[cobirds] Evening Grosbeak, Black Phoebes and migrating Franklin's Gulls in Canon City

2014-04-11 Thread SeEttaM .
On Thursday I found a single Evening Grosbeak across the river from the
Canon City Riverwalk about a mile east of the Sell's Lake trailhead.  I
also found  a Black Phoebe in that same area and believe I heard a second
Black Phoebe nearby.   As I walked down the bluff trail of the Riverwalk I
found a flock of about 25 more Evening Grosbeak in the trees high up the
bluff, likely they had been at feeders in residences nearby.

Earlier tonight I heard the distinctive call of a flock of Franklin's Gulls
from my deck and located about 50 of them flying on the south side of Canon
City.  Then near dark I relocated the Black Phoebe that I previously posted
that I had found just east of the 9th Street bridge.  Spring is starting to

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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[cobirds] Cattle Egret and Greater Yellowlegs in Florence

2014-04-11 Thread SeEttaM .
Today I found a Cattle Egret and 2 Greater Yellowlegs, both first of the
year birds in this area, in flooded agricultural fields along River Road in
Florence.  The Cattle Egret foraged close to the road and I got a couple of
close photos of it and photo of the yellowlegs that I have uploaded to my Birds
and Nature blog .  Several Cinnamon
and Blue-winged Teal in their handsome spring plumage swam in the flooded
fields which are several inches deep in some sections.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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[cobirds] HSR: Dinosaur Ridge (11 Apr 2014) 25 Raptors

2014-04-11 Thread reports
Dinosaur Ridge
Colorado, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 11, 2014

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture   5 50 53
Osprey   0  1  1
Bald Eagle   0  0 25
Northern Harrier 0  2  2
Sharp-shinned Hawk   1 15 20
Cooper's Hawk6 26 41
Northern Goshawk 0  1  1
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  0  0
Broad-winged Hawk0  0  0
Red-tailed Hawk  7 63193
Rough-legged Hawk0  2  9
Swainson's Hawk  0  0  0
Ferruginous Hawk 0  0  8
Golden Eagle 0  1  8
American Kestrel 3 42 56
Merlin   0  2  2
Peregrine Falcon 0  0  2
Prairie Falcon   0  1  6
Mississippi Kite 0  0  0
Unknown Accipiter0  9 11
Unknown Buteo3  8 13
Unknown Falcon   0  0  0
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  1  5

Total:  25224456

Observation start time: 08:45:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 6 hours

Official Counter:Cynthia Madsen

Observers:Dave Hill, Debbie James, Janet Shin, Jim Schmoker

Several people inquired about our sightings including 5 hikers and 1 biker.
Edie Israel, a birder, stopped by to see if we were having a good hawk day.

The day was sunny but hazy with only 5-15% cloud cover and light winds
(8-12 mph) from the SE most of the day. During the last hour the wind
changed direction coming from the NE.

Raptor Observations:
A few of the 25 migrating raptors came up the ridge over our heads, but the
majority migrated over the west ridge. We had 5 Turkey Vultures, 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 6 Cooper's Hawks, 7 Red-tailed Hawks, and 3 American
Kestrels.  We picked up 3 "unidentified buteos" racing north over I-70 and
Cabrini, but  too late to identify them. Today's hazy conditions made
spotting and identification difficult over the west ridge.

There was quite a bit of local raptor activity with a pair of Red-tails sky
dancing over Cabrini, another pair over the west ridge, and another
Red-tail who perched on a power pole below us on the east side of the
ridge. The local kestrel flew below us on the west side of the ridge; a
Bald Eagle headed south low on the east side of the ridge; a Northern
Goshawk hunted over the west ridge, a Cooper's Hawk flew up to escort a
migrating Cooper's out of its territory, and a Northern Harrier hunted low
near I-70. A Turkey Vulture also made its way back and forth over the west
ridge several times during the day.

Non-raptor Observations:
Non-raptors included 12 White-throated Swifts, a Northern Flicker, 2
Western Scrub-Jays, 4 Black-billed Magpies, 8 American Crows, 11 Common
Ravens, 2 Mountain Chickadees, 2 Bushtits, 1 Rock Wren, 1 Townsend's
Solitaire, a flock of 11 American Robins, 2 Spotted Towhees, 2 Western
Meadowlarks, 2 House Finches, and our bird of the day, a male Broad-tailed
Hummingbird that flew whirring over the observation platform.

Several butterflies also made an appearance: a sulfur, a white, a Painted
Lady, a fritillary, and a Mourning Cloak.

A herd of 9 deer grazed near the power poles on the west ridge, and a herd
of 12 grazed near Cabrini.

Spring Beauties were in full bloom as was the small yellow mustard.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a great raptor day with many raptors migrating
ahead of the next snow storm. 

Report submitted by Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (jeff.bi...@rmbo.org)
Dinosaur Ridge information may be found at:

Site Description:
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawkwatch in Colorado and is
the best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Dinosaur
Ridge may be the best place in the country to see the rare dark morph of
the Broad-winged Hawk (a few are seen each spring). Hawkwatchers who linger
long enough may see resident Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and Prairie

[cobirds] Roaring Fork Birds, Friday

2014-04-11 Thread Dick Filby
Hi all


Spent some time birding with friends Jon and Robbie from the UK today as the
blistering heat continues  (well blistering for April 11th up here ! ) with
temps up to 75 degrees


Snowmass Village (Pitkin County) had Evening Grosbeaks, Cassin's Finches,
Fox Sparrow, Red-naped Sapsucker, but no Rosy Finches to be found. 


The Frying Pan River near Basalt (Eagle Cty) had a beautiful pair of
Barrow's Goldeneyes, and another singing Fox Sparrow, a distant Goshawk and
five Bighorn Sheep. Two Ospreys were at the nest at the old Emma Store by
hwy82 in Basalt.  Spring Park reservoir above El Jebel, now 90% ice free,
hosted hundreds of ducks including scores of Barrow's Goldeneyes (over 100),
several Ring-billed Gulls, but no sign of the Franklin's Gulls that Tom
McConnell saw this morning. Three small peeps were distantly with some
Killdeer at the north end this evening, but I did not identify them to
species in the fading light.


At home (Carbondale, Garfield Cty) the first winter Harris's Sparrow is
still here and now singing daily and starting to molt into adult plumage. Up
to three Lincoln's Sparrows persist, and up to 25 Pinyon Jays are visiting
occasionally throughout the day. Nearby there's been up to 170 Barrow's
Goldeneyes (last Friday) on Coryell Ranch ponds (private), presumably the
birds that have now moved up to Spring Park reservoir. The Bald Eagles at
Aspen Glen have three eaglets now visible in the nest. 


Good birding all


Dick Filby

Carbondale, Garfield Cty


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[cobirds] Aiken Audubon Society, Colorado Springs - Program: Eric Eaton, Beyond Birds: The Rewards of Bugwatching

2014-04-11 Thread birdingspacepig

April 11, 2014

Please join Aiken Audubon Society for our next program.

When: Wednesday, April 16
Time:  Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for socializing; program begins at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Colorado Parks & Wildlife (formerly Division of Wildlife), 4255 Sinton 
Road, Colorado Springs, 80907 - Please use the entrance at the rear of the 
building (classroom entrance)

Program: Eric Eaton - Beyond Birds: The Rewards of Bugwatching

Insects are wildlife, too! We may consider most insects to be garden-eating, 
garbage-infesting, blood-sucking pests, but the truth is the overwhelming 
majority are vital to our lives, and the cornerstones of healthy habitats. 
While we have traditionally neglected to look at insects the way we watch  
birds, that culture is changing. Butterflies, dragonflies, and even tiger 
beetles are rising in popularity among naturalists. Sure, there are barriers to 
“bugwatching,” like needing different equipment, and changing one’s search 
image, but the rewards are well worth the effort and minor inconvenience. 
Insects are beautiful, diverse, and the chances of making new discoveries about 
them is vastly greater than it is with any other organism. Please join us for a 
rare look at some of Colorado’s most watchable “bugs,” and an entertaining 

Eric R. Eaton is principal author of the Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of 
North America. He has also been published in Birds & Blooms, Ranger Rick, 
Missouri Conservationist, Orion, and other popular journals. He will have books 
available for purchase and will sign them too!

Hope to see some of you on Wednesday!

Christine A. Bucher
President, Aiken Audubon Society
Colorado Springs, Colorado 

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[cobirds] Timnath Reservoir (LARIMER) - Clark's Grebe and other goodies

2014-04-11 Thread John Shenot
At 5pm today there were hundreds of Ruddy Ducks and Western Grebes on
Timnath Reservoir. I also spotted 1 Clark's Grebe, 4 Red-breasted
Mergansers, about 45 Franklin's Gulls, and a couple dozen more common

John Shenot
Fort Collins, CO

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[cobirds] White-winged Dove, Gunbarrel, Boulder

2014-04-11 Thread Nathan Pieplow
Hi all,

There was a White-winged Dove singing just now at the northwest corner of
the Gunbarrel Commons Park, two blocks east of Spine along White Rock
Circle in Gunbarrel, Boulder.  This is pretty much the same spot where 1-2
males have been on territory for the past several summers, but I haven't
seen or heard the species around my house (about 2 blocks away) since last
August or so.

Nathan Pieplow

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[cobirds] Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Teller County

2014-04-11 Thread Jeff J Jones
This afternoon at about 4:30pm, I had a broad-tailed hummingbird stream past
me on my deck; high-tailing it to the east as far as I could tell.


Also new (FOS) today, for me, in Teller County were Turkey Vulture and Tree


Jeff J Jones

(  jjo...@jonestc.com)

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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[cobirds] Chico today , Sparrows and Buntings .

2014-04-11 Thread John D

CO birders :

Some new arrivals today at Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) . In El Paso 
County at banding station 2 Hermit Thrushes , at a cholla grassland location , 
Northern Mockingbird , 5 Sage Thrashers , Curve-billed Thrasher , 2 Lark 
Buntings ( imm males ? , photographed ) , Vesper Sparrow , 10 Brewer's Sparrow 
( singing /display flight ) , no Cassin's Sparrow yet.

 In Pueblo county , HQ had Yellow-headed Blackbird and Audubon's Warbler , at a 
prairie dog colony south of the May Camp turnoff , 6 Burrowing Owls but no 
Mountain Plover and more Brewer's Sparrows. 

Just north of Hanover School ( back in El Paso County ) a pair of Swainson's 
Hawk were nest building alongside Peyton Highway.

Still good numbers of waterfowl on HQ Lake , Rose Pond and Upper Twin Ponds . 

John Drummond

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[cobirds] E. Phoebe, Larimer County, has his Sweetheart

2014-04-11 Thread Elaine Coley

Hi All,
The Eastern Phoebe by the diversion dam on the Loveland Rec. Trail has company now!   We're so glad to see them back.  Same as last year, the 2nd to arrive has a belly a bit more yellowish.  Also on the trail this morning were a pair of Common Mergansers preening and resting at the base of a new (since the flood) stump on the Yard Waste Pond just SW of Marker 2.
Last evening I had a Swamp Sparrow under the dogwood bush on the North side of my house.  This is only the 2nd Swamp Sparrow I've seen along here in 17 years.
The White-throated Sparrow is still here since mid November and, much to my disappointment, hasn't been singing.
Elaine Coley, Loveland

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[cobirds] Re: Chestnut-collared Longspur/Nunn

2014-04-11 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Just heard back from USDA/ARS regarding CPER sign previously mentioned ... 
enter at your own risk with CPER provided permission ... :-) 

The permit gives you permission to enter.

*Ann Heckart*

USDA-ARS|Rangeland Resources Research Unit|High Plains Grasslands Research 

8408 Hildreth Road|Cheyenne  WY  82009

On Friday, April 11, 2014 10:02:46 AM UTC-6, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
> This morning in our yard we had a "Yellow-shafted" Northern Flicker.  I 
> walked Weld CR 114/85 SE corner and had four visual sightings of 
> Chestnut-collared and 3+ audio out in the far fields.  Dover Reservoir had 
> Golden Eagle and American Crow (rare for Nunn).  Crom Lake had lots of 
> usual birds (American Avocet, Greater Yellowlegs, all kinds of ducks with 
> an impressive 34 Green-winged Teal.  I had a Brewer's Sparrow at WCR 86/31.
> You need a USDA permit to enter the Chestnut-collared site.  I am leading 
> Boulder County Audubon trip (
> http://coloradobirder.ning.com/events/is-it-spring-yet) next Saturday 
> there if you are interested in attending and seeing possible Chestnuts - 
> http://coloradobirder.ning.com/events/is-it-spring-yet.  There is a CPER 
> sign on gate that directs folks to building two miles to east to ask for 
> permission to enter--I'm asking USDA/ARS if that local sign aligns with 
> their required permit policy.
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
> http://coloradobirder.ning.com/
> Mobile:  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m

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[cobirds] Chestnut-collared Longspur/Nunn

2014-04-11 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
This morning in our yard we had a "Yellow-shafted" Northern Flicker.  I 
walked Weld CR 114/85 SE corner and had four visual sightings of 
Chestnut-collared and 3+ audio out in the far fields.  Dover Reservoir had 
Golden Eagle and American Crow (rare for Nunn).  Crom Lake had lots of 
usual birds (American Avocet, Greater Yellowlegs, all kinds of ducks with 
an impressive 34 Green-winged Teal.  I had a Brewer's Sparrow at WCR 86/31.

You need a USDA permit to enter the Chestnut-collared site.  I am leading 
Boulder County Audubon trip 
(http://coloradobirder.ning.com/events/is-it-spring-yet) next Saturday 
there if you are interested in attending and seeing possible Chestnuts - 
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/events/is-it-spring-yet.  There is a CPER 
sign on gate that directs folks to building two miles to east to ask for 
permission to enter--I'm asking USDA/ARS if that local sign aligns with 
their required permit policy.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
Mobile:  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m

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[cobirds] Northern Cardinal, Boulder

2014-04-11 Thread Christian Nunes
Speaking of continuing rare birds, the NORTHERN CARDINAL that has been 
frequenting the gully near the west end of Hawthorn Dr was singing away 
yesterday evening. After parking at the end of Hawthorn, I hiked up the trail 
about 100 yards to the fork. The bird was downhill from there in some dense 
trees and shrubs between some houses. I was standing under the power lines for 
another point of reference. 

Christian NunesBoulder, CO


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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 11 April 2014

2014-04-11 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date: April 11, 2014
email: rba AT cfobirds.org
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Friday, April 11, 2014, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report).

Barrow's Goldeneye (Denver, El Paso, *Park)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Denver)
Broad-winged Hawk (Larimer)
White-winged Dove (El Paso, Pueblo)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (*Park)
Eastern Phoebe (*Boulder, Douglas, El Paso, Larimer)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Black-and-white Warbler (Prowers)
Black-throated Sparrow (Summit)
Fox Sparrow (Jefferson)
Harris's Sparrow (Garfield, Jefferson)
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (*Boulder, Jefferson)
Rusty Blackbird (Adams, Boulder)

--A f Rusty Blackbird was reported by Knight at Barr Lake SP at the end of
the Niedrach Trail on April 2.

--Severs reported that the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW continues at the Teller
Parking lot by the windbreak on March 27.  On April 2, Birchmeier reported
that the Boulder Bird Club saw the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW by the Teller
Farm Parking lot in the juniper windbreak.  On April 10, Waltman reported
that the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW continues at the windbreak by the Teller
Farm Parking Lot.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Starace at Walden/Sawhill Ponds in
Boulder on April 7.
--An ad m YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported by Dowell in lower Skunk
Canyon near the fence line between NOAA propery and neighborhood along
Dartmouth Ave in Boulder on April 8.
--A singing male Rusty Blackbird was reported by Dowell at Walden/Sawhill
in Boulder on April 9.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Waltman on the CU East Campus in
Boulder on April 10.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Rurik at Marston Reservoir on
March 29.  A 1-st cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Suddjian at
Marston in the NW corner on April 1.  On April 5, Suddjian reported a 1-st
cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull at Marston Reservoir in the NW corner.
--A pair of Barrow's Goldeneyes was reported by Hundertmark at Denver City
Park on the DFO field trip on April 4.

--A singing Eastern Phoebe was reported by Kibbe at Chafield SP on March
28.  It was singing in a tree adjacent to "Phoebe Bridge" over Plum Creek.
 On April 7, Suddjian reported the singing Eastern Phoebe at Plum Creek on
the east side of the picnic area.

A Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Driscoll on the Doubletree Pond in
Colorado Springs on April 3.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Goff below the dam at Big Johnson on
Goldfield Rd on April 4.
--Curve-billed Thrashers were reported by Leppek off of Birdsall Road on
April 4.
--A White-winged Dove was reported by Farese at Fountain Creek RP near the
Nature Center on April 6.

--Dick Filby reports that his yard Harris's Sparrow continues on April 2 in
Carbondale.  E-mail him at dickfilby AT hotmail.com if you would like to
see the bird.

--A Harris's Sparrow was reported by Suddjian at Massey Draw on April 4.
--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow and GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW were reported by
Henwood at Red Rocks Trading Post on April 5.  Chavez reported that the
Slate-colored Fox Sparrow continues at the Red Rocks Trading Post on April

--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Evers on the Loveland Recreation Trail
near the dam on the Big Thompson on April 3.
--A Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Zabel soaring over the Environmental
Learning Center and Cottonwood Natural Area of Fort Collins on April 8.

--A m Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Severs at Lamar Community
College Woods on April 7.

--An American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Suddjian outside of
Alma on CR 8 on April 8.
--2 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Suddjian at Eleven Mile Reservoir
on April 8.

--On April 4, Oberbeck reported that her uncle in Silverthorne has a
Black-throated Sparrow visiting his feeders.
Birders are welcome to try to see the bird at 604 Willowbrook Rd as long as
you do NOT park in the driveway and
do NOT bother the dogs.  The feeders are in the front yard.

--A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported by Mlodinow at a shelterbelt on
CR 51 & US 385 on April 5.  The shelterbelt is along CR51 to the east of US

DFO Field Trips
The DFO field trip for Saturday, April 12 will be to Red Rocks and Bear
Creek Lake Parks led by Bob Shade (303-975-2476; cell 720-256-4376).  Easy
trip.  Focus: Nesting activity of Peregrine and Prairie Falco