL instead, despite several advantages of Clojure for 
 me.  Being able to easily look at any data structure at any time in the CL 
 version of this application has been absolutely crucial in the past.)

Sorry, that didn't make sense.  The right thing to say was  I guess I'd 
better go investigate the debugger options that have been mentioned.

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-12 Thread Mars0i
Sorry to keep replying to my own posts with corrections: Rereading previous 
posts, I think I understand now that Colin's comments about retaining 
locals were intended to be relevant only to possible future facilities 
(which would go beyond my current knowledge).  But I'm still curious about 
where the -Dblahblah goes, etc.  Thanks.

On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:15:11 PM UTC-6, Mars0i wrote:

 Colin (or anyone), for a Clojure newbie, could you spell out what you're 
 saying about *compiler-options* and -Dblahblah a little bit further?  I 
 think you're saying that if *compiler-options* is set to 
 :disable-locals-clearing , then values of local variables are available, 
 somehow.  Can I see them from the lein REPL, somehow?  If not, what do I 
 get from :disable-locals-clearing ?  

 It also sounds as if the only way to set *compiler-options* to 
 :disable-locals-clearing is to use 
 -Dclojure.compile.disable-locals-clearing=true .  Where would I put that in 
 a Leiningen project file?  After :jvm-opts or :javac-options?  Somewhere 
 else?  (I experimented with both, and with trying to set *command-options* 
 in various ways, but I'm not what effect I should see.)


 (Also, another big +1 for Lee's original comments, and thanks for all of 
 the debugger suggestions from others.  Locals are especially important when 
 there's no state.  I just recently started rewriting a Common Lisp 
 application.  The code had gotten too convoluted; parts of it are very old, 
 with many layers of accretions.  I've been doing the rewrite in Clojure as 
 my first Clojure project.  I'm seriously wondering at this moment, though, 
 whether I should stop and do the rewrite in CL instead, despite several 
 advantages of Clojure for me.  Being able to easily look at any data 
 structure at any time in the CL version of this application has been 
 absolutely crucial in the past.)

 On Friday, November 8, 2013 11:13:01 PM UTC-6, Colin Fleming wrote:

 One quick clarification about 
 -Dclojure.compile.disable-locals-clearing=true which bit me - this is 
 actually read in clojure.main, which uses it to initialise the 
 *compiler-options* var. This means that if you start your app in any other 
 way (I'm not sure if lein duplicates the clojure.main functionality) 
 setting this system property doesn't do anything.

 On 8 November 2013 10:22, Alex Miller wrote:

 I believe the locals are actually *not* available because they are 
 proactively cleared to help GC.  

 Setting the *compiler-options* var with :disable-locals-clearing can 
 turn that off. Which is probably what you often want in dev, but is not the 
 default.  You can also set this via command line with 

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:32:29 AM UTC-6, Lee wrote:

 I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of 
 Common Lisping back in the day. 

 I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common 
 Lisp, that debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and 
 helpful in that world are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily 
 tied to particular IDEs or tool chains in other language ecosystems. 

 Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like 
 steppers or the ability to set break points is the ability just to see the 
 values of locals when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so 
 obviously doable (for decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so 
 complicated to do in Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can 
 it at all. 

 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop 
 REPL in which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots 
 of other fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are 
 probably useful in some situations, but just being able to see the locals 
 is, in my experience, the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE 
 you're using or if you're running it from a command line or whatever -- 
 it's part of the language and easy to access no matter how you write and 
 run your code. And my guess is that every Common Lisper takes advantage of 
 this frequently. Different implementations/environments provide different 
 modes of access to this information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs 
 you can have interactive access to it using interaction conventions that 
 seemed like a good idea in the 1970s :-), but there's always some way to 
 get the information. 

 By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I 
 saw and was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic 
 from the crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but 
 my understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an 
 Emacs-based tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO). 

 When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or 

Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-12 Thread Ryan Spangler

Thank you for pointing that out!  The README has been updated with more 
explicit instructions.  For those who don't know, to open a dt_socket from 
your project.clj simply add this line:

:jvm-opts [-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n]

Schmetterling is still very new (I just started it last week!) and not 
really meant to be released yet, but it is still useful.  And actually the 
earlier people start using it the earlier I can start improving it in ways 
that are relevant to people.  I'll have an official announcement once it is 
ready to be released, but until then I welcome any feedback.

On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 8:33:57 PM UTC-8, Lee wrote:

 Very excited by this. Thanks also to Justin for the pointer. 

 From my perspective a particularly nice additional would be to provide 
 minimal instructions on how to get this running for people who don't know 
 (or necessarily want to have to know) what a dt_socket is. 

 On Nov 12, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Ryan Spangler wrote: 

   Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial. 
   Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it 
 with the rest of us :-) 
  I have started a project that does this:  a browser based debugger that 
 breaks on exceptions (it attaches to a dt_socket port): 
  I should have locals displaying this week sometime (you can currently 
 get their value, it just doesn't show them to you by default yet).  I am 
 planning on adding breakpoints, stepping and source viewing. 
  Just started this... looking for feedback! 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-08 Thread Stefan Kamphausen

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 6:32:29 PM UTC+1, Lee wrote:

 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop REPL 
 in which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots of 
 other fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are probably 
 useful in some situations, but just being able to see the locals is, in my 
 experience, the really huge win.


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-08 Thread Phillip Lord

As far as I can see, though ritz is not Emacs specific per se. It's
a set of middleware for nrepl. So you should be able to build clients
against it for different environments, including a textual one. There's
no reason that a debugger shouldn't be part of lein. I think making it
work with java -jar clojure.jar would be harder because you need two
JVMs (one running the clojure process, and one the debugger).


Lee Spector writes:
 Not as good as having it work everywhere with whatever you're already
 using, of course, but certainly better than (for example) requiring
 that you figure out how to install and use an Emacs-based environment
 just to figure out what values your locals have when you crash.

 Would what you have in mind work from lein run as well as lein repl? FWIW
 I (and my students) do a lot via lein run.


 On Nov 7, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 Lee, I am curious whether you would consider it too tied to a particular
 dev environment if the kind of minimal debugging features you wish for
 worked from Leiningen's REPL? i.e. 'lein repl'
 I do not know if Ritz can work in such an environment or not, but I am
 guessing it might be easier to get a subset of it working there than from a
 REPL started via 'java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main'


Phillip Lord,   Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 7827
Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Email:
School of Computing Science,
Room 914 Claremont Tower,   skype: russet_apples
Newcastle University,   twitter: phillord
NE1 7RU 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-08 Thread Colin Fleming
One quick clarification about
-Dclojure.compile.disable-locals-clearing=true which bit me - this is
actually read in clojure.main, which uses it to initialise the
*compiler-options* var. This means that if you start your app in any other
way (I'm not sure if lein duplicates the clojure.main functionality)
setting this system property doesn't do anything.

On 8 November 2013 10:22, Alex Miller wrote:

 I believe the locals are actually *not* available because they are
 proactively cleared to help GC.

 Setting the *compiler-options* var with :disable-locals-clearing can turn
 that off. Which is probably what you often want in dev, but is not the
 default.  You can also set this via command line with

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:32:29 AM UTC-6, Lee wrote:

 I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of Common
 Lisping back in the day.

 I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common Lisp,
 that debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and helpful in
 that world are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily tied to
 particular IDEs or tool chains in other language ecosystems.

 Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like steppers
 or the ability to set break points is the ability just to see the values of
 locals when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so obviously
 doable (for decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so
 complicated to do in Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can do
 it at all.

 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop REPL
 in which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots of
 other fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are probably
 useful in some situations, but just being able to see the locals is, in my
 experience, the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE you're using or
 if you're running it from a command line or whatever -- it's part of the
 language and easy to access no matter how you write and run your code. And
 my guess is that every Common Lisper takes advantage of this frequently.
 Different implementations/environments provide different modes of access to
 this information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs you can have
 interactive access to it using interaction conventions that seemed like a
 good idea in the 1970s :-), but there's always some way to get the

 By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I
 saw and was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic applause
 from the crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but
 my understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an
 Emacs-based tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO).

 When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or from
 Eclipse/CCW (or I think from any other way that I might run it) I get (or
 can easily get) a backtrace that shows the function call stack at the time
 of the error... which is good, but surely (?) the locals are also available
 when the backtrace is produced and I really also want to see those. The
 ability to browse and navigate this information dynamically, as in a Common
 Lisp break loop, is cool but I can understand that something about the
 Clojure/JVM execution architecture might make that difficult -- maybe that
 really would have to be tied to a particular IDE? However, if it would just
 dump all of the values of the locals to standard output, just like it does
 already with the trace, then I'd be plenty happy since I could dig through
 that output to find what I need but can't currently get. (Yes, dumping the
 values of all of the locals might produce a lot of output and yes, one
 might want to make this an option that could be turned off or on, maybe
 including options re: limits on how much of sequences to print, etc.)

 I guess the bottom line of this long message (sorry) is that I hope that
 some of the great tool developers in this community will continue to
 consider providing things like debugging tools that are as untethered as
 possible from particular IDEs. My impression is that nrepl (and maybe other
 projects) are intended to help untether things in this way, but it still
 seems like a lot of people assume that something like access to locals
 should naturally be tied to a specific IDE. From my perspective that seems
 like a really unfortunate assumption. I realize that debugging tools are
 unlikely to become part of the language in Clojure as they are in Common
 Lisp, but I think there's an important middle ground between that and being
 available only within some specific IDE.


  -Lee (Phillip Lord) writes:
  Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.
  I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any 

Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-08 Thread Colin Fleming
Cedric, you're right in both your assessment of the potential solution
(this could definitely be done) and also the problems. You'd need an
additional line number mapping of original source line to expanded-lines
source line to be able to make any sense of stack traces, thread dumps etc,
and of course your debugger would need to use it to correctly highlight the
current line. It's a nice idea but I fear it's not very practical. I'll
think about it a bit, though, and see if I can take advantage of it in some
way. I thought there was an additional line limit per class that might have
been problematic but I was wrong, it's a bytecode size limit per method.

On 8 November 2013 19:24, Cedric Greevey wrote:

 This JVMTI doesn't know Clojure source code from parsnip soup, I expect,
 so can't it be fooled into thinking that the bytecode it's interpreting
 came from a source with many more, shorter lines? So

 (defn x [y z]
   (a (b (c))
   ((d) e (f g

 could be passed off to it as if it were

 (defn x [y z] (a (b
 e (f g

 with breakpoints on (defn ...), (a ...), a, (b (c)), or b being passed to
 JVMTI as breakpoints on the first line of the latter formatting of the
 code; breakpoints on (c) or c the second line; breakpoints on (d) or d the
 third line; and breakpoints on e, (f g), f, or g the fourth line. Execution
 would halt at the breakpoint with the correct amount of evaluation done.
 (The bare letters are presumed to be self-evaluating literals or var
 lookups here, and the operators, other than defn, to be functions.)

 Breakpoints on a macro sexp would need to halt on the first evaluation of
 any of the expansion, and breakpoints on a macro argument would need to be
 carried through into the expansion. The special forms are mostly fairly
 obvious -- break on an if or its condition, for example, breaks before
 evaluating the condition; break on the then clause breaks after evaluating
 the condition, before evaluating the then clause, only if the condition was
 true; etc. Combined, those rules mean a breakpoint on a particular (cond
 ...) condition X would only trip if all the previous conditions were false,
 before evaluating condition X, and a breakpoint on the corresponding then
 clause only if all the preceding conditions were false but condition X was
 true, after evaluating X but before evaluating X's then clause, because it
 would end up attached to X's corresponding conditional or then clause
 (respectively) in the macro-expanded if-tree ((sexp) indicates breakpoint

   (thing1) (dothis)
   (thing2) (dothat)
   (thing3) (dosomethingelse)
   :else (default))

 should macroexpand to

  (if (thing1)
   (if (thing2)
   (if (thing3)
 (if :else
   (throw ( ... no matching clause blah blah ... [never actually
 executes in this case]))

 so the (if (thing3) line would be what JVMTI thinks is the
 breakpointed line in this case.

 The real issue I can foresee here would be if there's no way to make the
 lines seen by the breakpoint/debugging stuff be different from the
 lines used for error reporting (e.g. in stacktraces), as then *either*
 the line granularity for breakpoints is whole lines of your actual source
 code *or* stacktrace line numbers won't always correspond to what your
 editor shows for the problem line in your source code, for example if
 (default) threw a ClassCastException because default did not implement
 IFn in the above the stacktrace might point to line 8 when it was really
 line 5 of your (cond ...) expression (but line 8 of the (if ...) it
 macroexpanded to, and which was vertically spread out to put each distinct
 (as to what nontrivial evaluation has happened yet) sexp-based breakpoint
 position on its own line to please JVMTI).

 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Colin Fleming wrote:

 Right, sadly I believe this is impossible using JVMTI, although I'm far
 from an expert.

 On 8 November 2013 18:51, Cedric Greevey wrote:

 Ideally, in a Lisp I'd think the unit of breakpoints would not be a line
 but instead an s-expression, tripping before evaluating the body of the

 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Colin Fleming wrote:

 I'm slightly late to the discussion, sorry - currently moving cities.
 Cursive does indeed have a stepping debugger which works well with Clojure,
 although it's quite slow (I haven't been able to figure out why, yet - I
 suspect Clojure adds a lot of line information to the bytecode). There have
 also been some fairly annoying bugs with it which will be fixed in the next
 drop. Here's more or less what it can do:

1. Standard stepping - step into, step over. Step out is flaky for
non-Java languages for some reason, I believe this is fixed in the 

Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Bastien
I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through
debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.)

Is there anything similar for Clojure?

For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure
expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing
a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at
any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer.

(I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what
I describe above.)

Thanks for any hints/pointers,


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread juan.facorro
Hi Bastien,

I think Ritz [1] might be what you are 
looking for. Although I haven't tried it myself yet, I recently saw 
the presentation Ritz, The Missing Clojure Tooling and really liked what 
I saw.




On Thursday, November 7, 2013 5:16:17 PM UTC+8, Bastien Guerry wrote:

 I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through 
 debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.) 

 Is there anything similar for Clojure? 

 For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure 
 expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing 
 a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at 
 any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer. 

 (I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what 
 I describe above.) 

 Thanks for any hints/pointers, 


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Bastien
Hi Juan,

juan.facorro writes:

 I think Ritz [1] might be what you are looking for. Although I
 haven't tried it myself yet, I recently saw the presentation Ritz,
 The Missing Clojure Tooling and really liked what I saw.

This seems great indeed, I'll watch the presentation carefully.



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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Phillip Lord

Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.

I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
debugging in the environment.


Bastien writes:
 I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through
 debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.)

 Is there anything similar for Clojure?

 For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure
 expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing
 a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at
 any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer.

 (I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what
 I describe above.)

 Thanks for any hints/pointers,



Phillip Lord,   Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 7827
Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Email:
School of Computing Science,
Room 914 Claremont Tower,   skype: russet_apples
Newcastle University,   twitter: phillord
NE1 7RU 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Bastien (Phillip Lord) writes:

 Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.

 I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
 it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
 debugging in the environment.

Well, I suspect this -- but I'll see what comes close enough.



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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Alex Miller
If you're willing to look outside of Emacs *shock* *horror*, both Eclipse 
CCW and IntelliJ Cursive have debuggers that work to some degree with 

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 3:16:17 AM UTC-6, Bastien Guerry wrote:

 I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through 
 debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.) 

 Is there anything similar for Clojure? 

 For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure 
 expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing 
 a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at 
 any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer. 

 (I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what 
 I describe above.) 

 Thanks for any hints/pointers, 


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Bastien
Hi Alex,

Alex Miller writes:

 If you're willing to look outside of Emacs *shock* *horror*, both
 Eclipse CCW and IntelliJ Cursive have debuggers that work to some
 degree with Clojure. 

I love testing new tools, I did not sign a life-time contract with
any software ;)

Is there a video somewhere where I can see this debugging tools in



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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Alex Miller
Not to my knowledge. (if anyone wants to make one, that would be useful
hint hint)

I would try asking on the CCW list at!msg/clojuredev-users/ for help on the
CCW/Eclipse debugger.

For Cursive, there is some info at on starting a debug REPL.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Bastien wrote:

 Hi Alex,

 Alex Miller writes:

  If you're willing to look outside of Emacs *shock* *horror*, both
  Eclipse CCW and IntelliJ Cursive have debuggers that work to some
  degree with Clojure.

 I love testing new tools, I did not sign a life-time contract with
 any software ;)

 Is there a video somewhere where I can see this debugging tools in



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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Rob Ashton
There is redl which does some of this too, that's more for the vim workflow

On Thursday, November 7, 2013, Phillip Lord wrote:

 Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.

 I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
 it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
 debugging in the environment.


 Bastien javascript:; writes:
  I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through
  debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.)
  Is there anything similar for Clojure?
  For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure
  expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing
  a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at
  any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer.
  (I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what
  I describe above.)
  Thanks for any hints/pointers,

 Phillip Lord,   Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 7827
 Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Email: javascript:;
 School of Computing Science,
 Room 914 Claremont Tower,   skype: russet_apples
 Newcastle University,   twitter: phillord
 NE1 7RU

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Lee Spector

I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of Common 
Lisping back in the day.

I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common Lisp, that 
debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and helpful in that world 
are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily tied to particular IDEs or 
tool chains in other language ecosystems.

Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like steppers or the 
ability to set break points is the ability just to see the values of locals 
when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so obviously doable (for 
decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so complicated to do in 
Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can do it at all.

In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop REPL in 
which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots of other 
fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are probably useful in 
some situations, but just being able to see the locals is, in my experience, 
the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE you're using or if you're 
running it from a command line or whatever -- it's part of the language and 
easy to access no matter how you write and run your code. And my guess is that 
every Common Lisper takes advantage of this frequently. Different 
implementations/environments provide different modes of access to this 
information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs you can have interactive 
access to it using interaction conventions that seemed like a good idea in the 
1970s :-), but there's always some way to get the information. 

By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I saw and 
was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic applause from the 
crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but my 
understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an Emacs-based 
tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO).

When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or from 
Eclipse/CCW (or I think from any other way that I might run it) I get (or can 
easily get) a backtrace that shows the function call stack at the time of the 
error... which is good, but surely (?) the locals are also available when the 
backtrace is produced and I really also want to see those. The ability to 
browse and navigate this information dynamically, as in a Common Lisp break 
loop, is cool but I can understand that something about the Clojure/JVM 
execution architecture might make that difficult -- maybe that really would 
have to be tied to a particular IDE? However, if it would just dump all of the 
values of the locals to standard output, just like it does already with the 
trace, then I'd be plenty happy since I could dig through that output to find 
what I need but can't currently get. (Yes, dumping the values of all of the 
locals might produce a lot of output and yes, one might want to make this an 
option that could be turned off or on, maybe including options re: limits on 
how much of sequences to print, etc.)

I guess the bottom line of this long message (sorry) is that I hope that some 
of the great tool developers in this community will continue to consider 
providing things like debugging tools that are as untethered as possible from 
particular IDEs. My impression is that nrepl (and maybe other projects) are 
intended to help untether things in this way, but it still seems like a lot 
of people assume that something like access to locals should naturally be tied 
to a specific IDE. From my perspective that seems like a really unfortunate 
assumption. I realize that debugging tools are unlikely to become part of the 
language in Clojure as they are in Common Lisp, but I think there's an 
important middle ground between that and being available only within some 
specific IDE.


 -Lee (Phillip Lord) writes:
 Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.
 I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
 it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
 debugging in the environment.

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Rob Ashton
There is redl which does some of this too, that's more for the vim workflow

On Thursday, November 7, 2013, Phillip Lord wrote:

 Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.

 I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
 it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
 debugging in the environment.


 Bastien javascript:; writes:
  I'm a big fan of edebug, the Emacs debugger, which allows step through
  debugging (and breakpoints, and some more fun.)
  Is there anything similar for Clojure?
  For example, from an Emacs (cider) REPL, I'd evaluate some Clojure
  expression, then a window would let me go through a buffer containing
  a copy of the function being evaluated, while allowing me to stop at
  any step, and to show the result of each step in the minibuffer.
  (I'm aware of LightTable live REPL, but this is not exactly what
  I describe above.)
  Thanks for any hints/pointers,

 Phillip Lord,   Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 7827
 Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Email: javascript:;
 School of Computing Science,
 Room 914 Claremont Tower,   skype: russet_apples
 Newcastle University,   twitter: phillord
 NE1 7RU

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
Hi Lee,
you made me cry (almost). 

I've been working in the eighties on Lisp Machine (both Symbolics and Texas 
Instruments) and I still have to see a programming environment comparable to 
the one I was using 30 years ago. At the moment we're still far way from those 
happy days. 

Well written!

My Best

On Nov 7, 2013, at 6:32 PM, Lee Spector wrote:

 I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of Common 
 Lisping back in the day.
 I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common Lisp, 
 that debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and helpful in 
 that world are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily tied to 
 particular IDEs or tool chains in other language ecosystems.
 Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like steppers or 
 the ability to set break points is the ability just to see the values of 
 locals when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so obviously 
 doable (for decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so complicated 
 to do in Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can do it at all.
 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop REPL in 
 which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots of other 
 fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are probably useful in 
 some situations, but just being able to see the locals is, in my experience, 
 the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE you're using or if you're 
 running it from a command line or whatever -- it's part of the language and 
 easy to access no matter how you write and run your code. And my guess is 
 that every Common Lisper takes advantage of this frequently. Different 
 implementations/environments provide different modes of access to this 
 information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs you can have interactive 
 access to it using interaction conventions that seemed like a good idea in 
 the 1970s :-), but there's always some way to get the information. 
 By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I saw 
 and was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic applause from 
 the crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but my 
 understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an 
 Emacs-based tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO).
 When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or from 
 Eclipse/CCW (or I think from any other way that I might run it) I get (or can 
 easily get) a backtrace that shows the function call stack at the time of the 
 error... which is good, but surely (?) the locals are also available when the 
 backtrace is produced and I really also want to see those. The ability to 
 browse and navigate this information dynamically, as in a Common Lisp break 
 loop, is cool but I can understand that something about the Clojure/JVM 
 execution architecture might make that difficult -- maybe that really would 
 have to be tied to a particular IDE? However, if it would just dump all of 
 the values of the locals to standard output, just like it does already with 
 the trace, then I'd be plenty happy since I could dig through that output to 
 find what I need but can't currently get. (Yes, dumping the values of all of 
 the locals might produce a lot of output and yes, one might want to make this 
 an option that could be turned off or on, maybe including options re: limits 
 on how much of sequences to print, etc.)
 I guess the bottom line of this long message (sorry) is that I hope that some 
 of the great tool developers in this community will continue to consider 
 providing things like debugging tools that are as untethered as possible from 
 particular IDEs. My impression is that nrepl (and maybe other projects) are 
 intended to help untether things in this way, but it still seems like a lot 
 of people assume that something like access to locals should naturally be 
 tied to a specific IDE. From my perspective that seems like a really 
 unfortunate assumption. I realize that debugging tools are unlikely to become 
 part of the language in Clojure as they are in Common Lisp, but I think 
 there's an important middle ground between that and being available only 
 within some specific IDE.
 -Lee (Phillip Lord) writes:
 Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.
 I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
 it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
 debugging in the environment.
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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Andy Fingerhut
Lee, I am curious whether you would consider it too tied to a particular
dev environment if the kind of minimal debugging features you wish for
worked from Leiningen's REPL?  i.e. 'lein repl'

I do not know if Ritz can work in such an environment or not, but I am
guessing it might be easier to get a subset of it working there than from a
REPL started via 'java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main'


On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Lee Spector wrote:

 I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of Common
 Lisping back in the day.

 I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common Lisp,
 that debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and helpful in
 that world are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily tied to
 particular IDEs or tool chains in other language ecosystems.

 Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like steppers
 or the ability to set break points is the ability just to see the values of
 locals when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so obviously
 doable (for decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so
 complicated to do in Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can do
 it at all.

 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop REPL
 in which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots of
 other fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are probably
 useful in some situations, but just being able to see the locals is, in my
 experience, the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE you're using or
 if you're running it from a command line or whatever -- it's part of the
 language and easy to access no matter how you write and run your code. And
 my guess is that every Common Lisper takes advantage of this frequently.
 Different implementations/environments provide different modes of access to
 this information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs you can have
 interactive access to it using interaction conventions that seemed like a
 good idea in the 1970s :-), but there's always some way to get the

 By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I
 saw and was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic applause
 from the crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but
 my understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an
 Emacs-based tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO).

 When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or from
 Eclipse/CCW (or I think from any other way that I might run it) I get (or
 can easily get) a backtrace that shows the function call stack at the time
 of the error... which is good, but surely (?) the locals are also available
 when the backtrace is produced and I really also want to see those. The
 ability to browse and navigate this information dynamically, as in a Common
 Lisp break loop, is cool but I can understand that something about the
 Clojure/JVM execution architecture might make that difficult -- maybe that
 really would have to be tied to a particular IDE? However, if it would just
 dump all of the values of the locals to standard output, just like it does
 already with the trace, then I'd be plenty happy since I could dig through
 that output to find what I need but can't currently get. (Yes, dumping the
 values of all of the locals might produce a lot of output and yes, one
 might want to make this an option that could be turned off or on, maybe
 including options re: limits on how much of sequences to print, etc.)

 I guess the bottom line of this long message (sorry) is that I hope that
 some of the great tool developers in this community will continue to
 consider providing things like debugging tools that are as untethered as
 possible from particular IDEs. My impression is that nrepl (and maybe other
 projects) are intended to help untether things in this way, but it still
 seems like a lot of people assume that something like access to locals
 should naturally be tied to a specific IDE. From my perspective that seems
 like a really unfortunate assumption. I realize that debugging tools are
 unlikely to become part of the language in Clojure as they are in Common
 Lisp, but I think there's an important middle ground between that and being
 available only within some specific IDE.


  -Lee (Phillip Lord) writes:
  Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug.
  I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess,
  it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are
  debugging in the environment.

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Alex Miller
I believe the locals are actually *not* available because they are 
proactively cleared to help GC.  

Setting the *compiler-options* var with :disable-locals-clearing can turn 
that off. Which is probably what you often want in dev, but is not the 
default.  You can also set this via command line with 

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:32:29 AM UTC-6, Lee wrote:

 I'd like to chime in here from a background that involved a lot of Common 
 Lisping back in the day. 

 I have been continually dismayed, as I've moved further from Common Lisp, 
 that debugging facilities that are so basic and ubiquitous and helpful in 
 that world are considered exotic or specialized or necessarily tied to 
 particular IDEs or tool chains in other language ecosystems. 

 Even more basic (and useful, in my experience) than things like steppers 
 or the ability to set break points is the ability just to see the values of 
 locals when an error occurs. This is so obviously useful, and so obviously 
 doable (for decades), that I'm really quite stunned that it's so 
 complicated to do in Clojure and tied to a particular toolset if you can do 
 it at all. 

 In Common Lisp when you hit an error you're thrown into a break loop REPL 
 in which you can view locals, move up and down the stack, and do lots of 
 other fancier things (re-binding things, restarting...) that are probably 
 useful in some situations, but just being able to see the locals is, in my 
 experience, the really huge win. It doesn't matter what IDE you're using or 
 if you're running it from a command line or whatever -- it's part of the 
 language and easy to access no matter how you write and run your code. And 
 my guess is that every Common Lisper takes advantage of this frequently. 
 Different implementations/environments provide different modes of access to 
 this information (e.g. some are GUI-based, and in emacs you can have 
 interactive access to it using interaction conventions that seemed like a 
 good idea in the 1970s :-), but there's always some way to get the 

 By contrast in Clojure this information seems really hard to come by. I 
 saw and was excited by a Ritz video -- and I note the enthusiastic applause 
 from the crowd when it was shown that you could see locals (gasp!) -- but 
 my understanding is that this functionality requires commitment to an 
 Emacs-based tool set with all that that implies (which is a lot, IMHO). 

 When I hit an error running my code from lein run or from Clooj or from 
 Eclipse/CCW (or I think from any other way that I might run it) I get (or 
 can easily get) a backtrace that shows the function call stack at the time 
 of the error... which is good, but surely (?) the locals are also available 
 when the backtrace is produced and I really also want to see those. The 
 ability to browse and navigate this information dynamically, as in a Common 
 Lisp break loop, is cool but I can understand that something about the 
 Clojure/JVM execution architecture might make that difficult -- maybe that 
 really would have to be tied to a particular IDE? However, if it would just 
 dump all of the values of the locals to standard output, just like it does 
 already with the trace, then I'd be plenty happy since I could dig through 
 that output to find what I need but can't currently get. (Yes, dumping the 
 values of all of the locals might produce a lot of output and yes, one 
 might want to make this an option that could be turned off or on, maybe 
 including options re: limits on how much of sequences to print, etc.) 

 I guess the bottom line of this long message (sorry) is that I hope that 
 some of the great tool developers in this community will continue to 
 consider providing things like debugging tools that are as untethered as 
 possible from particular IDEs. My impression is that nrepl (and maybe other 
 projects) are intended to help untether things in this way, but it still 
 seems like a lot of people assume that something like access to locals 
 should naturally be tied to a specific IDE. From my perspective that seems 
 like a really unfortunate assumption. I realize that debugging tools are 
 unlikely to become part of the language in Clojure as they are in Common 
 Lisp, but I think there's an important middle ground between that and being 
 available only within some specific IDE. 


  -Lee javascript: (Phillip Lord) writes: 
  Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug. 
  I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess, 
  it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are 
  debugging in the environment. 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Lee Spector


I do think that if a debugging feature has to be limited to a particular 
environment then Leiningen would be preferable to any other, since it's so 
simple to install and use (and maybe most people have it anyway?) that people 
who use other environments could, without too much trouble, do a new run from 
Leiningen when they know they need to do some debugging. Not as good as having 
it work everywhere with whatever you're already using, of course, but certainly 
better than (for example) requiring that you figure out how to install and use 
an Emacs-based environment just to figure out what values your locals have when 
you crash.

Would what you have in mind work from lein run as well as lein repl? FWIW I 
(and my students) do a lot via lein run.


On Nov 7, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 Lee, I am curious whether you would consider it too tied to a particular dev 
 environment if the kind of minimal debugging features you wish for worked 
 from Leiningen's REPL?  i.e. 'lein repl'
 I do not know if Ritz can work in such an environment or not, but I am 
 guessing it might be easier to get a subset of it working there than from a 
 REPL started via 'java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main'

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Lee Spector

What would I need to do to get it to not only retain locals but also show them 
to me when I hit an error?


On Nov 7, 2013, at 4:22 PM, Alex Miller wrote:

 I believe the locals are actually *not* available because they are 
 proactively cleared to help GC.  
 Setting the *compiler-options* var with :disable-locals-clearing can turn 
 that off. Which is probably what you often want in dev, but is not the 
 default.  You can also set this via command line with 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Rudi Engelbrecht

Rudi Engelbrecht

Mobile: +61 (0) 455 500 369
Voice: +61 (0) 2 8091 5554
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 On 8 Nov 2013, at 8:29, Lee Spector wrote:
 I do think that if a debugging feature has to be limited to a particular 
 environment then Leiningen would be preferable to any other, since it's so 
 simple to install and use (and maybe most people have it anyway?) that people 
 who use other environments could, without too much trouble, do a new run from 
 Leiningen when they know they need to do some debugging. Not as good as 
 having it work everywhere with whatever you're already using, of course, but 
 certainly better than (for example) requiring that you figure out how to 
 install and use an Emacs-based environment just to figure out what values 
 your locals have when you crash.
 Would what you have in mind work from lein run as well as lein repl? FWIW 
 I (and my students) do a lot via lein run.
 On Nov 7, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
 Lee, I am curious whether you would consider it too tied to a particular 
 dev environment if the kind of minimal debugging features you wish for 
 worked from Leiningen's REPL?  i.e. 'lein repl'
 I do not know if Ritz can work in such an environment or not, but I am 
 guessing it might be easier to get a subset of it working there than from a 
 REPL started via 'java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main'
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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Alex Miller
When you say hit an error, I'm assuming you mean clojure throws an 
exception and not hit a breakpoint in a debugger or something else. 

I don't think there is one place where we could generically attach locals 
info to a thrown exception. The JVM debugging interface (JVMTI - can 
do an awful lot of things (including arbitrary class bytecode 
transformation) so I would guess it's possible to build a java agent that 
could do this (or to modify the Compiler to inject the right code at 
compile time). Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial. 

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 3:34:23 PM UTC-6, Lee wrote:

 What would I need to do to get it to not only retain locals but also show 
 them to me when I hit an error? 


 On Nov 7, 2013, at 4:22 PM, Alex Miller wrote: 

  I believe the locals are actually *not* available because they are 
 proactively cleared to help GC.   
  Setting the *compiler-options* var with :disable-locals-clearing can 
 turn that off. Which is probably what you often want in dev, but is not the 
 default.  You can also set this via command line with 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Andy Fingerhut
I don't know yet, since what I have in mind at the moment is based on vague
pattern matching of words rather than on knowledge of how Ritz works. :-)
My basic idea was simply that the Ritz nrepl stuff only works in Emacs now,
but it does work across an nREPL connection between a client and the JVM
process containing the code you want to debug.  If there is a subset of
Ritz's debugging features that could be switched to work over a
terminal/console connection like what you get with 'lein repl', then that
might be a quicker path to the desired goal than lots of modifications to
Clojure itself.

CC'ing Hugo Duncan in case he has time and interest in adding his
much-more-educated-than-mine comments (Hugo, please don't take this as a
request to do any work you don't want to -- I'm mostly hoping for an
off-the-top-of-your-head answer like debug features X and Y wouldn't be
hard to do that way, but the rest would be much harder).


On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Lee Spector wrote:


 I do think that if a debugging feature has to be limited to a particular
 environment then Leiningen would be preferable to any other, since it's so
 simple to install and use (and maybe most people have it anyway?) that
 people who use other environments could, without too much trouble, do a new
 run from Leiningen when they know they need to do some debugging. Not as
 good as having it work everywhere with whatever you're already using, of
 course, but certainly better than (for example) requiring that you figure
 out how to install and use an Emacs-based environment just to figure out
 what values your locals have when you crash.

 Would what you have in mind work from lein run as well as lein repl?
 FWIW I (and my students) do a lot via lein run.


 On Nov 7, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

  Lee, I am curious whether you would consider it too tied to a
 particular dev environment if the kind of minimal debugging features you
 wish for worked from Leiningen's REPL?  i.e. 'lein repl'
  I do not know if Ritz can work in such an environment or not, but I am
 guessing it might be easier to get a subset of it working there than from a
 REPL started via 'java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main'

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Lee Spector

On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Alex Miller wrote:

 When you say hit an error, I'm assuming you mean clojure throws an 
 exception and not hit a breakpoint in a debugger or something else. 

Yes -- I mean clojure throws an exception.

 I don't think there is one place where we could generically attach locals 
 info to a thrown exception. The JVM debugging interface (JVMTI - can 
 do an awful lot of things (including arbitrary class bytecode transformation) 
 so I would guess it's possible to build a java agent that could do this (or 
 to modify the Compiler to inject the right code at compile time). Sounds like 
 a fun project, but probably non-trivial. 

Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with the 
rest of us :-). It still strikes me as really odd that such basic and clearly 
desirable functionality, available forever in other environments, should be so 
hard to come by.


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread intronic
well said, Lee. javascript: (Phillip Lord) writes: 
  Ritz does some things, but it doesn't do step through like edebug. 
  I've never found anything as nice as edebug in any language; I guess, 
  it's the big advantage of running your editor and whatever you are 
  debugging in the environment. 

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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread intronic
Why would a break function in clojure  the language not be considered,  
a-la common-lisp?

On Friday, 8 November 2013 09:31:55 UTC+10, Lee wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Alex Miller wrote: 

  When you say hit an error, I'm assuming you mean clojure throws an 
 exception and not hit a breakpoint in a debugger or something else. 

 Yes -- I mean clojure throws an exception. 

  I don't think there is one place where we could generically attach 
 locals info to a thrown exception. The JVM debugging interface (JVMTI - 
 can do an awful lot of things (including arbitrary class bytecode 
 transformation) so I would guess it's possible to build a java agent that 
 could do this (or to modify the Compiler to inject the right code at 
 compile time). Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial. 

 Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with 
 the rest of us :-). It still strikes me as really odd that such basic and 
 clearly desirable functionality, available forever in other environments, 
 should be so hard to come by. 


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Colin Fleming
I'm slightly late to the discussion, sorry - currently moving cities.
Cursive does indeed have a stepping debugger which works well with Clojure,
although it's quite slow (I haven't been able to figure out why, yet - I
suspect Clojure adds a lot of line information to the bytecode). There have
also been some fairly annoying bugs with it which will be fixed in the next
drop. Here's more or less what it can do:

   1. Standard stepping - step into, step over. Step out is flaky for
   non-Java languages for some reason, I believe this is fixed in the new
   version of IntelliJ (13, currently in beta, due to be released soon).
   2. Place breakpoints on any line. This generally works well but is
   occasionally frustrating with Clojure since you can pack a lot on a line.
   I've found chained sequence operations to be particularly difficult to
   debug. This is really a JVM limitation since JVMTI is line-oriented.
   3. Breakpoints can be configured in various ways. Instead of stopping
   you can configure them to print the value of an expression, or to stop only
   the current thread, or to stop all threads.
   4. Drop frame to go back in time, as long as you're not mutating any
   global state. You're not, right?
   5. Look at locals up and down the stack, as long as you have locals
   clearing disabled.
   6. For the next drop I'm going to add the ability to toggle locals
   clearing in debug REPLs with a button in the REPL tool window.
   7. You can evaluate arbitrary Clojure expressions at any point in the
   call stack.
   8. You can set a breakpoint on an arbitrary exception, and it will pause
   *at the time the exception is thrown* and you can inspect locals etc.

I'm pretty sure all of this works, and I use most of it regularly.
Expression evaluation has been broken until the current dev build so I need
to test that things that depend on it work before promising them, but I'm
pretty sure they will. They include:

   1. Watches.
   2. Being able to configure breakpoints to only stop when a particular
   expression is true.

For the next drop I'm planning to work a lot on the debugger and document
it all properly including some pretty animations, so I'll post to the list
when that is done.

On 8 November 2013 13:14, intronic wrote:

 Why would a break function in clojure  the language not be considered,
 a-la common-lisp?

 On Friday, 8 November 2013 09:31:55 UTC+10, Lee wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Alex Miller wrote:

  When you say hit an error, I'm assuming you mean clojure throws an
 exception and not hit a breakpoint in a debugger or something else.

 Yes -- I mean clojure throws an exception.

  I don't think there is one place where we could generically attach
 locals info to a thrown exception. The JVM debugging interface (JVMTI -
 can do an awful lot of things (including arbitrary class bytecode
 transformation) so I would guess it's possible to build a java agent that
 could do this (or to modify the Compiler to inject the right code at
 compile time). Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial.

 Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with
 the rest of us :-). It still strikes me as really odd that such basic and
 clearly desirable functionality, available forever in other environments,
 should be so hard to come by.


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Cedric Greevey
Ideally, in a Lisp I'd think the unit of breakpoints would not be a line
but instead an s-expression, tripping before evaluating the body of the

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Colin Fleming

 I'm slightly late to the discussion, sorry - currently moving cities.
 Cursive does indeed have a stepping debugger which works well with Clojure,
 although it's quite slow (I haven't been able to figure out why, yet - I
 suspect Clojure adds a lot of line information to the bytecode). There have
 also been some fairly annoying bugs with it which will be fixed in the next
 drop. Here's more or less what it can do:

1. Standard stepping - step into, step over. Step out is flaky for
non-Java languages for some reason, I believe this is fixed in the new
version of IntelliJ (13, currently in beta, due to be released soon).
2. Place breakpoints on any line. This generally works well but is
occasionally frustrating with Clojure since you can pack a lot on a line.
I've found chained sequence operations to be particularly difficult to
debug. This is really a JVM limitation since JVMTI is line-oriented.
3. Breakpoints can be configured in various ways. Instead of stopping
you can configure them to print the value of an expression, or to stop only
the current thread, or to stop all threads.
4. Drop frame to go back in time, as long as you're not mutating any
global state. You're not, right?
5. Look at locals up and down the stack, as long as you have locals
clearing disabled.
6. For the next drop I'm going to add the ability to toggle locals
clearing in debug REPLs with a button in the REPL tool window.
7. You can evaluate arbitrary Clojure expressions at any point in the
call stack.
8. You can set a breakpoint on an arbitrary exception, and it will
pause *at the time the exception is thrown* and you can inspect locals etc.

 I'm pretty sure all of this works, and I use most of it regularly.
 Expression evaluation has been broken until the current dev build so I need
 to test that things that depend on it work before promising them, but I'm
 pretty sure they will. They include:

1. Watches.
2. Being able to configure breakpoints to only stop when a particular
expression is true.

 For the next drop I'm planning to work a lot on the debugger and document
 it all properly including some pretty animations, so I'll post to the list
 when that is done.

 On 8 November 2013 13:14, intronic wrote:

 Why would a break function in clojure  the language not be considered,
 a-la common-lisp?

 On Friday, 8 November 2013 09:31:55 UTC+10, Lee wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Alex Miller wrote:

  When you say hit an error, I'm assuming you mean clojure throws an
 exception and not hit a breakpoint in a debugger or something else.

 Yes -- I mean clojure throws an exception.

  I don't think there is one place where we could generically attach
 locals info to a thrown exception. The JVM debugging interface (JVMTI -
 can do an awful lot of things (including arbitrary class bytecode
 transformation) so I would guess it's possible to build a java agent that
 could do this (or to modify the Compiler to inject the right code at
 compile time). Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial.

 Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with
 the rest of us :-). It still strikes me as really odd that such basic and
 clearly desirable functionality, available forever in other environments,
 should be so hard to come by.


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Colin Fleming
Right, sadly I believe this is impossible using JVMTI, although I'm far
from an expert.

On 8 November 2013 18:51, Cedric Greevey wrote:

 Ideally, in a Lisp I'd think the unit of breakpoints would not be a line
 but instead an s-expression, tripping before evaluating the body of the

 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Colin Fleming wrote:

 I'm slightly late to the discussion, sorry - currently moving cities.
 Cursive does indeed have a stepping debugger which works well with Clojure,
 although it's quite slow (I haven't been able to figure out why, yet - I
 suspect Clojure adds a lot of line information to the bytecode). There have
 also been some fairly annoying bugs with it which will be fixed in the next
 drop. Here's more or less what it can do:

1. Standard stepping - step into, step over. Step out is flaky for
non-Java languages for some reason, I believe this is fixed in the new
version of IntelliJ (13, currently in beta, due to be released soon).
2. Place breakpoints on any line. This generally works well but is
occasionally frustrating with Clojure since you can pack a lot on a line.
I've found chained sequence operations to be particularly difficult to
debug. This is really a JVM limitation since JVMTI is line-oriented.
3. Breakpoints can be configured in various ways. Instead of stopping
you can configure them to print the value of an expression, or to stop 
the current thread, or to stop all threads.
4. Drop frame to go back in time, as long as you're not mutating any
global state. You're not, right?
5. Look at locals up and down the stack, as long as you have locals
clearing disabled.
6. For the next drop I'm going to add the ability to toggle locals
clearing in debug REPLs with a button in the REPL tool window.
7. You can evaluate arbitrary Clojure expressions at any point in the
call stack.
8. You can set a breakpoint on an arbitrary exception, and it will
pause *at the time the exception is thrown* and you can inspect locals 

 I'm pretty sure all of this works, and I use most of it regularly.
 Expression evaluation has been broken until the current dev build so I need
 to test that things that depend on it work before promising them, but I'm
 pretty sure they will. They include:

1. Watches.
2. Being able to configure breakpoints to only stop when a particular
expression is true.

 For the next drop I'm planning to work a lot on the debugger and document
 it all properly including some pretty animations, so I'll post to the list
 when that is done.

 On 8 November 2013 13:14, intronic wrote:

 Why would a break function in clojure  the language not be considered,
 a-la common-lisp?

 On Friday, 8 November 2013 09:31:55 UTC+10, Lee wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Alex Miller wrote:

  When you say hit an error, I'm assuming you mean clojure throws an
 exception and not hit a breakpoint in a debugger or something else.

 Yes -- I mean clojure throws an exception.

  I don't think there is one place where we could generically attach
 locals info to a thrown exception. The JVM debugging interface (JVMTI -
 can do an awful lot of things (including arbitrary class bytecode
 transformation) so I would guess it's possible to build a java agent that
 could do this (or to modify the Compiler to inject the right code at
 compile time). Sounds like a fun project, but probably non-trivial.

 Too bad... unless someone wants to have that fun and then share it with
 the rest of us :-). It still strikes me as really odd that such basic and
 clearly desirable functionality, available forever in other environments,
 should be so hard to come by.


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Re: Step by step debugging

2013-11-07 Thread Cedric Greevey
This JVMTI doesn't know Clojure source code from parsnip soup, I expect, so
can't it be fooled into thinking that the bytecode it's interpreting came
from a source with many more, shorter lines? So

(defn x [y z]
  (a (b (c))
  ((d) e (f g

could be passed off to it as if it were

(defn x [y z] (a (b
e (f g

with breakpoints on (defn ...), (a ...), a, (b (c)), or b being passed to
JVMTI as breakpoints on the first line of the latter formatting of the
code; breakpoints on (c) or c the second line; breakpoints on (d) or d the
third line; and breakpoints on e, (f g), f, or g the fourth line. Execution
would halt at the breakpoint with the correct amount of evaluation done.
(The bare letters are presumed to be self-evaluating literals or var
lookups here, and the operators, other than defn, to be functions.)

Breakpoints on a macro sexp would need to halt on the first evaluation of
any of the expansion, and breakpoints on a macro argument would need to be
carried through into the expansion. The special forms are mostly fairly
obvious -- break on an if or its condition, for example, breaks before
evaluating the condition; break on the then clause breaks after evaluating
the condition, before evaluating the then clause, only if the condition was
true; etc. Combined, those rules mean a breakpoint on a particular (cond
...) condition X would only trip if all the previous conditions were false,
before evaluating condition X, and a breakpoint on the corresponding then
clause only if all the preceding conditions were false but condition X was
true, after evaluating X but before evaluating X's then clause, because it
would end up attached to X's corresponding conditional or then clause
(respectively) in the macro-expanded if-tree ((sexp) indicates breakpoint

  (thing1) (dothis)
  (thing2) (dothat)
  (thing3) (dosomethingelse)
  :else (default))

should macroexpand to

(if (thing1)
  (if (thing2)
  (if (thing3)
(if :else
  (throw ( ... no matching clause blah blah ... [never actually
executes in this case]))

so the (if (thing3) line would be what JVMTI thinks is the
breakpointed line in this case.

The real issue I can foresee here would be if there's no way to make the
lines seen by the breakpoint/debugging stuff be different from the
lines used for error reporting (e.g. in stacktraces), as then *either*
the line granularity for breakpoints is whole lines of your actual source
code *or* stacktrace line numbers won't always correspond to what your
editor shows for the problem line in your source code, for example if
(default) threw a ClassCastException because default did not implement
IFn in the above the stacktrace might point to line 8 when it was really
line 5 of your (cond ...) expression (but line 8 of the (if ...) it
macroexpanded to, and which was vertically spread out to put each distinct
(as to what nontrivial evaluation has happened yet) sexp-based breakpoint
position on its own line to please JVMTI).

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Colin Fleming

 Right, sadly I believe this is impossible using JVMTI, although I'm far
 from an expert.

 On 8 November 2013 18:51, Cedric Greevey wrote:

 Ideally, in a Lisp I'd think the unit of breakpoints would not be a line
 but instead an s-expression, tripping before evaluating the body of the

 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Colin Fleming wrote:

 I'm slightly late to the discussion, sorry - currently moving cities.
 Cursive does indeed have a stepping debugger which works well with Clojure,
 although it's quite slow (I haven't been able to figure out why, yet - I
 suspect Clojure adds a lot of line information to the bytecode). There have
 also been some fairly annoying bugs with it which will be fixed in the next
 drop. Here's more or less what it can do:

1. Standard stepping - step into, step over. Step out is flaky for
non-Java languages for some reason, I believe this is fixed in the new
version of IntelliJ (13, currently in beta, due to be released soon).
2. Place breakpoints on any line. This generally works well but is
occasionally frustrating with Clojure since you can pack a lot on a line.
I've found chained sequence operations to be particularly difficult to
debug. This is really a JVM limitation since JVMTI is line-oriented.
3. Breakpoints can be configured in various ways. Instead of
stopping you can configure them to print the value of an expression, or 
stop only the current thread, or to stop all threads.
4. Drop frame to go back in time, as long as you're not mutating any
global state. You're not, right?
5. Look at locals up and down the stack, as long as you have locals
clearing disabled.
6. For the