[cobirds] Gray Flycatcher Boulder

2011-04-30 Thread Nick Moore
Just a few minutes ago I found a tail dipping Gray Flycatcher below the CU 
stadium. The bird was working the hillside just west of the stadium. Also many 
Yellow-rumped Warblers of both species. Good birding. 

Nick Moore 
Living on the CU campus

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[cobirds] Poss. Louisiana Waterthrush El Paso

2011-05-18 Thread nick moore
Today around ten I observed an interesting Waterthrush at the Hason part of
Fountain Creek Regional Park. I have no previous experience with Louisiana
Waterthrush but I believe there was one with a Northern Waterthrush in the
southern pond (where the Eastern Wood-Pewee was found earlier in the week).
The bird struck me as obviously more white than the near by NOWA. The legs
were pink and depending on the light looked quite bright at times. The
supercilium was clean white except perhaps buffy in front of the eye. The
shape of the supercilium was a solid line perhaps more thick at the rear.
Also the bird had a clean white throat. Feedback on the bird would be
appreciated and photos can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdhjuw/
The bird was skulking around the south end of the pond. I did not see the
Black-and-White Warbler or the Parula previously reported.

Nick Moore
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Western Gull Relocated

2011-06-08 Thread Nick Moore
As I got off the plane from my week long trip to mexico the first alert on my 
phone was a voicemail from Joey Kellner. Frantically I got on CObirds and saw 
that the gull was not seen yesterday but I went after it anyway and luck was on 
my side. The bird was on the sand spit at the plum creek delta around three 
today. I got some great photos that I will put up on my flickr once I get back 
home. Thanks to everyone who reported on the bird. 

Nick Moore
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Clear Creek and Summit Counties (White-winged Dove)

2011-07-31 Thread Nick Moore
Today I birded around summit county and back down to Boulder. At the
Alfred M. Bailey bird nesting area I was able to find a Three-toed
Woodpecker about a mile up the trail. That area is really birdy and
pretty, definitely worth a trip.
On the way to Boulder I stopped at Georgetown and Idaho Springs. The
Rufous-collared Sparrow put in an appearance. I haven't heard of any
one seeing this bird for a while. The bird was at the same area as
previously reported. In Idaho Springs I found the White-winged Dove
reported on Colorado Birders. I found the dove in the alley on the
south side of the 1000 block of Virginia St. All in all I got to see
five dove/pigeon species in a day of birding which was nice for a day
of mountain birding.

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[cobirds] Chestnut-sided Warbler, Clear Creek

2011-09-02 Thread Nick Moore
On my way to Breckenridge today at about three I birded around Georgetown. At 
the end of the street just just east of the pink Rufous-collared Sparrow house 
there were around fourty warblers foraging, most were Wilson's with some 
Yellow-rumps, one Orange-crowned, one Townsend's, and the best bird was a fall 
plumaged Chestnut-sided Warbler. 
I plan on birding more today and will post if anything else of note is found. 
Good birding!

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Surf Scoter (El Paso) Pacific Loon (Arapahoe)

2011-10-25 Thread Nick Moore
On my way back to boulder today I birded Big Johnson and Cherry Creek 
Reservoirs. Highlights were a single female/immature Surf Scoter at Big Johnson 
and just thirty minutes ago from the west side of Cherry Creek Res there was a 
Pacific Loon amoung the many Western Grebes. Viewing was difficult due to wind 
and distance and now that I am on the other side of the reservoir I can't 
relocate the bird. The bird was in the middle of the res and did not dive as I 
watched it for around 20 minutes. Hopefully others can find the bird. Good 

Nick Moore
Boulder, CO

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[cobirds] Sedgwick and Phillips counties (Wood Thrush)

2011-11-18 Thread Nick Moore
Myself, Lisa Edwards, John Drummond, and Brandon Percival started out the today 
successfully finding the Common Ground-Dove at the previously described 
location. Next we headed south to Holyoke. At the small fishing pond east of 
town we found a male Rusty Blackbird in the ditch along the pond. Next we 
headed to the cemetery where we relocated the female Hooded Warbler. No 
crossbills were found as we searched the pine trees in town. Our next stop was 
Haxton. At the sewer ponds we found Snow, Cackling and Greater White-fronted 
Geese along with many mallards and Canvasback and Common Goldeneye. The small 
park in  town produced even more birds. A Merlin was the first bird we found. 
Then on the south edge of the park we found a Golden-crowned Kinglet, a 
Northern Parula, and a Wood Thrush! We will be birding our way back to the 
front range for the rest of the day and will report if more rarities are found. 

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Snowy Owls not seen today (Adams)

2012-01-09 Thread Nick Moore
Hopefully the Snowy Owls seen previously near Barr Lake will be seen again, but 
despite being in the area for almost the full day (11 to sundown) and giving my 
phone number to the many driving back roads, I could not find a Snowy Owl. 
Raptors were impressive with multiple Ferrugenous Hawks, Prairie Falcons and 
Rough-legs. I spent the afternoon at Barr Lake and found a single Ross' Goose 
and a single Snow Goose but not much else. No Snowies were seen as the sun went 
down. Good luck to any who try for the owls tomorrow. 

Nick Moore
Boulder CO

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[cobirds] Boulder Summer Tanager

2012-05-08 Thread Nick Moore
Just now at CU East campus along boulder creek I had an adult female summer 
tanager and a male and female rose-breasted grosbeak. It's pretty birdy today. 

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Boulder Black-throated Gray Warbler

2012-05-10 Thread Nick Moore
I spent about an hour at CU East campus today, after finishing my last final of 
the semester earlier this morning, and it was very slow. A nice mix of swallows 
and a single chimney swift, I had twenty plus two days ago at the same 
location, were about the only migrants until I heard an unfamiliar warbler 
song. It turned out to be a nice male Black-throated Gray although it was 
singing about as quietly as possible. The bird was in a large cottonwood by the 
track. I ended the outing with just two warbler individuals! The other being an 
"Audubon's" Warbler. With such a quiet day it makes me wonder where all the 
migrants are? 

Nick Moore 
Boulder, CO

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[cobirds] Mountain Birding (Teller, Park and Summit)

2012-05-21 Thread Nick Moore
For a change of pace I went into the mountains for some birding today. 
Manitou Lake in Teller was enjoyable as always with winnowing snipe and a nice 
assortment of dabblers. I missed the Night-Herons and didn't have many 
migrants. I did flush three shorebirds that left the area, two looked like 
phalarope in flight. 
I stopped by my family's cabin we used to own off of CR 92 near 11 mile res and 
in some steamside willows flushed a female LARK BUNTING, a good bird in the 
While driving along 11 mile I found a great looking MCCOWN'S LONGSPUR on a 
fence post. Ebird shows no records for anywhere in the mountains and it is not 
listed in the county checklist. Other prairie birds nest in south park could 
this bird be attempting to nest? I did not see or hear a second bird. 
A few ponds between Spinney Res and Hartsel held many Avocet and both 
Red-necked and Wilson's Phalarope. 
Antero was pretty slow although heat waves stopped me from seeing much of the 
shoreline. Seeing the hundreds of breeding Pelican was fun however. 
Finally some stops around Dillon Res (Summit) produced almost no birds. At a 
small trail into the willows in Frisco I did find Savannah Sparrow and a LARK 
SPARROW not sure how rare lark sparrows are at this elevation but I've never 
seen them in the area. 
All in all a fun day with great weather and good day for plains birds in the 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Possible Blue-headed Vireo Boulder

2012-10-11 Thread Nick Moore
Today walking to my car to go to school I heard a warbler chip in the parking 
lot while searching for it a Cassin's/Blue-headed Vireo jumped into my view. 
Although not as bright as BHVI I have seen in the past the birds head 
contrasted with the green back had clean yellow flanks and a clear throat. The 
was in the parking lot of Glenlake apartments at 2925 Glenwood Dr in the 
furthest west parking lot near the swimming pool. I am late for class but would 
appreciate someone taking a look. Warblers are everywhere today!

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Mountain Lakes on Saturday

2012-11-10 Thread nick moore
I did a tour of lakes in the mountains today braving the ominous weather
Spinney Res and 11 Mile were downright boring no scoters and very low duck
diversity. Although I may have missed a lot as most ducks were very far
away and Spinney was very windy. I did have a group of ~15 American Tree
Sparrows at 11 mile.

Buena Vista however was a real treat I had six corvids species including a
group of 50+ Pinon Jays, Lewis Woodpecker in town and Ice Lake had twice as
many duck species as Spinney and 11 mile combined. This included two
White-winged Scoters and around 20 Barrow's Goldeneye, also a few more Tree
Sparrows. Not many places where I can have that bird list.

Clear Creek Res had nothing exciting but over 200 individual birds far more
than I have seen in the past.

Nearby Lake County was much less exciting just a few Barrow's on Mt. Elbert

Dillon Res was had few birds and has a very low water level. The best birds
were a female Red-breasted Merganser and a few Barrow's Goldeneye. Green
Mountain Res had a grand total of eight individual ducks.

All in all a pleasant day in the mountains with all the roads being snow
free (excepting Mt. Elbert Forebay) and all lakes being ice free.

Nick Moore
Boulder CO

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[cobirds] Weld and Broomfield counties today

2012-12-22 Thread Nick Moore
I spent the better part of the day wandering easy of Boulder today. Nothing too 
Union Res was almost totally frozen a small hole held a Red-breasted Merganser. 
A Swamp Sparrow was in the large marsh area. 
The ponds in front of St. Vrain State Park were mostly frozen nothing unusual. 
The Firestone gravel pits were all frozen. 
At Frederick Reservoir there were an amazing number of geese certainly in the 
thousands almost all richardson's cacklers with four Snow and one Ross's Goose. 
This is a great place to see the variation in white-cheeked geese. 
Finally I went to see the gulls at Anthem Ranch in Broomfield which was mostly 
ice free. Diversity was low but there were hundreds of gulls. A lingering 
California Gull, around ten Herring and about four Thayer's Gulls they were 
moving about so numbers were very frustrating. Hopefully more gulls will start 
coming in from up north. 
Good birding!

Nick Moore
Boulder CO 

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[cobirds] Weld Hudsonian Godwit Continues

2013-05-23 Thread Nick Moore
In the large pond near lower Latham. 
Nick Moore
Currently at lower Latham 

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[cobirds] Boulder Res this evening, Boulder County

2013-09-29 Thread Nick Moore
I took a quick stop at boulder res just now looking from the south. A juv 
Sabine's Gull is present as well as three terns. One was an especially good 
Arctic Tern candidate and would be worth a look tomorrow. Unfortunately it was 
feeding very far from me. But had a more bouncy flight than the other terns. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Boulder Little Gull Yes

2013-11-01 Thread Nick Moore
The LIGU continues this afternoon at Terry Lake. No other birds of note at Ish 

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Boulder and Larimer this afternoon

2013-11-08 Thread Nick Moore
Just a few stops today after classes. After the Bay-breasted Warbler I went to 
Dodd Reservoir which hosted many Cackling/lesser Canada Geese, 4 Snows and one 
Snow x Canada hybrid. 
Terry Lake held many Bonapartes Gulls and my first Common Goldeneyes this fall. 
After a half hour of scanning a PACIFIC LOON and the juv LITTLE GULL appeared 
before both disappeared into parts of the lake I couldn't see. 
Finally I chased the Brant in Loveland. Which was NOT present in my hour or so 
long search. 
Good birding. 

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Boulder Pacific Wren

2014-01-23 Thread Nick Moore
The wren continues though is near invisible today and not calling instead 
playing mouse. I got very lucky to have a brief view. Apologies to the two 
birders around. I couldn't find you guys after I got on the bird. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Boulder Rusty Backbirds

2014-02-28 Thread Nick Moore
I'm currently looking at three Rusty Blackbirds at Walden ponds in a marshy 
area north of a trail at the most southwest lake in sawhill ponds. The pond has 
osprey platforms. Also in the area dipper, cinnamon teal, and a nice comparison 
of eastern and montane white-breasted nuthatch. A great day so far. 
Note the RUBL are currently invisible in some reeds. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Boulder Birds

2014-04-12 Thread Nick Moore
CU East Campus has started to attract some land migrants. The last few days
have had Lincoln's Sparrows, Yellow-rumped Warblers and an Eastern Phoebe.
Today I had a Barn Swallow and a early Chipping Sparrow.
Boulder Res. is very high so I have concentrated on Baseline Reservoir.
Earlier today I thought I had two Mexican Duck. In better light this
afternoon I failed to refind the female and the male had a white tail and
broad white bars on the wings. Still a Mexican x Mallard is a good bird.

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] NW Colorado Sat-Sun

2014-04-21 Thread Nick Moore
I had a great weekend in the mountains looking for grouse.

On Saturday, my first birding spot was the Silverthorne WTP there were no
Barrow's but a female WOOD DUCK is a good bird up there. Some waterbirds
around Kremmling and Wolford Mountain Reservoir (Grand) though nothing of
note, and mostly ice free. Sandhilll cranes were common all day.

Lake Catamount (Routt) was some of the best birding all day. SAVANNAH
SPARROWs sang from the wet fields, lots of habitat but no shorebirds. The
lake was filled with a large number of ducks, notably 30-40 BARROW'S
GOLDENEYE. The lake was only 20% ice free. The road to Craig held more
ducks and cranes.

The Craig area (Moffat) produced a few good birds. Loudy-Simpson Park and
ponds on the golf course road had the most waterfowl, Marsh Wrens sang from
the reeds along with Yellow-headed Blackbirds. My best birds were in
difficult to view areas. Gravel Ponds South of town on 13 had a flyby
MARBLED GODWIT and the Yampa River nearby had 7 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE. Driving
into town from the west on Hwy 40 some more gravel ponds can be very
distantly viewed from the welcome to Craig sign. These ponds had Pelicans,
a few gulls and two GREAT EGRET, frustrating there is no better view point.
At Elkhead Reservoir I had 14! COMMON LOON, which seemed to be a crazy
number, but little else.

I heard and saw Sharp-tailed Grouse at the Twenty Mile Road lek (Routt)at
sunset and had a BOREAL OWL on Rabbit Ears Pass.

On Saturday I saw Sage-Grouse at the lek near Coalmont. Everywhere in
Jackson County was covered in waterfowl of the expected species. Two
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK are getting late. The town of Walden was not birdy but
had some Evening Grosbeak. The Reservoir was 90% frozen but still had duck
large numbers of California Gulls and Cormorants, also Franklin's,
Bonaparte's and Herring Gull.

A second go at Kremmling produced a female GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE but little
else. I ended the day with my first humming bird on Floyd Hill.

All in all tons of fun with more non-grouse fun than I expected. 102
species in two days. Directions to all birding spots are on the county
birding website.

Nick Moore


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[cobirds] Front Range Birds (Denver Metro, Boulder)

2014-05-11 Thread Nick Moore
Some late postings, CU East Campus has remained productive. Before the
storm I had Least Flycatchers, American Redstart, Black-throated Gray
Warbler, and Northern Parula in the last week. As well as nice number of
things like Wilson's, and Orange-crowned  Warbler around.

Today was exciting all around. At a small school playground near Berkley
Park in Denver several hundred Chipping Sparrows with a few Lark Sparrows
and a Lark Bunting was a sample of the numbers of grounded migrants today.

At Marston Res. I had terrible visibility but could see a few shorebirds,
best being BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. I missed the RUTU.

Some land birding spots were hit or miss, Main Reservoir was productive,
nothing rare, and Wheatridge Greenbelt was poor. A empty lot in Arvada had
a huge group of field birds, I was shocked to find over a hundred American
Pipits, also more Lark Buntings and a Peregrine Falcon rocketed by. Crazy
day out there.

At the railroad crossing west of the road to Sterns Lake (Boulder) was a
flock of around 120 White-faced Ibis, 2 GLOSSY IBIS, and one hybrid. My
photos of the hybrid make it look like a pure bird, so a note of caution to
used multiple ID marks for dark Ibis. The fields near Sterns lake are
flooded and a flock of Dowitchers were there, and guess what more Lark

The shorebird spot on 109th was a wild stop. I didn't scrutinize the
Short-billed Dowitcher reported by Floyd and Nunes. Distracted by the nice
GRAY FLYCATCHER, I'm glad others got to see it. I picked up the BLACK
PHEOBE by looking around the 287 bridge over Boulder Creek.

Finally I checked Baseline Reservoir and had group of 6 SANDERLING and a
Western Sandpiper.

Crazy day with birds everywhere, sparrows were most common, but I did not
bird many treed areas.

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[cobirds] Boulder Yellow-throated Warbler

2014-05-22 Thread Nick Moore
Right now. South of the small bridge. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Boulder YTWA

2014-05-22 Thread Nick Moore
Apologies. At CU East Campus. 


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[cobirds] Least Bittern, Montezuma

2014-06-05 Thread Nick Moore
I'm not a member of the west slope group (forward if possible), but also of 
interest to the front range is a calling pair of Least Bitterns audio recorded 
from Denny Lake Park in Cortez. I had them at the small fishing pier. 

Good birding
Nick Moore 
Currently in Cortez, CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake Today (Adams)

2015-01-22 Thread Nick Moore
After Alec Hopping's report I headed out to Barr Lake this morning and had
a nice time. The vast majority of the water is frozen but openings remain.
The number of birds around sunrise was amazing, but gull and geese numbers
dropped drastically as the day warmed up.

A small ice hole near the boat launch had a good number of large gulls
including a first year Thayer's. This was a nice place for point blank
views. The biggest hole in the ice is best viewed from the banding station.
It held a Ross's x Cackling Goose, over forty Herring gulls and a Lesser
Black-backed Gull. As the morning steam lifted the gull number began to
drop. By the time I made the long walk to the opening in the south west
corner of the res the majority of gulls had left and right before I got to
look at the geese about half the flock left to leave. I still found a group
of 28 Snow and 8 Ross's Goose and a single Greater White-fronted Goose. The
flock of dabblers held one male Mexican Duck integrade. The first I've seen
showing some of the greenish mallard head color.

Overall a fun day and worth checking as good birds could easily still be
hiding out there.

Nick Moore
Boulder CO

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[cobirds] Recent Boulder County Rarity Roundup

2016-07-16 Thread Nick Moore
Yesterday I saw the Little Blue Heron in Longmont as reported by others.
Afterwards as I came home I saw a flock of *72!* Black-billed Magpies
forming a massive flock on the roof of a nearby apartment building. I've
never seen so many together. They swirled around for a few minutes with
several flock joining and then left. All this happened in under five
minutes, bizarre.

Today I hiked Ouzel Falls and heard the singing *Pacific Wren*. It was hard
to hear from the trail (all credit to my girlfriend Kat, who standing next
to me could hear the bird when I couldn't). It was south of the trail and
only signing sporadically.

If you want audio check out:

Good birding,

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Boulder Snowy Plover

2017-04-01 Thread Nick Moore
Bird is showing again. On the small island at times sitting down and becoming 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Central plains today- Piping Plover (Lincoln)

2017-05-04 Thread Nick Moore
Today I did a wrap around a few plains counties; Kit Carson, Cheyenne and 

Starting at Flagler SWA I found land birds to be lacking in general. The most 
common migrants were Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Spotted Towhee. There is not 
much water remaining but a good number of ducks were hanging around not much 
room for shorebirds and none were present. The best bird was a GRAY FLYCATCHER 
in the cottonwood south along the stream bed. 

The town of Flagler had nothing of note. 

I poked around a few areas in Burlington and found just a few migrants. Best 
were three Broad-winged Hawks. The sewage treatment ponds were fun with both 
phalaropes, ducks and a smattering of shorebirds. 

Attempts at finding any open water in Cheyenne county were unsuccessful. The 
sewage ponds in Cheyenne Wells had a new no trespassing sign. I had to work to 
get a view and wasn't rewarded my more than Blue-winged Teal and a Ring-necked 

I ended the day at Shaffer Reservoir in extreme eastern Lincoln county. It was 
the best of the day. Plenty of peeps, Marbled Godwit, a WHIMBREL, and a PIPING 
PLOVER.  Best I can do is say find my eBird report for directions it may be in 
the County birding site as well. 

In all the warm weather and a few good birds kept me happy. 

Nick Moore
Currently in La Junta for the night. 

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[cobirds] Baird's Sparrows, Larimer

2017-05-27 Thread Nick Moore
The Baird's Sparrows have returned to Soapstone Prairie, I followed a
recent eBird report to the area. About one half mile north of the Pronghorn
Loop and Plover Trail intersection (same as last year). I came up with a
tally of five birds, despite a little wind, and some of the birds were far
enough off trail to be hard to hear.

Also, a word to the wise, late May brings the arrival of juvenile Horned
Larks. It can be all too easy to turn them into all sorts of species,
including a certain pipit which migrates in late April-early May.

Nick Moore
Boulder, CO

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[cobirds] Yellow-throated Warbler, Boulder

2017-10-27 Thread Nick Moore
Seen by the Kittredge ponds, bird was calling frequently.

Searching for Kittredge Loop Drive should get you there if you don’t know the 
area I’m talking about. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] NE Colorado today

2017-11-09 Thread Nick Moore
I spent the day out east today to find mountain birds out on the plains and 
also hit the big reservoirs. 

A unscheduled stop in Juesburg for gas was the best mistake of the day as I 
Birding Juesburg Cemetery. It was filled with robins, waxwings and solitaires 
literally dropping out of the sky. A flock of 30 or so crossbills (type 2) was 
the highlight. 

Jumbo Reservoir had the most waterbirds by far. Common loons were popping up 
everywhere on the Sedgwick side (12 at least). Along with good number of common 
ducks. A late Sanderling was patrolling a thin strip of shoreline. Two Surf 
Scoters were my only Scoter action of the day. White geese were steaming in all 
morning to make quite a sight. 

I had never birded Sterling proper but found plenty of cone laden pines with 
zero birds in them. The cemetery south of town had a golden-crowned kinglet. 

Prewitt Reservoir was almost birdless. Until you realized the far shore wasn’t 
covered in snow. Tens of thousands of white geese took up almost the whole 
length of shoreline!

There is a rather large cemetery in Ft. Morgan that has few pine trees, despite 
low hopes I found a Creeper (still looking at my photos I called it a montane 
bird in the field, now I’m not so sure) and two more type two Red Crossbills. 
It seems any pines this year could yield surprises. 

Jackson Reservoir was also lacking in water birds. A group of a few hundred 
white geese was present, but less than a hundred total ducks. Three mountain 
chickadees was a nice find around the visitor center. 

Overall a fun day mostly due to the huge numbers of geese. Red-breasted 
Nuthatches were omnipresent along with a higher number than I expect of 

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Black-throated Green Warbler Boulder

2017-12-23 Thread Nick Moore
I continue to find more rare warblers on my coffee walks in winter than eastern 
Colorado in spring this year. The bird is in a pine at 777 28th street. Right 
in front of the sign for that office building. Look for two picnic tables at 
the intersection of 29th and 28th frontage road. 

Near the best western for reference. Parking available on the street (rarer 
than the bird here). 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] BTGW correction

2017-12-23 Thread Nick Moore
777 29th street is the correct address. The dangers of posting from the field!


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[cobirds] Zone-tailed Hawk and Painted Bunting Continue

2018-08-11 Thread Nick Moore
Just had a flyby from the young ZTHA at higbee valley road 3.5 miles in. Right 
where I had three PABU early. Adult male, female and a juv. More to follow. 

Nick Moore
Higbee currently

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[cobirds] Tropical Kingbird continues as of 5 PM

2018-10-07 Thread Nick Moore
N side of the RV place. 

Nick moore 

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[cobirds] PFGO

2018-12-15 Thread Nick Moore
The goose is being seen as of 12:30 at Frederick Reservoir. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Weld County Today

2015-03-16 Thread Nick Moore
I took a rather easy day wandering around the Greely area today. Water it's 
number were decent and ring-billed gulls were around in very high numbers but 
many winter species, like Herring Gull were difficult to find. 

The lower Latham area had thousands of ring-billed gulls between behren's 
reservoir and and lower Latham itself. Pintail, green-winged teal and redhead 
were best represented. A very good number of Canada and Cackling geese remain. 
Two Greater White-fronted Geese were at Loloff. The best bird was a female 
Mexican x Mallard also at Loloff. My only Herring gull of the day was at Lower 
Latham in flight. 

Eaton and Evans Cemetery had little diversity but both had Brown Creeper and 
Eaton had a single Golden-crowned Kinglet. 

Wind hit me at Wood's Lake and a huge number of purely ring-billed gulls and 
good number of ducks were around there and a Windsor lake. But the late 
afternoon heat waves and real waves led me to miss a lot. 

A nice day out in the sun. 

Nick Moore

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[cobirds] Boulder Pelican NO?

2016-04-26 Thread Nick Moore
I had almost no time but I took a very brief survey of Cottonwood marsh just 
now. I did not find the pelican. I would not be surprised if others manage to 
find it with more effort. I wanted to post for others in case they like me 
wanted to cram it into their schedule. 

Nick Moore 
Boulder CO

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[cobirds] Boulder Worm-eating Warbler

2016-05-02 Thread Nick Moore
Bird continues just past the footbridge under the new athletic facility. Or 
about where it was seen yesterday. 

Nick Moore 

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Another bird sound quiz

2020-06-20 Thread Nick Moore
I think I have to bite. To me the bird sounds like a lot of things but it never 
really sounds quite right for anything. So I think it is some kind of mimic. 
Heavily relying on location I think it is a Yellow-breasted Chat. They have 
fooled me more times than I’d like to admit and can make all sorts of strange 
noises. Usually they start their more normal song but Ted may well be keeping 
the full recording from us. I was about to guess Gray Catbird but chat seem 
more adept at making odd vocalizations. 

I once happily ticked a Cassin’s finch before realizing it was a Steller’s Jay, 
so I eagerly await the answer. Keep these coming Ted very fun. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] San Luis Valley Saturday

2020-08-09 Thread Nick Moore
I spent the day in the valley yesterday. Highlights: Earlyish Townsend’s 
Warbler at Old La Veta Pass (Costilla), Snowy Plover (4) at Blanca Wetlands 
(Alamosa), a real push of migrants towns and fields held pewees, grosbeaks, 
sapsuckers and Virginia’s Warblers. 

Question on the snowy plover what is their status in the valley. In old 
articles they breed in small numbers but there are basically no eBird reports 
in years. Do they still breed? I thought I had three young birds, very washed 
out plumage and fluffy, pretty distant to see too well. 

Started at Old La Veta Pass for some forest birds. The burn on the Heurfano 
side actually had more birds than the intact forest. Single Townsend’s Warbler 
and a feeling that birds were on the move. 

The towns of Fort Garland and Blanca both had migrant pewees, a Williamson’s 
Sapsucker, Black-headed Grosbeak and were very pleasant to bird. Blanca was 
swarming with Pine Siskin. Groups of a hundred or more at each feeder in town. 

Smith Reservoir had no shorebirds but phalarope. The small willows held 
migrants. Tons of common nighthawks in the sky. Would be a great place to try 
and find a lesser in the evening. A field of alfalfa was buzzing with mostly 
Calliope Hummingbirds and a few Rufous. 

Tried to bird Sego Springs SWA (Conejos) the ponds and Creek were dry so I 
moved on. The crisscrossing country roads were the best birding with migrant 
sparrows and a few other things scattered about. Nothing of note. 

Zipped to Blanca Wetlands. Their website said water levels were low and yes 
they were. If not for one pond my checklist would have had two Ring-bilked 
Gulls and that’s it for water birds. I saw no ducks?! Perhaps the levels were 
so low the water was too saline to support food for the birds? The first pond 
on the way in held a flock of 2/3rds Baird’s and the rest Western Sandpiper and 
a single Least. As well as the aforementioned Plovers. 

Rest of the day spent working my way north with much of the same. 

Beautiful first time birding in this area. Learned a lot about how to improve 
future routes and loved the scenery. 

Nick Moore 

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[cobirds] Nelson’s Sparrow Arapahoe

2020-09-25 Thread Nick Moore
Since this hadn’t hit this list yet. 

The bird continues. Now on the far side of the creek at pelican point. Cherry 
creek state park. 

Walk south along the shore. Bird was on the far side of the creek. Easy to 
wade. The bird was in the taller (~4 inch) grass in front of the willows. And 
as expected with the species acted like mouse not a bird. 

Nick Moore

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