RE: NSDictionary allValues not mutable

2010-10-10 Thread Jeff Laing
 Of course it is.  Suppose for a minute that [myMutableDictionary allValues]
 returned a mutable array.  That means that you could add to and remove from
 this array with impunity.
 Except... the objects in this array are supposed to have an associated key.

Um, no they aren't.  Arrays don't have keys.

What you are returned is an arbitrary array that was initially populated with 
all the objects in the dictionary.  There is no implied linkage back to the 

Adding another object to the dictionary is not going to make a new object 
appear in the array; why should adding an object in the array make it appear in 
the dictionary?

(Note, adding an object to the dictionary might make the *property* allValues 
return something different, but that's a different topic)

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RE: First trials in Cocoa app

2010-09-08 Thread Jeff Laing
  If that's not possible, how can I define a function that can reach the
 objects of my application? The ViewController is stored in the
 ApplicationDeletegate, but I can't find any reference to that object.

Ummm, is this really hard?

id MyAppDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];

Am I missing some subtlety here?

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RE: case-insensitive but case-ordered sort

2010-07-20 Thread Jeff Laing
 aAbBcCdDeEfF  .. etc with everything outside the letter space sorting
 'naturally' and coming after the letters (I actually don't care too much about
 the last bit honestly they can go where they like as long as it's outside the
 alphabet range).
 myClass   comes before
 MyClass   which comes before
 yourClass which comes before

I had to solve this for a different system (sadly, I can't share code) and the 
first problem you face is that you need to be more specific with your rules 
than what you have.  We sorted A before a, but have the following rules:

 * Aa
 * Ab   a
 * Ab   aa
 * Ab   ab
 * Ab   ad
 * Abc  ab

and it turned out that you can't compare one character at a time.  Sometimes 
you need to look further along the string to decide what your relative orders 

(Note, our compare also handled numerics inside the string as well. This was 
all complicated enormously because our users think that File-1  File-2 but 
-2  -1 ... think about it)

Our approach was to skip over ambiguous matches (ie, treat A==a) until 
you find a difference, or decide that the strings are the same.  If the tails 
are different, return that difference.  Otherwise return the difference in the 
*first* ambiguous match you found.


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RE: Private ivars, not marked as IBOutlet, visible in IB

2010-03-15 Thread Jeff Laing
 Not necessarily true. While you are free to specify a delegate as
 NSObject YourProtocol, it is not standard convention. The convention
 for delegates is:  idYourProtocol.

As I recall, sending variables of type idYourProtocol useful messages like 
retain and release generate a compiler warning, whereas NSObjectYourProtocol 
are fine.

I could be wrong on this, but I definitely recall thinking it was a stupid 
compiler behavior.

However, being totally anal, if you are going to document to the caller all the 
protocols that you require an object to respect, you should do it properly.  
Which probably means using idNSObject,YourProtocol - if you put it in a 
dictionary, you need NSCopying, etc.


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RE: Private ivars, not marked as IBOutlet, visible in IB

2010-03-15 Thread Jeff Laing
  I could be wrong on this, but I definitely recall thinking it was a
 stupid compiler behavior.
 This is because you didn't declare your protocol as extending the
 NSObject protocol. If you do something like this:
 @protocol MyProtocolNSObject
 Then you can call all the NSObject stuff without warning.

But my protocol only wanted to define the methods in my protocol - a nice clean 
Interface definition that's independent of all other definitions.  After all, 
Apple might add some non-optional methods to NSObject (ok, that's unlikely) 
that all objects implementing my protocol would suddenly fail to compile on.  

Objects could implement MyProtocol *without* implementing NSObject and still be 
completely useful functionality.  They just couldn't be used by code that has 
chosen to do *other* things to them as well.

To keep the discussion from descending into the foolishly abstract, consider 
NSCopying as the protocol instead.  If I want to let you know that the delegate 
will be stored in a dictionary, I would define the delegate as 
idMyProtocol,NSObject,NSCopying.  Would you seriously think it was a good 
style to declare @protocol MyProtocolNSObject,NSCopying ?

In my opinion, this is a case where interface definitions are being specified 
badly to get around an implementation problem.

Sure, the delegate they pass in will *probably* be a subclass of NSObject but 
its not a given, as far as the compiler is concerned.  If it must be, then 
declare it properly.

I don't think people understand that idNSObject,MyProtocol specifies a hell 
of a lot less than NSObjectMyProtocol - all the categories on class NSObject 
for a start.

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RE: Bison/Yacc with Objective-C ?

2010-03-09 Thread Jeff Laing
 I haven't tried it, so this might be nonsense, but I think that YACC
 simply copies the emitted code from the source file to the final C

Yacc has to parse the emitted code enough to be able to replace references to 
$$, $1, etc with the corresponding tokens from the recognized grammar element.  
for example, a grammar I have lying around contains:

enum_mulable:   enum_or_int
|   '(' enum_expr ')'   
{ $$ = $2; }

|   '-' INTEGER 
{ $$ = -$2; }
|   IDENT {
int value;
if (is_enum($1, value)) {
$$ = value;
} else {
lexerror_nl(%s is not a 
$$ = 0;

Yacc changes those $ expressions into references into its value stack.

Thus, Objective-C may trip it up, but then again it may not.


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RE: [[Class alloc] init] preferable over [[Class instance] retain]?

2010-03-09 Thread Jeff Laing
 For example, is:
 NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
 better than:
 NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

I've been reamed, in the recent past, for expressing the opinion that the first 
was just as good as the second - apparently the answer depends on what platform 
you're on.

The upshot was that apparently the iPhone developers like you to avoid the use 
of autorelease pools where possible.  One hidden difference in the above is 
that in the first case you have (probably) populated the autorelease pool and 
in the other you (probably) haven't.

I say probably because you can't know for sure in the majority of cases (its 
not explicitly documented). And there are aberrant cases like NSDateFormatter 
whose -init creates a bunch of autoreleased objects that you never see.

(When worrying about memory usage, don't blindly trust documentation or 
heresay.  Use Instruments!)

Orthogonally, there are classes like NSPredicate where you don't have a choice 
- there are only convenience methods, no initPredicateWithFormat:


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RE: Looking for info on anti-piracy and trial-mode techniques for my app . . .

2010-02-24 Thread Jeff Laing
  Part of your response suggests that if there was an existing
 framework that was openly available, it wouldn't do me any good because
 the bad guys would have the source code.
 I disagree. If it's based on a tried and tested (and occasionally
 formally verified) crypto system, knowing the algorithm doesn't lead to
 a crack.

I think again here that the problem is conflating encryption to be the same as 

Having encryption schemes in public source means that they can be analysed by 
the types that truly understand the math.  This is a good thing(tm).

Having a DRM scheme in public source means that you've handed the hacker all 
the entry points she needs to consider to bypass your scheme.  Specifically, if 
you rely on private-key signing, you're screwed because the hacker can analyse 
the open source, determine where the public key comes from, create her own 
key-pair, patch you to use her public key instead, then use her private key in 
her keygen which she distributes.

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RE: NSDictionary trouble

2010-01-19 Thread Jeff Laing
  I think dictionaryWithCapacity should both alloc and init it, right?
 Yes, and it autoreleases it too. :-o That means it'll conveniently be
 released later on, which is exactly what you're running into. If you
 want to keep a reference to the dictionary, you should call alloc and
 init yourself.

No, you should just *retain* the result of dictionaryWithCapacity.

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RE: NSDictionary trouble

2010-01-19 Thread Jeff Laing
  Yes, and it autoreleases it too. :-o That means it'll conveniently be
  released later on, which is exactly what you're running into. If you
  want to keep a reference to the dictionary, you should call alloc and
  init yourself.

I wrote:
  No, you should just *retain* the result of dictionaryWithCapacity.

mmalc wrote:
 No, you shouldn't.

With all due respect, why not?  Apple gives us all those convenience methods 
but you say we shouldn't use them?

(Note, my first kneejerk response was of course because I'm sure you'll find 
Apple docs that say explicitly if you want to keep a reference to x, you 
should retain it whereas it's unlikely you'll find anything that says if you 
want to keep a reference to x, you're probably using the wrong design 

(Oh, and, dictionaryWithCapacity: is really not one I'd get in a fuss about.  
But some of the other dictionaryWithObjects: convenience methods are too damned 
handy to lose.  I just don't think that best practice should be something 
that changes depending on which particular convenience method you are talking 

 If you're writing an init method and want to assign the dictionary to
 an instance variable, you should use alloc/init.
 If you want to assign the dictionary to an instance variable, you
 should use an accessor method. In this case, it's still better to use
 alloc/init then release the dictionary when you've finished with it.

That's seems a really aberrant case, where you are creating an empty dictionary 
with a nominated capacity.  I can't visualize a case where you would do such a 
thing, outside of the initialiser.

 If you want to create the dictionary, use it temporarily, then forget
 about it, then dictionaryWithCapacity is OK, but again (particularly on
 iPhone) best practice is still to use alloc/init+release.

There are cases like the NSFileManager where you need to pass in a dictionary 
of options that describe the directory being created (for example) - should I 
really be creating temporary variables for those, or using the convenience 
methods (dictionaryWithObject:forKey:)?

I'm assuming you are saying 'don't use the convenience methods because the 
autorelease pool won't empty quickly enough'. Certainly Ken said it, though he 
seemed to assume that there was only one pool, that people would not be 
creating their own in their known trouble-spots.

Ken Thomases wrote:
 The autorelease pool is convenient and in some cases necessary, but it
 does come at some cost.  It has some overhead in terms of time and
 memory, plus it tends to increase the peak memory usage of your
 program.  (Over time, assuming you've got all your memory management
 correct, a program's memory usage will come out the same, but
 autoreleased objects accumulate over the lifetime of the current pool,
 causing spiky memory usage.)

But implicit in that seems to be that -[NSDictionary initWithObjectsAndKeys:] 
won't add to the auto-release pool and I don't see where that's a valid 
assumption (or at least a documented assumption).  If you look at some of the 
stack traces in Instruments, you find things being created way down in the 
bowels of the frameworks that you wouldn't necessarily expect.  (Date 
Formatter, I'm looking at you)

I'm increasingly of the opinion that to be properly paranoid (that is, to not 
assume anything about the behavior of 3rd party (including Apple) classes) and 
survive in the limited memory world of the iPhone, you should be writing your 
initialisers like this:

- (id)initLikeJeffThinksYouShould
if (self = [super init]) {
// Assume incompetence in others and you'll never be disappointed, only 
pleasantly surprised.
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutorelease pool new];
_var = [[SomeoneElsesClass someMethodWhichMightFillThePool] retain];
[pool drain];

That's all putting aside that by calling dictionaryWithCapacity: it seems to me 
that the NSMutableDictionary framework has more chance of re-using one it had 
lying around in some cache - yes, initWithCapacity: could do that as well, but 
there would still be the memory-churn expense of the alloc/release that would 
not be needed by dictionaryWithCapacity

It might not do it today but if I give the system the clearest possible 
indication of what I want (and not just the steps I think it should go 
through), I leave more scope for clever software engineers to add extra 
optimizations under the covers in future revisions.


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RE: copyWithZone - if anyone could explain this to me ?

2009-11-30 Thread Jeff Laing
 In most cases, yes. However, copyWithZone: is special, the superclass'
 implementation just blindly copies all of the raw bits in the source
 object to the newly created one. If you were to use the normal
 -setImage: call, that old value would be released one too many times.
 Assigning to the instance variable in this case is the way to avoid

Why would you not just do:

[cell-image retain];

That makes it a lot clearer to me - since it was a bitwise copy, cell-image 
and image are identical values whereas the assignment looks like you are 
changing something.


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RE: copyWithZone - if anyone could explain this to me ?

2009-11-30 Thread Jeff Laing
  Why would you not just do:
 [cell-image retain];
  That makes it a lot clearer to me - since it was a bitwise copy,
  cell-image and image are identical values whereas the assignment
  looks like you are changing something.
 Because it may *not* have been a bitwise copy. The superclass may have
 either done a bitwise copy of the whole object (the common case, I
 believe) or it may have only copied its *own* instance variables (in
 which case, cell-image will be nil). It's because of this uncertanty
 of which method the superclass uses that this, admittedly ugly, bit of
 code is used.

Ah, the penny drops.  You're saying that the superclass might have used, 

memcpy( newobj, oldobj, sizeof(typeof(oldobj)) )

rather than

memcpy( newobj, oldobj, sizeof(oldclass) )

and thus the newly created object *might* have essentially random bits in the 
subclass instance variables.  I was assuming it was always going to use the 
latter - seems stupid to use the former under any circumstance.  It's never 
going to be valid for a superclass to make assumptions about the behavior of 
its subclasses, and thus it's completely irrational to present them with an 
indeterminate state, when it could just as easily promise all your instance 
variables will be nil.

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RE: Code Sign verification on Leopard

2009-10-14 Thread Jeff Laing
 Actually, heck, you wouldn't even need that. All a virus would have to
 do would be to move the binary somewhere else and put a binary in its
 place that does something malicious and then launches the real binary,
 and the user would never tell the difference.
 Unless, of course, the app checked its code signature.

Ok, I'll bite.  How does the real binary checking its code signature detect the 
case you just described? Its 100% byte for byte the original executable, its 
just been moved somewhere else and as far as I'm aware, code signatures do not 
include your location on disk.


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RE: When do I need to override hash?

2009-08-20 Thread Jeff Laing
 OK, so this discussion is getting a little crazy :-)


 The -hash method is important for objects that are used as keys in
 associative collections.
 So, in practice, it's perfectly safe in 99.9% of cases to base your
 hash off your object's properties.  In the specific case when you're
 mutating objects that are keys in associative collections
 (NSDictionary and NSSet being the primary examples, along with their
 CoreFoundation counterparts) ...

Is there any way that you can tell that some higher-level technology you are 
using (CoreData?) is putting your objects into an NSSet?  That's presumably a 
hidden implementation detail which you can't assume one way or the other with 
any safety?

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RE: When do I need to override hash?

2009-08-20 Thread Jeff Laing
 Core Data doesn't use random objects as keys in dictionaries or sets
 for this reason.  It's not that we don't trust you, but ...  to
 prevent misunderstandings, all NSManagedObject subclasses are
 forbidden from overriding -hash and -isEqual.

I have to admit, I didn't know this bit but I see it in the developer library 
along with a bunch of others.

 If you need to know whether or not another object has put your object
 into an NSDictionary, you're probably doing something wrong.  Do you
 have a specific concern about Core Data using your objects ?

No, I guess the point I was trying to make was that this discussion seemed to 
have touched on if you put your objects into an NSSet then you'll need to be 
more careful about the implementation of -hash, etc.  I was trying to point 
out that just because my application code doesn't go anywhere near NSSet, its 
conceivable (to me) that Core Data (for example) might be storing dirty objects 
in an NSSet behind your back. So you can't not implement -hash, etc 
properly and hope everything will work.

There may be any number of external technologies (Core Data was just an 
example) that may be using your objects in ways you aren't expecting, and 
there's no future-proof way you can cut corners.


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RE: When do I need to override hash?

2009-08-20 Thread Jeff Laing
 Separately, collections may (and presumably sometimes do) use *object*
 hash values to distribute objects in memory. (Obviously, NSSet does,
 and for all we know NSDictionary does too, to distribute object values
 that stored under the same key hash value -- though it would be an
 implementation detail.)

Without wanting to keep the thread going forever, can I just ask why we would 
presume this?

In fact, if I were implementing NSDictionary I'd assume the reverse, that I was 
not allowed to assume that an objects hash would not change.

Is there some documentation on this restriction on the types of objects that 
can be put into an NSDictionary?

I can see the NSSet dictates that objects must implement hash and isEqual: but 
NSDictionary only says that internally a dictionary uses a hash table - there 
are limits on the keys, which must conform to NSCopying,etc but I can't see 
anything about the values.

Surely using an NSSet as bucket storage, for all objects whose keys hash to the 
same value, would add additional restrictions to NSDictionary that should be 


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RE: literal strings - who do they belong to?

2009-07-13 Thread Jeff Laing
 Unfortunately, this contract isn't always followed.  Lots of people
 optimise away this policy instead of doing a superfluous 'return
 [[foo retain] autorelease]'.

On initial read, I didn't quite follow this.  If my method is returning a foo 
that I know I have retained, what requirement is there on me to bump the 
retain count temporarily?

Even if I have an object whose nominal retain count is zero (ie, its going to 
disappear on the next autorelease-pool-drain), surely the superfluous [[foo 
retain] autorelease] only gives it a life while its in the stack frame, which 
is to say nothing extra.  Its not my problem if the guy who called me has his 
own pool that will be free'd when he returns?

But then I saw the case where I have an object which returns, as a method 
result or a property, one of its instance variables. The caller holds on to it 
(without retaining it) then releases (and deallocs) my object.  My object 
releases its instance variables which results in the caller holding a reference 
to a dead value.

  Object *o = [Object new];
  NSString *s = o.somevalue;// gets o's instance variable (without 
  [o release];  // o's instance variable is released
  NSLog(@Crash: %@,s) // accesses dead string

So, yes, the retain/autorelease isn't superfluous at all, though the usage 
pattern that would trigger the problem seems relatively unlikely (in my 
example, o seems far more likely to be autorelease'd).  Is there a more common 
case that I'm missing?

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RE: literal strings - who do they belong to?

2009-07-13 Thread Jeff Laing
 be made to behave correctly anyway. For example, you'd never do a
 thing like this:
  NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:foo length:bar];
  const char *bytes = [data bytes];
  [data release];
 Why should this sort of thing be expected to work, just because the
 property in question happens to be an object?

Correct, I'd never do that. I know accessing NSData's internal bytes array is 
definitely something that I wouldn't expect to work - that 'const char *' out 
the front of -bytes tells me that I don't get to own those bytes.  So I 
wouldn't have done it, nor expected it to work.

Apples memory rules are explicit and short, and should never be re-stated 
because you'll always get it wrong - here's Apple's webpage:

... if you need to store a received object as a property in an instance 
variable, you must retain or copy it. 

Thus, apparentl doing

NSString *s = someobject.somevar;

is essentially against the rules.  You should always use

NSString *s = [[someobject.somevar {retain|copy}] autorelease];

(To my eye, not common sense, but understandable)

Quoting Peter Lewis: if you want to keep it, retain/copy it applies, even if 
you are only going to keep it for the duration of the current method in a local 
variable.  This is something I wasn't completely conscious of.

If everyone adhered to that particular rule then it seems there would be no 
need for the superfluous retain/autorelease in all accessors.  However they 
then go on to say:

A received object is normally guaranteed to remain valid within the method it 
was received in (exceptions include multithreaded applications and some 
Distributed Objects situations, although you must also take care if you modify 
the object from which you received the object). That method may also safely 
return the object to its invoker

which touches on one of my favorite sore-points that has been hashed out time 
and time again in the past, that calling 'release' on an object means 
modifying it - my example definitely released the object and knew it was 
doing it.  I can certainly visualise a scenario where retrieving property V 
from object A might actually result in the retrieval of some hidden 
implementation-specific object B's instance variables which I have no knowledge 
of.  I can't tell what actions I perform on A which might cause B to be 
dealloc'd and thus invalidate the value of V, even if they didn't seem to 
modify A.

However, the last sentence about the method being able to return the object to 
its invoker is just bizarre - it glosses over things like 'this method has an 
autorelease pool', etc.  I would have thought that it makes more sense to 
simply state that you should [[o retain] autorelease] anything you want to 
return at all levels, rather than implicitly insisting that the bottom level 
will have done it.

If you always obey the if I stored it in a local variable, I must retain it 
and thus arrange for it to be released, then the only way you could return it 
to your caller would be from that local and thus it would be legal.  So, a 
method may safely return the object to its invoker either:

a) directly.return [someobj foo];
b) indirectly.NSObject *val = [[[someobj foo] retain] autorelease];
return val;

Technically those are the only ways you are allowed to retrieve the value then 
return it and in both cases there is zero change in 'retain count' and the 
object remains alive as per Apples rules.

Jeff Laing
A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to
make it work.  You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.
 -- J Gall. Systemantics: How systems work and how they fail


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RE: literal strings - who do they belong to?

2009-07-12 Thread Jeff Laing
 According to Cocoa/ObjC memory-management, if you get an object
 (reference) via alloc,new,any object that contains copy, and
 any object you send [object retain] to, is yours - it becomes your
 responsibility to call [your object release] on it when you're
 done. Ditto for properties like
 @property (nonatomic,retain) data typemyProp;
 where retain is specified.
 But what about literal NSStrings?

Did you get it via alloc, new or copyXXX ?


No need to release it then!

No new rule to remember, no special case to worry about.

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RE: Clarification on accessors? (was: Yet another memory management question)

2009-07-08 Thread Jeff Laing
 Because you have no idea what subclassers may do in their overrides of
 the accessors

Sort of invalidates the whole encapsulation promise of OO design, doesn't it?

 (e.g. The subclassed accessor may rely on state that's
 been torn down earlier in -dealloc).

But any subclass that's going to override an accessor has had its dealloc 
method called already, so it should know to have put back anything that 
matters.  Now, if you want to design based on the assumption that everyone else 
will do a crappy job, that's a different story.

 It's just not safe, unless you can guarantee that you own the entire
 inheritance chain.

Someone more knowledgeable than me should bring up the discussion about using 
the need to use the 'view' set-accessor in dealloc of subclassed view 
controllers, I think it was.

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RE: Clarification on accessors? (was: Yet another memory management question)

2009-07-08 Thread Jeff Laing
 No, it doesn't.  It would in fact violate the encapsulation principle
 if your -dealloc method required your accessors to not rely on certain

The ability to override accessors violates encapsulation because it adds 
additional restrictions to the accessor that the superclass is not aware of.

If you can't write your override of an accessor in such a way that you don't 
place additional restrictions on the superclass, you shouldn't do it.  Because 
its not possible for you to make the assumption that the superclass will never 
care - without making (unjustifiable) assumptions about the superclasses 

My response was to someone presumably writing about Design Patterns, I believe 
who wanted to know what was the best approach to take.  My opinion is that you 
should *not* assume that subclassers are idiots, because it doesn't matter how 
much bullet-proofing you put in, there's always going to be a worse idiot come 
along.  Better to make them all have to work carefully, than to avoid using 
things *they* might screw up.

 So you're essentially saying everyone's derived accessors must check
 if -dealloc has been called and avoid doing anything that might
 interfere with super's implementation of -dealloc.  That doesn't seem

Not everyones - only the ones that know they depend on some complicated local 
state that they might have screwed up.  You can assume that the superclasses 
state is just fine because he hasn't been dealloc'd yet.

  Someone more knowledgeable than me should bring up the discussion
 about using the need to use the 'view' set-accessor in dealloc of
 subclassed view controllers, I think it was.
 Don't see what the issue is here.  As long as -[NSViewController
 dealloc] doesn't rely on -view -- and it's this independence that
 we're discussing here -- then you can use it just fine (as long as you
 do it before calling super's implementation of -dealloc, otherwise all
 bets are off).

As I said, someone more knowledgeable than I needs to respond but as I recall, 
the issue went that the view controller superclass implemented some sort of 
additional cleanup that only occurred if you used the accessor to set view to 
nil.  If you just set the instance variable to nil, it would leak.

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RE: GC pros and cons

2009-06-24 Thread Jeff Laing
 I think it depends what language you weaned yourself on. If you've used Lisp 
 or some other
 functional language, manual reclamation is an unthinkable monstrosity. If you 
 weaned yourself
 on C or similar languages, manual reclamation seems like the default state of 

Its also going to be an issue whether you are the sort of person who worries at 
the technical details and fusses over memory footprints (and whether you think 
those things are important). I had to laugh just yesterday when I came across 
this article:

(Yes, I do .NET as well as Cocoa)

No real surprises there, except for the closing paragraphs which can be 
paraphrased down to If you need memory to be collected efficiently, you should 
implement IDisposable and call Dispose() explicitly when you are done with your 
objects.  Which gives a net gain of zero, since you need to call Dispose() 
exactly where you used to call Release().  To make the automatic model (GC) 
work efficiently every time, you need to replicate the manual (retain/release) 
model, all the while presumably telling yourself that this is so much better 
than what I had.

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RE: GC pros and cons

2009-06-24 Thread Jeff Laing
 Well, no, that's not a good summary of the last couple paragraphs. IF
 YOU HAVE A FINALIZER, then you should probably be using the

Unless you peer into the implementation details of your superclasses, you 
should assume that all classes may have a finalizer. Unless you don't care 
about every last little piece of performance.

In my day app, we regularly cache hundreds of thousands of objects from a 
persistent (relational) store and it is absolutely critical to us that the 
instant that those objects aren't required, they give their memory back - 
that's how we can run in a machine with only(?) 1 gig of ram.  So I'm one of 
those people I mentioned earlier that really really cares that cleanup happens 
as soon as possible, not when the fourth or fifth pass through the queue is 

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RE: Cocoa and email (SMTP/POP3)

2009-06-23 Thread Jeff Laing
Ok, I'll bite.

How does the mail server that is talking to distinguish between and /usr/sbin/sendmail ?  They both presumably just talk SMTP ?

If the scriptable solution works, then roll-your-own-smtp should also work, 
provided you go the hard yards and implement everything it requires (like the 
tricky authentication stuff).  And I'd have thought that /usr/bin/sendmail 
should do that just fine?  Am I missing some subtlety?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf 
Of Nick Zitzmann
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 2:14 PM
To: Dave DeLong
Subject: Re: Cocoa and email (SMTP/POP3)

On Jun 23, 2009, at 9:42 PM, Dave DeLong wrote:

 3.5: Use /usr/sbin/sendmail:  Create an NSTask that launches /usr/ 
 sbin/sendmail, configures the headers, and then just pipes your  
 email through the task's standardInput.

I can't really recommend doing that in a non-internal app, though,  
because if the user only has a static IP address and no domain name,  
then a good deal of mail servers won't accept the mail from the host  
unless they identify using a fake host name and get lucky.

Nick Zitzmann


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RE: Cocoa and email (SMTP/POP3)

2009-06-23 Thread Jeff Laing
I won't argue too strongly on this (though I should because I *have* configured 
sendmail systems and its just not that hard, if you're a developer. And I have 
rolled my own Perl scripts that talked enough SMTP to connect directly, so its 
not that big a deal, again for a developer), but my point was that the 
arguments that said don't use sendmail, it won't get through firewalls that 
block port 25 are just wrong.

Now, if someone had said Apple's default firewall only lets connect 
out through port 25, I'd have gone home and taken a look because I wasn't 
aware of that capability being in the box.  That's why I use Little Snitch.

The points being made about some users not having an SMTP-able email server is 
quite valid.  Though people using gmail can still do smtp, as far as I'm aware.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Farmer [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 3:27 PM
To: Jeff Laing
Cc: Nick Zitzmann;
Subject: Re: Cocoa and email (SMTP/POP3)

On 23 Jun 2009, at 21:52, Jeff Laing wrote:
 Ok, I'll bite.

 How does the mail server that is talking to distinguish  
 between and /usr/sbin/sendmail ?  They both presumably just  
 talk SMTP ? is configurable by the user to connect to a specific relay  
mail server, potentially using login credentials, SSL, and/or an  
alternate port. Sendmail, by contrast, is not configurable (without  
cracking open the terminal, at least), and will by default always  
connect directly to the destination mail server. It's this exact  
behavior that makes it unlikely to work properly.

Consider also that not all users even have configured. An  
increasing number of users use online mail services such as GMail  
exclusively. In their case, not even scripting will help you.

If you really need to deliver email notifications from an application,  
the only reliable solution is to put together a properly secured web- 
to-email gateway for your application somewhere and use that. Sending  
email directly from the desktop is no longer a viable solution without  
explicit configuration.


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RE: Suppressing variable hiding warning in Xcode

2009-04-05 Thread Jeff Laing
 variables hiding instance variables a real nuisance. For example, if  
 you have a message signature with a parameter name which matches an  
 instance variable name, and the compiler produces the following

 warning: local declaration of 'variable name' hides instance

What really annoyed me was that I had trivial variables called 'mxd' and
'myd' which corresponded to 'movement-x-delta' and 'movement-y-delta'.

It took forever to work out that 'myd' clashed with an enum value
defined somewhere for Date Ordering - MonthYearDay.

(It took so long because Xcode does such a crap job at displaying
multi-line error messages, and thus the 'original definition is here'
line was nowhere near the 'local names clash' line)

In this case, it wasn't instance variables, just locals vs an enum in an
enclosing scope.

Apple might think about using better (ie, prefixed) names for all their
enums if they are going to clash like this, otherwise the set of
available variable names is going to evaporate over time...

Jeff Laing

A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched
up to
make it work.  You have to start over, beginning with a working simple
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Cocoa Access to iPhone info

2009-04-01 Thread Jeff Laing
My boss has just discovered the iPhone Field Test mode (described here:
m) and was wondering whether there is a mechanism for a regular Cocoa
app to get at that Cell information.

I'm guessing the answer is no, but I figured I might as well ask.
Failing Cocoa, is that info available via some sort of sysctl() or
ioctl() interface ?

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Laing

Remember kids, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
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RE: Reading one line at a time using NSFileHandle

2009-03-25 Thread Jeff Laing
 Is there a way to read one line of a text file at a time 
 using NSFileHandle (the way fgets does)?

 This code illustrates how you might approach 
 filtering lines of data obtained through an NSFileHandle.  

I've come across this problem as well - its fine to say read it all
into memory, then split it into lines seperated by my arbitrary
delimiter, but that doesn't work in small-memory environments (like the
iPhone) for big files which would otherwise be fine to parse line by

Answers of the form ...but how do you know what the delimiter character
is, Unicode, blah blah aren't all that helpful.  Lets assume that when
someone says fgets() they *know* that they want to access an 8-bit
ascii, newline-delimited text file line by line.

So far, the only answer I've ever seen is to fall back on

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RE: Enforcing trial software on Mac

2009-03-16 Thread Jeff Laing
 I have seen a couple of fairly nice solutions, and lots of really  
 awful ones.  Generally speaking, the awful ones try to go to great  
 lengths to be sneaky and hide files or other data in places in your  
 computer they shouldn't be messing with.

Its worth pointing out that most hacker-types know about 'fs_usage' -
there's little hiding that your app can do without being seen by those
who want to know.

Just make the uninstallation process cumbersome enough that people will
want to buy your product rather than uninstall/reinstall once a month.

Use a real installer, not just drag+drop, so that your install process
can write the expiry info into a file that's checksummed/signed however
strongly you like.  Then, if that file goes missing (say, someone writes
a cron-job that runs once a day to remove your file), require a
re-install rather than just recreating it.

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RE: How to create a modal dialog that blocks on start-up?

2009-03-05 Thread Jeff Laing
 So what?  Implement the appropriate methods in your NSApp delegate, or
 perhaps a custom subclass of NSDocumentController, and have them stow
 any arguments and keep reminding themselves using
 -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: until conditions change such
 that the original message can be processed as normal.

Why not just have those methods be the ones that display the EULA in a
modal window, if required, then continue on as normal (if the user
accepts, of course!)

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RE: Checking for NULL (was Re: Can't get setDelegate to work...)

2009-03-04 Thread Jeff Laing
Mark D. Gerl asked:
 There's something that's just uncomfortable about dereferencing  
 pointers without first checking for validity.  Is it just me?

I don't think its just you, though most Cocoa types eventually give up
and go with the simpler 'just trust it, it works' approach.  Personally,
I think relying on the 'nil eats all messages' is the road to damnation,
but the Cocoa frameworks do it internally so there's no avoiding it, its
never going to change.

(For the record, when I add an IBOutlet to a class definition, I add the
corresponding assertion that its non-nil to the awakeFromNib method
because I *know* that I forget to connect those things up, and have
wasted days chasing unexpected 'nil' objects)

One thing I wonder about in your example, however, is why you don't have
the else cases populated? (I realise it's a coded-in-email example, but
it's the quality of the paranoia I'm interested in)  ie,  if I'm going
to be so paranoid as to check that the status bar exists, I'm going to
have a strategy for when it isn't.  ie,

if (systemBar != NULL)
} else {
// what would you put in here to let the user know that
the system has
// gone kablooey?

My attitude comes down to unless its going to be a state where the
system is still stable enough to display alert messages, I might as well
just let it dump core - at least that way, I get a stacktrace.

I realise that's a bit radical but I've spent too many years *removing*
badly-formed paranoia from (other peoples) code that did this 'check for
nil' protection but didn't bother propagating the problem out to a layer
that should actually do something about it, instead just returning an
'it worked ok' status.

(Personally, I think this is the only place where throwing exceptions is
truly justified)

But if you aren't going to raise an error somehow, then there's no
reason for not cascading the method calls together.  Except perhaps ease
of breakpointing when chasing that elusive failure that couldn't
possibly be in the middle of a complex expression...

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RE: One IBAction, multiple results from multiple methods

2009-02-26 Thread Jeff Laing
That's because you aren't making the point hard enough.

Make the seekForward: method look at the bottom two digits in the ID
of the button.  That lets the interface designer has a 1x 2x 4x 8x 16x
seek buttons it he wants to, or just 1x

- (IBAction)seekForward:(id)sender
[self seekBy:1+(id  0x0F)]

Its putting business meaning into the otherwise abstract 'id' values
but its your application, design it the way you want to and ignore the
purists who would tell that 'its bad'.

-Original Message-
[] On
Behalf Of I. Savant
Sent: Friday, 27 February 2009 3:12 AM
To: Michael Ash
Cc: cocoa-dev
Subject: Re: One IBAction, multiple results from multiple methods

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Michael Ash

 It's true that there are scenarios where dispatching off the tags are
 helpful, but I don't think that this is one of them.

  You're absolutely right, it's a stretch to use this example because
it's not complicated enough to highlight the point I'm making.
Laziness is my only excuse for not providing a more complex example.


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RE: nib loading / displaying question.

2008-12-16 Thread Jeff Laing
  How many times will the user display the about panel in an average
  of working with your app?
  Most likely, the answer is once.

At the risk of being provocative, I'd say the answer is closer to zero.

As such, it's a premature optimisation to worry about it, and we all
know Apple's mantra on premature optimisation.

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RE: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: Interface Builder Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread Jeff Laing
 But if your dealloc is like this...
 - (void)dealloc
  self.thisProp = nil;
  self.thatProp = nil;
 then you'll be calling the accessors and the right thing will happen
 (i.e. release if necessary).  This is what I currently do for all dev
 work (iPhone or Mac OS X).  In fact, I use accessors everywhere and
 never do direct ivar access.

My understanding (and I'm a noob in this) is that best practices
recommend that you shouldn't start sending additional messages to an
object from inside its dealloc.

Those property accesses are just candy-coated calls to setThisProp:, etc
which violates the 'don't send message to yourself' recommendation.

Anyone want to clarify if it is/isn't safe to do this?  Certainly most
of the samples I've seen go out of their way to release instance
variables rather than nil properties, in their dealloc's

(This is the one thing I hate the *most* about properties - they really
feel glued on, at this point, rather than being a language feature that
the whole compiler knows about)

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RE: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: Interface Builder Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread Jeff Laing
On Nov 19, 2008, at 2:29 PM, mmalcolm crawford wrote:
 You send a release message to instance variables for which there is a
 corresponding retain or copy property.

which is why I originally said:
 (This is the one thing I hate the *most* about properties - they  
 really feel glued on, at this point, rather than being a language
 that the whole compiler knows about)

Most of the time you are supposed to think in terms of abstract
properties (so that KVO will work) but in your dealloc, you need to fall
back to worrying about the instance variables used to *implement* those

If you accept the default behaviour and name your properties the same as
your instance variables, then you don't necessarily notice that it's the
instance variables you clean up.  Its really easy to think that

- (void) frammitz { [something foobar]; }


- (void) frammitz { [self.something foobar]; }

are *identical* and they are not.  The Objective-C designers choice of
'.' syntax, which just *screams* structure-member-access to anyone with
C++ experience makes it even more confusing for those of us who have a
multi-language background.

The phrase for which there is a *corresponding* ... property is the
one I still need to repeat to myself over and over.  To a certain
extent, properties are orthogonal to instance variables; you can choose
to implement properties via equivalently named instance variables but
its not a given that you have to.  And you can have instance variables
without property definitions.

The @property declaration, where you use an alternate name, seems like
an area for confusion.

@property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject *xxx;
@synthesize xxx=_yyy;

not only defines accessors for a property called 'xxx', but also defines
the memory retention contract for the instance variable '_yyy'.  In the
past, you need only look in your .m file to determine how you needed to
clean up your instance variables irrespective of the public interface
they define in the .h file.  Now, you need to look in both the .h and
the .m 

As someone else remarked, @synthesize does *most* but not all of the
job, if its job is to 'provide the implementation of the property'.  The
reality is that its job is only to 'provide the *accessors* for the
property' which it does do completely.  And it does seem like having one
more hack, perhaps

- (void)dealloc
@release xxx;
[super dealloc];

would make me feel like the feature (properties) was actually complete.


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RE: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: InterfaceBuilder Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread Jeff Laing
 There's no difference between setting through a property, and setting
 through a plain old setter method. That said, it's up to you to decide
 if you want to go with the official recommendation or not. If you
 think that you have enough control over the implementation of your
 accessor methods, you might choose to still use them.

The question has been related to best practices, which is why I'm
pursuing it.

As to 'control over the implementation of your accessors', if people use
@synthesize (thus taking whatever the compiler gives them) and/or have
bindings (or whatever it is) sneaking additional KVO/C stuff in over the
top of their accessors, how much information do they actually *have*
about their accessors to make an informed choice?


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RE: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: InterfaceBuilder Wiring Objects)

2008-11-19 Thread Jeff Laing
 From: Roland King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think if you're talking about your own instance variables which you
 are declaring and synthesizing, you have enough information to decide
 if it's safe to call your property accessors in dealloc or not.

Well, that's sort of my point, really. I don't *know* what happens
inside the *synthesized* code, the only thing I can do is look to Apple
who do and what they've said in the past is don't do it.  Not its not
safe. So I don't think I can make my own mind up - Apple has made it up
for me, without explicitly telling me what the decision was, only
hinting at it.

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RE: Outlets / IBOutlet declarations (was Re: Interface Builder Wiring Objects)

2008-11-17 Thread Jeff Laing
 If you declare a property:
 @property (nonatomic, assign) MyLabel *label1;
 but make the connection in IB to mLabel1, then the property accessor
 isn't used.  So the outlet is set using setValue:forKey:.  Which
 results in the value being retained, precisely as described in the


How about:

(for example) which has the IBOutlet tag on the instance variables
rather than the properties; I'll bet its different because properties
and instance vars have the same name, isn't it?

(Note, this isn't the only one I've seen this pattern in, its just the
first that came to hand)

That example declares dozens of IBOutlet's, whose properties are
(nonatomic,retain) and doesn't release any of them in its dealloc.

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