Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Marty Gartenberg
Hi Jeanie,

First thing, don't be concerned with changing you'r doctor. Moffitt is a
big place and I am sure that this new new doctor will take good care of
you. just give him or her the chance to know you, and may i suggest having
your current doctor get in touch with your new doctor and let them acquaint
each other.

Our friends and family's are what keeps us going because they care about
us, well mostly anyway.

Now do i take any Opiates? Well there was a time that i had to, but let me
explain: When i was in that plastic bubble for many months receiving my BMT
i had so much pain caused by *mucocytes from the Chemotherapy and

Similar to terrible mouth sores that go to most of the mucus membranes from
your lips through your entire digestive track including my "solid waste
excretion point", causing extreme uncontrolled pain.
Worse yet was that i was not allowed to eat any solid food but kept me on
IV nutrition called TPN which caused me diarrhea.

It was so bad that at first they would try and have me gargle with Viscos
Lidacaine but it did absolutely nothing for me. They then tried Mycostatin.
Just made me throw up. Then they brought a Morphine drip and there was a
button on it so i could press it whenever i needed it. All that did was to
make my hallucinate and caused little or no relief but they kept on on me
because i would eventually go to sleep, but once i got up the pain was also
back again. So much to the point i became addicted  to it.

It took me by my own will and couple of months to end my addiction but the
pain was still there so i decided to not use any types of Opiates again.

I once helped a young woman about thirteen years ago who was about to go
through a BMT and advised her of what mat happen to her after she started
her BMT which was in the same environment that i went through and mentioned
about the *mucocytes* and she paid attention to what i said. Yes she did
get *mucocytes and suffered through all of that pain but she knew how to
handle it, and ended up dealing with it. Mind **controlling** her body*

You may always hear me say that your mind also can control your body, and i
learned that it did. I want to let anyone know that if you ever need to
take any opiates then only in most cases you may need to but you also have
to try some other things if you ever have to.

I learned from my nurse that came into the bubble that i had to live in.
First she had to gown up and come into that bubble completely serial,
surgical gown,  hat, booties, mask actually two sets, and had to stay down
wind of me because it was actually a laminar air flow chamber which
filtered air through a heppa filtration chamber behind me blowing the air
from the back of me through a special vent at the end of the chamber.

She stood next to me and whispered three words into my left ear "it's only
temporary". She then walked out and i was left with those three words which
i took advantage of. I immediately stopped that Morphine drip and put my
mind in another place, as much exercise that i did within that bubble and
waited until my white blood cell counts went to beyond 1,000. That was the
magic number. After all of those months i was finally released.

I want to tell you something: Remember that was almost 30 years ago and
things have been so much better then it was then.

Now the point is that if you were to ask me would i do all of this again
but back in that time, my answer is YES because of what i learned and have
the ability of passing it on to others.

You now know some personal things about me but if it can help someone else
then it is well worth it. Learn something new every day.

Life is a very delicate thing and never sell yourself short even by one day
of it.



On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 2:28 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope <> wrote:

> Hi Marty
> Love the way you expressed that. Yes we can still do so much and we are
> here still to live our friends and family.
> Do any of you take opiates for pain or if you did and quit I would like to
> hear your experience with it.
> Weather mild in Florida for Christmas.
> My doctor, that I have been under for 7 years is retiring and I won't see
> him anymore. I've got to make a decision on what to do in Moffitt.  I think
> they have given my care to another doctor but a little nervous changing
> doctors after so many years.
> It will ok no matter what. Meet the New Year with all it brings with your
> Warrior gear on and ready to fight.
> Merry Christmas to all.
> My Motto:
> Faith and Pills
> With Love
> 18's
> Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
> Started Gleevec 2/2004
> Started Tasigna 9/2009
> Started Sprycel 11/2009
> Started Ponatinib 1/2015
> Doctor Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
> On Dec 23, 2017, at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope <
>> wrote:
> Mary, you got that right.
> greenie
> In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> Hey, we got a 

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread 'Jeanie' via CMLHope
Hi Marty
Love the way you expressed that. Yes we can still do so much and we are here 
still to live our friends and family.  
Do any of you take opiates for pain or if you did and quit I would like to hear 
your experience with it.  
Weather mild in Florida for Christmas. 
My doctor, that I have been under for 7 years is retiring and I won't see him 
anymore. I've got to make a decision on what to do in Moffitt.  I think they 
have given my care to another doctor but a little nervous changing doctors 
after so many years.  
It will ok no matter what. Meet the New Year with all it brings with your 
Warrior gear on and ready to fight. 
Merry Christmas to all.  

My Motto:
Faith and Pills
With Love
Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
Started Gleevec 2/2004
Started Tasigna 9/2009
Started Sprycel 11/2009
Started Ponatinib 1/2015
Doctor Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center 

> On Dec 23, 2017, at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope  
> wrote:
> Mary, you got that right.
> greenie
> In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life doesn't get better. 
> So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used to call it 
> our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not my legs, hands 
> and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really hurt but especially 
> my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them except my left little 
> finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger has my friend living inside 
> of it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were severely broken when i 
> broke my neck in three places along with my left elbow and had these metal 
> plates, screws, nuts and matching bolt put inside of me. Can you imagine that 
> nuts and bolts? Oh at times i have a pain in my butt but that doesn't really 
> count.
> So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on TKI's or both 
> of us having Arthritis? 
> Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating 
> circumstances, 
> don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well for the most part 
> for me anyway.
> We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh yea I 
> almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for us, right...
> 18's,
> Marty
> 9
>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Have you considered Moffitt cancer center. I go there and like it. You go to 
>> the blood center and get your blood checked and then in about an hour they 
>> are faxed over to doctor and you see him. I go every three months. 
>> I was wonder if any of you have your bones aching?  My right little finger 
>> and hand ache and legs hurt sometimes at night. I've been fighting cml for 
>> almost 14 years and never had this. Blood counts are all good. Thanks all.  
>> My Motto:
>> Faith and Pills
>> With Love
>> 18's
>> Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>> Started Tasigna 9/2009
>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>> Started Ponatinib 1/2015
>> Doctor Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center 
>>> On Dec 21, 2017, at 6:56 PM, Marty Gartenberg  wrote:
>>> Listen Greenie,
>>> This is what i do because of a promise that i once made to GOD. Let me tell 
>>> you about this.
>>> When i was about to receive my total body radiation almost 30 years ago,
>>>  just before they were about to close and lock that radiation chamber door 
>>> i got down on my knees clasped my hands in front of me and prayed to GOD 
>>> asking HIM if he would spare me i would help people that were in my 
>>> situation that i would try to help them. So far i have helped 1,286 people 
>>> in the past 30 years, and wrote my journal about each and every one of 
>>> them. This will never be published because of confidentiality reasons, but 
>>> on occasion i will send some of them parts of my book in order to try and 
>>> help them.
>>> Listen i am no saint just a plain human being but someone that once made a 
>>> promise to GOD and i am still here after many many death defying things 
>>> that i have gone trough. And that is why i do what i promised to do. I hope 
>>> that you understand why i do what i do...
>>> There is also why i write 18's when ever i end any posts that i make, 
>>> because that is what i believe. 18's to me represents LIFE.
>>> If you care to send me your personal email address i would like to send you 
>>> something. Mine is wa2yyx@gmail,com
>>> 18's,
>>> Marty 
 On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 4:28 PM, Myvety2k via CMLHope 
 Marty, I want to thank you for your fast reply, I hear you.  I do have a 
 Nephrologist and he had me get some blood work last month and he seems to 
 be O.K. with the results.  I do have the 

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Marty Gartenberg
Don't be silly Greenie,

Besides, my wife may have the last say if the toilet seat stays up or down

On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope <> wrote:

> Sorry Marty, I guess my fingers are just to fast for my keyboard.  I can't
> see what I'm saying cuss my eye's are in the way.
> greenie
> In a message dated 12/23/2017 10:55:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> Mary, you got that right.
> greenie
> Oh Greenie,
> Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my
> "orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?
> I am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T
> on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?
> Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the
> stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their
> Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord
> Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the
> fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to
> 40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one
> and wrote a book on it including the benefits.
> .com/watch?v=TEPzUdeS7gM
> This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people
> become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future.
> I happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...
> 18's,
> Marty
> Attachments area
> Preview YouTube video Stephen Sprague
> [image:]
> [image:]
> Stephen Sprague
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Marty Gartenberg 
> wrote:
>> Mary, you got that right.
>> greenie
>> Oh Greenie,
>> Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my
>> "orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?
>> I am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T
>> on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?
>> Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the
>> stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their
>> Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord
>> Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the
>> fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to
>> 40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one
>> and wrote a book on it including the benefits.
>> .com/watch?v=TEPzUdeS7gM
>> This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people
>> become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future.
>> I happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...
>> 18's,
>> Marty
>> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope <
>>> wrote:
>>> Mary, you got that right.
>>> greenie
>>> In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>>> writes:
>>> Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life doesn't get
>>> better.
>>> So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used to
>>> call it our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not my
>>> legs, hands and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really hurt
>>> but especially my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them except
>>> my left little finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger has my
>>> friend living inside of it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were
>>> severely broken when i broke my neck in three places along with my left
>>> elbow and had these metal plates, screws, nuts and matching bolt put inside
>>> of me. Can you imagine that nuts and bolts? Oh at times i have a pain in my
>>> butt but that doesn't really count.
>>> So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on TKI's or
>>> both of us having Arthritis?
>>> Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating
>>> circumstances,
>>> don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well for the
>>> most part for me anyway.
>>> We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh yea I
>>> almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for us, right...
>>> 18's,
>>> Marty
>>> 9
>>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope <
>>>> wrote:
 Hi all,
 Have you considered Moffitt cancer center. I go there and like it. You
 go to the blood center and get your blood checked and then in about an hour
 they are faxed 

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Myvety2k via CMLHope
Sorry Marty, I guess my fingers are just to fast for my  keyboard.  I can't 
see what I'm saying cuss my eye's are in the  way.
In a message dated 12/23/2017 10:55:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Mary, you got  that right.


Oh Greenie,   

Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my  
"orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary? I  
am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T 
on  purpose or are you trying to tell me something?

Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the  
stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their 
Bone  Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord 
Blood  Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the 
fetus is  born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to 40 
years  while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one and 
wrote a  book on it including the benefits.  

This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people  
become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future. I  
happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...





Attachments area

_Preview YouTube video  Stephen Sprague  



Stephen  Sprague


_ ( 


On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Marty Gartenberg   

Mary, you  got that right.


Oh Greenie,   

Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my  
"orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?  I 
am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T  
on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?

Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is  the 
stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because  their 
Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a  Cord 
Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after  the 
fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up  to 
40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one  
and wrote a book on it including the benefits.  

This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people  
become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future. I  
happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...




On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope  

Mary, you got that right.

In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  writes:

Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life  doesn't get 

So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used  to call 
it our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not  my legs, 
hands and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really  hurt but 
especially my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them  except my left 
little finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger  has my friend living 
inside of it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were severely broken 
when i broke my neck in three  places along with my left elbow and had 
these metal plates, screws, nuts  and matching bolt put inside of me. Can you 
imagine that nuts and bolts?  Oh at times i have a pain in my butt but that 
doesn't really  count.

So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on  TKI's or 
both of us having Arthritis? 
Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating  
don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well  for the most 
part for me anyway.

We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh  yea I 
almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for  us, right...




On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via  CMLHope 

Hi all,
Have  you considered Moffitt cancer center. I go there and like it. You go  
to the blood center and get your blood checked and then in about an  hour 
they are faxed over to doctor and you see him. I go every three  months. 
I  was wonder if any of you have your bones aching?  My right little  
finger and hand ache and legs hurt sometimes at night. I've been  fighting cml 
for almost 14 years and never had this. Blood counts are  all good. Thanks 

My Motto:  
Faith and Pills
With Love
Dx 1/2004 

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Myvety2k via CMLHope
Sorry, Marty.  My fingers are just to fast for my  keyboard.
In a message dated 12/23/2017 10:55:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Mary, you got  that right.


Oh Greenie,   

Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my  
"orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary? I  
am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T 
on  purpose or are you trying to tell me something?

Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the  
stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their 
Bone  Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord 
Blood  Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the 
fetus is  born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to 40 
years  while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one and 
wrote a  book on it including the benefits.  

This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people  
become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future. I  
happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...





Attachments area

_Preview YouTube video  Stephen Sprague  



Stephen  Sprague


_ ( 


On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Marty Gartenberg   

Mary, you  got that right.


Oh Greenie,   

Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my  
"orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?  I 
am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T  
on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?

Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is  the 
stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because  their 
Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a  Cord 
Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after  the 
fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up  to 
40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one  
and wrote a book on it including the benefits.  

This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people  
become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future. I  
happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...




On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope  

Mary, you got that right.

In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  writes:

Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life  doesn't get 

So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used  to call 
it our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not  my legs, 
hands and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really  hurt but 
especially my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them  except my left 
little finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger  has my friend living 
inside of it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were severely broken 
when i broke my neck in three  places along with my left elbow and had 
these metal plates, screws, nuts  and matching bolt put inside of me. Can you 
imagine that nuts and bolts?  Oh at times i have a pain in my butt but that 
doesn't really  count.

So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on  TKI's or 
both of us having Arthritis? 
Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating  
don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well  for the most 
part for me anyway.

We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh  yea I 
almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for  us, right...




On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via  CMLHope 

Hi all,
Have  you considered Moffitt cancer center. I go there and like it. You go  
to the blood center and get your blood checked and then in about an  hour 
they are faxed over to doctor and you see him. I go every three  months. 
I  was wonder if any of you have your bones aching?  My right little  
finger and hand ache and legs hurt sometimes at night. I've been  fighting cml 
for almost 14 years and never had this. Blood counts are  all good. Thanks 

My Motto:  
Faith and Pills
With Love
Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
Started Gleevec 2/2004
Started Tasigna 9/2009

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Marty Gartenberg
Mary, you got that right.


Oh Greenie,

Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my
"orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?
I am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T
on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?

Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the
stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their
Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord
Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the
fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to
40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one
and wrote a book on it including the benefits.

This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people
become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future.
I happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...


Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Stephen Sprague
Stephen Sprague

On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Marty Gartenberg  wrote:

> Mary, you got that right.
> greenie
> Oh Greenie,
> Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my
> "orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?
> I am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T
> on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?
> Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the
> stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their
> Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord
> Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the
> fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to
> 40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one
> and wrote a book on it including the benefits.
> .com/watch?v=TEPzUdeS7gM
> This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people
> become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future.
> I happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...
> 18's,
> Marty
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope <
>> wrote:
>> Mary, you got that right.
>> greenie
>> In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> writes:
>> Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life doesn't get
>> better.
>> So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used to call
>> it our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not my legs,
>> hands and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really hurt but
>> especially my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them except my
>> left little finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger has my friend
>> living inside of it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were
>> severely broken when i broke my neck in three places along with my left
>> elbow and had these metal plates, screws, nuts and matching bolt put inside
>> of me. Can you imagine that nuts and bolts? Oh at times i have a pain in my
>> butt but that doesn't really count.
>> So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on TKI's or
>> both of us having Arthritis?
>> Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating
>> circumstances,
>> don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well for the most
>> part for me anyway.
>> We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh yea I
>> almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for us, right...
>> 18's,
>> Marty
>> 9
>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Have you considered Moffitt cancer center. I go there and like it. You
>>> go to the blood center and get your blood checked and then in about an hour
>>> they are faxed over to doctor and you see him. I go every three months.
>>> I was wonder if any of you have your bones aching?  My right little
>>> finger and hand ache and legs hurt sometimes at night. I've been fighting
>>> cml for almost 14 years and never had this. Blood counts are all good.
>>> Thanks all.
>>> My Motto:
>>> Faith and Pills
>>> With Love
>>> 18's
>>> Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
>>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>>> Started Tasigna 9/2009
>>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>>> Started Ponatinib 1/2015
>>> Doctor Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
>>> On Dec 21, 2017, at 6:56 PM, Marty Gartenberg  wrote:
>>> Listen Greenie,
>>> This is what i do because of a promise that i 

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Marty Gartenberg
Mary, you got that right.


Oh Greenie,

Now look at what a day difference makes? All of a sudden you changed my
"orientation" from Marty which i always thought that i had and now to Mary?
I am kind of confused because I still pee the same. Did you leave out the T
on purpose or are you trying to tell me something?

Now a lesson for everyone to learn... Did you know that the woman is the
stronger of our spices? For one, and I know this for a fact because their
Bone Marrow is usually stronger then the male's is? Take for example a Cord
Blood Transplant is taken from the woman's umbilical cord right after the
fetus is born then cryogenic-ally frozen for future use, and can last up to
40 years while it is frozen. I happen to know Stephan Sprauge who had one
and wrote a book on it including the benefits.  https://www.

This is a changing world and it will be changing even more when people
become aware of the different things that will come up in the near future.
I happen to know Steve and he has done something extraordinary...



On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Myvety2k via CMLHope <> wrote:

> Mary, you got that right.
> greenie
> In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life doesn't get
> better.
> So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used to call
> it our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not my legs,
> hands and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really hurt but
> especially my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them except my
> left little finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger has my friend
> living inside of it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were
> severely broken when i broke my neck in three places along with my left
> elbow and had these metal plates, screws, nuts and matching bolt put inside
> of me. Can you imagine that nuts and bolts? Oh at times i have a pain in my
> butt but that doesn't really count.
> So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on TKI's or
> both of us having Arthritis?
> Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating
> circumstances,
> don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well for the most
> part for me anyway.
> We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh yea I
> almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for us, right...
> 18's,
> Marty
> 9
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Have you considered Moffitt cancer center. I go there and like it. You go
>> to the blood center and get your blood checked and then in about an hour
>> they are faxed over to doctor and you see him. I go every three months.
>> I was wonder if any of you have your bones aching?  My right little
>> finger and hand ache and legs hurt sometimes at night. I've been fighting
>> cml for almost 14 years and never had this. Blood counts are all good.
>> Thanks all.
>> My Motto:
>> Faith and Pills
>> With Love
>> 18's
>> Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
>> Started Gleevec 2/2004
>> Started Tasigna 9/2009
>> Started Sprycel 11/2009
>> Started Ponatinib 1/2015
>> Doctor Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center
>> On Dec 21, 2017, at 6:56 PM, Marty Gartenberg  wrote:
>> Listen Greenie,
>> This is what i do because of a promise that i once made to GOD. Let me
>> tell you about this.
>> When i was about to receive my total body radiation almost 30 years ago,
>>  just before they were about to close and lock that radiation chamber
>> door i got down on my knees clasped my hands in front of me and prayed to
>> GOD asking HIM if he would spare me i would help people that were in my
>> situation that i would try to help them. So far i have helped 1,286 people
>> in the past 30 years, and wrote my journal about each and every one of
>> them. This will never be published because of confidentiality reasons, but
>> on occasion i will send some of them parts of my book in order to try and
>> help them.
>> Listen i am no saint just a plain human being but someone that once made
>> a promise to GOD and i am still here after many many death defying things
>> that i have gone trough. And that is why i do what i promised to do. I hope
>> that you understand why i do what i do...
>> There is also why i write 18's when ever i end any posts that i make,
>> because that is what i believe. 18's to me represents LIFE.
>> If you care to send me your personal email address i would like to send
>> you something. Mine is wa2yyx@gmail,com
>> 18's,
>> Marty
>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 4:28 PM, Myvety2k via CMLHope <
>>> wrote:
>>> Marty, I want to thank you for your fast reply, I hear you.  I do have a

Re: [CMLHope] Questions,

2017-12-23 Thread Myvety2k via CMLHope
Mary, you got that right.
In a message dated 12/22/2017 4:47:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hey, we got a Jeanie, and we got a Greenie in here. Life doesn't  get 

So Jeanie, you have this pain in you right little finger (we used to call  
it our (pinkey) Hum right little finger? Well so do i. But not my legs, 
hands  and most of my bones BUT my left elbow and my neck really hurt but 
especially  my left elbow but they have a right to. All of them except my left 
little  finger. Do you know why? Well the little finger has my friend living 
inside of  it. His name is Author Right-es   But the rest were severely broken 
 when i broke my neck in three places along with my left elbow and had 
these  metal plates, screws, nuts and matching bolt put inside of me. Can you 
imagine  that nuts and bolts? Oh at times i have a pain in my butt but that 
doesn't  really count.

So maybe we should consider that we are getting older or you on TKI's or  
both of us having Arthritis? 
Who knows, but the fact that we are still alive are all migrating  
don't you think... We can see we can pee we can hear, well for the  most 
part for me anyway.

We can walk we can talk can do most everything that we can do. Oh yea I  
almost forgot we can eat and drink. So let this be a lesson for us,  right...




On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:18 PM, 'Jeanie' via CMLHope  

Hi all,
Have you considered Moffitt  cancer center. I go there and like it. You go 
to the blood center and get  your blood checked and then in about an hour 
they are faxed over to doctor  and you see him. I go every three months. 
I was wonder if any of you  have your bones aching?  My right little finger 
and hand ache and legs  hurt sometimes at night. I've been fighting cml for 
almost 14 years and  never had this. Blood counts are all good. Thanks all. 

My  Motto:  
Faith and Pills
With Love
Dx 1/2004 CML Leukemia
Started Gleevec 2/2004
Started Tasigna 9/2009
Started Sprycel 11/2009
Started Ponatinib 1/2015
Doctor Balducci Moffitt Cancer Center 

On Dec 21, 2017, at 6:56 PM, Marty Gartenberg   wrote:

Listen Greenie,  

This is what i do because of a promise that i once made to GOD. Let  me 
tell you about this.
When i was about to receive my total body radiation almost 30 years  ago,

just before they were about to close and lock that radiation  chamber door 
i got down on my knees clasped my hands in front of me and  prayed to GOD 
asking HIM if he would spare me i would help people that  were in my situation 
that i would try to help them. So far i have helped  1,286 people in the 
past 30 years, and wrote my journal about each and  every one of them. This 
will never be published because of confidentiality  reasons, but on occasion i 
will send some of them parts of my book in  order to try and help them.

Listen i am no saint just a plain human being but someone that once  made a 
promise to GOD and i am still here after many many death defying  things 
that i have gone trough. And that is why i do what i promised to  do. I hope 
that you understand why i do what i do...

There is also why i write 18's when ever i end any posts that i make,  
because that is what i believe. 18's to me represents LIFE.

If you care to send me your personal email address i would like to  send 
you something. Mine is wa2yyx@gmail,com



On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 4:28 PM, Myvety2k via  CMLHope 

Marty, I want to thank you for your fast reply, I hear  you.  I do have a 
Nephrologist and he had me get some blood work  last month and he seems to be 
O.K. with the results.  I do have the  paper work and will scan it and send 
it out so you can check it  out.  I want to thank you so much, you have 
made me feel so much  better and I will listen to what you wrote me.  Again I 
want to  thank you.

In a message dated 12/21/2017 11:31:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  writes:

Hi Greenie,  

First of all, you mention that you are worried. Why may i ask are  you so 
worried? When people worry about things that they have little  or no control 
over then it not only effects your mind but also your  body. I know all 
about this because that is exactly what i used to do  and i learned to direct 
mind in more productive ways. Now just try  to relax and get yourself going 
in the right direction. 

Now you mention about CRI so read this..

CRI (color  rendering index) is a measure of how accurately a light source  
illuminates objects' true colors. Our LED lights have CRI values  of up to 
98, indicating that our LED lights are able to produce white  light that 
approximates halogen or incandescent lighting and natural  daylight.

It however has some effect on your kidneys  because if they are having 
problems than it is a